From the diary of a mad scientist:
by Mark Gooley
- 23 February:
- I went into the laboratory as usual this morning. Imagine my
surprise to find my assistant, Gronk, on the floor, quite dead. I have
been patching it together pretty often in the past few years, and it was
bound to die for good sooner or later, but I was quite taken aback. I could
find nothing of its patched- together body that was worth saving, poor
creature, so I dragged its corpse to my acid vat and covered it with the
best nitric. When it was dissolved, I admit I shed a tear as I added the
slaked lime to neutralize the acid. Into the sewers it went, except for a
flask I kept as a keepsake. I think Gronk would have wanted it this way.
Now to construct a new assistant.
- 24 February:
- I think I know where to get the makings of an assistant. I am
an adjunct instructor at the local university, and when I looked over
today's class of burnt-out graduate students I had an inspiration. Most of
them have tolerably healthy bodies and good brains. If I could incite a few
to suicide, I could construct a replacement for Gronk out of the bits and
pieces. I recall some work I did on a device to generate despair. If I can
find my old notes, I might be able to do something with this.
- 25 February:
- Very tired. I spent the day building the despair generator. There
is a suitable area on campus -- high dorm buildings and laboratories full
of grad students -- which should yield some useful self-defenestrations.
Tomorrow night I will strike.
- 27 February:
- Success! I installed the despair generator (it works by inducing
the appropriate brain waves in the subjects) atop a high laboratory
building near the graduate dorms. In the evening I started it by remote
control. In a few seconds a feeling of utmost depression and uselessness
swept over me, which I was able to resist only because I knew it to be
artificial (that, and through my iron will). After a minute or so, windows
in the lab towers and dorms started to open, grad students to climb out,
and their bodies to fall to the ground like so many autumn leaves. I
darted out from my hiding place in a clump of bushes and harvested parts of
brain from several bodies, gathering plenty before anyone else arrived. An
entire brain would have been better, but I did not want to arouse
suspicion. The other parts of the body are less critical, and can be
obtained by a little assiduous grave-robbing.
- 28 February:
- I have pieced together a working brain from the bits and pieces I
so hurriedly harvested. A very nice job I made of it. Now for the
grave-robbing. I wish that people wouldn't waste money on embalming -- it
makes these things so much more difficult! I looked at myself in the
mirror today: I'm really getting fat and out of shape. It strikes me that I
had been letting poor Gronk do all the physical work around here. I must
find some way of getting fit again: a device for bodily metamorphosis? I
hate physical exercise. It will not be easy digging up those parts for the
new assistant.
- 2 March:
- Recovered at last from the physical and mental exhaustion involved
in grave-robbing and reviving parts. All last night I was wishing for the
strength of Gronk at my side...but of course, were he still alive there
would be no need to procure body parts. The cold weather had slowed
decomposition, but the ground was still hard, even over the fresh graves. I
was barely able to dig up three fresh young corpses and harvest the better
parts: by the time I had the third coffin open, I was trembling from sheer
fatigue. Somehow I filled in the graves again, got the parts home and in
the proper solutions.
- 3 March:
- A nice leisurely day hooking bits and pieces of bodies together.
All of the parts are from male bodies, and they fit together rather well.
The cranial cavity needed a bit of work to hold the patchwork brain, but
not much. I don't see re-animation as being very difficult in this case.
- 4 March:
- I started the re-animation this morning. Everything is going well
so far: the old equipment that got Gronk up and about is still in excellent
shape, though it looks a bit quaint.
- I looked through my old notes on bodily metamorphosis. I'd
forgotten how far I had progressed. The biggest problem was storing
information about the new structure the body is assuming: making a human or
animal into a duplicate of another was practical, given the presence of the
original. But I have no penchant for impersonation. Had I been willing to
prostitute my genius to commercial ends, and been able to find a discreet
clientele, I could have made several fortunes by changing old women into
twin sisters of their pretty granddaughters, vain women into copies of
fashion models, would-be transsexuals -- bah! Foolishness.
- 5 March:
- My new assistant is definitely alive, already healing with that
unnatural speed that still amazes even me. Its body does not look scarred
or particularly deformed: a good job. It should wake up within a few days,
and given the quality of its brain, it might even be coherent by then.
Training Gronk was quite a task, but I have hope for better things this
- 6 March:
- Altogether an amazing and gratifying day. I went into the lab.
today and found my new assistant sitting up in bed! "What happened to me?"
it asked. "And this sounds crazy, but who am I?" After a moment of
gathering my wits, I told it a carefully- edited version of the truth,
omitting anything that might hint that I had had anything to do with the
deaths of the persons from whom I constructed it. It was quite grateful,
happy to be alive, and oddly excited about being an assistant to what it
calls a "mad scientist."
- As far as its scrambled brain can recollect, it was unhappy and
"burnt-out" as graduate students, dissatisfied with its work and its
advisors. Most of it was computer scientists and electrical engineers: not
what I would have chosen (why didn't I check before inducing those
suicides?), but it seems intelligent and obedient, and I admit that my
knowledge of computers is slight and outdated. Not as strong as Gronk,
either. We agreed to call it (or, I suppose I would start saying, him)
- 7 March:
- Fred is a wonder. Apart from his lack of physical strength (not
greatly stronger than I am, tall and gawky and spindly), he is much
superior to Gronk. We had a look at my bodily-metamorphosis equipment,
which I keep down in the caves beneath my laboratory, amongst my older
apparatus. I explained the problem of storing body-images: how can you
transform a body without an original to provide a template? What if you
want to make only a few alterations? "You need a computer, Master," he told
me. I took him to my computer complex and showed him my IBM 360. He laughed
for an entire minute and said that it would never do. He says that he can
get something running on it, but that I will have to buy a newer machine if
I want to do any serious work. Fortunately I have vast sums in my Swiss
bank accounts, thanks to some consulting work for various individuals and
governments, and the estimate Fred gives for what we will need is quite
- 9 March:
- Very busy, both of us. It's quite different having an intelligent
assistant with the minds of grad students. More expensive, to begin with:
Fred lives on Twinkies and Coke Classic and delivered pizza, when poor
Gronk was satisfied with gruel and the occasional blind cave fish. The
pizza-deliverymen are quite afraid of my house, what with the permanent fog
and thunderclouds I generate around it, and it takes large tips to keep the
pizza coming. Also, Fred does not obey orders blindly, but thinks first:
this could be a problem when I need a special job done, but it should
prevent certain blunders, such as when Gronk handed me the wrong brain and
instead of putting my old-lady colleague into the beautiful coed's body, I
put in an aging prostitute. The prostitute disgraced the body somewhat
before I could put things right, but eventually I got Julia's brain into
that darling, empty little head: she (now known by her body's name of
Tiffany) is still stunning, publishes voluminously, and is happily married.
But with Fred there everything would have gone smoothly.
- Fred says that the 360 should be able to handle a small
metamorphosis, and that we can store the body patterns on magnetic tape:
about 50 reels of it. "Not enough memory, too slow, can't do computer-aided
design of bodies, Master." I gave him carte blanche as to equipment, and I
have placed the necessary orders. Seeing Fred struggling with the ancient
360 and still getting results has given me faith in his abilities.
- 12 March:
- No entries for a few days -- but we have a success! Fred and I are
not strong enough to move the metamorphosis-equipment, so he ran data lines
down into the caves. We scanned a small blind newt native to the caves,
putting the pattern of its body onto magnetic tape (46 reels, but the tape
drive handles only low densities). Then we captured a cave fish and read
the newt's pattern off the tape. The metamorphosis seemed to work, but when
it was complete and we took the restraints off the new newt, it scurried
off down the cave, eventually falling into one of the cracks in the floor
that go down to volcanic fire. When Fred saw this, he laughed uproariously
for a long time, explaining later that it reminded him of something in some
of his former lives.
- 14 March:
- It's amazing what a bit of bribery will do. Our new computers are
already here, to Fred's amazement, and he is hard at work installing them.
He says that we will be able to do computer-aided design of new body-forms,
store and edit body-patterns, and perform remarkable transformations. I
have great confidence in him. The amount of Coke Classic he consumes is
remarkable; whenever I warn him that it may endanger the health of his
re-animated body, he shrugs and opens another can.
- 15 March:
- Fred is tireless, it seems. Most of the machines are up, though
the machine room is littered with pizza scraps and empty Coke Classic cans.
I sense that he has an ulterior motive for working so hard: is he unhappy
with his body? The scarring is minimal, he assures me that no part of him
is in pain, and he easily could pass for a normal human being. I decide to
let him become whoever he likes once the process is perfected, as a reward
for his assiduous labors.
- 16 March:
- I am rebuilding the metamorphosis-bed while Fred works on software
for design and control. He is using an existing CAD package that I bought
at enormous expense, but he says that it will save him months of work.
- 17 March:
- The equipment is ready, but Fred says that the software will take
a while, perhaps a week. I cannot accuse him of malingering: he is working
up to twenty hours a day, hardly eating, and writing vast amounts of code.
He suggested, over Coke Classic during one of his rare breaks, that I occupy
myself with other things while he finishes this difficult project. Very
bored, I captured a stray dog and metamorphosed it into a copy of my cat,
but my heart wasn't in it, though the new cat is delightfully confused.
I need something else to work on.
- 18 March:
- Very melancholy. I bother Fred, keeping him from his work. I long
for a wife: typical of me when I am unoccupied. There is a pleasant but
homely young woman, named Catherine, in the course I am teaching at the
University: she appears to be interested in me. When the metamorphosis
equipment is working, I can make my body strong and attractive, and once
she is in love with me, alter her suitably. She has just the sort of mind,
I believe, that would fit nicely in the sort of body I find beautiful.
- 24 March:
- No entries for a while...I cannot work. I drove to town, car and
self properly disguised, and picked up a whore. She was appallingly stupid
and ill-mannered, and I lost patience with her before we could even have sex.
I took her home, used the proper equipment, and now I have a second copy
of my cat. If she is well-behaved, I will forge a copy of my cat's pedigree
papers and sell her for a good price: with only a cat's brain, she is hardly
in a position to incriminate me.
- Fred says that he is almost finished. The bill for delivered pizza
is astronomical, but when I complain, he justly notes that the computers were
far more expensive.
- 25 March:
- "Master," suggested Fred, "why don't you build a portable body-
scanner so that you can copy people without kidnapping them?" Fred is
getting a bit above his station, I thought angrily, but by now I am starting
to see him more as a colleauge than a creature. Of course his suggestion
is excellent. He will have to build the data-storage mechanism, but today
I put the rest of the works into the case of a video camera. People will
think that I am taking videos when in fact I am copying the patterns of
their bodies onto videocassetes as binary data. Most amusing.
- 27 March:
- A very rewarding day indeed. I went to a downtown park with my
"video camera" and "filmed" several attractive young women as they
ate lunch. One 8mm videocassette stores enough data to let me reconstruct
a human body, and the scanner runs through it in half a minute. Perhaps
I aroused their suspicions, what with changing tapes after less than a
minute of use, but I pretended that the "camera" was malfunctioning.
- Back in the lab, I took the copy-cat that had been the stray dog,
strapped it to the metamorphosis-bed, and gave Fred a tape of a lovely
brunette. In a few minutes we had the process going quite nicely, and in
less than an hour the body of the woman lay there, nicely-shaped, charming
with its frilly dress and long dark hair and careful makeup, all exactly as
I had scanned it. The mind of the dog was quite confused at this second
change of form, and incapable of handling the complexities of a human brain
and body. It lay there, a stunned expression on its pretty face, moaning
softly, still an animal inside. I caressed it in ways that would have
evoked at least a severe slap from its original, but it just whimpered.
- I was not at all tempted to have sex with the lovely body the dog
now wore, though with someone like Catherine looking out of those eyes,
I would not even have hesitated. I offered it to Fred, but he declined:
strange, because he seemed aroused by the sight of it. (Something is peculiar
about Fred; I suppose I will soon know just what.) After a quick physical
examination of the body (simply that of a healthy young woman, I found), we
changed it back into a cat's.
- As for cats, the former whore makes a superb one. She knows how to
use a toilet, likes being cuddled, and is quite even-tempered. I will sell
my original cat and keep her instead.
- 28 March:
- It was bound to happen: Fred has cracked. I came down to the lab
this morning. Fred was in his quarters with the door open. He had put up
an old mirror he must have found in the caves, and was preening himself
before it: in women's clothing! Once I had overcome my initial shocked
amusement, I questioned him and found that: 1) part of his brain had come
from a woman, 2) another part had come from a would-be transsexual, 3) I
should be pleased that he could not merely extract clothing from the body
scans, but scale it up to fit him, and 4) he would like to become a woman
as soon as possible, and would have already changed had he considered it
safe and practical to operate the equipment alone.
- I was at a loss. A female assistant would be quite distracting,
I told him. Pressure of overwork had caused him to crack; he didn't
really want to be a woman, did he? I forbade him to attempt a change of
body without my permission, or even to wear female garb. He sulked and
said that it was his desire for womanhood that impelled him to finish the
job in a fraction of the time he would normally have spent. I remembered
my promise to myself to let Fred be who he wished, and reluctantly told
him that if he still felt this way in a few days, he could change. He
was grateful, and immediately put on proper clothes and got to work.
