WANTMOM1.TXT -- m/F, INCEST, PREG WANTING MOM Part I Unknown Author The first naked woman I ever saw in my life was my Mom. In those days we lived in a small two-story house that had two bedrooms, the one I slept in and the one Mom and Dad shared before they got divorced. Both bedrooms were on the second floor and were right next to each other. There was also a door between them that was always kept locked. I never thought much about that door until after my Dad left and my Mom slept in the bedroom by herself. The door between our bedrooms was an old one and had a large keyhole, although I never once saw a key or anybody unlock it. When I was younger, the door was always a mysterious thing to me. The doorknobs had long since been taken off the door, and somebody had stuffed a lot of wadded up paper in the keyhole so you couldn't peek through it. I used to weave stories to myself about the door and the people who once lived in our house. I fantasized what they might have used the door for. Whenever I asked Mom about it she told me the door was for the maid. The people had a maid, she said, who slept in my bedroom. To make a long story short, after Dad left and Mom was alone I began to wonder about the door. I was going on my 16th birthday and, like most boys that age, was getting more and more curious about women and what they looked like without any clothes on. I had begun collecting copies of Hustler and other magazines with photographs of naked women and their pussies. I kept the magazines under my bed so Mom wouldn't find them. After I went to my room at night, I would take the magazines out and jack off while looking at the pictures. A woman's cunt seemed to me the most wonderful thing in the world, and I longed to stick my cock inside one. After a while, though, photographs just didn't do it for me anymore. I wanted to see the real thing. One day when Mom was out shopping I got a screwdriver and tried to push the wadded up paper out of the keyhole. The paper had evidently been in the hole a long time. It was virtually stuck to the metal inside. Nevertheless after numerous jabs I managed to knock most of it loose and pushed it out the other side. Checking the line of sight through the open keyhole, I saw what was a commanding view of Mom's bedroom and her bed. Needless to say, I couldn't wait Œtil Mom came home and went to bed that night. And when Mom went into her bedroom that night I was well rewarded. When I knelt down to look through the keyhole, I saw her remove her clothing, article by article, first to reveal breasts I had never dreamed were so big. I watched as her tits dipped down and then bounced back up as she bent over to remove her stockings. For the like of me, I wondered why I had never thought of Mom as having big breasts before. I learned that a bra sometimes hides a woman's true amplitude. As I gazed through the keyhole, I also saw how large the nipples are on a tit in real life, and what a large brown circular area surrounds each nipple. What a lucky baby I must have been to suck warm milk from those nipples! I wondered why I had ever stopped. I remembered a novel I read about a boy who was nursed by his mother until he was 8 years old. That could have been me, I thought. I could have never quit, and could still be sucking milk from those tits. What would Mom think if she knew I wanted to? The thought made my cock tingle. When Mom removed her panties, the luxurious thatch of pubic hair on her pussy was ever so much more vivid and compelling than the hair on the cunts I had looked at in the magazines. My cock stiffened its full length at the sight of it. I began to stroke my meat passionately. After Mom undressed, she usually lay on the bed reading for a while, her legs slightly parted. And I imagined my cock buried somewhere inside the dark bush between her legs and my cock moving in and out of it, thrusting as deep as it could go. I kept stroking until my load splashed up against the door. This peeking at Mom in her bedroom continued for many a night. Gradually over time I memorized every square inch of her 34-year-old body, her pendulous tits, the way they sagged and bobbed when she moved about the room; the way they seemed to pour out across either side of her chest when she lay down, the way they moved across her body like two massive blobs of flesh spread out for kneading and tasting. I loved, too, the look of her pussy, with its glorious dark fluffy hair and the sensuous groove down beneath it that she occasionally ran a finger in distractedly, suggesting warm wet pleasures to be sampled. After a time, I forgot all about my Hustler magazines. And after a time, I even got tired of jacking. I wanted a real cunt, a cunt like Mom's, a warm tight pussy full of slippery juices to stuff my cock into. I wanted to shoot my load deep inside such a cunt. I wanted to come in it again and again. I wanted to fill it up completely with my cum. It seemed as if nothing was ever going to change. I was not nervy enough to walk into Mom's bedroom naked and force a showdown, especially while she was awake. But one time, when I knew she was sound asleep, I crept into her bedroom and stepped quietly up to her bed. I pulled aside the covers carefully and leaned over her body, my head very close to her cunt. But in the end I lost my nerve and had to content myself with breathing in the aroma emanating from the dark recesses of her pussy. The heated, musky fragrance of her powerful snatch excited me, and I began to masturbate, imagining my swollen cock deep inside the object of my desire. Sheer fantasy sufficed, and, wrenchingly, I shot my load, my gism flying every which way, on her tits and on her belly, a drop or two landing on the crisp, curly hair between her legs. After catching my breath and regaining my senses I leaned over the sleeping figure of my Mom to examine the two pearly drops of semen on her bush. Using my finger, I teased the glistening bits of cum down through the hairs to her cunt and into the opening of her vagina. The inner lips of her pussy seemed to come alive