BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Tim knocked on the door to Sheri's apartment. He stood patiently waiting for her to get to the door. He had been dating Sheri for six months and this week received a surprise invitation in the mail from her. She knew his birthday was this weekend and sent him an invitation to a special dinner and birthday party for two. The door opened and there stood Sheri. She smiled and invited him in without a word by taking a small step to the side out of the doorway. Tim stepped in, heard a SLAM of the door and no sooner turned around and Sheri's lips were pressing against his. She raised her arms around his neck and squeezed her body as tightly against his as she could. Her body felt good. Her tongue parted his lips and was exploring his mouth. Tim found his hands at Sheri's back and he squeezed her even tighter, then let his hands feel the curve of her tiny waist. As quickly as she started, she stopped and took two steps back away from him. She put on her most innocent looking face and smiled. "What a welcome," Tim cried, his face incredulous. "I missed you, lover. Happy birthday," cooed Sheri. Clearing his head, Tim finally was able to get a good look at his girlfriend. She was tall, about 5'8", very slim with long, flowing blonde locks. She was wearing a hip-hugging lacy, black skirt to mid-hip and a sleeveless, loosefitting black cotton top that buttoned down to her midriff. Combined with the black pumps on her feet, she looked incredibly sexy. "You look... wow," was all he could manage. "You like?" she questioned, knowing fullwell the answer. "I have a special birthday surprise for my lover, but first I've spent all day making a special dinner for you. It's just now ready so come join me in the kitchen." The dinette area was next to the kitchen and the table was covered with a colorful tablecloth that Tim recognized from a previous dinner with Sheri. He stood next to the table while she went to the stove. She started to bring dishes with appetizing aromas over to the table and she told Tim to sit. He did so and when she had everything set to her liking, she lit candles and asked Tim to pour the wine. "Everything smells wonderful," complemented Tim. "Thank you," she replied, "Let's start in." "So.. what's the special surprise?" Tim asked, as he served himself from the various dishes. He was becoming so excited and anxious it was impossible to subtly hint. "Well, I'm not telling right now," she teased. "The time for the surprise is later. Now is the time to enjoy your birthday dinner." Tim reluctantly steered the conversation to another subject and together they enjoyed a most sumptuous and romantic dinner. When they were nearly finished, Sheri asked, "Are you ready for desert?" Anticipating that he would get his special surprise immediately after dinner, suddenly the idea of desert was disappointing. Knowing she had put so much effort into all this, he made his best attempt not to appear unenthusiastic. "Sure.. what is it?" he asked. She stood up and, instead of walking over to the kitchen, she approached him, took his hand and with a sly smile at the corner of her mouth and a cocked eyebrow said, "Come with me into the living room." He stood and his excitement immediately rose to the surface. He followed her into the living room where she sat on the couch and motioned him to sit next to her. He did so. "I've been doing a lot of shopping, trying to find the most special and unusual gift I could get to most please my boyfriend," she started, not at all hiding the gleam in her eye. Reaching around the couch she pulled out a wrapped gift about the size of a shoebox. The gleam in her eye changed to uncertain anticipation as she handed the gift to Tim. He, of course, couldn't wipe off the big smile from his face. Already being so amused from the mystery and suspense Sheri had created for this entire event, he couldn't care less if it was just a pair of socks. But he knew it wouldn't be. No time was wasted as he ripped through the wrapping paper and removed the lid to the box. Pushing aside the tissue wrapping inside he found what appeared to be a bottle. It was about six inches long with a bulbous, round bottom. The glass was dark and multicolored making it look like an antique. Tim removed it from the box and, lifting it up to his nose, started to remove the glass stopper. "NO!" Sheri shouted. Startled, he look at her quizzically. "Don't open it just yet," she began. "I found this in a shop in the old downtown area. The woman in the shop seemed so sweet and sincere, she convinced me that this would be the best gift anyone could ever receive." Sheri looked at Tim as she spoke with a blushing look that said she was not entirely convinced. After a long pause, when it appeared she would not go on, Tim asked, "Well, what exactly is it?" "It's.." she looked away and then back into Tim's eyes with a sheepish look on her face, "It's happiness." "Happiness?" he repeated, raising his