The night had always been Don's favorite time of the day. all of the hectic events of the job were forgotten, and there was time to unwind and enjoy life. For that reason he was somewhat protective of his evenings. The bar scene was more of an intrusion on his private life than an escape from reality.
This is what made this evening's events so unusual. All day long Don had felt a restlessness as if something or someone was calling to him. He couldn't put his finger on it but it seamed that this feeling began right after an unusual business meeting that afternoon.
A office supplies salesman named John Michelle, had met with him to show some of the latest computer supplies on the market. In of itself the meeting was not particularly eventful. However Don was surprised that the salesman spent less time talking about h is products than about the local nightlife. When Don said he did not get out much, he said it was hard to believe that because Don was so attractive. At first Don thought the salesman might be gay, but had that notion dispelled when John stated he was new in town and asked if there were any bars in town where he might meet "aggressive women".
Don was shocked at this inquiry. First he thought it extremely inappropriate to ask such a thing in an initial sales call. But he was unnerved for a deeper and very hidden reason. For years Don had frequented the local B & D scene looking for something he couldn't find in any of the usual relationships he had before.
The salesman was right, Don was attractive, athletic and clean cut. But for some reason he had never found the type of relationship that satisfied his needs. He had always wanted a woman to take charge of their relationship. He enjoyed the passive role. Ho wever, finding a woman willing to do this was extremely difficult.
In frustration Don had turned to frequenting B & D bars and clubs to find a woman to control him. Again his efforts were met with frustration. The dominants he met, and submitted to were mostly in it for the money. To them it was another form of prostituti on. When he did encounter a dominant who really lived that life style, she was invariably so cruel that the situation was too humiliating to sustain for any period of time. Just recently Don decided it was a waste of time, and had sworn off the bar scene.
So when John asked the question, Don was flooded with all of the emotions he had recently suppressed.
Trying not to look to obvious Don said, " I have heard of a club called the Rack that has a reputation along those lines."
John replied with a knowing look," How would you say it stacks up against other bars like it in town."
Don then decided that this conversation was getting a little too close to home and should be cut off. He said," I wouldn't know. Now if you don't have anything else to show me, I have another appointment waiting."
At that John smiled in an almost obscene manner. "As a matter of fact," he said," I do happen to have a program here that I would like to give to you as a token of my good intentions, and as the first installment in a long and mutually beneficial relations hip. This is a new spreadsheet program that is generations ahead of anything else on the market. This is for you only, because I save this for my special clients. It is protected and can only be installed on your PC. I would appreciate you only using it yo urself, so I can get your unbiased opinion of its capabilities. Also here is my card if you need anything else. I know I will be seeing you soon."
With that he said goodbye and left. Don thought to himself that was one of the boldest and most unusual sales calls he had ever had. Don became even more convinced when he looked at the business card. The lettering had the look and feel of leather. It had the first name in small letters and the last name in a flowing script in capitals. (john MICHELLE)
Don didn't really have another appointment, so he decided to take a look at the software. He installed it on his computer, and sure enough it did have some kind of protection which rendered it unable to be copied further. He started the program and was in for a bigger surprise. It was titled "NITESIDE, the DOMINANT spreadsheet". Getting over his initial shock Don played around with the program and found it to be an extremely powerful and flexible spreadsheet. He tried to view the program but found it to be written in a fashion he had never seen before. When he finally looked up he was surprised to see that it was 7 P.M.
He packed up and headed for home. But as the evening wore on the feeling of longing got greater and greater. He went to bed early hoping that sleep would provide some peace. He woke up and looked at the clock; 4 A.M. Don decided that he might as well go to work, he certainly couldn't sleep.
Upon reaching his office he found himself drawn to his PC. Almost instinctively he brought up NITESIDE. He transferred all of his files to it and began to work on some of his current projects. He was continually amazed at how much easier it was to get his work done that day. Furthermore his boss commented on the improvement in the quality of his work. All that week he found himself using the program for almost the whole day. Adding to this was the continuation of the insomnia, and the habit of coming to wor k early. Had Don noticed, he would have seen that he was spending almost 18 hours a day in front of the computer and NITESIDE.
