From!!!not-for-mail Sat Dec 13 23:48:38 1997 Path:!!!not-for-mail From: (Albrecht) Newsgroups: fur.stories.erotica Subject: Fur: The Village part 2 (M/m, M/M) by Kashra Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 23:18:39 GMT Organization: Furry Pleasures - Lines: 997 Distribution: fur Message-ID: <66psbm$5f0$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82 Xref: fur.stories.erotica:3292 A new yiffy story from Furry Pleasures The Village Part II by Kashra **I did not plan on writing a continuation to the original story. However, as I read it over and over again, I realized that I loved that story more than any other I've ever written. I now risk destroying it with a sequel, but hope that I might rival my own work in this.** The sun rose sleepily over the camp. Nothing moved in the darkness of morning. As the first rays of light shot through the night, they landed upon a figure sitting quietly on a rock. In the dark, one might have thought it was simply a strange extension of the rock itself, but the light surprised it, forcing it to raise a hand and squint to maintain its vigil. Herl smiled happily up at his mother, who stood tall over him. She handed him a brown paper bag, and kneeled so that her face was even with his. "Are you ready to go?" Herl was nervous, what might happen today? "I don't know, mom." He replied, unsure of himself. "Oh come on." She said, laughing that beautiful laugh he had come to know and love. "It'll be great. You'll love it there, I promise." "Promise?" "I said I promised!" she said, her hands reaching out towards him. Herl stepped back, knowing she was going to tickle him. "Please, mom." He pleaded, but she descended upon him, and he was soon laughing hysterically, trying in vain to bat his mother away from him. "Now get going. The bus is going to leave." She encouraged him. Herl got up from the ground and pranced out the door, almost tripping over himself in eagerness, and hoping not to miss the bus to school. A tear rolled down the figure's face, betraying its emotions to anyone who might have been watching. It shifted its weight about on the rock, to keep its limbs from falling asleep. Satisfied with its new position, it resumed its watch, looking out into the wilderness. "Hey! What's wrong there bud?" Herl's attention left the scribbles in front of him and went to the speaker. His dad stood behind him, watching his pencil draw on the paper. "You haven't been talking much lately." "I know." Herl turned back. Could he tell him? "Is anything wrong?" his father inquired. Herl decided that now would be as good a time as ever. "Dad." He began. "I failed a math test." His dad gave him a strange look. Herl hadn't seen him look like that before, it must have been bad. "Failed a math test?" he asked again. "Yeah. I know I'm supposed to be good at that stuff, but..." he started to cry, "I'm just an idiot." His dad put a paw on his shoulder, gently pressing down on him. "Herl. It was a math test." He reasoned, his strength and composure giving the whole situation a look of childishness. "It's not the most crucial thing in the whole world." "But my teachers think I'm stupid now! My whole life's going to fall apart!" Herl cried. "Your teachers don't think your stupid." His father said. "There'll be other math tests. You'll do great on them, and then what will your teachers think? Here's a boy who knows how to do math!" Herl's crying died off. His dad's logic was unbeatable. "You think so?" "I know so, Herl. Just work hard on the next one and we'll see what happens, ok?" his father patted him on the head. "Now come on downstairs, its dinnertime." The sun had risen an inch since it had initially shed its light upon the lonely campsite. The figure still sat, transfixed as if intently watching some point on the horizon. But nothing was there to watch. The light brought heat as well, warming the fabric that covered the figure's form. "Herl? Is that you?" a voice came from somewhere behind him. "I woke up and you weren't in your sleeping bag. I assumed you had wandered off somewhere." The figure sighed audibly, but didn't answer the query. "Herl!" the voice got closer. "How long have you been out here?" "Don't know." it rasped, and nothing else. Warm hands grabbed its shoulders. "At least you wore a jacket! It's freezing out here." The voice was more concerned now. "It's almost time for the camp to wake up, man." "Then let the camp wake." "You're starting to worry me, Herl." Serg walked around to stand in front of what he thought to be his friend, but was now such a misshapen figure as to be unidentifiable. "Are you ok?" Herl moved his paw to grab at his tags. The cold metal had pressed against his chest for a long time now. He raised them into his vision, and read them aloud. "Herloff Stravosky. Shepherd. 