THE BIGGEST TITS IN THE WORLD by Captain Kirk Welcome home honey. Sit down. I want to talk to you. I started to do my spring cleaning yesterday and guess what I found in the back of your closet? Well, you can see it right here. A whole box full of magazines, pictures, videos, computer printouts, all on the same topic. Something I believe you and your internet friends call "Breast Enlargement", or BE for short, right? At first, I have to admit I was pissed. I mean, I've always known you were a breast lover. And I know that you love me, despite my itty bitty titties. We've had this conversation before. But it still hurt, knowing this was your fantasy and knowing I wasn't it. And could never be it. But then I actually started reading the stories and looking at the pictures. And I found myself being extremely turned-on by these BE fantasies of yours. I imagined I was one of the women in the stories. That it was my breasts that were growing, popping the buttons off my shirt, blowing open my little A-cup bra, getting bigger and bigger by the minute. I knew then what I had to do. When I was cleaning out my closet I had come across the book on witchcraft that my Aunt Agatha left me when she died. I had almost forgotten about it. I read it with renewed interest. And guess what I found? A recipe for a potion, passed down from the ancient Druids. It was said that this potion was used in fertility ceremonies, to increase the breast size of a maiden in the village and ensure an abundant harvest. Would it work? I didn't know, but I knew I had to try it. I've become obsessed with this idea breast enlargement idea, just as you obviously have. I went shopping today for the necessary ingredients. I had to run all over town - to Chinese groceries, health food stores, holistic health practitioners. Some of the ingredients aren't even available anymore - the plants are extinct or the animals they come from are mythical. So I had to improvise where appropriate. I'm sure it won't make a big difference. And the results of my efforts are distilled here, in this little bottle you see before you. With this potion I hope to fulfill your fantasy. And mine. The book was a little vague on the quantity of potion necessary for the transformation, but I want to get REALLY BIG, so I made a double batch. I'll just take a little sip. And then another and another and another. And I'll keep on going as long as I keep on growing! Well, here goes nothing. Mmmmm, yummy. Rich and creamy. But I guess that was to be expected, considering it's purpose. Now all we have to do is wait for the first sip to take effect. I don't feel any different. Nothing seems to be happening. Maybe I didn't take a big enough dose. I'll just take another big gulp. Zip. Zero. Nada. I should have known it was just a bunch of hooey. Aunt Agatha was always the crackpot of the family. Well, no use letting it go to waste. After all, I spent $123 on the ingredients for this glorified milk shake. Might as well enjoy it! Down the hatch! Oh well, you can't blame a girl for trying! I guess you'll just have to accept little old me as I...Whoa...I got a little light headed there for a minute. Must be some side effect from drinking that potion. I suddenly feel tingly all over. What's going on? And my tits! They feel like they're on fire. Give me your hand. Can you feel how hot they're getting on the outside? And on the inside they feel...I don't know how to describe it...they feel like they are...full. Full like a big, ripe, juicy melon on the vine, just ready to bust open. And it feels like those melons are getting fuller by the minute. OOOHHH!!! Something is happening. My bra is getting tighter. Look at how I'm starting to stretch out my little A-cups. I've got tits! I've finally got a pair of tits! After all these years since puberty, I'm finally filling out! What do you think of these babies? Oh, I know they don't look like much now, but I'm not done growing yet. Not by a long shot. Whoops! Looks like my little old bra couldn't take the strain. I just busted that sucker in two, like a flood tide busting open a dam! And look at these boobs. What do you think they are now, C-cups? And they're still growing. This is the most incredible feeling I've ever experienced. They're getting bigger with every passing second, just like one of the girls in your stories. I feel like I've got to get REALLY BIG!!! I feel like I've got to keep on growing...and growing...and growing, until I have the biggest tits in the world! This blouse isn't going to last much longer! Can you hear that creaking sound? I'm straining the seams and buttons to the bursting point. Watch out, because HERE THEY COME! Fire button number one! PING! Button number two! PING! Buttons number three, four and five. PING, PING, PING!!! Now that they're free of all that confining clothing, you can see how really huge my tits have become. They really are melons now...watermelons! I want you to feel them. Feel them. So firm, so round, so fully packed. And look at these nipples. They're as big as my thumbs. Suck on my nipples. Suck them! Ohhh, God that feels good! It feels like the bigger my tits get the hornier I get. Oooh, yeah, that's the way. Mmmmm. Wait just a minute lover. I've got a little surprise for you. When I was out shopping today, I bought some new lacy bras. I know how much you like those, but I never had enough up top to model one properly. This one here was the biggest size they had in stock. A black lace 36G! I never dreamed I'd have tits big enough to fill out a bra this size, but now I'm afraid it might just be a pretty tight fit. Let me harness these babies up. Wow! I was right. It is kind of a tight fit. But I think the effect is still rather pleasing to the eye, no? By that bulge in your pants, I can tell you agree! Why don't you just take your pants off and we'll put that to good use...Whoa...There's that light headed feeling again! I wonder why...Oh my God. Look at my tits. If they were growing quickly before, just look at them now! They're blowing up like balloons. I just wish they were as light as balloons. They must weigh ten pounds apiece by now, and they're getting bigger and heavier by the second! Looks like I got more than I bargained for! I wonder if I the substitutions I used in the potion had some odd effect on the potency. Even this huge bra isn't big enough to contain my monster mammeries. My cups overfloweth! My tits are starting to spill out over the top and bottom of the cups. The straps are digging into my shoulders as my breasts expand up and out. The clasps are starting to creak and moan. I've got to get out of this bra. Oh, no, it's too tight! I can't get it unhooked! Well, I guess there's only one way out. Watch out, I'm going to have to bust out of this bra the hard way. I'll just take a deep breath, throw my shoulders back and grow my way out. It's getting tighter...and tighter...and tighter. I can feel it stretching. And straining. LOOK OUT! SHE'S GONNA BLOW!!! Well that feels better! I'm going through bras at a stupendous rate! Now that they're free, my breasts seem to be swelling even faster! There's no telling when...or if...they're ever going to stop growing. I wonder why they're growing faster then they were. I drank the potion all at once. No, wait a minute. I took one sip, then another a few minutes later, then guzzled the rest of the potion down. And I had two dizzy spells followed by two growth spurts. If that's true then that means...OH, NO! We've got to get out of the house now before...Whoa...Whoa...I feel so dizzy. The whole room is spinning. I feel funny all over! OH MY GOD!!! My tits are blowing up like weather balloons. I must be adding an inch with every tick of the clock. Help me! Grab my tits. We've got to get out of here before I get too big! Oh no, it's too late!!! I couldn't even fit one of my boobs through the door now, much less both of them. And they're still expanding, growing bigger...and bigger...and bigger. I'm knocking over furniture. Get out of here before they crush you with their weight. Each tit is bigger than your whole body. And my nipples are bigger than two liter Coke bottles! They're pushing against the ceiling now!!! And the walls!!! This room isn't big enough to contain them. I can feel my breasts cracking the walls, raising the roof. I guess I got my wish, huh? I really do have the BIGGEST TITS IN THE WORLD!!! The End