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All characters, situations, and locations are purely fictional.
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Written 12/96 by RC. Comments and suggestions welcomed.
Copyright © 1996
It had been a while since I'd had any fun. My roommate had been too busy to have sex lately, and I was getting a bit frustrated. I'd already been through my box of electronic stimulation aids, and while they were physically satisfying, I needed more.
One day my roommate came home with a strange grin on his face. I asked him where he'd been, but he would not answer. When he went out again later in the evening, I looked up his card on the computer and found he had visited a pleasure house. That made me a bit angry.
So I decided to visit one as well.
In fact, the same one.
In fact, I'd ask for the same girl he'd used.
And she would remember me more than him, I promised myself.
I was happy to see it was a private house. No one really trusted the Government ones. And even though there were whispered rumors of women going in to private houses and not coming out, they still enjoyed more business.
The FemMech at the desk asked my preferences, and I requested the same girl that my roommate had used. I had to give his card number so the FemMech could look it up, but she finally told me to go to chamber six.
As I walked down the hallway, I grinned to myself as I imagined all the things I was going to do with my partner.
I ran my card through the reader, and the door opened. I stepped inside, and the door hissed shut behind me. My partner was waiting, and smiled at me as I approached her.
Shit. A FemMech. It figures, my roommate making it with a robot. He always had seemed a bit mechanical in his own lovemaking. I grinned as I pictured him lying in bed with it, allowing it to drive him crazy.
Martha 133 smiled back, unaware of the cause of my amusement.
"That's why I'm here, Martha. I was hoping for a human, I have to admit. I've used all my electronic stimulators, and I hope you're not just a glorified vibration unit."
To my amazement, Martha looked hurt.
No, not really, I didn't. I wanted a woman's arms to wrap around me, to feel her warm breath. I wanted to whisper my roommate's name in her ear and see her reaction as she realized he was MY lover.
But the expression on Martha's face was so - sad. I shook my head wonderingly. The things they could do these days. Also, this was the one my roommate had used, and it had been my decision to use the same one.
So, let's get on with it.
I studied her. Now that I knew she was a FemMech, I didn't feel bad at all about walking around her slowly, inspecting her closely. She wore a white blouse with a navy skirt. Without hesitation I raised her skirt, and saw she was not wearing panties. I also noticed she did not wear a bra. I grinned, imagining her clothing as nothing more than a wrapper on a box of sweets. It exists only to be peeled away.
She was a good-looking piece of machinery. I had heard the market was being flooded with cheap imported units, but Martha 133 seemed good and solid. Well-built in every sense of the word, I thought with another grin.
"How old are you, Martha?"
Wow. Brand new.
"Where were you built?"
Good. It wasn't a damn import.
"How long have you been in service?"
Yup. Just a mechanical semi-virgin.
Then my eyes widened.
"So your first client was yesterday?"
No. It couldn't be.
"Did he have brown hair? A bit taller than me? Sort of skinny?"
Shit. My roommate had busted her plastic cherry! I laughed again, imagining once more my roommate trying desperately to keep up with a robot designed especially for sex.
She smiled as well, her programming assuming something was funny. There was no way she understood what I was laughing at, but she smiled.
"Was he good?", I asked with a grin.
She paused, and looked confused.
"Did he please you, Martha?"
Her face brightened.
Shit. Why wasn't he proficient with me any more?
"And you pleased him as well?"
"AFFIRMATIVE." She actually looked pleased with herself.
"That's nice, Martha. It's a shame he won't be back, isn't it?"
She looked confused again.
Now I was pissed. There was no way I was going to let him come here again. If he wanted to be proficient, he was going to do it at our apartment. I thought furiously, frowning fiercely. Martha saw my frown and grew concerned.
"No, no, Martha, I'm just thinking. Hang on a minute."
I had to laugh. I explained the phrase, and she added it to her slowly growing list of Human expressions. I went back to thinking, and came up with a plan that sounded like it might be lot of fun.
Grinning, I looked at Martha and began speaking rapidly. She listened carefully to my plan, but hesitated before replying.
I watched, fascinated, as Martha walked over to a small socket in the wall. She unscrewed the tip of her right pinky and plugged the newly exposed jack into the socket. She stood there, immobile, for maybe five minutes. Then she unplugged her finger, put the tip back on, and turned to me with a smile. Incredible.
And with that, Martha took two steps and grabbed me. She kissed me hard, and I felt her hand pressing against my mound. I moaned softly as I felt her activate the vibrators in her palm.
Maybe making it with a FemMech wasn't so bad, I thought as I peeled my clothing off.
