MY BEST FRIEND JULIE by Byrne This is a story of a growing girl. A girl growing up - and out. It is a love story, so if you don't like that kind of thing - or if you prefer pornography, violence and rape, kindly go find it elsewhere. If you are under 18, or below the age of consent in the community where you live, please do not read this story. Delete the file from your computer. If you are legally entitled to read this story, enjoy it, but do please keep it away from children. This is the first part of the story. Subsequent parts will follow in due course. Watch out for them! MY BEST FRIEND JULIE by Byrne Part I Julie was my best friend during high school, probably because we were both in athletics and academics, which narrows down ones peer group considerably at that age. The academics sneered at our athletic endeavors, and of course the athletes sneered at our academics. It's not that we were amazing in either, we just enjoyed both worlds. But apparently, both worlds did not enjoy us, hence our friendship. Looking back at it all, it was pretty silly; but hey, such is high school. The sport of choice was basketball and track - though Julie was the true year-round athlete since she also did volleyball. We were both fairly reasonable talents in sports, leading to selections on all-league teams. I had to work for it, but Julie, who stood 5' 9", had no trouble getting on such teams for no other virtue than height alone. I have to admit, she was fun to watch during the games. I noticed her legs were slightly longer than other girls her height. And when she ran she possessed a certain loping quality which struck me as quite graceful during her long strides down the court. Her legs went on down to feet which seemed a little bigger than other women's. Her hands were also a bit on the big side. She could almost palm a womens basketball. Julie also had wider shoulders than most other girls, sort of like an Elle MacPherson. This is not to say she looked like Elle, however, for in reality her face was rather plain though even-featured. Julie's best feature was probably her hair, just longer than shoulder length, very thick, and while not exactly curly, not exactly straight either. Her hair was surprisingly dark given her somewhat fair complexion. Of course, we didn't exactly live in the tropics. I'm sure she could've gotten a very nice tan. In all, she was just slightly bigger in all areas than a 'normal' woman. In actuality, she was a beautiful young woman that I should have gone for immediately; but of course at that age no-one really knows what they have anyway. Besides, for all her athletic ability - probably *because* of her athletic ability - she was totally flat-chested, and that bothered her to no end. At that age, breasts were definitely on my mind. Yes, in retrospect that was very shallow: but since she saw it as a shortcoming, it rubbed off on me too, I guess. Hence, while we were the best of friends, we were not intimate. Besides, I wasn't her ideal man either - she was looking for tall, dark and handsome. I had the tall part down, but as for the rest, well...! Such was our status. Go figure. During the middle of our Senior year of school, football and volleyball had ended and basketball was just beginning. I remember it was the second 'pre-league' game against some other school. Our team was looking good, and Julie was chosen as one of the pre-season 'stars to watch' by the local newspapers. Well, obviously the other team had been reading the same newspapers (see, jocks can read too), and were all too eager to prevent Julie from doing anything. If it were legal, they would have been in her shirt; as it was she was being massaged heavily. After a quarter of very rough play, Julie got the ball in the clear on a fast break. She kicked it into high gear, which translated into her long, loping stride - and I swear I heard a few 'oooos' at the time-- on her way to the basket. As she was going up for the layup, she failed to notice an opposing player, who had put her head down and was running full speed, totally out of control. As Julie was shooting, the other girl attempted to block the shot. She missed the ball, but managed a full body block against Julie. Hockey players should be so vicious! Totally off balance, Julie went horizontal, looking like a long, graceful swan descending in flight, and then crashed into the bleachers, which were much too close to the court, head-first. That brought out lots of 'oooh, ouch's from the crowd. These things happen sometimes, but this time was different because Julie wasn't getting up. In fact, she was out cold, unconscious. Of course nobody knows exactly what to do in that