I MUST INCREASE MY BUST Anonymous Lisa and Jennie had been friends since high school. They went to different colleges - Lisa in southern California and Jennie in the northeast. They returned to Florida upon graduation, and Jennie was shocked to see her friend's 'new' look. Lisa had landed a job at home in pharmaceutical sales, and while part of her new look was the blonde hair and natural tan that is the typical 'California girl,' it was obvious that she had taken her sign-on bonus and had her breasts enlarged. Both girls had natural good looks, and did aerobics to keep slender young figures; but there had always been a natural competition between these two friends, and while Jennie could not compete with the height difference (Lisa was 5' 7" to Jennie's 5' 4"), she excelled at school, and earned a slightly more lucrative position as a computer analyst. But her 34C bust line could not compete with the new Lisa. Lisa's procedure had been simple. She saw so many chesty women in southern California, that she flippantly told the doctor to bring her size 36B cup breasts out to a Double D. She was delighted with the additional attention her new look was bringing. Besides, she knew it would give her that extra edge over Jennie. Sure enough, that summer after graduation found the 22-year olds at the beach, and all eyes were on Lisa. Her legs were long, tan, and lightly muscled; her butt was firm enough to look great in a thong; she had done sit-ups so that her abs showed just slightly, and her bikini top looked deliciously full. She was a natural for Steve Bissett. Both girls had always liked Steve in high school, but weren't 'mature' enough for him: the most popular guy in the class. Since then, four years abroad had cultured Steve, and this - combined with his classic good looks - made him the object of most single women. But Steve just couldn't get past his obsession with enormous breasts. He could get most any girl he wanted, but the ones he *really* wanted were the feature 'big bust' performers who travelled the country, and appeared in his favorite reading: 'Score Magazine.' His advances to them were always rebuffed - jaded as these women were by 'Stage Door Johnnies.' Anyway, all it took Lisa was a mild flirtation with Steve, and her four years of maturing - not to mention three cup sizes - secured her position as his leading woman. Which put Jennie into a jealous rage. Throughout September and October, Lisa and Jennie hardly spoke to each other. Jennie worked out harder than ever at the gym. Her legs and butt became progressively firmer and tighter in the weekend Florida sun - but every time she looked across at Lisa's bulging chest where she sat next to Steve, Jennie became even angrier and more jealous. 'What is it with guys and boobs?' she pondered. She resolved that it was time for a change, and it would be to a bustier look for Jennie. A chat with some girls on the beach who were dancers at the local gentlemen's club convinced her that the man to see was one Dr Gary Miller, Plastic Surgeon. After the usual disclosure of risks and evaluation of her candidacy, Dr Miller asked why a petite girl such as Jennie with an already ample 34C-cup chest wanted an increase. Jennie lied and told the doctor something he would accept, and - after half an hour of trying on different size forms - decided that a pair of 500cc implants would give her the 34DD bust she desired. It had been two weeks since that appointment. Jennie had the procedure, and was allowed to fully resume her normal activities. She had to admit she liked these two large mounds on her chest. They felt amazingly full as she took them in her hands, and she loved the way they bulged out from her body in gym clothes, even in the new tops she was forced to buy. And a tinge of excitement occurred as she saw Steve walk into the gym that night. Jennie made a beeline for him right away. Steve looked at her, and did a mild double take. He was aware of the rift between his girlfriend and Jennie - although not the reason why. Still, he did not flip head over heels as she had hoped. "You're looking - healthy," was Steve's opener. "Thanks! I've been working out extra hard - among other things. I haven't seen Lisa at the beach - hear she put on some weight," glibbed Jennie, trying to make the best of this one shot. Steve's face lit up, "And how ...!" Jennie was puzzled. "Months of working out, my 34DD chest is so big; everyone stares right at it. I can't even get bras at Victoria's Secret anymore! And he's thinking about a fattening cow?" The mystery was solved later on. Steve was picked up outside the gym by her former friend. Lisa emerged from her yellow Mustang, and it was apparent that the 15 pounds she had gained were mostly right on her chest. Not a radical change, but certainly enough to push her out to a 36DDD. The reality - the sheer, blind JEALOUSY of that moment made Jennie dizzy with envy and rage; and the pressure she placed upon herself made her pass out. When she came to, something had twisted inside her brain, as can happen between jealous women. From