- The pet store paid an excellent price for my original cat. The
transmuted whore is much superior.
- 29 March:
- Fred furtively fondles a pair of black lace panties, but otherwise
is holding to his cooling-off period. He is improving the CAD software
considerably, and this afternoon designed a body that looks quite like that
of Diana Rigg as Emma Peel on "The Avengers." It would be most distracting
to have such an assistant, but I suppose that I can tolerate it if Fred does
not suggest I impersonate Patrick Macnee as John Steed. We scanned my body;
tomorrow I plan to do a bit of editing and assume a more-athletic form.
- 30 March:
- [in a smaller, delicate script:] I am greatly annoyed. Fred swears
that it was not his fault, and fortunately for him he is right: I was careless.
Still, I am certain he considers this poetic justice after I delayed his
change of sex. At present I have the body of a tiny but flawlessly beautiful
child-woman, perhaps sixteen: I am too disgusted at my femininity to give
more details. The computer is down, so that return to a proper form will
have to wait until we can get a repairman here.
- We had edited a scan of my body, reducing its age by a few years,
removing fat, adding muscle, and so forth. The computer began giving warning
messages on its console about a potential hardware error, but I, hoping to
impress Catherine in class tomorrow with my physique (wearing, for once, a
T-shirt instead of coat and tie), insisted on going ahead with my alteration.
Then I put into the drive what I thought was the proper tape, had Fred strap
me to the metamorphosis-bed, and let myself be changed. The metamorphosis
takes place with the subject conscious but paralyzed and insensible of pain:
I could tell that I was changing too much, but was powerless to stop that;
Fred was afraid to interrupt the process.
- When the change was complete, Fred, embarrassed, handed me a mirror.
Though furious and disgusted, I looked adorable: this made me even angrier.
I minced, damning my new body, over to the console, found the correct tape,
and put it in the drive. Fred ran a set-up program -- and the machine
crashed. Diagnostics showed a major hardware failure which Fred could not
repair, "even if you were willing to void the warranty." I tore my dress
to ribbons in my anger. Fred told me that he had designed the body for his
own occasional use, and offered me clothes from the extensive wardrobe he
had already created for it: they ranged from little-girl to happy-hooker,
but all were intensely feminine and delicately perfumed. I tried to strike
Fred, but he gently restrained me. Eventually I resigned myself to the
situation and a blouse and skirt.
- 31 March [still the delicate feminine handwriting]:
- Worse and worse. The repairman made a pass at me, curse him,
and could not even fix the machine: a new board should arrive tomorrow.
I think that I could use another cat, and the repairman looks like a
good candidate. Or perhaps poetic justice would require him in my situation,
only irreversibly.
- Of course I missed teaching my class today; with the help of a
vocoder I imitated my usual voice and called in sick. Fred suggested that
I venture out, hoping that I would see why he finds womanhood so attractive
a prospect. I did go out, attracting much unwanted male company, so that by
the end of the day, several admirers were dying of slow poisons unknown to
(conventional) science: one bright spot in an otherwise miserable day.
- 1 April [handwriting back to normal]:
- Finally myself again -- actually, the improved version we designed
to impress Catherine. Fred was most trying: "They called and said that
the board won't be ready for a few more days," he said. A string of most
unladylike curses came from my stupidly pretty mouth, intensifying briefly
after he added, "April Fool!" The repairman patted my buttocks when he
arrived with the board: only my iron self-control prevented his immediate
- With everything up and running, I went through my metamorphosis.
My muscles are now most impressive, and I look and feel much better. Fred
insisted on assuming his Diana-Rigg-as-Emma-Peel body, right down to the
dated Sixties hairstyle and clothing. He (she?) has talents as an actor,
and slipped into the Emma Peel character at once, duplicating the accent and
mannerisms. Fred addressed me as "Steed," a few times, until I rebuked
him. Fred as a woman is certainly a distraction.
- 3 April:
- Catherine is interested in me! She approached me after class and
asked whether I had time to discuss certain points of the day's lecture at
greater length. Eventually we decided on having dinner together tomorrow.
I hope that I can soon take her into my confidence and put her onto the
metamorphosis-bed. Fred (he wants to be called "Mrs. Peel" or even
"Emma," but I politely refuse) is helping me design Catherine's new body,
which is precisely that of my ideal woman. I can hardly wait to see it wear
her expression on its face.
- We planned the revenge on the repairman. Fred will assume a girlish
form and entice him into my van, and we will take him to the laboratory and
make a few changes in him. But not tomorrow.
- 4 April:
- I have fallen in love. Apart from her physical appearance, which
I can quickly rectify, Catherine is the perfect woman. Our dinner went
exactly right, and afterwards...I cannot hope to describe it, so I must not
try. This is simply the best evening of my life so far. I will go and put
some little endearing touches on her new body.
- 6 April:
- Being in love had not slaked my thirst for revenge on the computer
repairman. Fred, reluctantly leaving the Diana Rigg body he now considers
his proper one, put on a child-woman body very like my erstwhile prison,
only with a different face and voice. We simply pretended that the van
had trouble, and stopped it near the man's house. Fred, girlish and dressed
revealingly, lured him out to the van, tricked him into going inside --
and soon we had him neatly gagged, bound, and blindfolded. It took only
a short while to transform him into a diseased, aging, alcoholic whore of
about 40, with a brain too weak to plot against us even if he suspected
that we were responsible for his metamorphosis. We drugged his new body
and left it in a room in a cheap motel nearby. Very tidy, I must say. I
left a few remote-controlled TV cameras behind to see what the repairman
would do.
- 7 April:
- Catherine says that she is "busy"; she is no more specific than
that in refusing me another date. I love her so deeply...but I have a
horrible feeling that my love is not reciprocated.
- The antics of the repairman are delightful. After a few screams
upon awakening as a woman, he pulled himself together and made the best of
things. Fred and I had left a little money and a few bottles of cheap gin
in his room: I am not a cruel man. By evening he was plying the trade
suitable to his body: a fast learner. His body is a slightly edited version
of a whore I had scanned in the park: somehow, the body pattern seems to
retain some of the knowledge and memories of its original. This would make
impersonations much easier.
- 9 April:
- Catherine is going out with another man. How can she betray me like
this? How can the other man find her beautiful? He cannot change her body
the way I can; he would be stuck with her as she is.
- I am uncertain of what to do. The campus could use another squirrel,
certainly, but what then? A missing or additional whore or two does not
matter, but I think that the repairman's disappearance is quite enough for
now. Perhaps I could step into the shoes of Catherine's friend: would his
body retain enough memories for an effective impersonation?
- 10 April:
- A bit of investigation reveals that Brad, Catherine's boyfriend, is
all but engaged to her. I have no choice: I must become him or lose the
woman I love. Too distraught to think clearly, I have let Fred devise the
- 11 April [in slightly different handwriting]:
- I am now Brad, the original Brad now being one of those reddish fox
squirrels (I have grown tired of all those grey squirrels on campus), living
off popcorn in garbage cans and handouts from coeds who do not realize that
a squirrel is simply a rat with a bushy tail. This diary is the only thing
that connects me with my past life. As I had hoped, this body retains enough
of Brad's memories and persona that I should have no trouble being him.
- The changes went well. Fred, though it pained me, assumed Catherine's
form and lured Brad to our van. From then on it was all routine: a careful
scan of Brad's body, transformation of Brad into a squirrel, transformation
of myself into Brad, and a false Catherine and a false Brad releasing a false
squirrel on the Quad before kissing each other good night. Fred can
occasionally impersonate my former self until the end of the semester,
when it can resign and quietly vanish.
- As Brad, I find that I am something of a scoundrel, and have been
toying with Catherine though she is deeply in love with me. I have a little
black book of girls who are willing to have sex: most unusual. Clearly this
new self with Brad's body is a great improvement for Catherine: a man who
really loves her, and can make her beautiful.
- 12 April:
- A date with Catherine. She notices the change in Brad. We kiss
deeply for a long time; I let my Brad-persona do the work. She offers sex:
it's Puritanical of me, but I am shocked and have to hide behind my false
self. I had blocked it out, but my Brad-memories clearly show that she
has had sex with Brad enough times that he had lost count. Slut! but to
stay in character I accept her offer. I enjoy the result, but she is
disappointed at my performance: too much of me and not enough Brad for her.
- I am greatly disappointed in her, but still very much in love.
- 15 April:
- No entries for a few days. Fred has completed my tax return and
filed it; Brad had not even begun his before his squirrelhood, but though
I am now he I have not bothered to complete it. By hours of mental effort I
have been able to access Brad's memories, as stored in this brain, and the
more I know the more disillusioned I grow with Catherine. Apparently her
looks belie a huge sexual talent and appetite and diversity of taste that
I find revolting. Brad found this titillating, and it seems that Catherine
really did love him, but I cannot bear it. If I let my Brad-self take over,
I could marry her, but I would be condemned to life as Brad with a woman
who -- it is too disgusting. Now what? Having this brain seems to have
sapped my native ingenuity. I have contacted Fred.
- 16 April:
- Fred has come up with a plan. He assumed the form of a young
woman and the clothes of a pizza delivery girl, and came to visit my
Brad-self; the disguise was not really necessary, but Fred thinks of
himself as Emma Peel and loves cloak-and-dagger work. Fred suggests that
Brad commit suicide, leaving a note blaming Catherine for his plight;
Catherine can then commit suicide out of sorrow. Of course, what will
really happen is that first Brad's and later Catherine's body will be
found, suitably poisoned or whatever, but that I will become my real self
again and Catherine will be safe and sound in my laboratory. It is quite
tidy and I agree to it at once; in my gratitude I even call Fred "Mrs.
Peel," give his girl-face a chaste kiss, and do not object when he calls
me "Steed."
- 18 April [back to the former handwriting]:
- Myself again at last! The harder part of the plan is yet to
come, but I feel confident of myself now that I have my original brain to
think with, and very confident of Emma (as I now call Fred out of gratitude:
he -- I mean she -- is very pleased with this).
- Everything went well. Still Brad, I went drinking, pretending to
get drunk. After a few hours, I left a bar and collapsed in front of my
van (it was suitably disguised), where Emma, now an Amazon of a woman,
picked me up and took me to Brad's place. Once there, she all-but-carried
a mindless, drunken, and poisoned Brad body into his apartment, along with
a suicide note I had written, arranged them artistically, and left. In
a few hours I was back in my usual form, and Emma was back in her Diana
Rigg body. This settles Brad nicely. Now for that slut Catherine...
- 19 April:
- Catherine is distraught, according to what I can tell from the
little TV cameras I planted in her apartment when I was Brad. Good. She
is not in a mood to see anyone, which is even better: Emma and I had not
hoped for such luck. We are almost ready to strike.
- 20 April:
- Catherine is safe and sound in the laboratory, in an artificially-
induced sleep. The operation went rather well, I think. We had diverted
all her phone calls, with Emma, suitably Catherine-bodied, answering them
all and warning off all friends and relatives (just to make certain).
Meanwhile I did some visiting and scanned a few of her woman friends. Emma
and I became two of the stronger-looking ones, much as I hate being female,
and we got into a copy of the car owned by my original and drove to her
apartment, a mindless Catherine-body in the trunk. We were most welcome to
Catherine in our friendly bodies, and we even convinced her to come down
to my car for a ride. After that it was simplicity itself to substitute
the false Catherine for the real one and fake the suicide. I'm not certain
if the note that Emma wrote while she was Catherine will pass muster, but
we can hope.
- 22 April:
- What to do with Catherine? Probably I should have just left her
alone after Brad's "suicide." (The lone fox squirrel is doing very
nicely, by the way -- quite as well as what is now my cat.) At any rate,
I am now stuck with a woman I no longer love and who never really loved me.
The sentimental side of me is leaning towards making her into a female fox
squirrel; the nastier side, an old hag.
- The police seem to be quite unaware of anything out of the ordinary.
- 23 April:
- I finally decided what to do with Catherine. I had cobbled together
the body of a toothless, senile, incontinent old hag, ready for the nursing
home, but unfortunately I am sentimental: I looked at Catherine's unconscious
form, and knew that I could not do that to her. I considered rousing her
and explaining the situation: "As far as anyone knows, you're dead. Brad
killed himself. I can change you into anyone you like, whenever you like.
Can you love me?" But it never would have worked: within a week she would
have wanted menage a' trois with Fred -- I mean Emma -- there, and inside
of a month she would have been trying every possible form of sex in every
possible body. Nympomaniacal slut. Then I had an idea.
- Emma, changed for the day into Linda Thorson as Tara King (I humored
her and called her "Tara"; she insisted on wearing a wig even though she
could have had any hair she liked), was very helpful. We designed the ultimate
super-normal stimulus: long platinum-blonde hair, ice-blue eyes, 40"-20"-40"
figure, incredible face, firm limbs, perfect skin: not my type at all, but the
stereotypical Beautiful Woman writ large. The brain we designed to support an
IQ of about 85: if she acted like a mindless bed-hopper, she should be one.
