1 Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!noc.near.net!howland.reston.ans.net!n ews.cac.psu.edu!news.math.psu.edu!chi-news.cic.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news .sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 1 (of 11). MC novel regarding discovery of old book Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:14:42 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1151 Message-ID: <462uod$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 THE BOOK Chapter 1 Bob had lived five years in the house before he found 3 it. In a fit of boredom he had entered the crawl space for the first time. Eyes straining in the weak beams fluttering through the air vents, he discovered a small, brown book under the ancient dust. It was no more than a quarter-inch thick, not noticeably differ- ent from the unevenly laid boards. He only found it when he placed his hand on the floor to brace himself, and slid six or seven inches. The brown binder reminded him of accounting notepads he'd seen at the office supply store: five-by-seven, without title or other markings on the cover. Inside was a handwritten scrawl he couldn't make out in the dim light. Brushing off the dust of years, he tucked the book into his back pocket. During one of his trips downstairs he dropped it on his desk. Now it rested in a pile of other papers he meant to sort through when the chance arose. The chance didn't arise that day, and by the end of the week the stack paper had grown enough to conceal the book again.5 Bob forgot it for a time. When he remembered it one night, it was beyond his memory where he placed the book. So there it remained; buried in papers, on his desk, for months. Bob wasn't very prompt clearing away his old bills and letters. The book was there waiting though, when the time came. * * * * * * Betty was seeing Bob now. She was a pert 5 foot 6 inch beauty with long dark hair, weighing in at about 115 pounds. Bob liked to look at her, almost as much as he would like to spend a few private hours exploring her naked body. He imagined her firm breasts, the soft feel of her skin, and the contours of her naked ass often. But although they'd been dating for 5 months, the closest he'd come was a disappointing necking session. It lasted only long enough for her to point out the food he was cooking would burn. She would also boss him around a bit. It seemed to him 6 as though his vacation with her was entirely her idea, including his paying for it. Yet they slept separately. And when he suggested that the vacation was her doing, she pointed out that he brought the idea up, hadn't he? He was at a loss how that happened. If they went out for dinner, she chose the cuisine, whether he liked it or not. Seeing a movie frequently meant one she wanted to see, although it kept sounding like it was his idea. He wasn't entirely sure how it kept happening. She seemed pretty pleased with him though, but sex was not part of the arrangement. She also had a brutal temper when offended. He was starting to wonder if the list of offensive issues was too long to contin- ue seeing her. Still, he hadn't had any other dates lately and she was friendly enough for most activities. Betty also came to his house regularly for meals, TV, and rental movies. Bob didn't mind much, except he'd also like8 some intimacy to go with the other social activities. But now she'd decided he needed to straighten up the house a bit, since she was there more often. Since he wasn't doing the cleaning, she took a hand in the process, and if he didn't watch closely, he had to fish things out of the trash. She would only pout and ask "what do you need that old thing for anyway?" By the time he finished explaining, it was something else that required rescuing from the sanitary engineers. Bob suspected she had a permanent relationship in mind, particularly since the cleaning assault started. When he con- fronted her about getting more intimate, she told him "I'm waiting, soon enough either we'll be getting married or not seeing each other any more. I'm saving sex for marriage. You wouldn't like damaged goods would you?" Bob tacitly agreed, but thought, I don't believe it makes anyone damaged. She cooled to him for a while, and getting her to be 10% socia- ble became more difficult. But when the subject didn't come up again for a while, everything returned to normal. Sort of. During her cleaning project on his house, his desk became one of her afternoon cleaning sessions. She was sorting the papers into neat piles. That is when the book resurfaced. "What's this?" She asked. "I dunno," he replied, "I found it while cleaning the crawl space. Thought I'd lost it." "Well, here," she said, tossing the book to him, "You find it a home; it doesn't seem to belong with the rest of your papers." She turned abruptly and went back to organizing, sorting and cleaning. Taking over my life, Bob thought to himself with a supressed sigh. It wouldn't be so bad if I got laid out of it. He watched her backside for time as she flattened the sheets of paper and stacked them neatly for 2 storage. He looked at the book for a minute and went to the living room. Dropping into his favorite chair, he opened the book to see what was in it. He had to turn on the reading lamp to make out the writing. At first he thought it was gibberish. In fact, although he could make out the characters clearly now, it was in no script or language he'd ever seen before. The unusual writing was done in a neat, practiced hand, with embellishments that came from frequent use. He felt certain the author had used the letters many times before and was accustomed to writing in small script. The book was confusing to thumb through. After a few pages though it started to make sense, even though he could still see only nonsense characters. He went back to the first page. He translated the title page loosely in his mind, _Being4 an Effort to Document the Control of Response from Experimental Subjects_. As he read the book, he found the notes documenting symbology for a proposed language to communicate thought. This lead to discussion, he thought, of some kind of experiment to pass ideas to others without speaking. When he got to the end of the notebook, he vaguely understood the symbols outlined, but concluded the book was nonsense. He was still inclined to keep it, but couldn't say why. "Well, what is that thing?" Betty's voice came from the door to the kitchen. "I think some kid was trying to write some kind of prank foe science class; you want to look?" "Sure." She crossed the room to stand beside his chair. The fluid shift of her hips was almost unvearably sensual. Bob still couldn't understand how she could be so lithe and sexy, yet have no inclination to arousal. She took the book and opened it to the first page. After squinting and staring, her tongue 5 lightly caressing her lips as she obviously struggled to make out the characters. "What language is this in?" "I couldn't tell you. Never saw it before in my life." "I'd say someone was doodling if it weren't so consistent and smoothly written." "Well, from what I can make outÄÄ" What?" she interrupted, "you can read this gibberish?" "Well, kind of..." "Oh, sure! And I'm a monkey." She was starting to show severe signs of mad. "If you never saw anything like it before, you aren't going to tell me you can read this!" She threw the book at him and stormed from the room. Seductively waving, Bob6 thought to himself, her little ass all the way. Bob sighed. Then he put the book in a storage box in his basement, along with many other books he figured to have on shelves when they got built. The box itself he stacked with its mates. And by Saturday, if Bob was asked, he wouldn't remember which. The book had found itself a new place to hide. If a book could be believed to have such plans and schemes. * * * * * * A week or so later, Bob thought about the contents of the book as he went to talk to his boss at work about getting off Friday as compensation for extra time he'd worked last month. It never worked to ask, but he kept trying anyway. Bob decided to try the symbols in his mind. As he walked into the office he pushed the idea of the day off towards his 8 boss. "George, I'd like some of my time back from last month. I know I'm salaried, but I keep having to work a lot of extra hours, and it's getting to be too regular." "Bob, you come in it seems, every other month or so with this request." The man at the desk leaned back as if thinking it over. He always did. "Yes, but this is getting to be the norm rather than the exception." Bob had decided to try this approach, but at the same time he reached out with the book's symbols trying to impress the reasonableness of his request. "This time I guess I agree with you," responded George. "Just let Marcy know. I'm not promising this will happen again though." Surprised, but not certain how persuasive the symbol9 from the book had been. Perhaps George simply decided to reward his hard work. Bob stopped to talk to Marcy. Marcy, the group secre- tary, made note of the day as a compensation day. * * * * * * As he walked to the mens room he thought about the results of his experiment. It was awfully convenient, possibly coinciden- tal. He couldn't be sure if something had happened or not. An attractive blond, willowy figured with her hair in a bun, and boobs, as Bob thought of them, too large for her frame and weight, rounded the corner in front of him. Amusing himself, Bob imagined himself reaching out with the symbols of the book to her. Turn around, he thought, and walk to the storage room at the end of the hall, get undressed quickly for me... 21 To his amazement, she smiled coyly, spun on her heel and walked smoothly down the hall to the storage room. One hand was busy with the hooks at her waist while the other reached for the door knob. Then she was inside, and Bob was stunned. He warily stepped down the hall and through the still open door. The light was off, so he flicked the switch as he closed the door behind him. Before him, hands on her naked knees, sitting demurely atop her discarded clothing, she smiled, lightly tilted her head and slowly pushed her chin forward as if posing for a photographer. Bob knew this woman. This was Fran from the purchasing department. He knew she was married, and confirmed this again by looking at her ring finger. Sure enough there were two rings, a wedding ring and an engagement ring. Her hair still in a bun, she looked about 28 or 29 years old. Not certain how to approach this opportunity, he stood taking in the glorious view.3 "Do this often?" He finally asked feeling more than a little awkward and uncertain. "I just thought it would be nice to let you see how nice I look without my clothes," then she frowned, one of those little how-did-that-happen frowns that looks as though it would be nice to have happen again. "I can't imagine why I've never done this for you before. I'd be glad to undress for you any time though." Bob crossed the room and reached for her breast. Shocked and startled she slapped his hand away. She shook an attractive finger at him. "Look, don't touch," she pronounced. "You may see everything you want, but I'm married." She rose slowly her feet and did a small pirouette as he admired her tight bottom and large tits. Her hands caressed the curve of her hips and the underside of the still firm breasts as she turned. 5 Bob felt vaguely guilty at taking advantage of a married woman. But the thought quickly passed. Bob brought the symbols back into his thoughts and pushed thoughts of arousal toward her. He tried to include the idea that she would like him to take care of her aroused state. She moaned softly. This time as she turned her eyelids were gently fluttering to half open and her tongue showed ever so slightly between her lips. "I think, uh, you better help me with this..." she trailed off into another light moan. This time she took his hand and led it directly to the nipple, shuddering at his touch. The heat of the act rose in his groin. Her eyes, a light blue with touches of silver, opened wide, looking deeply into his. A groan of ecstasy crossed her lips. Suddenly her pelvis began to thrust wildly as she went into orgasm. Fran came quickly, before he could do more than touch and pull and pinch her nipple. 7 To Bob's disappointment, she was coming down physically from sex while he was still rising. She folded back into the kneel- ing/sitting position on her clothes, panting with the look of after-sex distraction. Another light shudder from Fran gave Bob another strong pulsation in his groin. But he could clearly see she was spent. He figured he could make her reach that peak again, but thought he'd like better control over the process. He realized he didn't yet understand his ability. He would need to try some other way to use it before he did this again. On the other hand, he thought, Fran will make a great toy while I learn. He smiled. In her recovery, she curled the corners of her mouth up in an almost lecherous grin,.. almost. As one last moan seeped out, her eyes drooped and her chin strained forward again. God!, she really responded like dynamite, thought Bob. "Well," she said, "I'm afraid they'll start missing me soon if I don't get back. We'll have to find a better way to do9 this," she coyly licked her lips looking at him, "I don't know what to tell Joe though, he won't want me to leave him, but that was better than any orgasm I've ever had before." Whoops. "Why do you need to tell Joe?" Her husband, he realized. "Why don't we keep this our secret?" She pouted. "Oh, but I can't let this stop, its better than I've ever known it could be. Besides, I need you so badly, I don't think I can do without you." She plastered her body to his and sank her tongue into his mouth in one pulsating kiss, one hand gently caressing his crotch. This served only to remind him that he hadn't gotten off yet, and was very excited himself. "Do you think you could take care of my..." he began, and realized he had a meeting he'd be late for already. He'd miss it completely if he continued to play. He sighed. Instead he pushed the thoughts at her that this tryst was their secret, only they should know about it, and she would31 forget about any sexual activities with him when he wasn't around. He add the last for fear her husband might worm it out of her anyway... as she turned to leave, he ran his fingers across her breasts, down her side, and carefully rubbed her bottom, sliding his middle finger along the crack between her cheeks. Fran lightly breathed an animalistic groan as she left. Thoroughly frustrated, but intrigued by this power, he slipped into the meeting. For effect he projected to everyone that he'd been there all along. * * * * * * That night he began to dig through boxes in the basement. If he could find the book, maybe, just maybe there was something to explain controlling subjects better. A two-hour search finally brought success. The book was as he remembered it, brown and small. He took it up to his bedroom to examine. The rest of the evening passed in study and re-study. 2 The symbols became easier to translate, and he found himself thinking in terms of the symbols rather than english for the concepts. He realized it didn't matter because he was never going to explain these concepts to anyone. The easier it became to think this way, the more he could feel the symbols in his head. Finally, he looked at the clock and saw it was nearly 1:00. He needed to work Thursday, and he needed sleep. Befor going to sleep he decided this book required a safe hiding place. He didn't want anyone else to see it or get a chance to read it. e only other person who knew about it was Betty. Bob figured she'd shown no interest, and was confused or unable to decipher the symbols. She'd probably already forgotten it. If she ever asked, he could tell her the book was thrown out. It occurred to Bob that if anyone found out what he could do, there would be problems. Notorious secret agencies and4 spies, etc. Suddenly this became very frightening. He had no idea who or what would want to have this knowledge but he could imagine many people that would kill to get it. He went to sleep thinking of this. Not surprisingly, his dreams were filled with hostile agents and 'men from the government, here to help you'. At one point, Betty was sucking his cock and saying between licks, "now remem- ber, I agreed to do this if you just hand over the book." He woke up startled and aroused. It took seconds to see that nobody was in his bedroom with him. He managed a shaky shower, dressed, and carefully embedded the book back into the box in the basement. If it took him two hours to find it there, it would be unlikely anyone else would find it quickly burgling his house. He ate his breakfast with abandon, and rushed off to work. 6 * * * * * * It was Thursday and Bob couldn't keep his mind on work. He thought about the fun he'd had playing in the storage room with Fran the day before. He began to wonder if he could get her there again today. He wandered by Fran's desk, but she wasn't there. Asking after her, he discovered she was out for the morning at a vendor site for contract work. Disappointed, he thought about looking around the building for another prospective subject. After a moment though, he thought better of the idea and returned to work. Fran was someone he'd already touched. It might be a good idea to use only the subject he already had worked on before moving to someone else. He wrapped himself in work and was soon lost in the current project. After rereading a new section he'd written, he looked up and around the office. Something different was going on in his mind today.8 He looked at Randi, the brunette across the aisle. He could see, at least in his mind, the book's symbols moving through her mind. With a little effort he could make out her thoughts, piecemeal, as she worked. A stream of ideas and actions melded together as Randi worked her project. He wondered if he could just block them for a moment. As he thought of this, he tried it. He instinctively knew which symbol to use and where to insert it. He realized after he'd done it that he'd intended to behave himself until Fran was back. Well, after all, my patience is thin today, he thought. Meanwhile, Randi, had sat back and looked stumped. She started to scowl. The same problem kept spinning in the patterns in her mind, and every time the solution she'd been working towards came up, Bob's symbol blocked it out. He grinned to himself, and withdrew the symbol. She immediately smiled to herself and scrambled to commit the solution to paper.40 Bob remembered Randi at a party he'd had for the office. His house was a mess afterwards, and she'd attended with a skinny bookish fellow. She'd kept that guy on a short leash all night. In fact the only time he saw the guy away from her was when he'd gone to the can. Bob looked at Randi closely as though for the first time. Her hair was down to her shoulders with decorative clips one either side above her ears. Today she was wearing a trousers and blouse combination. Faintly, through the blouse, he could see a thin bra, although he couldn't make out her nipples. Her breasts were small, but round enough to give her more than a boyish shape. She had dark eyes with a thin nose nestled between and below. Her lips were moist and smooth with just a touch of teeth or tongue occasionally showing as she appeared to mutter to herself. Bob checked the time. Fran wouldn't be back yet for two more hours. Since he was toying with Randi now, well, what the2 heck. He started to examine her closely to see what the symbols looked like when she thought. He discovered there was more than one stream of thought in process. Apparently, most of the nervous system was passing symbols about. He wondered that so many streams could run at once, but the conscious stream was the strongest, most active. He tried inserting an itch sensation into the stream from her shoulder. Immediately, without dropping any other activity, Randi began to scratch her shoulder. He dropped the sensation and she stopped scratching. Now, that was something! He pushed a tickle and tingle toward her nipples. He was satisfied to see them pop visibly hard under her blouse and bra. She took in a sharp breath but contin- ued to work, resisting the new urge to pay attention to the arousal of her tits. The result seemed to enhance her state so she began to squirm a bit in her seat. A bead of sweat rolled4 down to her eyebrows. Now Bob was excited. He wanted to see if her could give her an orgasm without physical contact. He reached into her body to stimulate the nerves in her crotch. Without dropping the manipu- lation of her tits, he moved from the lips of her pussy to the clit itself, gently increasing the strength without controlling any other body functions. She visibly lost concentration on the project now. Looking around she saw Bob looking at her, and developed a look of panic. Her breath was coming in panting rhythm and her hips had begun a slight sway. She clearly suffered embarrassment at her sudden loss of control. He saw her suppress a moan. He kept moving the sensations and increasing the strength. He eyelids drooped, her tongue moistened her lips and she began to stretch her head and neck from side to side. Randi turned red with obvious embarrassment. Amused, Bob shot her his best quizzical look. Her stifled moans were turning6 into sharp grunts. Her hand moved to her crotch. Seemingly she struggled, twisting in her chair a few moments, hoping to sup- press the unexpected bodily activity. It was hopeless though. She gave in to her body and slipped the hand into her pants. Bob could only see her arm go under the desk, but he knew exactly what she was fingering. Looking around to see if anyone else could see, Randi gave up the idea of keeping Bob from seeing her condition. A moment later her other hand caressed and twisted her nipples, allowing Bob a view of her delicately red painted fingernails. She came with a loud thump, almost convulsively, as she suppressed as much sound as she could, jamming her fist in her mouth, her teeth biting down on the knuckles. The stifling little gasps and sobs that followed were a delight to Bob's ears. As she finished Randi hung her head to her chest, tucked her feet under the chair spreading her knees, both hands embraced the desk about 4 feet apart. She gasped in the air to stabilize her body. Her hair curtained her face.7 Finally, after regaining some composure, she looked up at Bob. He was still watching her with an intensity given of a man who was horny. "I don't know what came over me," again she flushed with embarrassment. "I found it very exciting. Does this happen often?" he asked as innocently as possible. He really didn't want to give himself away. Looking at the clock, he realized that this had only used 15 minutes of the 2 hours before Fran returned. An hour and three quarters remained. Should he take Randi, certainly not here, but should he take her, too? "You certainly got a cheap thrill at my expense, didn't you?" she snapped, anger rising. "Don't blame me, I never touched you or even got close." 9 "Yeah," she eased back. "I guess I lost control. That never happened to me before!" "You have a boyfriend? I mean do you get enough or maybe do you get excited sensually by yourself when you aren't getting any?" "I just broke up with John. And I don't need to, uh, `get any' to be just fine, thank you." That did it. He looked for the stream from her eyes and added a touch of excitement to it whenever she looked his way. Just a touch. "Well, I can't figure it out, but I really liked watching you." Look; I don't need you watching me masturbate at work," then she looked at him again, and this time she half lurched. "On the other hand..." A look of realization crossed her face. The look of seeing something in a whole new light. "Uh, let's not talk about this now, okay?"50 "Okay." he replied. "Instead, let's find a place to fuck." "Whatever do you think I am?" He reached under her conscious controls and planted suggestions to meet him in the storage room in 5 minutes. "... Some kind of whore? Bob, you'd better leave me alone or so help me, you'll never hear the end of this." "Okay, Randi, but don't blame me if you can't control those spontaneous orgasms. You did so well with that last one, I hardly noticed. By the way, I'll try the storage room and wait for you there." Humiliated by her own body, she turned away in anger. He just got up and walked down the hall to the storage room to wait. "You'll wait a long time," she called out to him. Shortly after he'd closed the door, Randi came storming2 in. He tried to look a little surprised, after all she thought he'd been told off. "What are you doing?" she demanded. "What do you mean?" Again he reached under the conscious level and instructed her body to find the clothing very uncom- fortable in his presence. "Whatever makes you think I'd want to screw a twerp like you?" That stung, but he was in control of what her body was doing, she was still only acting out rage at being caught in a public orgasm. She turned towards the door. Instead of exiting though, she took off her shoes and started unbuttoning the pants. Bob reached around her and began to tease the cloth over her nipples. He tweaked the body controls to prevent her from stopping him. Her body went loose from the arousal. 3 "You're making it difficult to undress, jerk. Why am I undressing?" She was startled to find her body ignoring the conscious decisions to avoid this encounter. He withdrew his hands and removed his clothing, then locked the door. It hadn't occurred to him anyone would bother them, but why take chances? "I really don't want to do this, Bob,." Randi protested as she fondled his rigid cock. "You're lying. Now maybe since you used the term, I'll just call you `whore' in private." was clearly stunned at the abusive tone he'd begun to take. But she knelt down and tenderly licked his prick. Rubbing the flat sides of her teeth along the length of it she also began playing with his balls. "You must be some kind of whore, or you wouldn't have5 come straight here to be fucked," Bob declared, pushing the humilia- tion buttons in her head too. She opened her beautiful moist lips and engulfed the head of his penis. Although not 'hung' as porn stars, Bob had a good sized cock, nearly seven inches long and thicker than most. She struggled trying to get it all the way back to her throat. He could feel her tongue wrapping lightly around the glans as she closed her eyes and tried to vacuum an eruption from him. Bob could feel motion build inside himself as he pressed her head against his cock. Her lips and teeth continued to reach for the root of the organ, and he could see that she was starting to become aroused again herself. He pulled out of her mouth. "Stand up; lean against the shelves over there." He pointed out a low shelf that would support her in a bent-in-the-middle position. 7 "No fucking way, you animal, I don't want to do this with you." "I'm not keeping you here," he lied. "By all means, leave." She could no more leave than he could fly. She couldn't tell that though. Meekly, she assumed the position he suggested. "Okay, but try not to hurt me." She was resigned to this performance. He had to do something to perk her up, so he planted the same raging heat in her that had made her come at desk. She whimpered when he touched her. He guided his prick into her cunt while she clutched the shelf with her hands. A throaty, "Yes" rewarded his penetration. He began to pump away, slowly at first and then faster. She continued to "yes" and "unh, oh, please" as he thrust again and again. He reached under her as his hips whacked her ass, and found her little tits. A sharp twist of the nipples generated another series of outrageous moaning from his personal whore. She began to come. Her pelvis humped as hard as it could against his manhood. She9 suppressed the scream into an almost barking cough, but he didn't let up. He forced her body right back into aroused state by pushing the correct symbols back in place. Already exhausted, she pumped with the adrenaline of another rising orgasm. Up from his scrotum built a liquid fire sensation that he'd never felt before. He didn't stop pumping the liquid fire into her for what seemed like forever. He finally pulled out washed with pleasure and joy. That was his first fuck in almost a year. "Happy you scum?" She was flushed with that freshly fucked look, but still was hostile consciously about what was happening. He found that exciting too. "Lick me clean, whore." She shook her head, but to her own amazement was soon carefully washing his cock and balls of her juices and his come, with her tongue. "I don't know why I did this with you," she worked in 60 between licks, "But you better not tell anyone or so help me..." "Come to my house after work tomorrow." He answered. He simply added this as an unconscious command rather than justify himself verbally. This could be real fun. I gotta do Fran today too, he thought. "No fuckin' way, bastard," she continued to lick. He was up again and pulled her face into his prick. She opened her mouth and took it in again with a little maneuvering. Her tongue felt good working the seam on the bottom, and before he knew it, the come spurted into her mouth, and as he pulled out, all over her face. "Now look what you've done!" she snapped. "Hard to avoid with your pretty little whore's face. Before you leave, hadn't you better get dressed?" She snarled in his general direction as she pulled on her pants. He walked up behind her while she snapped them closed, and took the2 opportunity for another grasp at those lovely little tits. "You also best admit that you are my whore to use, or everyone in the office will hear, and maybe several others will take turns too." She blanched. "IÄ uh, I..." She realized she couldn't let anyone know she'd done this. She might lose her job. How could she have allow Bob the liberties he'd just taken with her? "Come on, slut, you can say it. Tell me you're my property and you really want to be my whore." "Fuck you!" She was still confused by her body's responses. Tut-tut. You could be in the sack with someone really repulsive if you keep that up." "I'm your fuckin' whore, goddamnit" "Not good enough, bitch." He waited, brutally twisting3 her nipples now to stress the point. He could see the shot of pain/pleasure rise through her chest to her throat. To her astonishment the humiliation was beginning to excite her too. She couldn't tell this had been Bob's doing also. "I'm your whore, your personal slut." she finally got out in a demure, half seductive, half aroused voice. Fine, I'll expect you at seven tomorrow. Come dressed nicely." She slipped away finally and Bob pulled his own clothes on. He relished the thought of having Randi and Fran at his beck and call. * * * * * * He stopped by Purchasing that afternoon. Randi had been avoiding his eyes since this morning, but he knew she'd show up Friday night. It was time to get Fran in line as well. This time the blond was sitting at her desk. Her lovely6 lips moved as she spoke into the phone. He could make out her nipples through the blouse and bra she wore. He slipped up behind her and leaned across her shoulders. Her cleavage was unstable as she moved her shoulders back so he'd get a better view. She smiled up at him and licked her lips as she spoke to someone apparently chasing a Purchase Order. He could easily make out his control symbols imposed on her personality. Yesterday, he'd been pretty clumsy with the process, but today he could see more subtle paths to manipulate the responses. He spent a few minutes adjusting her view of him as her secret lover, and her assumptions about what he was entitled to do. Of course, he left the control that she'd forget about all this when not with him. looked around. Her low cubical walls wouldn't hide much, but no one was around. He slid his hand inside and down the back of her skirt, slipping a finger into the crack of her ass. She frantically looked around to reassure herself no one was watch- ing, but kept talking on the phone. 7 After fingering Fran for a moment, with the delight catches in her breath while she spoke on the phone, Bob decided they should retire to a more private location. He scribbled a note, 'when you get free, call me'. Before he left he gently palmed both of her breasts and tweaked the nipples, this elicited a moan she had to cover the phone to conceal. She looked at the note and nodded. He wanted to take her right there while she was on the phone. Those big tits were damned tempting, and the idea of putting her through the paces while talking on the phone really turned him on. He would wait though until she called. He went back to his desk. Shortly the phone rang. Fran for certain. "Hi." It was Betty. "Will you get some glue for that project I'm working on?" 8 "Right. Uh, Betty, could you come by on Saturday instead of tomorrow night?" He had completely forgotten their date. "Some- thing came up." "Well, if you say so, what's doing?" "Uh, I gotta see Ben," yeah that's it, "He's going to help me rebuild the speakers for my stereo." "Oh." the pause wasn't too long, "Okay, be there in the morning then. Ta!" Click! Before he could pin down when she'd come by, she'd discon- nected. Shit. He wasn't sure he wanted to adjust her to conceal knowledge of his new pets. He was beginning to suspect the adjustments should be much more subtle than he'd managed so far... then the phone range again.70 Hello?" "Bob, this is Fran." She didn't sound too busy to provide the service he needed now. "Why am I supposed to call you?" Oops, he thought. "We're supposed to meet this afternoon." He waited with concern. "Why? I don't handle purchases for your group any more. And there's nothing on this note to indicate we were to meet." Bob suppressed a rising panic. The symbols had failed to hold. Wait! the instructions she was given were valid when they were together! She just didn't see them being together right now, so of course she was forgetting everything. He tried to reach out over to her through the phone. All he could sense was a wisp of the symbols, and even that wasn't over the phone, it1 was through the building... What to do? Tell you what, I'll come to your desk and explain it to you." "That'll do. Bring the paperwork for whatever this is about, and we'll figure out who should be taking care of you." Click! He'd show her who should take care of him! "Hey, Randi," he called across to the brunette. She looked up, somewhat apprehensive, remembering her unwilling pleasure that morning. "Look after my phone for a while, I'm going to see someone in purchasing." She nodded. For the fun of it, he inserted a suggestion in her to slip off to the women's room to masturbate again, thinking of course, of him. He stopped at her desk a moment, long enough to see her eyes droop lustfully and her nipples harden. She looked up at him. 3 "Oh no!" He heard both panic and lust in her voice, "Bob, it's happening again." A moan followed the whispered declaration. "Maybe you better go to the can for some privacy this time, whore." She scrambled to her feet and started down the corridor. He could see her buns squeezing together in spasms of anticipation. When he got to Fran's desk, she had on a pair of glasses and was gripping a pencil between her luscious lips as she typed at her terminal. Seeing him, her eyes widened, the pencil dropped, and she reached up to take off the glasses. "Leave them on," he told her, "they look sexy. Now, why don't you get us a nice private conference room for the next hour?" She smiled, nodded and started calling the secretary who booked the conference rooms.5 Bob concentrated on another problem. He needed to implant some code that he could use on the phone to get her attention. He did so, using a phrase that would seem to make sense to anyone who overheard "Purchase Order 002x." The words fit her job well enough, but bore no resemblance to a real PO number. He saw several other people working in her area now, so he would have to wait until they reached the conference room to play. Bob clasped his hands behind his back and waited patiently. Soon Fran's phone calls came up with a private site. "Mister Gunderson is out of town today. His secretary took the day off and his office is listed as available to the end of the day. I took the liberty of reserving it for the rest of the day..." She looked to him for approval. "I'll meet you there in 5 minutes." as he walked away, she cleaned up the task she'd been working on before he'd gotten6 to her. The walk to Gunderson's office took him past the women's room. He paused and listened. He could hear Randi making herself come again. She was talking to herself: "Fuck that bastard, how dare he use me like that? Unh! Unh! Unh! Who doesÄÄunh!ÄÄhe think he is? Oh, God, he was good! Ah...." Bob pulled open the door: "Only a whore makes so much noise, right Randi?" "Unh!" echoed her response. He walked on. When he got to Gunderson's office one of the other secretar- ies unlocked the door for him. She was familiar, but he'd no idea who she was. Nice legs, he thought, I like the twinkle in her eyes. Behave, he told himself, Fran will be here soon.8 As if to make the point, he saw her down the hall now. She'd left her glasses on, nice touch. Her legs were visible from the knees down. Today she had on a short skirt, a fairly flimsy white blouse, and the nicest red high heel shoes. He reflected a moment on how nice Fran's legs looked while she wore high heels. Come to think of it, she had some really attractive ankles too. Good choice of toy, even if he'd selected her as much by accident as anything else. She stepped into the office ahead of him, snarling a little. "Yes, this should do." With a wave of her hand she dismissed the secretary, who wandered down to the desk at the end of the hall as he watched. "You can't have both of us you know," he heard her say. If only she knew. Of course he could. But going to wai until he had this power under complete control before he added anyone else to his toy chest. 80 He stepped in and closed the door. "Darling, I could hardly wait to see you again." Sh stepped forward assuming perfectly her role as secret lover. "Do you still like what you see?" Her face smoothly adopted an approval- begging pout, and she licked her lips in anticipation. She brushed back a wisp of silky blond hair and sulkily drew her fingers down her neck, along her collar bone to the valley between her breasts. Then she traced a path with her palm over the right tit, finishing by drawing her hand down the sleek side of her body to her hip. She stood in the middle of a large office with drawn blinds, a big clean oak desk, and to one side was a couch suitable to the exercise they would soon perform. The lush carpeting made the room very still. He appreciated that immediately. He walked around her slowly, admiring her large bust, and tight tush. She stood posed for him, arms at her side palms1 out, elbows in. Her long slender legs were only slightly parted, with her left knee bent as though she was waiting for a photographer. "Remain standing like that." He was inspired by the goddess vision before him. Her tits thrust forward so the little points and surrounding circles stood out through blouse and bra. With a single finger he reached to the left breast and flicked the proffered tip. Her nipple rose further against the restraining cloth. She licked her lips again as her eyes faded to passion. Whispering, she uttered, "God, I love your touch." "Move an inch and I'll have to punish you." Stepping behind her, he hiked her dress to her waist. He could see the cheeks of her ass twitching from the hairsbreadth contact he'd made. Her breath caught as he traced circles lazily on her right cheek over her panties. 3 "I don't like you wearing underwear when we meet." She flushed red for a moment. "Yes, lover. I'll remember to take them off before we meet next time." He smiled at her response. "And perhaps you should refer to me as Master, rather than Lover." "But Bob..." He waved her to silence. "No buts! What I say goes. Do we understand each other?" "Yes, master." She smiled, but kept the stance he had commanded earlier. Pulling the elastic of her panties and stockings back, he slid his right hand down along the crack between her ass s. Standing at her left shoulder he could see her chin quiver with excitement at his touch.4 "What do we have here, toy?" She shuddered at this descrip- tion of her station. "My ass.... master." Her head started to droop to her chest, but she remembered before he said anything. Her head snapped back up, but her eyes remained faded away as he touched her. He began to work his middle finger into her asshole. She squeaked. "Master, no I, uh, I don't like being touched there." She remained true to her instructions, but a strong apprehensive look came over her face. Bob reached out with the symbols to the stream from her ass. He could see it in his mind, she was only receiving pain messages from the pucker his finger had invaded. He adjusted the stream a bit so the pleasant sensations, which were there but blocked, became far stronger. The pain sensations ebbed completely on their own. For a moment, Bob allowed himself to be pleased with what he'd learned. 6 "Unh, oh!" Fran muttered and began to thrust her anus onto his finger. "God! give me more, I beg you, master, fuck me. I need to come...." Still poised as though for a picture, Fran looked delectable this way. All Bob had was two knuckles up her ass, yet she was visibly shaking, having a hell of a time keeping her breasts jutting out and hands open and out at her side. He could see her legs trying to raise and drop her bottom onto his teasing finger, as she also tried to squeeze her thighs together to get relief for her crotch as well. He rather enjoyed the way her tongue kept trying to hang from the corners of her mouth, and the bobbing motion her head had begun to make. He withdrew his finger. "Oh, please master, I want to come." She panted. "Well, I think you can wait." He sat down on the edge of the couch, and listened to her ravaged breathing as she stood8 before him, still as he commanded. "Undress for me, slowly." She moved gracefully to face him and began by unbuttoning her skirt. After this dropped to the floor, she undid the buttons on her blouse, one by one, watching him the entire time. Standing before him in bra, panties, stockings and high heeled shoes, she lifted one leg at a time to remove the shoes. Turning away, and looking at him over her shoulder, she slipped the straps from her shoulders, then undid the clasp, dropping it well to one side before turning. She showed him the huge, fleshy breasts, holding one in each hand, pinching her own nipples between thumbs and forefingers. Awkwardly, she stepped out of the panties and stockings last. "Now come over here, undo my pants and blow me." She knelt down between his legs and with both hands, with worshipful tenderness unzipped his pants, pulling out his dick. As she held his cock in her hand it became harder than it already had been. Now Bob leaned back as she wrapped her lips briefly around the tip and licked the underside of the head.90 "Oh, yeah baby. That's what I need, some tender affection to my prick. Ah." Her mouth began to engulf more of the object of her new desire each time she leaned forward until he had struck the rear teeth. "Open wider bitch, get it all down!" he command- ed. Her fingers worked the base of his prick, and aroused his balls. She drove the cock into her throat. Wide as his prick was, this was far less than an easy task. He saw her determined look as her tongue finally started to wash his flopping balls and upper lip reached the root of his cock. She began to pump up and down, three, four time, pause, pump again. Unh! Unh! Unh!" he muttered with each stroke. As his come started to rise in his balls he stopped her. "Up." he commanded. Staggering to his feet he arranged her on the floor, shapely legs parted for entry, and had her grasp her knees. He2 entered Fran for the first time to the sound of her groaning pleasure. "Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!" she moaned, guttural grunts as he thrust his meat as deep as he could manage. She was tight enough for him to feel a grip to her. But her cunt was also soaking wet by now. Her pelvis was pulsing with his motions now as much as she could manage without losing him. She clearly wanted to scream as she clamped her teeth down on her hand. Bob could feel Fran's orgasm come in a shuddering quake that started at her crotch and expanded to encompass her entire body. Once she'd come though, she kept moving, building another from the ashes of the last... His orgasm started to build too, and as she approached her second, his cock loosed a torrent of come into her dripping hot cunt. He smothered her lips with his, forcing his tongue past hers to explore those pearly teeth she'd been licking to entice him earlier. 4 She came again squealing into his mouth as he finished, pounding against the floor so hard, Bob was certain someone would hear and investigate. But he was to far gone to care about interruptions now. He rolled off and looked at this woman, glowing with joy and sexual pleasure. She struggled, staggering a bit, to her knees and began to suck him again, cleaning the fluids off as she went. To his surprise, this made his cock rise from retirement. He enjoyed the sensations her tongue, lips and teeth gave him until he was stiff as when he first entered her. "Now, you will remain kneeling but lower your shoulders to the floor." He moved to his knees and worked around behind her. Juices from her cunt had dribbled down to her ass pucker, she wouldn't need much more moisture, especially since she'd lubri- cated his cock with her mouth. He spread her cheeks and began rubbing her anus with his cock's tip. This aroused her, just as his finger had earlier. Now that he'd adjusted her response, Bob grinned to himself. As he pressed the head of his penis into her ass, she6 moaned into the rug. It took work to move in, even with her help, but inch by inch he slid into her ass. "No, ah, no. Yes," she groaned. "My God, I can't believe I'm getting it up up up... my goddamn ass!" He finally drove the last inch home, she lifted her head in surprise and pleasure. He started the first pull back and sh started to cry out "More, please fuck my ass, God yes, God yes, God yes!" and he built up the speed, little at a time. She moved her hand to her clit and rubbed her pussy lips as well. Leaning against her right ear, she used her other hand to pull and pinch her nipple on the left side. She shuddered with orgasm, and stifled the scream for another. Bob could tell another was coming soon. Bob had built up to his own release by now. The heat in his loins was strong and rising. The pressure was pushing, and the tightness of her butt was pure heaven. Coming in her ass with a stream, he grunted his own pleasure in thumping motions.8 Pulling out was a sensation in pleasure too, his cock felt like it was being milked for any extra drops left in the tip. He drew aside on the couch, still panting, and admired the cum dripping down Fran's legs. Fran cleaned herself and sank into the couch beside Bob. She snuggled in like an adolescent lover, and radiated an after sex joy he hadn't seen a woman display for quite some time. Bob just relaxed and enjoyed her proximity, playing from time to time with her nipples. Checking his watch, Bob realized the work day was at an end and someone might interrupt at any time. Instructing Fran to dress, he considered his plans for the weekend. "Fran, listen carefully." "Yes, master!" 9 "Tomorrow evening, you will find an excuse to leave home. I want you at my house promptly at 6:30. Got that?" "Yes, master." She pouted for a moment, then grinned. "My girlfriends are having a party. Guess I'll be gone most of the night." "Very good. Do you have any good sluttish clothing?" "I don't know what you mean. I don't wear such things." Of course she wouldn't, he thought. "Do you own any slinky seductress outfits? Perhaps a french maid outfit?" "Oh, yes, master!" She positively beamed, her pink tongue slightly touching her lips in anticipation. "Bring them with you tomorrow. Tidy this place up before you leave, and remember we had a very productive meeting if anyone should ask..." Silently, he reinforced his instructions100% under- neath her conscious mind and slipped out of the office. He was delighted with the results of his new powers so far, now if only it works as well on Betty. Friday night would be delightful, possibly exhausting as well.  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. 379. college co-ed bondage, f/f - lisaa1.txt [1/1] 380. college co-ed bondage, f/f ---Want the other 381. college co-ed bondage, f/f ---Want the other parts posted?/ 382. erotics www site list/ 383. gif trading on aol/ 384. http://zanesex.com/zane=Great XXX CD Site 385. i want to please everyone sexually!!!!!! 386. looking for female/ 387. please post friends,Er,or super-hero stories 388. post "Crossings"/ 389. post Jasmine Stories (READ FIRST) 390. post Jasmine: A Cold and Lonely Night in Arabia 391. post Jasmine: Wedding Night 392. post of joan's new life?! 393. post/Search for Dominated Teenagers 394. post:Shapers p3 395. q --> 396. q _The Book_ Chapter 1 (of 11). MC novel regarding discovery of ol..  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 22/24 Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. --> 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24 --> -->Receiving Directory... Connecting...Retrieving Directory.../| Niagara Peninsula Free-Net q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11) --> 1. daveh@erinet.com 2. Adam Smith  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 1/1 Receiving Information...u Receiving file...\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/daveh@erinet.com(44k) lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [PageDown: ] [Help: ?] [Return to Menu: u] Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!satisfied.apocalypse.org!wizard.pn.co m!news1.channel1.com!news.sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11) Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:15:06 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1076 Message-ID: <462up4$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 Chapter 2: A Weekend by the Book, section (a) Those wonderful, slightly chill mornings with the birds chirping noisily outside his bedroom window always made Bob want to stay in bed. The silky touch of his comforter against his naked legs was a sensual pleasure he enjoyed almost as much as sex itself. He hadn't opened his eyes yet, and wasn't sure he1% 4 wanted to. Bob lingered over the fading dream of a soft, cushioned heaven with a soft, supple woman he'd never seen before. Literal- ly an angel, wings although no halo, she'd taken him to the peaks of ecstasy in his dream. He could remember a ledge, and clouds, but very little else. The haze of passing dream memory made her even more attractive as his wakening mind tried to recreate the lushness of their acts together. He finally rose from bed, and happily relished the fact of today as a holiday. Looking at the clock, he could tell he'd slept a sinful extra half hour to almost 8:00 AM. He leaned against the wall in the shower. The water flowed in little waterfalls over his shoulders, arms, and chest. This sensation also gave a smooth relief of pleasure, while he re- flected back on the preceding day's activities. He wanted to believe it wasn't all a dream, along with the angelic visitor of his sleep. He knew it wasn't because despite the free fall way5 his life had become, he could see the symbols. The Book's sym- bols. He saw the passage of the symbols along his own legs and arms, even the tiny streams along the surface of his skin. They paralleled the streams of water, glistening in the morning light. He finished the shower knowing today would be another shining wonder in his life. Bob dressed in his jeans and a tee-shirt, ate breakfast, and cleaned the mess from breakfast. It was about 9:00 and he needed to run some errands at the stores and the mall. * * * * * * did some grocery shopping first. The supplies were to last him the next week, but Bob wanted to be prepared for the possible activities, so he stocked up more heavily than usual. After he paid, it occurred to him, payment was totally unneces- sary. He was glad he'd paid anyway. 7 After unloading the groceries at home, he grabbed his speakers, shoved them in the car and drove to his friend Ben's stereo repair shop. They'd been performing poorly for a month or so. He hadn't meant to get them fixed today, but his lie to Betty had to be made good. He went in the store from the back door. Ben owned the shop, although he was the service expert as well. None of his employees could hold a candle to his talents with electronics. Ben was proud of his high school buddy. "Ben," Bob's friend was about 6 feet tall, 4 inches shorter than Bob, with a dark complexion and a pudgy tummy. "how long to fix these?" "Bob! Let's see," He picked up one of the boxes, "It'll take a while to get you an estimate, you know that?" "Yeah, well, I've got a woman coming over tonight," he looked around quickly and gave Ben one of those 'manly' knowing9 looks, "it's not Betty and I don't want her to know. I told her you were going to help me with these..." "Jesus, Bob!" Shaking his head, Ben opened the backs of the speakers to examine them. "You know I'll help if I can, but man, I can't tell what's wrong without checking these first." "I know, I know. Just tell me what you can do." "So your working on two babes at once, eh?" Well, let's just say I've lucked into some nice ass while Betty is stringing me along..." "You know, if you're horny, we can work something out with Janet." Janet was Ben's wife. Ben and Janet had an open arrangement, partly because Ben got off on seeing his wife with another man. Bob hadn't liked the idea before, especially since11% Janet really didn't like Bob much. He wasn't sure why, he figured it had something to do with Bob dragging Ben off to poker games occa- sionally. "I know she doesn't like you much, but if I talk to her, she'll do just about anything." "Actually Ben, I think I could talk her into spreading for me without your help. I'm just not so sure its a real good idea." Ben snorted out a laugh. He'd gotten both speakers open by now, and had to step back while laughing so as to avoid damage. "Forgive me Bob," he wiped his eyes and suppressed, badly, the huge grin creeping across his face. "Janet would do it if I asked, not for any other reason. I've had to put up with her bitching about you." "Oh?" Ben was curious, "What IS her complaint with me anyway?"2 "She thinks you are not good enough to be my friend. She keeps telling me you haven't got enough class, you abuse our friendship, you spend too much time drinking and crap like that." Well, at least the drinking wasn't true. "So? why'd she marry you then? you and I move in the same circles, so to speak." "I dunno. She fell head over heels in love or lust or somethin'." "I'll tell you what Ben. I'll bet you double or nothing the cost of the repair, I go to your house and fuck her silly while you wait here." "You think so!? I'll bite, what's the gimmick? You get some film of her doing something you can blackmail her with? Fat chance!" 4 "Nothing like it. I'll even get her to call you to talk while I'm making her, how's that?" "Oh, man, I'd love that. I'd fix your speakers for nothing, just for the opportunity to watch or listen to her being humped, and you know it. It ain't gonna happen though." "Okay, you got it! I'm on my way." You sure you don't want me to call her first? She really doesn't like you much. I wasn't kidding." don't care if she throws darts at my photo in your wedding pics. She'll beg for a repeat performance when you get home." "Shit." was the last word from Ben before Bob left. Bob glowed inside with the knowledge he couldn't lose this bet, and Ben wouldn't be hurt by his project. Every5 encounter gave him extra valuable knowledge, and this would be no differ- ent. * * * * * * Bob got to Ben's house at 10:20 AM. The house was an old two story, fairly attractive in light blue. Bob smiled at the sight of the white picket fence around the yard. The house was on a corner and he'd never quite got into the habit of walking all the way around the corner to the front gate. He usually parked around the side by the back of the house. Once again, he jumped the fence. Musing, he figured this was easily another influence effecting why Janet didn't like him as any. He walked through the back porch door, and rang the bell next to the kitchen door. Reaching out, he could feel the symbols down the basement. She was coming up the stairs, he judged, and had seen him jump the fence through the basement7 window. He could feel her ankles rise and drop climbing each step. She radiated symbols strongly shouting 'disapproval'. The door opened, and there, in a glorious ray of sunlight, stood Janet. She was about 5 foot 8 inches. Her slightly auburn hair was nicely set off by her freckles. She ha a hostile frown on her plush lips, and the wrinkles around her eyes showed more concern than he'd remembered being there. Dressed in a sweat suit for house work, he could only see some of her curves he had admired in the past. He knew her chest was larger than her frame would suggest, and her slender legs rivaled those of the best dancers. He was somewhat curious as to the color of pubic hair in the past, and figured he'd find out today for certain. The moment taken up by reflection passed. She began an irritated pout, and brushed back her hair. "So Bob!" she spurted out. "To what do I owe this visit? I know you're aware that Ben is at work."9 He stepped past her, and he spoke, "I know, just came from his shop. I never did find out why you let him work there, since you guys have all that money from your father." She followed him to the living room, where as Bob recalled, there was a perfectly comfortable lounge chair with a phone on the table next to it. Excellent, he thought. "He needs to work, to keep his hands busy, you know that." snarling. "Yep," he grinned lecherously, "keeps his hands off you, I'm sure." "What's that supposed to mean?" "I made a bet with Ben, that I'd seduce you today." She stared dumbstruck at him for a minute, then laughed hysterically. Bob just waited, knowing with his new talent,21 nothing she did would stop him from taking her. She finally collapsed in the chair, and calmed herself a bit. "You know, even if you had any chance before," she still giggled between words, "you couldn't do it now that you've warned me. You might as well leave now." "I don't think there'll be a problem. Before you know it, you'll want me in you so bad you won't care about the bet at all." "You're pretty sure of yourself for someone so full of shit." She crossed her arms over her chest, allowing him some view of the curves concealed by the sweat shirt. "You are begin- ning to get me pissed, and believe me, that ain't gonna help a sorry little sot like you get anywhere." She grinned in a sadis- tic manner, "besides I've screwed just about everyone else Ben knowsÄÄat his request, I might addÄÄand he has never asked me to do anything with you. If he does, it will be the first and only time I refuse. It might be the grounds for our divorce, happy3 though he makes me otherwise." It was clear she thought she'd stung him. Bob finally started exerting some changes in the thought streams her body was using. As he laughed back, he insinuated the tendrils of pleasure up through her thighs and along the back of her neck. "I think you will shortly find your opinion unreliable, even for your own judgment of your own actions..." He reached directly to the nerve streams her groin used and slid the symbols in that caused sexual heat to rise from within. "Shall we get started or would you like to deny your own body's lust a while longer?" She twisted head to the side a bit, gritting her teeth. "How do you expect me to be aroused by such a lousy approach?" "Actually, I've suspected for some time that you want me. You always react with hostility, but I suspect you want to5 cajole me into sexual action. Ben may have his desires; this struck me as one of yours." Of course, he knew she was being aroused by his mental manipulation of her nervous system, but he wanted her consciousness to believe she'd simply suppressed her desires. "You're nuts." By this time he'd sent a few tingles through her cunt and clit, she was twisting in the chair, trying not to show her arousal. "You're imagining things." Bob began to undress. His penis was nestled, retracted, in amongst his balls. As the hanging silence became more pronounced, he knelt before her, and pulled her running shoes off. By now, her head was lolling back and a few drops of sweat were rolling off her forehead. He could make out the pale bottom of her chin as he rolled her sweat pants down her legs. "Oh dear." She loosed the groan with reluctant acknowledgment of her heightened state of arousal. Her panties, pale pink and frilly, wet and smelling uniquely of woman, came off through his administration next. 7 "I can't ÄahÄ be so ÄeeaaÄ so hot just ÄgggnnnÄ hot from arg... arguing with you.... Oh God, yes." He was gently tickling the lips of her pussy with his fingers. He had a fine view now of her luscious slender legs, which were stretching out to point the toes in pulsing motions. "Oh God, oh more." He lifted the sweat shirt up over her breasts. Delightfully, her melon-sized boobs were unencumbered by a bra. Lovely freck- les, so attractive on her countenance, graced the pale skin of her tits. He could almost see little circles form by the little dots as the two orbs bounced and wobbled from the motions Janet was now making. "Lift your arms." She did as instructed and he pulled off the top over her head. Her hair, fell through the neck of the sweat shirt, almost in slow motion, gliding across her smooth, naked shoulders. He felt his own arousal as his prick began to stiffen. 