HOOTERS UK by Some Sort of Dog This story was inspired - or, more likely, triggered off - by an earlier saga called Dr Hooters, which ran to 23 chapters and has been posted a number of times on the Net. Described by the keywords 'breast' and 'breast enlargement' - which certainly summed it up pretty well - it dealt with the discovery of a group of hormones which had remarkable effects on the physique of those who were affected. Men and women grew larger, and in some cases, much larger. Women's breasts developed to outrageous proportions. The hormone was passed on to other victims in the vast quantities of breast milk the women produced. I never saw more than 23 chapters, and I am sure the story was unfinished, as a number of plot threads were left very much untied! Readers are strongly recommended to get hold of the original, and settle down for an enjoyable read. If nothing else, it will help explain some of the more obscure references to the original in this story. It might even inspire someone else... However, on to this story - Hooters UK. A similar cocktail of hormones is involved, but an entirely different bunch of characters . . . ******************** HOOTERS UK by Some Sort of Dog Part 1:- Miracle Brew Chapter 1:-Dinner Party The dinner party had reached that stage where, if you haven't drunk too much wine, you suddenly sit back and realise that everyone, but everyone, is talking at once. Tongues had been well loosened by the drink and the company, and even though four of these six people had hardly met before tonight, their traditional British reserve was well and truly broken down. As the candlelight twinkled on the wineglasses set on the round table, and cast flickering shadows across the remains of the meal, Jennie Walters was only half listening to the chatter. 'The cocktail party effect', she recalled. The ability of the human brain to pick out a single thread of conversation from a babel of voices. It even worked across a large and crowded room. Here, it only needed to work across a round dining table. Jenny sat between Lee Tasker, on her left, and Martin Fothergill, the host, on her right. Across the table sat Helen Fothergill, Martin's wife, and Paula Something-or-other, Lee's tiny girlfriend. Jennie thought she'd never seen anyone as flat-chested as Paula. Between the two women, and directly opposite Jennie, sat Roger Henderson. Martin Fothergill was a senior director of the Hertzheim Laboratory, and had invited Jennie to dinner to celebrate the end of her first year of work at the lab. Lee Tasker worked at the lab, too, and although Jennie had seen him around the site a number of times, she had no idea what his job was. 'That's a good sort of job to have' she thought. She wondered if Roger was intended for her, as a spot of well-intended matchmaking. 'Intelligent and fairly attractive research chemist, 23, slightly overweight and a teensy bit short-sighted (and wishing she had a LITTLE more flesh in the top half of her little black dress), ISO much-travelled yet immature and slightly drunk loud-mouth for romantic candlelit dinners, theatre and sweaty, grunting, instant sex'. Perhaps not. She couldn't see Roger very well as he was directly behind the central candlestick, but she could certainly hear his voice. He seemed to have accomplished quite a lot in his young life; he had apparently been working his way round the world. He looked about twelve. She realised Helen was talking to her. A question. Jennie replayed the last few seconds of conversation and recalled what the question was. "Oh, yes, Helen. It's like quite a lot of research work, plenty of routine, plenty of report-writing, but it's certainly interesting." Roger wanted to know what sort of work it was. "Hormone research", Martin told him. "It's being funded by the Government. There is some concern about the levels of oestrogen turning up in waste products which are causing low sperm-count in men." "I read about that somewhere", Paula chimed in, in her little Good-Ship-Lollipop voice, "it sounds horrific." Lee laughed. "Everything's a horror story, if you listen to the environmentalists. But apparently, the sperm count in Paris is going down by two or three percent a year?" "The French can probably afford it", Martin cut in, "but we think we have a growing amount of evidence that it isn't female hormones at all, but something else. Something that is a very clever mimic of oestrogen, and it's coming from plastic waste. That's the line of research we're on at the moment. And it's going well, isn't it, Jennie?" Jennie put down her coffee cup. This wasn't classified information. "Very well, yes. I wouldn't say we were on the verge of a breakthrough, but - who knows - in a few months, we may be able to make an announcement." Roger peered round the candles, his big glasses gleaming. "Are any other labs working on this one; any other countries?" "There's some work being done in the States, and the Far East, but we haven't seen any results yet. They keep in touch, and so do we. There is actually some very good co-operation on this particular problem," Martin said. Helen passed the coffee pot to Jennie who nodded her thanks. "How are the rats standing up to their falling sperm-count, Jennie," she asked. "Not too many of them ever really express an opinion, but we have noticed that some of the males can be persuaded to display feminine characteristics." She raised an eyebrow at Paula, who displayed very few feminine characteristics at all. Paula nodded, and Jennie poured more coffee into her cup. "What, like breasts?" Roger wanted to know. "Well, sort of, yes. The males grow breasts. And the females become even more obviously female, too." Roger looked thoughtful. "I read a story about this sort of thing only last week. It was on the Internet, and I just happened to stumble across it. It was about a hormone that made women's breasts grow to enormous size ..." He held his hands a couple of feet in front of him, as if attempting to cup a pair of huge tits. It was one of those moments when all the various threads of conversation just happen to die away while someone is saying something, and Roger's words fell into the silence like pebbles into a mill-pond. The three women found themselves looking at each other, and at their breasts in particular. Or, in the case of Paula, the space where they ought to have been. Roger brayed on, unheeding of the effect of his words. "I'll print you off a copy and send it over. It's called Dr Hooters!" "Why, thank you, Roger!" laughed Jennie, and the other guests joined in with her. "More coffee, Roger?" asked Helen. ******************** Jennie closed the door of her cottage apartment and squeezed behind the wheel of her Peugeot. Too many more of these candlelit dinners like last night's, and she would have to think about joining an aerobics class, or buying a bigger car. The diesel clattered into life and she joined the unwilling traffic heading for another day's work. The security guard recognised her and gave a grin as she swiped her pass through the card-reader. "Mornin' Miss Walters!" Jennie gave him a 'Hi!' and continued down the corridor. The lab welcomed her with its familiar smells as soon as she opened the door. Her assistant, young Katie, was already at work at the computer, with the telephone tucked under her chin. She spoke a few words and looked up with a smile. "I'll do that, okay. Thanks. Byeee! ... Hi Jennie", she said as she put the phone down. "That was The Laurels, bright and early. They're sending over the latest batch of samples by courier this morning." "Fine." Jennie examined the pile of mail on her desk. Later. Nothing vital there. Katie was bustling about and came over with a cup of coffee. One of the advantages of having a whole lab to oneself and one's assistant was that nobody would object to a kettle and the ingredients to make tea and coffee. Far better than the drinks dispenser where a bewildering array of tea and coffee variants all somehow succeeded in tasting identically of neither. "Thanks, Kate." She opened an envelope or two. All the usual stuff. Deal with it all later. Meanwhile, there was the latest batch that she had started yesterday afternoon. She slipped behind the seat of the microscope and peered intently ... ... And suddenly, it was lunchtime. 'Time always flies, when you're enjoying yourself', she thought, as she watched Katie getting ready to leave. The girl grabbed her purse. "I shouldn't be too late back, I'm seeing Paul for lunch, down the pub." "Have fun!" "Thanks, byeee!" the door closed behind her, and in a moment or two, Jennie could see the girl's trim figure crossing the car park towards her boyfriend's MG. She felt a pang of jealousy. Katie was about three inches taller than her, at five six, with long blonde hair and a figure which turned heads whenever she walked by. She was slim everywhere except up top, where someone had evidently slipped up in the allocation of breast flesh. 'She got mine, as well as her own', thought Jennie, as the girl slid into the sports car's passenger seat. There was a glimpse of thigh as she tucked her legs in after her. Jennie turned back to her desk and unwrapped her sandwich. The pile of mail was still lying there. 'May as well look at it now, if the afternoon passes as quickly as this morning did, it will be time to go home in five minutes.' Most of the mail was routine stuff, and she filed it in three separate piles as she scanned it. One envelope was bulky, and addressed to her personally. Inside was a stack of sheets, about thirty pages, stapled together. The only message seemed to be a yellow post-it pad, on which was scrawled 'J from R'. That was all. Cryptic, or what? She read the first page. It started off with a dozen or more lines of rubbish and jargon, which meant nothing to her at all. Then, about halfway down the page, she spotted the line, 'Dr Hooters'. 'What kind of a dumb name is that', she wondered, turning back to the yellow post-it pad. 'J from R'? Then it came to her. Dr Hooters had been the title of that story Roger had mentioned on Saturday evening, the one he had just happened to 'stumble across' on the Internet, and promised to send her. She read the rest of the first page, then was interrupted by the phone. She stuffed the papers in her bag and answered it... ... She was in bed when she remembered the story again. In fact, she was cursing herself because she had finished the book she was reading, and she hadn't got another. Then the phone rang. 'Who can that be, at this time of night?' she wondered. It was Katie, phoning to say she would be late in the next morning, as she was seeing the doctor first thing. Jennie wondered what the girl was seeing the doctor for, but didn't ask. 'Probably going to enquire about a breast reduction. Some people are never satisfied.' That was when she remembered the story, and she settled down to read it in bed. Half an hour later, she put down the stapled sheets, surprised to find herself quite hot and aroused. Her small nipples felt tingly, which made her giggle, after what she had just been reading. 'Perhaps my tits are going to start growing', she thought. She opened the wad of paper again, to the page headed Chapter Nine, where two schoolgirls had suddenly started developing enormous breasts. This time, she read more slowly, touching herself with one hand beneath the bed covers. It was midnight when she fell asleep, with Dr Hooters beside her on the bed. Chapter 2:- A Silly Fantasy She found the story still beside her when she awoke, and felt at the same time foolish and somehow, turned on. It was a silly fantasy, she thought; all those gigantic tits, those absurdly young girls with breasts that stuck out three feet in front of them; girls who could lift two ton weights; the growth hormone which had caused one teenager to grow to two hundred feet tall! She was still out there on that island off Florida, having bizarre sex with her normal-sized boyfriend. Yet, the story was memorable. She wondered if that was all there was of it, or was it an unfinished work. The sequence in the bra shop came back to her vividly, along with the moisture between her legs. 'This is ridiculous', she thought, but read the story through one more time, and it made her five minutes late for work. Her lateness was almost embarrassing, as Katie was at the doctor's, and Jennie was in the lab only seconds before the phone rang with some stupid enquiry. In the end, it was almost ten o'clock before Jennie was seated at the microscope for the first time that day. Idly, her thoughts flickered back to the story again. What would *she* do if she discovered a hormone like that. Not the growth one, but the variant that could grow K-cup breasts on pre-teenaged girls! Would she try it out on herself? The thought made her suddenly wet. She imagined Katie coming in from the doctor's and finding a huge-busted Jennie turning to greet her as she came through the door. Then she came back to earth with a bump. 'Concentrate, Miss Walters', she scolded herself. She checked the readings she had just taken. Once more, she turned back to the sample under the scope. Her heart fluttering, she hurried over to the rat cage, where Roxanne sat, preening her whiskers. She rolled the rat over onto her back. Sure enough, her teats were swollen to three times their normal size. Roxanne was almost purring. Jennie returned to the microscope and checked again. No doubt at all. This was the most telling result yet. If she was to inject a sample of this into the bloodstream of an animal, it would almost certainly have an effect strikingly similar to the hormone in the milk that made the Dr Hooters girls' tits grow. Of course, she would need to cross-check her results. Katie could start that when she came in. Then the experiment would have to be repeated. But it was the nearest thing she could imagine to a breakthrough. Perhaps *not* the breakthrough they were looking for, the isolation of a substance responsible for falling sperm-count in males, but another, which she sensed would have just as much impact. She felt that tingly feeling again, the slight sickly feeling in the stomach she had felt while reading the story last night, and again this morning. She reddened as she remembered the almost frantic masturbation in the shower that had made her late for work. Suddenly, without knowing what drove her to do it, Jennie found herself preparing a syringe. She bared her arm, wiped the skin with alcohol on a swab, then carefully injected herself with a tiny sample of the hormone. 'What am I doing?' she thought, as she put the syringe down and pulled down her sleeve. 'Are you crazy, Walters, or what? ******************** Martin Fothergill put down the internal telephone and opened a folder on his desk. His secretary spoke on the intercom: "Mr Tasker to see you, Mr Fothergill." "Send him in, Sally." He spun his chair away from the desk, put his feet up on the window-sill, picked up the phone again and listened as Lee Tasker came in, then he held up a finger for silence and waved him to a chair. "Right, hm, okay. Yep, do it!" and put the phone down. He spun round to face Lee. "Right, what news?" Lee looked harrassed. "Nothing. Nothing yet, anyway. I've spoken to .." "Who have you spoken to?" "Rutledge from Candystripe. Or rather, who used to be with Candystripe. He's heard nothing either, but he's going to keep an ear to the ground. Apparently there was some communication from the States, but he hasn't seen any details." "Shit. We've got to be first on this one, it's vitally important. If anyone else gets in on the ground floor, well, heads are going to have to roll. Right?" Fothergill looked at Tasker's helpless expression and seemed to soften slightly. "Look, Lee, you know how important this is to us all here. We're on the verge of a breakthrough with this stuff. We can keep up the cover of working on the sperm count thing, Walters is taking care of that side of it, and if ... when she comes up with something, the Government funding will increase to something seriously good, moneywise." He gazed at the ceiling, a man of vision, "But this growth thing is different. It's all ours. Crack that problem and every woman in the Western world will be beating a path to our door. The silicone scare has thrown a big black cloud over breast enhancement surgery, just think what we will do when we can offer tits any size they want them, just by taking a course of tablets. Instant gratification. Instant riches!" "I'll try Rutledge again." "Fine, Lee. And why not call Roger Henderson. You remember, he was at dinner with us? He is at a loose end at the moment, and he can probably worm his way into Candystripe Inc. They don't know him from Adam. Let him pick their brains, preferably without them knowing." He smiled grimly. "Wasn't he rather keen on ladies' bosoms, anyway?" Tasker sat up straight. "And doesn't he rather fancy himself as a computer boffin? There's still all that inside information we got from Rutledge last month about accessing Candystripe's computer system. I know the IT Department couldn't make head or tail of it, but ..." "Well, if Roger has plenty of leisure time, he might be able to make something of it, but I'm not convinced it's complete. But, by all means, turn the whiz-kid loose on it, he might come up with something.' Later, Tasker contacted Roger, and asked him if he could come over for a chat, say Friday? It was just a small job, he said, but it could be a nice little earner for Roger. Well, he thought, working for Herzheim was one thing, working for Fothergill was another. If there was money to be made out of this breast enlargement business, Lee Tasker wanted in, on his own account. He picked up the phone again. This time he called his girlfriend, Paula. ******************** Paula put the phone down and ran some more hot water into her midday bath. She soaped her flat-as-a-board chest, and gently caressed the prominent nipples. At last, that worm Lee had come up with something worth pursuing. She had cultivated his friendship as soon as she had moved into the area. Working for Candystripe Inc gave her a generous salary, and she had rented a luxurious apartment in a quiet corner of the old town of Kettersley. Her brief was simple. To discover all she could about the work of Herzheim Laboratories. Finding Lee Tasker had been a stroke of luck. Finding him unattached and on the rebound from another woman was, Paula decided, fate smiling on her. Which was no more than she deserved. Already, she had discovered that research into falling sperm-count and pollution from plastic waste was no more than an elaborate cover, providing Government funding for the project which Martin Fothergill secretly considered the