1st Unit, 5th Patrol. #1606328." He grinned as he read the last number. "Herl, snap out of it!" Serg's grabbed his friend and shook him. "This isn't right!" "Isn't it?" Herl's voice was dark and detached. "What do you care? Am I hurting you? Do you feel a dagger twisting through your heart too? If so, please join me, I would enjoy some companionship." "Shut up, will you?" Serg snapped. "Do you think you're the only one with troubles in this whole world?" "Do you think your troubles are nearly as painful as mine?" Herl responded. Serg fixed his gaze upon his friend. He was really starting to hate this. "Herl, just come to breakfast, will ya?" Herl's mood changed as if he had just broken out of a trance. He nodded his head at Serg, who was waiting for a response. "Need any help?" his friend offered, but he shook his head. This time he'd handle it alone. Herl stood up slowly from the rock he had rested upon for hours now. Serg walked close to him as he made his way back to their tent. "Today's Sunday, man. You've got an extra hour yet to sleep. I think you should use it." "Thank you. I will." "You better. If you leave this tent before I do..." Serg left it at that. Herl had no intentions of doing so, however. His tired eyes drooped from lack of sleep. "How much did you sleep last night?" "Dunno. Five, six hours maybe?" "You'll be fine then." Serg reassured, not too confident in his own words. The two of them got into their respective sleeping bags, with Yalen curled up in the same corner, fast asleep. "Now get some sleep." Herl grinned, and sniffed sadly. "What now?" his friend said, only half annoyed. "For a moment there," Herl said sadly, "you sounded like my mother." He laughed quietly at Serg. Still, it was not completely a joke. His eyes closed, and that was the last he would remember. What seemed to Serg to be a few seconds later, someone was rapping at the front of their tent. "Wake up call!" A not so friendly voice called in. Herl hadn't heard a thing, and lay sleeping. Serg got up and out of his sleeping bag. By this time the initial cold of morning had left the area, but small traces of it still lingered in the air. He decided he wanted to wear his jacket anyway, and slipped the heavy fabric over his shoulders. Unlike the pants he was wearing, which were the traditional camouflage type worn by most men at arms, his jacket was unique. The pitch black fabric was synthetic, made to hold up against even the worst abuse. It was supposedly impenetrable to anything less than a bullet. Pockets lined the outside to hold miscellaneous items...some of which Serg had never even opened. It was part of a larger uniform that their unit was told to wear occasionally when sent on 'special' missions. Getting his boots on quickly, Serg stepped out of the tent. The rest of the camp was bustling through its daily morning routine. Some who had woken a little earlier--although not as early as Herl--were already eating breakfast over small fires. Serg tasted that vile taste he got in his mouth every morning, and decided the first thing he was going to do was wash his mouth. Before he left to start his morning, he remembered about Yalen. Poking his head inside the tent, he saw the boy dozing away. "Yalen!" he shouted in. The dog started awake. "Get the fuck up and get cleaned up." "Ok." That wasn't too hard, Serg thought. He was glad he had a prisoner that co-operated. Being done with that, he went off towards the nearest source of water he could remember. Yalen started to get up, but noticed Herl was still asleep. He thought better of waking him, and tried to step over. Unfortunately, he tripped in the process and landed on top of the sleeping Shepherd instead. A grunt of surprise came from Herl as Yalen lifted himself off of him. "Sorry, mister. I didn't mean to." "Didn't mean to? I sure as fucking hell hope not." Herl said, his eyes still closed. "How come you get to sleep in?" "I'm sleeping in?" Herl asked, surprised at the fact himself. "The other