This story is the first in an upcoming series of tales, hopefully many tales, about big breasts doing bad things. Gigantic naked breasts will be depicted in these tales. If local laws forbid someone your age to read about gigantic naked breasts doing naughty things, do not read this story. *********************************************************************** Tales from the Bra by Wren 1996 Tale One: Big Business "What do you mean you won't do the operation?...Well can't you do something about that?...But I don't have that type of money!...Isn't there any alternative?...Oh yeah? Well 'frankly' I think you can take your scalpel and shove up it you're...hello? Hello??...Shit!" Shelby Dodson hung up the phone on another plastic surgeon. This was the third one in as many weeks. They all told her that they simply couldn't give her implants as big as she wanted. She couldn't afford the process it would take to give a flat-chested woman DD implants. Shelby didn't make enough from her failing clothing store to pay for the operation, but the very reason she wanted implants was so she could save her store. She was sure she could seduce male investors if only she had bigger boobs. Now, however, the situation was beginning to look grim. "Well, at least I can get some insurance money out of the place." Shelby picked up a gasoline can and a lighter, but just then... RING! "Hello? "Hello? Is this Ms. Shelby Dodson?" said the woman. "Yes, this is Shelby..." "Hi Shelby! I heard about your problem. I can give you the breasts you want." Shelby was shocked, but eager. "You can? Really?? I mean, I thought I tried all the surgeons. How much will it cost me?" "We can talk price later. Please come to my office tomorrow morning. It's the small black building on Bard Street." CLICK. "Hmm," thought Shelby, "must be one of those non-licensed docs. I'm willing to try anything at this point." The next morning, she woke early and went to the address the woman gave her. The building had no sign outside. In fact, it seemed to be abandoned, with the windows painted over. When she opened the door, however, the inside looked like some sort of health food shop. All sorts of roots and herbs were in little baskets on the dirty wooden shelves. The woman she talked to on the phone was sitting at the cash register at the back of the shop, reading the "Doctors' Book of Home Remedies." "Funny," Shelby thought, "she didn't sound like a gypsy on the phone." The woman pulled off her veil and her shawl to reveal that she was wearing a business outfit underneath...which completely befuddled Shelby. "Hi, I'm Madame Nashon," she spoke as she approached, reaching for a handshake, "Welcome to my shop. I believe I have an item that fits your needs precisely." She released Shelby's hand and motioned for her to follow into a back room. Madam Nashon pulled a jar off one of the back shelves, which were even dirtier than the front display shelves, and opened the lid. She wafted the jar's aroma toward Shelby, who was almost knocked off her feet by the stench. "It's as effective as it is nauseating." "What is it?" "This, Ms. Dodson, is a very special potion. I brewed it up after one of my plastic surgeon friends called me and told me about your problem." "She's got connections," thought Shelby. "Well what does it do?" "This potion, Shelby, will make your breasts grow, but in a special way. Your breasts will grow as big as your income is." "What?" "Let me explain...when you first take the potion your breasts will grow to represent how well your business is doing now. You can sort of call them 'dividends.' You can then use your new found 'wealth' to attract investors, thereby causing your business to grow, thereby causing your 'profits' to grow. Then you can attract even bigger investors. The cycle will continue from there." Shelby was visibly excited. "That's exactly what I want to happen! I need this potion! How much do you want for it?" "My price is 5% of the profits from your business." "Hmm, I guess that's not too bad a price as long as my business gets bigger. It's a deal!" Shelby reached out for a handshake, but instead Madame Nashon put the jar into her awaiting hand. "Satisfaction is guaranteed. One way or another, you'll get the wealth you deserve!" Shelby turned to leave with a big grin, but then turned back with a look of distrust. "Hey wait a minute. I must be crazy. I don't believe in this sort of thing." Madame Nashon crossed her arms, "Well if you doubt me, just drink the potion right now and see what happens." Shelby opened the jar, "Bleh!" She pinched her nose shut and gulped down the foul smelling mixture. The jar dropped to the ground as she immediately put her hands to her chest. Her bra was feeling tight already. She looked down and unbuttoned the top few buttons of her blouse. Her breasts were bulging up above her B-cup bra showing off her impressive cleavage. It appeared that she had grown about two cup sizes. She rubbed her hands over her new breasts, feeling the tightness of her inadequate bra. "Well," said Madame Nashon with a smirk, "looks to me like your business is doing just fine." "Actually," coughed was a little harder to breathe with