The metamorphosis went quickly and smoothly. Tara designed and became an
intelligent version of the blonde, and checked into another cheap motel; after
nightfall I brought the new Catherine there. I forsee a great career for her
as a whore, and perhaps a porno star. Let's see how she handles the change.
- 24 April:
- The changed Catherine, as seen through our usual concealed TV cameras,
is very much confused: as with the computer repairman (I saw him soliciting
downtown: he's found his niche), the loss of identity is a big shock. But
the repairman had appropriate memories in his new brain; Catherine has only
her own, dimmed by a greatly reduced capacity for thought. After a few hours
she left the motel; I think she is visiting her old haunts. Will she try to
convince her friends that she is Catherine? Will she suspect me of a hand in
her metamorphosis? I hope that it will not be necessary to make a squirrel of
her as well.
- 25 April:
- I was working alone, and the woman of my dreams -- dark-haired, pale,
slender, intelligent expression on an exquisite droll face -- walked into the
lab. She looked at me, eyes brimming with desire, and said, "I love you."
Of course it was Emma. I fought back my own desires and turned on her with
rage: "How dare you mock me by becoming such a woman? Go back to your usual
form at once!" She broke down in tears and crushed herself against me,
sobbing, "But I really do love you, and I'm not like that horrid Catherine.
Please..." My resolve broke and I consoled her. But I am a cynical man of
science nevertheless, and I noticed a few things about Emma's body. She
redesigned the body that Catherine was to have worn, attuning it exactly to
me: the pheromones it secretes, the size and shape of its mouth, the pitch and
timbre of its voice, the contours of its figure, and no doubt its sex organs
-- all designed expressly to arouse my senses, to fit against my body.
Changing myself would be useless, because Emma could simply make a few
alterations to herself, tit for tat.
- I explained to Emma that I could hardly love a creature I had assembled
out of corpses: she snuggled against me and laughed (exactly the laugh I find
most attractive, curse her!), "Does this feel like a corpse?" All afternoon
she flirted delightfully, and very much against my wishes I found myself
feeling more and more affection for her. How did Emma learn to become so
completely feminine?
- 26 April:
- A remarkable day. Emma remains as my dream-woman. She must have fine-
tuned and greatly increased the levels of her pheromones during the night,
because all day she gave off an enticing aroma which stirred my lustful
instincts. I also caught her tinkering with equipment in her quarters (now a
charmingly tidy, feminine place, unlike the lair it had been for Gronk or the
grad-student room of Fred): I guessed that she had found a way to scan, edit,
and alter personalities as well as bodies, and is transmuting hers into one
that I cannot hope to resist. I should have kept her under tighter discipline
when she was Fred.
- Early in the afternoon, the transformed Catherine showed up.
Apparently we had not made her new brain weak enough, and she had guessed my
complicity in her metamorphosis. Of course I invited her in. In her dumb-
blonde voice, fighting by sheer will the limitations of her altered brain,
she made her accusations: accurate and fairly complete. Fortunately, the
deductions had taken all her brain-power, because she had stupidly come alone,
and actually expected me to restore her and Brad (how happy she was to hear me
say that Brad was alive! Of course, his squirrelhood has no doubt damaged his
mind irretrievably) out of the goodness of my heart! I suppressed my
laughter, tranquilized her with a dart from a handy little dart-gun, and
called on Emma.
- Emma's new device is indeed for alteration of memory and personality.
I praised her initiative, and showed her Catherine. Emma immediately started
editing a persona she had been toying with: that of a vain, stupid woman, its
memories a patchwork of those of several women she had scanned. A few minutes
in Emma's room with a metal cap on Catherine's head ("It looks like something
out of a cheap horror movie, but it works," said Emma) replaced every last
incriminating memory. Yet another cheap motel, yet another change of Emma's
body into a copy of Catherine's... this is getting repetitive, and we are
fast running out of motels nearby. I trust that we are rid of Catherine at
- 27 April:
- Emma continues to make little changes in her body and persona,
observing my reactions and adjusting herself accordingly. She is set on being
my wife. She has scanned several hundred personable women, choosing
attractive aspects from various selves and making them part of her own.
- Should I submit? Emma grows more exquisite every day. Very little of
Fred remains in her, apart from Fred's raw intellect -- and I suspect her of
enhancing that artificially as well. I checked our archive of body tapes, and
every last scan or design that incorporates part of Fred's body is gone:
erased, the label removed, the tape usually reused. But there is still in me
a deep revulsion for her: she was once a number of graduate students, all male
apart from one who contributed part of her brain, whom I incited to suicide
and harvested bits and pieces from. Could I love that? And what if her
persona shifts radically and she becomes a man again? Unlikely?
- I fear that I am beginning to love her. No, not beginning to...I love
her madly, despite my disgust.
- 28 April:
- I have capitulated. Emma came into the lab this morning, reeking of
enticing pheromones, wearing a simple blue dress, unspoken love radiating from
her face. My heart melted and in seconds we were kissing passionately. The
next thing that I can remember with perfect clarity is being in my bed, Emma
at my side, both of us quite exhausted: it was well into the afternoon.
- We must concoct an identity for Emma. Her knowledge of computers
should help in altering the appropriate databases. Once she has an official
self, we can be married.
- 30 April:
- We have done no work at all in the past few days. Emma is everything
I could desire in a woman. She has some wonderful ideas for a honeymoon,
involving portable metamorphosis-equipment in motel rooms, frequent changes of
form for both of us, and a trail of delightful mischief across half a dozen
states. Late yesterday afternoon she altered her hair, complexion, and eyes,
becoming a green-eyed, pale-skinned redhead, but otherwise unchanged:
stunningly pretty.
- 2 May:
- Great fun yesterday. Emma spent the morning breaking into various
computer systems, altering databases to create her new identity. I tinkered
with viruses in the lab. I think that it should be possible to alter a
rhinovirus (such as causes the common cold) to carry and deliver some most
interesting genetic information.
- After lunch, Emma came in, changed into a delicate black woman of great
beauty, with cornrowed hair and a frilly white dress. I became a well-muscled
young black man, and we enjoyed a romantic afternoon and evening in town. It
was especially amusing to go to a sleazy nightclub and see a stunning
blonde stripper: Catherine! Emma giggled deliciously and I roared with
laughter as the altered Catherine disrobed, rather clumsily I thought; the
bouncers looked at us strangely, but one does not interfere with the sort of
man I was. As we left for home, a drunken man took me to task for laughing
at Catherine, calling me "nigger." We had been black for all of twelve
hours, but I brook no insults. Because there was nobody else in sight at the
moment, I made short work of him, and we trussed him up and took him home.
Late this morning he awakened as a pleasant if slightly overweight black woman
of forty or so. Enough of these alterations could end racial unrest forever.
I think that we have run out of cheap local motels, however.
- 3 May:
- Emma has finished creating her new identity, at least as far as
computer records go. She has a driver's license, Social Security number,
excellent credit history, academic record showing a B. A. at a large but
respected public university, and so forth. Forging and inserting paper
documents will take more time, but she now has an official existence. I
think that a civil ceremony will do quite nicely: just a quiet little
affair with the minimum of fuss.
- Emma, clever woman that she is, has acquired an excellent understanding
of genetic engineering by scanning the mind of a young woman doing research
at the University. She simply inserted the copied knowledge into her own
brain. I hope that Emma's mind is able to take such shocks: I myself would
find it difficult to endure the degree of mental alteration that she has
undergone in order to become her magnificent self.
- 4 May:
- Darling Emma is a very great help. Together we decided on a new
goal for our research: viruses that spread metamorphic disease. Emma agrees
that by an extension of our work on metamorphosis, we can engineer viruses
that cause their hosts to undergo drastic changes of body. A modified cold
virus, spread in the usual way, could be designed to do the following: cause
a week or two of cold symptoms, appear to be gone, but over the period of
a month force its host's body to acquire whatever form it encodes. The
metamorphosis might vary from a change of hair color to an entire remodeling
of the body, from the skeleton out. Thus we should be able to infect as much
as we like of the human race with a virus that changes people into copies,
say, of a particular young woman. Or why not a mass change of race somewhere?
I don't mind being a power for good as long as I can wield power.
- This is going to take time. Meanwhile I have some scores to settle
with the university's president and certain members of the faculty. Emma
and I have only some rudimentary plans, but...
- 6 May:
- Not bad for an impromptu caper! Yesterday I hid in the bathroom of
the Administration building on campus, impersonating the President. The real
President came down; he refuses to use his private loo because he does not
want to be thought an elitist. It was a simple matter to substitute myself
for him, leaving the real President to be picked up by a sturdy young woman
janitor (a male janitor would have been less conspicuous, but I cannot bear
the thought of darling Emma as a man; it might also damage her still-delicate
persona). Emma took him back to the lab and altered his persona heavily; it
would have been easier if he had had latent homosexual tendencies to begin
with, but she seems to have done an excellent job. Another substitution in
the bathroom, late in the afternoon, finished the job.
- Today the President joined the Gay Students Group in their protest
march. Emma and I, ourselves for once, watched as he carried a sign in one
hand and playfully caressed the GSG treasurer with the other. Most amusing.
Later came a statement to the press: everything we could have hoped for.
I doubt that he will have his job tomorrow.
- 7 May:
- A miscalculation. Apart from the President's wife, who is distraught,
nobody seems to mind the President's confessions of homosexuality. They are
all too busy praising his nerve and honesty and all that; he has been offered
the Presidency of a more-prestigious school. This is a poor sort of revenge;
worse, his charming wife, for whose sake I tolerated the old jackass for so
long, is the only one wronged. Perhaps I can make a fine young coed of her
and give her another chance in life. Emma has designed a lovely body for her.
- 9 May:
- Very busy. The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences was our
next target, and the result seems more promising. This time Emma, wearing
her body and carrying her house key (easier to copy than living flesh),
walked into the old lady's house late at night, used a bit of anesthetic
gas to ensure a sound sleep, carried her into her own dowdy car...very tidy,
especially because she has an attached garage with a garage-door opener.
- A few discreet bugs around her office show that the Dean is already
chasing the younger men on her staff. Even it this never erupts into a
scandal, it is most gratifying. Out of curiosity I dallied a bit with Emma
while she still wore the Dean's shape: quite disgusting; even when Emma used
all of her considerable charms, sex was out of the question.
- Good progress on the viruses. A few small-scale experiments in a day
or so?
- Still unsure of how to change Jane, the President's wife, into a
pretty coed. The metamorphosis is the least of the problems, of course. Can
she keep her mouth shut? I don't want to alter her persona or memories: will
she acquiesce in her new state? Another faked suicide, too...entirely too
many suicides on campus. Perhaps she could "die" of a brain hemorrhage?
- 11 May:
- We went ahead and changed the President's wife. Jane worked for
the data processing department: I scanned her as she left her car; Emma
made a ready-to-die copy of the body, and put it in the janitor's closet in
the proper bathroom. It was a simple matter of anesthetizing Jane, putting
her in a trash can, leaving the false body to die in a bathroom stall, and
taking home the real one.
- We arranged a false identity for Jane: a transfer student, about
to start the summer term but hanging about for a month beforehand in order
to get oriented. We gave her her own apartment, a car, a nicely-stocked bank
account, a scholarship and a low-interest student loan. This morning she
awoke as an enchanting green-eyed blonde; on her nightstand was a long
letter explaining her situation. After some bewilderment and fright she
read the letter, which calmed her greatly. In minutes she was posing at the
mirror, stroking her thighs and breasts, delighted with her fine new body.
- 12 May:
- Jane dropped by. I pretended not to know her, but she said, "I
know you won't admit you're behind this, but I just want to thank you for
making me who I am today." She gave me a hug and a chaste kiss, and
promptly left. Life would be so much easier if only people would be
content with being who I make them.
- Emma and I infected a cat with a blood-borne virus intended to
change it into a rare type of Siamese. This could be a tidy little business:
infect stray animals and sell them at a premium once they have changed. It
should take a few days to see whether it really works; after that we can go
on to humans.
- We are applying for a marriage license. I think that the honeymoon
can wait fow a few weeks.
- 14 May:
- The cat is showing definite signs of metamorphosis. It will take a
good while for its coat to grow out: not really a practical method. Still,
the prospect of being able to transform thousands or millions of people by
simply releasing a virus...
- A young man has come forward and accused the Dean whose sexual
appetites we augmented of forcing him to have sex with her at gunpoint.
Emma and I laughed ourselves silly.
- Emma and I will be married tomorrow. Just a quiet little civil
ceremony. She is making her bridal gown now.
- 17 May:
- A lovely wedding. Emma made a charming bride. After that, home and
a lot of sex. Not much to say: Emma is in every way the woman of my dreams,
and I am overjoyed that she is my wife.
- I have built a virus that causes its host to become a young, female
version of itself. It is spread by sexual contact or injection into the
bloodstream. Using the latter method, Emma and I, disguised as beautiful
blonde twins, infected half a dozen sexually-active men in a city several
hundred miles from here. Even with a temporary alteration of my personality
to make myself feminine, I found it even more unpleasant than usual to be a
woman. A prompt return to normal and a marathon of sex with Emma soon made
me feel much better. In several weeks we should see profound changes in our
subjects, and in a few months the epidemic of womanhood should be well under
way. Time to go on a honeymoon while we wait for results.