situation, but at least someone called 911 and an ambulance showed up promptly. She was out for a good ten minutes, then started to come to just before the paramedics arrived. I had come down the stands and was by her side. It was horrible to see, my best friend in such pain. I rode in the ambulance with her to the hospital. Once there, they strapped her up to all sorts of stuff monitoring brainwaves, heartbeat, and whatever else modern medicine looks after. I'd never been to an emergency room before - well, aside from being born - and out of the chaos came a few orderlies, who relayed to the nurses, who relayed to the doctors. I do believe there was method in it. A doctor looked at Julie and assigned her to a room. She was very groggy, and the doctors said they would have to keep her overnight for monitoring, but it looked like everything would be OK. She asked me if she scored on the play. I lied and told her 'yes.' Then I told her she needed some rest, and that I'd see her tomorrow morning. She sort of nodded, and then was out like a light. The next morning I arrived at her room to find her family there with her. Julie was holding court for everyone, telling *exactly* what had happened while she ate breakfast. I asked her how she was doing as she wolfed down a pancake. "Fine," she said. "I'm just really hungry - guess I missed dinner last night." "Yeah, I guess you did. I think you should concentrate on getting a full meal instead of these wacky diet plans next time." Everyone seemed to like that one, including Julie, who chuckled as she finished off the last of her meal. "Would it be all right if I got *one* more order of breakfast, please?" Julie asked. "I'm still kind of hungry." "Another one?" exclaimed her father. "That would be your fourth helping this morning; and at hospital prices? Do you think you could wait 'til we get home?" "Yeah, OK. Let's blow this joint." Julie did have a way of being succinct. Everything looked like it would be just fine - the aura of invincibility one feels in high school had been restored. I accompanied Julie back to her home, and we talked for a while about stuff. You know - this, that and the other kind of stuff: 'do you think he likes me?' Or, in my case, 'do you think she likes me?' Apparently she was going to be home for a couple of days until the weekend - just in case. Then guess what, Christmas vacation started. Some people had all the luck. Me on the other had, I had to go to another part of the State as our team was participating in a Jamboree. "Promise me you'll give Jerry Oliphant an elbow during practice. For me," said Julie, mockingly fluttering her eyes. "What'd he do, call you a dirty name?" I retorted. I didn't really want to elbow Jerry. His last name sounded a lot like a particular animal that Jerry seemed to emulate quite nicely. I had no desire to be squashed into a gob of goo, not even for Julie. "What's-a-matter, big boy? Afraid of a little Oliphant?" I stood up and gesticulated grandly. "I, my dear, am rather proud to be not a man, but a mouse." She threw a pillow at me. "Wimp!" "Questioning my manhood, huh? Ok, that's it! You and me, one-on-one, in the driveway." I pointed out the window to the hoop. Her eyes went to the floor. "I'm not supposed to for another week. Doc said I took a pretty good hit to the head; I got to take it easy." She let out a deep breath. This was going to be a hard week for her, given how much she enjoyed activity. "How could anything hurt that noggin?" I teased. "Warren," she moaned. Whoops, guess she was still a little sensitive about it all. I hung around her for most of the day. She seemed to be in pretty good spirits. I told her I'd bring back a souvenir from our exotic locale. "Great, earmuffs made of chipmunk pelts, just what I need." I liked her sense of humor. Well, we didn't play very well, and it wasn't very much fun, and the coach was a jerk. Sort of one of those times which makes you wonder why you're playing ball in the first place. But oh well, what's a week in one's life? The rest of the season would be better. I gave Julie a call when I got back to see how she was doing. "Hey Julie, how you doing?" "Um, OK." 