raison d'etre of the whole operation: breast enlargement! The irony of her situation had amused her. Here she was, arguably the flattest-chested woman on the face of the planet, tracking down information which would enable other women to grow bigger breasts. She had discovered the true purpose of Fothergill's research weeks ago. She'd had difficulty in not bursting out laughing five minutes before, when Lee let her into the secret, and made her promise not to tell a soul. He told her that because of strict security within the Herzheim labs, he didn't know who it was that was actually working on the breast growth hormone project. Tasker couldn't just come right out with it and ask Fothergill. He said he might get her to ask a few discreet questions here and there, if she didn't mind. As a reward, he had hinted, she would be first in line for treatment with the new process! Gee, thanks, Lee, baby! In fact, she had no intention of being anything else BUT first in line. But NOT for Lee Tasker. NOT for Herzheim. And certainly NOT for Candystripe Inc. No, this one was all for Paula. She tweaked an erect nipple. A nice pair of E cups would do just nicely. Nothing too big - she was only four feet ten. And *her* line of research was coming along quite nicely, thank you. ******************** Fortunately for Jennie, there were no ill-effects. There were no effects at all, in fact. When Katie bounced in at eleven-thirty, her spectacular tits were still the biggest in the room. They were almost the only ones in the room, thought Jennie, glumly. So Dr Hooters was just a fantasy, after all. Not a bad one, though, she would certainly use it for a little bedroom relief before she went to sleep tonight. Again! Katie was making coffee. "Milk?" she asked. "Oh, shit, Jen, I forgot to get the milk." "There should be some left over from yesterday, in the fridge. I haven't had anything this morning, yet" The assistant came back in with the carton. There were just a couple of inches or so in the bottom of the carton. She sniffed it with suspicion. "Hmm. Smells OK. It should be all right for coffee. I'll get some more in the morning." The phone rang and Katie picked it up. Again, Jennie had no idea what made her do it. She took the milk carton, then added a shot of the hormone sample, the same as she had earlier used to inject herself. She shook it to stir up the contents, and swallowed a gulp of the milk. It tasted strange. Almost sweet. Once more, Jennie found herself wondering exactly WHAT she thought she was doing! Katie put the phone down. She started describing her visit to the doctor. It hadn't been anything to do with a breast reduction, Jennie discovered, she had been suffering from stomach pains and had been to ask if she should try a different birth control pill. The doctor's surgery had been busy, of course, wasn't it always? Why do they give five people an appointment for the same time, then make them all wait half an hour? As Katie pottered about, making herself a cup of coffee, she went on, and on, and on. Jennie felt hot, and drowsy. She shook her head, and it cleared, but a few minutes later, the feeling was back. Now she had pins and needles all over, in her legs, her nipples. "Is it me, Kate, or is it hot in here?" she asked, faintly. "You haven't turned the extractor on, have you", the girl said, getting up and going across to the switch panel without interrupting her narrative. "And then he said ... Hey, Jen, are you all right?" Jennie had fainted. Well, almost. She was still semi-conscious. Fortunately, she hadn't been standing up, but she had slid from her chair to the floor. She was aware of Katie bending over her. The girl's full breasts were almost brushing her own insignificant nipples as she tried to make Jennie respond. All Jennie could feel was the pins and needles, still. Especially in her breasts, now. Her breasts... ...She heard Katie on the phone, then the girl came back and kneeled beside her, her soft blonde hair and heavy breasts swaying over Jennie as she lay back on the tiled floor. "The nurse is on her way". "Nurse? Oh, the nurse." ******************** They sent Jennie home to bed. Katie drove her in Jennie's car, then helped her indoors and into her bedroom. She felt Katie's cool hands on her body as the girl undressed her, sitting her on the edge of the bed. In her befuddled state, she found herself becoming moist. As Katie fumbled with her buttons, she was slowly but surely becoming turned on. At one stage, she rolled backwards on the bed like a playful puppy, her little plump belly sticking up, her legs apart, and her extremely hairy pussy almost thrust in Katie's face. The two girls giggled. Katie found Jennie's nightdress and slipped it on over her head. It was like dressing a child. Jennie's limbs wouldn't respond, and Katie had to hold her up. At last it was done, and Jennie lay back. The younger girl pulled the covers up over her, then sat uncertainly on the bed. She couldn't leave her like this. Anything might happen. She phoned the lab, and they told her not to come back in, but to stay with Jennie and to be sure to call if there was any sign of a change. They said she had obviously been working too hard, perhaps without sufficient food, or something. Jennie was asleep, breathing deeply. Katie sat in the only other possible place, a deep but comfortable armchair. She looked over at the sleeping figure in the bed. She could have sworn the older woman had been getting turned on while she was undressing her. She had even felt a bit horny herself. And certainly, when she rolled over on the bed, Jennie had been wet. Her juices had been practically running down her thighs! Katie stood up and looked down at Jennie. She didn't know much about her. No boyfriends, not that she'd ever mentioned. No girlfriends, either. Katie couldn't understand the feeling she had at that moment. She wanted to get into Jennie's bed. To undress, to climb in under the cool sheets, and cuddle the slightly chubby young woman. Perhaps, even more! Was she going crazy, thinking like this? She had never felt anything like it before, for someone of her own sex. She wanted to protect her, comfort her. Feed her! She wanted Jennie to suckle her breasts. This was *weird*. She looked around for something to break this line of thought. Something to read, perhaps. There must be some reading matter in here, it was a girl's bedroom, for Chrissakes! No smutty books, nothing. Aaah, what was this, some sort of scientific report? Katie looked at the front page. Gibberish! What sort of a woman reads this sort of thing in bed? No wonder she didn't have any boyfriends. She dropped the report on the bed, where it fell open to a page about a third of the way through. Something caught Katie's eye. 'Forty-four inches, Maria! You brought me some prize winners today. This little one's definitely going to be needing a J, maybe a 32-K!' What was this? What sort of a scientific report ...? Katie started again at page one. By the time she had reached the end, she was tingling. Her fingertips tingled. Her breasts felt full. Almost painful. She looked down at her own chest. Her nipples were sticking out. Katie looked around the bedroom, as if embarrassed. Then, whimpering to herself, she practically tore off her clothes, her blouse, her bra, her panties ... and flinging back the covers, she slid between the cool sheets with Jennie! Jennie gave a low moan when Katie snuggled up to her. The young blonde girl could smell her own arousal now in the bed. Her fingers found their way to her already soaking pussy, where the silky strands of blonde fur, nowhere near as thick as the older girl's growth, bore droplets of her moisture. Her finger and thumb found her clitoris, and it was Katie's turn to moan as she brought herself to a shuddering orgasm. Her breasts felt even fuller, now, as if they were about to burst. She ran her wet fingers over the nipples, still hugely erect. What was going on? She sat up in the bed, looking down at herself. They were still the same size, although they felt tight and heavy. Then a wave of feeling suddenly ran through them, starting at the nipples. It was almost as if a dam had burst, somewhere deep inside her. A dam which had been holding back millions of gallons of warm, soft water. She remembered the story she had just finished reading. Was this how Blair and Amanda had felt, that afternoon in school, when their tits had ballooned in size? Oooooh, YES! With a rush, she realised it was *exactly* how the girls had felt, as she sat in the bed and watched her breasts swell before her very eyes! Within half a minute, they had expanded by fifty percent! Her bra lay on the floor where she had dropped it after almost tearing it off. She leaned across, picked it up and held the cups up to herself. No way would she ever be able to get her tits into those cups again! Shaking her head in disbelief, she looked at the label of the bra. 34D. Not any more, she thought. What would Paul think of these? What would Jennie think of them? She smiled to herself and shook them from side to side. They felt enormous! Dreamily, she raised her left nipple to her lips and lay back. Within seconds, she was asleep, enjoying strange dreams of girls with breasts as big as Volkswagens, pouring out vast quantities of soothing, healing milk... Chapter 3:- Bigger ... It was dark when Jennie stirred in the bed. Her head throbbed. Her fingers were numb. One arm was completely without feeling where she had been lying on it. She tried to sit up, and failed. She turned over ... and discovered Katie by her side, naked and sound asleep. The girl lay with her back turned. Now this was a problem to be figured out! She rolled on to her back again and tried to work out what was happening. Okay. This was her own bed. There was the window over there, with the light from the street lamp through the open curtains. The digital clock showed 11:06. Not morning, it was dark. Why have I gone to bed so early? Why, above all, am I not alone? Recollection came to her, slowly. She had felt strange at work, after Katie had come in and made the coffee. She vaguely remembered being driven home, undressed and put to bed. She remembered nothing else. Not the lab, the hormone in the milk, nothing. She turned over towards Katie again, and nudged the girl, but she mumbled something and refused to wake. She tried again. No reaction. God, her tits felt tight. She felt the nipples, they were erect. One last try, she shook Katie, grabbing her hip-bone and shaking her vigorously. A moan came from the girl, as she struggled awake. "What? Oh, hi!" "What's going on?" "That's wh ... hey, I'm in bed. This isn't my ..." Jennie found the light switch and sat up. So did Katie. The two girls looked at each other. Christ, Katie was BIG, Jennie thought. She looks enormous now she's not wearing any clothes, far bigger than she does dressed. An amazingly warm and comfortable feeling started to come over Jennie, and she smiled shyly at the young blonde assistant. "Sleep OK?" she asked. "Fine." She slipped her arm around the blonde's waist. It felt tiny. Especially compared to the rest of her. God, how could I have not noticed the size of those things before? She bent her head and brushed Katie's large nipple with her lips, and the girl gave a little jerk in response, shortly before her nipple sprang into full erection. It was almost an inch long, realised Jennie, sucking it into her mouth. She felt Katie's soft arms surrounding her, and darkness returned as the girl's newly-enlarged breasts covered her face. Jennie was wet. At least three of Katie's fingers were in her pussy, the other hand was caressing her taut little nipples. Her breasts were filled with tight little stabs of pain. She felt the probing fingers inside her, and the feeling building between her legs was indescribable. Like nothing she had ever felt before when she had done it herself. She had had a few boys, back in the university days, but this ... this was something else. Katie's long, slim fingers were searching for something - and FINDING it. She felt a soft, insistent pressure, then she literally saw stars as something exploded inside her. "SHITTING HELL!", she screamed. "Oh, you bastard! FUCK me!" And what felt like gallons of wetness flowed out of her, soaking her thick forest of pubic hair, soaking Katie's hand, and the bed. Shuddering, she lay in the spreading puddle while Katie's other hand gently caressed her throbbing, almost bursting breasts. Then Jennie wrapped her arms around the younger girl, sobbing and clutching at her. ******************** Katie felt Jennie's explosive orgasm after she had found her G-spot. Christ, that had certainly worked miracles. The dark-haired older woman was lying in her arms now, completely spent with the effort. Katie herself was tired out. It seemed to have been a long day. She drifted off to sleep, as Jennie's lips wrapped themselves around her nipple. ******************** The birds were singing. This time, when Jennie awoke, feeling stiff and with a sticky sensation down there, she knew exactly where she was, and who was with her. Her breasts felt tight and tingling, still. That was what had woken her up, that and the dawn chorus from the garden. She kissed Katie, and the lovely blonde opened her eyes and grinned at her, before giving her an affectionate little cuddle. "Good morning, lover!" "Hi, yourself," said Katie. Jennie sat up. " Who's first for the shower?" Katie smiled and stretched like a big cat. "Why don't we save water, and shower with a friend?" ******************** They sat at the breakfast table, finishing their coffee. "My tits feel as if they've been through a shredder", said Jennie, holding them gently with both hands. "They're absolutely tingling." Katie giggled. "That's how mine felt last night, sweetheart. With any luck, relief is on the way! Do mine look any ... different, to you?" "They look even bigger than usual this morning. I never realised quite how big they were until ... last night". Jennie blushed. "I'll let you into a secret. They weren't!" "Weren't what?" "Weren't as big as this, until last night!" "What are you going on about, girl. Never mind the guessing games!" "Like I say." She caught Jennie's warning glance, and hurried on. "Last night, my tits felt all tingly and full. Really uncomfortable. But then, suddenly, they felt different. The tingling stopped, and there was this delicious feeling, and my tits got bigger! They just grew!" "Grew? Oh, come on!" But Jennie looked at Katie's chest. "Where's your bra? You're not wearing a bra this morning." "Ha, so you noticed! Not much slips by old Jen, is there? I can't get it on! I told you, I *grew*. That little old 34D is way too small this morning. Look, if the same thing was to happen to you, you might believe me." Jennie thought about that. "Funny, I was reading a story yesterday, where some girls suddenly grew the most enormous tits. Young schoolgirls, they were. It was a ridiculous fantasy, of course, but the way I feel right now is exactly the way they described their breasts feeling before they grew ..." Katie flushed and looked down at her chest. "I read that, too, after you went to bed. Where did you get hold of that story?" "Some geek I met at a dinner party. Roger Something. Roger-and-Out. He sent it to me." "I'm quite glad he did! It turned me on so much, I climbed into bed with you. And not half an hour later, WHAM, this happened! Come and have a closer look." Jennie stood up and moved around the table, squatting beside Katie's chair. Her fingers brushed the outside of the busty blonde's left breast as she reached for the buttons of the girls' full blouse. The nipples were threatening to burst out into the room. And as the two girls kissed and fondled each other, Jennie began to feel a wonderful release of the tension in her breasts. She moaned aloud as the pressure was replaced by a flowing warmth, and Katie smiled as she realised what was happening. She undid the buttons on her friend's shirt, in time to see a pair of half-moon-shaped bulges of breasts appear above the tiny A-cups. Jennie herself looked down at them as they slowly expanded. After a few minutes, there was as much breast outside the cups as there was inside. "Help me get this bra off, it's squashing me", she cried, and Katie eagerly helped her lover out of her shirt, then unhooked the bra's clasp and slipped the shoulder straps down, revealing Jennie's now fast-expanding globes. They were the size of Jaffa oranges already, and the nipples were surrounded by plump little areolae which stood out on their own like halved apples. "Oooooh, yes!" Jenny breathed, as they grew even more. She gave a yelp as they suddenly expanded again, almost doubling in size in thirty seconds. Katie watched wide-eyed. Jennie was getting huge! Already, her tits were as big as her own had been before last night! At the same time, Jennie's tummy bulge seemed to have diminished, and her hips seemed more richly-curved and womanly. Was this possible in less than five minutes? Obviously it was, because she was seeing it with her own eyes. Jennie sat down, panting. She looked down at her new tits with something like disbelief. "Are these all me? Jeeezus, Kate, look at them!" Kate was. "It's just as well I phoned the lab today. It looks as though we have another mission before we can go back to work. We need to get us some new bras! Both of us!" Chapter 4:- Not Such A Little Bra Lady "We need to find the Kettersley High Street's equivalent of the little Spanish bra lady", complained Jennie wearily as they trudged out of another ladies' underwear store. "Nothing to fit either of us." "I bet we've given them something to think about, though. It can't be every day a couple of women looking like us walk in trying to buy bras!" Jennie giggled. "Yes, how about that last one! I thought she was going to have a fit when I took my shirt off. And then she turned round and saw yours!" They had turned off into a side street. It was the last street they hadn't yet tried. If they had no luck here, they were going to have to go into the city, which was half an hour away, and there was no guarantee that they would find anything suitable there either. "Wait a minute, what's this?" Katie had stopped by a doorway between two shops. "It's a doorway between a newsagent's and a bakery, Kate, are you coming, or what?" But Katie was studying a row of brass plaques beside the door. "Look! I don't know what caught my eye, but look here." Jennie came over, reluctantly. "Between the financial advisory service and the motor insurance broker. 