- The Artist - part 1 by Chimerian I've always been a far better artist than a writer, and although this is a story that you might prefer to have told in pictures, I'm going to do my best to put it all into words. I'm going to start the story at a time about a year ago, because to put it simply, compared to the events of the last year, and the changes I have been through, the previous 27 years of my life were nothing much to write about. I had been working for the advertising agency for barely a month. They had hired me for my apparent skills as a graphic artist, and had assigned me to do some ad layouts for one of their lesser accounts. It was a Monday morning and I was hard at work at my desk plugging away at the computer working intently with the graphics and design program trying to finish the layouts for a deadline which was already a week passed. Or at least I should say that that's what I appeared to be doing. Although I consider myself to be a true artist, with a fine eye for shape and form and design, I have always had trouble focusing my talents and energies on the job at hand, and would often find my self distracted into my private daydreams and fantasies. And so it was that I was in my own little world when my boss stepped up quietly behind me and watched over my shoulder as played on the computer. On the screen was the photo of one of the models from the layout I was supposed to have completed. I was tracing and altering the outline and the contours of her body. I was morphing the thin and featurless body of the model into a full and voluptuous woman, increasing the size of her breasts into large melons, widening and filling out her hips. I had just finished my artwork and was going to save the image to my private file as I had done with so many other images, when I suddenly became aware of someone behind me. "Maxwell Beeman! What the hell are you doing?, my boss shouted in my ear. I was so startled, I jumped and instinctively reached for the reset button trying to clear the image from the screen, knocking my coffee into the keyboard in the process. "Goddamit, Max, You're fired! I want you outta here in half an hour." Well that was that, straight and to the point. To tell you the truth, I wasn't at all surprised, this was the third job I had lost in the last year. In fact over the last several years my private distractions have gotten me into more trouble and lost me more jobs than I can keep track of. I guess I have to admit to myself that I have a problem, I have an obsession with the female body. But I would like to think that its not just a sexual obsession but an artistic obsession. In my mind was an image of the ideal woman, a woman with a body that was full and voluptuous yet smooth and graceful, with shapely legs that flowed into a firm and rounded butt and hips that were full and inviting, tapering into a slender waist and a tummy that was soft yet toned. Her shoulders and arms would be strong but softly embracing, and her face would be the face of an angel framed with a cascade of soft flowing hair that went on forever. But the best part would be the breasts. Her breasts would be full and round, yet soft and pillowy, they would be breasts one could get lost in. Oh, but such a woman doesn't exist. Such a woman I would have to create myself. In less than ten minutes I had cleared out my desk and was heading down the hallway towards the elevator, I had gotten into the habit of always being ready to leave at a moments notice. The elevator doors opened and I stepped in. The car was occupied by several people but my attention was drawn in particular to a young women standing at the rear. I stepped to the side and leaned against the wall in a position where I could observe her without being obvious. I traced with my eyes the contours of her thin and slender body, thinking to myself that she shouldnt be so skinny, she would look much better with a fuller and rounder figure. And so I found myself drifting into another fantasy, reshaping and sculpting this persons body in my mind. Adding a few inches here, a few curves there, and as always filling out her bustline, growing her boobs in my mind to delightful fullness. "Ah, yes" I thought to myself, "this is my medium. Other artists may work with clay or canvas, but for me...." The elevator dinged and the doors opened snapping me back to reality. I was the last to exit the elevator into the parking garage, and I watched the girl's behind as she went before me. As I pulled out of the parking structure and onto the street I thought about the girl in the elevator, "maybe I should have been more sociable, I should have said "hi" at least, instead of just staring. But then she wasnt really my type... too skinny. My type is more..." Then something caught my attention, as I sat there stopped at a red light a dream floated by in front of me. She was blond and built and had two of the the biggest bounciest boobs Ive ever seen outside of the magazines. I watched with my mouth open as this beautiful woman dressed in a tight blue dress crossed the street right in front of me. I watched her behind as she proceeded down the block. The car behind me honked as the light changed. Without thinking I switched on my turn signal and made a right turn in her direction, wanting to have a longer look. "Here I go again," I thought. As luck would have it, just ahead a car pulled away from the curb giving me a place to park. As I parked the car I watched the beauty in blue walk into a mini-mart. "What the heck," I thought, "I want to try to meet this one. Maybe I'll just go in and buy something and maybe strike up a conversation." When I walked into the store she was already at the checkstand, buying some breathmints. I casually strolled over, picked up a candybar and stood behind her, enjoying the view and trying to think of some witty way to start a conversation. She glanced back at me and I smiled. She didnt. My mind was a blank. As she walked out of the store I quickly paid for my candy bar and hurried to maybe catch up with her. She was standing just outside and was apparently waiting for someone. I tried to muster up the nerve to approach her, and searched for the right words to say. "Nice day today, isnt it?", I blurted, as I stood there fumbling with my candybar. "That was dumb," I thought. She looked at me, unsmiling. "Uh-huh" she finally said, looking away. "My name is Max, whats yours?" I said , trying a little harder. "Im waiting for my boyfriend", she said bluntly, "go away". At that point I probably should've got the message and just walked away, but I just has to try one more time. "Aw, c'mon" I said, "Im just trying to make a little friendly conversation, lighten up". Just then something gripped my neck from behind with a