APB out on... " Everyone in position Sergeant ? " - the question was put, calmly, by the G-man in charge, a female - a woman who did her job by the book - if that was the best. Right now she had no book to go by, but managed. The answer came, as calmly, from the LAPD Sergeant behind her, his attention switching from her to his headpice. " Yes Sir " - and he checked once more the comm unit as he spoke, " SWAT one and two ready at the gate, team three is in position behind the stables, LAPD and Feds " - her she threw a glance backwards, one he ignored, " ready to go. 'medic units stand by. " " Good... " - she looked down into the farmyard below once more. It had taken time to get here, and almost the life of a deep undercover agent. She had interviewed the female FBI operative herself, and was still shocked at what had happened. It was, probably, only the girl's training that had made her able to get out of that place. She would be in therapy for a long time thou. Someone would pay ! She turned around. Behind the sergeant, a couple of black'n'whites was parked, along side a vehicle from the LA Fire Department - the paramedics was ready. A command truck, and it's crew completed the picture. Alongside them stood a couple of psychologists from the police and UCLA. They would probably be more needed than the paramedics... " Most of you are probably not aware of why we are here. " - she sighed, and knew she'd hate this part - " First of all, the paramedics will go in to take care of any injuries, primarily to our people, secondary to the people in charge down there. " One of the psychologists smiled, a bothered smile she noticed. He had all reasons to be. " But Sir... " - one of the paramedics looked puzzled - " I was under the impression that there was several kidnapped girls down there, and that they were our priority ? " The agent nodded. " You are right... I'll take this from the beginning. " - she waved towards the farm. " Several, some 10-12 girls, kidnapped as far back as 5 years, are down there. They were all taken at the age of 12, and has been kept here ever since. We have all reason to believe that they are very well treated, atleast physically. " - here one of the psychologists *hmphed*. " Yes doctor... the point it this - the place belongs to a group of men and women, who kidnap girls, and turn them into what is knows as 'PonyGirls'. " - she grinned - " I KNOW that several of you probably read bondage magazines, and know the term. It is claimed that it is a legitimate pasttime - but here it has been take to the extreme. The girls we find will be in a very severe psychological state. " She sighed, and checked her gun, for which time she knew not. " So be careful. Leave the girls to the professionals " - she indicated the psycholists - " and take care of any other wounds. " With a nod she indicated to the comm-sergeant to proceed. " All teams, move in... NOW ! " - and the command was rapidly followed by a series of shots, a scream, and a rush of people. As the medics and backup entered, it was over. From a still teargas smoking building, several people was stumbling, some allready handcuffed. One of the residents had aparently resited, and a paramedic went to work on him after checking that no officers was hurt. The special teams, SWAT three, the FBI agents and the psychologist went straight for the stables. The sight was enough to stop them - even the agent in charge - even thou she had heard the female operatives report. In all but one of the boxes in the stable, young girls were held, some chained, some not, but all dressed in outfits making them look uncannily like small ponies on two legs. Most yelled as soon as they saw the uniforms, showing clear signs of joy - some were somber, and it was to these the medics turned their attention first. In the last three boxes, two girls were found, calm, and totally without reaction to speech or stimuli. To every extent they behaved like animals, friendly, but still. In the last box a large stallion was kept... " Heeey, get us OUT OF HERE ! " - from a box on their right a yell was heard, from a young girl, trying desperately to get up from the floor, to stand in what seemed to be high heeled boots, without the heels, looking like hooves. Working fast, the medics and blues got the girls out - all but the two in the last boxes. Breathing out, slowly, a couple of days later, the female agent finished her report. Most of the others, some half a dozen people, in the room stared at her still with unbelief in their eyes. The undercover agent didn't seem shocked, nor did their boss. " So... " - he leaned back in his chair - " ... how are the situation for the girls now ? " Without consulting her papers, she sighs, and told him. " Most are without any harmful effects, of the 12 girls found, 3 are under heavy sedation and psychologist supervision in a hospital. 7 are back home with their families - those are the youngest, the last to be kidnapped. " - she stopped. " That makes 10. " - her boss looked at her, frowning. " Yes... " - she shook her head - " The last two are in a bad state. Physically they are quite allright, but mentally... they do not react to any form of stimuli, but behaves exactly as you would expect from ponies. According to the shrinks, that is quite possible. It was those two girls who was taken first, and they have lived like ponies for 5 years. " Stunned gasps were heard from around the table. " Heads will roll - that I guarantee " - the stocky buildt fellow from the State Dept. looked like he meant it. " Mmm... but the point it, the shrinks are not sure whether it is possible to get them OUT of it again. " The silence was total. " So, at the moment, we have two 17-year old girls, behaving as if they were horses. No treatment has worked sofar, and the shrinks are VERY careful. They've never come across something like this before, and is subsequently not sure what to do. " She looked around