Author Title Mentioned by(+/0/-) - ------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------- ? (editor unknown) Darkwater (anthology) 3 ? The Arabian Nights 3 --------------------------------------- A -------------------------------- - Adams, Douglas The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul /40/11 "Rating: 2 Type: X Significance: - Description: X Saturation: X" -11 0 Aldiss, Brian Helliconia Spring and sequels 22 0 Aldiss, Brian Starswarm 11 ? Almquist, Gregg Wolf Kill MP 0 Andersen, Hans C. The Little Mermaid3 0 Anderson, Poul Brain Wave 22 0 Anderson, Poul Operation Chaos 10,11,31 ? Anderson, Poul Three Hearts and Three LionsMP 0 Anthony, Piers Apprentice Adept series42,54,TG thony, PiersCluster series 1,18,20,39,42 - Anthony, Piers Macroscope /42/11 - Anthony, Piers Xanth series//42 0 Anvil, Christopher Warlord's World 42 ? Armstrong, F. W. The ChangingMP ? Arnason, Eleanor Daughter of the Bear KingMP 0 Arnason, Eleanor To the Resurrection Station 42 0 Asimov, Isaac The Gods Themselves 40 - Asimov, Janet Mind Transfer //18 ? Asprin, Robert(ed.); Abbey, Lynn(ed.) Thieves' World series [anthology] 61 The first four are edited by Robert Asprin only.] [1:Thieves' World; Ace; 1983; 0-441-80581-7; $2.95] [2:Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn; Ace; 1980; 0-441-79577-3; $2.75] [3:Shadows of Sanctuary; Ace; 1983; 0-441-76029-5; $2.95] 4:Storm Season; Ace; 1982; 0-441-78710-X; $2.95] [5:The Face of Chaos;Ace; 1984; 0-441-22550-0; $2.95] [6:Wings of Omen; Ace; 1985; 0-441-80588-4; $2.95] [7:The Dead of Winter; Ace; 1985; 0-441-14089-0; $2.95] [8:Soul of the City; Ace; 1986; 0-441-77581-0; $3.50] 9:Blood Ties; Ace; 1986; 0-441-80595-7; $2.95] 0 Awlinson, Richard Avatar series (Forgotten Realms) 544 [Shadowdale: TSR; 1989; 0-88038-730-0; $3.95] [Tantras: TSR; 1989; ?; $3.95]! [Waterdeep: TSR; 1989; 0-88038-759-9; $3.95] --------------------------------------- B -------------------------------- 0 Banks, Iain M. Culture series TG The Player of Games: Harper & Row; ?]! Consider Phlebas: Bantam Spectra; 1991; 0-553-29281-1; $5.99] Use of Weapons: Bantam Spectra; ?]! Against a Dark Background: forthcoming; Bantam Spectra] 0 Barnes, Steven The Kundalini Equation 22 [Tor; 1986; 0-812-53150-7; $3.50] "king of a berserker transformation, with some twists" -22 0 Baudino, Gael Dragonsword 11,TG ROC; 1991; 0-451-45081-7; $4.99] "Rating: 3 Type: B Significance: 0 Description: - Saturation: 0. Fantasy; magic. Not really good or bad, more just there. Could be a 2 rating, but I'm in a generous mood. Little detail to the transformations, though a fair amount of care is given to examining their effects, at least in one instance." -11 0 Baum, L. Frank The Land of Oz 42 [?]* [See Spoiler section for more info.] 0 Beagle, Peter S The Last Unicorn 3 In The Fantasy Worlds of Peter Beagle, from SFBC] ?] "Has an interesting transformation (it's a bit of a spoiler if I tell you what it is), and is one of the best books I've ever read." -3 + Beagle, Peter S Lila the Werewolf11,MP/3 [In The Fantasy Worlds of Peter Beagle, from SFBC] [in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [?]5 "Another (brilliant) werewolf story" -3 2L+0+" -11 [One of the more down-to-earth werewolf stories I've read, showing some of the problems of life as a werewolf in the big city. -MP] 0 Bear, Greg Blood Music 11,13,22 [Ace; 1986; 0-441-06797-2; $4.50] "Rating: 2 Type: B Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: -. Horror; genetic manipulation error." -11 0 Bear, Greg The Serpent Mage 42 [?]! "The most significant transformation here is that of a millions-of- years-old mage to/from Loch-Ness Monster. Great book; sequel to The Infinity Concerto." -42 0 Benford, Gregory Across the Sea of Suns TG [?]! - Benford, Gregory; Brin, DavidThe Heart of the Comet//42 [Bantam Spectra; 1987; 0-553-25839-7; $4.50] An isolated fraction of the human race transforms itself in a short time, in multiple ways--some through personality transfer, some through acquisition of sumbionts. Borderline for this list." -42 rlyn, Michael The Integrated ManTG Bantam; 1980; ?]! 0 Bester, Alfred Tyger Tyger 47 [?]! "A classic work by this man, the 'hero' of the story has some interesting problems and eventually manages through a bizarre change to become capable of Teleportation. A good read, a 3... I wouldn't read it again and again... ;)" -47 0 Biggle, Lloyd Jr. Watchers of the Dark 42 "The bad guys are shape-changers (or at least illusionists)--a fact of little importance to the story." -42 6 + Bishop, Michael(ed.); Watson, Ian(ed.) Changes (anthology) MP// [Ace; 1983; 0-441-10260-3; $2.75] [A very good collection of 18 stories (listed elsewhere), that's recent enough to still be very available in used book stores. -MP] 0 Blish, James Midsummer Century42 [?]! "A man finds his mind occupying a non-human body in the far future. The other 'occupant' is not amused." -42 0 Blish, James The Triumph of Time 22 [Avon; 1966; S221; $.60] "this one has the protagonist becoming a minor universe" -22 0 Boyd, JohnThe Organ Bank Farm42 [?]! "Genetic manipulation and brain transplants. Good, slightly macabre tongue-in-cheek" -42 0 Boyer, Elizabeth The Sword and the Satchel457 [Del Rey; 1983; 0-345-30986-3; $2.95] 0 Boyer, Elizabeth The Elves and the Otterskin45 Del Rey; 1985; 0-345-32054-9; $2.95] 0 Boyer, Elizabeth The Thrall and the Dragon's Heart 45 [Del Rey; 1983; 0-345-31445-X; $2.95] 0 Boyer, Elizabeth The Wizard and the Warlord45 [Del Rey; 1983; 0-345-30711-9; $2.95] On all 4 above: "...are light-hearted fantasy and follow a plot that differs only in details. Always some green youth finds a powerful magic item and journeys forth to destroy an evil wizard who threatens to enslave or destroy the world etc." -45 0 Boyer, Elizabeth The Troll's Grindstone45 [Del Rey; 1986; 0-345-32182-0; $3.50] 0 Boyer, Elizabeth The Curse of Slagfid45 [Del Rey; 1989l 0-345-33265-2; $3.95] 0 Boyer, Elizabeth The Dragon's Carbuncle45 [Del Rey; 1990; 0-345-35459-1; $4.95] On all 3 above: "...begin in the same setting, but are a series, and, IMHO, rather more rewarding." -45 On all 7 above: "Most elves and all wizards have power to transform themselves into one other creature, their fylgja." -45 ? Bradbury, Ray Something Wicked This Way ComesMP [Bantam; 1970; 553-03408-075; $.75] [Flagged as "transformation" in my files. I have no idea why. :) -MP] 0 Bradley, Marion Z. Endless Voyage 42 [?]! "Space travel requires surgical adaptation." -42 ? Bradley, Marion Zimmer, ed. Sword and Sorceress(anthology series) 38 [1:DAW; 1984; 0-87997-928-3, $2.95] 2:DAW; 1985; 0-88677-041-6, $2.95] [3:DAW; 1986; 0-88677-302-4, $3.95] 4:DAW; 1987; 0-88677-210-9, $3.50] [5:DAW; 1988; 0-88677-288-5, $3.95] 6:DAW; 1990; 0-87997-423-3, $4.50] [7:DAW; 1990; 0-88677-457-8, $4.50] [8:DAW; 1991; 0-88677-486-1, $4.50] [9:DAW; 1992; 0-88677-509-4; $4.50] 8 "Every volume in the series has at least one or two transformation stories. Some good, some mediocre. Fantasy." -38 [It would be great if someone could point out a few specific stories here. -MP] 0 Bradley, Marion Z. The World Wreckers 42,TG [Ace; 1971; 0-441-91172-2; $1.75] "Hermaphrodites who go through a gender-shifting metamorphosis." -42 + Brandner, Gary The Howling 11/MP/ [Fawcett; 1977; 0-449-13824-0, $1.75] "Rating: 2 Type: L Significance: + Description: + Saturation: -. Horror; lycanthropy. Traditional werewolf story. Somewhat the basis for the original movie of the same name; definitely the basis for the fourth movie in the series. A reasonably good transformation description saves it from the trash heap." -11 [As a story it's fair at best, but as a transformation tale it's worth a look, though I wouldn't quite give it a +. -MP] - Brandner, Gary The Howling II //11,MP Fawcett; 1978; 0-449-14091-1; $1.95] "Rating: 1 Type: L Significance: X Description: X Saturation: X. Strongly not recommended. I couldn't get through it." -11 [Nor I... I just thought it should be listed since its previous volume was. The transformation stuff isn't even as good as Howling I. -MP] in, David Postman 22 ?]! "military enhancements" -22 0 Brin, DavidUplift series42 [Startide Rising: Bantam Spectra; 1988; 0-553-27418-X; $4.50] Sundiver:?]! [The Uplift War:?]! "The transformation, by genetic manipulation, is evolutionary rather an personal. (If you haven't read "Startide Rising" go read it now, before finishing to read this list.)" -42 0 Brooks, Terry The Elfstones of Shannara 4 [?]! "Young elf girl becomes a tree" -4 - Brooks, Terry Magic Kingdom series/18/MP [Magic Kingdom For Sale-Sold!: Del Rey; 1987; 0-345-31758-0; $4.50] 9 [The Black Unicorn: Del Rey; ?] [Wizard At Large: Del Rey; 1989; 0-345-36227-6; $4.95] "has a person magically turned into a dog. Poor Abernathy." -18 [I wouldn't bother to find this for the sake of the transformations. Abernathy's there, but a pretty minor plot element, and he seemed pretty "cardboard" to me. -MP] ? Brown, Crosland Tombley's WalkMP Avon; 1991; 0-380-76097-5; $4.50] [Horror; lycanthropy; not read -MP] 0 Bull, Emma War for the Oaks 42 [Ace; 1987; 0-441-87073-2; $4.50] "A Pookha is a kind of were-dog. In case you were wondering." -42 0 Burroughs, EdgarLand that Time Forgot2 * "Trilogy set in a land where evolution is personal. Neanderthals wake up one day and find/decide that it's time to become Cro-Magnons." -42 0 Burroughs, Edgar Synthetic Men of Mars 42 ?]* "Pulp-era brain transplants" -42 + Busby, F. M. The Breeds of Man 11/TG/ [Bantam Spectra; 1988; 0-553-27008-7; $3.95] "Rating: 4 Type: B Significance: 0 Description: + Saturation: +. S; Genetic manipulation; 4... After conquering an AIDS-like plague, the inhabitants of earth find themselves unable to bear more than one child per partners blood type. The solution to that, however, produces some unexpected side effects..." -11 [See the Spoilers Section for more information.] sby, F. M.Demu Trilogy Pocket; 1980; 0-671-43288-5; $3.50] liens who believe themselves to have the only acceptable form try to alter their captives to suit." -42 0 Butler, Octavia most everything8 0 Butler, Octavia Clay's Ark 42 [?]! "A space-born plague transforms much of the human race." -4220 + Butler, Octavia Xenogenesis series11,MP/8,12,15,TG/ [Dawn: Questar; 1988; 0-445-20779-5; $4.50] [Adulthood Rites: Questar; 1989; 0-445-20903-8; $4.95] [Imago: Questar; 1990; 0-445-20977-1; $4.95] "Rating: 4 Type: B Significance: + Description: + Saturation: +. SF; Alien technology... An alien race comes upon an Earth devastated by nuclear war, and rescues the survivors. Their intention: to interbreed, corporating the best of both races." -11 [A fascinating look at the psychological aspects of such a situation; is it better for humanity to die or to change to something not really human? Different people make different decisions, and the reader can empathize with all of them. -MP] + Butler, Octavia Wild Seed MP/8,12/ [Questar; 1988; 0-445-20537-7; $4.50] On all four above: "Butler is an amazingly good writer who is not terribly well-known. These books are unsettling." -12 [One main character "transforms" by possessing others' bodies when he dies; the other really shapeshifts. Again, a great psychological story. -MP] 1 --------------------------------------- C -------------------------------- 0 Cabell, James B. Poictesme series 42 Figures of Earth: Del Rey; 1979- 0-345-28170-5; $2.25] [?]! "Especially Jurgen, and Figures of Earth." -42 + Cadnum, Michael Saint Peter's Wolf MP/28 [Carroll & Graf; SFBC] [?] "This is a novel that explores the experience of becoming a werewolf and the changes that take place in the protagonist. It is quite good and is set from the point of view of the werewolf." -28 [The best psychological look at the werewolf that I've seen. The jacket blurbs call it "the best werewolf novel in fifteen years"; I certainly wouldn't argue. -MP] ? Caine, Geoffrey Wake of the Werewolf MP [Diamond; 1991; 1-55773-578-6; $4.50] [Not read, but appears to be a fairly conventional werewolf novel. -MP] 0 Caldin, MartinCyborg22,MP [Warner; 1974; 0-446-76643-7; $1.25] "good book; the TV version was $6M Man, which wasn't nearly so well done" -22 [I wasn't all that impressed by the book; still, it's one of the earliest bionic-modification books I know of, and it's worth reading. You know the plot line; test pilot crashes, has to be pieced together with hardware, gets sent on impossible missions. -MP] ? Callahan, Jay Night of the Wolf MP [Leisure; 1979; 0-8439-2269-9; $3.25] [Lycanthropy novel; not read. -MP] 0 Card, Orson Scott (ed.) Dragons of Darkness (anthology)20 [Ace; 1983; 0-441-16664-4; $2.95] 0 Card, Orson Scott (ed.) Dragons of Light (anthology)20 [Ace; 1983; 0-441-16661-X; $2.95]2 0 Card, Orson Scott Treason15,TG [St. Martin's; 1990; 0-312-92019-8; $4.95] ? Carter, Angela The Bloody Chamber MP [?]! [A fairy-tale collection; I have it marked as a transformation book, so someone must have told me it has transformation stories, but I can't find it to confirm that. -MP] 0 Carver, Jeffrey From a Changeling Star40 [Batnam Spectra; 1989; 0-553-27639-5; $3.95] 0 Carver, Jeffrey Down the Stream of Stars40 [?]! "I might have the titles wrong. They are packed with ideas beyond what the writer could handle, more suitable for a Star Trek show than reading material. But if you like transformation, there's nanotech remaking of people and one bizarre megatransformation." -40 ? Case, DavidWolf Tracks MP Leisure; ?; 0-8439-2166-8; $3.50]! [Lycanthropy story; not seen or read.] 0 Chalker, Jackmost/all his works1,2,3,7,12,13,17, 22,31,33,34,35,MP "physical transformations until they get tedious" -2 "Many of [his] works have the transformation theme, although he's not a particularly good writer." -3 "I consider him a hack" -12 "I can think of one novel offhand written by Chalker that didn't involve physical or mental transformation. And a few short stories. (Well, one.) *All* the rest of it does to one degree or another." -13 "warning, he likes to transform everybody (eventually) into beautiful nymphomaniac females with humongous breasts. While I have stopped reading his books due to this tendency, he can occasionally tell a good story." -31 "It seems like almost every one of his novels incorporates someone who is transformed or switches bodies with someone else or has their sex reversed or species changed. It might almost make a good contest to come up with a Jack Chalker novel that _doesn't_ include at least one such individual however minor or seemingly irrelevant to the story line." -34% 3 "Try almost anything by Jack Chalker...everything Chalker writes deals with the physical transformation of at least one, and sometimes ALL, of his protagonists. In fact, even his 'Demons at Rainbow Bridge' has one character that gets changes, so I guess so far he's batting a thousand in the Transformation Sweepstakes. (He cheats, though, in Rings of the Master; there's no earthly reason the changes should be irreversible except he doesn't want the characters to be able to get away with it scot-free." -35 [People seem to either like or hate Jack Chalker. Personally, I like him, in small doses. Several of his stories seem to be pretty much the same plotwise, though. But he does use transformation more than any other author I've seen. -MP] - Chalker, Jack And the Devil Will Drag You Under //11,31 [Del Rey; 1982; 0-345-30504-3; $2.50] "Rating: 4 Type: B Significance: - Description: 0 Saturation: -. SF; advanced science...only touches on transformations, rather than using that as a main theme. I just threw it in because it does include a few transformations (minor) and is one of his better books." -11 "there isn't much transformation, but there is a little, and some of it s interesting" -314 - Chalker, Jack Changewinds series /35/11 [When the Changewinds Blow: Ace; 1987; 0-441-88081-9; $3.50] [Riders of the Winds: Ace; 1988; 0-441-72351-9; $3.50] [War of the Maelstrom: Ace; 1988; 0-441-10268-9; $3.95] "Rating: 2 Type: B Significance: - Description: 0 Saturation: -...does deal some with physical transformations, but not as much as other series/ stories." -11 + Chalker, Jack Dancing Gods series11/2,35,TG/ [The River of Dancing Gods: Del Rey; 1984; 0-345-30892-1; $2.95] [Demons of the Dancing Gods: Del Rey; 1990; 0-345-30893-X; $4.95] [Vengeance of the Dancing Gods: Del Rey; 1985; 0-345-31549-9; $3.50] [Songs of the Dancing Gods: Del Rey; 1990; 0-345-34799-4; $4.95] "fantasy; magic and lycanthropy; 4" -11 "Rating: 4 Type: B Significance: 0 Description: + Saturation: +... essentially humor/parody, and the first three books are rather fun" -11 ? Chalker, Jack Demons at Rainbow Bridge 35 [Ace; 1990; 0-441-69992-8; $3.95] [I know that other books in the Quintara Marathon series have come out; can someone tell us what they are, and whether or not they involve transformation as well? -MP] +Downtiming the Nightside11/TG/ Tor; 1985; 0-812-53288-0; $2.95] "Rating: 1 Type: M Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: 0. SF; time travel... When time-traveling, the traveler must have a body to occupy at the destination, so one is made up--someone unimportant, usually lower class, and most often someone who had died young, but was now miraculously alive at the jump point. This is, IMHO, Chalker's worst work; unorganized, poorly written, and clunky." -11 + Chalker, Jack Four Lords of the Diamond series 11/7,13,TG/ Lilith: A Snake in the Grass: Ballantine; 1983; 0-345-29369-X; $2.50] Cerberus: A Wolf in the Fold: Ballantine; 1982; 0-345-29371-1; $2.50] Charon: A Dragon at the Gate: Del Rey; 1989; 0-345-29370-3; $3.95] [Medusa: A Tiger by the Tail: Del Rey; 1983; 0-345-29372-X; $2.95] (4 books - some of his better work)" -7 "Rating: 3 Type: B Significance: + Description: + Saturation: +. SF; virus" -11 + Chalker, Jack The Identity Matrix11,TG// [Pocket; 1982; 0-671-44481-6; $2.95] "Rating: 5 Type: M Significance: + Description: + Saturation: +. SF; Alien ability & advanced science" -115 + Chalker, Jack Rings of the Masters series11/2,35/ [Lords of the Middle Dark: Del Rey; 1986; 0-345-32560-5; $3.50] [Pirates of the Thunder: Del Rey; 1987; 0-345-32561-3; $3.50] [Warriors of the Storm: Del Rey; 1988; 0-345-32562-1; $3.95] [Masks of the Martyrs:?]