Little Plant of Terror

by Chris


Little Jason Harrison was both tired and triumphant as his bike screeched to a halt near the rubble of the collapsed building. He had ridden into town from the suburbs some 10 miles away for the first time ever. His friend Mark was just coming around the corner as he got off his bike.

"Hey Jason, wait up!" yelled Mark.

Jason was already picking his way through the rubble of the building looking for anything interesting.

"Pretty cool huh? It fell in a few days ago. No one knows why. It used to be an old flower shop or something", Mark said as he started to pick through the rubble with his friend.

"A flower shop? Aw, we're not gonna find anything cool here"

"You never know, maybe we'll find a full cash register!"

Jason continued to pick through the debris as did his friend. He was a skinny kid with short straight brown hair and lots of freckles. Being eleven years old he was starting to awaken sexually and played with himself regularly. While he still didn't have any pubic hair, he had his first orgasm while playing with himself in the tub a few weeks back. He was surprised when he ejaculated but was eager for more ever since.

Mark was a year older than Jason but despite their age difference they were best friends. He too had short brown hair though his was slightly wavy. He stood a few inches taller than Jason but had the same skinny build as his friend. He had just a few pubic hairs start to show in the past few months and had been playing with himself for over a year now. He was extremely horny most of the time but Jason and he never discussed it thinking each was unique in their development.

"Wicked I found something!", shouted Jason.

"What is it?"

"It's some kinda funny plant. Look how big the pod is!"

Jason yanked the plant out of the ground, roots and all to show his friend. The pod was the length of his forearm and tapered into a tinner stalk before becoming a head sized bulb with roots protruding from it.

"Geez it's huge! You gonna keep it?" inquired Mark.

"Yeah, It's really neat! I'm gonna try and grow it."

The boys spent a few more hours poking around the rubble before heading off home. Mark turned off on the outskirts of town where he lived leaving Jason to bike the last few miles himself.

Jason arrived home to see the driveway empty again. His dad traveled a lot on business and his mom worked for a law firm, sometimes late into the night. His usual sitter Melanie was there though, to greet him and make him dinner.

"I hope hamburgers are okay tonight Jay. They'll be ready in 10 minutes" she said cheerfully.

"Yeah great! Thanks Mel!" he beamed at her.

Melanie was from down the street. Her mother and his were good friends and she often babysat him late into the night, sometimes for a few days if his mom left town. She was a bright, energetic 15 year old with green eyes, strawberry blonde hair and a gorgeously developing figure. While she treated Jason like a younger brother he had anything but brotherly feelings towards her.

He rushed upstairs with the plant and started to dig a hole in a potted arrangement in his room. Out went the geraniums and in went the new plant. The bulb took up nearly the whole pot and he just managed to get a layer of soil over it. He threw a glass of water over the soil and went down to dinner.

Coming up a while later Jason regarded his plant. A thick red ridge seemed to curl outward in a line running halfway around the pod. Funny, it looked a lot like lips he thought. As if reading his mind the pod slowly opened in two, the ridge clearly defining a set of full, red lips. Peering inside he could see small dull yellow teeth and a frilled, flowery looking tongue! The plant glistened with pink wetness inside and smelled strongly like a flower.

"Feed Me!" it squeaked.

Jason jumped back in total shock. "What did you say?" he gasped.

"Feed me." it implored again.

"A talking plant! This is so cool!" thought Jason.

He ran downstairs to gather the leftovers of dinner for his wonderful plant. He eagerly fed three hamburgers to the plant which swallowed them each down with a single gulp. He watched in facination as the last one moved as a bulge down it's stem/throat. As it opened it's mouth for more he had a wicked idea. He'd seen women sucking on men's dicks in a movie he found in his parent's room. He'd often wished Melanie would do this to him but the plant here would do. The teeth were dull and small and the slimy wetness of it's mouth looked inviting. He quickly pulled down his shorts and underwear and offered it his soft, hairless penis. The plant's red lips closed on his dick and it chewed softly. It began to suck it to try and get it in but only succeeded in getting little Jason hard. He began to pump his hips back and forth while using his hands to pry it's mouth open a little to it wasn't biting down on him so hard. The plant's tongue was eagerly swishing over the head of his dick, tasting the pre-cum that started to ooze out. Before long, he was shooting off into it's mouth while it swallowed every drop of his cum.