'Joan Shaw. Ladies' Foundation Garment Specialist'." Jennie looked doubtful. "I dunno. I bet she makes armour-plated bras and girdles for matrons with sixty-inch hips. We want something a bit sexy, Kate!" "It can't do any harm asking, can it? Come on, let's go on up." ******************** Joan Shaw looked Jennie up and down with a professional eye. The girls studied Ms Shaw with something like awe. She wasn't the battleaxe they had envisaged before they panted up those five narrow flights of stairs. She was still in her twenties, tall, about five ten, and had a figure which made even the newly-enhanced Katie look flat-chested. Her long reddish hair hung in waves over her shoulders and down her back. She wore a tight, tight skirt, very short, and a sweater which seemed to be almost bursting. Around her neck was a tape measure. Jennie wanted to grab that tape and measure Ms Shaw's incredible bust. She guessed at something well over fifty inches. It was the biggest she had ever seen. "I went into this business for fairly obvious reasons", she explained, pointing to her straining sweater. "Nobody makes bras to fit these things - they were 48 inches before I was thirteen - so when I left school I decided to start a service for what you might call 'special' girls. Now, ten years later, I deal with girls all over the country by mail order, as well as local business, made to measure. So, one way and another, I've come to know most of the really big-busted women around this town. I'm surprised not to have seen you two before." "No, we only just g..." Jennie started to explain, only to be interrupted by a powerful nudge from her friend. "... We're new around here, just moved into the town," improvised Katie, quickly, as Jennie blushed and stopped. "Well, let's have a look at you. You first!" she took Jennie by the arm and indicated that she should take her shirt off. "Oh, yes! Very nice." Jennie blushed again. Ms Shaw had placed the tape around Jennie's chest, on the rib cage beneath her breasts. It read a little more than 30 inches. "Okay, size 36." Jennie and Katie remembered the Dr Hooters story and looked at each other shyly. Ms Shaw had obviously read the same story! "Now for the big one", and she slipped the tape around the fullest part of her new tits. " She sucked in her breath as she read the tape. "Forty-one. Including the nips, of course! Two of your nicest features. It's a 36DD for you, young lady." The girls smiled again as Ms Shaw quickly measured Jennie's waist and hips, following the script exactly. "41-25-37. No problem." She turned to Katie. "Now let's have a look at you!" As Katie's blouse came off, Ms Shaw gave what sounded like a little gasp of delight. "As you girls can tell, I do really enjoy my job! Right, then, let's have a look ... ah, 28 inches. You need a size 32 or 34. What size do you normally wear?" "A 34D", Katie answered promptly, then stopped, blushing. "34D? *34D*? Come on, girl." The tape went around Katie's bustline and Ms Shaw laughed out loud. "Look at that tape, girl, you're forty-six inches around! You need a 34L! 46-22-34. That's the booby prize for the week, love, no contest! Fortunately, though, you've come to the right place. I may have just the thing in stock." ******************** The girls wore their new bras out of the shop, and walked down the main street feeling very well supported and highly conspicuous. Jennie had a thought as they unlocked the car and got in. "Do you suppose we're as big as we're going to get, Kate? You remember in the story how the girls kept getting bigger from time to time?" "If we do, it could turn out very expensive," said Katie, but do you know, the way I feel right now, I wouldn't mind being a 34P! Or a 34X!" Jennie thought about that for a moment. She realised that she wouldn't mind if her tits suddenly doubled in size. It gave her a warm feeling inside, just thinking about it. But with a feeling of shock, she realised she wanted above all to make love to this wonderful busty girl. "Nor would I", she said, and really meant it. "C'mon. Let's go home and get these bras off!" ******************** As soon as they were indoors, they undressed immediately down to their underwear. The new bras supported them wonderfully. Katie stood in front of the mirror and turned from side to side, admiring her profile. Jennie stood close to her, and ran her hand down Katie's back, pausing with her fingers at the elastic of the younger woman's panties. Then she slipped her hand inside, down the cleft between her buttocks. Katie moved her feet apart slightly to allow her access, then turned and lowered her head to kiss Jennie full on the mouth. Their tongues met, and the two busty girls clung to each other, their huge breasts squashing between them. Eagerly, restlessly, their hands wandered over each other's bodies, exploring and finding new wonders to enjoy. They thrust their hips against each other, and both felt Jennie's coarse pubic hair rubbing against Katie's pelvic bone through two layers of damp, silky underwear. Without breaking their hold, they moved to the bed and rolled on to it. Then, reluctant to let go even for a second, and both uttering little mewing sounds of joy in each other, they almost tore off their panties and scrambled into a sixty-nine position, Katie on top, and their breasts mashed together in the middle. Their tongues, noses and fingers were busy in each other's pussies. Jennie was the first to come, and her juices trickled between her thighs as she bucked beneath Katie's body. It was several minutes before Katie reached her first climax, and Jennie joined her as her screams rang out. For almost an hour they played, reaching new peaks of love and delight as they explored each other. The bed was literally soaked when the two girls broke off and shakily sat up. Katie staggered away to the bathroom, her thighs glistening with wetness as Jennie gazed after her in helpless adoration. "Jesus, it smells sexy in here", laughed Katie as she came back in, still shaky in the legs, and kneeled beside the bed. "What do we do for an encore?" asked Jennie. "Yeah, follow that." "You know what I said earlier, about our having grown this much, and is that going to be all?" Katie nodded. "It makes me feel so sexy, I really do think I *want* them to grow some more", she said. Jennie sat up, and slid her bottom towards Katie. "I know that Hooters story was a load of bollocks, and so do you. But, so far, it has come true, hasn't it?" Her friend looked puzzled. "No, not just our tits tingling, then getting bigger, the *reason* that the story gave ... that's the same, too." "You mean, the hormones in the lab?" The younger girl looked confused. "Yes. I had forgotten everything when I passed out. But when you were in the bathroom, it just came back to me. Yesterday, while you were at the doctor's, I gave myself a small dose of the latest batch, and look at me!" The assistant looked at her superior as if about to scold her for some sort of malpractice, then thought better of it. "You gave yourself ..? I can't believe ... but ... come on. Wait a minute. What about *me*, Jen? I didn't take anything at all, and mine got bigger, too." "I'm still trying to work that one out." Jennie held up her fingers and started counting off the points as she thought of them. "I gave myself a jab at first. Just a tiny sample. It had no effect. At least, I felt nothing. Then, when you came in, there was still some of the sample left, and I poured it into the milk carton and drank a great gulp of it. It was amazing, I still don't know what came over me, I just felt I had to do it. Maybe it was a sort of subliminal smell coming from the stuff, like pheromones, that drove me to drink it, but whatever it was, I did. Wh ... what's the matter? Katie?" "In the milk carton? The last of the milk?" Jennie nodded. Katie went on, "I poured the last of the milk from that carton into my coffee. So I had some of the sample as well!" Chapter 5:- Bigger Still ... Jennie and Katie sat and talked until late that night, working out a plan of action. They made a phone call to Martin Fothergill of the lab, calling him at his home number. Katie explained that Jennie was recovering from her attack, but the doctor thought it would be better if she stayed at home for another week, if that would be all right. Meanwhile, she, Katie, would drop by the lab in the morning and continue with the routine work, just to keep things ticking over. Fothergill agreed, and passed his best wishes on to Jennie for a speedy recovery. That was part one of the game plan. The next part was to make sure that not a word of this leaked out in any way. No one must find out that a research worker and her assistant had dosed themselves with a hormone sample. Especially now, in view of the results. Yet, the girls wanted to know more about the effects of their, or rather Jennie's actions. "We ought to try it out again," said Katie, "but perhaps not just on us. Up to a point, we know what happens to us. We ought to try a second dose on just one of us, and also the effects of one or more doses on other subjects." Jennie agreed. "Yes, and we need to know what quantities are involved, how much did I take, how much did you ... and does it only work if you have it with milk?" Katie voiced the thought that had occurred to both of them. "If this works, a lot of women ...!' "A *lot* of women!" said Jennie, and in the silence that followed, both girls knew they were thinking the same thing. They both knew this was highly irregular. Any word of this could lead to instant dismissal. It would also mean they would be unable to obtain any more supplies of the hormone, and the girls knew they wanted to keep control over the source of supply. If the effects could be controlled, there were definite commercial possibilities here. At least, they figured, they were being honest with themselves and with each other about their motives. Personal gain. Good Old British Greed. "So, Plan B, then", said Jennie. "One of us takes another dose. Which one?" she smiled at Katie, who smiled back, her head on one side. "It might have no effect, of course", laughed Katie. "Of course! And it can't be both of us, it has to be just one, doesn't it?" There was no way around it. They both wanted to try another dose; they were going to have to decide one way or the other. They ended up by tossing a coin. ******************** The next morning, Katie took Jennie's car. She called in at her apartment to pick up some underclothes and a loose-fitting blouse then drove in to the lab. She reported briefly to Martin Fothergill, then went to her workplace to catch up on the backlog of work. She dealt with piles of mail, bundling up the stuff she couldn't handle to take back for Jennie. She checked the rats - with special attention to Roxanne - took readings of a number of on-going experiments, and carried out the rest of her usual everyday tasks. She knew she was only building up to what was really the important work of the day. All the samples were numbered in Jennie's clear writing. She double-checked the identity of the sample she wanted, then transferred half of it to a bottle, fitting it with a secure stopper. Then, working quickly and surely, she prepared an array of chemicals and mixed them in precise proportions, taking a small flask from the cold store and adding half of its contents to the brew. Then she poured the mixture into a thermos flask, and put it into her bag. A quick tidy up, and a check to see that everything was in order, and she slipped out. It was a little after five thirty, and most of the employees had already left the building. "I've collected Miss Walters's mail, see you tomorrow", she sang out to the security guard, and hurried out to the car park. ******************** Jennie was waiting for her when she came in. She had her college microscope set up in the bedroom, and she checked the small sample first, then a smear of the mixture which Katie had prepared earlier. The younger girl held her breath as Jennie sat back and grinned up at her. "They look great", she announced. "Put the mixture in the fridge, and this sample here can go in the airing cupboard." Katie hurried back. "No second thoughts about this, Jen?" but she could see from her friend's face that there was going to be no change of plan. "You don't want to toss the coin again? Best of three? No? Oh, all right, then. After this dose, on Saturday, we administer it to our patients, and if all goes as expected, we will have the results by Sunday lunchtime. "Right. And if there are any ill-effects from taking this dose, we call off our experiment on the girls, right?" Katie nodded. "From the way I reacted the other day, I could get a bit woozy, although that might have been the effect of the injection, rather than the sample in the milk. Either way, I think I can handle it." Katie hugged her friend. "I'm sure you can, sweetheart. I can hardly wait to see your new tits. Almost as much as those of my sisters!" "I'm still not a hundred per cent certain about your sisters, Kate, they're rather young if this works the way we expect it to." "We've been through all this, Jen. They're our captive sample, like our very own lab rats. Anyway, girls develop earlier these days, remember. Nobody will suspect anything if they suddenly develop big tits; after all, look at their older sister! They will just be luckier than all the other little girls! Come on, then", Katie said, stirring the sample into a glass of milk. "Down in one ..." ******************** There were no ill effects, none at all. Jennie felt drowsy, but not at all woozy, like the other day. And by bedtime, her tits were tingling, she said. More than the other day. In fact, the tingling grew to an almost painful throbbing behind the nipples. It felt as if they were trying to burst her bra. Yet, looking at them in a mirror showed that they were the same size as before she took the second hormone dose. Friday, the next day, the tingling was still there, no worse, but no better. Katie went off to work at eight, and Jennie sat around the house, waiting to see what was going to happen. But nothing did. Her breasts remained unchanged in size for the whole day. Jennie thought it was like having toothache in her tits. She was restless, and could find no relief, not at all. It was making her snappy and bad-tempered. She thought that Katie couldn't have done it right at the lab, she had screwed up. When the poor girl came in, she shouted at her and told her she was useless, and she should never have trusted her even with such a simple task. Katie was frightened and hurt, and bitterly upset. She burst into tears and went and hid in the bathroom. Jennie could hear her sobbing for half an hour or more. Eventually, it was too much for her. She poured a drink for herself and another for Katie. Knocking on the bathroom door, she called softly, "Katie, darling! I'm a bastard and I'm sorry. Come and have a drink. Please come out!" She lowered her voice. "I love you, Kate!" And the door opened, revealing poor Katie standing there, the nipples of her huge tits poking out through the loose blouse she had worn as disguise, tears still on her cheeks, and Jennie held out her arms to the kid, and they cuddled, and hugged each other, and kissed, wetter and wetter, until Jennie felt the moisture between her thighs, and she loved this wonderful, busty girl. Her tits felt better, too. Katie's hands felt cool and comforting on her tight, tingling breasts. Within minutes, the feeling had changed to a beautiful friendly warmth, flowing through her body from her nipples to her stomach, to her clitoris, from her toes to the top of her head. She melted into Katie's embrace, and the blonde girl, realising what was happening, or was just about to happen, helped Jennie remove the last shreds of her underwear. They were only just in time. Jennie was panting, moaning, trying to rub and squeeze her breasts. She was moaning and giggling all at the same time. Katie, holding her friend gently in her arms, felt her sensitive nipples rubbing against Jennie's breasts. Suddenly, with a thrill, she realised that Jennie was growing bigger. It was what she expected, what they both expected, but it was still a thrill when it began to happen. There were so many unknown factors. How big would she eventually get? Would Ms Shaw be able to find a bra to fit her? What, in fact, would Ms Shaw think when they casually strolled into her shop two days after buying a 36D, and asked for something several sizes bigger? Would Jennie even stop growing at all? Already, Jennie's breasts had become half as big again as they had been. Both girls looked down at them in wonderment as the great pear-shaped globes steadily grew fatter and heavier. The growth was gradual. You could just see them getting bigger if you watched carefully, but if you looked away for a few seconds, they were definitely larger when you looked back at them. Katie did just that, looking round for somewhere to put Jennie's clothes and underwear. When she had dropped them on a chair, Jennie was twice as big as she had been before this latest expansion. It had to end somewhere. Jennie's tits had stopped growing again, but they were now much bigger than Katie's. Ms Shaw was going to be *very* surprised, thought Katie. She cupped the huge globes in awe. They were magnificent! She wanted hers done as well. And what about her sisters? The prettiest littlelaboratory rats you ever saw? The plan called for Katie's sisters to be given a dose of the hormone brew as well. The girls were thirteen, ten and eight. Jennie had been reluctant to try the stuff on the two younger ones, but Katie said that the thirteen year old, Penny, already had big breasts, and the ten year old, Suki, had also started developing. Only young Trisha had no breasts at all yet. One thing seemed likely. Both Jennie and Katie were simply delighted with their new ultra-feminine bodies. It was probable that the young girls would also be thrilled if they developed in anything like the same way. End of Part 1 ====================================================================== HOOTERS UK Part 2:- Laboratory Rats Chapter 6:- Made to Measure Meanwhile, there was one more task. Katie phoned Ms Shaw. She would be pleased to measure Jennie for a new bra, although she sounded bewildered when Katie said the one she bought 'didn't fit very well any more'. Could they come in straight away? Good! The first problem they encountered was that Jennie couldn't drive her car. Her boobs were so big, she couldn't get them behind the wheel. They moved the driver's seat right back. Now she could get in, but couldn't reach the pedals. "I can live with having to buy a bigger bra, but a bigger car as well?" wailed Jennie. "These things are going to cost an absolute fortune!" So she climbed with some difficulty into the passenger