piercing pain, and a low voice with bad breath growled in my ear. "She said get lost, you little shit." The pain in my neck increased, and I reacted by swinging my fist which held the candybar back over my shoulder towards the source of the bad breath. "YOW, MY EYE" came the response as my neck was released. I spun around and jumped back to see who caused me such agony. There in front of me was a monster of a man who could have been a pro wrestler, six foot three at least and no less that 250 lbs. He was angry and red faced and was brushing chocolate and peanuts from an even redder eye. "You fuckin' li'l maggot, I'm gonna kill you." That was it for me, I turned and ran like I've never ran before. I ran for at least three blocks without even looking back and finally ducked into an alley, and continued to run around two more corners and down still another alley. I hid in a doorway and listened. I sat there for a good twenty minutes catching my breath, thinking to myself how stupid I was for ever getting myself into a mess like this. I peeked out and finding nobody around I walked quietly searching for another way out of the alleyways. Thinking I was safely away from danger I turned another corner right into a worse situation . I stepped right into the middle of a confrontation between two men. A scummy looking white man was holding a knife to the throat of an old black man and had him pinned up against the wall. "Hey leave him alone!" I shouted without even thinking. The man with the kniife jumped back, startled. "Fuck you!" was all he said as he lunged towards me, knife first. My reaction was purely defensive and not at all courageous, I am not at all a fighting type. I swung my hand towards his approaching face and caught him squarely and solidly with my fist on his nose. As I felt the crunch of cartilage and bone under my knuckles I also felt cold steel pierce my side. The low-life fell back on the pavement knocked unconscious and I fell back against the wall beside the black man. I just stood there for a moment, stunned, watching the still figure on the ground. I finallly turned and looked closely at the black man for the first time. His eyes were a striking steel grey in color and he had a rather relaxed and calming demeanor about him. "You a good man", he finally said to me, "maybe stoopid, but a good man." I suddenly became aware of the pain in my side and a wave of nausea and dizziness swept over me. Everything started to go go dim and the ground seemed to rush toward my face. When I finally opened my eyes I was staring into those steel grey eyes again. "You be still," the old black man said. "You gonna be ok." I looked around and found I was lying on a bed in a small, dark and musty room, the walls were covered with shelves, cluttered with books, jars , boxes, and many strange objects. The place smelled of incense and looked like a little museum of the bizarre. "Where am I?" I asked. "You in my place," he replied, "I fix you up, you ok now." I sat up still feeling a litle dizzy and reached into my shirt expecting to find a painful wound, but to my surprise I found nothing, no pain, no wound, no soreness, not even a scar. "But I remember getting stabbed," I said confused. "What happened?" "I fix you up good," he said with a funny little laugh. "Do a little healing magic, make it like it never happen. I do for you cause you a good man, a little stoopid, ha ha, but a good man." I watched him as he puttered around the room searching through jars and boxes collecting items together which he was meticulously combining together in a large crucible on a table in the middle of the room. "Who are you?," I finally asked. "Where are you from?" "They call me Mojo Jim", he said not looking up from his task. "I come here many year ago from Haiti. I am what some might call a wizard, and a very good one at that. You do a very good thing for me, I do for you one in return. I make for you a powerful spell, grant you one big wish. You think and you tell me your biggest wish." I laughed and thanked him for his generous offer, I tried to explain to him that my actions were not at all any kind of an act of bravery or courage, and it was by my own sheer stupidity that I ever found myself in that situation to start with. I tried to tell him the story of how I ended up in the alleyway. "Maybe not too smart", he agreed "but the heart is brave and good, and worthy of reward. So, you tell me your dream, your deepest desire. Make your wish and Mojo Jim will make it so." He stopped and looked squarely at me with those steel grey eyes that pierced searchingly into my soul. "Tell me", he repeated. I stood up and walked over to the window and peered between the curtains to the city street below. My eyes followed the form of a slender young woman as she walked down the sidewalk. I thought for a moment, I could simply wish for money or some material possesion just to satisfy his request, but I pondered what I really wanted. "I am an artist" I said. "A frustrated artist with a nagging obsession. Ive tried to express myself in drawing, or sculpture, or photography, but it leaves me empty. Im obsessed with an image of the perfect female body, full and voluptuous, and a fantasy where I have the ability to transform, to sculpt, to reshape a womans body into that perfect image. So many times I've watched women in public, reshaping them in my mind, imagining them to be growing, and transforming. So often I have wished that I had the mental ability to change a womans body at will, To give her those curves she may be lacking, to give shape to the shapeless, to develop the undeveloped." I was snapped out of my daydream by a sharp tug at the back of my head. The old man had snipped a lock of my hair and was adding it to his mixture. "You a funny man," Mojo Jim said with a laugh. "You much to learn, and learn you will. You will have your wish, and all that go with it." As he stirred the mixture in the crucible it began to emit wisps of a pungent green smoke. "Someday we meet again and you tell me all what you learn." I began to feel a bit dizzy and rubbing my eyes I sat back on the bed. I was surprised to find the surface on which I sat to be cold and hard, I opened my eyes and looked around. I was sitting on a busstop bench, the afternoon sun was warm on my back. I shook my head in confusion. No matter how hard I tried, I couldnt remember how I got there. I looked at my watch, it was tuesday afternoon, the day after the incident in the alleyway. I again felt my side... nothing. I stood up and walked to the corner to get my bearings and determine where I was and concluded that I was several blocks from where I parked my car. As I walked, my head ached. I mulled over in my mind the events of the last 24 hours, losing