This story is the third in a trilogy of tales about big breasts doing bad things. If all goes well, I plan to continue writing more tales after the this one. *Also, if anyone is wondering about the time line of these stories...Tale 3 takes place before the first two and Tale 2 takes place before Tale 1. Gigantic naked breasts will be depicted in these tales. If local laws forbid someone your age to read about gigantic naked breasts doing naughty things, do not read this story. ***************************************************************** ** If you skipped the paragraph above, please go back and read the starred statement. It's relevant to the trilogy. Tales from the Bra by Wren 1996 Tale Three: Feast of the Tammy Knockers: The Origins of Grimaldi "Massive destruction and chaos are what's left in the wake of what meteorologists are calling the 'Storm of the Century.' Luck is on our side here in West Bejeezus, as we seem to have escaped the full force of the storm. Power is still down in the rural communities on the south eastern part of the county, but repair crews expect to have everything up and running again by midnight to...SHHHHHHHHHHHH." "Damn. I knew I should have bought some spare batteries for this thing." Tamira Decant switched off her dead radio and turned on the faucet in her bathtub. She set down her candle, removed her clothing and put on a red terrycloth bathrobe. Tammy muttered to herself as she picked up her candle and went to the linen closet for a towel. "I'd better use the hot water while it's still hot. I knew I shouldn't have moved to the country. Damn power always goin' out..." CRASH! SPLASH! "What the hell was that?!" Tammy raced back to her bathroom to find a large hole in her ceiling, directly over her bathtub. Steam filled the room. "Holy shit!" she gasped, inspecting the damage. "What did this? There's no trees nearby." Slowly the steam cleared and in the center of the shattered pieces of her porcelain bathtub and the boiling puddles of water was a strange rock with a pink glow. "Oh wow, a meteor!" she thought. Her excitement quickly faded as she once again glanced over all the damage the rock had done. Rain was now falling through the hole in her roof and flowing down the bathtub drain. "Why me," groaned Tammy. "Well, I guess I'd better call someone to come get this thing. It might be radioactive or something." She picked up her phone, but it was dead. "Damn storm." Quickly she ran upstairs to her bedroom and put on a C-cup bra and some panties. She had trouble fastening her bra, so she cast it aside and put on a large blue nightshirt. She raced back down the stairs to the garage and got in her pickup truck. The ignition only clicked when she tried to start it. "Jeez, the battery's dead! What else could go wrong?" As if on cue, she heard a loud bang come from inside the house somewhere. She went back to the bathroom to see if her roof had caved in. She was shocked to find the meteor split in two. "It was hollow? That's weird....Ahhhh!" Tammy screamed when she turned around and saw two small creatures standing behind her. Each was about two feet tall and had bulbous heads and large black eyes. They looked as if they had jumped right out of a tabloid newspaper. "Oh my God, ALIENS!" The two creatures stared at her blankly. "I've got to get out of here!" Tammy ran upstairs to her bedroom, slammed the door shut, and locked it. She leaned against the door, panting. "I can't believe this is happening!... Wait a minute, I can't stay here." Tammy decided that her best move would be to leave her house and run to her nearest neighbor, miles away. She opened the bedroom door and prepared to bolt. "Ahhhhhh!" The two aliens were standing right outside, staring blankly. She slammed the door shut again. "Shit! They're waiting for me. Why don't they just leave? What do they want from me?!" She heard faint murmuring outside. Tammy got on her hands and knees and then lay flat on her stomach, looking underneath the door. She saw two pairs of alien feet, still there, standing perfectly still. She imagined they could probably stay there for hours, or days even. While she was on the floor, she felt a peculiar sensation. Her breasts were tingling. In fact, they felt pretty good squashed against the floor the way they were. She stood up and unbuttoned the top few buttons of her nightshirt. "Jeez, they're swollen! I must have been laying on the floor too long." The tingling sensation was rapidly becoming painful now. Her breasts appeared to have swollen several inches. Once again, she heard faint murmuring. She knew it would hurt, but she decided to take another peek under the door. "Ow ow ow." She saw the alien feet again. They were in exactly the same position they were before. Strangely, she was finding it very difficult to stay low enough to continue peering under the door. "Ow! Ouch! Damnit! What's wrong with me?" The pain was increasing, and almost felt as though she was slowly levitating, yet her breasts remained firmly in contact with the floor. She quickly stood, held her nightshirt away from her chest and gazed down between the top few buttons to see what was happening to her body. This time, her problems were clear - her breasts were growing! The swelling was gradual, but fast enough that she