This is my first story, so let me know what you think. If it's good, and I don't hear anything, I won't be inspired to write any more, and you'll have to keep reading Swell Gal (an awesome story by the Dr.) Write me at Sandman THREE WISHES by SANDMAN Chapter 1 - The Trip "Now you be careful down there" Becky said. "I'm going to worry about you the whole time you're gone!" "I will!" I told her with a smile. "And don't worry about a thing. It's not like I haven't done this before." I made an obvious pass over her lovely body with my eyes, and said, "Besides, having you to come home to just makes it that much more important." She smiled at that, and purred, "You!, are such a BAD boy." Then she gave me a final deep, wet kiss, and I was gone, off to the airport. It was supposed to be a fairly quick trip, which was good. I was tired of the long ones now, having done this photography thing for so many years. The magazine had it all mapped out for me, complete with contacts in the little village that would serve as a base camp for my `expedition'. As I settled back into the first class seat, I found myself thinking of Becky. We'd been together almost three years now, although it was hard to remember when we hadn't been. If any two people are more `made for each other' than we are, I'd like to meet them. It had, in fact, been love at first sight, and it was getting better all the time. Little did I know how much better it would get... At 28, Becky is few years younger than me, but she barely looks a day over 20. Her angelic face is framed by beautifully styled, long dark hair, and her slim, athletic 5' frame is perfectly proportioned. Almost. Nothing is perfect I guess, not even the perfect relationship. So leave it to the fates to match a dedicated big breast man like me, to a wonderful girl with an A cup chest. Not that her breasts weren't perfect; they were! Beautifully shaped, and capped with perfect little pink nipples. But I've craved big breasts ever since I can remember; who knows why... But I loved her, with all my heart, and so I was careful not to let Becky know how I felt, not wanting to hurt her feelings. After a time, I discovered that she was somewhat disappointed with her lack of development herself. It wasn't surprising - most women feel like they need more up top, and Becky was no different. Except in Becky's case she really did need more up top. So we talked about it occasionally, and once she told me that she was thinking of getting implants. My dick throbbed as I pictured a new, voluptuous Becky in my mind, but I quickly discouraged her from considering it. "It's just too risky," I told her, "with all the controversy on their safety. Besides, you look fantastic the way you are!" My obvious concern for her health made her happy, and she felt better after that. It never came up again... The flight was uneventful, and as I arrived in Tonga I admired the lush vegetation that is only found in the unspoiled countries of the southern hemisphere. Perhaps when I retired I would move here, I thought. Once I wasn't dependent on the technology that makes money. It sure was a lovely island. I quickly found a taxi and made for the bus station. It would be long bus ride to the village, and I wanted to get going. The bus was typical for the area, pretty much like what you might see in a "Romancing the Stone" type movie. Except I don't think Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner were about to come racing around the corner with a wildly shooting mob chasing them. No, Tonga is a pretty quiet culture, more interested in seeing what they can create, than destroy. It would be interesting to see what the Shaman I was to do an article on had created. Chapter 2 - The Meeting Well, I was pretty sure I was lost. I'd been tramping around the jungle for two days now, and didn't see to be getting much of anywhere. I shrugged my pack off and sat down on a log for a rest. And someone sat down beside me. I was way too tired to jump up, scared out of my mind, so I just turned my head and looked. He was the classic witch doctor, complete with face paint and everything. And he just sat there looking at me. I knew I was in the right area, so I figured I'd found my man. It occurred to me that I didn't even know if he spoke english, but I have it a try. "Hello." I said. "Hello." he said. Well, this was a stimulating conversation. At least he spoke english. "My name is Ste..." I started, but he cut me off. "I know what your name is, Steve, and I know why you're here. I have... foreseen it. You may take your pictures, and you may write your story. But there is one thing you must not do." "What's that?" I asked, wondering how my day could get any better. "You