my job, the lady in blue and her boyfriend, the encounter in the alleyway, and that crazy old black man and his nonsense about wizards and wishes and such, maybe it was all just a bad dream. Arriving at where I remembered my car to be, I wasn't surprised to find it gone. I looked up at the sign that said "No overnight parking, tow away zone". This wasnt my first time having to deal with this, and I knew the impound yard wasnt far. I decided to step into a nearby diner for a cup of coffee before having to cope with the problem. The little bell tinkled as I stepped through the door and took a seat at a booth in the corner. "Be with you in a moment", the young waitress called to me. I watched her as she worked at the counter. She was wearing a neat, pink and white uniform, and as usual I studied the contours of her body. She was slender and rather flat chested. "What can I get for you", she said with a smile as she approached. She leaned over and wiped my table giving me the opportunity to catch a brief glimpse down her neckline. I could see that she was wearing a lacy white bra which held practically nothing and whatever bosom she may have appeared to have was an illusion created by the stiffness of her uniform. "A-cup...." I muttered unthinkingly, "...er... of coffee, please. I smiled hoping she didnt catch my distraction. She returned momentarily, served me with a smile, and returned to her other duties. "Nice girl", I thought, as I watched her work the counter, "too bad shes so flat. She'd look much more attractive if she had a nice set of boobs." As usual I began to daydream and visualize her with a bigger bustline. After a few moments of daydreaming I noticed something, maybe was it just my imagination but she appeared to be bigger than I had initially sized her up to be. The more I watched her the more I was convinced that something was actually happening, she now seemed to be definitely no less than a b-cup. However she made no indication that she was aware of any change. Then I noticed as she was clearing some tables that she uconsciously tugged at her bra strap as if it were binding, but she still didnt notice anything. A moment later she approached me with the coffepot. "Refill?" she asked. I nodded and smiled. As she leaned over to fill my cup, I glanced again down her neckline and I was convinced. Her chest was definite filling out and soft pillows of flesh were starting to puff out over the top of her bra. Yet she still hadnt noticed anything. Then it hit me... the old black man!, the wish!, could it be true? Was I responsible for this change in her body? I watched her as she worked at the counter and I concentrated..."bigger, fuller," I thought. A moment later there was a crash, and everyone in the diner turned to look. The waitress had dropped the coffee pot and was standing still, staring in awe at her reflection in the mirror behind the counter. She clutched her chest and hurried into the kitchen, I could hear a commotion of voices as she and another waitress were apparintly dealing with the surprise of her sudden development. I felt a little funny, a little excited, and a little embarrased. "Did I really do that?" I wondered. I had to find out for sure. In a booth against the far wall, two young girls were chatting over a coke and fries. I watched them closely, they were both about 17 or 18 years old, and they both had that "waif" look about them that was so trendy these days, their skinny shoulders and bony hips showed plainly through their baggy clothes. "They're so skinny and unhealthy looking", I thought. "They would look so much better with about 20 lbs more in the right places." I stared at them and concentrated. "Grow....bigger breasts... fuller hips... more voluptuous...", and I watched. I could see something was happening but they still hadnt noticed, their bodies were starting slowly to fill out. Their clothes were starting to tighten, theyre chests were starting to expand. Suddenly one girls jaw dropped in awe. "My God, Amber, look at you! You got boobs!" She said in disbelief. Amber looked down at herself, and grabbed her chest in horror. "My god, they growing, Im swelling up!" Oh, Lisa, whats happening to me? "OmyGod!", Lisa hollared, "Me too! Look at me! Were blowing up!" Both girls sat there squeezing their expanding breasts trying to comprehend just what was happening to themselves. "My god, Amber, Look at me, Im looking like Dolly Parton! What's doing this?" "I think its something we ate, something in the food or the coke! Omygosh, we gotta get outta here! Both girls scrambled to get out of their seats, finding their new fuller bodies to be a little difficult to maneuver, and they hurried, or rather they bounced and jiggled their way out of the diner. I sat there dumbfounded. I just couldnt believe what I had just done. I looked back towards the kitchen to see what had become of the waitress. I could see her in the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear and holding in her hands a chest that I guessed to be no less than a double-d in size. It pleased me that she appeared happy with the change. I tossed a ten dollar bill on the table and left the diner. As I walked down the street my mind was swimming. I just could not believe the things that I had apparently done. To think that a lifelong fantasy should now become such a reality was almost beyond my comprehension. But for as real as it seemed to be and for as long as it may last I was going to enjoy this newfound talent and was ready to test just how far I could go with it. But I still first had to deal with the problem at hand of retrieving my car from the city impound across town. A quick phonecall verified that it indeed was there. As I stood at the busstop I noticed a woman sitting on the busstop bench across the street reading a book. I wondered just what kind of range I had with this new ability of mine. She was a neatly dressed woman who I guessed to be in her thirties, but her loose blouse and light jacked prevented me from accurately judging her bra size, but I guessed it to be perhaps a b-cup or less. I concentrated and watched her intently. For the first minute or so she showed no awarness of anything happening. Then I noticed that she seemed to lose interest in her reading. She kind of shrugged her shoulders and leaned forward a bit, looking down at herself. She glanced around to see that no one was watching and slipped a hand under her jacket. She seemed a bit surprised and concerned at what she found. Glancing around again she pulled her jacked closed and found that the buttons didnt quite meet as they apparently had previously. My concentration on the matter was interrupted by the arrival of my bus. I climbed on and took a seat near the rear and as the