could see that her breasts would soon be larger than two ripe melons. The pain had turned back into a numb tingling sensation, but now pressure was building inside her breasts as well. She was starting to worry that she might burst like a balloon. She noticed that the murmuring outside had grown louder. "It's the aliens who are causing this," thought Tammy. "God, I don't want to let them in...but I have to do something." She squeezed her breasts with her hands. They were almost spherical, and her skin was feeling tighter and tighter. They were now each larger than volleyballs, and she felt her shirt begin to tighten. She wrapped her arms around them, hugging them firmly. She felt like a human balloon. She was beginning to fear that the aliens wouldn't stop. Finally, Tammy built up the courage to open the door. As soon as she turned the knob the murmuring stopped, and so did her breasts. She breathed a sigh of relief and continued to slowly open the door. Outside, there was no sign of the aliens. Tammy peered cautiously into the hallway. She didn't see them anywhere. "They're gone..." She searched the hall and then went downstairs to the bathroom. The rock was still there, but no sign of the aliens. "Oh thank goodness!" Tammy breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the strain that it put on her tight nightshirt. She climbed back up the stairs. "What a bizarre night! I wonder if anyone will believe me when I tell them? Hmm...of course they'll believe me...They'll have to, when they see these!" Tammy galloped over to her bedroom mirror and removed her nightshirt, admiring her new figure. "Here's my proof right here! There's no other way I could grow these over night! It's a good thing they stopped when they did...I'd have been huge!" She shook her shoulders experimentally, jiggling her bosom. The shaking and swaying of her breasts rocked her entire body, and nearly threw her off balance. Her skin was still tingling, and that annoying pressure was still fact, she could swear she heard a faint sloshing sound. "Strange..." thought Tammy as she turned from the mirror. * * * "AHHHHHHH!" she screamed as she noticed for the first time the two little aliens standing behind her. This time they didn't have a blank stare, however. Their eyes glowed like fire and they had a fierce expression on their faces. They immediately pounced on Tammy, latching on to her bare, swollen nipples with their mouths. "Get off me!" She pounded them with her fists and tugged at their thin rubbery bodies, but they would not release their grip on her tits. "Stop! Leave me alone! Stop it! NO! No no no..." Suddenly, Tammy realized that the nagging pressure inside her breasts was going away. "That feels much better," she thought. She slowly relaxed as she realized the aliens' suckling felt pleasurable. She was beginning to wonder if they weren't as evil as she thought they were...after all, they gave her an amazing chest, and now they were sucking greedily on her large sensitive nipples. Tammy decided they can't be all bad. After several minutes, the aliens finally detached themselves. Tammy once again examined her breasts. The hadn't decreased in size at all, but they were now felt slightly lighter, still firm and well shaped. She gave them the jiggle test again and they passed with flying colors. Just then, the lights came on. "Ah! The powers on now! What a great night I'm having. Oh! I've got to call the press! Maybe they'll get here before you guys leave!" Tammy picked up her cordless phone. It was dead. "Damn, it needs recharging. I'll just go use the one downstairs." Buttoning up her nightshirt Tammy turned away from the aliens. Immediately she heard them begin to murmur behind her, this time with higher pitched voices than before. She was halfway to the bedroom door when she felt the tingling in her chest again. She glanced down, and sure enough, her breasts were slowly growing before her eyes once again. "What are you guys doing!" she said, clutching her throbbing boobs, "I'm big enough already! You don't have to..." She turned around to face them and was shocked by what she saw. The aliens had transformed into two little girls. They were identical in every way. What was most disturbing about this transformation, however, was that the twin aliens looked exactly like Tammy when she was little! "Oh, my God! They're turning into me! I've got to get out of here!" Tammy bolted toward the door. The aliens seemed angered by this and began to murmur more loudly and more quickly in their little-girl voices. In the few steps it took to reach the door, Tammy felt the milk (or whatever alien fluid was flowing inside her) flood into her breasts. After her first step, her breasts exploded out of her nightshirt the buttons sailing out the doorway that she was frantic to reach. After her second step, they had doubled in size. In these brief moments, as the weight of her rapidly blossoming bosom slowed her progress, Tammy realized that her opportunity to escape was disappearing with every milk-filled inch that was pumped into her breasts. After the next two steps, as she reached the door, they each swelled larger than beach balls. She was now too wide to fit through the door head on, but the momentum of her extra mass prevented her from turning