her bra on, "I wanted to be a little bigger than this." "Well you should be able to use those to help your business grow, and then you can get as big as your ambition takes you." "Thank you Madame Nashon!" Shelby said as she hugged the strange business-gypsy and then raced out the door. "Nice kid. She'll be back though," smirked the gypsy. She put her shawl and veil back on and resumed her reading. Shelby went to her clothing store and raided it for new bras and tops. "It's times like this that I'm glad I'm in the clothing business." She then called her two employees, Bosco and Grimaldi, and told them she needed them to come back to work immediately. About an hour later, Bosco rolled through the automatic door on a skateboard. "Hey like, what's the deal callin' me in on my day off?" he grumbled as he did circles around Shelby. As he passed in front of her the second time, he noticed her newly enlarged bosom and wiped out, crashing into a lingerie display. "Whoa, boss lady! Your wonder bra is working wonders!" Shelby pulled him up by his arm. "Shut up you idiot and go work the cash register." "Huh?" replied Bosco, removing his headphones. Shelby grabbed him by the earlobe and led him to the counter, "Ow ow ow, okay! I get the point! Sheesh!" As Bosco removed his knee and elbow guards, Grimaldi stepped through the door. She was dressed all in black, as usual, wearing a black gown and black lipstick with long black fingernails. "Hey Grimmy, how's it goin'?" said Bosco, turning the store's sound system to his favorite radio station. "Go to hell, Bosco...well, what have we here," she said, eyeing Shelby up and down, "You can't have gotten a boob job since I saw you haven't been practicing the black arts have you?" Grimaldi always had been very creepy, but right now Shelby found her unbearable. "Thank you for coming in on such short notice, Grimmy," Shelby said through partially clenched teeth, "I need you to get to work on a new window display. Try to do something a little less morbid this time. I have a feeling my business is going to be looking up from now on." Shelby went to her office in the back, where she started formulating a plan to find investors. "Hmph, 'a little less morbid' she says. I'll give her a display that'll really turn her business around." After a couple of hours, Shelby had compiled a list of male investors she thought she'd be able to seduce into boosting her business. As she printed the list, she noticed her bra straps seemed to be digging into her shoulders. "Strange," she thought, unbuttoning her blouse, "this bra fit fine this morning...GASP!" Shelby was shocked to find that as she opened her blouse, her breasts were spilling out of the cups of her brand new bra. They now appeared to each be as big as a grapefruit. "Shit! How did this happen? I'd better go get some bigger tops from the store." As she walked through the door that led from her office into the store area, she was shocked to find that her store was full of people. Bosco was frantically punching buttons on the cash register, trying to keep up with the mob of customers fighting to get ahead in line. "Bosco! What's going on out here?!" "Hold on Miss, I'll be right with you." "Bosco!" "Oh, it's you! I haven't got time to explain. It's the window display. They just keep coming!" As Bosco scanned the credit cards of the eager customers, Shelby felt her bra and blouse slowly growing even tighter. She crossed her arms to cover herself up and fought her way through the crowd to the exit so she could get a look at the store's display window. Once she got outside, she was shocked to see what was drawing all the customers to her shop. There was a female mannequin clad in thigh high black vinyl boots, and a black vinyl thong bikini holding a whip. When the mannequin shifted positions and struck a new pose, Shelby realized it was not a mannequin at all but Grimmy! "Grimmy! What are you doing!" Reading her lips through the glass, Grimmy shifted positions again and bent over with her butt facing Shelby, and then proceeded to spank herself with the whip. "My business will be ruined!" thought Shelby. But then the worsening tightness in her bra reminded her that at the moment her store was doing more business than it ever had before. She noticed for the first time that reporters were among the crowd, doing live reports for the local news shows. Someone in the crowd pointed her out as being the owner, and the reporters swarmed around her. She was stuck, and now she wished she had changed her top before she came outside. "Miss Dodson, why have you taken it upon yourself to challenge the recent decency ordinance and put a scantily clad model in your window for everyone to see." "Well actually, the only thing I did was tell my employee to do something different for the window display. Wait a minute...ordinance? What ordinance?" Her bra was now becoming unbearable. Some of the reporters gasped as one button and then another popped from the middle of Shelby's blouse. She was too busy contemplating her situation to notice this development, however. Just then a police car pulled up. Two cops got out and one of them confronted Shelby, "Mam, I'm afraid