By: Dr Enlarge BLOOMING IN THE SPRING or TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING ? Prologue "Cal, you know it bothers me when you do that. Please look at ME when we're talking." Mallory sounded irritated, and Cal realized he'd been, not unobtrusively enough, staring at a woman walking nearby. She was short and well curved. Her chest especially stood out, which was what had caught Cal's eye. Breasts were a fixation for Cal, something he'd had since he'd first started to become sexually aware. It was something Mallory was well aware of, considering the lavish amount of attention he gave to her rather modestly sized chest during their love making. The problem arose when his attention was caught by a more well endowed woman. He had a hard time not staring. He didn't neccesarily have a preference for busty women, rather he had an appreciation for all breasts. Large chested women were more "visible",and therefore more inclined to draw his attention. " I'm sorry Mal, I know I keep saying I'll do my best to stop, and I think I have been improving. Please don't be too upset with me." "I've got to get back to campus, and I don't want to get into a fight about this again, but we need to figure out a solution. Maybe if I were bigger I could keep your attention focused on me." She replied, sounding a little less irritated, more joking. "That's silly Mal, you know how I feel about you love. Considering all the flack coming down on breast enlargement these days I don't think it's something you'd ever want to consider." "You know I'm only kidding, heaven knows I wouldn't want to go through the hassle of surgery just to keep your eyes focused on me constantly. I know well enough I can get your full attention if I really want to. "Oops, I'm out of time, I've got to go dear." She stood, picking up her jacket. "Speaking of attention," Cal said softly, "Shall I drop buy this evening and show you just how much of mine you have?" "Come by at 8, I'll be waiting for you. And you'd better be prepared to pay a lot of attention to make up for today." She added. As he got up from the bench she stood up on tip-toe to kiss him wetly, making sure to scrape her fingernails up his thigh under the cover of her coat. Cal watched Mallory walk away, appreciating greatly the shape of her behind, and the gentle sway of her hips. He was startled out of his reverie by a voice. "Excuse me sir, but I couldn't help but notice you and the young lady enjoying this fine afternoon." Cal turned to look at the voices' source. It was a grizzled old man wearing a large brimmed hat and pushing a small cart covered with a variety of flowers. "Ah, young lovers in the spring. A time of birth and growth. A beautiful time to be in love, if I do say so myself." "Um, uuh, yea," said Cal, a little startled by the man's forwardness. "Perhaps you'd like to purchase a flower for the young woman. No one grows them larger or finer than I do my boy." He gestured at the cart, and sure enough it did have a selection of some of the largest flowers Cal had ever seen. There were roses and carnations with blooms as large as his spread hand, and a variety of other flowers Cal didn't even recognize. He picked out the two largest red roses on the cart saying, "That's really good idea, I'm glad you happened by. These really are incredible flowers. How do you get them so large though?" "Magick my boy, what else !" The old man replied, then chuckled loudly when Cal began laughing. "Here, why don't you take her these for her as well, as a gift from me for brightening up this day even more." The old man reached into a small hidden drawer on the cart and brought out a small cardboard box, sealed on each end with gold foil. It simply said "Fine Mints" on each side of the box. "They're very fine, high quality confections my boy. I strongly suggest she savor them, and don't gulp them all down at once", the old man said as he turned his cart. "After all too much of a good thing can have its drawbacks." Then he pushed his cart, wheels squeaking loudly, away around a bend in the path and was gone. Cal pulled up out front of Mallory's house at a few minutes before 8, parked, and went up to the front door. There was a note on the door to him. It read: "I hope your attention span is at a peak, because I expect to have all of it to myself tonight ! Come in, the door is open. Love Mallory." Cal slowly pushed the door open and stepped into the hall. He draped his jacket over the coat hooks and ventured down the hall towards the living room, the only room with any light coming from it. He stepped into the doorway and the sight before him took his breath away. The room was softly lit by a few candles, and there was a pair of wine glasses on the table. Reclining on the sofa was a vision of erotic beauty. Mallory was wearing her long pink night- shirt, the bottom of which almost went down to mid thigh. At 5' 4" in height and and weighing only 110 lbs, her small slender frame looked exquisite. Her pale skin glowed in the candle light, and her light golden hair was flowing down around her shoulders. Cal walked towards her and she arched her back as she sat up, pushing her small firm breasts out, the nipples were just beginning to harden. Cal set the box of mints down on the table then knelt on the floor and presented the flowers to her. When she took them he let his hands drift down and rest on her bare thighs, the soft smooth skin warm under his fingers. She moaned appreciatively as she set the flowers down on the table. She then reached out and began unbuttoning his shirt. He slid his hands further up her legs, slowly pushing under the hem of the night shirt. As his fingers crept up her thighs towards her hips she began to pant and whimper faintly. Suddenly he grabbed the bottom edge of the shirt and lifted as he stood. He quickly pulled it off over her head and arms and then took a step back. As he looked at her naked body, he felt his pulse quicken, and his cock began to harden. Startled for only a moment she lay back on the couch, drawing one foot up along the other leg to her knee, opening herself to him completely. She let one hand rest on her inner thigh, the hand beginning to slowly stroke up and down between her legs. The other hand drifted up between her small, firm, teacup shaped breasts, where it began to tease her now fully hardened nipples. The small pink points rising in little nubs up from the even paler pink aureole. "Strip for me lover." She said in a husky whisper. Cal finished