Article 82256 of Path:!!!!wsu-cs!!!!!!voyager From: () Newsgroups: Subject: New Story: The Breast of Life Date: 3 Jul 1995 21:03:56 GMT Organization: OneNet Communications ( Lines: 124 Message-ID: <3t9lvs$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] THE BREAST OF LIFE Bill had finally succeeded in doing it. By combining his knowledge of the occult, a knowledge learned after years of hard work, with what he had learned about science, he had managed to produce the ultimate aphrodisiac. He had made a virus, half-magic, half-scientific, which would produce a secretion that could be mixed with water, soda, liquor or any other liquid and then drunk by a woman to alter her, vastly increasing her sexual desires, rendering the woman totally under his personal control. The beings he worked with in his occult efforts had assured him that he would get more sexual action than he had ever dreamed of. He would show the women of the world that he was not to be rejected simply because his looks were not overly pleasant. He had been spurned too many times, had too many insults given him, had too many girls walk away when he approached them. Sweet revenge would finally be his! The material would produce even more benefits, he knew. It would cause the woman's body to alter to his idea of perfection: large breasts and long, shapely legs. It also enabled the women to cum with very little effort on his part, rendering them addicted to his sexual stimulation of them. He had asked Sandy, one of the women he worked with in the county records department to come to his house that afternoon. He told her that he had found some very puzzling things in the records, things that could implicate their boss in considerable wrong-doings and possibly give Sandy and him both chances to move up. Sandy, being rather overly ambitious, readily agreed. He laughed as he heard the doorbell rang. He was quite cordial, thanked her for coming, expressed his concern over what he had found, and asked if she would like something to drink since the afternoon was rather warm. She said that she would, and he got her a glass of water into which he added a generous portion of his viral formula. She drank the cooling liquid down and then smiled. Moments later she started to feel dizzy, and soon fainted. He lifted her from the floor and took her to his bedroom. He knew that it would be an hour or so before the formula had completed its work, and that she would be unconscious until then, so he left her to contemplate further what he planned to do with his revenge. An hour later he returned and saw that the formula had succeeded far beyond his dreams. Sandy lay on the bed, her breasts straining to escape from a blouse now far too small for them. He removed her clothes, then stood back. She awoke, still a little dizzy at first, then sat up and smiled at him. Quickly he undressed and ordered her to make love to him, to kiss him, to suck him, to do every single thing she could to arouse him and make him cum. She moved to him and began to kiss him as her hands traced a course over his body. She played with his firmly erect penis, then cupped his head in her hands and drew it to her now-massive breasts. As he sucked, he realized that the formula had yet another benefit, for Sandy was producing a warm, highly pleasant milk that he found delightful to drink. They moved to the bed and their lovemaking grew more intense. Soon both he and Sandy were having, uncontrollable orgasms. Somewhat later the neighborhood paper boy came to collect the paper money and was invited him. Sandy entered the room, and immediately went straight to the paper boy, grabbed his head, and pressed it against her large breast. The boy started sucking and, as he did so, began to remove his own clothes. Within a few minutes they were screwing wildly on the floor. Bill not realized that the woman's sexual desires would not be for just him, but for any man (and probably any woman, he thought), for Sandy quickly seduced the paper boy, rode his cock and giving him the same intense sexual pleasure she had given Bill. The paper boy left, incredibly happy, and Bill knew he had succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. In the course of the following weeks Bill managed to drug a variety of women, including his neighbor, all with the same effects Sandy had had; enlarged breasts, wild sexual desires, and incredible sexual responsiveness. He learned that if other women sucked the women that had been changed, the virus would be transmitted to them through the women's milk and they, too, would be altered. Soon large numbers of women had been converted to sexual playthings, and Bill enjoyed having sex with a different woman each night. As more and more of the women were converted to sexually-wild animals, a side-effect of the virus finally became known. The milk was addictive to men; the more they sucked, the more they wanted to suck. The more milk they consumed from different women, the less control they had over their own sexual drives. Before long the men were as out of control as the women. As children grew up and reached the state where their sexual desires became normally active they found themselves seduced, sometimes by their own mothers. Soon even they were having wild sex with relatives, friends and neighbors. Yet Bill had not taken into account that demons don't do anything for anyone without a price. Bill had gotten what he wanted - all the women he could fuck and then some - so he no longer thought about what he had agreed to, but even he was finally forced to pay attention when the side-effect of the virus on women became known. Yes, they all got bigger, usually much bigger, boobs. They tended to get bigger asses, easier orgasms, and an absolutely uncontrollable sexual desire. What they also got was sterility, for no woman infected by the virus was any longer able to produce a child. Scientists wanted to study the phenomenon and try to find some antidote, but even they soon fell into the sexual frenzy sweeping the planet. So, over time, people grew older but kept fucking. All the babies became children, the children became adolescents, and the adolescents were seduced and became uncontrolled sexual animals. The human race ceased to exist, but at least it died happy. -- For those interested in Meat Loaf, Marcella Detroit or Shakespear's Sister, I have my own web page for them at