This story contains breast enlargement and sex, nothing more. If either of these frightens you, I suggest that you do not read any further. Also, any similarities to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and the result of an overactive imagination (since none of this could ever happen in today's society.). No animals were harmed during the making of this story (except for the couple of times I had to smack my cats to get them off of the keyboard.). Keep your arms and legs in the vehicle. Thank you. "The Juice" A short story by Christopher P. McGee. "What the hell are these?" Stan asked Rodney. "I don't know, we got them in today, but I really haven't had a chance to look them over," replied Rodney. Rodney was a stocky man, the owner of a local combination drugstore/burger joint that Stan went to every day for lunch. It was just a short walk away from his office and he knew that the food there had enough grease and oil to put the people at Exxon to shame, but at least it was a quick, home-cooked meal. On this particular day, Stan noticed something he hadn't before. There was a new stand on the counter where he usually paid for his lunch. The stand offered what seemed to be some sort of juice, judging by the cylindrical shape and colorful advertising. The package was a plain silver can with not much writing on it. He thought about it for a while, wondering whether or not it was harmful. "Ah, shit, you only live once," he thought, so he decided that he might as well try one. He asked Rodney, "How much?" Rodney replied, "They're ten for a dollar." "Well, hell, I'll buy anything for a dollar," replied Stan as he slapped down a twenty, also paying for his meal. Picking up his change and juice, he began walking back to the office. Stan walked across the grass, reading the label on his new juice. There wasn't much, but what there was said, "Guaranteed to make you happy!!" "Yeah, right!" he thought, "and I can get laid any time I want to!" Stan began to chuckle. As he read on, he saw some other print that he didn't notice before. This one said, "Give to your significant other, and all the happiness in the world shall be yours." He started to chuckle a little bit more. He was so engrossed in his reading of the package he had just bought that he almost didn't notice the woman he bumped into! She fell to the ground with a loud "Ouch! Hey, watch where you're going!" Immediately, Stan snapped out of his trance and bent over to help the lady up from the ground. "Oh! I'm so sorry, lady, I didn't see you! Please, let me help you up," Stan said, amazed that for once in his life, he actually didn't shy away when he saw her. Perhaps it was the fact that she had fallen and possibly needed help getting back up or perhaps it was the fact that she didn't have any breasts to speak of, so she looked more like a man in the chest area than a woman. "Oh," Stan thought, "it's just as well. I most likely wouldn't find the courage to say anything if she actually had some breasts, anyway." Stan helped the lady back to her feet and helped brush her off, steering well clear of her chest, crotch, and buttocks area, as she may slap him on the spot if he didn't. She wasn't exactly the most beautiful woman in the world, but Stan was more than pleased, since he rarely got to see a woman this close. She had dark, straight hair that reached down to the small of her back, green eyes that seemed to shine when she smiled, lips that were full and luscious, and legs that were well-defined and muscular. She didn't seem as angry now, but Stan still said, "My apologies, Ms...." "Morris," the lady replied, "Jodi Morris. And it's Miss. Hey, it's alright. You were just so busy reading your... Whatever... That you didn't notice me. It happens to everybody. Say, what is that thing you were reading anyway? You seemed very amused by it." Now Stan got a little flustered. When she talked in a normal tone of voice, she sounded very sexy. More so than any woman he had ever heard before, including those on all of his porno videos. Also, he wasn't used to being talked to like that before. Usually, when he met a woman, it was always just as a passerby; she would smile, maybe even say "Hi," but never more than that. This lady actually seemed interested in talking to Stan. That, or he was just having another hopeful delusion. "Well, uh, it's just some juice I bought at the drugstore over there. It was only ten for a dollar. I thought it was a pretty good deal, so I decided I'd try some," Stan stammered. "Really? Cool! Can I try one?" she asked merrily. "Wow, she's a bubbly