Hostile Takeover by Wren c 1994 "I'm going to get that job for sure!" Kathy Keats said as she admired herself in the mirror. Her boss, Victor Varga had been promoted to CEO of B&B Fitness Corporation and had announced he would promote one of his assistants to take his place as vice president. Everyone was equally qualified so Kathy knew it would come down to looks, after all, it was a fitness company. "I'm the most fit of anyone around here!" Kathy bragged to herself as she let down her flowing black hair onto her naked shoulders. She used to be slightly chubby when she started in the mailroom. But the company's private gym gave her an opportunity to literally work her ass off. She wasn't proud of her flat bottom, but thanks to genetics her breasts continued to store fat quite nicely. She arched her back to admire her melon sized breasts on her statuesque form. Besides her ample cleavage and flat derriere, her 5'8" body was perfectly proportioned. Suddenly, Kathy heard two women talking outside the locker room, so she stepped naked into her blue jumpsuit. She didn't feel like gossiping, but it never hurt to get an inside scoop, so she quickly hid inside her locker just as the two women entered. "...So then he says, 'I'm sorry but I'd like to evaluate one more person before I make my decision.'" "Ooo...I know who he's talking about, the girl with the big butt from the mailroom. She'll definitely get the job. She's a regular exercise nut!" "Ha! That's what she thinks! You see...Sue from Accounting, told me that her friend from Records overheard Beth from Personnel talking to the janitor about how he heard Victor say that he likes more voluptuous figures!" Kathy almost gasped in shock, but held her breath so the women wouldn't notice her. "Sure that girl is stacked, but wait til he sees what she's done to herself! The only reason she was promoted in the first place was that that it's flat she might even get fired! Hahaha!" "Ooo, and I think Victor sent a memo telling her to meet him in his office...Wait til he sees how much she's changed! I'd give anything to see the look on her face!" If the two gossiping women had stayed a few moments longer, they'd have gotten their wish, for Kathy emerged with a devastated look on her face. "All that hard work for nothing!" she sobbed as she buttoned up her jumpsuit. "What a waste of time and energy! And now I don't even get an 'A' for effort!" Kathy turned her back to the mirror and tried to mold her flat butt into some sort of shape. "I've got 30 minutes to sprout an ass...impossible!" "Nothings impossible..." she remembered the words of her good friend Max from Research..."Max! Of course! Maybe he has something that can help me!" She looked at her watch. "Whoa, better hurry!" She got to the Research Lab in about five minutes and found Max asleep in a precarious position on a lab table. "Max!" "Huh?...Wha?......Ow!" Max stood up from the floor rubbing his head. "Oh hi Kate. What can I do ya for?" "Max, I need something to make my ass fatter!" "Gee, I usually do it the other way around...are you sure you don't wan..." "Max I haven't got time! Can you help me or what?" "Welp, old man Varga trashed most of my experiments, but I managed to save this cream here. I think it's exactly what you want." Kathy snatched to cream from Max as he took it off the shelf, "How does it work?!" she demanded, looking the jar over. "It's simple, just rub some on the area you want to enhance, in this case that cute little rump of yours, heh." He continued nervously after a chilling scowl from Kathy, "I-I-It'll take fat cells from another part of your body and fill your buttocks with them until your rear is firm and round." "Perfect! I'll take it!" Kathy dashed out the door and as she walked briskly down the hallway she heard Max shout some more instructions. "Remember!...Only use it on one body part! And don't eat anything for an hour after use! Oh and let me know how it works, it's never been tested! Oh! And most important of all, don't tell anyone about the cream!! It's my secret project!" Kathy didn't really understand anything he said as she ducked into an employee lounge down the hall. She unbuttoned her jumpsuit, dug some cream out of the jar and rubbed it evenly over her buttocks with both hands. She then turned her back to a mirror and gasped as she saw her ass slowly fatten up...filling the empty space in her jumpsuit. "Wow! I never imagined that it would...Max you're a genius! It's a good thing I'm not wearing underwear or that would've been dreadfully..." She turned forward and looked down at her chest, "Oh god no!" The cream had worked a little too well. It had moved cells from her breasts to her butt, leaving her flat chested. "I can't see the CEO like this! What do I do?" Kathy looked around frantically. "Oh! The cream!" She grabbed the jar and furious rubbed some cream over both her breasts. She was relieved