9 "Oh Bob!" She had now yielded to his physical advances. He stroked the nipples of one tit, watching it grow to attention as he sucked the other nipple into his mouth, teasing it inside with his tongue. "Oh yes, Bob, suck me, suck suck suck..." Long fingers stroked his hair, smoothing the errant strays while pulling, and sinking his head into the breast he was attacking. He blocked the orgasm he saw developing in her, coming mostly from the stimulation of her breasts. He had a call to make first. "Mmnnph!" He pulled back against the pressure of both of her arms now. God! she's strong, he thought. "Pick up the phone, call Ben." "Unh, don't stop. Don't, don't...." she muttered, apparently at the brink but unable to breach the barrier. "Why call Ben? Just fuck me, oh God, please fuck me..." "Don't you think he'd like to hear you coming?" He31 clamped his finger and thumb tightly on her nipple, twisting sharply. He could see she was expecting that to send her over, but instead it just sent her pelvis into deeper thrusts, seeking cock that hadn't been inserted yet. Her fulfillment would wait a touch longer. She fumbled, and between grunts and moans, managed to dial the number. She strained her eyes open and closed as the other end rang. And when the voice answering was not Ben, she struggled to suppress the sounds her throat was forcing past her tongue. "Hi, this is Janet. May I speak with my husband?" She barely managed to contain her voice as Bob pulled her legs up over the arms of the chair and began to slide his hand over her ass. She shouldn't bother hiding her activities, he thought. Everyone who works with Ben knows how you two operate. "Unh! Please. Unh! Oh please!" Hello, Ben?" the voice seemed to confirm it, "Bob is2 here, and he tells me Äunh!Ä you guys made a bet of Äah!Ä some kind... Uh-uh-uh-uh." Bob had two fingers in her cunt and was starting to thrust. "Here," she panted as she held out the phone, "he wants to talk to you." "Bob? Bob? Bob?" "Yep." Bob had to exert a measure of self control to keep from breathing heavily into the phone. "She's hot to trot, ready for fucking. How would you like me to take her?" "I don't believeÄ Never mind! I don't care, I just want to hear her while she's coming!" "Okay, you listen, she'll hold the phone to her throat..." He handed the phone back to Janet. Obedient to the 4 instruc- tions, she pinned the phone where the receiver would pick up every throaty sound she loosed. "Okay, Janet, since Ben has no preference, and you're so convinced I can't get in your pants, how do you want it?" "Oh Bob, I Äunh!Ä I'm sorry. Ah! Fuck me, Bob, fuck me! Please fuck me! God!! fuck fuck fuck, please." He worked himself up into position to enter, and in a single lunge, thrust the length of his cock deep inside her. He willed himself to come quickly, a fountain of semen flooding freely through his prick. He kept pounding to her thumping grunts and slowly released the block on her orgasm, causing her building heat to rise higher still. Yes! Yes-yes-yes-yes! Oh fuck, shit, fuck, Oh God!" she screamed, completely without restraint as the sensation drew her on. In one final screaming pitch, she pounded up and down so hard, he thought the chair was creaking louder than it should.6 She released completely with an ear piercing primal scream. She lay panting frantically on the chair as he stood up. She was clearly used up, needing to recover before she could even speak. The sweat dripped into a puddle on the chairs arms, head rest, back and elsewhere, competing with the puddle of sexual juices by her ass. "Hello? Hello?" squawked from the phone. Bob picked it up. Janet was in no condition to do so. "Ben, you still there." "Goddamn, I wet my pants." came Ben's voice calmly as though he'd dropped a screw driver Well, you lose the bet lad." "I guess so. Who'd of guessed?" 7 "Talk to you later." "Later." and the phone clicked as Ben hung up. Janet just sat there, eyes closed, panting, helpless before him. Bob enjoyed this view and toyed with her hair while he stood beside her. We'll do this again won't we Janet?" She opened her eyes and looked at him with astonishment. Gulping, she straightened up a bit. "I h-h-hope so. I'd never would've thought you'd be the best sex I'd ever had. I want more, but I'm burnt out." "There'll be another time." He began to dress. "I'm sorry about the things I said... stay, we can screw again in a little while."9 Its okay, like I said, I think you were using it to build sexual tension or some such shit." "Yeah, well, that was the best fuck I can remember." Still naked she walked to the kitchen with him. "I want to repeat the experience often. Ben won't mind, honest." "I know, gotta go now." With this Bob turned and embraced her in his arms. He kissed her passionately, as she returned the kiss with her tongue caressing his lips. Bob was pleased, he'd only controlled some of her physical reactions. Not at all like Fran, whose mind was completely adjusted to meet his demands. Nor like Randi, who he'd taken over control her body with some reaction control. Now with a little work he could manipulate women without bending them into entirely new personalities. Somewhat satisfied that nothing could go wrong now, that his talent was beginning to grow. He drove over to the Mall,41 there were a few more things he'd need before tonight! * * * * * * The mall was full of mothers with children, college students who didn't have classes or were cutting, and the odd couple here and there with a day off. Bob was concentrating on getting to the book store, when something jolted his reverie... There was a very attractive young girl, although as he looked she appeared to be older, sitting in front of a shoe store. She had long black hair, a clear complexion, and was thin but not bony. What snapped him loose from daydreaming about screwing Janet was her intensity as she watched women walking by... Bob sat down across from the Shoe store, pretending to check his purchases. He reached out with a tendril of thought to probe her. He was curious. Taking out a pen, he slipped into her subconscious and found her name and address. This information3 written down for later use, he made an effort to monitor her thoughts. For a moment, he could see through her eyes as she appraised the curves of a woman walking by with a stroller. This was new! He could feel her salivating at the idea of sucking milk from the new mother's teat. He could sense the arousal i her loins and found that his manhood was straining in response to her lust. Knowing he couldn't get his chores done, and explore this hot little lesbian tart, he double checked the address he'd written down and pulled his tendril of thought back. He got a second surprise... Someone was frantically trying to hide their mind, and doing a poor job of it. He'd never of noticed, but for his little probe activity. Bob began to seek out the consciousness trying to hide. It was wandering the mall, but he couldn't tell4 where... {who??} came a symbol from this mystery person, {not them?} Bob, stunned that anyone else knew the symbols, much less could manipulate them, paused before responding. {I am learning} he tried to be somewhat evasive. Worried about the reactions of others to his experiments, it didn't seem a good idea to expose himself either. {why do you hide?} {hunters! you can be found, be careful} and the other mind modified it's concealment, vanishing from Bob's inexperienced probing. else slapped out at him with an entirely unsubtle probe at his mind. Pulling back into himself he displayed a set of surface thoughts about shopping. Hunters? what hunters? Telepaths with hostility towards other telepaths?6 It was a shock to learn there were others who knew the symbols. He decided caution was in order. Bob's consciousness slipped down inside himself. He filled out the artificial consciousness he left showing, so telepathic probes wouldn't detect him. This probe was pure energy though, no symbols apparent. Could the phony him pass if whoever looked closely? The probe passed, Bob allowed himself an internal sigh of relief. What he'd done seemed to have worked. He checked the artificial personality he displayed. He was certain it was untouched. He wondered who the phantom he'd communicated with was, but was relieved to avoid the 'hunters'. In an unhurried manner, watching anxiously for the 'hunters', he completed his errands. He still couldn't keep from shaking somewhat. Once he was back on the road, he couldn't resist7 speeding. He had to adjust a cop to ignore him as he drove past. Just another price of the fun he now enjoyed. * * * * * * "Hi, Ben." "Bob!" "Speakers ready yet?" Bob was still shaking. He wasn't used to the idea that other people were looking for him, as a telepath that is. "Hey bud," Ben jibed, "Screwing Janet give you a case of nerves?" "No, just a close call on the highway," Bob lied. You don't have the talent, you shouldn't know about it, he thought. "That was one intense phone call by the way. Ran home9 for an hour and we had a quickie on the kitchen floor." Ben lifted the speakers from behind his work desk. "Funny thing though, Janet seemed let down afterwards..." "Aw, she'll be okay. Twice, so close together, probably just a case of stamina failure." Well, you must have given her some work out, she was still naked in the kitchen. Said she was feeling kind of limp. It was great for me though." "Ha! Thanks for fixing the speakers; Janet was real fun. If you don't mind maybe she and I can...." he let the thought trail off. It wouldn't do to have Ben think he was too far gone to appreciate a good fuck. You bet. I'd like to watch, though. You know what a thrill I get outa seeing her get laid..." Right, sure. When the opportunity arises, I guess." 51 * * * * * * As evening approached, Bob felt much better. He realized the 'hunters', as he thought of them, could never get hold of him if they couldn't spot him. Everything was cool again, he thought. He'd just have to be careful to keep up a good front. He'd have to look at the Book, to see if any other telepaths are mentioned. Specifically he wanted to see if he'd overlooked any reference to hostile groups, or some kind of association of telepaths. He pushed it to the back of his mind for now. He wanted to be ready for his private party. So he went back to clearing away the living room's clutter and straightened up the bedroom. This was going to be an interesting evening. * * * * * * The doorbell rang promptly at 6:30, and Bob rushed to3 open it. There was Fran, and as he'd come to expect, she was striking sexy poses whenever opportune, as if the photographer would snap a picture at any moment. Mostly this showed her bust line and hips to great effect, but the coy come-hither looks she shot off were most effective. She walked in as he directed carrying a large and tattered shopping bag. She stood in the living room for a moment, gather- ing in the view, neither approving nor disapproving. Bob closed the door and walked up behind her. "Oh darling... uh, master, I've looked forward to this all day!" She hadn't of course, but she didn't know that. Bob adjust- ed the instructions he'd given her to allow her to remain in secret lover personality while in his home tonight. He reached around her and cupped the underside of her tits. They were delightfully round and soft. Clearly she'd successfully removed her underthings before coming. He fingered her nipples and licked the back of her neck. 5 She cocked one knee up a bit and began to squeeze her thighs in to stimulate her groin. "oh, master, oh please yes." He stopped after a few moments, to her obvious disappointment. Lifting the back of her skirt, he was pleased to learn that she'd gotten the panties off too. Rubbing her bottom he slowly slipped his middle finger into her asshole. Startled at first, she allowed herself to relax and accept the intrusion. "March as I lead." he began to direct her by his finger to the bedroom. Each step was arousing her more as he finger fucked her anus with every up and down motion. Her face took on a flushed color and little gasps came after the first few steps. "You brought your uniform?" He removed his finger. Disap- pointment rose again within her. She apparently was expecting to be well fucked first thing. She'd have to wait. "Yes master, a beautiful maids outfit. I've worn it once before, but Joe didn't really care for it."7 "Put it on, I'll be in the kitchen." He turned and left her, wanting to be surprised at least a little bit. A few minutes later as she came into the kitchen, he turned and was extremely pleased. She wore a frilly blouse with red cups under the breasts, only barely covering her nipples. Tightly, the white blouse clung to her middle and a black little skirt fluffed up stiffly, lace patterned frills underneath showed her upper thighs adorned with garters. Her legs were decorated with skin colored stockings with the seam in the back straight as an arrow. Her ankles were adorned with a white lace loop and turned, ever so lovely, in the high heels she wore. Similar lace wraps adorned her wrists, displaying her hands and finger nicely. She'd removed her wedding and engagement rings, probably to please her lover. A delightful touch, that added enormously, was the jet black choker around her neck. She pirouetted for his pleasure.9 Good. Now set the dining room table for two. I'm having Randi over for dinner. We'll probably fuck afterwards. You will be serving us." He could sense the anger rising in her. Why should she share him with anyone! Then he could see the resigna- tion, as she decided she'd do anything for her secret lover. Interestingly, she began to twitch with excitement at the humili- ation of having to serve his other lover dinner. She also seem to reflect on how much better a lover she must be, to be able to accept this role from him. "Yes master." she meekly said. Amazing, he thought, I didn't even plant that stream in her to accept... I think. Aroused himself, he had to struggle not to take Fran immediately. She began to work on setting the table, a difficult task in the outfit she now wore. Watching her move in that outfit, he thought, was one hell of a reward in itself. The motions showed61 off her flesh with grace, and her poise was such, Bob could believe she was aroused just from being watched. Fortunately the doorbell rang again. He answered the door to find Randi, as he expected. She was beautiful. She wore a red, ankle length, shoulder- less dress, that accented her smaller breasts and the incredible curve of her hips. Her hair was waved slightly, and the red lipstick was glossy enough to accent the light pucker her lips were displaying. She was wearing black high heels, and an ankle bracelet glinted briefly in the waning sunlight. cloud of confusion and irritation hung over her as he waved her in. "I really didn't want to come, you know. I just had to see if this stupid lack of control is something that happens only around you!" She stomped into the living room on 3-inch heels without the flowing grace the dress suggested. He figur3 he could work on that... "Oh, I love it when you're angry. Do sit down, our servant for the evening will have dinner ready soon, I'm sure..." "Our what!? Oh, your not going to embarrass me in front of a stranger, you know! I can just leave right now!" "Nothing of the sort. You know Fran. Fran! Come in here please." In walked the lovely, willowy blond, displaying herself in her maid's outfit. She capped her entrance with a delicate curtsy, almost sliding her breasts free from her blouse on the bounce. "Yes master?" she put out with the sexiest breathy voice she could manage. "Dinner is on the stove and in the oven. When the timer4 rings, the chicken should be ready. Set out the food, and call us in. Bring us a glass of wine each, please." "Will that be all master?" Yes Fran, that will be all." "That isn't our Fran, from work I mean!?" Randi appeared a little shocked by Fran's appearance. But her eyes had lingered on Fran's legs and ass as she wandered back to the kitchen. "Oh, she likes performing this little role of hers. Don't be alarmed. We will have dinner, chat for a while, and see what happens." Randi opened her lovely lips, but rather than speak, she just licked them. Bob recognized the reaction from the girl in the Mall. He hadn't expected Randi to have that response. Oh ho!, he thought, maybe I know what became of the old boyfriend. 6 Fran brought the wine in, and Randi's eyes didn't stray from her. She finally looked at Bob again after Fran left the room. "If you like, I'll let you eat her for dessert." He tested the waters, deliberately avoiding monitoring her thoughts. Stunned, Randi looked down at her lap. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Her voice was much smaller, and somewhat broken up by the attempt to reply immediately to his insinuation. Her hands were clasped, palms up in her lap, and looked sweaty. He knew he had appraised her reaction correctly. Before the conversation continued however, Fran called that dinner was ready. Sitting down to candle light, being served by the attractive blond, and eating dinner with another woman that would be at his command later, Bob felt a certain contentment. Satisfaction and comfort settled in while he ate the food Fran placed before him. She stroked him with those lovely boobs8 whenever she could work around his side or back. While she did this, he slipped a sugges- tion into her mind that she do same for Randi. Fran, consciously trying to please Bob, now began to perform the same little enticing movements against Randi. Bob watched Randi's eyes pop wide open at one point when Fran dipped her cleavage low so Randi couldn't miss it. Randi's tongue explored her own lips and seemed to have no active control while her eyes followed Fran around the room. At one point, she brushed her own breast as Fran rubbed up against her back. Bob's reactions were astounding, he couldn't keep his prick down when he saw Randi's behavior. Fran did well serving the salad, main course, and the cake he had bought. She made every step to and from the kitchen an exciting luscious erotic treat as well. But after she cleared the dessert dishes, he had her bring out coffee. He was looking forward to being awake for some time yet! Once the coffee was70 out, he looked at a very horny Randi sitting opposite. "Still hungry?" "Well, no, dinner was very good, thank you." She remained pensive, and somewhat ill at ease. Bob was delighted, this was all very exciting, influencing his state of arousal. "Very well, Fran come in here." The blond bounced into the dining room quickly, almost coming out of the weak restraint of her blouse. "Yes master?" Bob got up and moved behind Fran, turning her to fac Randi. Her body moved longingly at his every touch. Looking over Fran's shoulder, he could see Randi lick her lips, and struggle at restraining her own reactions. Fran tensed a little as she realized he might use her there before this other lover, but 2 relaxed again, determined she would show herself the better choice. He reached for the back of her neck, with his palm arched, he lightly felt the smooth skin around to her chin and slipped a finger into her mouth. She took the finger and sucked it with worshipful motions, licking the air behind as he pulled away from time to time. Bob could see her eyes were closed in passion. He glanced at Randi, who by now had her right hand up to her mouth, the knuckles of her forefinger sucked between her lips, the white of her teeth showing against the skin. Her desire to participate was very clear. Come into the living room, both of you." He directed, as soon as he could draw himself under control a bit. "Randi, you take the larger chair, by the bookcase." He slipped his hand under the diminutive skirt Fran was wearing and grabbed a handful of cheek to guide her in front of Randi, back about 3 feet. Randi, lost in her own lust, simply did as commanded. He was delighted that he'd been able to avoid any further probing,4 and adjustment to fulfill his desires so far. He slipped his hand past Fran's anus and pulled back on her crotch while pushing forward on her shoulders with the other hand. "Oomph!" She grabbed the arms of Randi's chair and leaned forward, displaying her bountiful chest to the elegantly dressed woman beneath. "Good. Now Randi, since you've enjoyed watching Fran's tits through dinner, you will arouse them for me." Shamed by her body's hot desire, Randi reached for the precious gifts. She began by unbuttoning the blouse Fran had so tightly wrapped around herself earlier. Fran was helplessly trapped in this position. The strain on her arms caused noticeable discomfort, but as Randi started tracing the shapes of Fran's huge tits by the tiniest finger traces, a sigh of delight escaped from within. 6 While Randi was exploring, Bob dropped his trousers, kicking them and his shoes aside for now. His view was enhanced by the great mirror over the mantle of his fireplace. He also reached out to see through Randi what she saw and felt. As he did this he could feel the growing lust raging in her and saw the tip of her tongue wrap itself around Fran's nipple. Fran let out a solid low moan. Bob stepped up behind her. He lifter her skimpy skirt to expose naked ass and pussy. He slid his cock straight into her cunt, by now soaked with vaginal juices, to the hilt. "Unh! Oh God!" He could feel her teeth clench with sensation of her nipples being aroused from one side as he plunged her depths from behind. Unable to do much more than wobble in place against him, she pressed back whenever she could. The high heels she wore made this task less than simple. Bob blocked her orgasm, as he had earlier with Janet. He let it build. The streams of pleasurable arousal grew, but failed to release. "Unh, unh, unh." She throbbed rhythmically,9 pulsing as he continued to pound her cunt and Randi got more enthusiastic with her tits. Randi bit down hard once, eliciting a great "God, yes!" as Fran lurched with the strokes. Fran's head shook wildly from side to side, tossing droplets of sweat left and right as she strove for the peak. which Bob finally allowed. She went from total animal screech to whimpering little girl slowly through the orgasm. No one could say how long she had been in a state of orgasm, but when she was done, there was just a shell of child, leaning against the chair. Bob carried her to the other chair and sat her down. Still in her maid's uniform, Fran reminded him of a broken doll. Ascertaining that she was still there and breathing, Bob cupped her face in his hands. She smiled, but didn't open her eyes. Bob turned back to Randi. She was virtually drooling, gulping with desire and anticipation. Her hands were rubbing across the fabric of her dress, over her breasts. 80 "I'll do anything you want," she breathed seductively. He knew he had her hooked, more than controlled. "I'll be your whore," she went on, "anytime. Just help me, uh, please, I want to cum like that," she ended in a stammering whisper. He could see her shudder lightly as he approached her. His cock, wet from Fran, was still erect. He stood beside Randi's chair. "Darling Randi, I think you can start by cleaning Fran's juices off my prick." "Yes, er, should I call you master too?" she spoke directly at his prick, now in her hand. "Eventually, maybe. Tonight you're my date; Fran is our entertainment, a toy for us to play with." Randi wrapped her lips about the tip of his cock. "A toy for your pleasure, too. But you will be my Lady, an exceptional consort for this night."3 She was delighting in tasting the juices Fran covered him with. He could feel the passion in her lips and tongue. As she began diving against his groin, the flood of energy built in his balls, surging to rise above the base of his organ. He felt her slide further towards the root of his stiffness. Her teeth digging gently against the body of his cock. Pulling her head harder against him he unleashed a torrent of cum down her throat. Remarkably, she sucked harder to swallow what he'd delivered. When his release ended, he stood back appraising her appearance. She licked her lips clean, clearing every drop of the hard won semen from her chin, she was still unquestionably squelching her own desire to orgasm. She had given over to his control, he would let her come when she was ripe, improving the inevitable orgasm beyond her normal expectations. She was obviously certain of this. Drop and give me fifty, he chuckled to himself. Oh, the enticing thrill of having two such lovely toys, all to himself.4 Well, he couldn't leave her quite like this all night. "Go in the bedroom and take off your underwear. Then we'll make a short trip out. You will enjoy yourself, I'm sure." Reluctantly, knowing she'd now have to wait for her antici- pated release, she stepped down the hall. Bob turned to Fran who had recovered enough to watch the end of Randi's administrations to his prick. "Clean yourself up. I want the kitchen clean by the time we get back and yourself in pristine condition, prepared for our leisure." "Yes master," she managed, still hovering about the plateau she hit when her orgasm ended. He sensed she'd gotten a thrill from the use Randi had made of her, he'd expected no less. He put his pants back on, finishing the knots on his shoes when Randi came back out. Her makeup straightened out, she6 had taken on the appearance of someone set to go to the opera. She had turned her curvaceous assets into a work of art. "Before we leave, darling, go in to Fran and check her cunt. You might feel better for it... If all goes well, I'll let you use her later." She flashed him a wicked lustful glance, and stepped into the kitchen. "Yip! Oh mistress!" He heard while he found his keys and wallet. A muffled chorus of moans and sighs were followed by "Oh, please!" With a satisfied grin, Randi stepped back in. Her lipstick was slightly disrupted, but she seemed gloriously pleased with herself. In the car, she repaired her makeup. * * * * * * 8 They went to a few dance places he'd used to visit, trolling for dates, before he'd met Betty. She danced impeccably. He teased her, making her dance with several other men with verbal instructions to make the tiniest of subliminal invitations. Randi obviously felt humiliated, but found each ac of humiliation to be another inch forward in her arousal. He, for his part, danced with as many other women as he could entice to the dance floor. Some of them never noticed his hands cupping their breasts. Some did, but didn't want him to stop. But after a few hours, Bob took Randi back to his home. She was now so hot, she figured the doorknob looked good. He told her to use Fran to get her relief, when they got inside. As they entered, Fran stepped up with hot cocoa. "I thought you'd like something when you got in, master." Bob took his cup, but Randi set hers aside. In moments90 she had pulled Fran to the floor, plunging her tongue into the other woman's throat. The temporary servant was moaning herself at this assault like advance and began to feel Randi's curves through her dress. Shortly it was Fran who had rolled Randi over and was thrusting her tongue down the brunette's throat. Gasps of pleasure worked free from both women. Bob was very pleased with the turn of events. Randi and Fran allowed him to interrupt. After pointing out the bedroom would be much more comfortable, he watched as they scrambled to the other room together. He slipped the orgasm block into both of them, and went down the basement. Shortly he'd found the book and went into the living room, sitting in the same chair he'd had Randi in earlier. Sipping his drink, he listened to the stream of moans and begging, "fuck me, please, oh, yes!" from the bedroom. His vicarious pleasure was about to begin. He'd planned this since2 he saw the little tart at the mall. He reached out to feel the two women, entering into the streams Randi was putting out. He could feel her lips brush the other woman's nipples. Her heat filled his loins, the pleasure and pain of the tug at her nipples flooded his chest. He could feel the fingers invading her cunt. He sensed the dripping fluids dribbling down her legs. His own pelvis lifted and pulsed in rhythm with hers. Fran became pinned under her, as she thrust her groin into the blond's face. Clearly the blond was easily as far gone by now, as Randi dug her tongue between Fran's cut lips, the fluids flowed into her mouth. He could feel the twist of Fran's fingers, reaching Randi's tits. Bob released the block on Randi's orgasm while he was inside her mind stream, wallowing in the symbols spelling out the thrusting surge. He felt her muscled contraction tightly, again, and then again, and once again. He was certain he was wet in exactly the same way. Then he slipped into Fran's stream of consciousness, feeling a similar punch of pleasure rising in 4 her/his groin. Randi chose the moment to lunge her fingers into Fran's cunt, several, maybe an entire fist. Fuck!, God that was good, he released Fran too and she went screaming, at the top of her lungs, over the edge. Releasing the probe into the women, Bob relaxed. Oh shit, he looked down. He'd come, messing his pants and chair. How embar- rassing. Planning hadn't foreseen this, he decided. * * * * * * He cleaned up the mess. Looking in on his toys, he saw they'd fallen asleep, cuddled in each other's arms. Very well, he thought. I'm pretty well burnt out anyway. Time to check out the book. He began to search for references to organizations of telepaths, hunters, anything. It was 2:00 AM when he gave up. There were no clues to anyone, not even the original author. He virtually had the Book memorized now. 6 He finally put it away again. Thinking about the two women together, his cock rose again. He slipped in next to Fran. He woke her with a shush... With Randi still asleep, he had Fran suck his cock, lubri- cating him with her spit. Turning her around, he arranged her on her knees on the bed. Her head next to Randi, her shoulders embedded in a pillow, her ass jutting up at him. He spread her cheeks. She made a small whimper of joy, and he shushed her again. His cock worked its way into her ass slowly. She bit down on the pillow. He plunged in and began to work up a rhythm. Fran grunted a pleased sigh. He pumped and felt the flood coming again. His groin squeezed the liquid fire through his prick one more time for the night. Randi slept through everything this time, even Fran's screaming orgasm. And then he felt spent. Fran dripped with come, and he7 watched her waiting permission to get up. With hesitation, he had her gather her things and go home. He gave Fran a farewell kiss at the front door, and inti- mately drew his fingers over each breast and her cunt before she departed. * * * * * * He woke Randi and sent her home. She seemed reluctant to depart. She wanted to stay for more of his special treatment. "Don't worry, we'll get together again, soon." "I'm prepared to move in, if you'll have me," she whispered. "It's Fran you want, not me." He knew what brought out her heat, she'd missed it all along. His new talent had helped see through her thin veneer.9 "Yes, but you gave her to me tonight. The whole thing wouldn't have worked if I'd tried to pick her up myself..." Her eyes begged for more: more humiliation and more control over other women. "But she is only one woman. You are a treasure chest of unbridled sexual pleasure." "So you think you want to be my whore? You want me to pimp women for your use?" "I'd pay for what you've given me, master." With these words she announced her servitude. "You will pay. You'll find that if I own you, I'll use you often. In the meantime, I'll think it over. Go home." She pouted at him, but left as commanded. He watched her car drive away in the darkness. Clearing away the mess in the bed room, he collapsed100% into a solid crashing sleep. He dreamed of being 'hunted' by predatory villains, wielding ray guns and carrying manacles. The terror woke him, but he managed to drop off again, repeating the nightmare a few times... Betty would visit tomorrow.  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11) --> 1. daveh@erinet.com 2. Adam Smith  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 1/1 Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) --> 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24 --> Receiving Information...u Receiving file...|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11)(41k) lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [PageDown: ] [Help: ?] [Return to Menu: u] Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!satisfied.apocalypse.org!wizard.pn.co m!news1.channel1.com!news.sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:15:24 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1070 Message-ID: <462upp$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 Chapter 3: A Weekend by the Book: part 1 Saturday morning, a dreamy semi-spring day crept up on Bob. He managed to get out of bed anyway. He knew the morning would give him little time to get chores out of the way... Bob could feel the detergent powder against his skin1% 3 after putting the bed clothes in to wash. The odor of sex had turned sour during the night, and he had felt obliged to get his house into a more pristine condition before Betty showed up. Randi had left her panties and bra behind. He felt like a teenager finding forbidden fruit. He was going to stow them away to return later. As he did, he noticed her fragrance had remained on the lingerie. He hesitated for a moment, then put them in a plastic bag in the crawl space. He doubted that Betty would explore there. Musing, he considered the practicality of Randi moving in as his slave. Although she volunteered, he didn't see any practical means of keeping her in line without 'adjustment'. Not that he was bothered by the power he had over her, but it was somehow more enjoyable when she *had* to cooperate without manipulation. Not that he'd ever be able to explain to Betty. 5 He turned on some music, an old Beatles album. About the time he heard the line "she came in through the bathroom win- dow..." the doorbell rang. * * * * * * Betty was in the study, working on an art project. Sometimes when she came over, it was to make use of the extra space his home afforded. She lived in an apartment about 30 minutes away, so while convenient, it wasn't exactly a trip she would make for only one purpose. She realized that if she'd done this Friday night, she and Bob wouldn't have any time together. She was somewhat pleased that the speakers were fixed now too. She brushed something off her slacks. Maybe, she thought, maybe Bob's the one. A real keeper, the `Man of my dreams'. He'd stopped pushing her about sex7 lately too. This was a Good Thing, and to be admired since it meant she could control that silly activity if they ever got married. She dismissed the stream of thought for now; after all, marriage is a serious topic. She was still having fun with Bob, not ready to be completely serious yet. She struggled to straighten out the mat she had cut for her art. * * * * * * Bob, in the other room, smiled to himself after eavesdrop- ping on her thoughts. Controlling sex was a trivial issue now that he could slip a new chain of symbols into her nervous system. He was satisfied with reading her mind at the moment. The time would come to strip her of the misconception sex was8 silly. It just would have to wait. "How long is a china man?" he called to her. "What?" he'd gotten her attention. "When are you going to be finished?" he shouted. "I've some yard work to do, but I might need to run some errands, too." "Go ahead, I could be a few hours. Then maybe we can go out for dinner!" she called back. He shuddered, wondering what type of culinary horror she would foist upon him this time. He stepped out to the garage, getting the lawnmower out. Soon, he was lost in the numbing vibrations, watching the clip- pings that escaped through the gap between the housing and the ground. He contemplated the fate of these small clippings. * * * * * * 10% He could feel people around him. Betty, most certainly. But across the street he could sense the kids playing on the swing-set-fort behind the house. He could feel the couple next door, working separately on household chores. Two teenagers were hiding behind a garage making out. Mr. Greenspan two blocks over had a whale of a hangover. The drivers of cars passing by sent out mixed signals of braking, accelerating. The mailman was frustrated by sorting the goddamn mail for the twerps in 352, but he was looking forward to delivering to that divorced Mrs. Lansing. A bicyclist was staring at the tire before him rolling along the road. The rolling murmur of mind voices started as a trickl but was starting to roar. It was building to a shouting crescendo! Bob dropped to his knees, clutching his hands over his ears and scream, at least he thought he did. The book had done this! He hadn't expected to hear everyone at once!3 Seal them out, seal them out! The alien thoughts were pounding at the gates of his mind... he had to stop them. When he could work in a few thoughts of his own he imagined a curtain around his mind. He drew it about that thing which was 'Bob' and closed in underneath. The mass of minds quieted. He could still feel the plunder- ing assault in throbbing waves, a little like the water of a shower pushing the curtain back. Realization dawned that his range had steadily increased and was undergoing another enormous growth. What he needed was some kind of filter, a bubble, some kind of shield he could selectively see through... and as he thought it, the shield began to form. He found himself kneeling in the grass. Certain the entire crisis had lasted less than a handful of seconds, he continued to kneel, panting from the released pressure. It would pass, but the exertion of fighting off the effects of his power left him weak.4 He had only a few more passes to make with the mower. He fought through it tenaciously. * * * * * * He'd gone in the bathroom to recover. Betty, who was still diligently working, wouldn't disturb him in here. She seemed to respect some activities as sacrosanct. He stretched out in the tub, fully dressed and leaned back. There must be a suitable way to relax after that experience. He thought his head would burst like a bad scene in a horror flick. The best relaxation he could think of was sex. Well, with Betty here, that was out for sure. Then the glimmerings of a plan came up from the cellars of his mind. 6 Testing his control of the shield he'd constructed, he looked in on the neighboring couple. He couldn't remember their names, but he could find out as he slipped into their minds. The woman was easy to find. He was getting used to exploring women's thoughts... She was taking a breather, sitting on the edge of her bed. She wasn't bad to look at, thought Bob, seeing her in the mirror through her own eyes. Her brown/blonde hair was styled into a fluffy perm. Her face without make up was attractive, high cheeks, narrow nose, expressive mouth and a round, smooth chin. Her body was athletic, not real busty, but curved and rounded at the chest. From what he could make out of her legs, she was sculpted nicely there too. The decision came upon him, he wanted to make her, right now! It was just a matter of how to go about taking her.8 Thinking of his remote experience last night with his slave toys, the plan continued to grow in his mind. He insinuated a control over the woman, making her wait at the edge of the bed. Seeking out her husband, Bob slipped his consciousness into the man. He suppressed the other man's self into a sleep. Bob looked at his new hands, rough and callused from physical labor. He saw he was in the man's workshop, and had been running a lathe. He cut the power to the device. It took a little searching in the man's head to sort out the layout of the house. In short order he was at the door to the bedroom. Before him, sat his lovely wife. Whoops! Boy, did the native mind's thoughts crept up on him. Bob sat beside her inside this other body, turning her towards him for a light lip brushing kiss. She dropped her eyes.20 "Oh honey, it's the middle of the day..." Bob tickled the nerves to send signals of mild arousal through her back, legs, arms and neck. "I'll try to make it as though we've never touched before..." he whispered into the ear from which he lifted a wisp of hair. She silently acquiesced to his advances. Kicking his shoes off, he laid her back over the freshly made bed. She set her arms above her head and allowed him to sink his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues wrestled. Occasionally, he sucked one, then the other lip between his own, striving to created the physical sensations he could feel she craved. With fingertips afire, he traced the muscles of her neck. He followed the same path afterwards with the tip of his, er, her husband's, tongue. 2 After a moment's pause to contemplate her engrossed expres- sion, he unbuttoned the first blouse button. The skin exposed he treated to a gentle nibbling. Tactile sensations flooded outward from each spot he touched. He could feel the surge of excitement radiating within hisÄÄthe other man'sÄÄbody as well. Another button, another worshipful engagement of skin. Button Three exposed the clasp of her bra. As he finished the skin to skin communication this time, he undid the clasp, but stayed his hand from curling back the cloth. By now she was squirming with luxurious joy. It was quiet, she, unlike his other recent conquests, was remarkably silent in her repose. When he pulled back the sides of her blouse, she began to pull it off herself, but he stopped her. She allowed him to roll her sleeves down from the shoulders one at a time, and as he did, his lips and tongue came to explor the newly exposed skin. She finally released a single low moan. Bob reached across with a sliver of thought an magnified the sensation for her. He could see within her that she no5 longer had control over her responses. Speeding the process a bit, he pulled her shorts away, leaving her clad in a partially opened bra and panties. Edging a hand down into the back of her panties, he brushed the backs of her cheeks. They clenched together under his hand beginning a hip motion of incredible delight to Bob. The nameless woman before him watched his own motions as he stripped himself of the clothes he'd worn into the room. Moving on her own, she cupped his erect cock, average in size, in her hands and performed some of her own worshipful contact touches. He lay on his back and she began to trace her tongue all over him, with sensual little nips at his nipples. She tossed the useless bra aside and putting her two slender legs together, slid the panties off over her knees, ankles and toes. The panties were drenched. Undressed, the view of her was glorious. Her pussy hair was short and curly, forming a vase shape over her crotch. Her tits were little more than an7 handful, with erect pointing nipples begging for attention. He reached out to caress them. She slipped her lips over his prick. The tongue gently tickling the head of his prick, she took little nips at the skin along the length. He was surprised how agile she was at this. Then she vacuumed the entire length right down into her throat! He strained not to come yet. She began to turn this into a serious problem, diving up and down a few times, pausing, then repeating the performance. On one of her thrusts, with penis lodged deeply in her throat, he loosed a torrent of come. He could make out the swallowing muscles on the side of her neck. She sat up and smiled, licking any remaining drops from her lips. There was a self-satisfied, somewhat superior look on her face. Not to be outdone, he turned her on her back and lifted her hips. He started nibbling at her thighs, creamy soft on the9 surface, strong and well exercised thighs. Working his tongue amongst the folds of skin between her legs, he rapidly found the little boat her slit enfolded into. There at the apex, was the flesh he sought. Bob added a little stimulus to the already twitching nerves, a surge of pleasant symbols tickling in amongst the others her body already was producing. Holding her hips up, he worked around so his host's balls hung over her face, her knees resting on his shoulders. This exposed her ass to penetration by his fingers. Feeling the apprehension at her ass being invaded, he found the symbols in the nerve stream were countering the gentle brushes his finger- tips were making. He eased the pain symbols out of the stream, and suddenly the arousal increased accordingly. With the back door open to his gentle touch, he lubricated his fingers in her cunt to a growing stream of quiet suppressed moans. He continued to lick the lips of her cunt, but began sliding first one, then two, then three fingers in pass sphincter.31 To his delight she was trying to press the fingers in deeper. By now she had found his cock hanging before her face enticing. He was being sucked, nibbled and licked back to stiff- ness. Finally, hard again, he stood on the bed. Continuing to hold her hips up off the bed, he entered the darkest cavern she held. He pressed his host's cock into her anus until his balls rested, nestled between her ass cheeks. She, lost in her new sensations, went into overdrive. She pummeled her ass against him, seething with desire to suck the rest of him into her rectum. He reached down and began to brutalize her nipples, now raging with a sensitivity to the surge of pain/pleasure that drove through her tits to her throat. "Goddamnit!" burst from her throat with all the pent up lust contained in their actions. "Fuck me!" She worked through3 the wild thrashing and to her climax. He pulled out of her ass and entered her now steaming pussy. Wet and surging, her muscles squeezed the invading prick, causing another spreading ejaculation. He was able to unleash another flood, enough so that the new made bed would require changing again. "Ah," he muttered, looking at the doll-like woman before him. She was wasted from her exertion. "You never made love to my ass before, sweetheart." she whispered in oblivion. "I told you it would be as though we'd never touched be- fore..." He let the man, his host, collapse. He planted a memory of this pleasant experience behind and looked up at the shower curtain. Oddly, his own body felt alien to him on returning. This time Bob hadn't messed himself. He was completely4 thrilled at the remote control sex he'd orchestrated. He felt refreshed from the experience, not burnt out. And Betty was still working away downstairs, none the wiser... * * * * * * They'd ended up at an Italian restaurant. Lorenzo's was a well-hidden place where checkered tablecloths covered small tables crowded together so as to prevent two people from sitting back-to-back. He ordered the Fettucini, she ordered Linguini in Clam Sauce. While they waited for dinner, the waiter had left bread sticks for them. He wasn't feeling very talkative, so Betty had let him be so far. He watched with interest as she picked up her bread stick, slipped it into her mouth and pulled the little seeds off6 by pulling the stick out of her mouth. She had to repeat this several times to get all the seeds off. Then she'd turn it around and work on the other end. When she found several seeds remained, he found, she began to use her little pink tongue to wet them down so they'd pop loose. The images of bread sticks licked seductively, plunging them in and out of her sweet lips, left his cock straining against the crotch of his trousers. It would be a bad time to stand up. She was as deep in thought as he and was, as he watch, closing her eyes, and opening her mouth a fraction of an inch. He found he could spot her teeth closed lightly on the tip of her tongue when she did this. It infuriated him to know she insisted on waiting until they got married to share any real intimacy. 9 He wondered if she knew about the little turn on motions she made, or if it was all just a part of her mannerism. And wondering was the same as acting, for in an instant he had a thread into her mind. She was considering the wisdom of having espresso after the meal. She knew it would keep her up most of the night, but she liked the strong coffee flavor after pasta. Bob was tense; why? she asked herself. He had been fine around the house, she thought he was developing some real talents for property upkeep. In fact when she'd gotten to his house this morning, the kitchen was spotless. She could almost believe he'd spent the previous evening cleaning. She enjoyed having him treat her well. This dinner was excellent, although she really should have insisted on the Thai cuisine she was more interested in tonight. He hadn't quite allowed her to manipulate the decision as smoothly as usual. Somehow she miscalculated his willingness to yield to her wants41 and was surprised when he hadn't given in when she agreed to Italian. The ploy had always worked before. She would make him take her to a movie. This would help both of them, she decided. He'd lose the tension he was displaying with a nice dramatic romance movie, she was sure. The care and feeding of Bob, she thought, I'm becoming the expert. Annoyed, Bob withdrew the thread. He should have realized there was no conscious effort to be sexy, seductive or mildly enticing on her part. She was above such things in her own mind. A touch manipulative, but she wasn't aware of those little sex cues she sent out in body language. Maybe he should re-evaluate the relationship with her... no, he should just modify it a bit. He grinned. Betty took this as a sign he was perking up. There was no way for her to know how this would change her life... 2 * * * * * * They were at the movie, a poor excuse for an arty, dramatic romance. He was bored. If only the flick had a touch of humor, rather than drowsy monotone conversations, he might enjoy it. He liked romance, even tear jerkers, but not painfully dragging ones. The only thing worse would be watching nothing but TV commercials for two hours running. So he began to scan the near vicinity for interesting minds to explore. A narrow trail of thought wandering the neighborhood almost escaped his attention. Not really thought, but in the spectrum of symbols. It was narrow and straight, a bright beam of thought energy. But Bob couldn't sense any symbols within the path, rather maybe he could. It looked like a simple imperative demand for a subconscious response, a sort of feedback ping.4 Watching it closely, Bob concluded it was traversing a circle, not unlike a radar. He traced back towards its source, but the closer his own probe reached for the source, the harder it was to dodge the beam. A quick jab at the heart of the beacon gave him a view of three men sitting with a stack of electronic gear. He pulled back just in time not to come in contact with the beacon... Could these be the `hunters' from yesterday's encounter? He jabbed out and back again, trying to pull an impression from one of the men. He no sooner established contact than it was over. There wasn't any way to learn from this without being trapped in the mysterious beacon. Where were these guys at least? Then the beam stopped sweeping. He could sense they had locked onto something. He pushed in again to see what he'd found. Tapping into the senses of one of the men he found 6 himself looking on as another pulled a wire-like helmet over his head. "Probably another guy figured out he was telepathic, screw- ing anything in skirts he can find." He heard a voice. "That or some jerk, just taking things away from other people. They get that way when they figure out no one can stop them. Usually, the property branch can pick them up by following the weird police reports. You know, 'I lost my carÄÄI gave it away, but I don't know how or why.' Some Sparks got no imagina- tion." "Yeah, but it can go for months without one of the creeps popping up." "The naturals are rare, ya know. You ain't gonna find large numbers of them." Bob realized the man he had probed was a trainee and the8 explanations were for his benefit, so to speak. Two great coinci- dental events! The telepath popping up just now, and a newly indoctrinated trainee to mine for information. He dug in. These were the `hunters.' He was certain. They were trying to find telepaths. No big surprise so far. They worked for some kind of super secret research project. It was vague, vaporous even, the mystery source of funds and the author- ity behind the project. "My God!, its a woman!" One of the hunters exclaimed. "There aren't many of them at the institute. The White Coats always wants another to study; we may get a bonus!" Suddenly interested, Bob determined this woman was one telepath that would slip free of their net. First, with speed he didn't know he could muster, he traced down their scanning beam, finding the woman. {Flee, conceal your talent!} he sent.50 {Who} she radiated {where are you?} {hunters follow} he threw out cryptically {they'll catch you.} He pulled her home address from her mind before slipping back to the hunters. He quickly realized he'd made some kind of error. There were all kinds of alarms going off. The trainee was fumbling with a small electronic device, trying to get it over his right ear. "Hurry, we can't let her know anymore than she already does!" The other man was helping the trainee. Suddenly, there was no one there for him to read. Three lumps of emptiness he could feel but couldn't penetrate had taken the place of the hunters he'd been watching. Allowing himself to snap free, he found his constructed defense personality had escorted Betty back to the car. My, he2 thought, it's nice to be able to do two things at once. * * * * * * Back at the house, he invited her in for a cup of Java. It was rare for him to do this, but not unusual. He knew she'd insist on tea though. "Oh Bob, I'd love to come in, but how about tea rather than coffee. It's so much better for you at the end of the day." She swept into the kitchen to start the water. Her hips moved with the grace he'd admired before, but now he knew it to be unconscious on her part. He turned on the one lamp by the window and settled into his favorite chair to wait Betty's return. Tonight he was determined to have his coffee. He slipped a suggestionÄÄthe first he'd ever made to BettyÄÄthat it would be a nice treat to make coffee for him this time. That he'd be more malleable to 4 her manipulation if she did something for him. He could see her mind fight against the idea, eventually yielding before it despite counter arguments from within her psyche. Egocentric little bitch, he reflected. She came out of the kitchen with two mugs. "Surprise, I made your coffee anyway, but don't start a habit of drinking this stuff at bed time; I won't stand for it!" She announced, presenting herself as the authoritative decision maker. It was time for this to change, he decided. He made a small adjustment, a little series of symbols to magnify the importance of his opinions in her mind. To back it up, he added a little program to make her question her own decisions whenever they affected other people. "Actually, I believe a cup of coffee is superior to tea late in the evening. Helps keep you alert for those end of the day thoughts." 6 "Yes, yes. I suppose you're right." She confirmed smiling at him as though her agreement was natural. She curled up on the floor, about six or seven feet away from his chair. He watched her hover over her tea, sipping it reflectively. Her head was bent slightly, and with the angle exposed to him, he could make out the lines of her muscles and the supple skin from her hair line to her shoulders. Her hair, draped as it was across her shoulder, reached to her lap. He realized his reluctance to adjust her was fading, knowing just how self centered she was. He was tempted to turn her into a little nymphomaniac and set her loose in a football team locker, but no... Bob put aside the coffee mug, and sidled up against her on the floor. Startled, a bit, she looked up at him. "Yes?" she spoke, as though the presidential debates was under discussion.8 Shhhh," he whispered. Bending forward, he delivered a first, almost puritanical kiss to her lips. He followed with a second, less reserved gift in the same place. She allowed his tongue entry, but made no move to deepen the embrace. Leaning his forehead against hers, he whispered, "Come on Betty, open up a little, enjoy some tenderness." "Bob, if this is leading to another discussion on sex, you can just forget it right now!" He teased the nerves of her pussy and clitoris. From below he could see her body was already pushing a strong desire up from the waist. He was stung by her venom, not the words, and another discovery, that she was sup- pressing the heat herself from some unconscious source. "Relax, Betty." He commanded twice, with his voice and also with the familiar symbols from the book. She eased back, emotion- ally. He put her mug aside, still within reach. Then pulled60 her face gently to his own, giving the best kiss he could bring from within himself. She cooperated reluctantly, but didn't display the same passion. He began to seek out the source of resistance from her mind. Tracing back the streams of suppression into her uncon- scious, he found the image of a little girl and a towering woman. The woman was shouting about the evils men do, the horrors of submitting to sex, the terrors of marriage, men must be con- trolled! He recognized the little girl as Betty. Who was the woman though? she only bore a superficial resemblance to Betty. He formed an image of himself next to the little girl, staunchly receiving a continuous lecture. {who is that?} he whispered to her. 1 {That's mama, she knows everything.} replied the child worshipfully. {Oh} He began to form another image of the woman, right next to the first one. She began to lecture on the evils of self righteous behavior, failure to live your own life, trying to run the lives of others. He grinned. It might not be consistent to apply this debate to him, but it might diffuse this fear Betty had of sex. He hoped. Slowly at first, but more quickly after a moment, the towering women began to shrink and the little girl image dis- solved into a mature image, more like the grown woman he knew. He withdrew from her unconscious, and was pleased to see her body was beginning to respond to the lusty necking session. It was time for the next step.3 He pushed her onto her back, and began to shower her face and neck with little kisses and love bites. Her lovely hair splayed out behind her head. He brought a hand along the expanse of her shoulders, and drew it down towards her breast. "Please, Bob, don't" she whispered, following with a slight whimper as his palm drew over the nipple. "Oh!" He concentrated on the underside of her chin and neck with his lips while he teased her breast with the whispered touches. "Oh, Bob, I- I- I shouldn't. I can't... Ah, oh no." "You'e overdue, little child, and will find no better man than I." He allowed himself a touch of ego for the moment. Watching her face, he began to unbutton her blouse. She turned her head away, a tear, from confusion, drew a line across5 her nose. He reached under the blouse for her tit. He was still massaging the fabric of her bra, but the nipple was erect. Taking the tip between his forefinger and thumb, Bob rolled it tighter. "Oh Bob." Her hips had begun to writhe against his legs. She let out another reluctant moan. He stood up slowly, lifting her in his arms. She draped her arms over his shoulders, around his neck. She burrowed her face into his armpit. "No, Bob, no, please let me go home. I can't do this." He ignored her plea. He carried her to the bed, placing her on her back looked away as he stripped off her blouse and bra, but moaned 7 whenever he flicked his tongue around her nipples. She offered weak resistance as he undid her pants and drew them off of her glorious legs. He always did get a thrill from admiring her well-turned ankles. So he spent a interval providing a teasing tongue lashing to those newly exposed appendages. She whimpered and sighed, apparently uncertain what to expect. He stepped out of his clothes, and lay alongside the nearly naked woman. She didn't exactly refuse his embrace as he re- initiated the exploration of her lips an mouth, but neither was her response enthusiastic. Bob slipped another little control into her, pushing the hesitancy aside, pulling her excitement forward. She started to make a few affirmative actions on her own. Her hands started to trace across his chest, exploring the handful of curly black hairs, discovering the shape of his nipples. 