undoing his shirt, then kicked off his shoes. She admired the well defined muscles of his chest and arms as he lifted each leg and removed his socks, then began undoing his pants. She began rubbing herself a little faster as his pants dropped to the floor revealing his hard engorged cock confined only by a thin layer of underwear. He stepped towards her as he pushed his underwear down, letting them slide down his legs then stepping out of them. As he stepped forward out of them Mallory sat up and grasped his now throbbing cock. He groaned as first she blew gently on the tip, and then began to lick it long and slowly. After only a few moments of this she began to lower herself back down onto the couch, pulling him down by his penis. She guided him slowly between her legs and brushed his tip up and down along her outer lips. Both of them moaning now in a sate of high arousal Cal leaned over her and began to gently tease her breasts with lips and tongue. He moved slowly around, never quite touching her nipples, spending equal amounts of time on each breast. Their mutual restraint continued until almost simultaneously he opened his mouth around one breast, and began devouring the nipple, while she slid him deep inside her body. She grabbed him tightly with her inner muscles as he began to slowly push in and out of her. His mouth switched to her other breast, licking, and worrying at nipple, the soft firm flesh of her breast almost completely covered by his mouth when he opened wide. She was so aroused already she began her first orgasm. She was moaning and whimpering, getting louder as her motions became more intense. Her inner muscles were squeezing Cal with incredible strength and he had to exert a considerable amount of control to keep from letting go too early. With a last high pitched whimper Mallory went over the edge, her back arched and mouth open, gasping silently. Cal continued to slowly pump and tease her breasts until she came down. Even as she was recovering he kept at her, feeling his own threshold he tried to work her back to peak. With the continued stimulation to her above and below she soon was caught up in the rising throws of another orgasm. Moving faster and faster inside her Cal began to let loose with an intense series of spasms. The feeling of his warmth joining with hers, the incessant friction against her clit was enough to send Mallory over the edge once more, thrashing and moaning along with Cal. After recovering for a while Mallory pulled a coverlet off the back of the sofa over them and sat up. "That was a lovely beginning, but I hope you realize the evening is just beginning." She grinned wickedly. She reached for the wine glasses as Cal sat up next to her, the soft warmth of their bodies comforting them as cool air slipped under the blanket around their shoulders. She took a sip of hers as Cal took the other glass from her. She suddenly snapped her head and sprayed wine across the table, making a gagging noise. Cal quickly put his glass down and put his hands on her shoulders. "What is, what's wrong !?" he asked, a strong note of worry in his voice. In a voice distorted from spluttering she said, "Wine, Aahh! Blaahh! Tastes horrible !" Sputtering she reached for the box of mints and ripped it open. Cal picked up his glass and touched his tongue to the wine. It tasted like a mix of vinegar and turpentine. It must have had a bad seal, no wonder she'd reacted so strongly. As he set his glass back down she dumped the box of mints out and jammed a half a dozen into her mouth, chewing frantically to get rid of the horrible taste. After a few minutes she relaxed and sat back into the curve of Cals arms. "Is that better ?", he asked. "Much," She replied, "It's a good thing you brought those, I think I would have been sick if I'd hadn't gotten rid of that taste any sooner." They sat there in each others arms for a time, enjoying the warmth and presence. Soon their hands began to wander to more sensitive areas, and their kisses became longer and wetter. Cal's hands were sliding up over Mallorys breasts, starting to draw her nipples back to hardness, and she was stroking his organ again, feeling it stiffen up under her ministrations. A wash of heat suddenly swept through Mallory and she groaned as her nipples went rock hard. She turned around on Cal's lap and straddled him, her pert breasts thrusting into his face while her hands now worked feverishly on his cock. Quickly she rose up and guided him into her, then she began frantically pumping up and down on him, rising up and grinding down with great force. Cal began his play on her breasts again and the heat running through her seemed to increase. In moments she was shuddering through an intense orgasm, rocking and shaking on Cals cock. As she came down she didn't stop moving but rather began pumping again with even more ferocity. Her head arched back, hands pulling Cal into her chest she began screaming into an even more intense orgasm, sending Cal over the edge too, his moans muffled on her chest. The ecstasy lasted for several minutes before they began to calm down. When the emotional storm was finally over they sank into each others arms and fell into an exhausted sleep. The next few days passed without incident. Finals ended and they began to plan a vacation trip to Cal's family cabin up north. A few minor things occurred, which neither took notice of at first, but that heralded a change in their lives of sizeable proportions. A few days later, while they were at a movie one evening, Mallory kept fidgeting. When Cal asked her what's wrong she simply said that she must have a minor rash or something. The next day at lunch she was still uncomfortable, occasionally adjusting her bra-straps. "It's nothing really," she said, "it's just this top feels so uncomfortable for some reason." "Can I help you off with it ?" he half leered at her. She playfully punched his arm and didn't say anything more about it. About a week later she called him up and asked him to come over to her house, she sounded a little odd but wouldn't say why. Cal hurried over, as much curious as worried. She hadn't sounded sick or scared. When he arrived he ran up to the door as Mallory opened it for him. "What's the matter Mal?. You sounded so odd over the phone." As she led him into the living room she spoke over her shoulder. "I'm not sure what to think about this." She sounded puzzled, more than anything else. In the living room she gestured for him to sit down. He waited