It was a warm and bright afternoon in the forest. The birds sang as the sun shone down through the thick green canopy. David was walking through the forest, whistling to himself as he made his way over the hilly terrain. He was an average looking kid; short cropped brown hair, sparse freckles on fair skin, and bursting with youthful energy. He wore a beat up old pair of running shoes, shorts and a t-shirt.
Today he was off hiking in the woods, looking for adventure. His parents had warned him to be careful when he went off alone, there were crevices and caves in the area that weren't safe to go into. "Yeah right" he thought. What did his parents know anyway, sitting around camp all day communing with nature.
"Hey, wait for me!" a small high pitched voice called out. It was Scott. David's parents had met Scott's the first day that they'd arrived at the park. The adults had hit it off quite well and spent a lot of time together. As a result, David had been expected to be friends with Scott. David considered him a pest more than anything. He was a few years younger and dogged David's heels wherever he went.
"What do you want?" David groaned.
"I'm coming with you. Were are you going? There's supposed to be some really neat caves around here." said Scott as he came running up. He was shorter than David with blonde hair and skin that was almost white. He also carried one of those stupid troll dolls with him wherever he went, which David considered too childish for his liking. Other than that, he was dressed almost identically with shorts t-shirt and runners.
David knew he couldn't get rid of him, he'd tried that for the first few days with no success. Sighing he accepted his fate, "Fine, come on then pest."
After exploring a couple of small caves that ended a few tens of feet in, the two boys came across a huge jagged tear in the side of a hill. If they hadn't been looking for such openings they would have missed it as it was concealed by large bushes. The opening was at least eight feet across and had the boys been more observant they would have noticed that a number of branches were broken and trampled near the entrance.
"Cool! Let's check this one out David. It's huge!"
"Yeah, this is the biggest cave we've seen so far."
David turned on his flashlight and slowly went in to the cave with Scott behind him.
The cave turned out to be even larger inside than the opening would leave someone to believe. David panned the flashlight around the interior, it seemed to branch off in two directions and he started off to the right.
"No wait, let's go this way!" said Scott, pointing to the left.
"What's wrong with the right?" asked David.
"Um, it's just that I thought I saw something down this way"
Shrugging, David followed Scott down the left tunnel, wondering at the way that he clutched his stupid troll doll. After a moment they came into a large cavern, the beam of the flashlight barely illuminating the far wall. As he moved several steps in David noticed a large mound off to his right. Closer inspection revealed it to be a pile of clothes.
"What the heck is this?", David gasped as he rummaged through the pile.
"These are kids clothes. There must five or six sets of clothes here! What do you think this means Scott? Scott?"
David spun around to where Scott had been standing to find he wasn't there. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a large dark shape move from the tunnel entrance they had come from. As he shone the light on it he gasped at what he saw. It looked like a man, a huge naked man with a disproportionately large head. It had to easily be twelve or thirteen feet tall. It's skin color was all wrong too, a greenish/grey with curly black hair on it's head chest and groin. It smiled at his stunned reaction and walked towards him at a frightening speed. David turned and ran further into the cavern, his retreat cut off by the hulking brute. Suddenly the cave exploded in a flash of white light. Momentarily blinded, David stumbled and fell, all the time hearing the heavy footsteps of the advancing monster. As his vision adjusted, he saw Scott standing in the center of the cavern with a lantern in his hands. "Where did he get that? It must have been here already." were thoughts that played through David's mind before he remembered the thing chasing him. As he was about to get up to run again it was on him, it's powerful hands pinning him to the ground with ease.
"I found this troll when I first came camping here with my folks", remarked Scott.
"I was with a friend who's family came up here with us. We found this cave and before we could get out that thing ate him up. I was so scared I couldn't move but it didn't eat me, instead it gave me a big gold nugget and let me go".
David was speechless and trembling as the thing slowly and carefully removed his clothes.
"The other kid's parents went searching and found another troll in this other cave a short way from here. The next morning there were two lumps of gold at our campsite. Well I told my parents and now we meet up with other people at this park and help them find these caves."
David's shirt and one of his shoes were off as the thing continued to strip him. David shivered with fear despite the hot breath of the beast.
"My parents were able to quit their jobs and now we go camping every few weeks. This troll doll belonged to a girl I brought here before we met up with you and your family. It's kind of funny, that big troll doesn't like light just like in the stories, even if it doesn't live under a bridge".
David was now completely naked before the giant troll, which picked him up and started to examine him.
"Don't let him eat me! Please Scott! I know we don't get along that well but you can't let it eat me. Please I'm begging you!" screamed a frantic David.
"That's right, you're mean to me and ignore me all the time. I wouldn't stop it from eating you even if I could. You'll be alive for the whole time too, just to make it more horrible for you. You see, it doesn't chew it's food, well not very much, so you'll have lots of time to think about what a jerk you are when you're in it's tummy."