'Um, OK?' That seemed less than inspiring. She said she wasn't feeling sick or anything, just kind of weird. I asked her what kind of weird. She said she couldn't really describe it, but it was bugging her, and wondered if I could come over so she could talk to someone. I wondered why she wasn't talking to her parents if it was something weird, but I figured she probably had her reasons. I walked over to her place, said 'Hi' to the parents, and went into the kitchen, where she was eating a hamburger. "Hey Julie, what's up?" She finished it off with an alarmingly big bite. "Hey Warren." Julie looked at me intently for a moment. "Do I look any different to you?" She hopped off a stool and stood up, then twirled around. She had on a pair of tight, hip-hugging jeans, and a T-shirt which showed off her body to just the right effect. In other words, she was looking very nice. Which is what I told her. I must have been a bit too emphatic for she had a bit of a quizzical look on her face, but that passed and soon we were talking about stuff as usual. We thought we'd go to a movie to kill the night. We got up to go and something struck me as odd, but I couldn't put my finger on it. The days went by, and Christmas vacation was almost over, which meant that basketball practice was just about to begin. We decided we would get a head start and practice the night before. Besides, Julie mentioned she had eaten waayyy too much over break and needed to run off a few calories. We decided to go down to the gym to shoot around a bit. I picked her up at her house and we were off. When we got to the gym, it was very cold and we had a bit of ground to cover to get to the door - so we ran for it. I got to the door first, just ahead of Julie. I turned around and saw her come up behind me. Again, something struck me as odd. But this time I figured it out. "Julie, you're bouncing!" She grinned. "Finally you noticed. About time - here I was, wiggling my butt off this whole time. I pigged out so much over Christmas break, I *better* have some boobs. Now let's get inside; I gotta work this off." I have to admit, I briefly considered barring her entry, but I wanted to work out too. We went in and started warming up, shooting around, dribbling around, doing what basketball players do. After a while, I took off my sweats and Julie did the same. That was when I noticed that whatever fat she was talking about certainly wasn't on her legs. I told her she looked just fine to me, but she said she had gained 10 pounds over the break, so she knew she had something to work off somewhere. Julie started doing some sprints, running hard, working hard, that long loping gait was there, only somehow different. I looked at her as she ran. More specifically, I looked at her sweat top, which she hadn't taken off. The was a little bit more than just 'something' bouncing around in there. I think she caught me looking and let out a little grin as she concentrated on her running. I remember thinking 'wow'. I know she told me once that she was a 38A, which meant she was all rib-cage and no boobs (she was kind of a big girl, after all). Well, she was no longer an A; she was maybe a C, maybe not quite that big. I ran for a while as well, then went back to shooting. Soon she joined me. Eventually she shot a total brick which caromed off the rim, down the sideline, and then died on the floor. Julie ran over to the ball, reached down and picked it up with one hand. She palmed it. Palmed it? "I thought you couldn't palm a basketball?" I said. "I didn't think so either until last night I was playing around, and guess what. I've been doing some hand exercises. I think it's made my hands stronger. And look, see?" She held the ball out away from her. She started waving it around when it slipped out. "Well, I can't totally palm it, but not bad, huh?" Not bad, huh was right. I'd have to start doing some hand strength work myself, I thought. We finished shooting around and called it a night. The next few days meant basketball practice, then Julie was going off with her family to their cabin to celebrate New Year's. The week after, it was back to school and back to life. When we returned, I guessed Julie was making a fashion statement because she started sporting a whole new wardrobe. Looked like she was going for the baggy look. I had been seeing her almost every day over break, except for when she went off with her parents for New Year's. As I saw her in the halls with everyone else around, again something struck me as being different. She looked ... taller. I figured she probably got a new pair of b-ball shoes that had some extra lift in them. That first week back was like it always is, the first week back. Finally Friday came and it was time to play ball. I didn't have a game until Saturday due to some scheduling quirk, so I went to watch Julie play. This time something was different, and I wasn't the only one who noticed. During the warmups, as Julie was running around, she was really bouncing around under what looked like a sports bra. I heard some other people in the stands mentioning that it looked like Julie had done some growing over Christmas break. I even heard a couple