seat. The seat belt tended to squash her breasts, and however she arranged the belt, they got very much in the way of the buckle. In the end, she heaved her massive breasts upwards and placed the diagonal belt between them, with the lap strap beneath. Then Katie drove them into Kettersley, and as it was long after normal shop hours, the street was empty, so they were able to park right outside the little shop doorway. This suited Jennie, as her tits were making walking difficult, although she was sure she would get used to it in time. It didn't help that her breasts swayed heavily and bounced up and down. They had a life of their own. Perhaps the new bra would put a stop to that. Besides, she wasn't yet confident enough to walk down the street in the full gaze of the public eye. That was something else she would have to get used to, she thought. They climbed the stairs, Jennie panting heavily, then knocked on the door. Ms Shaw opened it straight away and held it wide for them to come in. "You're lucky, you know. I was just about to leave when you rang. Five minutes more and you would have missed me." She was studying Katie, who was nearer to her, and who had been easily the larger-busted of the pair the other day. She frowned as she could see no sign that Katie's bust was any bigger than before. Then Jennie stepped forward, and Ms Shaw's mouth fell open. Her reaction was so comical that both girls laughed. "It was *me* you were supposed to be measuring", said Jennie, with a provocative swing of her massive chest, an effect which almost failed when she lurched to one side, off-balance. Katie caught her elbow. Ms Shaw stared. Jennie had on her largest, loosest-fitting sweater. Even so, her breasts felt restricted by her clothing. The bra-maker took a deep breath. She had a sneaking suspicion she no longer had the biggest tits in the room. "Take your top off, please!" Jennie obliged after a brief struggle. "There! Sorry for not wearing a bra. It doesn't fit any more". "No, I can see that it probably wouldn't!" Ms Shaw walked round Jennie in a little circle. Actually, it was quite a large circle. "I have never seen anything like it in my life. I mean, these aren't the biggest I have ever actually seen, but only two days ago, you were just a DD-cup! And now ..." she took the tape measure from around her neck and placed it around Jennie's chest, just beneath the enormous globes. Shaking her head, she held the tape around the fullest part of the girl's bust, then gasped. She measured her again, then turned the tape over, as if she thought she had been looking at the centimetres side by mistake! "Your bust has increased by seventeen inches in two days, my girl! You now seem to need a 36V cup! Mine, you will be pleased to hear, are only a 'T'" Ms Shaw's pressing engagement was forgotten. Over the next half hour, she took a lot of measurements. She ran the tape from Jennie's armpits down to the tips of the nipples. She measured the circumference of her breasts, first one, then the other, nodding in professional satisfaction at finding them equal in size to within a quarter of an inch. She ran the tape from the nipples, beneath the massive undersides of Jennie's breasts to the point where they joined her chest. She studied those monsters from every angle. By the time she had finished, Jennie's nipples were fully erect and Katie was getting hot just watching and thinking about it. At last, Ms Shaw hung the tape back round her neck. "I obviously don't have anything like this size in the shop, it's going to have to be specially made. What I could normally do would be to take an ordinary 36 and fit larger cups to it, but your breasts are so big and heavy", at this point, she cupped Jennie's left breast with her hand and hefted it. The effort made the muscles ripple in her forearm. "So *huge* and heavy that the body band will need to be extra big and wider. I think we'll have to go for at least eight hooks, and the shoulder straps had better be an inch and a half wide, and padded." "Normally, I would say come back in a week, but we can't have you walking around like that, you'll do some damage! I will work over the weekend and you can come in for a fitting on Sunday night. Then if it's all right, I will finish it off for you while you wait. Okay?" Jennie nodded. At least she would only have to walk around bra-less for another day. The problem was, tomorrow was Saturday, and they had arranged to go to Katie's parents' house, where they would be meeting their young experimental assistants. Promising to be back on Sunday evening, the girls left the shop, Katie taking Jennie's arm as they negotiated the narrow stairs. Neither of them could see their feet, but Katie was a little more used to having big breasts, and unlike Jennie's, hers were well supported. They arrived safely at street level and got into the car. "Have you thought how I can possibly go and see your sisters and your parents looking like this?" Jennie asked. "I had been thinking about that. Perhaps if you wore a maternity dress, it would disguise it enough. It's only a day, after all. And there won't be another opportunity for a month after this, because young Penny will be going back to boarding school." Jennie nodded. "You're right, of course. We have to do it tomorrow. The only alternative would be to find some other victims, for want of a better word, and that might be risky. Besides, now the sample has been prepared, we can't expect it to keep indefinitely. Let's go for it! You don't have a maternity dress, by any chance? No, I suppose not. Ah well, yet more expense. We'll have to buy one in the morning. I'd better get some outsize T-shirts and sweaters as well." Chapter 7:- Meet The Girls They had decided in bed that night that Katie would buy Jennie's clothes early on the Saturday morning. The dress (from 'The Smock Exchange'!) would hardly need to be tried on for size, after all. While she was in town, Jennie was going to prepare the samples for the young sisters. It had occurred to them that it might be no easy matter persuading three young girls to drink a small sample of strange-tasting milk. It would be quite understandable if any of them said she didn't *like* milk. One thing was fortunate. Katie's parents, and certainly her sisters, had no idea what sort of work went on at the laboratory, so they would have a fairly free hand in concocting a reasonable-sounding explanation. Her parents knew it was important work, and a good job, and they were proud of their eldest daughter. They were excited when she said she was bringing her boss over to see them, and only slightly less thrilled when she said the boss was a woman. Now for the plan! Katie said the lab was working on a new type of medicine which would reduce the risk of childhood illnesses. And she had managed to get hold of some samples which had been very thoroughly tested, and were now being released to the laboratory staff. Yes, it was highly irregular, but she would bring three samples down with her at the weekend. It was just like milk. The girls did drink milk, didn't they? Excellent! ******************** Roger Henderson put down his drink and smiled at Lee Tasker. "You actually mean you think you are on the brink of discovering a substance which will make women's breasts grow?" He took his glasses off and polished them vigorously. "That's marvellous news!" "Marvellous, and also highly confidential, of course. I have only told you because we think you can help us. I want you to get into Candystripe, that's the American lab that is working on this same project. We think they may have discovered what could be described as 'the missing link' in our own work. By the same token, we have probably found the missing link in theirs! We're sure they don't know, but we're sure we're right." "Fine, but how do I get into their premises? And when I do - or if - what am I looking for? And how do I get it out. I can hardly walk out carrying a steaming flask in my hand, can I?" "Fortunately, you won't need to get in. You won't even need to go to the States. You can do it all from your bedroom, or wherever you keep your disgusting little computer. You can tap into their records, and simply find out a few simple formulae. Of course, I am simplifying things a little, but ..." "You certainly are! I can't just access these people's system. Oh, sure, I can find out where the system is located, but it will be protected by passwords and all sorts of security." "Their own employees can access the system remotely, can't they?" Tasker leaned forward and Roger nodded. "Almost certainly, if they're a world-wide concern. But as I say, without passwords, I would be chucked out straight away ..." "And *with* the passwords?" "Well, yes, I could probably access okay. There'd be no guarantee that I would get the procedures right, and it might arouse suspicion if .." Tasker got up and crossed the office. He opened a small wall safe and took out an envelope. All you need should be in there. We ... came by some information from a ... past employee of theirs. It cost very little, all things considered." Roger took the envelope. He started to tug at the seal, until Tasker stopped him. "Take it home and study it there. As I say, there's everything you will need to know. You just may need to work out how to use it. I will call you on Monday night and see how things are going. Now, if you will kindly excuse me ..." ******************** Saturday was another beautiful morning and the girls were in high spirits if a little apprehensive as Katie drove down the country roads to the South-West. Jennie looked down at her bust as it lay in her lap beneath the maternity smock. It was a reasonable disguise, although she still found such difficulty walking that she felt as if everyone was looking at her. A lot of them were. They stopped at a service station and while Katie filled the tank and paid, Jennie hurried away to the toilet. Or tried to hurry. Her attempt at haste was accompanied by so much swaying and bouncing that she almost swung herself off her feet. A truck pulling in to refuel almost ran into the front of the shop as the driver gaped at the sight of her. "Bloody Hell, Kate, these things are going to be the death of me if I don't get a bra soon!" She held the sides of her breasts which seemed to be still wobbling and bouncing minutes after she had sat down in the car again. "I hate to think what your parents are going to make of me. A pregnant woman who hasn't learned to walk yet." "You'll do fine, love. It will take a while to get used to them, but we won't be doing much walking. If I know my mother, she'll be feeding us up like Christmas turkeys. You'll be lucky if you can walk for a week after this visit!" "That raises another question. Some day soon, we will have to go back to work. You might get away with it, but I have, well, changed somewhat! It's asking a lot not to expect someone to notice these babies, no matter how I disguise them." "I've been thinking about that", said Katie. If we saw Joan Shaw again, and got her to make a bra that doesn't hold you up so much as holding you *in*. Sort of letting them hang down as far as they'll go, and then holding them still. You would look as if you'd put on some weight, but that would be easier to explain away than suddenly growing an extra two feet on your bustline!" "I think I might even be willing to try that, although our little laboratory might be inundated with calls from Slimmers Anonymous. Better that, as you say, than giving away our little secret." ******************** Roger Henderson was puzzling over the sheaf of papers. It seemed to be in some kind of code. After another hour, he shook his head and turned to the computer. 'Time to see if there's anything new in the way of smutty stories', he thought. He was scanning through the latest items of news on his screen, and selecting the odd item which looked as though it might be of interest. Something was nagging at the back of his brain, something to do with the password problem. What was missing was a key. Or did he *have* the key, and what was missing was the *lock*? He found a whole bunch of new stories in the newsgroup that were described as being on the subject of 'breasts, breast enlargement'. 'Looks promising', he said to himself, and tapped in the command to download... ******************** Paula had watched Katie come out of The Smock Exchange with a carrier bag, then walk quickly down to the market, where she had bought a number of T-shirts. Katie didn't know her, which was fortunate. If Jennie had been with her friend, she would not have been able to carry out such close surveillance. She followed the busty blonde back to the car park, from where she drove off in a small red car, a Peugeot diesel, which fitted the description of Jennie's car. Paula followed at a good distance. There was no real need to keep close to the red car, as she knew where it was headed. What surprised her was that five minutes after the car pulled up outside Jennie's cottage, both women came out again, carrying enough baggage for a weekend, climbed in and drove off with Katie at the wheel. What surprised her far, far more was that Jennie appeared to be several months pregnant. Either that, or she had suddenly grown an immense bust! Now *that* was interesting! That same evening, she let herself quietly into the cottage apartment. She found Jennie's college microscope, and a few containers of mysterious substances, numbered but not identified. But she found no notes of any kind. Okay, you can't win them all. She would try again when the girls came back. Perhaps on Sunday night or Monday. ******************** Jennie and Katie arrived in time for lunch. Katie was right. Her mother didn't do things by half measures when it came to feeding her flock. Her three younger daughters, lovely blonde girls, weren't overweight as such, but you couldn't count their ribs. You certainly couldn't have counted Penny's ribs! Even though she was by far the slimmest of the three, the thirteen-year-old showed every sign of rapidly overtaking her older sister in the breast department. Already, her bust was easily a D cup, and from certain angles, probably a DD. Even ten-year-old Suki, who Katie had said had *started* developing, was now filling her bra's B cups very effectively. And young Trisha wasn't completely flat-chested either. There were signs of swellings beneath her T-shirt, and her nipples were clearly outlined. The younger girls still had quite a lot of puppy-fat on them. Jennie thought Katie had been right, little girls did develop early these days! They all sat down to eat at the big kitchen table within ten minutes of the two girls' arrival. The conversation was noisy and animated, as the young sisters quizzed Katie about her work, her boyfriends and life in the big city. Katie did her best to give them all the answers. Paul, who she described as her current ex-boyfriend, was 'just fine'. 'Must give him a call when we get back', she thought, then caught Jennie's eye and smiled to herself. Both girls knew what the other was thinking: 'who needs boyfriends when you have girlfriends like us'. Suki was looking at Katie rather closely. "Your tits have got a lot bigger, haven't they?" "Suki!" scolded the girls' mother. "Yes, you watch your language, girl", shouted their father, who had just come in from the workshop, and was washing his hands at the sink. Katie spluttered over a mouthful of food, to hide her blushes. Unfortunately, nobody said anything else to fill the silence. They were all waiting for an answer. Katie had to say something. "Er, yes! I had a bit of trouble with some pills I was taking, and I needed to change to a different formula." 'Perfectly true', she thought, although it didn't really answer the question. "And that's what made them grow?" Suki was wide-eyed. "Well, yes, sort of. More or less as a result of that, yes." "Can I try some of those pills, Kate?" The girl looked down at her already generous breasts. "Mine are so *tiny*!" "Yours look fine to me, Sooks! And don't worry, they'll grow, soon enough." The youngest girl, Trisha, had said little all this time, concentrating on her food. Now she looked up at Jennie. "Are you pregnant?" "TRISHA!" The shout came from both parents and all three of the child's sisters. Then silence fell again and Jennie knew it was her turn to think of something to say. She wished they had thought this through beforehand and come up with a story to cover her extraordinary figure. Well, too late, now. She took a deep breath. "No, Trisha, although I look it, I know. My bust grew a little too large, so I have to wear a loose dress so I don't look too big." Suki's eyes lit up. "Jeez, they must be *huge*! What size is your bra? Are you wearing one?" She stared at Jennie's chest, trying to see through her dress. Trisha even reached out with an exploring finger, then thought better of it when she caught sight of Katie's warning expression. Katie's mother was horrified at the direction the conversation had turned, but could think of no way of changing the subject. She offered more potatoes, but Trisha said, "No, the last thing Jennie needs is more potatoes, they'll grow even bigger! I wish *mine* would!" And she helped herself to a large potato from the dish. Katie had recovered some of her composure and came to the help of her friend. "I think this subject has gone far enough. If you girls like, we will go for a walk later, you can show Jennie some of the local scenery." "I'd rather take a look at some of hers ..." said Suki, under her breath. ******************** Somehow, the nightmare of the lunchtime conversation had faded as the meal went on, and the girls proved to be exhilarating and delightful company. Katie and Jennie went out with them afterwards and they all walked slowly down the lane to the local beauty spot from which, Katie said, you could see five counties, if you only knew where to look. Fortunately for Jennie, it was no more than a quarter of a mile from the house, much further would have been too tiring for her with her bust dangling freely beneath her dress. Along the road she had felt the three youngsters looking at her in something like awe from time to time. She knew they would bombard her with questions about her breasts if they got half a chance. If only they knew their part in the coming experiment, they would have been over the moon with delight. She was tempted to tell them, then realised that at least one of the girls would certainly blurt it out to their mother. Katie suggested they had better be getting back. "We want to let you take that stuff I brought from work", she explained. "I took some, and so did Jennie, it tastes really nice, and it works extremely well!" "Do we *have* to take it?" Trisha screwed up her little nose. Jennie laughed at the kid's expression. "Probably not, but I did tell my boss, the big boss, that we were going to give some to Katie's sisters and he said, 'Great, maybe next winter we can get a film crew down from television to film them being healthy while all the other kids are sick in bed instead of tobogganning!' So I said they'd enjoy that." It wasn't much of an attempt, as stories go, but the kids seemed to buy it. "My friend Miranda's Dad was on television last week", said Penny. 