sideways in time. Her enormous tits hit each side of the doorway at full speed. Because her skin was so tight, and the pressure inside each boob so great, she was bounced backward several feet, landing on the floor with the full weight of her over 100 pounds of breasts landing on top of her. She was knocked unconscious. Her breasts, stretched well beyond their normal size were amazingly firm, her skin stretched tight by an internal sea of Tammy-milk. They were almost perfectly spherical as they lay on top of her chest. As she lay there, with her enormous fluid filled orbs still slightly bouncing, the aliens stopped chanting and attached themselves to her nipples once again. Gallons of milk gushed down their throats. The little girls' stomachs began to expand as they drained Tammy's tits, yet the enormous mounds of flesh remained the same size. As the pressure was relieved, her breasts stopped bouncing and instead waves sloshed through their bulk in response to the aliens' suckling. When the girls finally finished, their guts were each only slightly smaller than Tammy's breasts. They staggered a little as they struggled to stand with their bellies full of the mysterious fluid. Soon, however, their stomachs began to shrink as they digested their meal. Gradually, they grew taller and taller. Their hips widened, their busts blossomed, and their voices developed until within a few moments, their were both perfect clones of Tammy's - before her body became a bloated human milk factory. The aliens didn't take time to examine their new bodies like Tammy did, however. They seemed to have a more important agenda. The women went through her clothing, trying on various outfits. They flipped on her personal computer and fiddled with it for a while before flipping on her television, which they sat and watched for hours. Tammy was awakened by a strange sensation. Someone was suckling one of her breasts. She was lying on her back, on the floor of her living room downstairs. She tried to sit up, but was firmly pinned to the floor. She then realized that her breasts were now even bigger than they were when she passed out. They covered most of her body, from her chin to her knees, and their tops rose over three feet above the floor where she was lying. Her arms, which were free, clutched helplessly at as much of her huge fleshy sacks that she could reach. They were still very round and firm, and she felt the same pressure she did the last time they were full. It seemed that the aliens had at least one more feeding while she was unconscious. "Ahhhhhhhh!" Tammy had done a lot of screaming in the past few hours, but the sight before her was more horrifying than any fright she had experienced up til now. For she saw someone with a face exactly like hers, with her mouth firmly attached to one of her nipples, suckling and smiling down at her at the same time. "Hurry up! Jeez, haven't you finished draining that tit yet?" came a voice from another room. "Are you kidding? There's enough in here to last days!" came the muffled voice from the woman with the enormous nipple in her mouth. She removed herself with an audible POP, and strolled into the next room. "Oh God! What's happened to me?! My breasts...I can't move! What do those awful creatures want with me?!" "Hello, Tammy." "GASP!" The realization just hit Tammy that the creatures can actually speak English. She gazed over at the first one. She was wearing her white halter top and overalls. She had a mischievous, almost playful look about her. She was the one who had just finished nursing. Then Tammy looked at the one who had greeted her. She was wearing the knee high black boots and black skirt that Tammy had only dared to wear at costume parties and on Halloween. She had a more sinister, cold, and grim look about her. "I suppose you're wondering what the hell is going on here." Tammy nodded nervously. "Well, I'm afraid I can't tell you. Well, actually, I can...but I'm not going to. All you need to know is that you are breakfast, lunch, and dinner...for now. I see you have a little mobility problem. Don't worry, we're taking care of all your personal affairs...after all, what are sisters for?" The woman smiled an evil grin and then went back to the next room. "Sisters?" The other clone stuck around. "Yeah...we hacked various systems and got ID's and everything! You might say we're making a name for ourselves. Ha ha ha! We're Decants now, sister!" "What did she mean by 'dinner...for now'?" This woman seemed talkative. Tammy wanted to find out as much as she could about what her fate had in store. "Well, you seem to keep getting bigger every time we can't go on growing like that. Soon we're going to have to discard you." "GASP!" "Ha ha ha ha!" "Ahem." The grim one returned. "What?" "I need to speak with you. Not in front of the tits." "Oh, okay." Tammy was alone. If her breasts weren't so large, it'd be the perfect opportunity to escape. She tried to sit up again, but only managed to sway her breasts slightly from side to side. It was obvious she wasn't going anywhere. She decided to try to listen to the conversation in the next room. If she was to be "discarded," she'd like to know when and how. She could only make out bits of the conversation. "Blah blah blah trackers on our blah blah