MY BEST FRIEND JULIE by Byrne This is a story of a growing girl. A girl growing up - and out. It is a love story, so if you don't like that kind of thing - or if you prefer pornography, violence and rape, kindly go find it elsewhere. If you are under 18, or below the age of consent in the community where you live, please do not read this story. Delete the file from your computer. If you are legally entitled to read this story, enjoy it, but do please keep it away from children. This is the second part of the story. Subsequent parts will follow in due course. Watch out for them! MY BEST FRIEND JULIE by Byrne Part II Well dear readers, the Missus is feeding the kids at the moment. She should be busy for a while; so where were we? Ah Yes... As I said, I thought I'd be thinking of Julie all week, and I did. I imagined what it must be like for her with a doctor poking and prodding her, trying to ascertain why her body was doing what it was doing. I had this picture in my mind of Julie being some kind of guinea pig for an out-of-control medical system. I didn't like that kind of image. I don't know why, but I wanted to be there - protect her, in some odd sort of way. I didn't quite understand it-why would I have to protect her from doctors. I don't know, it's just what I was feeling. I made it through the week with no big events. I have to admit I never did give Jerry that elbow - guess valor still has its limits. But it was nice to know that tomorrow Julie would be back. I actually missed her, which is to say she had been gone before, but I knew she was coming back and no big deal, whatever. But this time seemed a little different - like I *had* to see her almost. I kind of got that feeling with a former girlfriend of mine, once, before she dumped me. Hmmm. I was starting to wonder, Julie as my girlfriend? What if she said no? God, I'd ruin everything. We couldn't hang out or do anything afterwards. Too risky, I decided. That night, though, I had a dream. I dreamt of Julie. I'd had dreams with Julie in them before. Usually we would be outside, running. Not running from anything; we weren't being chased. It was more like we were together in a forest, floating over hills and dales, never really touching the green carpet, but somehow moving through it. Never getting dirty, or wet, or tired. Just running. And laughing. I always enjoyed it when I had that dream. But this one was not like the others. I could hear Julie crying from behind a large door, white as a fresh snowfall. Somehow the door was located in a very dark mass of vines and brush. Their outlines were a little hazy but the door was sharp in its contours, almost blinding in its brilliance. I pushed on it. It resisted at first, then slowly opened. Julie was inside. Everything was the whitest of whites, almost blinding, except for Julie, who sat there on a white bed, cross-legged. Julie had my Duke shirt on. Her dark hair fell on either side of her wide shoulders, in stark contrast to the light around her. She was looking straight ahead, at nothing in particular-there was nothing ahead of her to see. It didn't seem like she had noticed me yet. I called out her name. "Julie?" It was an odd voice - distorted and slow. Somehow, Julie came to life, not that she was wasn't alive beforehand, but it seemed like color filled her cheeks, her skin became radiant. Her eyes filled with ... something. I don't know what it was exactly, and I can't say what it was that changed, or tipped me off. But it was like her eyes were being filled with an energy: not like a glowing, but like a twinkle. She turned her head and faced me. "Warren," she said with a measured pace, with a sort of crystal clarity that was both powerful, yet soothing, "I don't want to grow anymore, Warren. Please make them stop." She looked to be on the verge of tears - like she was frightened. But she wasn't frightened (for lack of a better word), or at least it wasn't a look of foreboding, rather it almost seemed the reaction to a curtain, drawn close for many years, hiding something in its shroud, being raised. I don't know, curiosity? Expectation? A touch of excitement? My eyes wandered down from hers. I couldn't help but notice that the T-shirt seemed to be accentuating her form. I'm sure I must have been staring, but Julie didn't seem to mind, and neither did I. The collar hung loose around her neck, loose enough that at the very bottom of the opening, I could make out slight swelling - the base of her breasts were just visible; expanding and contracting their outlines with the motion of her breathing, rising and falling. From there the T-shirt