eyebrows. "Happiness," she returned. "The woman said the bottle contained the fulfillment of the one wish that would bring the possessor the most happiness," she paused before continuing. "I know it sounds silly, but she was so insistent and positive and.. I love you so much I want you to be happy." She looked up into his eyes with a childlike expression looking for approval. Trying not to appear skeptical, Tim put his arm around her saying, "Sheri, you make me very happy. Things are nice to have, but having you brings me happiness." Her face lit up with a big smile. "Well, you can open it now." "What do I wish for?" "You don't wish for anything. It's supposed to fulfill whatever will make you happy," she said. "All you have to do is open it." Slowly he lifted the bottle in front of him. He looked back to Sheri, then back to the bottle. Using his left hand he pulled out the glass stopper. A moment passed and he looked back at Sheri, then back to the bottle. They both sat in silence, waiting. After a while, it seemed as if nothing happened. Turning back at Sheri, with a smile Tim said, "It seems, since I already have you, there's nothing else the bottle can do." She smiled at the reassurance. "Would you like your desert now?" she asked with the gleam back in her eye. "Sure." Sheri took the bottle and stopper out of Tim's hands and placed them on the endtable. She got up and went in to the kitchen. Tim heard and 'pop' from the kitchen and Sheri returned with a bottle of desert wine and two glasses. She set them on the endtable and, before returning to the couch, she walked over to the light switch and dimmed the lights. She returned to the couch and sat next to Tim. In a low, sexy voice she said, "Happy Birthday, lover." She reached her face up to his and kissed him. As they kissed, she embraced him and pulled her body tightly against his. He enjoyed her affection and then as quickly as she started, she teasingly stopped and pulled back. She turned back to the endtable and poured the desert wine into the glasses. Picking them up, she turned back to him. Handing him a glass she said, "I hope you're ready for a fun night." Tim returned the sly smile. "I think I am," he replied as they sipped their wine. As they enjoyed the sweet wine, Sheri placed her hand on Tim's leg. Not taking her eyes off his, she continued to sip her wine while slowly rubbing his leg. "Are you enjoying your desert?" she teased, moving her caresses further up his thigh. Tim answered with a smile. Sheri finished her glass and paused long enough to set it down. She then snuggled a little closer and resumed her caressing, never taking her eyes off his. Soon she was caressing very teasingly near his crotch. "Am I making you happy?" she giggled, occasionally letting her hand rub over the now formed bulge in his pants. "Yes.. very happy," he said, his voice almost breaking. She immediately stopped her caressing and, putting her arms around his neck, kissed Tim deeply using her tongue to display her passion for him. He returned the kiss and squeezed her body against his, enjoying the feel of her body. He was startled when she practically jumped back away from him. He thought she was just teasing him again until he noticed the strange expression on her face. "What's wrong?" "I don't know," her words coming out slowly. "Something just suddenly didn't feel right." She continued to sit silently for a moment. "I guess it's nothing," she finally said. "I feel fine now. Maybe it's just the wine..," she looked back at Tim with a wicked grin, "or you." She moved her face near his and he kissed her and the passion returned. He again pulled her close and felt her body against his. Somehow she felt softer against him. They enjoyed the desire they were building in each other and Sheri broke their embrace slightly to kiss him on his cheek. She then quickly moved to nibbling on his ear. Using her tongue, she gently stroked his ear and lightly blew into it. She did this several times, knowing exactly what she was doing. After a few minutes she again kissed him deeply. Not waiting for his embrace she squeezed herself against him. "What.." Sheri gasped as she pulled away. Tim looked her in the eye and she looked at him. Her eyes then looked down between them and back up at him. She wore a strained expression. Sheri pressed her body back against Tim, only this time it wasn't an embrace. He noticed she felt softer than before. Again she pulled away and looked down between them. He watched her as she finally lifted a tentative hand to her chest. Sheri gasped, "My breasts are bigger." She looked from her chest to Tim's face. He looked at her chest, back to her face, then back to her chest again. "You look the same to me," he responded, not being able to see well in the dim light. "No, they're bigger, I can feel it," she continued. "That's what felt funny. When you held me it felt like there was something in-between us. But it was me, or, I guess, my breasts." Tim lifted his hand. Sheri seeing