one!" thought Stan. He said aloud to her, "Uh, sure, why not? I mean, it's not like I paid a lot for it or anything." This said, he handed her one of the little silver cans, which she eagerly took from his hand. "Thanks!" she said as she looked at it, then immediately opened it and gulped it down. "MMMmmm... Tastes like strawberry! Wow, I must really be thirsty! Here I am, knocked over by some stranger, and the first thing I ask is for his juice! Hahaha! Well, I was just on my way to my car so I could go home for lunch, but didn't you say that the drugstore over there sells lunch, too?" "Yeah. It's really greasy, so if you're on a diet, I don't think you should..." began Stan. "Oh, it's alright. I don't care all that much about my appearance. Besides, I really could use some extra fat, don't you think?" Jodi said as she cupped her empty chest with her hands. Stan blushed. Not only was this the first time he had talked to a woman for any length of time, she actually touched her own breasts in front of him! He immediately looked away and stuttered, "W-well, d-do you think... Th-that is... D-Do you want to g-go eat there?" Stan had already eaten, but he really didn't want this opportunity to disappear before his eyes, especially given his missed chances with women in the past! "Sure! I'll go with you," Jodi said. "You seem harmless to me and that juice didn't do very much to quench my thirst." "Alright, then," said Stan. The walk back to the drugstore wasn't very long, since Stan hadn't walked 20 yards away from it when he bumped into this woman. However, Stan couldn't decide whether or not the walk seemed shorter or longer than it really was. It seemed long because he was walking next to a woman; the first time he had done so in his entire life (discounting his mother). Yet, it also seemed short; Stan wanted it to last longer. When they walked through the door, Stan had to put his finger to his lips to keep Rodney from saying anything about his just eating there. Luckily for Stan, there were a couple of empty barstools right next to each other. Stan helped Jodi take off her coat, to which she thanked him, then hung it and his own coat on the hook next to the door. "I'll have whatever he's having," said Jodi when the waitress came up to them to take their order. This made Stan a bit uncomfortable because not only did he just finish eating and not really want anything, he really didn't know what to order that would impress Jodi. And he REALLY wanted to impress her! "I'll just have a salad then. Lite Italian dressing, please," was all that Stan could think of in such short notice. On retrospect, he decided that it was a good choice, since it really wasn't all that filling, plus it would look good to Jodi that he was health-conscious. "Great," said Jodi, "then make that two!" She was so bouncy and happy that it made Stan extremely glad to be with her. It just made talking to her much easier than with any other woman. The meal was eaten uneventfully, with only a little dialog coming out of Stan's mouth, but LOTS from Jodi. Stan had basically talked about where he worked, his interest in computers, and, believe it or not, the weather! Jodi had talked about her job, her friends, her ex-boyfriend, her apartment, and, yes, the weather. All-in-all, they had an enjoyable time, which naturally excited Stan. Not only was he talking to a woman, he was talking WELL! Jodi, on the other hand, was a bit uncomfortable, but she didn't show let Stan see it. Every now and then during the meal, she would have to reach back and adjust her bra strap, as it seemed to get tight. She did this nonchalantly, as she didn't want Stan to think she was suggesting something by reaching her hand near where the bra hooked together. The thing was, it felt as if some sort of fluid was rushing into her chest. She thought it was probably just a bloated feeling and paid it no heed. "Hmmm..." said Jodi. "I'm still kinda hungry. That salad didn't fill me up very much. I know! I'll have some more of that juice you've got! You said you got it here, right? I'll buy some of my own." "Oh, never mind, just take mine," Stan laughed, "I don't think I need them, anyway." This was, of course, the truth. He didn't have any significant other to give them to, so he may as well give them to the next best thing: A female stranger. "Oh, thank you! You're too kind," Jodi said, with a wink in her eye. This took Stan by surprise, as no one, especially not a woman, had winked at him before. She opened up the rest of the miniature cans and swallowed the juice in them. They were, after