! "Rating: 3 Type: B Significance: + Description: + Saturation: +. SF; Advanced science and natural ability" -11 Soul Rider (Flux and Anchor) series1,2,17,TG/ Spirits of Flux and Anchor: Tor; 1984; 0-812-53275-9; $2.95] Empires of Flux and Anchor: Tor; 1984; 0-812-53329-1; $3.95] Masters of Flux and Anchor:?]! The Birth of Flux and Anchor:?]! [Children of Flux and Anchor: Tor; 1986; 0-812-53286-4; $3.50] with people being transformed via spells into all types of creatures and variations of creatures, both willingly and unwillingly." -1 "Rating: 4 Type: B Significance: + Description: + Saturation: +. SF; conversion mass -> energy -> mass" -11 0 Chalker, Jack Web of the Chozen 11,226 [Ballantine; 1987; 0-345-33959-2; $2.95] "Rating: 2 Type: B Significance: 0 Description: 0 Saturation: -. SF; virus" -11 + Chalker, Jack Well World (Well of Souls) series 11/1,13,17,35,TG/ Midnight at the Well of Souls: Del Rey; 1980; 0-345-29223-5; $1.95] Exiles at the Well of Souls: Del Rey; 1988; 0-345-32437-4; $3.50] [Quest for the Well of Souls: Del Rey; 1980; 0-345-29337-1; $2.25] [The Return of Nathan Brazil: Del Rey; 1987; 0-345-34105-8; $3.50] [Twilight at the Well of Souls: Del Rey; 1980; 0-345-28368-6; $2.25] "The Well world books basically have big holes in space where humans sometimes fall in. They are then transported to the Well World, where they are transformed into one of 800+ different species." -1 "Rating: 4 Type: B Significance: + Description: - Saturation: +. SF; machine" -11 - Chalker, Jack; Resnick, Mike; Effinger, George The Red Tape War //11 [Tor; ?; 0-312-85151-0; $17.95 hardcover]* "Rating: 2 Type: M Significance: - Description: - Saturation: -. S; Mind transfer... Silly round-robin story, with no plot, little action, and barely enough humor to get by." -11 0 Charrette, Robert Secrets of Power trilogy 42 ?]! "Set in the universe of the Shadowrun game, but surprisingly readable. Some of the characters are shapechangers. In addition some are humans who came down with a disease which causes them to be transformed into Orcs or Elves or whatever." -42 - Cherryh, C. J. Cyteen //42 [?]! "One book in hardcover, three in paperback. This is actually the opposite [of the Morganie trilogy]. Essentially, it's a study of what constitutes identity and, secondarily, what constitutes genius. The book centers on an attempt to reproduce a genius by cloning her and raising her in an identical environment to the original. A superb book, though I'm not sure it's 'on topic'." -42 0 Cherryh, C. J. Morganie series 42 [Exile's Gate: DAW; 1988; 0-88677-254-0; $3.95]7 [Fires of Azeroth: DAW; 1979; 0-87997-466-4; $1.95] [Gate of Ivrel: DAW; 1976; 0-87997-956-9; $2.50] [Well of Shiuan: DAW; 1978; 0-88677-270-2; $3.95] "Actually, it's up to four books now. Sword and not-much-sorcery, except that the baddies have the technology to transfer to new bodies when theirs wear out. Which is too bad for the occupants." -42 - Cherryh, C. J. Voyager in Night 45 [?]! "I'm not sure if this qualifies.. A computer-run *alien* ship takes in some humans after the crash. Two out of three humans die, but the computer has taken templates (?) of them and can copy them at will. These copies then mutate in quite different directions.. I liked this book a lot" -45 + Clarke, Arthur C. Childhood's End MP// [Del Rey; 1980; 0-345-29467-X; $5.95 softcover] [I'm amazed that no one's listed this one. To me it's one of the classics, like the Xenogenesis series, it deals with the transformation of an entire race, and the social and psychological aspects of the events leading up to it. The aliens assisting this change, who themselves can7% 8 never change in this way, are fascinating characters as well. -MP] 0 Clayton, Jo Diadem series 42 [Diadem from the Stars: DAW; 1977; 0-87997-293-9; $1.50] [?]! "The diadem in question contains some long-dead folks in need of new bodies." -42 0 Clayton, JoDrinker of Souls28,42 [?]! 0 Clayton, Jo Blue Magic 28,42 [DAW; 1988; 0-88677-270-2; $3.95] 0 Clayton, Jo A Gathering of Stones 28,42 [?]! For all 3 above books: "The protagonist is a young girl changed into a shapeshifter/energy vampire by a goddess. She supplies the life energy she takes from people to two shapeshifting energy beings the goddess also coerced into taking a roll." -28 "Assorted shapechangers." -42 - Clement, Hal Circle of Fire //42 [?]! [See Spoiler section for more info.] ? Collins, Nancy A. Sunglasses After Dark MP Onyx; 1989; 0-451-40147-6; $3.99] [Horror; vampirism; may or may not involve shapechanging; not read -MP] ooper, LouiseIndigo series 42 Nemesis: TOR; 1989; 0-812-53401-8; $3.95] [Inferno: TOR; 1989; 0-812-50246-9; $3.95] Infanta: TOR; 1990; 0-812-50667-7; $4.95] [Nocturne:TOR; 1990; 0-812-50798-3; $4.95] "One of the heroine's incidental talents is shape-shifting." -42 0 Cooper, Susan The Dark is Rising 36 [?]! 0 Cooper, Susan GreenWitch 36 [?]! 0 Cooper, SusanThe Grey King 36 0 Cooper, Susan Silver on the Tree36 [?]! On all of the above: "[a juvenile series]...which have one or two references to shape- changing also. Those ones are more of a 'discovery of power enables change' type books." -36 --------------------------------------- D -------------------------------- 0 Danvers, Dennis Wilderness MP Poseidon; SFBC] Pocket Star; 1992; 0-671-72828-8; $5.50] [Werewolf story. Got very good reviews; I didn't think it was all that good, but certainly not bad either. -MP] + David, PeterHowling Mad11,MP/3/ [Ace; 1989; 0-441-34663-4; $3.50] "about a wolf who gets bitten by a werewolf and turns human 3 nights a month" -39 "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: 0. Fantasy; lycanthropy (in reverse)" -11 [A quite good (and different) lycanthropy story, and a rather funny look at our own culture as a bonus. -MP] - de Camp, L Sprague; Pratt, Fletcher The Compleat Enchanter//42 [In The Complete Compleat Enchanter; Baen; 1989; 0-671-69809-5; $4.50] "Excellent fantasy classic, with some incidental shape-changing." -42 0 de Lint, Charles Wolf Moon 11/20,36/MP Signet; 1988; 0-451-15487-8; $3.50] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: + Description: X Saturation: X" -11 "lycanthropy; not bad to good yarn. Several other stories by de Lint have incidental morphisms." -20 "about a werewolf and the evil man hunting him" -36 [I don't know why, but I just couldn't get into this story, even enough to finish it. The werewolf character didn't seem very well-developed; I'll have to try reading it again to see if it was just me. -MP] 30 0 Deitz, Tom Darkthunder's Way 28 [Avon; 1989; 0-380-75508-4; $3.95] 0 Deitz, Tom Sunshaker's War 28 [Avon; 1990; 0-380-76062-2; $3.95] 0 Deitz, TomStoneskin's Revenge28,42 [Avon; 1991; 0-380-76063-0; $3.95] "A monster whose talents include shapechanging." -42 For all 3 above books: "Some of the people in the books learn old Cherokee magic for shapeshifting. They are fun books targeted at the young adult market." -28 0 Deitz, Tom Fireshaper's Doom42 Avon; 1987; 0-380-75329-4; $3.95] One subplot involves turning a lizard back into an elf." -42 - Delaney, Joseph In The Face of My Enemy//11 [Baen; 1985; 0-671-55993-1; $2.95] "Rating: 3 Type: B Significance: 0 Description: - Saturation: -. S; Alien granted ability; 3... The story of a primitive man made an immortal shape-changer by aliens, and his adventures into the past and future." -11 0 Delaney, Samuel R. Triton TG [Bantam; 1976;?]! ickson, Gordon R. The Alien Way MP Warner; 1977; 0-446-84552-3; $1.75] [A mind-transfer story, where a human's mind is projected into an alien body. Interesting mental changes result. -MP] 0 Dickson, Gordon R. The Dragon and the George 15,MP [Del Rey; 1988; 0-345-29902-7; $2.50] [A modern-day scholar gets projected into the body of a dragon in a medieval world.] 0 Dickson, Gordon R. The Dragon Knight 15,MP [hardback: Tor; 0-312-93129-8(?); $19.95] [The protagonist of The Dragon and the George now has to learn to control the magic that keeps changing him from dragon to human and back. Another character can change into a seal. -MP] ? Dickson, Gordon R. The Dragon on the Border MP [?]! [Another sequel to the above series, not read.]1 ? Dickson, Gordon R. The Dragon at WarMP [?]! [Yet another sequel to the Dragon and the George; not read.] Silvestro, Roger Ursula's Gift Donald I Fine; 1988; 1-55611-108-8; $16.95 hardback] an helps out a prostitute, and gets turned into a werewolf by way of thanks. Things get progressively worse from there. A funny read; not as good as Lila the Werewolf, but worth reading. -MP] 0 Dixon, Dougal Man After Man 51 [?]! "Speculative fiction concerning future genetic manipulation techniques and subsequent evolution." -51 0 Duane, Diane Deep Wizardry 28,42,MP [in Support Your Local Wizard; SFBC] [?] "The heroine and hero transform and are transformed into whales to undertake this mission. This is the middle book of a trilogy consisting% of 'So you Want to Be a Wizard' and 'High Wizardry' also." -28 "The protagonists change themselves into whales in order to save the world. Much better than it sounds." -42 [Two different mechanics are used for the shapechanges, though that fact doesn't change much in the plot. A fun story to read; it reads like juvenile fiction, but raises some very serious points too. -MP] * * * Transformation Stories List, Version 8: Part 2 of 4 (Books E-P) * * * Author Title Mentioned by(+/0/-) - ------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------- --------------------------------------- E -------------------------------- 0 Eddings, David Belgariad series 9 [Pawn of Prophecy: Del Rey; 1990; 0-345-33551-1; $5.95] [Queen of Sorcery: ?] Magician's Gambit: Del Rey; 1988; 0-345-33545-7; $3.95] Castle of Wizardry: Del Rey; 1988; 0-345-33570-8; $3.95] [Enchanter's End Game: ?] 0 Eddings, David Malloreon series 92 [Guardians of the West: Del Rey; 1990; 0-345-35266-1; $5.95] [King of the Murgos: ?] [Demon Lord of Karanda: ?] [Sorceress of Darshiva: ?] [Seeress of Kell: ?] On the Belgariad and Malloreon: "The books are Fantasy, and can be found almost anywhere. They deal extensively with Shapechanging. They are all excellent books. Subjects also touched upon are Demons, and the transforming of others into other shapes. You would have to read them to understand what I mean." -9 0 Effinger, George AlecThe Nick of Time3 [?] "there is section which involves 'The Historian,' who can change reality to suit himself. Our hero is turned into a lizard-man for a while (and discovers that lizards don't like crepe suzettes), and gets involved in a rebellion against the historian. For punishment, he's turned into a rapid succession of things (a big sentient chocolate, an atom of formaldehyde, etc.). The transformations aren't really important to the plot, but the book's worth seeking out just for its sheer goofiness." -3 0 Eisenstein, Phyllis Sorcerer's Son42 ignet; 1989; 0-451-15683-8; $3.95] "A world in which people who summon demons must devise shapes for them." -42 0 Estes, Rose Name of the Game MP [TSR; 1988; 0-88038-614-2; $3.95] [Sixth in the Greyhawk Adventures series. Hero is transformed into a griffon. -MP] --------------------------------------- F -------------------------------- ? Farmer, Philip Jose Image of the Beast MP [Berkley; 1985; 0-425-07708-X; $3.50] [I saw this mentioned as a lycanthropy or transformation story, but haven't read it. -MP] - Farmer, Philip Jose Riverworld series /11/42 3 [?] "SF; not read" -11 "Marginally on topic. Everyone who ever lived on Earth is resurrected simultaneously on another planet, which lets the author write a story with all his favorite historical characters. Anyone who dies on this planet is immediately resurrected at an arbitrary location on the same world." -42 0 Faucette, John M. Crown of Infinity42 Ace; 1968; 020-08051-060; $.60; Ace double including The Prism] "Highly readable old novel in which most of the human race is exterminated by aliens, and the survivors decide to evolve (by genetic manipulation) into a race that can fight back." -42 0 Feist, RaymondRiftwar Saga36 [?] "one of the heroes is transformed from a normal mortal into a dragon- lord, another becomes one of the most powerful mages ever. This was a pretty popular series when it came out." -36 ? Feist, Raymond Silverthorn MP 4 Bantam Spectra; 1986; 0-553-27054-0; $3.95] 0 Fontenay, Charles L Rebels of the Red Planet 42 [?] "Another oldie-but-goody featuring genetic manipulation." -42 ? Forsythe, Richard FangsMP [Leisure; 1985; 0-8439-2275-3; $3.95] [Appears to be a lycanthropy story, but not read. -MP] 0 Foster, Alan Dean Icerigger and sequels 22 [Icerigger: Del Rey; 1978; 0-345-22799-6; $1.95] "summer/winter climate adaptation" -22 0 Foster, Alan Dean Paths of the Perambulator44 [Warner; 1986; 0-446-32769-8; $3.50] "Foster's Spellsinger has some shape changes, especially in the book 'PathsPerambulator'. These are all magical changes, but the books are fun to read." -44 - Foster, M. A. The Morphodite series/22/11 Transformer: DAW; 1983; 0-87997-814-7; $2.50] [The Morphodite: DAW; 1981; 0-87997-669-1; $2.75] on Transformer only: "Rating: 3 Type: B Significance: - Description: + Saturation: -" -11 on series: "must read to appreciate" -22 0 Friedman, C. S. Madness Season11,21,42,46 ?] "Rating: 4 Type: B Significance: 0 Description: 0 Saturation: 0. SF; vampire & alien ability. Very worthwhile read. It really does involve what is essentially a vampire, even if it is not in any way a vampire story." -11 ...recent; also about a vampire type person who has several transformations, each more complex than the last...." -21 "The description that was given left out the setting: alien conquest of earth--story is set in