A Kid at Heart
The coming weekend was welcome relief for her as the long work week had taken its toll both physically and mentally. She was going on a second date with what seemed to be the man of her dreams. It was a whirlwind romance that seemed like a match made in heaven. She met him at a restaurant during lunch and she was attracted by his youthful, yet strong appearance. She was s student during the night and worked as a hostess during the lunch rush at the diner. He was a geneticist at the local university. She could sense the attraction between them and she was the one to initiate the conversation and ask him for a date. The first date was a simple one, a movie and dinner. Nothing more. The upcoming date was one a bit more involved. They were going away to his cabin in the country for a weekend to get better acquainted. He picked her up and they drove to the cabin. It was like a picture postcard. Mountains, the lake and a full moon. There was an evening of dinner, converation and a relaxing by the fireplace. It was a simple cabin with 4 rooms. She had only seen the master bedroom, the den and the dining room. The other room was locked and when she asked about it, he replied that later all would be shown to her. The night wore on and she replied after a sip of wine that being here with him made her feel safe and secure like she did when she was a little girl. With that he smiled and said that she would feel like that all weekend long. She them promptly feel asleep in his arms. When she woke up, she had a bit of a headache from the wine and was a bit disoriented. She tried to clear her vision and from what she could see was a brightly lit room and what appeared to be a mobile hanging above here. She tried to sit up and was a bit startled to find the she was wearing what appeared to be a diaper and pink training pants and a pink t-shirt. As she stood up, in the diaper it was a bit difficult, because it spread her legs open from the bulk, she could see that she was in a crib with rails on the side. She started to get a bit panicky but something in the back of her mind made her feel that this was natural. She wondered what had happened last night and what was going on. She called out his name and she was surprised to hear that her voice was a bit higher, like a little girl's. He came into the room and she was shocked to see that he appeared to be much bigger, no, wait she was much smaller. He came into view over the crib and she could not believe her eyes as he towered over her in the crib. She was ever more surprised when he picked here up and started to carry her over to what looked to me a changing table. He asked how she was doing and if she was feeling alright. She spoke and she still could not fathom how come he was so large and her voice was so funny sounding. He mentioned how he was a geneticist and until last night was wondering how his new experiment would work with people. He told her that he had been working on a reagent that would rejuvenate people with a couple of doses of his top secret formula. It would essentially turn people into children again. She was his first unkowing test subject. He also explained that he felt that she would be perfect for the experiment because of the comment she made about feeling like a little girl in his arms. He had given her a small dose last night with the results making themselves known in the morning. He said that what the formula did to her was essentially reverse the aging and puberty process somewhat. It took her from a normal 21 year old to a girl with the body or at least the body size of a 3 year toddler. He explained that she would notice that her breasts were not fully gone but just at a point right after the onset of puberty. He also said that all other aspects of womanhood were somewhat diminished, like the feminine curves and body hair. He told her that her voice changed due to the fact that her body shrank and that she is wearing the diaper and training pants due to the fact that the regression had some effect on bladder control. With that knowledge, she felt quite comfortable because deep down she knew that she really wanted to be treated like this. To illustrate the point to her, he laid her down on the changing table and proceeded to take off the pink t-shirt and training pants and then undid the tapes on the diaper. He then stood her up on the table and pointed to a mirror across the room. She was amazed at the sight. In the mirror she saw a miniature version of herself. She was still proportioned like an adult but was close to the size of a small child. She could still see the outline of her breasts and noticed that the golden brown patch of pubic hair was gone. Absent mindedly she touched herself and became a bit excited at the fact that there was not hair. She noticed that her normally shoulder length hair was now a tomboyish style with pink bows. She had never been naked in front of a man before, but this felt different, natural. He explained that he would take care of her just like a little girl and dress her in frilly dresses and pink rhumba panties. He also said the dosage of the formula would only last 24-30 hours and that by the end of the weekend she would be back to normal. With that he laid her back down and explained that he had some pullup training pants that she would wear under her panties just in case she has an "accident." He powdered her and she became intoxiacated by the smell of the powder and was some what excited by the cool feeling it made between her legs. After he finished powdering her, he asked her to stand up so she could put on the training pants. He had her slip the pants on and asked her how they felt. She noticed that they were not as bulky as the diaper, but still had a good amount of bulk to them which made walking still a bit odd. It looked like she was waddling like a duck. She also noticed the way that the material felt rubbing against here where her hair used to be. After that he produced a pair of rhumba panties and had her put them on as well as a frilly pink dress with a large bow in the back. She was loving every minute of this. This was not a feeling of anything sexual only just feelings that a part of her life was now complete. He asked her smile and then took a picture of her to show her after it was over. He explained that after the formula wore off, she would not remember much of the experience. He also mentioned that the plans for the day indicated a visit to a local farm to see the animals and that after dinner they would watch some Disney cartoons that he rented. She said that she would really enjoy that and could not wait, not realizing that she wet the training pants in the process. Somewhat embarassed she let him know and he laid her down and cleaned her up with some nice smelling baby wipes and redressed here. He reassured her that this was natural and not to be embarassed about it. Fully dressed they headed out to a local farm that had a petting zoo for the city kids to see farm animals. She has seen the sheep, goats, chickens, calfs and all the rest as an adult before but never at this perspective. They all seemed the size of cows to her; large, friendly animals. She giggled in excitement and let herself go with the childhood feelings that she was experiencing. She loved every minute of this. Unknowingly, she wet herself again, but she did not tell him because she wanted to play with the animals. They were there all afternoon, getting wrapped up in the emotion. As the sun began to set they set out for the cabin once again with the promise of a hearty dinner. When they got home, she told him she wet herself again and he picked her up in his arms and went to the changing table and cleaned her up and this time placed her back into a diaper and the plastic pants and a yellow t-shirt with ducks on it. After the changing they went to the dinner table, at the table he placed her in a high chair next to the table and placed a plate with kid sized portions on it. She began to eat with her fingers and eating quite messily as well. She was getting food all over her face and the chair and was loving it. After the meal, and a thorough cleaning he picked her and and they sat down in a large easy chair to watch the cartoons and enjoy the rest of her "childhood." In the middle of the cartoon, she was feeling a bit sleepy and tired from the days events. He noticed this and said that she probably needed some warm milk to help her get to sleep. He produced a baby bottle and offered it to her. She did not know if it was instinct or her want to be a little girl, but the took the bottle and began to suck the milk from the bottle and when she was done she began to get very sleepy. As she was nodding off she heard him say that by morning she would start to return to normal. She could feel herself being picked up and placed in the crib for the night. As morning broke, she felt a bit different. She noticed that she felt a bit "bigger" and that her feminine curves were definately coming back. She was able to climb out of the crib and she decided that she wanted to watch her transformation back into an adult. After an hour or so, the plastic pants began to get a bit tight and she took them off and put them on the floor. No sooner did she do that, her diaper began to burst at the tapes and it fell to the floor as well. She noticed the wisps of pubic hair returning and that her breasts were beginning to fill back out. She could tell that she was getting taller because things were definately getting smaller. She was sorta sad to "grow up " again but quickly ran to him to show that she was a "big" girl again. After getting dressed and eating breakfast, they sat down and he produced the pictures that were taken and they spent the rest of the remaining hours talking about the experience and there was a promise to do it again real soon.......