we have to ask you to remove that model from the window or we're going to have to arrest her for indecent exposure." "Indecent exposure? But I..." Unfortunately, Shelby had ignored her overly tight bra a little too long. The velcro closure on the front, designed for easy access, gave way and let her now melon-sized breasts spill out, popping three more buttons in the process. The shirt now did barely anything to cover her melons. "That's it!" yelled the cop, immediately handcuffing Shelby and throwing her into the car. "Go get that slut out of the window," he ordered his partner. In his anger, the cop neglected to check for any other employees inside the store, so the police car sped off, leaving Bosco in the store to fend for himself, with an even bigger crowd of eager customers. ************* Shelby and Grimmy sat in the cell together. The cops had given Shelby an oversized shirt from a police uniform, but as the hours passed, Shelby's chest began to fill the shirt. She used her one phone call to call her shop, and get Bosco to close for the day and come bail her out. But Bosco never answered the phone, and Shelby continued to grow. "Why doesn't that idiot just go home!" Grimmy, wrapped in a police blanket to cover her unlawful outfit, sat on a bench grinning at Shelby the whole time. "What are you looking at?" "I think you know exactly what I'm looking at." Shelby turned her back to Grimmy and put her hands to her breasts. Her skin was tingling and she was growing fast enough that she could feel they were heavier than before. She had lost sight of her feet long ago and she feared that if she relaxed her back muscles for one second she would topple forward. They were each the size of volleyballs now, and she could feel them swelling bigger by the minute. They seemed to stretch out miles in front of her. She supposed that she should be happy that her wish was being fulfilled, but being arrested and thrown into the cell with her creepy employee was destroying the wonder of the moment. "I guess you got your wish." "What are you talking about?" Shelby spun around, almost losing her balance. Grimaldi seemed to know everything. "To tell the truth, I did that window thing out of spite, but now it seems your business will be bigger than ever. And with that little show YOU put on for the reporters..." Grimaldi's eyes dropped to Shelby's breasts once again. She smirked and then turned away, not finishing her sentence. Shelby walked over to the bars and tried to push Grimmy's words out of her mind. She suddenly noticed that the shirt was uncomfortably tight. She glanced down at her chest and raised her hand to her mouth to cover the gasp. Her breasts had grown several inches and were each bigger than basketballs. One of her buttons popped off and sailed into the hallway. She was about to burst into tears when she heard the voice of a policeman coming down the corridor. She felt a blanket thrown around her shoulders from behind. "I think you need this more than I do. Here comes the cavalry." Shelby heard a familiar voice conversing with the policeman and was shocked when he appeared followed by, "Madame Nashon!" Madame Nashon seemed to ignore Shelby, however, and began speaking directly to her cellmate. "Hello niece. A fine mess you've gotten my client into." "Me? She's the one exposing her bosom in front of local reporters...and don't think I don't know how that..." "Let's get you out of here," Madame Nashon interrupted, escorting Shelby out of the cell. Shelby looked back and was surprised to see the door close with Grimmy still inside the cell. "Don't worry...she's very resourceful and can take care of her self...Hmm, I see that business is doing well," said Madame Nashon, glancing at Shelby's bust as she opened the car door for her. "They're a little bigger than I wanted, but I don't think they're growing anymore. That idiot Bosco must have finally went home." Shelby wasn't really happy with her new size. She wanted to be bigger, but not this huge. She considered asking Madame Nashon to call the whole thing off. "Well I'm glad you're satisfied. I'm still expecting my 5 percent you know. Maybe you'll be happier with a 5% breast reduction." "A 5% breast reduction," thought Shelby. This gave her an idea. Madame Nashon dropped her off at the store, which was now closed. Bosco left a note saying that he'd deposited the day's profits in the bank and went home. "It would have been nice if he said how much, but I guess I can figure that out for myself," she said, squeezing her enormous breasts. She felt as if she had a couple enormous water balloons sloshing around underneath the skin of her chest. She picked up her cellular phone and called her bank. She used special codes to transfer money to Madame Nashon's account. First, she transferred 5% of her earnings, and soon felt a slight change in her breasts. "I might as well give her more, after all, she made my fondest wish come true." She continued transferring small amounts until they had shrunk back to the size of volleyballs. "I guess I'd better stay this size since all the local news shows saw me like this yesterday." When she checked her messages, she found that