By the end of the week one thing that did become clear. Don identified the source of the longing. His need to look for a relationship with a dominant woman was reasserting itself, but it was different. Instead of just wanting the submissive role, he felt a new desire to be the woman in the relationship. In addition, he kept having dreams about being sexually taken as a woman. These dreams were unusually graphic with scenes of him servicing a faceless man with both oral and anal sex.
He did not know how to reconcile these new feelings to his previous desires. He knew he was submissive but never thought that meant he was necessarily gay. Besides he was attracted to the look of a dominant woman as much as to the attitude. The regal look of an elegantly made up woman encased in skin smooth leather, showing black stockings and spiked heels was his dream.
Finally at the end of the work week Don could no longer resist his desires. He found himself in a haze as his feet led him to the Rack. He went right to the bar, hoping that a drink would slow this feeling down. He knocked down the first one and ordered an other. Feeling a little better, he relaxed and looked around as the crowd filtered in. He saw many of the people he had seen before. The hookers plied their trade on the hopeless submissives who begged to be ground underfoot.
Just as Don thought that this was only going to be a reminder of why he had stopped coming here, he saw HER. Sitting at a table by herself was a vision. She had a mane of black hair that framed the face of a goddess. Exotic eyes were highlighted with shades of blue; high cheeks were shaded dramatically; and full lips were as red as blood. She was dressed in a bla ck sheath made of what was obviously expensive sheepskin leather. Slit to her thigh, it allowed her beautiful legs to be displayed. They showed black nylons leaving a hint of smooth white flesh at the top. Her feet were enclosed in black leather pumps, 6 i nches high and shining like mirrors. Her arms were covered to the shoulder in impossibly tight gloves made of the same material as her dress. The gloves were unusual in that the only opening was at the fingertips. Thrusting from these slits were red finger nails at least 2 inches long. the amazing part about them is that they looked real.
As Don watched this vision he was struck by the fact that this Incredibly attractive woman was still alone. It was obviously her choice. Time and time again she turned away potential worshippers. Just as Don thought that she might be totally unapproachable , she looked over at him and smiled. She lifted her hand, curled one finger, and motioned him to come to her.
He felt himself lifted from his stool and floated across the floor to her. He dropped to his knees in front of her. He did not consciously speak but heard his voice say, " You called to me. I am here"
She smiled and said," I knew you would come. I made sure you would be here tonight"
Even in his daze Don was shocked by her statement. He gathered himself and replied," How could you have known I would be here. I have never seen you before. Do I know you from somewhere else?"
She smiled again and said, "Oh, but I have seen you before, and I think I do know you very well."
She extended her hand and said," My card."
Don looked at the card. It had letters in a flowing script and a leather-like print It said: MICHELLE johns. Don felt his palms get wet and his head get light. He looked at this voluptuous and erotic woman in shock. This must be some kind of game she was p laying with that salesman who had visited him during the week.
Don said, "Please forgive me but I still don't think that I have met YOU before."
She gave a mock startled look and said, " I am hurt that you don't remember me" She then lowered her frosted eyelids and her tongue rolled across her pouting lips, " Of course now that we are on the niteside I do look a little different."
Don began to get a little nervous and subsequently angry. He said," You're not trying to tell me that YOU might happen to be an office supplies salesman, are you."
She gave him a mocking smile," My but you catch on fast. But the program does enhance learning skills. Yes my new pet, I am john Michelle on the dayside; and Michelle johns on the niteside.
Now Don got very nervous," That is the second time that you have used the phrase "niteside", That wouldn't just be a coincidence that I have been using a program with the same name" "Good", she said, " You are learning. Do you like my present? It was created just for you. Have you noticed how you gust couldn't put it down? It kind of gets your attention doesn't it. Why do you think you are here tonight? The program planted suggestions in your mind to meet me here tonight."
She curled her lip and snapped," Down slave!"
Don involuntary dropped to his knees in front of this commanding woman.
She smiled again, " See what else the program did for you. It made you much more submissive than you ever have been before. More importantly for our purpose tonight it has changed your attitudes towards giving head and receiving a cock. You are going to be a very good little girl some day."
From: Edwin Gay <> Newsgroups: Subject: TG: "Niteside 2/4" Date: Sat, 7 Jan 95 22:10:55 -0500
Niteside continued:
Don looked at Michelle johns with an equal mix of desire and fear," What is in that Niteside software? Did it use subliminal messages to make me come here?"