of kids making fun of her -'Woah, dude, check her out!' - pointing at her and all. I gave 'em a dirty look to shut them up, then settled down to watch the action. During the game things seemed a bit different as well. She seemed to do better at grabbing rebounds, and was shooting very well. The other thing she was doing was bouncing and flopping around quite a bit, in the chest area. I'd have to say, from my own objective eye, that her boobs looked as big as any girl's in school, except for Wendy Singleton, who everyone felt sorry for since she was so huge. 34G, somebody said she was. *I* didn't feel sorry for her. I liked Wendy! Then Julie did something that made me take notice; something that I knew was definitely different: she grabbed a rebound, then held it away from the opposing player with ONE HAND. What she could almost do last week, she was now doing easily - palming the ball with one hand and waving it around. I knew I would have to ask her about this after the game. Eventually, our school won the game, mainly due to the career night Julie had, both in points and rebounds. I hung around afterwards, as was my custom, so we could talk about the game and what we could have done better. Julie came out of the locker room in a baggy sweater. It didn't work with me, however; I had just seen her in a basketball outfit. I *knew* she had boobs now! "Julie," I said, "you've, uh, changed." "Yeah, tell me about it. Guess I didn't quite work it all off, huh? C'mon, let's get some food. I'm starving." It was at this point that I noticed she was definitely taller. Whereas before I could easily see over her head, now there seemed to be some hair in the way. We went to a burger joint. I got a quarter pounder with cheese. Julie got TWO quarter pounders with cheese. "OK, what's up," I asked. Julie had just grabbed a huge handful of fries and stuffed them in her mouth. "That was a *huge* bite," I said, somewhat startled. Julie looked like a kid caught with a hand in the cookie jar. She froze for a second, gave me a look like 'Yeah, wasn't it though', then proceeded to chew her food while breaking out into a smile. I was almost expecting the start of a 'want to see something gross' contest, but thankfully, after much chewing, Julie swallowed. She took a drink of cola and told me what was up. "Well, according to my doctor, I'm going through puberty again. Weird huh?" she said, as she devoured one of her cheeseburgers. I could tell she was slightly uncomfortable about things. "Remember after you got back from the Jamboree and I said I was feeling kind of weird? Well, I kind of noticed the next day that my pants were kind of tight, my shoes didn't quite seem to fit, and my bra didn't fit anymore. I thought my stuff just must have shrunk in the wash, but my shoes? Then when I went to the store to get some new things, my sizes were different. So the day after that, Mom and I went back to the doctor, who referred us to a specialist - which is where we REALLY were during New Year's." She inspected the inside of her burger, slammed it shut with an air of decision and took a huge bite. I waited for Julie to finish her food. I tried to grab a french fry from her, but she slapped my hand away. It was a while before she continued. "Anyway, he said I have the hormone levels of a kid just starting puberty, which is why I've been so hungry - I'm eating to fuel a growth spurt right now. And not just up, apparently", she said as her eyes looked down to her chest. "Believe it or not but I'm a D-cup now! A *D-cup*, me! Can you believe it!? Weird huh?" She stared at her new-found bosom for a bit, then turned reflective. "I remember so many times I wished I had boobs. I thought I'd never have 'em, but look at me now. Kaboing!" She had her hands out in front of her chest to emphasize the effect. I didn't think it needed any more emphasizing. Julie smiled, put her arms out and wiggled her shoulders. Even under that loose sweater it was easy to see she had boobs flopping about. It almost looked like she wanted to put on a show. I did some quick math; four cup sizes in four weeks. Zowie! She pulled her arms back in. Her nose crinkled in mild discomfort. Julie bent down a bit and proceeded with a slightly hushed tone. "They kind of hurt a little bit." She paused for a second, looking at me, as if deciding what to say next. She cupped her hands around her lips and whispered, "I think it's 'cause they're growing so fast." My dick heard that before my ears did. I shifted my seating position, straightening out a leg. "I thought I was gonna die during the game. That one big girl kept elbowing me right in the chest. God, that hurt. I wanted to turn around