space--has nothing to do with vampires!" -46 0 Friesner, Esther Demons series11,45 [Here Be Demons: Ace; 1988; 0-441-32797-4; $3.50] [Demon Blues: Ace; 1989; 0-441-14309-1; $3.50]5 Hooray for Hollywood: Ace; ?; 0-441-34281-7; $3.50] On Here Be Demons and Demon Blues: "Shape-shifting demons find that their idea of sin is somewhat out-of-date in 20th century Earth." -45 On Hooray for Hollywood: "Rating: 3 Type: B Significance: 0 Description: 0 Saturation: -" -11 --------------------------------------- G -------------------------------- 0 Galouye, Daniel F. Simulacron 3 42 [?] "A simulated Earth is constructed, for purposes of market research, into which the researchers can project their consciousness." -42 0 Gardner, Craig Shaw An Excess of Enchantments TG [Ace; 1988; 0-441-22363-X; $3.50] 0 Gelb, Jeff (ed.); Garret, Michael(ed) Hotter Blood (anthology) 3,TG Pocket; 1991; ?] "There are a few transformation stories--one about a salesman who is so adaptable that it becomes a liability; there's one, 'The Splicer' by Don D'Ammassa, about a guy who can change movies, including changing the actors. I just skimmed through this one in the store--you may want to check it out, though." -3 0 Gerrold, DavidMoonstar Odyssey25 [Signet; 1977; 0-451-07372-X; $1.50] "This book is about a society where a person's gender is not fixed until maturity and the problems caused to someone who doesn't know which to choose. I remember it as quite well written." -25 + Godwin, Parke The Snake Oil Wars Or Scheherazade Gindberg Strikes Again50// [Doubleday; 1989; $18.95 hardcover] ?] + Godwin, ParkeWaiting For the Galactic Bus50// [Doubleday; 1988; $18.95 hardcover] [?] "Well, Barion and Coryu, our stranded, shape-shifting, pure-energy aliens, wouldn't have had to assume the roles of God and Satan, 6 respectively, if they hadn't transformed that d*?ned monkey into 'homo sapien' and gotten us all into this mess to begin with!" -50 0 Goulart, Ron The Chameleon Corps and Other Shape Changers (anthology)41,MP [Collier; 1974; 02075; $1.50] [Five stories (Chameleon, Rake, Copstate, Masterpiece, Sunflower) about the Chameleon Corps, a spy organization for a galactic empire, whose members can change shape at will. Also six other transformation stories. -MP] ? Grant, Charles L.Dark Cry of the Moon MP [Berkley; 1987; 0-425-10502-4; $2.95] [Lycanthropy story; not read. -MP] 0 Green, SharonThe Far Side of Forever 7 ?] 0 Green, SharonHellhound Magic: The Far Side of Forever 2 57 [?] On both of the above: "Both books involve a major character who is a hape changer. The first has at least one other shape changer in it. The second also has some characters who have been forcibly shape-changed." -57 0 Grinnell, David Edge of Time42 [?] "Old SF novel about researchers projecting their consciousness into a succession of lives." -42 0 Gunnarsson, Thorarinn Human, Beware! 48 Ace; 1990; 0-441-51541-X; $4.50] "...the High Priest and the Emperor of the evil Alasheran Empire have achieved a form of immortality by stealing people's bodies for over a thousand years.latest victim is the dragon Keridaejan. Also, Jenny, the heroine of the novel, discovers that in order to fulfill the Prophecies, Keridaejan had come to Earth before his body was stolen by the High Priest and taken human form in order to father her..." -48 [A sequel to Make Way for Dragons. -MP]7 - Gunnarsson, Thorarinn Make Way for Dragons! /48/MP [Ace; 1990; 0-441-51537-1; $3.95] [A powerful evil dragon and two good ones enter our world, and the good ones seek out a powerful human "wizard" (though completely untrained) to help them beat the evil one. The transformation is pretty incidental, and constitutes a spoiler anyway... -MP] [See Spoiler Section for more info] --------------------------------------- H -------------------------------- ? Hambly, Barbara He Who Stalks the Night50 ?] "I'm not sure about the title, but it is a recent vampire novel." -50 [I've seen _Those who Hunt the Night_ everywhere; is this it? If so, it's Del Rey; 1989; 0-345-36132-6; $4.50. -MP] 0 Harness, Charles The Paradox Men 42 [Crown; ?; 0-517-55433-X; ?] "The exact nature of the transformations constitute a major spoiler."7% -42 [Could someone share that spoiler with us? :) -MP] 0 Heinlein, Robert A I Will Fear No Evil 11 [Putnam; 1970; ?] [?] "Rating: 3 Type: M Significance: 0 Description: + Saturation: 0. SF; brain transplant... The story of a wealthy, corrupt industrialist who has his brain transplanted into his secretary's body." -11 0 Heinlein, Robert A Stranger in a Strange Land 15 [Berkley; 1968; 425-02202-150; $1.50] 0 Herbert, FrankChildren of Dune43 [?] 0 Herbert, Frank God-Emperor of Dune 42,43 [?] "The multi-millennium transformation of a boy into a sandworm." -42 "Children of Dune has Leto going into symbiosis with sandtrout to become/get the giant worm-like body of God-Emperor of Dune." -43 0 Herbert, Frank The Godmakers 428 [Berkley; 1978; 0-425-03919-6; $1.95] "The transformation of a man into a god." -42 0 Herbert, Frank; Herbert, Brian Man of Two Worlds 54 ?] "An alien race can shapeshift at will to any form, with mass restrictions--[they] must absorb organic material (i.e. dead mice) to grow. (Important to plot of the story.)" -54 odgell, PC Dark of the Moon 42 87; 0-425-09561-4; $3 "The bad guys are shape-changers. Sequel to the superb 'God Stalk'." -42 - Holt, Tom Expecting Someone Taller//MP Ace; 1990; 0-441-22332-X; $3.95] [Fantasy/humor. The protagonist gets the Tarnhelm, which lets him change shape. The transformation is mostly incidental and played for laughs or a good punch line, and the changes are very straightforward. -MP]9 0 Hoover, H.M. The Delikon 42 [Avon; 1978; 0-380-40980-1; $1.50] "Well written children's sf about an alien child who has been transformed into human appearance to better train human children." -42 ? Huff, Tanya Blood Trail MP [DAW; 1992; 0-88677-502-7; $4.50] [Someone is hunting down werewolves. I haven't read it, so I don't know how much transformation is involved. -MP] 0 Hughes, Robert Don The Prophet of Lamath (and series) 36,39,42,45 [The Forging of the Dragon: Del Rey; 1989; 0-345-33744-1; $3.95] [The Power and the Prophet: Del Rey; 1985; 0-345-30353-9; $2.95] [The Prophet of Lamath: Del Rey; 1985; 0-345-32544-3; $2.95] The Wizard in Waiting: Del Rey; 1982; 0-345-28574-3; $2.75] "...a fantasy series...In that set, only (powerful) wizards can transform themselves and it's a key sign of their power - the shape sometimes comes as a result of some type of pressure or danger." -36 --------------------------------------- I -------------------------------- ? Ionesco, Eugene The Rhinoceros 40 One man resists the fad to turn yourself into a rhinoceros." -40 [Is this a book or a short story? I seem to remember a story by this title, or just "Rhinoceros". -MP] --------------------------------------- J -------------------------------- 0 Jones, Diana Wynne Dogsbody 52,53 [?] "The guardian of the star Sirius is turned into a green-eyed, earthbound puppy in punishment for a crime he didn't commit; he must prove his innocence before his canine lifespan ends, and someone's trying to kill him..." -52 - Jones, Diana Wynne The Magicians of Caprona //42 [?] "Incidental transformation of children into puppets." -42 0 Jones, Neil R.Planet of the Double Sun4240 [?] "Pulp-age adventures of a cyborg." -42 --------------------------------------- K -------------------------------- 0 Kafka, Franz The Metamorphosis 4,13,22,32 [Bantam; 1988; 0-553-21369-5; $4.95] [portions in Shape Shifters] [A traveling salesman is changed into a giant cockroach or something similar. Interesting mental transformation follows the physical one. Will probably be shelved in "literature" instead of sf/fantasy. -MP] + Keyes, Daniel Flowers for Algernon (book and ss) MP// [book: Bantam; 1968; S3339; $0.75] [short story in The Hugo Winners Vol. 1; ed. Asimov, Isaac; Fawcett; 449-01???-095; $0.95; 1973] short story in The Best from F&SF 9; ed. Mills, Robert P.; Doubleday] [Definitely one of the classics. A mentally retarded person's intellect is dramatically increased by an experimental treatment, but the effect diminishes quickly. I found the short story to have more impact0% than the book. -MP] ? Killough, LeeThe Leopard's Daughter (book and ss) MP [book: Questar; 1987; 0-445-20522-9; $2.95] [short story in Isaac Asimov's Fantasy!; ed. McCarthy, Shawna; Dial Press; 0-385-23017-6; $12.95 hardcover; 1985] [The protagonist of the short story is apparently part-leopard somehow, and this is key to the plot, with at least a mental transformation (and possibly a physical one) at the end. I haven't read the book yet, but I'm told it expands on this and has some further transformation. -MP] 0 King, StephenCycle of the WerewolfMP [Signet; 1985; 0-451-82111-4; $8.95 softcover] [A classic werewolf story, well-told, though rather short (128pp). I believe this was part of the basis for the film "Silver Bullet," but don't hold that against it; the screenplay for "Silver Bullet" is much better than the actual movie too. -MP] 0 King, Tabitha Small World TG [?]1 0 Koontz, Dean R. Midnight28 [Berkley; 1989; 0-425-11870-3; $4.95] "A scientist's dream of using a form of nanotechnology to improve humanity goes slightly awry." -28 ? Koontz, Dean A. A Werewolf Among Us MP [?] [I saw this one on a list somewhere, but have never found it, and am wondering if it really exists. -MP] 0 Kubasik, ChrisChangelingMP [ROC; 1992; 0-451-45163-5; $4.50] [Part of the Shadowrun series. The main character has been "goblinized" into a troll, and the book mostly deals with his adjusting to this.] 0 Kurtz, Katherine Deryni series 9 [?] "If you are interested in Paranormal humans, also check [this] out" -9 --------------------------------------- L -------------------------------- 0 Lackey, Mercedes The Oathbound 38,TG [DAW; 1988; 0-88677-414-4; $4.99] "(Other books have a little at times.) One villain (male) is cursed into the appearance of a female. In the course of a deal with a demon, the illusion is made reality. Fantasy." -38 0 Laumer, Keith Time Trap 3,TG [?] "All mind transfers--the hero ends up in a farmhand's body, then inside a horse, then switches bodies with the heroine. (All played for laughs, incidentally.) The book's not fantastic, but not bad either. The transformations take up about three chapters, so they're pretty significant, I guess." -3 0 Laumer, KeithThe World Shuffler3 [?] "The hero ends up switched into the body of a notorious criminal. I don't remember much more than that about it, although he is in that body for most of the book, making it a significant change." -32 0 Le Guin, Ursula K. The Earthsea Trilogy (plus one)20 [A Wizard of Earthsea: Bantam; 1975; 553-02168-150; $1.50] ?] "the second favorite series of my youth" -20 0 Le Guin, Ursula K. The Lathe of Heaven 47 [Avon; 1973; 0-380-43547-0; $2.95] "Transformation of a person? This book is about transformation of the world. When George Orr sleeps the world changes into a new and different place. Doctor Haber induces dreams into George 'for the good of all people' creating strange and bizarre worlds that are not quite as utopian s might be expected." -47 + Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness TG/6,11 [Ace; 1972; 0-441-47812-3; $4.50] "the transformations between the sexes there are more for anthropo- logical reasons: a study of how a genderless society would work." -6 "Rating: 4 Type: B Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: -" -11 + Lee, Tanith Books of the Flat Earth 3/TG/ [Night's Master:?] [Death's Master:? [Delirium's Master:?] Delirium's Mistress:?] Night's Sorceries:?] ...tons of transformations...they range from really minor to pretty important." -3 0 Lee, Tanith The Dragon Hoard3 [?] "a children's book...about a prince who is cursed to change into a raven every day." -3 0 Lee, Tanith Don't Bite the Sun 11,TG [DAW; 1976; UY1221; $1.25] "Rating: 3 Type: M Significance: 0 Description: - Saturation: 0" -11 0 Lee, Tanith Drinking Saphire Wine11,26,TG [DAW; 1977; 0-87997-565-2; $1.75] "SF; Suicide --> New body; 3" -11 Teenagers frequently suicide so they can have new bodies, sometimes designed by themselves. Frequent sex changes, occasional non-human forms." -26 on both of the above: "...I'll just say that I found them weaker than2% 3 the other books I've listed." -3 ? Lee, Tanith LycanthiaMP AW; 1981; 0-87997-610-1; $2.25] [Lycanthropy; not read -MP] ? Lee, Tanith Red as Blood MP [DAW; 1983; 0-87997-790-6; $2.50] [a fairy-tale collection; reviewed in OtherRealms 5.1; not read] 0 Lee, TanithThe Secret Books of Paradys3,TG [Overlook Press; 1990; ?] "...also have one or two strange [transformations]. "-3 [The TG SF list has a long description of this, which I'm leaving out because it sounds like it comes from a review that I don't have permission to include. -MP] - Leiber, Justin Ishmael/Sally Forth (series)/TG/11 [Beyond Rejection: Del Rey; 1980; 0-345-29054-2; $2.25] [Beyond Humanity: Tor; 1987; 0-812-54433-1; $2.95] [Beyond Gravity: Tor; 1988; ?] "Rating: 3 Type: M Significance: - Description: 0 Saturation: -. A questionable one; it really, like 'I Will Fear No Evil,' isn't a4 ransformation story, but they are both related (mental transformations as the result of brain transplants). SF; Mind transfer." -11 0 Lewis, C. S. Till We Have Faces6 [?] "One very good novel that has transformations as the central theme (though not overtly)...a retelling of the Psyche-Cupid myth, from the vantage point of one of the evil sisters" - Lewis, C. S. Voyage of the "Dawn Treader"/43/11 [Collier; 1970; 0-02-044260-2; $2.95] "Rating: 5 Type: B Significance: - Description: - Saturation: -" -11 "One character gets transformed into dragon. (children's book) -43 0 Lichtenberg, Jacqueline Sime/Gen series 42 First Channel (coauthor Lorrah, Jean): Playboy; 1981; 0-872-16772-0; $2.50] House of Zeor: Playboy; 1981; 0-872-16801-8; $2.25] [Unto Zeor, Forever: Playboy; 1980; 0-872-16598-1; $2.25] "Every adolescent goes through a changeover into either an energy vampire or an energy generator. Makes for a tense childhood." -42 ? Lindsay, DavidA Voyage to ArcturusMP [Ballantine; 1974; 345-24681-0-150; $1.50] [Reviewed in OtherRealms 8.2; not read, but the blurb promises "countless physical transformations," among other things... -MP] 0 Lorenzini, Carlo Pinocchio 32 [?] " Carlo Lorenzini (known as 'Collodi'). At the end of the story the puppet Pinocchio becomes a child, and during it Pinocchio and his (its?) friend Licignolo, who are in the _Paese dei belocchi_ (Toyland), are transformed into monkeys. I think Pinocchio is widely translated, so you should find an English version..." -32 --------------------------------------- M -------------------------------- 0 MacAvoy, R. A. The Grey Horse 42 Bantam Spectra; 1987; 0-553-26557-1; $3.95] The protagonist is a kelpie -- a shapechanging sea-horse." -42 5 0 MacAvoy, R. A. Tea with the Black Dragon 42 [Bantam; 1983; 0-553-23205-3; $2.75] "The protagonist is a dragon who has been transformed into a human. No shapechanging takes place in the novel proper. Excellent." -42 0 MacDonald, John D. Wine of the Dreamers 42 [Fawcett; 1951; 449-03263-125; $1.25] "A decadent planet inhabited by voyeurs who get their kicks from taking over the bodies of Earthlings to carry out atrocities." -42 0 Mahy, Margaret The Changeover 42 [?] "Teen fiction about a girl who needs to become a witch in a hurry." -42 + Martin, George R. R. (ed.) Wild Cards series 11/13,TG/ [1: Bantam Spectra; 1987; 0-553-26190-8; $3.95] [2 - Aces Abroad: Bantam Spectra; 1987; 0-553-26464-8; $3.95] 3 - Jokers Wild: Spectra; ?; 0-553-26699-3; $4.50] [4 - Aces Abroad: Spectra; ?; 0-553-27628-X; $4.50] [5 - Down & Dirty: Spectra; ?; 0-553-27463-5; $4.50] 6 - Ace in the Hole: Spectra; ?; 0-553-28253-0; $4.50] [7 - Dead Man's Hand: Spectra; ?; 0-553-28569-X; $4.50] [8 - One-eyed Jacks: Spectra; ?; 0-553-28852-0; $4.50] [9 - Jokertown Shuffle: Spectra; ?; 