The three nine year olds stood thee ground, against the thirdteen year old bully Roger. "Were not scared of anything," Jack the nine year old with red hair and blue eyes said. He wore a pair of cut-off jeans, no shirt and a pair of sandles, his white undies showed a bit as he moved from fot to foot. "Yeah," Billy the shortest of the three nine year olds said. He had sandy blond hair and sparkling green eyes. He worea undershirt and a pair of red shorts and on his feet he wore a pair of beat-up sneakers, no socks. The last nine year old didn't say a word. Jimmy was always the shy one and just followed the other two around and did as they did. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. He wore a t-shirt with a picture of a bear on it, a pair of jeans and a pair of new sneakers with socks. "You guys are a bunch of bed-wetting cry babies, you won't take my dare, I bet you a hundred dollars!,"Roger yelled. "sure we'll do anything you dare us, were no cry babies," Jack snaped back. "Yeah Billy chimed in as if on cue. "Ok than you guys have to climb into Mrs. Mulch's Garden and make your way thru her garden maze to the front gate," Roger laughed. "No problem," Jack said. "Yeah no problem," Billy joined in." "Well that's not all crybabies you guys have to strip down to your undies and go over and through it just in your undies," Roger laughed.
"And you'll give us a hundred dollars?," Jack asked. "Sure I will, would I ever lie to you guys?," Roger said with a grin. "Ok we'll do it," snaped jack. "Yeah," Billy said with a tad bit of doubt as he looked over at Jimmy. The four boys headed over to Mrs Mulch'e house, the the back. "Ok here we are guys, "Roger said with an evil grin. The three nine year old boy's started to get undressed. Jack kicked off his sandles, unsnaped and unziped his cut-off jeans and slid them off. He soon was standing there in his white cotton briefs. Billy stripedout of his undershirt and red shorts and pulled off his beat up sneakers, he too was now only in his white undies. Last Jimmy took his time as he untied his shoes and pulled off his socks, folding the socks up. "Come on I ain't got all day,"Roger yelled. Jimmy nexted pulled off his t-shirt , folded it up, then unsnaped and unziped his blue jeans, he took them off and folded them up. He soon joined his friends, as he was now only wearing his white undies. "Come on and let's get hoping, "Roger barked. "Make sure you bring are clothes around to the front gate," Jack snaped. "I will, I will," Roger said with a smile. The Garden was surounded by a sixfoot tall hedge. Roger helped the three boys in undies to get over the hedge. "See you guys at the front gate, if you make it out alive," Roger laughed.
The three boys started out into the hedge maze. After a few minutes Roger gathered up the three boy's cloths and put them in a near by trash can. He laughed as he said, "suckers." Then he felt something brush against his leg. It was a vineand it moved quickly up his right leg of his jeans. "What the hell?" Roger said. Soon more vines joined in wraping around his clothes. He tryed to run, but couldn't move. 'No! help," he began to cry as the vines draged him to a huge oak tree. At the base of the tree was a huge maw and from out of the maw xame a long slimey tounge. "NO help, help," Roger cryed. The vines pulled all at once, tearing rogers t-shirt, jeans, briefa and shoes apart. Soon Roger found himself naked on the ground, he tryed torun but the vines wraped around his legs, arms and his 13 year old penis. "Let me go," Roger cryed as he was draged closer to the maw of the tree. His penis was vey hard as the vines tighten ed there grip on it. He soonlost control and came just as the tongue wraped around him and pulled him head first into it's maw. Legs kicking and Roger crying like a baby. Soon Roger was inside the monster tree who slowly digested him.
The three boys had headed out into the maze, when they heard Roger's yells. "He's just trying to scare us, don't pay him no mind," Jack said. The boys walked for a few mintues when they came to a giant plant that seemed to grow into the sky. "It's a beanstalk," Jack said. "Cool you know there's treasure up there, " Billy laughed. "Yeah and I'm going to find it," Jack said. "What are you crazy?" Billy yelled. "It will be ok I just got to take a look," Jack said as he started to climb the beanstalk. He soon was getting up high when he saw the top of the stalk and it had a huge pod at it's top. The pod bent down towards Jack and opened it's mouth and a tounge came out and licked Jack in the face. "Hi there fellow and to think people said there are only bad things in this place," Jack said with a smile. Soon Jack felt vines brushing against his bare legs. He laughed, "Your tickling me." Soon the vines slid into his white cotton briefs . Then with a pull they riped the undies off. "No!," Jack cryed as the pod opened it's maw and it's tongue wraped around the naked nine year olds body. "Don't eat me, please don't eat me," Jack cryed as the tongue slid the naked boy into it's pod mouth. Soon jack was halfway into the pods mouth. His legs kicking, he couldn't believe he was being eaten by a beanstalk. "Gulp" Jack's legs vanished as he sid down into the beanstalks belly and soon was digested. The other two boys watched in terror as the beanstalk ate there friend. They both started to run.
Billy and JImmy soon found that they were lost and both began to cry. The boys didn't notice that they standing by a rose bush. It's vines shotout and entangled Billy. "Help me, " Billy began to scream as the rose vines slowly slid down his undies and pulled him him closer to it's maw. Jimmy just took off and ran in terror. "No don't leave me, cryed Billy as his undies fell to the ground. Soon Billy was over top of the Rose bush'e maw. A long slimey tongue lashed out and began to lick his naked body. Billy screamed and started to cry, "Please don't eat me, I'll be good don't eat me, " his legs kicking as he was sucked into the monsters mouth. He soon grew hard as the tongue slaped against his small dick . Soon only his kicking legs stuck out of the monster's mouth, then with one more gulp the little naked boy was all swallowed up and soon was being digested.
Jimmy ran as fast as he could and soon he made his way out of the maze an infront of him stood Mrs. Mulch's house. And there wasthe front gate. Jimmy had made it and he wouldn't get goobled up like Jack and Billy he thought to himself. He started to run with hope in his heart towards the gate. But he was stoped as a powerful hand grabed his arm and spun him around. Mr's Mulch a little old gray haired lady stood looking the little boy in undies over. "Let me go there's monsters after me," he cryed. "What do you think you are doing in my yard boy?" she snaped. "We just walked thru it and the plants started to eat my friends, Jimmy said as he started to cry. "You poor thing nobody comes into my yard and ever leaves, I'm going to have to eat you, "Mr's Mulch laughed as she yanked Jimmy's undies down and then than tore them off with one hand. Her face started to get larger, mostly her mouth. Jimmy now stood crying naked infront of Mrs. Mulch who had started to turn into a a plant like monster, with her skin turning to bark and vines growing from all over her body. "Please don't eat eat me, Jimmy wimpered as her now long tongue licked the little naked boy from head to toe. "Yes boy I'm going to eat you all up, " she laughed. "No please don't ! ", he cryed. Her tongue licked his small hairless dick, which grew harder with each lick. The little naked boy cryed as she began to eat him. He strugled but was helpless as it sucked him in. All the while it kept licking his small manhood, which made the boy cry even more, and he came but nothing cameout, he would not live to see that happen. Soon his legs stood kicking out of her mouth and than soon they too were gone. Little naked Jimmy was soon digested. And Mrs Mulch changed back as she headed into her house.