and punch her in the boobs; ask how her she liked that." Julie took another bite of her burger. Chomp. No more burger. "I think they've stopped, though." She looked down at them again. She didn't seem too convinced with what she had just said. A touch of concern came across her face. "If they get any bigger, I don't know if I'll be able to play basketball any more." She reached back and adjusted her sports bra. "It's not just my boobs, though. My knees kind of hurt." She continued, changing the topic slightly. "The Doctor said it looked like growing pains. Warren, would you believe I'm 5' 10" now. Actually, 5' 10" 1/4 as of this morning. I'm like an inch and a quarter taller. I wondered were those pounds were going. Guess they were going to the 'new me'." Julie shrugged her shoulders and killed her drink. "Wow," I said, as I slid down in my seat. I didn't know what to say, except "So, how long are you gonna go through this 'second puberty' thing?" "The doctor said it was just a little abnormality that's probably just about done. I guess I'm not the first person to experience something like this. It usually lasts about a month or so, and then it's gone." Her faced brightened; I saw a twinkle in her almond eyes. "And then you've got a new bod. The new me. Tada." She gave me a big smile. She seemed genuinely happy. I knew Julie's body had bugged her ever since she started worrying about it. Now, it didn't look like she would have to worry anymore. "That's got to be a weird feeling," I said, feeling a little weird myself. "Yeah," she said, eyes off in the distance, "it kind of is." She was lost in thought for a second - I wondered what she was thinking - then snapped back to attention and looked at me. "You want anything else to eat? I'm gonna get another burger." She hopped up and went to went to the counter. I watched her from behind with, for the first time, a lustful eye. It was obvious it wasn't just Julie's boobs that were filling out, so were her hips and butt. When she walked now, that long, loping stride was accentuating some new curves. She seemed to have a new litheness in her saunter. For the first time my thoughts about Julie were not merely platonic. It was kind of warm in the restaurant. Given that, and the fact she was still warm from the physical exertions , she had the bottom of her baggy sweater in her hands and was fanning herself. During one of her fan cycles, I got a look at her waist. She had on a T-shirt tucked into her jeans. Maybe it was due to her new hips, but for the life of me it seemed that her waist was narrower. I was beginning to wonder what her measurements were. A lot had been happening these last few weeks. She got her order and came back - two more cheeseburgers. "So, what do you want to do this weekend?" I asked. "There's that new Tom Hanks movie out. Want to see it tomorrow?" "Yeah, I do want to see it, but could we make it on Sunday? *I* have a date tomorrow night," she beamed. I was starting to dread the answer to my next question. "No kidding, who with?" "Paul Vittorio!" Oh shit, Mr Tall, Dark and Handsome personified. I do believe I felt a twinge of jealousy. "Great, you've had the hots for him for years." I was wincing inside. "Yeah, he asked me out after gym class. I didn't even think he knew I was alive." Well, Paul may not have been the smartest guy, but I had to give him credit for his powers of observation. But Julie and Paul? Paul Vittorio?!? "Great," I lied. This was weird. The person I had known so well for the last seven years, who I had done everything with, was now going to do something different. I tried to tell myself I should be happy for Julie; and I think I was, a little. But I just didn't want anything to change between us. I told her all about the crushes I had on people, and she did likewise. We would work out at various sports together, usually basketball. We even helped each other out with our classes: she being better in English, and myself being better in Mathematics. I still remember the time I didn't know the name of a Russian author, and Julie, seeing my dilemma, had covered her mouth with her hand and coughed out "Zohllll-zeh-kneee-chen." She was cool. Things do change, though: Julie was now living proof of that. I moped around the next evening, discouraged by yesterdays events. I tried to read for a while, watched a little TV - Saturday night has NOTHING to offer on TV - played around a bit on the computer, but time was still dragging on. Finally I went to bed around 11:30 or so. It was just around midnight or so when I heard a 'clink' against my window. 