DISCLAIMER: The following story is centered around the inflation of women. No actual women were inflated in the making of this story. Viewer discretion is advised. But if you really have any discretion, then I really don't need to advise you. And if you don't, then you probably won't listen to me anyway. I always found those "viewer discretion" messages to be a bit perplexing that way. If you have any praise, criticism, comments, etc., please send to LVKane@aol.com. Horace's Curse By Luther Kane Part One: The Discovery Derek slipped the disk into the drive and turned back to his friend. "Remember how I told you I was onto something really big? I've been doing a little more research into that guy Desmond Horace--" "I don't believe this! You still think that guy was a wizard?" Kevin rolled his eyes. "Just think, I could have been doing something useful with my time." Derek and Kevin, both juniors in high school, had been friends since early childhood so Kevin had actually become quite accustomed to Derek's odd little plots. "This *is* useful. And since you're my friend, and I couldn't have done this without you, I'll keep you in the loop on this. But you have to promise to keep it a secret!" "Sure." Kevin sat down, wondering why he ever let himself get involved in Derek's obsession. He looked around the room; it was in the usual state of disarray, which had only gotten worse since Derek had latched on to this particular pursuit. He'd always been interested in the supernatural, but this time it had gotten out of hand. It all started at the Horace family auction. Derek had dragged him there, hoping to get a deal on some antiques that they could sell and make a bundle. When a shabby looking trunk went up for bidding, Derek felt some compulsion to get it. "Who knows what could be inside?" he'd said. Kevin hadn't been interested, so Derek put up a hundred bucks, almost every cent he had to his name, to buy it. Turns out, Derek hit the jackpot. You see, the trunk hadn't belonged to the recently deceased Archibald Horace, but to his grandfather, Desmond Horace, who kicked off in the late 1800's. Derek found a small jewelry box with jewelry still in it, a few old coins that were probably worth a lot to some collector, and some personal belongings of ol' Desmond. There was a photo album, a silver whistle (which didn't seem to work), a few pieces of old lab equipment, and his notebook, which was written entirely in code. Derek had been so obsessed with cracking the code that he'd barely looked at the other stuff. He finally cracked it, but figured it would be tedious to do by hand, so he convinced his best friend Kevin (who just happened to type over 150 words per minute), to type up the whole thing into a computer, saying that he'd be in on something "really big." Derek had used his program to do the dirty work. The code had been a fairly simple cipher and letter swapping routine, but it had probably been more than adequate, since anyone who might have spied on Desmond wouldn't have had the benefit of a computer. How old man Horace had managed to do it in his head was beyond him. Sometimes it paid to be a computer geek, and this time it might pay off in a big way. "Check out the photo album. Especially the wedding picture." Kevin opened the trunk and looked for the album. "You still haven't sold any of this jewelry? "Sold three rings and a necklace. Got three hundred bucks, but I may have been ripped off. Just check out the photos." Kevin flipped through the book. The pictures were old and faded, in that monochrome brown that characterized most photos from the time. Desmond was a fairly good looking man, but from a poor family. His bride was a very slender but rather pretty young woman. "So?" "That's Juliette Horace, on her wedding day. Flip ahead a few pages." He flipped ahead, though various pictures of home and family, but Derek smiled when his friend's jaw dropped and he nearly dropped the book. "Holy moly, who is *that*?" "That's Juliette Horace, five years later," Derek smiled. "Bullshit!" It was another picture of a couple, and though the man was obviously very well off judging from his clothes, he was definitely Desmond Horace. But his arm was wrapped around the slender waist of a woman who had the most enormous breasts he had ever seen. It took a massive expanse of cloth to cover her huge bosom, which still seemed about ready to burst from the dress. And even with the flared, layered skirt, it was impossible to hide her full hips. He examined the face closely, flipping back to the wedding picture several times before he could convince himself it was actually the same stick of a woman in the earlier picture. "Oh my God, she exploded!" "No way that could've happened naturally." "Yeah but...magic? That's impossible! For all we know, that's just padding." "I was still pretty skeptical too, til I read some of the stuff from his book." He shuffled through a stack of computer printouts. "Read this." "Let's see...'After lengthy experiments, I've finally found a