swelled outward; the letters 'Duke' looked much more like a collection of letters than a word. It wasn't just how far in front of her Julie's breasts projected; presenting themselves, literally casting a shadow over her waist, it was also their fullness. I've seen pictures of engorged women releasing milk from their breasts to relieve the pressure, and that was how they looked as they strained against the shirt's cotton fabric, like Julie too was experiencing such pressure, begging to be alleviated. I couldn't help but imagine her skin almost taut underneath. Her nipples were making their presence known, obviously protruding, still in the 'D' and the 'e.' She wasn't wearing a bra. It wouldn't have mattered. They were poking out with a force that left nothing to the imagination - two, three inches? It seemed like you could almost make out the openings through which milk could flow. I could feel my lips quiver and my mouth go slightly dry at the sight of them. From Julie's nipples, her breasts continued in great, rounded swells, like the surface of a ball, stretching my shirt to its limits, so tight you could see the light reflecting off it, accentuating their breadth. I wanted to nestle into that swell. I felt if I did it would yield the greatest comfort, like everything in the world would be OK. I wanted to feel their suppleness, their malleability and warmth; I wanted to feel her breast-flesh against my skin. I wanted to smell them, taste them. Our eyes met again. She adjusted her position slightly, pulling her legs in closer; twisting her body around so that she faced me. The movement caused a certain undulating motion underneath that T-shirt, like the movement of a waterbed underneath the covers. We were now facing each other. We looked into each other's eyes for a second. My heart began beating a little faster. A brief smile flitted across Julie's face, but then folded into a look of amazement as her eyes grew wide and her mouth opened, forming a silent 'Oh'. She held my gaze for an instant, then looked down at her chest. Her nipples began to expand. I could see them extending, shaping the cotton like a circus tent being raised. At the same time, the lettering was getting harder and harder to read. 'D u k e' looked like it was both growing wider and swelling outwards. Cracks started forming in the blue lettering. Cleavage began showing in the open collar. The collar stretched. More cleavage. It started getting deeper, her breasts beginning to push out through the opening. I spotted two semi-circles appear just at her armpit, then slowly grow outward as if being inflated - it looked like a balloon being inflated while a string was tied around its middle. Julie's breasts were spilling out of their confines. Julie's breasts! I'd never seen anything like it! Larger and larger they grew, the whole front of her shirt distended by mammaries. She was becoming massive - projecting outward, becoming larger, fuller. I could see the outline of the undersides of her breasts begin the fill-in from her waist upwards, becoming more and more separated from her waist. Her breathing was becoming shallow and rapid, her face slightly straining with concentration. "Oh, Oh, Oh, Warrrreeeennnn" There was a sense of urgency in her voice, but I noticed a new sultriness I'd never heard before - as if her sexuality was growing as rapidly as her breasts. She was panting, her head was slightly back atop her long neck, eyes closed: a luxuriating, lustful look on her radiant visage. I could see her tongue appear, press against her lips and snake with desire. Her eyebrows knitted together as she mouthed another silent 'Oh.' Her hands moved to each side of her rapidly expanding bosom, as if trying to gain a measure on her new-found girth and weight. With each of her pants I could see her breasts springing forward, pushing her hands wider, making the T-shirt tighter and tighter. I couldn't read the words on it now; the lettering had been blown off by great, massive breasts expanding at an incredible rate. I had no idea what size she was. I only knew she had the largest boobs I had ever seen, filling the entire area in front of her. She had passed from the realm of reality into the realm of the fantastic. Her outline was preposterous, carnal sexuality, a testament to fertility. Her nipples were outrageously huge, tenting the fabric prodigiously, threatening to pierce through. I began to move towards her, but my cock was aching so bad it took my attention - pulsing, harder and harder; I felt like all my blood was either going up to my head or into my cock. I looked back up at