Ding dong, the door bell rang out. Jamie ran and opened the door. In steped the babysitter, she was huge. She stood like a mountain over little Jamie. Six foot seven and well over four hundred pounds. "Your sure fat," Jamie giggled. She smiled at Jamie, "Your such a sweet little boy, you look good enough to eat." "You look like you could eat a horse," Jamie laughed. "Maybe not a horse, but I might have room for a naughty little boy." "Your dumb," Jamie laughed as he ran into the other room.
"Hello," Jamies mother said as she headed down the stairs. "Hi there Mrs. Jones, you have such a sweet little boy, I'm sure we'll get along just find," the sitter said with a smile. "Well he's not such an angel, if you have any problems with him you do what you feel, needs to be done. Make sure he gets a bath and fix him something to eat, there's some left over soup in the fridge, help yourself," Mrs. Jones quickly said she headed out the door, closing it on the way out. "I will, soup with Jamie sounds delicious", the said as she licked her lips.
A hour later.....
Jamie was on the floor watching toons. Jamie who was just about nine was a healthy child, who could have passed for ten with ease. He had short brown hair and hazel eyes. Jamie was wearing a white undershirt, a pair of torn red sweat pants and was barefoot. Thru the tear in the sweats the sitter could see Jamies white undies.
Jamie sat and laughed at his toons. "Time for your bath Jamie," the sitter yelled. "Ok in a minute," Jamie snapped. "No now, you get undressed now and then I'll take you up and give you a bath, then soup," the sitter yelled. "No way I'm not taken my clothes off infront of you and I take my own bath's," Jamie yelled back. "That's it Jamie," the sitter said as she grabbed Jamie by his shirt and with her other hand she pulled his sweat pants down and off. "No please stop, Jamie cryed as he squirmed and kicked. She wrapped her arm around Jamies waist with one hand as she removed his undershirt with the other. "Please put me down, I'll be good," Jamie cryed as he wiggled around, now only dressed in his white cotton briefs. As she headed up the stairs with the squirming boy, she pulled off Jamie's little white undies. Soon she brought the now naked Jamie into the bathroom. Jamie had calmed down a bit, until he saw the steam risen off the surface of the tub, of hot water. And it was not toys floating in the hot water, it was vegetables. "What are you going to do," Jamie cryed. "Your mommy said to give you a bath and then fix you some soup, I decided to speed things up and make you into soup," she laughed. "Please don't eat me," Jamie cryed. "Yes boy I must eat you and your going to be hmmm hmmm good," the sitter laughed.
With that she took the now screaming and kicking naked Jamie and dropped him into the hot tub of vegetable soup. He screamed as the hot water burned his naked flesh. The sitter started to slurp up the tub of Jamie soup. Jamie was sucked up head first into the sitter's huge mouth, which muffled his screams of terror. She slurped him in more, soon her lips were around his bare chest, while his legs kicked wild.
Another slurp and now Jamies small pennis was in her mouth, the little thing grew hard in her mouth. This would be his last hard-on, in the little boys life. She wanted to savor the boy, but she was to hungry, she gulped him the rest the way down. Soon Jamie was in her belly digesting. "Hmmm hmmm good," she said with a smile.
Ding dong, the doorbell rang out. The sitter headed downstairs and to the door. She opened it up and there stood a little blonde hair green eyed eight year old boy, dressed in overall's a undershirt and a pair of nikes. "Hi I'm Jamie's friend Billy, Can I come more in and play with Jamie?" Billy said with a friendly smile. "Why yes you sweet child, infact I was ready to make a pie," the sitter said with a smile. "Can I help you make it?" Billy giggled. "I had that just in mind," she said as Billy stepped in and she closed the door behind him.