- 19 May:
- Getting things ready for the honeymoon. I think that we can set up
a decent laboratory in the van in case we want to do a bit of tinkering with
viruses, and Emma is working on a miniature machine for metamorphosis: small
enough to fit in a few large suitcases. The only difficulties I see are in
disguising the van in case of trouble, and covering our tracks when we do
metamorphoses in motel rooms. But Emma and I could both do with a little
excitement, and I am confident that we can escape from the police or even,
if necessary, from prison.
- 21 May:
- I have covered the van with a thin shell full of embedded electrodes;
at different levels of electric field, the shell changes color from black
to red to the successive colors of the spectrum to white. Also we have a
stock of false license plates and driver's licenses, which should prepare us
for most contingencies.
- 22 May:
- Emma has had a brilliant idea: a car is so much simpler than a human
or even an animal body. Why not store the patterns of assorted cars and
trucks, and have our van metamorphose as well? This will mean delaying our
honeymoon for some days, but we should be much safer: in a matter of a few
minutes we will be able to change from a young couple in a Porsche to a
pair of grandparents in a dowdy Cadillac. That leaves only the problem
of where to change the car.
- 25 May:
- No entries for a good while: Emma and I have been very busy. A few
days ago she assumed a pudgy, plain-faced body and a dull demeanor, hoping
that such a guise would keep my mind off her and on our work. It helped
somewhat, but her delectable self kept slipping out and inciting me to lust.
I think that we have everything working properly: our car can change in
under five minutes, and it can perform a metamorphosis (much more slowly)
on anyone sitting in it. Some hyperspatial trickery provides a place to
stow our equipment and some extra mass (can't make a VW Beetle that weighs
as much as a panel truck, or vice versa, so that this is essential).
- 26 May:
- I awoke this morning to find Emma her beautiful self again. But
I felt very strange. Something had happened to my mind: my thoughts had
become sharper, clearer, faster...I had also acquired a vast body of
mathematical knowledge that I had no memory of having learned. Suddenly it
struck me that Emma had altered my brain and mind as I slept. I stared
accusingly at her; she took my head in her delicate hands and pressed it
to her bosom. "Now you have a really adorable mind," she said, stroking
and kissing my hair.
- Incredible ideas course through my head. Everything I do seems
strangely easy. I keep seizing Emma and giving her passionate kisses,
from a mixture of extreme gratitude and voracious love.
- 27 May:
- Tomorrow we leave at last! I have a little surprise for Emma, who
is annoyed that we can't take much along: a little hyperspatial portal that
provides a doorway from its location back to the lab. This is also a useful
way of escape: we can step through the portal, vanish, and have the car self-
destruct. Very tidy, and I owe it all to Emma's reworking of my mind.
- 29 May:
- A wonderful honeymoon so far. Emma became a 18-year-old blonde bimbo
with a superficially stupid persona, I became a twenty-ish, muscular lout,
we made a Ferrari of our van, and off we went. The hyperspatial compartments
are very handy when you're driving something with as little luggage space as
a Ferrari. We scanned a few pretty girls at the gas stations (a Ferrari uses
a great deal of fuel), and finally stopped at a motel for the night. The ugly
girl behind the desk was most gracious, and so we decided to give her a little
present: a lovely new body complete with driver's license, well-stocked bank
account (Emma fiddled a few computers), birth certificate, college diploma
with knowledge to match it, a talent for being seductive, the lot. Just as
she was about to leave for the day, she disappeared, Emma assumed the form
that we planned to give her, checked into the motel...the rest was easy. Of
course we left her the same sort of explanatory letter we had given to Jane,
the wife of the president of the University, when we made her into a
delectable coed. I hope that the girl enjoys herself.
- We rose late. The police were around; somebody had already reported
the desk clerk as missing. We saw her leave her room, resplendent in her
fashion-model flesh; the police asked her if she had seen her former self,
and she had the sense to say that she hadn't. Gratifying. But in general
it's so much more difficult and less amusing to do things that people find
pleasant: making a cat of someone takes minutes, but making a beauty of an
ugly but gracious girl took most of the night.
- In the afternoon we drove to the desolate end of a nearby lake,
changed the Ferrari into a 4x4 and ourselves into sturdy outdoor folk not
allergic to mosquito bites. We rigged up a device that sucks up minnows
and turns them into grayling, a rare and exquisitely beautiful fish extinct
over much of its formerly wide range. These grayling are extraordinary: far
more tolerant of dirty water and low oxygen levels than natural grayling, and
capable of spawning several times a season. I predict an ecological disaster
wherever they are introduced, and thousands of ecologists and other idiots
writing foolish papers about super-grayling.
- 30 May:
- We camped overnight by the lake, the grayling-maker churning out
many thousands of the lovely fish overnight. Emma remained the tomboyish
redhead she had become the afternoon before, and we had great fun in the
double sleeping bag.
- Emma wants to increase the number of Elvis sightings in the world.
I agree that this is an admirable goal. We changed our vehicle into a van
and went into a nearby town; as luck would have it, we happened upon the
town drunkard, who begged us for "a buck or two for a sandwich." We offered
him a bottle of whiskey instead, and thereby lured him into the back of the
van...apart from his stench, he gave no trouble, and we en-Elvised him, using
a body and persona that Emma had expressly (exPresley?) designed to be as
realistic as possible, down to the fingerprints. We dropped the new Elvis
off a few miles out of town, changed the van into a 4x4 again out of prudence,
and drove on. As luck would have it, we soon spotted a hitchhiker, a ragged
young was a temptation we could not resist. Even before our truck
was moving, we had her unconscious, in the space behind the seats. After
scanning her (not a bad body, and a cute little face), we changed her into
another Elvis. Fifty miles further on we left this second Elvis, still
unconscious, in a ditch by the road. Emma and I had taken a fancy to the
hitchhiker's body, so we changed Emma into the girl and checked in early at
a motel. I created some pretty clothes as she showered. The rest of this
evening promises to be delightful.
- 31 May:
- Emma has a way of bringing out the best in any body she wears, and
she outdid herself last night. Up late again, we had breakfast, made an
Elvis of a man who was trimming the hedges, and drove off without paying
the motel bill. Good luck to the police, I thought. We found a sheltered
spot amongst trees, and became an attractive young black couple in a Mercedes.
Not a moment too soon, either: the local sheriff drove past in a great hurry
just as we regained the main road. Hitherto we have kept clear of the police
by careful planning, careful execution of plans, and avoidance of needless
risks: it was quite foolish not to pay the bill, considering that I am
remarkably wealthy. Yet the thrill of it all!
- Presently a deputy's car stopped us, and two deputies, one a muscular
but attractive woman, got out and asked us if we had seen our previous
selves. Emma and I, thinking as one, had them unconscious in a moment,
scanned them, turned them into gophers and ourselves into them, superficial
personae and all. Emma, now Billie Sue, asked me in her lush new voice about
our car: what should we do? I showed her a remarkable feature of it: it can
transform itself into a nondescript little box that fits into a shirt pocket.
Deputy Jim Nurke pocketed the little box, and he and Deputy Billie Sue
Billings got into their patrol car and drove off.
- We spent the day as the deputies, living their lives rather as they
would have done. The people we have become are married but not to each
other, and they were not having an affair -- until today. A spot of
lovemaking in the back seat early in the afternoon was very pleasant, but we
had to part and go home to our families. Perhaps we can stay this way for
a while.
- As Jim, I am married to a pretty but shrewish woman named Crystal;
we have four nasty little brats who would make excellent piglets, I think.
Crystal, it appears, periodically and baselessly (until today) accuses Jim of
infidelity; she herself appears to be a nymphomaniac. Tonight should be most
- 1 June:
- Crystal would not let me go to sleep until we had had sex, sex
accompanied by a few rough blows she demanded from me, sex criticized in
detail after the fact. A horrid, perverse woman: I am trying to think
of an appropriate revenge. After a heavy breakfast of badly-prepared
biscuits and gravy, I joined Billie Sue at the patrol car and we started to
drive about. Emma's expression appeared on her face and Emma's tones
crept into her voice as she told me of her husband Joe: a wimp whom she had
no difficulty in denying sex. She laughed over my troubles with Crystal, and
told me that she didn't mind that I had to have sex with her to stay in
- Apart from my problems with Crystal, it is great fun being who we
are. One of the Elvises we had made turned up, and, suppressing our
laughter, we questioned him and held him until the state mental hospital sent
somebody to take charge of him. Won't they be amazed when they find that he
has Elvis' fingerprints? More backseat sex with Billie Sue: very nice
indeed. We also indulged in a little police brutality: if we get into too
much trouble, we can always change selves again.
- 4 June:
- Too busy being Jim for any entries. My brats are being quite nasty:
I have beaten them a few times for misbehavior, which was satisfying but
resulted in Crystal demanding the same treatment before sex. Billie Sue and
I have been called on the carpet by the sheriff, who at length decided to
suspend us beginning tomorrow. I think that he doesn't approve of our
physical approach to law enforcement. Time to move on. We have a little
surprise planned for our families this evening.
- 5 June:
- I will miss Billie Sue, but of course we have her pattern on tape and
Emma can always put her on. Yesterday evening I took Crystal and the brats
for a ride. We stopped at a lonely spot in the country, and I anesthetized
them all with my little dart gun. Billie Sue and an unconscious Joe showed
up a few moments later. I took out that little box, put it out the ground,
and changed it back into our car. What to do with these people? More
disappearances would cause too much of a stir. Eventually we decided to swap
their bodies around a little: Crystal's body with Joe's, and my two girl
brats with my two boy brats. We had our last sex as Jim and Billie Sue, then
changed ourselves into the black couple with the Mercedes, and drove fifty
miles and slept in a motel.
- We relaxed today. It is a great strain wearing someone else's
persona over your own, unlike wearing an unfamiliar body. We did manage to
make an Elvis of a passing jogger.
- 6 June:
- Another relaxing day. I thought I heard the motel maid mutter
"niggers" at us under her breath. A potential Elvis, I think, or perhaps
she deserves worse: animalhood or planthood, yes? We strolled about the
town trying to decide what to do next. Being sheriff's deputies was fun,
but we hadn't had very much power, and got into trouble merely for handling
a few suspects roughly. Emma suggests that we find some prominent couple,
rich and powerful, and replace them with ourselves. With care we can cause
a vast amount of amusing trouble for which they will be blamed; we can keep
the originals in suspended animation and revive them so that they, not us,
will have to account for our mischief.
- 7 June:
- Very early in the morning we got up, checked out of the motel, and
altered the car and ourselves. We had grown rather fond of our black bodies,
but decided that a change of race was in order: we became white again, an
ordinary thirtyish couple. A bit risky, perhaps, to change in a parking lot,
but our infrared detectors showed nobody nearby. I wanted to wait for the
maid, to wreak some nasty metamorphosis on her, but Emma wanted to put a plan
of hers into action. I was about to argue when I remembered the hyperspatial
portal I had made, the one that provides a gateway from its location back to
our lab. She was quite pleased with it, and gratified to learn that it was the
fruit of her alteration of my mind. With it she could use our lab while I
used the car.
- This city is the state capital. I had a pretty good idea of what Emma
had in mind when she had me drop her off at the Capitol building after an
early breakfast. Meanwhile I drove back to the motel and waited for the
maid to show up for work. It was quite easy to render her unconscious and
put her into a little hyperspatial bag that, folded up, fitted neatly into my
pocket. Back in the van, I changed her into a fully functional hermaphrodite
dressed in unisex clothing. Won't she be surprised when she wakes up!
- A phone call on the mobile phone. An old lady, the Governor's
secretary, said that she has made an appointment with the Governor in the
afternoon for her niece, "a lovely young blonde." I thanked her for letting
me know. Of course the secretary was Emma wearing the old bitch's form, and
the appointment a way of letting me replace the Governor. I cursed inwardly
at having to be a woman, but I showed up at the Governor's office a few
minutes early, in a striking young female body with long golden hair, playing
the part to the hilt. Emma fought back her laughter until tears came to her
old-crone eyes: her amusement made my degradation almost worthwhile. When she
recovered, we went into the Governor's office together, and she introduced me
as her niece Laura. The man, though a politician, was stunned speechless by
my beauty, giving us plenty of time to anesthetize him. Emma opened the
portal back to the lab, where I scanned the Governor, assumed his form, and
left him in suspended animation next to his real secretary.
- Boring government business, appointments, and so on for a few hours:
I did nothing unusual. Emma and I stayed late, Emma changing into a female
janitor and leaving the real secretary asleep on the office couch. Then I
went to the governor's mansion by chaffeured car and had dinner with my wife:
very pretty for a fortyish lady, but prone to nag and rather a fool. Imagine
my relief when I saw Emma's unique and unmistakable expression on the face
of our cook. Of course I promptly steered my wife upstairs to our bedroom,
rendered her unconscious, went down and brought back the cook...within half
an hour Emma was my wife. A fine body, really, and I look forward to the rest
of this evening.