She reached out and lightly caressed his cheek with her leather clad hand, "Please give more credit than that. Niteside does not employ such primitive techniques. It gives your monitor the ability to focus a special kind of radiation in a beam to selected portions of your brain. It is very powerful but in a very tight beam at low doses, so that there is no damage done. There are no suggestions given, your brain is physically altered."
She held his face in her hands and said," You are very lucky. You are going to become what you alw`ys wanted to be, the submissive in a relationship. You have never found the woman you wanted. Silly boy, or should I say girl, that is because she doesn't ex ist. You will never find a a commanding woman to allow you to be submissive without her becoming excessively cruel. I am giving you a better way to become submissive. you are going to be a girl"
Don wanted to run away but found he could not move a muscle when she held him. His voice shook, " This is a cruel alternative you are giving me. My brain is being changed into that of a girl, but my body is still that of a man. You are making my life more miserable than ever."
She gave a little frown that frightened Don more than he had ever been in his life, " Do you think I would have gone to all of this trouble if I just intended to change your brain. I could have mailed you Niteside and done that. The first time you looked a t it, it hooked you. You will continue to use it until it has completed its transformation. You might have noticed that it has also helped your work. Get it straight right now, I am helping you not hurting you"
She stood up, rising to almost six feet tall on her 6 inch spikes. Don felt himself drawn to his feet also.
Michelle smiled and said," As to your outward transformation, that begins tonight. By the way this is the part of the process that I enjoy the most. Come with me my pet."
With that she pulled him to her and pressed her lush lips to his. Don felt the air being drawn out of him and his consciousness slipping away.
He awoke on a huge bed in an elegantly decorated room. He felt the silk sheets sliding on his nude body. Before he could rise he heard a low, sultry voice.
" Time to get started little girl." Michelle said as she stepped into the room. She had changed her clothes but the look was similar. The dress was gone but what was left was as striking.
Her legs were encased in thigh high boots of skin smooth red leather. Red nylons peeked above the boots and were attached to an impossibly tight corset also in the same red leather. It covered her torso from crotch to breasts. Her breasts were perfect glob es supported by the corset. She had replaced the black gloves with red ones. They had that same fingertip openings so the dagger like nails could show. Her hair had changed from the previous black mane to long straight auburn tresses that fell to her back and shone like ice. Remarkably her hair looked as real now as it had before.
As excited as he was by this vision, Don noticed some things that troubled him. The leather used in her clothes was unlike anything he had ever seen. It fit her too perfectly. It was perfectly smooth and soft. It did not wrinkle even when she moved ar bent over. For all intents and purposes it acted as a second skin.
The other unusual feature of this goddess was her skin. It was perfect. It was a soft shade of pink without a blemish or mark on it. there was no hair to be seen on any of the skin he could see. Then it struck him that this was what was unusual. He could n ot see any hair follicles or large pores in her skin. It was perfectly smooth.
She glides over to the bed and pulled back the sheets exposing his erect cock. She licked her lips and said," I'm glad you like what you see, Because you are going to see a lot more of it."
She climbed onto the bed and caressed his thigh, " Relax little girl, Your mistress is going to run this show. You are finally with the woman of your dreams. Lay back and be a submissive little girl."
She began to kiss him in a way that he had never felt before. Her lips were so smooth that they slid over his mouth face and neck. She fondled his body , finding hat spots he had not previously suspected were there. She reached down and ran her nails over his cock. He could see the leather clad hand stroking his cock, but could feel only smooth skin. Just as Don was about to erupt she sat up, picking him up with little apparent effort.
"Now you are ready for the change to begin. This is where you start the process of being a Niteside girl. And I get to enjoy the pleasure of being one."
She reached down and unhooked the crotch panel on the corset. It seemed to separate on its own. She smiled, slowly removing her hand to reveal a large, erect and perfectly formed cock. Again Don was startled, and not just by the fact that this goddess had a cock. Her cock, like the rest of her was perfectly smooth. There was no hair to be seen, no stubble, and no wrinkles. It was a smooth as glass.