must never tell anyone where you found me. I require solitude, and if your story brings more white men here, it would be disastrous to my work." "Well, I don't know if I can guarantee that. This is a contract job, after all. The contractor might want to know how to find you for a follow up." "Then I will make it worth your while. I have the power to grant you three wishes. Will that be enough to buy your silence?" "What," I said laughingly, "you mean like the genie in the bottle?!" "Yes, that is exactly what I mean. And it's a very simple deal really. If you find your wishes do not come true, you may tell your people whatever you like about me. But if your wishes do come true, you will be on your honor to never reveal where you found me." "Fair enough," I agreed, still with a big smile on my face. It was unlikely that the magazine would put up much of a fight if I refused to reveal the old man's location. And who knows, he might just be telling the truth. "Well, let's get the business over with, so we can enjoy ourselves," he said. "Even I enjoy an occasional visitor now and then. What will you wish for?" "Hmm," I thought for a moment. "Well, first would have to be that age old wish, the one we all had as kids. An inexhaustible source of money!" "Done." the Shaman said, with a firm voice. "However, there are always limits. You will have two hundred thousand dollars in your bank account at all times, no matter how much you take out. It's almost the same thing, and actually better for tax purposes. I received my MBA from Wharton before returning home to continue the family tradition." he explained. He was so convincing, I was starting to wonder if perhaps he was for real. "I'll have to think about the second wish for a bit, to make sure I ask for what I want." "Take all the time you need," he said. "I'm not going anywhere." Funny guy, this Shaman. So we ate and drank and talked, and all the while, I thought of what I'd like. I knew what it was, but I wanted to be sure I asked in the right words, so as not to screw it up. Finally, I thought I had it pretty well figured out. "For my second wish, I want to be able to make my girlfriend's breasts larger. But I want it to be absolutely safe for her, and I want the growth to be under my control." "Done." he said, with that same firm voice. But I cringed as he said, "However, there will be but a single hour during which you can cause Becky's breasts to grow, and then only as she experiences orgasm. I looked at him in awe. I had never told him Becky's name. In fact, I hadn't mentioned Becky's name to anyone since leaving the U.S. At first I'd thought this was a game, but now I wasn't so sure. The rest of the visit was actually pretty interesting, but I was in a hurry to get back. I hurriedly completed my work and prepared to leave. "You haven't told me your third wish yet." he said, as I packed to leave. He was right. I actually hadn't thought about it at all; all my spare time had been taken up fantasizing about my homecoming with Becky! "Well, I really don't know," I said, "I hadn't really thought about it too much." "Well, that's fine. You don't have to be here to collect. Just send me a letter with your wish and it will be taken care of, so long as you keep your word. I have my mail brought to me every few months." I thanked him for his hospitality, and I was off. The trip home was uneventful, at least until I got to the airport. The first thing I did was check my bank account balance at the first ATM I could find. The screen read $200,000. I couldn't believe it, so I printed the receipt and checked it again. Sure enough, $200,000. I whistled, low and slow. Holy cow, I thought. Suddenly, a dick stiffening thought popped into my mind. Becky. Chapter 3 - Homecoming As I knocked on the door, I arranged the flowers again, making sure everything was just right. She opened the door wide, and smiled even wider. She flew into me, and grabbed me tight, squeezing me against her. I hugged her close, and marveled at how good she felt. It was obvious she'd be working out while I was gone, as her body was even more fit and well toned that it had been before I left. "Hey, Babe," she purred into my chest, "missed you!" She squeezed me even tighter, then released me, leading me in and closing the door. "How was it?" "Very interesting! I'll tell you all about it later. Right now, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!" Dinner was great, but it was obvious we were both much more interested in desert. We practically raced to the bedroom, our hands all over each other. I managed to pause for a moment as Becky lit some candles, then joined me in the middle of the room. I pulled her to me, and kissed