A short time later, through a passion-induced fog, I heard a hissing sound that could only be the door opening. I wanted to look to see who had come into an occupied chamber, but Martha was efficient enough that I could not gather the ambition. I just lay there and allowed her to do her thing, which at the moment was to make me cum over and over.
The stars faded, the pinwheels in my mind slowed and stopped. My eyes opened to see Martha sitting on the bed, her face blank, her head tilted oddly to one side. A woman - human? FemMech? I could not tell - stood beside the bed, watching me.
"You...must be...Martha's...controller...?", I panted.
She nodded.
A Human.
I grinned weakly, slightly embarrassed that a woman was seeing me like this.
"I'm Ellen."
"I know", she said with a grin.
With great effort, I sat up.
"You are...?"
Her grin grew wider.
"Martha's controller."
Sighing, I lay back down. She wanted to play games. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. I'm not going to play.
I felt the bed move, and opened my eyes again. The controller was on the bed with me. Nude. My eyes opened very wide indeed.
Her eyes stared deep into mine as she reached for me.
Later, we lay beside each other, resting comfortably in that dreamy, drowsy world that exists only after lovemaking. Her finger danced lightly around my nipples, and my hand gently rubbed her inner thighs.
Whatever else happened, my need for human contact had certainly been satisfied. Martha's controller seemed to know as many ways to make me cum as Martha herself would have.
She sighed and sat up. I did as well, and we looked at each other with a smile, ignoring the deactivated Martha 133, who stood silently waiting for her controller to power her up again.
"Now then, Ellen. Explain to me what you want."
I did. The controller's face glowed with interest and excitement.
"Yeah, I think we can do that. It won't be cheap, though. I'd have to modify 133. But, maybe, we could work out a deal..." She fell silent.
"A deal?"
She jumped off the bed and went over to Martha 133. She opened a back panel and pressed a few buttons. A whir of servos, a few jerky movements, and Martha 133 then turned smoothly and smiled at her controller.
Her controller leaned over and began whispering in her ear. A few moments passed as I tried to hear what was being said. No luck. Then the controller turned back to me.
"Day after tomorrow. 2000 hours. The reception Mech will know by your card where to send you. Make sure you get here on time. He's going to be here at 2030 and you have to get ready. Now, before you go, Martha wants to finish what the two of you started before."
The controller winked at me, blew me a kiss, and was gone.
Martha 133 came at me, eyes blazing.
The next hour was spent in a vague world of pure ecstacy.
I arrived right on time. The reception FemMech studied the display on her screen as my card was read in. She told me to go to chamber seven. I did, feeling very excited and a bit nervous. I knew what was going to happen, sort of, but did not know the details. I was going to pose as a FemMech. Somehow, they were going to make it so my roommate Gary didn't realize that his paid- for partner was not, in fact, a FemMech. It was me. After a while, he'd realize what was going on, and hopefully learn a lesson.
And as I had walked past the reception desk, I had noticed on the FemMech's computer screen the number of credits this was costing me. In spite of my excitement, I was appalled. 'Not cheap' Mandy had said. She was right.
Martha 133 was waiting for me in chamber seven. This chamber was different, I noticed. Two small doors, a large bed, and a closet. It looked almost like a miniature version of my apartment. I smiled at Martha and asked her what she wanted me to do in order to get ready. She smiled back and touched her fingers to my forehead. Her eyes suddenly seemed to be glowing wheels of color, and I felt dizzy and woozy. I don't know if I fainted or what, but I thought I heard Martha whisper, "Sleep", just before I lost consciousness.
When my eyes opened, I was alone in chamber seven, wearing very revealing lingerie. Well, they hadn't told me how they were going to do it, they just said they could. The thing I didn't understand was how they were going to make it so my roommate didn't....
The door hissed open. I whirled around as my roommate walked hesitantly into the room, grinning. Aha!
He saw me, and his face fell.
"Hi", he said, his voice breaking. "I'm Gary."
Somehow, they had done it. I grinned broadly and began my act.
The look on his face was priceless. I could imagine his thoughts. His ego inflating as he digested the idea that he had overloaded a virgin sex robot. His eyes widened, and a moment later I could see his chest swell with pride.
"Wow.....", he muttered under his breath, his eyes sparkling.
It was hard not to giggle. I sort of liked talking like a robot.
He stared at me, completely unaware of who I really was. With a wild look of lust on his face, he quickly undressed and came towards me. I hadn't seen his cock that hard in a long, long time.
"Oh, I'll reach them", he whispered as he grabbed me and threw me down onto the bed. "I'll reach them all right."