8 He reached for her crotch, finding her panties were still in place. They were skimpy, and showing a little age, holes in places near the elastic. He hooked his fingers in them and ripped them away, eliciting a startled gasp from Betty. Smiling, he worked his hand down between her legs and cupped her womanhood. "Bob, this is... Bob, we shouldn't." She was muttering, barely comprehensible. Betty wasn't aware that she no longer had a choice. Even if she resisted further, he had determined what to adjust, and how, to elicit her cooperation. This didn't prove necessary, however, as she plastered her body against him, plunging her tongue into his mouth. Disengaging his mouth and entering her cunt with a finger, he gave her a wicked, possessive look. "Want it or not, Betty, I'm taking you tonight. You will70 be my property from now on." She pouted at this pronouncement. "You will remain my chattel, and you will agree before you leave." "But..." and she loosed a groan of unadulterated lust, thrusting against his fingers. "Oh Bob!" He could feel the wave of lust washing her insides, and along with it a sense of shame over her lost control. Bob reached into the nightstand drawer for a condom. He'd gotten these yesterday just for Betty. He knew she wouldn't be on the pill, but he wasn't going to let her escape penetration on that account. "Watch now; you may be asked to do this for me later, and we wouldn't want any mistakes." She watched him roll the latex mitten over his erect penis, licklips anxiously as he did. He was uncertain if she was worried about his entry or getting it right later. 2 "Oh, Bob! Your thing is so big!" Her eyes were open as wide as he'd ever seen them. "Cock, Betty; say cock; or prick, or penis, or meat, or tool, or... Well, don't call it a thing, not ever again." "Oh!" her eyes were wide open at the tone of command in his voice. "Now Spread your legs, wide enough to let me get my body in between." She pulled her knees up towards her shoulder, craning her neck to see what he planned to do. He moved his cock along the tender lips of her cunt, teasing her a little. She gasped out a sound of mixed surprise and pleasure, followed by little panting noises. Her hips seemed to try to reach for him. He started to push into her recessed opening. "Ah, Bob, I forgot, ah." He paused a moment, to let her4 speak. "You see, Bob, I've never... I mean... You know." He smiled, "I know you're virgin, Betty." Her eyes showed he'd understood, and she nodding affirmatively. Then he inched his way in, pressed against an obstruction he'd never encountered before in sex. She was his first virgin, although he was deter- mined she would be only his first. She squealed in sharp pain as the hymen snapped. After a few more strokes though, she was in ecstasy again. "Oh, Bob!" was followed shortly by incoherent mo and an occasional whimper. He took his time, because he liked watching the pleasure/pain flit across her face. She heaved against his penis, attempting to drive him deeper. She suddenly went wild, lunging her hips, head thrashing from side to side until the long dark hair he admired covered her face. Eyes squeezed shut, he pulsed as the tide of orgasm 6 leapt and erupted from his cock. She screamed with a wrenching orgasm of her own. Probably, he reflected, her first and only so far. She came down from it quickly enough, panting from the physical release. He rolled off and out of her. He patted her thighs before he got up to dispose of the filled condom. "On Monday," he announced, "you go to your OBY/GYN and get a prescription for the pill so we can do this any time." She simply nodded, and curled up in pleasant repose. * * * * * * He had gone to the bathroom. She grinned when he returned. "I made that pretty difficult to get to, didn't I?" She was trying to reestablish of control. He wasn't having any. 8 "As I said earlier, you are now my chattel. My personal property. Do you know what I meant?" "Not entirely, but I'll be your property if you'll be mine," she offered, trying to entice him to relinquish some of his control. If she'd made an offer like this two weeks earlier, he might be making wedding plans with her right now. She was still egocentric, and he had already laid the program in place for her change in attitude. No; I think you will become my pet. A sex slave and lover. My property to use or dispose of as I will. You behaved very badly making me listen to you whimper that we shouldn't screw. Now I think you need to be punished." "But..." In her hesitation he saw the internal questioning of her own views and justification of his. Shame at the behavior she thought of as slutty also rose. Who better to punish her for enjoying sex than Bob? "Oh!"9 Why don't you take the cover to the laundry, right now, and rinse out the blood you dripped?" But Bob, it's midnight! I've got to get home or I won't get any sleep!" "You're staying the night. In the morning, I want bacon and eggs, say an omelet, ready by the time I get out of the shower." The change in demeanor had her stumped, but she apparently felt his assertions were appropriate. She folded the cover into a mass she could carry and took it, stark naked, to the laundry downstairs. He turned down the sheets and allowed himself a short nap while she worked. * * * * * *81 Bob felt Betty watching him with tenderness. The cover was folded on her naked lap as she sat on the edge of the bed. He sensed within her a thought he hadn't planted intentionally. She had developed an obsession for him. Seeking inside her the source of this obsession led him back to the source of resistance he'd dissolve earlier. Instead of the towering mother image before the little girl, there was now a towering image of himself speaking to the grown Betty who was virtually worshipping at his feet. The image was telling her she was his property, she had to do as he said. He withdrew the probe and opened his eyes. Well, he thought, interesting that she needs an internal governor to keep her content. Now that she's rid of mommy as a moral monitor, she'd selected him instead. Good enough for now. "Put it over the bed and get in. I want to sleep now." She nodded and slipped between the covers. He felt her nestle3 her bare little tush against his flaccid organ. He reached around her to cuddle her, cupping one of her tits in his hand. Shortly, he slept again. * * * * * * He awoke, finding Betty with her eyes open. She didn't seem to want to move, since he still had her wrapped in his arms. She smiled as his eyes connected with hers. "Good morning," she whispered, as though the neighbors might hear. Little did she know: the neighbors were likely too busy with each other to care that she'd stayed overnight. "Mmmm, yeah." He untangled from her and looked at the clock. "I gotta get up. You can make breakfast, just the way you are." Her face fell the tiniest bit, but perked right up again.5 "Right away!" she zipped out of the room. Bob took a sensuous shower, enjoying the water's warmth. He got himself thoroughly cleaned up, shaved, and dressed. When he got downstairs, Betty had managed, even naked, to get the table set, make the omelet and bacon he'd ordered last night, and clean up the mess in the kitchen. Good girl, he thought. "May I get dressed now, Bob?" she inquired. Her dark hair was tickling the top of her ass, and where strands of it dropped down the front, it almost slipped into her delectable little pussy. "Ah, no, I'm enjoying the view," he muttered, wondering if he could hold himself back until after he'd eaten. She shrugged and sat at the other plate she'd put out. He dusted salt and pepper over the omelet and began to eat. She waited with her hands in her lap. 6 You may eat, too. I wouldn't want you to go hungry." She gave a wanton look at him and began to dig in. "Now, this week I expect you to start the process of moving in here. And I don't want any little nonsensical garbage taking up too much space, so check with me if you've any doubt what can stay." Oh, really!, I can probably move everything in by Wednes- day!" She was now rather gleeful as she attacked the bacon. He hung on every glimpse of her pink tongue darting for the corners of her mouth. nd you'll help Randi move in, too." he added. This seemed to shake her like a thunderbolt! "Who?" "Randi. Another sex toy I own, a lot like you, only I8 think she likes girls a bit." Apprehension overtook the naked girl, she was suddenly trying to cope with the concept of sharing him, and possibly fending off the advances of a predatory lesbian! "She's very nice, I assure you. The two of you will get along famously." He added, watching her struggle with his evi- dently superior opinion against her childhood trained fears. He threw in something else to get her mind on someelse, "I'd like you to try harder to wear sexier outfits around the house too." "Okay, Bob; if you'd like that, I'll see what I can do." Soon he'd finished eating. He pushed his chair out and watched her clean the plate before her. "Since you are being so helpful this morning, you'd better take care of another little detail right now."90 "Oh, what...?" she looked puzzled. He beckoned her to him. She had the same sexy walk without the encumbering clothing although, he felt, some concealment added a touch to the effect. She stepped to him and brushed her hair back over her shoulders. "Kneel down." still puzzled she did, "now you are going to blow me." Shocked, she shook her head with terror, as though he was about to throw her to wild tigers. He grinned. "You will do this for me, but since you are frightened, why don't you tell me what scares you about going down on me." I, I just couldn't take your th... cock in my mouth! Its dirty! and... and disgusting." He eased each fear aside as2 she mentioned them. Taking control of her volitional muscles he began bringing her lips to his prick. He pushed the control to the point her lips opened and that favorite little pink tongue he liked to watch snaked out and slid across the head of his organ. God, that felt good. "I- I can't do this. It- its vulgar!" She said between licks. He took a handful of long dark hair in his fist, holding it so she couldn't move away. Not that this was necessary, but it felt so good to hold while he fucked her tender face. "You'll do it, and probably find you like it." a fact he was sure of, although he didn't enforce this enjoyment on her part yet. "Open up a bit." Taking the head into her mouth she rolled his cock between both sets of teeth. She was still somewhat repulsed at this demanding method of entry to her body, but she was showing determination to please Bob. 4 "Eventually, I will take your ass too. You should get used to the idea that I will take you whenever and where-ever I want. Agreed?" He pulled out to let her speak. "Oh, uh, yes Bob, any time, any place." She dove into her new task with energy, if not experience. He relented a little, opening the paths of symbols that would allow her enjoyment while blowing him. She became more enthusiastic, almost immediately. She found any loose edge or surface on his prick to reach her tongue around. He started pulling her head towards him, starting her retching from the autonomic response of gagging. He allowed her to pull back to recover. While she did he moved her hands for her to wrap around his cock, she got the idea quickly and mas- saged it until she could get her lips back in place around her new project. He thrust towards the back of her throat and allowed his orgasm to build. "I'm coming," he admitted as he pushed towards the back of her mouth. She looked concerned, but as his semen lurched from his penis to her mouth she closed her eyes and swallowed.6 Pulling back, while he was still coming, some of his come splattered over her face. He settled back, enjoying the post orgasm buzz. She reached for a napkin. He stopped her hand with his. She looked quizzically at him. "You will clean up after breakfast without removing the semen from your face. This will serve to remind you who you belong to. Then you may take a shower and dress. Get to work." "Yes Bob." she responded. "One more thing." "Yes?" "When we are alone or with my other sex toys, you will address me as `master'." She looked down, as though this was 7 another slap in the face. But he could feel the humiliation bringing heat to her loins. It would wait, just as he'd waited months before taking her. "Yes, master," was the simple reply. He zipped up his pants. * * * * * * "Hello?" Randi, this is Bob." Yes, Bo... er, master?" I want you to start begin moving in; you'll find Betty here this afternoon. She will give you a copy of the house key." "Oh yes! I mean, yes master!" She'd certainly turned, he8 thought. "One other thing. You don't touch her. Do you hear me?" ." "She will have as much right to tell you what to do as I do, at least for now, do you understand?" "Uh, yes, master." "Bye." Click. * * * * * * The doorbell rang at noon. Pretty quick for Randi to get here, thought Bob. Since Betty was in the shower, he knew she hadn't stepped out to get anything. At the door was a tall woman in a dark grey suit. She 9 had very short brownish hair, almost as if it had been shaved off and had just grown back in enough to look presentable. She was slender, busty, and showed attractive ankles above the simple leather flats. "Hello," she said in a deep throaty voice. A whiskey tenor perhaps. "How may I help you?" he asked. The temptation to reach out and probe this stranger was strong, but he resisted. May I come in? The institute knows me by face and may have searchers anywhere." "The what?" He replied, stunned by the implication that she had found him, rather than the other way around. "At the mall Friday, you diverted them away from me. Please?" She waved her hand inward. 100% Bob stood aside, letting the other telepath into his home, wondering what her story was.  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ --> 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24 --> Receiving Information...u Receiving file.../|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11)(46k) lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [PageDown: ] [Help: ?] [Return to Menu: u] Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!satisfied.apocalypse.org!wizard.pn.co m!news1.channel1.com!news.sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:15:46 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1225 Message-ID: <462uqe$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 Chapter 4: Book? What Book? That said, there is enormous sensual pleasure in suckling at a lactating woman's breast. The act is more giving and emotional on both parties part in addition to the simple sensualistic performance. This can lead to several fun scenes, which may be explored in the story line following. Wanna lay1% 2 odds on that? ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bob looked at the clock. It was a little after noon. The tall woman in the gray suit now sat in his arm chair, drinking coffee. Bob had a plastic cup filled with soda. She said her name was Kim, and that was all she'd offered so far. Betty had gotten the woman her hot drink. Kim had snorted and dismissed her as unimportant, at least for now. Betty hovered in the kitchen, spying whenever possible on this unusual visitor. "How did you discover you've got the 'ability'?" asked Kim. "I read a book." 4 "A what?" "A book. I found a book filled with interesting notes. Before I knew it, I could read mind and influence people. Hon- est." "Oh, such as your friend?" she waved her head in the direc- tion of the kitchen, where Betty was noisily putting the break- fast dishes away. "I never had it so good, I didn't get any lectures or notes. What have you done with the little tart so far?" His ears burned red with embarrassment, "Never mind her. Where did you learn how to... uh, well, you know..." At this she snaked out a telepathic probe towards Betty. Bob intercepted it and slapped it aside. Startled, she sent a probe towards him. It slithered around, confused in the phony personal- ity he'd created for telepaths to see. He just sat back, pleased with her confusion, feeling his safety was assured.6 "Oh, my... protective too," she said, eyeing him closely. The look in her eyes akin to fear. "Stick with the subject at hand. Where did you learn to use your, 'ability' did you call it?" "Ability, yes, ability... well," she became reflective, "for me, you see, before life turned upside down I was a Buyer, for Cheney's. Perhaps you've heard of them? The department store chain?" He nodded an affirmative, but didn't speak, encouraging her dialogue. "I never would have developed my 'ability' if it weren't for Harry. I was in town briefly for a new line of merchandiseÄÄnever mind what, it no longer matters. That's when I saw Harry for the first time. The real problem wasn't me seeing him; it was unques- tionably an issue of him seeing me..."7 * * * * * * She entered the store in her favorite silk pattern blouse, and a knee length skirt when he spotted her. Her hair was in a mane like perm, down to her shoulder blades and dyed blonde in an almost undetectable way, except her complexion was a little dark to make a good fit. She had soft brown eyes he could see from the corner of the room. Her lips formed a lush cupid's bow, and her nose was perfectly framed in the center of the other lovely features of her face. Her expression, a seductive perpetual pout with her eyelids lightly drooped, was unintentional. She was tall to begin with and wore 3 inch heel shoes in a 40's style he could only remember from old movies. Her shape through the hips was only slightly curved, but her chest... Well her chest stood out indescribably far. 9 He had been using his power for a day when he'd seen her, but he knew immediately he had to have her. His approach was simple and direct, he ordered her to turn about immediately and go to his home. He picked up the packages he'd `purchased' so far, making the sales girl believe he was entitled to such gifts. Of course, the other gifts he accepted from her before he left included squeezing her tits, groping her cunt, and that great blow job. He made sure to get her phone number, ordering her to forget the encounter. She even told him how wonderful it was to serve him, with a godalmighty radiant smile. He'd told her to, after all. The power made him giddy. Harry, oh you know, he was the kind of guy who now believed he was God. He'd always knew he was entitled to anything he wanted, no matter how he got it, and now, well, now he got it.11% * * * * * * She was waiting glassy-eyed at the door to his apartment when he arrived. His command of the talent was a little odd. He seemed to think it was hypnosis, and his orders to tended put his chosen ones into trances. "I'm going to take some of my orders off you. When I do, you will be unable to leave, but able to speak your on your own. You understand?" She didn't respond. It took him a moment to figure he hadn't let go enough to let her do so. This was new for him too. Up until now, all he did was force girls he'd taken to perform sex with him. This was making him happy so far. But he was gonna step up. She was gonna talk to him too. "What have you done to me?" she demanded. She would have stamped a foot, but didn't seem able to move it.2 "Taken control. You will do anything I say, and at least act like you like it too." he answered. "You disgusting brute. There are names for creatures like you, but I won't insult the others by associating you with them!" He opend the door. "Step inside please." "Not on your fucking life! I'm going to scream!" She began to do so, but Harry'd seen that before. He smiled. "Every time you scream for help, instead you will beg for me to hit you. If you try to call or ask for help when other folks are around, you will have an urge to nibble sexily on my ear." "Please hit me," came from her mouth, much to her surprise. "Oh, no." She clapped both hands over her disobedient lips.4 He waved her inside. Kim found her feet and legs were answering a set of commands not her own. She walked inside. The apartment was a dump. No one had cleaned inside for at least a week. The art on the walls was mostly pin-ups from pornographic magazines, or tasteless posters for violent horror movies. "You don't really expect me to stay, do you?" she tried again to turn and leave. "I simply won't put up with this!" You have no choice. If I want, you'll crawl to me on your belly and beg me to keep you in a kennel. Good thing for you all I want is a good fuck. You'll like it." "That's it!" and she walked, no she didn't! so she said "hit me, I beg you, hit me." Tears ran down her cheeks. He was giggling, in a sneering sort of way. Harry5 thought this was more fun than just turning the other girls into pliant blow-up dolls. She stood, stunned at the inability to control her own body. "Get undressed in the bedroom. I'm gonna get a beer, and I'll be there in a moment." He sneered a little. She realized his sneer could get worse. Her volition missing, she went to the bedroom. This proved to be a room strewn with clothing, probably the pile against the corner were the clean ones. A mattress lay on the floor. The sheet was loosely tucked under it in a few places. The beautiful silk blouse she folded next to her shoes. The skirt was placed upon the blouse. Her high heels were put along to one side. She was unsnapping the bra when Harry came in. "Wow," he exclaimed. "Those are the biggest fucking7 bazooms I've ever seen on a broad." He took the immediate liberty of wrapping both hands around one breast and squeezing. His expectation of her response didn't mesh with her actual response. He wanted a moan or a sigh, and when this didn't come he frowned. He added a new command. "You'll get hot every time I touch you. This will make you get horny and want to come. But you can't come 'til I say so." and then he used the power to make her do as he said. Harry was sexy. She could now see how handsome he was. He had her nipples between his fingers and twisted them, very hard. This spread sexual heat through her chest. Her knees wanted to buckle, but she had to get to the bed. She was kissing Harry. She just wrapped her arms around his neck and dove into his lips. He was great! There wasn't enough to him to get her desires fulfilled. She didn't know how she had missed it before!9 She rubbed her breasts on either side of his lust covered face. Her feminine hands felt for Harry's prick in his crotch. Since his pants were in the way, she began to strip them off him. She couldn't move far without rubbing her crotch against some part of Harry's body. The more she touched him or the more he touched her, the farther she went down the path of desire. Yet it was a yearning for an orgasm that wasn't coming. "Okay, slut. You're so fucking hot... You gotta get me hot. Start sucking my cock." He pushed her head down to his crotch. She'd never performed oral sex before. As she placed the male organ in her mouth, she began to suck it like a straw. This made her hot too, since just touching Harry was enough to make her lust for orgasm, and desperate for more. Dissatisfied by her clumsy efforts, he fucked her wet mouth with force, plunging21 against the teeth at the back, unconcerned how it worked out. "Suck it, cunt. Yeah suck it." He continued to pump, thrilled about the incredible woman wringing his juices out of his cock. "Oh, yeah.. Fuck it, fuck...." A surge of come entered her mouth, she choked, not thinking to swallow. The come dribbled out the sides of her mouth and down her chin to drip on Harry's legs. "You fuckin' bitch! Don't you know enough to swallow it?" He shouted, his displeasure overriding his enjoyment. Somehow, he overlooked his explicit control of her behavior. She shook her head, upset that she'd failed to please Harry. She swallowed what was left, and began to clean him off with her tongue and lips. "Yeah, use your tongue bitch! Clean it all off." She did as told, aroused again by the contact. Her body was humping at3 the hips madly. Her legs were squeezing together in sheer lust. She began to feel her own cunt and clit, trying to get off without success. She was licking the come off his balls and cock. Soon it began to stiffen up again. She was pleased. Now he could get her off. She wanted his cock inside her. She didn't care how brutal he acted as long as she got to have him. "All right!" He slammed her onto her back. She anxiously, with excitement, pulled her legs apart so he could gain easy access. He couldn't get in her womanly box fast enough for her. He pinned each of her wrists above her head, allowing himself a better view of the helpless woman. She could sense that bruises would grace both arms and wrists afterwards. Fighting through the haze of orgasmic lust, she hoped for the release to come. Hoping the frustrating wait for orgasm would reward her with the energy it was promising.5 He pushed his prick between her labia, thrusting his entry once the head was in. The heat surged upwards from her groin, not yet breaching her chest and throat. She pulsed against his cock, hoping for each pistoned join to throw her over, glad of the chance to take such pleasure with Harry. Harry, lost in her cunt, was in heaven. Such a righteous chick. The strongest aphrodisiac ever, this power to force her. She was all his, she couldn't leave. He would even give her a name, one he liked, and she would like it too. His body pressed against hers, he could feel her nipples. She felt the shock of electric excitement spin through her boobs. She needed this fuck so badly. Harry was the best. Suddenly, he grunted and sent a warm liquid rush into her cunt. She could feel it flood through her vagina, escaping around the edges of his cock. The dripping overflow tickled the backs of her thighs and slipped over her ass.6 arry rolled aside. Kim kept trying to hump against his legs. Her fevered pitch was becoming higher and more frantic. She had to come, only he could make her. As if she were a dog in heat, she kept trying to get his attention. She held his leg against her crotch, with her head perform- ing whiplash twists as she moaned, "Please, oh please. Unh! Oh fuck me, please, please, please." Almost as if he didn't really want to acknowledge her, he said, "You slut. Heh; can I call you slut now?" "Yes, fuck me, fuck me, call me, uh, anything you want, slut is fine, please, just please, fuck me." Then Harry took one nipple in his mouth and bit down, hard. This sent a jolt of sexual pleasure through her body. "You're my fuckin' bitch now. Say it. Say you belong to me."8 "God, yes. Please, fuck me. Unh! I- I..." "Not until you say it, bitch. Say you're mine, all mine." "Yes! I'm yours. I'm your slut, your bitch, your- Oh, please, just fuck me." He grinned with superiority. "Come when I stick my finger up your ass," he commanded. "Oh God, uh, please... fuck..." she moaned deeply. She'd never liked anything in her ass before, but she'd do anything for the final jolt of orgasm that was building. "God! Please take my ass soon. Ah!" He lost his face in her large tits. She was desperate to come, unwilling to irritate him, her greatest desire was to please him, to convince him to make her come. She begged, she pleaded for his finger, for any touch of that finger, in her ass9 right away. He rested a hand on her ass. The cheek was firm and muscu- lar. She lurched in both arousal and anticipation. Both cheeks were pinching in and out to excite her pussy. With a suddenness, borne of taunting, he plunged a finger up her ass. This too gave her unexpected pleasure, but most importantly, the release she was waiting for... She screamed and collapsed, limp as a dish rag. Again and again he took her, each time in a way she'd heard of but never dreamed she'd find enjoyable. His turn-on seemed to be anything he could force on her, and she would like it. He was always in charge, always calling the shots, always overriding her initial feelings. She was expected to remember what he liked, and do it for him without being told. He called her Bambi. He said it suited her. She felt partic- ularly humiliated by this, she'd known a woman named 31 Bambi who was a prostitute. When he learned this he was particularly proud of himself. She was only to answer to Bambi whenever anyone addressed her. He programmed her to come whenever he held her wrist and squeezed her elbow. She had lurching, less-than-secret orgasms on public buses, in the bank, outside a high school window. The little boys were lewdly staring through the windows. She could imagine their wet little dongs, dripping in their pants. He made her come twice that time. Once he told her to expose her boobs to the guys in a crowded elevator. Everyone was allowed a feel, he insisted. He let her accept money from one of the men, embarrassing her even more. Humiliation excited her almost as much as his touch. He made her come for every man on that elevator at least once, and blow the last guy on the top floor. She wasn't allowed to swallow the semen until they got back downstairs.3 He got other women, when she got a little boring. Then she did things like video-tape him when he was screwing. But he was too thrilled with her huge tits to let her go... She lived with him for almost a year. She prayed he would never throw him out. She needed him so badly, needed the humilia- tion, the public shame. He was her dream man. The man she knew she always needed. She came to feel this was certain. She'd never known a better lover. He decided he needed a new apartment. Since there was no reason to pay for anything he could get free, it was a large apartment. And he got a maid to come clean it up. She also did his prick once in awhile. Bambi didn't mind. It was important for her to see him using other women too. She wanted him to have some variety. He kept her though, so she must be better, she felt. 5 He collected a few nice cars for himself. And a good stereo, some furniture that wasn't shabby at all, thank you. Nor were the two legged furniture he collected shabby either. And eventually, he collected some new friends, unexpected friends. * * * * * * They came while he was out. Several large men with hypoder- mics. They'd given her a shot, apparently unconcerned that she was naked in high heels when she answered the door. A few minutes later, she slept. When she awoke she was in a bedroom, an entire wall was mirror. She screamed for Harry for a while. She thought he must have come up with a new way to embarrass her, maybe selling her into a brothel. A man came in from time to time to ask her questions;6 who was she? (Bambi), where did she live? (with Harry), what did she do? (fuck mostly)... At one point a different man came in and tried to fuck her. What he really did was try to seduce her in a very before-she- met-Harry manner. The idea someone was watching from behind the mirror was exciting, but not enough to get her engines going. man was disappointed, but didn't seem upset. Later, a woman tried the same thing. Bambi, wasn't interest- ed, thank you. Harry said such things were disgusting, she thought it was pretty vile too. It was after she got frustrated about not getting laid, she had no idea why, the change came. The next time a man came to ask her questions. He had no idea what he was in for... 8 * * * * * * She reached out with her mind and made him slap her. Her loins rose, entirely aflame. She did something to him, making him use his strength to force himself on her. In moments, he'd torn off her clothes, thin hospital things. He twisted her nipples as hard as he could, sitting on her to keep her from fighting back. She would have scores of new bruises afterwards. She loved it. She was hot and ready. Her cunt was drenched. He wrenched her arms behind her back, pushing her on her back to hold them there. Then he used his knees to separate her legs and opened his pants up one handed. While her head was thrashing left to right, emitting gasps and the beginnings of a panting rhythm, he pressed his cock into her. She'd done something to hold him back for a time,9 she wasn't sure what. He pounded away at her, giving her biting kisses that bruised her lips in ways she found tantalizing. From time to time he slapped her breasts open handed. Almost invariably, somewhere she wanted it. She screamed, releasing an orgasm to rival her first with Harry. The man began to fill her with his come, squeezed almost dry by the combination of her muscled cunt and his intensity. He collapsed immediately, completely spent. While she lay there, panting with only reminiscences of the release, several men rushed in the room. The needles stabbed before she knewn what hit her. Pain was a pleasant aftershock. How had they known she was responsible for it all...? * * * * * * 41 "Eventually, I woke up in a lab. These guys had something that stops you from controlling them. They shaved my head to attach some kind of monitoring equipment. I think it was a couple of weeks before I got away, though it might have been longer." "How'd you manage that?" "Some people never remember to check batteries." So, he thought, a carelessness they may never repeat. "One day, one of the guys forgot it for his whiz box. I got control and he helped me escape. Not before I got to see how telepaths are treated, though. Harry? Well, Harry is as good as dead." "And they've hunted you ever since." "Well, I set myself up for a while, even had a bunch of2 toy men to serve me. Like your little cunt on a leash." She grinned a weak grin, "It's nice to have threemen at once, at my beck and call. Especially since they did exactly what I wanted. But the Institute found my hideout." "There's a radar gimmick they use to search out telepaths." I may have gotten careless. I went to visit Harry's old place. Friday at the mall I was trying to shake the ones watching for me to come back. You bailed me out by distracting them. I got your address from... uh, well, you know." "I think so. Well, there's at least one more telepath out there we should help stay away from these goons. But you should relax first. Where have you been staying?" In one of the department stores. No one sees me unless I want them to." 4 "I see. I don't want you here though, you know." "Uh, well, yeah. Afraid I might interfere with your little trollop, eh?' His ears burned again. Betty was making too much noise to hear anything though. Oh, the possibility had occurred to me. But it also occurs to me, both of us are threatened as long as the `Institute' is hunting for anyone with `ability.' You might draw to me, and the other way around, too." Look, I'll promise to leave your 'toys' be, I'll even join in if you want. I get awfully horny, and Harry isn't around anymore. I don't even know what of me was his instructions and how much was me before Harry." she made a sincere plea. "Yeah, I'll think on it. The idea of another telepath in the house is a little... difficult. A little complicated."5 Reluctantly, she left an address with him. But not before giving Betty a withering look of disapproval. Betty didn't notice. Bob did. * * * * * * Thursday. Bob was in an apartment building near the mall. His excitement had returned, the hunters a distant threat. He hadn't yet decided what to do about Bambi nee Kim. But he felt a need to practice his talent. Since Betty had started to take over the household chores, little things he had lost had been turning up. Organization had come to his home. Betty didn't like sharing him with Randi, and strongly disliked being left alone with "the pushy dyke". 7 She hadn't completely given up hope of being dominant in some manner over the household. Mostly, she and Randi had begun to compete for his attention by any means possible. So she strove to please him in ways other than sexual too. He'd found a slip of paper on his dresser. One of them had found it in his papers and left it where he'd find it. This had the name and address of a young woman on it. It took him a few minutes to recall where this had come from. She'd never met him, but he remembered her from the mall. She was lusting after new mothers walking throughout the mall. Suddenly he was enticed to seek her out. He found the address easily. He resisted the temptation to use his talent right away, so he rang the bell, but no one answered. He found the superintendent. Soon he was in Mary McKinnon's apartment, and no one would remember seeing him enter. Pawing about Mary's apartment was as exciting as9 intruding into her mind. He had found another means of violating her, without her having any ability to resist. The mundane nature of intrusion was unimportant. He was having his way with her more simply than his present norm, a pleasurable working of his will on hers. Hell, he hadn't even met her yet. The excitement was growing in. Looking through her things, he discovered where she'd gone to school. He found her check stubs and learned the things she bought. Her closet was filled with pants suits, mostly. There were few dresses, nothing he construed as sexy. Everything he found he restored to its original location. In her desk, he found a pile of letters from her brotherÄÄ the most recent five years oldÄÄand a few from other friends. He heard keys jingling at the lock. Turning out the lights, he watched the door open as she stepped inside. She closed the door again, and turned about, placing her purse on a51 narrow table she kept by the door. She turned on the lights, and stepped into the kitchen. He was intrigued by this enigma. He hadn't probed her since the mall. She made noise in the kitchen for a while, and he simply waited. When she finally came into the living room, she jumped with a terror brought of confronting an intruder. "Hello, Mary," he said softly. "Who the hell are you and how the fuck did you get in here?" she demanded, scrambling towards the phone. "I came with a proposition." She stood, receiver in hand, reassured by the dial tone. "I could have cut the phone cord if I wanted to, before you got here." "I guess so..." She paused. "Make it quick though, my patience is thin for this kind of crap. You broke into my home, buster, and I'm gonna see you pay." She was shaking. 2 "Actually, the police can't arrest me. But as to you and me, I have a proposition. You may want to hear it." Wow!, all he'd had to do so far was talk, she'd gone from kill first to talking. "Get to it then, then get the hell out." You like women." I like men." "You might, but you also want a woman. Specifically, you want one giving milk. You've been having this fantasy for a while." She shook as with a chill. "Yes," she whispered, fear rising just the least amount, "I do. But nobody knows that. Nobody. I haven't told a soul." "Well, I can arrange it for you."3 How the fuck would you do a thing like that?" She banged the phone on the switch hook. "`Excuse me Ma'am, I just happen to know a girl who wants to suck milk from your tits. Would you mind coming to her apartment tonight?' Give me a break!" He smiled. The smile shook her. "Something like that." "Oh great! Sure. And what, pray tell, is in it for you?" "You wouldn't believe me entirely. Let's just say that I want to share the carnal experience." He thought of vampires sucking sexual energy from victims in the act. Silly thought: more reasonable to assert he was sucking the fantasy from his victim's act. "I have a talentÄÄa powerful skill allowing me a certain persuasive ability. I'm trying not to use it on you." 5 "Why not? You'd get exactly what you want, if you have the skill you claim." "Oh, it's real enough. You want a demonstration?" "Why? you can't give milk... men can't give milk. So who would you persuade into giving her milk to me?" "Men can sometimes give milk, irrelevant though. Is one of the mothers you've leered after in the building?" She sat down. The phone, still in her hand began to ring. She jumped. He didn't. She answered and shooed the caller away. "There's Patty, on the first floor. I see her when I do laundry sometimes." Mary was showing signs of the dreamy fantasy intruding on the conversation. "God, she's cute. Her boobs sometimes drip after she's nursed little Anna. They're almost twice as big as they were before she got pregnant. She doesn't6 show any sign of having gained weight from the pregnancy." "Can you call her? Its only 8:30; ask her to come up here." Reluctantly, she dialed the number. * * * * * * She had him answer the door. She wasn't leaving the phone. Bob didn't mind. He wouldn't let her dial more than two digits anyway. The woman at the door had a Snuggly on her back. A large tot that shouted "Diaper Bag" hung from the crook of one elbow. This woman evidently was using disposable diapers. Bob refrained from displaying his environmentalist disgust. The child, sound asleep, bore the striking resemblance of all babies to cherubs. Finally unencumbered, Patty was able8 to stand straight and Bob took in the assets she displayed. Her dark hair was cut short, to her ears. Bob reflected this was wise considering the disgusting things long hair could get into around babies. She was without makeup, but still had an unblemished face, with round soft lips. Wide shoulders, and breasts somewhat larger than he'd expect with her frame. Probably hadn't nursed the baby recently. Her hips were a little padded, but her waist was slender and flat. "Patty, this is uh, Bob. He's visiting for a few minutes." He reached out and took some control over Patty. Then he, dramatically for the impression Mary would get, walked to her and held her eyes locked onto his for a moment. "Hey, what are you doing?" Mary said. "You want to suck milk from her tits?"60 "Well, yeah, but I don't want you to hurt her either." Bob shrugged and smiled at Mary. "Patty," he gave verbal instructions, "Mary is more than your friend. She is your second baby. You need to nurse your second baby. She's been crying and you know she's hungry." Patty smiled at Mary, took her hand and led her to the couch. Sitting down so Mary could lay her head on her lap, she lifted her t-shirt and opened a flap on her nursing bra. A moment later she lifted Mary's head and lips to her nipple and cradled her head in her arm. "There, there, sweetheart. It's all right. Mommy loves you, time for a bit of nursing." She gazed gently down, one hand stroking the soft features of Mary's face. Mary was sucking, having forgotten Bob entirely for the1 moment. He could see her cheeks pull in with the suction, as at the same time she began to wiggle at the hips. Mary's hand slid down to her crotch and began rubbing through the fabric of her jeans. "Unbutton them," he suggested. Remembering he was there, she glared, but obeyed. Patty's free hand moved to the supine woman's open pants. The fingers worked their way under the panties. Seconds later the hand was making humping motions in Mary's crotch. Patty, oblivious to the sexual antics of her neighbor, and her own hand, looked briefly to see her first baby was doing well. "Ah!" Mary was fading into deep excitement. The suckling theft of milk was only part of her activities. Her hips were beginning to roll and gyrate under the administration of Patty's fingers.3 Bob, excited a little himself, could see the dripping nipple from time to time. The nursing woman was starting to soak through her t-shirt at the other breast. Kneeling over Mary's chest he lifted the shirt to expose the other breast, harnessed in a bra cup with a snap-clasp front. He opened the leaking nipple's last protection. breast was firm, engorged with milk that sprayed in several directions at once. The suckling at the other nipple got this one started as well. Placing his lips around the puffy nipple he found it spurting milk in tiny thin streams. The milk was sweet: very sweet and very thin. It was almost like skim milk someone had added a bit of sugar to. He sucked until he got a mouthful of the thin sugary liquid, then swal- lowed. He swallowed as much as he could get. He was becoming very horny, but he was unwilling to stop nursing while a drop5 re- mained. He knew she'd produce more for the baby. The breast slowly began to sag as he emptied the precious nectar from her. His thirst for the rare ambrosia was unquenchable, he felt frustrated at the slow rate the milk flowed from the woman's breast. Meantime, Mary reached a state where she could no longer suck. The moans were spectacular. "Oh God. What, oh, fuck. Make me come, baby, make me come." She was a step away and Patty kept fingering her while Bob sucked the teat. "Oh! oh! oh! oh, Yes!" Mary clenched with spasms from coming. She lay panting, beneath him, trying to recover from her orgasm. Patty, under Bob's direct control, caressed his hair as he enjoyed the stolen nourishment. It thrilled him to have Mary trapped beneath him while he fulfilled her fantasy for himself. He got up a moment later and took off his pants. "What are you doing?" Mary asked. It seemed she was not expecting him actually to join in.7 "You got off, I want to get off." He moved Patty to the floor, drawing her jeans off her legs. He pulled off her panties and spread her legs. "You're disgusting. Her baby is right there." "The child is asleep. You should talk about disgusting. You wanted to suckle at a new mother's breast. Well, I gave you your fantasy. I'm enjoying her pussy." He plunged into the mesmerized mother's cunt and pumped a few times to work the moisture into flowing. Mary, intrigued by her friend's complacency at being fucked by a total stranger, knelt down beside them. She seemed dis- turbed. "Um, I know it may be too late to offer..." she began. "Yeah, what is it?" He tickled the woman on the floor8 with his power to excite her sexual interest. "You can fuck me instead." He laughed as he thrust again, this time receiving a re- sounding moan of pleasure from Patty. I can do you too, if I want." He carried on the conversa- tion without slowing the rate of his strokes. "You can do me too. No argument. You lived up to your promise. I- I- Wow! She's fantastic to watch in sex. Are all women this neat to watch? Do I look like this when I...?" She stared at the writhing woman beneath Bob. "Oh, yeah. Fuck her good!" She was fascinated by the present view. Her chin wobbled and lurched along with the other woman's motions, her lips forming similar expressions. "Uh, yeah, even you. You really have -oh yeah- developed a streak -oh shit- of lesbianism."70 "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, don't, oh don't," mumbled the mother. Mary leant down to suck Patty's breasts, licking and nibbling the whole tit, not just the nipple. "Oh yes!" came from the mother, excited by the contact. The lusty attack brought more milk from the undulating breast My, you really are getting into this." Bob spoke mostly to himself. With a grin, he remembered, Mary was in no way under his direct control. It made a difference in his excitement. The pressure grew in his groin. With a burst of humping, he loosed his seed within the woman pinned below and pushed the cock into her a few more times, riding the surge. Patty in turn let out a screeching orgasm of her own. Mary, twisting her friend's nipples, milk dribbling between her fin- gers, could scarcely hold on. The thrusting hips were in motion still as Patty began to come down again, glowing from having been sexed. 2 Bob walked out to the kitchen. Coming back with a glass of water, he sat, still half dressed, on the couch. Mary was stroking her friend's breasts, her legs, her stomach. Patty didn't seem to notice at the moment. Bob took the mesmerization instructions away a little at a time, leaving a strong desire for secret liaison with Mary. "Patty will come to believe you have been secret lovers for some time. It will be a secret: her husband won't know, she won't let him know. Not even by accident. She'll forget whenever she's not with you or talking to you on the phone." "How did you do that?" Mary asked. He smiled, self-satisfac- tion over his control of these women was rising. Power was itself arousing. "It doesn't matter. It's done." 4 "What is your price for this... this... I don't know what to call it." She looked fearful, she hadn't been since before Patty had offered her tit. "What is it you want, really?" "Well, for now," he leered a bit, "tonight you will do everything to satisfy me, complete sexual slavery, without me having to use my talent on you." He paused, "I suppose in the future you'll allow me free use of you any time I want, of course, I can set you up with a few more playthings. I guess I want your total trust and loyalty in exchange for the presents I'll give you. But it doesn't matter, since I can force it on you if you misbehave. I'd just rather you did it of your own free will." She bit her lower lip. She fondled Patty, and Patty, some- what conscious, began to fondle Mary's breasts. Clumsily, she felt for Mary's nipples, smiling up with an intense expression of love and lust. She gulped.5 "Okay, I'd sell my soul for this," she muttered. "Can I... I mean... Do you mind if I...?" Oh, by all means let her take you for another ride, but I'm going to take you next." He sat back to watch. The women began to neck. The frantic kisses were briefly interrupted by the baby, who chose that moment to wake up crying. Bob frowned; little brat, how dare it interfere? He picked the little creature up under its arms. He began carefully, as if playing with eggs, tucked its head onto his shoulder and began to pat the back. Hey, this was pretty cool, the little, eh... girl, was cooing in his ear. Well, let's see, he thought. Wet? he tried to figure out whether the diaper was too far gone. The nearly naked women stared at him, Mary's jaw hanging loose. 7 What's your problem," he snapped. "Never saw a guy snuggle a baby before?" Well, yes," she answered, "But Anna doesn't even let her father hold her." kid started to bubble. Bob was enjoying the tiny inno- cent he held. The little ball of flesh was actually grinning at him. It took a little time, but the fuzz topped bundle did fall back to sleep. Mary plunged back into Patty's eager embrace. This woman was determined to make the most of this particular opportunity. They necked for a time. Trading tiny little lip nibbles on each other's face and neck, they slowly aroused their urges until they began petting breasts and cunts. Ultimately they ground together, Mary on top, totally wrapped up in their kissing.8 The moans and groans lasted some time before the two spasmodically unleashed their orgasms. Mary's hair had become scraggly strands covered with sweat, Patty was covered with her own dripping fluids of all kinds. Patty took the kid down to her apartment, leaving him with Mary. * * * * * * It was completely different giving verbal instructions, rather than manipulating her. Mary was anxious to please him though. She went down on him right away, no arguments. Her pink-red tongue lashed the length of his cock with her saliva. He could tell she had little experi- ence at blowing guys, but she made up for the lack with enthusi- asm. He told her verbally to cushion her teeth with her lips and tongue, and how to warn him if she was gagging.80 She spread her legs at his command once he got hard again, and did everything she could to excite him. She pleaded in his ear for his cock. She fingered his balls gently. She kissed him as passionately as she had kissed Patty. Her breasts pressed excitedly against his chest. She wasn't as responsive to his touch as she was to Patty's though, and this excited him too. The idea she would literally do anything for him, made her more his property in some ways than Fran was. This held more power than the talent alone delivered. Fran was totally remade for his use, a whole new person under- neath. Mary had voluntarily given her body in payment. She probably would worship him publicly if he so much as suggested it. His cock entered the self-acclaimed toy he now owned by purchase, rather than simple seizure. She was moist, having aroused herself, if by no other means, with the memory of Patty's dripping nipples.2 Bob held off on purpose. He waiting for her breath to pick up. He wanted to hear her pant. After a few minutes she started to writhe with lust. The passion she used throwing herself into the act with him raised fires within. Her hips rose and fell with each thrust of his cock. Her teeth clenched shut, pressuring herself, trying to bring herself off. Her body developed a glossy sheen from the sweat she devoted to the act. "Unh. Ah, please. Oh God, please." Suddenly her eyes clenched tightly, like her teeth. A stuttering orgasm worked her muscles and breath. Bob let his orgasm loose, spurting a burst of cum before he drooped over her side. She panted, but turned to him immediately. She planted3 lust filled kisses anywhere he didn't seem to be moving. Determined she would fill her part of their bargain, doing her best to convince him of her pleasure in doing so. Energetically, her movements became fluid and sensual, almost romantic in devotion. They screwed again before he left, satisfied she belonged to him as surely as Fran, Randi, and Betty. He gave her his phone number and address. She clenched tightly to the slip of paper as though a life-line, a tight hold on her deepest desires. * * * * * * Friday he went in to the office and resigned. The talent would provide income if he had enough seed money. He took what money he had, a tidy if not overwhelming sum, and invested it. A few calls here and there, some light 4 snooping into the minds behind the companies, and by next week the initial investment would double. All he'd have to do was pay taxes, and try real hard not to look too omniscient. He was pleased again, the plans he had would make him very comfortable, but not look as if he were just snapping up other people's property. This could work. He didn't want to get caught like Harry. He didn't know what Harry's ultimate fate was, but he' avoid finding out first hand. * * * * * * Janet came by Saturday. Ben was probably at work. When Bob answered the door, Janet stood there, simply smiling radiantly at him. "Hi," she said. 6 "Oh. Hello." "Mind if I come in?" ved her in. It was early afternoon, Betty would be home soon, and Randi shortly after. They'd gone shopping, and he'd arranged for Fran to come by with her maid uniform that night. He was going to have all three decked out as servants tonight. And play, of course. "What can I do for you." She slid her body against him, stretching up to plant a lusty, open-mouthed kiss on his lips. Instinctively his arms encircled the woman. He pulled her closer, if possible, and delved his tongue past hers. The woman began to writhe against him. He reached down her back to the waist band of her skirt and slid his hands inside the skirt and panties. Her fleshy bottom was smooth and8 warm to his touch. A touch she seemed to welcome. Well, she was making a gift of herself to him, he wasn't going to let her completely run the show. "I see." He pulled his head back and slid a finger up her ass. The immediate result was a yelp of surprise. He was also rewarded with a slight sigh of joy. "If you want to start there, then by all means, feel free," she mumbled into his chest, going limp. He could sense her choose to submit to his passions. "I like using this part of you like a harness." he explained, turning her around to force her to the bedroom. "You'll find that I'll put up with a lot, but I'm the one in charge. We do what I want, when I want." "I... uh, I won't argue," she purred with the delight of someone getting her own way, by subterfuge. She obediently turned with his hand and finger.90 He fucked her butt with his finger all the way to the bedroom. She was sweating from the strain of trying to keep the stimulus hot the way she wanted. He simply grinned from her slight discomfort over his controlling the situation. To her shock, in the bedroom he simply ripped the panties off. Janet wasn't quite sure whether he did it for shock value, or for expediency. She didn't say anything, allowing him to control her movement as he wished. Bob stood her at the foot of the bed, pushed her shoulders down against the mattress, and made her stick her ass in the air. He flipped the skirt up onto her back, leaving a lovely bottom exposed to his view. Her heels helped raise her derriere to allow splendid exposure, although her balance was a touch of in this position. Her labia were clearly visible, and the dark little pucker of her anus showed well.1 dropped his pants and rubbed his semi-hard penis against her butt. He slowly went to the bathroom to get the KY. She remained poised as he'd left her when he came back. Warming the KY in his hands, he rubbed it on his now stiff member. She'd obviously done this before, she reached back and pulled her cheeks apart, opening her sphincter for him. Cock in hand, he pressed in the first inch. She barked out a complaint against the intrusion, but confessed it always hurt her during the initial entry. "Don't stop now, you'll fit just fine." He worked the hole open a little further with his fingers. She suppressed pain and sought the pleasure as her anus became interested in the invader. Then as he got another inch in, she moaned with the sensation, actively pressing her ass at3 his prick. He was in all the way. He could feel the bones of her hips against his hips. She was skinnier than he'd thought if those bones poked. Her clothing still on, the high heels helped raise her butt up against him. "Oh God!, I want you so bad!" she exclaimed. She tried to rock into him from the awkward position. He started to work his cock in and out of the tight passage. She tried to match rhythm with him, moaning at his stimulation of her asshole. "Unh! More. Harder. Oh, please, oh," she muttered pleading. Bob reached for her chest and began to play with her tits through her clothing. "Yes!" She responded to this manipulation as well. Within a few minutes she had a first, low4 intensity orgasm. The sounds were slightly muffled as she pressed her face into the bed. He pounded away, allowing his flood to spill into her ass. She groaned through a second, more staggering orgasm a moment later. He pulled out, shoving her completely onto the bed force- fully. "Oh God, that was good," she mumbled into the blankets clutched in her fists. Grinning like a Cheshire cat, Bob went to the bathroom again. This time to wash the remnants of the KY off. When he came back, Janet had an idiotic grin on her face, a look of surprised happiness. "Let's fuck," she said, trying to evoke vulgar humor and lust. "Not tonight dear, I've a headache," he joked. She 5 frowned. "Surely you jest!" she announced. And pounced on him, planting a kiss firmly on his mouth. "We can cure that!" She strove to drive her tongue all the way to his throat. "I have plans for tonight already." He pulled away a little. "You do? I'll match your plans against mine. I'm gonna eat you right up." "Not likely. It will have to wait. My girlfriends will take care of me tonight." He worked a hand past her blouse, reaching her breast Girlfriends? More than one?" "Yes, Betty and Randi are now living with me, and I've got another woman joining us as well." He began to rub t7 nipple. Janet took this in, looking thoughtful for a few minutes. "How about if I call Ben? He can help out." Unlike Ben, I'm somewhat possessive of my partners." "Okay, suppose I stay and help them out with you?" "Not tonight, Janet. Some other time perhaps. But we can do it at least once more this afternoon," he conceded. "Yes!" she said enthusiastically, as if cheering on the home team at The Big Game. He laid her gently back down on the bed and spread her legs. This time he entered the front door. Her box was wet still, and as he pushed in, an explosive "Ah!" rewarded his entrance.8 He reached forward, raising her blouse above her lovely chest, and began to rub her nipples and the surrounding flesh. The nipples snapped to attention and he began to pinch and pull them lightly. Bob reached out, manipulating her nervous system to create a high intensity sexual heat. He brought the tingling sensation up from her clit, throughout her groin, and only stopped when he realized she was going to come, far to quickly for him. "Oh, my God!" whispered desperately from her lips. "Oh yes, oh yes." She lashed from side to side, with only her blouse lifted to ruffle her clothing. Two shapely legs wrapped his rib cage in a tight clutch. Her bucking only increased as he plunged to the balls inside. Her feet prodded his thighs gently with the heels of her shoes. Her hands clutched with abandon at the100% cheeks of his ass. He built up the tension of lust within her while plunging her cunt again and again. He blocked her orgasm, hoping to come at the same time. He could sense her enjoyment. His breath was coming in quick, sharp, gasps. Hers in gulping, frantic, hot panting. "Goddamn," she barked with her warm, moist breath. "Oh, fuck, fuck. Fuck!" He let her release as he felt the expanding thrust of come burst from within himself. He pressed home the deposit at the rear of her deep caverns. She simply screamed "FUCK!" at the top of her lungs.  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) --> 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24 --> Receiving Information...u Receiving file...