to see her breasts start growing...however, they stopped some inches short of their original size. Her buttocks had shrunk some also, and seemed to be about the same size as her breasts. "Well, that's a little better, but now I just look average," she said while buttoning up her now baggy jumpsuit. "Hmm, this stuff uses fat cells, so I wonder what'd happen if I ate something fattening." Kathy opened a cabinet and found one of her co-worker's secret stashes of candy bars. "Barbara's stash! Perfect!" She ate one candy bar, and felt her rear swell a little. Then she ate another and felt her breasts swell a little. This gave her an idea. She voraciously munched down a whole 20 pack of candy bars and then turned her back towards a mirror. Her ass steadily swelled until it strained the seams on the back of her jumpsuit. Her buttocks were round and firm like volleyballs. Kathy walked back to the counter, whistling and playfully swishing her fat ass back and forth--feeling it struggle inside the tight jumpsuit. She then greedily gobbled down another 20 pack of candy bars. "Wow, I didn't know I could eat so much...where is it all going?" When she looked down, her breasts answered by quickly swelling up to volleyball size--putting a mild strain on her formerly baggy jumpsuit. She was very glad she wasn't wearing underwear. A beeping sound interrupted her gaze at her chest, and she realized it was time for her meeting with Victor Varga. Kathy dropped the small jar down her bosom--there was now ample room--and walked as briskly as she could, which was very difficult with her newly swollen body. Her butt cheeks rubbed together furiously in the tight jumpsuit and her bouncing tit's shook her whole body with each step. When she reached her boss's office, she released a couple buttons to show some cleavage, and strutted into the office swaying her hips to show off her new curves. "You wanted to see me Mr. Varga?" She said in the deepest, sexiest voice she could belt out. "Yes Ms. Keats. I'm glad to see you...uh...dressed casually. I have some important news and...I...wanted you to be as comfortable as possible." He paused looking her over with a puzzled expression. "I had heard you'd been working out, but it's absolutely amazing how you've molded you body into shape like this." At this compliment she blushed at started teasing her hair, "Oh it's nothing a little hard work and dedication couldn't accomplish." "And I reward hard work. If there's one thing I can't stand it's quick fixes. That's what this company is all about-- eliminating quick fixes. As you probably know, I'm evaluating my assistants to choose a successor, the criteria being..." "Oops!" Kathy pretended to accidently knock over a cup of pencils. "I'm so clumsy sometimes! Here I'll get them!" She bent over to pick up the pencils, aiming her big round ass at Victor. He gulped as her butt swayed from side to side, and her jumpsuit made faint creaking noises at the straining seams. "You were saying?" asked Kathy, still bent over. "I was saying that I've made my decision. Ms. Keats, you're my new VP!" "Hooray!" Kathy turned toward Victor and jumped for joy, making her frontal volleyballs bounce up and down wildly. Then suddenly the jar of cream came flying out and landed at Victors feet. Victor picked it up and inspected it. "Hmm, isn't this Dr. Max Greenbalm's secret project?" He eyed Kathy suspiciously. "Um...well uh yeah, Max wanted me to take that tooo...cold storage for him....yeah, he wanted me to chill it for him. He didn't tell me what it was. Hey, how did you that was Max's?" "I told him a long time ago to trash that project. I guess I'll have to have a talk with him later...As for you..." Kathy gulped, anticipating her impending unemployment, "Hmm, I think I have the perfect office for you to start your new job in!" Kathy was very relieved. She had finally worked her way to VP of a major company! And all it took was a little scheming and some magic cream! So much for hard work! Victor led Kathy to a door in a rather secluded part of the building and handed her a key. "I hope you like this office. It hasn't been used in ages, but it's the largest office in the building, even bigger than mine. I'm sure you'll find it very tasty." "Tasty?" "I meant tasteful. Here's your key. I have something I have to do, but I'll be back briefly. Feel free to look around." And with that he disappeared into the dark hallway. Kathy noticed that he'd left a small chocolate mint on a stand next to the door. "How sweet of him" she thought to herself, and gobbled it down. She was concerned for a moment about its fat content, but decided it was too small to have any effect on her voluptuous figure. When she unlocked the door and walked inside she could almost hear an echo. She flipped the light switch and saw that indeed, the office was more than twice as large as her boss's. In fact it almost had the feel of