The Boy Who Cried Wolf

By the Hungry Troll


Timmy resented having to work on the weekends. But uncle needed someone to watch over the sheep. Timmy who was nine years old was a bit short for his age, he had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. The alarm rang and Timmy opened his eyes, it was six in the morning and he had to get up and get ready to goto work with his uncle. Timmy got out of bed and stretched, he was dressed only in a pair of power ranger briefs. He stumbled into the bathroom, went over to the tub and turned the shower water on. Timmy steped out of his power ranger underwear and jumped into the shower.

After showering Timmy toweled himself off and headed back to his bedroom. He went over to his dresser and pulled out a clean pair of white cotton hanes briefs and slid them on. Next he pulled out a white cotton undershirt and slid it over his head and arms. Timmy then grabbed a pair of blue jeans and slid them on. Lastly Timmy fetched a pair of clean socks and his sneakers, he quickly put them on. He soon headed down stairs, ate breakfast and was on his way to work with his uncle.

Timmy goto work, which was a huge sheep farm. He was stationed by himself in the fields away from the farm. If he had any trouble or seen a creature comming he could call the farm on a intercom, that was where Timmy was. Timmy thought about having fun at work, he would play a little game, he would get even with his uncle for making him work on the weekend.

The first hour past and Timmy was getting restless. "I'll some fun now", the boy laughed. Timmy went over to intercom and yelled, "Killer Wolf, Killer Wolf!". The farmers ran up to the field and found Timmy laughing his head off. Timmy's uncle was mad. "Don't play stuip games boy, now give me your sneakers", Timmy's uncle snapped. Timmy took off his sneakers and gave them to his uncle. The farmers left and soon two hours had passed. Timmy went back over to the intercom and yelled, "Killer Wolf, Killer Wolf, Save Me!". The farmers ran up to the sheep field again. Only to find Timmy laughing his head off. "Give me your socks", Timmy's uncle yelled. Timmy slid off his socks and gave them to his uncle. One of the farmers looked at Timmy and said, "The killer wolf loves to eat naked boys." "So I don't have nothing to worrie about. Timmy stood barefoot as he watched the farmers go again.

Two hours later and Timmy was over at the intercom again yelling, "Killer wolf, Killer wolf, he's going to eat me!" The farmers ran up to save Timmy, but when they got there they found Timmy laughing once again. "Give me your jeans!", Timmy's uncle said. There were no girls around, so Timmy unsnapped and unzipped his jeans, slid them off and gave them to his uncle. The one farmer smiled at Timmy and said, "The Killer Wolf loves to eat naked boys." "I don't care", Timmy said. Timmy stood in his white cotton briefs and undershirt as he watched the farmers go away.

Two hours later and Timmy was getting restless again. He decided he could do it one more time, because his uncle would only take his undershirt. So Timmy went over to the intercom and yelled, "Killer Wolf, Killer Wolf, Save Me!." The farmers ran back up to once again find Timmy laughing. But Timmy soon stopped when he saw his uncle was not there. The one farmer who talked before laughed, then he smiled and said, "Strip naked boy." "No, please Im sorry, please don't make me strip naked", Timmy cryed. But the farmers didn't listen, they grabbed Timmy and pulled off his undershirt and briefs. "The Killer Wolf loves to eat naked little boys", the farmers laughed as they left. "No please don't leave me here alone and naked, the Killer Wolf will eat me", Timmy said as he started to cry.

Ten minutes later Timmy saw the Killer Wolf and it was heading towards him. It was a huge creatuer, almost twenty feet long and over ten feet tall. The Killer Wolf licked his lips as he saw the little naked boy. Timmy ran over to the intercom, with tears in his eyes, he cryed, "please help me, the Killer Wolf going to eat me." "You get what you deserve brat," a voice laughed back, then the intercom went dead. The Killer Wolf had come all the way up to Timmy, and with it's tongue it licked Timmys body. Timmy stood wet and naked infront of the Killer Wolf. "Please don't eat me," Timmy wimpered. The Killer Wolf smiled and then said, "I love to eat naked boys." With that the Killer Wolf wraped his tongue around Timmy and pulled the kicking screaming naked boy into his mouth and swallowed Timmy up.

THE END (of Timmy)


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