|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11)(48k) lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [PageDown: ] [Help: ?] [Return to Menu: u] Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!satisfied.apocalypse.org!wizard.pn.co m!news1.channel1.com!news.sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:16:08 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1301 Message-ID: <462ur5$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 Chapter 5: Illiteracy Subdued The book was in the box stored down the basement. Bob dug it up again from amongst the books stored by the furnace. The basement was visited only occasionally, and none of the boxes had been disturbed since he last took it out.1% 2 His increase in sensitivity caused an interesting problem. He was reclining, enjoying a few moments of quiet when he realized he could sense another presence. No, it wasn't Betty, who was displaying her assets for him, and Randi was out shop- ping. He probed the house and neighborhood, turning up nothing. There was still a nagging sense, a feeling, some little tickle at the back of his mind. A roiling feeling stuck with him. After walking from the top of the house to the bottom, he was drawn, almost pulled to the book. There was a throbbing mental attraction he could not seem to ignore. The book was its same small size. The pages, cover to cover, filled with the symbology Bob now understood almost4 perfectly, possibly better than the author. It remained as he remembered it. Climbing the stairs, Bob fingered the book's folded cloth cover. A brief few steps back to the living room. There, book in hand, he dropped into his chair and turned on a reading light. Running his fingers along the pages as if it were braille. He was able to spot some slight errors in the delicately written script. And still no sign of why he had to collect it from concealment. Holding each individual page to the light, he looked for watermarks. Some hint of the origin, any clue to the cause of his odd discomfort would help. No page yielded new information. Flipping through the pages proved nothing, but then... His fingernail, even cut short as it was, traced the seams of the clothe and paper binding on the rear cover. A crackle of6 ancient dried glue popped the edges. The binding held tight for the other seams. He peeled back the loose seam, separating the paper as best he could. A cardboard stiffener slid free with difficulty. With it dropped a sheet of paper and a thin, red coin. The coin, made of some bizarre plastic or gem stone, bore a face on one side with a triangle superimposed, while on the back was a sharp bolt of lightning. Wafer thin, it was still thick enough for the relief work on either side. He slid the coin into his pocket. The paper contained more symbols. New ones, he couldn't immediately place. He finally set the sheet aside, resolving that like the other symbols, these would in time become clear. The coin continued to draw his attention. Once again, he pulled it out and stared at it. For a time he seemed to duel pulling urges from the coin, and realized he was watching 7 symbols within the coin itself. The idea the coin produced symbols like a person stunned him. Slowly he built a shield over the coin, like the one he used to hide his own mind. He was able to draw power from the device itself to run the shield. The draw he'd felt was gone. He wrapped the coin in paper, placed it within an envelope and locked it away in the document fire safe. The mysteries of the book and mind control drew his curiosity, but he wanted to control the time he devoted to each element of this art. Peace at last settled over Bob. He devoted some time to Betty. * * * * * * None of Bob's women were around. He had carefully avoided interfering with the professional lives of his bevy, and9 their income was adding to the household wealth, and allowed him to send them out to buy new sexy outfits from time to time. And transferring their property to his name might attract the wrong kind of attention. They had separate meetings tonight, hobby interests or such keeping them away. He had intended to have some quiet time for reading, just to practice some other entertainment, but changed his mind. He'd called Kim, er Bambi, and expected her at any moment. He hadn't seen her for two weeks. That was the day she'd intro- duced herself and explained her experience with the Institute. He hadn't tracked down the other telepath, the one he'd save from the telepath radar team the Institute operated. Sooner or later he'd find the woman behind the mind trace. Meanwhile he intended to explore the threat a little more. 11% Lightning flashed, and after silently counting to five, he heard the collision of thunder. The deep crash brought him a strong feeling of peace. The drumming sound of pummelling rain droned in his ears, a lure to sleep if he'd ever heard one. doorbell rang over the symphony of the storm. He stood to answer it. His habit had become to sense the visitor on the other side, and there was one person, Kim. He could tell it was she; her poorly shielded mind leaked streams of thought, probing her surroundings. Opening the door, he was immediately rewarded with a view of the tall, slender, busty woman. She was dressed more stylishly this time, not in the business suit she'd worn last time. Her skirt buttoned down the side and ended at her knees. Her boots rose half-way up her calves. A red rain jacket concealed a lot, but failed to disguise the size of her wondrous chest. And her hair had grown back in a little, more a thick monk's cut than any particular salon style. Her head was framed2 nicely before a large umbrella she carried. Bob motioned her in. As she passed him, she slipped her expression into a lecher- ous grin. "Sluts out for the night?" she said peering around. She seemed to know he was a embarrassed to have someone know about the use to which he put his toys. It was a little odd, considering she used men the way he was using the telepathically mute women. Of course, her case might be a direct result of programming she'd received at the hands of her original telepath- ic master. Yet he turned pink at her implied disapproval. "They have duties." She sat in one of the lounge chairs in the living room.4 He went to the kitchen, filled two mugs with coffee, and returned. She was courteous as she accepted it, her `thank you' polite after her catty remark at the door. He took a chair opposite her, admiring the round curves she couldn't help display, having removed the concealing coat. The blouse she wore only strained the view, no buttons visible at its limits, allowing the tiny hint of flesh. He could however, make out the barest outline of bra. "You know, the strain of hiding wouldn't be so bad if you didn't emit so much noise." She retrieved calm, after a brief look of fear. "So you've much more control than I." "Why did you seek me out in the first place," he inquired. "So you could help me hide better." 5 "I don't believe you. You thought I was inexperiencedÄÄ unable to protect myself. Surprise, you were wrong; 'fess up." "I figured to get control of you, and use you as a shield if they found me again." "And when that didn't work?" "I figured something would break for me." She lashed out a testing probe again, trying to grip on something in his mind. It resembled a boa constrictor trying to get a good grip on a basketball. His phony personality, displayed above shielding he'd developed to protect him from the onslaught of normals, complete- ly mystified her. "How the fuck do you do that?" It seemed to me the Institute guys wouldn't be looking for a normal set of thought processes, so I simulate them." I tried copying your pretend self; I haven't managed."6 How do you keep out the voices, all the other minds?" She just stared at him, as though he were nuts. "What other minds?" ll the noise the people not like us make." don't hear any such noise." "Oh." Disturbed, and curious, he wondered if she was naturally immune to the problem. He stared at the wall for a time. She was reluctant to break into his musing. She broke the silence first though. "Listen, I need a good fuck," she said. "I tried to capture one of the night watchmen, but there wasn't a safe place8 in the store I chose." Stunned at the straight forward request, he found himself grinning. * * * * * * They adjourned to the bedroom. Shedding only their shoes, they lay across the bed together. He felt like a teenager. He hadn't done pretty much straight sexual exploration since the night with Mary, and even that had been a power trip. He liked having the control over her a little bit of bribery had gained. This was completely out of his control. He almost couldn't remember what it was like to bed someone without using his talent at least a little. He started by trying to caress her hair. It was still too short for him to actually grasp a handful. He rubbed her 20 bumpy scalp, feeling for the base of the hair follicles. The silky touch was sweet. She left her eyes wide open, watching his face to gauge his behavior. She couldn't read his mind, as she could most men. Being in bed with her was a sensual experience at arms length. He began forefinger touches in completely different places. He touched her elbow, he touched her shoulder, he gently reached out at her belly button, but just hovered the finger above her taut tummy. She joined in. Her palms traced the air, about a quarter inch from his skin or clothes. She kissed into space, no more than a breath away from his lips. He watched her pink tongue lick above his arm, the humidity of her breath raising goose pimples along his skin. The magic of shadow dancing was upon them. For nearly an hour they flowed around each other's body parts. He could see the nipples pop to erection as his hand passed above without1 making physical contact. She could see his cock straining for freedom, each time she waved her hand close to his crotch. Eventually, as always with the shadow dance, the stress of keeping the gap between one body and another leads to loss of control. The invisible barrier gave way to feather-light touches. His hand accidentally brushed the underside of her chin. She moaned lightly, excited contact had occurred. Her slipped and traced a three-inch line along his shoulder blade. He licked the back of her earlobe. Finally they pulled together, enraptured by the undaunted effort to build up to their lust. Her mouth no longer avoiding the touch of his lips, they dueled with their tongues. He could feel the smooth lushness of her hard white teeth. She could suck in the flesh of his upper lip. His hands wandered to the expansive chest she literally thrust at him. They were very soft, not so firm those to which3 he'd grown accustomed. He felt the nipples hardening again as he touched them this time. Those nipples were large enough to require his palm to cover them completely. Her moaning to his touch was low and guttural. Her hand, by now, was rubbing his cock through the fabric of his jeans. Every now and then she would strive to squeeze the tip. His lust rose with each grasping hold she gained. The heat in the room was beginning to drive them from their clothes. Bob realized the blouse she wore unbuttoned in the back. He began to take the buttons apart from the respective button holes. Imagination took over, he found it odd that in order to thread her, he had to unthread her clothing. She wriggled in his arms as he worked the blouse off her. The brassiere scarcely covered her breasts, and it took little effort to free them. Once free, they were a sea of warm, soft flesh. He sank between them, sliding from one to the other5 nipple, trying to suck them sharply to erection. She let out a few light moans, nothing dramatic. Her nipples responded somewhat to his lighter suction, so he began to attack them vigorously, with more force, more violence. She began moaning more sincerely. Her short hair had no bounce to it as her head bobbed from side to side. Her ears showed, flushed red from exertion. He eased back and sat up. She paused in her reactions. Sweat had built a thin glossy cover over her skin. She began yanking the buttons through his shirt holes. Her hands would clench and grip at either side of the button slit and pull. Most of the buttons remained on the shirt when she finished, oddly enough. Raking short, sharp nails across his chest, she gave him goose bumps. She begin sucking and nibbling at his nipples. They hardened mildly as the pink red tongue made rough work of them.7 She traced spirals on his chest and stomach with her tongue, and as she did, her enormous breasts rolled against him. The pillow softness undulated with motion every time she shifted. The palm sized nipples fading in and out of erection as he tried to snatch at them, causing momentary surges of stimulation. He slipped his hands around the large boobs, trying actually to grasp without snatching, love handle fistful of flesh. She responded more to the clenched pinches than the teasing caresses. Finally he traced down her side, feeling the ribs bumping against his fingers. His hand reached the buttons on the side of her skirt, and slipped them from their moorings. It came loose, to be pushed aside by her feet after, leaving a fine display; her girlish little bottom. He peeled away her panties, and she was naked beside him.9 A black curly covering of fine hair was framed between her legs. It seemed damp, but he could be mistaken. Handling her crack proved he was right. She jumped a bit, being touched, but settled in promptly to having the little knob of flesh at the top of her slit rubbed. By now she was prying him free. As trousers and underwear pulled away, his dick popped to attention, and then they both were naked. He embraced her full length, intertwining his legs and hers. The pillowy `bazooms,' as Harry had called them, surged delightfully whenever either of them moved. They returned to necking, his cock sliding between her legs, but not in her cunt. His hands forcefully rubbed her back, exploring the cheeks of her ass at times. Her hands combing through his hair, pulling his neck closer, reaching down to cup his balls at times. Sounds came from the door; it was Randi. He knew she'd 30 heard the sounds, but simply watched excitedly from the door. He rolled Kim to her back, lifting her legs at the knees up. Spreading them apart, he began to enter her wetness. She was loose, he felt. There was plenty of room in her cunt for his cock and more. But it squeezed down on him, just the same. Kim began to shudder. An orgasm came to her in clenching little fits. She moaned a bit and he pumped her in a workmanlike way. He was enjoying the sensual activity, but no deep heat had come yet. Suddenly she lurched out a mind probe at him. Shot like a blast, she was trying to seize control of his body! Her control commands demanded more brutal and mindless treatment. She wanted him to hit her breasts. She was building a lust filled control directed at him, and he wasn't sure he could stop it. The shadow mind created to hide behind was torn to 2 shreds. Then she invaded through his mind shield in several places. The struggle against her control built to a lurch, reacting to a punch of mind power. He pressed back at her but only held her at bay. Then he slowly began to work his own controls around the edges of her battering thought tendrils. He slipped into her mind, hooking little control centers here, then there. Soon he was able to end her attack and control her mind completely. Pissed, he began to look about inside her. She couldn't pull that crap on Bob. Now he would use her as she meant to us him. From inside her head he could feel the welling flesh of her breasts. They demanded sensation. The sensation they wanted... he discovered a brutal demand for hard forceful pain, as a pleasure sense within her. 4 He used his newly learned personal controls. Sending elec- tric jolts of sensual sex arousal along those channels of her nervous system, a real heat began to build within the bitch. He could now control her in deep detail, and he would. He was angry; she had tried to make a toy of him! The entire struggle was completed in the space of one thrust into her wet chamber. He now found himself taking her in more heated plunges. The power he used inflaming his desire. She received a series of commanding lust sensations. He added to the physical sensations she received by clamping his teeth in one of her nipples. It would leave a mark. Her moan was deep and equally brutal in its intensity. Her crotch received waves of signals from him to bring white heat through her lower abdomen. He paid special attention to controlling the charge coming up from the clitoris. This swollen red nerve bundle was giving off a range of hot flashing charges, she was ready to scream.5 He sensed the muscles twittering in her cunt and commanded them to clamp down. Her velvet glove gripped his cock It tight- ened enough to almost prevent him from making the in/out strokes. Her entire body moved along with him as he pulled and pushed his groin. Her panting and moaning were enough to make the bed vibrate. His own animal grunts grew until he surged with the lava-hot semen pumpinf from his prick. A second and third surge pumped into her fist-tight cunt. She had been screaming! He hadn't noticed while getting off. His ears rang with a primal scream she hadn't stopped since he had taken her body from her. He kept her in the orgasm, hard and furious, as long as he could maintain the output of energy. He had no idea how long. When he let her stop, she immedi- ately dropped into unconsciousness. 7 He pulled out and sat up at the edge of the bed. Randi sat against the wall, pants off and drenched in sweat. She seemed to have recovered already from her orgasm. She was fingering herself lightly, trying to arouse herself again. "God, that was incredible." "What do you mean?" he asked. "I think she went into a screaming orgasm for almost twenty minutes." "It can't have been that long." "I know, but I came early when she started. I've already got my wind back." "Okay. Maybe it was long, but no twenty minutes." "Who is she? She's got the biggest tits I've ever seen.8 They look real, too." "Real? Of course they're real." "No. I mean, she hasn't had, like you know, silicone im- plants or something." Oh. Well, I guess not. This..." He slapped Kim's thighs like a hunting trophy, "...is Bambi. Anyway, that will be her name around here. I guess she'll have to move in now. I can't just let her wander around loose." Master, may I?" Randi asked with anticipation. Her desire was growing for the new conquest he'd brought home. "Right now? no. But since she's conked out, you may as well cop a feel." Randi walked over and began to feel Kim, now Bambi again, at her breasts, and soaking mound. Randi let out slight 9 guttural groans at the contact with the formerly free telepath. Her hands ran over the breasts she'd been admiring. After watching Randi's face glow from the desire she obvi- ously couldn't conceal, he stood and dressed. Taking the awake woman by the hand he led her from the room. * * * * * * He sat in the living room. The duel for control, brief though it was, had left him with some new fears. She had been less than candid about her escape from the Institute. Well, she thought she'd told the truth, but now he new differently. He had replaced the controls some other mind had planted. Not the clumsy heavy handed touch of Harry, but some unknown master. Someone who had concealed her memory of being released, but couldn't erase it.41 And there was no way of knowing how much she'd reported about him... He sat and contemplated his options while Randi knelt before him, the head of his prick popping back and forth through her lips. He would use her for a while, then try to work more from Bambi's mind. * * * * * * Bambi remembered nothing of the struggle when she awoke. Bob had seen to that. He had her settled in by nightfall, and the other two women didn't really mind. Randi was biding her time to get at Bambi; Betty devoted herself to reorganizing the household to accommodate the new comer. Betty was rapidly becoming the household administrator. * * * * * *2 Bob's growing harem bothered him a little. Should he cut the numbers back, to avoid problems? Janet had been dropping in from time to time, too. Although he hadn't let her join the other games, he'd had her every way he could imagine otherwise. They were all enter- taining. The day after Bambi's conversion, he'd gone to visit Mary. Patty had become a delightful playmate, providing the milk supplement to coffee during his visit. She seemed to like her new role as lover. He believed his talent unraveled some of the fantasies of the women he collected. Control and ownership fulfilled his fantasies, but the more recent women were adjusted to permit their own secret desires to be fulfilled. 4 It had astounded him to discover how deeply Bambi had wanted physical abuse, even before Harry turned her. It was easy to trace the clumsy efforts of the, possibly dead, prior master. The newer controls from the mystery master were far more delicate, he still hadn't the patience to sift through the seamless construc- tion of control he'd uncovered. He had however superseded it with his own. Fear of this other unknown master ran high, since he really couldn't find a real memory of how she had escaped the Institute. His nightmares were pretty severe lately. He also realized the risk of being caught by the Institute called for extreme caution on his part. * * * * * * Tuesday afternoon he went out to find someone new, a differ- ent pretty face. He had decided to throw caution to the wind for the day. The fear and tension were beginning to wear6 him down, and he needed some kind of fun. Everything was under control, so to speak, for now. Now he was walking through the crowded mall, eavesdropping on the thoughts of total strangers. Some were concentrating on finding bargains for the items they needed. The teenage boys were fun, they were deep in fanta- sies about the women in skimpy clothing or the teenage girls wandering the mall. It boosted his horniness, and he intended to satisfy this desire soon. wanted to play first. He looked about for an interesting woman to use. Particularly one who was strong enough to enjoy the experience he would give her. He was seeking a girl with a suppressed desire to be owned, to experience embarrassing sexual adventure. He had liked controlling women who suppressed a need for domination. It was to watch them resist destiny, a destiny they7 longed for underneath. He walked the length of the mall twice, without finding a suitable toy. He was disappointed and about to leave when his luck changed. An attractive college student entered the bookstore. She was dressed in a mini-skirt, a white summer blouse, and black high heals. Her blond hair was in a braid to her waist, a thin flat waist. Her face had sharp but attractive features. Almost as if the sculptor had failed to smooth out all the edges. Her lips were thin and expressive, colored red but not heavily. Her figure was a shapely 36-24?26?-34, not large busted, but well curved. He guessed from the smoothness of her face and absence of wrinkles at her eyes that she could be no older than 20. Okay, maybe 21. He followed her into the book store. She was the one for today, certainly fitting the profile. He sensed a deep rooted desire within her meeting his desires today.9 Finding her in amongst the books on gardening, he made an initial move. "Hello, I'm Bob." She looked him over as though he was a mugger. He smiled in a friendly manner. She appraised him and dismissed him in her mind as small fish in the pond. "What do you want?" "Well, your name for starters." "Tough shit, Spud. Beat it before I call the manager." "Now is that any way to talk to me?" He twisted her thoughts and inserted an instruction to fulfill one of his voyeuristic plans. "Why don't youÄÄjust because of that little snippet of hostilityÄÄtake off your bra? Right now?"50 "What kind of pervert are you?" she replied, forgetting the threat to call the manager. Her tone took on a strong level of hostility. She began to rattle of a series of personal insults. But while the words flowed, she put down her purse and began to remove her blouse. Her pale white skin was relatively unblem- ished, and he admired the lush tits as she exposed them while removing the bra. Large round nipples swelled in the cool air, coming to sharp little points with pencil-width tips. She put the blouse back on, speaking all the while about his lack of tact, politeness and anything else she could throw in. He smiled, his own protrusion raising the cloth of his trousers. "So you might as well drop dead," she ended. Finally, she draped the bra over her arm and went back to looking at the books on the shelf. 2 "Thank you, that was very erotic," he said. She turned to stare at him as though he hadn't heard a word of her diatribe. He pointed to the bra on her arm. She leapt in surprise. Turning pink with deep embarrassment, she clenched her shoulders in, and her hand flew up between her breasts to check that this was, in fact, her bra. She gasped. "When did I do that?" she asled, mystified by her lapse of memory. "While you were running down my family history. An educa- tional explanation of my origins by the way. Imagine my surprise, hearing all the family ties to snakes. Shall we have lunch?" "No way, little man." She turned to stomp away, only to find herself standing before him again. "How do you do this crap?"3 "You will finish up here. We will then walk down to the steak place at the end of the mall, arm in arm." She shook her head, and turned to the cash register with her selections. Bob merely stepped into the hallway to wait. A moment later she slipped her arm in his and they began to walk down the hall. With the bra hanging over her arm, it was obvious to all that her breasts were not encumbered by the undergarment. She flushed in embarrassment as teenaged boys turned to stare at protruding nipples outlined in the fabric of her blouse. Yet she did nothing to put the bra in a less obvious location. "You can't make me do this! You can't!" They wandered past gaggles of younger girls who stared at them. "I don't seem able to stop myself, but that's impossible!" Bob knew the predicament was startling her. She could no more stop him now than walk on the moon. He just walked into the5 restaurant with her on his arm, still bemoaning her lack of control. "Table for two, back in the corner," he directed the host- ess. She sat them in a booth, concealed somewhat, but not com- pletely from the rest of the restaurant. "Now then," he said, "Let's try introductions again. I'm Bob. And you are?" "Emily. Emily Sandhill," his victim replied. "That's better. See how easy it is when you cooperate?" She nodded fearfully and spoke no other word. "We're going to enjoy our lunch," he said calmly. "Well maybe a bit more than lunch" He studied the menu. She suddenly began pleading."Why don't you just let me go? I won't tell anybody; I promise. Just leave me alone."6 "Oh, you won't tell anyone. You'll find that you can't. Tell you what: try telling the waiter what you think I'm doing." She began to think. What could she tell anyone? He hadn't touched her. In the book store she had removed her bra, apparent- ly at his request. She accompanied him to the restaurant, arm in arm, at his request. No physical force at all. She was sitting with him, not screaming for help. Who would believe her? She tried to get up, but instead she picked up her menu. The waiter came to take their order. He was a college-age young fellow with heavy eyebrows and a pleasant demeanor. When he left, Bob had placed steak orders for both of them. "I don't eat meat!" "You will today," he answered. "Why don't you go to the8 ladies' room and take your panties off?" "Or what? You'll make me?" "Do you want to find out?" "No! I'll do it." She got up and wandered to the room. When she came back to the table, she held her panties tucked in her arms, trying to conceal them. She went to put them in her shopping bags, but Bob reached out a hand. Reluctantly she dropped them into his hand. He placed them conspicuously on the table where the waiter couldn't miss them. Emily blanched. "What are you doing?" Believe it or not, you like being treated like this." I don't need your bloody abuse! Why don't you just go 9 away, and leave me alone?" Maybe you'd feel better with your blouse open..." No! Please, this is embarrassing enough now! I don't want to be annoyed by you or any other twerp." She looked down, noticing her exposed breasts, blouse pulled to either side. This aroused some twinge of unharnessed desire within her, she began to twitch in her seat. The waiter came back with a bread basket and their drinks. Emily flinched, flushed totally red throughout her face. The waiter appeared not to notice her predicament. To her surprise, her nipples became sharply erect and her vagina was getting wet. She was starting to wet her skirt. Bob shot her a pleased look while she looked down at her lap. He knew he'd done nothing directly to stimulate her arousal.60 "You seem to like this kind of game." "I can't believe you're getting a thrill from this. May I please button up again?" "Yes, but don't get used to the idea. Why don't you pull your skirt up and finger yourself." "In public? Here?" "Do you want to do it, or must I help you again?" She sighed. She reached her hand under the skirt, slipping her fingers over the exposed labia. Certain that Bob could somehow make her do it anyway, she began to caress the folds of her bushy groin. She kept her eyes wide open, watching Bob sit calmly over the table. Breath grew short as her clitoris rose from its recess. 2 She gently rubbed the little knob, gasping. A small drop of sweat rolled down her forehead, and dribbled down her nose. "Oh God," she whispered, "ah yes." Her head wrenched to the side, but she forced it back to watch Bob who was, in turn, watching her. Moans forced her tongue between tasty lips, gracing the corners of her mouth with licks from the tip as her body devel- oped desire into motion. Her hips ground the wooden booth seat. She grunted, humped, and moaned. At least she suppressed the more violent sounds she tended to make during orgasm. She panted for a few moments afterwards, trying not to slide down in the seat. "There, now. Feeling better?" Amazingly, one of her better orgasms. She couldn't do much but relax at this point. She felt obliged to admit it to Bob, although she couldn't say why.3 "God, yes," she whispered so quietly he had to strain to hear her. "Good. We'll see what else we can do for you later." The waiter had returned, and stood there while she finished her orgasm. He was holding their meals on a tray, and started to lay the plates before them. "If I may be bold," he said, "your performance was superb." She sat stunned by the man's pronouncement, as he walked away as though nothing unique had happened. When she turned back towards Bob, he was eating his steak. She looked with dismay at her own. She'd been a practicing vegetarian for some time. She secretly had been yearning for meat lately, but her will power insisted she must5 stick with the regime. "Eat," said Bob. "I know you've been avoiding meat for a while, but you like steak, and you may find a certain sensuous pleasure in it." "I can't." "You can, but I won't force you." She picked up her knife and fork, cutting off a small piece of the still red meat. She placed it on her tongue, sucking the blood, the red juices from the morsel she had selected. He was right! The taste was fantastic. Her tongue and teeth explored the exquisite tender bite, eventually allowing the battered scrap of food to wander deliciously down her throat. The next small cut of beef she treated to loving licks with lips and tongue before sucking it into her mouth,6 wondrously discovering the flavor as though for the first time. By the time she finished the meat on her plate, she was once again horny, and even Bob seemed... Well, almost acceptable to her lusts. The waiter came back to the table to clean up, asking if there was any more they desired from the menu before they left. Bob paid by credit card, although she believed he would not have to, if he didn't want to. "Excuse me; why me?" "Because you wanted to be used, and I wanted someone to use. I can see these things in people." "I don't think I'm into being humiliated this way." "You are. I just let you find out." 7 "I'm confused, but I'm also ridiculously horny. Did you do that to me?" "No, but I could feel it rising while you ate your steak. I haven't done anything to you since making you open your blouse. Lovely tits by the way." They stepped out into the mall again. "What are you going to do about my horniness?" she inquired softly. He looked at her with astonishment. She was leaning onto his shoulder with a look of snuggled warmth spreading through her face. I honestly hadn't given it much thought." He led her away from the restaurant. The rubbing of her legs against each other was raising up heat in her groin. They entered the hall with the security office. No one noticed them walk in.9 She followed him to the captain's office, where a man in black and blue looked up at them. He stood and walked out. Bob swept the papers and other items from the desk to the floor with a crash. "This will do just fine," he said, "no one will interrupt us." There are open windows to the outer office." she complained. Bob looked out, a secretary and a rent-a-cop were chating with each other. "You'll appreciate that better once you get your clothing off." he replied. She nervously began undressing. By the time blouse, skirt and shoes were laid aside, she was trembling from an excitement rising from humiliation. She knew now that what Bob had said was true. She wanted to be treated this way.70 Bob dropped his trousers. His six and a half inches was stood at attention. "Lie down on the desk." She sat, then lay across the desk so she wouldn't be forced to watch the outer office staff looking at her. Bob refused to let her get away with it and positioned her so she had to watch the outer office much of the time. The secretary stood at the window, pointing, and the rent-a- cop was apparently making some joke at her expense. She speculat- ed what it was: something about doorknobs? everyone gets a turn? How would she face herself in the mirror tonight? She trembled with excitement as Bob began to suck her pussy. He licked the lips of her slit first. "Oh" escaped her throat. As he worked up the opening to the top, she felt his hot moist breath against the wetness she'd developed. Then he began to lick and nibble at her clit.2 "Oh, yes, please do that more!" she exclaimed, unable to take her eyes from the two people in the outer office. Bob was holding them there. He knew how brutally embarrass- ing this was to Emily. He could feel the heat of her lust moving down from her head, rather than up from her groin. She was now bucking against his face. She couldn't stop herself. All the while being watched by strangers. Her head rolled side to side. Her braid whipped about over the end of the desk. She panted with the excitement of sex in a frighteningly public way. She pinched her own nipples,and tried to pull one up to her lips to suck it. She couldn't quite, but she tried anyway. Then Bob entered her. She pulsed with an orgasm. She was so far gone from him eating her out, she couldn't hold back when he entered. 4 "God!" this time she couldn't keep the noise level down, this time she knew the woman in the outer office couldn't help but hear. And she was watching too, so had seen the entire thing. Bob using her, almost beyond her imagination. Bob fucked her and made her hips pump for him. He reached out and fondled the pale breasts waving before him. She was reasonably tight and he liked the sensation of her clutching cunt. Pressure built and eventually he released his sperm, a flood of semen into her cunt. "oh yeah." he muttered. After standing with his cock in her cunt afterwards for some time, he pulled out and began to dress. "Should I dress too?" "You want to walk out of here like that?" "Uh, no, no, not really." She was amazed how much it5 thrilled her to be watched while fucking. "Uh, what about them?" She pointed to the outer office. "Come on," he said simply. As they walked out, the secretary offered a comment. "You filthy slut. Can't you find some place else to peddle your ass? How much did you charge him, eh?" Emily's ears burned red, embarrassed and humiliated even more by this catty remark. Her groin twitched again. "Don't worry," Bob said, "They'll forget about this before we've gotten down the hall." At the crowed mall hallway, Bob turned to leave, but Emily grabbed his shoulder. Was I really like this all along? Or did you do 6 something to me like you made those people forget they saw us?" "You already had the desire, just hidden deeply away." "Will I see you again?" she pouted, mixed in her emotions. Maybe, just maybe." He stole her address from her mind. Bob let himself be swallowed by the crowd. He had enjoyed the little interlude. * * * * * * He drove past a car with no one in it. No, that wasn't right. He looked in his rear view mirror. A man was steering the car just as normal as day. Bob probed the car with the talent. 7 No one was there, well maybe there was a void, a blob he couldn't read. Like the men at the Institute radar site. Oh my, he thought, this guy is one of them. Is he after me? What do I do? Then the other car turned away, down a different street. Bob sighed with relief. Some day soon he'd have to do something about those creeps. They scared him more each time he came across their presence. There'd been more trouble with Betty and Randi fighting. Well, not fighting. Perhaps it was simply... struggling. Yesterday Betty complained about Randi trying to run the house. She was allowed to boss Randi around a bit, but she and Randi were often at odds.9 Bob didn't know what kept the two of them at each other's throat, but he guessed Betty really wanted to be acknowledged as the queen of his women. She was paranoid. She thought the others were going to hurt her some night. She had no idea this was ridiculous since he controlled them all. And she kept trying to push everyone else around unless Bob stepped in with his command over her hidden persona. Yesterday he got pissed about Betty's paranoia around Randi. He adjusted her a touch, to actually like Randi. He added a little more to put Randi in charge when he wasn't around. That ought to straighten her out. He had been working in the study. At the back of his mind he picked upand Randi talking in the bedroom. He got up and walked towards the bedroom. He slipped to the door to watch.81 "You were seeing him for almost six months before you let him make love to you?" Randi's voice came. "Yeah. He was just fine, but I didn't want to have sex until I got married." Randi was helping Betty brush her hair. From time to time she stroked Betty's back too. "But he convinced me I was wrong. I was also wrong to want him to myself. That was selfish, I think, I'm not sure really." "Maybe you just needed better encouragement." This odd sensation was what he'd picked up, Randi was radiating desire. Betty, without the unreasoning fear she'd had until yesterday, was responding a little to the sensual contact. The girls were dressed in short skirts. Revealing blouses showed the spoor of nipples since neither wore a bra. Stockings were part of the house uniform, and high heels which he knew could not only get uncomfortable, but made some chores a bit difficult.2 But they liked wearing them around him, he'd made certain of that. He liked to see the curves their legs had with the high heels on. "What do you mean?" "A man like Bob is unique. He's skilled in bed like I've never felt with a man. He sometimes turns me on frantically, just by looking in my direction. I've no idea how it happens. Before him, the only satisfaction I ever got was from other girls." Bob knew this, but didn't really want her to lose that innate quality. He enjoyed being her only man. Again he felt personal power no other man could have. "Really?" By now the hair brush was laid aside. Randi worked her hands in circles on Betty's shoulders. "I don't like the idea of women with women. It's wrong."4 "Oh?" Randi was smiling now, aware that the woman under her hands was responding to the gentle stroking of her torso. "Yep. My mother told me." Betty shook her head as if trying to clear it. "Lately I'm having trouble remembering some of the things mother said." Randi worked her arms around to Betty's stomach. Her red tipped fingers rubbed the muscles of the other girl's abdomen. "Well, his technique is unusual; I'm certain he's responsi- ble for whatever when he gives me Fran from time to time. I get such incredible satisfaction from it. I'm not fond of men. But he's not the sameÄÄdifferent somehow. Its good with him." "I see," said Betty, her voice beginning to waver. Randi had worked up to cupping her breasts, and although she believed this could not be good, light tingles of excitement circled the5 firm flesh. Bob could feel Betty's anxiousness, and mild curiosity. Her head tilted forward, the eyes fluttering from the mildly arousing massage. Randi took the bold step of cupping up until her fingers could clasp the nipples of Betty's breast and roll them. "No, no Randi, don't do this. I don't want to sleep with you," she mumbled. Her body betrayed her though, rolling along with the motion of Randi's gentle ministration. "Oh God, that feels good." Randi began to kiss her on the neck. Betty leaned her head to the side, allowing Randi's lips easier access. Goose bumps showed her excited flesh enjoyed the contact. "No. I- I can't. I won't. I mustn't..." 7 Randi's fingernails dug into her nipples, lightly, a sharp jolt of pleasant pain. "Oh," she moaned. Greedily, enjoying the conquest of the often argumentative woman, Randi pulled at her breasts, pinching nipples between thumb and forefinger, intermixed with grasping handfuls of the flesh. Bob reached for what Betty was experiencing. He could feel the tongue snake into her ear. The heat flowing down towards his groin from her breasts was prickling his own desires. Her eyes wouldn't stay open, so he got kaleidoscopic blur of images in the room. His breathing accelerated to match her pumping lungs. Randi, holding Betty's left nipple with one hand, reached down and lifted Betty's skirt with the other. Here she benefitted from Bob's decision that the women were to be available to him at any time.8 Betty was available to Randi, as well. Randi slid one carefully manicured finger down the folds of Betty's cunt. Her middle finger, chosen for the intrusion, found a moist entryway waiting. Her finger probed and Bob felt the invasion as certainly as Betty. "God, no, don't do this," she moaned, helpless in Randi's grasp. "Let me go, you- you bitch!" Randi was unrelenting, working the nub of Betty's clitoris. Betty bucked, humping at the finger. "You like this, slut. I may be Bob's whore, but you're just a teasing little slut and you need to be used." Bob reached out into Randi's mind, becoming a parasitic observer within her body. The emotions were intense. He could sense her glee at conquering the cunt under her fingers. Her own sense of power over Betty fed his lust of power over both women.90 He could feel her body writhing with pleasure although Betty hadn't touched her. "Oh God, this is wrong!" Betty's lips formed the words, contradicting her body. "What will Bob think of me? I- I... Please stop!" Silly slut," answered the dominant woman. "He'll think no more of you than he does now. You are a slut for his personal use, a cunt, whose purpose is to relieve his sexual pleasure. What did you think he kept you around for?" Betty lurched toward Randi's finger. Randi forced Betty to turn her head towards her face with her left hand. Betty was gone into the stage of not caring how she'd been aroused. Randi planted a wet kiss on the other woman's mouth. Bob experienced the flush of victory in Randi's conquest, and gave her temporary ownership of Betty's body. He could feel how tasty and sweet Betty's lips were through his 2 vicarious tactile touch. Betty couldn't stop the plunging tongue violating her mouth. She didn't really want to. The dyke Bob kept around was bringing her to a lusty orgasm and she couldn't stop her. Any moment now Bob would catch them and punish her for letting the bitch take her. What could she do? She entered into the kiss with Passion, with a capital P. The softness of Randi's mouth was a change from what she'd felt with Bob. The woman's lips were velvet to her touch, and her own tongue found the taste simply exciting. Randi pushed Betty to the bed and lifting the skirt, buried her face in the lush red tunnel. Her tongue entered the dripping cunt, pushing as far in as possible. "My God!" Betty cried. "Oh, don't do that! No, no, no!" Betty's pelvis had assumed sine wave properties as she3 thrust and ground her cunt into Randi's mouth. She denied the desire for the attention with every word, but her body was hot, aflame with excitement, reaching for ecstasy. Randi slid two fingers into the gyrating woman. They entered so easily that she withdrew them and added a third. When this proved easy as well, she drew her hand out again. Then she pointed all the fingers together and tried to insert her entire hand. "No, no. That'll hurt me," squealed the sweaty woman in Randi's eager grasp. "Ah!" But then all the fingers pushed in to the widest part, the area of Randi's hand from the last knuckle of her thumb to the heal of her palm. Betty tried to spread her thighs open even wider than they already were, whimpering with a combination of joy and pain. With a sudden bump, the wrist Randi pressed behind her hand slipped into the red/pink gap. 5 "Ah. yes!" screeched Betty, tears pouring from her eyes. It was impossible to gauge by looking at her whether the tears were of pain or pleasure. But Bob entered her mind and as Betty, felt wondrously full, stretched wide, and unbelievably hot. There was also a stretching pain, and a few poking pains where the invading protrusion was hitting tender points. But even those pains were stimulating the sex within. Randi clenched her hand into a fist inside Betty and started to punch in, out, in, out. Each in motion was answered by a grunt of surprise/lust from Betty. Each out motion with a gasp, strug- gling to gulp down air. Tears continued to stream down the side of her face, but along with the tears began to come a gasping, begging sound. "More, I gotta have more, deeper!" "Oh love, you look so beautiful with my arm in you." "Oh Randi, you're giving -ah!- me the best... oh, yes!"6 "You're so pretty when stroked." "Oh, I'm coming! More, more!" Bob could feel the fullness along the open lips of Betty's hot love canal. She was swinging her arms and head wildly in response to the brutal invasion. She screamed out. Coming wrenched her around bodily on the bed. Randi eased her hand out of Betty carefully. She was sur- prised as all hell the girl had taken it, first time, with so little trouble. All her other experiences required enormous amounts of lubrication and slow careful entry. Betty was curled up in a ball on the bed, recovering from her intense and unexpected experience. 8 Randi saw Bob at the door. He grinned, nodded in approval, and left. * * * * * * Distantly, at the Institute, two men stood before a large oak desk. The entrance to the room, a large double door, was shut, the curtains drawn. They stood apart, not associating with each other in any way but their presence. The burly man wore a turtle-neck sweater and casual slacks. The other wore a business suit. "You lost her," came a voice from a chair behind the desk. It was deep, undoubtedly male. The room was dark, and the face concealed by the deeper shadows. "I implanted programming to make her contact us every other week. She's only missed one." answered the man in the suit.9 "I don't care! Anything we program in can be programmed out. You blew it. You lost her. She's gone. An observer should have watched her all the time." "It would've made other the sparks suspicious." Pause. "Sir." "Find her!" A fist struck accent on the desk. "Yes, Sir!" turn and depart started. "Oh, and Tyler," the departing man looked back, "If you don't find her..." A moment passed. Heavy in the air were other frightening options. "I understand sir." the man named Tyler left. 100% "Jones." "Sir?" "He'll fail. I know a failure when I see one. Make prelimi- nary arrangements with Jezebel, then get another team on it. I want to know when to pull him." Yes sir." The second man left. A pair of feet, clad in expensive Italian leather, took up residence on the edge of the desk. They twitched with impatience.  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) --> 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24 --> Receiving Information...u Receiving file...|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11)(47k) lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [PageDown: ] [Help: ?] [Return to Menu: u] Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!noc.near.net!howland.reston.ans.net!n ews.sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:16:29 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1342 Message-ID: <462urr$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 Chapter 6: Chapter & Worse The airport was crowded. He'd chosen to fly at rush hour, with all the business travelers. This trip was the first he'd made in some time. His invest- ments were beginning to pay off well. The money wasn't1% 2 exactly piling up, but he was doing well enough. This trip would take him to New York. He planned to find some one to handle his investments closer to the markets. No big deal, and he'd be back tomorrow. He walked through the security scanner on the way to the gate and almost froze in his tracks. By sheer force of will he kept moving. A probe had slid over his camouflage persona, the construct he displayed above his thought shield. The Institute? Maybe. If he stalled now, they'd figure it out for sure. He walked on to his plane, taking his seat, in coach, along with all the other passengers. * * * * * * The hunters sniffed a scent on the wind.3 "William," said the man with the carrot red hair. "What is it?" "Look here. The system made a little hiccup. If the guy going by was a sensitive, it should wail; instead I got this funny flutter." William looked at readings charted on the sheet of paper. Nothing was out of the ordinary except a sudden twitch on an emissions gauge. He looked at the power monitor, lifted the automatic logging sheet. "Here's the problem, Red, power hit must've gotten by the filters." "Hmmm, probably right." "Happens, ya know." 5 They went back to reading newspapers. Bob's picture remained imposed in black and white on the roll of paper with all the scan data. As the paper rolled along for other scan jobs, it folded neatly into a box by the machin- ery. * * * * * * Bob's relief was immense as the aircraft settled into the clouds. Certainly they wouldn't let the plane leave if they knew him as one of their sparks. He did a quick snoop on the other passengers. The cabin was filled with tired, somewhat restless travel- ers. They either wanted to get home, or to their hotels at their destinations. None of them seemed too anxious about the flight. 6 Bob settled in himself. Napping cut the trip time for him. * * * * * * Arrival. Next time he'd spring for a limo. He shared a cramped cab from Laguardia with three other people. Not fun, he decided. Well, not entirely fun. An attrac- tive, lithe little blonde accompaied him to mid-town. The blonde was willing to talk to him. Her name was Andy, she told him. They arranged to meet at a restaurant she called 'Possible 20' somewhere in the area of his hotel for a late dinner. He used skill of conversation in the cab, not the talent for control. He checked into the hotel, depositing his clothing in the room by hanging the garment bag in the closet. He was to7 meet Andy at eight o'cloch, and it was almost that now. Fortunately, the taxi driver knew the restaurant. He walked in only ten minutes late. He didn't see her in the front room, but in the rear section of the place she waved and smiled from a table under a picture of Groucho Marx. The decor's theme was theater and movies. There were men and women in suits as well as jeans, an interesting mix. He smiled and walked over to join her, sitting under Grouch- o's cigar. "Hello again." "You may as well sit. I ordered coffee for both of us." As he sat, he opened the menu before him. The fare was as mixed as the fashion sense of the customers. He was pleased9 at the choices. "Sorry I'm late, concierge slowed me down in the lobby of the hotel. I've only been to New York once before, had a little trouble getting everything straightened away." "Its okay. The restaurant would be empty anyway. Curtain time has the crowds under control at the moment. No one will be here until after the last act." "Huh?" "Theater district is a block downtown. The theater crowds will be busy at the moment. This place draws some of them." "Oh. I see. The theaters have that much effect on the crowds?" "In the evening, yes. Going to be in the City long?" 10% "Just tonight and tomorrow this trip." "Oh dear. Well we wouldn't want you to leave thinking badly of The City." From her emphasis on `The City' he knew she meant it to be all caps. He'd met hard core New Yorkers before, but she was a living example of New York City as center of universe thinking. He ordered skins, potato skins, the meal on the plane had somehow irritated his stomach. She had some kind of sandwich, he didn't pay attention to what. She'd changed from the outfit she wore in the cab. She now wore a dark sports jacket with elbow patches over a fluffy white blouse, slim jeans, and flats. Her hair was a bouncy shoulder length, almost golden blonde. Her face had high cheeks, a perpet- ual smile and almost laughing eyes. He admired her thin tender looking ears as well. 2 They lost themselves in discussions of international poli- tics for a time. Was the economic future of the country dependent on finding an accommodation with Japan, were the Germans really getting their house in order, more trivia of interest. She proved better read on many topics than he, often bringing in some little piece of information or another he'd overlooked lately. "What do you do?" she finally asked. "I manage my investments." "Oh? you a broker?" "No, just found a way to stop working for other people and manage a portfolio instead. Got lucky I guess. What about you?" "Oh, I do a little of this, a little of that. I've been working through temp agencies for some time. Right now I'm3 running a real small business's accounting department." "Good deal, I guess, if you can find something like that. How come you were at the airport then?" "Went to visit my sister in KayCee." It took a minute, but he realized she meant Kansas City. He paid for dinner. Anyone working through temp agencies, he figured, wouldn't mind dinner on him. He was right, she seemed grateful when he picked up the tab. They walked down Broadway. She led him through Times Square, past the hordes of beggars, street vendors, and musicians with hats or tins out. At one point, the break dancers had taken over the entire sidewalk. They walked around through street traffic. There seemed to be a flow of people through the busy, yet sporadic flow of5 cars and busses. They strolled south for some time. Andy called the direction downtown. She pointed out some of the better known buildings. They slipped over to the library, she tried but failed to remem- ber the names of the Lions. He laughed at this and told her their names. He stole into her thoughts to pull the information out. For all he knew, she wasn't right either, but she thought he was. She pointed out a building south of the Library. It had a gold colored top. The lights shone brightly, accenting the gold top. She informed him solemnly this was the American Standards building. She laughed because he remained mystified. "It's the company that make toilets, silly. Think of all the crappers it took to build the thing." She continued to laugh. He smiled. 6 "Sir Thomas would be proud." "Sir who?" she said. "Sir Thomas; Sir Thomas Crapper, the inventor of the flush toilet as we know it. Was knighted for his effort." "Really?" "Really." Her laughter was contagious. * * * * * * They had gotten back to his hotel. It was about 11:30. He was amazed a city could be so busy, even late at night. Andy was going to say good-bye at the door to the hotel, but he talked her into seeing him to his room. Sensing what he7 could say helped. She had been holding his hand now for some time, quite content with his company. At the door, he kissed her. She seemed to like it. A second, somewhat sloppier kiss followed. Her tongue joined in the act. "Isn't this just a little fast?" she ducked her head down so he couldn't continue. He felt uncertainty within her, an interest in going on, but reluctantly. "Depends." "On what?" "Whether we both want to or not." With his left hand he lifted her chin, with his right he opened the door. She followed his kiss into the hotel room. "I, uh, don't think this is such a good idea." 8 Bob pulled her to him, and plunged his tongue into her mouth. She tasted delicious. Her eyes closed in rapture each time his lips locked against hers. She relished each kiss as though it was the first she'd ever had. His hands held her arms at the shoulders, holding her tightly to him. He used the grip to turn her enough to allow him to suck gently at her neck. He could sense a decision inside her being reached, whether to stay; spending the night, or go; in hopes he'd come see her again. He let her work on the thought while he worked on the soft skin of her neck. I'll stay," she whispered, "but I don't know if I'll regret this in the morning." "I hadn't asked you." 20 "You would have," she started to nibble at his neck and chin. He kicked off his shoes. She dropped the sports jacket and stepped out of her flats. Taking her hand he led her to the bed. She looked at it briefly, shuddered a moment. Determined, she sat at the edge and raised her arms to entice him to her. He entered her arms, and pulled her to him as he rolled to a prone position. She grinned above him, diving the six inches to his face to kiss him then pulling back. She teased him this way for a few minutes. He reached a hand behind her neck and held her to a passion- ate kiss, tongues in collision. Her eyes remained enticingly closed during every meeting of their lips. Her hand drifted to his hardening prick. Oh my, did I do that?"1 As if you didn't already know." "Can I have it for my very own?" "We can let you test drive it..." She began unwrapping the prize she sought. First his belt, then the button on his trousers, and the zipper made a resounding rush as she pulled it down. They both giggled. As she pulled the elastic of his underwear over the stiff member, it popped to immediate attention. With a victorious smile, she performed a mock salute to the little soldier. "Remain at attention!" she said. He laughed at her playful attack. She plunged her mouth over the tip, soaking him between her warm wet lips. Her hair shook lightly at the motions she made.3 He watched the twinkle in her eyes grow as she licked and nibbled the length of his cock, between her attempts to bring the head into her throat. The tingle he was beginning to feel im- proved as she grasped the base of his prick with one of her soft warm hands. She squeezed it and pumped whenever her head wasn't seeking to engulf its length. He couldn't help thrusting into her face, every time she sucked him in. The pink tongue sometimes showed around the edges of his cock as she sucked. He struggled to avoid pulling her head to force himself deeper into the orifice he was fucking. She watched his face as she sucked. Her activity became more enthusiastic as she saw him more frenzied. The pressure rose in his groin. He felt fluids starting to travel. "I'm coming, Andy. I'm coming." She plunged his cock deeply into her mouth, driving him4 past her rear teeth, and at last, into her throat. He felt her rear teeth rubbing sharply against the body of his penis. She kept this deep throat action going while his groin muscles mechanically pumped a volume of come into her. She held him in her throat as long as she could hold her breath, lips and tongue rubbing against the root and balls. She enjoyed his facial expression during release. Then she sat back. He rolled on his side in contentment. "Good." she said. "Good what?" "Now when I get you hard again, you'll last longer." He laughed again. She'd entered into the fun, having made her decision. 