Gender Change Fiction List

                       Update #23, July 14

The following is a list of published material, ie movies, tv, comics,
etc, that involve gender change.  This is only a list for stories
where a physical change takes place or seems to take place.  It does
not included cross-dressing, but does include body switching.  Since
this is a list of transformations, a transformation should take place
during the stories.  Special thanks to everyone who has contributed to
this list.  If you have any material to add to this list, corrections,
comments, deletions, or are interested in trading, please send email
to  I'll include new material the next time I post.
All submitions of material will be kept anonymous.

               * The following list contains SPOILERS *

                             [ MOVIES ]

Adult Adventures Of Jeckyl And Hide
  Rated X, (C) 196?
    Jeckyl is male, while his alterego Hide is female.

All of Me
  Rated PG, (C) 1984, 93 min, Comedy, On Video
  Cast: (Roger) Steve Martin, (Edwina) Lily Tomlin
    A dying woman's soul is accidently placed in a man's body, which
    she has to share with the original owner.

Amanda And The Alien
  (C) 1995, 94 min, Cast: (alien 9) Alex Menese
    At one point the female shapeshifter becomes male.

Body Jack
  Adult, Japanese, Animated
    Bodyswitching machine allows a teenager to control the body of
    sexy classmate.

Cleo Leo
  Rated R, (C) 1989, On Video
  Cast: (Cleo) Jane Hamilton, (Leo) Scott Baker
    Chuck Vincent low budget film of reincarnation.  Plot is much like
    that of Switch.

Critters 2
  Rated PG-13, (C) 1988, Comedy Horror Sci-Fi, On Video
    One of the aliens twice turns into a beautiful woman.

Dating the Enermy
  (C) 1996, Australia, Cast: Guy Pearce, Claudia Kevan
    A man and woman switch bodies.

Dead Again
  Rated R, 107 min, (C) 1991, On Video
  Cast: (Mike) Kenneth Branagh, (Grace) Emma Thompson
    Turns out the hero and herione were the opposite sex in thier
    previous lives.  Brief.

  Rated R, (C) 1984, On Video, Cast: (Codille) Barbi Benton
    In an attempt to ambush the hero, a magician transforms a male
    guard into Barbi Benton.

Doctor Death
  (C) 1973
    Dr. Death can put a living person's soul into a recently dead
    body.  He becomes many persons through the ages, some female.

Dr. Caligari
  (C) 1989, 79 min
    Includes a weird sort of brain transfer injection.

Dr. Heckyl And Mr. Hype
  Rated R, (C) 1980, 100 min
    A Jeckyl and Hyde spoof, with many transformations, including one
    gender reversal.

Dr. Jeckyl And Ms. Hyde
  Rated PG-13, (C) 1995, 89 min, Comedy, On Video
  Cast: (Jeckyl) Tim Daly, (Hyde) Sean Young
    The original Dr.'s great-grandson turns into the villianous Helen

Dr. Jekyll And Sister Hyde
  (C) 1972, 94 min, British, On Video
  Cast: (Dr. Jekyll) Ralph Bates, (Sister Hyde) Martine Beswick
    The Dr's latest brew turns him into a woman with muder on her
    mind.  Nicely done, with a plot that involves Jack the Ripper,
    Burke and Hare, and more.

Dybbuck, The
  (C) 1938, 125 min, Yiddish, English Subtitles
    Yeshiva student dabbles in cabalistic arts, dies, takes over the
    body of the girl he loved.

Eternal Evil
  (C) 1987, On Video
    A couple stays alive by stealing other peoples bodies.  Things
    did't work out right in the last swap, and both of them end up in
    women's bodies.  Not revealed till the end of the film.

Evil Toons
    Evil cartoon comes to life and possesses one of the girls staying
    in the house.  Kills many of the girls and guys in this body.

Exchange Students
  Japanese, Made For TV Movie
    Two high-school kids take a tumble down some stairs.  In the
    process, their personalities switch bodies.

First Power, The
  Rated R, Horror Thriller, On Video
    The spirit of an executed serial killer possesses people,
    including a bag lady, and a nun.

  (C) 1990, On Video
    A guy's girlfriend is run over by a lawn mower. He rebuilds her
    using body parts from hookers. He is later killed, and she brings
    him back using the body parts that were left over.  Brief, at end.

Frankenstein Created Woman
  (C) 1967, 92min, British, On Video
  Cast: (Frankenstein) Peter Cushing, (Christina) Susan Denberg
    Doctor Frankenstein revives a dead girl, then puts the soul of a
    hanged man in her body.

    A mad scientist is turned into a woman with monsterious legs.
    Brief, at end.

Give Me Back My Skin (or Rendez-Moi Ma Peau!)
  French, Comedy, Subtitled, On Video
    A man and a woman get into a car accident with a witch, who takes
    out her anger on them by switching their bodies.  The whole movie
    deals with their predicament.

Goodbye Charlie
  (C) 1964, 117 min, Cast: (Charlie) Debbie Reynolds, Harry Madden
    A playboy is reincarnated as Debbie Reynolds.

Hidden, The
  Rated R, (C) 1990, On Video
    A body-switching alien moves from a male body to the body of a

Hidden 2, The
  On Video
    Near the middle of the movie, the alien takes over a female body
    and then moves to a male body.

Hospital Of Terror
    A man dies in a hospital, and seeks revenge by possessing the body
    of a lovely young nurse.

I Hate My Body
  (C) 1974, 90 min, Spanish
    A deranged ex-nazi mad doctor transplants a man's brain into
    woman's body.

Killer Party
    Ghost of male college student possesses female sorority member.
    She kills most of the cast by the end of the party.

Man From S.E.X
  (C) 1980?, On Video
    Mad scientist transforms 'the strongest man in the world' into a
    beautiful girl.  Another scene has the hero about to go to bed
    with a beautiful girl, only to discover it's a male enemy agent in
    disguise.  (really bad movie)

Myra Brekenridge
  (C) 1970, 94 min, Cast: (Myron) Rex Reed, (Myra) Raquel Welch
    Rex Reed gets a sex change and turns into Raquel Welch, then is
    turned back again.

Night of the living babes
  (C) 1987, 60 min
    A brothel madam threatens to turn two men into babes (doesn't).
    Later she turns a sex change ray on herself and becomes a man.
    Brief, at end.

Ninja 3, The Domination
  (C) 1984
    A recently slain ninja possess the body of a woman to seek revenge
    on his killers.

Nostril Picker   ***  New Entree  ***
  (C) 1993
    A very unlikable character learns how to change shape, at one
    point he becomes a high school girl.

  Rated PG-13, (C) 1993, 93 min, On Video
  Cast: (Orlando) Tilda Swinton
    Film of Virginia Woolf's 1928 novel in which the main character
    becomes a woman, and lives for centuries.

Prelude To A Kiss
  Rated PG-13, (C) 1993, 106 min, On Video
    Nervous bride Meg Ryan swaps bodies with an old man on her wedding

Rei Rei
  Animated, Japanese, Adult, English Subtitles, On Video
    When the girl he lusts after turns out to be fond of girls, he
    wishes he was a girl and...

Return of Jafar
    In one scene, Jafar transforms himself into Princess Jasmine.

Satan's Storybook
    Vicious serial kipper, who is also a demon, kills a girl's mom and
    dad.  Takes over the bosy of a neophyte witch.  brief, at end.

  (C) 1989, Rated R, 110 min, Horror, On Video
    A executed killer gains the ability to possess people.  He briefly
    possesses two woman and a little girl.

Siren of Bagdad
  (C) 1953, 77 min
  Cast: Hans Conreid, Virgina Mayo
    Magician turns his male assistant into a beautiful harem/dancing
    girl to spy on the evil Vizier.

Something Special
  (C) 1986, 86 min, On Video, aka "Willy Milly",
  Cast: (Milly & Willy) Pamela Segall
    A girl turns into a boy with the help of an eclipse.

Sorrority House Masacre 2        ***  New Entree  ***
    A male serial killer possesses a gorgeous sorrority girl.

Strange Days
  145 min
    A virtual reality device lets people experience recordings of
    other people's lives.

  Rated R, (C) 1991, On Video
  Cast: (Amanda) Ellen Barkin, (Steve) Perry King
    Chauvinist is sent back to earth as a woman.

Swordsman II
  (C) 1992
    One of the character slowly changes from male to female.  The main
    antagonist, Fong, has himself castrated and transmogrified into
    female form in order to acquire the ultimate martial arts power.

Swordsman III
  (C) 1993, aka East is Red
    Sequal to Swordsman 2, also has a sex-change.

  (C) 1994, 94 min, Cast: Karen Duffy
    A man is unwillingly used as a guinea pig in an attempt to
    transfer minds into new bodies.  His mind gets put into a young
    woman's body, but she escapes and joins a revolutionary group.

Terror At Orgy Castle
  (C) 1971
    Bill wanders into some kind of freaky cerimony in which the
    countess transforms herself into a guy.

  Rated PG-13, (C) 1985, On Video,
  Cast: (McNulty) Art LaFleur, (McNulty, girl) Alyson Croft
    Time travel works by possessing the body of an ancestor in the
    past.  A male cop, McNulty, possesses a little girl to give the
    hero a message.  Brief.

Trancers 2
  Rated R, (C) 1991, On Video,
  Cast: (McNulty, girl) Alyson Croft, (McNulty) Art LaFleur
    McNulty is in most of this serial as a secondary character,
    possessing the teenage version of the little girl he possesed in
    the first film.

  (C) 1940, 83 min, B/W, On Video,
  Cast (Tim) John Hubbard, (Sally) Carole Landis
    Film version of Thorne Smith novel.  Man and wife switch bodies
    with help of a magic statue.

Vegas in Space
  (C) 1993, On Video
    Male space cops use a sex change pill to transform themselves into
    women to infiltrate Vegas in Space, a planet of all women.  All of
    the Vegas women are played by men in drag.

Vice Versa
  Rated PG, (C) 1988, 100 min, On Video,
  Cast: (Tina) Swoozie Kurtz, (Sam) Corinne Bohrer
    Father and son swap bodies via an Tibetan artifact.  Later a man
    is swapped with Swoozie Kurtz of Sisters.  Very brief.

White Dwarf
  (C) 1995, Made for TV
    A medical student must serve his internship on a distant planet
    orbiting a white dwarf star.  One of the patients is a young
    empathic boy suffering from Proteus Syndrome.  He twice
    uncontrollably assumes the identity of the student's deceased
    wife.  Brief.

Witch Bitch
    A very nasty lady loses her life.  She comes back sporadically to
    inhabit the body of her twin brother.

  (C) 1985, Horror, Cast: Tawny Kitaen
    The evil spirit of male axe murderer takes over a lush female body

                           [  ADULT MOVIES  ]

Angel On Fire
  Rated XXX, aka "Angel Number 9", 74 min, (C) 1978?, Pub Essex
    A callous young man angers the gods, and is reincarnated as a woman.

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon  ***  New Entree  ***
  Animated, Japaness
    The newest scouts, the star scouts, are three boys that change into
    female sailors.

Borrowed Bodies     ***  NEW ENTREE  ***
  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub Coast to Coast, (C) 1996
    A man changes into the woman therapist after having sex with her,

Carnal Possessions     ***  NEW ENTREE  ***
  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub Video Exclusives, (C) 198?
    "Beetlejuice" spin-off.  At the end, a "Beetlejuice" type
    character turns himself into a woman and has sex with the new male
    owner in an attempt scare him off.

  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub VCA, (C) 1989, 81 min
    About a couple who can turn themselves into other people.

Chamelons Not The Sequal
  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub VCA
    About a couple who can turn themselves into other people.

Denim (possibly denim feel the fit)
  (C) 1991, Rated XXX, Pub Legend Video, 58 min
    A spin-off of the movie "Switch".  A womanizer is reincarnated as
    a young girl (Tracy Wynn) to experience things from the other side
    of the fence.

Double Exposure
  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub Bad Girls Video, (C) 1990
    Guy changes sex after orgasm. (a patched together rip-off of Unnatural

Earth Girls Are Sleazy
  (C) 1990, Rated XXX, On Video, Pub Western Visuals, 75 min
    Man and woman unwillingly swap bodies.  They then proceed to try
    to make each other jealous by having sex with others.  At the end,
    a man and two women all swap bodies by mistake, Brief.

Glen and Glenda
  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub Caballero, (C) 199?, Cast: Kaitlyn Ashley
    A man envisions himself in his own mind as a beautiful blonde woman.
    There are a couple of creative sex scenes where he swaps sex back
    and forth, including one where he imagines himself as a woman
    having sex with a bunch of crossdressers.

In Deep With The Devil
  Rated XXX, Pub Moonlight Video, (C) 1991, 76 min
    The devil gives a guy a mirror that will allow him to turn into
    anybody.  He turns himself into a woman to get his secretary into

In The Jeans
  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub Moonlight Productions, (C) 1989, 78 min
    A couple swap bodies with the aid of a monkeys paw.

A Nightmare on Porn Street     ***  NEW ENTREE  ***
  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub Moonlight Entertainment, (C) 198?
    "Eddie" (instead of "Freddie" Kruger) haunts a group of students
    by having sex with them in their dreams.  He masquerades as many
    people, including a young women, who has sex once with a man, and
    once with a woman.

Penetrator 2
    While posing as a male prison guard, he takes over the identity of
    a blonde female prison guard (great morph scene) and makes good
    use of her body.

Return Engagement
    During the action a very pretty blonde lady is transformed into a
    male drag queen.

Sex World Girls
  Rated XXX, 87 min, pub Arrow Films, (C) 1989
    A woman gets to experience sex from the man's point of view.

Sexual Limits, The
  Rated XXX, Pub VCA, (C) 1992, 74 min
    A man uses a magic mirror to turn into a woman.  Remade as
    "Deal With The Devil".

  Rated XXX, (C) 1995
    Woman has a dark side, and the dark side is a "he".  He comes out
    to kill.

Strange Case of Dr. Jeckel & Ms. Hyde, The
  Rated XXX, 81 min, pub Las Vegas Video
    About the same as Adult Adventures of Jeckyl and Hide, but a little
    more (actually a lot more) sex scenes.

Sweet Revenge
  Rated XXX, pub Zane Brothers, (C) 1986, 70 min
    Jerk is reincarnated as a female.  It's alot like Cleo/Leo.

Twin Action
  Rated XXX
    A female assistant with the ability to transform herself into
    anyone, helps an undercover agent in trying to steal a secret
    At the end, she changes into a man her true identity, Brief.

  Rated XXX, 76 min, pub VCA, (C) 1989
    A vial of Chinese aphrodisiac causes a woman and her boyfriend to
    switch bodies.

Unnatural Phenomenon
  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub Western Visuals, (C) 1986, 75 min
    Character changes sex every 28 days.  Good transformation scenes.

Unnatural Phenomenon II
  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub Western Visuals, (C) 1986, 78 min
    Character changes sex every 28 days.

Virtual Encounters
    To loosen up his inhibited girl friend, the bf buys her a deluxe
    ticket to a virtual sex parlor. In one of her many interesting
    scenarios, she acquires a hunky male body and makes good use of it.

Virtual Reality
  Rated XXX, pub Executive Video
    A woman uses a virtual reality device to become a man and make
    love to a woman.

Within and Without You     ***  NEW ENTREE  ***
  Rated XXX, On Video, Pub Wicked Pictures, (C) 1993
    A scene in the middle has a middle age man 'morph' (good effects)
    into a person from a previous life - a young woman.  She then has
    sex with the female fortune teller that transformed her/him.

                           [ TELEVISION ]

3rd Rock From the Sun
    One of the aliens sent to earth, is sent as a woman.

8th Man
  Animated, 1964 or about, Japaness, English Dubbed
    was a police detective who was killed in the line of duty and had
    his mind transferred into a robot.  The robot has an artificial
    skin that can make it look like any human.  He assumes a female
    form in the following episodes "Evil Jaw and the devil germs",
    "Dr Spectra", and "Belligerent Bodyguard"

Adventures of Sinbad
    Sorceress captures Sinbad and then becomes him so she can ruin his
    reputation and steal a magic object. She also becomes the king
    near the end of the episode.

Akai Hayate
  Japanese, Animated, English subtitled, On Video
    A man goes into hiding, by putting his spirit into his sister's

Amazing Stories
  Title "Gershwin's Trunk", Aired 3/13/87
    A female medium channeled the spirit of Gershwin, and physically
    turned into him.

Batman: The Animated Series
  Title "Feat of Clay II", originally aired 9/9/92
    Clayface, formerly an actor who is a victim of a cosmetic drug
    overdose, fakes his death and is last seen as a beautiful
    woman.  Brief, at end.
  Title "Mudslide", originally aired 9/15/93
    Clayface impersonates a female doctor to steal an ingredient he
    needs to sustain his powers.

Benny Hill    ***  New Entree  ***
    An instant change machine turns an old woman into Benny, and later
    turns him into a young woman.

Birdy the Mighty
  Japanese, On Video, Animated, Limited Series 1-4
    Bounty hunter/police from outer space is tricked into killing a
    young boy.  So to atone she absorbs his life force.  They both
    exist in the same body, and can take either form.  Has some
    assuming sences where the woman is in control of the boy's form,
    vica versa.

    A young boy is quite disgusted about being turned into a
    beautiful jack-booted villainess for undercover puposes.

Carol Burnett Show, The
    I believe its a spoof of Dr Jeckyl and Sister Hyde.
    A Star Trek spoof, where the crew gets their gender's reversed.

Camp Mini Mon (From The Comic Strip cartoon)
  Episode, Animated
    A personality switching spray switches the human girl with
    frankinstein jr, she is also later switched with the werewolf
    boy.  The girl witch and the invisible boy are also switched.

Captain N: The Game Master   ***  New Entree  ***
  Episode, Animated
    The Princess put on a helmet that had been the prison of an evil
    male magician who possesses her body for most of the episode.

Chojin Locke
  Japanese, On Video, Animated, aka "Locke the Superhero"
    Locke is an ESPer that can trnasform himself into many people,
    male or female.  He uses the body of a female nightclub singer in
    early episodes but usually appears as a teenaged boy.

Chip 'N Dale's Rescue Rangers
  Episode, Animated
     Chip exchanges bodies (just bodies not heads) with the girl
     mouse, Gadget.

Comedy Company, The
  Austrlian, Sketch, (C) 1987
    A man presses a "change" machine and becomes a woman.  Exactly the
    same as the Mad Cartoon.

Cream Lemon
  Title "Maningyo" (Evil Doll), adult, Japanese, 25 min, Animated,
  Volume 2 Part 3, (C) 1988
    Hiromu is turned into a female, controled by a supernatural being.

Day Today, The    ***  New Entree  ***
  British, News Spoof
    The news team covers a near death story where a man woke up in a
    woman's body.

Danger Mouse
  Animated, British
    A villain gains DM's confidence by turning himself into a little
    girl with a pill.  Penfold, DM's sidekick accidently takes one
    at the end of the show.
  Title "There's a Penfold in my suit"
    The "swapping stone" causes a king and his daughter to switch
    bodies, and at the end of the show Penfold is in the body of the

Darkwing Duck
  Title "Trading Faces", Episode 4308-014, Animated
    An accident switches Darkwing and his daughter.