all, only about 2 oz. each. "Much better! Well, I guess I'd better get back to work, then," Jodi said. "My boss really wouldn't like for me to be late again." Stan nodded and agreed with her, and decided to wait until they were outside and about to split before he would ask her for her phone number. Stan went on up to the cashier and payed for both of their dinners, to which Jodi was very grateful, and they walked outside after Stan picked up their coats and gave Jodi hers. Jodi was having a bit more trouble now. She kept on adjusting her bra every time Stan wasn't looking, but that didn't seem to help much. The strange liquid feeling never quit from the first time she felt it. It just kept flowing into her chest. She tried adjusting her bra one more time, from the front, and she froze. She moved her had up and down her chest to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She was about to ask Stan to pinch her, but she didn't really want him to know what was going on. Yes, there was actually some curvature to her normally flat chest. She kept on rubbing until she heard Stan say, "Uh... Jodi? Um, are you alright?" Immediately, Jodi slapped her arms to her sides and a little red showed up on her pearly-white cheeks. "Oh, yeah, just fine. Couldn't be better." Stan couldn't believe what he had just seen. She was actually rubbing her breasts! Could that mean something? Was she getting aroused by him? "Nah," he thought, "it's just my overactive imagination again." But still, Stan couldn't help but wonder why she was doing that. "Um, I can walk you back to your office, then, since I don't have to be back for a while," Stan offered. "Yeah, sure, I'd like that," Jodi replied. Actually, she felt that she needed someone close by in case something happened to her. As they walked, Stan to Jodi's side and a little in front of her, Jodi kept touching her now-existent breasts whenever Stan was looking away to be sure that she felt what she did earlier. Each time she did, she got the same feeling: Two definite curves on her body where there previously weren't, about the size of golf balls. In fact, each time she checked, they seemed just a tiny bit larger than before. She decided that the fluid going into her breasts was the culprit. She tried to hide her breasts now whenever Stan looked at her, to keep from embarrassing herself. Stan looked back at Jodi whenever he tried to talk to her, and he could swear that he saw some breasts where there weren't any before. He tried to keep his wide eyes looking forward, and glance away whenever he felt he was staring, but he just couldn't keep his mind off it. Jodi had to clench her teeth from the pain she was getting from her bra. It was, after all, just an A-cup bra. It was not meant to hold B-cup sized breasts, which is what hers must be by now. She had to get away from the public view. The last thing she needed now was people staring at her. The only person nearby that she could at least somewhat trust was Stan. And right now, she had to talk to him privately. It was at this point that Stan was asked an odd question by Jodi, "Where's your car?" Stan was taken aback, but soon found himself stumbling around, trying to see where he parked his car. "Uh, it's over there," he said, pointing to the rear of the parking lot, about 10 yards from where they were standing. "But, um, can I ask why you want to go there?" "Listen, I need to talk to you in private. Something's going on," said Jodi. Stan was more than eager to accept. He started fumbling around for his keys as he walked toward his 88 Cadillac El Dorado, all the while trying to keep his mind and eyes on what he was doing, not on Jodi's chest, which was always seeming to be covered by her arm. Jodi finally decided to actually look down at her chest to see how it had progressed. She stared in amazement. Where there was nothing but a couple of bumps from her A-cup bra, there were now two tangerine-sized bulges! When they got to the car, it took a good 10 seconds before Stan's nervous hands could get the key into the lock and turn it. He got inside, unlocked the passenger door, and Jodi got in. They both closed their doors and looked at each other. "Stan, what was in that juice you gave me?" Asked Jodi. "Huh? That stuff I bought from the drugstore?" Stan replied. "I don't know. It just looked interesting, and it was ten for one dollar, so I got it. Why?" Of course, he thought he could guess why she was asking him that question, but he wanted to make sure. "Well, it's just that... I don't know how to put this... You see, ever since I took that