From!!!!!!!!Sprint!!!!!eledin Sat Nov 8 11:55:11 1997 Newsgroups: Path:!!!!!!!!Sprint!!!!!eledin From: (Gamble ) Subject: The Choice (m/f/F mc/nc? Fantasy) Message-ID: Summary: Story about one woman's choice. Keywords: Mind Control, sex. Organization: Netcom On-Line Services X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 CURRENT #9 Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 07:01:59 GMT Lines: 237 Sender: Xref: All standard disclaimers apply. If you are underage or are offended by sexually explicit material, then read no further. This is my first attempt at erotica and I would be happy to hear any comments on the story. The Choice Laying in bed, underneath the silken sheets, the woman looked over at her man as he slept beside her. Instead of sleeping close against him, silvery eyes studied him silently. Her hand lifted once, fingers reaching towards his hair, then withdrew as he turned slightly towards her with a muttered, 'Oh yes...', the tone of his voice filled with pleasure and desire. The watching eyes closed for a moment as the woman sighed softly, remembering how he had come back from a walk out in the valley earlier in the day. He had rushed into the inner cavern and without a word went to her as she stood up, his hands moving to tear the clothes from her body, then pulling her tight to him in the way she remembered from their early passionate days together. Her mind didn't register the scent of an unfamiliar incense on him until she was lying beneath him on the rug, his powerful, thrusting motions filling her over and over with his hard flesh as his hands held her breasts up, almost bruisingly to his chest. She just had time to think, "Where was he?" before her body tensed, her smooth legs lifting to wrap hard around his waist as her climax ripped through her, shattering further thought. Vaguely she felt his teeth at her shoulder as he drove deep once more, then cried out against her skin, his body trembling during his own powerful release as it lay above her. Only afterwards, with him sleeping restlessly next to her in the bed where they'd moved to and spent another long hour in pleasure, did the scent return to her, barely discernible beneath the musk of the previous lovemaking. Turning towards him, the satisfied expression slowly turned concerned, then shocked as she heard her name from his mouth, "Rashena," and then, "I'm sorry." Her lips parted to respond before realizing he was still asleep. Since then, she had listened to a variety of mutterings, more apologies, but also words and sounds of desire and pleasure. Wanting to believe that his dreams were of her, the lingering scent of incense and those apologies told her heart otherwise. And so through the night, she watched his face in silence, hardly blinking and never close to sleeping. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He awoke slowly, the images of pale, smooth skin rising and falling above him, black hair falling around his face as he looked up into equally dark eyes that seemed to pull the feelings of intense desire, pleasure and lust from him. Then there was the feeling of denied release filling his mind as he finally awoke fully. Turning on his side, his hand reached across towards Rashena and on not finding her, his eyes opened, searching until they spotted her in a chair next to the bed. Stretching out on the bed as he regarded her, he murmured, "You'll never believe the dreams I had last night..." then frowned as he took in her intense stare, the storminess of her eyes making them more grey than silvery and the tiredness in her face. Confusion flickered in those eyes for a moment and then she asked, "Dreams? What were they, Eleron?" in a clipped and flat tone so unlike her usual langorous one when she talked to him. As he began to answer her, one of her hands slipped up to finger the silver hand that hung at her throat from the necklace. Knowing that by this she could sense if someone was telling the truth, one of the talisman's many functions, he kept his face calm although inwardly he began to wonder why she was so concerned about this dream and why she would think he was lying. Eleron told the details of the dream to her, as much as he could remember, how he found himself following a strange woman, with almost white skin, flowing black hair and dark eyes through incense filled rooms and then into a garden. The scent of the incense and flowers seemed to drain him of questions as he was asked to sit on a bench while the woman talked softly, hypnotically to him of desire and need until the barely heard sound of her voice was all that he was aware of. The coldness in his woman's eyes thawed slowly to a more thoughtful expression as he continued the relating, how the unknown seducer moved to stand in front of him, her hands moving to unfasten her robe and letting it drop down, revealing her body to him as his eyes followed the robe down. The words she spoke afterwards, Eleron couldn't remember except that they stoked the rising desire in him, as did her fingers as they slipped down over her breasts, flicking at the rose colored nipples which hardened quickly. Once those fingers drifted down between her thighs, he was unable to think of anything besides being inside her. Finally, her teasing finished, the raven haired woman took him on the bench, images and remembrances blurred except for the wildness of the mating, finishing with tasting her between her legs making her come again, her wild scream piercing the quiet of the garden. Afterwards, she left him and sent him away. Finishing the recounting, Eleron watched his woman's face carefully. Rashena removed her hand from the necklace and sighed softly, "Love, it wasn't a dream." and when he opened his mouth to protest, she said, "I smelled the incense you spoke of last night. "That can't be..." he said, trailing off as he looked at her, confusion filling his eyes as she continued. "How long were you in the valley, love?" she asked him. "Only an hour or so, I decided to come home earlier than usual." he replied. She shook her head, "No. You came back five hours after you left." and watched as his face registered how the information stunned him. Sitting up, he wrapped his arms around his knees as he said, "It was only a..." then trailed off with an almost sick expression on his face, "She said I would come to her again if she called." looking up at Rashena and the two just looked at each other, unspeaking for a long time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days later, she woke to the feel of him shifting on the bed next to her, then felt him swinging his legs off the side to stand. Sleepily, she turned over with a murmur, "Love?" and opened her eyes to see him walking towards the door without acknowledging her query. "Eleron?" she said again, as she began to get out of the bed with her lips beginning to frame a concerned frown. Following him out of the room, reaching out to take his shoulder with her hand, she froze as she saw something in her lair that wasn't supposed to be there. Pure black, almost soaking up the light of the dying fire in the