Dexter's Laboratory   ***  New Entree  ***
    Dexter invents a machine that can turn a person into any animal.
    Him and his sister end up getting turned into each other.  Brief.

Dobie Gillis
  Title "Dr. Jeckly and Mr. Gillis"
    Maynard drinks a potion which turns him into a monster, then into
    a duplicate of Dobie's dream girl.  Dobie decides to drop the
    girlfriend and date Maynard, but at the end of the episode he
    changes back.  Brief.

Doctor Who
  British, Sci-Fi, On Video
  Title "Hand of Fear"
    An alien hand regenerates its body, modeling itself after the
    first person who comes in contact with it.  That person is a
    women, and its later revealed that the alien was originally a male.
  Title "Trial of a Timelord part 2"
    The doctor is shown footage of his companion Peri with an alien's
    (a guy in a fish suit) brain.  Turns out to be a trick.  Brief.

Dr. Slump
  Japanese, episode ?
    Slump invents a helmet which changes the wearer into anyone else.
    Being hunted by police, he becomes Miss Yamabuki, and before he
    can change back the kids swipe the helmet.

Eerie, Indiana
  Title "No Brain, No Pain", Episode 15
    Marshall exchange minds with a woman.  Nothing much happened,
    after all it was a family show.

Fantasy Island
  Title "The Big Switch", Episode 131
  Cast: (Laura) Katherine Helmond, (George) Vic Tayback
    A husband and wife switch bodies.  Its to teach the husband to
    better understanding women.

Fredies Nightmares
  Title "Your Body Is My Body, Babe", (C) 1990, On Video
  Cast: (Mara) Gwen Banta
    Freddy possesses the body of a female channeler.

Friday The 13th, The Series
  Title "The Secert Agenda Of Mesmer's Bauble", Aired 5-1-89,
  Cast: (Angelica) Vanity
    Guy turns into a female rock star, Angelica with the help
    of a cursed crystal.

Flintstones, The
  Title "Monster Fred", Episode 118
    A mad scientist switches Fred and Wilma, and Barney and Betty.
  Title "Jealousy", Episode 163
    Gadzo dresses Barney up to look like a girl. (But I don't think
    this counts as a transformation).

Forever Knight        ***  New Entree  ***
    A man turns out to be the reincarnation of a female vampire, who
    begins to suffer blackouts during which he dresses as a woman and
    drinks blood.

Get Smart
    Hans Svensen, a research scientist working with hormones, turns
    out to be a beautiful brunette.
  Episode, Cast (Charlie Suzy) Angelique Pettyjohn
    Agent 38 is a women that has a man's voice. (not sure if this

Gilligan's Island
  Title "The Friendly Physician", Episode 65, Cast: (Igor) Mike Mazurki
    Mad doctor switches castaway's minds around.  The Professor swaps
    bodies with Mary Ann, Skipper is swapped with Mrs. Howell, and
    Ginger swaps with the mad doctor's hulking assistant Igor.

Goodby Charlie
  Pilot, Cast: (Charlie) Suzanne Sommers, John Davidson
    A half-hour version of the Goerge Axelrod play that managed to be
    even worse than the movie.

Goosebumps     ***  NEW ENTREE  ***
    In a two-part episode a boy named Skipper discovers that a
    comic-book villain named the Masked Mutant has seemingly come into
    existence in the real World.  At the end he discovers that his new
    girlfriend is really the villain in disguise.

Gummi Bears
  Episode, Animated
    A magic hat gives the wearer the form of anyone whose name they
    utter.  The evil duke becomes the twin of the young princess.

Henry Osgood's Time Travels
  Cable special
    Henry lands in Paris as doppleganger of The Marquis de Sade.
    Merlin shows up and changes into woman to keep the king of France
    from realizing what was happening.

Highway To Heaven
  Title "Change of Life",
  Cast: (Mark) Victor French, (Linda Blackwell) Anne-Marie Martin
    Mark inadvertently wishes to trade places with a female movie star.

Hime-Chan No Ribbon
  Japanese, episode ?
    Hime-chan uses magic to change herself into other people, often

Hitchhiker, The
  Title "Petty Thieves",
  Cast: (Pearl) Marie Laurin, (Micky) Steven Railsbeck
    A man is transformed into the girlfriend that he betrayed.  Brief,
    at end.

Just Desserts
    A Twilight Zone meets Fantasy Island-style series pilot starring
    Joel Grey.  In one thread, a womanizer is made female as

Kenritsu Chikyuu Boeigun
  Japanese, episode ?, aka "Prefectual Earth Defence Force", Animated
    Cyborgs Sanchin and Yuuko emerge from the pods that grew new,
    fully human bodies for them.  Unfortunately, they got put into the
    wrong pods, and switched genders.

Kimagure Orange Road
  Title "I'm a Cat, I'm a Fish", Japanese, Animated
    Kyosuke, his sister Kurumi, and his grandfather switch bodies
    between the three of them.  Brief.

I Dream of Jeannie
    Jeannie turns herself into a famous french art expert, who happend
    to an elderly man, to convince Dr Bellows that Tony's painting is
    a fake.

Lois and Clark
  Title "Big Girls Don't Fly"
    A alien assassin sent to kill superman changes into, among other
    things, his mother and an attractive woman.

Looney Toons
  Title "The Big Snooze", Animated
    During a dream, Elmer Fudd is transformed by Bugs Bunny into
    something reminiscent of Rita Hayworth.

Love American Style
  (C) 1988?, Title "Love And The Genie"
    A quarreling couple rub a magic lamp and the genie decides they
    should see life thru each others eyes at a nightclub.

Magical Taruruto-Kun
  Japanese, Animated
    Taruruto-kun, a baby demon, on different occasions uses sex
    swapping juice to transform Honmaru into a girl.  In one episode
    he joins a female vollyball team, in another he's transformed into
    a beautiful harem girl.  The potion is also given once to a girl,
    although that one might only be in the comic.

Marginal City
  Japanese, Animated
    Joker can be either male or female.

Mighty Mouse
  Episode, Animated
    The female mouse and the evil cat switch bodies (don't remember
    the names).

Mini Fee
  Animated, Japaness
    The adventures of a mystical brother and sister who have magical
    powers.   I one episode the boy takes his sisters place so he can
    go to her school.

  Japanese, Animated, English Dubbed, On Video, Episode 1
    An inventor's sister changes the programming for his body suit.
    When he puts it on he finds himself looking like a flying

Monkey   ***  New Entree  ***
  animated, series
    Monkey took on the appearance of many different people, including
    women.  Pigsy change a few times and Sandy' first transformation
    into a mortal was as a woman.  Tripitaka was once transformed into
    a beautiful demon to fool other demons.

Monty Python's Flying Circus
  Episode 17 (The one with "Da Bishop" sketch)
    The gumbys turn into girl gumbys.  Very Brief, at end.

  Title "Lily Munster Girl Model", Episode 33
  Cast: (Grampa, Female) Nina Shipman, (Eddie, Female) Kimberly Beck
    Grampa uses a magic potion to become a beautiful woman.  Eddie
    accidently drinks it as well and becomes a girl.

Muppet Show
  Host Harry Belafonta, Skit "Pigs In Space: Dissolvatron"
    Doctor Strange Pork switches Ms Piggy and the captain.  He also
    switches Kermit with the girl from the band (don't remember her

My Favorite Martian
    Uncle Martin exchanges bodies with his landlady Mrs. Brown.

Nightmare Ned      ***  New Entree  ***
  Ned goes to sleep each night and has twsited nightmares.  In one of
  these dreams, he turns into a girl.

Ogenki Clinic
  Japanese, Animated, adult, episode
    The doctor and nurse switch bodies after sex.

Out Of This World
    Evie turns her mother into a man so she can go to a reunion party
    for someone she turned into a statue.
    Her best friend can't get a date to the prom so Evie turns herself
    into Stevie.

Outer Limits, New
    The time travel is done by taking over the body of a person in our
    time.  At one point, 1 of the 2 male time cops sent to catch the
    woman is in the body of a woman.  Short.

  Japanese, Animated
    One character changes genders quite freqently, Although its hard
    to tell.

Please Save My Earth
  Japanese, Animated, English Dubbed
    A group of teenagers find out they are the reincarnation of some
    scientists from the moon.  One boy is the reincarnation of a

  Episode, Animated
    Wimpy and Olive switch bodies.  Very brief, at end.

Power Rangers
    One of the boy power rangers accidently swaps bodies with one of
    the girl PR's via a crazy invention.

Quantum Leap
  Title "8 1/2 Months", Episode 42, Aired 3-6-1991
    Sam leaps into a pregnant teenager.
  Title "Another Mother", Episode 20, Aired 1-10-1990
    Sam leaps into a divorced mother of three.
  Title "Dr. Ruth", Episode 87
    Sam leaps into Dr. Westheimer
  Title "Liberation", Episode 86, Aired 1-12-1993
    Sam leaps into an older housewife, during women's lib.
  Title "Miss Deep South", Episode 36, Aired 11-2-1990
    Sam leaps into a beauty pageant contestant.
  Title "Raped", Episode 58, Aired 10-30-1991
    Sam leaps into a young rape victim.
  Title "Revenge", Episode 90, Aired 2-23-1993
    Sam leaps into a woman in prison.
  Title "Song for the Soul, A", Episode 67, Aired 2-26-1992
    Sam leaps into a amateur black female soul singer.
  Title "What Price Gloria?", Episode 12, Aired 10-25-1989
    Sam leaps into a gorgeous secretary.

Ranma 1/2
  Series, Japanese, Animated, English Dubbed, On Video
    A teenage boy is cursed to become a girl whenever he gets hit with
    cold water.  It takes hot water to change him back.

Ranma 1/3
    Ranma 1/2 spoof.

Ray Bradbury Theater
  Title "The Martain"
    A returned son from mars turns out to be a martain who empithizes
    strongly with humans and can change himself into the object of
    their desire.

Record of Lodoss War
  Japanese, Animated, English Dubbed, On Video
    The Grey Witch inhabits the body of the male thief (Woodchuck)
    after occupying a female body for a large part of the series.

Red Drawf
  Title "Balance of Power", Episode 3
    The hologram, Rimmer, turns into Krissie Kochanski to trick Lister
    into not turning him off.
  Title "Body Swap"
    A female officer's memory record is downloaded into lister's body.

Rich little's Las Vegas Special   ***  New Entree  ***
  year unknown
    Anyway a running gag on the show has Rich trying to help a guy
    improve his appearance by brewing up a potion a la Jekyl & Hyde,
    at one point turning him into Susan Anton.

  Title "Faces of Eve", Episode 9, Aired 5-9-1994
    Criminals find a device that will transform them into someone
    else.  There are two scenes in which they turn themselves into

Round the Twist     ***  NEW ENTREE  ***
  Australian, episode, titled "Into the Light"
    In one scene, a family of ghosts takes over the bodies of the
    Twists without regard for age or gender.

She Wolf of London
    In one trolls are using duplicating machine to replace suburban
    types so they can escape from underground. All the trolls appear
    to be male, but they replace humans of both sexes.
    In the other one ghost is trying to keep another from leaving
    earth for heaven. They must have living hosts and possess various
    people and animals. At the end the Hero's Professor is killed and
    possesses his Aunt's body to help thwart the evil ghost.

    Smurfette and greedy smurf (I think) switch bodies.  Brief.

Sonny and Cher
  skit, guest star Sally Struthers, "Youth Pill"
    A scientist invents a youth pill which turns old men into
    beautiful young women.
  skit, guest stars Bob Hope and Michael Jackson
    An American soldier turns himself into Cher to distract the Red

Space 1999
  Title "Dorzak"
    A criminal pyschon uses mind powers to forces Maya to teach him
    how to change shape.  He then switches places with her.

    High school friends Jennifer & Nick switch places.
Star Trek
  Title "Return to Tomorrow", On Video
    Spock's mind is put inside of nurse Chapel's body.  Brief, near
  Title "Turnabout Intruder", On Video,
  Cast: (Janus Lester) Sandra Smith
    A bitter and envious ex-girl friend of Kirks switches bodies with
    him, in order to take his command.

Star Trek: Deep Space 9
    The Dax symbiont is currently a young woman.  But Commander Cisco
    originally became good friends with her when she was a man.

Star Trek: The Next Generation
  Title "Host, The", Episode 197, Aired 5-11-1991
    An alien symbiont switches to a female host.  Breif, at end.
  Title "Liasions"
    An alien pretending to be female is marooned with Picard, so he
    can better understand human emotions.

Star Trek: Voyager
  Title "The Warlord"
    Female alien has male alien's mind imprinted on top of her and it
    takes over.

SuperFriends    ***  New Entree  ***
  Title "Lex Luthor Strikes Back"
    Lex Luthor breaks out of jail by using a device to make himself
    appear as Lois Lane, and Lois as him. (not really a transformation)

Tail Spin
  Title "A Baloo Switcheroo", Animated
    A magic body switching idol, switches Becky and Don Carnage.

Tales From The Crypt
    A scientist catches his wife in bed with the cable guy, and swaps
    their heads.  Brief, at end.
    It turns out the male ex-government assassin went into hiding as a
    house wife.

Tales From The Darkside
  Title "Unhappy Medium"
    When a TV Preacher dies he leaves his sister, her daughter and his
    protg looking for the will.  That is until he possesses his
    daughter's body.
  Title "Unknown Title"
    Male and female demons take over female & male bodies.

Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters From Beverly Hills
    The four main characters trade bodies along gender lines.

Tick, The
  episode, Animated
    Professor has mind switching machine.  Multiple switches with
    several characters.

Twilight Zone
  Title "The Fugitive"
    The alien turns into a duplicate of a little girl so the people
    who have come for him, wont know which one to take.  Brief, at

  Title "The Outer Taz-mainian Zone", Animated
    Taz's sister wishes she was like her brother and switches bodies
    with him.

Tek War
  Title "Alter Ego"
    A man uses a "Morph Mask" to disguise himself as gorgeous female,
    in order to deliver a message to Jake.  Brief.

Timon and Pumbaa
  Title "Monster Massachusetts", Animated
    Torgo, a mad scientist's assistant manages to change himself into
    a beautiful blonde when he destroys the transformatron machine.

Tonight Show With Jay Leno
  Skit, Aired 9/8/96
    A bogus ad about a liquid that transforms men into women.  Has a
    couple of male to female morphs, including Leno using the product.

    Television series of Thorne Smith book in which man and wife
    switch bodies.

Urusei Yatsura
  Japanese, Animated
  Title "Beware the Earmuffs!", Episode 47, On Video, English Dubbed
    A bunch body switching as a result of mind exchange earmuffs.
  Title "The Groom's name is Ryunosuke", Episode 91, English Dubbed
    A sex-change gun switches the gender of a boy and a girl.  The
    only problem is there's only one charge left in the gun.
  Title "Attack of the Protozoa", Episode 143
    When two boys get stuck in a garden of Eden, one of them starts to
    turn into Eve.
  Title "Hardselling Happiness!", Episode 195
    One person gets the power to change anyone he touches into a girl,
    another get the power to change anyone he touches into a boy.

Vision On     ***  NEW ENTREE  ***
  British, childrens series, skit
    Male and female comedy duo get into a battle of the sorcerers.  At
    the end a spell is cast which switches their bodies, but not their
    clothes or voices. (And "he" doesn't wear a bra) Brief

The Wayne & Shuster Show       ***  New Entree  ***
  Skit "Dr. Jekyl and Mrs Hyde"
    An old Dr Jekyl turns into an evil Mrs Hyde.  At the end of the
    sketch the old butler accidently drinks the formula too and is
    transformed into a beautiful young evil woman.

Weird Science
  Title "Feminine Mistake, The", Episode 17
    Lisa makes Gary and Wyatt appear to others as girls, to teach them
    about the opposite sex. (not really a transformation)
  Title "Gumpy Old Genie", Cast: (lisa) Abe Vigoda
    Lisa is acciently turned into an old man.
  Title "She's Alive", Episode 1
    Wyatt is turned into a girl.  Very brief at end.
  Title "Quantum Wyatt" or "Occupational Hazard", Episode 40
    Gray leaps into a middle aged phone-sex worker.  Brief, at end.

  Title "GenderBender", Aired 1-21-1994
  Cast: (Marty, Female) Kate Twa, (Marty, Male) Peter Stebbings
    A serial killer changes gender after each kill.

                          [ MUSIC VIDEO ]

Why Can't I Be You    ***  New Entree  ***
  by Mondo Rock
    Features a male to female transformation.

Black and White
  By Michael Jackson, On Video
    The end of the video is about a minutes worth of face morphing.
    Most of the morphs are across gender.

Change, A (Will Do You Good)    ***  New Entree  ***
  by Sheryl Crow
    Has alot of people switching places.

If You Were a Woman (and I Was a Man)
  By Bonnie Tyler, (C) 198?
    Climaxes with a muscular Rambo-type guy transforming via "An
    American Werewolf in London" style special effects.   Finally
    exploding into a Marilyn Monroesque glamor girl.

Running up that hill     ***  New Entree  ***
  By Kate Bush
    Very brief scene where Kate goes through the legs of the male
    dance and she comes out the other side as him looking up at him as

Toughen Up
  By Olivia Newton John, On Video
    A group of secretaries gang up on their womanizing boss and
    transform him into one of them.

You Might Think
  By The Cars
    The lead singer's head is moved to a model's body.  Brief.

                         [ ALBUM COVER ]

Al Kooper
  Title "Act Like Nothing's Wrong"
    The cover shows Kooper's head very professionally retouched onto
    his girlfriend's naked body on the front of the album.  The back
    cover her head is on his body, again naked and in the same modest

Martin Mull
  Title "I'm Everyone I've Ever Loved", Comedy
    The Cover has a picture of Mull in his trademark suit on a chase
    lounge on the front looking into a hand mirror.  The back has has
    a beautiful blonde has replaced Mull in the suit and is looking
    into the mirror with a surprised look on her face.

Revolting Cocks?
    Cover show the three members of this rock/Alternative band with
    their heads transplanted on female bodies. The art is black and
    white like the old classifieds in porno magazines or swingers
    magazines I suppose. The legend below each is some sort of
    "slutty" comment like "I like my men hung like a horse"

                            [ COMMERICALS ]

                   Names for commericals are made up.

Birthday Wish
  Aired 1989 (I believe)
    A man uses his birthday wish to turn his friends into beautiful
    women.  But one candle stays lit, so all but one friend turns into
    a woman.  The one who doesn't is left wearing a bikini.

Candy Bar
    An old wizard tries turning himself into things but the off screen
    kids don't like it until he turns himself into a beautiful woman.

Isolation Chamber
  Product Pepsi, Cast: Cindy Crawford, Rodny Dangerfield
    Cindy into isolation chamber without Pepsi.  When she emerges
    she's transformaed into Rodny Dangerfield.

Magic Remote
  Product Budwiser Light
    Three guys stranded on an island build a TV out of sand to watch
    the superbowl.  It works with the help of a magic remote but they
    think "something's missing" so two use the remote to change the
    third into a cheerleader.

Rachel Hunter Potion
  Product Keystone Beer, Aired 1993-1994
    Ralf invents a spray that turns ordinary beer into keystone and
    anyone into Rachel Hunter.  He uses it on his dog, his nagging
    boss, and his neighbor Burt.