a big storage room. "Certainly he plans to fix this place up before I move in," she thought to herself. Kathy sat in the large chair in the center of the room. She spun around and blew some dust off the desk in front of her. Just then she heard a loud rumbling. Her whole body vibrated as she searched for the source of the tremors. "Unnnngh, my stomach...what's happening?" she moaned rubbing her tummy with both hands. "Ow, my leg!'s...hitting the desk drawer?" Kathy was startled to realize that she had somehow began to rise out of her seat. When she stood up and looked back she saw that her ass had fattened up considerably. "Oh God, my butt's getting fatter! But I didn't eat anything except...the chocolate mint! What was in it?" She didn't have time to ponder why Victor would give her such a fattening mint, for her rump was now ripping out of her jumpsuit. She looked back to see her two basketball sized buttocks rapidly swelling out the tear down the middle of her jumpsuit. She laid down on the floor trying to squeeze her ass back into her clothing but she soon began to rise off the floor as if she were levitating on her beach ball sized buttocks. She managed to stand back up again and move her hands to her ballooning rump. "My ass is getting huge! All the stairmasters in the world won't fix this! Oh god when will it stop?" Her ass grew backward and outward and upward and downward until it finally reached the floor. Her ass now stood waist-high, and slowly crept along the ground as it widened and swelled behind her. Kathy suddenly heard chuckling and looked toward the door to see her boss standing there with a very evil grin on his face and her friend Max standing timidly behind him with a look of astonishment. "You bastard! You did this to me! I'm going to..." She tried to run toward him, but she was only able to drag her enormous ass a few feet before it grew too heavy to move at all. In fact her butt cheeks were now each as tall as her body and she was beginning to feel an upward tug behind her. "Please make it stop! I can't take much more!" "Well Ms. Keats, you should've thought about that before you went to Max for a quick fix. You know how I feel about good old fashioned hard work. I was proud to hear how you'd worked so hard since you're days in the mail room. But you disappointed me when you used to cream to change your body." He held the jar of cream right in front of her face, which now held an expression of horror as she felt her feet slowly begin to rise off the floor. She could see that her ass was now about 10 feet tall. Her right buttock now pushed the desk aside, so she imagined her ass must be 17 feet behind her and 20 feet to either side of her. "I hope you're learning a lesson from all of this Ms. Keats!" "Yes! I've learned my lesson! Now pleeeease make it stop! Max! Help me please! Make my butt shrink!" she screamed as she now hovered 3 feet from the floor. Her ass seemed to be fattening even faster now as she continued digesting the super-fattening mint. "I-I-I'm sor..." Max began to stutter out but was interrupted by Victor. "Don't worry Max, I'll fix her as soon as I think she's learned her lesson." Kathy began to panic now as she felt the heat of the ceiling lights against the skin of her butt. "Please! Make it stop! My ass is filling the room!" The desk made a loud crash as it was crushed between her swollen ass and the back wall. "'s starting to hurt...I can't stretch anymore! Unnnngh, my butt's gonna pop!" She screamed as she felt the ceiling begin to crack above her tremendous rump. Then suddenly, the growth stopped, as if Victor had programmed the mint to fatten her ass to the brink of bursting. Kathy breathed a sigh of relief, and then started kicking her legs as if her giant ass would roll forward and allow her feet to touch ground, but no such luck. Her struggle merely sent small shock waves through the giant mounds of butt blubber. Her feet dangled 8 feet off the floor and her fat ass was firmly wedged between three walls and the ceiling of the large room. "I can't live like this! I'll be stuck here forever! You have to make my butt small again!" she begged Victor. "Oh of course we will make your butt normal again. I had intended to all along. In fact I have a quick fix that'll do it in no time!" Victor smiled evilly as he approached Kathy with the jar of cream she had misused earlier. "What are you going to do with that?" Kathy said nervously as Victor shoved a spare desk near her dangling body. "No! Stop! Not the cream again!" she screamed as he climbed on top of the desk and began unbuttoning her jumpsuit. She tried to push him away but struggling only caused pain in the tight skin on her buttocks. He rubbed generous helpings of cream on each of her volleyball sized hooters and then carefully buttoned her jumpsuit again. "There, now let's see if that fixes all your problems." Kathy held her arms back