patiently, knowing she'd prefer to do this at her own speed. "You know how I've had that rash the past week or so ?" He nodded. "I went to a dermatologist about it, since it was just getting more and more annoying. He examined me and didn't find anything wrong. He gave me a lotion for the irritation, but said it was being caused by chaffing, and perhaps I should try a looser bra or even a sports bra for a while. As I was getting dressed it hit me. I don't know why I hadn't noticed it before, but I realized my bra was too tight. It's really weird, but my breasts have gotten larger. I've never heard of such a thing happening to someone this far past puberty, have you ?" "It does sound rather strange." Cal said after a few moments. "Are you sure it's not something like you washed your underwear in the wrong temperature water or something ?" She shook her head immediately, saying, "I've even measured myself Cal. I've been wearing a size 34B bra for the past 5 years, now I fit, rather snugly, into a 34C !" With that she pulled her sweatshirt off to reveal the tight fitting t-shirt underneath. Cal looked closely and had to admit she was right. Whereas a week and a half ago her breasts had been small and firm, fitting comfortably into the pal of his hand, they where now noticeably larger. He figured they would now fill his cupped hand completely, and they still looked, without her bra, as solid as before. Cal couldn't help becoming aroused as he gazed at this new feature on his slender lover. As he stared he saw the nipples begin to swell up under the thin shirt. Mallory stared down at her chest and then swung her gaze up to look Cal in the eye, a smoldering gleam beginning to form in her own. "I hadn't planned on this happening dear, but I've also noticed that as they've grown in size, they've also gotten a lot more sensitive." Cal just stared at her, his mouth going a little dry. "Now this is the kind of attention I like getting. Perhaps I shouldn't be too worried about this after all, maybe you won't be so easily distracted by other women any more." She smiled a wicked smile, and started to slowly walk over to Cal. "Maybe you, uh, should, should go and, um, uh, see a doct, doctor, anyw, anyways. J-Just in case." he managed to stammer out as she began s-l-o-w-l-y pulling her shirt up. "I did yesterday. He said I'd get the test results by the end of the week. In the meanwhile, though, why don't we both enjoy them." She finished pulling her shirt off and her round firm breasts were revealed to Cal's worshipful gaze. She stepped directly in front of him and slowly pulled his head into her bosom. "Please me love, make love to me." she whispered. His tongue began to trace circles around her full, stiff, pink nipples. A few days later Cal and Mallory were out shopping. They needed some supplies for the cabin, and Mallory needed some new bras. It was in the lingerie shop that they realized things may have just been beginning. "Cal," Mallory said quietly, "I think it's still happening." She sounded both worried and excited at the same time. "What do you mean ?" Are you still getting..." He trailed off as she nodded. "I tried on a 34C and it didn't fit ! I went to a 34D and it fit, but it felt a little tight !" Cal just stared, a look mixed of consternation and interest. "What are you going to do ?" he asked. "Maybe I should just hold off for a while and wait for it to stop. I feel awfully self conscious without one though. People keep staring at me." "If it bothers you that much," he answered, "why don't you get a couple of overlarge sweatshirts, they should help keep you a little more inconspicuous. Although," he continued in a low seductive tone, "I've rather enjoy staring myself !" She looked back, feeling the same heat rising in her that he must have been feeling. They stared hotly at each other for a few moments, when they were brought back to earth by two other customers brushing past them. Realizing that the mall was not the place to express the feeling they were experiencing, they picked up their bags and left. The doctor's test results came in showing nothing wrong with Mallory but he was mystified as to what was happening. He left it by advising Mallory to call him if she should begin to feel any unusual pains or discomfort. The next five days passed in a flurry of amazement, excitement, and some of the most intense lovemaking either of them had ever experienced. Mallory's bosom showed no signs of slowing its' expansion, if anything it was getting larger faster. They also had grown so sensative Cal could sometimes bring Mallory to orgasm just by teasing her breasts. The day before their trip they measured her at up to about 34G. On her small frame they looked like a pair of volley balls under her loose sweat-shirt. That evening they were taking a walk through the park to relax and discuss the ramifications of what was happening to her. "I'm not sure what to think about this yet." she was saying, "It's certainly been exciting and all, but they are starting to get in the way of a lot of things. I never dreamed it would be so difficult to just put on a pair of shoes." She glanced down at her feet and and Cal saw what she meant. Her breasts were so big in relation to the rest of her she couldn't even see her feet without leaning forward, a proposition that, while certainly attractive, posed some problems in terms of balance and center of gravity. She went on, "It's becoming uncomfortable to type for any amount of time, and I'm also starting to get backaches. These are things that will probably just get worse as time goes by. But the thing that really worries me is what if they don't stop growing ! It may seem ridiculous, but what if it happens. They're already a minor hindrance in so many ways. Can you imagine what it might be like if they get to 70, 80, even 100 inches!" She was shaking with the horror of the idea. Cal thought about it for a moment, shaking his head. While they were at this size, and even a little larger still, he didn't think the problems were insurmountable. Surgery was a possibility they had talked about earlier, but that would only be possible if they did stop growing. They had stopped walking and were standing face to face. Cal opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a familiar voice. "Calm down missy, it isn't all that bad." The old man with the flower cart stood on the path in front of them. There hadn't been any- one in sight a moment ago, and there was no place for someone to have been hiding. "The