her romantically, sliding my hands down to her tight butt, squeezing firmly. She moaned against me and held me tight as we kissed. Then she broke away and started undressing me. Once she had me down to my birthday suit, I quickly returned the favor, then reached for her again. She was too quick for me, however, and with a giggle she jumped out of my reach, onto the bed. I was so excited about what was going to happen that I could barely contain myself. Becky slowly and sensuously lay back on the bed and motioned for me to join her. As I slowly crawled up the bed to her, I breathlessly licked and nuzzled every part of her, until I was fully over her, looking into her burning eyes. I gave her a slow, deep kiss, and I felt her reach down between my legs. My dick was so hard it felt like it was about to burst. "Hmm, looking forward to something?" she giggled. She spread her legs wide then, and started rubbing me against her hot, wet lips. The sensation was better than ever due to the anticipation of two weeks, and the excitement of knowing what was coming was driving me out of my mind. She must have noticed my excitement. "Wow, you act like it's been a year, not just two weeks!" I just smiled, and nudged forward, easing an inch into her. She gasped a little, and smiled back. "Ooh, I think I understand how you feel now" she said. "Not yet you don't, but you will soon!" I told her cryptically as I pushed more in. She was quite tight, not having had any for two weeks, and it made it all the harder for me to contain myself. Usually I have no trouble keeping going until she is satisfied, but this was no usual night! She moaned as I pushed more in, and pretty soon we had a good rhythm going. She moaned louder as I finally got all eight inches planted and rubbed myself firmly against her. "Ooh, you feel excellent," she moaned. "So big! I guess it's been too long." "I would have to agree with that," I managed to groan out as I started thrusting. "Oh god Babe, that feels so.. so.. good," she moaned, as I worked her. Not wasting my time, I dove down and kissed her passionately, knowing how excited that gets her. She was moaning louder and I could feel her working towards her orgasm, but unfortunately so was I. I had to be careful not to come too soon, blowing this once in a lifetime opportunity I had stumbled across. I steeled my mind against it, and continued working her. She was almost there as I swept down and began sucking her pert, erect nipples. That was all it took, and I felt her tense up and grabbed my ass hard, forcing me into her as far as she could and grinding me against her. She came hard, her breath catching as she tensed up, making no noise at all. I pulled my mouth off her hard nipple, and watched, breathless with anticipation, finally about to learn if the Shaman had been telling the truth. Becky was coming especially hard, harder in fact, that I can ever remember. Her eyes rolled back and she became quite rigid. I wondered for a second if she was okay, but her face was a picture of ecstasy. Suddenly she relaxed a little, moaned loudly, and it began. It was hardly noticeable at first, but there a definite change. It started at the edges of her small, taut breasts, the curves becoming ever so slightly more pronounced. Then I could actually see the whole breast itself swelling, growing larger. Becky was moaning and panting as her orgasm continued. It seemed to consume her completely as her body went totally limp and then spasmed again and again. I continued thrusting into her as her pussy spasmed and sucked my rigid member. Her breasts continued to swell as her orgasm continued. I was beside myself with excitement. It was true, the Shaman had not lied! Becky's orgasm finally tapered off and subsided, having lasted a full minute. She lay limply beneath me, and finally opened her eyes. "Wow, that was THE most incredible orgasm I've ever had! I guess a little time apart can be worthwhile." I smiled down at her, knowing the real truth. She hadn't noticed that her little A cup breasts had swollen into a beautiful pair of B cuppers. I had a feeling she would notice the change before I was done, however. A quick glance at the clock showed that we had used about ten minutes - there was no time to waste. As I continued my thrusts, she said "Well, I see you plan on being true to form tonight. Just how many times do you plan on making me come?" "Well," I lied "no more than usual." A devilish grin crossed my face as I imagined the end result of tonight's session, and she looked at me a little funny, probably wondering what it meant. She quickly forgot about my facial expressions as my thrusts continued, and we both started moaning again. "Oh Babe, it