0-553-29174-2; $4.99] [10 - Double Solitaire: ?] "Rating: 4 Type: B Significance: + Description: + Saturation: +. Basic plot: in 1945, an alien lands on the earth, trying to save ita virus his people intend to release upon the unsuspecting planet. The virus ends up being released anyway over New York City, resulting in death for 90%, horrible mutations for 9%, and superhero-like powers for 1% for those infected." -11 0 Martine-Barnes. Adrienne The Fire Sword, The Crystal Sword 42 [The Fire Sword: Avon; 1984; 0-380-87718-X; $3.75] The Crystal Sword: Avon; 1988; 0-380-75454-1; $3.50] The Rainbow Sword: Avon; 1988; 0-380-75455-X; $3.50] The Sea Sword: Avon; 1989; 0-380-75456-8; $3.50] "A moderate amount of shapechanging occurs in all the books of this6 series, but more in these first two." -42 0 May, Julian Pliocene Saga 36 ?] "one of the (anti)heroes, Marc Remillard, becomes a pure-mind type entity." -36 0 McCaffrey. Anne Dragonriders series 54 [?] "Genetic manipulation was performed on the fire lizards to form the ragons (detailed in Dragonsdawn). (If you've read any of the books, you know that this is crucial to the survival of the planet.)" -54 0 McCaffrey, Anne Restoree42 [?] "A woman kidnapped by space aliens is skinned alive, but winds up with a better body. Straddles the line between sf and bodice-ripper." -42 0 McCammon, Robert The Wolf's Hour 10,11 Pocket; 1989; 0-671-66485-9; $4.95] It's 500+ pages long and god-awful. In my humble opinion, of course." -10 "Horror; lycanthropy; not read" -11 [I've heard better things about this book from the alt.horror readers, but I still haven't gotten around to reading it myself. -MP] 0 McDonald, Ian King of Morning, Queen of Day40 [Bantam Spectra; 1991; 0-553-29049-5; $4.99] "Support characters in the last part get transformed every night. Space Invaders from the game get transformed into real. Etc." -40 0 McElroy, Joseph Plus 40 [?] "A man's brain is the control system for a satellite. It takes a lot of 'literary machismo' to read this book--it's an exploration of a very altered state of consciousness, and not a story per se." -40 0 McIntosh, J. T. Transmigration42,TG [?] "Following his death, the protagonist coinhabits a series of bodies of people he met shortly before that incident." -427 0 McIntyre, Vonda N. Fireflood 42 [?] "A collection of stories placed in a future in which humanity has turned to genetic manipulation for colonization and other purposes. The novel Superluminal (an expansion of the story 'Aztecs') takes place in the same universe." -42 0 McKillip, Patricia Harpist in the Wind 20,36 [Del Rey; 1980; 0-345-27469-5; $2.25] Killip, Patricia Heir of Sea and Fire20,36 Del Rey; 1981; 0-345-28882-3; $2.25] 0 McKillip, Patricia The Riddle-Master of Hed 20,36 [Del Rey; 1980; 0-345-28881-5; $2.25] On all of the above: "the favorite series of my youth" -20 "has a lot of physical shape-changing into various creatures and other forms (tree, wind, etc.). This is one of my all-time favourite sets which I re-read every few years..." -36 ? Michaels, Barbara Sons of the WolfMP [Berkley; 1967; 0-425-11687-5; $3.95] [Lycanthropy; not read -MP] 0 Moorcock, Michael Castle Brass series 54,TG [?] "The second Hawkmoon series. Hawkmoon is transformed into (name forgotten), a female incarnation of the Eternal Champion. Actually, all of his Eternal Champion books could be interpreted this way (Erekase transforms into Hawkmoon into Elric into Jerry Cornelius...)" -54 - Moore, C. L. No Woman Born //11 [?] "Rating: 3 Type: M Significance: 0 Description: - Saturation: -. S; Mechanical body; 3. A woman whose body was destroyed is given a mechanical body." -11 0 Morressy, John A Voice for Princess 42 [?] "A frog-princess needs to be changed back to human." -428 0 Munn, H. Warner Merlin's Godson 20,42 [Del Rey; 1976; 0-345-30499-3; $2.95] 0 Munn, H. Warner Merlin's Ring20,42 [Ballantine; 1975; 345-24010-3-195; $1.95] "Has a woman, the last survivor of Atlantis, who is able to transfer her consciousness from one body to the next. At one part she speaks to Joan of Arc." -20 0 Myers, John Myers Silverlock 18,42,MP [Ace; 1984; 0-441-76674-9; $3.95] "has a character that is turned into an ass by an evil prince who wants the hand of the character's lover in marriage" -18 Silverlock is one of the best fantasies ever written. The 'gimmick', and I don't mean the term perjoratively, is that every character in the book is taken from a literary classic. Read this book, but don't read it for the minor amount of shapeshifting that takes place, since that is simply borrowed from the originals: The episode in which the protagonist is turned into a pig comes from the Odyssey, by Homer, and the incident referred to above comes from The Golden Ass, by Apulius." -429 [The transformation aspects are pretty minor (though explored well enough to save the book from a -), but I agree, the book is a can't-put- downer, more so the more classics you've read previously. -MP] --------------------------------------- N -------------------------------- 0 Naha, Ed Robocop MP [Dell; 1987; 0-440-17479-1; $3.50] [Novelization of the movie. Future street cop gets blown away, pieced back together as a cyborg, with some mental reprogramming as well. -MP] 0 Neville, Kris Bettyann 42 [?] "A pair of alien shapechangers die in an accident, and their apparently human daughter is adopted and raised as human. An expansion of the superb short story of the same title. 0 Niles, Douglas Maztica series (Forgotten Realms) 54 [Ironhelm: TSR; ?; 0-880-38903-6; ?] [Viperhand: TSR; ?; 0-880-38907-9; ?] [Feathered Dragon: TSR; ?; 1-560-76045-1; ?] "Lots of transformation by magic (human <-> eagle; human <-> jaguar); not crucial to plot." -54 [more information in Spoiler Section] 0 Niven, LarryThe Long ARM of Gil HamiltonTG [Ballantine; 1976; ?] 0 Niven, Larry Protector 22,23 [Del Rey; 1981; 0-345-2932-9; $2.25] 0 Niven, Larry The Ringworld Engineers 4 [Ballantine; 1981; 0-345-26009-0; $2.50] "Teela Brown becomes a Pak protector" -4 0 Niven, LarryWorld of Ptavvs23 [Del Rey; 1982; 0-345-30054-8; $2.25] ? Norton, Andre Dare to Go a-HuntingMP [?] [I have it marked as "transformation" in my files; I don't own the book, so I have no idea why. :) -MP] 0 Norton, Andre Dread Companion 4250 awcett; 1980; 0-449-24321-4; $1.95] 0 Norton, Andre; Lackey, Mercedes The Elvenbane28 [?] "Has a race of shapechanging dragons in it. (Not yet read.)" -28 0 Norton, AndreExiles of the Stars 28 Ace; 1972; 441-22365-095; $0.95] "[sequel to Moon of Three Rings;] Both are good solid Andre Norton books." -28 ? Norton, AndreFlight in Yiktor MP TOR; 1986; 0-812-54721-7; $2.95] [Like Dare to Go a-Hunting, it's marked as "transformation" in my files, but I don't know why. -MP] 0 Norton, Andre Fur Magic MP [Pocket; 1978; 0-671-29902-6; $1.50] [in The Magic Books; Signet; 1988; 0-451-15232-8; $3.95] [Boy winds up in a sort of alternate world based on Native American mythology, changed into a beaver in the process. -MP] 0 Norton, Andre Horn Crown 24 [DAW; 1981; 0-87997-635-7; $2.95] 0 Norton, Andre Jargoon Pard 21 [Fawcett; 1975; 449-02657-150; $1.50] 0 Norton, Andre Moon of Three Rings7,28 Ace; 1987; 0-441-53900-9; $2.95] about a man who intervenes in the destruction of an animal and is killed by the 'owner'. A witch transfers his essence into the animal. They search for a human(esque) body for him before he becomes the animal for real. The story is told from three different perspectives." -27 0 Norton, Andre Steel Magic24 [?] in The Magic Books; 1988; 0-451-15232-8; $3.95] 0 Norton, Andre Victory on Janus 24 [Ace; 1966; 441-86323-150; $1.50] "there is also a prequel to this but I don't remember the name of it" -24 0 Norton, Andre Warlock of the Witch World 42 [Tandem; 1967; 4260-5047-9; $2.50] "The hero's sister is changed into monster." -42 Year of the Unicorn1,24 Ace; 1979; 0-441-94254-7; $11 --------------------------------------- O -------------------------------- 0 O'Keefe, Claudia Black Snow Days56,TG [Ace; 1990; 0-441-06689-5; $3.95] [see Spoiler Section for more info] - Ore, Rebecca Becoming Alien //42 [Tor; 1988; 0-812-54794-2; $3.50] "Except for minor surgery, this is mostly a matter of attitude transformation." -42 0 Orr, A. World in Amber3 [?] "...a kind of fable about a royal family who find out how to run their own lives better. There's three parts, one for each member of the family. In the middle section, the queen is changed into a cat, so that she can see what people really think of her. It was a pretty good book, and actually not very preachy (although my little summary may make it seem a little so)." -32 0 Ovid Metamorphoses 16 [?] "This work was composed around the first century A.D., and was written as a sort of history of the world according to (Greek-influenced) Roman mythology. To give coherence to what was essentially a collection of short tales, Ovid chose those stories with the common theme of transformation of people or things into something else. Thus, the title..." -16 --------------------------------------- P -------------------------------- 0 Palmer, David R. Threshold 42,MP Bantam Spectra; 1986; 0-553-24878-2; $2.95] The protagonist finds himself on a world of monsters, and survives by tailor-transforming himself into worse monsters. Hard to believe that the author of Emergence could write such a bad book." -42 [I'm glad to hear that someone else agrees with me on this one... Emergence was one of the top five books I've ever read, and after about fifty pages of Threshold I came to the conclusion that the cover must be% a misprint--these two books couldn't possibly be by the same person. I must admit there's quite a bit of shapechanging, though. -MP] 0 Peirce, Hayford Phylum Monsters 11,TG [TOR; 1989; 0-812-54894-9; $3.95] "Rating: 2; Type: M; Significance: 0; Description: 0; Saturation: -. The story of a successful middle-aged body designer who, over the course of too few pages to make sense, is sued, hunted, made the emancipator-to- be of the Martians, and has his mind moved into a famous singer's body." -11 0 Phillifent, John T. King of Argent42 "A couple is bioengineered for a mineral-rich world." -42 0 Piserchia, Doris Spaceling 42,MP [DAW; 1978; 0-87997-460-5; $1.75] "A delightful novel about a somewhat delinquent juvenile who has the ability to transport herself into alternate dimensions. Part of the ability is a transformation into a life-form that can survive on whatever world she finds herself."3 [This is indeed the novel I was thinking of, where this dimension- hopping is through rings that only certain individuals can see and use. One of the favorite novels from my childhood. -MP] + Pohl, Frederik Man Plus MP,55// [Bantam Spectra; 1986; 0-553-26064-2; $3.50] [Another classic. A man's body is surgically altered radically to let him survive on Mars. -MP] "One of the best novels on the transformation from 'man' to 'not-man'. It really gets into the psychological effects of the change." -55 + Powers, Tim The Anubis Gates30// [Ace; 1983; 0-441-02382-7; $4.95] "One of the bad guys, in an attempt to revive the long-dead Egyptian gods, gets in over his head and is slapped with the "mark" of Anubis, the jackal god -- i.e., he begins to turn into one. He finds the gradual physical changes very annoying, but being a resourceful sorcerer he devises a way of 'swapping souls' with other people. The catch is, the curse follows his soul; the net result is that after a few weeks, when he is really starting to look unhuman, he 'swaps' with an innocent person.3% 4 He gets a new body, and the other person is left in the body of a were- jackal. Of course, he usually sees to it that the body he leaves does not hold out for very long... After a few weeks, he's messed up his new body and has to do the whole thing again. Besides being an interesting concept, Powers turns it into a powerful plot device which he employs in pulling off massive coups on the reader. Made for some really good plot twisting, and since the book is primarily a time-travel story it also lent itself to some interesting paradoxes. I highly recommend it." -30 0 Powers, Tim Last Call TG [William Morrow; 1992; ?] 0 Pratchett, Terry Discworld seri50 The Colour of Magic: Signet; 1985; 0-451-13577-6; $2.95] [Guards! Guards!: ROC; 1991; 0-451-45089-2; $4.99] [The Light Fantastic: Signet; 1988; 0-451-15297-2; $3.50] [Mort: Signet; ?] [Moving Pictures: ROC; 1992; 0-451-45131-7; $4.99] [Pyramids: ROC; 1989; 0-451-45044-2; $4.95] [Reaper Man: ROC; 1992; 0-451-45168-6; $4.99] [Sourcery: Signet; 1989; 0-451-16233-1; $3.95] [Wyrd Sisters: ROC; 1990; 0-451-45012-4; $4.95] "Incidental transformations are scattered throughout most of the books. A recurring character is the Librarian of Wizard's University who was transformed into an orangutan and decided not to change back." -50 0 Pratchett, Terry; Gaiman, Neil Good Omens 50 [Workman; ?; 0-89480-853-2; $18.95 hardback] [softcover?] "An angel and a devil both in the guise of respectable businessmen, and a cute little, raggedy-haired mutt that's really a hellhound put into this undignified form by the misguided preconceptions of an eight year old antichrist." -50 + Preiss, Byron The Ultimate Werewolf (anthology) MP/28/ Dell; 1991; 0-440-50354-X; $10.00 softcover] [Has 20 lycanthropy-related stories in it, including some real classics in the field. Many of the stories are listed elsewhere in this file. Note that Byron Preiss' name is not on the cover; Harlan Ellison is the first author listed there, so you may find this book filed under "Ellison" in an alphabetical-by-author collection. It's very much worth% 5 seeking out. -MP] 0 Price, E. Hoffman The Devil Wives of Li Fong 42 [?] "A pair of spirits take human form and find themselves a husband." -42 + Pronzini, Bill Werewolf! (anthology) MP/28/ Harper & Row; 1980; 0-06-080504-8; $2.25 paperback; also printed by SFBC, though out-of-print there] "Some very good ones in it." -28 [Contains 13 good-to-very-good stories, mostly of much older vintage than those in The Ultimate Werewolf. The two together make an extremely interesting comparison. -MP] *Transformation Stories List, Version 8: Part 3 of 4 (Books Q-Z and Spoilers)* Author Title Mentioned by(+/0/-) - ------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------- --------------------------------------- Q -------------------------------- 0 Quinn, Seabury Alien FleshTG [?] --------------------------------------- R -------------------------------- 0 Rackham, JohnTime to Live42 [?] "A man wakes up in the wrong body." -42 0 Reaves, Michael The Shattered World4,19,MP [Baen; 1985; 0-671-55951-6; $3.50] "Main character becomes a bear" -4 "...a fantasy novel with an interesting twist. It is one of the truly 'original' books I have read recently. There is a fair amount of shape changing both voluntary, and involuntary in it." -19 [The protagonist is a sort of cursed version of a werebear, but the longer he stays in bear form the more bearlike he acts and thinks, and the longer he stays human the harder it is to control the bear when he eventually changes into it. -MP]6 0 Reeves-Stevens, Judith & Garfield Chronicles of Galen Sword: Shifter 28 [Roc; 1990; 0-451-45018-3; $3.95] " " Nightfeeder 28 [?] "One of the assistants to the hero is a half-breed werewolf, and the first book pits him against a whole clan of shapechangers." -28 ? Reynolds, G.W.M. Wagner, the Wehr-WolfMP [?] [Lycanthropy; not read. -MP] - Rice, Anne Cry to Heaven //36 [?] "set in Renaissance Italy where the hero is forced into becoming a 'castrati' and uses that for revenge. I suppose that one qualifies ;)" -36 [Marginally, yes. :) -MP] 0 Rice, Anne Interview with a Vampire36 [Ballantine; 1989; 0-345-33766-2; $5.95] 0 Rice, Anne Queen of the Damned36 [?] 