- 8 June:
- Well, the fun began today. Emma really made the most of her body
last night and early this morning. Then we demanded a lavish breakfast of
our cook, though she was still stunned after missing a few hours of her life
yesterday. I went to the office, vetoed a few bills that the real Governor
would have signed without a thought (the looks of horror on the faces of my
aides!), insulted a few legislators, and accepted a bribe. Then a speaking
engagement, accompanied by my wife, at lunch. Emma had taken her prim
political-wife body to the sleazier sex shops in town, in a chaffeured car,
no less, and bought quite a collection of kinky goods, taking one of the
Governor's credit cards to the limit. So much for his anti-porn campaign.
We showed up at the luncheon: a meeting of an environmental organization.
I had helped myself to the contents of the whiskey decanter in my office,
and was a bit drunk. I could not resist the chance of a bit of fun, and
threw away the fruit of the speechwriter's toil and spoke impromptu. I
went into rhapsodies about strip-mining and unrestricted hunting seasons
and tax breaks to promote the chemical industry within the state and atomic
waste dumps. After the initial shock I was roundly booed; Emma came up to
the platform, bless her, and announced that she proposed to start and take
charge of a voluntary effort to educate children about the joys of littering
and water pollution. Soon the audience began to throw food at us, which we
deftly dodged as we ran from the platform, laughing.
- After that Emma and I went to my office and ordered pizza, which we
ate while I conducted state business. A group of Japanese businessmen
arrived; the Governor had been trying to cajole them into building a large
factory in the state. I was rude, flippant, did my best to make them lose
face, took breaks from our conversation in order to feel up Emma's cute if
aging body (the memories of my body record an affair in progress: why?
Probably the persona of the Governor's real wife), and ruined months of
flattery and diplomacy in an hour. After that one of my senior aides came
into the office to complain about my recent actions. Emma inobtrusively
altered his persona so that he would accept my orders blindly; we repeated
this for my secretary and several other aides and assistants.
- My mistress, Tiffany, called. Emma and I will visit her tonight. I
think her form will look exquisite on Emma.
- These entries grow too verbose. Having a politician's brain doesn't
- 10 June:
- A lovely evening. Emma and I went to see Tiffany: a fine young
wench, rather stupid-looking. What with the hyperspatial link back to the
lab, it wasn't long before Emma was she. We had a night out on the town,
kissing passionately in public, bringing the affair into the open. Around
two this morning we went to her apartment and slept together in both senses
of the term. Later in the morning Emma reluctantly became my wife again. We
decided to keep the real Tiffany in suspended animation for a while; Emma can
become her again when necessary.
- Off to the office again. All the important members of my staff now
do exactly as I tell them, so that I dictate insulting letters, veto bills,
make absurd proclamations (next week is Zoophily Week in this state, by the
way), and so forth, and nobody near me complains, although the reporters
are about to put my office under siege.
- Emma spoke at a luncheon meeting of professional women. She made a
tape-recording of her speech: hilarious. She told them that they had no
business having careers, that they should all stay home and keep house and
produce babies, that they were undermining civilization and adding to human
misery for the sake of useless ambition -- all beautifully sarcastic and
vicious. A few of the weaker sisters wept, but most of the women present
were justifiably enraged and literally chased her out. Then, at an afternoon
meeting of an upper-crust group of matrons, she gave a panegyric on the joys
of perverted sex.
- The lieutenant-governor is becoming a nuisance. We must do something
about him, preferably something nasty.
- Emma is starting to work on viruses again, changing into a fresh body
at night and taking the hyperspatial link into our lab. I think I'll join her.
- 12 June:
- Busy. The press is getting very hostile. I held a press conference
yesterday, at which I began by calling the reporters crazed hyenas and went
on to somewhat more picturesque terms involving the habits of their parents.
Not well received.
- I pardoned several recently-convicted state officials, as well as
several dangerous criminals. There is talk of impeachment.
- This afternoon I opened a juvenile detention center. I noted
in my speech that it could become an excellent source of high-grade meat for
the poorer citizens of the state, and suggested wider use of the death penalty,
with the remains being earmarked for human consumption.
- Emma assumed the blonde-bimbo shape I had worn on my first visit to
what is now my office. The lieutenant governor has an eye for the trim ankle,
so that it was easy for her to ensnare him and take him to our lab, where
Emma changed him into Tiffany and Tiffany into him. That should keep them
both busy for a while. Also she gave the attorney general an overriding,
obsessive penchant for young boys.
- At night we go to our lab and become our real selves, work hard on
the metamorphic viruses, and at dawn become the Governor and his wife again.
There are reports of a strange sexually-transmitted disease that causes its
sufferers to change into young women: one of our prototype viruses! Most
- 15 June:
- At last I am safe and sound and can write about the last few days.
I went to the office as usual on the 13th, to be met by a group of doctors
and orderlies from the state mental hospital. Really I had thought that
they would give me another week or so of fun before they tried this, and
I must admit that I was unprepared. Emma had the car and the link back to
the lab, so that I had no means of escape: the few miniature anesthetic darts
I carried would not have been enough to stop all of my captors. I went
quietly and behaved rationally and as much like the Governor as possible,
hoping that they would let me go. No such luck. I gently but repeatedly
protested that I was quite sane; nevertheless I found myself under moderate
sedation, not yet at the state hospital, but in the mental ward of the most
luxurious hospital in town.
- The next day I bided my time, talking affably with psychiatrists.
Apparently the Governor's political party wished to be spared the shame of
a demented Governor, and had acted quickly to avoid something worse than
what had happened in a certain Southwestern state not long ago. Finally,
late in the afternoon, another psychiatrist showed up and spoke with me
alone. She was a pleasant young woman. After about ten minutes her posture
and manner and expression suddenly changed into Emma's! She took the
hyperspatial portal from her lab-coat pocket, activated it, went into our
lab, and took out the real Governor, dressed in clothes just like mine
and heavily sedated. I went through the portal into the lab, where I was
not surprised to see the original of the lady psychiatrist. I became myself
but was too perturbed to get much work done. After a few hours Emma, still
in the psychiatrist's body, led me out into a hotel room. We made love,
had a room-service dinner, watched stupid programs on TV, made love again
(a darling body which I will have her wear again), and went to sleep.
- Early this morning we assumed nondescript new forms, left the
psychiatrist and the Governor's wife together in the double bed, and drove
our car out of the hotel's garage. We plan to stay around for a few days
and enjoy the fun. According to the nastiest of the local tabloids, the
Governor is deranged, as is the lieutenant governor (he insists he is
really the governor's mistress trapped in the wrong body), the governor's
wife is having a lesbian affair with a rising young psychiatrist -- all very
juicy and gratifying. But already we were too far from the action. Emma
dashed off, promising to meet me in a few hours; sure enough, she returned
as a vivacious woman reporter from a local paper. Using the equipment in the
car I became one of her (male, fortunately) colleagues; they are having an
affair already, which makes things easier for us.
- 17 June:
- Being a reporter is hard work but great fun when you're covering a
story like this one. I had an exclusive interview with a person who is
supposedly the Governor's mistress Tiffany, but really the Lieutenant
Governor wearing her body. He has already integrated himself with the
residual Tiffany-persona of the body, and is fast becoming an intelligent,
well-adjusted young woman: this is gratifying and very funny. She gave
a lurid, largely invented account of their affair, and has tentatively hired
me as ghostwriter for her memoirs, which should sell like hotcakes. She
professed amazement that the Lieutenant Governor could be so insane as to
claim to be her.
- Emma interviewed the Governor's wife, savoring every bit of the irony.
The woman is remarkably quick on the uptake: she claims that her strange
behavior was in accordance with her husband's wishes, so that she did it out
of love! Such disloyalty masquerading as loyalty revolts us both: Emma wanted
to change her into something quite hideous, but I pointed out that we have
done enough mischief already, much as the woman deserves such punishment.
- Emma and I are living together at her apartment: the woman she is
wearing has admirable taste in decor, food, and drink. My wife calls me at the
office, but my secretary has shielded me quite well so far.
- 18 June:
- I interviewed the attorney-general, who was quite confused with the
turn of events and no doubt distracted by the obsessive desire we had planted
in him. I concluded the interview by asking him if there was any truth to
the rumors of his pederasty. To my amazement he broke down and confessed it
all to me, giving me permission to publish everything. Like a weakling I was
moved to pity, and had Emma impersonate his secretary and expunge the desire
from his self. I really must avoid such sentimentality in the future.
- My wife came to my office, having learned of my affair with Emma.
Fortunately Emma left me the link to the lab, and I somehow got my wife into a
closet, into the lab, and under a persona-alterer. She now does my will
without question. A stopgap measure, and inelegant, but the amalgam of
Emma with Julia (the reporter whose form she wears) is delightful and we
want at least another few days together as we are. Out of sheer spite I am
having my wife dress as a housemaid and wait on Emma and me in Julia's
apartment; as I write, I am in bed, Emma murmuring endearments in her
Julia-voice and caressing me with her slender Julia-hands, while my wife
cleans the rest of the apartment. Good vicious fun.
- 20 June:
- Everything is settling down. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor
(the Governor's mistress still hasn't the sense to realize that if she's
trapped in the Lieutenant Governor's body, she should try to behave like the
man) are simply considered insane, the Governor's wife says that she was
just humoring her husband, the aides still act a bit like zombies but nobody
notices, and Emma and I are beginning to get bored. The scandal generates
little new news, so that we are back to reporting the routine. Commendations
from our employers are gratifying, sex is great in the bodies we have assumed,
and my now-docile wife waits on us hand and foot: pleasant but dull. Time
to move on.
- 21 June:
- Emma became the Governor's cook again, and with a little clever use
of the hyperspatial link back to our lab, we swapped the forms of my wife and
the Governor's. Not a really satisfying solution; so much time wearing other
people's personae as well as their bodies has dulled our minds. We left our
originals together in bed, and for a change Emma became a pretty but matronly
woman of about thirty and I became a boy of eight. We unfolded our vehicle
from its little hyperspatial box and made it into a station wagon. Being an
innocent-looking little child is really quite pleasant, although sex will of
course be out of the question. The motel is letting me stay for free: another
little advantage. I have an idea...
- 22 June:
- We started another impersonation today. Emma and I, with only a vague
plan, bought supplies for a picnic, changed the station wagon into a van, and
went to a local park. We had quite a large amount of junk food, and Emma
invited some of the children in the park to join us. With great skill she
culled them down after some minutes to a brother and sister, thirteen and
twelve respectively. They helped us clean up the mess afterwards, and I felt
just a slight pang of regret when we lured them into the van...Finding a place
to compress the van was our only difficulty; with their originals in suspended
animation in the lab, Jennifer and Jason, ourselves in their forms and the
van and the hyperspatial link in their pockets, walked home, said hello to
their mother, and proceeded to their well-furnished treehouse. They are both
rather well-developed for their ages, and I suppose that it doesn't really
count as incest because the selves in their bodies are really husband and wife.
- It seems that we are well-behaved children though our parents give us
very little supervision. Many of our peers and even playmates cordially
dislike us. Our originals deserve to have their enemies put down a little,
and of course if we are living their lives their enemies are ours.
- Our parents are amazed that we didn't want to watch TV tonight. We
spent some time together in my bedroom, talking and feeling each other up.
- 24 June:
- As brother and sister we can spend a lot of time together, but of
course we can show no intimacy in public. Emma's persona, even though largely
masked with Jennifer's, makes her unformed body most delectable. Nocturnal
traffic between our bedrooms is out of the question, and we make do with
brief but passionate encounters in the treehouse.
- It is also hard to get work done when we aren't in the mood to be
children. We need a place to hide the hyperspatial portal, which must
remain open as we work. At night our parents, light sleepers both, come into
our bedrooms and check on us, perhaps out of guilt for supervising us so
little during the day; being absent would require some explanation. I fear
that we will have to tamper with their minds: no doubt wearing the body of
their son makes me sentimental and therefore reluctant to change them.
- 25 June:
- We took our first action against an enemy today. A fat but strong
lad known as the Pig, the neighborhood bully, now has the persona of an
excessively feminine little girl, but not the wits to dissemble. We waited
until his mother drove off in the morning; then Emma assumed her shape and
made our vehicle into her car. She drove to the house, claimed to have lost
her house key, and altered the Pig's persona utterly. She left a concealed
microphone, and when his real mother returned we listened to the goings on
from our treehouse. Delightful: the boy behaved as if everything was normal;
his mother was first amused, then annoyed, then horrified.
- 27 June:
- Our mother suspects that we are a bit more intimate than a brother and
a sister should be. She gave Jennifer/Emma a good talking-to. Last night we
drugged them into a sound sleep and took them to our lab. In future they will
always sleep soundly at night, and no longer question our activities. This
does take some of the thrill out of our lives, but we have a need for intimacy
and a number of projects to complete.
- Today we went over to the house of Crystal, a spoilt girl of twelve
who considers Jason and Jennifer not so much friends as associates before
whom she can flaunt the tribute that her doting parents render to her. We sat
through a video tape of a stupid film, played on her own VCR onto her own
large television, in which a mother and daughter exchange bodies for one day.
This is evidently her favorite film, and she wishes that such an exchange
would happen to her. We intend to oblige, although one day seems much too
brief a time. Indefinitely, on the other hand...