'She said he's gone to work in Australia for a year, but I reckon he's in jail." "You could be on the news without going to jail", laughed Katie. "Here, let's get this stuff and you can see how great it tastes." Chapter 8:- It Might Just Work! Roger was on to something! He had got out of bed in the middle of the night and fumbled his way downstairs to the computer. A nagging thought had been going through his head about the password for the Candystripe system. If the system was able to be accessed by employees from all over the world, they would each need a password. But if any one of those employees' passwords became compromised, anyone could access the system. So why not have one password for all, and change the password regularly, once a week, say? Each of the employees could then be given a key, to work out what the password would be at any time. The key could be a string of numbers which in themselves meant nothing, but when the numbers were applied to a master document, like War and Peace, or the Complete Works of Shakespeare, an endless supply of random passwords could be generated. Say the numbers were 876, they could represent chapter number, line number and word number, and that word would be the password for the week. Not a foolproof system, but not an easy one to crack, unless one had a lot of spare time. What Roger had been handed by Lee Tasker was not the complete code, not the key number, not even the name of the master document, but odd notes in a sort of jumbled shorthand. The sort of cryptic notes one writes to oneself as a reminder of one's Personal Identification Number for a cash dispenser. What triggered it for Roger was a line which said 'ass - anon - DrH'. Which would have meant nothing to him if he had not logged on the the Internet to read some news immediately before going to bed that night, his head still going round and round with the problem. Now, the line came leaping off the page like a text illuminated by mediaeval monks. What it now said was 'alt.sex.stories - anon - Dr Hooters'! If 'anon' was the means of providing the key, the string of figures which fitted into the master document, the Dr Hooters story .. BINGO! The string of figures could appear in the header of an innocent message which appeared each week in the sex stories newsgroup, thus providing those in the know with the latest password. His brain hurt. But it might just work. It was ridiculously simple, really. All he had to do was find the number for the week, apply the figures to the master document, and see if what came up looked like a password. It might just work! Quickly he scanned through the latest list of headers for the sex stories newsgroup. There, what was that? 'Please repost Dr Hooters?' The posting address was, as he knew it would be, an anonymous server somewhere in the frozen North. He scribbled down the anonymous ID number. Now, to find the story, and try fitting the numbers ... Five minutes later, Roger was weeping silently, his head on the desk. What sort of a damned fool would have *deleted* Dr Hooters from his hard disk only a week after downloading it? 'I'll tell you what sort of a fool', he sobbed to himself, 'Roger Fucking Henderson!' ******************** Katie sat up in bed and listened carefully. Somebody was making a moaning noise, somewhere in the house. There, again! It was coming from the next bedroom, Penny's. She checked the bedside clock. Three am. Penny had been baby-sitting with a friend, but had been home from her friends' house by midnight. Katie had heard the car draw up, then the door had closed quietly, and the girl had tiptoed into her room and all had been quiet again. There was the moan again. Katie listened, pressing her ear to the wall. It didn't sound as though the girl was in pain of any sort, it was just a low moan from time to time. Then there was a sharp cry, louder, which made Katie jerk her ear away from the wall in alarm. She slipped out of bed, and padded out onto the landing, then tapped gently on Penny's door. The noises stopped. She knocked again. "Who is it?" came a frightened whisper. 'It's me. Katie. Are you all right?" There was a quick rustling sound and the door opened. Katie went in and Penny immediately closed it behind her. "What's the matter, were you having a dream?" "No, I was awake. My ... my breasts hurt. Well, they sort of tingled at first, but then they started to sort of ache, all over, but especially here, behind the nipples." Katie smiled to herself. "Let's have a look, love!" Penny turned on the bedside lamp. She was wearing a long T-shirt which came down to mid-thigh. The girl's big nipples poked out disturbingly through the thin material. Her breasts looked huge in the half-light. Both sisters looked down at them. "They're all tingly", Penny complained, sitting down and running her hands beneath the lush curves. "Especially round here." "Take your top off", suggested Katie, sitting on the bed next to the younger girl. Penny shifted her bottom, she was sitting on the tail of the shirt, then tugged it up and over her head. She pulled the back of the shirt up, so it came forward over her head, revealing her breasts last of all as she dropped it on the bed beside her, and sat there wearing only her brief panties. Katie drew in her breath with a little gasp. "It almost feels as if they're trying to grow", said Penny, "but they're still the same size." Katie supposed the girl should know, after all, but they still looked awfully big to her. She put her arms around Penny's slim shoulders and held her close. "How did the baby-sitting go, tonight?" she asked. Penny blushed slightly, and Katie felt the warm glow as it spread to the teenaged girl's neck and shoulders. "Oh, all right, I suppose. Greg and Jeremy were there - Greg's Mel's boyfriend." "And Jeremy's yours?" "NO! I don't have any boyfriends. Boys are stupid. Well, Jeremy's all *right*, I suppose, but he's just a boy. We all sat and ... sort of talked ... until Melanie's parents came home." Katie had seen the love-bite on the top of Penny's left breast, but said nothing. Boys could be such animals at that age, she thought. Which wasn't exactly fair to animals. "Hey, look at the time. I'm off to bed", Katie yawned. "Try to get some sleep, kid! Are you all right, now?" She bent and kissed her sister on the cheek. "It's getting better already. In fact, my tits feel all sort of warm, now. Comfortable!" "Good. That's lovely. Here, put your top back on." She handed Penny her T-shirt and the girl put her arms in the sleeves and shrugged it over her head. She pulled it down over her breasts. "You could do with a bigger size, girl!" "It was all right, it must have shrunk in the wash." But when Penny stood up and tried again to pull the T-shirt down over her breasts, she was finding it more difficult than it should have been. Katie watched with interest. Penny pulled the shirt down over her bottom but no matter what she did, it now seemed to come down only to the level of her panties. "What's the *matter* with it?" Penny asked, with a note of panic creeping into her whisper. "Take it off again!" Penny wriggled out of the T-shirt. Katie could easily see the difference now. Penny had started growing! She was now at least a DD, probably an E cup. The girl dropped the shirt on the floor, and inspected her breasts. With a little cry, she turned to the mirror. "Oh, my God! Look at them!" Katie already *was* looking. Just as had happened with Jennie a couple of days before, Penny's breasts were steadily increasing in size. She actually thought the word should have been 'slowly increasing', but these things are relative! Already, Penny's breasts had increased in size by an amount which would normally have taken weeks, months, or years. It had taken about three minutes. What was more, it hadn't stopped yet. Penny was watching the mirror in bewilderment as her firm globes grew before her eyes. "What's happening, Katie?" She ran her hands across the swelling mounds, pressing them inwards as if to contain her breasts. They had other ideas. They continued to get bigger for the next ten minutes, while Katie and Penny could only watch; Katie observing with fascination, Penny with detached interest, as if it was all happening to someone else. At last, Katie; who had already seen Jennie grow, and knew what to expect; said to her sister in a hushed voice, "I think it's stopped!" Penny was looking at herself in the mirror, turning slowly from side to side. Katie could tell the girl was getting used to her new enlarged figure, and from her expression, she wasn't displeased with what she saw! Half-smiling to herself, she turned to Katie. "Gosh! What was *that* all about? I thought tits always took ages to grow. Mine did when they first arrived, they took about a year. Now ...! Well, look at them! They're *enormous*, Kate!" "They're enormous, but they're lovely, Pen", agreed Katie. "You're going to be very popular with the boys all of a sudden. You will need some new clothes, though. Bras, especially." "What will mother say? And Jeremy!" "I shouldn't worry about that, darling. Your tits are here now, and there's nothing anyone can do about them. So you might as well enjoy them. And I'm sure you will, too!" She stood up and took a last look at her now incredible sister, then kissed her softly and said goodnight. ******************** Penny was reluctant to come downstairs the next morning, and Katie finally went up to see her. She took some persuasion before Katie said they were bound to find out sometime, so it might as well be now. "I'll go down and tell mother, then you follow in five minutes, okay?" She went down to break the good news. "Penny was up during the night, not feeling well", Katie explained, and Jennie instantly looked at her in concern. "Her ... her breasts have grown a bit overnight! She says she feels a lot better and she's coming down in a minute." The girls' mother was confused. "Grown overnight? Breasts don't grow overnight. It takes months!" "Not any more", Kate laughed, "you wait and see. But she's sensitive about them, so please try not to stare at her." Easier said than done, as the thirteen-year-old came into the kitchen. She had put her jeans on, and an oversized sweater. But it wasn't oversized enough to disguise Penny's huge new tits, which now stood out fully nine inches clear of her chest, forcing the front of the sweater into two great bulges. The reactions were predictable. Jennie was thrilled, but said nothing. Suki gasped in amazement, while Trisha walked up to her sister and touched her breast experimentally, jerking her hand away when she felt the firm flesh beneath the sweater. Her mother suddenly sat down in her favourite chair. "Lord, I dunno! What your father will say, I have no idea." Then she held out her arms to her little girl. "Come here, beautiful! Guess who's going to need a new bra, then. Tomorrow! I'll call the school and we'll get you some new stuff tomorrow morning. There's no way you can go to school looking like that. I bet you need a G cup now. At the very least!" And Penny had run to her mother's arms, and when she emerged from the hug, she was laughing and crying all at the same time. Chapter 9:- For Little Girls Get Bigger Every Day Jennie and Katie were comparing notes in the garden. "Well, it worked on Penny, but there's not a sign of life from the other two", Jennie said. Her breasts felt heavy today and she adjusted their position with both hands. "It worked perfectly on Penny. If you could have been there to see her grow ... it was exactly the way it was with you. She was tingling, and uncomfortable. In fact, she woke me up with her moaning in the middle of the night. Then she said it got easier all of a sudden, and felt warm and comfortable. Then she just *grew*. There's a pattern there, all right." "But the other two. Maybe they're too young, although they've both got tits, even Trisha. There must be something else, some factor that we haven't taken into account. Something we haven't spotted." She was pacing up and down, like Sherlock Holmes, but had to stop after two turns had almost thrown her off her feet. "What did she eat last night? Where was she? What was she doing that the two little ones weren't?" Katie took on the role of assistant again as Jennie brought her analytical mind to bear. "It can't be anything in the food. They all had the same to eat as us for dinner. Then she went babysitting at her friend, Melanie's. She was at Mel's until about ten minutes before midnight, then they brought her home. There were two boys there, although I would imagine *they* went home before the parents arrived back." Jennie looked thoughtful. Katie recognised the look. "Listen, this is silly, so stop me if it gets too wild - but let's go back to Dr Hooters again ..." "Well, he's been right all along so far ..." "He? Or she? Whatever. When the girls grew tits in the story, they felt tingly, almost painful. So did I. And so did you, right? Then they felt warm and comfortable. So did we. But what *happened* to make them feel warm?" "Well, the girls in the story had their tits felt up by boys." "And *we* made love!" "And Penny had a love-bite on her breast ... that's it! No! Could it be something as simple as that?" "All we have to do is get someone to feel up the kids tits, and everything will start working." "And if it doesn't?" Jenny smiled. "Then we find ourselves another pet theory." ******************** Trisha and Suki were playing down by the village pond. A couple of the village boys were hanging around, pretending not to be interested in Suki as a girl. They knew the lovely chubby little blonde was only ten, but no other ten-year-olds that they knew had tits anywhere near the size of hers. Even little Trisha was growing some. Be that as it may, the boys, thirteen-year-olds, could hardly be seen to take an interest in such young girls. It would not be cool at all. They loitered around the pond, watching the bouncing of Suki's full breasts under her T-shirt, and occasionally making jeering comments. And that was when Suki fell in! She splashed around, getting her feet caught in the mud, and fell over, disappearing below the surface. Trisha screamed for the boys to do something. She herself had grabbed a stick and was holding it out to her sister to catch hold of, so she could pull her to the edge. But she wasn't tall enough to reach. One of the boys, Daniel, drifted over, realising that this could be serious. He took the stick from Trisha and held it out, and Suki grabbed it. The second boy, Liam, came and lent a hand, and together they heaved Suki, soaked through and plastered in mud, on to the bank. Her jeans clung to her legs, her T-shirt was plastered to her chest, outlining her well-filled bra. The boys watched her as she stood shivering. They all knew that the right thing to do would be for Suki to take all her clothes off and find something dry to wear. An intriguing prospect, but a non-starter! Trisha was sobbing, and wanted to hug her sister, but that was a non-starter, too. At last, Daniel made a sensible suggestion. "You'd better come to my house, it's nearest. Mum's out, but we can find you a blanket". They made their way across the green to Daniel's cottage. They stood in the kitchen, then Daniel went off to find a blanket, telling Suki to undress in the toilet. Returning, he opened the toilet door just a few inches and thrust the blanket inside. Suki joined the others in the kitchen, wrapped in the blanket, carrying a soggy bundle of her clothes. "These will never dry, have you got anything I can wear to get home, Dan?" The boy shook his head, but disappeared, coming back with a pair of shorts and a large sweater. Then to everyone's surprise, Suki casually dropped the blanket and took the dry clothes from the boy's shaking hand. Both boys gasped as she stood before them, and they stared at her full breasts, her round little belly and the fine blonde hair round her plump crotch. Suki was surprised as anyone! What had made her throw away the blanket and stand there naked in front of the boys? She had a sneaking suspicion she was never going to hear the last of this. She picked up the sweater, then changed her mind, dropped it and took up the shorts. She stepped into them, looking up and noticing the boys licking their lips nervously as her swaying breasts brushed against her thighs. The shorts were loose on her, but she pulled the belt tight around her not-too-small waist. And then she found herself taking her time picking up the sweater. What was going on? She was standing there now, facing the boys, and a slow smile curved across her lips. "You look as if you've never seen a girl's tits before!" she murmured. Daniel sniggered. "Huh!" he said, but went bright red, nevertheless. "Huh!" echoed Liam, even less convincingly, if that was possible. Suki cupped her breasts in both her small hands. "I bet you've never seen any like *these*." Perfectly true, they certainly hadn't! Trisha shook her head. She couldn't believe this was happening, any more than the boys could. Her nipples felt funny, just watching. Her little thingie felt wet. She hoped she hadn't pee'd herself, or she would have to secretly sneak her panties into the washing basket. Just like last time. None of the others were looking at her. She rubbed gently at her nipples with her fingertips. It felt very funny. Not unpleasant, but not all that nice, either. She watched Daniel's expression, a mixture of embarrassment and naked lust. Liam really wanted to look at Suki, but was looking at his shoes instead. Suki was gazing lewdly at the boys, licking her lips and leaving a dribble running down her chin; her fingernails now tracing little circles round her nipples. Meanwhile Trisha's fingers slipped to the front of her shirt, and she undid a button, then another. No-one noticed, so she unfastened two more. Suki had taken a step towards Daniel, and her nipples - now extended like the last joint of her little fingers - were almost brushing against the boy's shirt. He clearly wanted to take a step backwards, away from the advancing ten-year-old, but was quite incapable of movement. Watching, Trisha was hot! She quickly unbuttoned the rest of her shirt and whipped it open with both hands. The sudden movement startled the boys, who looked at her in abject horror. Liam groaned and backed away toward the door, escape uppermost in his mind. Daniel's eyes almost popped out as he saw young Trisha's plump and swelling little mounds. The kid threw her shoulders back and the tiny nipples seemed to be thrusting upwards at forty-five degrees. She had one hand beneath her left tit. Going one better than Suki, her other hand was burrowing eagerly down the front of her pants! Daniel had nowhere to look except at Suki, who stepped forward until she was pressed tight against him. His hands, with a will of their own, were drawn to her breasts, and Suki's ecstatic reaction encouraged him. She squealed, and flung her arms around his neck, rubbing herself up and down against his body, feeling the throbbing little erection beneath his pants. He turned and looked at Liam, appealing silently to his friend for support. Reluctantly, Liam stopped creeping out of the door, and took a tentative step into the kitchen. Trisha quickly closed the distance between herself and Liam before the boy could change his mind, then mashed herself against him. She had studied her sister's technique and again added a few refinements of her own, bringing a knee up, none too gently, into the boy's crotch and using a great deal of tongue in her kissing. Taking his cue from Daniel, Liam cupped Trisha's young boobies, and she howled and whimpered as his fingers played with her fat areolae. It was ten minutes later that Daniel's mother came into the kitchen and scattered the lust-crazed kids with a scream of outrage. Suki gathered her wits and most of her muddy clothes and fled into the street with her breasts rebounding all over the place. Trisha was no more than a second behind. Sounds of a rather one-side battle pursued the giggling girls down the road. ******************** They slowed down as they neared home. As soon as they could stop running, Suki had pulled on her filthy wet T-shirt, and was shivering with the cold which now made her nipples stand out like thumbs. "You can't go in looking like that, Sooks," gasped Trisha, reaching across to try and push her sister's nipples back in, like the buttons on a radio. They instantly popped back out again, bigger than before. "Stop it, you're making them worse!" Suki tried pulling her shirt away from her body, but it clung to every curve. She draped her soggy jeans around her neck and tried to think of a story to explain everything. What was really worrying her was the thought that Daniel's mother might have phoned and revealed what she had stumbled in upon. 