[Insert Generic Disclaimer Here] Guess What? Startling as it may seem, this story deals with enormous breasts - usually naked - people having sex, and many other things that, for no clearly defined reason, the majority of World Governments have decided large segments of their populations (like "children") shouldn't see. So if you're a member of one of those population segments, please avoid reading any farther. Otherwise, enjoy... [intentional blank space] -=-= Hope Chest =-=- by Fuzzy It was somewhat understandable that Hope accidentally swallowed the new formula Michael had been working on. After all, it did remarkably resemble Tang. And it was sitting in a plain bottle in the fridge. And after necking with Michael on the couch for the last hour, she was quite thirsty enough to ignore the odd aftertaste. Still, when Michael followed her a few minutes later into the kitchen and saw her drinking the last dregs of orange liquid out of the bottle, he discovered both a need to say about two-dozen things at once, and the inability to say anything at all. It took him at least a minute to regain his voice, all the while Hope was looking at him expectantly, wondering just why his face was going through such interesting expressions. "Please tell me you didn't just drink that whole bottle of the formula?" He finally got out. "I'm sorry, did you want some?" "Well, yes and no," he began. " Yes,' because I wanted to test it, and no,' because I really don't want larger breasts it would look like two tribbles on my chest." Hope frowned. "What are you talking about?" Michael took a deep breath. "You know I'm just the tiniest bit tit-happy..." "...yes, and so does my chest," she smiled. "...yeah, anyway, I've been working on a breast-enlargement formula and, to make a long story short, you just drank it." Hope looked in shock at the bottle in her hand. "You're kidding!" "Umm, not as such, no." Hope sat down the bottle and her hands flew to her full breasts, feeling for any sign of change. "But I'm big enough already! How much bigger is it going to make me? My god, that was a full bottle!" She was getting almost frantic now. "It's not quite that bad," Michael said, trying to reassure her. "It doesn't just make you blow-up. If I've got it worked out right, what should happen is that the more aroused you get, the bigger they'll get. When you calm back down, they should shrink back to normal and stay that way. I mean, your breasts swell a bit when you're aroused anyway, this just, well, sort of...expands on that." Hope calmed down a bit - but only a bit. "How sure are you of these shoulds' and ifs' and how big will I get?" "Well, 90% sure of most of it. The part I'm not sure of is exactly how strong the effect will be. And, well, you drank about four-times what I figured was the proper dose. If I get you really hot, well, really-really-big' is probably a good bet." Still torn between worry, the thought he might be putting her on, and - now - growing curiosity ("pun-intended" she mentally added), she walked over to Michael and put her arms around him. "Well what do you say we give it a test and see just how big really-really-big' is going to be?" With that, she kissed him deeply. Michael almost instantly responded by putting his arms around her and stroking her back. His left hand drifted down to her ass and pulled her tight against his hardening cock. Hope felt a strange stirring within her breasts, like their normal arousal, but more so. She broke the kiss and leaned back slightly to look down at them. Michael's eyes followed hers. They were both surprised to see that already she was visibly larger. The lines of her bra were now easily visible beneath her dress as her breasts strained at it. "Oh, you _weren't_ kidding me, were you?" She said in wonder. "No," Michael said, reaching up to massage her right breast. Hope bit her lip as pure pleasure soaked in from his fingers. Now she could feel herself getting bigger, her breasts beginning to spill out the top of the bra, forming a double-mound of jiggling flesh that was slowly foaming up even more, clearly visible in the widening V-neck of her dress.. "I think," she said, panting slightly. "That I better get out of this. It isn't going to fit very much longer." "Let's go into the bedroom then," Michael said. "I think we can explore what's going on here better there." Hope nodded with a smile, and they headed off to the bedroom. She removed her belt and started working on the buttons as they went. As they entered the room, she slipped the dress from her shoulders and it fell to the floor. Michael came up behind, wrapped his arms around her, and found her now even larger breasts with his hands. Hope almost whimpered at the feelings his touch aroused in her swollen tits. "The bra, please. I'm going to stretch it all out of shape at this rate." Only to happy to help a woman remove her bra, Michael began to work at the clasps. It was a little hard to get loose her breasts had, after all, pulled it very tight but he soon had the last released and Hope let the bra drop to the floor as she turned around. Michael sucked in a delighted - and shocked - breath as her tits swung slowly into view. She had to be at least twice her normal size already. She wobbled to a stop