bus pulled away I could see the woman still standing there in confusion at her sudden development of a proudly bulging bustline. I was immensly amused, and excited. I sat there daydreaming thinking about the possibilities of such a talent, I mused on the thought of myself travelling the country, growing bustlines wherever I went, like a Johnny Appleseed of sorts growing boobs instead of apples. I was snapped from my fantasy by a noisy group of several schoolgirls that had boarded the bus and had taken seats just ahead of me. I guessed them to be perhaps 11 or 12 years of age, and they were jabbering amongst themselves about what else, but boys. I could hear them bantering back and forth about how so and so at school has all the boys after her just because she was the first to grow boobs, and about how nobody pays attention to you if you dont have boobs yet, and how they can hardly wait till they start to develop, and so on and on. It reminded me of when I was that age and when I first remembered having an interest in girls. It was in sixth grade and I had the hots for Laurel Miller, the first girl in elementary school to grow boobs, and big ones at that. I used to always try to stand next to her in lunch line in hopes that she might brush up against me with that marvelous chest of hers. Oh to be that age again, I thought, to be a part of that time when little girls blossom into womanhood. "Oh, wow!" one of the girls yelped, again distracting me from my daydream. "I think its happening! Im getting boobs!" "Me too, me too!" some of the other girls were adding, suddenly realizing that they were all simultaneously sharing the same phenomenon." My face flushed as I heard their excitement. "Whoa," I thought, "did I do that? I wasnt even concentrating on them, they're just kids". The group of them continued in their excitement, feeling and studying their now blossoming bustlines. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable, I reached up and pulled the cord, the bus stopped at the next corner and I quickly exited. "I can't believe I did that", I mulled to myself as I walked, "I wasn't even trying, besides, I dont have any kind of a thing for kids. Oh well, I consoled myself, theyll be ok, they just got a jumpstart on puberty I guess. At least they wont have any problems finding boyfriends." I glanced around to see where I was. I was still several blocks from my destination, but as luck would have it I found myself standing in front of a place where I had often spent a friday night. It was the "Classy Cat", a local topless club. I suddenly realized this would be the perfect place to really try out my new talent. Glancing at my watch and deciding I had some time to spare, I pushed the heavy, padded door open and walked in. I paused as my eyes grew accustomed to the dim light. The air was thick with the smell of smoke and beer. Mid-afternoon was probably the worst time to come to this place, the best dancers with the best bodies always worked the late hours, at this time of day the girls left much to be desired. As usual there was a cluster of men gathered in the front row. They all sat there expressionless and bleary eyed, nursing their beers and staring blankly at the girl on the stage. She had just finished her set and was gathering her clothes and her meager tips before stepping down. A skinny girl in a bikini at the bar quickly sucked down her drink and as she took her place on the stage I took a seat in the back row. The music started and she began to move half-heartedly to the music. Things were about to get much more lively. I studied her body closely, she was thin and gaunt, looking rather undernourished. Her bikini, was loose and underfilled. "Full and voluptuous," I thought to myself as I concentrated on her form. For about a minute it seemed nothing was happening, then I noticed it, first her legs seemed to be a little more shapely, and her ass was beginning to show some roundness, barely perceptable at first but it was becoming more apparent. Her upper body now was beginning to flesh out, her ribs a little less visible, and her breasts were starting to swell. The girl was oblivious. She seemed lost in the music and dazed with booze. She gyrated to the rithym with her eyes closed. The men around the stage one by one as if coming out of a trance began to take notice. I was getting really turned on, I felt my pants starting to bulge, and the more turned on I got the more intensly I concentrated. The men, previously silent were now starting to become more verbal with whistles and catcalls. The girl opened her eyes and looked around, a bit surprised at their reactions. Putting her hands to her breasts she was even more surprised to find her hands full where there had previously been so little. Her bikini top was stretching tight. She untied it and let it drop to the floor, freeing her swelling breasts to wobble and sway, a sensation she had never felt before. She must have thought she was dreaming as she smiled and continued to dance. She grasped her breasts and as she squeezed them she closed her eyes and leaned her head back aroused with the sensation. Her body was becoming definitly more voluptuous, and everybody in the club now had their eyes riveted on her. As she moved to the music she slid her hands exploringly over her new body and she watched herself in the mirrors. Her arousal and the excitement of the crowd seemed to add to her intoxication. Her ass was now firm and round, her thighs looked powerful and inviting, her back strong and softly muscled, and her breasts were still swelling to a delightful fullness, looking to be at least a g-cup or more. I was so turned on myself, I was almost going to come in my pants. And I still concentrated on her body. She leaned over letting her now enormous breasts sway like udders. The men were almost out of control, whooping and hollaring, jumping out of their seats, reaching out to touch, to feel that magnificent ass and those marvelous breasts. Like men posessed they were throwing fistfulls of money on the stage, hoping to draw her attention. Her breasts still swelled, she cradled them in her arms and her gentle rocking made her breastflesh undulate like a armfull of jello. She smiled dreamily. I guestimated that her breasts were now better that perhaps a j-cup, I really couldnt tell anymore, and they were still growing. "Thats enough" I thought to myself, "back off". But I couldn't take my eyes off of her, my own arousal kept my concentration riveted on her. She arched her back under the growing weight of her chest. She continued to dance in a dream state and slowly dropped to her knees, and then to her hands letting her breasts swing and sway still to the beat of the music. She was a sight, her glorious ass high