0 Rice, Anne Vampire Lestat36 [Ballantine; 1989; 0-345-31386-0; $5.95] 0 Roberson, Jennifer Chronicles of the Cheysuli series 9,20,42 [1: Shape-Changers; DAW; 1984; 0-88677-140-4; $2.95] [2: The Song of Homana;DAW; 1985; 0-88677-317-2; $3.95] [3: Legacy of the Sword; DAW; 1986; 0-88677-316-4; $3.95] 4: Track of the White Wolf; DAW; 1987; 0-88677-193-5; $3.50] [5: A Price of Princes; DAW; 1988; 0-88677-261-3; $3.95] [6: Daughter of the Lion; DAW; 1989; 0-88677-324-5; $3.95] [7: Flight of the Raven; DAW; 1990; 0-88677-422-5; $4.95] on all above: "quite good, but not fantastic" -9 - Robinson, Spider Callahan's Lady /TG/11,MP [Ace; 1990; 0-441-09072-9; $3.95]] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: - Description: - Saturation: -. S; Werebeagle. Has a werebeagle as a minor character." -11 [I liked this book very much (though the sexual content may turn some6% 7 folks off), but the shapechanging is totally incidental. -MP] 0 Robinson, Spider; Robinson, Jeanne Stardance 42 ?] "The book ends with the transformation of the protagonists into a space-dwelling life-form. There's a sequel." -42 0 Rohan, Michael S. The Anvil of Ice 45 Avon; 1989; 0-380-70547-8; $3.50] 0 Rohan, Michael S. The Forge in the Forest 45 Futura; 1989; 0-7088-8254-4; $3.50] 0 Rohan, Michael S. The Hammer of the Sun 45 Avon; 1990; 0-380-70549-4; $3.95] O3 above: "The mastersmith of the story forges the Tarnhelm, the helmet with which the user can change his shape. I liked this trilogy-- perhaps because it uses quite a lot of Finnish mythos at its background. :-)" -45 0 Rosenberg, Joel Guardians of the Flame series 54 [?] "Characters transformed when they jump between worlds." -54 - Roth, Philip The Breast//11 Rating: 2 Type: B Significance: 0 Description: - Saturation: -. Another questionable one; it is not 'fantastic fiction' of any sort, and isn't worth seeking out in any case, but does involve a transformation." -11 ucker, Rudy Master of Space and Time22,TG Baen; 1985; 0-671-55997-4; $2.95] "whimsical fancy, mainly, with some wish-list body changes" -22 - Rucker, Rudy Software /44/11 [?] "Rating: 4 Type: M Significance: - Description: 0 Saturation: -" -11 "...has a person moved into a computer and he then has a body that can be made into any shape." -44 - Rucker, RudyWetware/44/11 [Avon; 0-380-70178-2; $3.50] "Rating: 3 Type: B Significance: - Description: 0 Saturation: -. The7% 8 transformations here are more interesting than those in Software, but do not justify seeking the novel out for them alone. The drug merge allows people (and other beings) to temporarily merge together. Longer mergings can cause a blending of the participants." -11 ...has a drug that temporarily melts bodies (I think it had some curious side-effects as well). Both books [this and Software] are better than Master of Space and Time." -44 0 Rusch, Kristine K.; Anderson, Kevin J. Afterimage 58 [ROC; ?; 0-451-45175-9; $4.99] Synopsis: Woman is raped, beaten, and burned. She is saved by 'darklings' who lived in redwood forest, One of them changed her to save her. She is changed into the image of her rapist. These "darklings" are sort of like faeries. They shapechanged every time someone is killed in the forest and they are within range. They shapechange within the same sex. The execption was the human who was changed from female to male." -58 "The cover reads 'Marooned in the body of a mysterious psycho. A woman must use magic to bring a serial killer to justice." -599 --------------------------------------- S -------------------------------- 0 Saberhagen, Fred Dracula series 42 [?] "These books tell Dracula's side of the story, and later other stories featuring the same vampire." -42 ? Sackett, Jeffrey Mark of the WerewolfMP [Bantam; 1990; 0-553-28450-9; $3.95] [Lycanthropy; not read; reviewed in OtherRealms 27.04 -MP] ? Sarrantonio, Al Moonbane MP [Bantam Spectra; 1989; 0-553-28186-0; $3.95] [Lycanthropy; not read -MP] + Scarborough, ElizabethGold Camp Vampire50// [?] "The title speaks for itself." -50 0 Schmitz, James H. The Lion Game 42 [DAW; 1973; 451-UQ1038-095; $.95] "The bad guys belong to a race that undergoes metamorphosis." -42 0 Scott, Jody I, Vampire 43 [?] 0 Scott, JodyPassing for Human43 [DAW; 1977; 0-87997-330-7; $1.50] On both of the above: "...feature aliens (and the occasional human) who change bodies." -43 0 Shakespeare, Wm. A Midsummer Night's Dream40 ?] "Bottom gets turned into a donkey at one point." -40 0 Shaw, Frederick L. Envoy to the Dog Star42 [?] "Brain transplant. The narrator/protagonist is a dog." -42 0 Sheckley, Robert Mindswap34 [Grafton; 1986; 0-586-06695-0; $3.95] 0 Sheffield, Charles Proteus Unbound 13 [Del Rey; 1989; 0-345-34434-0; $3.95] 0 Sheffield, Charles Sight of Proteus5,13,TG Del Rey; 1989; 0-345-34433-2; $3.95] "This book is ok, better if you like Sheffield. You might have a hard time finding it though. I rarely see any of his older stuff around." -5 "...about a society in which 'form-change' is common technology." -13 [A short story "Legacy," on which Sight of Proteus was based, is in Changes. -MP] 0 Shirley, JohnA Splendid ChaosTG [Franklin-Watts; 1988; ?] 0 Silverberg, Robert Lord Valentine's Castle1,42 Bantam; 1980; 0-553014428-6; $2.95] An excellent book, but the personality transfers, though crucial for motivating the plot, are peripheral to the story." -4260 "Lord Valentine's Castle has more shape-shifting than the original poster [Dani Zwieg, #42 -MP] mentioned--there was a native race on the planet called the Shape-Shifters, and they played a large role later." -41 0 Silverberg, Robert Son of Man (After Man)11 [Warner; 1987; 0-446-34511-3; $3.95] "Rating: 2 Type: B Significance: 0 Description: 0 Saturation: -. S; Advanced humans. A modern man, transported into the far future, undergoes a few changes over the course of this rather odd book." -11 0 Silverberg, Robert Thorns 43 [Del Rey; 1967; 0-345-27968-9; $1.95] "One of the protagonists is an astronaut whose body has been altered by aliens to make it more efficient, but grotesque." -43 0 Simak, Clifford City 42 [Ace; 1952; 441-10624-175; $1.75] "One of the classics of science fiction. This collection of connected stories features the mass transformation of the human race into Jovian monsters, but that's peripheral to the story." -42 0 Simak, Clifford They Walked Like Men 411 [Manor; 1962; 532-95390-095; $.95] 0 Simak, Clifford The Werewolf Principle 24,36 [DAW; 1982; 0-87997-708-6; $2.50] "This was one I fondly remember from my youth. Turns out that the hero has the capability to turn into several different life-forms. Much of the story is about him trying to find out why he has this capability." -36 0 Simmons, Dan Hyperion 40 [Bantam Spectra; 1990; 0-553-28368-5; $4.95] 0 Simmons, Dan Fall of Hyperion 40 [?] "Genetic takeover plays a bit role. But what a role!" -40 0 Simmons, DanSong of Kali40 [TOR; 1985; 0-812-51592-7; $4.99] "Extreme horror with ambiguous transformations along the way." -40 - Smith, Cordwainer Norstrilia //42 [Ballantine; 1975; 345-24366-8-150; $1.50] "The protagonist has himself surgically disguised as a genetically constructed cat person. One of the great sf novels, though it's really not about transformation." -42 0 Smith, Thorne The Stray Lamb 37 [?] "had a man changing into various creatures (against his will, of course)" -37 0 Smith, ThorneTurnabout37,TG [?] "[had] a wife and husband getting trapped in each other's bodies... (later made into a Hal Roach movie and a short-lived TV series)" -37 0 Snider, Midori(sp?) The Soulstring 38 [Ace; 1987; 0-441-77591-8; $2.95] "A major character gets transformed (by magic) into a stag. Nearly loses identity. Not bad, not spectacular. Fantasy." -38 + Somtow, S.P. Moon DanceMP/36/ Tor; ?; 0-312-93203-0(?); $24.95 hardback] [paperback: ?]2 "some people really like this one, I was ambivalent. The basic idea: what happens when the European werewolves decide to migrate to North America's West and run into the native werewolves." -36 [I'm one of the ones who really liked this one; it's one of the very few books I took the time to find in autographed hardback. I'm thinking about buying it again in paperback so I can read it to death without damaging the hardback... Great stuff. -MP] 0 Somtow, S.P. Vampire Junction6 ? Springer, Nancy several books and stories 20 [The Black Beast: Pocket; 1982; 0-671-44117-5; $2.50] [The Golden Swan: Pocket; 1983; 0-671-45253-3; $2.50] Mindbond: TOR; 1987; 0-812-55492-2; $2.95] [The Sable Moon: Pocket; 1981; 0-671-83157-7; $2.50] [The Silver Sun: Pocket; 1980; 0-671-83496-7; $2.50] [The White Hart: Pocket; 1979; 0-671-83148-8; $2.25] [Can someone verify which of these stories have transformation? -MP] ? Stallman, Robert Beast trilogyMP [The Orphan: Pocket; 1980; 0-671-82958-0; $2.25] [The Captive: Pocket; 1981; 0-671-41382-1; $2.50] [The Beast: Pocket; 1982; 0-671-41383-X; $2.50] + Stapledon, Olaf The First and Last Men 42// [?] "One of the great sf classics. The transformation is on the grandest of scales, as the human race keeps redesigning itself over billions of years." -42 ? Stasheff, Christopher Her Majesty's Wizard MP Del Rey; 1989; 0-345-27456-3; $4.95] [One of the characters is a werewolf; it's been too long since I read it for me to remember how important this was to the story. -MP] 0 Stevenson, R. L. Dr. jeckyll and Mr. Hyde 15 [?] 0 Stine, Hank Season of the WitchTG3 ?] 0 Stoker, Bram Dracula 42 [?] + Strieber, Whitley The WildMP// [TOR; ?; 0-812-51277-4; $5.95] [An extremely good man-into-wolf novel, with a great deal of attention paid to the physical and mental aspects of the change and of life as a wolf. What _The Metamorphosis_ would be if done in the 90's by a horror writer. A must-read, if you won't be off-put by the graphic violence and animal sex. -MP] --------------------------------------- T -------------------------------- 0 Tarr, JudithA Wind in Cairo42 [Bantam Spectra; 1989; 0-553-27609-3; $3.95] "Light-weight fantasy about a man changed into a horse." -42 0 Tepper, SheriGrass 47 "A race of aliens living on a planet in the far future, their passage through life consists of several transformations. They start of as white crawly things called peepers which don't have much intelligence, move up to the Hippae, a bunch of relatively intelligent horselike creatures, and eventually metamorphose into the Foxen. Unfortunately something has gone wrong with the system, the Hippae who are the vicious adolescent stage, is not progressing to the Foxen stage. The lead character of the story has to puzzle out the world to save humanity (which is dying of a mysterious plague)." -47 0 Tepper, Sheri Marianne, The Magus, and the Manticore 28 [Ace; 1985; 0-441-51944-X; $2.95] 0 Tepper, Sheri Marianne, The Madame, and the Momentary Gods28 [Ace; 1988; 0-441-51962-8; $2.95] 0 Tepper, Sheri Marianne, The Matchbox, and the Malachite Mouse 28 [Ace; 1989; 0-441-51964-4; $3.50] For all 3 above: "These three books all have the main action set in4 shadow worlds created as traps, beings going there find themselves bound in forms that fit the local rules." -28 0 Tepper, Sheri Mavin Manyshaped trilogy 28,38,42,47 [The Song/Flight/Search of Mavin Manyshaped] [?] "...tell the story of Peter's mother Mavin Manyshaped, her origin and history." -28 "It's about the life of a shape shifter in the land of the true game. Beautiful book. Tepper always has interesting ideas. A good book 3." -47 The Revenants 28 [?] "This is a very strange and unusual book, but one of the protagonists is a person who shifts between male and female. This one was actually Tepper's first book but was published fourth, after the first three books of the true game." -28 True Game trilogy 28,38,42,47 [King's Blood Four, Necromancer Nine, Wizard's Eleven] ?] " with Peter Mavin's son and the truly shifty things he got into 5 For of course he being a shifter could not but cause trouble." -28 "The sequel to the Mavin Manyshaped chronicles about her daughter, who is also a shapeshifter. Brilliant book, my first Sheri S. Tepper book and fell instantly in love with her works. Rating 5." -47 - Tepper, SheriJinian Footseer trilogy/38,42/11,28 [Jinian Footseer: ?] [Dervish Daughter: ?] [Jinian Star-eye: TOR; 0-812-55614-3; $2.95] on Jinian Star-eye: "Rating: 3 Type: B Significance: - Description: 0 Saturation: -" -11 on all 3: " less with shifters and more with the powers of wizards but since Peter and Mavin both figure in the last three books they are included." -28 On all 9 of the above books: "In the books shifters are shapechangers capable of changing form from as small as a dog to as large as they can gain the bulk for." -28 "Two of the main characters of this tri-trilogy are shapeshifters-- able to take on a wide range of forms at will. (They are, however, restricted by mass--cannot reduce, can absorb more if needed.) Others in the world have this power, or others. Fantasy (mostly)." -38 "...all of which take place in the same world. Good stuff." -42 ? Thomas, Elizabeth Reindeer Moon MP [Pocket; 1988; 0-671-64886-1; $4.50] [A Clan of the Cave Bear-like book, supposedly involving transformation; not read.] 0 Tolkien, J. R. R. The Lord of the Rings series4 [The Hobbit: Ballantine; 1976; 0-345-25342-6; $1.95] [The Fellowship of the Ring: Ballantine; 1977; 0-345-27258-7; $2.50] [The Two Towers: Ballantine; 1978; 0-345-27259-5; $2.50] [The Return of the King: Ballantine; 1978; 0-345-27260-9; $2.50] "and, of course, there's always Gollum from LOTR" -4 [Can someone knowledgeable of the series tell us which book this appears in? -MP] - Turtledove, Harry Noninterference //42 [?] "An unauthorized medical treatment inadvertently makes the subject immortal. Does that count as a transformation?" -426 [Kinda, yes. -MP] --------------------------------------- U -------------------------------- --------------------------------------- V -------------------------------- 0 Van Scyoc, Sydney J Darkchild trilogy42 [?] "Certain members of a race have the ability to acquire tremendous powers. Unfortunately, it requires deadly danger to find out. Excellent reading." -42 0 Van Scyoc, Sydney J Starmother 42 [?] "A planet on which babies can be molded into duplicates of their caretakers." -42 0 van Vogt, A. E. The Beast 42 Manor; 1972; 532-00479-075; $0.75] accident turns a man into a superman." -42 0 van Vogt, A. E. The Man With a Thousand Names TG [DAW; 1974; ?] 0 van Vogt, A. E. The Mind Cage42 [?] "Personality transfer and musical bodies." -42 0 van Vogt, A. E. Supermind 14 [?] "...not one of his best books, especially since it combines some short stories into a kind of novels, but it describes a quite impressive mental transformation in lots of details. It is short and readable, unless you have an allergy to Van Vogt... I liked it, even though I'm aware of its shortcomings." -14 ? van Vogt, A. E. The War Against the RullMP Ace; 1959; 441-87180-075; $.75] [As I recall, the Rull are shapechangers, able to assume any form. Now, of course, I can't figure out where I put the book, so I can't check. :) -MP] 0 Vance, Steve The Hyde Effect 11 [Leisure; 1986; 0-8439-2360-1; $3.95] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: -, H;7 Lycanthropy. Rather a different werewolf tale--very horrific." -11 0 Vance, Steve Shapes 28 Leisure; 1991; 0-8431-3017-9; $4.50] This book also explores the nature of the shapeshifter, but from a more scientific approach. It has some interesting ideas regarding werewolves and their cause." 28 0 Varley, John several books 38 "One major 'universe' has the technology for extensive physical modification of humans. 