Transporter Accident
  Product British Power, Cast: (Kirk) William Shatner
    As Kirk and a female yeoman are being beamed up, Scotty has an
    accident with the transporter and Kirk switches bodies from the
    neck down with the yeoman.

                             [ BOOKS ]

Adams, Robert
  Title "Swords of the Horseclans", (c) 1976
    Villainous witchmen are actually scintists from our time who
    perfected mind-swapping techniques and used them to survive the

Albert, Marvin H.
  Title "Good-Bye Charlie", pub Dell, (C) 1964
    Novelization of the Movie "Good-bye Charlie".  A playboy is killed
    by a jealous husband and comes back in the body of a beautiful

Anthony, Piers & Lackey, Mercedes
  Title "If I Pay Thee Not In Gold", (C) 1993, isbn 0-671-72175-5,
  pub Baen
    A male demon changes sex every time he/she makes love.

Anthony, Piers
  Title "And Eternity", (C) 1991, Pub Avon, isbn 0-380-75286-7
    Last book in the incarnation series.  Two women are alternatly
    changed into men and try to rape each other.
  Title "Crewel Lye", (C) 1984, isbn 0-345-34599-1, lccn 84-90936
    A magical trap switches the hero and heroine.
  Title "Kilobyte"
    pub Ace/Putnam, (C) 1993, isbn 0-399-13781-5
      Chapter 3 has a virtual reality sex switch.
  Title "Unicorn Point", (C) 1989, isbn 0-441-84563-0
    A boy and girl swap bodies.  Very brief, at end.

Arnam, Dave Van
  Title "Starmind", pub Ballantine, (C) 1969
    Accident results in left side of a woman's brain, and right side
    of man's brain transplated into a host body.  Woman has to come to
    terms with a male body. Sequal "Greyland".

Arnason, Eleanor
  Title "To The Resurrection Station", Pub avon, (C) 1983,
  isbn 0-380-75110-0
    At end of book, the mind of a man that was stored in a robot's
    body is reincarnated into the body of a woman.

Asprin, Robert (editor)
  Title "Thieves' World", pub ACE, (C) 1979, isbn 0-441-80577-9
    Enas Yorl, the magacian is cursed by continually mutating,
    including changing into a woman.

Ayers, Jody
  Title "Changed Man, A", (C) 1973, pub Rocking Chair Press
    Dr. Frank Arthur has discovered the secret of transmutation, how
    to be someone else.  Eventually, so many people are switched
    around that even the individuals involved sometimes despair at
    getting their own bodies back.

Banks, Iain
  Title "Wasp Factory, The", (C) 1984, Horror, isbn 0-708-83761-1
    It's almost impossible to describe this book without damaging it.

Baudino, Geal
  Title "DragonSword", (C) 1988, isbn 0-451-45081-7
    During a war, a wizard turns the other sides elite soldiers into
    young women.  Several of them also appear in the two sequals "Duel
    of Dragons", and "Dragon Death".

Baum, L. Frank
  Title "The Enchanted Island of Yew", (c) 1903
    Non-Oz book, Girl is transformed into boy to accomplish quest.
  Title "Land Of Oz, The", (C) 1904, isbn 0-486-20692-0
    All of Oz is looking for princess Ozma.  It turns out that a
    wicked witch had transformed her into Tip, a boy, in order to hide
    her.  Glinda makes the witch change Tip back into Ozma at the end.

Barnes, John
  Title "Mother of Storms", (C) 1994, isbn 0-312-85560-5
    XV allows user to experience the body and emotions of the stars.

Barton, William
  Title "Iris", pub bantam, (C) 1990 Isbn 0-553-28822-9
    One scene where a male mind is put in control of a female body. At
    end, a female mind is transfered into a male body when she is
    fatally injured.

Beagle, Peter
  The Innkeeper's Song
    Has a woman warrior who was once a man.

Bedford, Clive
  Title "Spider's Sex Slaves", (C) 1976
    Could be considered a very sick book.  It has amongst other
    things, sences where men are turned into women.
  Title "Circus Of Cruelty", (C) 1975, pub Star Distributors
    Proprietor of a sex circus does alot of forced body swapping.

Benford, Gregory
  Title "Across The Sea of Suns"
    During a long space voyage some crew members alter their forms.
    The hero's female friend alters her genders.

Berlyn, Michael
  Title "Integrated Man, The", (C) 1980, isbn 0-553-13999-1
    A man out for revenge, his original body is killed and he survives
    only as several personality chips. These chips can be slotted into
    anyone fitted with the right interface on their neck and the dead
    man's personality takes over. At one point a chip is inserted into
    a young woman and has sex with a man with another personality chip
    in him.

Bischoff, David
  Title "Star Fall", (C) 1980, isbn 0-425-04524-2
    Female double agent turns out to be Villains half-brother
    transplanted into female body.  Sequel is called "Star Spring"

Blumlein, Michael
  Title "XY", (C) 1993, isbn 0-440-21374-6
    A dancer in a topless bar and a customer change bodies after a
    loud noise.  There is a lot of confusion in the girl's mind as she
    only knows she is a man.

Bradley, Marion Zimmer
  Title "World Wreckers"
    Two males, one human and one alien, overcome the obvious obstacle
    to their love when the alien, in a few hours, shifts his sexuality
    from masculine to feminine.

Brosnan, John
  Title "Opponax Invasion, The", Sci-Fi
    A master thief changes himself into a woman to escape detection.

Burroughs, William
  Title "Soft Machine"
    A short few paragraphs has Carl being molded into a woman by the

Busby, F.M.
  Title "Breeds Of Man, The", (C) 1988, isbn 0-553-27008-7
    An attempt to cure a plauge with genetics, creates a race of
    hermaphrodites.  They switch gender one a month.

Butler, Octavia E.
  Title "Wild Seed", pub doubleday, (C) 1980,
  isbn 0-385-15160-8
    A man and woman exchange sex's.  Brief, at end.
  Title "Imago", pub Questar books
    Young Alian/human hybread discovers that he? is really the third
    alian sex, form changes to that of young woman while he?'s
    comforting and healing a wounded human male.

Capobianco, William Barton and Michael
  Title "Iris", pub bantam, (C) 1990
  Isbn 0-553-28822-9
    One scene where a male mind is put in control of a female body.
    At end, a female mind is transfered into a male body when she is
    fatally injured.

Card, Orson Scott
  Title "Planet Called Treason, A",
    The hero is mutating, he develops breasts and secondary female
    characteristics, but does not go all the way.

Carter, Angela
  Title "Passion Of New Eve, The", (C) 1977
    A man is surgically changed into a woman against his will.

Chalker, Jack
  Title "Identity Matrix, The", (C) 1982, isbn 0-671-44481-6
    Alien body-swappers switch main character with 13 year old girl
    and later with 21 year old woman.
  Title "Downtiming the Night Side", (C) 1985, isbn 0-812-53288-0
    Time travel similar to "Quantum Leap" except the bodies travelers
    jump into are temporal "nobodies" created by time for the time
    travelers. The main character spends the last half of the novel as
    various women.
  Title "Cerberus, A Wolf in the Fold", (C) 1981, isbn 0-345-31122-1
    A spies mind is copied into a woman's body.  He is than sent to a
    world where people swap bodies.
  Title "Medusa, A Tiger by the Tail", (C) 1983, isbn 0-345-29372-X
    A man sent to a planet where some shape-changing occurs naturally
    and involuntarily.  At one point he is captured and transformed,
    against his will, into an emptyheaded bimbo.
  Title "Midnight at the Well of Souls", (C) 1977, isbn 0-345-19769-5
    Most of the characters are transformed into different species.  A
    male villain is turned into a female giant cockroach, another male
    is turned into a mermaid, and a girl is turned into a man.
  Title "Exiles at the Well of Souls", (C) 1978, isbn 0-345-31239-2
    In an experiment, a man is briefly turned into a woman.  Later,
    two men are turned into women as a means of disguise.  However,
    they are turned into male aliens a couple of days later.  There's
    also a race where all individuals are born female, and when get
    older turn into males.
  Title "Quest for the Well of Souls", (C) 1978, isbn 0-345-31120-5
    Toward the end, a bunch of people (including some males) are
    turned into almost identical beautiful women.
  Title "Twilight at the Well of Souls", (C) 1980, isbn 0-345-30926-X
    Some minor, mostly off-camera sex changes.
  Title "Web of the Chozen, The", (C) 1978, isbn 0-345-33959-2
    A virus turns humans into an artificial alien race.  80% of the
    men are turned into female aliens, although that doesn't happen to
    any of the main characters.
  Title "Demons of the Dancing Gods", (C) 1984, isbn 0-345-30893-X
    The protagonist becomes a "were", and transforms into a duplicate
    of whatever is closest to him at full moon -- male or female.
  Title "Vengeance of the Dancing Gods", (C) 1985, isbn 0-345-31549-9
    The male protagonist temporarily swap bodies with a wood nymph.
    Later, the villain moves his mind into a female body as a
  Title "Songs of the Dancing Gods", (C) 1990, isbn 0-345-34799-4
    Besides the changes that ocurred in previous books, in the end of
    this book the hero is turned permanently into a wood nymph and his
    wife is turned into a man.
  Title "Horror of the Dancing Gods", (C) 1995, isbn 0-345-37692-7
    One of the characters is a girl who, as result of a curse, had her
    sexual organs transformed into male genitals, but kept the rest of
    her feminine body.
  Title "Spirits of Flux and Anchor", (C) 1984, isbn 0-812-53320-8
    A young man has his sexual organs turned into a woman's, keeping
    the rest of his masculine body.  Later, the reverse happens to a
  Title "Lords of the Middle Dark", (C) 1986
    A girl brainwashes herself to believe she is a boy who was turned
    into a woman.
  Title "Pirates of the Thunder", (C) 1987
    There's a character who is a creature that "absorbs" another
    being, becoming an exact duplicate of it. It appeared in the
    beggining to be a woman, and later becomes a man. It will change
    identity and sex a lot of times throughout the series.
  Title "Warriors of the Storm", (C) 1987
    Various people get transformed into different species, and
    sometimes change sex. One woman become a male alien, and a bunch
    of others become members of an all-female race where the leader of
    the tribe becomes male.
  Title "Masks of the Martyrs", (C) 1988, isbn 0-345-34309-3
    More of what happened in previous books. Here, a couple of males
    are turned into female aliens.
  Title "When the Changewinds Blow", (C) 1987, isbn 0-441-88081-9
    There's a part of the book where a girl uses an illusion to appear
    to be a young man.
  Title "Echoes of the Well of Souls", (C) 1993, isbn 0-345-38686-8
    A woman is turned into a male alien, and meets a female alien who
    was originally a girl. Toward the end.
  Title "Shadow of the Well of Souls", (C) 1994, isbn 0-345-36202-0
    A married couple is transformed into identical twin female
    centaurs, and the villain is transformed into a female "Daisy
    Duck"-like alien.  Also, one of the protagonists learns to
    body-switch at will with his girlfriend.
  Title "Gods of the Well of Souls", (C) 1993, isbn 0-345-38850-X
    The male protagonist spends most of this book in a female body,
    and in the end is stuck in it by mistake.  Also, one male villain
    is turned into a slum girl as punishment.
  Title "The Cybernetic Walrus"
    Has some body-switching.
  Title "The March Hare Network"
    Has some kind of convoluted gender-bender in it.

Chalker, Jack L., Mike Resnick, and George Effinger
  title "Red Tape War"
     A collaboration book during which the male hero gets his brain
     swapped into the lovely Marshmellow, a buxom Amazon-like woman
     he's fallen in love with.

Chilson, Rob
  Title "Rounded with Sleep", pub Questar
    A man's personality is downloaded into a woman's body for a short
    time.  He declines an offer to see what sex is like from the other

Cook, Glen
  Title "Dread Brass Shadows"
    By use of a magic book one of the men in the books turns himself
    into a beautiful woman. Later he is killed while female and slowly
    begins to change back to male form. When he is found he's half and

Costello, Matthew
  Title "Day of the Snake", (c) 1992
    Volume 3 of Time Warrior series; a Quantum leap type time travel
    adventure. In this episode the girlfriend ends up occupying a male
    body in 1941.

Daniels, Max
  Title "The Space Guardian", (C) 1979
    SF Our young heroine is half human, half changeling. Early on can
    assume other (human) female forms, but later learns better control
    and assumes male forms among many.

David, Peter
  Title Q-in-Law
    At one point Q changes into a gorgeous blonde and then back
    again, explaining that the Q are beyond gender. Brief

Delaney, Joseph H.
  Title "In The Face Of My Enemy", (C) 1985, pub Baen,
  isbn 0-671-55993-1
    Kah-Sih-Omah is a God-like being who changes himself into a woman
    twice in the process of adapting to the cultures he lives in
    through the ages.

Delany, Sameul R.
  Title "Triton", (C) 1976
    Main character has a sex change to a fully functioning female about
    halfway through the book.

Dick, Phillip. K. Dick
  Title "The World Jones Made", Pub Panther Science Fiction.
    The Hero's wife goes with another man who can change into a woman.
    He changes to avoid caputre.  very brief.

Dick, Philip K. & Nelson, Ray
  Title "the Ganymede Takeover", (C) 1967
    At end of book hero takes over girlfriends body to save the world.

Diver, Diane
  Title "Reverse Roles", (c) 1978
    Institute arranges for male subject to swap bodies with female
    student.  Female scientist then swaps into his body.

Dyer, Alfred
  Title "Symbiotic Mind, The", (C) 1980, 0-7091-8275-9
    A dying man ends up in the body of a girl in a hospital.  At the
    end, she gets spontaneously pregnant and he moves into the female
    baby (no Y chromosomes available).

Effinger, George Alec
  Title "When Gravity Fails", (C) 1986
    Set in a cyberpunk-style future where surgical sex changes are

Emshwiller, Peter R.
  Title "Host, The"
    Set in a future where rich people can rent lower class body's.  A
    lower class man gets trapped in a rich woman's body.
  Title "Short Blade", (C) 1992, Pub Bantam, Isbn 0-553-29417-2
    Sequal to "The Host".  A man trapped in a woman's body leads the
    revolt against a corrupt society.

Fall of the Tower, The
  Samuel R. Delany, (C) 1964, Sci-Fi, isbn 0-553-20309-6
    One character briefly becomes a woman while visiting an alternate
    realities.  Another character is from a race that changes sex at a
    certain age.

Farmer, Philp Jose
  title "A Private Cosmos"
    The villain uses a mind-swapping device to take over the hero's
    girlfriend. Brief.
  Title "Traitor To The Living", (C) 1973, isbn 0-812-53766-1
    There are two sex changes at the end of the story, both male to

Farrar, Stewart
  Title "Forcible Entry", (C) 1986, isbn 0-7090-2640-4
    A dying man takes over the body of a young woman, pretends
    amnesia, but is discovered and attacked psychically by her
    boyfriend and Jesuit priest. Set entirely in modern-day Dublin.

Farren, Mick
  Title "The Feelies", (C) 1990, pub Del Rey
    A virtaul reality story, includes a woman taking a vacation as
    Thongar the Planet Waster.

Findley, Nigel
  Title "Into The Void", (C) 1991, isbn 1-56076-154-7
    Teldin disguises himself as a woman with the use of a magic cloak.

Foster, Alan Dean
  Title "Paths Of The Perambulator, The", (C) 1985, pub Warner Books
    When a freak of supernature called the Perambulator enters the
    world Jon-Tom, Mudge and Clothahump deal with all kinds of freak
    transformations.  In one short section they change sex.
  Title "Star Trek: Log Ten ??"
    A transporter mix-up leaves Spock in Uhura's shapely body. He
    remains like that for some time.

Foster, M.A.
  Title "Morphodite, The" , (C) 1981, Sci-Fi, isbn 0-87997-669-1
     Laboratory created human has the innate ability to seek out and
     destroy conspiracies and can change it's physical appearence
     under certain conditions. Each time it does it changes sex.
     Sequels include "Transformer", and "Preserver".

Fritz Leiber
  Title "Adept's Gambit", pub Ace books
    Evil adept exchanges bodies with sister.  Later is unable to
    change back.

Gardner, Craig Shaw
  Title "Bride of the Slime Monster", (C) 1990
    It turns out that Captain Crusader has been hiding as a woman.

Gerrold, David
  Title "Day For Damnation, A",
    Cybernetic implants allow "telepaths" to swap bodies.  The
    protagonist of the series has intercourse with a former male
    friend in the body of a woman.
  Title "Man Who Folded Himself, The", (C) 1973
    Man travels to other time lines, including the ones in which he is
    female. (There aren't any transformations)
  Title "Moonstar Odyssey", (C) 1977
    About a society in which people "choose" into one gender or the
    other at puberty.

Gordon, Greg (editor)
  Series "TORG, the possibility wars"
    Male Necromancer possesses the body of the queen for most of the 3

Gould, Lois
  title "A Sea Change"
    After being raped, woman turns herself into man.

Greenhalgh, Zora
  Title "Contrarywise"
    Features race of people who change gender at will.

Gunter, Archibald Clavering
  Title "A Florida Enchantment"
    Woman, disappointed in love, swallows seed from Tree of Sexual
    Change and becomes man.  Later tricks or forces maid and
    ex-boyfriend into swallowing seeds also.

Haldeman, Joe
  Title "All My Sins Remembered", isbn 0-380-39321-2, (C) 1977
    In a short segment we meet a Otto/Josha, who has had his sex
    changed to flee religious persecution.

Hansen, Karl
  Title "Dream Games", (C) 1985, pub Ace Books
    8 year old twins Craig and Christopher are taken by "Lady Blue"
    and transformed.

Hawke, Simon
  Title "Timekeeper Conspiracy, The", (C) 1984
    One of the timekeepers who went bad uses future technology to
    transform himself into Mme. DeWinter then travels back to
    revolutionary France.

Heinlein, Robert
  Title "Number of the Beast, The", (C) 1980, isbn 0-449-13070-3
    It is revealed that Andrew Jackson Libby Long has been resurected
    from the dead into a female body.
  Title "I Will Fear No Evil", (C) 1970, Pub Ace, isbn 0-441-35917-5
    Rich man's brain is put into a young woman's body.

Herbert, Frank
  Title "Dosadi Experiment, The", (C) 1983, isbn 0-425-06236-8
    A man and woman swap bodies for a short time.

Hoffman, Nina
  Title "Thread that Binds the Bones, The", pub AvoNova, (C) 1993
    One of a family of magicians so angers another that she changes
    him into a young girl.

Holt, Tom
  Expecting Someone Taller
    Hero, a nebbishy kind of guy, receives by accident (literally) the
    TarnHolm, which allows him to assume whatever appearance he
    wishes.  In at least two brief scenes, he becomes female.

Horvitz, Leslie Alan & Gerhard, H. Harris
  Title "Donors, The", (C) 1982, pub Signet, isbn 0-451-11338-1
    Upon investigation, a coroner discovers an institute that gives
    completely new identities even new sex if desired.

Housman, Laurence
  Title "Improved Relations", in Strange Ends and Destinies
    Husband kills wife.  Divine judgement sends them back to earth in
    each other's bodies.