and held up her arms for him to come to her. Her nipples proudly jutted from the ballooning boobs, calling to him to suck them. So that's what he did. In a rush, they fell back on the bed, Hope's tits jiggling madly. Michael firmly grasped the left tit in both hands (they were far too big to term what he was doing "cupping"), lowered his lips over Hope's delicious nipple and began to suck deeply, with a hunger greater than even his usual one. Hope cried out in sheer pleasure as he did this. It felt like she should cum in seconds, but instead, the pleasure just kept building up and up and up! And so did her breasts. Michael's hands were fighting a losing battle trying to squeeze all of even one of her tits at once. By now each was at least the size of a basketball and they were if anything inflating even faster. He could feel his hands being forced apart by the hot, soft, swelling flesh. His entire face was now cradled by her breast and he could feel it working its way down his neck. Her nipple had engorged too, and was filling his mouth as he continued to suck on it. And still she grew... "God, Michael," Hope panted. "This feels so good, but I'm getting _huge_ here!" Michael, still trying to draw the entirety of Hope's rapidly inflating left tit into his mouth, nodded and said an _extremely_ muffled "Yeah, great, isn't it?" before redoubling his sucking. Hope gasped anew as Michael's right hand slipped over and began playing with the large, swollen, sensitive nipple that wobbled about on the top of her right breast, which like it's left-side sister, was now at least three inches past "basketball" in size. "Michael...I want...you...inside me...NOW!" Hope demanded, moaning. Her hands reached down and began to work her panties off. Michael released his lip-lock on her tit and slid down to help them the rest of the way, then pulled off his shirt, shorts, and underwear in one sweeping motion and dived between her now spread legs. His almost painfully hard cock bullseyeing her pussy, he felt the warm, damp opening and slowly slid it in. Hope gasped as he entered, wrapped her legs tightly around his ass, and rose to the edge of orgasm by the time he reached bottom. He pulled back for another stroke, and she exploded. He stroked again, and her orgasm pulsed higher. The harder she came, the more it excited him. He could feel his cock straining against the snug walls of her vagina as they squeezed it in rippling waves. He felt so hard he thought he'd burst as he pumped faster and faster, all the while massaging her immense boobies. He'd never been this hot in his life. "My...tits...again...Oh...God......They're....ohhhhhhhhhh.." Hope gasped between breaths. Her breasts were bloating even faster than before, and she was in a continual state of ever increasing orgasm. Soon her tits had buried her from chin to crotch - Michael could feel them everywhere between them - and she was still expanding. It was like he was a bicycle pump, blowing her up bigger with every thrust. Soon they to flip over with Michael underneath, for she was so big, he was slowly being forced away from her hips. He lay back and she slipped down over his cock, sat on his hips and started pumping away. By now he could see nothing of her but her enormous breasts, which rested heavily against him from his waist to his head. He was in danger of smothering, and still they grew. They got firmer as they ballooned, growing taut. The skin over them got somehow smoother as it was stretched tight as a drum. As they distended even further, they stopped flattening from gravity's pull on their bulk and bulged up into near perfect spheres. It was like she really was blowing up! In the back of his mind, Michael began to worry that soon she would simply burst, like the overinflated balloons her tits resembled more and more every second. But they couldn't stop thrusting, even with each of her boob's immense girth stretching out a full five feet! He felt her swell against his hands. He wanted to stop - she was positively _huge_ by now - but he couldn't. He just kept pumping away, getting hotter and hotter. And so did she. He could hear them expand with each pump of his cock, a delicious groaning, a creaking, a deep base rumble. "Oh.....God...I'm....go...ing...to...to...to......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Hope's orgasm had grown as vast as her now six-foot diameter femballoons as it finally peaked. She writhed above him, her tittys swinging and swaying all about like blimps in a tornado. He could feel her vagina massaging his cock like a string of worry-beads. This was the last straw, and his own orgasm detonated. His cock *s*t*r*e*t*c*h*e*d* and a huge pulse of cum thudded down its overextended length and burst inside of Hope. Waves of orgasm buffeted them both as he continued to gush into her, hips rising high above the bed to ram even deeper within. Long minutes went by and still both their orgasms pounded on. Her tits continued to sway, sounding like huge drums as they banged together. In spite of their immense size, Michael was no longer being squashed by them at all. In fact, they were slowly lifting up into the air, beginning to float! Goddess, they were balloons! As Hope and Michael continued to surge in orgasm, her breasts