and round in the air and her enormous breasts hanging down from her chect, her nipples grazing the floor, and yet they still grew. Soon they were laying full on the floor like two pillows under her. She rolled back on her butt and pulled them into her lap. She caressed them and squeezed her nipples which were now at arms length. Rolling forward she made an attempt to stand up and stumbling under their great weight she fell forward to the floor. Two men scrambled onto the stage to assist her as well as to steal a feel of her huge pillows of flesh. The girl looked distressed, her predicament now seemed to sober her up. Her expression was one of utter disbelief. Then it hit me, "what am I doing?" I felt bad, I had done this to her, and even though I tried to control and limit my effect on her, I couldn't. Not knowing what else to do I left the club. I felt confused, at the same time I was immensly aroused and ashamed. As I walked the remaining few blocks to the courthouse I wondered what would become of the girl in the club. I consoled my self with the thought that she would probably be perhaps the greatest performer to hit the dance circuit, that is if she could stand up. I finally reached the courthouse shortly before closing. I paid my fines and impound fees and was told to take my paperwork around to the office at the impound lot and the girl there would check my car out to me. I arrived there just as she was locking up and apologized to her for keeping her late. The girl was very attractive and well built and was wearing a slightly tight sweater that nicely showed the shape of a rather well developed bustline. "Little need for improvement here," I thought. I decided not to dwell on her assets as I didnt want to distract her from her task of processing the paperwork. Then it occurred to me, "If I try not to think about breasts, then I cant help but think of breasts. And the more I try not to think of breasts then the more I will think of breasts, its an impossible situation." Then I notice it, her chest was starting to bulge slightly at the top of her bra, right before my eyes they were growing. She still hadn't sensed anything. She handed me the final paper to sign, and doing so she tore off my copy and handed it to me. She directed me where to find my car and as I thanked her and edged toward the door I couldnt help but take one last long glance at her still swelling chest. That was when she noticed. She looked down and gasped, "oh my!" as I exited the office. "I've got to get this under control", I thought to myself as I drove home. "I dont quite understand just how this ability of mine works. Ive got to find someone who is willing to be my guinea pig and let me exercise this ability and help me learn to control it better, and I think maybe I know just who that person is." As I pulled into the my apartment parking lot I thought I recognized a familiar car parked in front of the building. "Oh shit" I thought, "I hope shes not here, she' s the absolute last person I want to see right now. As I expected my apartment door was unlocked. "Hello?," I called as I walked in. "I'm in the kitchen , honey". "Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked, trying to be as polite and patient as I could under the circumstances. "I called you at work yesterday and they said you were no longer working there, and when I tried to call you last night and you never answered your phone, well, naturally you would expect a mother to worry." I stared at her for a moment , searching for the most tactful way to tell her to leave. I glanced down at her chest. Closing my eyes, I tried not to think of what I was thinking. "Mom, this is not a good time. I've got some things going on and I need some time alone. "Oh, Max, I understand, sometimes we all need a little space to work things out," she replied, as she unconsciously tugged at her brastrap. "How about I just make some dinner for you and I'll be on my way." "Thats real nice Mom," I said, as I handed her her purse and coat,"but I really need to be by myself for a few days. You really need to leave now. Please go," I added pleadingly. "Well ok Max, if you insist," she said giving me a concerned look. And Max, feel free to use the cabin if you like, we won't be using it for another few weeks and we just fully stocked the kitchen last weekend, its the perfect place to get some time away from it all, and I promise not to call you there." "Thanks, Mom, I'll keep that in mind." As I ushered her to the door, I couldnt help but notice that she seemed to have a little difficulty buttoning her coat. I winced. "Bye, Mom, I'll call you', I said as I practically pushed her out the door. I shut the door and leaned against it and listened to her departing footsteps down the hallway. "What's wrong with me?" I muttered, burying my face in my hands, "my own mother! I've got to get hold of this thing. Ive got to learn to control it! I just can't be around any woman at all without me thinking about her body, no matter who it is." I decided that my mom at least had a good idea about going to the cabin, it was secluded in the nearby mountains and was only about a two hour drive away. It would be the perfect place to go to work this situation out without being bothered. And I knew just the person to call on to help me do so. Her name was Melanie Allen. We had been close friends since we were kids. When I was growing up, she was the girl next door. We had dated casually but the relationship never really quite progressed to the point of being serious. Probably primarily because she was as skinny as a rail, and with my particular preference in women, well, she just didnt have what it took to hold my interest. But she was always there for me whenever I needed a caring (although boney) shoulder. I called her up and without going into any detail I told her I really needed her help and wanted her to meet me at my parents cabin. I was happy to hear that she had no obligations for the next few days and would be able to meet me there. The long drive to the cabin gave me some time to think about things, about this ability, or curse, that I now had, and its potential for good, or for disaster. I thought about Melanie and about how she was always willing to listen to my problems, and how she always seemed to have an interest in me, even though I often ignored her attentions and went long periods without thinking of calling her. Why did she persist? I reflected on my life and how I had gone nowhere with it and my obsessions and fantasies which seemed to dominate my every action. "What now?", I pondered. I arrive at the cabin late that same evening, and after a glass of wine I went straightaway to bed, thoroughly exhausted from the events of the day. Melanie was to arrive