Julie. The T-shirt had passed its limits long ago. I couldn't fathom what was holding it together. Underneath, her breasts looked like two great semi-circles, with their end points at her waist and shoulders. Cleavage was bursting through the collar, straining to be free. From the ends of her shirt sleeves, breast flesh was escaping its confines, pushing against her arms. She reached out in front of her as far as she could and grabbed the front of the T-shirt. She tensed, and then, with one big breath, a huge swelling of new growth, and sheer determination, she ripped open the front of the shirt. Her breasts almost 'popped' out, tantalizingly huge nipples and areolae bursting forward, followed by enormous masses of pale breast, quivering and undulating, I could almost feel their heat, filling the space between herself and me. "Oh God, Warren, suck me. Suck Me!" she screamed. I moved toward her again, my whole body shaking. My dick felt like it was gonna burst. I moved toward her. Pounding. I reached out for her nipple. Pounding. I could just grab onto it, wrap my hand around it. My mouth was dry. I needed to suck it so badly. Pounding. "Oh God," I moaned, and felt this ungodly release in my crotch. I closed my eyes. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it. I feel Julie's immense, engorged nipple in my hand, jerking up and down. "Suck them, Warren. Suck them...!" She was growing farther away. "Julie," I shouted out. "Warren..." I woke with a start. Julie was gone! I was gone. I had made a mess of the bed. I don't sleep with any underwear, so it was looking like today would be a good day to change the sheets. But I couldn't move. Not just yet. I wanted to savor a lingering feeling, and taste in my mouth, on the tip of my tongue. I tried again and again to picture Julie, looking at me with lust in her eyes; her breasts growing larger and larger. Everything bulging provocatively. Her nipples! Her devilish smile! Powerful images. It was working. Julie. I had to call her. I phoned her number. Her father answered the phone. "No, Warren, they're not back yet. Oh, sometime later this afternoon. I'll tell Julie you called. Bye now." I couldn't wait until the afternoon. I wanted to see Julie now. I had all this excess energy to work off so, even before eating any breakfast, I went outside and shot around; played some hoop. I missed most of my shots - my hands were still shaking. Eventually I came back down to earth. The body does remind you it requires food. The power of the fantasy begins to fade. It was back to a simple matter of passing the time. I started with breakfast, read the paper front to back, my eyes looking up at the clock with the turn of each page. I played a few video games, and waited. I went down to the sports shop, and waited. I even tried going to the bookstore, but I was way too impatient to read. Finally, I just sort of walked around for a while, going no-place in particular, burning calories; trying to think, but unable to focus. At last, I noticed the shadows becoming longer; the sky becoming a darker shade of blue. I thought about the wet-dream I'd had earlier, and felt a twinge of guilt, but also a thrill, like I was hoping. I walked home. By the time I arrived, it was fully night time. Mom was there in the kitchen, putting away some groceries. "Hey Mom, did Julie call?" "No, not yet dear" Not yet? It was getting on towards six o'clock. I debated whether to call her or not. I thought about it, then I thought, 'she'll call me' and waited some more. I wondered what the doctors had told her. I mean, like she said earlier, it's probably just about run its course; nothing to worry about; completely normal - all the things that doctors usually say. Eight o'clock. What was going on? OK, I'd give her another hour. Nine o'clock. I picked up the phone to call. She might not be there, though. I didn't want to bug her dad again, he said he'd tell her. God, I was in such a state. I can only chuckle about it now - to hide the embarrassment. I somehow came to the conclusion that the best thing to do was to go over there in person. That way, I could see if their car was back, and then I could talk to Julie. The car was back. It seemed awfully quiet in the house. I noticed Julie's bedroom light was on. There was a bit of movement in the living room. The front door opened and her parents stepped out. I don't know why my first reaction was to hide, but that's what I did. It was kind of silly really; after all, I was probably over at their house more than my own house. But as I said, I was in a strange state of mind that evening. "Yes, you were." "Hey, *I'm* telling this story!" "Yes dear." "Mmmmm." Mmmmm is right. Wait a second, were was I? Yes, I saw Julie's parents leave the house. "It'll be all right dear. Like the doctor said, this could all be over with next week. Let's just give it some time." "But what if it's not, honey. This is our daughter we're talking about ..." They got into the car and were off. "What the hell was that all about?" I thought to myself. I looked around for a couple of pebbles and headed for her window. 