this, smiled and removed her hand from her chest. Tim gently put his hand to her breast. Being so slender, Sheri had very small, but pert breasts, so she was not wearing a bra. Feeling them, Tim could tell they definitely were bigger than before. "Maybe it's just that time of the month," he suggested. "No it's not, and besides, they've never swollen this much." She looked from Tim back down to her chest. Since he already had his hand there, and he always enjoyed caressing her, Tim started massaging her breasts. She closed her eyes and the concerned look on her face melted away. "Hmmm.. that feels good," she sighed in a voice more sultry than Tim could ever recall. She turned her head toward Tim and, as she opened her eyes, she placed her hand to her chest over his hand. She let her hand ride atop his as he continued to caress, first her left breast, then her right. A warm, satisfying feeling spread over her chest and Sheri moaned. "Ooooo.. that's.. good.. Please don't.. stop," she cried, between heavy breaths. Tim pressed her soft curves into her ribcage, feeling all the soft flesh in between. Sheri closed her eyes and Tim watched her expression turn to ecstasy. Through her cotton top he could feel her chest getting very warm. Suddenly she jerked his hand away from her chest and stared straight ahead, her eyes wide. "What is it?" Tim asked. "Now I can feel it. I can feel them... growing ." They both stared at her chest. Sheri's top was loosely laying against her chest and Tim could now easily see the swelling breasts underneath slowly pushing the fabric out. It was an incredible sight. "Oh..OH!.." Sheri had closed her eyes again and started moaning. "Oh, Tim. It feels so warm and good. I can feel my breasts swelling and it makes me tingle all over." Her breasts were still slowly growing larger and her loosefitting top was being filled up. Tim looked back to her face and could see what appeared to be waves of pleasure flowing over her. Sheri moaned out load. "Ooooo.. its.. so good." Tim watched his girlfriend's tits continue to inflate. Sheri wore an A- cup bra, but she looked more like a C-cup now and the growth appeared to be slowing. Slowly she opened her eyes and after a start, looked down at her chest. "My God, look at me! I've got big breasts!" She looked at Tim and back to her chest. Tentatively she felt both of them with her hands, as if checking to see if it was really her. They were definitely rounder and heavier. Taking her hands away, Sheri twisted her shoulders slightly making her breast jiggle back and forth under her top. Looking on, Tim rather enjoyed the sight. Still admiring her new, womanly figure she turned to Tim and, thrusting her chest out, arched her eyebrow and quizzed, "Do you like what you see?" Tim nodded, still amazed at what he had witnessed, "Absolutely, you look.. great." Sheri leaned near Tim. "Good," she whispered into his ear. Sheri proceeded to nibble on his ear again. Tim placed his hand on her waist. Sheri began blowing in his ear and, aroused, Tim slowly moved his hand up to her newly swollen breasts. He gently touched her left breast and Sheri moaned in his ear. "Mmmm.. You're making me feel good." she whispered. "Caress me, lover." Tim softly let his fingers circumnavigate his girlfriends new curves. After exploring every inch of her expanded tits, he gently squeezed her swollen left breast. It was now nearly a handful. "Oh...oh.. do that again," she moaned. He squeezed her left breast again and began caressing her right breast. He squeezed it and squished it into her ribcage. "Oh.. they're so sensitive tonight. Your touch feels so good." Sheri left his ear and passionately kissed Tim deeply. She began exploring his mouth with her tongue. Tim put his arms around her and held her. "No, please keep feeling my tits," she pleaded, hardly taking her tongue out of his mouth. He happily obliged and again placed his hand on her chest and gently squeezed her soft mounds against her ribcage, making the flesh bulge out around his hand. "OOOoooooo...." Sheri moaned. Tim continued to enjoy the feel of her enlarged curves while Sheri's kisses became more and more passionate. After several minutes, Sheri again felt a wonderful, warm sensation spreading out from her chest. She kissed Tim more forcefully and began moaning. "Wow, what's got into you?" Tim asked, when they finally broke from their deep kiss. "Nothing, lover. I just feel so.." Her words dropped off as her eyes widened and she looked down at her chest. "Oh..oh..." she moaned. "The feeling is coming back breasts...they're growing again. I can feel them getting bigger." She closed her eyes again and sighed. She opened her eyes again and they both watched her breasts slowly expand. The fabric of her top was pushed out more and more until it started to get snug against the two swelling, round forms. The hem of her top, which previously hung to her midriff, was now pulled up even with the bottom of her swelling tits. "Tim, what's.. hap.. happening