in the morning and I wanted to be sure I was well rested and able to deal with things with a clear head the next day. I awakened to the smell of fresh coffee brewing. I glanced at the clock, it was 10 am. As I entered the kitchen Melanie was pouring me a cup of coffee, adding just the right amount of cream and sugar, she always remembered how I liked it. She looked at me and smiled. "So, tell me Max," she said as she sat at the table. "Whats going on?" I tried not to look at her, I stared out the window turning my back to her, and sipped my coffee. "First thing, Melanie, is that I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise me that if you don't like whats going on, or if things start to get out of hand, I want you to leave immediately." "I will , Max", she said with a little hesitation. "I promise." While I continued to stare out the window into the forest I proceeded to tell her the story of the last few days. I must have sounded to her like a crazy person talking about fantasies and wizards and wishes and all, but she listened intently. I explained to her that I seemed to have no control over this ability that I now posessed. And that just looking at a woman or even just being in the presence of a woman was enough for me to start imposing an effect on her. I told her that I thought that with her help, maybe I could learn to control this power. She thought for a moment. "Thats a pretty bizarre story,Max," she finally said. "But... I believe you. And I've always trusted you. And I'd be willing to let you exercise your ability on me to get a handle on it. Besides, God knows, it wouldn't hurt me at all to put on a few pounds," she added with a laugh. I turned, finally, and looked at her. She was as slim as I had always known her to be, and had a rather boyish shape. She had beautiful auburn hair that cascaded over her narrow shoulders. "You're something special, Melanie. I never could understand just what a girl like you ever saw in me, and why you persisted in being my friend." "Because I've known you a long time, Max. We grew up together, and I've come to know things about you that I dont even think you realize about yourself. Youve got a good heart, and theres always been a place for you in mine," she said as she kissed me. "So, tell me, when is this magic supposed to start?" "I think it already has," I said, stepping back to look at her. She looked at me puzzled, and then looked down at herself. She put her hands on her chest and felt her breasts. "Oh, my!" she laughed with surprise. "Something really is happening! I can feel it! Im growing breasts!" She had an expression of glee on her face. "It's ok, Max," she said giving me an understanding look, "do your stuff. Be an artist, and let me be your canvas. I've got a feeling this is going to really be an interesting day." I was relaxed and comforted by her accepting and trusting attitude. I stood back and studied her physique, concentrating on rounding out the lines of her profile. She slid her hands down her tummy and around to her ass. She could feel her jeans begin to tighten. Melanie was beaming with excitement. "Incredible," she gasped. "to think that I am growing the kind of body I had always dreamed of. Oooh, my jeans are getting sooo tight. It feels neat." The button popped and she unzipped and wriggled out of them fearing they might rip. Her blue bikini panties were stretching nicely over a marvelously round ass. Her chest was swelling as well and her shirt was beginning to gap between the buttons. She grasped her breasts and gave them a squeeze, her nipples pressing firmly into the palms of her hand, giving her a pleasurable sensation. She closed her eyes and softly moaned. "Ooh, Max", she said, looking at me dreamily. "I'm getting sooo turned on!" She unbuttoned her shirt and tossed it aside. Her a-cup bra made an audible sound as it stretched over her now d-cup breasts. I helped her unhook her bra and released her breasts with a bounce and a wobble. We both looked at her bosom with disbelief. In her hands right before our eyes they were growing like two balloons filling with water. She looked at me and giggled like a schoolgirl. Taking me by the hand she pulled me into the bedroom, slipping her blue panties off her round ass and dropping them to the floor as she walked. As she studied herself in the full length mirror, I undressed. I myself was already incredibly aroused, my cock was hard and erect. Watching her there in front of the mirror sliding her hands over the fleshy fullness of her body, feeling her full ass and fondling her breasts was more than I could handle, without restraint I poured my concentration into developing and shaping her body, her hips were becoming full and wide and smoothly sloping into a narrow waist giving her the perfect hourglass figure. Her breasts still swelling now to the size of honeydews. She approached me and pressed her chest against mine, bulging her breasts upward."Make love to me," she whispered in my ear. She pressed her lips against mine and we kissed deep and long. She pushed me backward onto the bed, climbed on top and astride me, leaned forward and pressed her swelling breasts against my face. I grabbed them and buried my face between them, feeling them grow against me. It was probably the most wonderful sensation I had ever felt. Sitting upward she grabbed my stiff cock and guided it into her well moistened pussy. I held her breasts in my hands, feeling and watching them still growing to what now seemed to be the size of watermelons. She began rocking her pelvis, pumping my cock. Her breasts undulated like ocean swells in my hands, still growing ever larger until the lay on my chest and pressed upward to my face. She pumped faster and faster bringing her ever closer to orgasm. Pushing both her nipples together and into my mouth I sucked them intently. Melanie shuddered as she sailed into the first of a series of orgasms. I never in my life had remembered ever being this aroused, so stimulated beyond control. I climaxed with terrific force and came for what seemed an eternity. We lay there totally spent for what must have been an hour. I was finding it hard to breath with my face being fully buried between two pink mounds of flesh. Melanie lay on top of me resting and humming with the afterglow. I wriggled to free myself from this fleshy prison and rolled her to my side. Stepping back, I couldnt believe the sight before me. Melanie sat upright and arching her back she strained to pull her massive breasts into her lap. She sat there surveying the mounds of flesh before her, feeling the smooth expanse of skin with her hands. Her nipples were just a little beyond reach of her outstretched arms. The growth of her breasts had apparently stopped. "They feel