'Clink.' Nothing. I threw another one. 'Clink.' That did the trick. The window opened and Julie stuck her head out. "Hey, what's the deal, stiffing me like that, you big jerk." I was indignant. She looked at me before she said anything. Then she broke out into a big smile, almost as if in relief. "I ... I don't know. I didn't want ..." She hesitated. Her eyes trailed off. It looked like she pulled her bathrobe, or whatever she was wearing - I couldn't tell - around her. She looked back at me. "Cause I knew you were going to come over, you big goofball." Her smile returned. "And don't call me a jerk, you wimp. I bet you didn't even lay a finger on Jerry Oliphant." "Are you kidding, I totally laid him out; unconscious for half an hour. He carries all my books to class now." Talk about a shit-faced lie. She didn't believe me for a second, but loved that I tried. "I'm glad you're here," she said. "Yeah, well, what else am I gonna do on a Saturday night?" She laughed and smiled at me. My knees were turning to mush. "Meet me at the door." I rushed over. Julie opened it up and stood there. She was a sight for sore eyes. I didn't think her family allowed shoes in the house, but then I noticed she wasn't wearing shoes, she was just a bit taller. She must have noticed my puzzled look because she said, "yeah, I'm 5' 11" now. But that's the least of my problems." Problems? I certainly didn't see any problems. She looked beautiful, radiant even. She had her dark hair back in a makeshift ponytail, just how I like it. It pulls it back straight, but leaves enough curls for your eyes to follow the waves. She had on a pair of jeans and a huge, oversized llama-hair sweater. You know, the kind that are all fuzzy. The waistband was almost down to her knees, the sleeves rolled up again and again, but still at her wrists. I don't particularly care for those kind of sweaters, they make you look like you've put on weight. I couldn't imagine Julie putting on much weight, but she was looking a little heftier. I think we stood there in the doorway looking at each other, smiling like a couple of idiots for a few seconds. I could feel something happening. Julie broke the silence. "Warren?" she said, becoming a bit more serious. "Yeah." "Don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes I wish we weren't best friends." Julie was looking at me funny again. "Don't take it the wrong way?" I just stood there wondering exactly how I was supposed to take it. I wondered if my jaw dropped. I probably had a look of shock on my face. Julie laughed, looking at me like I was a kid or something. "Warren, you big dummy. C'mon, get in here" Julie reached out and grabbed me by the forearm and pulled me in, smiling. "Well?" I said, stepping into the living room. "Well?" she replied, still smiling at me. I threw up my hands in a shrug. "What'd the doctors say?" "They said I'm a one-in-a-million girl." Her smile turned into a bit of a half-smile. "I could've told 'em that." Oh God, why did I say that? That was SO corny. She contained a laugh, but sort of did one of those half snorts through her mouth; her eyebrows knitting, looking at me with mischievous eyes. "You goofball." I think she actually liked it. "No, I'm one-in-a-million because of my condition." "Condition?" She stood there for a second, mulling something over. "Warren, you are my best friend. Please don't laugh." With that, Julie reached down and grabbed her sweater. She pulled the waistband out and began pulling up. She certainly hadn't gained any weight, judging by her hips, and then her waist, which, if anything, seemed even thinner. But then something strange happened. From her waist, the fabric of her shirt quickly extended out to where her hands were. She pulled up some more .. and exposed two very large humps on her chest pressing against her shirt ... in turn confined behind some thicker cloth underneath. Julie had done some more growing during the week. I could tell they were quite full. The bra was trying to give a shape to them that her breasts didn't like. I saw her nipples slightly poking out from underneath everything. It