feels so GOOD tonight. You feel so hard!" she moaned. Her orgasm was building faster this time, as our rhythm built and the speed increased. She grabbed my shoulders and hiked her legs up high, wrapping them around my back, and urging me to do her faster. I eagerly complied, and bent down to take her now larger nipple into my mouth. I sucked hungrily as I pounded her pussy, and she moaned deeply. "Oh my god," She sighed, "that feels so good! My nipples have never felt so sensitive! Ooh yes, suck me, Baby!" I sucked and nibbled on first one nipple and then the other, happily feeling her orgasm build. I continued to fuck her faster and faster, and it finally arrived. I could feel her nipple grow even stiffer in my mouth as she tensed up harder than ever before, and her pussy clamped down hard on my wood. I watched her face screw up with orgasm as it washed over her and her whole body went rigid and turned bright red from the strain. Before my eyes I could see her breasts starting to grow again as she moaned and panted in her pleasure. I excitedly leaned down and pushed my face against her growing breast, feeling it push back against me as it swelled. I slid my face into her cleavage and felt her breasts swelling up around my face. It was the most exciting, erotic feeling I've ever had. I slid her growing nipple into my mouth and sucked hard, causing her to scream in pleasure. The total excitement and eroticism of the moment overwhelmed me, and my orgasm took hold. I pulled my head back, and as I watched Becky's breasts continue to grow, I came extremely hard, much harder than ever before. I could feel what seemed like gallons of come pumping into her pussy, and as I came I watched her breasts continue to swell into a full C cup. It was extremely erotic, but my orgasm finally ended leaving me spent and weak. As I collapsed on top of Becky I was careful to support myself on my elbows, mindful of her new cleavage. As Becky recovered from her orgasm, she panted "Wow! That.. was.. even.. better.. What's.. going.. on?" She looked up at me quizzically and realized that I'd barely heard what she'd said, so busy was I staring at her new chest. She followed my eyes down and her reaction was almost comical. Her eyes went wide and she yelled, "Oh My God! What The Hell Is Going On!" She struggled up onto her elbows, staring down at her new self. She looked up at me, then back down at her new breasts. "What's going on!" she demanded. I just smiled, and started thrusting again. My cock was still semi-hard, and even though it was somewhat over-sensitive from the recent orgasm, I knew I had little time to finish the job. "Wait A Minute!" Becky yelled, "What The Fuck Is Happening Here?!" She tried to push me off her, but I simply pinned her hands under mine and started thrusting harder. She struggled against me and yelled at me to get the fuck off her, which was pointless. In fact, the excitement of the domination, combined with the extreme excitement of what was happening to her breasts, quickly brought my cock back to full size inside of her. Her struggles and yells of defiance quickly subsided as she became stimulated by my steely hard cock working her well lubricated pussy. She once again started moaning beneath me as I worked her well, using all the moves I knew she loved. Her concerns about her sudden voluptuousness evaporated, and as her moans increased, I stole a glance at the clock. 20 minutes used up - things were working out well. I was a little concerned about coming again, however. Watching Becky's breasts grow was so extremely exciting that I doubted I could keep from coming the next time it happened. Once that happened I knew I wouldn't be able to get it up again during the magical hour. "What the fuck is happening to my tits?!" she moaned, as I worked her toward orgasm. I smiled down at her, and said "I got one of my wishes." "What.. does.. that.. mean..?" she panted out as her body started to move against me. "Well," I said, thrusting even harder, "one of my wishes was that each time you come, your breasts grow. And it looks like it's coming true - no pun intended!" I snickered out, as my own excitement built with her's. Becky was moaning loudly now, as she approached orgasm even more rapidly. It seemed as though each orgasm was coming faster and easier. She reached up with her hands and grabbed two large handfuls of breast, massaging them lustily as she looked at them with amazement. "Wow," she moaned, "they.. they're so big! Do.. you.. like.. them?" she panted. "Are you kidding? They're fantastic! You look spectacular!" I leaned down and drew her now fat nipple into my mouth and started sucking. "Oh god," she groaned, "they're much more sensitive