6 "You needn't have worried. That's the one muscle I have with endurance to spare." It was her turn to laugh. She peeled away her blouse, leaving her breasts bound in their double barrel slingshot. Then she dropped her jeans, revealing a lacy pair of panties. She left these on and began unbuttoning Bob's shirt. After pulling his pants off, she made him shed the remains of his shirt. "I'm gonna leave these on just to give you some continued interest," she waved at the underwear she wore. Her tits seemed to fill the bra quite nicely, and a hint of the dark patch of pubic hair was visible around the edges of her panties. Her body slipped up against Bob's naked skin. She felt smooth and silky as she rubbed her legs against his. He began to caress her arms and shoulders as they once again began to neck. He carefully traced lines across her back, following paths her nervous system reacted to well.8 She let out a sigh, enjoying the way he anticipated points on her back she wanted touched. Enjoying her response, he began to tease along her pleasantly round hips the same way. "Oh, that's nice!" He liked the way her lips shaped the sounds. He sensed itching and tingling under the bra straps she wore. So he reached around and hooked the eyelets free. The back now loose, her flesh in the front still cupped in the bra, he moved the straps to the sides. Then he scratched her back along the places they had been binding her. She tucked her head down against his chest and purred. She made a low rumbling and rolling `rrr' until she slipped her lips forward and began to suck at his nipple. Then the sound came from her throat. Not allowing her to resume control, he reached his hand down between her panties and bottom. It was soft to the touch,30 and he kneaded the cheeks gently. This also brought a sigh of joy from Andy. She was writhing slowly against his leg, and he pushed her ass to force her groin to grind harder. He could feel the begin- nings of rolling in her abdomen muscles from excitement. Her breath stepped up in speed. No, not yet gasping, but more rhythmic, more lusty, more heat. She wasn't showing signs of real exertion yet, no sweat, no hurrying. He pushed her back and pulled the bra away from her chest. He admired the flesh exposed by her further nudity. The breasts themselves were much paler than the rest of her, almost an alabaster white. At the apex were tiny red/brown nipples, but oddly inverted. There were little puckers where the knobby tips should be. He'd never seen nipples inverted before! He sucked at one, the nipple popped out, remaining out while erect. They both became hard quickly, slowly softening when he paid more attention to the other. She didn't enjoy more1 brutal treatment of her nipples, he could tell before she said so, but her response to really hard sucking was enormous. So he suckinto his mouth and tickled the stiff ends with his tongue tip. She rewarded him by groaning and moaning, her hands and arms wrapping themselves around his head as he suckled her tits. She clutched him to her tightly as he attacked them, her head craning backwards as she moaned out her happiness. His nose and eyes pushed into the pale skin. Eventually she pushed him back. "Please, I want you now. I want to feel you inside me." He helped her remove the panties, tossing them to the side. She lifted her legs, but he pulled her up to a sitting position. "Get on top."3 She squatted on her heels above his cock, guiding it into her. He could feel her moisture as her cunt slid down over his pole. Impaled, she knelt open mouthed above him. Her nipples remained pointed out, sharp and beautiful. He began to sit up. "What the...?" "Bring your legs around behind me, sit on my lap." She struggled to unbend her kneeling knees, letting him sit at the edge of the bed, her body wrapped around his, with his cock violating her deepest recesses. "Oh." It was a moan escaped; not released, but forcibly freed. He lifted, then dropped her in his lap. She held onto4 him, weaving her fingers together behind his neck. He had a good view of his own manhood thrusting into her as she gasped and moaned with pleasure. His hands were locked under her buttocks, helping keep entry and withdrawal motions going. She was moving well on her own now, so he disengaged his hands. His right hand sought out the meeting of their flesh at her hot wet labia from the back. He felt his prick sliding in and out as she moved above. Her head was starting to whip back and forth, gaining intensity with every plunging entry his cock made. Tracing back up with his fingers, he felt her asshole. It was puckering and unpuckering along with the rest of her. She was working up to another plateau of pleasure. He could sense a thrill within her as he tickled the ring of her anus. 6 Suddenly he invaded her anal orifice with his finger, driving it in to the second knuckle. "Yes!" she screamed out immediately. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She was bucking madly, thrusting back, not only at his prick, but against the intruding finger up her ass as well. She was sweating now profusely. An orgasm which clutched at his prick surged from her. He fucked her ass thoroughly with his finger as she came. "Fuck me!" came the cry as the tension in her muscles tightened with cramp proportions. Then she came down a little. He kept at her, tilting his head down at an angle to suck a nipple, he continued to fuck her cunt and her ass. "Not again! Yes!" A gleeful, perhaps triumphant howl. She swung her head wildly and let go another screaming orgasm. He felt a surge of liquid fire rise within, so he let7 loose his second orgasm for the night. The come flooded out the tip of his cock, he could almost see the seed enter her. Some dripped around the opening of the girl at the point their bodies were joined. slowly went limp in his arms. Obviously glowing with a joy of someone just fucked, she smiled radiantly at him. They sat for a while, with him inside her. She was over- whelmed with afterglow, for now. * * * * * * "I've never seen inverted nipples before," he was playing with the tips of her breasts. They looked like tiny belly but- tons, only a red brown color. She smiled at him as he got one to pop up erect. "They've been there all my life." 8 "It must be unusual." "I suppose, but not to me." "Yup." "You hit a real hot spot fingering my, um, bottom." He looked at her, surprised. "You've never had anyone, er, fondle your ass before?" "My ass, yes, my asshole, no." "You don't know what you're missing." "I think you may be right, although." Although?"9 f you'd suggested it before our little dalliance, I'd never've gone to bed with you." "Well, if I can get it up again," looking down at the semi- stiff prick, "we can try a little back door delight. You want to try?" "Oh, but it might hurt." "Nonsense, I brought some baby oil. We'll just get your tail oiled up and you'll find it less difficult than you think." Um," she tousled his hair, and nibbled at his ear. She spent a few minutes thinking it over, "okay, you can take my ass. I'm game." Ha! not yet I don't, recuperation takes more than ten minutes." "You want my virginity, you better rise to the occasion!"40 "Oh, give me a break. I already came twice!" She giggled, and sat up. A moment latter her lips were actively attempting to resuscitate his flagging pecker. At his present level of arousal, she easily fit his entire cock and balls in her mouth. She worked her lips over the glans, around the edges, tongued the under seam. He became stiff, one more time. "Now don't do too much, you don't want me to come before I enter you." She giggled and tried to smile at him while sucking with her mouth and pumping with her hand. A few minutes later his rod had achieved suitable stiffness. "Get your shoulders on the mattress, and stick your butt in the air." 2 She started to do so in the middle of the bed. He got the baby oil. Opening it, he rubbed some on his prick. "No, no. Get down here, the edge, yeah that's it, knees on the edge of the bed." She moved again. He took a handful of oil and rubbed it over her ass. "Oh! That's cold!" Sorry, it'll warm up." His hands on either cheek, he pried open her anus with his thumbs one at a time, working the oil into her nether hole. Then he moved his cock's head against the opening. "Oh!" In it went, about an inch and a half. He paused, letting her adjust to the plundering penis in her. Her eyes showed wide3 open shock at the entry. "I feel like I gotta go." "It'll pass as I get in deeper." "God, I feel so fucking full already." Her face was turned back towards him over her left shoulder, pressed into the mat- tress. Tears were forming in her eyes. Okay, I'll go in a little farther." so saying pushed another inch in. "Ow! Oh! Oh!" "Want me to stop?" "No! I mean, I think I'm gonna like this." She reached back to pull her chalky white cheeks farther apart for him. 4 He pressed forward a little more, her sphincter looser now as she relaxed and tried feeling the pleasant sensations. He resolved to let her work it out, rather than adjust her senses to accept it. "Ah!" and she dropped into a continuous low moan. Now he pressed all the way, so his balls teased her cunt and his tummy rested against her spread cheeks. He waited a moment for the muscles of her ass to adjust to his presence. He began the motion to plunder this treasure. Out slowly, in slowly, then faster, building a rhythm. "Oh God, yes, that's so fucking good." her eyes shuttered from arousal. A pink tongue slipped out of her mouth to apply pressure to her lips. He reached around and began to play with her clit. The oiled fingers made the contact smoother and seemed to allow6 movement with less irritation to her skin. "Yes," she hissed. "That's it." Her rhythm melded with his. If anything, she was trying to slam her ass against him now. He felt the grip of her ass muscles as she began to pulse with the heat. The hand that wasn't busy, his left, he reached for her left tit. Finding the nipple he began rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. In moments he had the tip out from it's hiding place. She moaned, raising her shoulders and tucking her head down underneath. He felt her reach orgasm. His own release came soon after- wards, pouring semen into the darkness of her ass. She was screaming, he was lunging, they both collapse, with his cock still up her ass. "God, that was..." she trailed 7 "Yes?" Different," she looked at him lustily, perhaps divining emotions to go along with her physical pleasure. "yes, it was different. I'd never have done that without, well, I guess you turn me on a lot." "Well, I need a shower, wanna play?" He pulled out, with an audible pop. She pouted. "I liked that in there." "You can have it again, if you behave nicely." he whacked her bottom playfully and headed to the bathroom, "but I need some sleep tonight." They showered together. She had fun soaping his crotch, he had fun soaping hers. Her nipples popped up again under the8 spraying water. They slept. * * * * * * In the morning, he took her again. He took her ass, if for no other reason, she like it. He asked why. She said part of it was the helplessness she felt with him pinning her on her face. He laughed at this explanation, but he entered her rear plumbing again, to her delight. If he could get it up again, he was certain she'd demand another opportunity to enjoy the new experience. When she left, she insisted on getting a phone number from him. Instead he got hers, and told her he would pay the fare for her to visit him soon. Within a few weeks. 50 Then he left to pursue business opportunities. And done with business, he picked up a package at a little store in mid-town. * * * * * * The plane was airborne. His trip successful at the 5th broker he'd visited. He was pleased. He called Andy to say good-bye, he'd promised to, after all. But she was out, and her answering machine picked up. He left a cute, but romantic enough message, saying he wanted her again, er, to see her again. Then he'd flagged down a hack. The cab ride was bumpy and brutal. But he made it in time for his flight. There was another probing of his mind at Laguardia, but he was prepared. He obviously didn't trigger any alarms, but was1 very nervous when his keys set off the metal detector The flight was nearly empty. Four other passengers, and as many stewardesses. The airline couldn't be happy about it. His frolic with Andy left him horny. Part of the problem he had was related to his talent. He'd only needed to use it to read her mind. She had reacted well, mostly because he knew exactly what she'd wanted. But he found arousal in using the talent as well. The captain turned off the seat belt sign. After glancing briefly at a magazine from the pocket before him, he got up to wander to the head. When he came out, a stew- ardess was working in the storage pantry at the back of the plane. Taking a quick look up the aisle, he saw they were3 pretty well isolated. She looked up at him and smiled. It was a typical "You're the customer" smile, intended to be professional but not terribly friendly. She was well built. Her legs showed attractively below a short skirt, part of the uniform. Her vest covered only part of a starched white button down blouse, and a badge pinned to the vest proclaimed her to be Robin. Robin had blue eyes, in contrast to her brunette hair, held back on the sides with a barrette. Her shape suggested some sweet curves, and her backside was tight, at least as far as he could tell. "Hello Robin." "Can I help you sir?" "As a matter of fact, yes..." He slipped a feather light tendril into her mind. She would now believe she was home with4 her boyfriend. Bob, of course, would fill that roll. "Hello darling." she reached her arms around his neck and planting a loving kiss. He moved his hand up to her breast and began feeling through the material. "Oh sweetheart, not now. I just finished work." Well. She had interesting evasions for her boyfriend when she got home. He did what he'd avoided with Andy. He used the talent to created arousal signals in her groin and tits. "Well, maybe we could," she continued while caressing his crotch, "I'll get the chains out. Do you want to be chained to the bed or the floor?" Whoops! This wasn't going to work for Bob! He did a search through her mind, finding an old friendship she concealed from her 'pet' boyfriend. 6 Now she saw him as some guy named George. George was the man she'd grovel before, if he wanted. Apparently it never actually came to that. But thinking she was with George got her juices really running. She immediately changed her own persona, draping herself against him, reaching her hands up to run them through his hair. Her voice dropped half an octave, and she spoke. "Hi lover. Missed you. Where have you been?" Bob had to look again to be certain the voice came from the same woman. He pulled her face to his, driving his tongue between her lips. He'd swear she had almost done a traditional swoon, dropping her own muscle control to let him hold her up. He led her aside to the little pantry nook and began necking with her. While his lips pulled at her cherry tongue, he reached out his probes to ensure none of the other passengers or atten- dants would bother them.8 She licked and chewed at his neck. He lifted her skirt and pulled her panties to her knees. His hand felt the wetness she'd developed after seeing George standing beside her. He almost felt sorry for George, missing this fine moment with her. "Okay lover, turn around and bend down." "Anything you say George." She turned and jutted her tush up. Bob reached around her, separated her blouse in the front, and was rewarded to find a quick release front snap for her bra. Her ample bosom was re- leased and he felt the large hanging boobs, seeking the nipples with his thumb and forefingers. She let loose a low grunting moan. After a few moments he undid his pants, allowing them to drop to his knees. His stiff wang wagged between them and he guided it, from behind, into the soaking wet tunnel she'd prof- fered.9 He began to ram in and out of her and she made appropriate gasping sounds, pleasing him. After a few minutes though he pulled out again. Don't stop now, lover," she said. He grinned thinking of his early morning exercise with Andy. He enjoyed her enthusiastic sexual antics a lot. He spread Robin's cheeks and pressed the tip of his prick against the rosette. "NO!, oh please lover, anything, anything at all but that!" she squealed in her original voice. "Just hold still, you'll like it," to ensure this, Bob eased her muscles with mild controls, and increased the pleasure symbols her nervous system was carrying already. He pressed in an inch. She was so tight, he feared he might not make it in. "Oh! Oh! No! My God! Don't!" she continued, but her butt wiggled a little from stimulation, rather than pain. "You can't61 fit there!" He pressed in farther. He also raised the still mild stimu- lus to hot lust in her rectum. She pressed back against him hard. With a quick thrust she was completely impaled. Her head shook, tears running down her face. She also moaned excitedly. He thought of Andy, while pumping into Robin. He reached around and began to pinch her nipples. She snapped her head up, letting out a sharp squeal of joy. Her head shook wildly in abandon. She shoved down harder against his cock, but he started to come. The burst of semen planted by his prick into her ass dribbled out a little. He pulled out, while her asshole almost seemed to suck the last drops from him. His cock was starting to go limp all ready. Using towels near at hand, he cleaned up some. She 2 continued to squirm, just shy of having come. "Follow me." he said, pulling his pants up. She followed him to his seat, empty seats to either side. He moved over by the window and instructed her to sit beside. Opening his pants again, he had her start to blow him. had another stewardess bring him something to drink. This one, named Janet apparently, looked nothing like the Janet he knew. Her hair was long and black, her lips full and deep red. She wore the same uniform Robin had on, showing slightly bow legs, but attractively curved anyway. She stopped and stared at Robin sucking his cock. She had much smaller knockers. He had her show them to him. The knobby little nipples were already excited. At his command she began to pinch and play with them.4 He knew he could make her forget all this. Instead, he had her masturbate for him in the aisle. While she did this, he came all over Robin's face. He gave his little cocksucker a remote control orgasm, forcing her to come immediately. She flopped spastically in release, and afterward gleefully, thinking of George. Then he released Robin to her job errands, causing her to remember meeting with George, but forgetting just when. Janet replaced Robin at his crotch. For fun at the end of the flight he made all of the steward- esses come, one by one, as he touched their lips with his fore- finger. They all lined up for him as he left. It was a rousing display, not one of them able to remain standing. He had all the other passengers applaud. 5 It had been a very pleasant flight. Not surprisingly, he was the only passenger who remembered the flight. The crew only remembered what he wanted them to, a normal boring flight. The little demonstration of deep control titillated and aroused him. He realized he'd become addicted to the sexual utility of the skill he'd suddenly developed. He realized further how childish and reckless the little act on the plane was. He started to worry if he was losing control of himself. A possibility which frightened him. * * * * * * Bambi ne Kim sat on a bus. There were always interesting people to read on a bus.7 She had been fascinated by the other women in Bob's house, amazed she was one of them and didn't resent it. She was uncer- tain how she'd come around to view him as the center of her universe, but well, there you are. She retained most of her memories, but Harry had faded away into oblivion. She hardly thought of him any more. When she did it was a little like trying to remember a nightmare from last week. If it wasn't recurring, it lost its potency. She'd lost a lot of strong opinions too, along with the memory of Harry. She no longer believed she had to be dressed in tight concealing clothing in public. Harry seemed to like the embarrassment it caused to make her wear sexy things outside the house. Overcoming her fear of publicly wearing less conservative clothing had been hard when she went to visit Bob. She probed women far more often now. She'd learned a lot of new things about dressing and make up. More importantly,9 she'd learned, maybe relearned, she could earn a living herself. She'd gotten a boost out of going back to work. It hadn't lasted long, because Bob showed her she didn't need to work. She had a talent now allowing her to make money in supposedly speculative markets. A little research here, a little there, and in almost no time, she had real estate she could resell at a substantial profit! Now and then she had an urge to take some guy. Just take him, make him, and afterwards let him go with improvements. Occasionally a sense of desire for punishment would seep up. But then a little inner voice would calm her, telling her Harry was dead, and not all men should be like Harry was. She didn't really understand where this voice inside came from, but she felt better afterwards. She knew Bob would take care of her needs. 71 Today she'd read the thoughts of two old ladies. They'd just played Bridge and were thinking about making a 'Grand Slam'. Later she'd snooped on a teenage boy who was watching her. She was tempted to fulfill his fantasy, but she really wanted Bob, not some kid. She planted a memory in the boy of having screwed her, with details he'd never forget. He'd be happy when he got home. Probably try to relive the experience with some other older woman. Now she snaked out thin tendrils to the people on the bus with her. And stifled a gasp. A man behind her wasn't there! Well, maybe he was, but there was no mind to examine. The Institute was the only source of those mind shields! She had to flee before he figured out she was one of their 'sparks'. She didn't want to return to their labs. At the next salled. Said you knew her number." "Very good." he rewarded her with a deep, loving kiss. Then he carried the garment bag to his room. * * * * * * "Hello Janet." Bob! I've missed you." Well that would soon change, he thought. Ben didn't deserve the problems with Janet coming over to Bob's so often. A friend was important enough to help out. He carefully planted a little program of symbols to arouse her intensely when with Ben. If all worked out, her interest in him would begin to wane. Problems with Ben were one thing he could avoid easily.6 They had a quick, and somewhat disappointing fuck. Oh, she enjoyed it, so did he, but he knew she'd begin to see him as a great short term lover, not the one she really wanted. Oh, they'd do it again. But he'd made certain she'd yearn for more sensual activity afterwards, for Ben. Bob hit the road. * * * * * * Bob reached out to Randi and summoned her. He summoned Bambi too. They arrived a few minutes apart, both certain he'd be there, but trying to bring him some little problem to discuss. Settling Bambi into his chair, he stood with Randi and began kissing her. Randi responded immediately, without hesitation. She'd devoted herself to him, believing, trusting7 completely he would take care of all her needs. He could sense total trust welling within her. He petted her gently. Excited, as she always was with him now, her breath became shorter. She even got this way when he simply used her without giving her release. Often it led to a greater release later, but always she got excited by his touch. Unlike any other man she had ever met. Bambi watched with mild interest as Bob pulled up Randi's loose skirt and tested her wetness with his fingers. The woman tilted sharply into his hand, then moaned when he twisted the cloth over her nipples. Bambi sat still as possible in his chair, trying to remain comfortable while Bob made use of the other woman. She hadn't been made to watch before, but if he wanted it, she would perform this duty. Then Bob sat Randi down on the couch. He spread her legs9 and pulled her skirt away from her crotch. Establishing Bambi's view was excellent, he licked and nibbled at the inner thighs Randi offered him. Bambi watched his behavior with interest. His tongue traced the muscles and folds in her crotch. Randi sighed and let her moans slowly fill the room. She moved with rhythmic pulses of her torso. Then Bob stopped. Randi whimpered with desire, a need, a strong need to be satisfied. Bob grinned and went to the package he'd returned from New York with. From the bag he withdrew a twenty-four inch double headed dildo. Randi gasped at the sight. Bambi drew in a deep breath, a little nervous, thinking she knew what Bob had in mind. 80 He oiled the artificial cock and pushed one end into 's cunt. It was thicker than Bob's prick, but Randi took it as he slipped it in. "Bambi, take off your blouse and skirt." She complied. Naked except for a garter belt, stockings, and high heels she stood with her magnificent boobs hanging before her. Oh, not hanging real bad, but consider her incredible assets. "This end is for you," Bob waved the other end of the phony prick at her. "What!?" she stared at the woman on the couch. And at the head of the prick she now had to accept from that same woman. She wasn't sure of this idea. She was unsure she could do this. 2 Bob led her over, and had her kneel over Randi on the couch. Randi was salivating openly at the idea of finally being given Bambi. "Oh God, yes!" slipped out between her puffed up red lips. Bob had come through for Randi again. Randi licked the air before Bambi's labia while they wagged before her face. Soon, however, Bob had settled her back, getting Bambi to squat over the prick Randi imagined was hers. Randi took to sucking the big boobs hanging before her now. Bambi, aroused by physical stimulus, more than the situation perhaps, began to feel shivers of excitement run down her spine. Bob forced her onto the synthetic pecker. It was huge. She thought it was splitting her open, although she knew she'd had bigger. She felt as though the other woman was forcing a cock into her. Inching it in, Bob finally had both women attached at the crotch the way he'd wanted.4 Randi began to hump mildly. The motion of the gigantic false prick caused Bambi to gasp with surprise and sharp pleasure. The depth of the intrusion was incredible and she felt it wanted to creep up and out her throat. Bob formed the mental image of a phallic shaped mind probe and violated Bambi's mind at the same time. She felt his entry almost as if he were entering her pussy. His probe slithered into her and now, she could sense, he was her. He was fuckingusing her body. He'd taken complete physical control and was letting her watch and feel from the recesses of her own mind. Bob could feel Bambi's tits. And Randi was pinching at one viciously as she bit, really bit, at the other. He could feel the incredible monster cock inside her, and by clenching the muscles of Bambi's cunt, he pushed it into Randi. She was trading the favor for Bambi. He plunged Bambi's tongue into Randi. Bambi felt it and6 savored the total loss of control. Her pleasures were complete in this activity, her own personal desire subsumed in his. Bob owned her and she now liked being his chattel more than anything else. though hadn't pulled out all the stops yet. Although he was operating Bambi a little like a puppet, he still was aroused in his own body. Stripping, he pressed Bambi forward. The rubber cock was bent over, and Bambi was on top of Randi. Now her rectum was exposed. He could feel the tickle in her ass as he rubbed his cock against the little flower of her anus. The girls paused for him while he made his entry to Bambi's second hole. He worked it in, inch at a time. Slowly, ever so slowly, he pushed his cock in to the hilt. He was thrilled, he really was fucking both women at the same time. Bambi felt full. The rubber cock bent between her and Randi. She was surprised, but Bob's presence had left, where did he go? Then she saw Randi's eyes pop open.8 Yes, she thought. Bob is fucking both of us in every possi- ble way. He can violate our most inner sanctum, in every way, we are both totally property, as totally as he can make us. looked up at his own face over Bambi's back. He pulled her lips down to Randi's and engaged in a lip and tongue duel. Bambi tasted very yummy to Randi. The double headed dildo was doing its job. Both women were heavily aroused from the friction of the false phallus. Bob added to their fire by fanning the erotic sensations they felt. He reached for Bambi's tits with Randi's hands. He reached for Randi's tits with Bambi's hands. He pumped his cock up Bambi's tight, tight ass, reaming her out. Bambi came first. Her mind, realizing just how brutally she was being used, not only front and back, but her entire body and mind, was aroused far beyond her norm. She was engaged in kissing Randi when she began to scream. Bob thought it9 appropriate she had 'come' in Randi's mouth. Randi wasn't far behind. Her body, crushed with the weight of the two bodies above her was feeling flashes of radiant heat pull her into the abyss of orgasm. Bob, last of all, poured his semen into Bambi's ass. The tight ring of muscle squeezed at him, ejecting him as he became limp. The girls remained connected. Bob moved back to his chair. He watched the female forms on his couch come down now. Bambi was somewhat uncomfortable with Randi's proximity. He'd decided everyone would eventually get it on in his house, and she'd best get used to it. "Don't let it out of your cunts." The sex toys on the couch tried to find a way to get91 com- fortable while attached at the hips. They worked their way around and finally each had a head on an arm of the couch. Their crotch- es remained together, actually a few inches apart, and their legs were intertwined. Bob thought for a time. The women became slightly restless but obedient to his instructions. A contest of sexual frenzy, Bob thought. "Okay, Let's see which of you can make the other come first." Both women looked over at him. Randi was thanking him with her eyes. Bambi was confused, not having expected this situation to arise. She was enjoying herself, but felt a nagging censor at the back of her head. Bob remembered full well she'd believed girl/girl sex was a bad thing, but he also knew it for a 'Harry' planted idea, not really her own view. Randi immediately began to hump her groin against 3 Bambi's, pressing their mutual cocks deeper. This was poor strategy, since she also was stimulating her own genitalia. Bambi fondled Randi's nipples, bringing about a gasp from her, um, competition. She pulled and pinched, using her own talent to find the other woman's weaknesses. To Bob's surprise, Bambi swept out a control probe to Randi, which he swept aside in a hurry. She'd realized she could use her talent to win this contest. Bob smiled to himself, tempted to let her do so. It would serve the little cunt to get used by another woman, instead of the other way around. "No Bambi. I don't want you to play that way today," he said. "Maybe later." Randi worked her thumb against Bambi's clit. Bambi couldn't stop from letting out a moan. Randi tried to pull one of Bambi's large boobs within sucking reach. She couldn't quite from the position they were in, but a violent yank on the nipple4 reached one of Bambi's weaknesses. She thrilled in the pain shooting through her tit. She was now bucking far more violently against the rubber dick between them. Bambi's breath was almost a visible moist movement. Her cunt was twitching, and Bob watched the heat rising in her. Randi too was excited. Her lust at having Bambi had her nerve endings inflamed. It also helped to have Bambi's hands all over her. She panted rapidly, while seeking a further way to force Bambi to come first. I, I, I can't, uh, can't..." Bambi was rubbing Randi's bump of clitoral flesh with a thumb now, but muttering about difficul- ty of contact. Randi almost going over herself, began to crush Bambi's little clitoris bundle. Bambi screamed, thrashing against the bruising treatment. A lightning flash of orgasmic energy jolted her about.6 "Goddamnit, yes!" followed the screech from Randi just moments later. The two women bucked against each other's crotch while keeping their hands in place, manipulating the sex they each held. They eased back in slow motion, resting their sweat covered heads. Their hair pointed in places from the dripping sweat. Flushed pink from the exertion, neither had their eyes open. Bob got a blanket and covered them. They remained nestled together, still inside each other by virtue of an artificial organ. Every now and then one of them would kiss the other's leg or foot. Bob just went back to reading. * * * * * * 7 Betty was at the grocery store with Bambi. Bob had told her to pick out a woman for him to screw tonight. Bambi would make sure the choice came along. She was to give the choice to him as a 'gift' to show her obedience. Betty felt completely humiliated. The embarrassment had kept her panties dripping since they left the house. The worst part was knowing he'd take the woman she chose, making Betty watch. Thinking that, she had to struggle not to finger herself. She had been directed not to orgasm until Bob said so. She spotted a nice looking woman, about 32 by the fruit. Betty had already discarded four possibles when she saw this one. The woman was about 5'8" and shapely. Her eyebrows were little arches over deep brown eyes. Her nose was long, leading down to a soft red pair of lips. Her hair was in a short pony8 tail, a dark blonde. etty realized she didn't want this woman to make love with Bob. He would enjoy such a choice. She suppressed her own will for his. She pointed the woman out to Bambi. The three of them left together. * * * * * * The man looked at the note he'd just received. TARGET OBSERVED DOWNTOWN. TARGET MISPLACED. ADDING MANPOWER TO SECTOR. REQUEST HIGHER PRIORITY AREA SCANS IN SECTOR. JONES He scrawled "OK" and his initials. After a moment he added the word "Maximum" after the OK. He set it aside for 100% operations. He picked up another report on his desk. Tyler was pro- grammed and ready to be turned over to Jezebel. Tyler would know he was being punished, but he could no longer do anything about it. Among other reports on political supporters, financial problems, manpower requirements and background checks, were data from the airport. Some problem with a scanner, a freakish mis- reading or such. He set it aside, unwilling for now to decide, how to investigate the report. He brushed his sleeve, straightening the creases.  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) --> 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24 --> Receiving Information...u Receiving file...-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11)(40k) lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [PageDown: ] [Help: ?] [Return to Menu: u] Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!noc.near.net!howland.reston.ans.net!n ews.sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:16:54 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1093 Message-ID: <462use$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 Chapter 7: Censorship Many mind shields moved about in the neighborhood. Bob could feel the mental dead-spots; at least a dozen he sensed immediate- ly. Bob wasn't sure how they'd narrowed down the search to here, but the reality was, they were here. 1% 3 Guessing at what could happen, and hopeful the hunters would leave the women alone, he'd written a note. It said he'd be gone a week or two, they should keep the household in good order for his return. He planted suggestions in their sleeping minds to keep them content together waiting for him. No matter how long it took. There were at least six hunters out back, another three or four on either side of the house. And out front... A movie-style CIA staff car look-alike stopped in front. Two more pulled up on either side of it. Several more of the nearly invisible, unreadable men got out of the dark, boxy cars and gathered. One man, in a perfectly pressed suit, swept his arms right and left and the men parted like the sea before Moses. The man with an unruffled G-man look started up the walk. He flowed along in a smooth, unbroken motion, headed straight for Bob's sanctuary. His nightmares come to life, he was surprised there5 weren't any guns. There didn't appear to be any way out. He could only guess what would happen to him. It didn't seem likely they'd walk up and say, 'Nice to see you're telepathic. Good going kid. Keep up the good work,' then leave. The doorbell rang. Well, it did a silly four note thing, more like chimes. Only a week ago he'd thought it cute when he bought it. He glared at the little box on the wall until it chimed again. Well, he thought, time to brace up and face the devil. He opened the door at a normal pace to avoid startling the unusual visitor. He was rewarded with no overtly hostile reaction. "Hello." The man wore a perfectly pressed suit, a red silk tie, and black shoes, just recently polished. His crew cut made the roundness of his features stick out. Wrinkles, chicken tracks,7 around the eyes placed him around 40-43 as near Bob could figure. "Hi Bob. I'd like a chance to chat with you. May I come in?" The man didn't bother to introduce himself. "I don't see how I could stop you with all the manpower you brought." The man chuckled, but didn't look over his shoulders for support. Perfectly cool, he stepped into the house. Bob led him to the living room. "Well, this is a nice change. Your original furniture I gather." the man said. "Very unusual, most sparks just take what they like from mutes. Males often end up with poorly decorated domiciles. Very strange affect, I'm not certain how to describe it. Kind of like late American junk yard." "I see." said Bob. 9 "Yup. You know we caught on to you very fast. Most sparks go two, maybe three years before we find them. You wanna know how we found you?," he paused, pulling a pack of cigarettes out. He went on before Bob could form a reply, "the girl. Oh, not the harem girls you've picked up, eh? That really is the best part of being a spark I guess, the broads. Anyway, what was I saying? Right, the girl." stabbed his thumb at his own chest. "Our girl, the one we let loose. We lost her for a while when you got to her, but you screwed up. You know how we found her? Give it a guess." Bob walked over to the window, peeking at the carefully deployed men meandering around outside. His guest didn't mind. A cigarette lighter came out and was ignited. Please don't smoke," Bob said. There was no way to stop the man, but the fellow looked at his cigarette and put it away.11% "I've no idea what you're talking about." The man laughed. "Forget the bullshit. You've been plowing Kim and the two other women you got living here regular as rain. You can do this because you pull their strings. You also plow about three other women a week. Some of them Kim brings to you for your leisure. "The amazing thing is you ain't been stealing stuff too. We usually catch the sparks by looking for swiped property, but you... You've been careful to earn the money and buy what you want. "No, you know what I'm talking about. Kim gave you away. Not on purpose, but almost as if she put a red siren light on top of your head." Bob resigned himself to being 'found'. He breathed a 3 deep sigh, trying to figure the angles. Nothing this guy had said mattered much yet, sort of complementary. Sort of. Almost admir- ing, but hostile at the same time. Okay, but why bother to talk to me about it? Why not just grab me like you seem to do with the other, what do you call us?, Sparks?" The man shuffled over to the window for a moment. Bob couldn't sense it, but he guessed it was to let the men outside see he was still well. The man took in a deep breath, and sighed, almost resigned too. "I've been remiss. My name is Jones, Dirk Jones," the man clasped his hands behind his back and rocked on his heels. "You, despite our advantage in organization, are very unusual. "You see, we've been picking up the snatch you throw back to analyze what you do. Oddly, we can't find any sign of your meddling, unlike all most sparks.5 "Most of the other sparks tend to go mad. I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's see. The men believe they've become God. They take the power they have and start using it on the mortals around them. Women, men, it's essentially the same MO. It's just a matter of time before we track them down and catch them. Usually, when they find out there's someone they have no power over, their marbles go rolling on the floor. "Some get lonely, because they think nobody else like them exists. This brings on a different kind of madness. It has the same net affect. You watch them looking for their shooters on the floor. "The women, they're a different story. Depends on what they want. A tiny fraction grab men or women for themselves and play. Them we can catch quickly since they tend to be like the loony men. Some of them just use it to manipulate people they7 know. Easy enough to find once you see a pattern. Some women just want things and end up discovered by our financial detectives. Some try running around trying to do good deeds," he laughed, "this brings us back to the God complex and we can catch them. "What we can't do is keep 'em. Most of them go around the bend faster than shit through a goose. Kim's Harry for instance, managed to do himself in. You've been different though. "You seem pretty stable. You came up with a plan to become economically solvent, without creating a statistical anomaly in the crime data. Somehow you don't leave a wide programming trail on the women you've used, a more delicate touch, if you will. You kept your own home and carefully concealed your new wealth. "You only forgot a couple things." Bob sat in the lounge chair. He looked up at Jones's 9 face. He was just a little curious. "Which were?" "You let the girlÄÄKim, remember her? You let her buy and sell things. Big things like property with houses, in her own name." "Oh." Bob saw the stupidity. They couldn't miss records showing any kind of detail, she'd had to use a real address too. How could he overlook so simple an error? "So what now, again why talk to me?" "Don't feel too bad. The airport jingle would've put us on to you in another couple months anyway," came a consoling tone. Jones was sweating just a little. Airport jingle? What happened at the airport?" "You took a trip. We take pictures of everyone going20 through security. When you went through, our scanners acted up. We wouldn't have actually checked on you for a few more months yet, but we always follow through, even on the little stuff." Shit, so what do you want?" "We're a big organization. There's always room for one more. But we can't let a dangerous threat like some random spark run around loose without some strings." "And you propose...?" "I'd like you to come to the Institute. See our facilities. You can bring the harem with you, we don't care. You can even collect more if you want, we'll even help. There any popular actresses you want? That reminds me, where are your little marionettes?" "The women are asleep. When I knew you guys were out there, I had them lay down and made them sleep. I figured they2 might panic." "Smart. Jesus Christ man, you make the other sparks look careless," he appraised Bob again. "As I was saying, you come work for us, we'll cater to your whims. All we want is a little help with our research, and maybe help watching some people." And probably they wanted him off the street. The watching people thing bothered Bob. Oh boy, thought Bob, gotta watch those enemies of the state. Hell, it might not even be the state, it might just be the enemies of the Institute. Well, the guy may be sincere. No way to tell with his shield in place. I hope so, cause there's no way out of this mess for now. "You aren't going to let me sleep on it, are you?" Not exactly son, no. Would you if you were in my shoes?" 4 "What then?" Come see the facilities. You may feel a lot better about joining the team, our team." Jones was pitching. Bob didn't like it. "I don't have much choice." "You do, but the other choice is more painful..." * * * * * Two women and a man were in a room with a large bed. The bed was huge, designed perhaps to hold four or five people at once. Around the bed, in the shadows, were a dozen chairs; all faced the bed. The two women were asleep across the bed, but would wake in a few minutes. A uniformed messenger stepped into the room carrying a sheet of paper. He walked over to the man and extended the note.5 "Never mind, what does it say?" "Sir. The spark is coming willingly. The women don't seem to know anything is out of the ordinary and the household hasn't been disrupted yet. Jones says he's leaving the women alone for now." Very good. Let me know after attitude modification." "Yes sir." he messenger left, making a sharp turn, clicking his heels as he marched. * * * * * * They were escorted by two other cars. The drive was pleasant but long. Bob thought they were either waiting for him to try something, or trying to conceal the route they took from 7 him. While they rode, Jones told him about the Institute. The Institute was over sixty years old now. The original founders had been measuring brain activity secretly on an Army grant. Some rich philanthropist donated enough money to see they kept operating when the congress cut them off. The Institute had grown over the years. They had their fingers in a lot of pies. Several investments had paid off, and now they were an entirely independent operation. Originally they were trying to ferret out spies with the mind scanner they developed. They'd figured out how to scan, and what to do to block scanning. But they couldn't seem to get a good handle on implanting changes. Kim had been an experiment, according to Jones. He claimed she was socially dysfunctional, so they had to try 8 something. Bob figured there was a lot more history they weren't telling. Bob bided his time. * * * * * * The man watched from the dark recesses of the room. The women couldn't possibly know he was there. He liked having some control over the performance. If he wanted, with their current programming, he could feel them up, and they'd never know he'd done it. His smile was a wee bit wicked at the thought. It was difficult, probably the most expensive process for the Institute. But he insisted it be done. These two women had never met before. They were due to wake up soon. 31 The one with the fiery red hair had a nasty tempter and a mean streak. At least around men. This was Heather. Heather wore sweats. She almost looked ready to go jogging. Her sneakers were the finest available. The sweats didn't reveal much. Her height was 5'7" and he knew her to be 36-24-34 in build. Couldn't tell the measurements from here though. Her face was pale, with the carrot red lips some redheads end up with. Her eyelashes were turning white and accented the angry green eyes she wielded like weapons. He knew from her records, she had been collecting female slaves when she'd been caught. A regular bevy of Amazons mostly, but with a few very feminine, delicate looking women too. He found in the psych report she couldn't go long without sex. They'd kept her a week without it, he knew this too. other woman was brunette. Her lips a dark red, the eyebrows accenting downward towards her nose, which was long and narrow to just above her lips. Her hair curled in spirals to the3 shoulders which were rounded down her arms. This one also wore sweats, but they couldn't conceal her larger bust. The nipples showed through from the strain against the fabric. She was 5' even, so the redhead towered over her. She still seemed as if half her height was legs. This one, named Jean, was picked up in a shopping spree. Amazing how little she'd actually spent acquiring all the goodies she'd garnered. 'Born to Shop' was emblazoned on a bumper sticker of the car she'd been driving. It was a sporty red model, no license plate. They'd known where to look for her from the series of police reports on the car which were canceled moments later by the officers making the reports. It was suspicious when the 6th or 7th report came over the radio. Her psych report indicated she was uninterested in sex. Well, not totally, but she'd been much more interested in col- lecting things from the stores. She hadn't a boyfriend in over 2 years. And she had no interest in women at all. 5 They had been let into the room and allowed to meet each other. The observer was curious what would happen. There hadn't yet been any experiments with two telepaths likely to be confron- tational. This was something he wanted to see. He'd tried very hard to make this confrontational. e brunette wakened first. She looked around, finding herself on the bed. Another restraint they programmed was an inability to get off the bed. She struggled clumsily to get her feet, but the best she could do was stand up on the bed. She saw the sleeping red head. Jean shook the red head awake. There was a moment of confusion. * * * * * * They pulled up to an isolated mansion. The gabled windows above towered over a carefully manicured yard, the yard7 as large as a couple football fields. Bob saw two functional fountains. The building rose four stories and was covered with clinging vines. There were bushes all around. In isolated clumps around the building, there were men and women being escorted by nurses. The sign over the door read Biltmore Rehabilitation Insti- tute. "Isn't the real name, you know, but it looks better when the state investigates us. They have a bad habit of doing stuff like that." Jones led him through the large oak double doors. They went through a large ornate entry hall, and down a long length of corridor to the left. Bob imagined the eyes on all the portraits in hall were9 following them. Too many old movies and mystery novels. * * * * * * Peters was considered a little odd by the standards of the other techs. He remembered vividly the day he attacked the tart with the huge hooters. He'd really enjoyed the experience. Everyone told him it was her fault. But beating her wildly while screwing her was the best sex he could remember having. Now, whenever possible, he would slip into one of the observation rooms when one of the sparks was permitted their women. Today he entered a dark room, well mostly dark. There was one lit wall. It was a window wall, all glass. On the other side of the glass was a comfortable looking room, King size bed, dresser, arm chairs, a wall of books with a TV in the middle. A phone was on the wall next to the door in 40 the lit room. In one of the chairs was a young man, age indeterminate, Peters guessed 26 or 27. He was reading a book, Bob couldn't see what the book was. He looked over the empty plush seating in the room. Looking over the log sheets he saw the patient, a spark, in the next room was actually 19. Psychiatric appraisal was this one would soon flip out, the well known Deity complex everyone talked about. They'd caught him a month before in a strip joint. H was systematically beating the talent show girls. And they were showing all the signs of really liking it. One or two, they wouldn't have suspected he was a spark. Six he'd only just met was too much. "Send one of them in." he spoke into the intercom. Then he took his seat, front row, center. 2 "Yessir!" a static voice shouted back at him. He flipped another switch. Every sound in the other room became audible. The other side of the glass wall was mirror. The sparks knew they were being watched, but the one way mirror arrangement let them pretend they had privacy. The page flip in the other room was very clear to Peters's ears, then came the sound of a bolt being withdrawn. The door inside the lit room opened. A radiant blonde, bright gold hair, stepped into the room. The door latched and bolt slammed behind her. "Hello, Gabriella." Jimmy said. The girl was in her early thirties, and lovely to behold. Blonde hair was only part of it. She was slender, and a sleeve- less white cotton dress did nothing to conceal the soft4 plush tits she thrust forward when she saw her master. Her legs were generous in length, giving the illusion she was half legs. Four inch high heels helpeis impression. Her naked arms were smooth looking, clear skin. Her fingernails tipped her fingers in a soft red. Peters could make out her eyes. They were blue, but somehow lacked a person behind them. She was mechanical in her motions, silky perhaps, but he could make out a slight jerkiness to her movements. She had high cheeks, a slender chiseled nose, and her lips were thin, but moist, as if begging for kisses. Peters looked at Jones, who appeared to be doing an invento- ry of his pockets. He looked back to watch the two in captivity. "Oh Jimmy, I've longed for you!" Gabriella spoke. He saw her move forward to about six feet in front of Jimmy and stop. She posed for his appraisal.6 "Jimmy? maybe you're forgetting something." "My Lord!, oh I'm sorry My Lord, please forgive me." The girl's cheeks were becoming damp. "Well, just for that you better strip down for me." "Oh! Thank you, thank you." She reached both arms around back to pull down the zipper of her dress. This made her boobs jut farther forward. Peters could make out her nipples. The gauges above the wall swung, shifting very fast. Peters knew the spark was reinforcing his control over her. The telepa- thy suppression fields would protect Peters though. Jimmy immediately stood, reached out and pinched her nipples a bit violently. She gasped loudly but kept her hands8 reaching to the fastenings in the back. Peters was frustrated by the wall between them. He would like to savor giving the pain/pleasure she felt. Take and enjoy her. Peters's cock had gotten hard. He pulled out a rag he'd brought and began to use it to masturbate. Her dressed was shrugged off of her shoulders, and only Jimmy's abusing fingers held it against her bust now. She was struggling to remain standing, enraptured by the touch, filled with delight. Jimmy let the dress fall. She wore no underwear at all. Her tits were tanned, from weeks of sitting in the sun or under a sun lamp, no lines at all from a bathing suit or bra. The nipples stood out hard and pink from Jimmy's use. They were large nipples, smaller but shaped not unlike nipples50 on an old style baby bottle. Swollen, and raw from use, she was clearly thrilled at the activity. She stepped her feet over the dress and resumed a pose. Her ankles turned just so, a series of pleasant little curves. Peters loved their appearance. Jimmy walked around her, tracing lines on her skin. He would stop and hit her with his open palm on her bottom, stomach, tits, or legs from time to time. As he went, the blows became harder, the sounds of the slaps much louder. Her tongue snaked out, possibly from joy, each time the stinging smack resounded in the room. Red hand prints covered the visible parts of her anatomy Jimmy had gotten to. Her panting was deeper with each stroke she received. "Good cunt." he said. She beamed as the praise was understood. He sat her down2 at the edge of the bed and took off his clothes. Her head drooped to her chest. Gabriella was highly aroused, it was hard to miss it. The stinging pain titillated her, bringing desire from her inner self. She was trying to snaked her torso back and forth to grind her hips. She rolled her head from shoulder to shoulder with her chin on her collar bone. The moaning was only just audible. Jimmy grabbed a fistful of her hair. He pulled her head up and forward into his crotch. The ripe red lips opened quickly and engulfed his now rigid prick. She allowed him to control his rape of her face, pulling and pushing her head with the handful of hair. Peters could hear Jimmy's grunting as he forced himself further down the girl's throat. A catch in the man's breath, a gasp, a wheeze perhaps, and he pulled out, spraying the white fluid onto her face. 4 She gasped for breath. Choking and coughing her recovery. Dripping liquid, at the tip of her nose. She began to play with herself. Jimmy was now completely unconcerned about what she did. She lifted her legs up to place her ankles by her head. Reaching a hand under and around one leg she supported her back. She played with her cunt with the other hand. Her arms and shoulders were inside her knees. She seemed to think it important she see exactly what she touched. She was partly doubled up, shoving her fingers between the swollen lips of her slit. Far more impressive than Jimmy's orgasm was the way her muscles strained to bring about heightened response. Her face contorted through a series of expressions, each an erotic step above the previous one. Peters was intent on her face now. Tears came from the corners of her eyes, and one steamy `yes' was followed by anoth- er. She was tight with muscular exertion, and sweat made her body glisten.6 As she got closer to orgasm, she could no longer watch her fingers rubbing the swollen bit of flesh between her legs. She rocked her head back, muttering about needing to come. She kept advancing higher on the sexual plain, without making it yet. Jimmy sat up and smirked. He'd recovered from his treat, and was watching her with greedy anticipation. As if he knew she was trapped at the edge of her release. "You wanna come, Cunt?" "Oh Lord, I pray you let me come soon; I need it so badly. I've not come in two days now, and you know my needs. God please, oh please may I come?" She continued to frantically masturbate. Her frenzied efforts were putting her well into the ecstasy she sought. It was the final jolt she seemed shy of. 8 "You may come now, Cunt." Jimmy almost blessed her. Peters could imagine Jimmy making a cross motion to do so. She leaned her head forward towards her slit again, as to watch. Then suddenly she straightened out completely, screaming at the top of her lungs. Peters could hear it through the glass. The speaker, perhaps the microphones couldn't quite take it, had cut out until she finished. They cut out several times over the next five minutes. He came in the rag he was using. Jimmy seemed pleased, starting to play with her nipples again, squeezing them in his fists. She had an exhausted after- shock, face wrenched into another expression of ecstasy. Peters turned off the monitor. He marked the observation sheet up with no real new remarks. He glanced at the couple in9 the other room as he left. Jimmy was making the girl bow to the mirror, to Peters. * * * * * * "Sit down please," Jones directed. Bob relaxed in a chair in the middle of what seemed to be Jones's office. The chair was perfectly situated in front of the desk Jones sat at. "There is one little detail we need to accomplish." said Jones. "What's that?" "There is a tiny matter of loyalty. We need to know we can trust you." 61 Trust goes two ways, Bob thought, but if you wanted trust you never would have approached my house the way you did. He didn't like something about this discussion. "And just how do you intend to find out?" Oh, we have a way of ensuring it." and punched a button on his desk. A pressure drove at Bob's mind from above. Looking up he could now see an opening above, with a small dish antennae pointing at him. He was too busy with the symbols to get up from the chair. The transmitter above was driving one symbol at him, and one symbol alone, 'Obey'. It was a harsh, highly powered command he was loathe to accept, especially here. The energy slammed at his skull blithely shoving his cover persona aside. The bolt3 smacked into the shield he'd developed, and pushed him back behind that same barrier. There was no human source he to reach this time, unlike his experience with Bambi. No one to shut off, no simple way to retain his freedom. He was fighting a machine, with far more energy than he could draw on. He became quite frantic. Sweat seeped up through the roots of his hair, and a few drops fell from his eyebrows. He felt his vision become blurred. The beam was winning. Soon he would not be the same person he was when he came in this room. Instead of fighting the beam, he reasoned, perhaps he could draw on it. He began to take some of the energy from the charged command and build it into a cup like shield between him and it. This cut the pressure sharply. Some of the energy he pulled aside and looking at Jones, he saw another use. He poured it into a probe to break through4 the mind shield Jones wore. A visible light show commenced in a ball shape around Jones, who looked quite startled. Jones frantically pressed another button. The ball shape wasn't as round as Bob thought. He started to explore the shield's actual limits. The thing was more donut shaped than the ball shape he originally perceived. The shield collapsed in at the top and bottom, leading towards the device behind Jones ears. The abrupt discovery was of little use though. At that moment a pair of men with pistols burst into the room. One had a hypodermic and jabbed Bob. Moments later there was a wild hue of red over Bob's vision and everything faded to a gray haze. * * * * * * The two women checked out their status. It was a few 6 minutes before one of them threw a sneaker, proving the barrier only fenced them onto the bed. The red head was also checking out the brunette. "What's your name?" she asked, "I'm Heather." "Jean. How long have the goons kept you locked up?" "I've lost track. Must be about three or four months." "They picked me up a year ago. They prod and poke at me, but I think they're into some kind of psychological mumbo jumbo." "You do the mind reading stuff?" "Yes, you?" "Sure thing. Your the first person I've met here without those brain caps they wear. Well, the first they didn't pick up7 with me." "Huh?" said Jean. "Well, I had some girl friends they snatched too, because I, er, influenced them." I haven't seen anyone other than jerks in white coats. Wait a minute; no. There was some guy tried to make a pass at me, once in my `cell'." Ha! Damn men think they know everything. I can see right through them now, and they know it." Don't you like men?" Not really, I like pretty girls. Like you." Well you can just stay away from me. I don't like women, even though I ain't too particular about men either." 