that moment: her career, her perception by others, even the caring interest of her family; all faded into the background. One resolution was clear. A tremendous, radical, FREAKISH change was on the horizon for Jennie; and she could feel no end - NO LIMIT - to how massive this change ought to be. She called to set an appointment with Dr Miller after the New Year. Just as someone with an eating disorder might put pictures of food and thin people up on their walls, so Jennie collected every big breast magazine she could find. She clipped out photos of women - the smallest of whom was Tiffany Towers. She even bought back issues of models when they were smaller - then pasted up similar poses of 'before and after'. Looking at the transformation of Tommy Tatas into Wendy Whoppers, she wickedly thought about her own much more massive transformation to come. By the time her late January appointment came around - she was far beyond being merely obsessed. Jennie was fanatical. "What can I do for you now, Jennie?" asked Dr Miller. "I am not satisfied with my body image." "Oh no! I knew I should have convinced her to go smaller," thought Dr Miller. Secretly being a devout (but repressed) tit-man himself - he fleetingly fantasized about an even larger Jennie. To his amazement, his secret wish was granted. "You only live once - live it with the body you know is you, Dr Miller. I want my breasts further augmented!" Dr Miller gulped, completely forgot his professional responsibilities to query the nature of her abnormal request, and nervously muttered, "Uh, how ... how much larger?" Jennie pulled down her loose fitting sweater and squeezed her Double D breasts together - up, up till they bulged to her neck. "Much, MUCH BIGGER", she said, "enormous, freakish, round, heavy, massive, vast, bulging, GIGANTIC globes that stick way out wider on either side of my body." She pulled out photos of Wendy Whoppers - "Bigger than her," she sniffed; then Deena Duos -"Huh! Bigger than her;" and finally, triumphantly, a fictional drawing by Duncan Gutteridge in 'Fantasy Score' of an enormous-busted blonde in a bra -literally a cartoon caricature - to which Jennie quietly said with a coy smile - "And even bigger than her!" Dr. Miller's mouth went dry. "4000 cc implants," she answered his unasked question. "T-t-total v-v-volume?" The doctor was stuttering nervously now. "Each," she stated, in her new wicked defiance to the traditional norms of behavior. "I only wish I could feel the pressure as my chest expands larger and larger; my breasts getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger ... as I feel my body grow to the shape I desire." As the dust settled on this discussion, Dr Miller composed himself - and moved on. His fingers shook as he wrote on a pad. "I am prescribing a salve you will need to apply to your breasts liberally for two weeks. It will prepare the skin for this enormous, er ... this radical change, and make it more supple. Plus, as this is obviously a special-order custom implant, it will take time to prepare." No more words were spoken. Jennie was under general anesthesia as the 'procedure' went underway. She began to stir, and perhaps due to the effects of the anesthesia - the old, normal Jennie had returned. She went into a panic, because the terrifying fear of being conscious and unable to move or communicate had just become a reality; her body was paralyzed by the effects of the medically induced sleep. Worse, Jennie felt this gigantic swelling on her chest as Dr Miller slowly began the process of inflating her overwhelming implants. Frightened to the very core of her being, Jennie began to realize what she had done, and once again pushed herself into a petrified state of unconsciousness - all of this unbeknownst to the medical staff. Perhaps an hour later, she became aroused again, and this time she was even further gone in her gigantic breast obsession than months earlier. All she was able to move was her eyes, and she used them to focus in hard on Dr Miller. When their eyes locked, communication flowed like a computer modem - she knew he was a devout tit-hound, and she commanded him to make her even bigger than originally requested. Dr Miller followed his hypnotic domination, and went on to 'over-inflate' the custom-built implants to the absolute maximum size allowed by their design. A few hours after the procedure, Jennie began to stir. She did not open her eyes, but she was quite aware of a rib-crushing pressure on her torso, even pinning down her arms! Tingles ran through her twisted mind in delight at this very heavy load she could now feel, and with her eyes still closed, she bent her arms at the elbows to bring each palm up towards her . . . . . . . . . . what the ?? Her hands were stopped much sooner than expected on their investigative ascent, by her new - much more massive chest. She had to cross her legs slightly, she felt herself getting moist. Her breasts were now soooooo large, that her small hands could not detect even the curvature of each massive orb. She finally felt peace. It was a longer period of recovery than normal for a breast augmentation. Jennie accepted the one week bed confinement - necessary because this incredible weight was far too great for her sutures. Thanks to a week on a liquid diet, the last pound or two of lower body fat melted away; adding the final fantasy touches to her shocking new figure. Even everyday activities had become more difficult, and Jennie loved it - from the moment she realized she could no longer merely raise a glass to her lips. She had to reach out sideways, bring the glass round in an arc, and *still* her forearm would poke into her vast upper slopes. At the end of the week, Jennie needed assistance to rise from her bed. 