'Your two little hussies raping my little boy and his friend ... stark naked in my own kitchen ... ought to be ashamed ... little minxes, tarts, slags, sluts, whores ...!' She rehearsed her argument, but even to her, it didn't sound at all convincing. They crept up the path and in at the back door. They almost made it up the stairs, but Suki dropped her bra and as she stooped to pick it up, her mother came through the door and screamed at her. "What the Hell have you been up to? Get your little butt down here, this instant!" There was no escape after that, and Suki crept back down. Even Trisha, who had made good her escape, followed her sister downstairs to offer her moral support. The girls stood with heads bowed, which was fortunate, because they couldn't see that their mother was finding it almost impossible to avoid bursting out laughing. Finally, she could stand it no longer, and she shooed them off upstairs, Trisha to their bedroom, and Suki to take a hot shower, at once, before she caught her death of cold. ******************** Twenty minutes later, Suki, wrapped in a large bath towel, slipped into the room. The little girl was lying on her stomach on her bed. She looked up and turned to face Suki. "I feel a bit strange", she said, softly. Suki sat down. "So do I. What's yours like?" "My chest feels funny, like it's tingling. It was doing it a bit earlier, when we were in Daniel's kitchen, but then things started sort of happening and I forgot about it. It's back now, though, twice as bad." Trisha rubbed her boobs absently, and shook her head. "Same as mine. I felt a bit funny in Daniel's, too, and you know - when I took my clothes off - I had this feeling ever so strong. It was like I *had* to strip off. I couldn't help myself!" She shuddered and winced. "Ouch, it happened again, only stronger that time. I don't like it, Trish!" She cupped her breasts again. "They feel ever so tight, as if they're getting bigger, but they look the same size as before. Yours looked bigger, though, back there." She laughed at the memory. "Old Liam couldn't believe it when you grabbed him!" "I bet Daniel couldn't, either", giggled Trisha. "That thing about having to get your tits out? Same here. I saw yours and I couldn't do anything about it, I had to take my top off, too. Do you think they'll tell everybody?" "They'll tell everybody something, but I bet it won't be what *really* happened. Oooof! There it is again." "Should we tell Mum?" "Tell her what, that we tried to rape Dan and Liam?" "No, about our tits aching. Mine feel like they're going to burst!" "Tomorrow, maybe. In the morning. Tell you what, if one of us tells her, then the other one tells her the same thing, she'll think it's something serious and we won't have to go to school. Oooh! I just thought of something!" "So have I. Penny's not going to school tomorrow, either. And you know why, don't you?" Suki nodded, her mouth open as the same thought occurred to her. "I wonder if we're getting big tits as well. There might be a big tit disease going round." "As long as we're the only three who get it, I'll be happy!" Trisha gasped all of a sudden. "Oooh, that felt NICE! It was up here, but it wasn't the same feeling. It felt all warm and nice inside, like warm water flowing around in my tummy." She suddenly clutched at her boobs and closed her eyes in ecstasy. "God, Sooks, it's LOVELY!" Suki was staring at her sister. "Trish, look! You're getting bigger." Trisha looked. She *was* getting bigger. As they both gazed, transfixed, Trisha's little plump chest-mounds swelled into an A cup, then a B, then a C, in less than thirty seconds! They covered her entire rib-cage, and the puffy, convex nipples perched on the large mounds were now as big as large oranges sliced in half and attached to her breasts. Trisha gasped. "Sooks, look at me! I'm enormous! They're even bigger than yours! Oh-oooh, maybe I spoke too soo-oon!" She spoke too soon because Suki had grabbed at her own breasts, which had also started to grow. She gave a little whoop of joy as she felt them ballooning out from her chest. She dropped the towel and threw her shoulders back, and then hurried over to the dressing table to see herself in the mirror. She was not disappointed. Her tits were blowing up like balloons, heavy balloons filled with water. In no time at all, they hung to her waist, and the erect nipples were six inches in front of her. Trisha looked down at her own magnificent breasts, and willed them to grow some more and catch up with her sister. She was staggered and delighted when it worked! "Look! She shouted again, look, Sooks! I'm STILL growing", and she certainly was, as she overtook the ten-year-old with another surge of rapid growth. Then she stopped, although she was by now an immense size. Suki continued to expand, retaking the lead, before she stopped developing as well. Both girls sat on the bed and just looked at each other in amazement. "Gosh, Trish!" said Suki. "What about this, then?" Trisha shook her head in disbelief. "I dunno what will Mum say NOW?" Chapter 10:- Measure For Measure - Or As You Like It They two young sisters wondered how they were going to break the news to the rest of the family. Trisha was all for just rushing down and bursting in on them, but she wasn't so keen when Suki told her she could lead the way. Suki thought they might quietly go to bed and let them find out in the morning. "What about our supper?"asked Trisha, who wasn't about to miss a meal if she could possibly help it. The problem solved itself. A quiet knock came on the door, and Trish called "come in" without thinking about it. Katie came in, with Jennie behind her. "We're going to have to get back tonight, love - oh, good, you're both here - we're going ... ", and she stopped, her mouth agape. "You ... you ... Oh my God! You grew!" "We didn't want Penny having it all", laughed Suki. "Does mother know? No, she can't, she's been downstairs all the time. When did this happen?" "It just finished, five minutes ago. We just sort of got bigger. It started with me, then Suki started, too." Jennie looked at Katie. "Somehow, seeing what's happened, I don't think we can go back tonight, after all. Look, we don't have to go in to work tomorrow, the only reason we needed to get back tonight was to see Ms Shaw. Could we stay, do you think?" "Staying another night would be no problem, but I've had an idea. How about if I ring Joan Shaw, now, and tell her we can't get to see her tonight. And we could ask her if she could come down here tomorrow. These kids are all going to need new bras, and they don't look like standard sizes to me! In fact, I think they're distinctly non-standard. It would be a good bit of business for her. Is that a plan, or is that a plan?" "That's a plan!" agreed Jennie. ******************** "... You get the taxi to drive on past the village for another mile, and it's on the left, down a drive. We'll see you in the morning then. Ten o'clock? Byeee!" Katie put the phone down. "That's it, then. She's coming on the train. I told her we had some made to measure work for her, and she said she was due for a nice day out of the shop, so she's sorting out a few bras of different sizes to bring down with her. She sounded a bit doubtful when I told her they were three teenagers. It was just as well I didn't say they were 13, 10 and 8!" "I hope you told her to bring her longest tape-measure!" "At first, when I said who it was calling, she thought it was you who'd grown again. She'll be bringing your bra down with her, too, it's finished." ******************** Joan Shaw arrived early. "I got an early start and caught the 7.25", she said over a cup of coffee. Katie's mother was trying not to stare at the huge-busted bra-maker. She couldn't really understand how she had suddenly become surrounded by so many large-bosomed females. Ms Shaw was dressed for a summer day in the country. The two friends had only seen her previously in her working clothes. Now, in shorts and a T-shirt, she looked staggering! The three young girls wandered into the kitchen just at that moment, and their jaws dropped open when they saw Ms Shaw. They had seen large breasts before, but never had they seen a pair so magnificently supported as hers. Trisha stepped close to her and Katie feared for a moment that the eight-year-old was going to poke Ms Shaw in the tit as she had done to Penny. Fortunately, she didn't, but stood in front of the large woman, who looked her up and down with a professional air. "How old are you, Missy?" she asked. "Eight. But I'll be nine at Christmas", said Trisha. Ms Shaw's mouth dropped open. You could tell she was impressed. Katie decided to leap in with the introductions. "Trisha's eight. Nine at Christmas. This is Suki, who's ten, and Penny is thirteen. They weren't exactly teenagers as I told you, but perhaps if I had told you their correct ages, you would never have believed me." "I certainly wouldn't. Well, since they're here, we may as well measure them. Top off, Trisha, please!" The child quickly peeled off her T-shirt and stood in front of Ms Shaw, who took a deep breath, and shook her head in disbelief. "I will measure you around here first, then around those. I will do your waist and your hips, too, just for the record. You three are so big for young girls that I may need to take some extra measurements as well. Right then? Katie, perhaps you would be so kind as to write the figures down." And she passed the tape around Trisha's chest. "Twenty-nine. Make a note, Kate, size 34. Now the bust size. It needed a bit of a balancing act to make sure the tape went across the peaks of the girl's remarkable nipples. "Forty-four! I've brought a 34 H with me, we will try that." She measured Trisha's waist, which was 26, and her hips, which were 32. "Who's next?" Suki stepped forward, her shirt already off. Joan Shaw's nipples were noticeably erect even through the heavy bra and the shirt. Suki's chest measured 30 inches and her bust was 49! "Let's try the 36K or L", laughed Ms Shaw. "These girls are amazing, I have never seen anything like them at their age". Suki's waist was 25, her hips 34. "Now you", she said, turning to Penny. Stripped to the waist, Penny was considerably slimmer than the younger girls. Her chest was a mere 26 inches, and her bust a magnificent 45, which went well with her 20 inch waist and 31 inch hips. "I may have a 30K in there, or a 32. Let's see what we can find". An assortment of huge-cupped bras soon littered the kitchen floor, and the youngsters paraded round, trying them on, enjoying themselves enormously. They were having such a fun time they failed to notice that the side door was open, and who should walk in but Daniel's mother. Her arrival coincided with Trisha lowering her massive breasts into a black lacy bra, while Suki had just peeled off a yellow L cup complaining that it was too tight! For the second time in two days, Daniel's mother walked into a kitchen full of half-naked nubile girls, and screamed. This time, she turned right round and ran out, a lot quicker than she had come in. ******************** The three girls had never had such a time in their lives. They dressed in their latest bras and went upstairs to try different tops, to see which looked most outrageous. The three of them looked ridiculously overdeveloped, each one in a different way. But they agreed on one thing. For perhaps the first time ever, all three were looking forward to going to school the next week! ******************** Katie, Jennie and Joan Shaw drove back later that morning. There can rarely, if ever before in history, have been a car-load of such preposterously well-endowed women! Jennie wore her new bra, which made her look incredible as it supported her breasts at waist level, while allowing her nipples to jiggle gently eighteen inches ahead of the rest of her! They had asked Joan Shaw about making her a bra to disguise her enormous breasts, and the bra-maker said she knew exactly what was needed and promised to have it ready by later in the week. Before they left, Ms Shaw left her card and a list of instructions for the girls' mother to measure her daughters' busts, in case they grew again. Or rather, *when* they grew again. For there was absolutely no doubt in her mind that they would. They were still growing girls. ******************** If you will forgive us, reader, we will make a brief departure from our strictly chronological account at this point in the story. When those three growing girls returned to school later that week, they made quite an impression, as can be imagined. Penny was already used to being the biggest girl in her class, and the object of open admiration and envy in the games changing rooms and the dormitory. Now, she had easily the biggest bust in the entire school. No contest. If the thirteen-year-old caused a sensation, the arrival at school of young Suki and Trisha almost set off a riot! After the first week, during which the pair were mobbed everywhere they went by boys and girls trying to get a close look at their mammoth tits, the head teacher sent them home with a letter to their parents. In fact, they remained suspended until the Christmas holidays, and the school helped their mother make arrangements to bring in a private tutor to teach them at home. By the time they returned to school after the New Year, Trisha had reached the advanced age of nine, and both girls needed new bras at least two sizes larger. End of Part 2 ------------------------------------------------- Just Al ------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= HOOTERS UK Part 3:- On To Bigger Things Chapter 11:- Celebrations Roger Henderson's phone rang. He knew with a sinking sensation that it was Lee Tasker, and he had nothing positive to tell him. Why had he deleted that bloody file? Now all he had was a half-baked theory that sounded shakier and shakier every time he thought about it. And no way of testing it out. He let the phone ring, but it didn't stop, so he picked it up. "Hello?" Tasker sounded exasperated. Roger tried to explain the theory of the password, at least, as he saw it, but he felt he wasn't getting the message across. "If I can find a copy of that story, I will test it out by tomorrow at the latest." Then, as Tasker hung up, Roger suddenly realised that he *did* know where there was a copy of the story. He had posted one to Jennie Walters. She might have thrown it away, but it was just possible that she had kept it. It might be in her waste bin. He didn't know her number, but he knew roughly where she lived. He would go round there straight away. ******************** The girls dropped Joan Shaw off at her shop and headed for Jennie's. The outstanding success of their plan to grow Katie's sisters had decided them. They were on a winner. There were some refinements to carry out, and they would have to work out a method to ensure that any women who took the treatment had their breasts fondled within a day or so afterwards! They would need to see what was the minimum quantity of the mixture which would give a result, and determine the effects of an accidental - or deliberate - overdose. Katie certainly agreed with that. "We'd better make sure it's a lot more predictable", she complained. "We overdid it with my sisters. Shit, I've got the *smallest* breasts in the family now!" There was a lot of work to do yet, but the important thing was that it worked, and from here on it was downhill all the way. They changed into some comfortable drinking clothes - extra-large and extra-extra-large T-shirts - and popped a celebratory bottle of champagne to toast their success. The two of them couldn't stop laughing when they remembered the girls prancing and capering around the kitchen in their new bras. They laughed all the louder when they remembered Daniel's mother running screaming from the scene. Earlier, Suki had whispered the full story to Katie, about Daniel's mother blundering into her *own* kitchen and finding a kiddie-orgy in progress. They killed the champagne bottle and dumped it in the garbage. By now, they