at my touch, greedily accepting the precious gism I had to offer them. Mom sighed, her body stirring briefly. She moved her ass up and down a few times and then lay quiet. I decided it was too risky to remain in the room any longer and covered her up again. I withdrew from the bedroom, promising myself I would summon up the proper courage next time around. By the time I got enough nerve to creep into my mother's bedroom again, I had a bit of bad luck when I discovered my Mom was having her period. Pulling down the sheet from around her sleeping figure, I saw the telltale string of the tampon dangling from her vagina. It was a definite turnoff, and, needless to say, I withdrew from the room not only cursing my luck but also swearing to give up any further attempts to sneak a fuck from my mother. My resolve not to try anything more lasted only about two weeks, however, for about that time my Mom and one of her lady friends spent the evening downstairs getting really plastered. The two of them slowly killed a four-liter bottle of wine, while cracking jokes and trashing the men in their lives they both knew. There was a lot of laughter and clatter in the kitchen while they yacked at each other and fussed with their drinks and their snacks. At about 10:30, Betty, my mom's friend, said she had to leave when her husband telephoned and wondered what was keeping her out so late. Of course, I eavesdropped on all this, and about ten minutes after Betty left, I could hear my mom try to mount the stairs and make it to her bedroom. I heard her stumble several times on the way, but she made it finally to her room and shut the door. Peering through the keyhole in the door between our rooms, I saw her flop on the bed without getting undressed or turning out the light. It was not like her not to get undressed and I figured she must have been really sloshed. For a long time I peered through the keyhole at her comatose figure on the bed. I could hear her snoring loudly, and thought to myself it was now or never. The excitement I felt at knowing she was dead drunk instantly gave me a hard on. I took all my clothes off and, stepping into mom's bedroom, I walked over to her bed and reassured myself she was out cold. Lifting up her skirt, I reached up under her ass and removed her panties, leaving them around one leg so as to make it easier to put them back on. The shock of seeing her pussy so close and accessible made my cock throb almost painfully, the head turning almost purple with impatience. After the previous episode, I had not jacked off or had a wet dream, so the pent up gism in my balls undoubtedly was aching for release. Spreading Mom's legs, I positioned myself in between them, and fondling her cunt, probed its juicy interior with one finger, spreading as much of the moisture inside on the outside as I could. In between her snores, Mom began to moan softly, her body just barely stirring. My cock by now was dripping precome, the sticky strings trailing from the head as I placed it at the opening to Mom's vagina. With very little effort and hardly a thrust, my cock sank into her cunt up to the hilt. Unconciously, her vagina tightened its grip on my cock, grasping it deliciously as if by magic. It must have been an entirely involuntary reaction because I was certain she was passed out from the wine and sleeping it off. Nevertheless Mom's moaning continued, taking on a rhythm of its own in response to the gradual in and out of my thrusting. I began to thrust in earnest, faster and deeper, throwing all caution to the wind, and banging hard against her vulva each time I drove my rigid shaft into her as far as I could manage. Soon I felt the first tug in my loins, the signal I was about to cum. If I had any misgivings about cumming in my mother, now was the time to stop, and I paused briefly, but only briefly. The thought that I could drop a huge load inside her was too exciting, too pleasureful to be denied. I loved the thought. I loved the idea of it. I wanted to do it. I wanted to shoot my hot cum inside her. I loved it and maybe she would love it too if she knew. Losing all control of myself, I exploded deep inside Mom's pussy. Spurt after spurt of the viscous liquid shot forth from my cock into her vagina, the sperm splashing up against her cervix, racing with white heat into her uterus and beyond in search of an egg. Spasm after spasm sent forth quantity after quantity from my teen age balls, until, with no room left inside her to contain all my seed, the warm, thick fluid slicked out around my plunging cock and down around her ass onto the bed. The intensity of the orgasm racked my senses, and I lay atop her for what seemed like a long time before I regained my composure. When I awoke from the dreamlike state I was in, my cock had softened but was still inside Mom's pussy. Pulling it out, her vagina tugged at it, reluctant to let go, as my gism inside her had undoubtedly thickened to a gluelike condition after about 20 minutes. Pulling her panties back up around her, I covered her again with the sheet. Her snoring continued unabated and I figured she would never know what had happened to her that night By morning most of my seed would be inside her uterus, and what cum was left in her vagina would be absorbed into her body. A few dried cum spots on the bed or on her cunt could be dismissed as her own natural discharge. I was home free, I thought as I left the room, a smile on my face. But several weeks later, I learned that the seed I'd implanted deep inside Mom had done its work, giving my unforgettable night an unexected consequence. Mom came home from the doctor's, looking white as a sheet. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me she was pregnant...but she didn't know how it had happened. With a shock, I realized that when I had stolen into her room and fucked her that night, it had been about two weeks after she'd had her period (because that was when I'd seen her with a tampon). She was fertile when I fucked her, and I'd ended up impregnating my own mother! What was I going to do?