floated higher and higher. Soon he felt the pressure from Hope's beautiful ass against his crotch begin to diminish as well. Like the huge balloons they resembled, they were lifting her up into the air! She began to rise off his still pulsing cock and he grabbed her hips to hold her down against him. She squirmed against Michael, trying herself to remain firmly on his cock. Finally she wrapped her legs around him as her tits continued to develop more and more lift. Again they began to swell, stretching a further foot till each was over seven feet in diameter! Soon they had developed enough lift that, slowly, they both rose from the bed. After a few minutes, his weight proved too much for her beautiful legs and he slipped free and dropped back to the sheets. Relieved of his mass, she quickly ascended till her huge breasts *B*O*I*N*G*E*D* against the ceiling. With his cock no longer within her overheated pussy, they both began to recover from their orgasms. He weakly got up and walked around her floating gazongas until he could see her face. From where he had been, he could see nothing but legs and endless tit. "Hope," Michael called up. "Are you okay?" "That," she said, still panting from her orgasm. "Has got to be the stupidest question you've ever asked me." "Ummm, yeah. How are you feeling? "Tired, delicious, tight, warm, like I'm going to explode, like I _have_ exploded - a little bit of everything. I certainly hope these are big enough for you, because they feel like they're going to burst." "I don't think you'll get any bigger - there's no way you could possibly get _more_ aroused than you just were. And they should start...deflating soon," he said, reaching up to slowly stroke her leg. "Now that you've cum, you'll start calming back down and they'll relax from their aroused state." Hope sighed at the feelings Michael's leg-stroking fired-up. "Not if you keep doing that, I won't." He pulled his hand away. "Oh...I'm sorry." "Don't be, it feels wonderful. I just see some problems with you fucking me up here on the ceiling." "Hmmm," he said, smiling, getting up on his knees on the bed and grabbing Hope's legs, one to a hand. "I see _one_ possibility. Ducking beneath and between the lower curves of her hyper-sized breasts, he rose up between them and her legs. Sensing what he was up to, Hope lifted her legs up and over his shoulders. Michael's hands slid up the length of her sexy legs, coming to rest on her buns. His tongue reached out and parted the lips of her pussy, sliding the full length of the slit and slightly inside. Hope shuddered and his tongue slipped back out and onto her clit, teasing the swollen bud around and around. Clenching her ass, he pulled her tight against his face and began nibbling in earnest. Hope gasped in pleasure, and her legs tightened about his head, pulling him in even more. Michael could feel the firm muscles of her yummy thighs almost massaging the sides of his head as his hands did some massaging of their own on her ass and his tongue twiddled her clit faster and faster. Hope was panting heavily now, her hands roving all over the sides of her ballooned tits as she grew closer and closer to orgasm. Orgasm - and Hope - came. Screaming in pleasure, she almost crushed Michael's head between her legs, heels digging into his back. In spite of this, Michael kept eating her. Not yet done with the first, she felt another orgasm begin to grow. As Michael's tongue continued to tease her swollen clit, Hope felt both the stirrings of yet another orgasm approaching, and a stranger, yet equally pleasurable stirring within her vast chest. They were growing warmer and she could feel pressure building within them once again. But this time the pressure felt subtly different. No longer did she feel the stretching and expanding tensions that had accompanied her spectacularly rapid growth. And her nipples felt even more swollen than - well, "normal" was right out as a descriptive - they had been at the height of her arousal just a few minutes ago. Michael's tongue slipped within her pussy again and her gasp became a high scream of pleasure as this put her over the top. Waves of orgasm washed through her and she could feel her blood pounding through her body, especially inside her mighty tits. Slowly, she began to come back down. Soon she noticed that her level of arousal wasn't the only thing dropping - she was beginning to descend from the ceiling! "Michael, I'm, I'm coming down!" Extracting himself from the vice-grip of her delicious thighs, Michael climbed out from underneath her balloon-sized breasts to see that she was indeed sinking. "Hang on," he said. "Let me guide you to the bed." "What, again?" She asked with a smirk in her voice. Michael grabbed her ankles, now scraping the edge of the waterbed, and then swung her around so that she would land more nearly centered on the bed. Hope continued to descend, her feet, then calves, then her full, round ass gently landing on the rumpled comforter. Finally all the lift left her enormous bosom, and they settled on either side of her, stretching out well past the foot and each side of the bed. Hope lay back with a sigh of exhausted pleasure. As she did, her giant breasts, formerly as taunt as the weather balloons they