against her great rump as she felt it begin to rumble. Then very quickly, her buttocks began to shrink. And to Kathy's delight, her breasts still remained the same size. "He switched creams on me!" she thought to herself. Her feet touched the ground and then she looked back and watched her enormous fat ass shrink and shrink until it finally crept back inside the hole in her jumpsuit and sat motionless, just as flat as it was in the beginning. She went to Victor and shook his right hand up and down wildly with both hands, "Oh thank you for not using that awful cream again! I promise I..." "Oh but it WAS the same cream. It was just a different type of chocolate you ate. Takes a while to kick in I guess." "I don't understand. What do you mean by th...oh no, it's happening again!" Kathy screamed as she felt her body rumble again...this time it was coming from...her breasts! "OH NO! Not again! Not my tits!" The rumbling stopped and sure enough Kathy's breasts began to fatten up like her ass. Kathy slowly backed away from Victor as her breasts strained against the buttons of her jumpsuit. It became hard to breathe, so she arched her back and inhaled as much as she could, causing most of her buttons to pop off rapidly in succession, "POP POP POP POP POP!" Free of their cloth prison, her breasts now were approaching the size of large watermelons and her nipples stuck out more than a foot in front of her. "You bastard! I won't let you get away with this! I'll sue!" "Ha! And who's going to believe that I made your tits and ass swell up like balloons? Hmm? Threaten me again Ms. Keats and I'll feed you another mint!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box full of mints like the one she had eaten. It must've been another one of Max's secret projects. "I've got to do something!" Kathy thought to herself. She certainly couldn't work for that psycho after what he'd done to her. But she didn't want to just quit either. She looked at the cracks on the walls caused by her enormous ass and then she got an idea. "Hahahaha...hey, what are you doing??!!" Kathy interrupted Victor's gloating by ramming him with her beach ball sized tits. She caught the box of mints as it flew out of his hand and then she quickly backed away, keeping an eye on him as he stood up. "What in the world are you doing woman??" "Okay, here's the deal..." she said while opening the box of chocolates, "you step down and make me CEO or I'll eat these mints and my tits will tear the building apart!" "You haven't got the guts god woman! What have you done??!" Victor gasped as Kathy gulped down one of the mints. "That's twice as much fat as before! You'll explode for sure now!" "Well then, I suggest you get the antidote before I...oh my...I feel...OH!" Kathy groaned as she knelt under the weight of her breasts. They fattened to the size of bean bags and then they seemed to double in speed! "Max! Quick! Go get the..." Victor began to shout orders but turned to see that Max had already bolted toward his laboratory. As she knelt watching her fattening tits rise like two refrigerator sized globs of bread dough, Kathy began to rethink her situation. "A fine mess you've gotten into now Kate. You're gonna pop like a balloon if Max doesn't get back with a super diet shake." She was soon able to stand up straight again as her giant breasts now looked like two Volkswagen beetles parked in front of her. She could barely see over the tops of them when she saw Max run in with a huge syringe which, to her horror, he quickly carried behind her and jabbed painfully into her still sore right buttock. "Ow!" she grumbled, but immediately smiled when saw her breasts stop growing and then waited patiently for them to shrink. "Um, they're not shrinking Max," she muttered to her friend, noticing that he had only injected a small portion of antidote. "Shhh, I've got a plan...just follow my lead" Max whispered, and then faced Victor with a smirk on his face. "Well Max, why aren't those tits getting thinner?" "Well, Vicky boy, I don't think you heard Kate clearly. She said she'd tear this place apart unless you make her CEO...I have the only antidote, and she's got the mints. If you don't agree to her demands, she'll gulp down the whole box and I'll let her grow and grow until she explodes and blows this whole company to smithereens!" Kathy was stunned by this display of machismo from her nerdy friend, but she liked the way he was thinking. "You haven't got the guts to..." Victor began to utter those fatal words again but his jaw dropped as Kathy greedily gulped down the box of 20 mints! There wasn't even time for that familiar rumble to happen before her breasts quickly swelled with tons of fat. Max quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and they quickly began to rise several feet off the ground in a matter of seconds. Victor grabbed a giant nipple as it swelled toward him and he too was