way to bind the growth magic to specific objects...' Wait, this guy really thinks he was doing magic?" "Look closely at that last picture," Derek said. "See what's hanging around his neck?" Kevin squinted. "Looks like a whistle." "Looks like *this* whistle. And it's not a whistle. It's one of the objects old man Horace decided to bind some magic to." Now Kevin was getting interested. "What kind of magic?" "The kind that could turn a stick woman into bra busting beauty overnight." Derek smiled. "Does it work?" "That, my friend," Kevin called out dramatically, " is what we have to find out. And I'm probably going to need your help." "I'm in." "There's just one problem," Derek said. "I've been reading through this guy's lab notes, which are pretty cryptic even when decoded, and the best I can figure out is that this thing works, but exactly *how* it works and what it can do, I don't know." Kevin raised an eyebrow. "What?" "Ok, here's what you need to know for now. See this jewelry?" he pointed to the open jewelry box, and Kevin nodded. "According to the book, all of it is enchanted in one way or another. But we need to find a girl we can use as a guinea pig so we can figure out how it works. Know any volunteers?" He saw the slight smirk on Derek's face and knew instantly what was going through his head. "You want me to ask Linda?" "Can you think of anyone else who would be open to this sort of thing?" Kevin shrugged. "OK. But *you* explain it to her!" Though he tried to hide it, the thought of his Linda being transformed like Juliette Horace was extremely exciting to him. "Cool. Just get her in here." That Friday night, they met in Derek's room. Linda strode in just ahead of Kevin. She was a slim girl with long black hair. Kevin had assured Derek that she was really very pretty when she tried, but just usually wore no makeup and baggy clothes. Derek explained o her about his magic theory. Linda was Kevin's girlfriend, and she was into studying abnormal phenomena. Witchcraft, the occult, UFOs, whatever. "Ok, so she was a late bloomer," Linda said. "But supernatural?" Derek showed her the picture. "Whoa!" She stared, gaping. "But what do you need me for?" "Horace's notes weren't all that complete in explaining how these things work. We think they might only work on women, so we wondered..." "If I'd help you out." She nodded slowly. "Anything for the advance of science, right?" she smiled. "Cool. Try on one of the rings." She did. It was rather plain, just a simple silver band. "Now what?" "I dunno. Try to do something." Derek was coaching her, trying to get her to focus and try to harness the magic he knew was in that ring. Meanwhile, Kevin was examining the whistle. "I don't know why you thought this was a whistle," he said, though nobody was paying attention to him. He turned the tiny tube over in his hands, swung it from its thin chain. "Just one hole in it, and it's closed off at the end. Can't even get any air through it, I bet." He blew into it, though it took a bit of effort, he found that he actually could force some air into it. Confused, he was searching tube for leaks when Linda screamed. "What the hell!?" "What?" Derek and Kevin, in unison. "The pressure...suddenly I feel this pressure in my stomach...oh God, what's happening? Then it started. It began with a soft hissing sound. Linda's eyes grew wide as she slowly started rising out of the chair. Her thighs and ass were expanding, pushing her up and filling out her jeans until they were skin tight. "Holy shit, I'm blowing up!" Suddenly her hands clutched her bosom, as it swelled too. Her formerly modest breasts expanded to fill her hands, forcing her fingers apart and straining against her bra underneath. "What's happening?" Derek's jaw dropped. "It's working!" Linda continued to swell, her breasts filling out her shirt. Her B cup had expanded past a D in seconds, and showed no signs of slowing. The boys could see she was bulging out of her clearly inadequate brassiere. "You might want to take that bra off--" Kevin's suggestion was interrupted by the soft pop! of Linda's bra surrendering. And still she continued to swell. "Derek, stop this!" she hissed through clenched teeth as she felt the pressure building inside her. "I didn't start it," he said, marveling. Her breasts had blown up to the size of melons, her nipples pressing prominently through her shirt. Finally, suddenly, it stopped as the pressure in her stomach relaxed. Linda just sat there gasping, her huge fleshy balloons stretching her shirt out from her tiny frame, which tapered to her still narrow waistline, then flared out dramatically to her newly expanded hips and thighs. She had a perfect, if a bit overdone, hourglass figure. "Well I know *I* didn't do anything--" She squealed. They both turned to look at Kevin. "Well, I, uh--" he stammered, blushing. "I was just looking at this whistle thinking it doesn't really look like a whistle so I just tried blowing into it to see if anything would happen and--" "That's it! You blew air into