Change will stop eventually of its' own accord." He glanced strongly at Cal, "Remember what I said about the mints boy? They're very fine, high quality, I strongly suggest she savor them, and don't gulp them all down at once. After all too much of a good thing can have its drawbacks." He looked now at Mallory and asked, "How many of them did you eat at once ?" Mallory was as startled and shocked as Cal at the old man's seemingly impossible appearance, but she managed to reply in a halting confused voice, "I, uh, I don't remem... Um, no, err, most of them ? All but one or two I think." The old man looked thoughtful for a moment, and in the silence Mallory regained a measure of her composure. "Who are you ? How do you know what we're talking about ?" she started to gat a little indignant, until he turned his gaze on her again, so she finished up rather quietly, "and where did you come from?" He smiled for a moment at them, and then answered, in a much less intimidating tone. "Who am I ? Just a flower seller, trying to bring a little more beauty and happiness into people's lives. It's just that sometimes my methods are a little unorthodox. I know of which you speak because I am partially responsible for your condition." At the growing look of disbelief in their eyes he held up a hand as if to forestall any comments. He then drew from mid air a small flower and presented it to Mallory. She took it, somewhat hesitantly, and they watched as he pulled a small vial from a drawer on his cart. He sprinkled a few drops from the vial on the flower and they watched in amazement as it slowly grew to fully three times its size in a matter of minutes. He broke the stunned silence by saying, "I deal in renewal, beauty, love, and growth. I try to make people happy if I can, where it seems they could be happier. I've heard your conversations before and thought I'd meddle in the hope of bringing you both a little closer together, you really are well suited for each other. "Had you not eaten so many of the 'mints' at once the Change would still have occurred, but it would have been over a much longer period of time, and it would not have been as drastic as this." After a few moments of silence Cal asked, " Can you do anything to reverse it ? How much longer will it go on before it stops ?" "Oh it should stop within a week or so, although the growth rate will continue to accelerate for the next few days. As for reversing the process ? Probably, but only if it's what you want to do Miss Mallory." He looked intently at her. She looked down at herself, thinking about the experiences of the past few weeks, weighing the good against the bad. "What do we have to do to reverse it ?" she asked quietly. "Nothing really." the old man replied, "Just go off on your holiday, and enjoy yourselves. When you get back, come meet me here and I'll give you something to remove the effects, if that is still your desire." She looked long into Cals' eyes, then said, "We'll meet you here in a week with our answer. I think we need to see how things will work out 'til then." "Fair enough, enjoy your trip." But when they turned to say goodbye he was already gone. The next morning Cal picked Mallory up bright and early. She was wearing a large baggy flannel shirt, untucked to conceal her figure as much as possible. She had a lusty, playful gleam in her eye as they loaded her gear for the trip. The 8 hour drive was sheer torture for Cal. Mallory had undone the top two buttons of the shirt and when he could sneak a glance away from the road he could see her stretching or gently stroking herself through the shirt. Even under the loose flannel Cal could catch occassional views of her hardened nipples as they drove. When Mallory took her turns driving she insisted he keep his hands to himself so she wouldn't be distracted while driving, but then unbuttoned two more buttons on the shirt, saying "34I and 43" dearest, and they're s-o-o sensitive that if I don't keep the shirt loose I'm likely to orgasm because of the friction from bouncing around in the car." With the window down the wind would pull the shirt almost completely open, affording Cal an awesome view of Mallorys massive breasts. It took all the willpower he could muster, and an occasional scolding slap, to keep his hands and lips off those incredibly tempting mounds. It seemed as if Mallory was determined to discover all the ramifications of her condition, seeing just how far she was willing to go. Having said that other people staring made her uncomfortable, she decided to try and make people stare, instead of being a passive receiver she went out of her way to be noticed. At all the rest stops and gas stations along the way she made sure she got a good thorough stretch outside the car, with 3 buttons undone on her shirt. The reactions were mixed, but she seemed to revel in the attention. At one gas station a trucker, too involved in watching her arch and stretch her back, ran up over the back half of a Fiero, whose owner didn't notice for a few moments having been distracted by the same incredible sight. She took great delight in 'accidentally' dropping her wallet or anything else that required her to bend over, since invariably she fell mostly out of the shirt when doing so. Even on the road she would pull up and drive side by side with other vehicles for a while, once almost getting them run off the road by a group of college jocks who kept trying to get closer to see better. Upon their arrival at the secluded lakeside cabin, Mallory extended the teasing as far as she could. "Why don't you start unloading our stuff, while I go and open up the cabin." She said this while staying on the other side of the car from Cal, so he couldn't make a grab for her, while she finished unbuttoning the shirt. She turned and walked away before he could get a good look, but as she walked away the sides of her breasts were clearly visible from behind, still as firm as they had been originally, they only swayed and bounced a little as she glided away. Cal decided to play along with her teasing, knowing he'd have his chance to get back at her. As he walked in the open door the first thing he saw was her shirt draped over a kitchen chair, then he heard her call out from the front room. "Darling, you should see the view out here, it really is breathtaking." He walked into the next room and saw her sitting, profiled, in the bay-window seat. "God, she's magnificent !" he thought to himself. He walked up to the window and, somehow, without