hearth, a door sized portal of some kind stood in the center of the room. Eleron walked straight towards it, and before she could reach him to pull him back, he had stepped through and vanished. Without thinking, she stepped through quickly and found herself somewhere else. The garden was cool, stars shining down from the velvet black sky. Pure white and black flowers were scattered throughout the pleasantly humid garden. So caught in her disorientation, she was shocked at the low chuckle she heard, and then the husky voice saying, "It appears I've received more than I expected. So much the better." Turning quickly, Rashena saw Eleron standing quietly in front of a tall, striking woman. Like the flowers, she at first seemed an impression only of stark white against black. Once the initial shock was over, Rashena could see more clearly the smooth white skin of the woman's face and limbs. The hair that cascaded down her shoulders and back was pure black, matching the color of her eyes and the loose robe she was wearing. The only splash of color in the woman was her mouth, full, red lips that were turned up in a satisfied smirk as she walked past Eleron, seemingly ignoring him until one hand lifted, brushing slender fingers against his shoulder. This simple motion recalled for Rashena what her man had related to her a few days ago and only with effort did she manage to stay still and keep her hands from clenching. Something in her eyes betrayed her though as the other woman tilted her head with another husky chuckle. "So you're his mate?" she asked as she walked closer, letting her eyes travel lingeringly over Rashena's body. With a shock, Rashena realized she was naked, not even having thought to throw her robe on. The frank appraisal brought a slight flush to her face, but she managed to stay still as she asked the approaching woman, "What do you want?" Even though the raven haired woman laugh again, none of it reached her eyes which bore into Rashena's. "Why, nothing at all. Except pleasure. And your man brought me a great deal of it recently," she said, tongue flicking out to lick her lips as she stopped a few feet away. Rashena could feel her whole body stiffen with the desire to attack the other woman but managed to instead say with much more confidence than she felt, "If you touch him again, you will die." Instead of the anger she expected to see in the other woman, she got a slow, smirking smile. "Oh I will? By your hand?" and she turned again, walking back towards Eleron. Rashena tried to go after her but found she was frozen in place, and could only watch with anger and a rising sickness as the woman trailed one hand slowly down Eleron's chest, causing him to moan slightly. "Bitch.." she hissed, "What have you done to him?" Pausing her hand on the muscles of Eleron's lower belly, just above the rising hardness, the woman looked over her shoulder at Rashena, "I've done nothing at all, except make him think that this is a dream, a very pleasant one." Rashena tried to break the invisible bonds again as she saw the long, slender fingers glide downwards over her mate's hardened flesh in a light, possessive touch and heard the answering gasp of pleasure escape his mouth. Realizing she would be unable to escape, she managed to keep her voice even, although she was trembling inside, "I'll give you anything you want if you leave him be." Curling fingers closed around Eleron's shaft, thumb idly caressing as the woman smiled again, slowly. "Oh, I don't think so. I want this inside me, you see. And it will be, very soon. But I have an offer for you." Before Rashena could respond, the woman continued, "I want you to stay, and let yourself be caught in the same spell he is. I won't place it on you unless you ask." She licked her lips again slowly, "I promise you, you'll enjoy it." Rashena would have been frozen in place even without the bonds, and finally managed to get out, "What makes you think I would agree to that?" The woman's face hardened slightly, "Because, if you do not, I will send you back to your home, and keep Eleron here until I tire of him." Then she added, with her throaty chuckle, "And I doubt I will grow tired of him in your lifetime. You do not know where this is, and no one has ever found it unless I let them. It is your choice." Once more, Rashena tried to sound sure of herself, "I have people all over this world. I can find you and when I..." and cut off at the laugh that came from the woman, her heart freezing at the next words that came from her. "What makes you think you're even still on the world you came from? Even if you were, would you take the chance of leaving him to me, for however short a time?" and she gave a slight, hard tug with her hand, causing another gasp from Eleron, not of pleasure this time, but of discomfort. "If I wanted, I could erase all memory of you from his mind in an instant, so even if you found him again, he would be completely devoted to me and not even remember you." Her expression turned cold, "Oh.. One more thing. Before sending you home if you decline my offer, I will take him in front of you, and the last you will see and hear of him is his face as he comes inside me, calling out my name." Her voice turned pleasant again, as if having been talking to an old friend, "Choose now." Rashena's mind was spinning, unable to form any clear thoughts except the fear of never seeing Eleron again. Almost without thought she whispered, "I'll do it. I'll accept the spell." She saw the other woman's lips part almost in slow motion, moistened by another flick of her tongue, and then felt the bonds around her release. At the same time, everything changed. She was still in the same place, but she wondered how she could have felt fearful and angry towards this woman. She promised a night of pleasure that she could share with her mate. Her eyes watched the woman slip the robe from her shoulders, revealing her smooth skin as the black fabric fell free and pooled at her feet. Rashena's eyes traveled down over the woman's body, the hourglass curves highlighted by rose colored nipples cresting generous breasts, and hips that flared out pleasingly into long, lightly muscled legs. "Who are you?" she asked the woman, feeling herself becoming unexpectedly aroused since she'd never looked at another woman in this way. The woman walked over towards her again, her hand staying on Eleron's turgid length, urging him to follow. She stopped close enough for Rashena to feel the heat of her body, but not quite touching. "You can call me Corina." she murmured as she leaned towards Rashena, breath brushing her mouth teasingly, just before Corina's lips met Rashena's. All thought vanished in the next few hours of tangles of limbs and bodies, pleasure and lust. Again, Corina sated herself, casually dismissing Rashena and Eleron with a 'You will come when I call for you again." Back in their lair again, the unfulfilled desire was quenched in each other's passion, and lying together on the bed, bodies entwined, Rashena lazily asked her lover, "Do you think she'll call us again soon?" with a tone of longing.