- 28 June:
- Crystal's idiotic wish has come true. It was quite easy to break
into her house, anesthetize family and dog, and take her and her mother
back to the lab for a bit of re-embodiment. Crystal called Jennifer up to
tell her of the change, but Jennifer simply humored her and refused to come
over and see.
- We have a large number of metamorphic viruses to test on the brats
of this lovely neighborhood. Today we began to distribute a fine new product
of our lab: a fashionable candy bar infected with a virus, spread only by
ingestion, that quickly and irrevocably alters the eater's metabolism so
that he will become and remain grossly obese except on the most stringent
diet. Off we went to the park, the same place we became our present selves,
with two big boxes of these goodies. We announced to the greedy children
that a kindly uncle who works for the manufacturer had let us have four
boxes, and that since we couldn't possibly eat that much in a reasonable
amount of time, we were giving away half of what we had. Any suspicions they
had were allayed when we ate a few random bars. Of course we had immunized
our bodies beforehand. Soon the little swine were swarming and fighting for
the tainted treats: delightful. They should start gaining weight very soon.
- 29 June:
- Crystal called on us, still, of course, in her mother's body. We
refused to believe that she was not her mother. She was screaming at us,
clawing at was not just spite that led Emma to call the mental
health authorities. Crystal's mother, on the other hand, whom we visited at
her house to break the sad news of Crystal's insanity, is impersonating
Crystal effectively, though inaccurately: she is calm and gracious. I think
that secretly she is very pleased to be young and potentially beautiful, and
rid of her demanding, spoilt daughter.
- Our parents pay no attention to our sharing a bed: usually Jennifer's,
which is for some reason a double bed. As I write this, Emma has just come
back from the lab in Crystal's body, which should make for an interesting
- 30 June:
- Crystal's body wasn't quite as nice as Jennifer's, and Emma assumed
her Jennifer-flesh shortly after waking up, seeming relieved. Spend enough
time in a body and it begins to really become yours, the one you consider
your proper one. Both Jennifer -- I mean Emma -- and I are starting to
think of ourselves as the children we see in the mirror. Emma admits to
being tempted to spend the rest of her life as Jennifer, and I have an
analogous temptation. Of course that would never do: if we were really
who we seem, we would be practicing incest. Strange how quickly we have
grown accustomed to these bodies. Time to move on.
- 1 July:
- Adults again. A little after midnight we restored our parents' proper
personae, and then moved the real Jason and Jennifer from suspended animation
to drugged sleep and from the lab to Jennifer's bed. Let them wonder about
it all. We walked to the park, which was conveniently dark and quiet, got
out the car, and began to change. I became a man closely resembling my real
self, and Emma the red-haired, green-eyed version of herself that I find so
attractive. We checked into a hotel like an ordinary couple and slept late.
In the morning we missed our brother-and-sister bodies; I was tempted to
go to the lab and assume them, but Emma wisely dissuaded me. "It's like an
addiction," she said, "you have to break it off quickly." Her own lovely
form helped bolster the argument.
- Over a room-service breakfast we read the newspaper. The Governor
may be turned loose soon, but his political career is over. The false
Lieutenant Governor still insists that he is the Governor's mistress in
the wrong body. The real Lieutenant Governor is doing nicely in the body
of the Governor's mistress: he has combined his intelligence with the
intense femininity of the body's residual persona to create a charming
woman in a stunning body; she has her own TV talk show already, which will
soon be syndicated. No news about the woman in the body of the Governor's
wife: dissembling adequately, I suppose.
- A leisurely day...just letting ourselves be ourselves again, I suppose.
- 2 July:
- Still ourselves, and trying to think up some mischief for July 4th.
Today a large number of high school bands and cheerleading squads are
arriving here in the state capital for parades on the day itself. The thought
of all those fine young bodies makes us both desire to do something to them.
We have had quite enough of impersonation for now, although spending a few
weeks as high school sweethearts might be most enjoyable. Emma is looking
longingly at some delectable wenches; I am certain that I will find one or
another of these pretty creatures in my bed now and again, Emma gazing at me
out of her eyes.
- We checked out of the hotel, changed into a fiftyish couple, and
checked back in -- no point in looking too much like ourselves if we plan to
do any mischief. Swapping the bodies of two marching bands or groups of
cheerleaders seems much too tedious, though the confusion resulting from it
might be worthwhile. What else might we do?
- 5 July:
- A good deal of activity in the past few days. Emma impersonated the
cuddly little desk clerk for long enough to find out who was in what room.
Two nights ago we were very busy: Emma and I went, disguised in suitable forms,
to a few little parties given by members of several marching bands, and spiked
the drinks with a little virus, again one spread by ingestion but otherwise
not really infectious, that causes rapid aging. The little wenches,
especially, will be quite pleased to find themselves blossoming into mature
women, but horrified as they soon become older than their own mothers and
grandmothers. After several rapid changes of body we were quite exhausted.
After a few hours rest, we broke into a few rooms, anesthetized a few coaches
and bandleaders, and swapped their bodies about a little, exchanging when
possible persons of differing talents and sexes. Then Emma became the cuddly
clerk again and we had a very pleasant time until morning, when we cheated
fatigue by re-assuming our fiftyish bodies.
- We had planned merely to watch the parade, but soon we began to fear
boredom. We went to the huge parking lot where the floats were being made
ready. One float caught Emma's eye: it had several seats on which winners
of beauty pageants were to sit and throw candy to the screaming brats along
the parade route. Emma saw two of the beauty queens head for a trailer that
contained the women's bathroom; she followed them and was back soon. "I've
got both of them in the lab: one body for you, one for me," she said. "You
know I hate being female," I muttered, but of course there would be trouble
if one of the girls were missing, so I sneaked into the women's trailer with
her, we set up the hyperspatial link in a stall...a few minutes later the two
girls left the trailer, carrying a big box of candy which they inobtrusively
mixed with that which they were supposed to throw. The extra candy had a
nice assortment of ingestible viruses with various effects: obesity, aging,
change of race, change of sex, increase of intelligence (the country needs
more scientists like me, after all).
- Oh, the agony of that parade! Only the knowledge that I was, from
behind the mask of an innocent girl's flesh, spreading strange infections --
only that made it bearable. (Also the sight and sounds of an uncoordinated
band in front of us, which a cheerleading coach, trapped in the bandleader's
body, was trying to conduct.) There I was, molded into a pretty wench, big
breasts nearly popping out of a strapless gown, vapid grin fixed on my heavily
painted face, waving with one hand and tossing candy with the other, mile
after slow mile. If the usual wearer of my form had not been an aerobics
buff, my frail-looking arms could never had endured. I stole glances at Emma:
she was plainly enjoying herself, if only because of my discomfiture. She
wore her body with real panache, and I was nearly overcome with lust. At
last it was all over; we went back to the trailer and got out our two
originals, injected with enough alcohol to put them in a drunken stupor.
Still raging with lust, I had Emma retain her borrowed form and remain there
in the lab; I became the middle-aged woman that Emma had been that morning,
went back to our hotel room, went into the lab, and became myself. I tore
the gown off her beauty-queen body and took Emma right there on the floor;
the floor was cold and hard, and her body tired and sweaty, but it served her
right for having tortured me all afternoon.
- Middle-aged and respectable again for the fireworks, and again today.
This sort of adventure can be very tiring; again we relaxed, apart from
making another Elvis. Emma is wonderful even at fifty.
- 6 July:
- We checked out of the hotel. The cuddly little desk clerk (Denise,
according to her name tag) was rude: patronizing to us and overly familiar.
We waited until her coffee break, then hustled her into an empty room and
made her unconscious. Two quick metamorphoses, and Emma was Denise and
Denise had a very ugly face. Half a dozen plastic-surgery operations might
give her some semblance of her former beauty. We left her to her fate, and
drove off, Emma snuggling Denise's body and pretty face against me. Any
woman as nasty as Denise shouldn't be allowed to be beautiful. On a deserted
side road we changed the car into a nondescript Japanese model and me into a
young man again. Emma insisted on retaining Denise's flesh, changing only
her hotel uniform for a frilly dress. Her persona seems natually sympathetic
to the girl's body, though not to the residue of Denise-persona it retains.
- We stopped for lunch in a town of about twenty thousand. The food
at the local restaurant was awful, and the townspeople either surly or
artificially friendly; we decided to give them something to remember us by.
Off we went to find the local water supply: a group of wells at the edge of
town, managed by an intelligent young woman of a quiet country-girl beauty.
Emma scanned her, but no impersonation was necessary; we used a charming little
device to make her become dizzy and faint; I rigged another little device to
the water mains, and when I was done we revived her, with fussing and many
expressions of concern. Over the next few days one of our viruses will be
released into the water supply; it can survive only in clean water, a careful
laboratory culture, or a human body. If present in the latter, it transforms
its host into an exact copy of a particular person: in this case, the young
Audrey Hepburn. Everyone who ingests the town water, or even gets a bit in the
eye or up an orfice whilst showering, will be mildly ill for a few weeks to
a few months, during which his or her body will change, aging or becoming
younger, shrinking or growing, becoming female if necessary. An entire town
of Audreys...and we have viruses of several dozen actors and actresses already.
At the motel in the next town, Emma became Audrey just for fun, but is
becoming Denise again as I write. I find Denise delectable, but if Emma
insists on being her in public we may soon be tracked down.
- 7 July:
- Today we wandered through town, stopping periodically to kiss
passionately. Unfortunately Denise's uncle and aunt live in this town; they
recognized her body immediately. One of the disadvantages of suppressing the
residual persona of borrowed flesh is that you also suppress knowledge useful
in case your body is recognized: had Emma let herself be Denise, persona as
well as body, unpleasant to both of us as that would have been, she would not
have had us come here. Denise is married, and her family has old-fashioned
ideas about marriage, and I did not resemble her husband, and Emma did not
recall at first that Denise even has such relatives.
- The old fools insisted that Emma was Denise (the real Denise had not
told them of being, ahem, defaced), and assumed she had abandoned her husband
and run off with me. They were furious; her uncle was almost furious enough
to kill. Somehow Emma charmed him into letting us come to their house. Once
inside, we were alone with them: their children are grown and live elsewhere.
What to do? We could have become them, or simply anesthetized them and ran.
Instead we changed them into Denises. Emma still refused to become someone
else. We left -- and Denise was recognized again, by a spinster friend of
her aunt's. The woman gave us a good lunch in her cottage; we rewarded her
hospitality by giving her the body of one of the cheerleaders we had scanned
at the hotel (much cheaper than paying for a bad lunch in a local beanery).
- By this time I was ready to force Emma to change form, but she smiled
her lovely smile -- very pretty on Denise's face -- and said, "Let's see how
long we can get away with it." I let Emma have her way. She was promptly
recognized yet again: she had stayed with her aunt and uncle for several
summers, and many people recognized her and spread the word that she was there.
Several more acquaintances showed up. Emma had let her Denise-persona express
itself more and more in order to play the part, to the degree that she found
herself liking these people and wanting to spend the night. Just then the
transformed spinster, her lovely cheerleader-face the proverbial mask of
horror, ran out screaming that we had stolen her body -- what ingratitude
for a second chance at life! She tore at us and made a scene; I knocked her
out, bundled Emma into the car, and drove off. A few miles out of town I
changed the car into a van, and gave myself a new form, but Emma refused
to be anyone other than Denise. Another motel in the next town.
- 8 July:
- When I awakened this morning, Denise was sitting next to me in bed,
smiling unpleasantly. Denise: not a hint of Emma's expression was on her
face; she was entirely the hotel clerk we had come to dislike. I was somewhat
rough in knocking her unconscious, hauling her back into the lab, and putting
her into Emma's body again. Presently Emma came to -- or was it Denise in
Emma's body? Fortunately it was the former. She had panicked and let the
Denise persona take control of her. Back we went to the motel room. There
was a knock on the door, and I let in two policemen, or, more accurately, a
policeman and a policewoman. They were looking for Denise: someone had the
idea that I had kidnapped her, or something equally absurd. I might have been
able to bluff things out, but they had seen Emma in her real body, and we
were under suspicion, after all, and the policewoman was pretty even if she
had dyed her hair an unlikely shade of yellow. We anesthetized them, the
policewoman drawing her pistol just too late to fire it; I am getting sloppy.
- We made the policewoman Denise and the policeman the current me, then
assumed their forms. I convinced the motel manager to let me drive our van
into a closed garage, where, safe from public view, I compressed it. Off we
minions of the law drove in our patrol car. We played police for a few hours,
then drove to an abandoned garage where we left the car, uncompressed our
vehicle into a plush Cadillac, turned ourselves into a pair of well-to-do
senior citizens, and drove off.
- 9 July:
- We spent last night in our sixty-ish bodies: not bad, surprisingly.
A long drive today; we stopped only for lunch and enElvisment of a hitchhiker.
Late in the afternoon we passed a billboard advertising a "faith community
and theme park" run by a TV evangelist. About ten seconds later Emma and
I looked at each other: there was no need for words. Finally Emma said, "His
wife looks grotesque."
- "She wouldn't if she were you," I replied, and we laughed. We
checked into a motel near the park.