Huff, Tanya
  Title "Fifth Quarter", pub Daw Books
    A brother and sister get into a tangle with a sorcerer, and end up
    sharing the sister's body.  Sequal "No Quarter"

Hurwood, Bernhardt
  Title, "The Invisibles", (c) 1971
     Brief episode where male protagonist possesses young girl's body.

Jenning, Gray
  Title "Journeyer, The", (C) 1984, ibsn 0-689-11403-6
    The book is a retelling of the story of Marco Polo, with a lot of
    sex of all sorts thrown in.  In the middle of the book, Marco
    takes a potion that turns him into a big breasted women.

Joyce, James
  Title "Ulysses"
    Has a dream sequence in the Circe section which seems to have
    Leopold Bloom change into a woman (hard to tell, because it's VERY

Kainen, Ray
  Title "Satyr Trek", pub Olympia, (C) 1970, adult
    Raunch Gaffer applies to a computer dating service and goes on a
    trip thru space and time. On Comolot he meets Moanoh who deals him
    quite a big change of life.

Koke, Jak
  Title "Dead Air", (C) 1996, isbn 0-451-45375-1
    At start of story female elf is using special sensory equipment to
    get blackmail tape on lover. Her AV engineer accomplice plugs in
    and experiences her body.

Lackey, Mercedes
  Title "Oathbound, The", (C) 1988, isbn 0-88677-414-4
    As a punishment, an illusion is put an a man to make him appear as
    a hooker.  Later, a deal with a tricky demon makes the illusion

Lafferty, R.A.
  Title "Past Master"
    Has a small scene where everyone who goes into hypersapce switches

Laumer, Keith
  Title "Time Trap", (C) 1970, isbn 425-01871-7
    The hero and heroine switch bodies.

LeGuin, Ursula K.
  Title "Left Hand of Darkness, The", (C) 1969, isbn 0-441-47812-3
    About a man who spends time on a planet where the locals are
    asexual, except once a month they assume a gender.  Its somewhat
    random which gender they become.

Lee, Tanith
  Title "Death's Master", (C) 1979, isbn 0-87997-741-8
    Has a character who changes into a woman several times throughout
    the book.
  Title "Don't Bite The Sun", (C) 1976
    The incarnation of Death transforms a man into a woman
  Title "The Book of the Damned"
     A thief who switches back and forth from (male) thief to nun.
  Title "Drinking Saphire Wine"
    A future where people switch bodies, sexes, etc. regularly.  The
    hero/heroine sticks him/herself in a female body without changing
    to make a point to everyone else in that society.

Leiber, Justin
  Title "Beyond Rejection", (C) 1980, Sci-Fi, isbn 0-345-29054-2
    The mind of Ishmael Forth is transfered into the body of the
    deceased spacer, Sally Cadmus.  Sequals include "Beyond Humanity",
    and "Beyond Gravity".

Leon, Mark
  Title "Mind Surfer", pub Avon Nova, (C) 1995, isbn 0-380-77582-4
    In one very short segment Lew discovers he and Shelia are one and
    he has been making love to himself.

Littlepage, Layne
  Title "Wonkers"
    Woman becomes a man during the Harmonic Convergence.

Lyly, John
  Title "Gallathea"
    Late sixteenth century play where two young women, both disguised
    as men, fall in love.  At conclusion, goddess promises to turn one
    into man, and they marry.

MacBeth, George
  Title "Transformation, The", (C) 1975, isbn 0-575-01920-4
    Sebring wakes up to discover he has become Alcestis, the woman he

MacDonald, Gregory
  Title "Fletch and the Widow Bradley", (C) 1981
    Mr. bradley had a sex change which is discovered at the end of the

Maine, Charles Eric
  Title "Timeliner", pub Bantam Books, (C) 1955
    Man's consciousness is bouncing back and forth in time.
    Eventually, he ends up back in his own time except in the body of
    his wife.

Mark, Ted
  Title "The Man from Charisma", (c) 1970
    Relevant becomes blonde female for chancellor's wife.
  Title "Rip It Off Relevant", (C) 1969
    The Man From Charisma, Jonathan Relevant, was a two book Ted Mark
    character that could transform himself to relate to whomever he
    had to deal with. In this book he actually changes into a woman to
    'relate' better to a lesbian.
  Title "Pussycat Transplant, The", (C) 1968
    Girl goes to a doctor for an abortion, but ends up with her brain
    transplanted into a male body.  Eventually, she gets transplanted
    back into a female body.
  Title "Man From O.R.G.Y.", (C) 196?
    Female villian switches bodies with her lumbering bodyguard.

Martin, Ed
  Title "Busy Bodies", (C) 1963, pub Olympia Book Society
    Short sence where the hero's can alter their bodies into any form,
    and try sex from the other viewpoint.

McConnell, Ashley
  Title "Quantum Leap The Wall", pub ACE, (C) 1993, isbn 0-441-00015-0
    Sam leaps into a 6 year old girl in 1961.  Later he leaps into the
    adult body of the same girl.

McIntosh, J.T.
  Title "Transmigration", (C) 1970, isbn 380-02375-075
    The consciousness of a man travels from body to body after his
    death, some of them female.

McQuay, Mike
  Title "Memories", pub Bantam, (C) 1987, isbn 0-553-25888-5
    A drug enables Silv and David to occupy bodies of people in the
    past. In one case he occupies a female. Later, in revolutionary
    France he and Silv trade the body's they're occupying to make

Merwin, Sam
  Title "Time Shifters", (C) 1971, isbn 447-74776-075
    Okay, not great, but has couple of funny bits and a surprise twist
    with the protagonist's lover (that's really not capitalized on).
  Title "Chauvinisto", Jr., pub Major Books, (C) 1976
    By the 22nd century, women have won the battle of the sexes and
    are in charge.  When a man kills one of the women, he is
    surgically transformed into a woman and sent to work in a whore

Miller, Richard
  Title "Snail", (C) 1985, isbn 0-03-063309-5
    A former Nazi officer goes through a bewildering variety of
    transformations.  He spends a few chapters as a beautiful woman.

Miller, Russ
  Title "The Impossible Transplant", (C) 1972
    A dying man's brain is transplanted into the body of a gangster's
    mistress, in order to infiltrate a criminal organization.

Moorcook, Michael
  Title "Count Brass", (C) 1973, isbn 0-425-07514-1
    Hawkmoons lifeforce is used to animate a female champion.
  Title "The Dancers at the End of Time"
    Has a lot of gender-switching as well as species-switching.

Munson, Brad
  Title "Mad Throne, The", pub Popular Library, isbn 0-445-04386-5
    There is a short section near the end where the man trying to
    inhabit the body of the ruler, must inhabit the body of a woman.

Naylor, Grant   ***  New Entree  ***
  Title "Better Than Life", isbn 0-451-45231-3
    Arnold Rimmer is once again a victim of his own self-destructive
    nature while playing a virtual-reality game. For several chapters
    he is trapped in the body of a buxom peroxide-blonde hooker named
    Trixie LaBouche.

Nelson, Elizabeth Anne
  Title "Auberan", pub Reluctant Press, (C) 1993
    A generation of princes cursed to become female.

Niederman, Andrew
  Title "Need, The"
    A being has two forms, one male the other female.  Either one has
    the memories of the other.

Niven, Larry
  Title "Long Arm Of Gil Hamilton, The", pub Del, (C) 1976,
  isbn 345-25908-8
    Takes place in a future in which they've developed a "complete"
    transsexualization procedure.

O'Donnell, Kevin Jr.
  Title "Reefs: The Journeys of McGill Feighan Book II", (C) 1981,
  isbn 0-425-05059-9
    Hero is Telepath who must use female companions body for an escape
    sequence. Fairly brief, at end of book.

Oates, Joyce Carol
  Title "A Bloodsmoor Romance"
    Woman escapes from marriage disguised as a man, eventually becomes
    a man.

Pain, Barry
  Title "An Exchange Of Souls"
    Guy changes bodies with a lady friend as part of a scientific
    experiment.  He becomes trapped in her body, when his old body
    dies of a heart attack.

Paiva, Jean
  Title "Lilith Factor, The", (C) 1989
    Adam had another wife.  Her name was Lilith and she was pure evil.
    Her spirit has returned in several people, one of whom is a man.

Peirce, Hayford
  Title "Phylum Monsters", (C) 1989, isbn 0-812-54894-9
    The main character's "anima" is transfered into the body of a
    beautiful woman while working with an ancient Martian mind.

Phillip C. Jennings
  Title "Bug Life Chronicals"
    An alien switches bodies to better understand the other side.
    Later we have male to female bodynapping and misc gender

Pohl, Frederik
  Title "Plague Of Pythons", pub Del Rey, (C) 1965, isbn 345-27690-6
    Rosie and Chandler try on bodies, including the opposite sex.

Pollack, Rachel
  Title "Golden Vanity", (c) 1980, isbn 0-425-04483-1
    Hero and Heroine are able to share consciousness and flip back and
    forth between their bodies.

Pollotta, Nick
  Title "Doomsday Exam",
    Magic backflash at end swaps the FBI team (sorta X-Files but with
    big guns) around. Only for a few pages, no real development and
    not a major part of the plot.

Powers, Tim
  Title "Last Call"
    People can take the bodies of other people in a special type of
    poker game, played with tarot cards.  One of the bodies the hero's
    father uses is that of a late-middle-aged woman.

Prow, Mike
  Title "His Story/Her Story", (C) 1971
    Annette Crowley and John Rupond switch minds at an airport.

Pucetti, Roland
  Title "Death Of The Fuhrer, The", (C) 1972
    Hitler's brain is transplanted into the body of a beautiful girl.

Quinn, Seabury
  Title "Alien Flesh", (C) 1977, Illus Stephen Fabian,
  Pub Oswald Train
    American accidentally kills the beautiful daughter of an arab
    sultan.  He says that if he could, he would have taken her place.
    The sultan summons his wizards who transforms the man into a
    perfect likeness of the sultan's daughter.  Eventually, she
    accepts her role.

Reaves, J. Michael
  Title "Darkworld Detective", (c) 1982, isbn 0-553-20672-9
    One episode has the hero meet brother and sister mindswappers.
    Brother's body gets killed but he steals the sister's body.

Rhodes, Russell
  Title "Styx Complex, The", (C) 1977
    Nazi surgeon invents a compound which makes the human body like
    clay.  He used it on himself to transform himself into a beautiful
    woman who uses the secret formula as a youth potion for the very

Robinson, Spider
  Title "Lady Slings The Booze", pub Ace , (C) 1993, ibsn 0-441-46929-9
    In a high-tech future house of prostitution a man makes love to a
    woman how feeds back her own sensations to him so he also
    experiences sex as a woman. Breif.

Romine, Aden & Mary
  Title "The Eternity Stone"
    Male caught in Psychic trap must use girlfriends body to escape.
    Happens very near the end of book, but integral to plot.

Rucker, Rudy
  Title "Master Of Space And Time", (C) 1984, isbn 0-671-55997-4
    A reworking of the three wishes story using gluons (a scientific
    particle).  At one point the hero turns himself into a beautiful
    woman and actually makes love as a woman.

Rusch, Kristine Kathryn & Anderson, Kevin J.
  Title "Afterimage", (C) 1992, isbn 0-451-45175-9
    Woman takes the form of her male killer.

Russ, Joanna
  Title "Female Man, The", (C) 1975
    Jael, the main character, takes a trip through Manland, where men
    live without "real" women; rather, males selected to fulfill
    female social and sexual roles undergo sex-change operations.

Russell, John Robert
  Title "Ta", (C) 1975 Pocket
    Girl is Astral Traveler; can take over other bodies including males.

Ryman, Geoff
  Title "Warrior Who Carried Life, The",
    Female warrior becomes male to save her people.

Saberhagen, Fred
  Title "Specimens", (C) 1976
    Family living over UFO experiences memories of captured people as
    if they were in the bodies.

Scheider, Isidore (under pseudonym I.S.)
  Title "Doctor Transit", (C) 1925
    Husband and wife exchange sexes with help of mad scientist.

Schmitz, James H.
  Title "Telsey Toy"
    SF A collection of short stories about a telephatic teenager, In
    one of them she has to swap bodies with two brothers ( one good
    and the other evil) in order to save the good ones life.

Self, Will
  Title "Cock and Bull"
    Two novellas, one where a woman grows a penis, one where a man
    grows a vagina.

Sheckly, Robert
  Title "Immortality, Inc", pub Bantam, (C) 1959
    At one point the hero is hidden in the body of a young female who
    lives underwater and has gills.

Sherrell, Carl
  Title "Space Prodigal", (C) 1981, isbn 0-440-18289-1
    protagonist inhabits a female body.  Brief, at end.

Shirly, John
  Title "Splendid Chaos", (C) 1989, isbn 0-7493-0047-7, British
    A chaotic story (but you knew that from the title) about a group
    of people who find themselves a in strange world where people's
    mental problems become physical realities.

Silerberg, Robert
  Title "Son Of Man", (C) 1971, isbn 0-345-28884-X
    During one part of this strange book, the hero is turned into a
  Title "To Live Again"
    Memories are stored and can be implanted.  Father samples memories
    of women his daughter is going to have implanted. Male mind is
    implanted in daughters body at end by inference.
Simmons, Mark
  Title "Net Of Dreams, The", pub Questar, (C) 1990,
  isbn 0-445-21016-8
    One of a group of Amazon warriors in a virtual reality game is
    played by a man. Brief.

Simmons, Wm Mark
  Title "When Dreams Collide", pub Questar, (C) 1992
    Virtual reality dungeons and dragons simulation you enter a
    sensory-deprivation tank and are wired in to the game.  One of the
    gamers gets out of the tank to find himself in the wrong body.
    Brief, at end.

Skal, David J. Skal
  Title "Scavengers", pub Pocket Books, (C) 1980, isbn 671-83014-7
    A new drug allows the ultimate sensation.  Inhabiting the minds of

Skipp, John and Spector, Craig
  Title "Dead Lines", (C) 1989
    Male villain in the story returns from dead and takes over body of
    female character.  Towards end of book.

Smith, Cordwainer
  Title "Norstrilia", (C) 1975
    Female servant of richest man in the galaxy is transformed into
    his double so he can sneak onto earth.

Smith, Susan
  Title "Changing Places", (C) 1986, Teenage Fiction
    Teenage boy and girl get into classic "you don't understand my
    life" argument and switch places over night by computer "fairy
    godfather".  Not a sexy story (it was written for teenagers) but
    not too bad.

Smith, Thorne
  Title "Turnabout", (C) 1931, isbn 0-345-28725-8, lccn 79-55331
    Husband and wife switch bodies.

Snodgrass, Melinda
  Title "Wildcards X, Double Solitaire", (C) 1992, isbn 0-553-29493-8
    About how Tachyon deals with being a woman.  A continuation of a
    story in 'Wildwards 9'.

Spector, Craig and Skipp, John
  Title "Cleanup, The", (C) 1987, isbn 0-553-26056-1
    Man with reality-bending power, changes a mugger into a beautiful
    woman so he can experience the horror of rape.

Starks, Christopher
  Title "Possession", Horror, pub Fawcett, (C) 1983, isbn 0-449-12547-5
    Ginny becomes possessed by the spirit of her dead sadistic

Stine, Hank
  Title "Season Of The Witch", (C) 1968, Adult, re-released,
  Author Jean Stine, (C) 1994, ISBN 1-56333-268-X
    As punishment, a rapist is put in the body of his victim and left
    to get on with his life.

Strieber, Whitley
  Title "Majestic", pub Berkley, isbn 0-425-12295-6, (C) 1989
    Aliens transform a man into a woman.

Sugar, Andrew
  Series; The Enforcer, Title "Steel Trap", (C) 1975
    Secret organization has found way to transfer minds into clone
    bodies this is only book in series with clone of a different

Sumner, M. C.
  Title "Principal, The", (C) 1994, isbn 0-06-0106175-1
    A new vampire takes the form of a girl and her best friend.
  Title "Substitute, The"
    A boy who is turning into a vampire gains the ability to appear as
    other people.  To trap the hero of this book, the new vampire
    takes the place of the hero's beautiful sister.

Shaw, Bob
  Title "Call Me Dumbo",
    Two men are stranded on a planet with an organ bank on ship.  One
    surgically (and clumsily) implants a womb to the other, then dopes
    "her" up with drugs so that "she" thinks theyre a perfect little
    family with a picket-fence lawn.

Tarr, Judith
  Title "Fall Of Princes, A", Pub TOR, (C) 1988, isbn 0-812-55644-5
    In order to resolve a war, one of the leaders is transformed into
    a woman so she can marry her rival and unite the two realms.

Taylor, R.G.
  Title "Futura Man", (C) 1979, pub Vantage Press, iccn 78-65999
    Taleur seeks the girl of his dreams, and when he finds Talura, the
    personified mother of his children, this macho star chaser turns
    into a woman himself.  But not just any woman:  Taleur becomes the
    girl of his own dreams, Talura.

Tepper, Sheri S.
  Title "King's Blood Four", pub Ace, (C) 1983
    Boy describes how he can take any form, male or female.
  Title "Necromancer Nine", pub Ace Fantasy, (C) 1983
    At one point, the boy shapeshifter changes into a girl.
  title "The Revenants"
    Main character changes sex on a regular basis.  Not only does sex
    change but appearance does also.

Thomas, David
  Title "Girl", (C) 1995, isbn 0-45-118421-1, pub Signet
    Bradley Barret goes into hospital to have a wisdom tooth removed
    and has a sex-change by mistake. Book follows the next year in his
    life as he comes to terms with being a woman.

Topor, Roland
  title "The Tenant"
    A man moves into a new apartment that was previously tenanted by
    and old woman that had died.  Her spirit entered his body and
    slowly transforms it into a womans body.

Tubb, E.C.
  Series' Dumarest of terra, Title "The Terridae", (C) 1981
    Hero has formula that allows him to use another's body as a remote
    host. In this episode takes over female body to sneak into enemy

Tuttle, Lisa
  Title "The Wound", in "Memories Of The Body", pub Grafton, (C) 1992,
  isbn 0-586-212362-7, British
    In a world were everyone is born male, one man is falling in love
    with another man.  But there's a penalty for that.

Van Vogt, A. E.
  Title "Man Of 1000 Names", (C) 1974, isbn 0-87997-502-4
    Steven Masters is given the ability to exchange bodies but does
    not have the ability to choose which person he exchanges with.
    He ends up inhabiting many other bodies including his girlfriend,

Vance, Steve
  Title "Planet of the Gawfs", (C) 1978, isbn 0-8439-1113-1
    Two mutants swap bodies near the end of the book to defeat the
    Secret Evil Master Of The World(tm).
  Title "The Abyss", isbn 0-8439-2767-4, (C) 1989
    Story involving a mysterious house, brain transplants and a 15
    year old girl that is not what she appears to be.  Was Gretchen
    once a man?

Varley, John
  Title "Steel Beach", (C) 1992, isbn 0-399-13759-9
    The main character in the book starts off male and changes sex
    approximately half way through.  Various other characters have
    had sex changes too.

Vidal, Gore
  Title "Myra Breckinridge"
    Basis for the movie of the same name.
  Title "Myron"
    Surreal sequal to Myra Breckinridge.

Vinge, Joan D.
  Title "Catspaw", (C) 1988
    There is a passage that exactly describes Bonnie Tyler's Rock
    Video "If You Were a Woman and I Was a Man", including the male to
    female transformation segment.