the table. " So, any ideas would be appreciated ! " One of the tech people sighed, she knew the fellow only by name. " I have come across it before - and I'll get you in touch with someone who can answer some questions. " - he didn't look comfortable, nor ready to answer questions. None was asked. " Good, as soon as possible ! " The call, therefore, was not entirely unexpected, when it came. In the other end a man, not giving any name, told her that the meeting had been arranged, and that she'd be picked up the next morning. Her training kicked in, and a quick trip to the lab did the rest. The transmitter would hold up to 10 miles. A small, rather normal-looking, familily car picked her up, to her surprise with a girl in the drivers seat. That was indeed not what she'd expected. " Good morning ! " - the girl called out, smiling, " Do get in, we have a long drive ! ". As they pulled away, she turned, "I'm Kathy - nice to meet you ! " " Special Agent Thomphson - delighted... " Kathy laughed, " Yes, I bet. They've got enough fuel I hope ? " - and she waved out the window to the car following at a 'safe distance'. With a smile Thomphson gave up - " Mmm, I guess they do. But I am curious, WHAT is this about ? " " You asked for a meeting with someone who knows the more serious aspects of PonyGirl training, right ? " - one eye on the road, she looked at the agent - who nodded. " Well, my Master does, and I'm taking you there... " With a sigh Thomphson sat back, relaxed, and tried to sort her mind out. It was, indeed, a long drive, but she soon found Kathy to be a nice companion. When they pulled into a dirt road, ending in a solid wooden fence, Thomphson looked in the mirror, nodding as the backup stopped by the detour. This was not your average situation - and she didn't think she'd need them. The road, once trough the fence, lead to a large farmhouse, well-kept, with paddocks and stables around. Large pastures could be seen behind them. In front of the house they were met by a man, good-looking, and with a charming nature Thomphson soon found. " Good morning Agent Thomphson - my friend at your HQ told me you had a problem ? " - he smiled. " Mmm... you could say that. " - as soon as Thomphson was out, Kathy drove the car away, happily waving. Without more delay, she thold him the whole story, watching his face turn angry as she finished. " Curses upon them ! " - he shook his head - " I had heard rumours, VERY deep ones, about that outfit, but I never believed that. *I* didn't even believe that. So... they' probably damaged those girls for life. " With sigh he started towards the paddocks, " Please, come with me ! " Turning around a corner, Thomphson stopped in her tracks, reliving the sight at the farm. Towards them a girl came - trotting, dressed much like the ones they've found. This 'pony' was livelier thou, and seemed very content. He looked at her. " Mmm... I can understand your shock. This is my ponygirl, and she is as much, if not more, of a pony than the ones you found. She'd not understand either, if you tried to treat her as a human. " From a pocket he presented the 'pony' with a cube of sugar, stroking her neck passionetly. " The difference is, of course, that my friend here WANTED this. It had been a very deep fantasy for her for many years, and all I did was make it come true. " - he patted her head, and turned away. Thomphson could not help look again, and again. It was, to phrase it like that, a handsome beast. " Now... " - he walked slowly, with Thomphson following, towards the farmhouse, - " ...the others did no volunteer for their treatment, but there is nothing against make them ponies anyway, using stronger techniques than what I did. " He opened a door, and showed her a chair in a front room. With a small silver bell he called for Kathy - to Thomphsons astonishment now dressed as a maid - and told her to bring cofee. He seemed deep in thought. " Is there " - and for all her G-man training, it was the first time she managed to open her mouth, - " any way to bring them back ? " He shook his head, slowly. " Not that I KNOW of, there may be. I've never tried that, and CERTAINLY not with girls of that age ! I hope you FRY those B... " - he closed his mouth. Thomphson smiled. " We will, if not literally. I am, thou, abit surprised that you react like this ? " " Mmm... but the main point of what WE do " - he waved towards the stables, - " are based solely on consent. There is NO WAY we would do anything like that with someone that age, or without their consent. " He paused. " Consent, in short, is precious to us. " - and she nodded, understanding to her amazement what he meant. Again he sighed. " The only help I can offer is two boxes in my stable, and lots and lots of care. You can appoint a shrink to come see them, if he or she only signs a 'keep-your-mouth-shut' contract with me. " - he looked at her, obviously bothered now. " Does any of them have familiy ? " - and he closed his eyes, breathing out, as she shook her head. " No, they kidnapped orphans only - luckily, if such a phrase could be used. " Drinking their cofee, they discussed the details for a full hour. There was not much else to be done. As they stepped outside, Thomphson liftet her blouse, and with a apologetic smile ordered the backup car to pick her up. He smiled back. " I've seen enough movies to know that you had a microphone " - and he grinned, - " and, which your boys will tell you, enough movies to know what to do about it. " She laughed, " I almost reckoned with that. " They watched the car approach when she turned to him. " I'll drop by, from time to time, to check their... 'progress', with your permission. " With a smile he shook her hand, " Of course, would be delighted to see you again. Next time you come, I'll show you the foals ! " She stared at him for a full 10 seconds before his childish grin broke trough, and she laughed again. That far they'd not go then...