person just left a little while ago. He told me to get washed up." Yalen explained. "Oh." Herl contemplated the situation. Should he get up? Yes. He lifted himself up onto his elbows. "Who are you again?" He asked the dog in front of him. "Yalen, mister." "Oh yeah, Yalen." Herl shook his head, trying to get the drowsiness out of him. In a minute, he was at least slightly awake. He looked over at the boy who was watching him intently. "Can I ask you a question, Yalen?" "Sure." Yalen answered eagerly. His eyes shone brightly, strangely enough for a prisoner. "You lost both of your parents, but you aren't sad. Why is that?" At the mention of his parents, Yalen's eagerness left him. "My parents...they were dead a long time ago." "Did you miss them then?" "I didn't know them, really." Yalen said, softly. "I grew up with them for a year before they left." "Left? I thought you said they died?" "I think they did." Yalen said. "Nobody ever told me." Herl thought of the poor boy's situation. He never even knew his parents. And now he was constantly in doubt about their existence. Maybe it was for the better, though. Herl couldn't help but think that Yalen was an unwanted child. "Well, that's all I had to ask. I think you should go get washed up now." "All right. I'll go do that." Yalen said reluctantly, as young boys will. Herl watched the boy step out of the tent. He was left alone in the semi-darkness. Groaning, he scratched the top his head. "What am I supposed to do now?" he asked himself as he gradually came to his senses. "More important, what time is it?" he got out of his sleeping bag, although slowly. He was already dressed in a jacket similar to Serg's, and only needed to get his boots on before leaving the tent. The morning light greeted him as he exited the tent. Graf was walking by, on his way to breakfast, and saw him. "Herl!" he greeted, coming up to him. "How's that ear?" Herl lifted the bandaged ear upwards with a fair amount of ease. "Seems ok to me." "Doesn't hurt?" "Nope. I guess it isn't infected then." Herl deduced for himself. "Hope not." Graf agreed. "You ready for some breakfast?" "Yeah, but lemme go wash up first." "Good idea. Something must've died in your mouth overnight." Graf joked. "I didn't notice. You're stench must've overpowered it." Herl replied, patting his shoulder. Graf smiled, and went on his way. Herl walked towards a stream that was nearby the camp to wash his mouth out. In a few minutes, Serg and Herl met in front of their tent, all freshened up from a week's worth of journeying. "You trying to baby me?" Herl asked his friend. "What?" "You let me sleep in like that." "It was for your own good." "Whatever, just don't do it again. You know the commander would kick my ass if I was caught sleeping in." "No he wouldn't." "Oh yes he would. I don't feel like taking that chance, ok?" "Ok, fine." Serg nodded his head. Yalen ran up, smiling. "Ready for some food?" Herl asked the boy, who nodded eagerly. Serg gave his friend a strange look. "Being nice all of a sudden?" he asked, cocking his head. Herl shrugged. The three of them walked towards the center fire, where ten others were enjoying a meager breakfast. Shouts of greeting came from here and there as they sat down. Two packets wrapped in paper were tossed their way. Herl caught one and hungrily ripped it open with his teeth. Four granola bars and a wrapped sandwich dropped out. "What's this? Road lunches for breakfast?" "We ran out yesterday." The commander said from behind him. "Sir?" Herl said, surprised. He quickly jumped to his feet and turned around, saluting his commander. "Officer present!" he shouted out. The rest of them jumped up like scared birds, turning towards the mentioned and placing their paws to their foreheads in salute. The commander walked forward and patted Herl's shoulder. "At ease, I'm just here for some food." The troops relaxed, and sat back down to their meals. Herl moved aside to make room for his commanding officer to sit, which he did. He passed a granola bar and half his sandwich to Yalen, who was waiting anxiously for some food. Serg donated two granola bars for the boy. "Don't worry, kid." The commander said to Herl. "We're getting a truck in today with supplies. Your rations aren't going to be so bad for long." "We better. I don't know how much more of this kind of shit I can take." Herl said, biting into the stale sandwich. Breakfast