'Options' is particularly good, exploring the effects of (fully functional, reversible) sex-change technology on family structure." -38 ['Options' is on the short-stories list. -MP] - Varley, John The Ophiuchi Hotline /42/TG [Dell; 1978; ?] "A future in which bodies are made to order, and changed at will." -42 0 Varley, JohnTitan trilogy38,42,44 [Titan: Berkley; 1980; 0-425-04468-8; $2.25] Wizard: Berkley; 1983; 0-425-06427-1; $2.95] [Demon: ?] " Another universe (Titan, Wizard, Demon) has a huge, intelligent orbital space colony with the ability to alter and create life-forms." -38 A space-exploration crew undergoes various transformations on an intelligent, but insane, worldlet." -42 - Vinge, Joan D.Ladyhawke//42 [?] "A novelization of the movie. Not recommended." -42 [For those who haven't seen the movie, it involves a cursed couple; the man turns into a wolf by night, and the woman into a hawk by day. Thus making the relationship somewhat difficult. -MP] + Vonarburg, Elizabeth Silent City TG// ?] --------------------------------------- W -------------------------------- 0 Wallace, Ian Croyd 42,TG Berkley; 1967; X1616; $.50]8 Personality transfer." -42 - Wallace, Ian The Lucifer Comet //42 [DAW; 1980; 0-87997-581-4; $2.25] Incidental transformation when one of the protagonists turns another o a Neanderthal." -42 ? Weaver, Michael D. Wolf-DreamsMP Avon; 1987; 0-380-75198-4; $2.95] [Lycanthropy; not read. -MP] 0 Weinberg, Robert The Devil's Auction 11 [Leisure; 1988; 0-8439-2997-9; $3.95] "Rating: 4 Type: L Significance: 0 Description: 0 Saturation: 0. H; Lycanthropy. The story itself is about an auction of perhaps the most powerful magic item on the Earth. One of the more involved minor characters is a werewolf." -11 0 Weis, Margaret; Hickman, Tracy Darksword series3 ?] The cleric (Saryon rings a bell, but I could be wrong) gets turned into stone." -43 [And does he do anything interesting afterward? :) -MP] 0 Wells, H. G. Food of the Gods22 [?] "advanced foodstuffs make superhuman giants" -22 0 Wheeler, Scott Matters of Form28 [DAW; 1987; 0-88677-225-7; $2.95] "Uses a very advanced genetic virus to induce shapechanging." -28 0 White, T.H. The Book of Merlyn 20 [Berkley; 1977; 0-425-03826-2; $2.25] 0 White, T.H. The Once and Future King 20 [Ace; 1985; 0-441-62740-4; $5.50] - Wilhelm, Kate Where Late The Sweet Birds Sang//50 [Pocket; 1977; 0-671-80912-1; $1.75] "I'm not sure this is appropriate for 'transformation' but: Using9 cloning techniques, rather than preserve the human race as intended, the resulting humans are transformed into a somewhat different species with radically different mental and emotional makeups and capabilities." -50 0 Williams, Walter J Hardwired42 [Tor; 1987; 0-812-55796-4; $3.50] "Cyborg enhancements. But that's true of most cyberpunk or related books. A good read." -42 0 Williams, Tad Memory, Sorrow and Thorn trilogy 45 [The Dragonbone Chair: DAW; SFBC] [Stone of Farewell: DAW; SFBC] "In the second book, the evil priest of the story learns the Words of Changing. The third book hasn't come out yet. REALLY good (IMHO, of course)." -45 0 Williamson, Jack Darker Than You Think 3,15,22,31,42 Dell; 1979; 0-440-11746-1; $1.95] if you can find it, [it's] very good." -3 "an SF horror about werewolves in space " -31 "...And it is very good." -42 0 Wodehouse, P. G. Laughing Gas3 [?] "A pretty funny novel about an Englishman who switches bodies with a boy movie star while under the influence of a dentist's anesthetic. The switch is the whole reason for the novel, so I guess it fits the saturation quotient." -3 0 Wolfe, Gene Book of the New Sun 2 ?] "One of the best sf/f ever written. Some transformation, including a robot trapped in humanoid form, but it's not central." -42 ? Wolfe, Gene Castleview MP [TOR; 1990; 0-812-50625-1; $4.95] [Reviewed in OtherRealms 28.16; may have some transformation, but not read. -MP] + Woods, Jack Wolffile 11//70 [Pageant; 1988; 0-517-00043-1; $3.50] Rating: 2 Type: L Significance: 0 Description: + Saturation: +. H; lycanthropy" -11 + Woolf, Virginia Orlando49// [Granada; 0-586-04448-5; 1977] "a fictional 'biography' spanning four centuries and many of the royal courts of Europe, featuring an abrupt sexual transformation in the middle of it. Rather satirical, it's one of Virginia Woolf's most famous novels." -49 0 Wrede, Patricia C. Snow White and Rose RedMP [TOR; 1990; 0-812-55825-1; $3.95] [Part of the Fairy Tales series. One character is turned into a bear. -MP] --------------------------------------- X -------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Y -------------------------------- 1 0 Yarbro, Chelsea Q. A Baroque Fable 42 [Berkley; 1986; 0-425-09081-7; $3.50] "An amusing fantasy featuring a dragon-slaying prince trying to kill a maiden who has been transformed into a pint-sized dragon." -42 [Any book that comes with sheet music in the back can't be all bad. Also, Chuq von Rospach gave this book a ****+ out of 5 stars. -MP] - Yarbro, Chelsea Q. The Palace /21/42 [?] - Yarbro, Chelsea Q. Path of the Eclipse/21/42 [?] "...writes about a vampire who transforms,...but skirts gingerly around exactly what Saint Germain transforms into....beast, wolf..." -21 "These don't belong on the list. Yarbro's vampires -- in the St Germaine stories and in the Olivia stories -- undergo no transformations beyond their transformation into vampires, upon death." -42 [I'll eliminate these from the list if someone else tells me they don't belong. -MP] + Yolen, Jane (ed.) Shape Shifters (anthology)MP// [Clarion Seabury; 1978; 0-8164-3212-0; $8.95 hardcover] [A dozen fair-to-excellent transformation stories, listed elsewhere -MP] + Yolen, Jane (ed.); Greenberg, Martin (ed.) Werewolves (anthology) MP// [Harper & Row; 1988; 0-06-026798-4; $13.95 hardcover] [A quite good collection of werewolf stories. -MP] --------------------------------------- Z -------------------------------- 0 Zahn, Timothy The Blackcollar 22 [?] 0 Zahn, Timothy Cobra 22 [?] (on both of the above) "again, military enhancements" -2 ? Zelazny, Roger (title unknown)24 "has a lycanthropy one, but no name comes to mind other than I know it has nothing to do with Amber..." -242 0 Zelazny, Roger The Amber Novels 4 [Nine Princes in Amber: Avon; 1972; 0-380-01430-0; $2.25] [The Guns of Avalon: Avon; 1974; 0-380-00083-0; $2.25] [Sign of the Unicorn: Avon; 1976; 0-380-00831-9; $2.50] [The Hand of Oberon: Avon; 1977; 0-380-01664-8; $1.50] [The Courts of Chaos: Avon; 1979; 0-380-47175-2; $2.25] Trumps of Doom: ?] [Blood of Amber: ?] [Sign of Chaos: Avon; 1988; 0-380-89367-0; $3.50] [Knight of Shadows: Avon; 1990; 0-380-75501-7; $3.95] "the shape change abilities of the chaos lords" -4 0 Zelazny, RogerDream MasterMP Baen; 1990; 0-671-69874-5; $3.50] [A therapist uses a device to share and shape the dreams of his patients. He uses it to show a blind woman what it's like to see, but her strong will sometimes overpowers his and controls the dream instead.] 0 Zelazny, RogerLord of Light11 [Avon; 1967; 380-00187-095; $.95] SF; body-swapping; not read" -11 0 Zelazny, Roger This Immortal 50 [Baen; 1989; 0-671-69848-6; $3.95] "This may be the title Sam Bullard couldn't remember for you list. It's been a long time since I read it, but I seem to remember that much of humanity had transformed through radioactive mutation into all manner of legendary beastie; wolfmen (though not true lycanthropes), centaurs, satyrs, etc." -50 0 Zindell, David Neverness11 Bantam Spectra; 1989; 0-553-27903-3; $4.95] "SF; Genetic manipulation; not read" -11 THE LIST (SPOILER SECTION) The remainder of this file contains "spoiler" information. Proceed at your own risk and expense. All the ratings, publication info, and non-spoiler comments are in the regular section. If you're not interested in spoilers, stop reading this section now. The next and final section contains info on short stories. Author Title -------------------- ------------------------------------ 3 S Awlinson, Richard Avatar series (Forgotten Realms) S "Characters turn into gods at the end of the series." -54 S S Baum, L. Frank The Land of Oz S "Major spoiler: The ruler of Oz is transformed into a boy." -42 S S Busby, F. M. The Breeds of Man S "...The children produced to be resistant to the cause of the declining S birth rates turn out to be cyclic hermaphrodites." -11 S S Clement, Hal Circle of Fire S "A classic of hard sf about a world apparently inhabited by two S intelligent life forms. Major spoiler: They turn out to be alternating S generations of the same species. Thought provoking. Again, I don't know S whether it's on topic." -42 S Donaldson, Stephen Mythical Beast S "The story of a man who suddenly and inexplicably starts to transform S into a unicorn." -11 S Gunnarsson, S Thorarinn Make Way for Dragons! [At the end of the book, the human wizard is changed into a dragon and S goes to live with the good dragons in their world. -MP] S Niles, DouglasMaztica series (Forgotten Realms) S "Gods transform their worshippers into monsters (i.e. orcs, trolls). A very minor spoiler. Crucial to the plot; this is how the enemy army is uilt." -54 S O'Keefe, Claudia Black Snow Days The book is about this guy who is in coma for 12 years after an accident. He is enhanced with cybernetic implants to survive in the nuclear winter and to help save ordinary people. He is basically the modern-day messiah who has trouble coping with his superhumanity." -56 This final section contains all the information on short stories, including spoilers (which are at the very end of the file). For an explanation of this list, and for the info on books, please see the previous3% 4 three sections. * * Transformation Stories List, Version 8: Part 4 of 4 (Short Stories) * * Author Title Mentioned by(+/0/-) - ------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------- --------------------------------------- A -------------------------------- 0 Aickman, Robert Ringing the Changes MP [in Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy 10: Ghosts; eds. Asimov, Greenberg and Waugh; Signet; 1988; 0-451-15723-0; $4.50] [Mind-swapping. -MP] 0 Aldiss, Brian Better Morphosis MP [in Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1991] [Kafka's Metamorphosis, only in reverse; the cockroach transforms into Kafka. -MP] 0 Aldiss, Brian Full Sun MP [in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [Werewolf vs. man vs. machine. -MP] + Aldridge, RayHyena EyesMP// [in Fantasy & Science Fiction, June 1990] [A future world whose residents use technological means to transform themselves mentally and physically into beasts to varying degrees. Very interesting. -MP] - Allen, J. B.Wash and Were//MP [in Amazing Stories, March 1986] [Reverse lycanthropy. -MP] 0 Anderson, Kevin J. Special Makeup11/28/MP [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: + Description: X Saturation: X" -11 "Never get an old gypsy makeup artist mad at you." -28 It's a great story, but didn't impress me too highly as a transformation tale. -MP] 0 Anderson, Poul Call Me Joe11 [In The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, vol. 2A; ed. Bova, Ben; Avon;5 1974; 0-380-00038-5; $1.75] [In The Great SF Stories: 19 (1957); eds. Asimov, Greenberg; DAW; 1989; 0-88677-326-1; $4.50] "Short story(?); SF; artificial telepathy; not read" -11 + Antieau, Kim The Mark of the Beast11,MP/28 [In The Ultimate Werewolf; also in Werewolf!] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: + Description: X Saturation: X" -11 "An interesting gothic style story." -28 A very good older lycanthropy tale (though the lycanthropy isn't conventional), with some interesting psychological aspects. -MP] --------------------------------------- B -------------------------------- - Baker, Russell A Sinister Metamorphosis //MP [in Shape Shifters] [Humans try to mentally transform themselves into machines. Funny, but very borderline for a shapeshifting anthology. -MP] 0 Barker, Clive The Madonna 11,MP [in In the Flesh; Barker, Clive; Pocket; ?; 0-671-61270-0; $3.95] "Rating: 3 Type: B Significance: 0 Description: + Saturation: 0. Horror; creature changes men" -11 0 Baxter, Stephen Planck Zero40,11 "The most recent IASFM has a story 'Planck Zero' involving an extreme amount of bodily remaking/enhancement. It is part of the author's Xeelee series, which I have not seen." -40 [Joe Huber was nice enough to provide the author's name. -MP] + Bayley, Barrington Sporting with the Chid MP// [in Changes] [Humans contact a little-understood alien race known to be excellent at surgery, trying to get their injured comrade patched up. Unfortunately, the aliens have more radical changes in mind. -MP] Beagle, Peter S. The Last Unicorn Beagle, Peter S. Lila the Werewolf [See main file.] 6 0 Bear, Greg; Stirling, S. M. The Man Who Would Be Kzin MP [In The Man-Kzin Wars IV; Baen; 1991; 0-671-72079-1; $4.95] [A human uses a sort of telepathic disguise ability to infiltrate the Kzinti, and some interesting further changes result. -MP] - Bishop, Michael The Monkey's Bride //MP [in Heroic Visions; ed. Salmonson, Jessica Amanda; Ace; 1983; 0-441-32821-0; $2.75] [A woman is forced to marry an ape-man. Semi-incidental transformation near the end. -MP] 0 Bishop, Michael Rogue TomatoMP [in Changes] [A man changes into a planetary-sized tomato. -MP] + Bixby, JeromeIt's a GOOD LifeMP// [in Mutants; ed. Silverberg, Robert; Corgi; 1977; 0-552-10387-X; 60p(UK)] [in The Science Fiction Hall of Fame; ed. Silverberg, Robert; Avon; 1971; 380-00115-150; $1.50] [A boy is born who can change everything around him, and his entire7 town becomes a hostage to him. -MP] 0 Blackwood, Algernon The Valley of the Beasts MP [in The Phoenix Tree; eds. Boyer, Robert and Zahorski, Kenneth; Avon; 1980; 0-380-76380-X; $2.50] [Definitely has transformations; make up your own mind as to whether they're mental or physical. -MP] 0 Blish, James Surface Tension11,42,MP [In many sources, including Analog 88/01, and The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Vol. 1 (Avon; 1971; 380-00115-150; 1.50), and The Seedling Stars] "SF; genetic manipulation; not read" -11 "One of Blish's best works. This story, and several others--all about a future in which Man turns to genetic manipulation to colonize other planets--was collected in 'The Seedling Stars'." -42 [Note that, as I recall, no transformations take place during the story itself; all of it happened some time before the story begins. Still an interesting look at the results, though. -MP] + Blish, James There Shall Be No DarknessMP// [in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [In his introduction, Pronzini calls this his "personal favorite" werewolf short story; it's probably mine too. An interesting scientific "explanation" for lycanthropy, and an excellent story besides. Filmed as "The Beast Must Die." -MP] 0 Boucher, Anthony The Ambassadors MP [in Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales; eds. Asimov, Isaac and Conklin, Groff; Collier; 1963; 0-02-016390-8; $2.95; 1963] [in The Shape of Things by Asimov and Conklin] [Mankind makes contact with Martians, who turn out to be sentient wolfmen, thus finally giving our much-suffering werewolves stable employment in the diplomatic sector. -MP] + Boucher, Anthony The Compleat Werewolf MP/10,11 [in The Compleat Werewolf; Boucher, Anthony; Ace; 1969; 441-11622-075; $.75] [in The Compleat Werewolf; Boucher, Anthony; Carroll & Graf; 1990; 0-88184-557-4; $4.50] "[one of] the two classic werewolf-as-hero his collection of the same name" -10 "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: X Description: X Saturation: X" -11 [A very interesting mix of elements (romance, intrigue, magic, the8 everyday problems of life, etc.), with the lycanthropy element tied in to all of them. Not spectacular, but well worth seeking out. -MP] - Boyd, John The Werebear and the Rainbow//MP [in Amazing Stories, May 1985] [Takes place at a school of magic. A werebear persuades a friend to make an amulet that will stop him from changing. Unfortunately, the magic of the amulet interacts badly with other spells. The ursanthropy is very secondary to the rest of the magic, but it's a fun read. -MP] + Brennert, Alan The Third Sex TG// [in Pulphouse 3; ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch] [in The Year's Best Science Fiction, Seventh Annual Collection; ed. Gardner Dozois; St. Martin's; 1990; ?] 