9 The red head was now stroking Jean's hair gently. She was interested enough, probably horny as all hell. Jean brushed her hand away sharply. "Seriously. Leave me be." The lesbian vixen was now concentrating very hard. Suddenly so was the brunette shopper. There was a strong momentary inten- sity. Later, the observer would learn the scanning apparatus used for this experiment was registering enormous flares of activity. It only lasted a few moments. "You're so lovely, I could eat you right up," were the next words Jean uttered. * * * * * * 70 "Psst!" There was a raging rock fall at the back of his head. Every time he moved another boulder came down on the back of his skull. "Pssst!" Goddamn, that noise was really annoying. How the fuck did he get a hangover? Then he remembered. He was at the Institute. It was obvious they wouldn't just let him go. Bambi's escape had been a phony, so he had no reason to believe getting away would be easy. Pssst!" He pried one eye open. There was a woman in the room with him. She was trying to get his attention. The room was some kind of hospital room. There were gurneys near by, and damn if Bob wasn't tied to one. So he2 looked back at the woman, realizing she was tied down too. "do you know how the 'hunters' caught you?" she whispered. He tried to reach out with a mind probe, only to catch another heavy boulder at the back of his head. Then he noticed the woman had some kind of wire netting over her head. He probably had the same thing. A restraint for the rebellious telepath. Groan. The mind shields were bad enough. They seemed to have other measures at their disposal to control their pet telepaths. "They came to my house," whispered back, "and invited me to buy a condo here. I was dumb not to try getting away sooner." You seem familiar." "I recognize you too. Where?" "Hey, were you the guy warning me a while back?" 3 "Could be. I did warn.." but he trailed off as footsteps came their way. He feigned sleep. The gurney was being moved. He had to try again at escaping, but when? His entire body felt sluggish and he was tied down to boot. What could he do? * * * * * * Jean reached over and caressed Heather's hair. She'd changed from hardened resistance to active participa- tion so quickly, the observer hoped the cameras weren't having troubles. They so often did. Heather in turn began to touch Jean's face. The two women gazed longingly at each other for long minutes. Then Heather leant forward, planting a gentle, closed eyes, kiss on the lips of the other woman.6 The kiss was as soft as a butterfly. Their tongues remained behind on this first kiss. Heather was taking Jean. In a very real sense, she had already taken her and was now making her. Jean's eyes were slipping into ecstatic movements, taking in every inch of her new lover. The two moved together and began deeper, more passionate kisses. Their tongues dueled for dominance between their teeth, their heads rotated as they ground their faces. After a lengthy, rolling, necking session, Heather began to feel Jean's bottom. Visible now very clearly, her ass was a tight bundle of flesh. There was a sudden series of movements as Heather yanked the sweat pants clear of Jean's waist and ass. The naked skin was smooth and pale. Neither woman had been in the sun for some time. Heather could clearly make out the smoothness of the soft derriere. At silky touch along the outer thighs brought a sigh of joy from the brunette.8 red head moved her palm along the skin, sliding it around to the exposed maidenhood. "Oh yes!," came a gasp from Jean. A few moments of feeling up the wet crotch, and the red head stopped. "Undress for me darling." whispered Heather, who began to strip herself. Heather's pale body was quickly exposed to the light. Her brightly red nipples on her firm knockers were large and erect. Her legs showed their slender shapes, almost perfectly designed to be spread for access to her cunt. The curve of her waistline was so supple, her own hands traced along it in pleasant arousal. Jean anxiously drew off her clothing, depositing the sweats where they were within easy reach. Her breasts were large yet firm also with smaller nipples than Heather's. Her tummy80 seemed very tight, pulling in along the ribs above the diaphragm. The bushy pussy was an irregular triangle in her crotch between her torso and her slightly too long legs. They dove back into each others arms, lips embracing wetly. Their breasts rubbed together, nipples already erect, cushioning their movements. The four legs curled about one another in a continual struggle to pull the two groins tighter together. After wrestling hotly for a length, Heather pulled back and began to work her way down Jean's neck to her bosom. She sucked at the nipples and nibbled lightly at the underside. "Yes, yes, yes, yes," became a constant stream from Jean. Her hips were working in waves up from the bed. She worked up a good sweat before Heather stopped. Then Jean began to work on Heather. She chewed lightly on the neck of the other woman, who craned about in response.2 The moaning from the bed became substantial. She dropped along the shoulders, spending little kisses of tenderness along the arm, then under. She spent a brief moment suckling at the nipples of Heather's breast, then worked her way down to the thin red-white hairs of the crotch. Heather lifted her legs onto Jeans back. Jean slid her tongue into the offered love hole. Her probing tongue fought into the vagina as far as she could manage. She worked her right arm around Heather's hips to bring her fingers to bear just past her nose, at the protruding clit. Heather was bucking furiously. Her right hand plunged the forefinger knuckles into her own mouth, clamping her teeth down tight. The left was pinching and pulling madly at the nipple on her left tit. Jean snaked the free left hand to Heather's other tit and began to pinch the swollen red nipple between her fingers, using her thumb to squeeze the whole tit gently. 4 Heather's hair tousled back and forth as her head wagged from side to side. "Goddamn, Goddamn, suck me, suck me. Yes! get that tongue deeper," she demanded. The brunette strove to drive her tongue further in, possibly succeeding in pushing her chin into part of the cleft. She made a frenzied attempt to increase the stimulation to the clitoris, pinching it with her forefinger and thumb. "Yes!" Heather's untamed orgasm came pouring out in every possible tone she could make. Jean lapped up the juices leaking from her cunt. "Yes!" screamed Heather. Coming a second time, hot on the heels of the first. Her body slammed up against Jean and down against the bed. 5 "Yes!" screamed Heather. Third time as wildly as the first, legs straight in the air, hands clenched into angry red fists, arms bent tightly across her chest. The came a final, dying moan from the sexually spent woman. Jean sat up and looked carefully at Heather's face radiant from post-orgasm buzz. "Oh love, did you like that?" . I always like it when a pretty woman eats me." "I'm glad. It was so lovely to watch you, darling." Heather struggled around to Jean's cunt and began to lick. Jean was still hot, but needed arousal first. Heather, frustrated from the exertion, compelled her by telepathic force to thorough arousal.7 Jean began to react uncontrollably to any touch from Heath- er. Every contact point had become an erogenous zone. Jean's body was going wild with stimuli. She frantically heaved her hips and shook her head even more madly than Heather had. Heather shoved three fingers into Jean's dripping cunt. She worked them around, violating her brutally. She fucked in and out with the fingers, and quickly, Jean began to come. Her hands clutched Heather's face into her cunt. Her legs clamped onto the other woman's head. Her primal scream lasted the duration of the orgasm. It seemed to last and last and last. When she shuddered to a stop, she was dripping from sweat, panting madly and stroking, as this had all begun, Heather's sweet hair. * * * * * * 9 The headache continued but he forced a tendril of thought free, accepting pain to achieve a breakthrough. The slamming pain grew inside his skull, but his determination was immense. His eyes lost vision during the effort. This time he traced with a thin probe around the edge of the donut shaped shield. Delight! Success! The shield was not completely covering the man pushing him. Once in the nervous system pathways, he easily reached inside the man's mind and took control. All the while, his skull was rattling like a can of rocks, and his ears screaming with associated pain. The first thing he did with his converted follower, shut off the wire net shield. Relief came as the pounding in his skull stopped. He could almost see again. Yes, he thought, that was a door we just passed.90 Bob had the man take the battery out of his mind shield. His thoughts became much easier to read. Almost as lifted from behind a thin panel of translucent glass. He gave his escort an opportunity to stop for a cigarette. He hated the smoke, but needed an excuse to have them pause. He wanted to think, look for some means of complete escape. There would be many more 'guards' around. He hadn't seen any easy way out of the place yet. * * * * * * The women on the bed were lying in each others arms. They whispered sweet nothings to each other, like high school lovers. The observer pressed a button cutting off any other2 watch- ers. He walked over to the bed. Unzipping his pants, he dropped them beside the bed. He climbed up behind the red head. He grabbed her ass and rolled her onto her back. She squealed with surprise. "What is it?" yelped her new lover. "I don't know!" she shouted back, "I just flipped over, I don't know why." The man shoved his organ into her, slapping away her hands. "What!" She felt something at her crotch, and she was unable to close her legs. Her head flung itself back. She was startled again by the fullness her cunt was experiencing. 4 "Yeah, oh yeah, you fucking bitch. You can take this. Take it all." the man said. She heard nothing, feeling only a sudden arousal from her crotch. He pumped away furiously, pinning her arms now above her head. She couldn't resist, and her body began to betray her. Her arms raised of their own accord above her head, remained in place against her will. She was certain she was pinned by an invisible force, and worried she was being used by another telepath, the way she used women herself. But her hips worked in motion, her breath had become excited. Jean sat mystified to the side, wondering if Heather was having some sort of fit, and just how to help the woman she loved. She enjoyed seeing Heather's sexual excitement, Heather had changed her to like it herself. Heather worked her head hard against the insides of one arm, then the other. A moment later she had reached a sudden unexpect- ed height. She came with silent, desperate groans.6 Jean squealed with delight, as she'd been adjusted to do, at Heather's sexual release. She bent over Heather's face to kiss her for rewarding her with the pleasant performance. She couldn't see the man either. He could feel the cramped tightness of her vagina. It thrilled him to know she not only couldn't stop him, but couldn't resist pleasure during the rape. He pounded madly, the heat rose within his balls. The pumping muscles in his groin began to clutch to release the fluids. His penis felt the flow in its entire length. He grunted with satisfaction at planting his seed in the red furred slut. He rolled from the woman, and slid off the bed. was pissed. The programming hadn't held well. She'd felt quite a bit of the contact from him. This was not good, no, not good at all. He tried to remember the name of the tech who8 did the work. There would be punishment coming for the failure, however small it was. Dressed again, he left the room. * * * * * * The woman on the other gurney had been named Miki. They sat in the hall they first met in. Three of the guards and the original escort for Bob's gurney were sitting together, imagining a continuous came of poker in the corner. No cards were in evidence, yet they kept dealing out the imaginary deck, sometimes from the bottom. filled her in on his capture and discoveries regarding the weakness of the shields. She was delighted to hear this news. But seemed unable to take advantage of it the same way he was. 9 If she was to get out, she had to go with him. His probes kept running into walls or screens like the net screen he'd taken off his head. He tried probing around them to no avail. He kept getting raging pains in his head. They remained dependent on things he could learn from the captives. * * * * * * Bambi and Randi woke together. Bob wasn't there. By the time Betty woke, they'd found the note. Betty was compelled to make breakfast. She'd come to serve everyone in the house. After breakfast, Bambi had Betty eat her. She sat back while the long haired woman sucked and licked her cunt. "Mind if I use her next?" asked Randi.100% "Ah, ah, sure, ah, thing, ah," muttered Bambi. Betty glowed inwardly knowing she was loved. There would be no problem waiting for Bob to return.  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) --> 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24 --> Receiving Information...u Receiving file...-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11)(43k) lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [PageDown: ] [Help: ?] [Return to Menu: u] Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!noc.near.net!howland.reston.ans.net!n ewsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:17:16 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1180 Message-ID: <462ut5$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 Chapter 8: Reviewers Jorge had been a member of the Cabal for three months when he started to see changes in himself. At first the thought crossed his mind another Cabal member had been meddling in his mind. He dropped the idea when1% 3 he realized the thought wouldn't have struck him if it was true. He kept asking many questions about the Cabal. Nothing about where they'd come from, but what they did. He got some pretty boring answers back from his contact. Mostly, the Cabal did nothing. One day a summons came. The Cabal invited him, perhaps ordered him, to attend a meeting. It would be in the Catskills in New York at a one time hunting lodge. He was expected to attend. He felt like a gangster. Pine trees surrounded the lodge. It was an old building from the time of Prohibition. Seeing all the limos and the uniformed drivers made him feel even more as though he was at a gangster meet. He must've been the only one to show up without limo or driver. 5 There were guards too. Only those who could control minds could get in. Anyone else would be turned back. There were only a dozen or so people present. The man he'd met in New York was absent. A third were women. He hadn't expect- ed any women at all. Preconceptions about the demographics of the mind control talented hadn't led him to believe there would be any women at all. There was one notable man, standing out from the rest. The man was in a gray pair of slacks and a brown sports jacket, patched at the elbows. His eyes sunken, as though he didn't sleep, hidden behind wire rimmed glasses, and his hair a tousled gray-black. Cleanshaven, the fellow carried himself as though this was simply an entertaining exercise. He spoke to no one, and there was a conspicuous area around him no one else walked into. 6 Jorge got a drink, gin and tonic, and walked towards the unusual member. He didn't make it before a thin, waspish man, with an unidentifiable accent announced everyone was present. The meeting would begin immediately in the next room. * * * * * * The room was a sunken amphitheater. Seating was on carpeted tiers with a space in the middle for speakers. The waspish guy was standing there, waiting for everyone to settle in. Behind him was an exit, an open door with curtains to the side. "It's been a year since our last meeting. While there are no real changes to announce..." "There never is." A woman in red, holding a tall glass of something white was the source of this interjection. The waspish fellow stared in rebuke for a moment, then continued.8 "We need to reaffirm the leadership positions. And ther is one piece of new business." He turned towards Jorge. Everyone looked his direction. The tall Dane felt self conscious for the first time since acquiring the talent. The feeling was somewhat foreign to him now, yet he knew he was on the spot. "Mister Dansen is a new member. Unlike most new Voices, he is curious about us, rather than fearful, the preferred re- sponse." A light chuckle passed through the gathered men and women. "The Inquisitor," with this, the man nodded at the fellow in the brown sports jacket, "requested he be invited. Any new blood we get willing to participate in our activities is worth investi- gating. Please step down here Mr. Dansen." Jorge summoned his own reserves and stepped out where everyone could see him. The looks he got were curious, but not10% interested in him. They seemed concerned about whether he was a threat. He could sense mind probes being aborted, it wasn't considered proper to probe another member. The man identified as Inquisitor also stepped down to the middle joining the master of ceremonies and Jorge. "Unless someone thinks we need to replace the Inquis- itor...?" a paused followed. "Fine," he lowered his voice. "Jorge, please go with the Inquisitor. We're just curious because you've asked so many questions. Everything will be fine. Just get along now. Okay, other business. Anyone want the job of High Senate Speaker? Speak up, I've been doing this too long already..." There was laughter as Jorge was drawn away by the Inquisi- tor. The sounds of a beginning debate were murmurs of discussion, not the heated rancor he was accustomed to from 2 small political bodies. Jorge found himself led out the nearby door. The curtains were drawn behind, then the door closed. The bespectacled gentle- man led him to a room with a pool table, soft red velvet chairs all around. Rack 'em. We may as well play as we speak. Eight ball." The man took his jacket off, setting it carefully across one of the chairs. "I'm Charles. I have the responsibility of policing for the Cabal." "Am I in some kind of trouble?" asked Jorge. He looked about for another exit, but ended up finding the rack and a cue stick. The balls fit neatly into the rack. "No, nothing like that. But we rarely get new members who are interested in what goes on in the Cabal. Our real purpose is to minimize the threat a rogue Voice may represent." He broke, balls rolling slowly to a halt around the table. 3 "Rogue voice?" Jorge sank a solid, tried to line up another shot only to have the cue ball drop. "Some idiot who draws attention to the rest of us." "Is this a frequent threat?" "No, since the rogue is likely to be poorly practiced, and real obvious about how he makes trouble. We even know there are a lot of Voices out there we can't find, simply because they just don't have the ambition to make the kind of waves we worry about. We don't care about them." Charles stood, holding the cue ball as though it might escape too. "You worried about me though?" "Nope. You've been at it a while from what I understand. No. In your case, I'm recruiting." 5 Jorge looked at Charles, seeking deceit. He dared not probe, no telling what could happen. He stepped back and lowered his head, forcing his eyes to peer at his host through the visible hairs of his eyebrows. "You'd be recruiting to help catch anyone breaking Cabal rules?" "You may have figured out by now there aren't exactly rules so much as an expected behavior. Mostly a reasonable level of caution with the mutes. There would be a very brutal war if we couldn't maintain a tight rein on a general consensus in the Cabal. I wish there was more I could do, but too many innocents would die." What do you expect me to do It depends. May I probe you?" "I'm not fond of the idea, I'd rather you didn't."7 "Oh, I want you to stop me. Do everything you can to stop me. In fact, if you can control me, they'll make you Inquisitor. But I'm going to have to probe you anyway, since you've met most of the leadership now." "Really?" Not because you're dangerous, but because you're so new, yet so experienced we don't know what to make of you. You ready?" "Okay, but I'm not happy about this..." The onslaught began. The two men slashed probes out, batter- ing each other's advances aside. The spear like thrusts of one would be met by a wall like barrier of the other. Jorge staggered under one slamming hammer blow, only to deal out a sledge hammer stroke in return. Then the attacks drew on images of animals wrestling with each other, great tigers, lions, and8 monstrous creatures of the imagination. The battering seemed to Jorge to last immeasurably long. The clatter of a dropped cue stick passed quickly, nothing changed by the event. Soon the two were nearly kneeling, sweating from the invisi- ble struggle, which sapped strength with psychic blows of enor- mous proportions. Neither had penetrated the other's defenses when Charles held up a hand. "Stop." And with the ceased effort of their minds, Jorge collapsed in a nearby chair. Charles remained leaning, with effort, on the edge of the pool table. "I can see we're well matched," came panting from Charles. 20 "I guess," said Jorge. "I can't say I've come across anyone as strong as you in my life. Even my predecessor couldn't stand toe to toe with me. God, where did you pick up your Voice?" "It doesn't matter, does it?" Jorge felt a certain concern, that he safeguard his source of knowledge. "Only a little. God gives us the Voice. We're born with it. But something awakens it. I've always thought the cause affects the strength. I really am interested in how you're talent awoke but you needn't tell me." Jorge shook his head. He remained quiet at the invitation to speak. 'll tell you my story though. My mother was a whore. She often brought the johns home, since otherwise she'd have to pay for the room. Made more money. She always referred to the2 johns as 'uncles'. On occasion I wasn't quick enough to hide in my room and the johns would hit me for being too slow. My Voice came to me when one of my 'uncles' was beating me. My emotions rode the strength of the Voice to stop him. He died immediately," Charles paused. He slid into one of the chairs opposite Jorge. "Heaven forgive me. Then my mother turned me out into the night. "It wasn't until I found the Cabal that I found a sense of purpose. Personally, I'm disgusted we don't have a much more strict set of rules, but open warfare between Voices could kill millions of people. Afterwards we'd all be hunted like animals. "What I need is good help. Ideally, I'd like to find people with the Voice before they learn to use it. To help them develop in a more healthy way. Realistically, we never find them before their habits are formed, like yours. "At least you turn your women loose quickly and don't steal using the Voice. That crew out there," he waved a hand the4 direction of the amphitheater, "have some pretty incredible vices. The woman in the red dress has been getting even with men for years. Not one of her toys escapes being marked forever. Every now and then I've got to save one before she kills him. I think she's passed from sheer vengeance into the realm of vindic- tiveness. I can't even mention what the Speaker likes to do..." "Sounds bad," said Jorge. "So?" "Yeah," Charles nodded, "On the whole they're pretty tame compared with anyone I have to censure permanently." Permanently?" "You can lose your Voice, if we have no other way to keep you from calling attention to us. That's my job. I'm the one, the one they call on to do it. If I can't do it, we have assassins... but we've only done that once while I've held the position. I fear I'm condemned to Hell already."5 "You've had people killed? Where does that leave me if I don't want to help? Are you going to kill me too?" "No. You'll just have to consider this a warning about drawing attention to the talent if you're not interested in helping. I don't want to use harsh methods, but I'm not afraid to. I can't afford to let the run of the mill megalomaniacs get all of us killed." Okay, I understand." He rose, and walked a few steps, "I'd being willing to help, I'm bored lately." I thought as much when you kept asking questions. I've an assignment for you, in Chicago." "Chicago?" "Chicago. I'll have a packet for you before you leave today."7 When he left, he was bound for the airport. Charles had even booked a first class seat for him to the Windy City. Chicago was a simple exercise. The ill mannered Voice was trying to control the city council. In many other cities there would be little doubt it was unusual. In Chicago, just about everyone assumed the fix was happening behind closed doors. Jorge easily affected a change in the rogue, leaving behind a quiet unassuming individual without any unusual talents. He was proud of himself. He had averted a power hungry idiot whose actions could eventually lead to armed intervention. He probably saved an untold number of lives. Yes, the pride he'd felt as a child returned. He felt a return of accomplishment, lost when he believed his talent was unique and completely unrestricted. Apathy had been driven out in favor of action. 9 There were obstacles he would overcome ahead. No longer a sure thing this talent, there would be challenges for his skill to tackle. His head rose a few inches higher was he left Chicago. * * * * * * New Mexico was hot but dry. Las Cruces lies at the southern tip of the San Andres Mountains, along that part of the Rio Grande north of the Mexican border. To the northwest Jorge had seen Elephant Butte and Caballo Reservoirs as his plane came in. The expanses of water seemed out of place in the arid climate. The Voice he was to visit was reputedly involved in local politics. The bent to control the world was the worst problem he dealt with on a regular basis. Charles seemed genuinely pleased with his work though.31 He settled into a hotel, rented a car and started off to the local address he'd been given. The address wasn't hard to get to, just a little north, out of town. It was a ranch, very western in appearance, as though someone was living partly in the past. The ranch was large. Guards at the gate tried stopping him at first, but they agreed quickly he should go on by. They soon forgot him completely. The porch out front was gray brown. He climbed the steps and looked around. The wood clumped at him as he walked about looking in the windows. The door in the middle of the porch had a button at the side for the bell. He ignored the bell. Entering the wooden ranch house, he noted its appearance. Rustic style was the main decor. Bull's horns, old saddles, retired pistols, wagon wheels, spurs, and occasionally an antique picture of a cowboy adorned the walls. The only carpet was a narrow and worn red strip of clothe up the stairs.3 He was met by a surprised servant in the dining room. The servant forgot him quickly, returning to dusting the furniture. The table was large enough for twenty or more. The dusting would keep this person busy for some time. Jorge went up the stairs and found the place empty. He settled into a bedroom, sitting in a large chair by the front window. He waited. The sun watched him through the window. He imagined the dim light in the long winters in Denmark. A short time later a pink convertible pulled up. A woman in stylized western clothing, right down to the boots, stepped out. She looked over at his car and almost danced as she hopped up to the house. Sounds of human voices rose from downstairs. He smiled. He knew the cleaning would still be occupying the poor servant. No, she hadn't seen anybody. Was there really a car out front, she hadn't noticed. He imagined the conversation ending with, 5 what was obviously justified concern on the modern cowgirl's face. Resounding clopping came from the stairs. The boots thudded along in the hallway as she walked through rooms on the second floor. She stepped through the door, seeing Jorge for the first time. His slacks, t-shirt and loafers must have seemed out of place, she was staring. "Just how did you get in here?" "I'm waiting for someone. You wouldn't know Pat Morick, would you?" "I'm Pat Morick, but you better have one hell of a good reason for being here buster, or you're in a lot of trouble." "Oh my," he hadn't expected the Voice to be a woman. On reflection she could prove very entertaining. Her figure more visible here than through the window.6 She wore heavy jeans with a western-yoke shirt. A string tie drew attention to her chest's generous curves. The boots were up her calves three quarters of the way to her knees. The hips a bit wide, but seemed to match the bone structure she carried. The shoulders were wide too, holding the shirt out almost square without padding. Her face was pink, with dimpled cheeks, a pug nose, wide lips and alert angry eyes. Sun bleached hair trimmed to the shoulders, she wore it held back by a pair of clips on either side. Her hands were clenched into little fists, braced atop her hips. "You've been naughty, Pat. The Cabal doesn't like political entanglements. It gets the wrong kind of attention." He smiled at her and lashed a mind probe forward, symbols of control to implant in her brain. 9 She gasped. Her body flung back against the wall as though he'd struck her, hands to the side to support her stance. It was only a snap muscle reaction causing her backwards motion, physi- cal force from him causing none of her movement. She lowered her head and concentrated a stare on him. His initial probe failed to gain entry. Now he slapped aside a counter thrust. She needled with jabs at his barriers. To prevent outside interference, he got up, walked to the door and closed it. It came as no surprise to him he could do this while they dueled. Yet she seemed unable to deal with physical movement while engaged in the mind battle. He sought about for any distraction to cause her attack to slow down. He needed to resume his own. She furiously surged energy waves of thought at him. He could make out crude control symbols in her attack, but couldn't do much more than stop them. Her brain was well protected by her own frantic efforts.40 Charles was the only Voice he'd met so far with this kind of strength. An idea crept up as his attacks against her mind failed again. Time stretched out. She managed to stand again, trying to strike him with her fists. While the main bout was thrashing in their minds, he grabbed hold of her slender wrists. They were strong, but her skin soft to the touch. He dragged her bodily to the bed. She barely had enough control over her actions to put up a resistance. It was weak resistance, but resistance none the less. "Get off me asshole!" she screamed. "Keep your filthy hands off me!" "You can submit and make this unnecessary," he snarled back. "I don't need you for sex, but I'll use any weapon to control you right now."2 lawing his face kept him away from her shirt for a moment. He was able with one hand to pin her arms above her head. With the other he drew her face to him as he forcefully kissed her mouth. She bit him, drawing a little blood. "Bitch!" he snapped. His anger rose within. But also some compassion. He didn't like doing it this way, but to control her mind he needed somehow to distract her. He wouldn't fail, causing Charles to use an assassin, he simply would not. Symbols for sexual pleasure were a simple matter. Remember- ing he didn't plant them in the brain most of the time, he began adding surging heat to her loins. He forced the tickling sensa- tion of lust through her chest, and successfully drove visual desire into her eyes symbols. She felt the betrayal of her body. The pleasure4 overcoming her painful physical resistance. Separation of mind and body, a step aside, as though a broken network was trying to reconnect itself. She still controlled her actions, but no longer was her sense of feel her own. "Okay, motherfucker. You want to screw? We'll screw. But you won't like it much once I've got you!" a wildcat snarl verbally snapped at him. She began to trying to bite him, the battle of mental energies continuing. The rape of her body was only a secondary front to the rape of her will he was trying to commit. Kissing her became a battle itself. Her tongue tried to bruise his, teeth gnashing at any penetration he made to her mouth. She'd converted her own desires to acts of violent arous- al, a severe counter rape of him. Although giving in to the sexual aspect of the combat, she was determined to fight for dominance in the act of sex as well. 6 He pulled away her shirt, tearing it into long strips of clothe as he attacked her. Her breasts, still strapped into the bra she wore, stretched the fabric remaining, nipples aroused to hard nodules. Her hands, now free, began to tear away his t- shirt. Boots clattered to the floor behind him. Her humping body lunged against his groin, whether to injure or excite he couldn't tell. He fumbled with her snaps and zipper at her waist. She tried to twist their bodies to attain superior position on top. He used the strength in his upper torso throwing her back again. He stripped away the pants she wore, exposing slender curves, muscled from exercise. He now had a view of pale, former- ly concealed skin. Her panties had come off with the pants, exposing a polygon shape of curly hair at her pubic region. Her hips still seeming wide, were rolling lightly with excitement.8 The final removal of her bra revealed a pair of firm white knockers, tipped with small, sharp nipples. The nipples were erect from the exertion of wrestling against him. She clawed at his back to pull him against her. Her teeth plunged into his shoulder as her excitement grew more evident. He slapped her face for the brutal biting. But the bright red palm mark seemed only to excite her more. Jorge was puzzled by this, but the psychic battle was still lashing away and he couldn't afford to wonder much. She believed he'd lose control using physical force. She was accustomed to being vicious and brutal. He, she believed, was not. This could give her the edge she needed, if she could draw the violence out of him. She whimpered with the next blow he delivered. Finding her hands pinned again, she tried squirming around to get out from underneath, only to find his free fingers were twisting her nipples. The heat this sent through her body elicited a deep50 moan of pleasure. Her body yielded in pleasure to him. He struggled to avoid the temptation to give in to the brutality she encouraged. She continued to claw him, whenever she could get a hand free. "Yes!" she whispered, arousal reaching her voice. The violence was remarkably bringing her lust to a boil. She seemed to enjoy being combative, thriving on the thrill, the power, the struggle. The mental violation was moving slowly as well. His success- ful probes were surface in nature, only now gaining control over the helpless body beneath him. She remained in control over her mind behind the body, but physical resistance was ebbing com- pletely. Her movements became more supple. The eyes she focused on him hazed with lust. He could feel heat rising within her. A hint of humiliation rose inside her, losing her control of her2 now helpless body. She was panting and gasping for breath, both excited and frantic. The adrenaline rush, coming from both fear and lust, gave her a boost. Her legs opened to him now. The pink wet opening exposed for his use. His own cock was still somewhat limp, but he coul feel it hardening as he felt her gyrations beneath him. He no longer needed to hold her arms pinned. And her thin, almost bony, fingers began massaging the trunk of his prick. He could still hear her mind voice ordering him off her body, but her mouth, swollen from passionate and lust driven kisses, widened into a smile. "Yes," he made her say, "Yes I want you. I want to be your sex toy." He could feel a deepening sense of humiliation seep 4 through her inner mind, overcoming barriers remaining. He plunged into her, feeling the moist tissue engulf his prick as her eyes rolled closed and he forced moans from her throat. As he reached the depths of her vagina, another phallic thought probe breached her mind. She was now his, only the tiniest vestige of resistance remaining. The power he had over her was strong, an aphrodisiac of great proportion. He pummeled against her groin, watching her face contort with unexpected pleasure. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" her mouth cried. He no longer had to actively control her body to elicit response. She joined willingly in the act now. Knowing only slightly it was his will she served. She screamed, physical orgasm penetrating to where he'd planted his controls. Her body was completely clenched, red tipped fingers tightly fisted against her eyes and mouth. She5 was almost totally overcome inside. With his cock still wet from her, he rolled her over, making her kneel. Determined to overcome that last holdout at the back of her now little mind, he forced his entry into her ass. She squealed in pain. His dominance needed a further step to strip her of her last hold on herself. "NO! You'll hurt me!," she cried out. Her last little iota of control rose up, trying once more to batter back his ownership of her body. "You deserve to be hurt, remember? You wanted me to hurt you just a minute ago. It's what you want." "Yes. Yes I want it," he forced her to say. "Please, use me again!" Again the humiliation rose within and he fostered it with reinforcing symbols inside her. The deeply hidden nugget of7 self she'd withheld cracked. She cried on the bed underneath him, the last holdout allowed a moment to show defeat. He pressed his prick deeper into her nether hole. He owned her soul now too. He held her mind cradled in the bindings his manipulation had created within her. He began to move in and out, forcing her body to feel pleasure from being used. He let her come again, screaming with joy, before he allowed his own heat to rise. He owned her com- pletely now. There was no last reserve. With a sudden plunge, his seed entered her ass. She seemed lost in exhaustion when he finally grunted out his orgasm. It was a good release. A great way to end the brutal battle. He started to change her, engineering a new personality. * * * * * *8 Jorge found a phone and made a call. "You got the one in New Mexico?" came the familiar voice. "Yes Charles. I wish you'd tell me in the future what gender the Voice is." "Come now Jorge, where's the fun in that?" "She's controlled by me now. She's almost as strong as you or I. We can probably use her in our duties." "Really?" "Really. I had to take her. She wouldn't submit willingly, and now she's totally available for our purposes." "I've seen her picture. Have you...?" 9 "Yes, and I will again, but you won't." "Now Jorge, you know I don't force my partners. God forbid. Not even using the Voice. I even find it a little disturbing when you do." There was a pause. "Your next assignment is in Texas. Pretty close to where you are now, a little south." Oh yeah?" El Paso..." * * * * * * A foul taste in his mouth woke him up. Bob looked around the room he'd confiscated for concealment. The room was a partial shambles. It appeared a construction crew at work wasn't finished and left furniture in place as they fumbled about.61 Among a handful of other objects there was the bed he was sharing with the naked girl at his side. She was smiling with the innocence of one whose problems would be solved for her. He traced a finger along her pert breast, allowing himself to rub the nipple with the palm of his hand. She started to smile, stretching and exposing her other breast to his perusal. She blinked open her eyes, inviting him to use her again by spreading her arms wide. He was slightly disgusted. Partly with himself, for allowing himself to take her, mostly because of the situation. It would have been great fun if he were less harried by fear. But then, maybe he'd take her again now. Miki seemed to be thriving on the threat of capture. She writhed beneath the hands as they milked her nipples. Her head was moving in rhythm, chin jutting out, as he worked a pattern of manipulation into the action.3 He moved so his hips were above her head. Tilting her face all the way back, he could enter her mouth. With her neck stretched out, he had an easy entry deep inside past her tongue. The twitching tongue in her mouth was caressing the top of his prick as he worked in and out of her. With his balls bouncing against her nose and eyes, the sense of being deep in her throat was impressive. He could see her hips bucking as he pushed in past her lips. Her hand worked into the folds of her soaking wet flesh. As she sucked at him, he could feel familiar heat growing in him. The surge was coming, moving beyond stopping now. She swallowed, and swallowed again as a second, lighter surge pulsed through his cock. He pulled out of her mouth. She fingered herself, unaware she used to hate the idea of masturbating. A moan came from the puffy red lips, and her tongue licked, putting pressure5 against herself. He blocked her from coming though, so she became more frantic in her attempts at self fulfillment. Using his talent on himself, he sent arousal signals through his own prick. A second hard on came very quickly. She seemed genuinely surprised, perhaps not knowing how much control was possible. Lifting her tight legs over his shoulders he teased at making entry to her hungry pussy. "Oh please, I want you in me. I need it now." "You say the nicest things. How about telling me how good I am?" "You're the best. No one's ever been better. I love your prick inside my cunt. Can't you tell?" He chortled. It was unnecessary to force her to praise 7 him, but power was so satisfying. And underneath the layer of controls he'd placed she felt a thrill submitting herself to him. The enlarged prick slipped smoothly into her soaking wet cunt. The fit wasn't tight, but the velvet smoothness invigorated him. He worked his way in and out. While he did, she thrashed about, struggling for release. He pulled the nervous system stops out of the way, allowing her to pump the sexual energy throughout her body. Her orgasm was strong, but she muffled the screech trying to come out. Energy sapped from her body, she began to go limp. He pumped in a last time, using the symbols to draw forth a spurt of his semen within her. It wasn't the best, but still, it was a good release, a jump start orgasm for the morning. Pulling out, he sat up at the edge of the bed. He stared off into space for a few minutes. The woman behind him began to snore again. He grinned thinking how exhausted he left her. 9 He stank. There was a bathroom. Trying the door, it opened. The plumbing appeared to be complete, so he tried the water. It was working well enough so he started the shower. Clearing away some of the junk by the bathroom door kept him busy while the water warmed up. Rummaging about turned up a few clean towels. A well used hunk of soap shortly drew attention to itself as well. The warm water brought feeling back to his skin, muscles relaxed from the cramps developed in the uncomfortable strange bed. Rivulets of water tickled his senses, the dream quality of flowing water allowed him escape for the moment. He imagined escaping with the water through the drain. * * * * * *71 The helicopter rose in the bright morning light. The four story building below shrank rapidly. He couldn't take any chances. The spark remained on the loose. It wasn't clear how the spark had gotten loose, but the assumption had to be made; there was a flaw in the mind shields. A new development, and a fearful one. The new wild spark was more dangerous than the visitors with their guns yesterday. This threat allowed no counter action if he remained here. Thaddeus felt forced to flee. He left Jones to fend for himself. The man knew an awful lot about the operation. Yet someone with both authority and initia- tive had to be left in control until the spark was found. aving a spark break in was frightening too. Something was wrong, but the records here were limited to discovering, catching and studying the sparks. None of the Institute's other activities would be unveiled.2 He spent the night worrying. The helicopter too late, the spark might slip into his room at any moment. Yet nothing had happened, and the flight was underway. He would move the operation to the Colorado facility. If the spark were caught, operations could resume as before. He wasn't counting on this possibility. How would he tell Jezebel? * * * * * * "Mr. Jorge Dansen." Cobwebs parted from his eyes to display a man in an immacu- lately pressed suit. The sounds hadn't yet sunk in, his ears uncertain he'd actually heard his surname. He couldn't turn his head for some reason. 3 "Jorge? Ah, we are awake now aren't we." "Wherindafugami?" "Oh, where are you? At the Institute of course. You present us with a most unusual problem. We've never had a spark break in before. They all seem to want to break out. Can you imagine their gall, trying to leave us?" "Waddafugyawant?" "Oh my. Hopefully your eloquence will pick up once the gas wears off. Your woman, the reporter..." Jones paused for a moment. "She's become amorously attached to one of our inmates. An unexpected pleasure for us. The red head she likes is one of my boss's current favorites, so maybe she'll get an interview after all. Shame it'll never make the evening news though." "'leven 'clock, different from ev'ning news."5 No matter, she won't be leaving us any time soon. All she wants to do is screw Heather. I watched them for a while myself. She's fun to watch by the way." Allyoudo? Watch? Cantchagetitup?" The angry glare was piercing. Jones walked out of view. Jorge now realized he was tied down tightly. Very tightly. Trying his talent resulted in serious pounding pains at the back of his skull. Not that it mattered, the man from the Institute wore a device behind his ear, easily identified in this place as a mind shield. Jones came back after a mumble voiced discussion. "Where's Bob?" "Whawho?" "Come now, you can't convince me your break in wasn't6 associated with his attempted break out. You two must be working together somehow. Where is Robert Lawrence?" "Whoinhellis Robert Lawrence?" "You aren't helping yourself any," Jones waved to someone out of sight, "Take him to debriefing." The sound of hard leather on tiled floor, clack, clack, clack... "Oh Jorge," Jones paused. "Whaddafugyawantnow?" My. I arranged to sample your woman later, of course, I'll probably be far less subtle than you and cause her some injuries. You sure you don't want to tell me something before then?" 8 "Gofugyermudder, Icangetanudderone." "If that's how you feel about it," he waved again. Jorge felt a motion and realized for the first time, he was on some kind of hospital gurney. He tried to move, but was frustrated by strong straps. There was one across his forehead. No wonder his head couldn't move. The wheels clicked as they moved across tiles on the floor beneath. The rhythmic sound felt like being beaten. What was debriefing? * * * * * * Bob reached out. A barrier at the exterior of the building blocked him. He had to poke and prod around shields for a bit to find a hole.9 Somehow they seemed to be unable to perceive where overlapping shields didn't actually meet. Better yet, someone forgot to protect the floors below. An exit turned up for the mind probe. It amused him t plumbing probably took a similar route after all. He stood in the running water, and reached a long thin needle of thought towards Bambi. It was a difficult strain. Finding her mind engaged in leisure, he ignored what she was doing and planted a suggestion. No, a series of suggestions. He wasn't sure he could do it, but casting about from her mind he found a dozen mind shields around the house. Carefully he insinuated controls around the odd shapes of the shields, compel- ling the owners to new tasks. While he could still manage it, he found Mary and issued some instructions to her as well. The Institute had only one man watching her.81 With strain, he pushed the needle of thought to Fran, giving her duty at the bank. The Institute, probably acting on profile information, left her unwatched. If he was free, they probably reasoned he would return home or to Mary. Not the dozen or so housewives he might have used. ucked in air. The water had gotten cold. He shivered as he dried himself. * * * * * * Jones walked into Diane's new room, adjacent to Heather's. It was the usual Institute arrangement, a queen sized bed, a dresser, a lounge chair, some bookshelves with an assorted reading collection. There was a tightly closed window, but no bars. 3 Jones smiled, subjects in these rooms never needed bars. Conditioned to remain, exceptions whose unnatural lust for the coven leader kept them passive, awaiting commands. He was disgusted. What gave these animals the right to have this power? He should be the one, not them. He would find a way in time. Even Thaddeus would bow before him, worship at his feet! For now though, he could bide his time. As long as he found Bob, the little creep. Thaddeus might separate him from his hide if the spark escaped. He would not tolerate Bob's continued freedom. Anyone failing in the duty to find Bob would suffer the most severe sanctions. He'd been an Institute man for almost fifteen years now; the woman who sat before him was a threat only until Heather had had her. She was harmless now. Diane was compliant to his every wish now, Heather saw to that. 4 Her poise was stoic. Not defiant, but stern, committed to servitude, yet remaining aloof. The lounge chair held her well, looking deep and comfortable. "Bob, Robert Lawrence," he said. "Pleased to meet you Bob." His eyes lit at this response. "You mean you never heard of Bob?" "Should I know you?" "Not me, you twit, Robert Lawrence." "Oh, I thought you meant you were Mr. Lawrence." He groaned. Damn it, the spark may have told the truth. "Why did you come to the Institute, Miss Towers?"5 "I got a hot tip, said you were performing brain experi- ments. I guess the guy on the phone was right. He works here somewhere." This little revelation frightened him. Then he remembered the lab technicians had been isolated. Probably the one that freed Bob called her. Thaddeus was right, isolating all the potentially tainted techs was necessary. "Yes, well you'll never leave here again, I assure you." "I wouldn't leave Heather. She needs me." He grinned. Heather had turned her out, like many of her coven members before, to work the streets for Heather's comfort. Only Heather had no idea the harlots couldn't get paid for their service here. She'll be here as for as long as you will." 7 Good, I don't want to be without her." "Well, right now you'll take care of me. And we're going to have some fun, aren't we?" He removed his belt. "You paid for it, er, if you're not Bob, who are you?" "Just call me 'Master'." Master." There was no pleasure in it for her, but Jones didn't care. She was doing this for Heather anyway. She'd be pleased when Heather told her how good she'd been. Heather wouldn't do that, he decided. He'd find a way to convince Heather she hadn't been paid. * * * * * *8 Bambi was in the midst of playful activities. She vaguely knew in the back of her mind Bob modified the women to entertain each other in his absence. She couldn't change the controls he'd placed. It seemed right somehow to perform the duties he'd laid out for them. The sense of belonging grew, each day the fellowship she had with the other women was stronger. She was reflecting on this sense, and the sense of being at home. A good inner feeling of security. They were a family now. Abruptly her eyes opened, {I'm here} she projected. {Have fun, see you later, don't hurt them!} {Hurt them!? They're going to hurt me! Bob?} but he was gone again. Bob left a message, somewhere beneath her thoughts, she knew. She calmed herself, if he wanted her to know now, she'd90 know now. The message could wait. Just as the controls were keeping the women together for Bob, the controls would bring the message to the surface when it was time. She wouldn't find it if she tried. Bob's instructions found her later. * * * * * * Bob came out of the bathroom, both exhausted and refreshed. At least the stink was gone, down the drain with the water. Miki had a grey cat on her lap and was stroking the fur to the sound of a rumbling purr. He wondered only briefly where the feline critter had come from. "Get that thing out of here," he said. 1 "Aw it's just a little kitty." "The damn things give me the creeps. Stupid animals anyway. How'd it get in here anyway?" The cat scooted away on it's own as he approached anyway. No telling where it went, much less where it came from. "You might want a shower." "I can try, how long do you think we're safe here?" "I'll worry about that, you've decided to let me, remember?" "Okay, back in a few." And she bounced off to the shower. A moment later a shriek came back. The water probably hadn't warmed up yet. He grinned. She should've tested the temperature before getting in,3 he thought. Gathering himself in, he began to seek out the guards, the lab people, anyone with a mind shield on. Soon, he'd find someone to suit his purposes. * * * * * * Peters was walking down the hall. It had been another satisfying morning, observing a spark beat the pleasure out of one of his coven. Peters knew if he could find a method for anyone to do the same, he'd be given any woman he wanted. He'd be able to do the beating himself. He wouldn't have to just sit and watch. Somewhere in this place was a clue to how to tap the energy these sparks used. Somehow he would find it. Soon. Soon he would be in control of the women he wanted, and they would be happy to serve him.4 He was walking towards Heather's room, the path an accident, but the clue he sought wouldn't be there either... * * * * * * Jorge felt the needle stab his arm. The point was hollow, he knew. Oddly enough, he knew these men were bored. He was another spark to examine and question. "It's okay, just a little thiopental. Can you count back- wards from one hundred?" He just stared at the man in the white lab coat. Then he laughed at him. The guy shrugged and started talking about the drug and how it would affect him and the interesting time they would have together and there was a clock on the wall and he realized he'd begun to talk too and he couldn't stop and the6 ceiling was very odd... * * * * * * The first couple guards weren't much trouble. They tipped him off to the monitoring center. The monitoring center took him a short time since they were relying on the wall shields to protect them. They'd made the same mistake there as with the exterior walls. Any bank officer could tell them what they'd forgotten. The number of bank robberies from tunneling under the walls led to well reinforced foundations. After all, the defense was only as strong as its weakest link. was fascinated for a few minutes by the number of inmates they monitored. Most of them weren't 'sparks' though. Most inmates kept being referred to as coven members. He wondered about that. 7 He began snatching up every guard he could find. Just in case his take over was interrupted he had them take off their mind shields, remove the battery, replace the little devices behind the ear and forget them. Then he found a most interesting development. There was a man in the interrogation room. He began to take over the techs, but the discussion was most fascinating. He had to meet this man. The idea there might be help available appealed to him. He continued to concentrate on taking over the entire Institute. * * * * * * Men on duty as guards come in many varieties. The Institute had ensured loyalty by some reprogramming. A mild brainwashing technique since completely replaced by the use of an examination in the interesting room Bob visited early on.9 It had a certain effect on the initiative of the subjects however. * * * * * * Jenkins had been walking the halls much of the morning when he stepped into the Mens room. He somehow failed to notice the device that dropped from behind his ear. He had been programmed to forget about it after all. * * * * * * Dobson had been drinking his coffee when his keys fell to the floor. When he rose, the itch behind his ear was gone. It felt much better not to worry about whatever had been bothering his ear. * * * * * *100% Post turned suddenly when he heard a sound on the grounds. It was another guard, but a crow would later collect a new shiny thing for its nest. The errant mind shield wasn't even noticed by Post at all. * * * * * * The only reason the other guards didn't notice; they were all slipping under the control of the escaped spark. Bob was pleased at the speed with which the Institute was falling.  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) --> 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24 --> Receiving Information...u Receiving file...\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11)(47k) lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [PageDown: ] [Help: ?] [Return to Menu: u] Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!satisfied.apocalypse.org!wizard.pn.co m!news1.channel1.com!news.sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:17:36 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1229 Message-ID: <462utq$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 Chapter 9: High Acid Content A warm summer day in Brooklyn. The sun was high. Sounds of the city had dropped off as Bob walked into the park. The breeze wasn't providing much relief. The park had drawn him, pulling him away from his ride.1% 3 Something called to him, something with presence. He released the driver, sending him back to his own trivial errands. There were plenty of other chauffeurs if he wanted one. Today's journey started by searching for the hit men's boss. Nothing had come of it. The man, it turned out, died in a brutal argument shortly after ordering the attack on Bob. As a path of investigation, it totally washed out. Bob walked the wide paths, relishing the break from his search. There would be other leads to follow soon. He'd have to let Jorge know about this. The death seemed to indicate someone was carefully covering their trail, afraid of discovery. He paused to watch the leaves above, still in the sun, as the world passed by below. He wondered what happened to the breeze he'd felt earlier. A hundred yards away, a kid with oriental ethnic origins stood. He held a rifle by a tree, trying to line Bob up in his 5 sights. The rifle was an Air Force survival .22, one of those little jobs that folds up into its own stock. Difficult to hit targets at any distance with, but easy enough to conceal. he trigger squeezed, the sound a sharp snap. The shot missed. Before he could fire again, Bob had him. Bob scanned through his mind looking for clues to the hidden mastermind. Once again, it led to another man who'd ordered him killed. The kid had been told to watch for Bob where the dead man used to hang out. This time the trail would lead to China town. Bob was astounded the kid managed to follow him. As he searched the boy's brain, he found enormous experience at working marks. A pickpocket and child con artist for the last three years, this was just the first time he'd been asked to kill someone. The killing would make him important.6 It would gain his membership to the Tong. He would rise from the ranks of petty thief to someone with power if he succeeded. Bob felt a little bemused at the ambition, to be a bigger minnow in the same pond. Bob could identify with the goal. Adjusting the young assailant's loyalties was simple. Bob sent the has been assassin to find a place of concealment near the hotel. He'd be taking him along when he went to the Tong's headquarters. The boy scampered away, something like a frightened rabbit, aglow with the task from the new gang he'd joined. Bob remained where he was, considering the attraction he felt earlier. It was very strong now. He couldn't reach out to touch the odd geas, but it remained tenuously there. Then some- thing tweaked his interest. It was a tree. The one the youngster used for8 concealment. The tree was short and stunted, nothing growing near it for twenty or thirty feet. For some reason the tree radiated symbols, a little like the amber like medallions. The sense was vaporous, out of reach every time Bob strove to contact it. There was a feeling of hidden intelligence, a separate ego, an active set of thoughts. Still he couldn't reach the stream of symbols, unable to quite read them. Bob felt at his wrist. He'd had a watch made like Jorge's to keep the amber like slip of coin. The symbols weren't slipping through the shield he'd fashioned around it. The tree was its own source of the symbols. The tree was unusual for this park. It was the only one of it's kind here. It bent with twisted, gnarled, almost muscular, branches. The thin leaves were healthy and green. They were narrow, about finger length, green, flat and very sparse. 