(NOTE: This is a text version of the file foot.doc, without the picture. foot.doc is a Word for Windows file, newer version. Wordpad in Windows 95 can also read it.) "Breast Feats!" - By Mr.Styley Picture - By The Bust Artist "Sorry I'm late", said Laura. It was her first day on the job as a lab assistant to a Dr. James Spicoli. "No problem", he said, "I have just begun" "My car died and I had to walk here for twelve miles. I'm really sorry." "Well in that case, perhaps I can show you my new invention earlier", said the doctor, grabbing random items from the lab. "Will it fix my car?", she asked humorously. She had no idea what he was talking about. She was still nervous, perhaps. Being it her first day on the job. "I'll make your feet feel better", bellowed the Doctor. Laura was about to assume he had made an automatic foot massager, but she noticed that he began mixing chemicals. "Your making a foot remedy?" "There's really nothing to it", said Dr. Spicoli, twirling ingredients in a Pyrex beaker. "I have pinpointed a chemical balance that notices different parts of the body. To tend to that part of the body only. Kind of like a specialist." "I get it. It works even better because its made for the foot. But isn't foot cream already an invention?" The Doctor smirked. "You will soon find its power. You will see. As of now I can choose any part of your body, in your case we want your feet." The Doctor amazingly reached for the test tube filled with blue liquid labeled "feet". He dumped it into the beaker and mixed it slowly. "So now what?", said Laura, his new assistant. "Rub it on your arm", said the doctor, as he smiled and handed the potion towards her. Doing so she realized nothing was happening. "I don't get it!", she said. "Rub it on your leg", the Doctor's eyes getting wider. As she did so, still nothing happened. She looked puzzled. "Now put a drop of it on your feet" "OK.. my feet it is", she took off her sneakers and socks and dripped a little on her feet. As she rubbed her feet she realized how good it felt, how soothing. She rubbed them more and more almost becoming addicted. It was a sincere pleasure. "Yes... I know.. Isn't it great!?", the Doctor exclaimed. "It's hard to stop", Laura claimed, still rubbing. "I don't think I want to stop". Eventually she did, realizing how stupid she must have looked rubbing her feet to death. The sensation was gone. "So what can we do with this?", she said eyeing the beaker. She wondered what would happen if there was a test tube labeled "clit". She knew a night of that would be amazing. "Well, how do your feet feel". "They feel amazing, Doctor!" "I think this is pretty marketable", he exclaimed. "Unfortunately I cannot make a universal chemical. Mixing feet with hands gives an awful side effect". "What's that?", Laura said. She thought of the possibilities. "Alteration, perhaps Mutation", claimed the Doctor. "I had tried it on a rat and her ears grew to the size of baseball caps. But they only remained that way for eight hours." "Wow", said Laura. "Its best not to have it universal anyway. It will sell for every major body part. People will buy not only one for their feet, but one for their hands, their legs, whatever. "But there's still a problem", Spicoli said as he looked upon his test tubes. People can still mix them together themselves. Its to dangerous to market until I, er .. we find a solution. I have been working on this for years. I can't let it go to waste on something this simple!" By the end of the evening Laura was shown everything, to her amazement she found a test tube labeled "breasts". She smiled. "That could be fun too!", she smirked. When the doctor left the room to make a call, she mixed up a batch exactly like the doctor had done, making her own "breast elixir". She had put a fair amount of "Breast" ingredient in. She wanted to have a good night. Thoughts of rubbing her breasts encouraged her to pocket the potion. "I must go.", said the doctor. Here are the spare keys to the lab. "Meet me here tomorrow?" "Sure thing Dr. Spicoli", said Laura. She was so exited about her potion that she forgot to ask him for a ride when he drove off. "Shit", she thought. Then she had an idea. She unlocked the lab and grabbed the rest of the "foot" potion. She proceeded to walk home with a smile. When she got home she went up to her room, ignoring her parents. She would bother them about the car later. She had more interesting things to take care of. Laura rubbed more foot potion on her feet, feeling the familiar sensation all over again. It felt so good. She uncontrollably placed more and more potion on them until the container was empty. It felt so good she had gotten wet from the experience. Soon later her hands were too tired to rub anymore. She was exhausted. She quickly looked at the "breast potion". It exited her even more. She began to rub a little onto her size 32C breasts. It felt amazing. She rubbed harder and harder, and reached to put on more lotion. It was a warming sensation, like a thousand tongues licking and sucking at her nipples. She soon began cooing at the experience. But something was wrong. She soon realized what. She forgot to wash off the foot potion off her hands! In her worries she still rubbed harder and faster. She pulled and rubbed her nipples harder and faster. Soon she was moaning. But she still thought "Will my ears grow the size of baseball caps?" Then it happened. She felt it in her chest. It was getting bigger. The more she rubbed them, the bigger they were getting. She began to hold them back, almost trying to prevent them from growing anymore, but soon she began rubbing them again instead. They quickly grew to about a double D breast size. "oho... they feel so good", she screamed, realizing that the bigger they were getting the more sensitive they were. She poured on more potion, rubbing even faster. The feeling began to make her feel orgasmic. It was a fantasy come true. She always wanted to have monstrous tits, now was her chance. They were growing by the second, from grapefruits to basketballs in less then a minute, and they were growing even faster. She could barely rub them for she was having multiple orgasms that drove her to continue rubbing. Falling to the floor didn't stop Laura. She rubbed them against the rug, then the walls. Her nipples were getting huge! She estimated they were about the size of shotglasses, as she turned them like TV knobs, giving herself more pleasure than she had possibly imagined. She began fingering herself wildly, one hand rubbing her breasts frantically, the other rubbing her clit madly. She came over and over. From a 36DDD to a 77DDD, they grew on to being the size of standard beachballs, further to the size of TV sets, further to the size of two large filing cabinets. They were still growing more rapidly, as Laura continued to come over and over again. She became entranced with the whole experience, becoming wild with passion. She screamed at the top of her lungs, hearing her parents running up the stairs to see what was happening. "My Christ!", said the father. What's happening to you! He could barely see his daughter over her gigantic breasts, that seemed to take over her body. He could make out one hand darting into her snatch wildly, glistening with cum. The other hand pouring a substance onto her breasts. As her mother fainted, the father watched her try and stand. She held onto her breasts in each hand and rubbed them on the wallpaper, completely ignoring him. Minutes later her tits were bigger than her. Mounds of bouncy juicy flesh was pushing against the walls, forcing her to move away from the walls. She came one last time, and passed out like it were a dream. Hours later, she woke in the hospital. Her breasts back to normal. The whole affair had remained quiet, thanks to funding by her rich father, and the same day she went back to the doctor to work for the next day. She promised she would explain it all when she came home from work. They eventually agreed, seeing no harm done. She had been embarrassed and humiliated. She fingered herself in front of her parents! Her tits had nipples the size of milk jugs! "This makes getting caught smoking pot look like nothing!", she thought. She met the doctor again, saying nothing of her experience. The doctor looked bothered about something. "What's wrong, Doc?", she said with a smile. "Remember the rat I told you I experimented on?" "Yes, what about it? Did it die? Please tell me it didn't die!" She panicked beyond her understanding. "No.. her ears grew again, but forty times more the size!" As Laura started to ponder the thought, she felt a warm feeling in her breasts.