absolutely wonderful," she said with a dreamy smile, "part of me would really like to keep them this way, but realistically I could handle them much better if they were a lot smaller." I agreed with her, and I told her that I would concentrate on reshaping and resizing her physique to a more realistic, more managable form. At least consciously and logically and sensibly I agreed with her. But as I looked at her there on the bed, with her massive undulating breasts bigger than i've ever dreamed of, something stirred deep within me, something deep down in my basal desires, something in my animal drives, something in my carnal lusts disagreed. I felt my cock stiffen. I sat on the bed beside her, I touched her breasts tenderly. "Ok," I sighed. I'll concentrate on making them smaller." I thought to myself "smaller, much smaller, reduce size." Something deep inside me still disagreed. "I think its working," Melanie said, as she stroked them and felt their size. They were visibly starting to diminish. I continued to concentrate on smaller. For almost a minute they slowly shrank, by nearly an in inch or two. Then they stopped. Then it appeared as if they were expanding again. After a few minutes is was certain, they were definitely growing larger, even larger than before. I felt a little uneasy, my cock swelled. I wasnt in control. Melanie shot me a concerned look. I didnt know what to do, I couldnt hold my concentration. The sight of her there on the bed, breasts rapidly swelling was more than I could handle. I ran my hands over her smoothe skin, it was so sensuous, so warm and inviting. I slid my hands around to her nipples. They were as large as muffins and filled my hands. I gave them a gentle squeeze. Melanie closed her eyes and moaned with the sensation. I buried my head between her breasts, her cleavage extending a full three feet down from her chin. I lost myself in her flesh. I for a time I seemed to lose all contact with reality. I felt her breasts rapidly expanding against me. The warm flesh swelling, pushing me upward, they enveloped me, my whole body was sinking deeper into her cleavage. The were growing rapidly and becoming enormous. I couldnt see Melanies face anymore, all I could see was breast. My heart raced with excitement at the sensation of my entire body being consumed by her cleavage. I leaned into it. I wanted to disappear into that marvelous mass, I wanted to become one with her breasts. Everything went dark as I disappeared completly into the bottomless canyon. I felt as if I passed into another world. Around me was nothing but breast. I became part of them. I felt the warmth, I heard the heartbeat, a tremendous feeling of security possesed me. At that moment nothing else existed for me, there was no sense of time, no sense of space. I was where my most primal drives had always wanted to be. I was where I belonged. I was home. I had returned to the womb. And there I stayed for an eternity. I floated forever in a sea of flesh, comforted by the gentle soothing rhythms of the human body. But from somewhere very far away there came a sound..., very distant..., barely perceptable at first. But it was a sound that crept into my heart, into the deepest part of my soul, a woeful sound that pained every fiber of my being. I couldnt help but respond. I moved, I pressed against the mass that held me.I stretched out my arms and cool air touched my hands. I struggled closer to the sound that drew me. I emerged into a cold world, I emerged as if in birth from within the walls of flesh that held me. I fell back and away onto a cold hard floor. I struggled to my feet. I stood there staggering, dripping with sweat, I wiped the blur from my eyes and gazed in utter disbelief at the sight before me. There in the middle of the dimly lit room were two mountains of flesh. Pink and blue veined, they lay there bulging upward nearly to the ceiling. They spread in all directions nearly to the walls on all sides, blocking the light from the windows. On the end of each mass was an enormous nipple, deep pink in color. The sound still beckoned to me, it was coming from the far side. I slowly walked around the mass, as I touched it waves of flesh undulated across its surface. I followed the sound that beckoned me, and saddened me. There she was. Melanie lay pinned to the floor, only her head was visible beneath the enormous mass. She was sobbing, and the sound of her sobbing anguished me. I knelt and cradled her head in my hands, lifting it out of a pool of tears. She looked into my eyes not saying a word. In her eyes I saw her pain, her anguish, and her forgiveness. "What have I done?" I asked myself. "How could I be so cruel, so selfish, so heartless? How could I do this to another human being?" My heart broke. At that moment I felt more love and more compassion than I had ever felt before in my life. "I want you the way you were," I told her, "I want this to go away." No feeling had ever been so deeply heartfelt. The mass moved. The floorboards creaked with a shifting of weight. The breasts began to shrink. I held my breath. A sense of hope and relief and thankfulness overwhelmed me. Melanie breathed a little easier as the mass of flesh receded. Soon she was able to sit up with her breasts outstretched in front of her like two beached whales, and yet they still continued to shrink. I dried Melanies tears and brought her a glass of water. In less than an hour she was able to stand up. I helped her into the living room onto the couch, and I covered her with a blanet. Her body continued to shrink. Before long she was back to her original self. I sat there the rest of that day and night holding her hand as she slept, and thinking about all that had happened and what torment I must have put her through. I mulled over my whole life, and how completely self-centered I had always been. I used to think of myself as a nice guy, but I wasn't really. I never really knew the meaning of the word compassion. All I had ever cared about was me, and what the world had to offer me. I never really cared about anyone... until now. Compassion, that was the key. It was selfish lust and animal desire that fueled this power I had acquired, and it was compassion that controlled it. And it took me nearly destroying the most specal woman in my life to make me finally realize it. I awoke to the smell of coffee. I opened my eyes. Melanie sat beside me, looking at me smiling. In her eyes I saw for the first time the love that had always been there, but I had never seen. I looked at her slim body, and thought how beautiful it was. I reached out to touch her tiny breasts and hesitated. "Its okay," she said taking my hand. "Youre only human." She placed my hand on her chest. She must have seen something in my