proceeded, and the other ten joined them eventually to eat. When they were done, the leader gave the command to pack up the base and gather the hostages. This was done within ten minutes. "Today we march to the village and occupy it." He began, as the soldiers lined up in front of him. "As I see it, we have 15 hostages. There is no way we will be able to feed them all, unless you feel like giving up your own rations. They shall be sent off with the convoy that arrives today to supply us." Yalen tapped Herl on the shoulder. "Where am I going?" he asked innocently. "Shut up." Herl whispered, not letting his eyes leave the leader as he spoke. "After we get to the village, we will hold up there for an indefinite amount of time. Our job is to keep the village, understand?" "Sir yes sir!" the voice of twenty men rung through the quiet forest. "Then get ready to go, we leave in one minute!" he shouted. Everyone scrambled to get their equipment strapped in. They were ready to go, packs on and guns at their sides, within the allotted time. The march didn't take long, only ten minutes. It was a morning stroll compared to yesterday's grueling hike. Once at the village, watches were set up around the perimeter, while the others set up camp within the huts previously occupied by the hostages. The hostages followed their captors wherever they went. Herl stood guard outside the eastern entrance. Ears pricked, feet together, back straight, and gun ready, he was the epitome of stature. He scanned the area slowly for movement, but nothing was there save the birds. "Ok, I'm here." Someone said behind him. Herl relaxed, turning around. "You're ten minutes late!" he said, sounding tired. "Yeah, man. Sorry. I just..." "Yeah yeah, whatever." Herl smiled at his replacement. As the new one took his place, he walked back into the village and to his hut. Serg was there talking with Yalen. "Thought you'd never arrive." Serg said, getting up and hugging Herl as he stepped into the shade of the hut. "Yalen's just been asking about where he's going." Leaning in closer, he whispered, "I don't know what to tell him." "You're the one that's always good with kids." Herl whispered back. "Say something!" Serg shrugged and went back to sit on the ground with Yalen. The room was featureless, save for a window and door, and so they had to sit on the ground. Herl went over and joined them. "Yalen, you're going to a...well..." Serg stammered, thinking of the right word. "A jail." "Jail?" Yalen sounded worried. "What did I do?" "You didn't do anything, Yalen." Serg explained. "But you are a Rottweiler, and that means you have to go to...jail." "But--" "--there's nothing you can do about it." Herl interrupted. "Shepherds are not friendly to Rottweilers, you're just lucky." "But I want to be one of you guys." Yalen pleaded. Both Serg and Herl were taken aback by this. "What was that?" they both asked in unison. "I...want to be like you." He said, more quietly this time. "You're so much nicer than my uncle was." He looked at his feet. "I feel good with you guys." "Yalen. Do you realize what you're saying?" Herl asked. "What? Just because I like Shepherds better than Rottweilers? Just because I don't like who I am?" "That makes you the only one, Yalen." Serg explained. "No it doesn't!" the boy said, "I'm sure there are others." "No, Yalen. Nobody betrays their race." Herl said solemnly. "But, there's always a first!" Serg added, giving Yalen hope. "And if you are really the first and not just trying to get out of going, then you are a significant asset indeed." "I really want to help you." Yalen said, honestly. "You'll be condemned as a traitor among your own." Herl warned. "But you'll be hailed as a hero among us!" Serg countered. "I don't care!" Yalen shouted. "I hate them. I want to help you guys!" He gave Serg a strong hug. "Whoa!" Serg was surprised by this sudden outburst. "I believe you, ok?" Yalen let go of him, and looked at Herl. "You really want to do this?" he asked the boy. "Yes!" Herl looked into the boy's eyes. In them he could see nothing but honesty. Those eyes seemed incapable of deception. "Then I believe you too." Yalen smiled in relief. He wasn't sure exactly what had happened there, except that he had told them the truth. "I felt so loved, yesterday." He said, looking excitedly between the two. "Never before was I allowed to express myself so freely." "You