Virginia Woolf
  Title "Orlando"
    Young man suddenly changes into woman, for no particular reason.

Vogt, A. E.  Van
  Title "A Darkness On Diamondia"
    at end peoples minds are  interchangeable
  Title "Computer Eye", (C) 1983
    Hero able to shape change, assumes female identity at one point
    for a short time.

Vonarburg, Elizabeth
  Title "Out Of The Silent City", pub Tesseract Trade, (C) 1988,
  isbn 0-88878-277-2
    In a strange future, Elisa can metamorphose into a man.

Wallace, Ian
  Title "Croyd", (C) 1967
    Croyd is traped, sharing the mind and body of a positute.

White, Ted
  Title "Phoenix Prime", (C) 1966
    Heroes body is destroyed so he has to share his girlfriends body.
    Brief at end.

Williams, Walter John
  Title "Hardwired", pub Tor, (C) 1986, isbn 0-812-55796-4
    One of the minor characters is an old man who has had his
    consciousness transferred via computer to a young female body.

Winter, Pat
  Title "Driver", (C) 1982, isbn 0-523-41278-9
    Male amputee makes Psychic contact with female protagonist and
    eventually steals her body.

Wolfe, Gene
  Soldier of the Mist
    A sorceror who changes sex somewhere in the first third.

Wood, Sarah
  Title "Futures Exchange", isbn 0-948-71602-9
    A young English man finds himself trapped in a female body.

Yates, Alan
  Title "Coriolanus, the Chariot", (C) 1978, isbn 0-441-11739-2
  pub Ace
    A troupe of shape-shifting actors accept a new apprentice.  As
    part of his training, he is given the drug which allows the
    shape-shifting, then is unwillingly transformed into a woman for
    some of his roles.

Yermakov, Nicholas
  Title "Jehad", Pub signet, (C) 1983, isbn 0-451-12688-2
    A man's mind is transfered into a woman's body when he is killed
    and he co-inhabits it with her mind.  There is a lesbian scene,
    and a straight sex scene.

Zelazny, Roger
  title "Lord of Light"
    Souls moved into different bodies through technological process of
    reincarnation.  Some gender switching.  Brief.

  title "Hepertis The Trader"
    A slave trader finds himself in the white castle of the mask-maker
    and discovers he can't return to his caravan without putting on
    the mask which will open the door back to his world.  The mask,
    however, becomes a punishement well suited to his 'crime'.

  title "The Maid's Metamorphosis", 17th century play
    To discourage lecherous Greek god, woman tricks him into turning
    her into man.  Changes back at end.

  title "Vampire Vixens From Venus"
    Alien criminals turn themselves into gorgeous women to get what
    they need out of the men of Earth.

  Title "I Was A Girl For The Cia"
    A man with a incurable condition has his brain transplanted into a
    woman's body to go undercover.

  Title "Mafia Sorority Girl"
    After getting romantically involved with a Mafia Princess, Sidney
    wakes up in a hospital transformed into a college girl.

  Title "Making Of Pamela", (C) 1974, pub Eros, Adult
    The odyssey of a British boy sent to a special school where he was
    transformed into a girl.

  Title "Name Not Known"
    A CIA man has his mind transplanted into a prostitute's body,
    to investigate a rogue diplomat.

  Title "Stevie, TV Cop", (C) 1980, Adult
    A cop who dresses up as a woman to bait a rapist and ends up
    liking it, being kidnapped and sex-changed and married overseas.

  Title "TV Stewardess"
    Amber's new boyfriend has developed a technique that allows the
    genetic change of one human into another.  Glen becomes a her

  Title "Tristan de Nanteuil", Medieval epic.
    Subplot features Tristan's wife disguising herself as a man and
    marrying a princess.  Becomes a man through a miracle.

                           [ SHORT STORIES ]

Angel, F. Allen
  Title "Cuckoo in the Nest", in Knave Vol I No.3
    LSD type drug causes male subject to take over body of Blonde
    Lesbian model.

Baker, Clive
  Title "Madonna, The", in Books of Blood Volume 5, (C) 1985, Horror
    Two men wandering around an abandoned spa, have sex with a
    creature called the Madonna.  But by the time they figure out what
    going on, they are being transformed into females.

Bailey Dale
  Title "Sheep's Clothing", in F&SF Oct/Nov1995
    Assassin takes over the body of Senator's daughter through
    nanotechnology so he can kill the senator.

Bickel, Bill
  Title "Widow and the Body Sitter, The", in Universe 13,
  Editor Terry Carr
    A body sitter gets in trouble in this science-fiction detective
    story when the body he is occupying dies.  Mid-story, a young
    couple switch bodies during sex for fun.

Bilker, Harvey L
  Title "Double Sex Transplant", in Gem Magazine
    Future man keeps changing from man to woman.

Bloch, Robert
  Title "Mr. Margate's Mermaid", in Imaginative Tales #4
    Man hired as custodian by occultist falls in love with mermaid
    staying there. However most of the characters get switched with a
    male centaur ending up in the mermaid's body.
Browne, Maggie
  Title "Wanted, A King", in Beyond the Looking Glass, (C) 1973
  Editor Jonathan Cott
    Merle has fairytale dreams but comes to a fence that says "If You
    Want to Come in You Must Leave Your Body Outside".  She avoids
    leaving her body, and later meets meets Thomas Muriel, who left
    her body outside, lost it and is now a boy.

Busby, David
  Title "The Gallery of Masks", in F&SF August 1987
    Magician teaches skin dancing. Pupil changes to woman but isn't
    trained enough and it kills him.
Busby, F.M.
  Title "First Person Plural", in "Universe 10", Editor Terry Carr
    A man wakes up one day in the mindless body of a woman in a mental
    hospital.  He than lives every twice, first as her, than as
  Title "Getting Home", in F&SF April 1974
    The consciousness of a man bounces from person to person until it
    eventually finds where it came from.
  Title "Road Map", in "Getting Home"
    A man dies, to find himself reincarnated with the memories of his
    former life intact.  He finds himself 50 years in the past,
    reincarnated in the body of his future wife.

Byers, Edward
  title "The Disconnect", in Analog Aug 1982
    A woman has the ability to be possessed by other people.  After
    someone uses her body to commit a murder, a male detective tries
    it out for a little while.

Collyn, George
  Title "Singular Quest of Martin Borg, The", in England Swings SF
    Protagonist has reality altering powers, at one point becomes
    duplicate of his dance hall mother in her prime.
  Title "Mix-Up", in "Weekend Book of Science Fiction",
  pub Harmsworth Publications, also in "New Worlds SF" Nov 1964
    A teleporter accident switches the brains of a man and a beautiful
    movie star.  Even after a cure is found, they decide they like the
    change, get married, and raise a family.

Craft, George L.
  Title "The Big Switch"
    Scientist first transplants man's brain into monkey, then when he
    catches him with his female assistant he transplants him into
    female body.  Very brief, at end.
Culbreath, Myrna and Marshak, Sondra
  Title "Procrustian Petard, The", (C) 1977,
  in "Star Trek: The New Voyages 2"
    A siren's song traps the Enterprise in orbit around a deserted
    planet.  While trapped, many of the crew have their gender

Dee, Ron
  Title "Genderella", in "Hottest Blood", (C) 1993, isbn 0-671-75367-3
  Editor Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett
    A boy wants to attract the attention of his best friend.  With the
    help of his "fairy" Godmother he is transformed into a beautiful
    girl just in time for the big dance.

D'Ammassa, Don
  Title "Splicer, The", in "Hotter Blood" Sequel to Hot Blood,
  (C) 1991, Editor Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett, isbn 0-671-70149-5
    A man has the ability to re-edit things.  At the end he re-edits a
    man into a woman.

Dee, Don
  Title "A Matter of Style" in the Ultimate Dracula,
  editor Byron Preiss, (C) 1991, isbn 0-440-50353-1
    A young male vampire found out it's easier to lure victims if he
    changed to a woman.

Drayton, Maria
  Title "Transformation"
    It's about a guy who wakes up and finds he's undergone a sudden

Elliot, Kandis
  Title "The Androgyne Murders", in Science Fiction Age, Nov 1995
    Trapper Ramant, a galactic investigator for the Throne World, is
    sent to investigate an unusual murder on Vonar, a planet of
  Title "The Compassionate Smothering-Death of the Universe",
  in Science Fiction Age, May 1996
    Interrogator Regal Ket must unlock the secret of the Halian's
    ambassador, who is paralyzed and irreparably brain-damaged.
    Transformation is brief, at end.

Ellison, Harlan and Canon, R.C.
  Title "Unwinding", in Unearth magazine #8 Winter 1979
    A man wakes up in his girlfriend's body.  The story was
    part of a competion where one writer started the story, and
    another finished it.
  Title "World of Women", in "Fantastic SF", issue Feb 1957
    A man infiltrates an all-female planet by wearing a female body
    suit which is entirely too real for the hero.

Farnsworth, Duncan
  Title "The Man Who Murdered Himself",
  in Science Fiction Adventures Classics
    Body switching machine used as McGuffin in murder mystery.

Farmer, Philip Jose
  Title "The Leaser of Two Evils", in Playboy, July 1979
    A cop believes he is possessed by his vengeful sister, who was
    raped and murdered when they were both children.

Flynn, Michael
  Title "Werehouse", in New Destinies IX,
  also in The Nanotech Chronicles, isbn 0-671-72080-5
    Some friends go to a nano-tech place to get transformed.  The main
    character becomes a wolf, but his friend becomes a girl.

Garris, Mick
  Title "Chocolate", in "Hot Blood, Tales Of Erotic Horror",
  Editor Jeff Gelb and Lonn Friend, (C) 1989, isbn 0-671-66424-7
    A man periodically experiences flashes in the life of a woman.

Ghislaine de Diesbach,
   Title "The Chevalier d'Armel's Wedding" in The Toys of Princes
     Masculine acting German duchess falls from horse, becomes man.
     How her fiance deals with this.

Gower, M. W.
  Title "Something Old, Something New", in Fear February 1990
    Gorgeous young con woman is tricked out of her body by old man.

Haber, Karen
  Title "Simbody to Love", (C) 1990, in TimeGate II:Dangerous Interfaces,
  editor Robert Silverberg, isbn 0-671-72017-1
    A female scienist, copies her personality into a male cyberspace
    body.  She's looking for a simulation of Michelangelo she created.

Hamlet, Ova
  Title "Nosepickers of Dawr", in Amazing/Fantastic July 1981
    Heavy-handed Gor parody, with some type of transformion.  breif at

Heinlein, Robert
  Title "All You Zombies", in "Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag, The",
  (C) 1959, Pub Gnome, also in "Fantasy & Science Fiction" March 1959
    Classic time-traveling short story of a man who is both his own
    father and mother.

Heym, Stefan
  Title "Wachsmuth Syndrome, The", (C) 1972, in "Playboy", issue Sept 1972,
  also in "The Queen Against Defoe and Other Stories"
    All the men in the world are turning into women.  Eventually, only
    one male baby is left.  Will the human race survive?

Hogan, James
  Title "Identity Crisis", (C) 1981, in Stellar 7, Editor Judy-Lynn DelRey,
  pub DelRey
    In the future, you can have your consciousness operate a body in a
    different location (cuts down on air travel).  Guy uses a female
    body to follow his wife who he thinks is being unfaithful.

Ingalls, Rachel
  Title "Blessed Art Thou", in "I See A Long Journey"
    A monk claims to have had sex with God.  Shortly after this
    announcement, he becomes female and pregnant.

Jennings, Phil
  Title "The Fourth Intercometary", in Asimov's November 1991
    Turns out female Assassin was actually male who swapped his mind
    into her body. Very brief

Kahn, James
  Title "Mobius Strip Trip", in Gallery Magazine, (C) 198?
    A psychedelic "Big Chill" has a magic mirror, witchcraft and a
    personality transfer.

Khen-Draa, Transgendered Warrior
  in Cross Talk Magazine, Series
    A dying warrior from the planet Tzarhee, transferred her powers to
    a successor, an earth man.  He has adventures with Tzarhee cadet
    Jhuu-Uhee in female form.

Landis, Geoffrey A.
  Title "Paradigms of Change", in Interzone no. 53 Nov 1991
    A virus turns XY cells into XX cells.  There are several
    intertwind tales, including a bit about Pope Joan, and a story
    about a redneck radio jock turned female.

Lee, Tanith
  Title "Day in the Skins, A (or the century we were out of them)", (C) 1984
  in "Habitats", (C) 1984, editor Susan Shwartz
    An explosion on the alien world kills or injures all but 150 of
    5000 colonist.  A mind storage device is used to rotate people
    into the uninjured bodies, giving everyone a day the skins.

Leiber, Fritz
  Title "Adept's Gambit", in "Swords in the Mist", pub Ace books
    A evil adept exchanges bodies with sister.  Later is unable to
    change back and tricks Fafhrd & Gray Mouser to help 'him' to
    regain his own body.

Leinster, Murray
  Title "Be Young Again", in "Future SF stories", issue July-Aug 1950
    A youth potion has some unexpected side-effects.

Masteron, Graham
  Title "Changeling", in "Hot Blood, Tales Of Erotic Horror",
  Editor Jeff Gelb and Lonn Friend, (C) 1989, isbn 0-671-66424-7
    About a gender changing curse that is passed from man to man.

McHugh, Maureen F.
  title "Coney Island of the Mind", from Asimov's Science Fiction
  magazine, anthologized in Isaac Asimov's Cyberdreams.
    In this future, VR parlors are the equivalent of today's video
    game parlors.  A young man enters one, assuming a heroic male
    persona.  He meets an exotically beautiful woman, who turns out to
    be a gay male in real life.

Phillips, Peter
  Title "She Who Laughs", in "Galaxy SF" April 1952
    Disembodied consciousnesses of a husband and wife take over the
    bodies of a young couple.  During their time as spirits, the wife
    has become more powerful than her husband, and chooses to take the
    male body.

Quick, W.T.
  Title "Whatever Gets You Through The Night",
  in Amazing Stories March 1990
    Set in a future where nanotechnology can make radical changes,
    including sex.

Quinn, Seabury
  Title "Lynne Foster is Dead!", in Weird Tales magazine Nov 1938 Vol 32. #5
    The short story basis for Quinn's later TG book "Alien Flesh".

Rackham, John
  Title "The Dawson Diaries", in New Worlds Science Fiction May 1962
    Disembodied brains operate remote bodies. Nephew of one the
    scientists takes over the female body.

Rainbow, Tom
  Title "Science Fiction Of Sex Change, The",
  in Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine, Issue July 1985
    It's not a story, but a discusion of sex change and how it might
    effect people.

Resnick, Laura
  Title "Yasmine", in Aladdin Master of the lamp, (C) 1992,
  Editor Mike Resnick and Martin H. Greenberg
    The male genie of the lamp becomes a woman to please a master.

Roth, Philip
  Title "Breast, The", (C) 1972, in ?
    A man is changed into a giant breast. (does this count as a gender

Scott, Robin
  Title "A Delicate Operation", in F&SF January 1970
    Female scientist swaps brains with male Russian scientist so he
    can sneak out of Russia.

Sellers, Con
  Title "Cellmate", in a late 60's men's magazine
    A new prison inmate has the ability to change into a woman, which
    attracts fellow prisoners to his cell.  But the men making love to
    this changeling are slowly being sapped of strength.

Silverberg, Robert
  Title "Blindsight" in Playboy, December 1986
    On a space station, a man hires a street kid to help him find the
    doctor that genetically altered him in the womb.  But the doctor
    has undergone a change of his own.
  Title "The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party" in Playboy, August 1982
    In a future where shape changing is the norm for the upper class,
    the protagonist falls in love, at a party to determine the shape
    of an unborn child.
  title "Ringing In the Changes", in Needle in a Timestack
    A malfunction occurs and people are left hung up in the matrix and
    then are sent back to various bodies until they reach thier own.
    A brief glimpse of one mind entering a female body.

Silverstein, Shel
  Title "The Devil & Billy Markham", in Playboy issue January 1979
    Epic style Ballad, at end Billy swaps souls with his girlfriend to
    save her from marrying the devil.
Smith, George H.
  Title "Ego Transfer Machine", in "Super Science Fiction", Date Feb 1959
    Man uses a personality switching machine to switch places with a
    groom about to marry a beautiful woman.  The original groom tries
    to get his body back with the machine.  But machines is almost
    played out, and he misses and trades places with his former bride.

Snodgrass, Melinda
  Title "Lovers", in Wildcards IX: Jokertown Shuffle,
  Editor George Martin, (C) 1991, isbn 0-553-29174-2
    Dr. Tachyon is switched "jumped" with a young woman.

Springer, Nancy
  Title "Truthseeker", in Avon Fantasy 1988, Editor Susan Swartz
    Karida was very fair but she
      Three people go on an adventure.  With magic arts much is
      accomplished and the three join to have adventures another day.
      Not in the exact same form, though. I don't want to ruin the
      surpises in this story, or the ending.

Sumner, M.C.
  Title "Surrogate", ill Darren Albertson
    In a future society a surrogate exchanges consciousness with you
    to help you avoid the pain of childbirth.  But what if that
    surrogate was a man?

Sutton, Lee
  Title "Soul Mate", in Flowers for Algernon; best from f&SF #9
    Conservative prig and free love chick find their minds joined.
Thames, C. H.
  Title "Think Yourself to Death", in Amazing March 1957
    Hero lives by occupying recently dead bodies. Has to change every
    90 days. In this episode the only body available is female.

Tritten, Larry
  Title "Playback", in F&SF August 1979
    Man shot when caught " in flagrante delicto" is given second
    chance for heaven if he does the right thing on playback, Only
    this time around he is the female being seduced by himself.
Turzillo, Mary
  Title "Song Against the Dark", in Science Fiction Age, (C) 1995
    Features a Cambrian-era society in which some females turn male at
    maturity, losing intelligence in the process.

Tuttle, Lisa
  Title "Wound, The", in Memories of the body, (C) 1992
    In this world falling in love with a man can make you grow into a woman.

Varley, John
  Title "Picnic On NearSide", in "Picnic On NearSide", (C) 1980,
  isbn 0-425-07120-0, also in "F&SF Magazine" aug 1974
    In a world where bodies are made to order, Fox's friend decided to
    become a beautiful girl.
  Title "Phantom of Kansas", in "Persistence of Vision", (C) 1978
    Fox from "Picnic at NearSide" appears as a female.
  Title "Options", in "Blue Champagne", (C) 1986
    Involves a woman changing into a man in a Lunar society.

Vinicoff, Eric
  Title "Displaced", in Analog March 1987
    A hi-ranking offical's personality is downloaded into a
    low-ranking prostitute in an attempt to force a male-dominated
    society to change.  A bit preachy.

Walters, J. E.
  Title "Jennings Operative Webster", in Asimov's September 1979
    Quantum leap type story except he actually takes over the physical
    body of the person. At one point becomes the girlfriend of guy he
    is trying to save 
Wandrei, Howard
  Title "Exit Willy Carney", in Time Burial, (C) 1995,
  editor Fedogan & Bremer
    A corrupt surgeon hides a gangland assassin in the body of a
    nude model.

Warren, Frank
  Title "Three Wishes For Sam", in The Adam Reader 19th Issue
    Very short story about a man who wishes his way out of manhood.