than before! That feels SO good! Oh, suck me hard, Baby!" I did as she asked, and I could tell she was just about to come. I pounded her tight, wet, hot pussy as fast as I could, throwing her over the edge. "Unnngghhh!" she moaned, as her orgasm took her. Her body tensed up harder than ever, again turning bright red. Her pussy spasmed around me, and once again, to my delight, her breasts were growing. Becky still had a firm grip on her breasts, and as they started to swell her eyes snapped open. She watched in amazement as her beautiful C cup mounds grew steadily toward a fat D cup. "Oh my god," she moaned, as she massaged herself, "it feels so good!" She looked up at me. "Of course it feels good," I said, thrusting hard, "you're coming." "No, I mean the growth. It feels really good. I can feel them swelling." she moaned, and she massaged herself harder as her orgasm continued. That was all it took. The excitement of watching Becky massage her own growing breasts, and knowing that she was getting off on it, threw me over the edge. I came again. Hard. As I came I plunged my head into Becky's cleavage and found that I couldn't hear anything but her wildly beating heart. Her massive mounds were now large enough to cover my ears. Becky's orgasm resurged, sweeping over her as she massaged her inflating breasts, then faded away, leaving her semi-conscious. I recovered from my orgasm quickly, anxious to keep things going before the hour was over. Becky was spent, her last orgasm the most powerful of her life, and it had left her wiped out. Which was good, since she probably wouldn't have willingly allowed me to continue causing her breasts to grow. I got up slowly so as not to disturb her, and gently knelt down between her legs. I wrapped my arms around her soft, supple thighs, and gently started licking her. She moaned a little, and slowly started to come around. I softly licked her protruding clit, and brought my hand up to her soft pussy lips. While my tongue worked a magic dance on her clit, I slowly slid a finger into her soft pussy. She moaned a little louder, and her hips started a slow, barely perceptible rhythm against my tongue. I worked my finger into her a little further as her moans increased, and applied a little more pressure with my tongue, eating her a little more eagerly. With my head resting on her thigh, I slid my other hand up to her huge breasts and began massaging her gently. She was moaning louder now, starting to become aware of where she was. I slid another finger into her pussy, and started a slow finger-fuck, which really got her going. She started pushing back at me a little harder, as her body became more excited. I'd never seen her want this much sex before, and figured it must have to do with the wish. She was really getting into it as I massaged her breast and pulled her big nipple with one hand, finger-fucked her with the other, and licked her tasty clitty with my tongue. I slid a third finger into her juicy cunt without resistance. It had, after all, just accommodated my large cock. She moaned loudly and babbled about how good it felt. She was almost completely aware of where she was now, but she was also much too aroused to do anything about it. I figured it was about time to take her where she wanted to be - and where I wanted her to be, too - so I slid another finger into her twat. She moaned and started thrusting against my hand in earnest, and I sucked her hard clit into my mouth. Her hands came up and covered mine on her tits, massaging them hard. "Oh yeah, Baby, do me good. It feels so good. I love it when you lick me like that! Oh god, my tits feel so good, help me massage them!" I squeezed her huge tit as best I could, fucked her good with my fingers, and licked and sucked my hardest, until suddenly she came. It wasn't as hard as the others, but it was still harder than anything she'd had before tonight. Her whole body tensed up again and I could feel her pussy squeeze down hard on my fingers. I sucked for all I was worth, and her legs slammed shut, pinning me in place. Not that I minded, and I continued sucking, finger-fucking, and massaging her expanding boob until her orgasm finally subsided. Her legs slowly released me, and as I lifted my head out of her crotch, I was met with a wondrous sight. Becky's breasts were downright huge, a DD cup at least. Despite their immense size, they were very firm, and held their shape beautifully. I couldn't even see her face, just two beautiful mountains of flesh. I still had four fingers buried deep in her pussy, and realized this was my chance to finish things off. She slowly lifted herself up onto her elbows and looked down at her new chest. "Oh my god! Look at