The troll brought David up to it's mouth and licked his chest, sending streams of drool down his stomach. It forced the tip of it's tongue between his legs and held it out straight. David slowly slipped forward until it's lips wrapped around his dick and balls at which point the troll brought it's tongue back into it's mouth to tease his limp form. David was screaming and crying but his dick was hardening in spite of himself as the troll's tongue darted around it, occasionally poking his sparse patch of pubic hair.
"Please don't eat me! I don't want to die!", screamed David as his genitals slipped from it's mouth.
"You thought you were so tough! You're just a scared crying little kid. Get ready 'cause it's gonna gobble you up now!", teased Scott delightedly.
The troll opened it's mouth wide as it's victim stared at the pink wetness within. It's teeth were dull yellow in color and it's breath stank so bad that David almost wretched. The scene expanded before his eyes as he was put in, head first.
"Noooo!", he screamed as his head and shoulders landed on it's tongue. David's cries were cut off and it's jaws closed on his chest. The troll released his midsection and grabbed his thighs with both hands putting an end to his kicking. It chewed ever so lightly on his chest before opening it's mouth again and thrusting him in up to his hips. David's arms flailed about in it's mouth, keeping him more or less centered on it's tongue and away from it's teeth. The troll's tongue was writhing franticly beneath him, covering his naked teenaged form with thick slippery saliva. David reached forward with his hands desperately looking for something to grab onto to keep from being swallowed. He felt where the tongue ended and sloped down to the throat, which was blocked off at the limits of his reach. Again he was thrust in, this time up to mid-thigh. The troll's tongue danced around his already hard dick, relentlessly swathing it in saliva while it chewed his thighs ever so lightly, savoring his flavor. David's pinned thigh's allowed him to only kick below the knees which he did franticly as the troll's tongue continued it non-stop assault on his penis. Soon David was screaming as a powerful orgasm overtook him and he came repeatedly on it's tongue.
David felt the vibrations of a loud "Mmmmmm" as his orgasm ended. The beast kept up it's barrages on the boy's spent and oversensitive dick though and soon he was again screaming as he struggled to try and get his dick away from it's tongue. The troll pushed David in by grabbing his ankles and thrusting, all the time tickling his feet with it's fingers. David thrashed around in agony as his dick was overstimulated and his feet were tickled. He braced his arms in front of his face as he was thrust into it's throat. After coating the remainder of his legs in saliva and closing it's mouth behind his feet, the troll started to swallow the wiggling little boy.
Flesh closed around David's chest and rolled over him like a wave until it was past his head. His arms before his face, he could still breath comfortably. Another wave washed over him and he was pulled in further. One more and his tortured dick slipped off it's tongue to where it's throat began. His butt wedged in the back of it's mouth, David struggled frantically once again realizing the horror of his situation.
"My legs only bend one way" he thought. "It can't swallow me down in this position!" He felt his hopes rising just as his dick now did for a second time. He lay still for a moment before he felt his body straighten out. "Oh no! It's tilting it's head back! No! No! Please!" he sobbed and the waves began again, drawing him further down with each gulp. Soon his hips were surrounded by the contractions and his struggles began anew as his hardness increased. His elbows stopped at a hard plug before him which opened up ever so slowly to allow him through.
The stink intensified and he smelt something similar to vinegar as his body continued to slip through the ring of muscle. David could feel soft wetness all round him as he emptied out into it's stomach. It was mostly mucous that greeted him as his feet slipped though and he slid to the bottom. While he could smell the acid it wasn't strong enough to burn him immediately. He sobbed and cried knowing that this was the end, though still giving in to his desires as he stroked his raging erection. In the surrounding slimy darkness he felt pressure change as the troll burped. The walls of the stomach slammed into him on all sides except up, where he angled his head to draw in the few remaining breaths. It's stomach began to squeeze and churn the young boy as digestion began in earnest. He writhed frantically, his hands trying to force the ring of muscle open again with no success. He thrust his hips repeatedly into the yielding walls of the stomach, and his whole body began to tingle. He came harder than he thought possible and went limp with exhaustion. His body continued to tingle, though it didn't feel unpleasant to him.
"I've been gobbled up whole by a troll! It's just like a storybook except no one's going to rescue me." he thought sheer terror. David trembled uncontrollably as he was smothered, breathing what stale air was left before dropping unconscious.
Scott watched as the troll slowly devoured David, screaming and crying all the way. He laughed at his kicking legs and at how it ticked him. He stood fascinated as he saw the bulge that had a moment before been a young boy like himself move down it's throat. A smile spread across his face was the troll let loose a cave-shaking burp. He skipped out of the cave with a shiny gold nugget in one hand and his tiny troll doll in the other; he loved camping.