Watson, Ian
  Title "In her Shoes", in Weird Tales Fall 1990
    Father gradually possesses daughter through modeling clay.
Webb, Sharon
  Title "Switch On Bull Run"
  in The Adventures of Terra Tarkington, (C) 1985
    Nurse exchanges personalities with an alien, then with the man she
    loves.  Brief.

Wilber, Rick
  Title "Elements of Self- Destruction", in Science fiction age March 1995
    Aliens alter old football star so he can transmit sensory images
    from other humans. Finds he can manage a type of possesion. Ends
    up in ex-wives body and tries to make her kill another old lover
    of hers.

Williamson, Chet
  Title "How Hamster Loved the Actroid Garbos Eyes", in F&SF September 1989
    Genius uses gene altering techniques to become ideal woman.
Wodhams, Jack
  Title "There Is A Crooked Man", in Analog Feb 1967, also in an Analog
  anthology, also in "Pacific Book of Australian SF" 1968
    Advanced techniques allow brain transplants.  A man and wife
    exhange bodies to write a book.  A crook's brain is put into a
    filly to influance race track betting.
  Title "Zwoppover", Visions of Tomorrow magazine no. 7
    Police officer hunting down body-swapping alien finds it occupying
    a famous actress.  He tricks it into swapping with him, figuring
    on enjoying her "easy" life.  But he panics and has to locate it
    again and undo the swap.

Wollheim, Donald A.
  Title "Feminine Fraction, The", in Two Dozen Dragon's Eggs, (C) 1969
    Nazi experiments cause a man to melt away, leaving only a baby

Wollheim, Donald A.
  Title "Give Her Hell", in Two Dozen Dragon's Eggs, (C) 1969
    A man makes a deal with the devil and is reborn as his own abused

Young, Robert F.
  Title "Juke Doll", editor Judith Merril
    A man gets into a dance hall after hours, where women dancer are
    robots whoes controls feel everthing the robots do.

  Title "Loneliest Man In The World, The", in some adult magazine
    A prejudiced man who wakes up in the hospital as everything he
    hates.  A gay black man who's gotten a sex change.

  Title "Girl Who Pretended To Be A Boy, The"
  in The Violet Fairy Book, Editor Andrew Lang, (C) 1966
    As a princess Fet-Fruners kills the genius and the old witch,
    brings back the holy water and wins the princess?  So the princess
    Iliane turns her into a boy and marries her.

  Title "Room 7" ?, in Playboy or a similar magazine, early 70's
    Detective checks into a hotel where people have been disappearing
    from.  When he wakes up in the morning, he has the body of a young
    chorus line dancer.

  Title "Story Of The Fair Circassians, The"
  in The Grey Fairy Book, Editor Andrew Lang
    Prince and princess get their heads exchanged in this fairy tale.

  Title "Were-Martini, The"
    Struggling college professor can turn himself into a martini
    whenever he wants.  A beautiful and wealthy blonde co-ed comes to
    his quarters for help on an accidently drinks him.

  Title "Enchanted Spring, The", in "Arabian Nights" volume 6,
  Editor Sir Richard Burton
    Magic spring changes men into women.  A prince has his rival led
    to the spring so he can marry the princess they both want.

  Title "Sexy Tricks with Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde", in "Oui", Nov 1979
    Pictorial feast of Dr. Jekyll's transformation into Ms. Hyde.

  Title "Tale of the Warlock and The Young Cook of Baghdad, The",
  in "Arabian Nights" volume 6, Editor Sir Richard Burton
    Vizier immerses himself in a cauldron of water only to surface in
    the ocean as a beautiful woman.  A local fisherman nabs her,
    makes her his wife, and they have several children.

  in "Wild Cards VIII", editor George M. Martin
    A shape changer briefly gets swapped into a woman's body near the
    end (Nobody gets out alive is the chapter) Also a woman ends up in
    the body of a man for some time.

  title "Fair Play", in "Sword and Sorcery VIII"
    An abusive father who forced his daughter into whoring meets up
    with a sorcerer and gets turned into a woman from the neck down.

  title "Hemparius the Trader", in "Sword and Sorcery XII"
    A male slaver tries on a magic mask and is transformed by it into
    a beautiful woman, the mask vanishes into nothing leaving him
    trapped as a woman.

  title "A Walk On the Wild Side", in "Ultimate Witch"
    A man who dresses as a woman to whore meets up with satanic cult.
    The creature they called up from hell starts to ravage him then
    realized his sex. When the man wakes up he's now really a female
    as his fake breast have become real.

                               [ COMICS ]

1984 Magizine
  issue ?, Title "Years & Mine Forever"
    A time machine malfunction puts a male mind into a female body as
    he's returned from the Juarrasic period.
  Issue 3, Date Sept 1978
    Dr. Jerkyll's formula changes him into a beautiful girl, she goes
    out for a night on the town and some cheap sex.  Later, when the
    formula wears off, Dr. Jerkyll discovers that he is pregnant.
  Issue 3, Date Sept 1978, part 1 of 3 maybe 4
    A CIA man, Idi Amin, uses some DNA transformation powder on his
    toilet paper and turned into a beautiful (mostly naked) white

2000AD Comics
  Title "What ever happened to What's his name?", issue ?
    A character's sex is changed, destroyed his/her identity.

A, A Prime
    A man takes a sex change medicine and becomes a woman and than
    gives birth.  Her son changes sex every few months.

Action Comics
  issue 20, pub DC
    The Ultra-Humanite transplanted his brain into the body of a
    woman. This incarnation the Ultra-Humanite also appears in
    All-Star Squadron.
  Issue 383, (c) Dec. 1969
    In the back-up story Chameleon Boy assumes the form of his
    girlfriend in order to confuse an attacker prior to disarming him. 
    Two panels.
  issue 674, pub DC,
    Shapeshifter Matrix turns from Superman's twin into Supergirl in
    this issue.

  by Brian Basset, August 1991, Syndacate Comic Strip
    Has a few days where Adam exchanges bodies with his wife, Laura.

Adventure Comics
  Title "Fantastic Spy", issue 303, Date Dec 1962
    Chameleon Boy changes into a girl so he and Cosmic Boy can pose as
    a honeymoon couple to ferret out a possible traitor in the Legion
    of Superheroes.

Adventures of Jerry Lewis, The
  Title "Cockeyed Private Eye, The", pub DC, May-June 1968
    Jerry has witchie turn his nephew Renfrew into a girl, so he can
    go undercover to a find the girl thats pulling dirty pranks the
    girls school.
  Title "Many Lives Of Jerry Lewis", pub DC, issue 104, Feb 1968
    Jerry uses a chromosomal altering machine to escape some bad guys
    who are after it.  He changes himself into a little girl.

Ah! Megami-sama
  Japanese, aka "Oh! my Goddess!"
  Vol 9
    Keiichi takes medicine that he shouldn't, and turns female.

  Vol 1
    Girl transforms herself into a boy.

  Title "Trading Places", issue 8, pub Marvel, date May 1995
    Genie switches Aladdin and Jasmin.

  issue 4
    Alf switches bodies with Kate, the mother

Alien Encounters
  issue 11, Title "Dave's Dilemma", (C) 1986
    The handsome hero and his loyal sidekick crash land their
    spaceship on a planet inhabited only by beautiful women.
    But they find out too late why there are only woman on the planet.
  issue 5, Title "Another Mans Shoes", Feb 1986, pub Ellipse
    A woman is trapped in a virtual reality machine, loaded with male
    sex fantasies. At first she's horrified, but then she can't shut
    the thing off and she keeps living as a pirate, a barabarian, a
    spy, a gunslinger over and over until...

Alpha Flight
  Issue 45-68, Pub Marvel
    Through a complex series of events, Walter Langowski, who can turn
    into the huge beast Sasquatch, becomes trapped in a woman's body.

Amazing Adventures
  Vol 1 No 1, pub Marvel, (C) 1988, isbn 0-87135-339-3
    A man is made to relive his rape, but this time as his victim.

Amazing Spiderman      ***  New Entree  ***
  issue 203
    Lightmaster takes over Dazzler

Amazing Strip
  Issue 2, pub Venus Comics-Antarctic Press
    In one issue a man gets some wishes from a genie and wishes for
    a beautiful girl to have sex with.  Then he wishes he knew what it
    was like for a woman and he swaps bodies with the girl.  During
    Sex his old body expires and he is stuck as a woman for a year.

America: Judge Dread Magazine   *** New Entree  ***
  issue ?
    In the end, a boy betrays a girl and she is killed by the judges
    and because he loved her all his life, he has his brain
    transplanted into her body.

American Flyer Funnies
  Issue 2, Date 1972.
    Dr. Ozone pisses off his lab assistant, who transplants the Dr's
    head on to the body of a beautiful girl.  (Hippie counter-culture
    comic, might be hard to find)

Animal Man
  issue 8
    Mirror Master turns Animal Man into a "living reflection" which
    causes him to become duplicate of his wife.

Avengers, The   ***  New Entree  ***
  Issue 93, (c) Oct. 1971, pub. Marvel
    The Super Skrull reveals himself in Captain Marvels presence after
    having disguised himself as Carol Danvers since at least issue 92.

Avengers Annual
  issue 21, title "Citizen Kang", pub Marvel
    The female Sersi swaps shapes with a male caveman named Raa to
    fool the Avengers enemies.

  issue 40-41
    An ex-nazi has a sex-change and becomes a nun.

Be Free!
  issue 8, pub KC comics, by Tatuya Egawa
    Interesting story of a male who turns into a female superheroian
    who gets into sexual, action adventures.

Best of Fever Pitch, The
  (C) 1990, pub Jabberwocky Graphics, issue ?
  Title "The Marvel Family"
    If Marvin and Margie Marvel both say "SH-BOOM" at the same time
    and switch bodies (but not heads).

  issue 3, Adult
    At the end of the book the heroine's amulet shatters. Afterward
    all the men are now women and the women are now men....and they
    act as it has always been that way. But one of them turns himself
    back into a woman at the end. Very strange story.

  Issue 5, Date summer 1990
    Aliens use a ray to transform a couple of cops into beautiful
    girls in exchange for some beer.

Blood Syndicate
  issue 1, date April 1993, pub Milestone/DC Comics
    Masquerade is a woman who uses shape-changing powers to always be
    an African man.

Boku wa Uirri
  Japanese, aka "I am Willy"
  vol 3-4
    A guy turns female for some bizarre reason to do with an alien
    invasion.  He eventually changes back.

Books Of Magic, The
  Volume 3, (C) 1991
    When Doctor Occult and the boy enter Faerie the Doctor changes
    into a woman revealing his famale aspect.

Camelot 3000
  Pub DC, (C) 1982 1983, Limited Series
    King Arthur and knights are reincarnated in the future, and
    Tristan comes back as a woman.

Challengers of the Unknown
   Issue 72, March 1970
     To fool the Challengers, an old man sprays them with a potion
     that makes them think he's a beautiful young woman.  (Not really
     a transformation.)

  Vol 2 No 11-12, Date 1988, pub Hero Graphics
    The Gods are reborn in human bodies, but Hermes is incarnated as a
    adolesent girl.

Champions Mini Series
  vol 3-5
    Dr. Arcane possesses the body of malice for most of the first 2
    issues. Flare's shape changing brother disguises himself as Dr.
    Arcane's daughter for the final 2

  Issue 4, Pub Image
    As part of the Babewatch crossover, Chapel turns into a woman.

  issue 1, Title "Which Bitch", Adult
    A witch tricks a guy out of manhood.

Come Again
  issue 1, pub Fantagraphics, date May 1996
    In the world of come again, people are endlessly recycled in a
    daisy-chain of destiny and desire, as Brian and Avril go through
    time inhabiting different bodies (sometimes with different

Conan The Barbarian
  issue 117, pub Marvel, Dec 1980, title "The Corridor Of Mullah Kajar!"
    A sorcerer makes himself into a shapely harem girl to trick Conan.
    Also appears as Red Sonja briefly.

Cosmo Police Justy
  Japanese, issue ?
    A criminal esper becomes female to attack Justy.

Cracked Magazine
  issue ?
    A Star Trek spoof in which Kirk slowly transforms into a sexy
    woman, after visiting the planet of change.
  title "Ex-Men", issue winter 96
    A short spoof of the X-Men changing sex (the eX-Men).

Crazy Magazine
  Issue Jan 1982
    Man uses a magic lamp to wish for a beautiful girl, so the genie
    changes him into one.  Then the genie suggests a big house with a
    pool.  Granted, except he's now the french maid.

  Book 4, Limited Series, B&W
    Lots of transformations and a sub-plot in this final issue of a
    girl who's father always wanted a son.

  issue #2
    In order to rescue his female friend he must copy her mind into
    his. On download they both end up with identical memories.

Dark Green
  Author Junko Sasaki, Japanese, issue ?
    Turns out the female lead in the dreamland, is really a guy in the
    real world.

  issue #42
    Male villain possesses the body of female guard, tries to steal
    dazzler's body.

  Character, pub DC Comics
    The spirit of a circus acrobat assassinated in mid-flight during a
    show.  Upon his death an eastern deity named Rama-Kushna granted
    him the power to possess the living to balance the scales of
    justice.  He occaisonally, usually briefly, possesses women.
      Batman/ Deadman: Death and Glory, (C) Dec 1996
        Possesses a female police helicopter pilot.
      Abyss: Hell's Sentinel, issue 1, (C) 1996
	Possesses Zatanna's body.
      Deadman: Exorcism, Books 1,2, (C) 1992
	Possesses the body of a young wife and a female psychiatrist.
      The Books of Magic, Book II, (C) 1990
	Takes over the body of a Stewardess.
      The Spectre Annual, vol 1, (C) 1988
	Takes over the body of a homely baglady, and Madame Xanadu.
      Action Comics Weekly, issue 609, (C) 1988
	Takes over the body of Raisa Gorbachev and has a fight with
        Nancy Reagan who is possessed by a demon.
      Action Comics Weekly, issue 610, (C) 1988
	takes over a female CIA major.
      Detective comics, issue 500, Mar 1981
	Takes over a nurse in order to talk to Batman in the hospital.
      Adventure Comics, issue 463, Jun 1979
	Takes over his sister in-law, Inga.
      Adventure Comics, issue 462, Apr 1979
	Very briefly possesses his niece, Lita.
      Adventure Comics, issue 461, Feb. 1979
	Briefly possesses girlfriend Lorna in battle with unknown assailant.
      Challengers of the Unknown, issue 85, Mar 1978
	Possesses June of the Challengers.
      DC Super-stars presents, issue 18, Feb 1978
	Takes over the body a young girl about to be sacrificed.
      Strange Adventures, issue 214, Oct 1968
	Jumps into a women he loves to save her life.
      Strange Adventures, issue 213, Aug 1968
	Very possesses Madame Pegeen.  His first female possession.

  Pub Marvel
    Cloud can assume a male or female form.

Deep Dark Fantasies
  issue 1, 1995, title "When the Grave Gives Up"
    A necromancer is killed, steals body of hero's girlfriend.

Dies Ire Milo
  pub catalan communications
    A magical little girl sees a female character is wearing the mans
    clothes and the man is wearing females clothes, and corrects that
    confusing situation.

Dirty Pair
  Title "A Plague of Angels", issues 1-5
    Male minds stored on computer chip able to take over bodies of
    people with built in jacks.  Takes over several female bodies
    during the series.

Dirty Plotte
  issue ?
    It's about all the things Julie Doucet would do if she were a man.

Don Simpson's Bizarre Heroes
  issue 3, july 1994
    A character named the Negative Woman, is a male scientist who
    found a gateway to another dimension, only to return from it
    a seven foot tall radioactive woman.

Doom Patrol
  issue ?, Pub DC
    Rebis was a melding of a woman and a man.  Wasn't very pretty to
    look at. (a hermaphrodite, not really a transformation)
  issue ?,?
    Coagula uses his own powers to become a woman.

  pub Tentoumusi Comics, volume 8
    Doraemon's "owner" Nobita invites a neighbor girl to try out Dor's
    body-part-switching machine.

Dr. Fate
  Issue 4-?, Date Feb 1989
    Dr. Fate is a melding of 2 people, male and female.  A crises
    causes an imbalance that changes Fate into a woman.
    (I've received conflicting information on if this counts)

Dr. Strange
  Issue 5
    shares Clea's body while fighting Silver Dagger
  Issue 22, oct 1990, pub Marvel
    Dormannu exchanges Dr. Strange's consciousness with Clea (his
    beautiful sister) to disorient them.
  Issue 51
    Mordu possesses Morganna's body
  issue 60    ***  New Entree  ***
    Strange's spirit possesses a female friend to give himself CPR.
  issue 79-80
    Possesses Morganna's body when his is badly wounded, then next
    issue Sara Wolfe

Doctor Strange & Ghost Rider Special    ***  New Entree  ***
  Issue 1, (c) Apr. 1991, pub. Marvel
    Dr. Stranges apprentice Rintrah swaps forms with a woman in
    order to deceive an attacker.  Might just be an illusion.

  issue 9-10
    Energy being can convert himself to matter.  In These 2 issues he
    becomes female

  issue ?, pub Comico
    A villainess shapeshifter turned into a handsome man, wooed
    Morningstar, married her, got her pregnant, and finally changed
    back, saying "Surprise!"

  Title "Hellraiser: Birthright", Book One, pub Epic Comics, (C) 1992
    A story of rape and pregnacy, Hellraiser style.

  Title "Standing Room Only"
    Carl Dunn murders his twin sister and her wealthy husband and
    takes her place, but he makes one small mistake.

Elektra   ***  New Entree  ***
  issue 8
    Elektra's friend Konrad gets body swapped into a young woman.

  Pub Marvel
  issue 5       ***  New Entree  ***
    Arcade uses mind switching device to swap all of Excalibur with
    their villainous counterparts.  Female Shapeshifter ends up in
    a man's body.
  Issue 12,13
    Nigel Frobisher is momentaly transformed into his female boss.
    One Panel in each issue.
  Issue 27,56
    Nigel is periodically turnned into an older female crime lord.
  issue 100
     bodyjumper Mountjoy is hiding in the body of female "Scribe"
     Mountjoy still in Scribe's body in issue #23 of X-Man.  He has
     also possessed Storm and Psylocke in Bishop mini-Series.

F-III Bandit
  Issue 2, Pub Antarctic
    A story of a werewoman, he turns into a woman every time he sees
    a round light.

Fantastic Four      ***  New Entree  ***
  issue 175
    Impossible man impersonates Sue Storm.

Fem Force
  Title "In the Buff", Issue 18, Pub AC
    A young man uses his shape changing ability to pose as the members
    of Fem Force in a nudie magazine.  Fem Force then gets him to pose
    nude as the woman who gave him the idea.
  issue 52
    Demonic creatures attacking buxom Yankee Girl are transformed into
    tiny versions of her, then attack each other.
  issue 54
    Frankenstein-like monster is bathed in a potion that makes him
    appear as a woman to two members of the Femforce.
  issue 86
    Male wizard Azagoth is forced to inhabit body of female Vivarna
    when his body dies.

  issue 1,3, Nov 1988, Title "Childs Play"
    Flare's brother Phillip changes himself into a girl who looks like
    Flare after spying on her skinny dipping.

