This is a work of fiction. No young women or mad scientists were harmed during the making of this story. As well as breast enlargement it features a few other fetishes and should be read by consenting adults only. THE MORPHING OF MELANIE by Hot Dog Melanie awoke feeling rather groggy. She tried to gather her thoughts before opening her eyes. Dave - that was Professor Lewis but all the lab assistants were on informal terms with the academic staff - had asked her to come into the lab this Sunday to help him with an important experiment. Since the overtime would come in useful and she didn't have much of a social life she had agreed. (She'd only moved to London and started this job a week or two earlier, and had made no real friends as yet, not helped by being rather quiet and shy.) They had had a cup of coffee before starting work, and then she had suddenly come over very sleepy. She was lying on something cold and hard. Opening her eyes, she found it was the marble floor of the lab. With a shock, she realised that the reason it felt so cold was that she was naked. An observer would have seen a rather frightened but very attractive 19 year-old girl, about 5 feet 3 inches tall, slimly built with B-cup breasts, and shoulder-length red hair (which he would be able to confirm was her natural hair colour). She then heard Dave's voice, and saw that he was seated at a computer terminal across the lab. "I see you're awake. As you may have guessed, I drugged your coffee. If you look around, you'll see that you are in the middle of a transparent perspex semicircular dome, quite unbreakable and some ten feet in radius. You can't escape, so don't bother trying. This is where I have some fun, and get my revenge on you and all the other stuck-up girls who wouldn't go out with me, just because I'm shy and don't look like a movie star." "But, Dave", she began, but he cut across her. "Save it; I'm not interested. Now, if you look up you'll see that in the top of the dome there's a speaker and a microphone so we can communicate. There's also a device looking rather like an ear-trumpet, which is connected to that metal cabinet that you see just outside the dome. The cabinet contains the transmogrifier device that I have spent many months developing in the evenings after work. The device can be controlled from the PC at which I am sitting. You'll see that there are a number of cameras just outside the dome, filming you from different angles. Their pictures are fed into the PC, and I can then use an image manipulation package to alter your image in any way I like. Once I am satisfied, I just press the right mouse button, and the image is fed to the transmogrifier. You will then be bathed in a transmogrifying ray from the transmitter at the top of the dome. This will alter you so that you exactly resemble the image on the PC's screen. It's 11AM now, and nobody will come near this lab till 8:30 tomorrow morning, so there's plenty of time to explore what this technology can do and have some fun. You won't feel any pain or discomfort, so I hope you won't kick up a fuss. Oh, yes, one more thing. You'll see I've put a full-length mirror just outside the dome, so you'll be able to get a good view of everything I do to you." Melanie knew that Professor Lewis was a brilliant physicist, and if he said that the machine would work then it *would* work. "Please, Dave, don't do this. If you want, I'll go out with you." "Too late now. You had your chance and you blew it. If you behave, with no screaming and shouting, I *might* restore you to your original form, which I now have saved on the computer. Otherwise..." "But you can't get away with this, Dave." "How will anyone find out? If I think you might tell anyone, then I'll turn you into a rat before I let you go. Now quiet, I need to concentrate on this warping." She tried to see what he was doing, but his body was between her and the computer screen. When he was satisfied, he clicked the right mouse button. The cabinet hummed for a couple of seconds whilst it carried out its calculations, and then there was a flash from the transmitter above her. She had expected, somehow, that the change would be gradual, but it was instantaneous. There was a tingling feeling for a moment, and suddenly her belly was grotesquely swollen, as though she was about ten months pregnant, and since she was standing up and not anticipating the sudden shift in her centre of gravity she almost fell. She couldn't suppress a shriek of horror. "You're not really pregnant," he told her. "Even this outfit isn't capable of doing that. You just look as though you are. Now I think you need a little more up top to balance that." From his remark she was expecting to be given larger breasts. What she hadn't anticipated was that they would be no larger at the base, but would extend out horizontally some 18 inches in front of her, like twin torpedoes. She noticed that her nipples had also been extended, to about an inch in length, and were erect - even though she was anything but sexually aroused. "How do you like those?" he asked her. "I think the nipples are an especially nice touch. Since I made them erect in the image, they'll stay that way. You might be wondering why gravity doesn't have it's way with your breasts. Well, the transmogrifier is clever enough to see to that, strengthening muscles where it can work out it's necessary, or even introducing totally new muscles or bone structure. Hmmm, it still doesn't look quite balanced to me. Ah, I know." Again the tingling feeling and, looking in the mirror, she saw he had given her a nose of Pinocchio dimensions, some six inches long and with a slight hook halfway along, reminiscent of Concorde's. Over the next couple of hours Melanie was subjected to a bewildering series of changes; each, it seemed to her inwardly screaming mind, was more grotesque than the last. Almost every part of her anatomy was shrunk, stretched, removed altogether or duplicated. She was subjected to changes in