0 Budrys, Algis Between the Dark and the Daylight MP [in Changes] [Humanity adapts itself, over generations, to a new world. We see the parents of the final generation. -MP] 0 Busby, F. M. First Person Plural TG [in Universe 10; ed. Terry Carr; Doubleday; ?; 1155; $1.00] - Byram, Georgeonder Horse Mutants; eds. Asimov, Greenberg, and Waugh; Harper; 1988; 0-694-05629-4; $2.95] [A mutation produces a horse capable of running like none before. Borderline for a transformation list, but an interesting story anyway.- MP] --------------------------------------- C -------------------------------- 0 Carr, Terry The Dance of the Changer and the Three MP [in Terry's Universe; TOR; 1989; 0-812-54592-3; $3.95] [A world of energy-beings who change into new forms with the same memories when they die; three of them attempt to bring something new to the cycle. -MP] 0 Carter, AngelaMasterMP9 [in Changes] [A big game hunter is brought down by the jungle and his transformed servant. -MP] + Charnas, Suzy Boobs 11// [?] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: +. The story of a teen for whom adolescence brings more changes than normal." -11 0 Charyn, Jerome At War With the Wolf Man 11,28 [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: + Description: - Saturation: -" -11 "Odd story, am still unsure if the changes are mental or physical." -28 + Collins, Nancy A. Raymond 11/28/ [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 4 Type: L Significance: + Description: + Saturation: +" -11 "Story of an abused young werewolf." -28 - Coney, Michael G. The Byrds//MP [in Changes] [People with antigravity belts decide to live like birds. No actual physical transformation, though. -MP] 0 Coville, BruceThe Passing of the PackMP [in Werewolves] [A father passes on his curse and his pack to his son. -MP] 0 Cowper, Richard The Tithonian FactorMP [in Changes] [Immortality, as well as some sort of formchanging or astral projection, I can't quite figure out which. -MP] 0 Crispin, A. C.; O'Malley, Kathleen Pure Silver28 A Jewish concentration camp survivor is hunting Nazis as a werewolf." -2880 0 Crompton, Anne E. Met By MoonlightMP Werewolves] 0 Culbreath, Myrna; Marshak, Sanrda The Procrustean Petard3,60 [in Star Trek: The New Voyages 2; ?] "A Star Trek story...where all of the crew except Spock change sexes. Not a great story, but the concept is cute. Saturation/significance is, of course, ++." -3 "It was OK. Nothing great..." -60 + Curtis, Richard The Boy Who Would Be Wolf MP// [in Shape Shifters] [A fourteen-year-old manages to make himself a werewolf, after several false starts. Very good ending. -MP] --------------------------------------- D -------------------------------- 0 Davidson, Avram Loups-Garous (short verse)MP [in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [A doctor has no problem empathizing with his patient. -MP] 0 Davol, Marguerite W Flesh and BloodMP [in Werewolves] 0 de Camp, L. Sprague Hyperpilosity MP [in The Best of L. Sprague de Camp; Del Rey; 1986; 0-345-32930-9; $3.50] [in The Omnibus of Science Fiction; ed. Conklin, Groff; Chatham River; 1984; 0-517-45370-3; $9.00 softcover] [All of humanity suddenly starts sprouting fur. Interesting social changes result. -MP] 0 de Lint, Charles One ChanceMP [in Werewolves] - de Maupassant, Guy Wolf, The//MP [in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [Hard to tell where the transformation is in this one, if any. An interesting read, though. -MP] 1 + del Rey, Lester Reincarnate MP// [in The Early Del Rey 1; Ballantine; 1976; 0-345-25063-X; $1.95] [A man's brain is transplanted into a prototype robotic body after an accident. He has to relearn how to use his senses, speak, and get along in society; and, of course, society has to get used to him too. -MP] 0 Dickson, Gordon R. Tiger Green MP Gordon R. Dickson's SF Best; Dell; 1978; 0-440-13181-2; $1.75] [An alien race and planet tries to transform human visitors into thinking its way. -MP] 0 Dinesen, IsakThe Sailor-Boy's TaleMP [in Shape Shifters] [The protagonist rescues a falcon, and the falcon later returns the favor as a woman. -MP] - Disch, Thomas M. The New Me//MP [in Changes] [Sort of self-help groups taken to their ridiculous conclusion. -MP] 0 Donaldson, Stephen Daughter of Regals4,11,21 Daughter of Regals & Other Tales; Del Rey; 1990; 0-345-31443-3; $5.95] "(from the anthology of the same name) - Weredragon!" -4 "Rating: 4 Type: L Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: -" -11 + Donaldson, Stephen Mythical Beast 11// [in Daughter of Regals & Other Tales] "Rating: 4 Type: L Significance: + Description: + Saturation: 0..." -11 [See Spoiler Section for more info] 0 Doyle, Debra; Macdonald, J. D. Bad BloodMP [in Werewolves] --------------------------------------- E -------------------------------- + Elliott, BruceWolves Don't CryMP// [in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [An extremely interesting story of "reverse lycanthropy". There's very little actual transformation seen, but it's fascinating to see how the wolf copes with human form and culture. -MP]2 0 Ellison, Harlan Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38 54' N Longitude 77 00'13" W 28 [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "A different look at 'The Wolfman' seeking help from his old scientist buddy, Victor. Not bad, but a bit odd." -28 0 Ellison, Harlan I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream 51,MP [in I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream; Ace; 1983; 0-441-36394-6; $2.95] [in Survival Printout; by Total Effect; Vintage; 1973; 0-394-71857-7; $1.95] "Psychotic world-computer AM uses physical transformations as torture, and as a method to keep its prisoners alive indefinitely." -51 [A colossal computer tortures the last few survivors of mankind, through means including transformation. -MP] 0 Ellison, Harlan "I'm Looking for Kadak"40 In Wandering Stars, ed. Jack Dann; Pocket; 1975; 671-78789-6-150; $1.50] "A nogoodnik gets turned into a butterfly." -40 [Among other things. -MP] - Ellison, Harlan L is for Loup-Garou //MP [in One Hundred Great Fantasy Short Short Stories; eds. Asimov, Carr, Greenberg; Avon; 1985; 0-380-69917-6; $2.95] [If you're going to kill a werewolf, you'd better keep up with the times. -MP] 0 Emerson, Ru The Werewolf's Gift MP [in Werewolves] --------------------------------------- F -------------------------------- 0 Fahy, Christopher TransformationsMP [in Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy 11: Curses; eds. Asimov, Greenberg, Waugh; Signet; 1989; 0-451-16305-2; $4.50] py machine that can extract and purify the goodness out of anything it copies, and leave the mediocrity behind. -MP] 0 Farmer, Philip Jose Wolf, Iron, And Moth 11,28 [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: 0 Description: X Saturation: X" -11 "An interesting story of a werewolf and the local sheriff." -283 + Fast, Howard The Mouse MP// [in Flying Saucers; eds. Asimov, Greenberg and Waugh; Fawcett; 1987; 0-449-21400-1; $3.95] [Aliens give a mouse the "gift" of intelligence--but it turns out to be a terrible curse. A fascinating story on several levels. -MP] 0 Flynn, MichaelWerehouse28,MP [In The Nanotech Chronicles, by Michael Flynn; Baen; 1991; 0-671-72080-5; $4.95] "...explores the uses of nanotechnology to induce shapeshifting." -28 [A sort of cyberpunk lycanthropy. -MP] --------------------------------------- G -------------------------------- 0 Gardner, Craig Shaw Day of the WolfMP/11,28/ [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 4 Type: L Significance: + Description: - Saturation: - [I laughed out of sheer admiration of this one for hours. I couldn't even really tell you why, but I did. -MP]4 [See Spoiler Section for more info] 0 Gilden, Mel Moonlight On the Gazebo 11,28 [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 4 Type: L Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: -" -11 "A well written alternate world story with the shapechanger being the public executioner." -28 0 Gold, Horace L. No Charge for Alterations MP [in The Best from Amazing Stories; ed. White, Ted; Manor; 1973; 532-00225-095; $0.95] Physical and mental alterations through advanced science, to change space colony residents to fit the colony. -MP] [all six Ron Goulart stories in The Chameleon Corps and Other Shapechangers] 0 Goulart, Ron Ignatz [A town is revitalized by a "temple" where people can turn into cats for recreation, but as always, there's one town resident out to stop it. -MP] 0 Goulart, Ron Subject to Change MP [A kleptomaniac actress finds a way to really live her parts. -MP] 0 Goulart, RonPlease Stand ByMP [A man changes into an elephant. On all national holidays. I am not making this up. -MP] 0 Goulart, Ron Shandy MP [A strange pet that can change into assorted animal shapes, and eventually human. -MP] 0 Goulart, RonChange OverMP [A king is addicted to a drug that triggers shapechanges, which makes things rather unpleasant for those around him. -MP] - Goulart, Ron Looking Into It//MP No real transformations, except a lot of clever mikes and disguises. -MP] --------------------------------------- H -------------------------------- 0 Hall, Donald The Wonderful Dog Suit MP [in Shape Shifters] [Moral: Don't give your brilliant child a dog suit as a present. -MP] 5 - Hamilton, Edmond He That Hath Wings //MP [in Mutants; eds. Asimov, Greenberg, and Waugh; Harper; 1988; 0-694-05629-4; $2.95] [A mutation gives a boy wings. The "scientific explanation" strains disbelief to the breaking point, but it's still interesting exploring the social consequences. This volume has some other interesting mutation stories. -MP] - Hamilton, Edmond The Man Who Evolved//MP [In Before the Golden Age; Asimov, Isaac (ed.); Doubleday; 1974; 0-385-02419-3; $16.95 hardback] [In The Best of Edmond Hamilton; Doubleday; SFBC; 1977] Transformation through rapidly-accelerated evolution. Rather stereotypical, but still interesting, though probably not worth digging up the book. -MP] 0 Hasse, HarryHe Who ShrankMP [in Before the Golden Age; ed. Asimov, Isaac; Doubleday; 1974; 0-385-02419-3; $16.95 hardback] [in Adventures in Time and Space; eds. Healy, Haymond L. and McComas, J.F.; Ballantine; 1979; 0-345-28925-0; $9.95 softcover] [in Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy 5: Giants; eds. Asimov, Greenberg and Waugh; Signet; 1985; 0-451-13922-4; $3.95] [A man is injected with a chemical that causes him to continually shrink, eventually entering subatomic universes. -MP] 0 Heinlein, Robert A. All You Zombies TG [in Fantasy & Science Fiction, March 1959] [in 6 X H; Heinlein, Robert A.; ?] 0 Heydron, Vicki Ann Cat Tale MP in Greyhaven; ed. Bradley, Marion Zimmer; DAW; 1983; 0-87997-815-5; $2.50] A woman rescues a magical creature and unknowingly gets a wish. As fate would have it, her next wish is to be a cat. -MP] + Hoffman, Nina Kiriki Unleashed11/28 [in The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 5 Type: L Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: +..." -11 "Very good, The transformations in this one are not what you would expect." -28 [See Spoiler Section for more information] 6 0 Hogan, James Identity Crisis TG [in Stellar 7; ed. Judy-Lynn Del Rey; Del Rey; 1981; 0-345-29473-4; $2.50] 0 Housman, Clemence The Were-WolfMP [in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [A classic werewolf tale, with some tragic romance thrown in. -MP] 0 Hussey, Leigh Ann The White WolfMP [in Werewolves] --------------------------------------- I -------------------------------- 0 Ingalls, Rachel Blessed Art Thou3,TG [in I See a Long Journey; Ingalls, Rachel; ?] "About a monk who claims to have sex with the archangel Gabriel, following which he becomes female and pregnant. An interesting story, although I'm not sure about the ending." -3 0 Iverson, Eric G. Blue Fox and Werewolf MP [in Amazing Stories, September 1983] [Lycanthropy. -MP] --------------------------------------- J -------------------------------- --------------------------------------- K -------------------------------- 0 Kaminsky, Stuart Full Moon Over Moscow28 [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Now that the party has erased tradition who remembers the warnings about werewolves?" -28 ? Keizer, GreggWhat Seen But the WolfMP [in Isaac Asimov's Fantasy!; ed. McCarthy, Shawna; Dial Press; 1985; 0-385-23017-6; $12.95 hardback] [Haven't finished reading it, but appears to be an interesting Viking lycanthropy story -MP] + Keyes, DanielFlowers for Algernon (book and ss) MP// [see book list for info]7 0 Killough, Lee The Leopard's Daughter (book and ss) MP [see book list for info] 0 Kimbriel, Katharine Night CallsMP [in Werewolves] + Kipling, Rudyard Mark of the Beast MP// in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [in The Ultimate Werewolf] [One of the classics. Lycanthropy through a curse. -MP] 0 Knight, Damon'Maid to Measure'38 [in 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories; eds. Asimov, Greenberg, Olander; Avon; 1980; 0-380-50773-0; $2.95] "Short, but worth it. Fantasy." -38 0 Koja, Kathe Angels' Moon11,28 [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: -" -11 "A very strange short story from a werewolf's point of view." -28 0 Kuttner, HenryA Gnome There Was 29,MP In The Great SF Stories: 3; eds. Asimov, Greenberg; DAW; 1980; 0-87997-523-7; $2.25] [In The Best of Harry Kuttner; Kuttner, Henry; Nelson Doubleday; ?] "a truly bizarre 'transformation' story... more like fantasy than SF." -29 [Definitely lands a + Saturation rating... A human is changed into a gnome, and the gnome leader can shapechange others. -MP] --------------------------------------- L -------------------------------- + Lafferty, R. A. Once on Arenea MP// [in Changes] [A man and his dog get involuntarily introduced to an alien ecosystem's shapeshifting customs. -MP] 0 Lee, Tanith A Day in the Skin3,TG [in Tales of Dark and Light; ?] about a colony where 90% of the people were wiped out in an 8 accident, and so everyone swaps in and out of the bodies of the remaining 10% (and none of the remaining ones are allowed to use their own bodies, to prevent jealousy)." -3 0 Le Guin, Ursula K. The Rule of Names MP [in Bestiary; eds. Dann, Jack and Dozois, Gardner; Ace; 1985; 0-441-05506-0; $2.95] [in The Fantastic Imagination; eds. Boyer, Robert H. and Zahorski, Kenneth J.; Avon; 1977; 0-380-00956-0; $2.25] [A shapechanging wizard comes to recover stolen treasure from another such wizard (who had previously stolen it from a dragon), armed with the other wizard's true name, which should give him control over the battle. More in the Spoiler Section. -MP] 0 Le Guin, Ursula K. The Wife's StoryMP [in Changes] [A lycanthropy story with a difference which I'll tell you in the Spoiler Section. -MP] 0 Leiber, Fritz The Hound MP [in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [A sort of supernatural city force that haunts a man and possesses things and people around him. -MP] 0 Linaweaver, Brad Close Shave28 [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Fun story about a barber who tries to cure a curse. Also a parody of the old B horror movies." -28 0 Longyear, Barry Savage Planet TG [?] --------------------------------------- M -------------------------------- MacDonald, George Gray Wolf Masterpieces of Fantasy and Wonder; ed. Hartwell, David G.; Guild America; ?] [A man stays the night with a werewolf and her mother. -MP] 0 Malzberg, Barry N. Nightshapes MP9 man tries to cure his wife's lycanthropy. Pronzini liked this one a lot; I wasn't quite as impressed. -MP] 0 Marryat, Frederick The White Wolf of the Hartz MountainsMP [in A Walk With the Beast; ed. Collins, Charles M.; Avon; 1969; 380-26476-125; $1.25] [Never blow your wife away, even if she *is* a werewolf. -MP] 0 Masterton, Graham Changeling11,TG [in Hot Blood; Pocket; ?; 0-671-66424-7; $3.95] "Rating: 4 Type: M Significance: + Description: - Saturation: 0. S; Alien granted ability. An extended one-night stand brings unexpected results." -11 0 