Forbidden Worlds
  issue 144
    Villains uncle invents body shopping machine. Villain tests it by
    stealing old lady's body before using it to steal the hero's body.
    Twist ending.

Freak Force
  Pub Image, issue #6
    As Mighty Man, a shazam type superhero, dies in a hospital, he
    passes his powers to a female nurse.  So when the nurse uses her
    new powers, she turns into Mighty Man.

Futaba-kun Change
  Series, Japanese, pub Jump Comics
    About a boy who turns into a girl when he gets excited.  His
    father and sister also change gender.
  vol 4
    Futaba's girl-friend gets a transfusion from Futaba, and turns
    into a guy.

Giant Shanda Animal
  Title "Shanda 1/2", pub Shanda Fantasy Arts, April 1996
    A take-off of Ranma 1/2.

  issue 8, Pub Image
    End of the Babewatch crossover, all of the transformed men turn
    back to normal.
  issue 11, April 96
    A dead man possesses the body of his ex-lover and later, a little

Golden Carousel
  Author Oz Shin, Japanese, issue ?
    A boy steals his sister's invitaion to the ball and a sex change

Green Lantern
  issue 41-42, pub DC
    Male Predator possesses female form of Arisia, this changes him
    into a female version of himself.

Guy Gardner Warrior
  Issue 42, Date May 96
    Guy Gardner is turned into a woman by his enemy Dementor.

Haha Ga Kita Hi
  Japanese, issue ?
    A boy ends up in a dream world, but he's cast in roll of a damsel.

Halo Jones
  issue 4, pub Quality Comics
    Halo encounters Mr Nobody. A person that has had so many sex
    changes he/she doesn't really know what he/she is.

Happy Bound
  Japanese, issue ?
    A boy accidently changes the female demon he summoned into an
    unfriendly male demon.

  issue ? (first few)
    Hawkman's mind is swapped into Hawkwoman's body, and Hawkwoman's
    mind is in that of an old man.

Hawkman Annual
  issue 2, (C) 1995, pub DC
    A man who has fought Hawkmen throughout the centuries has been
    reincarnated as a beautiful Egyptian woman.

Heavy Metal
  Issue May 1983, Pub MM
    Bizzare strip about a hosptal where a young boy can choose to be a
    young girl.  Or does he have a choice?
  Title "Girl Trouble", March 1990
    Black man's brain is transplanted into punk teenaged girl's body.
  Title "Stan Croc Goes Back In Time", Nov 1989
    Freatures a character that has experienced a change.

Heavy Metal Havoc
  Title "Hannibal 5: Flesh of the Orchid for the Cyborg", vol 9 no 2,
  (C) 1995, by Jodorowsky and Bess
    A male cyborg agent is transmigrated into the bodies of several
    female animals and finally a female cyborg to infiltrate an army
    of women.

  Japanese, Vol 1 & 3
    A guy has sex, and then turns female.

  issue 16
    Pin head takes the skin of an attractive female doctor to seduce
    another "male doctor.
  issue 14 or 15
    The cenobite Face, wears the skin of a female worker to seduce an
    integral male character.

Hercules Prince Of Power
  Date March 1984, pub Marvel Comics, Limited Series
  issue 2
    The shapechanging Skrull briefly transforms himself into a little
  issue 3
    Hercules visits the Titans and the Skrull goes as a gorgeous
    green-skined woman.

Hero Sandwich
  issue #9
    Shape changing member of team becomes exotic dancer so he can
    sneak into dressing area to talk with his estranged girlfriend.

Hokum And Hex
  issue 1, pub Marvel, Sep 1993
    Trip Monroe accidentily makes a male dimensional traveller appear
    as a buxom blonde.  Not really a transformation.

Horny Toons
  pub Nuance Inc, (C) 1990, Adult
  issue 4,
    Two explorers land on Mars and find it populated entirely with
    women.  But one stays to long and finds out why there are no men
    on Mars.
  Issue 1, Date 1980, Adult
    College roommate can transform himself or his roommate into
    beautiful girls.

I am a Crow
  Japanese, issue ?
    A boy's father reincarnates as a girl to spend time with his son.

Impossible Man Summer Vacation Spectacular
  issue 1 or 2, pub marvel
    Impossible Man turns briefly (one panel) into Black Cat... well

Infinity Charade, The
  Date July 1993, pub Parody Press
    Wartlock splits and his 'good' side is Shddess, a woman. When he
    absorbs her back into himself, at the end of the comic, he gains
    quite a womanly figure.

Infinity Inc.
  issue 50
    At end magic spell switches body parts of most of the heroes.

Iron Man Annual       ***  New Entree  ***
  issue 3
    Molecular Man's Spirit is in a wand that possesses whoever holds
    wand.  Wand found by little girl

Jane Doe: Androgyne Anger
  Title "Extreme", pub Raging Rhino
    In a twisted future where a ruthless Republican regime rules
    supreme, a gender-bending drug allows people to experiment with
    androgynous sexuality.  Unfornately for them, they chose Maimi as
    their new social center and Jane Doe just won't have that!

The Jetsons    ***  New Entree  ***
  Title "Switch", Issue 3, (C) Nov 1995, pub Archie Comics
    An accident with a new device switches George's mind into Elroy,
    Elroy into Jane, Jane into Astro, Astro into Judy, Judy into
    George.  All the character's are oblivious to the change.

Jubai Crimson Change
  Japanese, issue ?
    A girl channels a male spirit into her body.

  issue 30-33, pub Archie Comics
    Jughead and his friends happen upon experimental brain transfer
    research using soybeans.  Jughead gets switched with Sara, a
    pretty business woman, and Big Ethel changes with her blind friend

Just Grin & Bear It
  Author Hikaru Yuzuki, Japanese, issue ?
    A boy and girl switch brains.

Justice League Task Force
  issue 7-8, Pub DC
    The Martian Manhunter turned himself into a woman for one

Justice League of America
  issue 11, also in reprint Annual
    In order to fool 3 demons Green Lantern uses his power ring to
    change the JLA into each other. Wonder Woman becomes the Martian
    Manhunter and Batman becomes Wonder Woman.
  issue 166-168, pub DC
    Floronic Man switches bodies with Wonder Woman.

Kanzi Sasete Baby
  Author Talacshi Ohshima, Japanese, issue ?
    A mad science teacher changes the lead male into a female as a
    science experiment.
  issue ?
    A boy is split into two people, one male and one female.

Last One, The
  pub Vertigo, by J.M. DeMatteis & Dan Sweetman
    About an immortal who has lived from the Dark Ages to the present,
    sometimes as a man, sometimes as a woman.

Legion of Substitute Heroes Special
  Issue 1
    The Color Kid is accidentally exposed to a virus which changes his

Legion of Superheroes
  issue 31, Pub DC
    While Sean Erin takes a drug called Pro-Fem he becomes Shvaugn.
    At one point his supplie of the drug runs out and he turns back
    into Sean Erin.
  issue 305
    Chameleon boy becomes Shrinking Violet to infiltrate terrorist
  issue 9 (new numbering)
    Chameleon boy becomes several members of amazonian aliens.

  Pub DC Comics
  Title "Chain Gang" & "Grim Reality", Issue 13-14
    To teach Matter-Eater Lad a leason, he is injected with Grandin
    Gender Reversal disease before going on a mission.

Lobo's Back
  issue 2, Pub DC, Limited Series
    Lobo in is reincarnated (temporarily) as a woman.

Lupin VIII
  issue ?, pub 100 Ten Land Comics
    Fujiko's far future descendant uses a set of brain-swapping
    headphones to become Lupin, and goes on a major crime spree. Lupin
    in her body corners her and reverses the change, but in clearing
    himseif with Inspector Zenigata, more brains get switched.

Mad Magazine
  Issue 212
    A man puts money in a change machine and is changed into a woman.
  Issue July 1979 (does anyone know if these are the same issue?)
    A man uses a bus station change machine which changes him into a
  issue 212 July, Australian Edition
    Back page has a boy explaining the wonders of milk as he grows up.
    The last square the hormonal problems from cows has changed him
    into a woman.

Magic Dad Pretty Sosuke
  Japanese, issue
    A widower gets his wish, to be both father and mother to his son.

Magical Taruruto-Kun
  Japanese, vol 4-5 & 14
    Taruruto-kun, a baby demon, on different occasions uses sex
    swapping juice to transform Honmaru into a girl.  In one episode
    he joins a female vollyball team, in another he's transformed into
    a beautiful harem girl.  The potion is also given once to a girl.

Majonia Eve
  Japanese, issue ?
    A sexy witch loses control of her magic while in the throes of
    passion, and a group of men who are having orgasms at the same
    time are changed into really homely women.

  issue 1-6, June 1996, pub Broadway Comics
    A tough New York cop become the super powered Champion of Ishtar.
    But his superhero form is female.
    (Believed to have been cancelled before being released)

  Series, Pub Malibu, issue 1-16
    For 1500 years each time he dies, an archmage puts his soul in
    another body.  When the mage is captured and he's killed, he ends
    up in a woman's body.  And without the mage, he stuck as a woman.
  issue 17
    NecroMantra is a male spirit in a female body (Mantra's daughter).

Marvel Presents
  issue 119, pub Marvel
    Wonder Man is transformed into a woman by MoJo. Brief.

Marvel Preview
  issue 24, (C) 1980?, Title "Paradox"
    Paradox is able to change his body as is necessary to his mission.
    At one point he changes into a woman.

Marvel Team-up      ***  New Entree  ***
  issue 100
    Introduction of Karma, female able to take over others, and
    brother with same powers. They end up possessing Spiderman and the
    Fantastic Four.

Miracle Lingerie
  volume 3, Japanese
    A bunch of brain-switching fleas run amok.

Mighty Thor
  issue 488, July 1995, pub Marvel
    Male dark elf Malekith has been hiding in the shape of goddess

Mighty Thor Annual
  vol 18, pub Marvel (C) 1993
    Loki turns himself briefly into a buxom goddess to tempt an enemy
    of Thor's.

Moon Knight       ***  New Entree  ***
  issue 36
    A male wizard's spirit possesses Moon Knight's girlfriend

Mr. Clice
  Author Akimoto Osamu, Dist Jump Comics, Japanese, issue ?
    Secert agent Jim Clice's personality is put into the body of a
    beautiful woman, after being mortally wonded.

My Mind Saga
  Japanese, issue ?
    One character becomes female when angered.

Nakano Military Prep School
  issue 1991?
    Vazok Gegeben is a 14 year-old girl with a hypnotic power that
    actually lets her exchange personalities with someone.

  issue 53-54, pub Marvel
    Old man Vyrra has put his mind into the cloned body of Namor's
    long dead lover Dorma.

National Lampoon
  Title "My Vagina", issue April 1979, by John Hughes
    A teenage boy wakes up one morning to discover that he has turned
    into a girl.
  Title "My Penis", by John Hughes, issue Nov 1978
    A teenage girl wakes up to discover she has male genitalia.

Neko de Gomen
  aka "Sorry for being a Cat"
  Japanese, Vol 2
    A camera that can turn the user into the last thing it
    photographed, switches the hero and heroine.

New Adventures of Superboy
  issue 35-36, title "Dial H For Hero"
    Boy with magic dial becomes shape-shifting Anybody, then turns
    into female Naiad.

New Mutants Annua
  vol 3
    Impossible Man and Warlock both briefly change into women.

Not Ninja High School
  issue 7-9, adult
    A Ninja High School parady, that includes a sex-change gun.
    (only 100 copies in print, might be hard to find)

  Title "Nuggett", (C) 1990
    Three daughters of the Duke are kidnapped by the Sorcerer and the
    Duke's First Knight rescues them after bondage adventures. To
    punish the Knight, well you can guess how he is punished.

Penthouse Comics
  issue 1, Title "Scion"
    Has characters that can change sex as easily as changing clothes.

  pub D.C. Comics (Britian), Limited Series
    Plasma changes from a man into a woman as part of her defensive
    ability. Very brief 2 panels.

  issue August 1959, by Sokol
    A magician tells a other man that "turning lead into gold is
    nothing, remember the lad that used to help around the
    laboratory", and he's gesturing torward a voluptuous girl carring
    a bucket of water.
  issue ?
    A scientist starts growing breasts, than changes into a beautiful
    female.  A companion next to him comments "I think we found out why
    the rats stopped reproducing."
  issue ?
    A Rodney Dangerfield like head without a body, asks a genie for a
    body. Something big and sexy like a movie star. He gets a gorgeous
    woman's body.
  issue ?
    Father Superior at his desk to a luscious woman in a monk's habit
    sitting on the other side. "Frankly Brother Dominick, your case
    seems to be without precedent, but it seems unlikely you can
    remain a Monk."

Project Sex
  issue 1, pub Eros Comix
    Has a character named Sex-Change Girl who can turn into a man.

Prophet Babewatch Special
  issue 1, pub Image
    Prophet makes a brief appearence in the past as Joan of Arc.

  issue 1
    Phantom Jungle Girl switches bodies with Cowboy Gorilla.

Quantum Creep
  issue 1, pub  Parody Press, (C) 1993
    Dr. Scumm Bucket leaps into a Marilyn impersonator, a black
    professional woman and his own father.

Quantum Leap
  pub Innovation Comics,
  issue 1
    Sam leaps into a female school teacher prior to the Kenedy
  issue 6, June 1992, Title "A Tale of Two Cindy's"
    Sam becomes a twin girl.
  issue 9, February 1993, Title "Up Against a Stone Wall"
    Sam becomes Stephie,  a female photographer just out of prison.

Radical Dreamer
  issue 2, pub Blackball Comics
    The male hero is turned into a woman by his dark side, ends up
    giving birth. Very weird.

Ranma 1/2
  Series, Japanese, Available in English, Dist Viz Comics
    A teenage boy is cursed to becomes a girl whenever he gets hit
    with cold water.  It takes hot water to change him back.  There is
    also an anime (japaness carntoon) series, and I beleive three
    animated movies.
  issue 23-24 of the japanese paperbacks
    A villian named Herb has the same curse as Ranma.

Red Dwarf Smegazine
  issues 3-4
    Dutch Astro hides out from the Ganymede Mafia in the body of
    Trixie LaBouche.

Satanna        ***  New Entree  ***
  issue 27
    A male demon uses female body to escape from hell.

Savage Sword of Conan the Barbarian, The
  issue 94
    Wizard can possess other's bodies. Takes over body of queen to
    compromise Conan with the King.

   issue 1, pub Eternity Comics, January 1990
     Scimidar starts her adventuer is a FI club named the Golden Cock.

Secret Wars II
  Pub Marvel, Issue #4
    The Beyonder changes into a woman.  One panel.

Sex In The Sinema
  issue 1, pub Comic Zone, Adult
  Title "Sperminator 3, Conception Day",
    Sperminator spends the story as a women with just enough male
    equipment to impregnate Mary Smith with the child that will
    destroy the world as we know it today.

  pub Bleep Comics
    A pretty female changes into an handsome-but-evil male at night.

Shade the Changing Man
  Title "Hermaphrodite" and "Shade Changing Woman", Issue 27-30,
  Pub DC
    In the first issue of the series he takes possesion of a dead
    woman's body, but later can't change it into a male body.

  Title "My Guest Star My Enemy", issue 3, pub Marvel
    The Headmen transplant Chondu's head onto She-Hulk's body.  Chodu
    protest's mightily when he discovers he has a woman's body,
    especially a green one.

  pub catalan communications
    A book predicts everything that will happen in a story before it
    happens. As a man and his alien friend escape a hostile planet
    strange things appear as the book predicts them. Then the book
    says a man and a woman.

Shoujo Alice
  Japanese, issue ?
    A boy keeps getting transfered to an alternate universe where he
    is mistaken for someone named "Alice".  He eventually ends up
    looking like a girl. (posibly a transformation)

Silver Surfer
  issue 6, pub Marvel, Dec 1987
    Skrull male Aptak is trapped in a female form.
  Issue 33, (c) Jan. 1990         ***  New Entree  ***
    The Impossible Man briefly assumes the form of Marilyn Monroe, a
    fat alien woman and the X-Mens Jean in her Dark Phoenix guise.

Skin Tight Orbit
  Title "Double Your Pleasure", vol 1, (C) 1995
    Jana and Peter, former lovers, must exchange bodies to fix the
    spaceship. But entering his body proves an overly heady experience
    for the highly sexually charged Jana, with strange and dire

Sliders Darkest Hour
  issue 2
    Humans on this world are all now in artificial bodies. Their white
    male host changes to a black female body to get Rembrandt to sell
    out his buddies.

Snarfquest the book
  pub TSR
    The evil wizard disguises himself as gorgeous barbarian girl

Son Of Heavy Metal    ***  New Entree  ***
  (C) 1984
    Has a female to male change in it.

Sono Ki Ni Sasete Yo My Mai Mai
  Japanese, issue 4
    To defeat a demon, a wise old shaman takes control of a girls body.

Sono Manma XX
  Japanese, issue ?
    The main character uses a gender-switching potion to confuse and
    annoy a trio of lesbian schoolgirls.

Space Vixens
  Title "Fair Play", pub The 3-D Zone, Vol 1 No 16, (C) 1989
    A girl that meets her lover, brick, on an Alien planet.  She
    finally gets fed up with his macho additudes and leaves.  Later
    she returns and finds that Brick has changed.

Spectre, The     ***  New Entree  ***
  Issue 30-31, (C) Nov 1989, pub DC
    An evil male spirit, linked to a demon, possesses his adult
    daughter, for some reason strips down to her underwear, and
    attempts to kill all the occupants of her house.

Spectacular Spiderman
  issue 168
    The Space Phantom becomes She-Hulk to trick Spiderman into
     releasing some form of evil.

  issue 18
    Scientist has turned his body into living flesh that obeys his
     will. Duplicates Jessica
Spirits Of Vengeance
  issue 11, pub Marvel, pub 1993
    Spider creature attacks Blaze as a man, then takes over a woman's

Star Trek          ***  New Entree  ***
  issue 15
    Son of star fleet officer in drunken car accident kills his
    girlfriend.  He has shape shifting powers and becomes a condemned
    female prisoner to die in atonement. 

Star Trek: The Next Generation
  issue 56-57
    Deanna, Dr. Selar, and Worf are trapped in the bodies of
    Alexander, Geordi, and Lwaxana Troi, and attempt to break out of
    their prison, while Picard is prevented from located them.

Starbuck    ***  New Entree  ***
    The evil emperor has had himself turned into duplicate of his

  issue 10, pub Image, January 1995
    Bloodbow is an alien female masquerading as a male.

Suicide Squad
  issue 52
    Dr. Light dies and the devil starts playing games with him. At one
    point he becomes the Japanese female Dr. Light, while she ends up
    in his body.

Super Taboo
  issue 12, pub Eros, adult, due out in December 1996
    Yuka's older brother comes back from Sweden as his older sister.

  Title "Claire Kent, Alias Super-Sister!", issue 78, date Jan 1960
    Female alien turns superboy into supergirl after he insults her
    driving/flying ability.  Turns out to be a dream.

  Title "The Turnabout Trap!", Issue 349, Pub DC, Date July 1980
    Mxyzptlk makes a gender reversed Earth to torment Superman.
  issue 725      ***  New Entree  ***
    The Evil Wizard Talos uses the body of a female Apokolips warrior
    that he uses in fighting Superman.