colour, had various parts of her body covered in fur, and on one occasion was turned totally bald. Some of these alterations were done individually, with previous ones being undone first; others were done in various combinations. There were too many changes to describe them all, but a few of them were: The area of her pubic hair was enlarged to reach almost to her waist, the hair itself being coloured bright orange and extended to three inches in length. Her arms were lengthened to reach her knees and then her legs were shortened, so that when she was standing erect her hands would touch the floor. Her body was turned back to front from the waist upwards. Her labia and clitoris were enlarged to several inches in length. She was given a clown's face, not with props and make-up but for real. The characteristic red ball nose was her own flesh, her facial skin colour was changed to resemble a clown's make-up and her hair was bright orange and looked like string. Her body was covered with revolting warts. He also used pictures of animals to turn her partially or wholly into other creatures: A centaur, with her own original torso and head placed on the body of a Shetland pony. A toad standing four feet tall. A snake-woman, where her own hips morphed into a cobra's tail. A mermaid in reverse, with her own lower body joined to the upper body of a fish (suitably modified to breath air). Wholly human except for a donkey's ears and tail. It was turning Melanie into a gorilla that proved to be Lewis's big mistake. Whilst the perspex was girl-proof, when, humiliated beyond further endurance, she made an enraged charge at it it proved not to be gorilla-proof but shattered in a most satisfactory way. She ran across the lab and broke his neck with a single blow, sending his body flying across the highly polished floor until it fetched up with a thump against the transmogrifier cabinet. As her anger cooled, she realised that killing him might have been a mistake: firstly, could she operate the machine without him, and secondly, had the transmogrifier been damaged by the impact of his body? A further complication, she realised, was that the police might ask some awkward questions about how the professor had died. Then she had an idea as to how she could both test the operation of the machine and dispose of the professor's body. She dragged the body across the floor until it was underneath the transmitter. Then, with some difficulty given the size of her hands (or should that be paws, she wondered) she used the computer keyboard, and managed to find a picture of a white rat. Then she clicked the right mouse button, and where the professor's body had been was now the body of a (dead) rat. There was a certain ironic justice in that, she thought, remembering that he had threatened to leave her as a rat herself. Now for the important bit, she thought. Browsing through the pictures on the hard drive, she managed to find one of her original self. She knew from experience that the transmogrifier would take about two seconds to process the information from the computer before it transmitted the ray. Could she dash underneath the beam in time? She clicked on the right mouse button and ran. When the beam came on she was still only half within it, and she felt a sort of wrenching as her motion carried her wholly within it just before it shut off. Would it matter? she wondered, scarcely daring to turn to face the mirror. There was some good news and some bad news. The good news was that she was no longer a gorilla, and was almost wholly back to her old self. The bad news was that her breasts were grossly enlarged. She looked as though she would need at least a Q-cup bra. At least they aren't torpedo-shaped she thought. Indeed, apart from their extreme size they were very nice round breasts, showing little or no sag. Well, she thought, I can always have a second go. But before she could move back to the computer the hum from the transmogrifier faltered and then stopped. Then there was the sound of a faint boom, as of an explosion muffled by the metal casing. She opened the access door at the front of the cabinet. One look told her that the machine was damaged beyond repair, even if anyone living had had the knowledge to do so. No doubt the blow from the professor's body had had some delayed effect on the delicate circuitry. Sighing heavily, for she knew that she was stuck like this, she set to work to cover the traces of what had happened. This merely involved erasing all of the relevant files on the computer, since she was sure that no-one would be able to make anything of the badly damaged machine or the rest of the equipment. She was also certain that the professor, as a loner, would have told nobody about his work, or that he and she would be working in the lab today. No doubt the rest of the staff would be puzzled by what they found on the Monday morning, and would guess that the professor had been carrying out some unauthorised experiment which had gone wrong, but there would be nothing to link it to her. Except for her changed appearance of course. What cover story could account for that? She found picked up her clothes from the lab floor where the professor had just dumped them. The bra and blouse wouldn't fit, of course. She found a lab coat belonging to a researcher who weighed 240 pounds and which fit her, more or less. She looked ludicrous in it, and when she moved there were glimpses of flesh between the buttons, but if she could get to her car without being seen it would do. She found her car and got home without incident. Next day she phoned she lab. She told them that her mother had had a stroke and that she would have to resign from her job to give her mother full-time care. They were very understanding, said that she needn't call in but that they would post any documents to her that required her signature. She's now working as an exotic dancer in a very high-class club and having *much* more fun than she ever had at the lab.