She whispered, " Do you like it. I know you do. After all I programmed you to like it. Do you like its smoothness. That's so it goes in easier. After all I don't ever want to hurt you. First you are going to suck on my cock. Your loading dosage is in my cu m. There are genetically engineered hormones in my cum that will begin the process of converting your body to match your mind. You are going to be a girl inside and outside. Come and get your future DAWN"
Don was a prisoner to the programming, or was it really his desires. He had never sucked a cock before, but was being compelled to do so. He reached over an touched her cock. It was smooth as glass, but unlike glass it was soft skin. It was certainly not s oft underneath the skin. He felt himself pulled to the cock. It entered his mouth and felt as natural there as did his tongue. He did not stop taking it until it was down his throat, remarkably he found no difficulty breathing around her tool. He laid back like a good little girl and allowed Michelle to fuck his face. She moved slowly and gently. After what seemed like an impossibly long time he felt her erupt down his throat. Instantly he felt a glow envelop his entire body.
"That's it Dawn. Take all of your medicine. Do you feel it taking effect? Not just yet, but soon you will start to change. That is part of the fun. You have to take the entire course of treatment, and that means lot's more fun for both of us. Once you have sucked enough of my cum, you will take on the appearance of a beautiful girl. Then you will be ready for me to deflower your little bottom. That will make the changes permanent. Sleep now, I'll see you soon."
When Don awoke he shot up, looked around, and found himself in his own bed. Did he just dream the events of the previous night or were they real. He looked at his watch and was shocked to see that it was early, Monday morning. How could he have slept throu gh the whole weekend? He knew he had been exhausted but this was ridiculous. Fear gripped him and caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand on end.
Don dressed himself and went to work. Just as been the case the week before, his first action was to turn on his computer and bring up Niteside. As usual he spent the day in front of the screen, pumping out massive amounts of high quality work.But unlike t he previous week, at the end of the day he suddenly had an overriding urge to go home. He packed up his things and headed for home. When he got there he was perplexed, because for the life of him he couldn't put his finger on just why it was so important f or him to be a home. But he knew he was waiting for something.
He decided to make supper while he waited. As he set the table he watched the sun go down. As the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, Don felt a glow enclose his body. Suddenly his memories rushed back to him. It was the same feeling he had expe riences when he swallowed Michelle's cum. The weekend had not been a dream. When the feeling passed he looked up. Letting out a sigh of relief, he realized he was still in his apartment. don decided to continue with dinner, and started towards the refriger ator and almost stumbled. His foot had come half way out of his shoe.
He sat down, took off his shoes and looked down at his feet. They were noticeably smaller! Don ran to the bedroom where there was a full length dressing mirror. He stripped off his clothes and looked. There in the mirror was someone between a boy and a gir l. He was a little shorter, his hair was a little longer, his hips were a little wider, his breasts were swollen, and his nipples were a little larger. In contrast to this more feminine image was the fact that it seamed that his cock was a little larger. O r was it just that this creature in the mirror was exciting to him.
Don reached up and felt his breast and got a bigger shock. His entire body was hairless. As he felt his skin he had a ominous feeling that he had felt skin like this before. It was perfectly smooth. As close as he looked he could not see any marks, hair fo llicles or pores. His skin was just like Michelle's.
His concentration was broken when the phone rang. With great fear, but almost automatically he picked up the phone.
"Hello Dawn", said the sultry voice," This is Michelle. I want to congratulate you on your first night as a Niteside girl."
Don spoke, but was shocked at his voice. It was softer and higher." What have you done to me?"
"Silly girl," She said," The hormones in my cum that you so happily sucked down are working. I told you all about them. I did forget to tell you that being a Niteside girl is a literal definition. Enjoy the changes. I'll see you this Friday night for your next dosage"
As Don awoke from his deep and dreamless sleep, he open his eyes and was not surprised to once again find himself in his own bedroom. Just like the week before, he had been transported from his sexual encounter with the dominant TV, Michelle. How did she get him back to his apartment in his unconscious state without anyone seeing them was a mystery he did not really want to think about. He was also not surprised when he looked at his watch and saw that it was early Monday morning again, right on time to get in front of his computer screen and the hypnotic Niteside program.
On the drive to work he noticed little feelings inside of himself that bothered him. He could swear that he could feel her sperm inside of him. It was like a light touch all over his body. The genetically engineered hormones inside of him were inexorably changing his body. It was like having another person inhabiting the same body with him. It was not an unpleasant feeling, in fact it was soothing in a similar fashion as getting a back rub. Except this was everywhere, from his hair to his toes, and it never stopped.