it, and it blew air into her!" Derek clapped his hands. "We're really onto something!" "That can't be it, look how big she got! I barely puffed on this thing, I mean just like--" "No!" Linda shouted too late as Kevin blew on the silver tube again. She felt a something building up in her gut again, and she began to swell. Her melon-sized boobs inflated even more, and her already enlarged buttocks burst out of the back of her jeans while her thighs split the seams down the sides of her legs. "Whoooaaaahhh!" Only her t-shirt held on, stretching and straining until the very end, when she heard the popping of the stitches just under her arms. "Look what you've done!" Linda shouted, staring at her absurdly proportioned figure spilling out of her clothes. She looked to be about 60-24-50. "You DO know how to fix this, don't you?" Derek smiled. "Why would he want to? I think you look great!" Linda scowled at him, but he just shrugged innocently. "Well, you did say you were interested in magic, right?" "Yeah, but I didn't think it would work!" "Neither did I," Kevin said, marveling at his girlfriend's new figure. Derek fidgeted nervously. "Well, I wasn't sure it would work either. I'll have to check Horace's notes to see how to reverse it." Linda paled. "You mean I'm stuck like this?" Derek waved his hands. "No no no, I'm sure the answer's in here somewhere. It's all on computer, so searching it'll be easy. I should have the answer by morning." Linda turned to Kevin. "Well what do we do now? I can't go home like this!" Kevin, who had been staring at her burgeoning bustline for the past few minutes, snapped out of his daze. "My parents are out for the weekend. You can hide out at my place, and Derek can come over in the morning to get you all fixed up." He tried to sound enthused, since he didn't want her to know that he really preferred her this way and wasn't looking forward to Derek finding the "cure." Linda sighed. "Ok, but first I have to find some clothes. I can't go out like this!" Currently she was clad only in the tattered remains of her t-shirt and jeans that still barely clung to her. "And *I'll* hold onto this," she said, taking the whistle from Kevin and putting it around her own neck. "Just to make sure I don't wind up any bigger." Derek's older brother was a football player, now at college, so they were able to scrounge up a t-shirt that covered her up decently and a pair of sweat pants that just barely fit over her incredibly broad hips. Kevin drove back to his house and, covering Linda up with his jacket, managed to get her into his room without attracting any undue attention. She grabbed a soda from the fridge and made herself as comfortable as possible. She'd spent the night before when his parents were out, but the circumstances had been slightly different. Later that night, he found her looking at herself in a mirror. He could see the worry in her eyes. "Derek'll figure out how to change me back, right? He knows what he's doing? I really don't want to be stuck like this." Kevin had to consciously focus to pay attention to what she was saying. He was staring at her from the side, and was far too caught up in her incredible figure, the large, firm breasts that swelled to the size of basketballs, slightly pointed, topped by fat nipples that stood out through her t-shirt. Her slim waist and flat stomach contrasted beautifully with her wonderfully full hips and buttocks. He felt himself getting aroused. "I, uh, I'm sure he'll have it all figured out by morning." "I hope so. Look at me, I'm a freak! I don't know how Horace's wife could have lived like this, and she was even bigger!" The mention of Juliette Horace didn't help Derek's efforts in suppressing his erection. He put an arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry, everything'll be ok." He was fighting the temptation to fondle the huge, inviting orb just inches from him. "Besides, I don't think you look so bad..." He immediately bit his tongue as she gave him a strange, questioning look. Linda was normally a rather slender girl, and he did love her so, so he'd never let her know how much he liked voluptuous figures. But it looked like she was figuring it out. She glanced down at him, eying the bulge in his pants and raised an eyebrow. He looked down as he felt his face reddening. Linda was about to say something, probably something quite stern, but Kevin was literally saved by the bell. The phone rang, and he rushed over to answer it. It was Derek. "Hey, Derek! You got the cure yet?" "Hiya Kev, just nod and say 'uh-huh' every once in a while on your end so Linda thinks we're talking. I have a confession to make." "Uh-huh." "I knew how to undo the magic before we ever figured out how to do it in the first place." "Uh-huh." He was trying to keep the shock out of his face, not succeeding entirely. "But I know how much you like your women with curves, so I figured hey now you've got a chance at a *really* stacked babe without cheating on Linda. You being my best friend and all, I