- 11 July:
- Emma and I are getting quite good at stepping into other people's
shoes -- or bodies, rather. It was slightly tedious but not at all difficult.
A huge contribution from a bogus bank account gained us a tour of the place:
just the two of us led by Rev. Sam's personal assistant, the lovely Sue Anne.
Need I add that Sue Anne was not herself when I returned to the office with
her, or that the woods had gained a lovely new squirrel? And of course she
obligingly gave me an immediate personal meeting with Rev. Sam, which left
him a changed man and gave the woods a possum as well.
- Emma was delighted at becoming Sue Anne, and once in her luscious
form refused even to consider becoming my wife Loretta, who is indeed
grotesque. Fortunately Rev. Sam and Loretta are estranged, and keep up the
pretense of a marriage only for the sake of business. Sue Anne is Sam's
mistress, whilst Loretta consoles herself with our construction supervisor,
a burly fellow named Cliff. I will have to show a plausible degree of
affection for Loretta in public, but no more than that. Cliff has even gone
to the farcical measure of building our houses on adjacent Faith Community
lots and connecting their basements with a tunnel! This still leaves a bit
of difficulty for Sue Anne and me, but my back office has a very nice bedroom
(with a huge waterbed) and a bathroom complete with Jacuzzi, and it seems that
I like to work nights, my loyal assistant at my side. Tch, tch, tch. Well,
all this should be most amusing to reveal to the general public once Emma
and I are finished with things here.
- Getting settled today. Tomorrow is Rev. Sam's first TV taping with
me inside him. Sue Anne and I are working late tonight.
- 12 July:
- I did nothing outrageous today for the folks on TV. I found myself
wishing that Emma was inside Loretta rather than Sue Anne, if only to keep
some of the makeup off that face and some of the howl out of that singing
voice. My requests for money were a bit more extreme than usual, implying
that giving to Rev. Sam is exactly like giving to God Himself...and of course
Loretta cried mascara-stained tears. The show is a mixture of talk show
with revival meeting with fund-raising telethon. I was polite to the guests:
a creation-scientist (I could have shown him a thing or two) and a woman
who had had one of those near-death experiences (Emma knows how to fake real
beauties). Sue Anne remained off camera, snickering when I kissed Loretta's
over-painted face: making love to latex paint.
- Sue Anne and I are about to have another late-night conference; among
other things, we will discuss how to have fun without alarming my, ahem, flock
too quickly. Satan-worship is right out, I think...what can we get away with?
One of my colleagues presented a death threat from the Almighty, after all; by
that standard, we should have a lot of latitude. Perhaps I can sell
indulgences. The Bible (I seem to have a lot of it in my Rev. Sam brain) does
warn against those claiming to be Christ, but that hasn't stopped people trying
- 13 July:
- I see problems ahead. According to articles in prominent national
news-magazines, the strange plague resulting from our experimental virus
is changing several thousand men into attractive young women. Foolishly we
introduced it only a few hundred miles from our home. Once people see that a
complete metamorphosis is possible, they will start to come forward with their
claims of having been changed -- and others will believe them. A bit of
investigation, certainly not beyond the abilities even of dimwitted F. B. I.
men, will show a trail of alterations and disappearances beginning a few
months ago, within a stone's throw of my laboratory. We have been careless.
One altered person even knows that we are responsible: Jane, formerly the
wife of the University's president. If she, until now happy and lovely in
the form of a coed, realizes that we made her husband into a homosexual...
and I am loath to harm her.
- Any fun that Emma and I have here we must have soon. Eventually
someone will connect that Governor's strange behavior with impersonation by
metamorphosis, and will suspect any public figure who appears to have gone mad.
Today Sue Anne visited our Golden Years Home and infected the aged inmates
with two viruses: one for youth and the other for increased sexual drive.
In a few months all the old geezers and crones will be young and attractive
and banging away at each other: a pleasant thought. But we must be gone
from here before the alterations become obvious.
- 14 July:
- Taped another broadcast today, in which I guaranteed forgiveness of
sins to anyone who contributes "a reasonable quantity of his worldly
substance to the work of God that we are carrying on here." Of course the
Catholic Church does it for free, but they ask for real repentance, which Rev.
Sam does not. Going a bit far, but not really scandalous. My creativity is
blunted because I am too worried about what will happen to Emma and me: will
we have to destroy our lab? No more ill-considered metamorphoses or spreading
of disease? Entirely new identities, indefinitely? Prospects are bleak.
- Emma says (in Sue Anne's lush voice, with its soft Alabama accent) that
with me she could enjoy even a prosaic life, with no need for metamorphosis
or impersonation. "Perhaps we can just become a wealthy couple somewhere,
with a lab hidden beneath our house, and not do anything to anyone for a few
years," she tells me. Yes, but doing things to people, making them who I
want them to be, has become almost an obsession. This is real power, and I
am reluctant to let go of it.
- 16 July:
- A few hours of hard work in the lab, and the result was a splendid
gimmick for the TV show: faith healing by partial metamorphosis. Of course
it irks me to do good, but the reaction of the studio audience (what else
can one call it? the congregation? hrmph!) was remarkable. We rigged a sort
of altar with the equipment inside and Emma manning the controls, and altered
damaged or ailing parts of several dozen people. To be sure, most of the
cured had insidious new ailments afterwards, such as the paraplegic girl
whose ovaries now secrete testosterone, the man who had a brain tumor but
now has a leaky heart valve instead -- just a few little drolleries so that
we might have a measure of fun. The phoned-in contributions are rolling in
already, and I am calling myself the Modern Apostle. Loretta, disgusting
creature, is attracted by my new powers and wants to be a proper wife again.
A bit of persona-change for her?
- 19 July:
- My, what a lot of work! The hospitals around here are being emptied,
we are taping two shows a day, and the cash is pouring in. I am discreetly
transferring it to Rev. Sam's Swiss bank accounts, from which I will later
transfer it to mine. Of course I could just as well create gold or uncut
diamonds and sell those, but I like money better when people give it to me.
The adulation is most amusing, especially now that we are creating a few
cancer cells as well in most of the people we cure...little time bombs which
may never go off, or then again may explode years from now.
- Emma altered Loretta's persona a bit so that she should go back to
Cliff now and leave me alone.
21 July:
- Even with sundry tricks for cheating fatigue by changing form, Emma
and I are getting tired. In retrospect, it seems that this faith-healing
racket was not such a good idea: I think we chose it because it was unlikely
to suggest a connection with our earlier activities. Metamorphosed people
are starting to turn up, selling their stories to tabloids; soon reputable
journalists will start to believe them, and I fear that our days of fun are
- We have started to spread a few more of our favorite engineered
viruses amongst the crowds who cram the place. These are mostly of the type
that make their hosts into copies of some famous individual in the prime of
youth. Actors and actresses, opera singers (let's see what average Americans
can do with truly superior vocal equipment, eh?), a smattering of politicians
and the like: a good assortment. Still no word on the town we are changing
into Audrey Hepburns, but we haven't had time to investigate. By now some
of the young women should be almost Audrey, and even the men should be fairly
- 23 July:
- Enough is enough. Emma and I are preparing for our getaway. We
are forging some truly disgusting photographs involving the Rev. Sam and
Sue Anne, showing them engaged in...well, it involves animals and strange
rituals that might be some sort of devil-worship. We are preparing a
scene for the bedroom, complete with notes in Sue Anne's handwriting, that
points to some sort of diabolical abduction of the happy couple: lots of
scorch marks, a partly-obscured pentagram, and a powerful smell of brimstone
for starters.
- Yet more hopeful sick folk and yet more money rolling in. We are
quite exhausted. Emma feels, and I must concur, that we have not exploited
this impersonation at all effectively.
- 24 July:
- Early this morning we changed form and prepared the weird tableau
in the bedroom next to my office. Our vehicle again a van, we drove off,
stopping at a mailbox to drop in some anonymous packets of our dirty photos,
addressed neatly to the editors of several major newspapers. I had gotten
rather used to Emma as Sue Anne, but the Nordic blue-eyed blonde in the
passenger seat was a more-than-adequate replacement; she also seemed to like
my golden hair and beard.
- Finally a good look at some national newspapers and news magazines.
I was wrong about the infected town: an Audrey Hepburn, natural-blonde hair
and eyebrows both showing dark roots, eyelashes still pale, gazed at us with
a haggard expression from the cover of one magazine; a deliciously pretty
girl, the expression of an angry man on her face, her hair cut mannishly
short, a bit of razor stubble on her chin, glared from another -- above
a caption with a man's name! Delightful. The pictures inside of the half-
changed, particularly one hulking giant of a man with an Audrey face and
two little breasts sprouting atop a powerful chest, sent us into gales of
laughter. A sidebar to one article mentioned people who claim to have been
transformed suddenly; that of another attempted to show a pattern for the
strange happenings: fairly accurate, as far as they went.
- 26 July:
- Today is my creator's birthday: July 26th. The rest of this
entry is a letter to him: anybody else may read it, but nobody else need
- Dear Mark.,
- Many happy returns of the day. It isn't July 26th in
- your world, but it is in mine. It was Chesterton (why must
- you have such saccharine tastes in reading?) who told of his
- youthful spell of nihilism: he and his brother were discussing
- the general miserableness of existence, and his great-uncle
- overheard and said, "I would give thanks to God for my existence
- even if I knew I was a damned soul." Well, you will probably
- bring me to some moralizing Catholic end, like poor Don Giovanni
- getting dragged off to hell just because he wouldn't repent, but
- I thank you anyway. Thank you for a happy life and amusing
- adventures and the perfect woman to share them with, and I hope that
- you don't cut them off too soon: you nearly did, and it took a
- chorus of readers to bring me back.
- I wish I could do something for you in your present woes:
- we both know that your situation is not especially painful as these
- things go, but my help would be most useful. If I could only send
- you duplicates of some of the equipment Emma and I have created!
- You could give yourself a bit more nerve and a healthier body with
- a better physique, attract a fine young woman and sculpt her into
- the girl of your dreams. I would even send you Emma -- not mine, of
- course, but a form-altering, persona-altering costume (haven't told
- the readers about those, have you?) that you can slip onto some
- woman you pick off the street: it would change her irreversibly into
- your very own Emma. But then again, you'd never do such a thing to
- anyone, prude that you are...and of course there are heavy duties
- involved for shipping things from fiction into fact, and not even
- my huge Swiss bank accounts could pay for them.
- Really you should have more faith in your God. (No, I am
- not being hypocritical: I have complete faith in you. You have
- given my universe a set of moral laws -- very well, moral anarchy
- -- which I follow exactly; no need for you to get all self-righteous
- just because your God has higher standards for you than you for me.)
- If you know how to give a creature like me such good things, will He
- not do better for you? (Yes, the Devil may quote Scripture for his
- own purposes, no matter what the Muslims say.) Maybe not instant
- physical and mental health, nor yet the love of an intelligent woman
- with a kind heart and a perfect body, but things more important
- in the long run.
- Yes, I can hear the net.atheists snickering. Let them. Were
- they within my power, they would be net.squirrels promptly.
- Hang in there.
- Your loyal creature,
- The "mad" scientist.
- P.S.: Really I'm not mad. You are, slightly. Shouldn't you let
- your readers know my name?
- 27 July:
- We are staying at a comfortable motel about a hundred miles from
Rev. Sam's place. From our room we used the hyperspatial link to get back
to the lab. For the first time in months we went sign that the
place has been searched yet. To me, anyway, we seem to be obvious suspects
should anyone trace the metamorphoses back to this area: Emma and I rigged
some gadgets to detect intruders, and made ready a hundred-kiloton thermo-
nuclear device in case we need to destroy the place. The only entrances to
the lab and the caves are secret and well-concealed, but we cannot rely on
that indefinitely.
- We changed into yet another attractive young couple, and left the lab
by a secret exit in order to see whether we are suspected here in our own
town. Why, oh why did we not show up here every few days so that nobody
would think that we might be behind all that lovely mayhem? We visited the
University, picked up on the gossip...the President has a professor of English
as his homosexual lover, the lady Dean has found a Toy Boy to slake her sexual
thirsts, and nobody seems to suspect us of being behind the changes of body
and persona. We scanned a few personae and confirmed this. A trip to the
porn district shows that Catherine is a minor star in dirty videos: a much
better career for her than science, the slut. Why am I so worried? Back
we went to the lab, then back through the link to our motel room.
- The tabloids this week are full of articles on our fake Elvises and
other metamorphosed folk. One reputable magazine has an article about what
happened to that Governor and his associates... people are starting to
believe that the Governor's mistress really is trapped in the body of the
Lieutenant Governor, though the real Lieutenant Governor, happy and successful
in the woman's body as a TV talk show hostess, is brushing off such absurd
speculations. Emma and I fear that within a few weeks, whenever we change
anyone we will have to change ourselves and move on immediately: people will
grow wary, re-embodied folk will grow bold and tell everyone of what we have
done to them, and the authorities will take an interest...