Once at work however the Niteside program took care of any distractions. He was single mindedly dedicated to his work for the entire time he was in front of the screen. This morning he had the impossible notion that he could actually feel the radiation beam from the screen penetrating his brain. He knew that thew longer he sat in front of this screen, the more Niteside was altering the patterns and physical composition of his brain to that of a girl. Could it be that the enhanced levels of alien hormones in his body were making him more receptive to this process? Were the hormonal changes enhancing the conversion of his brain?
Whatever the reason, Don had little doubt over the fact that he was thinking and acting more and more like a girl each day. In his spare time he found himself drawn away from the masculine world that he had grown up with. He had little interest in sports, and read more and more of Cosmo and vogue. He found himself much more interested in the secretaries' conversations than those of the "guys'. The only part of this process that frightened him was that he found himself attracted less to his female peers than those same "guys". He found himself looking at buns more than boobs. While in the past this would have sent him screaming to a shrink, he did not seem to really notice the attitude change, let alone mind it.
Fortunately for him the Niteside program kept him glued to his screen and therefore his work. The organization continued to be thrilled by the quantity and quality of his efforts. His bosses kept up a steady stream of complements and started to suggest that he might be in line for higher positions in the firm.
Don sat at home Monday night wondering if the setting of the sun would bring any new changes. He had gotten used to the nightly conversion, probably as much from the conditioning as from the fact that when changed, he was a good approximation of a pretty girl. That and the fact that his nightly self inflicted blow jobs were his sole source of enjoyment.
He suspected that tonight might bring something special. When he came home he went to hang up his suit and found all but one of his closets filled with feminine fashions. His altered brain was very happy to find a treasure trove of clothing to go with the two suit cases he had started with. there seemed to be an emphasis on evening wear. Lots of cocktail dresses, sequins and taffeta. There was not a pair of shoes that had less than 5 " heels. To his delight he found a section of the closet had been reserved for what had to be dominant clothing. Lots and lots of that special leather that molded to his skin when he put it on. And he did put it on . His altered brain wanted to try on his new wardrobe immediately, but his still male body did not want to cooperate. The leather did slide onto his body but he was disappointed that he just looked like a man wearing a leather dress. He decided to leave on the dress as he waited for sunset.
The sun slipped under the horizon and Don was encompassed by the familiar and increasingly comfortable glow of the change. He could feel the energy radiate from his own body. Somehow the fact that this did not come from the outside comforted him. He could feel his body swell in the hips and breasts. He felt his bones contract to alter his size and shape. The only really uncomfortable part was when he would loose his breath as his ribs contracted. How does one describe the feeling of your face changing. Again it reminded him of a whole body massage, except these hands were everywhere and these were definitely "magic fingers".
Right away Don knew that this change was different. The weight on his chest told him that, and as he ran to the full length mirror he could feel his hips swinging. Don thought he was past surprises but what he saw in the mirror shocked him.
SHE was beautiful. Her delicate face was accentuated by high cheekbones and wide almond shaped eyes. A tiny turned up nose centered above full and pouting lips. A full head of thick auburn hair went well past her shoulders. Her entire face was an invitation to be fucked. But it was the body that amazed him. Firm, pert breasts jutted from a sensual frame. She had the body of a athlete rather than that of a hooker. There were well toned muscles holding a tiny waist in. Her hips were full, not with excess fat but with firm smooth tissue. Firm sensual thighs tapered down to calves and feet that were made to perch on spiked heels.
And amazingly her cock was even bigger. By now it throbbed with excitement, extending to a good 10". This turgid male symbol in the middle of a feminine body was an exciting contrast.
While his lust called her to explore this new toy, his programming sent her to the mirror. With an expert hand that would be the envy of an artist she applied her makeup and styled her hair. It was difficult to imagine that the face in the mirror could become any sexier but it did. She changed from an extremely pretty innocent girl into a sensual woman. Dramatic green shaded eyes looked for sex. A mouth that could only be described as a sexual orifice called for sex. Rich flowing hair would caress the crotch of a prospective lover.