couldn't deprive you of that! So you can just tell her I've found the part that explains how to reverse the swelling, I have a little setting up to do, and she'll be back to normal by morning. Oh, and I even found the part that explains exactly what happened to Linda. It's really cool, you'll just love it!" "Uh-huh." "Y'know, you can ad lib a coupla lines here and there. Makes it sound a little more realistic." "Uh-huh." "Uh, yeah. Ok, Kevster. You two have fun, I have some scheming to do." Click. "What did he say?" Linda asked. She'd been glaring at him through the entire call. "Derek said he knows how to undo the magic. He'll come over in the morning and undo the magic." "Yeah, but morning's a long ways away. What'll we do til then?" She approached him slowly, hips swaying, a slight seductive smile on her lips. "I, uh..." He knew what he wanted to do til morning. She ran her hands along the sides of full, bulging breasts. "You actually *like* how I look right now, don't you?" Kevin could only nod mutely. Her smile broke into a full grin. "I can't believe we've been dating this long, and I never knew you liked--" she looked down at her unbelievably curvaceous body -- "this type of girl." She put her arms around him, her pillowy breasts squeezing deliciously against his chest. "But in the morning I'm going to be back to normal." She sighed and pouted her lips. "What *ever* can we do to pass the time until sunrise?" Kevin made a strange gulping sound. Linda almost bit her lip to keep from laughing. If big tits give me this kind of control over him, maybe I won't have Derek change me back, she thought, just smiling outwardly. "Well, uh, we could, I mean..." he started to stutter. "Derek did say that he could undo all this, right?" "Yeah." Linda smiled, pressed even closer to him and whispered in his ear, "Take of your clothes and lay down on the bed." Kevin nodded and did what as he was told. Linda gawked in surprise when he took off his boxers. She'd never seen him get so hard so fast before. He laid down on the bed. I think I like this, she thought. Still dressed, she climbed on the bed and straddled him. She arched her back, thrusting her huge boobs forward. "These big enough for you, dear?" Kevin nodded. "Oh yeah!" Linda frowned, looking disappointed. She was really hamming it up, but apparently Kevin was just too horny to notice. "You mean you don't want me to get any bigger?" He shook his head frantically. "Yes! I mean, no! I mean--" he cleared his throat and, trying to sound calm, said, "Uh, bigger is good." She carefully grasped the whistle that was hanging around her neck and brought it up to her lips. "I thought so. Just stay right there and watch the show." She closed her eyes. Slowly, gently, she blew. She felt the now-familiar buildup in her belly, spreading outward. A gentle pressure filled her breasts, pushing them outward, as her buttocks swelled as well, filling her sweat pants to the limit. She noticed the inflation seemed to favor her front over her backside. By the time the growth stopped, her pants were skin tight, but her breasts had more than doubled in size. The oversized t-shirt had lifted up to expose her still-flat tummy, while her huge, pumped-up tits tested the strength of the fabric. Linda was just barely able to reach around her boobs. She cradled them in her arms, then slowly peeled off her t-shirt. Freed from their restraint, her tits jiggled slightly as she moved. Her plump nipples swelled up even more as the cool air hit them. She sighed, lazily tracing circles around her puffy, light pink areolas. "Do you like them better now?" Kevin nodded vigorously. "Are you ready?" More vigorous nods. He was hard as a rock, and almost shaking with anticipation. "Good," Linda purred. Taking her pants off turned out to be a bit more complicated. A big as her butt had gotten, she had to squeeze her flesh down, slowly wriggling her way out. Finally, she was free. She climbed onto the bed, straddling Kevin's hips, and ever so slowly slid herself down onto him. Kevin was completely blown away; Linda had never been this aggressive in bed before. He stroked the sides of her enormous boobs and took her left nipple into his mouth, sucking passionately. She moaned softly and continued to ride him, pumping up and down, up and down. He continued to kiss her marvelous breasts, burying is face in her wonderful mounds of flesh. Linda gazed down at her eager lover, reveling in the control she had over him now. A blissful smile graced her lips as a wicked idea came to her head. Harder and harder she thrust herself down on Kevin's throbbing manhood. Carefully watching his face, she waited until he was right on the verge of orgasm. Then she stopped. Kevin's eyes snapped open wide. "Oh God, please don't stop!" he gasped. Linda leaned forward, her tits pressing down on Kevin's chest. Suddenly he found himself buried up to his chin by her soft cushions. She leaned in close to kiss him, to no avail. As much as she tried to squeeze them down, her boobs were