the men she had planned to contact as potential investors had actually called her first after seeing her on the local news that night. "This is even better than I had hoped! I guess I owe Grimmy for that stunt she pulled." She slept in her office and woke up the next morning long before opening time. She planned to visit the office of one of the men who had called her the previous day. She raided her store for clothes to fit her new figure. When she was dressed and ready to go, she left her office and found that Bosco had taken it upon himself to open the store a little bit early. He didn't even seem to notice her as she walked by since he was already handling a huge line of customers. As she reached the front of the shop, Shelby was shocked to see Grimmy back in the window display. Her outfit wasn't as revealing as the one she had worn the previous day, but the tight denim shorts and lycra haltertop drew just as large a crowd, especially since she chose to keep the whip in her routine. As Shelby neared the exit, she was hit with an oversized blue t-shirt. "You might need that later!" shouted Grimmy as she continued dancing. Shelby was confused, but didn't have time to argue, so she stuffed it inside her briefcase and left. ************* As she waited for the investor to get out of a meeting, Shelby began to realize what Grimmy was talking about. Fortunately for her, she had chosen to wear a body-hugging red dress made from stretchy material. While she sat waiting, her shop was getting more business than ever, since yesterday's events had been broadcast on the news. Already her breasts were about the size of basketballs and were swelling slightly out of the top of her bra and the neckline of her dress, showing several inches of cleavage. She was thankful when the man, ironically the owner of a bra- making business, finally was able to see her. It seemed he had prepared a list of questions and concerns to pose to Miss Dodson, but the sight of her now left him at a loss for words. "Uh M - M - Miss Dodson." Shelby reached for a handshake but he intercepted her hand and kissed it. "The local news didn't do you justice." "I know, I didn't get a chance to give my side of the story." As she sat, she heard the velcro adjust on her bra, indicating that her breasts were very close to bursting out. They were bigger than they had gotten the other day in jail. She wasn't sure how the man would take it if she exposed her enormous breasts for the second time in as many days, so she took control of the meeting to hurry things along and put him on the spot. "Mr. Thompson, I'm a busy woman. I've got several other investors to meet with today because, as you know my business is booming..." Her velcro creaked again and she could almost swear that her breasts surged outward a full inch more. As the two large masses loomed in front of her she thought, "I feel like a blimp. I'd better speed this up." "Basically, I just need an answer from you. You know what I can do for your business. What can you do for mine?" Mr. Thompson straightened up as if he were about to say something impressive, "Miss Dodson, if you sell my bras in your shop, this is what I'll do for you: I will buy the businesses next to you and expand your shop to fill the whole building. I will hire more employees to handle the heavy load of customers you have right now. I will invest in tv commercials for you business as long as you endorse my bras in them and I will even open a new branch of your shop in another state. All you have to do is sign here. What do you say?" Shelby was shocked...this was the first investor she'd visited and already she was getting the deal of a lifetime. "I say YES, Mr. Thompson." She carefully stood up, signed the contract and shook his hand. "I like the way you do business Miss Dodson..." "Shelby." "...Shelby...and I look forward to doing it with you in the, business that is." He wiped the sweat from his brow and watched her carefully walk out the door. Her breasts were still visible from behind. "This is a dream come true!" thought Shelby, "I feel...I feel...oh my!" In her breasts, underneath her skin, she felt as if a flood was about to happen she was about to be pumped full of something was about to be transferred into her. "Transferred!" She thought, "He wouldn't start funding me right now would he? My assets couldn't have increased already...oh no!" Her question was answered by a shredding sound as the front of her bra finally gave way to her growing breasts. Fortunately, she was able to immediately duck into a bathroom. She checked all the stalls before going into one and closing the door. As she sat down, she finally realized the extent of her situation. Her breasts were as big as pumpkins and rested in her lap. Remarkably, her dress was still holding out, but they were visibly growing larger this time. Shelby was amazed that two things so big could be part of her body. "I'm huge! This is impossible! What am I going to do?" Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt the sensation of the sides of her breasts pressing against the sides of the stall, the toilet paper dispenser pressing painfully into her left breast. She began to think of the movie "The Blob" and imagined her breasts filling the entire bathroom. "Oh God! What if they do get that big?" Compressed by the walls, her breasts swelled forward, upward, and downward. They engulfed her legs and began to swell toward the floor. When she heard someone enter the bathroom she realized her growing boobs were visible beneath the door of the stall, so she raised her legs and braced her feet up against the front corners of the stall, effectively lifting and supporting her breasts out of view. "I've got to stop this...GASP! The phone!" Shelby remembered what she did the previous day and decided to give it a try. She called her bank's computer and found that Mr. Thompson had already transferred a large sum of money to her account. She transferred a large percentage of it to Madame Nashon and suddenly, her breasts began to shrink. Eventually, she was able to put her feet back down and allowed her breasts to rest in her lap. She continued transferring money until her breasts were each slightly smaller than basketballs. "Thank goodness this dress didn't rip. I don't have time to get a change of clothes before my next meeting." Her ordeal had slightly stretched her amazing dress out of shape, however. Her breasts would have to be at least the size of basketballs for it to fit right. She could feel that they were still growing thanks to the sales at her shop, and estimated that her dress would be a perfect fit by the time she went to her second meeting with the president of a lingerie manufacturing company. ************* When the lingerie exec's secretary finally let her in to see him, however, her breasts were each the size of Halloween pumpkins. She had given up trying to get her bra back on, yet her enormous breasts still loomed in front of her like two enormous blimps. Their tops swelled above her neckline forming two small hills bulging out of her dress. She held her hands underneath the bottoms of her breasts, supporting them like a forklift. Each step caused the entire frontal mass to bob downward heavily in the direction of the planted foot, and then a rebound in the other direction followed by a small wave of jiggling. The waves of jiggling crescendoed with every step so that when she finally reached the man's desk, her breasts were wobbling wildly. Shelby had to bring her hands from underneath her breasts and hug them forcefully to bring them under control. She reached out her hand for a handshake and was shocked to see that not only was her hand obscured from view by her immense mammaries, but so was most of the desk in front of her. In fact, the only thing she could see was the gape-jawed expression on the man's face. Shelby was about to withdraw her outreached hand when she felt a piece of paper and a pen shoved into it. She held her arm out to her side and then brought the paper above her bust so she could read it. Apparently, some time during her amazing stroll across the office, the man had retained enough composure to type up a contract very similar to the one she had gotten before, only it promised more profit and begged her to be the spokesperson in their commercials. She was going to be rich beyond her wildest dreams just from these two investors alone! Shelby eagerly signed the contract on top of her breasts, thanking God that there were no i's in her name to dot. She thanked the man and set the contract on his desk several inches in front of him so he wouldn't drool on it and left the office. Although she was now guaranteed to become very wealthy, Shelby's main concern was to get back to her store before the incident in the bra company bathroom was repeated. Besides, her back was killing her. She decided the express elevator was her best bet and walked as quickly as she could to get there. She was the only one inside when she stepped on and pressed the button for the lobby. At first she thought she was going to make a clean getaway, but the elevator had only gone down a few floors when Shelby's breasts once again began to expand rapidly. "Oh no, not again!" she groaned as her already mountainous globes expanded to the size of beach balls. She began to reach for the cell phone in her purse, but then clutched at the sides of her breasts as the weight of the increasing flesh dragged her to the floor. She fell to her knees and bent forward, leaning on her expanding boobs. In a few seconds she was able to kneel comfortably with her breasts resting on the ground in front of her. Last time her breasts were big enough to fill a bathroom stall, and already they were about to surpass even that vast size. "My God! They're enormous! I can't believe it! My tits are bigger than the rest the rest of me!" Her amazing dress finally burst off her breasts, sounding like the muffled pop of a water balloon. Immediately, Shelby's nipples hit the cool metal of the elevator doors and her breasts began to push her towards the back wall of the elevator. The ding of the bell brought Shelby back to her senses as she realized the doors were about to open for someone to get on. She reached into her purse and grabbed the cell phone, but suddenly a sharp jerk shook it from her hands as the