Here is my own 'Tale from the Tit' after being inspired by the first two! -- King T. -- STANDARD DISCLAIMER If you are under age (whatever that is in your country) then you should not be reading this stuff. If you do read this stuff & get caught, then the government will use you for a reason to ban all this material from the net and when you ARE old enough to read this type of story... it won't be here. Harrumph! "Pam.... Pam, I'm sorry", Gerry leaned against the bathroom door and thought about the last few minutes. Shit! "Pam, honey, I didn't mean it... It was know..." Actually, he had meant it, he just didn't mean to say it. Pams only flaw, if you could call it that, was her non-existant bustline. During the heat of the moment, in a stupid argument, that minor flaw had been used by him as a weapon that had reduced Pam to tears. Damn! "Go away, Gerry!" said a muffled voice behind the door, "Just get out!" He realized that when Pam was this mad, the only thing to do was to try to patch things up another day. Pam was still mad when Gerry stopped by a few days later. She let him come in, which gave him a little hope that all was not lost. "Flowers aren't going to do it, this time, Gerry", Pam said, "I think we had better not see each other again. It is obvious that I can't satisfy you..." "Aren't you going to open the box?" Gerry asked. Pam had not seen the small black box, tied with a red ribbon. "What's this? Some candied dog shit?" "Well, ", he replied, "you'll never know unless you open it..." Pam cautiously unwrapped the box an looked inside. There, wrapped in tissue was a small glass bottle filled with deep green liquid. Pam removed the stopper and sniffed. "Poison?", she asked. Gerry grinned and said that it wasn't poison, but a magic gypsy love potion. "What the hell is it, really", she asked, still mad at him. "My roommate is working on an herbal bust enhancer.", he explained, "He doesn't know it yet, but some is missing..." Gerry smiled, and Pam looked at the bottle in her hand. She uncorked it, and took a cautious sniff. It smelled sweet. She took a little sip, and then drank the rest down in one quick gulp. Suddenly the room got very warm, and she wasn't mad at Gerry anymore... In fact, he was looking very good! VERY GOOD! "I don't know if this stuff can grow tits", she purred, "but it is one fantastic aphrodisiac!" And from the look in her eyes, Gerry didn't care if she had tits or not! Gerry pushed her back onto the bed and crawled in after her. Gently he untied her robe and pushed it back. Ignoring her flat chest, he began to work on the rest of her body. Soon Pam was moaning and begging to feel his manhood throbbing inside her. He was eager to oblige, and soon both were about to climax. As Gerry came, he pulled his rod from inside her, and shot his hot cum over her little nipples. Pam rubbed the hot, sticky love juice into her chest. It seemed to her that it was being absorbed right into her skin. She looked down, and sure enough, she could see the cum being sucked into her breasts, like a sponge, and there was a bit more breast there than there was before...hmmm. She turned over and started sucking on Gerrys semi-erect cock. He groaned with delight at this unexpected pleasure, and was soon coming again. Pam rubbed every drop into her breasts, and sure enough, they grew a little bit more. The next morning she fixed Gerry breakfast and told him she had discovered. "You mean that your breasts grow whenever I cum on them?", he asked, still not convinced. Then, with a smile "Let's test this out right now!" Pam told him that there would be enough time for that later, and that she was going to be out of town for a few days anyway. It was much later that week when they finally got back together again. They both rushed through dinner, and soon Gerry was in the final moments of orgasm. "Now watch!" Pam said, "You should see them grow a bit." As Gerry watched he could see the cum be absorbed and be replaced with an equal amount of tit-flesh. There was almost a handful each now where none had been before. "What do you think of that, lover?" Pam smiled. Gerry smiled, but didn't say a word. He thought about the progress she would make in the weeks to come and was soon hard again. "Gerry, ", said Pam after their usual Friday date, "you have got to stop coming on my tits. They are getting way to big!" Pam was now filling a DD bra to perfection. "Ok, honey, one more time, and I promise that I will stop.", he replied. After much pleading and promising, Pam agreed. "God, I didn't think you were ever going to stop coming!", Pam exclaimed "Shit! And I don't think that I can fit in that new dress I just bought!" The next day, Pam spent the afternoon with several of her old girlfriends from high school. They couldn't believe how Pam had developed since the last time that they had seen her. Being a Saturday night, they decided to go out to one of the local bars for a 'ladies night out' on the town. There were many well endowed women there, but none could compare with Pam's generous proportions. Many were there to compete for $100 bucks in the wet T-shirt contest. Pam's friends said that she should enter the contest, and after a few more "Dirty Mothers", Pam agreed and was soon up on stage. (A 'Dirty Mother' is made from Tequila and Milk) The music came on that was her cue, and she took a deep breath and stepped out onto the runway. Men whistled and called and stampped their approval. As she made her way down the runway, a short loud little man kept spraying her T-shirt with a water bottle, and yelling to the crowd to clap if they liked what they saw. The crowd clapped like mad, and yelled for her to 'take it off'. The girl who had just finished had 'taken it off', and it had put her in the lead. Pam was too caught up in it all to back out now. As she pulled the sopping T-shirt over her head, the crowd went completly nuts. Several of the men in the front row started to jerk themselves off, and one of them came all over her tits. It immediately soaked in, and her boobs started to grow again. The entire front row started to jerk off, and soon cum was raining all over her. Her breasts started to grow, and it didn't take the audience long to figure out what was the cause. Soon there was a line of men waiting their turn to experience the biggest tit-fuck of their lives, and getting bigger all the time. Pam, buried behind a great wall of flesh, begged them over and over to please stop. But the line was already forming down the block.