first one, I noticed my... breasts growing." Yep, that's what Stan was guessing, all right. Jodi finally removed her arm from her chest so that Stan could see. Stan's eyes bulged. He saw a couple of tennis ball-sized tits on her bosom, the same one that harbored nothing when he first met her. Stan tried to speak, but found it difficult to do so. "Well, uh, do you want to go see a doctor or something?" Stan finally asked. "I don't know. I really don't think that they could help me. Quick, get out that package that the juice came in and see what that stuff is made of!" Stan worked like crazy to get the juice out of his pocket and read the label. Jodi began to whimper and leaned her head forward to see if she could ease the aching, which just made Stan go frantic trying to find a label of some sort on the package. Jodi was starting to get into serious pain now as the fluid kept rushing into her breasts and she was in a good position to see her breasts. They must have reached C-cup by now, as they looked like two oranges stuck underneath her shirt. Her expensive shirt was now getting pushed out pretty tightly, and she thought that she ought to take it off to keep it from being destroyed. "I can't find any ingredients on here at all!" Stan exclaimed. "It just has this stupid writing on it that says 'Guaranteed to make you happy!! Give to your significant other, and all the happiness in the world shall be yours.'" Now they both froze as they realized what that meant. Jodi said, "So large breasts make you happy, huh? That's why this is going on." Stan blushed and murmured in shame, "Yeah, that's my favorite physical part of the female body." Jodi looked at him in disgust. "Of course. I should've known. Well, what can we do about it now?" She asked Stan, who promptly shrug his shoulders. Since both of them couldn't think of anything to say, they looked at Jodi's breasts to see how big they were now. Both of them stared as they saw a couple of softball-sized bumps underneath her shirt. Jodi felt another pang of pain. As if that weren't enough, she felt the liquid rush into her bust faster now! She said through clenched teeth, "I need to take this bra off! It hurts to damn much!" "Okay, okay..." said Stan. "Uh, I guess you'll have to take off your shirt then?" Jodi shot him a cold look, then reconsidered her snide remark as another sting hit her from her bra strap. "Dammit! Okay... Just get me out of here, first. Take me to your place. We need to be somewhere this won't attract attention." Stan immediately started the car and backed it out of his parking space. He thought, "Hell, screw the company! This is much more important!" On the way to Stan's apartment, Jodi gasped as she looked down and saw her breasts, now the size of grapefruits, sticking out four inches from her chest! Her nipples, however stayed exactly the same size, which made her tits look even larger! Stan repressed the urge to look, and decided to start talking to keep his brain off of it. He said, "Well, let me try to think logically for a minute, here... First of all, when did you first notice your breasts growing?" "Ouch!" Jodi said as she felt more pain. "It was just before we started eating." Stan reasoned, "Okay, that was about ten minutes after you drank the first one. How long has it been since you drank the rest?" Jodi, clenching her teeth, said "I don't know... About 11 minutes?" This time, Stan had to look. Yes, they were definitely growing faster now. In fact, they were now the size of cantaloupes! He stepped on the gas as far as it would go and passed everyone on the road. "Alright, it seems that it starts working about 10 minutes after you drink them." Perhaps we can get you home in time to find some way to stop this." Jodi was hardly listening to Stan because she was too busy undoing her blouse and talking it off. She couldn't believe what she saw! "Stan," she said, "I think my breasts are going to explode! They're getting too big!" Stan naturally couldn't help but look over at her when she got her top off. He almost ran them into another car and off the road when he saw her basketball-sized breasts! "Hey! Watch the road!" screamed Jodi. There was so much flesh showing behind the string-thin bra that Stan suddenly got a hard-on. He tried to repress his lust, as he knew he should be worried about her, not excited. But, of course, his cock had a mind of its own. He tried to turn to the side and cross his legs so as to keep it from being obvious to Jodi. "I'm almost there! Just have to turn into parking lot now," thought Stan. Jodi, seeing Stan's rock-hard