She sauntered over to the closets filled with her sensual clothing. She selected an emerald green, satin corset, and slid it over her full hips. She pressed the concealed button that her programming taught her about. She was prepared for the crushing of the micro-hydrolic pumps in the corset. They slowly and uniformly squeezed her waist down under 20". She sat on the bed and slowly slid her matching green nylons up her hairless legs, attaching them to the garters. She squeezed her feet into delicate sandals and tightened the ankle straps. Finally she slithered her constrained body into a matching silk dress, and tightened a leather belt around her waist.
She strolled over to the mirror with the grace of a cat and beheld her handiwork. There was a tantalizing sex toy looking at her, asking for sexual release. Large breasts forced erect nipples against their silk covering. Her tits cut down to a diminutive waist, which was further emphasized by her full hips. Long slender legs on their spiked platforms were split by a erotic contrasting bulge. Her nipples were not the only thing that was erect.
Her sensations in her cock were driving her mad. The silk was ever so gently brushing against the head of her dick. She lifted her skirt to reveal the throbbing flesh. She thought about resisting for a brief minute but she was hooked. She lay on the bed and folded herself in half at the waist. Her lips enfolded her cock and inhaled it down her throat. As she sucked her fingers explored her backside, plunging in and out in an effort to fuck herself. As she tickled her prostate she came down her throat. If she had retained her consciousness she would have seen herself sucking on herself for the rest of the night.
The week progressed with the pattern repeated , he went to work, got programmed, and she sucked the night away. At the end of Friday, Don expected the mental call to see Michelle. Just then he realized that something was different. for the first time since he had gotten the Niteside program, he was not being compelled to look at it. A little nervous at the sudden feeling of abandonment, he went home and waited.
As the sun set the now blessed change took over his body. Dawn was back and ready for something special. She went to the closet and noticed a garment bag he had not seen before. She felt faint as she saw the most obscene wedding dress ever made. It was made of the same skin molding leather as the dominant outfits. It was open at the top and would expose all of her breasts. It flared at the waist to a full skirt slit up the middle to her crotch. The sleeves went all the way to her wrists and attached to tight gloves that exposed only her fingernails.
She felt the urge to rush to get ready, but for what? She slithered into the dress and pressed a button that caused the waist to contract to her accustomed 19". She also felt the sleeves contract to encase her slender arms and hands in white leather. She got out a thigh high pair of white, spiked boots and marveled that they slid on as easily as nylons, and molded to the legs. Her makeup was done to match her outfit. Silver and blue accented her large eyes. A whitish shade covered her willing lips. and her long nails were in done in pearl. She was an carnal combination of a slut and a virgin bride. She was ready.
The timing of the knock on the door was expected. Dawn minced over and opened the door. It was Michelle. She smiled as she looked over the product of her efforts. The little slut was ready and so was she.
Dawn did the impossible and became more excited as she took Michelle's fur coat. Michelle was encased in what could only be described as a leather body glove. It started right under her chin and merged into a matching pair of 6" heels. As before the sleeves became gloves that left only her nails exposed. In fact her nails and face were the only areas not covered in leather. Her face was just as striking. Exquisite makeup was framed by full black hair that was blown back and up to create a wild and lustful look.
Michelle grinned in a satisfied manner and said," Tonight is the final night of our relationship. You have been a good subject for conversion. Your basic submissive nature made you a desirable candidate. We knew all of your deepest thoughts as we scanned your brain. Do you remember the times you communicated with the various BBS's in the country? The open communication lines gave us access to your mind.
You should be honored. We needed a new representative in this area of the country, and you were chosen over many other qualified candidates. After tonight you will continue our work here. It is my honor and pleasure to give you the final hormone injection that will make the changes that you have been experiencing permanent. I will take your little anal cherry tonight and make you one of us."
Michelle felt a moment of pity as she saw the confusion and horror on Dawn's face. " There is no reason to be frightened. The process is totally painless. You will come to enjoy the nightly conversion and may even learn to orgasm when it happens. The only new part of your life is that you will now assume the dominant role in relationships. Your programming has set you up for this change, and further upgrades of the Niteside program will assist you."