elevator began to plummet toward the basement. Her breasts had exceeded the maximum weight capacity! Shelby felt like she was floating as the box she was in accelerated towards certain doom. "My breasts! Too much weight! I've got to lighten the load!" But the cell phone was no where in sight. Meanwhile, her breasts became bigger and bigger. She was amazed when she felt her tits squeezing against the hard wood of the side walls of the elevator. They filled the entire view in front of her. "I can't believe this is all me," she said, spreading her arms wide and then leaning on top of the throbbing mass. She hugged her jiggling pile of boob flesh as if it was a giant teddy bear as her life flashed before her eyes. Shelby snapped out of her trance, however, when she heard the sound of wood breaking. Her breasts were becoming too wide for the elevator! She straightened up, finding they were now large enough for her to stand with them resting on the floor. She watched as the side panels bulged outward from the force of her growing breasts. She watched her bust slowly trying to force its way out of the elevator, every once in a while turning her attention to the rapidly falling digits on the elevator display. Suddenly, she heard a loud screeching noise and saw sparks through the holes her breasts had torn in the walls. The numbers on the display descended more and more slowly until finally she felt the elevator grind to a halt right at the basement floor. The metal framework of the elevator had been forced outward against the elevator shaft and stopped her descent! "I'm saved by my breasts!" Shelby laughed nervously, collapsing as far forward as she could before her bust stopped her. The tops of her breasts now rose higher than her body, and she almost forgot the fact they were still growing until she felt herself being pressed against the back wall of the elevator. "Huh, oh no! They're still growing! I can't stop it! I'll be crushed!" Just then the cell phone came into view, wedged high atop her breasts in the middle of her cleavage. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't reach it. It was becoming difficult to breathe, and in frustration she pounded her breasts with her fists. The punches sent waves through her breasts that dislodged the cell phone and it fell within inches of her hand. "Hold on lady! We'll get you out!" came a voice from outside. The elevator creaked as the tops of her breasts reached the elevator ceiling. Finally, the slope of the giant orbs was steep enough that the cell phone slipped into her waiting hand. She quickly dialed the bank and transferred assets to Madame Nashon in the highest increments her bank would allow. Rapidly her breasts shrank and released her from the wall. She could only get them down to the size of beach balls before the elevator doors started to weaken. She ripped her dress and converted it into a skirt. She retrieved the oversized t-shirt from her now crushed briefcase and managed to pull it over her mighty boobs just before the emergency team ripped the doors open. She jogged past them and jiggled away as fast as she could. "Wow, she's huge!" gasped one of the men. "If they only knew," thought Shelby, and quickly found her car and sped away. ***************** Shelby's destination was very clear to her. She was now very wealthy, but she could no longer stand the bizarre behavior of her breasts. She stormed into the eerie black building as fast as she could get her chest to go and wobbled over to Madame Nashon. "Madame Nashon, I..." "I know why you're here. I'm glad you made it out of the elevator without injury. I'm afraid the magic I gave you was a little too strong." "A little??" "I understand that you're not satisfied, and want to break off our contract." "Yes, please! I can't take this anymore!" "I expected your arrival, and I already prepared this antidote. I see that you have learned how to control your size by transferring your funds to someone." "Yes..." It seemed that Madame Nashon hadn't checked her bank account yet. "Won't she be surprised," thought Shelby. "Well here is what you must do. Drink from this vial," Nashon pulled a vial from her pocket and handed it to Shelby, who eagerly gulped it down. It tasted much better than the other potion. "By 6:00 pm, you must make them the size that you desire...after then the spell will be broken and that is the size you will remain." "That's it?" "That's it." "Thank you Madame Nashon! I am eternally grateful." "Oh don't thank me, I have caused you much trouble. I only hope I can compensate you enough for your hardships." Shelby raced back to the shop and helped Bosco and Grimmy clear out the customers. She didn't want to do any more growing before the spell wore off. She then called her bank and transferred enough funds to Madame Nashon so that her breasts shrank to a size slightly larger than basketballs. Their weight was painful, but she liked the effect that size had on the second investor she had visited. Shelby was about to close the shop behind Bosco and Grimmy as they left for the day when Grimmy turned back to say a few words. "I hope you've settled everything with my aunt. Maybe now you know that magic is dangerous to play around with." "I suppose so, but it did turn my business around." "Funny, I didn't think you were satisfied." "Well, I'm not...not yet anyway. Thank your aunt for me." "I will. I'll be picking her up from the bank today." "The bank?" "Yeah, it seems she's had a lot of unsatisfied clients recently. Serves her right for having a money-back guarantee." "Well, maybe her finances won't be as bad as she thinks. See you tomorrow Grimmy." Shelby locked the door and looked at the clock. 