boner before he hid it began to feel a bit excited herself. She tried to ignore it, working on removing her bra instead, thinking "To hell with the other people. We're driving too fast for them to notice me, anyway!" As she worked on it, she felt some pleasure in touching her breasts so that her crotch started to get hot. She never knew that having huge breasts would make her so sensitive to touch. Then again, perhaps it was just another side-effect of that strange juice. Speaking of which, she started to feel the water pressure build up again in her breasts, making them expand even faster. Upon feeling this, she moaned loudly. It actually felt quite good, despite the pain from her bra! "Ooohhhh! There too large! They're gonna blow, I can feel it!" She moaned Finally, the bra decided to give up and snapped off, smacking the windshield, nearly cracking it! Stan looked over again to see Jodi's head snap back as she moaned, her hands caressing her watermelon-sized breasts. It was all Stan could do to keep from hitting the other cars in the lot as he looked for an open space. He thought angrily, "I should've known! All the spaces WOULD be filled at a time like this! Aw, fuck it!" He swerved his car around, drove it straight up to his building, and parked it right in the closest handicap space. "We're here!" He exasperated as he put the car in park and turned the car off. He put on the emergency brake, opened his door, slammed it closed, and jumped over to the other side to open Jodi's door and help her out. She had a bit of trouble, heaving around her giant breasts. They were so firm, they looked like two large balloons attached to her body. They seemed very soft and smooth, as well, despite their firmness. Jodi, seeing Stan stare, blushed, which made Stan shake his head to try to think clearly. "Okay, the apartment is this way!" Stan said, and took off in the direction he indicated with is finger. Jodi attempted to follow, but almost fell over. She stopped, regained her balanced, and tried again; this time starting out at a walk, working up to a run. When Jodi caught up to Stan, he was at the door, fumbling with his keys and saying, "Dammit! Where is it!?" Stan frantically searched through his keys, finally finding the one he was looking for and yelled "YES!" He unlocked the door and ushered Jodi in quickly, locking the door behind them. "Nice apartment," Jodi said sarcastically, knowing that neither of them were worried about the apartment's decor at the moment. They hadn't walked five paces from the door before Jodi moaned again. "I think another ten minutes has passed. I feel the fluid rushing into my chest even faster now! Oooohhh, they're huge! I don't think my breasts can take any more!" Stan whipped his head around to see Jodi, standing in the middle of the room with breasts that hung down past her belly button and stuck out about two feet. Strangely enough, Jodi's face seemed even more beautiful now. Her hair flowing onto her gigantic breasts, her eyes shining in the light, and her lips warm and inviting. Even her legs seemed more shapely now, with large muscles showing in her powerful-looking thighs and calves. His dick decided to stand at attention again, and there was no hiding it this time. Jodi walked up to Stan and let her breasts touch his chest. She suddenly gasped loudly, saying, "My breasts have gotten more sensitive now. I don't know why, but I want you, Stan. I want you now!" Now it was Stan's turn to blush. He just could not believe what has been happening to him in the last half-hour. I was as if most of his shyness had gone away. Perhaps it was because he was in the middle of an emergency and he was so busy trying to help someone that all of his timidity just disappeared. Now, however, it returned. She was over her panic and now quite lustful. Again, he stammered, "B-b-but what about your... Um... Your..." "Tits. Go ahead and say it, I don't care. Actually, I don't care how big they grow, as long as they don't blow up. I'll live as a freak. Right now, I am just extremely horny and I want to fuck your brains out," she said as she reached down ad grabbed his cock through his pants. Stan yelped, since no one but himself had touched there before. He didn't make any move to leave, though. He just stood there, frozen. Jodi started to unbutton his shirt until she could no longer reach around her now-bean bag-sized hooters. Every time she brushed by them, they sent waves of pleasure straight to her crotch, soaking her panties. Therefore, she started to take her pants off. Stan, finally being able to move, finished