looked like quite a sturdy piece of workmanship trying to hold her in place. As her arms rose higher to finish the job of taking off her sweater, her breasts swelled upward, overflowing the cups and straining against the upper part of her shirt. I could just make out some deep valleys of cleavage through the separation of the buttons. I could also see the shiny fabric underneath outlined with underwire. Each cup looked to be six inches in diameter - it must have been absolutely the largest brassiere they could find. Julie finished pulling off her sweater, let go with her left hand, then let it drop on the floor. She moved her arms to her sides. The motion set off a bit of wobbling on her chest. Her eyes were down at the floor at first, shoulders somewhat hunched inward. Then looked me in the eye, waiting for me to say something. I was speechless. It was the same old Julie, only different. It looked like her legs had been what was growing, giving Julie her new height. They were long and lean in those jeans, widening to nice womanly hips, but then tapering, almost dramatically, to a rather thin waist. Her chest had obviously done the most growing, though. I remembered plainly, just over a month and a half ago, Julie in a T-shirt and, except for a couple of bumps, flat as an ironing board, complaining about her lot in life. She needn't complain any longer. Nature had just bestowed upon her a couple of magnificent endowments. No, not just endowments. ENDOWMENTS. In a word, Julie looked incredible. She now had the same curves as Wendy Singleton, who was a 34G, last I heard. However, Wendy was only about 5' 2", and somewhat petite. Julie, on the other hand, was a big girl with wide shoulders and a strong chest to begin with. In reality, she must have had quite a bit bigger boobs than Wendy. Julie had quite a bit bigger everything than Wendy Singleton. Julie was all woman. I could see her breasts straining against both her new bra and her new shirt. I'm sure she must have just bought it for I had never seen it before and it more or less fit her - more or less. I noticed there was a bit of separation between the buttons. Julie must even have grown a bit bigger from the time she bought the shirt until now. I couldn't imagine what they must have felt like to her. "Well?" she said, looking at me expectantly. There I was, standing there, looking like an idiot. My mouth was moving, but nothing was coming out. Blood was rushing to my head so fast I didn't know what to say. I meant to say *something* but the first syllables came out weird. The rest of my blood was rushing to my dick - just like in the dream. I could feel my pants starting to tent out, even though they were made of denim. Unfortunately, Julie took my befuddlement the wrong way. "You think I'm disgusting, don't you? Like I'm a sort of freak now. Don't you!" She covered her eyes with her hands, bunched up her shoulders, and turned away from me. "Please, Warren, no." She started crying. I didn't know what to do. Luckily, Mother Nature took over. I'm always amazed at how in the moment of crisis, many times you end up doing exactly the right thing. Instinctively I knew what to do. Like a bolt I was at Julie's side, putting my arms around her saying "it's OK, it's OK. You are beautiful, Julie. I love you." She stopped crying and looked up. "You love me?" she asked. Julie withdrew her hands and looked at me, no, not at me, *in* me. Her eyes were searching deep within me. She was an angel, so vulnerable, yet lifting my soul. I felt *really* uncomfortable, but it was more from my heart thumping wildly in my chest. I had never felt such powerful emotions before. I loved Julie. I could say it! Deny it? I couldn't if I wanted to! Something wonderful was happening. I felt a feeling of warmth flow through me, a feeling of direction. "Yes," I said, looking as deeply into her eyes as I could. Julie looked at me. We were holding each other's gaze. There is that moment in time when one person takes a risk and exposes their feelings to the other, and then has to wait for the response. I had just exposed myself to Julie and was awaiting her judgment. A quiver of doubt ran through me. 