mean you liked being abused?" Serg asked, giving the boy a strange look. "Abused?" Yalen looked back just as confused. "Your hand was far from abusive to me," he said, "although I admit it was a bit rough sometimes." "Let me get this straight. You liked that?" Serg said, still not believing what he was hearing. Who was this kid? "I don't get what's so strange." Yalen said. "It was the best experience of my life." Serg thought about the boy for a moment. Going through this stage of his life with all those hormones and no way to express them. It must have been like lifting a weight off of him yesterday. No wonder he was so willing to cooperate with them. He saw them as his liberators, not his captors. "Mister?" "Serg." He corrected. "Serg? Am I supposed to call you that?" "Yalen, you've seen me naked and aroused before. Hell, you've sucked me off! I think you can call me by my first name. Oh yeah," he said, pointing to the other dog, "he's Herl." "Serg and Herl...ok. I guess I can call you that if you want." Yalen seemed uncomfortable with that. He was always taught to respect his elders, and calling them by their first names was out of the question. "Well, it's really Herloff, but I like Herl better." Herl explained, shrugging. "Whichever you want to call me. I've been known not to respond to my full name, though, since everyone calls me Herl." "I'm just Serg." Serg said, smiling. "If my name's any longer than that I don't know about it." "Serg?" Yalen asked. "Yeah?" " that again?" he asked with hopeful eyes. "Do what? What we did yesterday?" "Yeah, what we did yesterday." Serg lifted a paw and placed it on top of the boy's head. He gently ruffled the fur there, and watched him smile in pleasure. "Sure we can. But I've got to go for guard duty soon. I know Herl's free for at least an hour now, maybe you could ask him?" he suggested, although Herl was sitting right next to him. Yalen nodded, and turned to Herl. "Would you?" Herl gave Serg a strange look. "Sure..." he said hesitantly. Serg turned Yalen's head towards him and gave the boy a quick kiss before he stood up. "I've gotta go now," he said, stretching. "I'll be back in an hour. You two have fun now." He said, winking at Herl and walking out the door. "So..." Herl said, "what exactly do you want me to do? I forgot what he did yesterday." This was a comical situation. Yalen stayed silent, but took hold of Herl's paw. He moved it until it touched his sheath. Herl felt the boy's soft fur come in contact with his paw. "So that's it, huh?" he smiled at the boy, who smiled back and nodded. Slowly, he moved his paw down the fuzz-covered sheath, sending waves of sensation up the boy's spine. A pink head poked itself out cautiously. Herl drew the boy closer to him and kissed him warmly. His paw stroked the sheath gently, exciting Yalen further. Yalen began to hump the paw slowly. Herl felt it and stroked harder, provoking harder thrusts from the boy. He broke off the kiss and lowered his head towards the erection. He could smell Yalen's excitement as he continued to stroke the penis. Herl's tongue attacked the tip of Yalen's prick, licking and rasping across it vigorously. This was too much for the boy. It was only his second time ever being touched there by another. He moaned as his cum shot upwards, hitting Herl square in the muzzle. Some missed and landed on his own stomach-fur, but the majority of product from his first ejaculation stuck to Herl's face. "I...I...I'm sorry, Herl." He apologized, not sure what the other's reaction would be. "Sorry?" Herl said, laughing and licking some of it from his muzzle. "Why be sorry about it?" "It's all over your face!" Yalen said, pointing. "Yeah?" Herl wiped some off with his paw. Before the boy could react, he wiped the same paw across Yalen's muzzle. "Now its all over you too. Satisfied?" Yalen didn't reply, but he did laugh with Herl. "Ok then. Now help me get this stuff of me, ok?" "Ok." Yalen said. "But how?" Herl slapped his forehead. "Oh I don't know. What do you think?" he asked Yalen. "I don't know!" the boy replied. Herl licked some more off his face. "Got a clue yet?" "I...I think so." Yalen grimaced. "I think you got it." Herl said, seeing the expression on his face. "It's not that bad. I'm sure your mother...or uncle, sorry...fed you worse before." "But it came out of my..." "Just trust me, ok? Now help me get it off before it