were giggling at practically anything. "Know what? KNOW WHAT?" Katie said, loudly, and hiccupped. "What?" shouted Jennie. "Whadya ... want? Oops!" "That fuckin' story, Doctor Humphreys ... " "... Hooters ..." "Humphreys", insisted Katie. "Well, Hooters, then. S'wrong. Wronggggg! Not right." "Why not? Why NOT? Anshwer me, dammit." "Well. When the girls have a drink, their breashts soak up the alcohol. S'wrong. Cos you got big tits, and YOU are abslooly rat-arsed!" There was a knock on the door. Loud and insistent. Again. "Shhhh", whispered Katie, "The Gestapo ... hide the radio transmitter..." She tried to push Jennie down behind the sofa, but her huge bust got in the way. She looked at Jennie's enticing rump in her brief panties, the T-shirt having ridden up around her waist. The sight was starting to make her feel hot. Then the knock resounded again. "I'll get it", she sang happily and headed for the door. Jennie stood up shakily. She leaned against the table and held her head. The room was slowly rotating. She heard Katie's voice from the doorway. "Roger. Come in and wipe your feet. Park your butt. JENNIE! Look who's come to Roger us. It's ... whadya say your name was?" she enquired politely. Roger had come in, unable to stop staring at the big-busted Katie whose nipples were threatening to puncture her top. Then he saw Jennie, his gaze going straight to her giant tits ballooning beneath the huge T-shirt. His lips moved silently as he read the slogan 'Watch This Space' on the front. Further down, her panties were visible, with wisps of her dark pubic hair curling out around the edges. It was several seconds before he looked up and recognised her face, and gasped. He instantly lost the power of speech. Jennie struggled to make sense of her thoughts. "Oh, Roger. Hello. Hi. We were just going to have a cup of coffee. I mean coffee. Coffee. Would you like a cup, please? Yes, please?" "Yes, please", said Roger, still staring at Jennie's whoppers. She looked down, following his gaze. "Oh, you like my tits? Just got them last week. Nice, huh?" He nodded. Katie came weaving slowly into view from the doorway. "Katie. Coffee for our guest, s'il vous plait. White, Roger? Au lait, Katie. Ole, ole", and she found herself snapping her fingers and stamping her heels on the floor. She stopped, feeling embarrassed. Her breasts eventually stopped about twenty seconds later. "Take a seat ... and she dragged Roger down on to the sofa, both of them, or rather, all four of them landing in a heap. Roger was almost suffocating, but would have been the last to complain under the circumstances. That was where Katie found them when she came in a few minutes later with coffee for the two of them. "Oops!" she cried. "Daniel's mother impression", and she screamed, and fled from the room, colliding gently with the furniture. "What's wrong with her?" asked Roger, his head emerging from between Jennie's tits, and finding his voice at last. He was apparently not quite understanding what was happening to him. "Too much to drink", Jennie said. She concentrated hard. "Anyway. What brings you here?" "Dr Hooters", blurted Roger. "I mean, you remember I sent you a story, last week, you probably threw it away ..." "Throw away Dr Hooters? You must be joking. Not that he's right all the time. Or she. They got it all wrong about the effects of alcohol. But the little Spanish bra lady lives in Cross Street. In Kettersley. And Katie's sisters are ever so, EVER so big, now. So am I ..." and she subsided into a snoring heap on the sofa. Roger couldn't make head nor tail of that lot, but he guessed she might wake up soon, and anyway, from here, he had the most amazing view of those ENORMOUS tits. Funny he hadn't noticed how big they were before ... He sipped his coffee. Hm, nice. A bit sweet, but nice. ******************** It was daylight outside. Katie got up from the kitchen floor and held her head in both hands. She yawned and farted. It did nothing to improve her hangover. She navigated her way into the living room. Jennie was asleep on the sofa, on her back, her huge tits wobbling about in the air as she snored. 'Disgusting', she thought. She tripped over Roger's prone body on the floor and pitched forward on top of Jennie. She made a soft landing, but her abrupt arrival woke both sleepers. Jennie looked little better than Katie felt. She sat up carefully, running her tongue around her mouth and yawning. Roger sat up, too, peering blindly about him in confusion. It was several seconds before he seemed to understand, and fumbled around until he found his glasses; then he stood up, watching Katie as she meandered towards the toilet. Jennie looked down at herself, feeling Roger's eyes staring at her chest. It was still just as big as it had been the night before. She looked back at Roger, not really understanding what he was doing here. For some reason she couldn't quite fathom, she didn't really want him to know she had grown this big. Too late, she tried to cover them with her hands. This didn't really work! She realised as much after a few seconds, during which time she tried one hand one each breast, then both hands on one breast, then both arms, and finally a cushion. If she could have found a bean-bag, it might almost have been big enough. 'Well, he's seen them now', she thought, as it occurred to her that although Roger had no connection with the labs, he was acquainted with the big bosses, and she didn't yet relish the prospect of explaining *to them* the sudden addition of about a couple of feet of tit-flesh. "I ... I should be getting on my way", Roger stammered. "I must have fallen asleep after that cup of coffee last night. I wonder ... the story, Dr Hooters? Do you think you have it anywhere about? I would like to borrow it, if I may. I'll let you have it back. I'll bring it back personally." Jennie had no idea why he should be in such urgent need of the story. Desperate need, considering that he had made a special journey here to find it. Why should it be so important for a young man to get his hands on a copy of an erotic story; one which he had read before? Something didn't ring true here. She was too befuddled to work out what it was, just yet. "I'll dig it out in a minute. Would you like some coffee before you go? He could hardly refuse. Katie emerged from the toilet, heading for the kitchen. "Okay, coffee!" she called over her shoulder. "White with no sugar, isn't it? she asked Roger, surprising him. ******************** Roger finally arrived home with the precious document. He felt decidedly strange inside this morning. Probably coming down with a flu bug or something. He could still taste that cup of coffee. Wretched woman had put sugar in it. Strange coincidence, he thought, that two such big busted girls should live together. Odd, too, that he hadn't noticed the enormous size of Jennie's breasts until last night. A lesbian couple. Bisexual, maybe. Jennie had certainly wrapped those whopping great tits around his head! They were the real thing, all right. He scuttled in and hurriedly logged in to the 'net. Within minutes, he had scribbled a note of a number, then sat down with the story to work out the password. His head felt light. Everything was blurred. He got up and threw open the back door to let some fresh air into the room. Again, he sat down in the armchair. The first number was a 5. He turned to chapter 5. Then came a 2. He scanned the second line ... He must have nodded off. The second line, the fourth word ... This time, he slept like a baby. Chapter 12:- The Plot Thickens Katie came in out of the kitchen and pulled a face. "God, he gives me the creeps! Where did you bump into him?" Jennie passed a hand across her face, which also had the side-effect of rubbing her elbow across her breasts. They rippled massively as it did so. "At a dinner party with the Fothergills. Lee Tasker and his girlfriend were there. I think the plan had been for Roger to get off with me! Thanks, but no thanks, I thought. Well-meaning folks like that, I don't need." "Well, you were certainly snogging him last night, you were really getting stuck in." "I was?" said Jennie, weakly. "Jeez, you had those things wrapped round his head. Thought you were trying to suffocate him. That's why I didn't interrupt you." "I did?" "Don't you remember *anything* about last night?" Katie sounded exasperated. "Not a lot", Jennie admitted. "But he came round just for that story, nothing else. Does that sound normal to you?" "So he wanted something to wank over. Some men, honestly! You gave it to him? Where was it, in the bedroom?" "On the floor, under the bed. I don't know why he needed to read it, but he might have a problem round about the middle. I noticed that some of the pages were glued together!" "Well, they were *your* juices, not mine!" Katie laughed. "It must've been when your tits grew the first time. Or the next morning. You squirted about half a gallon, if I remember right." "Well, if it turns him on ..." Jennie shook her head. "He must have wanted it for something else, if only I could work out what it was. That's all he came here for." "It's not all he got", chuckled Katie. "I put some rather special milk in his coffee!" Jennie gasped. "Not the hormone brew ...?" "Yes, this morning. I meant to put some in the cup he had last night, but I was so smashed I can't remember whether I did or not. So I put some in this morning. Hang on, I'll go and have a look in the beaker .."she went to the fridge. "Oooh, shit, Jen! I'm sure I gave him two lots! What will that do to him?" "It could play merry hell with his sex-life", Jennie said. "Seeing the effect it had on your sisters, I've got a sneaking suspicion we made it a bit too strong. God, Roger could end up with tits!" "Just like whatsisname in that story. Hey, you don't think ..." Katie said slowly, "that somebody else is on to the same thing we are? About this breast growth thing?" "You mean that's why Roger needed the story back? It's a bit of a tenuous link, isn't it?" "I know it doesn't make much sense, but Roger doesn't work at the labs, and yet you said he's buddies with Fothergill and Tasker. If *they* figured that *we* were working on the breast growth hormone, and *you* suddenly took a week off sick ..." "...and they sent Roger round to see if there was any sign of us doing research here ..." "...yes, and the only lame excuse he could think of was to borrow his erotic story back ..." "...and he comes in and sees me with a pair of sixty-inch tits! And yours have grown as well." "So if he is working for those two, he will go back and tell them what he has seen, and we will be history. Not even recent history. Jen! What are we going to do?" "I think the first thing to do is to pay a return visit to Mr Roger Henderson. Apart from anything else, it will be interesting to see the effect of a double dose of the miracle brew on a healthy adult male. Time to get dressed. I think bras are called for on this occasion." And Jennie peeled off her T-shirt. Katie gazed at her in admiration. Perhaps, when they got back, she might take a crafty sip of that miracle brew herself! ******************** Paula watched them drive away. She was intrigued that Roger had apparently spent the night at Jennie's apartment. There was more to him than met the eye, she decided. Not knowing where the girls had gone, she reckoned she had better work quickly. She let herself in again, and started her search. There were signs of a celebration the previous night, an upturned champagne bottle - TWO bottles - in the trash bin, and a chair which no-one had bothered to put back on its feet. There were three used coffee cups in the sink, and a small pile of discarded clothes in a basket by the washing machine. She picked up a T-shirt, in a very large size indeed, which nevertheless seemed to have been stretched out of shape. The fridge contained a few dishes of various foods, a couple of cartons of milk. What was this? A small flask, or beaker, like a laboratory beaker, the top sealed with cling film and a rubber band. It contained a milky fluid. Paula took off the band and the film, and sniffed the contents. It smelled of nothing ... slightly sweet. She glanced at the clock. Quickly, she started to replace the cling film again, then suddenly she raised the beaker to her lips and drained the lot at a single gulp! 'What the fuck did I do that for', she thought. She could think of no logical answer. Something had *made* her drink it. Shaking her head, she replaced the cling film and the rubber band, and put the empty beaker back on the fridge shelf where it had come from. Paula took one more swift look round, then slipped out and closed the door carefully behind her. ******************** "Left down here", Jennie pointed out the turning. "Then on the left, there. Better park just past the house, then we can slip round the side and see if we can see in the window." Katie stopped the car and the two girls got out. If they were seen, they would be noticed, certainly! Anyone would know those two if he saw them again. They got through the gate and felt safer, behind the trees, and hidden from the road. There was no sign of life, but Roger's car was in front of the house. One wheel was in the flower bed, indicating that he had arrived in a hurry. They crept around the side of the house. Suddenly, Jennie stopped. "We'd better stop creeping around like criminals. If he spots us, we were just passing and we dropped in on a social visit." They tried to walk normally. It wasn't easy. A door was open. Katie peered in. "Jennie, look!" she gasped. Roger was sprawled in an armchair. Across the room, his computer was on, a screen-saver crawling patterns across the screen. "Is he ...?" "What do you think this is, an Inspector Morse story?" Katie crept closer to the slumped figure. "He's fast asleep", she whispered. "Look!" The copy of Dr Hooters had slipped from his fingers and fallen to the floor. Another piece of paper lay on his lap. As far as Jennie could see, there was just a number written on it. From Roger's chair, only the back and the side of the computer monitor was visible. She crossed to the computer and nudged the mouse. The screen sprang to life. She scanned the unfamiliar layout. There seemed to be a list of some sort .. 'Blah, blah, blah, alt.sex.stories', she read. God, the man's obsessed! On the other side of the screen, another list. One line was highlighted. The words leaped off the screen at her, 'Please repost Dr Hooters'. Katie had come over to the screen. She shook her head. "It's all about sex, everything on the screen. Maybe we misjudged him. He's just a dedicated wanker!" "What *is* all this lot?" Jennie wrinkled her nose. "There's a number here. Hey, Kate. What's the number on that paper. On his lap. Careful. Don't wake him up!" Katie tiptoed across, then came back to the computer. "He's written 5 2 4 8 1. Same as the number there on the screen, although he's put his own spaces in it." "Maybe we *have* misjudged him", Jennie said. "I reckon it's some sort of code!" "Oh, come on, Jen! Code? You'll have the Gestapo here in a minute." "Code. Password, whatever. It's not some sort of sex game he's playing, not a masturbation fantasy. I don't think men fall asleep in the middle of a wank." "They fall asleep while *I'm* in the middle of a screw", Katie said grimly. "Tell me about it, sometime!" ******************** Lee Tasker, in his office at the labs, was waiting for the phone call, but it hadn't come. At last, he picked up the receiver and dialled. "Martin? Lee. Nothing. I was waiting for him to call, but nothing. He was following up this password idea. Yes. Yes. I know. Okay. A rocket up his arse. Yes. Right, three minutes, then." He got up and checked his pockets, tidied up some papers. He called his secretary. "Just slipping out when Mr Fothergill arrives ... we'll be on his mobile if you need us", and stepped out of the office as Fothergill came striding down the corridor. Chapter 13:- Cracked It "How's the code-cracking going?" "All I can think is that the numbers are a key that has to be used with the story, maybe chapter numbers, lines, words, but so what? What do we end up with? One word? Two words? It might be a password, or anything. We don't know what he wanted it for." "Listen!" Katie hissed. "What is it ...?" "I thought I heard a car ... yes, somebody's coming. Shit, who can this be?" "Quick, over here! If we can hide behind this ... book case ..." Jennie squeezed her breasts into the narrow gap, Katie following more easily. They sank to their knees and waited. "We'll be able to slip out the side door if we get a chance. Wait ..." she tugged two of her shirt buttons undone and slipped the copy of Dr Hooters into her cleavage. "Should be safe enough in there!" They heard voices and recognised Fothergill's fruity bass, with Tasker's whining tenor providing counterpoint. Feet crunched on the gravel, then a shadow fell across the floor as the two men appeared at the French windows. "Look, there he is." It was Tasker's voice. "Asleep in a chair. Idle bastard." "You sure he's just asleep?" "Can't see all that well. Too much in the shadow. He's either very relaxed, or ...! Shit! He's not moving at all." Tasker had his nose pressed flat against the glass like a schoolboy. Fothergill sounded agitated. "I don't like it. It could be a trap. Don't touch anything. Let's get away." In their hiding place, Jennie and Katie thought he sounded like a character in a cheap paper-back thriller. They looked at each other and shook their heads. Unbelievably, the men were going away. This was weird. They had come here, presumably, to see Roger, yet they had left without even trying to wake him up. Why? The footsteps crunched away up the drive, then they heard a car start and drive off. "Well, what do you think all that was about", said Katie. "They must think he's been bumped off. Who are they scared of?" "If they are scared of somebody, scared enough to run away from here without getting what they came for, do you suppose there's a Mister Big involved?" "Or a Ms Big?" "There's one of those, all right, and I'm squashed up against her right now. If we don't get out from behind this book case, I am not going to be responsible for my actions." ******************** Paula didn't know what made her drive towards Roger's house. It wasn't on her direct route home. But as she approached the house, she saw a white Ford Granada driving very fast in the opposite direction. It passed her quickly, but she was sure the driver had been Martin Fothergill. On an impulse, she slowed as she approached Roger's place, and peered down the drive. His car was there. She backed up, and turned into his driveway. Jennie and Katie crawled out of hiding. They had just reached the side door when Katie held up her hand for silence again. "Listen! They're coming back", and they had slithered back behind the book case, cursing. But it wasn't Fothergill and Tasker that appeared. Instead, this time, the girls saw Paula approach the French window. She didn't hesitate, she fiddled with the lock for a moment, then tried the handle, and the door swung open. She stepped inside, closed the door behind her and paused, looking around and allowing her eyes to become accustomed to the semi-darkness. Paula stepped over to Roger's armchair and placed a finger on his wrist, then nodded to herself. She walked around the chair, looking but not touching, and bent to look at the numbers on the piece of paper in Roger's lap. She was about to move away, when she looked at the paper again, then turned on her heel and strode to the computer. Seating herself in front of the screen, she tapped a few keys, and said, "Well, you clever, devious little bastard!" Katie nudged Jennie, and glanced significantly in the direction of the side door, which was closed, but which the girls knew was unlocked. Jennie shook her head. Even if Katie thought she might escape, Jennie knew there was no way she could reach that door without Paula seeing her. No, they were here, like it or not, for the duration. Besides, Jennie had heard Paula's exclamation while she was studying the monitor. Did this mean that Roger had cracked the code, which Jennie herself thought she had almost cracked? And did Paula *know* that Roger had cracked it? Which meant that Paula knew the code herself? So who *was* the mysterious Paula, apart from being Tasker's flat-chested girlfriend? Truly, she thought, the plot thickened. Paula got up, looking around for something. She hurried back to the computer and typed a number of entries. She seemed to be searching for something on the machine. After five minutes, she shook her head and stood up again. Once more, she started wandering around the room, turning over magazines and papers. One magazine she found interested her, and she picked it up and flicked through it before throwing it down with a grunt, "Perverted little shit!" She found a box of diskettes, and tipped them out on to the desktop. She selected two, and loaded first one, then the other into the machine presumably to see what they contained. Apparently nothing. Nothing, apparently. Or nothing that she was looking for. For a moment or two, Paula sat at the desk, holding her head in her hands. She rubbed her chest, thoughtfully, and shook her head as if to clear it. Then she stood up again, slowly. The girls ducked further out of sight as Paula stood up and made as if to take a look around the room. 