to me. My breasts are.. still growing big.. bigger and it.. feels SO good," she said rolling her eyes in her head. Still they grew, slowing inflating in a perfectly round shape. Tim watched in awe as Sheri's breasts grew past the size of grapefruit, easily a D-cup size they were now bouncing from Sheri's heavy breathing. Gaps began to form between the buttons of her top exposing her swelling titflesh as her top went beyond snug and started to stretch out. Tim could see a good deal of cleavage starting to show over the top of her blouse. Sheri's breasts looked to be at least a DD-cup when, finally, Sheri's face relaxed. "I think it's stopped," her face relaxing. She looked at her swollen chest. "Look how big I am," she said, eyes wide in wonder. She stared at her chest, not believing this could actually be her, though inwardly quite pleased at her development. "Tim, how could this happen. Why am I..." her words stopped. She looked at Tim with an indignant look. "You wanted me to have big breasts?" she said, as more of a statement than a question. "What do you mean?" "The bottle," she replied. "The promise to fulfill whatever wish would make you the happiest. That must be what made my breasts grow. Which means the one thing that would make you most happy was for me to have big breasts?" "Well, I never would have objected to you being bigger, but I never would have suggested you do anything about it, either. But.." "Go on," she demanded. "I've always fantasized about having a girlfriend with super large breasts, who not just enjoyed having them played with because it pleased me, but desired me to touch them and feel them because it pleased her." "Mm, hmm," Sheri cocked her head to the side. "Well, it looks like you got your wish, lover. Not only are they really big, but they've grown plenty sensitive and it does feel awfully good when your touch them." She looked him in the eye with a smile in the corner of the mouth. Evidently quite pleased with her new development, she gently rocked her shoulders making her newly swollen tits bounce back and forth within the confines of her now very tight top. "Looks like I can really fill up a blouse now," she said with a note of pride in her voice. "Would you like to play with your girlfriend's big breasts?" she teased. Before Tim could answer, Sheri jumped up from the couch, nearly falling over from the unaccustomed extra weight on her chest. She quickly turned to face Tim and her newly swollen boobs bounced and jiggled from side to side. She reached out and took his hand. "I want to try something," she said with a grin. "Get down on the floor." Tim, wondering what she was up to, obediently got down on the floor. Sheri stepped over him so she was standing directly above him. Tim could see the hem of her now stretched out top with the bottom of her enlarged boobs exposed. With a wicked grin, Sheri got down on her hands and knees letting her swollen tits dangle away from her chest. "Wow," Sheri whispered as she cocked her head to look at her distended top, amazed and yet, pleased, with her new size. In this position, the gaps in her top were stretched even more as gravity made her enlarged tits look like they were about to burst out of her blouse. "I can't believe I'm so BIG, but it is kinda nice!" She looked at Tim and kissed him with the wettest kiss he could ever remember. Slowly their lips parted and, still on her hands and knees, Sheri crawled up until her big boobs where hanging directly above Tim's face. She looked him in the eye with a loving smile on her face. "Now would you like to play with your girlfriends big boobs?" she repeated, at the same time gently rocking so as to make her tits slowly sway back and forth dangling within their tight confinement. Tim slowly moved his eyes from hers, down to her enlarged top. He reached out and placed his hand on her collar bone. Slowly he slid it down and felt her big, soft bosom under her stretched out cotton top. Sheri sighed and closed her eyes. He cupped his hand around her left breast finding there was more than enough to fill his hand. Tim began feeling one big tit and then the other. He lifted them and felt their heft and let them flop back down. He began slowly massaging her left breast, kneading it like bread dough. "God, Honey, your tits feel so good," he whispered. "Oh..your hands..feel.." Sheri panted between breaths, "so... So..good." Tim reached to her right breast and squeezed it against her ribcage. Sheri squealed. He continued to rub her enlarged boob, marveling at the size and roundness. Tim realized this was bringing him much happiness. He loved his girlfriend and now she had the most womanly chest he had ever seen. And to top it off, it seemed she really desired to be caressed. Heaven couldn't be much better than this. From the sound of Sheri's heavy breathing, Tim knew they were both getting pretty hot from just feeling her newly engorged boobs. And he hadn't even taken her top off yet. Tim ran his fingers over the nipple