'Oh, shit,' I thought, 'I just fucking blew everything!' But Julie broke into the happiest smile I think I've ever seen. It wasn't just her mouth, or her lips, it was Julie smiling at me. I melted in her warmth. She jumped up, and spun around. "Oh Warren. Warren. I love you too, Warren! I love you too!" The feeling I felt cannot be described, only known through experience. Our lips met in the most intense kiss, exulting in the new direction our lives were taking. Passionately, we crossed into a brave new world. With too much passion, though, we bumped our teeth together. "Oww!" we said in unison, and laughed. Nothing seemed to really hurt anymore. She faced me, then jumped on me, giving me the most amazing, full bear hug. I reveled in it. It just felt soooo good. I could feel her arms around me. I could smell her fragrance - she smelled like nothing I could imagine. I could feel her breasts against my chest - huge, soft, warm, malleable breasts between us, being squished into enormous, wide saucers - except for her nipples. I could feel them poking in to me. She drew in a quick breath. "Ahhh." "What's wrong?" "My babies are still a little tender." I looked at her breasts, bulging splendiferously under her shirt. I wanted so bad to touch them. "Here," said Julie. She took my hand and placed it over her left breast. I squeezed. "Gently," she admonished me with a whisper and a kiss. I slowly ran my fingers along them, caressing them as softly as I could. Julie would draw in a sharp breath, then look at me with a mischievous smile. I would say 'I'm sorry', and kiss her tenderly. She deftly moved her body around mine so that she was lying against me. I could feel her stomach, feel the tightness of her waist. She rocked her hips forward, into mine. She was just starting to put her legs around me, when she pulled back and looked at me, wide-eyed. "Warren!" she said excitedly, her eyes wide, eyebrows high. "Julie!" I replied, feeling very good and very turned on. No need to bother hiding my hard-on now! Julie gave me a look I'd never seen before. A sexy look; an almost nasty-girl look. I thought about Julie and her incredible body. I think I did a very good job reciprocating with a nasty-boy look of my own. Julie began kissing me all over my face, then moved to my lips for a nice, long, almost lusty one. We started French kissing and I was amazed by how long Julie's tongue was - it felt like she could reach the back of my mouth. I almost gagged on it, but then she withdrew and kissed me gently on the lips again. "Warren" she cooed. Her lovely head moved to the side and we rubbed cheeks together, then she began nibbling on my ear. Meanwhile, I was kissing as many parts of her as I could, all the while massaging her breasts, teasing her nipples to present themselves in their full glory. I was successful. I could feel her thick teats between my fingers, even through her shirt and bra! I could hear her breathing becoming heavier, as was my own. Julie moved down to my neck. I turned my head a bit, and buried it in her luxurious hair. She smelled so good! While Julie was kissing me exquisitely on my neck, our hips met; we started to do a bit of bump-and-grind through our jeans. She had nice, wide hips that I wanted - needed - to press my own into. Her long, long, strong legs began to wrap around mine. I was between Julie's luscious legs in her most private spot. My heart leaped. Her hands were rubbing themselves all over my back. She began to mash her chest into my chest. My hands were squeezed out from her nipples in the friction, but I still found plenty of breasts to massage bulging out to the sides. Our movements began to synchronize, our breathing becoming more and more heavy. I wasn't the most experienced guy at the time; and I knew I wouldn't last much longer. "Julie" I said, in both agony and ecstasy, "I can't last much longer." "Mmmm. neither can I," she replied, accentuating it with just a slight purr. She gave me one last kiss on my neck, then pulled her head in front of mine. She had the most awesome, gorgeous, aroused expression on her face - she really wanted me. It couldn't be better, because I really wanted her. It just felt so good, requited love. "Let me take your pants off for you," Julie said with a hungry smile. I couldn't talk anymore. I think I just moaned and nodded with approval. She began to undo the top buttons. I decided I would do a little unbuttoning of my own, beginning with the top of her blouse. Julie laughed. "You're a curious boy, aren't you?" She had a big grin on her face. "Just as curious as you, girl," I said, eagerly. "Well I've been curious about yours ever since you poked me with it through the sleeping bag, you masher." She giggled, then undid the last button. I lifted my hips up to help her pull my pants down. Needless to say, my underwear was not hiding my hard cock - a big wet spot on the end of my protrusion from pre-cum ... Julie just looked at the bulge with a hungry eye for a second, then touched her finger on the wet spot. I heard a soft 'Ooo' escape