rivaled, began to soften, to sag over the edges of the bed and flow down along her body and legs. They lost the hardness of overinflated beach balls and returned to the lush sloshing feel of normal breasts. If you definition of "normal breasts" includes those the size of couches. Michael slowly climbed up onto and between the jiggling mountains of tit and smiled down at Hope. Then he began to massage her right tit, using his whole body to squeeze and kneed its vastness. Hope could feel his hard cock rubbing against the side of her breast - and could feel herself arousing once again as her equally hard nipple slide all over his chest. "God, you don't give me a chance to breath, do you?" Hope had on occasion had a man between her breasts, but this was the first time it was his entire body. Michael, now almost entirely within the depths of her cleavage continued to kneed her immense right tit, while the left sloshed and jiggled in sympathy. His hands slid up to her fist-sized nipple and began to play with its swollen mass. Hope gasped and Michael, taking that as a good sign, slid up and tried to stuff the entirety of that nipple into his mouth. He had no more luck than he had a little while ago swallowing her then basketball-sized boobs, but Hope felt herself quickly rise into orgasm as his tongue slid all over her nipple. She felt them harden even more, then burst into orgasm as a strange rush ran through her breasts. Michael felt the nipple swell within his hands, backed away slightly, and then was shocked as tiny white beads appeared on the tip. They quickly grew and ran together, then ran off as an ever growing stream of white. Milk? Michael tasted the white liquid - it was indeed milk, warm, thin, and very sweet. Not one to let such go to waste, he lowered his head back down and began to greedily drink the fountaining stuff. Hope, still orgasming beneath him felt a new, additional pleasure as he drank deeply. Soon, however, he was full, and her giant breasts were still gushing forth milk. It flowed down the soft sides of her breasts pooled around them on the bed, running off onto the floor. Then Michael felt a strange warmth in his cock, as if it were first hardening - though it was already quite hard. Looking down he got his third shock of the day as he could see it lengthening and growing wider by the second. Already it had to be at least a foot long and it showed no more sign of stopping than Hope's breasts had earlier. "Hope, I think you're not going to be the only one who's extra-big around here." Hope, just sliding down out of her latest orgasm (fifth? Sixth? She'd lost count), stared at Michael's cock as he maneuvered around so that she could see it between the deep walls of her cleavage. "But how are you growing?" "Your milk, I think," he said, doing some staring himself at his now two-and-a-half foot long - and still stretching - penis. "And I hope it shrinks back down like your breasts will, because it's already way past fitting you - or any woman." Hope smiled. "Well, it will fit _one_ part of me just fine." She lightly jiggled - and earthquake - her huge bosom. Michael gave a grin of his own and backed out of her cleavage. Standing at the foot of the bed, he slid his now three-foot cock back within it's depths and began to pump the milk-slicked breasts. He felt himself continue to grow, sliding deeper between her breasts with every thrust. Soon, a surprised Hope saw the nearly two-foot wide tip of an enormous cock pop out from between her breasts, right above her face before sliding back. When it came out again, she licked the head as it slid by. It was sweet with the taste of her milk that still poured out of her nipples, and salty with the sheen of pre-cum. Stretching out slightly more, it no longer disappeared back within her cleavage and she continued to lick and lightly nip the swollen purple cap. She felt, just from the rubbing of this giant cock between her breasts, yet another orgasm building. Perhaps not as strong as the earlier ones, it was still filling her with warmth. Michael felt the pressure of orgasm build up within him like never before. It grew higher and higher, till finally it felt as if he'd burst. Then he did. Cum thundered down a seven-foot cock, exploding out the end to join the gallons of milk on the bed. Again and again it shot out. Michael's frantic thrusting now made Hope cum as well. Then it was all over. Michael pulled himself slightly forward and lay down within Hope's cleavage. Exhausted, both were asleep within minutes. When they woke some hours later the first thing they noticed was a return to a more normal size. Hope's breasts were back down to their original double-D's - though perhaps a bit fuller and firmer, she thought - and Michael's cock no longer resembled a telephone pole. "That," Hope began, "had to be the wildest thing that has ever happened to me." "Me too," Michael agreed. "Fun as it was, though, I'm glad the formula wore off." He slid up and kissed Hope. Not surprisingly, his hand drifted to her breast. "You're pretty nice this size too." He squeezed her breast lightly - they had to be more than a little sore, he thought. The breast within his hand grew ever so slightly larger. "Oh oh..." THE END???? "No Censorship, No Exceptions..."