'This is it', thought Jennie. Although she knew Paula had no more right to be here than they had, there was something chilling about the girl's competent, thorough search of the room. If they stayed in their hiding place, she would certainly find them, and when she did, it would definitely not be a pleasant social occasion. She probably had a gun, one of those snub-nosed automatics secret agents always seem to have about their persons. Paula was looking at the book case now. She would go through every book, then she would take a look behind it. They had something between ten seconds and ten minutes - it mattered little which. But Paula never made it to the book case. With her concentration on where she was going instead of where she was putting her feet, she tripped over Roger's outstretched leg and over she went. The girls thought at first she had taken a cat-like spring towards them. Then they realised she was falling, out of control. Great, they thought, as soon as she hits the ground, we can overpower her, tie her up and make good our escape. At a single bound, we would be free! (Girls, as you will have gathered, think quickly in times of emergency.) But Paula never hit the ground. She landed squarely on top of Roger. It seemed to Roger that he was being woken up altogether too often by women falling over him. This one was not so womanly as the previous one, quite scrawny, in fact, but she fell very much into his lap, and her elbows were too sharp for comfort. His body jack-knifed upwards, and for a moment he saw multi-coloured stars as the woman's head collided with his, then the chair went over backwards, with Roger and Paula underneath it. The girls, thinking only of escape, quickly squeezed out of their hiding place and made for the door. They made it safely while a silent struggle went on underneath the overturned armchair. Well, not quite silent. Low moans were coming from down there, a woman's moans. Occasionally, there was a male grunt. The moans continued, building in intensity, making Jennie and Katie turn round and look at each other in surprise. Someone under that chair was not a million miles from orgasm, by the sound of things. "Oh, come on!" whispered Katie. "Surely there's a time and a place for everything, and this is neither the time nor the place." "Oooh, yes, OH, YESSSSS!" panted Paula. As far as she was concerned, the time was now and the place was right here, between her legs. "Oh my God", roared Roger, and he flung the chair off himself and the woman and reached for the switch of the reading lamp. Jennie and Katie, rooted to the spot, could only stare in amazement at the scene which was revealed when the light came on. Paula was lying on her back, tearing at her clothes to try and get them off. Her crisp white blouse was no longer stretched tightly across her perfectly flat chest. It now bulged beneath the onslaught of a pair of enormous tits, which were swelling at an unbelievable rate. "Jeez!" Katie shouted, impressed despite herself. She had watched Jennie grow on two occasions, as well as Penny, her sister. Paula was growing twice as fast, and in no time she was bigger than either of them. Jennie clutched her own giant tits as Paula's tits got even bigger, dwarfing hers. Still moaning softly, the woman sat up, with some difficulty, and her breasts burst out of the remains of the blouse and flopped to the ground on either side of her thighs. The growth was slowing at last, but by the time it stopped, her nipples, almost six inches long, rested on the floor, one on each side of her feet. Paula prodded the vast appendages experimentally, then her eyes closed and a slow smile spread over her face as she lay down again on her back. Roger, watching the astounding spectacle, was literally dribbling down the front of his shirt as his mouth hung open. Not even in his wildest dreams ... He scrambled to his feet, not taking his eyes off Paula for a second, and backed away. He backed straight into Jennie, and turned round with a neigh of terror. Jennie's breasts took most of the shock of the collision, and she looked down to see Roger rebound back from her mighty gazongas. "Nice tits, Roger", she complimented him. "What ... oh, thank you", he stuttered, looking down at Jennie's chest, then at his own. That was when Jennie and Roger performed the biggest double-double-take since Laurel and Hardy. "NICE TITS, ROGER!" she screamed. Roger looked down again at his shirt to see what Jennie was staring at. The nicest pair of 48-inchers a guy ever grew. Roger's eyes boggled and he looked again. "AAAAARGH!" His hands flew to his chest. They felt amazing. Not only did they feel amazing, IT felt amazing when he touched them, fondled and caressed them. He felt the nipples become erect. At the same time, he felt an embarrassing erection forming lower down, and tried to shift his position to hide it. Reluctantly, he let go of his wondrous tits and tried to adjust the position of his cock in his pants. HIS WHAT? His hands grabbed at his crotch, and came away empty. He looked at Jennie, then at Katie, and the girls were just in time to catch his falling body and lower it gently to the floor. "Roger", whispered Jennie, "I think your sperm-count just hit zero." Chapter 14:- Show On The Road The girls scribbled a note to Roger: 'DEAR ROXANNE, Don't panic! Please stay here and we will be back for you shortly. Everything will be explained. Jen and Kate.' They pinned it to the peak of his left breast where he would be certain to find it as soon as he woke up. Then they revived Paula. She was astounded to find she had not dreamed her new tits and they were still there when she woke up. They were still there when she stood up, too. It took Jennie and Katie, each carrying one of her monsters, to help her out of the door and into the back of her car, which fortunately was a roomy estate. She sat there, trying in vain to reach one of her nipples. They drove her to Jennie's apartment and helped her inside, laying her down on the bed. "Try to sleep, Paula, we will explain everything when we come back", said Jennie, stroking the woman's forehead. She lay back gratefully and closed her eyes. "C'mon", Jennie urged Katie, "even if she wakes up, she won't be going far with those things. Now, there's just one phone call to make..." She picked up the phone and dialled the local dairy farm. They arrived back at Roger's just as he was regaining consciousness. He had found the note, addressed to 'Roxanne', and looked round anxiously in case yet another of these huge-breasted women had entered his life. He saw only Jennie and Katie, coming in through the French windows. Katie bent over him. "Here's a fine mess I've gotten you into, Roxy!" She gave him a hand to get to his feet. He caught sight of his breasts again, and his hands strayed to his nipples. "For Chrissakes leave them alone for five minutes, can't you", she nagged him. Roxanne was enjoying the feeling of gentle fingers caressing his nipples through the thin cotton. He felt the beginnings of an erection. That was when he realised that it might feel like an erection, but from here on in, he was going to have to think of another name for it. "Do you feel well enough to travel, Roxy", asked Katie. "There's someone we think you'd better see." And she picked up the phone and dialled Ms Shaw. ******************** Martin Fothergill clattered down the stairs with his suitcase. He had left a note for his wife, explaining that he had received an urgent call to go overseas on business. He would call her as soon as he got to wherever he was going. His car squealed out of the driveway and headed for the M4 and Heathrow Airport. ******************** Lee Tasker clattered down the stairs with his suitcase. He had left a note for Paula, explaining that he had received an urgent call to go overseas on business. He would call her as soon as he got to wherever he was going. His car squealed out of the driveway and headed for the M23 and Gatwick Airport. ******************** It was almost midnight when they all met at Jennie's apartment. They had decided to hold the meeting there in view of Paula's lack of mobility. Earlier, they had driven her to the dairy farm, where an astonished young man had connected her to a milking machine. Even after she had been milked, Paula still had a 120-inch bust, and although she had practised walking around the room, she had a tendency to crash into things from time to time. Ms Shaw came in, followed by Roxanne, now no longer recognisable as Roger in a wide flared skirt and a gypsy-style blouse. He gave a little twirl. "What do you think, girls?" His voice seemed to have shifted up half an octave. "Looks great on you", said Katie. "Love the bra", said Jennie. "38 H", Ms Shaw confirmed. "Luckily I had one in stock." They introduced her to Paula who was wrapped in a sheet but still looked fairly impressive. "Hi", she said, a little weakly. "Oh, my God!!!" cried the bra-maker. "Never in all the wide, wide world ..." Suddenly, she realised, there were no longer enough letters in the alphabet. "You should have seen her before they milked her, they were twice as big", Jennie said. "She's due for another milking first thing in the morning. We're going to have to do something about the arrangements, but for now, the dairy farm is going to fit her in, they've got a spare machine. They gave us tonight's milk". She indicated a large plastic container by the kitchen door. "I'm taking it into the lab first thing in the morning", Katie said. "But we're pretty sure that once it's been analysed, we'll find it's so pure, we will be able to bottle it and ship it out almost straight away." "Not sure of a good name for it yet. INSTANTIT came to mind, or MIGHTY-MILK." "You mean", Ms Shaw was trying to get her head round this amazing concept, "Paula's milk will make women's breasts grow?" "And men's", Roxanne reminded her. "I think we owe you all an explanation", said Jennie. "Take a seat." ******************** "I'd never have believed it", said Ms Shaw, as Jennie finished the tale. "But you're not the only ones who can see a major business opportunity in this." "That's why you're here", laughed Jennie. "We're all in this together. Herzheim Laboratories, Candystripe Inc, probably several others on the Pacific Rim, were all working flat out on the same project. They were all keeping their findings secret from each other. They were even keeping secrets from each other *within* the various labs." "Fothergill had half a dozen different teams of people working on it at Herzheim, and they were getting nowhere fast. He tried to get Tasker in on it, but Tasker wanted a piece of the action for himself, so as well as contacting Roger to hack Candystripe's password, he also got in touch with Paula, to make like a private eye." Paula laughed. "He still doesn't suspect that I was already working for Candystripe Inc. That's why I was nosing around down here while the girls were up at Roger's place. And that was when I drank a generous dose of the miracle brew. I still don't know why I did it." Roxanne looked at her. "You were working for Candystripe? Then you can tell me. Was I getting anywhere with the password?" "Yes and no. Yes, because you had stumbled on the key - a different 5-figure number every week - and the unlikely master document, the Dr Hooters story. But you would never have got it to work!" "It wouldn't ...?" "You deleted the story from your hard disk, which wasn't the brightest thing to do. In the copy you printed out and lent to Jennie - she showed it to me - all the lines were a different length from the original ..." "...I stripped out all the carriage returns to make it easier to read .." "...that's right. So you could have located the chapter, but the line number and the words on each line would have been different. You would have come up with a password, all right, but never the right one." "There's one thing I don't understand ..."said Ms Shaw, slowly. "Why has Roger turned into Roxanne?" "God, this is just like one of those detective stories", said Katie. "Tell her, Jen!" "Katie spiked Roger's coffee with hormone brew, not once, but twice. He had so much of it that, if he'd been a woman, he'd have been down on the farm with Paula twice a day." Roxanne examined his full breasts beneath the blouse. "I think I like these just the way they are", and all the other girls laughed with him. "Anyway, judging by Fothergill's and Tasker's reactions when they looked in through Roger's window and saw him lying in the armchair, they're running scared of some fictitious Mr Big. With any luck, we won't see either of them again", said Jennie. "Right, then! I call this meeting to order. Let's get this show on the road ...!" "ALL RIGHT!" Chapter 15:- Epilogue Martin Fothergill and Lee Tasker were not heard of again. Wherever they fled, they would certainly have heard of the almost overnight success of MORBREST Enterprises, now a multi-billion operation which offered 'Nature's Way To The Breasts YOU Desire'. As the Corporation's latest press release stated: 'MORBREST is pleased to announce the launch of Safe-T-Feed, a preparation which will liberate nursing mothers from the hassle and embarrassment of leaking milk from overfull breasts. 'With Safe-T-Feed, ladies, your husband/partner/Significant Other will be able to stay home and feed baby from his OWN breasts, while YOU go out to work. 'Safe-T-Feed has been tested in our laboratories world-wide, and comes in a handy throw-away dispenser designed for easy use even by a man's clumsy fingers. Drink Safe-T-Feed, then ten minutes later, feed Baby. It's really as simple as that. 'So simple, even a man could do it!' Signed: Jennie Walters, Head of Research, MORBREST-Candystripe-Herzheim Research Corporation.' ******************** Joan and Roxanne Shaw now lived together in an unusual domestic and sexual arrangement. No, make that unique. The little workshop at the top of the stairs off Cross Street, Kettersley had long since become the office of a struggling financial advisory service. UltraBraPlus (UK) Limited was now based in a small industrial unit in the green countryside less than a mile from Katie's parents. There, a staff of fifty large-breasted girls designed and manufactured bras in all common patterns ranging from the Junior Miss Training Bra - available in cup sizes D to H - right up to the top-of-the-range Autograph Model - G cup upwards. Each Autograph bra was personally signed by Joan Shaw herself. ******************** Katie still worked part-time at the labs, just to keep her mind occupied between having babies. She had married Paul, her then-current ex-boyfriend, the year after the business really took off in a big way. One of her latest press releases stated: 'BREAKTHROUGH IN SPERM-COUNT SLUMP PROBE 'Big news is expected shortly in the form of an announcement from the MORBREST-Candystripe-Herzheim Corporation's Laboratories Group's Special Projects Division of a major step forward in the fight to conquer once and for all the world-wide problem of downward-spiralling sperm-count. The Corporation hopes to attract substantial Government funding to complete the necessary research to end this scourge for all time.' ******************** Katie's sisters, Penny and Suki, now had excellent jobs at UltraBraPlus (UK) Limited. As two of the most spectacularly-endowed young women in the company, they were given the task of carrying out presentations to visiting buyers of brassieres and foundation garments from all over the civilised world and elsewhere. Young Trisha, a couple of weeks after her eighteenth birthday, flew to Los Angeles where she had been offered a job as an exotic dancer. A whole day later, she flew home to her mother, explaining that there was absolutely no way she was going to have her breasts REDUCED just to please a bunch of horny guys in a nite-spot. Trisha's mother gave her a big hug. "That's my little girl!" THE END ------------------------------------------------- Just Al -------------------------------------------------