her lips. This gave me enough time to finish undoing her last button and I began to struggle to take her shirt off while keeping my hands on as much breast as possible. I must have been making a mess of it all, because Julie looked up at me. She moved just out of my grasp. Her hands moved to cover her shirt opening and her chest, as best she could anyway. She had a slight look of wonder on her face. "You really like my new boobs, don't you Warren?" "Oh God Julie, yes, ever since the morning in my room." Her eyes twinkled. "I *knew* you were looking!" This confirmed it, I guess. She let out a tremendous smile, head back slightly in exultation. She looked at me in the eye with a mischievous grin. "You know something," she whispered with a sultry look in her eye that made my heart skip a beat, "I kind of like them too." Her hands had started caressing her breasts, I don't think she was aware what she was doing. Then she moved her hands to her shirt and took it off, exposing the tops of her boobs bulging out of her huge bra. Now, I had seen big breasts in magazines and stuff, but Julie's were right there in front of me, looking unreal. I couldn't believe it - that Mother Nature would show such munificence. I wanted to suck them so badly. Julie reached behind her, causing her boobs to well up. I thought for sure her boobs would pop out of their holding cups. Julie struggled with the clasps for a bit. She saw my look of wonder and smiled. "38F, Warren, they have a lot of hooks," she said, winking at me. She shook her shoulders for a second to give me a look at them wobbling all over her chest. It looked to be a size too small. Julie undid the last clasp and slowly pulled off her bra, watching my reaction. She saw my eyes grow wider and wider as her breasts came closer and closer to being free. My dick twitched. Her eyes darted to it, and watched it twitching. Her bra was off. Her breasts were free. She looked beautiful. She was much, much fuller now. Her areolae looked to be slightly larger, but much more pronounced - maybe due to the heat of the moment. Her nipples looked to be as hard as my cock. Not quite as big, of course, but still eminently suckable. They sat of upon huge globes of pearly skin, hanging on Julie's chest as two ripe, fresh fruit. Julie had grown so fast that they showed no hint of gravity - two hemispheres proudly jutting outward. Just like in my dream, I felt my tongue flit on my lips and my mouth go a little dry. Julie, however, had her eyes locked on my twitching cock. With her breasts now free, she made her way to my own endowment, her breasts doing a much better job of jiggling and undulating. With two fingers she grabbed the waistband of my undies. My cock was going wild with desire. Wordlessly, she lifted the covers, exposing my dick. Her eyes became very large. "Ooo!" she said, wide-eyed like a little kid. I wondered if she had ever seen a real penis before. Or maybe she just really liked mine. Her hand reached out and encircled it around its base. "Oh it's marvelous," she announced. She bent her head down to my 'head' and kissed it gently, then flitted her tongue out to taste me. "I like that," she said. I could feel myself getting ready to blow. I wondered if I should warn her. Julie put out her long, long tongue and licked the head of my cock again. I know her breasts were huge, but I began to wonder just how long her tongue was as well. Julie kissed the head of my cock again, then opened her mouth a little wider and encircled it with her lips. Her hand began pumping slightly. I could feel that marvelous tongue of hers licking the entire area of my cock-head. I'd never been given head before. I didn't know how good she was; I didn't care - it was obviously working! "Unghh, Julie," I said, my face starting to contort. She didn't seem to hear me. "Ohhh, Jul ..." Too late, I could feel it coming. I felt my cock surge forward and my hips begin to buck. Julie maintained her lock on my cock, pumping a little harder now. I felt the first release travel down my penis and let loose. Julie must have felt it coming. I felt just a bit of suction and the first of my cum came out. Julie took it in - her eyes grew wide with delight. My cock convulsed for its second spurt. Julie lost her lock on it. I just caught a glimpse of her face during my spasms. She seemed surprised but thrilled, with an almost thoughtful expression on her face. I could tell she was tasting my semen, seeing if she liked it. I think she did. My cock kept pumping. This was a very powerful orgasm. Cum was flying out of my cock and landing on Julie's chest, dripping