"Your job, should you choose to accept it, and you have no real choice, is to become a representative of our "firm". You will distribute a lesser version of the Niteside program to a selected list of clients that we will provide to you. They will then go through the conversion that you have experienced, with one difference. They will remain submissive to you and the needs of the "firm." We will expand our user network and add value to our shareholders. "
Dawn briefly found her voice, " Who is this firm? And if they want subservient TV's as employees why are these changes limited to the night time? "
"I will answer you second question first", said Michelle. "Society as a whole is not prepared for a large population of TV's running around no matter how beautiful they are. the female population would never stand for that drastic of a threat. Our objective is to maintain a stable society so that we can reap the full benefits of this process. We are all standard males during the day so that we can retain the fabric of society as we harvest the rewards of our work"
"Your second question is a bit more complicated, but seeing that you are about to become a "partner in the firm", I think that you have the right to know. We are an alien race that found this lovely planet in our travels. We devised this scheme to take advantage of your resources without destroying the planet. Make no mistake, we are fully capable of that action. However we are a benevolent people. We used a method that subjected you to our needs, but in a way that gave you pleasure as well. Even the most submissive of our servants will experience sexual pleasure far beyond their normal capacity. Haven't you noticed the intensity of your desires and subsequent orgasms? As a "partner" you will have approximately double the sexuality of our submissives, and they will in turn be doubly as sexual as the general population. After all there have to be some rewards for services rendered."
Michelle pulled Dawn close to her saying, "I think it is time to initiate you to the firm."
She pressed her lips to Dawn's and thrust her tongue down her willing throat. Dawn felt herself in the firm hold of this dominant beauty, and willingly submitted to her passion. She felt her hard on pressing against the leather of Michelle's outfit, and felt Michelle's cock rise and throb against her in return.
Michelle picked up the little "virgin" and carried her to the bed. She gently laid Dawn down and said, "I'll be gentle seeing that this is your first time. I hope it not our last. Michelle reached down and peeled back the crotch piece of her body stocking. Out popped her thick and long cock. Dawn instinctively licked her lips and went for it.
"Not tonight you little slut." Michelle smiled. "Once you clamp those soft lips on a cock there is no getting you off of it until you have sucked it dry. I want you to lift your legs up to tour ears and hold them."
Dawn complied with the order. Her dress fell away from her crotch exposing her cock and her soft bottom. Michelle pressed her cock against Dawn's sphincter and began to apply pressure. "Relax and enjoy your initiation. your about to become one of us."
Dawn felt the huge cock slide past her opening and begin its way up and into her. Michelle gradually increases the speed and depth of her thrusts and was soon ramming her cock as deeply into Dawn as she could. Dawn was overcome with the intensity of her first fuck. It seemed that the conversion had increased the number of nerve endings in every erogenous part of her body. Her cock would throb each time Michelle would stick it deeply into her.
Dawn could feel herself and Michelle begin to twitch in anticipation of their imminent mutual orgasm. Michelle panted, "Suck yourself baby. we can't loose any of your medicine now."
In an act of incredible manipulation, Dawn folded her torso down further and further until her lips were closing over her ready cock. In her state of extreme passion, she barely made it. Just as she got her cock down her throat, she could feel Michelle's orgasm fill her bottom. Her own cock exploded simultaneously, filling her from both openings with alien, hormone laced cum. She knew immediately that this dose was different. She had thought that it would have been impossible to have her sexual sensitivity enhanced any further, but she suddenly realized that there were unexplored heights calling to her. She began to have multiple orgasms down her own throat, as her passion took over her mind completely.
Totally spent of fluids, Dawn straightened out and Michelle withdrew her cock from Dawn's ass. Unlike the previous episodes dawn did not pass out. Michelle snuggled against her and said. "I have left a brief case for you. In it you will find everything to represent the "firm". Go in to work and give them your notice. Then you can start on your life's work. Oh, don't forget to deinstall the Niteside program on your PC. We will have quarterly sales meetings at some of the wildest places in the galaxy. You are going to have such fun with us. You don't need another injection, you are fixed for good, but lets fuck again, just for fun this time. How would you like to fuck me?" Dawn just smiled and licked her lips in reply.
About a month later an accounting executive sat in his office pondering a meeting he had just had with a computer supplies salesman. It bothered him a little that this salesman seemed to know about his submissive private life. He looked at the card and read "Don Dawnson". That is an odd name he thought. He looked at the diskette the salesman had left him labeled, Niteside. He inserted it into his PC and checked it out. Forever.