just too big, and there was still about a foot of space between their faces. She giggled as she looked down at the huge pillowy masses that separated them. "Do you like my body now?" she purred. "Yes! It's wonderful! Let's keep going now!" he cried breathlessly. He'd been just about to come harder than he ever had in his life when she stopped, and the tension was unbearable. She reached over him and grabbed hold of the headboard, pulling her plush torso even harder into him. "Be patient, Kevin. I'll let you come, you just have to do exactly what I say." It was with a small flash of panic that Kevin realized his whole upper body was pinned underneath Linda's smothering bosom. He couldn't move. "Come on Linda, enough's enough, let me go," he pleaded. He struggled a bit, but couldn't get any leverage. Linda just grinned. "Tell me you love my great, big tits," she breathed. "I love your tits, Linda, they're incredible, now let go!" He tried bucking his hips, but her enormous thighs kept him pressed down on the bed. "Tell me I'm beautiful." "You're beautiful Linda, the most beautiful woman in the world. Please, I feel like I'm gonna burst!" Linda laughed. "YOU feel like you're going to burst? I'm the one who's been blown up here! Come on, you can handle waiting a bit more can't you?" She slid up and down a bit on him, teasingly. Then she saw the smirk on his face. "What's so funny, loverboy?" His smirk widened into a grin. "You. It's alright, Linda, we can play your way if you want." "Now that's more like--" Linda stopped, and the smile slipped from her face as she saw that Kevin was staring at the silver whistle hanging from her neck, dangling just above his chin. She gasped as he leaned his head forward and took the end of the shining tube into his mouth. She glared at him sternly. "Kevin Allen Norwood, don't you dare blow into that--" Kevin sucked in a deep breath and blew. Hard. Linda's jaw dropped. "I can't believe you just-- OH!" This time she actually felt her stomach bulge out slightly with the pressure that surged up within her. Kevin even felt her nipples poke harder into his chest as the air rushed into her breasts, making them balloon rapidly. She let go of the headboard and sat up, trying to squeeze down her growing bazooms. "Kevin, look what you've done, I'm getting huge!" Her legs and butt filled up, lifting her higher, but her breasts swelled even faster. Kevin seized the moment, flipping over and reversing their position. Suddenly Linda found herself on her back, and Kevin found himself laying on top of his rapidly inflating girlfriend. Now that he was free, he could tend to the almost painful buildup in his groin. He thrust himself into her over and over. All the while, Linda's body continued to inflate. Kevin was buoyed up by thighs that had swollen up wider than his body. Linda's breasts bulged up to her chin and covered her down past her navel. "Kevin, I'm too big!" "There's no such thing," he grunted as kept right on pumping. And still, she swelled. It seemed like the pressure was building up inside Linda's body. She had started off soft, but was quickly firming up. Her buttocks plumped up into full, firm hemispheres, lifting her lower body and making her arch her back. Kevin lost sight of her face as her tits got bigger and bigger, and her tightening skin pulling them into taut, ivory globes. Atop each of her massive orbs was a nipple the size of his fist. Her puffy areolas had been stretched out so much that they lost definition; they simply faded from her dark pink nipples to a lighter pink that blended into the rest of her skin. For Linda it was an incredible blend of new feelings, the pressure filling her, the sensation of her entire body quivering and jiggling as Kevin repeated drove his cock into her. "Oh God, Kevin, it's too much!" Her voice was slightly muffled. If the inflation didn't stop soon, she'd be smothered by her own breasts. But Kevin was lost in his own spiraling passion, almost oblivious to the extent of Linda's condition. "The pressure! Oh, Kevin..I'm..I'm gonna...OOHHH!" Kevin joined her in a final cry of ecstasy as they came together explosively. Drained, Kevin let his body go limp, burying his face in the vast canyon of Linda's cleavage. "Wow," he gasped. He pulled himself off of her, then stepped back and stood in awe at Linda's condition. Her breasts were simply enormous, covering her entire torso and spreading out wider then the bed. He could see her hands just barely sticking out from under them. They rose and fell slightly as Linda drew deep, exhausted breaths underneath them. He walked around her left boob to see the look on her face. She smiled as she saw him come into view. She glanced down at herself. "So you really think there's no such thing as too big?" "Welllll," he said, "any bigger than this might be." She laughed. "You son of a bitch, you better hope Derek can get me back to normal, or so help me God I'll smother you to death." He leaned down and kissed her. "I can't think of any way I'd rather go."