5:40 pm. Only 20 minutes to go. "I won't be needing this anymore," she said, and tossed her cell phone on the counter next to the cash register. She then roamed around her shop, picking out various outfits that would fit her. She finally picked out a black dress like the red one she had destroyed earlier. She put it on without a bra to reproduce the look she had when she visited the lingerie company. As she admired herself in the mirror at the back of the store, she began to think about Grimaldi's words. "It sounded as if Nashon has to make some big paybacks for poor work. She should never have to work again with the money I've given her. Lucky for her I'm satisfied with her work or she'd have to pay me back." Shelby froze and stared blankly into the mirror. "But...she's breaking the spell because I wasn't...satisfied...but ...but...all that money...surely she wouldn't...GASP!" Shelby snapped back to her senses, "When does the bank close?! 6:00 pm?!" Shelby glanced at the clock. 5:50 pm. "If Madame Nashon is at the bank, she'd probably be making her deposit right about..." Suddenly, Shelby's breasts began to tingle fiercely. It was as if she could sense the abundant wealth being transferred to her account and being added to her assets. She once again stared blankly at the mirror and froze as her breasts surged outward faster than they ever had before. They swelled like two bloated water balloons being filled from a fire hose. Frightened by the sight of herself growing so rapidly, she broke her stare and turned away from the mirror. Her breasts expanded to the size of beach balls and then bean bag chairs within seconds and the weight threw her to the ground, her body bouncing on top of them. Seconds later they were so large that she rose to her feet and bent at the waist, comfortably resting her torso on the soft, warm mass of breasts beneath her. The dress literally exploded this time, not leaving a shred of cloth to cover her body. "What have I done," she thought as seconds later she was able to stand up straight, her growing tits only inches shorter than the height of her body. In seconds more, her breasts were large enough to dwarf a minivan. Like before, her breasts were rapidly becoming the only thing she could see. They swelled before her, toppling clothes racks and crushing mannequins. Her gigantic nipples crept forward, leading twin paths of destruction like guided cruise missiles. As she gazed over the top of them, she felt as if she was watching the horizon of some heavenly body, steadily gaining mass until it dwarfed everything in site. Seconds later, her breasts reached more than half the distance to the front of the store, thankfully rising high enough now to block her view of her disastrous mistake. Now all she could watch was two giant walls of her own flesh rapidly rising above her, growing toward the ceiling. She could still feel her nipples clearing a path toward the front of the store. Finally, her breasts met the ceiling and side walls. She was totally engulfed in tits and waited to be crushed to death against the mirror on the back wall. As she held her breath, she felt the her breasts meet the front wall, increasing the pressure against her body at the opposite side of the store. She was about to lose conscientiousness when the flimsy two-way mirror shattered and she was pushed through into her back office. "I...I'm still alive." That revelation made her feel as if she was waking from a dream, but she soon realized that she was still firmly attached to two mammoth body parts which slightly bulged through the hole where the mirror used to be. "Unnh, I can feel all the walls in there...what's going to happen to me?" A rumbling sound echoed throughout the building and Shelby noticed cracks forming in the back wall. She closed her eyes, feeling the sensation of her gigantic breasts swelling inside a huge brick box. She heard debris falling around her but didn't open her eyes until she felt the cool night air and realized there was no more pressure on her chest. Her building was completely demolished. It would take all her wealth just to pay for the damages to nearby businesses. She gazed at the mountain her bust had become. If felt like she was attached to two small planets. They didn't seem to be growing anymore. Shelby gasped when she realized what that meant. "It's past 6 pm. The spell is broken. I'm stuck like this forever." As the sirens came, Shelby meditated for a while before she burst into tears. Her bust terribly bloated with the wealth she desired so badly. Now it seemed that she possessed nothing, and yet possessed more than she ever wanted... The End...more tales to come