into her cleavage. She seemed to revel in it. Pumping, pumping. I was still pumping, Julie still tugging rhythmically at my base. "Oh yes!" I heard Julie exclaim. I don't think she'd ever seen a guy come before. She seemed to be very turned on. I finally started to calm down, feeling great. Julie looked down at her chest, her fingers sliding through her my semen. It obviously seemed like a new experience. She turned her eyes toward mine. There was a wild look in them. It looked like she was just getting started. She had a ebullient expression. "I want to come now," she said, beaming at me. I told her I'd be happy to oblige. Julie stood up, her breasts swaying with the motion. She began to undo her jeans; button after button. I could feel my cock start to come back to life - ah, to be young again! All the buttons were undone. She slid her pants down and down over her long legs and stepped out of them. Julie drew herself back up. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen; absolutely stunning. Those long legs of hers were perfectly muscled from all her athletic activity. They went on up to her wide hips, which were full and perfectly designed for delivery, but still retained a lithesome look. The white panties she had on emphasized the difference between her hips and waist. Oh, what a waist! As big a girl as she was, it looked like I could put my hands around Julie's waist. She looked positively nubile as she breathed in and out, her skin lightly covering the outlines of firm muscles. Then, of course, her breasts, proudly pronouncing their presence - so full they were wider than her shoulders, which were very wide. Model wide. Julie was such an athletic figure. On top of a long neck was Julie smiling at me. I think she liked the feeling, knowing that I desired every inch of her. It was certainly self-evident - if she didn't notice my expression, she just had to watch my dick become hard again, snapping to attention. "I love you Warren," Julie said softly. "Make love to me." Her hands went to her panties. She began to roll them down. I saw her dense matting of dark pubic hair. As she bent down at the waist her breasts surged forward, then descended, but not hanging. They still looked so full. Julie straightened and stepped out of her panties, she was now naked in front of me and I was struck dumb. Julie really was beautiful in every way. I caught a most glorious smell. I wanted Julie in the worst way. She walked toward me, slowly, indulging in the moment just a bit. She was magnificent, sublime in her naturalness. She had just put her hand on my chest and was lowering her body to mine when we heard a car come down the street. There had been other cars pass by, but somehow we recognized the sound and knew this one would not be passing by. This car was Julie's parents, coming home. We both had a look of horror, and a sense of being cheated. "Quick, the back door," said Julie, gathering her clothes in her hands, her breasts hanging down gracefully as she bent over. I jumped up and pulled my pants up quickly, being careful of my still hard dick. Julie had her bra and her shirt held against her chest, being pressed outward by her new-found endowments. We ran to the back door, almost tripping as my pants fell back down. We heard the car pull into the driveway and stop. She unlocked the door and opened it then looked me deeply in the eye. She had such an excited look on her face, like a kid who had just uncovered a secret.. "Tonight is the best night of my life," and she kissed me quickly on the lips. "I love you Julie!" I said; it felt good to say it. "I love you too, Warren," said Julie, her eyes sparkling radiantly, "I love you too!" Her head snapped around as we heard a key in the front door. "Quick, get out of here. Call me tomorrow. Bye." "Bye Julie." She closed the door and ran to her room. I wondered if she had enough time to clean herself up and get into a robe, but I knew Julie could do it. As for myself, I ran through her backyard to their fence against the alley. I was so sky-high it was easy to hop it. I ran down the alley to the street, then ran home. I didn't need to run, but I couldn't help it. I had so much energy and felt so alive, I think I could have kept running to Timbuktu. I couldn't wait to see Julie again; I couldn't wait until tomorrow; I couldn't wait for life! "Milk? How could we need any milk? I thought *you* were taking care of it all. Oh, you can't make tapioca with it. Well, OK, I'll go to the store." Excuse me, dear readers, but I just love pudding: I must run an errand. But fear not, I'll be back. End of Part II.