- 28 July:
- Still at the motel. It's in a lovely area...we take walks in the state
parks and try to decide what to do next. Should we go back home but prepare
an escape route in case we are found out? Why not wander around having as
much fun as we can, then, when capture is imminent, slip into the forms and
lives of some wealthy couple? Emma says that any prolonged stay in both
borrowed shape and borrowed persona could result in our becoming who we
impersonate, as she became that cute hotel clerk she insisted on remaining for
such a long time. Once people start to believe in the things we have been
doing, the sudden, radical change of self necessary to prevent such a fate
might be taken as evidence of our activity. The best we can hope for might be
an amalgamation of selves, which is what happened to the Lieutenant Governor.
Not a pleasant prospect in my view.
- For amusement we sprayed some fruit at a grocery store with an
ingestible virus that changes people into Marilyn Monroe -- only with real
blonde hair, features not needing plastic surgery, and so on. Very slow-
acting, this one: changes shouldn't be obvious for another month or two.
- 30 July:
- The desire to transform people has gotten the better of us yet again.
What made matters worse is that one of the doctors in this town is married
to his nurse-receptionist, and they are a charming pair: a strapping young
fellow and a cuddlesome little redhead. Emma feigned a medical complaint
yesterday after office hours; the doctor, kind-hearted idealistic fellow that
he was, agreed to see her while his wife chatted with me in the waiting room.
Becoming them should have gone off without a hitch, except that Emma swapped
the tapes so that she became the doctor and I his lovely wife. Emma thought
this terribly funny, as she usually does when she tricks me into being female,
but we promptly put things right and went back to the office. Fortunately
our new selves have no children.
- Today we started treating patients, giving them that little something
extra that their hometown doctor never provided before. I have long regretted
that there are no such things as vampires and werewolves, but thanks to our
assiduous research, there will soon be quite a few in this town and its
environs. We have a lovely little blood-borne virus that makes its host into
a vampire, causing photophobia, a need for blood (and hollow fangs for getting
it), pallor, unnatural strength, aversion to garlic...unfortunately it is
impossible for the virus to provide the ability to change to and from a bat at
will. The lycanthropy virus causes cyclic changes (unfortunately not tied to
the phases of the moon, though in women to the menstrual period) of the host
to a somewhat lupine form: temporary elongation of the jaw, alterations to
the hands and feet, hirusitism with exceedingly fast growth of hair, behavior
better suited to a carnivorous animal than a human. Every injection we give
a patient will include one or the other of these viruses.
- 1 August:
- House calls aplenty. One old lady dying of cancer is now infected
with a Sophia Loren virus that should make a healthy new woman of her in a
few months. An ill-behaved hypochondriacal boy is on his way to girlhood,
and several new werewolves will eventually show their shaggy muzzles. Emma,
or rather Linda, as her new incarnation is called, supervised the local
blood drive today. People are generous in these smallish towns, and she
infected several hundred donors, as well as their blood, with the vampire
virus...and the blood drive lasts two more days, with excess blood going
to nearby cities.
- 3 August:
- We are experimenting with voluntarily melding our personae with those
of the people we impersonate: I am letting my self merge with Jim, the doctor;
Emma is letting hers merge with Linda, his wife. We are acquiring their
tastes in food and entertainment and other things that do not matter, while
retaining our own wills in things that do. We watch television, go to the
local movie house, associate happily with people our original selves would
scorn -- just as if we were really Jim and Linda. This evening we had dinner
with Linda's parents: dull, unimaginative people, I would have thought just
a few days ago, but being Jim and Linda made them pleasant company. Of course
this didn't stop us from infecting Linda's parents with an Ursula Andress
virus, or scanning her kid sister Tammy and then making her a vampire. Now I
see how that Lieutenant Governor, caught in an impossible situation, made
himself into such a well-adjusted young woman.
- Linda is Tammy for now, just blossomed into womanhood at sixteen.
It promises to be a pleasant evening.
- 5 August:
- Tammy reluctantly became Linda again, and we looked over the results
for the blood drive: nearly five hundred pints, or over one person in twenty!
Very little of the blood can be used locally, so that nearly all is now at the
nearby regional hospital, spreading vampirism.
- My Jim self masks my original persona completely, just as Linda's
masks Emma's. I love Linda for being Linda; she loves me for being Jim.
Yet we retain the beliefs and knowledge and desires of our real selves.
We used the hyperspatial link and spent a few hours in the lab just now (no
one has searched the house above it, fortunately), in our Linda and Jim
bodies and selves. I lovingly caressed the hair of the original Linda,
and Linda kissed the original Jim: they lay there in suspended animation.
As we had expected, we had no trouble working or planning new diversions.
This may be the disguise we have been seeking: the innocent couple, with
family and friends and unassailable identities, the same selves that everyone
has known as far back as they can remember, the malevolent core hidden
entirely. The only drawback is that when the viruses start to manifest
themselves, we will probably have to move on...will we be able to? Linda
-- or rather Emma -- is afraid that although our original personae are
safe, we may find that changing back may be exceedingly difficult: like an
unwilling suicide.
- 7 August:
- Still infecting people in the course of our duties. Also, Linda
went over to the next town and helped do an inventory of supplies at the
hospital, contaminating quite a lot of them with a generous assortment of
our viruses.
- A national newspaper reports that federal authorities now suspect
a single source for all the strange metamorphoses of the past few months.
The F. B. I. has traced their origin back to the area of our home, and suspect
a man and a woman, description varying greatly, as the culprits. Apparently
many of our victims have recovered their memories quite well; Emma and I
should have tested her persona-and-memory-alterer more thoroughly before
putting it to general use. Further, we should have given all of our subjects
animal bodies: a spate of missing persons would have raised far fewer
suspicions than a whole chorus whining about their bodies being changed.
- Our house (the one above the secret lab, not Jim and Linda's) has
yet to be searched.
- 8 August:
- We are potentially in grave trouble, which would be worse if not
for the press. At least we have fair warning. The F. B. I. is reportedly
furious that yesterday's article gave the game away by showing us how much
they know.
- We will have to move on soon. Today a girl of sixteen came to me
with an unusual complaint: her thick brown hair, which grows very quickly,
has blonde roots! Not two weeks have passed since we infected that fruit
with the Marilyn Monroe virus, supposedly so slow-acting, and already it is
showing itself.
- Somebody searched our house today. We are suspected. Hindsight is
wonderful...we should have shown ourselves around home every few days, we
should have tested things better, we should have left more squirrels and
fewer girls, we should have worked more modest metamorphoses. Should have,
should have, should have. Too late. Time to go.
- 10 August:
- It was hard. Still Jim and Linda, we went to the lab and assumed
our true bodies. Our Jim and Linda selves were intact. We used Emma's
device to, so to speak, pry them off and replace them with the missing
parts of our real ones. I screamed in very self was being torn
in two. Linda seemed to fare somewhat better in becoming Emma again. After
a few hours of rest we altered ourselves superficially -- new faces, voices,
fingerprints, and complexions. We drugged the real Jim and Linda and dragged
them back into their house. In their garage I opened up our vehicle into a
nondescript car; we got in and drove off, well before dawn.
- We drove all that day. We bought a tarpaulin, drove to an abandoned
quarry, and under the tarpaulin changed car and bodies. Refreshed, we drove
all night, decided on a middle-sized city, and checked into a motel there.
- 12 August:
- We have been relaxing, and studying (in a leisurely manner) the
local population. There is a wealthy, cultured, and somewhat idle young
couple here who appear to be good candidates for the new us. We can only
hope that they are as compatible with each other as were Jim and Linda:
again, we are going to merge their personae with ours.
- Already I am itching to release some viruses, make passersby into
Elvises or hermaphrodites, impersonate local bigwigs -- but of course we
must not. We must lie low for at least a few months. Emma seems to have
less difficulty resisting these temptations. She admits that exercising
such power really doesn't matter to her: all she wants, she claims (as she
snuggles her delicate body against me and gazes on me with her huge green
eyes), is to be with me and see me happy.
- 14 August:
- Really it was too easy for words. The couple we have become lives
in a large new house with a long drive that connects to a country road. In
the nearby woods we collapsed the car, pocketed it, and walked up the drive;
a quick scan of their house showed that they, and only they, were at home.
We knocked at the door and claimed that our car had broken down on the main
road. They let us in...well, the rest is obvious.
- I am now Fred, and Emma is now Catherine. An odd coincidence: Emma
was once my assistant Fred, assembled from corpses, until she changed herself
into the exquisite woman I love. I was infatuated with a slut of a woman
named Catherine...we changed her into a mindless wench...was it really only a
few months ago? Names aside, we seem to be just the sort of people we were
hoping for: intelligent, independently wealthy, deeply in love. I hope that
I can control my desire to transform people: we will not be safe in this
guise for long, though we have all but assumed Fred's and Catherine's personae,
if we keep working mischief.
- 15 August:
- Our lab is at risk. It is only a matter of time before the police
find one of the secret entrances. Catherine and I used the hyperspatial link
and fetched some disintegrator-ray machines: ingenious little gadgets that I
thought up a few months ago as curiosities. They break bonds in matter and
dispose of the fragments through a hyperspatial portal. With these, by the
light of banks of sodium-vapor lamps fed by a miniature power plant, we cut
a sloping tunnel down from our basement into the solid granite underneath our
property (no, we did not choose this area at random). From the living rock
we cut a series of huge chambers. Tiring work.
- 17 August:
- We spent yesterday and most of today moving equipment from our lab
to the huge granite rooms. Forklifts, carts equipped with winches, and so on
were very helpful, but there is some old apparatus down in the caves that was
not practical to move. By assuming monstrous forms we probably would have
been able to bring it along, but we want to remain our new selves.
- 18 August:
- There have been no further searches of the house. We decided to
change that. We set up our equipment in its new location, and without much
difficulty created mindless copies of our former bodies, unconscious and in
fact nearly dead from poison. We arranged these artistically in our former
house, with a somewhat vague suicide note that might be interpreted as an
admission of responsibility for our doings. Then we made an anonymous phone
call to the local police, went back into the lab, and armed our thermonuclear
device. Should anyone try to enter the lab...
- 19 August:
- The lab, the house, the caves, and a good deal of the surrounding
landscape have been destroyed. I think that they found the bodies before
that...of course, considering that they know of our expertise in altering
bodies, I doubt that anyone was fooled. It was worth a try, anyway.
- 22 August:
- Catherine is a darling woman. Not my dream-girl, not even now that
I am essentially Fred, but beautiful and witty and charming and very nice
in bed. And we are wealthy, even without the Swiss bank accounts of my
former self. And we can enjoy either work or leisure, and we have rescued
all of our important equipment from what is now a pile of rather radioactive
rubble. Our new selves are all that we could have hoped for. Even if the
lawmen don't believe in our faked suicides, we are safe. Yet I am unhappy.
- Catherine and I went to visit friends in town. Pleasant people,
good food and conversation. We were the Catherine and Fred they had known
for years, and we enjoyed being them. I accompanied Catherine on the piano
as she sang in her incredible soprano voice: thrilling, exquisite, good
enough for opera. Everyone applauded. Still I was not satisfied.
- We bought the major news magazines and newspapers. The infamous mad
scientist and his wife appear to be dead, they say. Yet new outrages are
being discovered. They finally have noticed the super-grayling. The strange
case of Rev. Sam and his mistress: someone has noticed that the old folks in
the retirement home are growing younger. New plagues, new cases of changed
forms, swapped bodies. Some of these they may never suspect,
- I miss it all. It has been only two weeks since we last did anything,
but I miss it: that feeling of power over others, the knowledge that I can
make them who I want them to be. I must do something to someone.
- 23 August:
- Catherine stopped me from doing a foolish thing. I was in the lab,
preparing a little spray bottle with a suspension of one of our ingestible
viruses: I was driven by a mad desire to rush to the nearest grocery and
spray it over the lettuce. "Darling, you can't," she said, starting to
weep. "It would ruin everything we've done here. They'd start to hunt for
us again." Of course I knew she was right, and I capitulated immediately.
But the desire is already welling up in me again.
- 24 August:
- I asked Catherine what I should do. I cannot continue like this,
desiring such power over others, technically capable of exercising it, but
held back... Her suggestion seems drastic: we should forget ourselves for
a time. "Let's seal up that tunnel in the basement," she said, "and
I'll make a little device that will wipe out the memories of our old selves
for a while. We'll be just Fred and Catherine for a few years. Then, one
day, another little device will restore everything. By then, the hue and
the cry will have died down, and we can have a bit of fun again."
- Like suicide. But Catherine thinks that even if we aren't restored,
we would still be happy as our new selves. Perhaps I would be happy if I
had no great frustrated desire...
- 26 August:
- We sealed up and disguised the entrance of the tunnel leading to the
granite rooms. Catherine has made her "little devices," and I am prepared
for oblivion. Perhaps we will really be restored, perhaps not.
- I am mailing this diary to an acquaintance who will be surprised to
find that he is my executor and principal heir. Our thermonuclear bomb was
rather "clean," as such things go; the land he will inherit won't really
be that dangerous. There are also some of my older notebooks, containing
things still unknown to conventional science, in safe-deposit boxes. As
for the Swiss bank accounts...he'll have to see for himself.
Champaign -- Urbana -- Silicon Valley -- Urbana -- Champaign
May -- September, 1989
Mark. Gooley
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