'The extra resistance will give my abs a better workout,' she mused. Dr Miller removed her gown, and carefully cut away the custom surgical bra. At the very moment Jennie's new super-chest was exposed in all its overwhelming glory, a nurse happened to walk in, and at the sight of Jennie's freakish proportions, dropped her clipboard and gasped. Jennie spent the following week at home readjusting her life around her differently-shaped body, with the exception of a stop at a corsetiere for some clearly custom foundations. She did some basic isometric exercises to help her mobility, and tanned lightly on the sun deck in preparation for Sunday's showdown at the beach. She pulled a black thong bottom up her butt - it looked awesome after seven months of hard training. An old (DD) black bikini top with extensions tied on was pulled tightly - for extra effect. Her cover-up was a men's white XXL T-shirt with a one-inch rip in front of the neck. Driving to the beach that Sunday, Jennie realized she couldn't even hold the steering wheel with both hands. There was no way she could now put her arms out straight in front, her overly-inflated bust line bulged out so much on either side. And trying to bear hug around her wondrous boobs necessitated sitting closer - so close that her flesh pressed hard on the wheel. Jennie solved this challenge by turning slightly sideways and driving with one hand, smiling confidently. Once she arrived at the beach, her thigh length T-shirt made little or no impact on many males; the T-shirt hung straight down like a mumu. But those who noticed her sleek thighs and calves turned and gaped in utter confusion. Once again, Jennie made a beeline for Steve. Lisa, in her own attempt to maintain Steve's interest, had put on a few more pounds - she was in danger of becoming just plain chunky. She looked up first, and her mouth slowly opened. Steve turned around - and just stopped. A gigantic projection of white T-shirt formed a 'V' out and away from Jennie's front. She stopped ten feet away and locked eyes with him. This was the moment of absolute power she had dreamed of for so long. Slowly, she slid her hands to her belly and pushed inwards on her T-shirt, revealing that although it was a good 18 inches out from her body, there was nothing inside pushing it out there! At the sight of this, Steve instinctively put his hand into his bathing trunks where a Venus he had never known before was rising. Jennie reached up and grabbed the neckline on either side of the one-inch rip and pulled the garment apart, revealing the glories within. With no thought of public shame, Steve masturbated at the mere sight of Jennie's new form. Her legs were sleek, but femininely muscled, what he could see of her waist revealed taut abs, but her mammalian appendages were like none he had ever seen, anywhere. Jennie's breasts were ENORMOUS, SIMPLY ENORMOUS! They were deliciously way too big for her body, or any body! Starting half an inch below her clavicle, Jennie's new super boobs projected both out and sideways. Incredibly, each breast was the size and shape of a medicine ball: perfectly round, each of them far wider than her waist. And while her bikini top forced them into a deep, dark cleavage, they bulged far out on either side as well. Jennie stood still for about 60 seconds, watching as Steve jerked off. Lisa was in total shock. Then ever so slightly she twisted her torso, causing the enormously heavy load of her breasts to slowly move with the huge momentum of their vast weight - first to the left, then a momentous second later, back to the right. And just as Steve felt the stirrings of an unbelievable ejaculation, Jennie reached her hands up to her head, tightening the load on her already perilously overburdened top. She took a deep breath, arched her back, and thrust her tits out as far as they could go! It was the biggest, firmest ratio of breast to waist measurement the world had ever seen, and appropriately enough, the seams of her top gave way and literally burst. Steve's load spurted across nine of the ten feet between them. Steve didn't say one word. He pulled his trunks up, stood and walked across to Jennie. Together, they walked off as one. Lisa smelled the autumn leaves as she came out from her anesthesia-induced sleep. She could not be certain, but she believed she felt an IMMENSE pressure. All the way down TO HER HIP BONES ?! THE END