Laying back exhausted after pulling his penis out he stroked the top of the pod. "I'm gonna call you Melanie II", he said to the plant. He smiled fondly at it and fell asleep softly saying it's name.


Jason awoke with a start as he felt something wrap around his leg. Coming fully awake, the first thing he saw was his plant. Melanie II had grown a fantastic amount! It was almost double the size it was yesterday and had broken out of it's pot. It's bulb had sprouted numerous tentacle-like vines that were now ensnaring him and lifting him out of bed. Jason grew afraid and asked "What're you gonna do with me?" The plant actually smiled and said "Suck your dick boy!" as it took his pajamas off.

Soon he was hanging naked before it's mouth, his little erection slipping in and out from between it's lips. Melanie II did all the work, moving him back and forth with it's strong vines, and soon he was once again exploding in it's mouth.

"Mmmmm! Tasty! Now you'd better go find me some real food boy, I'm plenty hungry."

Jason went downstairs to get some breakfast. His mother had already been home and Melanie was gone. She left a note saying Melanie would be over after school to look after him over the weekend. He could have a friend over if he liked but should be good and not cause her any trouble. It was friday, and Jason was excited at the thought of having Mark over and showing him what his plant could do. He decided to play hooky for a change in order to get to know his plant better! He took a few boxes of cereal and some milk and went upstairs to feed Melanie II.

Jason watched in facination as the plant emptied all the boxes of cereal into it's mouth, poured the entire carton of milk in and gulped it all down in one go.

"Ahh! Good start but I hope you have more food than that. By the way, why do you call me Melanie II?" it asked.

Jason told the plant about his babysitter and how he had a crush on her and thought about her sucking his dick.

"Hmm, I'm sure I can help you so that one day the real Melanie will suck your dick. But in the meantime you had better feed me so I can get big and strong enough to help you."

Jason was ecstatic. This plant would actually try and help make his dream come true! He spent the rest of the day feeding it and letting it suck his dick, for which it had developed quite a liking. By the time Melanie came over it had emptied the 'fridge and most of the pantry.

"What happened to all the food?" asked Mel.

"There was a food drive at school and I ate the rest of the leftovers" Jason lied.

"Sure, you ate the entire 'fridge empty. Fine, if you don't want to tell me what happened to it I'll just have to order out and charge your mom for the food."

So they had pizza and plans were made for Mark to come over the next morning. Jason fell asleep after another session with his plant, dreaming of Melanie sucking him off.


Jason awoke to see the plant had grown again. The pod was now as large as a single bed and lay on the floor next to his. The vines took up a quarter of the room and grabbed him as he began to move.

"Time for a little breakfast I think" it said as it stripped him and brought him towards it's mouth.

Jason was actually afraid that it meant to eat him but was soon reassured as it began to suck. After he was done he told it about his friend coming over today and asked it to be as nice to Mark as it was to him.

"Don't forget to feed me!" it demanded.

Jason came up with an idea to feed it today. He took his allowance and left on his bike to meet up with Mark.

The two boys left the supermarket carrying two good sized bags of dog food and started to ride home.

"Why the dog food Jay? You don't have a dog."

"You'll see when we get home."

The boys snuck the dog food up to Jason's room while Melanie was watching television. Mark gasped as he took in the sight of the plant.

"Geez! It's huge!"

"Yeah, it's eats everything under the sun. Melanie II, say hello to Mark"

"Hello there. Are you going to feed me?" it asked, looking directly at Mark.

"We both are!" said Jason, showing it the dog food.

The plant smiled widely at this and opened it's mouth up. Jason open the bags as Mark stared into it's big, wet mouth. He stood speechless as drool dripped from the top pod into it's tongue below. The tongue itself writhed in a shallow pool of it's spit, anticipating a meal. The aroma of flowers made him slightly light headed.

"Gimme a hand putting it in" said Jason.

Mark snapped out of it and grabbed an open bag. Both boys poured the two large bags into it's mouth. It almost completely filled it's mouth up as it closed it and swallowed it down with a loud gulp. After several pitchers of water Melanie II was finally full and took a nap. Jason was a little disappointed since he wanted to show Mark what else his plant could do but decided to wait until after dinner. The two boys went outside to spend the rest of the afternoon in the pool.