looking directly at her, looked out the window at the lakeshore down the hill. "It certainly is lovely." he said quietly. Out of the corner of his eye he could see her sit up straight, obviously a bit indignant at his willpower. She stood and moved behind him. He felt her massive firm softness press against his back before her arms came around his waist. "Well I hope I don't disturb your enjoyment of it, let me know if I should stop." she purred into his ear. He felt one hand glide down to the front of his jeans, while the other began loosening his belt. She was rubbing herself against his back and he could feel her swollen nipples, now as big as the tip of his thumb, sliding up and down in time with her hand on his swelling member. She was moaning with pleasure as she finally lowered his pants and underwear to the floor, while he pulled his shirt over his head. She wrapped both hands around his fully hardened cock and began a maddening rhythm, moving in time to her sliding tips. With one hand he grabbed the window frame for support and with the other reached back and began fingering her. In moments she began gasping and heaving, her body wracked by a massive series of orgasms that lasted for almost 5 minutes. While she was recovering, Cal guided her around in front of him and helped her to a kneeling position, with her arms resting on the window seat. He knelt behind her and gently stroked and massaged her back while she caught her breath. As she came back down his hands began moving along her sides, then slowly up the sides of her breasts, softly stroking and caressing. He moved down under them, still marveling that anything so large could be so firm. He began nuzzling at her neck and ears as his hands moved up the front of her breasts, still stroking softly, but avoiding her sensitive tips. She began to hmm and mrrr deep in her throat. "Oh yes-s-s lover, touch me ! Please, give me more-e-e ! Ohh, yes-s-s, yes my love, o-h-h-h!" She was groaning as she spoke. He boosted her up out of a crouch so she had to use her arms to support her body on the seat. His hands slid down to her legs and urged them apart. He slid his still erect cock between her thighs and began rubbing it along her outer lips. The moisture from her first orgasm quickly coated him, and he began to slowly press in and out of her a little at a time, getting a deeper with each thrust. His hands slid back up to her breasts where they began to work on her in earnest, squeezing, pulling, and teasing. She was moaning and panting now, begging him to move faster and deeper. "Yess, oh god, oh yes, faster please faster ! Oh darling please ! Oh Oh OH ! NO ! Please don't stop ! Please !" Cal waited for a few moments and then began again, slowly teasing and taunting her. Bringing her closer and closer, then stopping before she could peak. He kept this up for close to fifteen minutes. Mallory could hardly speak, she was arched and rigid, whimpering, "Please oh please, don't stop, please please, p-l-e-a-s-e !" Finally it was too much for Cal; The heat and tightness, her constant whimpering and moaning, coupled with the day long teasing. It at last proved too much and he began thrusting in earnest. "Yes Mal, feel it, feel it, let it go ! Oh YESS!" "Oh Oh Oh Cal, yes yes OH YES OHHHH !!!!!" They rocked and wracked together moaning and crying their joy for a long time. When they eventually recovered enough to move they slowly helped each other up and staggered into the bedroom where they immediately dropped into an exhausted slumber. Sometime during the night Cal awoke from a dream of warm suffocation to find it a reality. Mallory was riding him up and down while sliding her basketball sized breasts across his face. When he realized what was happening, through the sleep haze, he started nipping and tonguing her breasts as they moved across him. This proved to be enough to send Mallory over the edge into orgasm again. As she slowed he began thrusting back against her while he captured one nipple in his mouth. To his amazement he could actually tell that it was larger now than it had been last night. As he clamped down on it Mallory went back into the throws of orgasm. This time Cal joined her as she screamed her pleasure to the world. The next moring Cal woke up alone. Hearing a noise from the kitchen he pulled on a pair of shorts and went to find Mallory. She was leaning with her back against the refrigerator, head thrown back, and eyes closed. Her terry cloth robe was open from the waist up and her delicate arms were cradling her breasts, her hands clenched around her nipples. She looked at him dreamily as her orgasm subsided. "Sorry you weren't here to help with that one dear. It's just they're so sensitive right now. My robe was rubbing against them as I moved around, and it felt so rough and exciting, the next thing I knew it was happening again." He moved over to her, cupping his hands over hers, helping her stimulate herself. "I didn't mind, it was rather nice to watch it, though I hope I can help out the next time around." She had started to whimper again but she somehow lifted both of their hands away. "We've got to eat sometime Cal, or we wont have the energy to keep up this pace." Reluctantly he moved away and she pulled her robe back around herself, albeit so loosely there was more of her showing than covered. "Why don't you sit down and relax where I can admire the view, and I'll fix something." He told her. She took a seat at the table and leaned back, pulling her robe open a little more. "Don't let me distract you dear, it would be a shame to burn one of those talented hands because you weren't paying attention to what you're doing." She licked her lips slowly with the tip of her tongue. Breakfast was quick and only slightly burned, and in less than half an hour they were back in the bedroom. Mallory's heightend sensitivity made for a day of wracking and convulsive orgasms. Although Cal could only cum a couple of times over the course of the day he delighted in bringing Mallory to successive multiple orgasms in a short period of time. After countless hours of this they fell into an exhausted sleep. Cal slept with her, but woke before she did. He took the time to unpack all the other things they'd brought then fixed a couple of meals to cook or re-heat later, figuring to save time on their meal breaks between times in the bedroom. Hearing her stir after a while he took breakfast into the bedroom for her. She looked so innocent and appealing curled up