he could see now clearly protruding under the stretched fabric of Sheri's top. She sighed each time he touched it. "You're hands feel so good, Tim. I think I'm going to like being big. Oh.. squeeze me, jiggle my big boobs," she pleaded in a deep, hushed tone. Tim squeezed her big left tit, then lightly jiggled them both making her boobs sway back and forth as they hung from her chest. Sheri seemed to be purring. He massaged across her chest feeling both breasts. He could feel an increasing warmth even through the fabric. "My warm," Sheri sighed, "I had no idea be.. being big.. could.. feel so.. good." As Tim continued caressing her swollen boobs, he could tell the warmth was increasing. He gently squeezed her left breast. "Oh..ooooooooooo, my God,.. ooooooo," Sheri said in a louder voice. "Oh, that same feel.. feeling is.. coming back." Tim removed his hand and looked up at Sheri's face. The same waves of pleasure were washing over her. He knew what this meant and watched as, within her already stretched out top, her breasts again began their slow growth. Like balloons being filled with water, they were becoming rounder and fuller. The gaps between the buttons were stretching and Tim could see cleavage protruding as her breast flesh squeezed out the openings. Sheri finally opened her eyes and immediately looked down at her expanding chest. "I'm grow.. growing again, Tim," she said, not taking her eyes off her marvelous chest. "I can feel.. feel my boobs.. get.. getting bigger." She closed her eyes again, "Oh, it feels even.. bet.. better this time.. than before." Overwhelmed with the pleasurable feeling, Sheri began to sway. Between her movement and heavy breathing, her boobs were continually bouncing and jiggling as Tim watched them swell under her ever tightening top. By now the fabric was like a second skin and the hem was working its way up her huge, womanly mounds. When she reopened her eyes she sighed, "Tim, I don't mind.. being big, but.. I think I'm getting.. too big. My top.. it isn't large enough.. for me.. any.. anymore, it's getting.. so tight." Still, as they watched, her chest continued to inflate larger and larger. Now with Sheri's every move her growing jugs bounced and jiggled like huge sacks of Jell-O. Her top was now pulled up on her big breasts so that Tim could see the bottom quarter of her inflating tits and the buttons were straining. "My breasts.. are growing.. too big. I'm grow.. growing out of.. my top!" Sheri nearly shouted. Tim watched as Sheri's boobs approached the size of volleyballs, hanging inches from his face.. Suddenly the top button of her blouse gave way - PING - it bounced across the room. "I feel them.. swell.. swelling bigger. I'm.. getting so.. huge!" she panted, her eyes wide. By now, half of Sheri's breasts were exposed as the bottom of her blouse was almost up to her nipples. "Oh no! My.. top is rip.. ripping, Tim.. Help me!" she squirmed. "It's not.. stopping. My breasts are.. are still growing. Oh God, they.. feel.. SO good." Now the next button was quivering, as the tops of her breasts were expanding like bread dough over the top of her blouse. PING. "Oh, OH! They're get.. getting so full. I can.. can feel some.. something filling me up.. more and.. more. My tits.. are growing too.. too big!" PING. The last button shot across the room. Sheri's top parted and each front half hung over her shoulders and cascaded down the sides of her swelling mammaries. No longer held by any constraint, Sheri's breasts assumed a beautiful, round shape as they continued to swell, now easily larger that volleyballs they hung down a good foot from her chest. With each breath they wobbled and bounced against each other. A relaxed expression washed over Sheri's face as the growth stopped. Over the next few minutes Sheri's breathing slowed to normal as Tim sat watching her breasts quiver and bounce, mesmerized by their shape and enormous size. Sheri opened her eyes and sat up. She looked at Tim and then at her chest. "God, it feels so incredibly good when my breasts grow, Tim, but, look at me," she spoke slowly, "I'm huge." "It seems the bigger they grow, the better it feels." She looked at him and smiled. She sat up straight and arched her back making her chest stick out and her breasts wobble and jiggle again. Compared to her thin frame, her volleyball sized tits looked enormous, sticking out a foot from her ribcage. "Is this what makes you happiest? A girlfriend with boobs this big?" she asked with a sly smile in the corner of her mouth. "Well, .. you do look pretty exciting to me." Tim couldn't help but grin from ear to ear at the site of her profile, "Your breasts are beautiful." "Thank you, my lover. But I don't quite know where I'll find a top to fit over these." She looked at Tim and grinned, then sat quietly for a moment. "You know, it seems each time you were caressing my bosom, that's when the unbelievably warm feeling swept over me and then my breasts began to grow." "So, you mean if I feel