what you've done to me! This is ridiculous. I look ridiculous!" "Now Babe, I think you look great! And you did say you'd like to have larger breasts!" Yeah, but I was talking about a size or two, nothing like this! I look like a freak! How am I supposed to explain this?!" "Oh come on, Sweetheart, this is nothing that a loose blouse and a minimizer bra couldn't take care of ," I lied, as I reached up and grabbed a huge tit in my hand, massaging it gently. I had to distract her while I slowly worked my fingers inside her. We had never done any fisting before, but I had always wanted to try. As excited and wet as she was now, and with all the stretching my big dick had given her pussy, I was pretty sure I could work my hand in if I had a little time. Becky moaned a little as I massaged her immense breast, and looked down at them. They are pretty nice," she admitted. "Very firm and well shaped. They're just too big for my small frame! I look like Dolly Parton!" "Nothing wrong with that, she's one of my favorite singers!" I smiled, as I massaged her breast more firmly. I was hoping that the feelings in her boob would override the feelings in her pussy. I slowly eased my hand in a little further; I was in past my thumb now. Just a little further and I would be past the widest point of my hand. If I could make it past there, I should be home free. "Oh," she moaned, "they're much more sensitive than they were. That feels really good! And those orgasms - they were too much! How did you do that?!" she asked. "I don't know," I told her truthfully, "it seems to have been a by-product of the wish." I eased my hand in a little further, massaging her luscious breast firmly. "What's this wish nonsense all about, anyway?" she asked. I didn't have a chance to answer, as just then my hand slid in up to the wrist. "Holy shit," she moaned, falling back onto the bed. "what the hell is that?! "That," I said excitedly, "is my hand." I glanced at the clock and saw that I still had about 20 minutes to go. Plenty of time, if I could keep things going. What the hell is your hand doing inside of me!" she yelled indignantly. "Well," I said, as I made a fist and gently started moving it back and forth, "I'm not quite done making you come yet." "The Hell You're Not!" she yelled, starting to get up. She would've been able to do it, too, if she was used to having 15 extra pounds of breast meat on her chest. But she wasn't, and the best she could manage was to get herself propped up on her elbows. "Knock It Off, Steve!" she yelled. "I'm Fucking Big Enough!" Not yet, you're not," I told her. "You see, I've got another 20 minutes, and I'm not going to waste it!" I started moving my hand a little faster, and continued massaging her breast firmly. "Look," I told her, "I'm not going to get you all that big, so why don't you just lay back and enjoy it. After all, you did say it felt good." She knocked my hand away from her tits and tried to roll over so she could get up. But I was still sitting between her legs, making it easy for me to keep her where she was. She glared up at me, but I could see in her face that her resolve was weakening as the sensations my fist was giving her were starting to get to her. She fought it as best she could, I'll give her that, but after a couple of minutes of good firm fisting, she finally moaned deeply and fell back onto the bed. It was definitely much easier to get her going now - the wish must be affecting her sex drive, I thought. Either that, or it's a by product of the growth. I grinned at that; she was already a fairly horny girl - if this was a permanent change, she'll be wanting it more than I do! What a prospect! She was really getting into it now, moving her body against my hand, moaning and licking her lips. I leaned forward, just able to reach the tip of one of her massive tits, and started licking. This really got to her and she reached up and hefted her breast to me with both hands, urging me on. "Oh Steve, it feels so good. My tits are so sensitive now. Suck me deep!" I had no problem with that, and sucked her big, fat nipple into my mouth. Apparently that wasn't good enough, and she put one hand behind my head and pulled me even harder onto her tit, forcing her nipple further into my mouth. Not wanting to let her down, I decided to help her out, and sucked in on her tit as hard as I could. Her nipples must have become quite sensitive, as she immediately started coming. Her pussy clamped down so hard on my hand that I thought she was going to break it, and her whole body tensed up. As her arms tensed up she pulled me into her enormous breast so tight that my whole face was covered in tit flesh and I couldn't breath at all. If she doesn't