under the covers that for a moment he forgot the incredible body the sheets hid from view. Then she sat up to give him a good morning hug that, as the sheets slipped down, turned into a long sensual kissing and fondling. They managed to tear away from each other so she could eat. They decided to take it easy for a while so they could both recover from the exertions of the past couple of days. They dressed and took a short hike along the lakeshore. After a few hours they wound up back at the cabin and had an early dinner. There was an air of tension in they air as they both started eyeing each other in a heated fashion. They managed to do the dishes and get them put away before their control slipped completely away. In the living room they slowly took each other into their arms for a long slow embrace, then moved slightly apart as Cal's gaze travelled slowly down from her delicate lovely face. Her breasts swelled massively up from her small frame. As Cal brushed a hand down her cheek to her collar she let out a faint sigh. When his hand reached the top button of the shirt the sigh turned into a throaty purr. As he slowly slipped the top button open he saw her nipples start to harden and rise up, visible even under the soft thick flannel of her shirt. He slid his hand down to the next button, a finger inside the shirt sliding in the deep crevice of her cleavage. He released the second button, and felt her hand begging to slowly stroke his rising member through his jeans. As the third button was released her incredible breasts began to force the shirt open. The shirt had been a snug fit when she'd put it on that morning, but her bosom had grown visibly since then putting a strain on the buttons holding her in. As Cal freed the 4th button her breasts forced themselves free of the shirt, popping the last few buttons off as they burst out of their confinement. Mallory grabbed a hold of Cal's fully stiffend rod with one hand and, still purring deep in her throat, pulled his jeans open with the other. Cal placed his hands under Mallory's glorious breasts, and slowly stroked up to her prominent nipples where he began to slowly stroke and tease them. Mallory's breath began to come in short panting gasps. She pushed his pants and underwear part way down his legs and and began to stroke him with both hands, using long slow strokes. Cal began to growl deep in his throat, in counterpoint to the higher pitched whimpers Mallory was now emitting. He continued to stroke and pull on one nipple and took the other between his lips, gently worrying it with his lips. This sent Mallory over the edge in a crashing orgasm. She pressed his head into her softness with one hand, but continued to stroke him with the other even as she shuddered through her orgasm. She had barely recovered when the feelings Cal was giving her in her chest began to wind her up again. She gently pushed him away and began to kneel down, sliding his pants and underwear the rest of the way off. She made sure that his long hard cock slid in between her breasts as she did this, and then kept it there. She began to slide her breasts around him with her hands, causing his groans to become short deep breaths. She pushed down and closer to him until the tip of his organ appeared between her breasts, just below her chin, and she reached out with her tongue. She licked it slowly and tenderly, running circles around the head with her tongue tip. "I can't hold back !", he gasped. She pushed her mouth down over him, swallowing down to the base of his cock and then sucked powerfully. He jerked and spasmed strongly, shooting down her throat as she swallowed and moaned around him. His voice was choked and gasping, "Oh God ! Mallory ! Oh yess-s-s ! Ooohh ! YES-S-S-S!!" He pulled out of her mouth and helped her to her feet, still panting slowly. He went to kiss her but she pushed him away and circled around to the bed. He began pulling his shirt off as she dropped her shorts to the floor. She wasn't wearing any panties, and he could smell her powerful arousal. She stretched, arching her back, and her firm, incredible breasts swelled forward. As if offering themselves to him. Just yesterday they'd measured her at about 46" and a 34L cup, and she had still been growing! Her small frame made her already incredible bust seem even larger. To Cal it was the most erotic sight he could conceive of! He was already fully hard again and couldn't wait to get inside her. He moved onto the bed and lay down on his back. She crawled up over him, sliding her nipples up his body, from ankle to head, then back down again. She moved slowly back up, pausing to slide her hot wet mouth down over him, taking him all the way down and up, down and up. He gasped and ran his fingers through her long silky hair. She slid off him then moved up, kneeling astride him. She brought his hands up to her breasts and groaned as he started to fondle them. She slid herself down on him, all the way down in a single slow glide. She began to rock up and down on his length. Her breasts, larger now than either of them had imagined possible, were swaying with the motion. It was the most erotic feeling either of them had ever experienced. She lowered her torso down so her breasts were gently swaying just above his lips. He began to gently lick and caress around her around her nipples, now as big around as quarters. As she moved a little faster on him, he began to edge in to the nipples themselves, just brushing them at first. As he moved even faster and got louder he took more and more of her nipples into his mouth, moving from one to the other in time with her riding motion. They both felt rising within themselves a peak beyond belief. They made no sound, but their breath began to pant quickly in and out. The tide of orgasm rose and built, taking them higher and higher. It was beyond anything they'd ever experienced. As it peaked they let out a harsh scream, baritone and soprano mixing together as the wave of lust crashed around them, carrying them on a tide of pleasure and joy. They began rocking and grinding together as it continued on and on, until they had no breath left to scream and no strength left to move. Slowly the intensity receded and they let exhaustion claim them. Cal awoke to a breathtaking site the next morning. Laying next to, stretched out on her side was Mallory in all her glory. The sheet was pulled down to her hips, and her soft pale skin had a rosy glow from the morning sun coming through the window. Cal was