'Clink.' There it was again. I got up and looked out. Down below was Julie. Something was wrong. It looked like she had been crying. Usually she didn't wear much makeup, but tonight dark streaks were running down her cheeks almost like a clown. only there was no levity in the air. She had her arms wrapped around her, like she was either covering something up, was very cold, or had been hurt. Dark thoughts were going through my head. I put on a robe and ran downstairs. She was at the door and shaking slightly. When I got her inside I understood why her arms were folded; her sweater was stretched and missing several buttons. Her blouse had suffered from the some treatment, and had a rip just below the collar. I noticed she had quite a bit of cleavage showing among the missing buttons and the rip; and then cursed myself for thinking like that when my friend was in need. It looked like someone had attacked her. I think I had an idea who. We went into the living room and sat down on the couch. My folks had gone to the city tonight to see a broadway musical, and were making a romantic evening of it. They wouldn't be back until tomorrow. "Are you OK?" I asked, concerned. Julie just sat there for a moment. She turned her head and looked at me. "Please hold me." And then she put her head against my chest, not really crying - too sad to cry - but heaving a bit. I put my arms around her and we sat there like that for what seemed like an hour. I felt her against me, and though I honestly tried not to, I found myself thinking about her body. I could feel her breasts pressing on my waist; they were certainly large now. I felt her shoulders against my rib-cage, her arms around me. Again I cursed myself for thinking this way at a time like this, but I couldn't help getting an erection. My robe was already tented up in that area just from how we were sitting, so I don't think Julie noticed, thank God; but I'm sure my breathing sounded a little funny. After a while, I finally said, "I'm sorry, Julie; are you OK?" She pulled her head up. "Yeah, I'm OK," she said, as she began to wipe off some of her mascara with her hand. "I guess my *date* didn't quite turn out like I expected. Look at me, all dressed up and made up. And what for? For that shithead. I'm some kind of idiot. I mean, God damn it." Her eyes looked off in the distance. "What happened? Want to talk about it?" She drew herself up and took in a deep breath. Brushing some hair from her eyes she nodded. While her eyes had some sadness, they also had a certain fire in them - the kind of fire that I always admired in her. She started. "We went out to eat at Lorios." Nicest place in town. Very expensive if I remember-I'd only been there once, and I didn't have to pay. "We talked for a while and it was OK, but he kept on looking at my boobs. And after a while it seemed like he wasn't really talking *to* me. I mean, of course he was talking, but it was more like he was trying to be charming rather than actually holding a conversation; know what I mean? "I knew what she meant. I've tried to do the same thing once or twice, with limited success. "Finally all his staring was getting to me so I went to the bathroom for a breather. Well, I looked in the mirror and found out why he was staring - this blouse. I love this blouse; it's my favorite one. But I got it before I got *these*." She looked down at her breasts, which were not really being contained by either her blouse or her bra. They were overflowing her bra cups. I must have looked a bit too intently, for she quickly crossed her arms again and closed things up. I silently kicked myself. She looked deep in thought for a second - as if surprised by something - then continued. "Well, anyway, I'd had about enough, so I told him I was kind of tired and wanted to go home. He seemed kind of pissed, but then said 'OK'. Well, he didn't take me straight home. He stopped at Clyde Hill and then said 'hey bitch, I just spent 75 bucks on you, and you just wanna go home? C'mon, show me your tits.'" "I said 'No', but he wouldn't listen to me. He reached over and grabbed my sweater and started pulling and yanking saying 'c'mon baby, show me what you got. It'll be fun.' I tried to fight him off but he got ahold of my blouse and ripped it up here." She pointed to her collar. "I started getting hysterical at this point. I thought I really might be in trouble, and I probably was. I just started kicking and screaming and I think I got in a good blow on the asshole cause he crunched up at the gut; and I got out of that fucking car and ran and ran and ran." Julie was reliving the moment a bit as she became more and more animated. "Fucking ASSHOLE" She started crying again. I held her a while longer, but it was getting late. I told her I'd give her a ride home, but she said she didn't want to be alone tonight. "Could I stay with you tonight? You stay on your side and I'll stay on mine? Please. I don't want to be alone." It actually wasn't that unusual a request. But somehow it seemed a bit more unusual tonight. "Yeah, sure. Mom and Dad are gone for the night. I'll get my sleeping bag. C'mon." We went up to my room. I pulled out my sleeping bag, crawled in, and took the left side of the bed. Julie got under the covers on the right side. She rolled over on her side. "Ah, oompf," she winced. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's these fucking boobs, they hurt so bad right now. I can't even put any weight on 'em. I think I'm ready for all this stuff to be over with." Amen to that, I was ready to continue on with my best friend like it was, and hope tonight was just a hiccup. We lay back-to-back. We'd done this kind of thing before, but tonight felt different. I didn't get to sleep for a long time. The morning light woke me up. I must have turned over during the night because now I was facing Julie, or at least would have been facing Julie, for she was standing up in front of the mirror. She'd just gotten up, which probably woke me. I lay there completely still, looking like I was still sleeping, but keeping one eye half open to watch. She looked back at me briefly, checking to see if I was still sleeping probably, and then turned back to the mirror. She had taken off her tattered blouse during the night and now just had her bra on. She might just as well have taken her bra off as well, because her breasts were just about overwhelming it. I remembered the vision last night how they seemed to be slightly swelling out beyond the confines of her bra cups. Well, now they weren't just swelling slightly, it was *obvious* they didn't fit now. She looked at them quizzically for a bit. Then she poked her finger to her right breast and twitched and winced in pain. It looked like her boobs were still very painful. Then she started to take off her bra, very gently so it wouldn't hurt too bad. The back clasps were undone, but her bra was still hanging on her chest. She took it off and held it in her hand, then stood in front of the mirror just looking at herself. At this point I had a raging hard-on. No, it wasn't an erection, that's much too polite. This was a hard-on that was letting himself be known. I could feel my heart racing, my pulse pounding, but I still had to seem like I was sleeping. I didn't want Julie to know about this, especially after last night. As I watched Julie in front of the mirror, I concentrated in keeping my breathing regular. What was causing this uncomfortable yet exhilarating flow of blood? Julie's body, which was undergoing some dramatic changes. She still had her jeans on, but they were looking very tight, very form-fitting. Even more surprising was they didn't seem quite long enough - they were stopping right at her ankles. Certainly not a fashion faux-pas, but Julie really needed a bit more hemline. I could see her calves pressing against the back of her pant-leg, and higher up, her hamstring was noticeable as well. It didn't seem like she was amazingly muscular or anything, just that she had a really tight pair of jeans on. I moved on up to her butt. Julie now had a perfect butt - heart-shaped and full - really giving the denim a run for the money. As for her waist, it was a bit surprising. I noticed that, as tight as her jeans seemed, about her legs and butt, they were actually a bit loose around the waist, by about an inch. Julie was sporting some amazing curves. I could guess at the exact measurements, but it was obvious there was at least a foot of difference between her hips and her waist, and judging by the looseness around the waist, probably more. Yes, I was sure it was more. More like 13 to 14 inches. From her waist, it was like following a 'V' up to her wide shoulders - they seemed as wide as her hips. She had the foundation of quite an hourglass figure. Of course, once you have a good foundation, one can start building big things, and that's exactly what Julie's body was doing. Or, more to the point, her breasts. Julie had mentioned on Friday how she didn't think she be able to play ball anymore if her boobs got any bigger. Well, it was Sunday morning, and her boobs were now officially bigger. At least a cup size bigger. She put her hands underneath them. They didn't hang down very far, rather they seemed extremely full and swollen - almost like she was nursing. Likewise her nipples were quite large and semi-erect from the cool morning - when those got fully erect I was thinking she'd need a nursing