By Chris (
"Could you check my closet before I go to bed? I think there's a monster in it." said little Timmy.
Susan walked over to the closet and threw the door open.
"See, there're no monsters in your closet. Now go to sleep." said the babysitter impatiently.
Susan walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Timmy lay in his bed watching the shadows on the wall cast by his night-light.
It was getting hungry again. By any human standards it was indeed a real monster. A product of a very different evolution than took place on Earth.
Taking up slightly more space than an elephant it was proportioned very differently. It's massive bulky body that looked like a snake that had swallowed a small car was supported by hundreds of tiny legs like a caterpillar. It had two strong articulated tentacles positioned about halfway down it's body that served roughly the same functions as arms do on humans. It's head was as large as a king size bed and was supported by a long muscular neck. It had large lips like inner tubes and a long, broad tongue. It had powerful jaws but no teeth. A soft gum-like ridge took their place behind the lips. On it's world teeth and claws had never occured. Large predators simply swallowed their prey whole. It's body was covered in a slimy mucus that helped it to escape those predators. It had keen eyesight provided by three eyes but the most remarkable thing was it's intelligence. It was easily twice as smart as a human being but due to the nature of it's physical form and it's environment it was unable to craft tools to give it an evolutionary upper hand. Instead it's mental powers increased to the point where it was able to open up holes in space/time to allow it to access food sources off of it's home planet. Strangely enough, colonization never occured to these creatures. They simply went to other worlds to feed and then returned home.
This particular monster hadn't eaten in days. It focused it's attention on the cliff face in front of it and a foggy greyish circle formed. It extended it's tentacles and part of it's head into the circle and found itself in darkness.
Timmy sat bolt upright as he heard a scraping sound coming from his closet. He shivered in his bed and pulled the covers around him more tightly.
Suddenly the door knob turned and the door opened. Timmy sat dumb with fear in his bed as the monster squeezed it's huge bulk through the closet door to stand in the center of the room. It's three eyes focused on Timmy and it smiled. It had been to this planet before several times and had learned the languages quickly.
"Mmm! A nice young boy to satisfy my hunger." It said in a deep rumbling voice.
Timmy whimpered and threw the covers over his head, curling up into a ball underneath them.
"Hiding under your covers won't help you little boy, I'm for real." It rumbled.
The thing pulled off the covers and picked Timmy up with it's strong tentacles. It encircled his waist with one and started to remove his pj's with the other.
"Let's get you out of these things so you'll slide down easier" said the monster as it opened it's mouth in a toothless grin.
"Help Susan! A monster's got me and it's gonna eat me!" screamed Timmy as he started to come out of his initial shock.
The thing now held a naked, squirming Timmy in it's tentacles. Timmy screamed again as it brought him up to it's mouth and licked him from his knees to his neck. Susan burst into the room just as the monster's lips closed on Timmy's shoulders, muffling his screams.
"Oh my God!" screamed Susan as she took in the scene before her.
She watched in shock as the monster slowly sucked Timmy in like a noodle. His arms pushed against the thing's lips until it opened them slightly and they went slipping quickly in. Timmy's bottom half hung from it's mouth as it continued to suck him in. Drool ran freely from it's mouth over the naked little boy, only to be flung around the room by his kicking legs.
Susan turned to run but was snatched up by a free tentacle before she could make it out the door. The monster forced her to watch as it finished eating Timmy.
The boy's bum disappeared between the monster's lips with a loud sucking sound. As his thighs slipped in the thing bit down on them, preventing much of Timmy's kicking. It quickly slurped up Timmy's legs and used it's tongue to lick in his feet. The monster raised Susan up level with it's head and quickly opened it's mouth. Timmy lay curled up on the thing's tongue and was completely soaked with it's saliva. He was still screaming and crying.
"Susan, help! Don't let it eat me! Please!" he screamed as he saw her.
Just as he tried to crawl out of the monster's mouth, it closed it and swallowed the little boy up with a loud GULP. Susan watched in horror as a large bulge moved down the length of the thing's neck to disappear into it's body. The monster smiled for a moment and then raised it's free tentacle to it's mouth and burped! The human-like gesture seemed oddly out of place and served to increase Susan's terror.
"Well, it looks like I'll be eating well tonight!" said the monster as it proceeded to rip off Susan's clothes.
Soon the young teen was naked in the monster's tentacles just as Timmy had been moments before. The monster noted the young girl's breasts and pubic hair and wondered, not for the first time, why all species didn't reproduce asexually like it's did.
"You gobbled Timmy all up!" she stammered as the thing looked her over.
"Of course I did. I really do prefer the young of your species. So soft and tender. You look just as tasty as the little boy but I guess there's only one way to find out for sure." teased the monster.
The thing forced it's tongue between Susan's legs and licked her from between the cheeks of her bum, over her pussy and all the way up to her face. Susan flushed with embarrassment as she ground her pussy into it's tongue. She was terrified and involuntarily excited at the same time.
"Please don't eat me up!" pleaded Susan.
"We all have to eat kid, and your kind is so tasty. Don't worry though, it won't hurt. You'll slide down real easy. Now where to start..." pondered the huge creature.
It started by raising Susan's legs up to it's mouth and licking her little feet, causing her to laugh involuntarily. Before long her feet disappeared into it's mouth and it's tongue snaked out licking up and down the back of her legs. The monster sucked and Susan slowly slid in, her legs sliding past it's lips agonizingly slowly. Soon it was up to her bum which made sloppy sucking sounds as the things sucked it in. Susan looked down her body to see first her pussy, and then her belly button slip in. The monster used it's tongue to block off it's throat and continued to lick her back.
"Mmmm!" was all it could say around the young girl in it's mouth.
The thing continued to suck and soon her small young breasts were inside of it's mouth. At this point the monster used it's tongue to hook her arms and pull them in, one at a time. Soon, only Susan's sobbing head stuck out of it's mouth, drool running freely over her face.
"Please! Don't eat me!" she begged to no avail.
With a quick suck, her head disappeared between the monster's lips. It used it's tongue to lick in her hair a second later.
The thing spent a moment rolling the young girl around in it's mouth, enjoying her squirming as well as her flavor. It then unblocked it's throat and swallowed her with another loud GULP! A large bulge worked it's way down it's neck to deposit the young girl in it's tummy.
Susan oozed out of it's throat into the monster's stomach. She was surprised to find that Timmy was still alive.
"We've been gobbled up!" screamed a frantic Timmy.
Susan could only whimper as they sat crunched together in it's stomach. Before long the monster's digestive processes began. It's stomach started to churn and contract, tossing the kids around and continually smothering them. Soon they were both unconscious from exhaustion. It's stomach continued to contract and churn and slowly the kids were digested.
The monster found a paper and pen and scrawled out a ransom note signed with some name it made up. People would believe in kidnapping long before they'd suspect a monster of having caused the disappearance of these kids. It's kind always covered their tracks. It picked up the clothes and headed back through the hole. It knew from previous experience that it's saliva would dry up and be almost invisible. Nothing left to do but return home and enjoy it's nice big meal, until the next time it got hungry.
Comments, suggestions, critiques? Send me some e-mail and tell me what you think.