alongside her and a little further from the headboard. The result of this being her breasts were directly in front of his face. He just stared astonished and admiringly at them for a long time. He tried to come up with a comparison in size and finally the word "watermelons" popped into his head. After a few moments thought he amended that to "big watermelons". He reached out with one hand and began to stroke one of them, as gently as he could. Mallory murmured in her sleep, but didn't wake up. Soon her nipples started to respond to his slow caress and began rising. In moments they reached their full size, pushing out from the three inch wide aureole at least a full inch. Cal moved in a little closer, slowly and gently pursing his lips around one, as his hand continued to quietly tease the other. Mallory's breathing began to quicken, but she still did not wake up. Cal worked over her nipples for ten or fifteen minutes without waking her. He moved his other hand gently between her legs and began working in between her lips. She was already very wet and warm, and became even more so as he continued his ministrations. She continued to mutter and moan in her sleep and then went into a quiet slow orgasm. Even this did not wake her up, so Cal figured she really needed her sleep and went to prepare breakfast. He grabbed the shirt she'd worn yesterday and sewed some new buttons on for her, wondering if the shirt would still fit her today, then he started on breakfast. After about twenty minutes he heard the shower start up but managed to convince himself to finish cooking, even though he very much wanted to join her in the shower and help her wash herself while she did the same for him. Just thinking about her incredible body under the warm spray started to arouse him again. He had been fantasizing for a few minutes when he heard her call from the bedroom, not having the noticed the water stop running. "I think I may have a problem love" she called out. "What's that ?" he asked, coming back into the bedroom. She turned to face him wearing shorts and her oversized flannel shirt. The shirt had only the bottom five buttons done up, leaving the top third of the shirt open. "It's a beautiful sight Mal, but what's the problem ?" he asked. In response Mallory inhaled deeply and pulled her shoulders back a little. In response the buttons popped off: One, two, three, four, five. Leaving the shirt hanging open, barely covering half her chest. "The problem is dear, that was my largest shirt. I don't have any other shirts that will fit." Feeling himself begin to 'rise to the occasion' Cal answered back, "I don't see where the problem is in that, I rather prefer this view." He grinned wickedly. Slowly running her hands along the undersides of her breasts she replied, "It will be a problem when we go home. People were staring at me enough as it was. If I go back wearing only my pants, and looking like this, I'm likely to either get arrested, or cause a riot, or maybe even both. Besides, I don't mind so much anymore some people catching a quick view here and there, but I only want to share this kind of 'exposure' with you." "What about your night-shirt ?" he asked. Mallory tried on her long night shirt. Normally it came down to mid-thigh on her, but now it was riding up above her stomach. When she stretched her arms over her head it slowly slid up until the undersides of her breasts were clearly visible. She grasped the hem of the shirt and began pulling it up as if to remove it. When it slipped past her nipples, she gave out a slight moan and lowered it just below them as they hardened. She began to slide the edge of the shirt up and down over her rising nipples, giving out little gasps as the fabric tugged at them on each pass. "I guess, uh, I'll just have, ohh, to go without, mmm, a shirt for now dear, ohh-mmmm. We'll, ahhh, figure something, mmmm, out later." Already aroused by his own imagination, Cal began trembling at the sight and sound of this. "Please touch me love, ohhh, I need you so badly, aaahh, right now !" He had been reveling in the sight of Mallorys chest, and getting harder as she played with her nipples. At her request he dropped his shorts and moved over to help her off with hers, running his lips and tongue along the top of her breasts. He worked his way along them to her lips, having to stretch his neck forward a little awkwardly to reach past her chest. Their hands intertwined, then slipped past each other as each of them reached for the others groin. They began to tease each other, play- fully and quickly pulling, stroking, and rubbing. Their breathing became deeper and faster as Cal worked his mouth down to Mallory's rigid peaks. She moaned and arched her back for a few moments then pushed him slightly away. She sank to her knees, dragging her nipples temptingly down Cal's body. She slid his rigid cock quickly through her cleavage, then sank her mouth around him. Without any buildup she took him as deep as she could, rising up and down on him quickly and without mercy, and circling her tongue rapidly around the tip on every drawback. Cal had gone rigid, his whole body arched in pleasure while his hands clenched her shoulders. Feeling him on the verge of loosing control, Mallory pulled off of him. She wrapped one hand around him to keep him still and looked up. His face was set in a grimace and his lips were working silently. "please, please ,please !" she thought he was mouthing. She watched him for a few moments then decided it was time to take pity on him. Feeling that he'd lost hardly any stiffness in his cock, she moved back a little and began to rub the the tip around her nipples. He was slippery from her saliva and his pre-cum, and the sensations around her nipples went straight to her clit. She closed her eyes as she worked him and slipped her other hand down to her own wetness. She worked a couple of fingers into herself and began stroking in time to her manipulations of Cal. They both began panting and moaning, faster and faster. She leaned forward, letting go of Cal as he slipped into her cleavage. He began pushing in and out between her breasts as his hands slid down and grasped her nipples, pulling her breasts even closer together around himself. Feeling herself about to orgasm, Mallory stood up suddenly, and pushed Cal back onto the bed. She moved up, straddling him, and then in one quick thrust pushed herself down around him. He began to buck up and down in time with her thrusts. When he reached up and