Both boys rushed through their dinner of Chinese food, eager to see the plant again.

"I'll be in the rec room watching t.v. if you need anything", Mel said as she walked off.

Jason and Mark ran upstairs as fast as they could and shut the door as they entered the bedroom. They stood in shock as they saw the plant, it had grown even more, it's pod about one and a half times as big as a single bed. It also had numerous smaller pods attached to it's tentacles. Jason started to strip his clothes off, much to the surprise of Mark.

"What are you doing? What exactly is this wonderful thing that your plant does?"

"Just do what I do and follow my lead!" Jason smiled at Mark.

The plant wrapped it's vines around Jason and brought him up to it's mouth. It sucked his little dink in with a slurp and began to pump it in and out. As Jason came it opened it's mouth and teased his dick with it's tongue. Mark watched in facination, hard as a rock and stripped down to his underwear and socks.

"Your turn Mark! I can hardly wait to taste you!" Mel II said as it picked the excited 12 year-old up. It let go of Jason and concentrated on getting Mark's socks and undies off. It licked his hard dick as he hung naked in it's strong vines. It sucked his dick like a lollypop for a minute before he shot his cum into it's mouth.

"Ungh! Oh man, that was great!", Mark said as he went limp in it's tentacles.

"Mmmmm! You're really tasty boy, but I'm still hungry! I think I'll have a quick snack!" The plant said.

"What? What do you mmmmpphhh!" was all he got out as the plant's mouth shut on his head and shoulders.

The plant chewed Mark lightly while taking him in a little at a time. It's powerful vines constricted his thrashing to small kicks as it sucked him up further. It licked his face, chest and stomach as he slowly slid in.

"What are you doing? Don't eat him! Please! Let Mark go!" Jason pleaded.

"Mmmm!" was all the plant said as it sucked his dink and bum in. It licked fast and hard at the boy's crotch and was rewarded with a second boner. Jason watched stunned as his friend's kicking legs were slurped in loudly, his pale skin struggling in vain against it powerful red lips. The plant sucked his feet in and moved it's lips around for a time while savoring the boy's flavor. It bent it's 'neck' so that it was right in front of Jason and spat out 3 inches of Mark's dick! It sucked it back in with a loud slurp and spat it out again! After doing this about 10 times, cum shot out of Mark's dick, just narrowly missing Jason's face!

"Oh no! He's still alive! It's eating him alive!" he though.

The plant smiled as it slurped Mark's dick back in and gulped extremely loudly. Jason saw a wiggling lump move down it's throat and into it's bulb/stomach. He watched transfixed as the bulb shook and wiggled for what seemed like ages.

"You, you gobbled Mark all up! Why? He was my friend!" Jason sobbed.

"I was really hungry! Don't cry, tomorrow I'll make your dream come true but for now you must sleep." with that the plant blew a cloud of spores into Jason's face and he dropped unconscious. It enjoyed the writheing struggles of it's first live meal as it too fell asleep.


Jason awoke with a start the next morning. He felt dozens of tiny nibbles all over his body. Opening his eyes he saw that the pods that were on the vines of the plant had grown to about a foot long each. They were eagerly biting him softly as the vines ensnared him. "Well, you're finally awake. Now call your little girlfriend up here, you're gonna get your wish!", the plant said, smiling at Jason. The boy nervously smiled back. He was excited but didn't trust the plant after it ate Mark.

"Mel! C'mere, you gotta see this plant I found!", Jason yelled out the door.

"What's that? I'll be up in a sec!", Melanie said as she ran upstairs. She stopped dead at the doorway, taking in the scene before her. Jason hung naked and hard in the vines of a huge smiling plant. She stood there in shocked silence for a minute before reacting.

"What is that thing? Where's Mark? Why are you naked?" she asked in rapid succession.

The plant quickly wrapped a powerful vine around the young girl and lifted her into the room. "I'm a big hungry plant honey! And Mark's gone. I got hungry last night and gobbled him up! In fact, I'm pretty hungry right now!" it said with a smile.

It quickly pulled off her shirt, jeans and socks. Melanie struggled and fought but couldn't break free. It soon started to pull down her panties and took off her bra, causing her pert little tits to pop free.

"Noo, don't please! Y-you're not going to eat me are you?" she cried in terror as the plant started to lick from her stomach to her face.