bra to hide them. The image of Karen Price popped into my head. That's what her areolae and nipples reminded me of. Only Julie was larger, both in stature and in breast size. They were amazingly full, just wider than her chest. She bounced her hands, causing her breasts to jiggle and her face to crinkle in pain again. She had a look of surprise on her face, but as she ran her hands over her breasts, slowly from top to bottom, ever so gently caressing them, I saw a fleeting look of what I can only describe as ... well, as pleasure. I can still remember it, frozen as just a moment in time. Then a look of concern. Her brows furrowed as she shook her broad shoulders. Whereas a month earlier, nothing much would have happened, now there was a whole lot of shaking going on. Again, her face scrunched up briefly. I felt kind of bad for the pain she must have been experiencing. She turned around and looked back at me. I thought she must have noticed my spying, but no, she just had a curious, almost quizzical look on her face as she looked at me. Not like she was mad at me, or like she had caught me in something, but something else - something that looked a little goofy, but nice. She went over to my dresser and pulled out a T-shirt - an extra large. She put it on. It was a Duke University shirt from their glory days, with the 'Duke' positioned above the 'University,' about halfway down her chest. I mention that because I noticed her right nipple was poking out in the upper part of the open area of the 'D', and her left one was poking out in the open area of the 'e.' My old Duke shirt never looked so good. Julie grabbed her things, and made for the door. Just before she closed my door, she looked at me again. She brought her hand to her lip and began what looked like a kissing motion, like she was going to blow me a kiss, but then stopped in mid-motion with at first a slightly confused look on her face, then, with her eyes looking at me, with a smile. For the first time, I thought Julie looked beautiful, in that moment before she left - then the door closed. My heart was doing some funny things to me. I wanted to put my arms around her again. But I also realized I had to relieve myself, and fast. I didn't see her the rest of that day, but we talked later that night. She said she was much better now, over the other night, and that she definitely wouldn't give the time of day to Paul ever again. I told her he was lucky she didn't go after him, legally speaking, of course. She said she just wanted to put it behind her. She also said something else. "I think I might have to quit the basketball team" "What? Why? You love basketball?" "Yeah, I do. But my boobs. They really hurt. I was shooting around in the driveway today and I had to stop - it was too painful." "Well, can't you just get a sports bra or something?" There was a pause. "Um. I went out shopping today; I couldn't find one big enough." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "I'm kind of big now." I tried to imagine. I wondered if she was already bigger than this morning - could that be possible? My dick stirred. I remembered the vision from this morning. "Oh," I said, somewhat at a loss for words. She laid another bombshell on me. "I'm not going to be at school this week. Mom and I are going to see an endocrine specialist and see how much longer this is going to last. Warren?" "Yeah?" "I don't want to get any bigger, Warren. I don't want to. Ouch" She must have hit her boobs. I began to get a little worried. After all, if this kept up, she'd be the size of Wendy Singleton soon. "Don't worry," I said, "your breasts aren't going to grow out of control. I'm sure they're just about done. I mean, how big can breasts get, anyway? " There was another pause, slightly longer than the first. "That's what we're going to ask the doctor," she said. I could tell she was a little nervous. I tried to reassure her as best I could. I didn't like to see, or in this case hear, my best friend nervous, but I didn't know what I could do. Eventually I got her to laugh a couple of times. "Thanks," she said. "For everything." "See you in a week," I said. "Good luck." "You know, when I get back I'm gonna dunk in your face, homeboy", she laughed. I never recalled that happening during our one-on-one games, but it was good to hear her laugh. "In your dreams," I said sarcastically. "Hey, give Jerry an elbow right in the gut for me." "Hmm, you know, I just might." I knew I'd be thinking of Julie all week. Huh, what's that, babe? I'm just typing a story, that's all. Or else what? Ah, I see ... Dear readers, I gotta go now, the Missus has got something big waiting for me. End of Part I.