unbuttoning his shirt and took it off, as well as his pants. When Jodi got her panties off, they were drenched through completely. Her tits continued to swell as she pressed them against Stan. Both of them gasped with pleasure as Stan brought his hands up to caress Jodi's humongous tits, feeling the mounds of breast-flesh. His assumption was correct: They were very soft and smooth, indeed, yet quite firm. He felt as if his prick would explode from the intense pleasure he was feeling! Jodi, no longer able to stand up due to the tremendous weight of her recliner-sized breasts, laid down on her back as Stan continued to caress and fondle her gigantic globes. Stan felt as if he was in heaven, an angel with growing breasts below him. He kept rubbing his hands over her tits and he could feel the skin stretch beneath them and become tighter. He laid his head down on one of them, as if it were a giant pillow, and found that he could very easily fall asleep on them. Jodi moaned with extreme pleasure as Stan started to suck on her nipples, still their original size, and her cunt began to ooze with her juices. Stan kept on with his fondling. They were so enormous, there was no way that she could leave the house now, in her condition. He smiled broadly and worked his hands all over her breasts, making Jodi moan more, and squirt some more juice from her pussy. Stan was in complete ecstasy, carressing Jodi's tits, feeling them get bigger and bigger. He could also feel the liquid rush into her tits that was making them so large. Jodi, her voice a little hoarse from moaning so much with pleasure, said, "I want you inside me, Stan. I want your dick in my cunt NOW!" Stan was only too happy to oblige. He quickly climbed down from Jodi's weather balloon-sized tits and put his dick in her. Her pussy was so slick and wet that it took nearly no effort at all on his part to get his cock in her. No sooner had he done this than Jodi moaned very loudly, saying "Stan! That liquid is flowing faster again! Oh, my breasts are so gigantic! I can see them growing and growing! They're going to explode!" Stan looked up to see Jodi's tits growing visibly toward her. This just made him even hornier. He started pumping away, slowly, to make sure that Jodi enjoyed it. After all, he didn't want to be brutal with her. This was his first time, so he had to take it easy. He wanted it to last as long as possible. Stan's cock, on the other hand, had other plans. Already, Stan could feel the semen begin to build up in his balls. Jodi was in pure ecstasy as she massaged the sides of her oversized tits. They now were just two feet away from the ceiling. "Stan! My breasts are too big! They're almost to the ceiling, now! My tits are going to blow up! Ooohhh!! But they feel so good! They're so firm and soft!" Stan was too busy enjoying himself, both screwing and staring at Jodi's tits, now taking up the living room! Just as Stan was feeling his semen boiling in his testicles, Jodi moaned so loud that the neighbors HAD to hear it! "Stan!" She exclaimed. "I just felt the fluid rush faster! Ooohh, my breasts just hit the ceiling! Damn, that feels so GOOD! Oh, but Stan, I think I'm going to... To... Explode!" "Me too!" Stan said. "Here I cum!!!!!!" With this, he pulled his dick out of her pussy and came all over her tits, now making the walls and ceiling creak. He seemed to cum for hours, as load after load shot out of his prick, covering Jodi's tits. Finally, when it was all over, Stan laid back against Jodi's tits, glad that the ceiling hadn't come down on them. He was right, he COULD fall asleep just leaning against them like he was. He loved the feeling of her huge mounds, so soft, yet tight and firm. "Uh, Stan," began Jodi, "I think my tits are shrinking." Stan looked and, sure enough, they were receding from the ceiling and walls. "Maybe there's something in cum that stops them from growing..." Said Stan. After a few minutes, they slowed down and stopped at the size of watermelons. "Probably the perfect size," Stan thought, then drifted off to sleep with Jodi in his arms. After they both got cleaned up and dressed, Jodi wearing some of Stan's clothes, they decided that the label on the juice was correct. Jodi was meant to be Stan's significant other and it really did make him happy. Jodi looked up and said, "Ten for a dollar, eh? Hmmm... How about we go back and get some more... For both of us?" Stan just smiled, stood up and got both of their coats. Then he stopped, turned around and looked at Jodi with an even wider smile, saying, "BOTH of us?" To be continued?...