eyes, something that let her know that I had changed. She smiled at me. "We can try this again." "I don't know...", I stammered. "Go ahead..., I trust you." Her eyes were most convincing. It was obvious that she trusted and believed in me in spite of what had happened. "Okay," I finally said with a smile. "But not 'till later. Lets have some breakfast first and just spend some time together. I'd like to enjoy you for a while as you are before we go making any changes." It was later that evening that we had our next body sculpting session, and it went quite sucessfully. With ease I transformed and reshaped Melanies body to her ideal image, and maintained full and precise controll throughout the process. We spent the next few days at the cabin relaxing and playing and enjoying each others company, and spent much time discussing our future together. We decided that we would figure out a way to offer my services as a natural alternative to plastic surgery. We werent quite sure just how to conduct such a business just yet, but we had several ideas of how to do it without revealing the nature of my magic. When we came back down to the city there were a few things that I felt I needed to do to set things right. The first was to check up on the girl at the "Classy Cat". Melanie and I finally tracked her down and found her at a hospital where she was being studied by a team of doctors and was being prepped for a reduction surgery. It seems that her massive load was so large that she was not even able to stand and support their weight. But we did find out that the plan was to reduce them to a managable size that would still give her an advantage in her profession. We were able to sneak into her room and as she slept I resized her to her desired proportion. I'm sure the doctors were just as puzzled at her change in size as they were at her initial growth. I was relieved to find her back at her job a few days later, apparently quite pleased at her new star status, and none the wiser as to how it all happened. Secondly I wanted to follow up on the waitress at the diner. Asking one of the other waitresses what had become of her, they explained that her sudden development inspired her to take a job at a local Hooters restaurant. The two girls that I had blossomed in the booth that first day were also there at the diner, and they were apparently satisfied with their new physiques as they were bringing their friends in and encouraging them to eat the fries and coke. Next, I found the woman again at the busstop, same time, same place, waiting again to catch the same bus home from work. But something was very different about her, she wasnt wearing the plain business suit she had on before, she was wearing a nice low cut red dress, and obviously very pleased with her new physique. Riding the same bus as before I found the same group of girls, still jabbering about boys and none of them seemingly bothered at all by their early development. Lastly, I followed up on the girl at the impound lot, and found that she had quit her job and eloped with one of the police officers from the vice squad. I was finally satisfied that everyone was happy and that I hadnt caused any serious harm to anyones life. Oh, but then there is my mom, as it turned out she was oblivious as to any change, but she did comment that dad seems to have taken a new interest in her and their sex life lately has been the best it has in years. Since then Melanie and I have spent most of the year traveling the country, having many interesting experiences. My abilities at body reshaping have grown quite strong and I have learned to use them quite proficiently with full controll but there are times that my lusts and desires do grow strong and it takes much concentration to control their influence. That is where Melanie helps me a lot by keeping me quite satisfied. Our love making sessions have evolved into quite an unusual and marvelous experience. Melanie has become quite fond of my "enhancements" during lovemaking, swelling and expanding varying body dimensions as her pleasure demands, but that is something I can go into in more detail about at a later time. And then there was that time on New Years Eve when I got rather drunk at a party and lost all control, but that, too, is another story. Just the other day I happened to be driving through the section of town where this whole thing started, and it occurred to me that it had also been exactly one year since, to the day. I felt compelled to stop. I parked my car and walked down the sidewalk wondering if I could retrace my steps. I turned down an alleyway and walked around a few corners that looked familiar. I felt strange. "Why am I doing this?" I asked myself. I turned another corner, and then there he was, the old black man with the steel-grey eyes, leaning against the wall and smiling at me. "I told you we meet again" he said laughingly. "Now tell me what you learn." I looked into those deep steel-grey eyes that reached into my soul. "I think maybe you already know", I replied with a smile. He nodded and grinned. "Tell me," I asked, "who are you really, and where are you from?" He laughed again, and shook his head. "Oh, I am whatever you want to call me, a wizard?, a genie?, an alien? It don' matter what I am, you not yet comprehend. And I'm from here, there, and everywhere. And we been watching you and give you a little test. And so far, you do ok." I looked intently at him trying to understand just what he was saying. "Why me?" I asked. "You one of the few. Someday you know what I mean." "What about this power you gave me? Will I ever lose it? "Ha, ha, no chance, it just the beginning. It is yours forever, and all that go with it. Big things gonna happen with you in the future." "What do I do now?, whats going to happen?, tell me more," I pleaded. "Ha, that be your next test. And that's all I say for now." he said with an all-knowing grin. "Someday we meet again and you tell me what you learn." Suddenly in the blink of an eye he was gone, his laughter still echoing eerily down the empty alleyway. That evening as Melanie and I lay snuggled in each others arms, I dwelled on all that had passed. I wondered what was to come, what do I do next? Melanie whispered in my ear, distracting me from my thoughts. Her full, warm, bosom felt wonderful against me, I felt her breasts begin to swell, and she moaned with the sensation. As we started to make love I put all thoughts if the future out of my head. The End, of the beginning... Dear reader, this is my first attempt at writing such a story. Please tell me what you think. Shall I continue the story of Max Beeman and if so where would you like it to go? Your comments and contributions would be most appreciated. E-mail me at chimerian@aol.com