your boobs they'll start to grow again?" "I hope not. They're already huge. I don't think I could stand to be any bigger." She looked at him with that same sly smile. "Why don't you just play with the rest of me for awhile?" With that, Sheri leaned over Tim and kissed him on the lips. This time she lay completely against him, in doing so, squishing her inflated tits against his chest. Tim returned the kiss and put his arm around her and squeezed her against him. God, she felt good. Her huge breasts were so soft, like pillows against him. Sheri moaned. Her breasts had grown so sensitive that just pressing them against Tim was exciting her. "Hug me, lover," she whispered in his ear. He squeezed her tighter. "Ohoo.." she cried and began nibbling and blowing on his ear. Tim could hear her breathing getting heavy. Sheri suddenly got up, reached down and took his hand. Clearly she wanted him to get up, so he got up and stood facing her. She smiled and pushed him backwards until he fell back on the couch. She climbed on his lap, put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. Tim's head swam as his mammoth breasted beauty used her tongue expertly. Sheri broke the kiss and Tim reached to the side of her head and began to nibble her ear, then kiss her down her neck. As he got to the base of her neck, she sighed. Sheri put her arms around his neck and pulled herself against Tim, squeezing her huge, firm breasts against his chest. "Oh..OH.." Her breathing was becoming heavier. Sheri released her embrace and leaned back slightly to look directly into Tim's eyes. Her eyes were wide and aflame. "Kiss my huge breasts, lover." She slowly rose to her knees, making her chest slide upward from Tim's until her volleyball sized breasts were directly in front of his face. "But, Sheri. God, I want to, but what if you start to grow again?" "I don't care," her voice deep, overcome with passion. "They're so sensitive. I just want you to make me feel good. I want you, I need you to feel my breasts." With that see reached down and took Tim's hands and placed them on the outsides of her breasts and squeezed them together, creating a foot long cleavage line directly in front of Tim's face. "Oh, yes. Feel me up, lover," she cried, sighing heavily and closing her eyes. "Make my big boobs jiggle and bounce." Tim was in ecstasy. He leaned back in the couch and began kneading the immense tits his girlfriend was shoving in his face. She moaned with every squeeze. He hefted her left breast to her shoulder and let it drop back down, bouncing several times before it came to a stop. He was amazed that they were so firm and round, despite their swollen size. "Suck my tits, lover," she commanded. Her nipples had swollen larger than thumbs. Tim quickly inserted one in his mouth and sucked. Sheri began squirming. Tim sucked and then bit slightly on her enlarged teat. "Oh, yes, Tim. Don't stop. You're making me feel so good," she was almost whimpering. Tim started kissing her other massive breast while he continued feeling and kneading them both in his hands. His lips touched every inch of her expansive size until he slowly and teasingly got to her nipple. He again began sucking while his hands squeezed her boobs together. "Ahhh.. that feels... so.. incred... incredibly good," her words again broken by her heavy breathing. Tim stopped sucking and jiggled her big boobs making them bounce together. He ran his hands over their curve, enjoying the soft feel of their roundness. He was getting hot, too. "Honey, your huge boobs are driving me crazy.. I'm about to cum in my pants." She responded by leaning into him, driving his face into her cleavage. She reached up and, putting her hands on the outside of each breast, squeezed them against Tim's face. Sheri felt the warmth in her breasts. "Oh, Tim. It's.. feeling.. even better.. than before." Sheri swiftly rose from Tim's lap. She looked at him lustfully and reached for his pants. With one quick move she had them unbuttoned and unzipped. She yanked them down to his knees, freeing his swollen member. He watched her look at his crotch with desire as she leaned over to pull down her skirt and panties. Tim nearly shot his wad seeing her breasts hang down nearly a foot and a half when she leaned over. Her skirt and panties were laying on the floor around her feet and she stepped out of them and climbed back on Tim's lap. In an instant she engulfed his engorged member with her tight twat. Sheri felt the warmth spread all over her chest. "OH, GOD!" Sheri yelled. "Yes. Tim, don't.. don't stop. Feel.. feel me." Tim put his hands on her breasts and felt the most amazing thing. Her breasts were growing again and he could feel them swelling in his hands. He began rubbing her distended udders and watched them slowly expand as blue veins became readily visible, crisscrossing her massive globes. "Honey, you're growing again." "Oh, Tim,.. yes,.. I can feel them growing.. " she whimpered. "It's incred.. incredible. It feel.. feels