10% It felt good to touch the tree. The odd pull vanished as he felt the coarse bark. It was as though the thing was pleading like a dog, for attention, a little petting, a little affection. After a few moments, he decided there was little more to be learned from the tree itself. So he wandered the park to consider his odd discovery. Park paths took him away from the mystery for now. He relaxed, problems could simply sink away into oblivion until much later. * * * * * * A single bird careened amongst the trees. Light wind gave the waving branches a surreal atmosphere, almost dreamlike. The manicured meadow was peaceful in the sunlight, empty save for the occasional avian adventurer. Fresh cut grass smell lingered, but the wall of trees about the1 field waved without concern for the activities of such mere mortals. The park was oddly empty, not just this one field. Bob didn't mind. The privacy was a good touch after the last few months of living in Manhattan. He lay back on a blanket he'd 'borrowed', closed his eyes, and soaked in the quiet. As he relaxed he cast about him with probes of thought, seeking activity, a caution brought about by the attempts on his life. Trying not to dwell on the threat didn't prevent him from taking precautions. No one nearby was harboring threatening thoughts about him. Oh, some guy at the far end of the park was contemplating commit- ting a mugging. Bob saved the elderly couple the punk was eyeing by performing an instant act of reform on the kid's psyche. There was also a young woman, he could sense her. She 3 was about 18, and just out of sight amongst the trees around the field Bob was relaxing in. He eased a gentle hint of curiosity into her, something to bring her within sight. She stepped out to the green field, walking close enough to give him a good view. Olive brown skin, dark black hair, she was about 5' 9-10" tall. Her legs were almost golden in the sun, looking almost as long as the rest of her body. He knew it was an illusion, but their straightness also drew his attention. She wore tight, almost too revealing red shorts, and a halter top which restrained what appeared to be very pleasant assets. Some kind of silver jewelry graced her neck, the end of which was secluded among those same assets. Bob wondered what she would sound like in orgasm. He won- dered, is she be one of the screamers, a moaner or would she whimper in a totally submissive state of grace. Or, he smiled to himself, is she one of the ones who crossed the boundaries and had giggling fits? 5 She turned to face him. He could see wide eyes, soft red lips, and stately chiseled Roman nose. Her cheeks were smooth and high, accenting the fire in her eyes. The dark hair framed her face, also accenting her features, showing her beauty off as though she were a porcelain doll. He reached out to her and played lightly along her nervous system with the symbols. It was a serious performance, her body an unusual musical instrument with unique tones and resonance. She gasped, bringing one slender supple arm up so her fingers brushed her lips. The other arm crossed her torso beneath her chest, fingers holding to her side. Eyes dimming as her eyelids struggled to remain opened, she almost writhed in place from the invisible grasp. Her head nodded forward, then lurched back, flinging the black hair over her shoulders like a mane. Her breath rasped in sudden uncontrolled heat. Her swaying body moved smoothly into an almost dancing rhythm.7 He let go physical control. She remained standing, gasping and regaining composure as he released the hold he'd taken of her. He was pleased with her response. It should be more fun to manipulate this woman from child, than simply squeeze her body sexually dry in one quick burst. "Oh!" she said, coming to her senses, realizing he was watching and grinning at her. "Oh, I don't, I, well, I don't know what came over me." "That was very interesting. Come on over and sit down." "I can't. It wouldn't be a good idea, I think." He relished the way her lips rolled as she spoke. The facial expressions she used while speaking were acts of sensual behavior as well.8 "Only for a few minutes, really." cocked her head as though in thought, unaware Bob had made her mind up for her. The idea of fleeing passed quickly. "Okay," as she walked forward, hips swaying, an invitation to direct and immediate rape. Bob admired the flexing movements of her waist as she dropped elegantly to the grass near him. "I'm Bob. And you...?" Beth. Beth Covecce." Beth, we can have some fun together. Bet you'd like that." "I'm not sure, I don't know you, like I said before. I shouldn't even be talking to a strange man alone in the park."9 Have I threatened you?" "No." She forced the admission from herself. "Have I done anything other than talk to you?" "Well, no." "Where is the harm in sitting and talking with me?" don't know. I just feel uneasy about it." Bob could feel her trepidations better than she could. He was thriving on it, in fact. The nervous reaction to being suddenly aroused so strongly in front of a total stranger brought mild fear up from her gut. Her sullen concern excited him. She looked at him, big browns appraising him as though he were a prospective employer. Her hands folded smoothly in her21 lap, arms ever so slightly pressing her breasts together and out. Bob felt his own juices stir. "What do you do Beth?" "I'm going to be a student at Columbia, this fall. I'm going to enter the business program..." You still live at home?" Yes. I'll commute to classes." It was Bob's turn to be reflective. She'd better dress more conservatively for that trip. Dressed the way she was, she invited sexual assault in this city. It was all he could do to keep from tumbling her right now. But he realized the thrill, the power, the excitement of using his talent was best drawn out. "What do you do Bob?" She came to the conclusion she subcon- sciously decided to risk meeting him, so she was going 3 to get to know him. He could sense her will trying to take control of her actions. He smiled, knowing how helpless she was. She took it to be interest in her friendliness. "I consult for a law firm in mid-town. I was exploring different parts of the city. Today I thought this park looked interesting." es, it is nice. A little patch of quiet and calm." A pause lengthened into reverie. They both watched a squir- rel zip across the grass in front of them. The mad dash was both frantic and curious in nature. A small flock of pigeons settled into a picnic area at the far end of the field. Her legs stretched out, showing the turn of her ankles in gentle geometry. Bob watched her hang her head back, showing the smooth expanse of tender neck, silver necklace vanishing into her cleavage. The neck appeared yummy enough to sink his teeth into. He chuckled to himself, almost a vampire like 4 thought. "What's funny?" she caught his eyes with hers again. was just thinking about vampires and how tasty your neck looked just now." She reddened up. The pink color overcame her tanned skin, giving her a look of innocence. She tucked her head down, trying to conceal her embarrassment. She didn't see how this aroused Bob. The quiet returned again. Bob could feel she wasn't sure why she'd sat with him, and the remark about her neck disturbed her Italian Catholic upbringing. What to make of this new acquain- tance of hers in the park? The attempt to fathom his comment seemed to be eat into her thoughts. "Do you have a boyfriend Beth?" He already knew she did. He was looking for more ways to bring out the embarrassed pink6 in her face. Yes, his name is Joe. It's really Joseph, but he likes me to call him Joe." "Do you do things with him?" "Oh yes," came vivaciously. "We go out to movies and dinner all the time. He's so sweet. We're going to get married after college. He's going away to Holy Cross. Holy Cross is in some- place called Wooster. Only it's spelled like the cooking sauce, you know Worcester or something. I think." She pronounced the name like Westchester, probably more familiar. "No Beth. Do the two of you do things in private together?" "Huh?" Then she turned red again as it dawned on her what he meant. She looked away from him, and spoke, "No, we're waiting until we get married."7 "That's a shame, you don't know what you're missing." "I can wait, thank you." Her face became wooden, not pleased with the direction of the conversation. "I can show you, if you want." "I think I'll go now, thank you very much." She started to get up. As she reached her feet, Bob sank a set of curiosity symbols into her, and a twinge of desire to try something with him. Standing there, looking at him as though he'd torn her clothinG off, she pondered. He could see the gears clicking in her head. Actually a stream of symbols spinning in a whirl, including the ones he'd added. "I guess I could hang out a while. It's not as if I need to go anywhere or do anything today."8 nice. I'd hate to see you leave when we were just getting to know each other." "Um, yeah." She stretched herself back out on the grass, her skin almost glowing from perspiration in the warm summer weather. At least, it seemed the sweat came from struggling with the hot weather. "So what do you two do?" "Um, I'd rather not talk about it." The embarrassment was strong, the taboo subject of sex and intimacy was bringing her to an uncomfortable state of uneasiness. "Oh, come on now. It can't be so bad." She pinked up again, turning away before almost whispering, "We kiss." 9 "Kiss? That's all?" "He sticks his tongue in my mouth. I like it, but it's kind of gross." Bob laughed. He couldn't help let his raucous laughter roll him over in the grass. This was the worst, the most embarrassing thing she experienced so far about sex? What's so funny!?" He calmed down. The bridge of her nose wrinkled up as she used a stern expression. Dimples were slightly visible in cheeks. You're embarrassed about necking? In this day and age, when virginity is so incredibly disposable? I'm hardly sure I know what to say." "You! You! You!" she sputtered at him.31 "It's okay! Calm down. Come over here, that's right, come on over here." "I won't hurt you, I promise." She crawled over where he was sitting. She knelt next to him. He pulled her around, placing her head carefully in his lap. She resisted lightly, but not too seriously. Along with her furtive glances, she managed a nervous smile for him. Her hands clenched into fists over her chest, a barrier against advances. He smiled at the resistance, knowing how hopeless it really was. He bent forward, giving the barest of kisses, almost broth- erly. She pushed him back. "Joe and I..." she trailed off as he made a more serious effort to engage her in passion. His tongue levered between her lips and glided along her teeth. She yielded to the kiss, opening her mouth and allowing him entry. Her tongue remained3 elusive, evading his own as he sought after it for greater interaction. Yet her hands were cool, now against the back of his neck as she pulled his face into her own. Yes, she thought, this was nice. But Joe, what about Joe? Shamefully, she felt, she was betraying Joe even by just necking with Bob. Bob was so, well, in chargew Joe could never be this enticing, drawing her into a sensual experience like this. Bob enjoyed the sensation of her inner embarrassment. The pink shade of her face as her eyes closed with each passionate embrace was further visual confirmation. She entered into necking with minimal adjustment, a light tweaking of her interest, her curiosity. The humiliation was an enjoyable side effect. His hand rested on her bare tummy. The skin's surface was smooth and soft, muscled underneath, but delicate to touch. She twitch and pushed at his arm every time he moved the hand up5 her rib cage. Against her struggling resistance, his hand cupped her breast through the material of the halter. The flesh beneath pillowed his hand nicely, more than filling his hand. "Stop!," she squealed, pulling back from him. She rolled off his lap, and started to shake her finger at him. "I don't do that sort of thing. Keep your hands where they belong!" "Where did you think they belonged?" As he asked he sought out the resistance inside her. She contained many oddly conflict- ing views, any of which could cause a lot of trouble. "Tell me how it felt." "It felt...," uncertainty swept up in her. He prodded her interest and desire again. She was confused, her face screwed up in a semblance of deep thought. He rode the cyclone of symbols in her head, interjecting7 feelings of pleasure, blocking sensations of fear. There were many elements in the spinning thoughts giving rise to fear. Every time he thought he'd given her counter thoughts to overcome the fear, another would pop up. Once it was an image of some nameless nun, slapping her for some trivial error. An idealized image of her father flew past, certain in itself he would never do this with her mother... Reluctantly, she drew close again. She sat beside him, offering her lips as a sacrament to him. Once again her hands gathered themselves into little fists, but she struggled to keep them down on her lap. He allowed her to worship through the meeting of their lips. Their tongues returned to the tenuous game of chasing each other around in their interlocked mouths. Her brown eyes closed in gentle submission at each kiss, giving her lovelyan appear- ance of grace. Right arm held her across her back, he lightly held her 8 close by the shoulder. As they necked, he used it to pull her once more into his lap. Between kisses, her brows furled, eyes pleading him to do her no harm. Tension ignored, she allowed his hand to cover her breast unimpeded. The nipple popped to a stiff erection under the halter. She gasped, feeling a sinful pleasure seep into her chest from his touch. "Oh!" She gasped it out, looking to the side. He rolled the nipple, still behind the cloth, between his fingers and thumb. Her lips opened with a sharp breath. She clenched her eyes shut, as though in pain rather than the soothing pleasure he knew she felt. He slid his hand under the halter, cupping his palm against the flesh. Her head snapped back, eyes open again, a gasp ex- pelled with startled surprise. Her hands came up again, both grabbing hold of his forearm. Yet she allowed him to continue, rolling her head with rhythmic breaths, coming from 40 low in her diaphragm. His left hand found the bow and knot at the back of her neck. He pulled it undone. Rolling back the cupping halter revealed the unattended breast, a pale mound of soft pliant skin, tipped with a nipple whose color almost matched her lips. The areola was almost three inches across with the knob jutting outward just so. He bent down to her chest. With the tongue's flat middle, he licked her almost light enough not to be felt. But the nipple's skin tightened immediately. He took the time to curl his tongue about the rubbery knob, lashing as well, back and forth. The flesh hardened, stiffly erect, jutting out from her chest. She was rolling her head now, rubbing back against his leg and waving her silken hair about. Her eyes rolled back, the lids shuttering open and closed. For all her shame in allowing him to use her body, she enjoyed the sensations all his2 attention gave her. Pulling his hand free from the halter's bottom string, Bob caught a glimpse of the end of her necklace, a little silver cross. He smiled, and moved it so she couldn't fail to see what he was setting aside. A huge surge of shame and guilt flowed through her, washing in amongst the sensations of pleasure. He chose this moment to tweak her nipple harder than before, bring- ing another gasp of pain and pleasure from her soft red lips. she moaned frantically, striving to suppress guilt and shame, to enjoy the luxurious sensations his petting brought out. The interior struggle heightened Bob's arousal. He played with her. The nipples were sensitive instruments, controlling her arousal without modifying her mind. She rode about on his lap, something like the sporadic movement of tree tops in the wind. Teasing at her now, he settled back, watching her face enjoy the his manipulation with only one hand. Then he slowed to3 a stop. She settled against his stomach, whimpering. "I never knew. I never knew how nice it would be," she whispered. "You still don't. All we did was some gentle petting." "I, um, thank you." "We're not done you know." "No?" She shuddered nervously. "I just think we'll find someplace else to play." She sat up, starting to retie the halter in place. "Don't bother. Take it completely off, now." "What!?"5 "You heard me. We'll both enjoy it more." "But...," she nearly whimpered. I insist. Do as you're told." Um, as you say," she said. She hesitantly removed the halter, handing it to Bob, who tucked the cloth into his rear pocket. He picked up his things, and they began to walk. She kept looking about. Afraid someone would see her walk- ing, tits hanging out, with only the little silver cross over them. Thinking of the cross brought out another bout of humiliat- ed shame. But Bob knew she now had become determined to explore the experience a little longer. * * * * * * The street wasn't empty, and several people were stared7 at her. No one said anything, no one would in Brooklyn. But she felt filthy. The degradation of walking down her own block on the way home, without any cover over her full breasts, was eating into her composure. But Bob refused her quiet plea to return the halter top. Walking under the windows where friends were certain to be looking out. Worse still was what he was doing as they walked past people she knew. In the most familiar manner, his arm was around her back. At the most embarrassing moments, he reached under her arm and cupped her breast. The fingers pinched her nipples, shooting a fire of pleasure along the rib cage and up to her throat. The feelings were intense and so good. She enjoyed the use he was making of her, even before strangers. Not to mention the friends and neighbors who were watching her pass. Bob sucked in the emotion, excited at how she'd reacted. He was also pretty exhausted, causing so many people to forget 8 seeing the two of them. There were far more than he expected in the five blocks from the park. Beth was near tears, but stoically accepted her fate. The tears couldn't hide her heightened breathing though. The humili- ating walk came to an end as they entered the hallway to the brownstone. They entered her family's apartment and a sigh of relief came out. Bob knew relief would be short lived. He had already probed the apartment as they entered. Air conditioning licked along their sweaty bodies. The cool air gave Beth at least a series of attractive goose bumps. She was very unsettled, having brought him home for their fun. However, her mother would be shopping for some time, and Dad wasn't usually home until eight lately. As they stood in the living room, Bob cupped her breast and pulled her face to his for a passionate kiss.50 This was the moment Beth's mother stepped into the room from the kitchen. "What in the hell?!" she shouted. "Mother!" Beth's arms tried to cover her nakedness. Red streaks shot through her complexion, her head hung to one side as though beaten. "You slut! This is how you repay us?! The Good Lord knows, we've fed you, clothed you and..." Mrs. Covecce stopped in mid- sentence. Bob turned to Beth and sucked in the sensations of humiliation, degradation, and guilt the girl was exuding. His rock hard prick strained the confines of his trousers. Then he looked back at the mother. She also had long jet black hair, the same slender but1 full figure, and a delightfully lovely face. Beth must have inherited the brown eyes from her. Her stern look was gone, dropped into a trance like state. Her clothing was interesting considering the weather. She wore a heavy smock like felt shirt, a mid-calf length skirt, and a pair of sandals. What he could see of her legs were almost identical to Beth's and her hands looked delicate but strong. The shirt was billowy enough to conceal the exact shape of her breasts. She couldn't be older than 37 or 38. Her face just didn't carry the wrinkles of any more age than that. He figured with a little make up, the mother and daughter could pass for sisters, twin sisters. He adjusted her mind symbols. When he let her free again, she would be in an odd sort of servant mode. She'd do anything for him. She turned her life over to him for everything until he reset her later. She still would hold her own views and3 express them, but she'd defer to anything Bob wanted. It was easy enough to do, just not exciting to take her this way. The conquest wasn't the same. Bob wondered how other Voices got any excitement without slower incremental control, allowing the other will to fight back. Then he let go of the thought. "Beth," he prodded her to look up. "What?" She looked at her mother, "What did you do to her?" "Nothing yet. What's her name?" "Judith, but Dad calls her Judy." "Sit down in the large chair Judy," he commanded. She walked over scowling again and sat down. "How would you like to see me fuck your daughter, Judy?"5 "NO!," squealed Beth, "Not in front of mother!" "Oh yes dear," her mother replied, dripping acid. "You've been such a slut, you may as well get plugged now. If I get my way, your father will take a belt to you later." Her shame rose further, tears welling from the depths of her eyes. Bob turned her around before her mother, and kissed her passionately. She responded even more strongly now. Humiliation brought the heat out in her. Bob reached for the young woman's tits. He fondled them as he kissed her, knowing Beth could no longer resist the bright pleasure he gave her. He pulled back to watch her reaction to being used before her mother. Her heat was fanned by the crushing pressure on her nipples, and a moan escaped her throat. "You little cunt," said the mother, "you've been screwing around all along, haven't you. Why else would you sound6 so much like a whore?!" "moth..." Beth gasped at a sudden twist Bob gave her nipple. "yes." She staggered in place. Her head swayed with lust. Bob stopped molesting the girl. He stepped towards her mother. Then he turned, looking back at the vision of sex stand- ing confused before him. Uncertainty made her fidget. "Take the shorts off, and anything underneath too," he commanded. She stared at him for a moment, then turned away and began undoing the zipper. While she was doing so he kicked his shoes off, and began to unbuckle his belt. As the hot pants hit the floor, Bob's trousers hit too. She turned around, displaying the curly black hairs at 7 her groin. She tried to cover the pink parts with her hands, self conscious being nude before her mother and Bob both. "Pretty good looking daughter you have, Mrs. Covecce." "So you're going to rape my baby, are you? What kind of..." "Save it cunt," he interrupted. "When I'm done with her, you're going to beg to be fucked too." You wouldn't dare! You filthy cretin. Do you really think I'll allow you to manhandle me that way!?" "Yes you will, and you'll like it too." He bit back the anger he'd started to show. It was his own fault, not taking the time to more completely take the other woman's mind. Just for fun, he sent ecstatic jolts shooting through the snarling woman.9 Like her daughter had reacted in the same role, she blurred into a sensual haze. Her eyes rolled back, lips parted, and rolling sine wave like motions began in her body. She moaned and threw her head back, intently watching his eyes whenever she could keep her own open. A hand instinctively raised to her mouth, she sucked a knuckle in past the teeth. Her shoulders arched back, and her abdomen rolled a little in lustful heat. He released the hold he'd seized on her nervous system. The symbols withdrawn, she blinked. Aware how she'd behaved, she turned her head away. He read the concern in her, a concern that she was no better than her daughter. Beth, also watching this, was both aroused and embarrassed by her mother's heated response. Mothers never have anything to do with sex, do they? This was a challenging concept to the young woman. Oh sure, sex to make babies, but not for fun. "Now Beth," Bob returned to his initial play thing. The61 only thing she still wore was her silver cross. It pleased him to know she imagined it burned her. It scalded her for sins she believed were about to be committed. "Sit down on the floor. Spread your legs and touch yourself." "I can't do that! Mother told me it would make me sick." "Maybe we can fix that." He eyed her mother. "You go join her. Strip down to your birthday suit and sit along side. You can show her what to do." The older woman stood and rather mechanically unbuttoned the shirt, peeling it back to reveal a black lace bra restraining assets to compete with her daughter. The skirt limited her natural stride as she moved along side her daughter. She unzipped the skirt, pulling it down around her knees, and finally over her feet. In equally smooth motions she removed a small slip, and the bra. Her panties were also black lace, and were soon in the pile with the rest of her attire. 3 She sat, spread her legs, and began to rub her clit immedi- ately. "You spawn of Satan! How can you make me do this?" She whispered as she rubbed the pleasure button. Realization passed across her visage. "You did this to Beth too! I'll do anything you want, just leave my baby alone. Please, I beg of you..." Bob smiled, maybe leaving her in control of her opinions and ability to speak wasn't such a bad idea. She saw this whole thing as an act of God's will, the devil's actions for sure. Her own shame was on the rise, only she was able to express her fears. "Ah! No, no, no," she said. Her hips had abandoned her control, and were humping against her hand. Beth joined in, again aroused by the sight of her own mother, fucking herself with a finger. 4 Bob enjoyed the bounce of two pair of breasts. Every motion Beth made carried flesh into rolling movements. Judy was bobbing them up and down as she fingered herself, forcing the flesh into excited circles. "Oh!" Beth made a round shape with her lips, panting, moaning, and moving as much as her body demanded for the deep feeling. "Ah! Unh!" cried her mother. She would occasionally whimper and whine as though she'd been injured. Then a burst of "yes! yes!" would spout from her lips and she would be moaning again. He could make out the hands in both cunts, rubbing the pink tissue with fury. A chorus of moans from the two women grew louder and more intense. The mother came first, at least she knew a little of what to expect.6 "Yes!" she screamed, slamming her head from side to side. The black hair flew about giving the appearance of total abandon. Her body writhed about, thrashing against the floor. As she finished, her eyes were filled with tears, sobbing sounds began to come from her. Beth's moaning had become stronger. She was completely oblivious now to her mother's state. Her lips swollen in lustful red, she rolled her tongue along the soft surfaces. Her head bobbed and her eyes slipped to half mast. She grunted and moaned, occasionally whimpering with pleasure. "Oh!" Her body went into convulsions. She began to flop about furiously, and then rigidly pulled herself into a ball. The orgasm came so quickly and passed just as fast. Bob finished undressing while the mother and daughter lay side by side. He knelt beside Beth's head. She smiled. 7 "That felt so nice." She was still in a post-coital haze. He grinned at her. Her mother was looking at the far wall, trying not to meet his eyes. "We're not finished yet." "What should I do?" she asked. "Get up and suck on my cock." "Oh. I can't do that." "Of course you can. You'll find it very exciting." She turned away a moment. Her mother was unwilling to meet her eyes at all. Beth got up to a kneeling position and tried to take the stiff member in her hands. The red nails accented the difficulty she had in holding his prick. She couldn't bring herself to get a good hold on it.9 He took her, controlling the motions more tightly than before. Her hand now wrapped about the stem, she leaned forward and opened her mouth. Tongue out over her lower teeth, she began to lap at him as if he were an ice cream cone. He pushed arousal signals along the paths of symbols in her mouth and tongue. Her excitement grew as she licked and finally sucked him into her mouth. He could feel the massaging tongue, rubbing the bottom of his prick. He released control again, now that she was getting involved more heavily. She tried to drive him past her teeth into her throat. He'd left a sense of desire to please him. She worked on evading the gag reflex, unconsciously aware of his enjoyment being deep inside of her. His prick slid in and out along her lips. The moisture of her mouth and the gentle arousal from her tongue were bringing his heat up. Watching her face, with the cheeks sucked in to aid in producing vacuum, he could see her eyes were locked on his own71 face. She watched him for his release, uncertain what to expect. He took hold of the back of her head, forcing her to plunge him deeply. He penetrated her throat, aiding her by modifying her natural reaction to the cock at the back of her mouth. Her lips rolled smoothly at the root of his cock, her nose gently pressed his tummy. Plasma hot semen pumped into her throat, he could feel the spasming movements inside his cock. The release felt good, her mouth felt good, his hands clutched in her hair felt good. He breathed in, trying to recover already. He let her go. She gasped for breath. When she could control her breathing again her face grinned up at him in exultation. "I did it!" As she realized just what she'd done, and the look of exultation changed to one of startled guilt. Her own pronouncement brought the tinge of red to her face. 3 "You sure did," he responded. Her mother had a look of shock on her face. She was stunned as much by her baby's happiness at sucking cock as the act itself. Bob grinned, knowing who controlled the situation in any case. He sat down on the couch. Crooking a finger to Beth's mother, he summoned her over. "Your turn," he tried to sneer, but it came out more like a request. Although he had no problem dominating his toys, he just couldn't make himself sound mean. "You get it up for me again. No using your hands either." Her arms draped across his legs for support, Judy began to lick at his prick with a bit of disgust, a reaction from her upbringing, not from her body. Bob realized how she was reacting. He began to give her shooting sensations of pleasure5 with each contact of her tongue or lips. He sent the little jolts racing from her torso to her tits and groin. She began to become excited at making contact with his organ. Beth watched this, entranced. Her mother was sucking a cock. Sucking the same cock she'd just finished sucking herself. Her mother seemed to like it too! Her brown eyes opened wide in amazement. Soon, her mother had Bob stiff again, the short third leg hard as before. Bob stopped her mother, who now seemed reluctant to cease. Judy allowed herself to be pushed to the side. Bob was set on taking Beth, getting a cherry for himself. Beth looked at Bob's stiff manhood. Although not large, she thought it huge. She knew she'd had it in her mouth, even to her throat. Yet somehow it looked too large to fit inside of her. He began to kiss her. She felt him guide her hands to the object of her interest. Judy, her mother, was sitting to the6 side whimpering as she was left out for now. Beth could see her mother, jaw open, hands playing with her own breasts. Having her mother watch this left her feeling very used indeed. His hands were on the cushions of her chest, now and then twisting at the nipples, bringing a gasp from her throat. She was panting with anticipation, wet in her crotch. She tried to thrust her hips into his body. She needed the physical stimulus. He took hold of her thighs. Pulling them apart, he exposed her maidenhood. He was determined to pop her cherry for her. She knew it was coming, her fluids were dripping now. "Oh, please, please don't hurt me. Please." He pushed her ankles, slender muscular curves, up above her shoulders, bending her up double. She tried to hold open her pussy lips for him, waiting for the violation of her body she now knew was coming.8 With a hand to guide himself, Bob pushed the first inch into her. She whimpered with surprise at the slight pain. Gently, ever so gently, he pressed forward. The pressure hurt quite a bit. Then suddenly there was a light tearing and he slipped in further much more easily. The pain was still there for a moment. As he began a more rhythmic in and out motion, she felt a pulse of heat, an energy throbbing up from her cunt. The feeling came from the top where the length of the prick rubbed hard against her. She began to buck back against the pressure there, trying to increase the stimulation. Bob enjoyed her expressions as they flashed across Beth's innocent face. A grinding fight against pain to outrageous ecstatic pleasure. A silent scream to a hazy lost in lust soft- ness. The tight pulled back lips, exposing teeth as though in anger, to the fish like kissing motions. 80 He dropped his face to hers and plunged his tongue into her mouth. She tried to wrap her arms around the back of his head to pull him deeper in her mouth. Her legs reached around his hips, using her heels to pull him into her groin. The heat rose within her. Like a brushfire it seared her torso, through her chest to her throat. As they continued to kiss, she started to scream, forcing her breath into his mouth as she let loose. She started to whimper and cry as her body contin- ued to lurch through the rest of its orgasm. He held back. As she finished her orgasm, he pulled out. She continued to cry, working into a sobbing mess. He scanned her, but this was just her recovery from orgasm. She probably would always cry afterwards. The guilt at feeling so good was tremen- dous. She slowly recovered, smiling. "You best run off and clean up," he told her. There was a bit of blood showing, the last remnants of her hymen. He grinned as she scampered off.2 He turned to Judy, who was fingering herself. "You need attention." "Not from you, you pervert," she snarled. He blocked her from orgasm using the symbols. Her lust was growing rapidly, bound to peak even if she didn't come. He excited the sense of pleasure rising from her clit. A moan dripped from her and her head flopped to the side. "You won't be able to come until I let you. Yet you will get hotter and hotter as each second passes." "Oh, no!" Long dark hair splayed out behind her, making waves of its own. "You'll have to beg for release." He sat down in the chair, relaxing.3 "Unh!" Her legs straightened out sharply, hips bucking. Hi," Beth said returning to the room. She came to an abrupt halt, seeing her mother thrashing about on the floor. "Sit down Beth. Enjoy the show," Bob directed her to the couch. She sat without taking her eyes off the sensual display. "Oh, God!" Neck muscles taut, the facial expressions Beth's mother used were of hot struggle. Struggle for release. Bob stepped up the erotic signals from her chest and groin. He threw in a tingling sensation along her neck, where a lover might nibble if so inclined. Please! Stop this!," Judy shrieked. "You know how to end this already," he replied. "God! Yes, please, come fuck me! Oh," and she slipped4 into a series of grunting moans. "Please, I need it. Fuck me, Bob, fuck me now." Bob lay down, allowing his penis to stand up from his waist. "Why don't you do the work bitch..." She crept over to him and swung a leg over him. With the slight but soft fingers of her right hand, she guided the organ into her dripping slit. Dropping quickly into place, she impaled herself upon his cock. Immediately she began rocking and grinding into him. A moment later, Judy had her hands splayed over his chest, head bent forward. Her eyes fluttered as her hair formed a billowing tent over their heads. Bob could see her puffy lips, tongue dashing in and out with each panting breath. Drops of sweat rolled down the 6 sweeping breasts, swinging before his eyes. She strove to milk him, trying to clench muscles in her vagina. The grip was firm, but not real tight. He could feel her tighten and loosen along his length. Her hips rolled with more and more urgency as he tweaked her pleasure centers with even more heightening symbols. Her patterned moaning and grunting got stronger. She leaned back, jutting the ample breasts up from her body as she leaned on her hands. He reached up and began to twist her nipples. The rest of her breast's flesh rolled in waves like human jello. "Oh!" she exclaimed with every sharp brutalization of her nipples. Bob felt the rush of semen starting to form in his groin. He released her artificially restrained orgasm, pinching her nipples as hard as he could.8 "Ah!" Her eyes ground closed, she forced an animalistic grunt through clenched teeth and tight lips. Every muscle in her body tightened as hard as rock, the only movement she allowed herself was the wild, untamed, and violent thrashing of her head. Hair flying every which way, she shuddered to the core of her being. His high pressure surge plunged into the depths of her womanhood. The seed flowing freely from his cock. He grunted through two releases of semen into her already wet tissue. She stiffened again. An aftershock of sex hit her, a mild additional orgasm. The roughness of the act was letting go slowly, giving her further surges of pleasure up and down. She finally whimpered and rolled off Bob. Bob smiled at the ceiling in lustful afterwards reflection. 9 * * * * * * took the mother once more, making her enjoy herself far more than she'd ever imagined possible. He took Beth again too, plunging into her ass since she wasn't on the pill like her mother. Her humiliation fed his desire to a furious flame. When he left, the mother was set on learning more about how to please her husband. So she could get more out of the intimacy as well. Beth was set on teaching Joe everything she'd learned. He'd been forced to adjust the two so they wouldn't destroy their lives trying to get their partners involved. It was very difficult to work around their theological beliefs without destroying their personalities. He wondered to himself how the thrust of Christianity had become so opposed to sexuality. The admonishments against usury were more severe in91 the Bible. As far as he remembered, the admonishments against sex were just warnings that it distracted from worship. Of course, the pleasant little embarrassments gave him such a thrill. He didn't want Beth or her mother without those sweet humiliating sensations they radiated like beacons. He wasn't sure if he'd ever see the two women again. But he also kept their phone number. Serendipity. This leisure pursuit was exhilarating. * * * * * * Peters stood behind Jones. He waited anxiously as Jones and Heather slipped into the entertainment room Thaddeus commonly retired to after paperwork. Thaddeus was deeply engaged in reading. 2 Jones pointed to his boss, and nodded to Heather. She nodded back and began to concentrate. Her brow broke into a sweat, she seemed to strain, clenching her fists tightly. "Heather dear," a voice spoke from within the room. "Don't strain yourself too hard for Jones just now. He didn' know it wouldn't work." The well dressed leader of the Institute stood, setting a book aside. "Peters, I'm surprised to see you. I thought you'd have told Jones to forget the idea. You knew what would happen." "I did, but he insisted. I couldn't tell him why. I didn't want the Spark hurt." "You go now. Take her with you. Let her play with her toy for a while." The reference to Diane set a smile upon the tech's face. The smile worked itself into a grin.4 "Thank you, sir." Peters took the red head by the arm and led her away. Diane would service him as well, allowing him to play in the brutal manner he now liked. Heather would guarantee it. "Jones. What am I to do about you? You know I don't want to send you to Jezebel." He sighed audibly. "So you finally noticed I never use a shield?" Yes sir." Jones sweated profusely. His little coup d'etat blown by the most unexpected result. Did this mean the man confronting him was a Spark too? "You shouldn't take long to believe I'm a spark." Almost reading his mind. "But it isn't the case, not at all. I just happen to be immune to their influence. My uniqueness led to rapid advancement when I started work for the Institute. 5 "No, I'm no Spark. But now you tried to use one to take over from me. Again, what do you think I will do?" "I expect you'll send me off to her." "Ha!," the immaculately accoutered man laughed. "Nope. Actually I can't afford to lose you." "What then?" Walking across to the windows, Thaddeus breathed out a sigh. "Look, I know what you want. You want to be able to control people like that little whore we just chased out. I'm the man who will give it to you. You need to be patient though. First my goals. We will control the politicians when we can get the talent to answer to us, not some half crazy...," he waved his hand in emphasis, "lunatic like the spark who escaped."7 What are you saying?" "First we have to get the solutions through technology. That's why it was so brilliant of you to remember Peters. He worked on the Spark simulation project. He's been reforming a research team. They need to finish the work. Without interruption from some rogue Spark who could tear us all apart, even me." "So then...?" Jones began to fidget, wondering why he hadn't seen the need for the completion of research. "Just stick with me. Between the two of us we can toss Jezebel aside, and soon we'll run the whole country. Then you can play with the little sluts to your hearts content. Give me your loyalty. Just stick with me!" "Ah, yeah." He looked out the window, looking at the moun- tainside below. "Okay. I apologize. I'll stick with your game plan, you just see to it I get what I want too."8 "Deal." They shook. Jones thought to himself, this is the most human he's ever acted around me. Thaddeus thought, if I can only hold a team together. It will work yet. * * * * * * It was a long time... The trees still stood deep in the mountains of Norway. Trees twisted with the terrible climatic changes. In a valley below the Glittertinden, they sheltered well, prospering despite the ages of Ice and Cold. At their roots, a translucent red stone remained, sometimes mined for it's unique qualities. The guardians of the9 trees had permitted it. The stone was not really precious, simply unusual, and totally useless to most people. A handful of the people passing the valley could be heard. Yet even now, those same people would only discover the skill if it awakened for them. The guardians didn't care, the trees didn't care. >From a far corner of this spinning world, a call came. The skill had reawakened. An interesting change in the scheme of things. In time, all the cosmos would grind to a halt and collapse in on itself again. Trees and guardians were watching. Because it was their purpose. Must everything have purpose? In the deep northern chill, the stars answered a silent100% `No.'  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) --> 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24 --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> Receiving Information...u Receiving file...-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11)(40k) lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [PageDown: ] [Help: ?] [Return to Menu: u] Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!satisfied.apocalypse.org!wizard.pn.co m!news1.channel1.com!news.sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:17:56 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1107 Message-ID: <462uuc$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 Chapter 10: Deep in the Pages In swarming numbers, the people rushed by, off on their own little errands. Head above the crowds, Bob mused how tall he seemed in Chinatown. Smells of oriental cooking wafted along with the more familiar smells of dense City life. 1% 3 Tony, the kid's name, had led him here. The boy would have walked the entire way, but Bob decided a taxi would serve them better. The expatriate Pakistani driver understood just enough English to get them downtown. The narrow side streets were cluttered with little store displaying signs mostly in the artistic script of China. Because Tony could understand them, Bob had little difficulty reading the signs. They went down an alley with a sign touting printing services. Like most alleys, this one was narrow, with fire escape ladders on either side. Trash bins were against the walls, some missing their lids entirely. A rotting smell impacted Bob like a brick. He could sense the intelligences behind hidden eyes, watching them pass. At the end of the alley, they came to a red enamel painted door. Tony looked about furtively, then knocked. Bob reached through the door, and took hold of the guard whose duty5 it was to screen visitors. The door opened quickly. Tony led the way in. He led along a gaudily decorated hallway, something like a bad Chinese restaurant. Tony waved Bob to follow him up some stairs. Bob locked onto every mind he could find along the way, planting seeds of loyalty to himself. He didn't want to leave in too much of a hurry. On the second floor, they passed through a barroom filled with young oriental girls. Most of them in stylized dresses, with carefully prepared makeup, some dressed very skimpily. Bob didn't need to read their minds to know what they were here for. Thoughts of lust emanated from the small rooms beyond. The girls were mostly bored. Another set of stairs, Bob knew he'd get winded if the7 climbed the entire building by stairway. It turned out this was the last flight. They passed through a heavy, possibly metal, doorway at the top. A very tastefully oriental decor graced the room they entered. An equally tasty looking young lady sat a reception desk before the only other exit. Her pale face was round and smooth, her olive complexion brought out the color in her seemingly slanted eyes. Her jet black hair was pinned in place atop her head with carefully crafted hair sticks. Tony walked up to the desk. "I'm here to see Chi." "Tony, you know you're supposed to call first." Her voice was soft and seductive even with a scolding tone. "Who is this guy?" "This is Bob..." he stopped as Bob waved him to silence.9 "Let me lead you in," the now completely controlled recep- tionist said. She stood gracefully, as though accustomed to being ornamen- tal. Her walk was a gliding motion, feet out of sight in her long dress, a silky white thing with stylized red dragons on it. She opened the door behind the desk and stepped through. Bob followed, with Tony following respectfully behind. he door entered into a large office. The decor was similar, a Bonsai at the corner of a great Oak desk. The woman led them to one of three other doors and through to yet another room. This was a bedroom. A large bed graced the center of the room and on it an older Chinese man was obviously at his pleasure with two very young girls. None of them noticed the intruders immediately.11% Mr. Chi," spoke the receptionist. Her voice remained enticingly desirable, even with the stress of interrupting her boss. Yet when Chi broke away from intercourse, there was white rage in his eyes. Before he said anything, she gestured to Bob. "This gentleman is here to see you and it was urgent." "Cindy, you will suffer for this indignity. You knew I wasn't to be disturbed!" "Forgive the girl, Mr. Chi. She had no choice." Bob inter- ceded without controlling Chi. Yet. "Just who the hell are you!?" The two girls had scrambled to the side and were covering themselves with sheets. Bob noticed they were twins. How very interesting. He waved the receptionist and Tony to step out and settled into a chair before answering the Tong equivalent of Godfather.2 I'm the man who can walk through any defense you create without anyone seeing me." "Ninja? You can't be, if I was to die, I'd never know." "Ninja!? I thought they were a myth." "They are, for the most part. There are killers though, good ones, some who think they are Ninja. It would not surprise you to know I thought you were one such? Do you mind?" He nodded towards his clothes. Oh no, by all means. Get dressed. But while you do, I'd like to talk." "Okay. You know my guards will tear you apart when they get here?" "They won't. But that's unimportant." Bob admired the4 two sisters cowering to the side. He flung out a control probe, making them drop their sheets, and displaying themselves for his scrutiny. "Yesterday, I was in Brooklyn. This wouldn't be impor- tant normally, but it was to investigate why a pair of goons tried to kill me recently. As you might imagine, I was quite upset." Chi simply nodded, acknowledging the remark. He'd pulled on his pants, and was working on his shirt. His jacket lay folded in a neat, if bumpy, pile along with his tie. "After my business dealings on the subject, I found myself wandering one of the local parks. In that same park, the young man who just stepped out found me. He made the second attempt on my life. Oddly enough, he received his instructions from you. Or so he says." The man now held a pistol pointed at Bob. Bob took control of the arm and forcing it to the side, making Chi's thumb reset the safety. Chi looked stunned at the actions of his6 own body. "As you now can see, I don't need your cooperation. It just suits me not to overuse my skills." "Seven Hells! How did you do that?" "Think of me as a Sorcerer. You seem to already have that concept in mind. Yes, I think Sorcerer will explain it best in these digs." What do you want of me?" "For starters, I think I'll take the Wu sisters home with me today. You should make a gift of them to me. They look like exquisitely fine fucks." By now they were poised beside Bob, legs crooked in a model's stance, chests thrust forward to display their small, firm breasts, and their arms spread palms out in supplication. 8 The man's rage reappeared. He didn't like his ownership of the two little harlots begin dismissed so easily. He had waited for these two to reach sexual maturity for years. His anger passed quickly, replaced by calculated thinking. He realized the veiled threat implied by Bob's manipulation of the two girls. "I'll tell you anything you want, but my orders came through channels from the Tong's national leadership. All I was told was to send someone to get you, someone expendable." "Yup, that's Tony. If anyone's expendable, he is. So how did you know to get me in Brooklyn?" "I was told you'd be there. Not why." "How come you actually talked to Tony yourself, instead of some lesser thug in the Tong?"20 "Ha!" The older man laughed for a moment. "I can see you know little. I shall explain. It will amuse me while I contem- plate the method of your demise. "I received orders to see to making the arrangements myself. Tony was chosen because of the combination he had shown of devotion and disposibility. I would not violate honor throwing away someone with such loyalty not knowing what had been lost. I see his loyalty was more changeable than I believed. His entire family will be punished. He should have died before yielding up the Tong." ou know how little control over his loyalty he had against my talents. Why do you still need to punish him and his family?" "The cause does not matter, only what his actions matter. Others would sway like so many reeds in the wind if his example became known." 2 Bob finally scanned through the man's mind. Mostly he'd told the truth. Chi cared only for Chi. He knew exactly how to run his organization, and New York was his venue. This thing was an embarrassment because he'd had to dirty his own hands. He didn't like that much. A little kernel of omitted fact had remained withheld from Bob. The higher organization had only passed on the contact. A man in a church in Harlem. All the information came from the unusual black man, even where Bob would be, although not why. Bob ran his hands along the sides of the two girls, one now to either side of his chair. They sighed, letting their heated and lustful desire show. He let them writhe, anxious for his touch. The Tong boss was irritated by this act. He couldn't get them to respond so, and if they did it would be a performance, not genuine lust. He controlled himself rather than anger the3 frightening self styled sorcerer. It didn't matter much, Bob would do as he pleased with any man ordering his death. Even if only a middle man in th opera- tion. Bob adjusted Chi's memory. This had been a pleasant and profitable meeting, or so he'd remember. As a gift of friendship, he'd given the two girls to Bob. The entire assassination issue never happened. And Tony's family would be safe too. ob didn't really want the twins. Their little bodies were ravaged by drugs and abuse, and he simply couldn't bring himself to leave them here. He also wanted to do something decent, to assuage his own sense of virtue. He would do a serious job of reprogramming their lives, as soon as they all left. For his own pleasure though, he did bring Cindy along.5 That breathy voice was so hot, he wanted to hear more of it. Soon he would have to visit 121st Street, reaching into the heart of Harlem. He'd heard so many bad things about primari- ly Black neighborhood. It didn't sound like much fun. * * * * * * The offices of Schmitz, Martin & Lear had an unusual aspect to them. The offices weren't so much those of a Law Firm, as the placard outside suggested, as that of a private club. It made sense since the club was the Cabal. Past the receptionist, oddly enough a pert little oriental ethnic lady, were what appeared to be fully functional offices. Anyone walking to the back would come across a bored looking security guard. Ostensively he appeared to be guarding the file vault. 7 In reality, he was the last check point before entering the expansive suites of bedrooms and entertainment rooms. There was even a substantial dining room complete with serving staff. It was more like a concealed hotel and brothel than anything else. In fact, there were quite a few staff members. Almost all of them very pretty or handsome, depending on choice of gender. For some members, this was a dumping ground for used toys, former mind slaves who could just be set free. They liked to trade the mutes they'd found though, and kept stock on hand for large parties. Bob felt he understood Charles disgust with the members at the leadership level. It was simple enough to release these people to live more or less normal lives. It wasn't as if there was any shortage of mutes around. One of the servant girls walked up to him. Her blouse9 was a revealing silk affair that left nothing of her ample breasts to the imagination. She bobbed in front of him, smiling. She struck a pose intended to give maximum access to any part of her body he wanted to touch. "Master Charles will see you now. Would you like me to lead you to him?" "Yes," before she turned he gently caressed her right breast with his left hand. He could feel the soft skin wasn't restrained by a bra, her nipple hardening immediately. She sighed, contented at any use made of her. "Oh yes, I do like that," she breathed out in a sultry tone. She offered, "I'd love to make you happyme." Her eyes locked onto his, pleading to be treated as a toy. Partly because it was too easy, partly because he wasn't31 the one controlling her, he dropped his hand to his side. She shrugged, as if waking from a pleasant dream, and walked off. He followed, admiring the lilt her heart shaped bottom had with her steps. She opened a door, waving him in. He had no doubt that if he pulled her in with him, she'd gleefully perform any act he wanted. As he looked her in the eye, she winked seductively at him. He stepped into the room. It appeared to be a sitting room. There were many sitting rooms in these offices. This one had high backed, deep cushioned chairs, upholstered in thick red velvet. Before him, in one of the chairs, sat the enforcer of the Cabal. The Inquisitor they named him. The man looked like a college professor, in relaxed clothing, a brown sports jacket and gray slacks. He'd added one element to his general appearance since Bob first met him. Charles was affecting a pipe habit. 3 At the far wall, a TV encased in a cabinet blared. Bob caught a glimpse of someone pounding away at a pulpit with a red covered, gilt edged book. Ah, some Holy Roller, preaching from the boob tube. The TV clicked off as Charles pointed a little black box its general direction. Charles was certainly interested in the God business lately. "Much as I hate the idea, he may be one of ours. If so, he's got to be reined in. Too much political involvement." The voice came from the deep chair. After a moment, Bob realized Charles was talking about the pulpit pounder. Charles turned and broke into his best 'for company' smile. Bob wondered if Jorge would have to do the job, dropping his search for the Institute. "How do you like the Big Apple?" The remote control box was put to the side. 5 "I'd like it better if people didn't keep trying to kill me." "Jorge said something had happened. A couple guys at one of the local eateries?" "And yesterday a kid with a rifle in a park." I didn't know there was a second attempt. The good Lord must be watching over you." "Yeah? More likely I've been watching over me." "I suppose it's possible the Institute knows you're in the City. How is beyond me, though." "Could be. You got any further leads on those clowns?" "No. Jorge thought he had a hot lead in Seattle, but it didn't pan out. We haven't uncovered anything at the 'rehabili-6 tation center' to chase after either." "I see." Bob slid into one of the seats. There was something to be said for a nice soft chair. "What has Jorge told you?" "He just says he's working on it. Then he tells me to come talk to you if I want any more help. Say, there is something you could tell me..." If I can." Tell me the history of the Cabal." "The Cabal as we know it got it's name under the reign of Charles II of England..." , no. Before that, it must be older than that." 8 "Well, I'm a little sketchy. There are some official ar- chives. They're in Scandinavia. But I can tell you a few things. "No one really knows when it started. The first telepaths to band together in a mutual protection society did so before the dawn of time. At least, before records were kept of it. Keep in mind they lived as parasites on the civilizations going at the time, and as such didn't bother much with their own records until later than everyone else. "The earliest records I heard of date to Crete. There were some pretty bizarre happenings, but back then the Voice was just a manifestation of the will of the Gods. Barbarous brutes. "In Greece and Macedonia, a small group under the control of a man named Aristenes wandered aimlessly for a while. We found some records of them, referred to as the Ghostly Ones. From time to time they'd enter one of the City States and make off with a bunch of women or supplies, leaving as little memory of their visit as possible.40 "The Romans were the first to actively persecute telepaths. They were executed as dangerous soothsayers. This was when the first real organization thrived. Back then we were the Senatus Secretus or some such Latin thing, the Secret Senate. "Over the years, the group operated as puppet masters. They pulled the strings behind the political scenes for some time. Then a few of them fell out amongst themselves. There were some pretty brutal wars fought. You look in the history books and see internal conflict. The period of Caligula was particularly bad. What I see is the manipulation in striving to dominate other telepaths by military force. t was quite messy for a while. It wasn't until the middle ages, oddly enough still from Rome, that the leadership recon- ciled. They immediately set about trying to create rules to protect themselves against armed conflicts they'd created. "Not that any of them gave a damn about the mutes. No,2 it was self preservation they were worried about. When entire civilizations go to war, everybody goes to hell and no one is safe. God bless, it was one thing they did right. "There were a few rogues back then too though. Various different Kings surged forth with ideas of conquest. Advisors were thick as flies. Often there was someone with a Voice amid the flies. "So the Senate put together a team of Voices to enforce the unofficial rules. They banded together through whatever was the best communication channel at the time, and tracked any Voice breaking cover." Charles banged the pipe against his palm. "Back then it was easier to cover up the damage. It wa also much more likely any rogue Voice would be executed rather than persuaded. This century, there have been a few high profile Voices. We've done the best we could to control them."4 "Like who?" Bob broke in. "Many should be obvious. Adolf Hitler who had a whole set of Voices following him. Josef Stalin, and oh yeah, another World War II name, General MacArthur. Here in the '50s, Joe McCarthy. A man named Jim Jones who led a religious cult. There have been a few popular Rock stars you won't remember because their music was awful, but their concerts were great. Some Country/Western musicians, and not a few movie moguls, even Howard Hughes. Hollywood draws Voices like a magnet, I've got three permanent agents there now. How about Nick McFarrin? There's a name you won't know." "Nick McFarrin?" All the nonsense about the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy had to come from somewhere. Nick did it." "Ho, ho!" Bob chortled. "All that huzzah, and some guy6 with Voice was behind the whole thing?" "Yup. Didn't like Kennedy's space program stuff. Real obscure reason, eh?..." Charles paused, looking up at the ceiling in disbelief for a moment before continuing. "Anyway, we've been running under pretty much the same loose organization since the days of Rome. We just added some rules to protect ourselves. The name change happened because some bright Duke in England proper put two and two together. It added up to the Secret Senate and so he started a Witch hunt. The organiza- tion dissolved for a short while, after he'd executed a few of the leadership. Turned out he was immune to control or something. "It was pretty rough for a time I'm told. But we don't have an official historian. Just a sparse bunch of old records, carefully kept up by the mutes brought in to do tedious work. 8 They think they're monks, by the way. After that, the name Cabal stuck. Some idiot recently suggested we change it again to something like Illuminati. Read too much popular fiction in my opinion. So the old titles re- mained even with the name change, Inquisitor was the original title. Originally some kind of sergeant at arms." What are you going to do about these attempts to kill me?" "Nothing. It's your problem. I suggest you go borrow a few detectives from the police to investigate for you. It's what any other Voice would do." "You're joking, right?" Nope. I have real problems. The Institute for one. The idiot on the TV when you came in for another." 