Over the next several hours, the two of us did things I had never even imagined. It was like starting from scratch, with no inhibitions, no preconceived ideas of what we could or should do. The only concern was pleasure. He wanted to show me he could please a FemMech, and I wanted to please him as only a FemMech could. Of course, I did not have built-in vibrators or suction or anything, but he seemed quite happy at what I was able to do.
I had never been so thoroughly satisfied. He never asked me to turn on my non-existent vibrators, he never asked me to suck him with my non- existent suction. He seemed content with the attention of my lips and tongue and hands and pussy - he seemed content with ME. In a way, I found it a bit disappointing that he was trying so hard with what he thought was a robot, while I had gone for quite some time merely dreaming of receiving this kind of attention. But as my body shuddered for the zillionth time, I began to think I might forgive him.
He lay in bed, utterly spent. I was barely functional myself. I had to laugh as he began to snore. At least that hadn't changed, I thought. He had ALWAYS fallen asleep after making love to me.
This time, I did too.
I was awakened by the rocking of the bed. My eyes opened to find two shapes beside the bed. I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could say a word, I felt something against my forehead, and two bright, irresistible balls of fire appeared above me.
The next time my eyes opened, I was still in chamber seven. My roommate was standing next to the wall, with Martha 133 in front of him. She had his rigid cock in her hand, and a faint buzzing told me she had her vibrators turned on. The look on my roommate's face told me that he was turned on as well.
Then I sensed someone in bed with me. I turned to see Martha's controller lying naked beside me.
"Hi", she whispered.
"Hi", I whispered back. What else should I say?
She grinned broadly. "Thanks."
"You're quite welcome....What IS your name, please?"
She studied my face in the dimness.
"Mandy", she said softly.
My eyes widened.
"You - you really ARE a MECH?" I could not believe that.
Laughing, she shook her head.
"No. Well, not exactly. I'm a HumMech. When I'm not running my houses, I'm just like them - without most of the gadgets and gizmos. But my mind is programmed, just like theirs are."
I stared at her in disbelief.
"You - programmed? How?"
"Well, Ellen, I'm glad you asked that. You've been through part of the process yourself." She broke off at my horrified expression.
"Hey, no, don't worry. You're not a zombie or anything. Martha is a new FemMech. I had to make some mods to her for your plan to work. She can now utterly entrance anyone very quickly. That's how you found yourself here wearing lingerie. She used her enhancements to hypnotize you. I replaced the FemMech at reception after you arrived with a similarly equipped one. When your roommate showed up, she had him under in about five minutes. That's why he didn't recognize you."
I looked over at him, still leaning against the wall as Martha 133 held his cock in her vibrating hand.
"Yes. Both of you. Quite deeply, in fact."
Something in the way she said that made me look back at her.
"How deeply?", I asked with trepidation.
"Very deeply indeed - very deeply indeed."
Something clicked in my mind. All of a sudden, all I wanted to do was make Mandy cum. I would do anything, anything at all to please her.
Mandy laughed as I threw myself at her with total abandon.
Some time later, she smiled gently and brushed my tangled hair from my eyes. I stared at her in wonder. The spell was broken now, I was myself again. I knew exactly what I had done and why I had done it. Mandy was covered with sweat and sex, as was I.
She kissed me.
"Thanks again. That was great."
I lay back and stared at the ceiling thoughtfully. Then I noticed that my roommate was still next to the wall, with Martha 133 holding his cock. My roommate was whimpering and moaning. From what I could tell, he had not moved since - since a long time ago.
Mandy saw where I was looking and laughed.
"I think you'll like the suggestions we gave him as well. He has one trigger that won't let him cum until you allow it. It does not change anything else, he just can't cum. The desire grows, the need grows, and after a while it becomes exquisitely excruciating. Martha's been buzzing him for more than an hour, and from the looks of things, he's ready to burst."
She grinned at me, knowing what I was thinking.
"Yeah, an hour. And Ellen? The same is true with you. He can trigger it so YOU won't cum until HE allows it. You can turn each other into animals, you can hold each other back. You can do both at the same time."
I thought about that. Having the desire build and build, with no release, no outlet. Just a steady, mind-boggling increase of pleasure until I would do anything to let it go. I wondered what my roommate was thinking right now, standing whimpering against the wall as Martha used her hand vibrator on his purple cock.
"Any time now, 133", Mandy called.
The buzzing sound grew louder. Gary's face twisted, almost as if he was in pain. Martha 133 watched with that same faint, patient smile the FemMechs seemed to wear so often.