began pulling on her nipples Mallory lost all control. She ground herself down into his pubic bone and began making short rapid thrusts. Cal pulled her breasts down over his face, kneading and biting as much of them as he could reach. A few seconds later their orgasms hit, in a simultaneous peak. Thrashing and screaming, they came together feeling the waves of pleasure arcing out through their bodies. After a time they dragged themselves out of bed and headed for the kitchen to eat. Mallory draped a blanket around her shoulders so they could concentrate on talking for a while. "I've reached my decision about this," she said, gesturing at her prominent anatomy. "You've decided to get rid of them haven't you ?" Cal asked. She nodded slowly and he went on, "It makes sense after all. If all we had to do was eat, sleep and make love, then I could make an argument for keeping them as they are," he had a whistful expression on his face as he said this. "We do have the rest of our lives to deal with: Friends, school, family, and so on. This would take a bit of explaining that I don't think either of us is up to," she put in. "and they are very inconvenient for just about any physical activity. My body wasn't designed with such features in mind." "I guess the party's almost over." she added, also a little whistful. On the bright side, I don't think you'll ever have to worry about my eyes wandering again. After this, um these I mean, nothing else will ever compare." "Well that's at least one good thing to have come out of this then. Have you finished eating ?" she asked. He nodded, and she let the sheet slip down off her shoulders. "Since we're leaving tomorrow I think we should enjoy this situation while it lasts." She stood, letting the sheet slide down to the floor, and her shorts went with it. He caught up with her just as she entered the bedroom. The next afternoon they finally got up again and packed to go home. Using an old sheet they fashioned a loose ponch for Mallory. It did nothing to disguise her figure, but at least she didn't have to travel half naked. They drove back late that afternoon, using the drive-through windows to order food from so Mallory could stay in the car as much as possible. By the time they got home they realized Mallory had finally stopped growing. To satisfy their curiosity they got out a cloth tape measure at her home to see where she had peaked out: 51 inches, probably a 34Q cup. All the touching around her breasts had heated them both up again, as they actually got very little sleep that night. They spent the next day still making love, although it was slow and languorous, like they did before the Change, and not the heated passion of the past few weeks. That evening they went to the park to try and find the old man. Mallory was wearing Cal's largest windbreaker over her 'ponch' to conceal herself as best she could. Having decided to return to her normal dimensions, she's grown rather self conscious about her appearance again. They were standing in the open center of the deserted park when he showed up, again as if from nowhere. "I see you've decided to undo this occurrence." were the first words out of his mouth. He pushed the cart off to one side, the wheels squeaking loudly. "Of course I need to hear it from your own lips first young miss." "I want to get rid of them please." There was a slight catch in her voice, but she went on, "They're just to much to handle, literally and figuratively." He held out his hand, and in it was a glass vial filled with an amber liquid. "Drink this all down just before you go to bed, then go right to sleep. It will make you very drowsy, very fast, so don't dawdle." Cal spoke up, "How long will it take ?" "Oh, she'll be back to normal by morning." was the old man's reply. They both looked rather disbelievingly down at Mallorys tremendous bosom, then back at him. "Yes, really overnight. And there won't be any side effects or left- over signs. You'll be the exact same proportions you were when this whole fiasco started." With that he turned and began pushing the cart away, wheels squeaking loudly. They looked at each other for a moment and the squeaking stopped. He had vanished when they looked up. As they walked back to the car Mallory said, "It will be kind of a shame to loose these, but I won't miss them that much. After hauling these around for the last few weeks I'll be quite happy being my normal size again." Epilogue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you sure you don't want me to stay tonight ?" They had pulled up outside her home and Mallory was getting out of the car. "Yes Cal, I think I want to be alone for this. I'll call you tomorrow and we'll see what the results are. Goodnight dear." She glanced around to be sure no one was around to see, then took off the jacket and dropped the 'poncho' on the front seat. "Last look dearest !" She inhaled deeply and arched her back. Cal groaned audibly. but kept his hands on the steering wheel as Mallory turned and walked away, bouncing only slightly as she did so. Mallory called late the next afternoon. Cal figured whatever the old man gave her must have been pretty strong. Cal arrived and found the door already open. He knocked anyways and heard Mallory call out from somewhere in the back of her apartment. "Come in Cal, I'm just getting changed." She sounded perfectly alright, so it seemed things must have worked out ok. He headed for the living room when Mallory called out to him again. "Cal, I left a package of new bras out on the counter dear. Could you bring them back here please ?" She sounded faintly mischevious, "Maybe she wants to play dressup", thought Cal to himself. He found the bag on the counter. When he picked it up he noticed something in the trash can. It was the vial from the old man. There was still some of the liquid in it. Feeling his heart beat faster he pulled one of the bras out of the bag and saw that the label read 34D. Cal felt himself growing erect as he left the living room and headed for the bedroom. He could just imagine her laying back on the bed waiting to surprise him. Her full round breasts breasts rising up from her small frame. He remembered what she looked like at 34D; round, ripe and firm, about the size of a cantaloupe on that slender frame of hers. He stepped through the doorway and saw the image in his mind come to life in front of him. Too much of a good thing can be a problem," she said, "but why should we give all of it up ?" He closed the door. The end