blah." "Blah blah space module?" "Blah blah table blah blah tits." Tammy looked at the table next to her tits. Sure enough, there was the strange meteor that had started this whole mess. "Blah blah blah destroy blah." "Why?" "Blah blah homing device blah blah blah." "Trackers? A homing device?" thought Tammy. "It sounds like they're on the run from someone. If I can reach the meteor, maybe I can contact the trackers. They can't possibly be any worse than these two." Tammy reached for the table but it was too far away. She was pinned firmly by her breasts and could never reach the meteor with her arms. She pounded her breasts with her fists in frustration. The resulting motion caused her left tit to hit the table with great force. The meteor rolled off the table, fell to the floor, and immediately began to emit a loud beeping sound. In the other room, Tammy heard two voices yell simultaneously, "Shit! It's all your fault!" They burst back into the room with Tammy - the playful one clutching the other in fear, the grim one still looking cold and calculating, but slightly concerned. She almost felt sorry for them. Suddenly, a dazzling light pattern illuminated the room, then disappeared - in its place was left a tall bull-headed creature. It reminded Tammy of a minotaur. He turned toward the wicked sisters and roared, "Demoniaca Grimaldi..." Demoniaca nodded her head, not taking her eyes off the minotaur. "Dementia Grimaldi..." Dementia shivered at the sound of her name. The minotaur pulled an enormous cannon from a sheath on his back. The barrel extended, making it look even more menacing. "You stand accused of crimes against the universe. How do you plead?" "I wonder if this guy can change me back to normal after he blows these two to bits," pondered Tammy. Dementia started blubbering, Demoniaca silenced her with a slap and responded, "Since we are in a perimeter system, we demand the right to banishment." Dementia's eyes lit up. Tammy looked confused. The minotaur thought for a second. "This right cannot be granted without also showing proper tribute to the Emperor." "Fine, take Tits over there." Tammy didn't like the sound of this. "Shoot them! They're evil! Look what they did to me!" The minotaur thought again for a second. His gun made a whirring noise as it powered up. Dementia cringed. Demoniaca smiled. A blinding light filled the room as the weapon discharged. Tammy felt somewhat relieved until the light disappeared, and the two sisters were still standing there. "I have sentenced you to banishment on earth, and removal of all your unearthly powers." "What? NO! You can't leave them here! What about me?" The minotaur continued, "I accept this earthling with expanding glands as a fitting tribute to the Emperor. Case dismissed. Hail the Emperor!" "Hail the Emperor," said Demoniaca and Dementia, less enthusiastically than the merciful minotaur. "No! You can't do this! I have rights too!" The minotaur disappeared in the same pattern of light that he appeared in. Tammy soon found herself engulfed in the strange light as well. "Oh!" she whimpered, "what's going to happen to me?" When the light cleared, she found herself on a spaceship, alone, with the minotaur at the controls. "Well, I guess I'll be okay. After all, he is a law enforcement officer. Besides, this can't possibly be worse than being stuck with the Grimaldi sisters..." Tammy's thoughts were interrupted by the minotaur's voice on the intercom. "My darling Heiferoid harem! I bring good news! Though we are far from home, we will be able to begin the Feast right here on this ship, for I have brought a milk beast from the water planet, Earth. So all of you, come and drink your fill, for this is the Feast of Haneck Tannizi!" Tammy was suddenly surrounded by dozens of young cow-faced women. The crowd was silent, except for a low collective murmur. Tammy felt milk surge into her breasts faster than ever before. She wrapped her arms around the sides of her bust and felt her skin stretching to accommodate the hundreds of gallons that were filling her up, making her larger than any woman in the universe. Soon, her breasts covered her entire body from the neck down. She was being crushed at first, but eventually her cleavage became so large that her body fit comfortably in between hundreds of pounds of boob. The murmuring heiferoids rolled her breasts forward until she was standing behind them, and so they could reach her nipples without having to climb her mountainous mammaries. The murmuring stopped when each of her breasts rested on the ground in front of her, their tops at eye level. Tammy caressed the skin of her breasts, finding it difficult to believe that the enormous mass in front of her was actually part of her body. As each heiferoid took turns suckling, she thought, "This is going to be a long trip." * * * Tammy was never seen on Earth again. Rumor has it, things got a little out of hand when Tammy arrived at the planetary Celebration of Haneck Tannizi. Planet Ionus now has twin moons moon, and for the first time, that desert planet had pale white droplets of rain. From that day forward, the Ionians worshipped those moons and named then for the women who made it possible to end famine on their world: The left moon - Dementia. The right moon - Demoniaca.