Superman Annual
  issue 5, title "Bloodlines Outbreak
    Man's personality is absorbed by a woman. She believes herself to
    be a man....until she see her reflection in a mirror.

Superman/Wonder Woman: Whom God Destroy
  issue 4 of 4, pub DC, title "The Price"
    Superman is transformed into a teenage human girl, minus super
    powers, about halfway through this comic. He...she is killed as a
    woman and dies in Lois' arms as a woman, then is reborn as a man.

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen
  Title "A Grave Digger for Jimmy Olsen", Issue 159, Aug. 1973 
    To get past the police and a set of crooks, Jimmy disguises
    himself as an attractive girl.  (Not really a transformation)

  Dist Image
  Title "The Past is Prelude to the Present", Issue 32
    As a link to the next comic, Supreme and Kid Supreme are turned
    into women.  Brief, at end.
  Title "Changes", Issue 33
    As part of the Babewatch crossover, Supreme and Kid Supreme are
    female.  I believe Supreme is the only babewatch character which
    does not turn back into a man.

Swamp Thing
  issue 125, pub DC, date Nov 1992
    In this is Arcane who has dies and gone to hell, escapes hell and
    returns to possess Abbie's infant daughter, Tefe.
  issue 66
    Swamp Thing takes over Abby's body so she can achieve spiritual

Tapping The Vein: Book Four: "The Madonna"
    The comic form of Clive Barker's story that appeared in the book
    In the Flesh. It shows the man's change into a woman.

Teen Titans
  issue ?, pub DC
    Supergirl/Matrix is an artifically created being that has become
    different men on several occasions.  For awhile, she had everyone
    thinking she was Clark Kent, including herself.
  issue 1,16,35,48,57           ***  New Entree  ***
    Jericho has the power to possess other peoples bodies.  There were
    very few total possessions of female characters, usually brief.

They Were Eleven
  Series, Japanese, Available in English, Dist Viz Flower Comics
    About a group of space cadets taking a final exam aboard a
    spaceship.  One of them changes gender.  (also avalivalbe on video
    with English subtitles)

  Series, pub Eternity Comics, Date August 1991
    In all new adventures McNulty shows up in a young girl's body.

  Title "I Became My Sister", issue 1, (C) 1994
    Full length story about detective who find himself in his sister's
    body after a car accident.
  Title "The End of Nightman?", issue 2, (C) 1995
    Lady Lynx finds a unique way to pin all her dirty deeds on
    Nightman, and switch personalities with him.
  Title "I Became A Super Babe", issue 3, (C) 1995
    A sendup of superhero comics. Parker Peterson uses the panties of
    Hercules to become Impressive Girl.
  Title "Shopping Spree", issue 3
     Tebbie tries on female clothes now that she has a female body.
  Title "I Became a Princess", issue 4
    Story one details a teenaged witches transformation of her
    boyfriend into a girl.  In the second story a boy replaces
    Princess Di.

Uncanny X-Men, The
  Title "Early Frost", Issue 314, Pub Marvel
    Emma Frost takes control of Iceman's body.  And it turns out she
    has better control of his powers than he does.

Une Femme Dans La Peau
  (C) 1994
    The humorous adventures of a Autoine Aubert who's brain is
    transplanted into the body of a beautiful young blonde woman.

  Title "Transference", issue 80
    Boxer, Lee Rogers, is losing weight. As this malady progresses he
    discovers for some inexplicable reason he is changing into a
  issue 69, Title "Off the Beaten Empath"
    Man Empathizes so greatly he becomes the person. Turns into his
    wife, kills her in fight and dies from identical injuries.
  issue 85       ***  New Entree  ***
    Killer forced to have victims body and conscience.  (Very brief)

Venus Interface, The
  (C) 1989, A Heavy Metal Graphic Novel
    A seven author collaboration on a secret agent able to change form
    and sex.  Each time she changes a new artist takes over the story

  issue 12, sep 1996, title  "Headturner"
    Female being trades bodies, in quite gory fashion, with a drag
    queen, giving the sexy female body he's always wanted.

Video Jack
  issue 6, pub Epic Comics
    In his odyssey through the television channels at one brief point
    Jack becomes Lucy in a classic "I Love Lucy" episode.

  issue 1-4, pub Maximum Press
    Male sorcerer is reborn as a little girl, quickly ages into a

Warlock Chronicles
  issue 5, pub Marvel
    Warlock is turned into half a woman during his soul walk to stop
    his female self from destroying the universe.

  issue 3
    Heroes body stolen by villain, has to take over his girlfriends
    body to save her from rape.

Weird Mystery       ***  New Entree  ***
  issue 5
    A serial killer's ghost possesses shrewish wife and she becomes a

Weird Science
  Issue ?, Pub (I think Gemstone Publishes it)
    Mad scientist uses a sex change potion on his daughter's fiance so
    she won't be able to marry him.  She gets back at him by using it
    on herself, and they get married anyway.
  issue 14, Title "They'll Be Some Changes Made", date July-Aug 1952
    A space explorer lands on a planet, and marries one of the locals.
    Later his wife cuts her hair and loses her voluptuous body.  The
    people are descended from snails which change their sex.  She is
    than waiting for him to change into a woman

What If
  issue 34, vol 1, pub Marvel
     Wonder Man and Power Man drawn as women, one panel.
  title "Rogue Possessed the Power Of Thor?"
    Rogue absorbs Thor's power and life force. Thor and her merge into
    one later on, leaving Odin with a daughter rather than a son.

What The?!
  issue 19, July 1992, pub Marvel, title "The Malted Falcon"
    In a major league spoof buxom femme fatale is revealed to be Baron

Wheel Of Worlds
  issue 1, pub Tekno-Comics, Date May 1996
    A concept comic featuring a story about the making of a perfect
    woman, which includes the mind of the most intelligent man in the

White Like She
  Pub Dark Horse, (C) 1994, Limited Series, Issue 1-4
    A black man's brain is transplanted into a teenage white female.

  issue 1-3, pub DC/Vertigo, Date June-August 1994, mini-series
    Starts in ancient Rome and ends up in present day with the
    antagonist being punished for his sins by being reincarnated as
    every woman he wronged.

  Title "A Day of Reckoning", pub Prude Magazine
    Wichetta's foe, Nerofus, becomes inflames by her comments on
    female sexuality and accepts her challenge to experience the life
    of a female earthling by having his DNA molecules altered.

Wizard of ID
  (C) 1989, comic
    A frog asks the wizard if he can be turned back to his normal
    self.  The wizard is drunk and turns him into a woman.

Woman In The Man, The
  pub Jump Comics
    A nonviolent boy and the no-nonsense girl who tries to help him
    train as a fighter. When an accident switches their brains, he
    learns a lesson about assertiveness which makes him a better man
    (once they switch back).

World's Finest       ***  New Entree  ***
  Issue 264, pub DC, (c) Sept. 1980
    Clayface makes an attempt to kill Batman by attacking him through
    Superman and Lois Lane.  He tricks Lois into his lair by assuming
    the form of a blond woman and pretending to be Supermans mistress.

X-Factor      ***  New Entree  ***
  issue 32
    Alien Shape changing warriors, all male, become avengers including

X-Men and the Micronauts
  Issue 3, Date March 1984
    Baron Karza switches bodies with the Kitty Pride.

  pub Friendly Comics, (C) 1992
    Shemales are transformed into female superheroines. 

  issue 10, pub Palliard Press
    Has a story in which a man named Tomar'Kog is turned into a woman
    by the god Hootabix to join his all-woman cult.

Yellow Dog
  Issue 24, Date 1973
    Hippy asks a Zemstvo the magician for some spare change, so
    Zemstvo changes him into a girl.  (Hippie counter-culture comic,
    might be hard to find)

  Title "Babewatch", Issue 3, Pub Image
    The start of Image's Babewatch crossover, a witch named Diabolique
    changes all the men the super-heroine Glory has ever met into women.
    This issue has four different covers.

  issue ?, panels 3 or 4
    Two men on opposites ends of a small desert island are finding
    genie lamps in the water at the same time.  A genie appears to each
    and in the third panel they seem to be pondering their wish.  In
    the fourth they have both changed into voluptuous women.

                             [ RADIO PLAYS ]

If Wishes Where Changes
    Serious piece about gender roles and identity.  Husband and wife
    swap bodies.

Fair Exchange
    A businessman and a bride bump heads in a hotel, and switch
    bodies. There's a white witch involved, who tries to sort out the

                             [ MYTHOLOGY ]

  Source Mahabharata book 13, Panthos Indian
    A king had a hundred sons, then falls into a pool of water which
    turns him into a woman who also has a hundred sons.  All of them
    die in a war, then one of the gods asks him which ones he loved
    more - the ones he fathered or the ones she mothered.  His answer
    surprises and delights the god, who restores them all to life.
    The king decides to stay female.

  Source Ovid's "Metamorphoses", Panthos Greek
    After being raped by Neptune, Caeneus is granted the wish to
    become a man.

  Source Ovid's "Metamorphoses", Panthos Greek
    The gods granted Salmacis wish that she would never be parted from
    Hermaphroditus, by merging them into one being.

Iphis and Ianthe
  Source Ovid's "Metamorphoses", Panthos Greek
    Iphis, a women, is raised a man.  She is betroved to a woman,
    Ianthe, but on her wedding day Iphis is turned into man.

  Panthos Norse
    Loki changes himself into a mare and bears Sleipner, Odin's eight
    legged horse.

  Panthos Indian
    Vishnu changes himself into a beautiful woman, Mohini the
    Enchantress, in order to distract some demons.  Shiva is so
    enchanted by her that he begs Vishnu for a repeat performance.
    When Vishnu complies, Shiva rapes her.

  Panthos Indian
    Narada enters a lake and is changed into a woman.  Lives a life as
    a woman, then is shown by one of the Gods (possibly Vishnu) that
    the whole life was just an Illusion.

  Source Ovid's "Metamorphoses", Panthos Greek
    Mentioned in passing as someone who alternated being man and

  Source Ovid's "Metamorphoses", Panthos Greek
    Teiresias is turned into a woman, after striking two mating
    serpents apart.  Seven years later he repeats the process to
    change back.  Later he is asked to settle an argument between
    Zeus and Hera over weather men or women get more pressure from

  Panthos Polynesian
    A story about the first woman being made by the creator throwing a
    piece of furit to a group of brothers.  The one that caught it,
    turned into a woman.

                             [ FOLKLORE ]

Kissing your elbow as a child would change your sex.

In old Norse Law, it was illegal to insult a man by saying that he
became a woman every ninth night and had sex with a troll.

In Portuguese/Brazilian folklore, anyone passing under a rainbow would
have their sex reversed.

                           [ COMPUTER GAMES ]

Crystalis     ***  NEW ENTREE  ***
    In order to enter the village of the Amazones, you have to
    become a woman.

Faria     ***  NEW ENTREE  ***
    Your character is female but you find out later in the game the
    character was once male.  Changing yourself into a man again is a
    major quest in the game.

Killer Instinct
    Spinal, a skeleton, can turn briefly into his current opponent,
    who may be male or female.

Might and Magic II     ***  NEW ENTREE  ***
    There is a fountaion labeled "eraweb selam" (beware males), which
    changes all males in your party to female.

Mortal Kombat I,II,III (also Ultimate Mortal Kombat III)
    Shang Tsung can turn into any of the other fighters in the game.

  ASCII Graphics, D&D style, Systems: many, public domain
    Has a cursed amulet that permanently changes the wearers gender.
    Also when polymorphing, there is a random chance that your gender

Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender-Bender
  Pub Micro Prose
    Rex has to use the Gender-bender machine in order to infiltrate
    the female half of a planet which took the war of the sexes too

World Heroes (also World Heroes 2)
    Geegus who is normally a silvery naked sexless alien who can turn
    into silvery versions of any of the other fighters, whether male
    or female.

X-Men: Children of the Atom
    Spiral has a move in which she turns into every other character in
    the game in quick succession; she hits her opponent once as each

                          [ ROLE PLAYING GAMES ]

Cyberpunk 2020
    The sourcebook of the same name also has many references to

Dungeons and Dragons
  item "Gridle of Femininity/Masculinity"
    A cursed item that reverses the wearers gender.  There is no clear
    way of changing back.
  in White Dwarf Magazine
    A character class called the Houri, had a spell which would allow
    a sex change with a kiss.

Silken Nights
  pub Talsorian Games
    a game for the Cyberpunk world Set in Effinger's world of 'When
    Gravity Fails'.  Without distroying the secrets of the game, let's
    just say this is the best "gender transformation" role playing
    scenerio I've seen.

  pub Metropolis Games, (C) 1994, isbn 1-883716-04-7
    A game book to be played with the "Kult" role playing game system.
    The players must return a magical deck of cards to its rightful
    place and break the spells placed by black lictor Anthony Barkley.
    In the course of the game a player must be permanently changed
    from man to woman.

Teenagers From Outter Space
  item "Boy-Girl Gun"
    The gun's beam reverses a persons gender.  Another shot is
    required to change back.

                            [ WEB LINKS ]

This is a list of non-comercial web site, that have more information
about materials on this list.

Futaba-kun Change

                           [ VENDOR LIST ]

I have not personally delt with any of these companies.  So I don't
know what kind of service you might get from them.  With a couple
exacptions, this is just the result of a mild web search.  It is not a
endorsement, nor do the titles listed mean thats all they carry.

Best Video

Big Lizard Video
    Ranma 1/2, Rei Rei, Trancers

    Chamelons 1 & 2

    Angel On Fire, Chamelon, Chamelons Not The Sequal, Denim,
    Earth Girls Are Sleazy, In Deep With The Devil, In The Jeans,
    Sex World Girls, Sexual Limits, Twin Action, Uninhibited,
    Unnatural Phenomenon I & II, Virtual Reality

Facets Multi-Media
    Give Me Back My Skin

Picture Palace
    All of Me, Cleo Leo, Critters 2, Dead Again, Dr. Jekyll And Sister Hyde,
    First Power, Hidden, Orlando, Prelude To A Kiss, Ranma 1/2, Rei Rei,
    Shocker, Switch, Trancers, Trancers 2, Vegas in Space, Vice Versa

Video Online Express (VOX)
    Dr. Jeckyl And Ms. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll And Sister Hyde, Ranma 1/2,
    Trancers, Trancers 2

Viz Comics
    I think they sell all available English Ranma 1/2 materials.


If you can comfirm if any of these belong in this list or should be
taken out, I will make the appropriate changes.  I do ask that you
have personally read/seen the material in question.

                         [ UNCONFIRMED MOVIES ]

Adam est Eve-La Nouvelle Legend de Sexes
  French, (C) 1952

  Spanish, (C) 1970
    Man's soul enters doll then woman

My Body Your Soul
    Man and woman switch bodies.

OK Toots
  (C) 1935
    Charlie and his wife exchange bodies.

Pane, Vy JsteVdova
  aka Sir, You are a Widow, Czech, (C) 1971
    Precognitive man's brain transplanted into female android who
    looks like woman he foresaw killing king.
Pon Un Hombre En Tu Vida
  aka Put a Man in Your Life, (C) 1996, Spanish
    An unbelievably macho soccer manager "Juan Antonio" arrives at a
    hotel for the championship game. Also staying at the same hotel is
    a female pop group with lead singer "Belinda" who is there to
    marry the hotel manager. While diving into a swimming pool, they
    dump heads and their spirits leave their bodies. They regain
    bodies but unfortunately - the wrong ones.

Shinobi No Manji
  aka Secret of the Ninja, Japanese, (C) 1967
    Man possesses body of women

Una Senora Llamada Andres
  aka A lady called Andrew, Spanish, (C) 1970
    Cupid switches bodies of quarreling lovers.

    A man is turned into a woman and his younger brother into a grown
    man.  This was part of a chinese TV series.

    Where a soccer player is shot and re-incarnated as a woman.

    A macho truckdriver dies and is reincarnated as a very attractive

unknown   ***  New Entree  ***
    A writer's characters came to life.  The villan steals the script
    and altered it which included the hero being turned into a woman
    for a short while. 

                          [ UNCONFIRMED TELEVISION ]

Unknown       ***  New Entree  ***
  early 80's saturday morning show
    A veteran cartoonist invents a character called "Supershoes" who
    places a pair of shoes on an unruly boy who finds himself
    transformed into his teacher but retains his hair color (but not
    his hair) and freckles.

                             [ UNCONFIRMED BOOKS ]

Anthony, Peirs
  Series "Robot Adept", (C) 1988
    Someone said it has elements of body-switching, but counldn't
    recall the specific book in this series.  There are a few scenes
    in which a male character inhabits the body of a female character
    and vice-versa.
  Series "Cluster Series, The",

Banks, Iain
  Title "Culture Series",
   In the series universe, sex changes are a routine process that
   takes several months of genetic reengineering and surgery.
   No confirmation on weather any of the main characters undergo the

Coryn, M.
  Title "Chevalier D'Eon, The",

Curry, Avon
  Title "Fetish Murder, The",

Gautier, Theophile
  Title "Mademoiselle De Maupin",

Gentle, Mary
  Title "Grunts", (C) 1991

Greenhalgh, Zahra
  Title "Trickster's Touch", (C) 1989

Greenhalgh, Zohra
  Title "Contrarywise", (C) 1989

Jennings, Phillip C.
  Title "Tower To The Sky",

Pierce, Tamora
  Title "Song Of The Lioness Quartet, The",

Reynolds, Mack
  Title "Amazon Planet",

Scortia, Thomas
  Title "Flowering Narcissus", (C) 1973

Silverberg, Robert
  Title "Hot Sky at Midnight"
    A doctor who has 'gene-spliced' the main character has had his sex
    changed to female.

Sweeney, Toni
  Title "Variaition and Man",

    A novel where a vietnam soldier is kidnapped by gods, transported
    to another dimension and turned into a 13-year old elfen girl.

                        [ UNCONFIRMED SHORT STORIES ]

Modern Egyptians
  by Lane
    A man immerses himself in a cauldron of water, only to emerge as a
    woman who gets wed to a local king.  They also have a couple of

In Analog, Sept 93    ***  New Entree  ***
  Title "Nine tenths of the Law"
    An accidental transgender switch in which one of the participants
    doesn't want to switch back.

                            [ UNCONFIRMED COMICS ]

  character, in old Ghost Rider
    Could turn into Virgo.

Dr. Strange
  issue ?
    a villian traveling back in time possesses a woman.

Dusty Star
  Author Andrew Robinson, in Negative Burn

Marisa Rahm
  character, in Dakota P.D.
    A post-op transsexual.

  character, pub Fleetway

  character, pub Comico

                           [ UNCONFIRMED MYTHOLOGY ]

    served Apollo as a girl.

    Surya's chariot driver visited Indra's court as a women.

    posed as Diana.

    Girl raised as a boy, than switches gender with a yaksha.

    Venus turned him into an old women with beautiful hair.

Venus Castina
    Turned the Scythians at her temple at Ascelon into women.

Yuma Indian
    A mountain that would "sexually transform men".

                            [ FINAL NOTE ]

Many of these works are out of print or where never in the mainstream,
making them hard to find.  So if you can provide additional
information for the ones you do know about, it would be appreciated.
This would include things like issue numbers, episode titles,
who sells them, etc.