50 "But it is the Institute!" When they show up with mind shields, then I'll believe they represent the Institute. In the meantime, they're just mysterious goons. Possibly just working for some gangster husband you've upset. You can handle that yourself." "Hmmm." Bob sat and contemplated. They both stared into space a while. "I must leave now," Charles finally said. "Have fun while you're here. Adieu." Charles walked out, leaving the door slightly ajar. Bob felt as though he had peered into the glass bottom of one of those eight ball prediction gimmicks. `Answer hazy, try again later' kept coming up. A clock ticked mechanically over the fireplace he hadn't1 paid any attention to. Since there was no help to be had here, he'd have to back track the would be killers himself. A chill crept down his spine. "Hello?" came a woman's voice from the door. "Yes?" "Oh, I thought there wasn't anyone here. I was going to clean up. Never mind." She turned to leave. "Wait," called Bob. She turned back. He looked her over. Shapely, a bit bustier than most women, she wore a simple little maid's outfit. Her blonde hair was styled into an attractive perm ending at her bare shoulders. The legs she displayed curved eloquently atop 4 inch heels. Her stockings were straight, showing a neat little line up the backs as she turned. 3 "Step in here." She walked forward, her bustline wobbling nicely. What's your name?" Jodi." He appraised her carefully. She was in very good physical condition, even if she'd been adjusted by someone else. He probed her gently. The blundering fool who made her a mind slave wasn't very subtle. The changes were implanted as though with a lead brick. Bob spent the next few minutes undoing the total suppression of her personality. At least the parts obliterating her ability to show initiative came away without too much trouble. He was beginning to see why the other members didn't cut5 their slaves loose afterwards, they couldn't. If all the mind slaves were like this, they couldn't function in normal social lives without going insane. They'd all be entirely imprinted sex toys with limited other skills. He shook his head with mild disgust. Why throw away other useful skills? Maybe Charles already knew about this incredible waste. He returned to examining the full grown woman, now toy. He kept her under a mild control yet brought back the Jodi who apparently had worked in the garment district. He reflected on what he learned about her prior life, deciding the new one wasn't much worse. Her life as no more than sex toy automaton would soon be over, but she'd still serve some time as his personal pet for the evening. He kept her at his side, setting her to believe she was his girlfriend dating back to high school. She knew for certain they'd done everything together a sex crazed couple could do, 7 and she loved it. She practically clung to him. He'd have to reset that as well. On the way, he spotted the servant he handled delicately earlier. She smiled as he slipped his hand into her crotch to serve as a come along. He suddenly felt very hedonistic. * * * * * * The bedroom sported a king sized bed, a bathroom off the side, enough room for entertaining with furniture to do so. There were a plethora of inanimate sex toys in a rack along the wall as well. Bob closed the rack of sexual paraphernalia, snapping it shut to avoid looking at some of the more esoteric devices. Implements of torture were definitely not what Bob wanted. He turned to look at the two women waiting by the couch. Jodi looked confused, as though she'd been absent and only just9 returned. Her maid's outfit continued to accent her shapely body. Standing before the lightly swaying Naomi, she lifted her skirt, revealing a patchy covering of hair. She started to rub herself, looking Naomi in the eyes. "Oh," Jodi mumbled, "oh my." Bob slipped up behind Naomi. He reached around the front of her clasping her breasts lightly with his hands. "Oh yes!," the woman reacted by trying to grind her ass back against his groin. His fingers worked her nipples, erect already, causing her to issue animalistic moans. Jodi's jaw hung slightly open, her tongue jammed into the corner of her mouth as she strained fingering herself standing up. Her eyeshazed over with the passion of one striving for orgasm, pushing for it. Bob brought his right hand behind the woman he was 61 physical- ly using at the moment. She tried to wriggle against him, but he pushed her bottom forward and lifted her skirt. Gently, he slipped his middle finger between the cheeks of her ass, and in her by the back door. Yike!" She tried to stand even higher on her toes as she yelped. The heels she wore already giving her odd balance prob- lems, the result was a half stagger step forward. Bob stimulated her with the symbols at her groin and she let out a low hiss of heated lust, staring straight into the eyes of the woman heaving before her. Jodi was busy rubbing her chest through the fabric of the flimsy blouse the servants had to wear. Since she wore no bra, she had easy access to her nipples without really undressing. Her sweat made all the bumps of her nipples stick out visibly anyway, their stiff shapes jabbing the wet fabric. "Put your hands on her shoulders," Bob directed the woman under his hands.3 "Oh, uh huh," With a staggering step, Naomi placed her hands on the other woman's shoulders, allowing her head to droop as she panted. Bob stepped back, and peeled off his own clothing. His cock was erect, the two waiting sex toys either gasping or panting out their lust. The bed was large enough, he decided. Sitting at the edge, he felt the surface of the cover. Finding it was soft and com- fortable, he decided not to strip it to the sheets. The women were still standing together, Jodi frantically fingering herself, Naomi panting with her head down. He reached out some symbols and sent a flood of pleasure through Jodi. "Oh God!" squealed the blonde. Shuddering in her standing position, she struggled not to fall. "Yes, yes, yes!" 5 A moment latter, weak kneed and exhausted she whimpered as she continued to try arousing herself with her fingers. He hadn't told her to stop. "Alright, Jodi, you may stop now." Bob tried again to change her, allow her more initiative. It was difficult to fix the damage the other members had done her. "Why don't the two of you come over here, lick me, and give me a nice display of you at my cock?" Smiling with a heated inner desire Naomi was the first to reach the side of the bed. She bent, stopping to push her tongue into his mouth in a passionate kiss. Then she knelt, and wrapped her long fingers about his prick. A pink tongue tip slipped out between her red lips and started to caress the glans. The soft velvet touch left Bob drawing in his own sharp breath. Jodi was pulling her clothing off as she approached the7 bed. She took off the skirt and the blouse. Her hair remained bouncy despite the sweat from her earlier exertion. She was naked quickly, and bent before him for a kiss, easily as passionate as Naomi's, breasts swaying beneath her as she leaned. Then she too bent to her knees, watching Naomi engulf head of his manhood in her mouth. Looking for an opening, she stretched her neck forward, allowing her to nip at the shaft of his cock as the other woman pulled back. Jodi tried to work her lips over his cock, pushing Naomi aside with a sisterly kiss on her lips. They traded turns, each one plunging the length of his prick with their mouth, making tasty slurping sounds as they went. Occasionally they paused to neck for a moment with each other. He placed his hands on the tops of their heads, allowing the mouths to suck him in at will. Neither had trouble with gag reflexes. They had been trained to perform this way before. He was pleased to watch as they would took breaks to 9 duel with their tongues over the trunk of his prick, both licking at him and each other. It was time to do something else, he decided. "Naomi; on your back; spread 'em" He took Jodi's arm in his hand. "Once she's in place, I want you to start licking her. Make her come for me. But I want your dainty little tush up in the air. I'm going to enter you while you eat." "Oh God! I really want you in me." "Me, too," added Naomi. "I'm sure you do. Now play with your lovely tits, sweet- heart, I want to see erect nipples while you're being eaten." Jodi climbed up on the bed, placing her face in the spread crotch before her. She began to lick and tease the outer lips with her tongue. Naomi started to let her head roll as her pleasure rose. Jodi's hips remained up, she kept her place on71 her knees. Bob saddled up behind her, holding his prick in his hand. He rubbed the swollen member against Jodi's slit. Finding the opening moist and ready, slid in, enjoying the tightness around him. Once completely in, he took hold of either side of her waist, and started his motion. His thrusts pushed Jodi forward, pressing harder against Naomi's cunt. Naomi sighed lightly. With both of her nipples between her fingers, she looked down at the engorged flesh of her breasts. She was engaged in watching her own arousal, abdomen writhing about with partly involuntary response. 's tongue was trying to reach inside Naomi. S thrust it in as far as possible but only got an inch or two past the outer lips. Her round little chin would slip in a little too, bringing a gasp from the woman beneath her face.3 Bob watched the woman's head bobbing forward and back as he pumped into her. Her hair floated along the other woman's thighs. He could sense the light sensations of pleasure tickling up to Naomi's hips. It had a soft luscious glow to it as the heat rose within the prone woman. Naomi moaned, mouth open, tongue showing behind her teeth and lips. She repeated the moan. His penis was as deep as he could plunge inside Jodi when Naomi began to come. Her head twitched violently from the rising orgasm, hair a halo on the bed beneath. Her shoulders arched, flinging her head backwards. "Oh, darling! I'm coming!" Jodi kept lapping away, whenever she could get in position at the screaming woman's cunt. Bob was pounding into her harder than before, enjoying the soft cushion her ass was providing him. 5 He could feel pulsing heat throbbing up from his scrotum. His prick was swelling with the plunging semen, rushing to it's destiny. The seed spilled into Jodi's burning pussy, heading deeper than his prick could reach. He used the symbol's to force an orgasm from Jodi, while he knew he was still coming. He shot the symbols of fast and brutal release through her cunt and abdomen. Jodi's head flung back suddenly. She gripped the legs to either side of her tightly in her arms, digging her fingers into the flesh with intensity. Although Bob couldn't see her face, she was obviously contorted into a mask of total release. "Oh. Oh. Oh God! Fuck me! Please fuck me!" She let loose a stream of yells while her head slammed from right to left and back again. She struggled to pull away from Bob as she hit what she thought was the peak. He didn't let her. He forced another spasm through her body with a jolting thrust of his own final orgasm.7 "Unh!" grunted Bob. "Oh, Goddamnit, yes!" screamed Jodi. "Ah," sighed Bob, coming down again. Jodi collapsed forward onto Naomi, who pulled her close. They lay there panting, all trying to catch their breath. Their sweat mingled as they all bundled close together. After lying there for a while, the women went off to the bathroom. They refreshed their makeup, starting to straighten up the room afterwards. Bob watched with amusement as they went through the cycle of chores they'd assigned themselves. They were still naked as the day they were born. Yet they tried to make every movement entic- ing to him, habits of service here at the Cabal's offices.8 Watching Naomi's buns wag as she bent down to collect her shoes was an exciting turn of events. She didn't simply bend, she sort of rolled herself at the waist. The hint of curly pussy hair between her thighs was an attractive reminder he hadn't really entered her yet. He decided it was time to rectify this little matter. "Naomi, I want you to bend over the couch so I can look at your lovely little tush," he commanded. Naomi shrugged, and set aside the work she was doing. She lay herself across the back of the couch, head in the cushions, ass in the air. Jodi stopped flattening out the bed sheets, curious if her attention would soon be demanded as well. "Is there any oil in the bathroom?" he asked her. "Yes my love, I will get it for you," Jodi hurried from80 the room. Soon she returned with a bottle of baby oil. "Rub it into her cheeks, then into her ass." Jodi turned, and poured the oil into her hand. She rubbed her hands together for a few moments, then started to massage the oil over the prostrate woman's ass. As she worked it into the crack, she started to work a finger into Naomi's little rosette. She added a touch more oil. Bob remembered exploring the exposed tush with his own fingers earlier. A smile crossed his face. He picked up the oil and began to massage his presently limp cock. Then he changed his mind. "Jodi, come get me hard for Naomi." Jodi looked back, and smoothly went from feeling the other woman to rubbing the oil along his prick. Her fingers glided along the hardening prick, stiffening from contact with 2 her hand. Bob let out a low groan of his own. Jodi smiled knowingly at him, pleased with her arousal of his cock. Happy she had in some way pleased her man. Now stiff, he stepped to Naomi's bottom. Prying her cheeks apart, he exposed the small hole, her back door. Naomi squirmed enough to move her head, allowing her to see Bob behind her. He gave her his best reassuring smile, and rubbed the head of his prick against the little pucker. "Yike!" She squealed as he pushed in the first inch of cock. She writhed a bit more, either from discomfort or from pleasure, he couldn't tell without probing her right now. He decided to enjoy her without snooping for a moment. He pressed in further, letting the tight muscles ease back after each inch. "Oh my God, it's huge! Oh no," the woman groaned. Bob knew he wasn't huge, but she obviously felt he was.4 "I, uh, I've never taken someone like this before," she told him. He plunged another inch in. "Oh!" Her eyes were wide, and surprise furrowed her brow. He wondered if it were true. The idea she would be a sex toy here and no one used her this way before surprised him. He didn't think it mattered much, though. He plunged into her to the hilt. She gasped again, tears at the corners of her eyes. Building an in and out motion took a few minutes. She wasn't accustomed to his prick in her ass. She began to respond however, with some excitement as the activity became more rhythmic. Oh yes, More," she mumbled into the couch. Jodi stepped around to sit on the couch. A moment later6 she was playing with Naomi's nipples, pinned against the cushions. Bob could feel his balls slapping against the labia beneath the entry he'd chosen. Each slopping sound elicited another gasp from the woman he was using. She tried to press back against him, but the position she was in left her completely helpless. ounded against the helpless and frantic woman. Pistoning into her nether hole, Bob felt her clamping down on him. Her countenance had taken on the glow of someone approaching ecstatic freedom. "Unh." The moan rose deep in throat. "Oh yes." Jodi bent to Naomi's exposed nipple, sucking it into her mouth. "Ah yes," the pinned woman shuddered violently. Then she7 pealed out more strongly. Bob found the surge within himself as well. The clenching sensations of orgasm brought a tightening pulse, thrusting the seed of his body into her. Bob grunted out again. Pushing into her again forcefully. Then he stopped, embedded within her ass. "Now tell me how you feel, Naomi." "Weak. Very, very weak," she muttered sleepily. Jodi looked pretty satisfied with the whole thing. Pleased at the outcome. Bob finally withdrew to the sounds of whimpering from Naomi. She hadn't wanted him to leave her. Bob smiled at her delightful floating afterglow. 8 "You better get dressed," he told the girls. Then he wan- dered to the bathroom to get a shower. Standing under the running water would be very relaxing about now. * * * * * * "Excuse me, but I don't get it." "What don't you get, Jones?" "Why we stopped the scanning, the electronics work just fine." Thaddeus put down his pencil, and leaned back at the desk. "Sit down." Jones pulled one of the stiff wooden chairs over from the work table. He brushed the seat. Then he sat down smoothly,90 facing his boss. Thaddeus leaned forward again to speak "We know where the spark is. He's in New York. We also know he's virtually undetectable to scanners." "Yes, but we can pick up other sparks. All we need to do is pull our staff away from any area he comes near." You miss the point. If he can evade scanners, other sparks can too. We can't have any of them finding some of our people. No, it's better to allow financial to hunt. We caught more that way before in any case." "Oh." He pondered a moment. "It's an awfully low probability event. Isn't it an acceptable risk?" "When we still had the facilities of the research center, yes. Now as we scrape for every qualified staffer, no."1 "What about this spark, this Robert Lawrence? Shouldn't we do something about him?" No need. My instructions say he will be taken care of. Don't sweat it. You worry about getting the staff running. I'll worry about the loose spark. okay?" Glumly, Jones nodded. We've got other work to concentrate on," Thaddeus repeated softly. * * * * * * Betty greeted Bob at the door. She looked freshly fucked, having that glow about her of one who has recently come. Bob grinned. The girls must have been playing. She wore a narrow bathing suit that covered her just enough to be decent2 if a stranger had been outside the door. He found her sweet ass still enticed him. "Well. What's going on?" "Oh," she turned red, still little priggish. "We've been playing." "Tell me who started it." She turned her head in embarrassment. "I was cleaning the room, it wasn't my fault. Really." "Oh yeah?" "Randi started it," she pouted. "All I did was walk around her while I was cleaning." "So what happened?"4 "She tried to grab me. I told her I was busy," Betty stuck her nose up in the air. "The silly dyke didn't like my answer." Bob looked at her, wondering if the adjustments he'd made were wearing off. Then he realized she'd been teasing Randi on purpose. "So what did she do?" "Went to Bambi to complain." She pouted again. "And?" "Bambi made me eat Randi out, right then and there." She looked down, grinning, but shuffling her feet. "Then she fucked me twice with those toys you bought us." Her grin got bigger with this last statement. 5 "Good. Oughta teach you not to tease if you won't follow through." "But I'd have been happy to make it with Randi," she pro- tested. "I just wanted a little more, uh, playing first." "I don't think Randi sees it as playing, sweetheart. Teasing her only gets her real hot and anxious." oh." here are Randi and Bambi now?" Bambi got excited watch me and Randi. She's making Randi." Bob laughed aloud. Couldn't leave the girls alone for a minute. "And Cindy? That tasty little oriental girl I brought6 home?" "She's in the hot tub." She pouted again. "You said we couldn't play with her until you took her." "Thank you. Why don't you go clean up. I'd like you in something more concealing for a while. Find some nice way to dress to turn me on." Sprightly, she turned on her heels. "Yes sir, master sir." Grinning Bob walked towards his bedroom. Pounding and thumping, combined with the sounds of two women gasping or moaning with lust reached his ears. He stepped inside the bedroom. On the floor, not even in the bed, the large-breasted woman was pinned under the brunette. Randi had Bambi pinned at8 the wrists. The short haired woman was thrashing about as Randi, wearing a strap on dildo, fucking away madly at brown cunt beneath her. "Oh! God! Yes! Yes! Yes!" came screeching from Bambi. The brunette grunted from the exertion of fucking her. "Yes!" Ful- filled at last, the woman wound gently down from the pounding she'd taken. Randi looked up and noticed Bob. She grinned proudly, as if to say "look what I did." She kept Bambi pinned however, dildo pushed deeply in her pussy. He smiled back. There just had to be a suitable punishment for this frivo- lous behavior. He wondered just how many times he could get it up in one night. * * * * * *100% "What do you mean, you met him!?" Chi was confused by the voice from his phone. "He came, we chatted about how we all cooperate with each other. I even gave him a gift as honor requires..." "You fool!" There followed a brief pause, and a sound that could have been a breaking pencil. "You were told to kill off any contact with the assassin. Now he'll backtrack, you schmuck!" "I do not understand. I thought he was a member of the organization...," Chi looked with irritation at the phone, now dead in his hand. If they didn't want him to befriend the tall man, why had they given him his address?  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. --> 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24 --> Receiving Information...u Receiving file...-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|\-/|q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11)(38k) lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk mqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqj [PageDown: ] [Help: ?] [Return to Menu: u] Path: newshost.williams.edu!news2.near.net!satisfied.apocalypse.org!wizard.pn.co m!news1.channel1.com!news.sprintlink.net!in2.uu.net!news.erinet.com!usenet From: daveh@erinet.com Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories Subject: Re: Req _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:18:14 GMT Organization: EriNet Online 513 436-9915 Lines: 1087 Message-ID: <462uv9$rcc@eri1.erinet.com> Reply-To: daveh@erinet.com NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99b.112 Chapter 11: Booked to the Rafters Jorge sat alone, watching departure times for the trains. A man wearing a mind shield had led him here from the Sears Tower. For some reason, instead of getting a plane to Denver, the man was taking a berth on Amtrak.1% 3 Jorge finally went to the phone to try reaching Charles again. He found it impossible to reach the Cabal's enforcer for two days now. When the secretary at the New York office once again told him Charles wasn't there, he had to consider other options. After some thought he dialed another New York number. "Hello?" the voice was a woman's whiskey tenor, husky and delicious. "I'd like to speak with Bob." "He went uptown on business," she replied. "Can I help you, or take a message?" "This Bambi?" "Yes, who is this?"4 "It's Jorge. Tell him I'm on my way to Denver. I should be there by tonight. It's the Institute..." He paused wondering if he should have said that, too late now. "I think he should go with me." "I'll tell him. He'll come. Where will you be staying?" "There's an office in Boulder he can contact. He should be able to get the number from our New York people." "Very well. Anything else?" "No. Good-bye." "Later then..." The clatter of the telephone was distant as she hung up. Jorge decided to go to the airport and fly after all. He walked past a couple in romantic embrace, and headed for the street.6 Almost predictably there were no cabs around. Jorge didn't have time to wait. He borrowed a passing car and driver. O'Hare was always such a mess to get to anyway, why wait? * * * * * * Walking this street made Bob uncomfortable. It wasn't the street so much as the people here. He was far more out of place here than he expected. Fear rose inside, coming from the place where he drew himself to when he was not in control. Even the Voice didn't make Bob feel as distant from the rest of the world as this, the sensation of being the only white face in a large herd of people. There was a surging current of animos- ity as well. And that was just what he could see in the8 faces, the minds were sometimes worse. The fear he hadn't felt when being shot at in Brooklyn swiftly gripped his chest here. He had diverted three gangs so far, seeing him as easy prey. Nothing would save him from a sniper he didn't spot in time though. He saw no police either, rather... he had seen four officers. They gathered together as though in numbers their own risk was mitigated by the other targets. The police would only get in his way, attracting even more unwanted attention. He walked up from the edge of Central Park. It was a nice day, until he noticed his tension growing. He wondered if a black in a crowd of white's felt a similar undercurrent of hatred. He never noticed, but hadn't looked for it before. The poverty he saw didn't escape him. Many of these 10% people had nothing to lose, consequently his sense of personal danger rose further. He was too well dressed to be here, not to mention he already looked like an easy mark. He drew in on himself, vowing never to come back after this exercise. With some small relief, he found the church he sought and climbed the steps. It was nestled between a pair of brownstones, it's windows either broken or shuttered over with plywood. The graffiti leapt out, belying the purpose of the structure. A small, hand painted sign read "Church of Jesus Christ Lord". tried to smile, but knew somehow it had come out as a fractured caricature of a grin. The foreboding from the surround- ings kept his reactions subdued. The doors opened to his touch, a quiet stillness within. 2 He found himself entering a small entry hall in far better condition than the exterior of the building. A small locked donation box sat chained to a table beside the entrance to a chapel. An eerie sense climbed his spine, the chapel hall was empty. Some candles were lit on a table to the right of the pews. An intense sweet odor overrode a dusty, moist aroma of infrequent cleaning. He examined some of the literature, finding explanations of the rigors of baptism and other related theology, a 'retreat' boot camp for Christians, and other assorted brotherhood forms of worship. He smiled, these were familiar, even if the location had him on edge. Spotting a sign labeled "office", he followed the arrow through a door. A set of stairs led down to a long hallway, the office clearly labeled halfway down the hall. Stepping up to the opaque glass door, he entered without hesitation.4 In the dark room, on the floor, amid piles of scribbled on paper, sat the man he knew he was looking for. A paunchy fellow dressed in black with a cleric's collar, sat clasping a pen in his fist, trying to draw a picture on the back of a letter he'd found. "Ahwannaplaysomebodynow," bubbled the grown man. He rolled to the side. It became apparent from the stench and large wet spot on the floor he had messed himself. Bob shook his head. He was too late. Looking about he saw two walls were covered with theological works. One wall without books had a number of framed certifi- cates, degrees from seminaries, and a Masters in Social Sciences from the University of Michigan. Photos, also on the wall, showed an affluent family in a reasonably suburban neighborhood. Rela- tives probably. 6 Bob reflected, the man poured his life into helping the local needy, only to be injured in this hideous manner by Bob's new enemy. He walked over to the desk. Finding a phone, he dialed the police. At least they could find someone to take over for the poor man. Bob tried to probe the black minister, only to find nothing left but childhood. The institute may have come up with a way to do this, but he doubted it. Either the guy went around the bend real suddenly, or someone with Voice erased this man's mind. Charles would have to listen now. This could attract exactly the wrong kind of attention, if it happened often enough. Bob couldn't understand is why the guy wasn't just dead. There was no indication his mysterious enemy had any compunction against murder so far. Bob turned to leave. He took a few steps towards the8 door. "Nastyladylefttoo." It was a child's tones in a man's voice. The chill returned to Bob's spine as he heard this. He turned back. The no longer adult eyes were intent on Bob, a fear of being left alone shone there. Instinctively, Bob shuddered. "Tell me about the lady, little boy." Bob tried to force his voice into a friendly tone. "Lady gone." Bob probed the memory rising with the state- ment. There was a woman, in a dark black dress, wearing a veil. How very apropos for this cloak and dagger stuff. The oddly twisted man on the floor could remember her perfume, an intense sweet smell. She had shoulder length black hair in a 50's style perm, and wore low black work heels. This victim remembered her laughing in a deep, almost20 masculine tone as she left him on the floor, putting a large pistol into her purse. Bob thought of the sweet smell as he came into the Church. He must have just missed her. Bob shuddered. Why would a woman from Cabal want him dead? He waited for the police. A child shouldn't be left alone. * * * * * * The sunlight streamed in from the apartment's western windows. House plants had turned their leaves into the warm beams, silent in photosynthesis. The number of planters caused the potted soil smell to prevail over other musty odors. Outside, it was a warm day. The trees on the hillside2 were moving in the Colorado breezes rolling down from the mountains, but the warmth would penetrate Diane if she wandered out. She wasn't going to wander out though. Heather wanted her nearby, and Diane desperately wanted to be with Heather. Her soul longed to frolic in the clean country air, to look over the beautiful vista below and soak up sunshine. Heather reached out and stroked her hair. Diane shuddered with excitement at the attention. Her back tingled with the hope her mistress would command her services. She dared not ask, Heather would simply grin, then go do something else. "Hello, my pretty." "Hello, my love," she replied. "I think I want you to eat me, my pretty," the red head almost moaned, "Would you like that?"3 "Oh, my love, I would like anything you enjoy." "Well, you aren't going to eat me now, my pretty." Diane's heart fell. Heather enjoyed teasing her like this. On occasion she made Diane wait hours, teasing her with those long auburn locks, the smooth curves of her body, and an occa- sional hint of a kiss. Heather seemed to get great pleasure in using her as a foil for her desire. She sat still, awaiting Heather's pleasure. The telepath's fingers slid over Diane's shoulders, lingering at the raised line of her bra. A pout crossed the freckled face Diane lusted after. You shouldn't be wearing this today." Diane quickly pulled her t-shirt over her head. A suggestion from Heather was a command to her. In moments she had5 the bra clasp open, drawing the bra off too. Her full breasts fell free, swaying a little as she moved. As she reached for the t-shirt to put it back on, Heather grabbed her by the wrist. The soft, yet strong grip made Diane freeze, waiting the woman's pleasure. Heather held her pinned by the wrist, with her other hand she traced little circles around the exposed nipples. Diane drew in a gasp as each nipple sharply rose to attention. Her shoulders instinctively pulled back, pressing her ample bosom forward towards the exploring fingers. "Desperate little pretty, you want to be my toy, don't you?" Diane looked into her lover's eyes. "I long for your every touch." 7 Heather smiled as she stroked the nipples of Diane's lus- cious breasts. Diane wavered a bit, her eyes fluttered as the pleasurable sensations grew outward from the molesting fingers. She moaned, almost imperceptibly. Heather grinned at the helpless response. The fingers played across the pale round skin of the ex-reporter's mounds. Sensations drew her into the hazy joy of arousal. Her body swayed in almost involuntary ecstasy. As quickly as it began, it stopped. Only the fingers around her arm remained. Diane whimpered, frustrated by the teasing touches she received. Heather pulled her over to the porch doors, making her face outward. The courtyard below was empty, but Diane knew it didn't matter. Heather opened the french style doors one handed, forcing Diane through with the other hand. Diane remained aroused, excited by any contact with9 Heather. The redhead's attention was everything to her right now, the rest of the world didn't even exist. "Hold the rail," Heather commanded. Diane leaned forward, taking hold of the stone railing before her. Her breasts swung slightly in the open air, but only Heather was there to see. Heather reached about to the snaps on Diane's jeans. Undoing them, she then yanked the faded blue cloth over Diane's waist and down to her knees. Diane shuddered in excited anticipation. "Oh my pretty, you left your panties off for me," Heather sounded pleased. "Yes my love." Heather rubbed her own crotch against Diane's naked31 bottom. The roughness of the clothe sharply accented the sensation. Diane moaned with need. Wait here pretty." could feel Heather leave her. But she held the rail, just as directed. She would not disobey her lover. A few moments later she could feel, or rather sense a presence behind her again. "Stand still, my pretty, but part your legs for me." Diane sighed, and moved to obey. She was more than happy to have Heather use her, but when Heather left it sometimes meant she was to satisfy someone else. She'd begun to dread servicing the needs of the Jones man. While she was standing exposed for Heather's leisure enter- tainment, a large black car pulled up in the courtyard. The driver rushed out to open the door for someone.3 Heather started to rub something against Diane's outer lips. Then it was thrust inside. A thick and long object had been inserted into her moist vagina and behind it, Heather's waist slapped against her ass. "Oh!" Diane was quite startled. She gasped out another surprised syllable as Heather started the motions of fucking her with the toy penis. Below the driver helped someone in a black dress and a veiled hat step out of the car. The woman's dark hair ended at her shoulders. She looked up at the naked women on the balcony. "Unh!" Diane was beyond her own control. She held the rail tightly, her knuckles whitening as she bore down. "Oh yes, pretty will come for me, won't you pretty?" Diane knew she was expected to talk to Heather5 throughout her orgasm. If she failed to do so, Heather might not touch her for a long time. "God yes, oh, lover take me, please. Please let me come for you, let me give you my- Oh!" Diane could scarcely keep her eyes open. Her body rocked against the phallus substitute. Head down, hair rolling before her eyes, Diane ground herself back as Heather pumped forward. "Oh, fuck me, please. Unh! Please!" Heather reached around and touched Diane. Diane felt the finger hit the tender flesh at the top of her pussy. Sensations of flaming lust rocked her, a jolt of energy pressing her into orgasmic spasms. Yes, make me..." Convulsions rocked her again and again. Her breasts swung wildly, the sensational feeling simply lifting her to her tip toes. Heather was moaning herself.6 Below the woman looking up simply shook her head and entered the building. * * * * * * Warmth poured down from the sun, seeping into the pores of Jorge's skin. Jorge was by the pool side. He had caught up with the Institute man at the train station. The man came to this hotel and settled in. So Jorge was staying here too. This hotel was something of a resort. The tennis court and golf course were substantial. The pro shops advertised lessons on signs in the lobby. There were three restaurants and a nightclub. Jorge noted the number of attractive young women wandering around, most of them seemed unattached. Jorge had kept an eye on the man with the mind shield.8 He was discovering for himself the worst part of following someone. Never before had he been forced to wait on someone he already located. He was bored waiting for his subject to actually move on. So he enlisted a little help. The hotel staff was soon set up to let him know if the man did anything. Jorge would be able to relax and to enjoy the hotel services. The services he ignored so far were those of the lovely bikini clad college students by the pool. This was something he could correct. Jorge smiled to himself. All these goodies, and time to play too. A very attractive brunette was practicing her dives from the high board. He'd been watching her for a little while. Her athletic body was muscular, her tan simply spectacular. Jorge enjoyed the midair spins, flips, and somersaults she executed. He watched as she brushed aside two young men, 40 separately. They couldn't draw her attention away from diving. She seemed to be mostly interested in getting a two and a half flip perfected. The young men seemed rather upset before moving on to other potential love interests. Jorge gathered his towel and walked over to the lithe athlete. "Hello, my name is Jorge." "Good for you, Jorge. I'm busy. Beat it." Her breasts weren't quite as small as they looked from a distance. He looked at her puppy brown eyes, the flush of exertion had made her cheeks a little red. It couldn't be the sun. "Come to the bar in five minutes. Look for me there." "What? uh, oh." Jorge saw his controls sink in. She started for her towel. It would take more than five minutes for her to change. But he didn't mind. He went off to his room for2 clothing. * * * * * * Bob dropped his garment bag on the bed. The flight was reasonably quick, he'd bumped some first class passenger for the trip. He had decided he needed the comfort this time. The hotel he'd found was adequate for his purposes. The room contained a king size bed, the rooms to either side empty. They would stay empty too, the manager took care to ensure Bob's privacy for him. He was a little displeased with the arrangements. Bambi had done the best she could, but he couldn't reach Charles. Mostly he was unhappy he was the only one who knew about the tragic turn of events in Harlem. Charles should know about the damaged minister he found. The police would never find anyone responsible. To them it 4 looked like another man gone insane in an insane place. Only Bob and the mysterious female visitor knew different. Now, outside of Denver, all Bob could do was worry about what Jorge had found. The mountains loomed in the distance. His hotel was supposed to be near the Cabal site Jorge indicated. Bob didn't know, really didn't care. A short drive, a long drive, they were the same. Some poor sot would lose part of his day driving Bob where he needed to go. * * * * * * Jorge chose a table near the door. He checked his watch. It was about 10 minutes before the diver, whose name he hadn't gotten, wandered in the bar. She spotted him immediately and joined him. 6 Her hair was still wet, but had been combed out down her back to the sturdy looking shoulder blades. She had full red lips and a stern gaze over her thin chiseled nose. Her muscular shoulders, doubtlessly developed from swimming, were now covered by a simple t-shirt. Her jeans concealed the lovely legs Jorge had admired from the pool side. "Hello," he said. "What do you want," she snapped. But she sat down with him anyway. Jorge smiled. Then he waved to the waitress, a pert woman in her late thirties. The waitress came quickly to the table. "Bring my friend here," he scanned quickly through her drinking tastes, "a Banana Daiquiri?" Stunned at his apparent knowledge of her drinking7 habits, she simply nodded. "And I'll have a White Russian." The waitress rushed away as quickly as she'd arrived. "How did you know?" asked the swimmer. Does it matter?" Damn right it does." "No, I don't think so," he smiled. "I'm leaving," she tried to rise. Jorge wasn't going to let her though. She made the slightest turn to leave but settled right back into her seat. Jorge smiled. As the young woman looked frantically about, the 8 waitress came with their drinks. She smiled down on the two of them as she deposited the glasses neatly on cardboard coasters, then turned to leave. "Wait!" The swimmer seemed frantic, "he's forcing me to stay, and I want to go." The waitress turned and looked at Jorge. That true, sir?" Yes, it is. Now run along and take care of your other customers." "Yes, sir. Sorry dearie, he is in charge here." Jorge finished adjusting the waitress as she wandered into the kitchen. His new friend was stunned. "What's your name," he finally asked the stunned50 brunette. "Jessica." She tried to remain silent, but the name came out anyway. "Jessica Bays." "Come Jessica." He took a sip of his drink, then pushed it aside. Standing he took her by the hand, leading her out to the lobby. They walked past several other people, couples arm in arm, a few luggage burdened fellows, and into the elevator. When the doors closed they were alone. "I've been trying to do this differently." She had no idea what he meant. There was no understanding what had happened to her. She wanted nothing to do with this man, but found herself going and doing as he directed. It was incom- prehensible. 2 They got off the elevator and walked through the hall to his room. The electronic key opened the lock, and he pulled her in behind him. "Open the curtains Jessica." She walked to the windows and pulled at the chain, drawing back thick drapes. Sunlight spilled through the room, a large suite. They were in an entertainment room, TV and couch set up for guests. "What now? When will you let me go?" She was astounded her voice would still allow her to verbalize her inner desires. Jorge took Jessica by the hand and pulled her to him. He lifted her chin in one hand and kissed her. She found herself kissing him back, not what she wanted to do. She could only watch herself acting without any resistance. She shivered as he lifted the t-shirt over her head. Her4 breasts rose in a more shapely manner with the breath she drew sharply in. The nipples popped erect, showing their round shapes. Her hands moved aside for him as he reached for her Jean's snaps. The zipper came undone with a loud rip sound. She could feel moistness in her groin, and the skin tighten under her bra. She was very aroused now, but could not understand any reason for it. Jorge pushed the jeans down to Jessica's ankles. Without knowing why, pushed her sneaks off and stepped out of the legs of her pants. His hands worked the eyelets of her bra and soon that was aside too. "Yes, yes. You should do quite nicely. Turn around for me." With her panties still on, she raised her hands to behind her neck, thrust her chest out and slowly turned in place. She simply kept turning, his fingers reached out to touch5 from time to time, but he didn't stop her. "Good," he smiled. "Very good. Sit down a minute." She sat on the couch, crossing her legs, but not folding her arms across her chest as she would have liked. Jorge was not thrilled with this, he walked over and pulled her legs apart. She sat now, her panties still on, but with her sex exposed as he wished. "I have to make a call. Then we'll play." He picked up the phone. * * * * * * A small private mansion, stocked to the hilt with mind slaves, proved to be the local Cabal office. 8 Bob shook his head as he walked through to the offices. The female staff was entirely dressed in revealing little outfits leaving nothing to the imagination, their nipples and crotch fur on display for everyone. The male staff were outfitted in para- military gray uniforms, carrying weapons. It was obvious what the priorities were of the local Cabal people. Somehow he doubted there were any female Cabal members locally. When he found no messages from Jorge, he settled into the library to read while he waited. On occasion he had to fend off women programmed to go into sexual frenzy for any man who wasn't one of the guards. He was disturbed by the lack of subtlety, but unhappy taking anyone he hadn't specifically seized for himself. fter a while, the call came. A blonde in a skimpy leather bodice came to him with a cordless phone. She stood along side him as he spoke. It was apparent she strongly aroused9 by her proximity to him. "Hello?" "Bob? This is Jorge." "Where the hell are you? I've been waiting for at least two or three hours here..." "The Sanibad Resort. It's close to where you are now." "Okay, I'll come right over." "Listen, I followed a man with a shield to this place and I'm watching for him to leave. He hasn't done anything here." "So, if you follow him out, leave a note at the desk." "Yeah, all right. I'm not used to coordinating with anyone, so if we screw up how do I reach you?"60 "Either here or the Brentwood Hotel." "Right. Uh, I haven't been able to reach Charles, how about you?" Me either. I'm a little worried. A bunch of people have been trying to kill me and I think there's a Cabal member behind it." "Why is that?" "One of my leads had his mind erased. I'm pretty sure only a Cabal member could manage it. The Institute people aren't so subtle." Maybe, but I thought you said Bambi had been programmed pretty slick by the Institute?" "I'm beginning to think the Cabal connection may be2 behind the Institute as well." Silence came from the hand held phone. Jorge was thinking it over. When he finally spoke again it was much softer. "Tell me you don't mean that." "Huh? Oh, I mean it. Jorge, the people at the Institute used brainwashed Voices or as they called us, Sparks to adjust people. They had a big brute of a control machine to do it to sparks. I've since noticed most of the adjustments by even mildly talent- ed Cabal members are blunt and unbelievably blatant. Only the better quality ones are subtle enough to leave controls such as I found in Bambi. I don't see how it could be any but a handful of Cabal members. I doubt the Institute has captured anyone so skillful." The silence came again. In the background, Bob could hear sounds such as might be another person moving about in the room with Jorge.4 "Oh, shit. I hope you're wrong. I dearly hope you are wrong." "Oh, shit is right. I'm not making a mistake, Jorge. We need Charles to help us find this creep, and the sooner the better." "Yeah, I'll try a few more numbers before I to back out. I'd intended to have some more fun," a flesh meeting flesh slap was audible through the earpiece, "but it can wait." "Good, I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye." "So long." Bob pressed the off button and looked up at the waiting woman. She was panting above him, her hips moving in squeezing motions. The visible nipples were stiff, her displayed groin seemed visibly wet.5 He shook his head and made an adjustment to her immediately. Now, unless someone else had overheard, only he and Jorge knew what he suspected. "Thank you, return the phone." She walked away. He winced at the crude controls laid over her mind, but left them as they were. She still panted as she left. A car. He'd need another car. This time he would drive himself. * * * * * * Jorge spent a while longer on the phone, but couldn't locate Charles. To hell with Charles, he thought, and started to play7 with the nipples of his new toy, Jessica. She gasped, a surge of desire spreading out from the locus of Jorge's touch. Get those stupid panties off." Jorge pulled his own cloth- ing off as she promptly removed the only remaining article she wore. Jorge walked around behind her as she stood waiting. The naked woman was lovely, her shoulders firm and strong, the long dark hair still wet down her bare back. He touched her shoulder gently, raising goose bumps along the curves there. He pulled back again and touched her elbow. She shuddered, an excitement he had triggered but not programmed. She ducked her chin down towards her chest. "You like being touched by men, don't you?" 9 "No. You seem to excite me, but usually I don't like anyone touching me." He stroked a fingertip along her hips. The way she swayed in response showed an interest in his contact. She'd become far more aroused than he had adjusted her to be. His finger reached out for her nose. She tried to lick at it, as though it was candy held just beyond her reach. He tried to fathom the change in her. All he could see was building excitement. A thrill of being possessed against her will. "Ah. You want to be forced." Realization came up within him, she had a deeper desire than he'd explored. Since she realized she was permitted no choices, the desire had triggered within her to serve. An interesting submissive response, only unusual in her resistance up until now. No. I," she gulped. She knew it was true. Her control was relinquished completely, he might not have to do anything71 more to her mind. "I suppose so." He touched the tip of her right nipple. She tried to lean into him, letting out a light moan. Her eyes limply closed, mouth open a fraction, the pink of her tongue rested against the tips of her teeth. As he glided his finger down the length of her rib cage to her tummy, she swayed against the light pressure he had exerted. She swallowed, and took in a deep breath as he brushed the damp pubic hairs. She panted for a moment as he drew away, her eyes closed and her chin jutting forward seeking further contact. He reached up and brushed across her brow with two fingers this time. She simply waved her head after his touch as though trying to shake off a chill. He put his forefinger to her lips. She kissed it, and he pushed past the soft red flesh to feel the tongue beyond. The3 tongue played along the length of his finger with a desire bent to arouse him as well. Jorge took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. He sat at the edge and bent her down to his penis. She quickly understood what he wanted. Yet she waited, looking up at his eyes. "Lick it, suck me off," he spoke with command in his voice. Her tongue became the central attraction to him as she wrapped it about his prick as best she could. Her red lips began to roll back and forth as she worked him into her mouth. He could feel the dexterous tongue trying to circle the tip of his prick. Her eyes locked onto what she was doing. Her strong hands started to massage the trunk of his cock where she hadn't gotten him into her mouth. He watched as she began to bob her face in and out of5 his crotch, slipping farther and farther over his manhood with each plunge. He swallowed as the heat rose in his scrotum. He grabbed her head and pulled her into him, trying to force his way deeper, she struggled to help him without choking. Soon he grunted as the semen erupted from his prick and into her throat. She gulped, a dribble of the fluids escaping the edge of her mouth. "Get on the bed." He watched her scramble up to lie on her back. She was very willing to move as he directed now. Manipulat- ing her could be done, but she knew refusal would only result in her body performing as commanded. Jorge touched her curly hairs, feeling the moisture building there. She tried to squeeze her groin open and shut when he stopped touching her. He smiled at her apparent desire. "You want something from me, little swimmer?" 7 "God, yes. I don't believe it, but I want you to make love to me." "I'm already making love to you." He drew his fingers along her legs. "What more do you want?" "I want you to..." She hesitated. Her face turned pink and she looked to the side. "I want you to enter me." Enter you?" He placed his fingers on the tender flesh of her vaginal lips. She almost jumped, gasping and heaving. "Why should I enter you?" "I really need you to; please come inside me." Her voice was pleading, no longer fearful of what he'd done to control her actions. "I already came inside you." He grinned, and manipulated the small lump of flesh at the top of her groin. She writhed, swing- ing her head about on the bed.9 "No, I want you," she muttered between the deep groaning sounds... Her waist was rolling in smooth motions, a rhythm of lust and deep arousal. "Whatever you say." He knelt between her legs. She lifted the curved calves of her legs up, bending her knees and pulling them up towards her chest. She bent her head forward to watch him. Her jaw was open slightly from the excitement, but her eyes showed genuine desire, a need to feel the penetration, to plunge into her sexual pleasure. Jorge steered himself into her, edging the cock head slowly between the lips of her pussy. Once he could feel the grip of surrounding tissue, Jorge shoved his prick all the way in. Jessica gasped, flinging her head back and releasing her legs to wrap around Jorge. Jorge held still, embedded deeply within the confines of the woman's sex. She was still rolling82 her head about madly. Her hair would have swirled all about if it wasn't wet. Jorge could see her teeth were tightly clenched although her lips were parted wide, almost as if she was squelch- ing a painful scream. Her eyes were wide open, face tightly clenched as well. The flood of sensations seemed to be driving her to an unusual intensity. Jorge began pumping into her. He matched the rhythmic motion her hips were making. She grunted and moaned each sound bringing out another level of urgency. Her desire was driving her on, he could feel the heat of passion emanating from her as she began to pull and rub her own breasts. Her scream was loud and long. Then she stopped and pumped madly against him, grinding her crotch against him from time to time, again reaching for a subsequent release. Jorge could feel tightening in his groin, a beginning for a release of his own. A low grunt signaled Jorge's second orgasm. He could 4 feel the sweat dripping from his brow. Jessica was becoming frantic as she felt him slow down. Jorge reached out with the talent, pulling the nerve endings to force her orgasm to hit. Jessica screamed. The spasms of sudden pleasure hit her with a solid wall. The roiling flesh under Jorge rocked back and forth trying to further enhance the sudden burst she'd received. Then she collapsed, a bundle of limp woman, wrung out by sexual release, too tired to complete a smile. As she lay there, Jorge pulled out and stepped to the side of the bed. Her legs reflexively pulled closed as she rolled to her side. "What did you do to me?" she asked when she could work it in between panting breaths. "I had sex with you. You seemed to have enjoyed yourself." "I've never had sex like that before, and I didn't come up here on voluntarily. Oh sure, I really enjoyed it." She 5 paused, taking in a deep breath. "But you forced me up here." "Now how could I possibly force you?" He grinned. "You wanted me to bring you here." "No, I," she looked unsure. "I must have, but I don't think I did." "Too bad. Now, I have some work to do, my friend should be here soon." He stood, and started to pull his clothing together. Will you," she started. She looked very sleepy. "That is..." "Come by this evening," he responded. He felt very drowsy, but pulled his pants on without too much trouble. He noticed she had dropped off into a sound sleep. He smiled and got the shirt on too. 7 As he finished moving the covers over her, he considered going down to the lobby to wait for Bob. He decided against it. If Bob wanted, he could use the girl too while they waited for something to break. He sat on the couch and relaxed. * * * * * * The grounds were meticulously kept. Bob never spent any time at resorts like this. He walked into the lobby after permitting the valet to take his keys. The small wooden disk which would permit him to reclaim his wheels was easily slipped into his pocket. There was a strange sense to the place. So before he called Jorge, he sat at the coffee shop in the lobby. Soon, with a cup of coffee, he sat back to puzzle out what bothered him.9 There were an awful lot of young women, some couples. Bob also saw a fair number of what Betty use to call 'pretty boys'. There didn't seem to be any number of other kinds of customers. He started looking for retirees, or vacationing families. Not spotting any, he reached out to the staff at the regis- tration desk and scanned them. All of them had come on duty since he'd spoken with Jorge. It didn't seem right, but perhaps the change of duty was normal at around three o'clock here. No, these people were called in. They all received urgent calls to take over for ill staff members. Bob paid his tab and walked about. He just couldn't believe this was natural demographics for a resort like this. He started to consider the idea this was another Institute. Yet there was no signs of anyone in a mind shield. Everyone he found could be scanned quickly, and seemed to be on91 vacation. The crude controls weren't there either. Yet something was wrong. Bob felt the twinge of fear he had in Harlem creep up on him again. * * * * * * Betty stepped into the airport. After her, Bambi got off the plane, smiling at the young college boys that waved to her. She knew they were certain she had just fucked each of them. Only she knew the memories were planted by her. She had found the only good sex she had now was when Bob took control of her. She knew he'd let her wander free, but inside she knew. She was decidedly his. Only the other women in his harem could substitute, and then only when he wasn't around. 3 Betty waited for her to catch up. At the luggage, a red cap picked up their things and led them to a waiting taxi. The incident with the young men had aroused Bambi, so she fingered Betty the whole way to the hotel. The Taxi driver didn't see anything. The rooms adjoining Bob's were reserved for them. The luggage put aside, Bambi slipped out into the evening air. She had one more job to perform before she let herself sleep tonight. Tomorrow, Randi should arrive too. With their contingent of rather unique employees. * * * * * * "You are Jones?" The pale-faced woman in black snapped the question like a whip. Her voice was deeper than he expected, and strongly commanding. Jones had never seen her before, but he knew exactly who5 she was. He wpould do nothin to offend her if he could avoid it. She looked odd, a harsh face with too much makeup. Her hands were hidden beneath a pair of elbow length gloves, the stockings she wore were loose and ill fitting. The dark hair made her sinister as well, almost witch like in appearance. "Yes," he struggled to maintain his calm. "I am Jones. And you are?" "Jezebel. You know that. Where is Thaddeus? He is supposed to meet with me." "I..." Jones paused gulping. Thaddeus was visiting a new facility. He'd be back soon, but he would have stayed had he known Jezebel was coming. "I don't know why he isn't here if, as you say, he knew you were coming. Can I get you anything while you wait? He shouldn't be long." "Fine. You can tell me what our status while I wait. Have someone bring coffee."7 Jones rushed to the door and called one of the new guards in. After explaining that he wanted no interruptions, he directed that Thaddeus be brought in when he arrived. He also ordered coffee and sandwiches. He turned to speak with his visitor. She had taken the most prominent seat in the room, pulling her stockings into place and smoothing the black dress across her lap. She folded her hands in her lap and fixed her gaze on Jones. "Let's start with what you know about what happened at the Rehabilitation Clinic, shall we?" Jones swallowed. He sat down in the chair before her. "As you wish..." He began to speak, trying to ignore the horrible sweet smell of her perfume. 8 end And the stranger beamed, and he looked, it seemed, Like he'd been born anew- For perched on his pole was the lovely hole Of the lady known as Lou. -from "Dangerous Dan McGrew" As each unwilling portal yields him way, Through little vents and crannies of the place, The wind wars with his torch to make him stay, And blows the smoke of it into his face, Extinguishing his conduct in this case; But his hot heart, which fond desire doth scorch, Puff forth another wind that fires the torch;" -From _The Rape of Lucrece_, William Shakespeare Nothing could be fine-ah100% than the smell of her vagina in the mooooorning, Nothing could be bettah than to taste her sweet clitora in the mooooorning, I wanna jump in deeply every time that I rise, Hump away madly, looking into her eyes..." -I keep thinking this was Dirty John Volpe? (the only man I ever heard perform 'Barnacle Bill the Sailor') 1960's bar room ditty? upstate NY A clergyman's bride, very chaste, Who wanted a child in great haste, Said: "Mother, I grieve, But I'll never conceive- I just can't get use to the taste." - Anon  Niagara Peninsula Free-Net For those who need it *NOW*. 397. q _The Book_ Chapter 10 (of 11) --> 398. q _The Book_ Chapter 11 (of 11) 399. q _The Book_ Chapter 2 (of 11)/ 400. q _The Book_ Chapter 3 (of 11) 401. q _The Book_ Chapter 4 (of 11) 402. q _The Book_ Chapter 5 (of 11) 403. q _The Book_ Chapter 6 (of 11) 404. q _The Book_ Chapter 7 (of 11) 405. q _The Book_ Chapter 8 (of 11) 406. q _The Book_ Chapter 9 (of 11) 407. quest for GBV Series 408. quest: 409. quest: Want Parker Stories... 410. quest: Duelling Clits - all Parts 411. quest: Mr. Wade 412. quest: My Sexy Wife, by L.D. Part 3 413. quest: Weight gain stories. Please 414. quest: a girl's debut  NPIEC Press ?for Help, qto Quit, uto go up a menuPage: 23/24