stop coming soon, I thought, I might die here. It occurred to me that there are worse ways to go, however. While I was waiting for her to stop coming I could feel her nipple moving even deeper into my mouth, and wondered what was going on. It wasn't until I felt her whole breast growing and pushing me away from her body that I realized her breast and nipple were growing INSIDE my mouth! This was extremely exciting and I immediately got hard again. Becky was moaning loudly now and roughly pushed me off her tit. She immediately started massaging both her F cup sized breasts, apparently to prolong the orgasm. It was a sight to behold. "Oh god, Steve, it feels so good when they grow! I've never felt anything like it. Keep doing me, I don't want this feeling to go!" I happily obliged her, working her as best I could with my fist. I wasn't able to move much, however, as she was very tight. Her orgasm eventually faded, and she looked frantically started bucking against me. "Gotta get it back," she moaned, "oh, it feels sooo good when they grow! Oh, suck me, Baby, suck Becky's big titties! I know you love my big titties, Baby!" Her dirty talk excited me and I looked into her eyes and saw they burned with lust and passion. She grabbed my head, pulled it down to her huge nipple, which was now as large as my thumb, and forced it into my mouth. She met no resistance from me, however, and I happily started sucking, wondering how things could get any better. She kept up her dirty banter, which just excited me all the more, and I sucked, licked, and nibbled her nipple even more vigorously. I worked her pussy as well as I could with my fist, and I could feel her building toward an orgasm again. After a bit I noticed her dirty talking had subsided and looked up to see why. It was immediately obvious why she wasn't talking anymore. Most anyone would have a hard time talking if they had as much tit crammed into their mouth as she did. My dick felt like it was going to burst as I watched Becky, eyes closed and moaning loudly, voraciously sucking her own nipple. Not wanting to miss out, I dove back onto her nipple and helped her toward orgasm. It didn't take long as we worked her super-sensitive tits together, and she was soon gasping in a tremendous climax. Her head fell back and she began massaging her tits together roughly. I could feel her breast growing against my face again, so I reached up with my free hand and grabbed a handful of breast. I could feel the flesh expanding, spreading my fingers apart as the pressure pushed tit flesh out from between them. The sensation was incredible and every bit as exciting as the first time. I thought I might come right there myself. "Oh, Steve!" she practically shrieked, "it feels soo gooood!" She squashed her inflating tits together from the sides, forming an impossibly deep cleavage. I plunged my head in until my nose bumped her breastbone, and my head almost disappeared into her FF cup cleavage. I gently removed my hand from her tight pussy, and grabbed both her huge boobs in my hands, pressing them around my head. I kept my face buried in her expanding flesh, just basking in the warmth and the utter excitement of it, and listening to her moan until her orgasm faded. Suddenly, she pushed me off her. "Gotta have more" she grunted, as she threw me down onto my back like a woman possessed and quickly mounted me. "Feels too good...gotta have more!" she cried, deliriously. She was obviously way out of control now, completely addicted to the growth sensation. She impaled herself on my rigid cock, and began riding me furiously, wasting no time as she worked toward the all important orgasm. I just lay there and let her do all the work, and thinking how unbelievable lucky I was. Her pussy was surprisingly tight, considering my hand had just been in there, and it felt exceptionally good around my rock hard cock. Becky was moaning furiously, and it was obvious it wouldn't be long before she came again. Her hands were on my shoulders as she supported herself for the best ride, and her huge breasts were so big they were almost brushing my chest. This made it easy to capture a tremendous, swaying tit with both hands, lift my head, and suck an enormous nipple into my ever hungry mouth. This made me almost as happy as it made Becky, who immediately started coming. "Oh yes!" she cried ecstatically, "oh god, it's incredible! It feels better each time!" Lucky for me, I thought happily, as I felt her huge tit growing even huger against my face. I kept right on sucking, and Becky kept right on humping, and her orgasm continued right along. She was gasping for air, babbling about how good it felt, and moaning deliriously. And she just