so.. good. Keep.. keep feeling me. Make.. make me grow." Tim resumed squeezing and feeling the expanding boob flesh while his throbbing member was aching inside his girlfriend. She was already squirming and now she began bouncing up and down on her boyfriend. "I'm swell.. swelling so.. big. Do I.. do I feel.. good?" she asked with that same sly smile in the corner of her mouth. "God, yes," came his reply, somewhat muffled by the fact that he had already resumed kissing and sucking on her expanding flesh. "Oh, Tim. I can.. can feel my skin.. stretching. I'm get.. getting too big." Sheri put her hands on Tim's knees and leaned back, pulling her boobs away from his face. For a moment Tim just sat, enjoying the sensation of his girlfriend sliding up and down on him, with her swelling tits bouncing with every move. "No.. don't stop," she pleaded, overwhelmed with pleasure. "Feel me.. feel my.. grow.. growing boobs." Tim reached out and grabbed a handful of her swelling chest. He kneaded the soft mounds and pressed them together. "OOOoooo, yes. Make.. make me feel.. feel good. Make me.. grow.. grow bigger." Evidently his continual caressing was keeping the growth from stopping and engulfing Sheri in increasing pleasure. Her tits continued to swell and now hung well below her navel and were easily the size of basketballs. Tim felt her astounding size and squished her mammoth boobs into her ribcage. He jiggled them and watched them bounce off each other as they continued their slow expansion. "Oh, my.. my breasts. I feel.. feel them blowing up. They're swelling.. swelling too big" Sheri stopped her up and down motion and began to move side to side. Mesmerized, Tim watched her huge breasts pick up the rhythm, bouncing from left, then right, swaying back and forth, all the while their circumference slowing increasing. He resumed feeling her breast flesh and ran his hand over her nipples, now a good inch and a half around. He squeezed them. "Aahhhhh," she moaned, practically in a trance, "do.. do that.. again." Tim obliged, this time slowly rubbing around both nipples, pausing to squeeze and bounce her growing flesh, then back to rubbing her nipples. Suddenly he squeezed both teats at once. "Oh.. oooooooo.. OOOOOOOOO," her moaning was increasing. "Feels so.. so in.. incredible." Sheri managed to open her eyes and look at her swelling chest. "I can feel.. feel by boobs.. still..still swelling bigger. Oh, Tim.. my.. my tits are.. are getting too big. Looks like.. I'm.. I'm going to.. to have.. giant boobs.. for.. for my lover." Her breasts had grown to beachball size and stuck out a foot beyond the side of her frame and over two feel in front. Sheri now leaned forward, engulfing Tim with her massive cleavage. She grabbed his hands and placed them on the sides of her distended tits. "You make me.. feel.. so.. good.. good when.. when they grow. Feel.. feel me.. feel my.. my breasts. Make me.. grow." Tim again began kissing her pliant flesh and caressing her expanding curves. There was so much of her to feel. He put his hands on her shoulders and slowly caressed down onto her soft flesh, jiggling and bouncing her still swelling udders. "Ahhhhh, oooooooo, OOOOOOOOO," Sheri moaned and suddenly stiffned and pressed her body as tighly as she could against Tim. "I'm.. I'm com.. Oh, COMING," she shouted. Breast flesh seemed to be squeezed out from everywhere between the two of them and Tim felt Sheri tighten around his throbbing member and then begin her rhythmical spasm. The feeling of her body and the sensation of her huge breasts against him became too much for Tim and he felt the juices swell up in his groin. With one final squeeze of her mammoth tits, he began spouting inside his swollen girlfriend. She continued to contract rhythmically while he shot load after load into her for what seemed an eternity. Exhausted, she leaned against Tim as they remained quiet, overcome with their pleasure. Finally, her breathing relaxed, Sheri leaned back and looked down at her immense chest. Watching her, Tim thought she was now upset about having gotten so big. Although he had no objection to her size, Tim could understand, having been overwhelmed with their passion, she would think they let it go too far. He examined her expression as her eyes wandered the expanse of her beachball sized boobs. Eventually, she raised her eyes to meet his. At first she revealed nothing. But then appeared a small smile in the corner of her mouth and in her eyes, a mischievous twinkle. "These are going to take a little getting used to," she said, glancing down at her chest, "But, I think I'm going to like them." Then she broke out into a large smile. "Happy Birthday, lover," she cooed. "I hope you like you presents," she said while leaning forward again, smothering Tim in between her huge, soft, womanly globes. He tried to respond, but the sounds he made were only muffled by the expansive flesh squeezed around his face. "Yep, heaven can't get much better than this," he thought.