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(Note: This story has some elements of bondage, spanking, ff, and role-playing and fantasy along with some sci-fi elements in future parts.)
Patty was winding her way around the corner, finishing up her part-time job walking Mrs. Fisher's two dogs. It was a simple job, but she was a very nice woman who lived about two blocks away from where Patty lives, and after playing with the dogs on her way home from school, she spoke with Mrs. Fisher and struck a deal.
Mrs. Fisher was an attractive woman, about 30 years old, with short blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was about 5'11", and was in great shape. Often, before Patty took the job, Mrs. Fisher could be seen walking with or jogging with the dogs around the neighborhood in tight spandex shorts and exercise pants. She was a very quiet woman, keeping to herself, but friendly.
Patty was a petite 18 year old in her last year of high school. She had well-formed legs and hips from her cheerleading all during her school years, and had nice sized breasts with perfectly round nipples. The extra cash she earned from taking care of the dogs would go towards her college fund, but she liked the animals very much, so she very much enjoyed her work.
It was dusk when she finally got the two dogs, both Golden Retrievers, one male and one female, back to the house. When she got to the back door, Mrs. Fisher was waiting, concerned something had happened to them.
"I am glad to see you Patty, it was getting late and I had feared something was wrong".
"Sorry for the delay", Patty explained as she hung up the dogs leashes. "We were having a good run, so I wanted to give them a full workout while we had the light". "They look rested, don't they?"
Patty, you take such good care of them, I appreciate it so much, it is so hard to watch them while I have to take care of some business, I am glad they are in good hands". "Come into the living room and rest awhile with me"
They both walked into the large Victorian style homes living room, and relaxed on the plush furniture Mrs. Fisher had throughout the home. Her two loyal pets came in and rested on their respected animal beds. Patty noticed how well she took care of her pets needs, she treated them just like she would a human.
"Can I get you a glass of soda or water Patty, you must be thirsty after the run?"
"Yes, thanks, it was very tiring.
Mrs. Fisher walked over to the bar and poured some soda into a large glass with ice. She walked over to where Patty was sitting, put the drink down in front of her, and then sat across from her on the other couch.
Patty must have been dry, she drank the entire glass down in a matter of moments. Mrs. Fisher called the dogs over to her, and they both jumped up on the couch and sat down beside her, much to the surprise of Patty, who did not think she ever allowed them on the furniture.
"On special occasions, I let them up on the furniture, it is so relaxing up here, it makes you want to stretch out and relax, doesn't it?"
Patty was inclined to agree. She was starting to get very tired, taking the dogs out for exercise today mush have knocked her out more than she realized. She wanted to leave, but she found herself becoming very comfortable there on the couch.
Mrs. Fisher walked over to the couch, and started to massage the legs of the very groggy Patty. The two dogs also came over to where Patty was, and sat down on each side of her.
"Excuse me Mrs. Fisher. I am not feeling well, I think I will go home now" and tried to stand up. Walking about two steps, she collapsed onto the couch. Mrs. Fisher ordered the dogs off the couch to their beds, walked over and picked Patty up, and carried her out of the room.
Patty was very much out of it, but could vaguely pick up on some of the things which were happening to her, but she thought it was all a dream. She thought she felt someone taking off her clothing, bathing her, and cutting her hair.
She also thought she felt her hands being tied and bound as well as her legs, but each time she thought she was coming to, she blanked out again.
In what seemed like hours to her, Patty woke up slowly, feeling a chill on her back. She tried to move to stand up, but her legs were constricted, as were her arms. She was lying on her side, with her arms and legs pulled in front of her. She was resting on soft material, similar to what she found in the living room furniture.
She heard the door open, and Mrs. Fisher walked in. Patty had never seen her like this before. She was wearing a black mini dress, black stockings, and very high heels with an ankle strap. She had her hair tightly pulled up, and was carry some leather straps and chains.
"Well my little puppy, how are we feeling today?" she asked a puzzled Patty, who was try to get up still. "Are you trying to stand up, well, this is not they way you do it any more, so try sliding out of you little bed, and get up on all fours, come on!"
Patty started to slide out of the bed she was lying on, and again tried to stand up. Her ankles and wrists were bound tightly and connected to each other, and her head was also tied to the straps which ran from ankle to wrist. The was only one thing she could do, walk on all fours!
She crawled over to where Mrs. Fisher was, slipping slightly along the way. Patty's finger and toe nails were painted red, and she was wearing white stockings with a thin snap thong covering her crouch. A thin and small strip of spandex material covered her breasts, and around her neck was a collar with a hook for a chain. Her hair was permed up and had red ribbons in it.