lifted several feet off the ground. Kathy's breasts were already much larger than her buttocks had been, and now as Max dangled from her waist, and she dangled from her titanic tits, they both were being pinned against the back wall. Soon afterward, she heard Victor yell and she felt her nipples hit the opposite wall. Surely he was pinned too. It was a strange sensation for Kathy, feeling the walls, the ceiling and the floor, squeezing her giant breasts like a tight fitting bra. She heard the walls and ceiling--and even the floor begin to crack as her massive breasts tried to continue growing fatter and rounder. "They're both over 50' in diameter!" Max thought, just as Kathy's breasts gained a few more feet. All three of them were now pressed firmly against the walls, and soon would be crushed between bricks and tit flesh. Max knew he had to move fast. "Do you agree to our terms Victor?" "Mmmff Mmmff!" was all Max could hear. "Damn it! It's hopeless now!" "No wait!..." Kathy said, pushing away Max's syringe, "I can unngh...feel his voice on...oohh oooww...on my nipples. He said 'Hell no!'" Max was getting worried. The skin on Kathy's breasts was so tight now they squeaked like balloons as they swelled together inside the storage room. The whole building rumbled as they pressed harder and harder against the walls. They were on the bottom floor and the building would surely collapse if Kathy popped and blew the walls down. Max decided to give it one last try. "Come on Victor, give in before your building does. Make Kathy CEO or die by her breasts!" "Mmmff Mmmff! Mmmff Mmmff! Mmmff!" was his response. Max looked up at Kathy. He could tell by the look on her face that was reaching her limit. "Unnngh...he said he'd do anything, just get these tits off him," she managed to gasp out between moans. "Okay Kathy, here we...mmff no!" Max was about to give her the shot but her tight skin allowed one more growth spurt, and her breasts completely covered him and pressed him hard against the wall. "Oh god, this is it...ow my skin is so tight! My planet sized tits are gonna explode and blow the building apart! Oh god the pressure! I'm so full of fat I'm gonna blow like a megaton bomb!" Kathy thought frantically to herself as she prepared for the end. The squeaks from the tight skin on her tits were almost deafening. Max was half-afraid the prick of the needle alone would be enough to pop her, but he had to take that chance. He bent his wrist as much as he could, angled the needle towards her left buttock and stuck it in--emptying the full contents of the syringe. Kathy and Max cheered as her breasts shrank twice as fast as they had grown. Max held on tight to Kathy's waist as the floor approached his feet while Victor lost his grip on the shrinking nipple and fell hard onto the remains of a spare desk. When she finished, Kathy was exactly the same size she had been in the beginning. "Now," she said, crossing her arms and glaring at Victor as he struggled to stand up. "I'll type up your letter of resignation and you can be on your way." "You dirty little...just wait til I'm done with you! I'll make you a guinea pig for every one of the company's experiments and when I'm done you won't even look human any more! And then I'm gonna..." Victor stopped talking as he noticed Max making circles in the air with a chocolate in his hand while making train noises. "Toot toot! Here's comes the train...down the hatch!" Kathy opened her mouth and happily munched down the chocolate. "Oh god no not again!" Victor screamed, and ran out the door. He would never be seen or heard from again. After swallowing, Kathy shot a concerned look at Max. "That wasn't one of those mints was it?" "Of course not, just a regular piece of highly concentrated chocolate-flavored lard," he smiled with an evil grin. "Oh okay...hey wait a minute..." Kathy's heart skipped a beat as she felt her ass begin to get fat again, and her breasts soon followed. She was about to scream when her volleyball sized breasts and her butt stopped growing. "Oh wow!" she cheered as she realized her extremities were the same size as when she had tried to seduce Victor. Max smiled and then looked concerned as she ran out the door. "Where are you going?" She ran back in, "Why, to my new office of course!" And then she gave him a full-breasted hug and a deep seductive kiss. "After all, I have to be ready to take over the company tomorrow." She kissed him again and ran out the door. Max stood there relishing the moment when Kathy came back in and kissed him again. Max was soaring as she swished toward the doorway, turned around and said in her most seductive voice, "well...aren't you coming Mr. Vice President" and disappeared out the door. Max strolled casually out the door into the hallway and paused for a moment. "Woo hoo!" he exclaimed suddenly, and did cartwheels down the hall after his new boss. The End...for now