As Horses Go Chapter One - Her First Encounter " My dear... " - my Mistress spoke with my Master as I kneeled in front of him. My face was almost all covered with His cum, and I was like always in joy over this. I licked my lips. " This little slut is, or so I think, entirely too fond of your semen. " - and I could hear that tone in her voice which suggested that she had something very special on her mind. With a smile, a happy smile, my Master gripped my hair, pulling my head upwards, smiling down at me. He let my hair go, and dried the cum from his hand on my breasts. " You really think so ? " - and he laughed. " You are right of course. But I cannot say I mind... " " Nor do I, for I enjoy seeing her with cum on her face ! " - and she too laughed. " I wonder thou how MUCH she loves cum, and I have made some arrangements to find out. " - she turned to me. " Little one. You will have the two days left until saturday to study abit, findin the chemical composition of cum. You will learn to know it very well, using a microscope. Is this clear ? " - and of course it was, it was a Command. " Yes Mistress ! " - I said, smiling. I was then dismissed, and went to my task with enthusiasm. When saturday came I was going to know more about cum than ever before. And I was right, but in a way I had never imagined. The Day arrived, and I was ordered to dress for driving, and at six in the morning I opened the door to the car for them. The road we where to drive was an well-known one. They had a friend, a man with much the same tastes as they, who owned a horse-ranch outside of town. There we headed. At the ranch there was great turmoil it seemed, lots of people, and lots of horses around. I was ordered to park, and as my Master and Mistress headed towards the main building, to wait. Within short they came back with their friend, who had the greatest grin on his face I had ever seen... " Good morning little one ! " - he said, and turned to my Master. " Listen, if you ever want to sell this one, I want first bid ! I like the cute little mares - as you know ! " - and he laughed. I could not help feeling warm at beeing referred to as a mare, and it was plain for all to see that I liked it. " But on to business ! You " - and he pointed to me - " are to go to that building, " - and he pointed towards a house - " undess and wait for us. Noone else will enter it. " I looked at my Master, got a nod, and obeyed. It was obviously several rooms in there, but the only open one was a well-lit chamber with a large window out towards a paddock. It was a one-way window, and gave a great view ! In front of that window there stood a square, two by two meters, basin of metal, much like the bottom of a shower cabinet. There was also a series of hooks and rings around the room, and I understood quite clearly what it was used for. But what I did there... time would show. I undressed, and waited. When they came they carried with them a strange contraption. It seemed like a huge helmet, of transparent plastic, with a large opening and rubber edges at one " end ", and a smaller hole on the " top ". It was clearly to be worn on the head. " Now " - my Masters friend said - " let us start the show ! All the human participants are quite unaware of the purposes of todays little exercise, althought they wonder alot ! " He smiled, this time deviously. " Up in the basin my dear, face the window. I think you will enjoy what you are about to see. To make sure you do not take advantage of yourself, your Mistress will tie you up. " - and with that he stepped back. My Mistress helped me, tying my arms to rings in the roof - my ankles to rings in the floor. I stood in the basin, facing the window, unable to move. On some signal I didn't see, a stallion was brought before the window, and the keepers with ease of practice started a process I soon recognised. They where emptying the poor beast of cum - a preprocedure for insemination. I admit that it made me feel very hot...very hot indeed ! And I could hardly believe my eyes when the second one was brought forth. And the third. And the forth. A silent giggle came from behind me. " Little one... " - my Masters friend came up to me - " a stallion produce around 200 ml of cum, of which much less is semen. There are many stallions out there... " I a flash I started to understand some of their plans... Twenty stallions I counted before it was over, and as the last one was led away my Mistress placed her hand in my crotch. " Quite...she is wet, as we knew she would be. Such a whore ! " - and she laughed. A door behind me opened, closed, and opened again. And into my view on a small trolley was pulled to glass jars with heating elements around them. At the sight of them I gasped, for they where both filled to the brink with white liquid - and I knew quite clearly what it was ! My Mistress stood before me, looking at me and at the jars. " This our little mare is a test, as you undoubtfully has understood by now. It is quite simple. You have, as I ordered, investigated the contents of cum. Now tell me... is there any biologically major difference between the semen of a man and a stallion ?? " - and her eyes pierced me... I looked down - almost unable to answer. " No Mistress, none that I can name. But I am no expert... " - and even in my ears my voice sounded strange. " Oh, but I think you are ! Atleast you will be !!! " - and laughing, a laugh that was echoed from the two men, she went to work. With trained hands they put the helmet on me, making sure that the edges where well positioned. From the top abit of water was poured into it, so check them, then drained. Again she stood before me. " Now you little cunt... This is what will happen. The contents of one of these jars will be poured into the helmet from the top. It will fill it up all the way... There is room for around one liter, so we will be able to fill it twice... And we will not remove that helmet ! If you want to breath - you know what to do... " - and hearing this I could not help shivering, for I knew... I struggled then, tried to get loose, begged, pleaded with them, and screamed as the first of that hot liquid hit my head, streamed down my face, and started to fill the helmet. I stopped screamed as it raised above my mouth, and I closed my eyes. But I knew one thing... if I was to empty this, I had to start soon, whilst I had enought breath. Sighing, for I knew this would confirm their view, I opened my mouth...the semen filled it instantly, flowing in and I had to swallow, swallow great big portions of it. It came almost faster than I could manage, but the taste was not as bad as I had feared, it was... interesting, and the heat in my body grew as I knew I did something no mare had ever done before. And I ate... my eyes where still filled, I could barely see as the contents sank below my mouth, leaving me gasping for air. Before me was the three of them... and they smiled. " Good mare ! VERY good ! " - my Master said, clapping his hands. The others where smiling too. " Now... what do you SAY to us little one " - she enquired, looking rather smug. " Mistress, thankyou Mistress ! Thankyou Master ! Thankyou SIR ! " - I gasped, still struggling for air. All was quiet for a while, until I had my breath back. Then she spoke again. " And ? Is there not something else you wish to say ? To ask ? " - and I could not even think about not understanding. I nodded, slowly, as I blushed very visibly. " Which is ? " - this time from my Master. " Please Sir... mmm... please, give me more ????!!! " - I almost screamed the last word, loosing much of the control I had before. Laughing they filled my helmet again, and I ate, eating even before it was filled, swallowing the hot cum as I knew I would never going to have this again. I ate... With the helmet again empty, they released me, and crawling into the basin I licked up the few drops that was left. Sighing I looked up, only to see them standing beside the second jar... I lifted my hands then, begging them to let me have it. My Mistress tsk'ed. " You will have it ! You will... but this time you are to forfill a wish for us. You will have this jar... and you will use it. I have never seen a little girl dressed in only cum before. Show me ! " - and with those words she poured the contents of the jar over me, letting it flow slowly. I sat on my knees, quiet until it was empty... then I began scoping it up, and smearing it whereever I could, starting at my feet, covering myself all the way up. I must have been a sigh, and with nothing left uncovered, I slowly ate that last handful, looking up at them...