"Oh, I think I am girl! You taste really good, I'm sure you'll help me grow even bigger." it said as it chomped down on her kicking feet.

Melanie screamed loud and incoherently as the plant slowly sucked her calves in. Jason just stared at the beauty of her developing body as it slowly disappeared into Mel II's mouth. The thing forced it's tongue between the teenaged girl's legs and started to lick at her tiny cunt. Soon it's nectar-like spit had coated her crotch, darkening her blonde pubic hair and running in streams up her stomach and over her little tits. A deep flush came into Mel's cheeks as her her stomach slid into the plant's mouth. It rotated her so that she was stomach down and continued to suck, producing loud shlorping sounds as her young breasts slipped in.

"What about me? You said you'd help me!", Jason whined as he watched his babysitter being devoured.

"Waib a mimip.", the plant said around it's mouthful of young teenager.

"Oh god! Jason please help me!", Melanie said as the plant continued it's assault of her cunt.

Mel II used it's powerful vines to force the young girl's arms into it's mouth and sucked once more so that only her neck and head were outside. She was panting hard and grunting as the plant worked her towards climax. It brought Jason right in front of Mel and pushed him forward as she moaned, thrusting his dick into her mouth. Melanie's eyes opened wide with shock as she felt Jason's little boner enter her mouth. She could taste his pre-cum and started to suck as animal lust took over her rational thinking. The plant moved Melanie in and out of it's mouth a few inches my pushing on her cunt as it licked at her clit. Jason looked down at Melanie's flashing green eyes and flowing blonde hair as she sucked his dick hard and savagely, like a wild animal. Moments later he came in her mouth, his cum dribbling down her chin as she didn't swallow. The plant thrust it's tongue along Melanie's underside, all the time keeping part of it in contact with her clit. As it stuck out of it's mouth to lick the boy's cum off her face she climaxed hard from the extended stroke on her little bud and gasped for air. It continued to lick her face and she continued to cum, her eyes locked on Jason's as the plant slowly sucked her blonde head in and swallowed.

Jason watched as the bulge that was Melanie slid down the plant's throat, ending in it's stomach. A moment later the bulb began to move as Melanie's orgasm ended as she fought to get out of the plant's stomach. Jason began to cry, knowing that Melanie was nothing more that plant food now.

"What's wrong boy? You got what you wanted. She even enjoyed the trip down I can assure you!", Mel II said.

"But now she's gone! I'll never see her again! You ate her just like you ate Mark!", Jason cried.

"You ungratful little brat! If you want to be with your precious little Melanie so badly then that's where you'll be! I have just enough room for one more naughty little kid in my tummy!"

The plant opened it's mouth wide and thrust Jason's head and chest in. It clamped shut on the screaming boy and began to chew. Jason cried and screamed in it's mouth as it took him in inch by inch. It's chewing was just hard enough to hurt the boy a little, leaving red marks on his naked body. As it munched his kicking legs in it's tongue writhed beneath his soft dick. In spite of his recent orgasm Jason started to get hard once again. Soon he was entirely inside Mel II's mouth, sopping wet with is flowery smelling spit. The plant rolled the little boy around roughly, sparing no part of his body from it's tongue's slick caress. He thrust his hips against it's tongue even as his head entered the hungry plant's throat. Jason was tightly gripped by it's swallowing as his body slid down it's throat. As his hips entered it's throat the plant gave his dick one last lick, sending him over the edge. Jason was still cumming when he plopped on top of Melanie with a wet squish.

"We've been eaten alive!" the young girl screamed.

"It's all over! We're just plant food now!" Jason sobbed as the two youngsters grabbed hold of each other.

Melanie and Jason got even closer to one another as the plant's stomach started to squeeze them together and move them around. Their bodies slipped over one another, slick with plenty of it's spit and stomach juices. As orgasms overtook them they succumbed to the flowery scent of the plant's gastric juices, which began the slow process of digestion.

Mel II rested after such a big meal. It looked at it's many pods happily. They were already developing their own bulbs and root systems. Another day and they would be ready to strike out on their own. It regarded the diminishing struggles of it's youthful feast with amusement, looking forward to more live meals in the future, content that it's offspring would find plenty to eat.


Send me some feedback if you liked the story. I'm always looking for new ideas for future ones!


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