McCaffrey, Anne The Ship Who Sang36 [short story in A Science Fiction A to Z; eds. Asimov, Greenberg, Waugh; Houghton Mifflin; 1982; 0-395-31285-X; $22.95 hardcover] [short story in The Great Science Fiction Series; eds. Pohl, Greenberg, Olander; Harper & Row; 1980; 0-06-013382-1, $16.95 hardcover] "the heroine was severely deformed at birth but was placed in some sort of cybernetic shell which allowed her to almost literally become a starship, pilot, navigator and captain. There was also some mind to body transfers in there." -36 0 McElroy, Wendy Werewolf (poem) MP [in Amazing Stories, September 1984] Lycanthropy. -MP] - Michaux, Henri And More Changes Still//MP SF 12; ed. Merril, Judith; Dell; 1969; 7815; $0.75] [A definite ++ on the "Saturation" scale; there's at least one transformation in most sentences. Doesn't really come to any conclusion, though, and no detail in the transformations. -MP] 0 Moon, ElizabethHappy Frog MP in Fantasy & Science Fiction, July 1989] [A frog-prince story. -MP] 0 Murphy, Pat South of Oregon City 28 90 [in The Ultimate Werewolf] "Werewolf in the old west." -28 --------------------------------------- N -------------------------------- ? Niven, Larry Flare TG Limits; ?] + Niven, Larry There's a Wolf In My Time Machine 11/28,MP/ [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: + Description: X Saturation: X" -11 "Part of Niven's time collector series." -28 Shapechanging by transferring into an alternate universe with different evolutionary selections. -MP] --------------------------------------- O -------------------------------- - Oppenheim,Shulamith The Stranger //MP [in Shape Shifters] [Werefoxes, though no transformation takes place during the story. -MP] --------------------------------------- P -------------------------------- 0 Pohl, FrederikMy Life as a Born-Again PigMP [in Synergy 1; ed. Zebrowski, George; HBJ; 1987; 0-15-687700-7; $5.95] [A very wealthy, somewhat slimy man is "killed", but his brain is salvaged and transplanted into a baby created by an artificial insemination into his wife's womb done after his death. -MP] 0 Pronzini, Bill Ancient Evil28 [In The Ultimate Werewolf] Another story that's hard to decide if it's about a madman or a shape- changer." -28 - Pronzini, Bill How Now Purple Cow //MP [in One Hundred Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories] [Utterly silly little story about, well, a purple cow. -MP] --------------------------------------- Q -------------------------------- 0 Quick, W. T. Whatever Gets You Through the Night TG [in Amazing Stories; March 1990]1 --------------------------------------- R -------------------------------- + Randisi, Robert J. Partners 11/28,MP/ [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 3 Type: L Significance: + Description: X Saturation: X" -11 "This policeman's partner is all the backup he'll ever need. Wouldn't you want a werewolf as a partner also?" -28 [Frankly, after reading the story, I'm not sure. I imagine it creates a lot of paperwork. :) -MP] 0 Reaves, J. Michael WerewindMP [in Fantasy Annual V; ed. Carr, Terry; Pocket; 1982; 0-671-45436-6; $2.95] Best Horror Stories from F&SF Vol. 1; St. Martin's; 1989; 0-312-91499-7; $3.95] [You can probably guess from the title. Human into windstorm. -MP] + Reed, KitSisohpromatemMP// [in Changes] [Kafka's Metamorphosis neatly reversed; a cockroach changes into a2 human, again with interesting mental transformation. -MP] 0 Richard, Michael N. The Lion of Elirhom's AngerMP [in Heroic Visions 2; ed. Salmonson, Jessica Amanda; Ace; 1986; 0-441-32822-9; $2.95] [A bard projects himself into a sort of "dream-shape" of a lion, that he uses to take revenge on those who have wronged him. -MP] 0 Rucker, Rudy The Indian Rope Trick Explained MP [in Changes] [A man winds up turned at right-angles to reality, so only a cross- section of his body shows up in our space. Sort of like Flatland. -MP] ? Russell, Eric Frank Metamorphosite MP [in The Best of Eric Frank Russell] --------------------------------------- S -------------------------------- + Saki (H.H. Munro) Gabriel-ErnestMP// [in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [in Shape Shifters] [One of the more ironic stories I've ever read, definitely worth seeking out. -MP] 0 Scarborough, Elizabeth Wolf from the DoorMP [in Werewolves] 0 Schmitz, JamesCompany Planet38 [in The Telzey Toy; ?] "Physical alteration via advanced surgical technology. Also, the main character, Telzey, is the instigator of many mental transformations in others in all of the books about her. (The Universe Against Her, The Lion Game)" -38 + Scortia, Thomas N. Judas Fish MP// [in Shape Shifters] [The protagonist eats a squidlike creature in an undersea station, and turns into one, in a hard-to-describe way. Very interesting. -MP] 0 Scortia, Thomas N. Sea Change Human-Machines; eds. Scortia, Thomas N. and Zebrowski, George; Vintage; 3 1975; 0-394-71607-8; $2.95] [Sort of like "The Ship Who Sang"; the minds of accident victims transferred into robots and spacecraft. -MP] 0 Sharkey, JackNo Harm Done 101 Science Fiction Stories; eds. Greenberg and Waugh; Avenel; 1986; 0-517-60669-0; ? hardback] [in Science Fiction A to Z; eds. Asimov, Greenberg, Waugh; Houghton Mifflin; 1982; 0-395-31285-X; $22.95 hardback] [A new device designed to stimulate the minds of catatonic people has an unexpected effect. -MP] 0 Sheckley, Robert ShapeMP [in The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction; eds. Silverberg and Greenberg; Priam; 1980; 0-87795-266-3; $8.95 softcover] [The invading aliens can take any shape they want. All they have to do is get close to an atomic power plant, and Earth is theirs. So why have wenty previous invasions failed? -MP] ? Sheffield, Charles Legacy MP [in Changes] ? Shwartz, Susan The Wolf's Flock MP [in Werewolves] + Silverberg, Robert The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party 40 [in The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party; Silverberg, Robert; Spectra; 1985; 0-553-25077-9; $2.95] "A party for the upscale, who change their bodies as a way of keeping up with the Joneses." -40 0 Silverberg, Robert Ringing the ChangesMP [in Alchemy and Academe; ed. McCaffrey, Anne; Ballantine; 1986; 0-345-34419-7; $2.95] Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy 10: Ghosts; eds. Asimov, , Waugh; Signet; 1988; 0-451-15723-0; $4.50] A bunch of people's minds get shuffled into different bodies by a mind-transfer machine, and the protagonist ends up in a number of different bodies before being returned to 'the proper one'. -MP] - Silverberg, Robert The Werewolf Gambit/28/11 [In The Ultimate Werewolf]4 "Rating: 4 Type: L Significance: 0 Description: - Saturation: -" -11 "The old pickup line of 'I'm a werewolf.' Well, as usual, it goes wrong." -28 Silverberg, Robert World of a Thousand Colors40 [in World of a Thousand Colors; ?] "Winners of a selection procedure become the colors of the rainbow." -40 + Simak, Clifford Desertion 11,MP// [in Changes] [in Survival Printout; ed. Total Effect; Vintage; 1973; 0-394-71857-7; $1.95] [in Skirmish; Simak, Clifford D.; Berkley; 1978; 0-425-03821-1; $1.95] The Road to Science Fiction 3; ed. Gunn, James; Mentor; 1979; 0-451-61784-3; $2.75] [in many other sources] "Rating: 3 Type: B Significance: + Description: X Saturation: X. SF short story; genetic manipulation" -11 [This is one where I have to disagree with Joe Huber's excellent ratings; I found this story to be great, at least a 4, probably a 5 with% me. It's very widely printed; the odds are that anyone with a fairly good-sized anthology collection has it somewhere. -MP] 0 Smith, Clark Ashton A Prophecy of Monsters MP erewolf! by Pronzini] [Lycanthropy in the twenty-first century, and a new occupational hazard for werewolves. -MP] 0 Smith, SherwooMonster MashMP Werewolves] [Life as a teenager is complicated enough without having to deal with lycanthropy too... -MP] - Stockton, Frank R. The Bee-man of Om //MP [in Masterpieces of Fantasy and Enchantment; ed. Hartwell, David G.; Nelson Doubleday; 1988; ?] [Somewhat borderline for the list. A man finds out that he has been transformed from something in the past, and goes to find out what it is. Hint: It's probably not what you think it is. -MP] 5 0 Stoker, Bram Dracula's Guest MP [in Werewolf! by Pronzini] [Dracula's Guest was originally the first chapter of Dracula, removed to shorten the book for publication. It's hard to tell whether it's really a werewolf story or not, but it's certainly interesting. -MP] 0 Strickland, Brad And The Moon Shines Full And Bright 28 [In The Ultimate Werewolf] "The men of the future have a human solution to the problem of the werewolf." -28 --------------------------------------- T -------------------------------- 0 Tevis, Walter S. Apothesis of MyraMP Changes] [Transformation through a sort of reincarnation on an alien planet. -MP] 0 Turner, Ann Warren Moon Change MP [in Shape Shifters] [Protagonist magically changes into a cat. -MP] + Turtledove, Harry Not All Wolves MP// [in Werewolves] What do werewolves and Jews have in common? Read this excellent story and find out, along with the protagonist. -MP] ? Tuttle, Lisa; Utley, Steven Flies By Night MP [in Changes] U --------------------------------------- V -------------------------------- ? van Vogt, A. E. short stories 33 [try The Best of A.E. van Vogt; ed. Malzberg, Barry; Pocket; 1976; 0-671-80546-0; $1.95] "...they range from funny to some of the best, he has a least a dozen variations on a theme that the universe is filled with human like6 intelligences with today's earth at the lowest level of a hierarchy leading to the 'Great Galactics' who are god like, I can't remember the title but one discusses a situation where a scientist creates a compound that causes accelerated evolution with in an organism and illegally uses it on two assistants. It was one of the very best short stories I have ever read because of the ending line." -33 [Could somebody give us more information here; specific story titles, etc.? -MP] 0 van Vogt, A. E. The Enchanted Village10,20,MP Shape Shifters] [See Spoiler section for more info] 0 van Vogt, A. E. The Silkie 22,MP [in If Reader of Science Fiction; ed. Pohl, Frederik; Ace; 1966; H-19; $.60] [Assorted races of shapechangers. -MP] 0Vault of the BeastMP in The Great SF Stories 2 (1940); eds. Asimov and Greenberg; DAW;1979; 87997-483-4; $2.2 [A shapeshifting alien; I'm told it's very good, but I haven't finished it. -MP] 0 Varley, John The Barbie Murders 11/TG [in The Barbie Murders; Varley, John; Orbit; ?; 0-7088-8097-5; UK: #2.50] "Rating: 4 Type: B Significance: + Description: - Saturation: -. S; Advanced medical" -11 + Varley, John Options 11,TG// [in Blue Champagne; Varley, John; Berkley; ?; 0-425-09336-0; $2.95] "Rating: 4 Type: M Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: 0. S; Advanced medical" -11 0 Varley, John Overdrawn at the Memory BankMP in Galaxy: Best of My Years; Baen, James (ed.); Ace; 1980; 0-441-27296-7; $2.25] Persistence of Vision; Varley, John; Berkley; 1984; 0-425-07300- 2.95] [in Galaxy: 30 Years of Innovative Science Fiction; eds. Pohl, Greenberg, Olander; Playboy; 1980; SFBC] Annual World's Best SF: 1977; ed. Wollheim, Donald A.; DAW; 1977; 297-1; $1.7 man's mind is transferred into a lioness' body through advanced science for recreation, then dumped into a computer when things go wrong. 7 Funny, but serious in places also. -MP] Picnic at NearsideTG Fantasy & Science Fiction, August 1974] [in Picnic at Nearside (aka The Barbie Murders); Varley, John; ?] --------------------------------------- W -------------------------------- 0 Watson, Ian The Day of the Wolf MP [in Changes] [Innocent old granny gets eaten by marauding wolf...not. -MP] 0 Weinberg, Robert Wolf Watch11,28 In The Ultimate Werewolf] "Rating: 4 Type: L Significance: + Description: 0 Saturation: -" -11 "A night watchman who really enjoys graveyard shifts and entertaining robbers for the evening." -28 [This story really does have an unusual angle. Most werewolf stories either have the werewolf using his curse in bizarre situations, or trying to avoid the curse; very few explore the "practical, commercial" applications. -MP]8 - Wellen, EdwardWaswolf //MP 09/87] [A werewolf escapes prosecution for a rape-murder by hiding out in his wolf form for years. But there's one consequence of this he hasn't thought through. Transformation is a relatively minor element. -MP] 0 Wells, H. G.Island of Dr. Moreau42,47 The Complete Science Fiction Treasury of H. G. Wells; Wells, H. G.; Avenel; 1979; 0-517-26188-X; $15.00 hardback] "Surgical transformation of animals into humanoids." -42 "About a mad scientist stuck away on a deserted island in the middle of the pacific, he spends his time making strange and bizarre surgical modifications to animals in the hope of discovering some secrets." -47 ? Whittington, Mary Wolfskin MP [in Werewolves] 0 Wolfe, Gene The Dark of the June MP [in Changes] [Transformations into ghosts, or into another dimension, or into something... it's hard to tell exactly. -MP] --------------------------------------- X -------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Y -------------------------------- 0 Yolen, Jane Green Messiah MP Werewolves] [Scientifically-induced lycanthropy, that doesn't work out quite as the scientists plan. -MP] 0 Yolen, Jane Johanna MP [in Shape Shifters] [see Spoiler Section for more info] --------------------------------------- Z -------------------------------- 0 Zelazny, RogerHe Who ShapesMP [in The Last Defender of Camelot; Zelazny, Roger; Pocket; 1980; 0-671-41773-8; $2.50]9 he novella from which The Dream Master was based. In the introduction, Zelazny says that he prefers this to The Dream Master. -MP] Once again, my thanks to everyone who sent me ideas, and if you can think of any transformation works not on the list above, or any corrections or additional comments on listed works, please let me know. THE SHORT STORY LIST (SPOILER SECTION) The remainder of this section contains "spoiler" information on short stories. Proceed at your own risk and expense. All the ratings, publication info, and non-spoiler comments are in the regular section. If you're not interested in spoiler info, you can stop reading now. S Gardner, Craig Shaw Day of the Wolf S "This one is good, the author sets out to catch you on your S expectations, if you're not careful. A bit of a spoiler--the protagonist S is not a werewolf but a catalyst for creating werewolves." -28 S S Hoffman, Nina Kiriki Unleashed S"Werewolf meets wereman." -11 S S Le Guin, Ursula K. The Rule of Names S [Le Guin seems to like stories that reverse your expectations. When S the wizard uses his enemy's true name to force him into his true shape, S it turns out that the enemy wizard is actually the dragon, who toasts the S wizard and then goes out for a snack. -MP] S Le Guin, Ursula K. The Wife's Story S [Due to the way it's told you probably won't catch onto this until the S very end, but it's a reverse-lycanthropy story; a wolf turns into a man S under the full sun, and eventually gets hunted down by his own pack. -MP] S S van Vogt, A. E. The Enchanted Village S"There is a relatively classic short story of a space-wrecked man S transformed into an alien by an alien city, allowing him to survive. The author and title are long forgotten, but the final scene has the hero smoothing his whiskers and having a tail." -20 [Hopefully this is the one he meant, anyway... In any case, it's very good. Giving away the ending might constitute a spoiler, though. -MP] S 100% S Yolen, Jane Johanna [A woman is turned into a deer by the magic of a forest. -MP] -- \o\ Internet: (Seattle, WA Public Access Unix) \o\ \o\ "How'd you like to move a few steps down the food chain, pal?" \o\ \o\ If you enjoy fantasy/SF stories with transformation themes, email me \o\ \o\ for a copy of the Transformation Stories List.\o\