Gary cried out desperately. His body was shaking violently. The buzzing sound was almost a screech now as she turned her vibrator up to full. And then, she powered up her other hand and held his aching cock with two vibrating hands.
"RELEASE PERMITTED", I heard her whisper.
With a scream, Gary came. Martha seemed to disappear in a thick cloud of white cum. I blinked, stunned at the apparent intensity of his climax. Then Gary was huddled on the floor, sobbing.
"Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ...", he repeated.
Martha turned to Mandy, who smiled.
"Very good, 133. Very good. You are dismissed."
Without a word or a look back, Martha left the room, still completely covered with Gary's jism.
I looked back at Gary, still in a heap on the floor. Then I looked at Mandy, and found her staring at me. There was something about her eyes...
I found myself standing by the wall, watching Gary, my roommate, make love to Mandy, Martha's HumMech controller. I could not move, I could not touch myself, I could only watch as they tumbled together in the stained and sodden sheets. And I grew hotter and hotter.
Then they, too, lay spent, and I waited to hear him begin to snore. Instead, Mandy leaned over and stared into his eyes. She whispered for a few moments, and Gary indeed fell asleep, but it was not a natural sleep.
Mandy got up and came over to me, smiling.
"You can move now", she said casually.
I could. Amazing.
"Remember I mentioned a deal?", she asked.
I nodded, at the same time recalling my shock at the number of credits that had been deducted from my card.
Mandy's smile grew.
"Your card has been - modified. You were never here."
She shushed me with a finger against my lips.
"You don't need to know. And in a moment, you won't remember my saying that anyway. That's part of the deal."
She silenced me by kissing me.
"Yes, deal", she whispered in my ear after a moment.
I stood there against the wall, with her body pressed against mine, my lips still tingling, as she explained the deal.
Her deal was really quite simple. There would be occasions in the future when I would be summoned to her. I would respond. I would please her. I would, in effect, be her own personal HumMech, programmed for her pleasure and her pleasure alone. I would do anything she desired. Anything.
I was already quite aware that their hypnotic methods were quite irresistible, but as Mandy moved away from me, she smiled and gave me one more demonstration. Staring deep into my eyes, she whispered soothing words to me. I felt my body drifting upwards, higher and higher, as her voice burrowed deep into my mind. Obey her, she said. Please her at her command. Obey. Please. Please and obey. Obey and please. I would do as she wished.
There was no way to resist her. I looked into those eyes and listened to that voice and knew without doubt that I would, in fact, do anything she wanted me to do, whenever she wanted me to do it. And as I stared deeper into her eyes, I sensed her moving. I felt something hard press lightly against my forehead. Very quickly, it became warm, then hot. Mandy's eyes grew very large indeed, then disappeared completely.
Gary and I walked into our apartment hand in hand. I locked the door and we went into the water room. We cleaned each other off, and actually kissed each other goodnight. I climbed into my sleep cubicle and set the timer. I thought for a second, then pressed delay. I climbed out and went over to Gary's chamber, and found he had also delayed the sleep inducer.
"Care to join me?", he asked with a grin.
I climbed into his cubicle with him. Once more, our bodies pressed against each other. Our cubicles were not designed for two, because the Government did not approve of unmarried people having sex. As for beds, they were very hard to come by, and it always seemed the pleasure house got the best ones.
We lay wrapped in each other's arms, out of necessity as well as desire.
I kissed him on the nose.
"Any time."
There was a silence. My thoughts were running wild.
"Do you believe we were both hypnotized?"
He looked at me.
"Yeah. Hypnotized. Very deeply indeed - very deeply indeed."
I stared at him as my body trembled. As I clutched at his groin, I grinned and whispered, "Release denied."
The look on his face was again priceless. I went wild on him, but he could not cum until I wanted him to.
But we had forgotten something.
We lay there moaning, our sweaty bodies entwined, his throbbing cock deep inside me. All of a sudden there was a short series of beeps, and the dim lighting in the cubicle went out. I heard a familiar humming sound.
The delay had expired on the sleep timer.
The FemMech's hypnosis methods were irresistible. The sleep system, however, was even more so. There was absolutely no way anyone could resist the powerful signals from the sophisticated computer. I felt my body getting heavy, felt my mind becoming foggy. Gary was struggling to keep his eyes open, his frantic motions already almost totally stilled.
"Release permitted", I whispered with my last conscious thought.
It was too late. Gary was asleep.
I sank down on top of him, also driven into deep slumber by the electronic systems.
Oh, well. There was always tomorrow night.
Unless, of course, Mandy needed me.