kept coming. And growing. And coming. And growing. It was amazingly exciting, feeling her tits growing against my face, her nipple growing in my mouth, and the expanse of breast flesh between my palms increasing. Still her orgasm - and growth - continued, and soon Becky was barely able to breath, much less talk. Her whole body was bright red with the strain, and her muscles were so tight, I thought she might pop. Her movements died down to nothing as her whole body locked up with the tension. Not wanting to let her down in her time of need, I immediately let go of her humongous breasts, which were now easily a JJ cup, and grabbed her firm, sleek hips. I lifted her off my cock, and then began thrusting unmercifully into her tight pussy. The effect was predictable: Becky continued coming, and her breasts continued growing. They were now every bit as large as basketballs, which would look extremely erotic on her little 5' frame. Much as I liked my current view, I couldn't wait to see her standing upright. If she was able to, that is. Her new tits must have weighed 20 pounds a piece, and they weren't done growing yet. I continued my thrusting and soon Becky was coming so hard, she wasn't breathing at all. I could see in her face that her expanding breasts were giving her unimaginable pleasure, but I was beginning to worry about her. She'd have to breath pretty soon, or she'd pass out. She wouldn't fall far, however, as her unbelievably large breasts took up most of the space between her and the bed. Becky's pussy was clamped down extremely tight on my engorged rod, and my pleasure was building rapidly. Despite my prior two orgasms, the excitement of the situation was so extreme that I was quickly building to a peak. Becky's breasts were now resting heavily on the bed around me, despite the fact that she was still almost upright. When I was sure I could last no longer, I plunged my dick into her tight pussy as far as I could, feeling the head rub her cervix. I reached up and gathered her breasts together and pulled them in and over my head and chest. I was completely buried and warm, sweet, heavy, GROWING breast meat, and I came like never before. My orgasm seemed to last forever, and when I finally came around, I realized I was about to pass out from lack of oxygen. I frantically tried to push the enormous breasts off of me, but couldn't seem to get out from under them. They were impossibly huge. I was about to panic, when suddenly they were lifted off me. As sucked in much needed oxygen, I saw Becky's face looking down at me, with an amused, albeit tired expression. "Hey there, lover, how ya doing?" she asked, sounding pretty normal. I was confused for a moment, until I saw the clock. The hour was over, so her growth was finished, and with it, the overpowering orgasms. I cringed as I expected the worst, but Becky just rolled off me and lay next to me on the bed. I tiredly rolled up on one arm, and gasped at what I saw. Becky wasn't just huge, she was absolutely, fucking enormous. She was going to have trouble moving around, much less finding clothes to wear. Maternity clothes were going to be the standard for her from now on. "Big enough for ya now?" she asked sarcastically. "Almost," I quipped. "You know, Hon, I never intended for you to get this big. You were out of control there at the end - it was all I could do to breath!" "Well I seem to remember someone lifting me up and porking the hell out of me when I was coming so hard that I couldn't do anything about it!" she said, in mock anger. "Not that I would have stopped you, anyway. It felt... so... well, just so fantastic. It was like it was all I needed and all I would ever need. I didn't want it to ever end." Looking down at herself, she said, "It's a good thing it did, though. If I were any bigger I wouldn't be able to get up! Look at me - I thought I looked ridiculous before, I look outlandish now!" "I think you look fantastic," I said with absolute sincerity, "absolutely fantastic!" She could see in my face that I was telling the truth, which made her feel a little better, and she smiled. "So how the hell did this happen, anyway, what's all this nonsense about a wish?" "Well, you can see that it isn't nonsense," I said as I motioned to her lovely expanse of breast flesh. I then told her the whole story of how I had met the Shaman and everything that had transpired since. "Well, that's quite a story, but what about the third wish? Is it wasted now that you're home?" "No, it's not wasted. I can use it whenever I like, I just haven't decided what to wish for..." "Well," she said with a mischievous smile as she reached over and firmly gripped my semi-hard cock, "let me make a suggestion..."