When I read the story on Isabelle I just couldn't believe that she didn't like having such a large chest. So I decided to edit the story a little and add some stuff. I guess to make sense of all this refer to the Globe article about this chick who's breasts grew huge when she got knocked up. ========================================================================== Edited by Greg Andrews "My breasts grew from 34 to 52 inches in 5 Months." New mom Isabelle Lanthier figured her boobs would get a little bigger when she got pregnant - but she never dreamed she'd balloon from 34 inches to and eye-popping 52 inches in just 5 months. In fact by the time she gave birth each of her breasts weighed a whopping 15 pounds. Three times the size of her new born baby girl Michelle. "Girls often think it'd be great to have big giant boobs, and now God has made my wishes come true." says Isabelle, 20 a cashier. "It was a like a dream. Every day my breasts got bigger and bigger. They literally grew as large as watermelons right in front of my eyes. Each breast weighs a ton, and I've have a hard time sleeping at night. If I roll sideways my boobs get in the way or end up in my husbands face. I have to careful not to smother him. I have a hard time walking and I have to be careful when I get out of bed, the weight of my boobs pulls my body around and I have to move slowly or I lose my balance." "My doctor told me he thought it was caused by a hormone imbalance triggered by my pregnancy." says Isabelle the petite 5'2" beauty. "He also told me there was nothing we could do to slow down the growth until the baby was born. And the longer I was pregnant the bigger my boobs were going to get. My family thought that it must have been the most awful experience a woman could endure. But I remember the excitement when I was younger when I discovered that my breasts were developing, changing my body into a woman's. And I remember the disappointment when they stopped growing at only a 34B. As a little girl I hoped that when I got older I would grow big breasts, and this is beyond anything I could have imagined. Now I believe my body is finally taking care of unfinished business." "I never told my husband just how excited I was that I was growing the bust of my dreams." Says the buxom beauty. "I can't keep my hands off my new breasts. Kneading them together to forms such deep cleavage, not to mention feels great. My breasts used to be really uncomfortable before Michelle was born, but now they're really soft, like huge rising mounds of bread dough and they are very sensitive to touch. Despite the troubles I'm having with clothing and my balance I'm really starting to like my new improved breasts. Its a small price to pay for having my ultimate fantasy come true." "I've gotten lots of offers to be a dancer, and dozens of phone calls from magazines and breast enlargement places to be a model. People have offered me lots of money to come over and touch my boobs. Some men asked if they could photograph me in the nude. Because of all the attention I'm considering making my own video." "As I watched her boobs grow I often wished I could hold them, but Isabelle told me that God had made these boobs for her new baby." says Mark Isabelle's husband. "I couldn't stand her walking around the house with those huge breasts bouncing all around. The doctor recommended that she get a breast reduction right after the baby was born so we didn't want to waste all our money buying her clothes that would cover her enormous boobs. I just used the chest portion of one of my T-shirts to make her an enormous tube top so that when company came over my wife's breasts weren't flying around. I also tried to design a special brassire to lend support to Isabelle's mammoth mammaries. But that effort was futile because they kept growing and getting bigger every day. That was the only time while she was pregnant that she let me touch her breasts. It was madenning." "Finally my doctor decided the only way to help me was to induce labor, even though I still had six more weeks to go." recalls Isabelle "The baby was in excellent condition, and he didn't want my breasts to grow any bigger. I often wonder just how big my boobs could have gotten with another month and a half to grow. My doctor advised me not to have any more babies because he was sure that my body would respond to the pregnancy the same as it did before and cause my breasts to start growing again. When I was a little girl I wanted large breasts, and I love them so much I'm trying to get pregnant again to make them even bigger. I'm in euphoria knowing that I can make my boobs grow bigger any time I want. And with my huge boobs, getting my husband in bed is even easier now. My doctor said not to breast feed my baby because we couldn't be sure that my milk would be normal. But I want my baby girl to grow up and have huge breasts like her mom so I'm gorging her on my super boob milk." "As a matter of fact I produce so much milk that I have to pump my breasts after my daughter is done feeding to relieve the pressure. I've been saving the milk in my refrigerator and selling it to my girlfriends. They all want to drink my milk because it makes their breasts grow too. The other day we got together and went through our underwear drawers and had a good laugh throwing away our old bras."The five of us were pretty flat chested in high school and we are looking foreward to attending our 5 year reunion. Finally all the boys we dreamed of will be dreaming of us instead.