"Yes my sweet little Patty, I saw how much you enjoyed the lifestyle my dogs enjoyed, and I like you SO very much, I thought I would allow you to enjoy their lives and in the process help me with my work."
Patty tried to pull apart the straps holding her down, but it was impossible, they were too tight and thick. With almost a dog like instinct, she tried chewing on the straps. Mrs. Fisher laughed at the site.
"Gee, I have not even started to train you and you are already starting to act like a puppy!"
Patty looked up to her with tears in her eyes. "Why are you doing this to me?"
"My business is in the medical field, helping to find ways have controlling behavior in people who have problems or who need help. I also do a little research on the side in testing the behavior of animals, especially dogs, which I like so much".
"You have so many positive qualities, you would make an excellent candidate for some trials, and this was the best way to do it". "Beside, I found you attractive and the dogs like you too".
"So what will happen to me know?" Patty sobbed as she stood on all fours on the floor.
"You will live like a dog, be fed, watered, and receive injections which will give you dog like behavior in no time. Soon you will not be able to talk, you speech ability will be temporally suppressed." "You also will not be able to walk, you will not need the straps, you will automatically get on all fours and walk this way." "You will be a dog!"
Mrs. Fisher walked over to her, and patted her on the head. She reached underneath and pulled the leash ring on her collar around and hooked it to the leash in her hand. She gave it a tight pull, and Patty's head popped up, pulling her arms up.
"Come on Patty, can you sit up and beg for me, come on, beg, pant little puppy".
She resisted, and spit into Mrs. Fisher's face. Wiping the spit away, she grew angry, and let go of the leash. She walked over and picked up a rolled up newspaper.
"You have been very bad, and you must be punished, you must be spanked!" she yelled down to Patty in a firm voice.
Patty tried to move away quickly, but she was not used to being on all fours, and could not move quickly. Her silk stockings made her slip as she moved on the finished wooden floors, which is one of the main reason she was made to wear them. Mrs. Fisher grabbed her by the collar, and starting hitting her on the behind.
"Bad girl!, bad girl!, when you are told to behave, you BETTER do as I say!" she yelled as she spanked her bottom.
Patty was crying, the tight straps and Mrs. Fisher's strong grip on the collar strap preventing her from moving away. After several more strikes, she pulled the newspaper away. Reaching around, she grabbed the leash again and pulled Patty's head and arms up.
"Now, will you beg for me, come on, pant and beg for me, you know how its done, you made my puppies do it, now, so can you".
Patty looked at her, and with tears in her eyes, pushed herself back onto her knees, lifted her arms up with her hands forward, and started panting.
With Mrs. Fisher laughing, Patty continued to pant, her tongue hanging out. The way she was holding herself up on the balls of her feet made it appear she was on hind legs. The light in the room shimmered off her sparse spandex covering and silk stockings. It appeared Patty was submitting to Mrs. Fisher, less risking another beating.
Mrs. Fisher walked over to her and patted her on the head. "That's a good girl, come on, lets get you something to drink". Patty got down onto all fours again, and Mrs. Fisher took her by the leash and walked her out of the room towards the kitchen.
Patty was moving slowly, but was following along obediently. Once inside the spacious kitchen, Mrs. Fisher led her over to the sink area where the dogs bowls are kept.
"Are you thirsty, of course you are, well, I have got a present for you!" she said with a grin on her face. Letting go of the leash, she filled a dish with water and put it in front of her. It was a bright white dish with "Patty" inscribed on the side. Patty turned her head away, but Mrs. Fisher pulled it back towards the dish.
"If you want to drink, start laping away at the water, otherwise, do without, those are the choices!" Patty heard bellowing out of Mrs. Fisher, who was growing angry again.
Sensing she may be hit again, and feeling dry, Patty bowed her head down and started laping at the water. She found it difficult to learn to do, but soon was able to take on some water. Mrs. Fisher kneeled down along side her and started to pat her on the head again.
"Yes my pretty little thing, you are learning to obey quickly, I like this" she said with glee in her eye. Again pulling on the leash, she pulled Patty away from the bowl and walked her back into the living room.
"Well, I have to go out for awhile, so you will have to stay here with the pups until I return". She unhooked the leash and put it on the table.
"You can do what you want, walk around, play, sleep, just do not get any ideas about trying to call out or getting to an open door. The phone lines in this room are off when I am not here, and the doors and windows are locked and the drapes drawn so nobody can see in".
Patty was moving around the room slowly trying to see if she could see out or get out, instead all she did was tired herself out. Dejected, she walked over to her bed, and fell onto her side, tears flowing down her face. The next sound she heard was the door slamming shut as Mrs. Fisher walked out.
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