dries, then it's REALLY a mess to clean up." "Ok." Yalen hesitated, but moved his head towards Herl's. Tentatively, he stuck his tongue out and licked some of the sticky substance off his fur. Of course, it tasted just like Serg's had yesterday. He didn't like it, but it wasn't so bad he couldn't help Herl out. He quickly licked the rest of it off as best he could to get the job done as soon as possible. Herl did likewise for Yalen, enjoying the boy's taste. Herl's own erection throbbed against the inside of his pants. "Think you can do the same for me?" he said, standing up and starting to undo his pants. "You want me to use my mouth?" "I did for you, didn't I?" Herl said, stepping out of his pants and taking off his jacket. Yalen sat up so that his nose was near the tip of Herl's penis. He remembered the day before when Serg had forced him into this position. Should he do the same thing as he did yesterday? His head moved forward and, very lightly, he kissed the pink cock before him. It was not forced this time, but given affectionately, and hoping to please Herl. It seemed to work, since the dog smiled down at him. Yalen took part of the length into his mouth, tasting it. His saliva mingled with pre-cum seeping from the tip. His teeth grazed gently across the top of the rod as he engulfed more. Herl's scent filled his nostrils making him dizzy, almost. His tongue moved slowly in his mouth, wrapping around the cock as best he could. Herl moved his hips back and forth into the boy's mouth, feeling his tongue slide over the length. The teeth only heightened the experience. As the inexperienced boy did his best to keep up, Herl increased his pace. Yalen felt the warm member slide in and out of his mouth. He could also feel Herl as he tensed, coming to his to climax. Thick cum shot into his throat, which he swallowed. It was replaced just as quickly as he could get rid of it. Herl came into the boy for what seemed like minutes, but finally stopped. He let his penis slide slowly out of the boy's mouth. "Wow. Serg must really have enjoyed himself yesterday." He commented, smiling at the boy who was licking his lips. Yalen wasn't sure whether he liked the taste yet. It was salty, but tolerable. He couldn't get the thought that it had come out of Herl's penis out of his mind. "Now tell me," Herl said, walking over to his pants, "are you serious about betraying your race?" "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Yalen watched Herl put his pants on over his shrinking erection. "Because you don't want to go to...jail." Yalen shrugged. "I don't know how this would keep me out of jail. I'm still a Rottweiler, aren't I?" "You just don't get it, do you?" Herl knelt down and put his paw on the bottom of the boy's muzzle. "You were to be sent away for opposing the Shepherds." "But I never did!" "By association with the scum of this village, you were. But I can see it in you, Yalen." Herl looked directly into the boy's eyes. "I can see that you are sincere. And for that, you are truly beautiful." "What's that supposed to mean?" Yalen asked. "Nothing, nothing." Herl snapped out of his philosophical mode. "But I must report your will to the commander. He will certainly be happy to know." "Can I come?" "Can you cum?" Herl joked, letting go of Yalen and standing up. "I certainly hope you can." "I don't get it." Yalen said, quizzically. "Never mind. Come on, of course you can come." Herl waved for him to follow. The two walked to the commander's hut. Herl rapped on the door. "Herloff Stravosky, sir!" "Herl? Come on in." the leader's voice came from the inside. Herl opened the door slowly, and stepped inside, gesturing for Yalen to wait outside. He closed the door behind him and saluted his commanding officer. The leader sat on the floor, a strategical map laid out in front of him and his second in command on the other side. The radio buzzed softly in a corner, weather reports coming in. "What brings you here?" the leader asked. "Sir! I have important news, sir!" Herl began, not moving anything but his mouth. "And what news is this?" "Sir! One of the hostages has decided to betray their race, sir!" The leader sighed. "Herl, you aren't that gullible, are you? They just want to keep out of the camps." "Sir! No, I am not that gullible, sir!" "Then why are you coming to me with this report?" "Sir! Because I truly feel that this boy is telling the truth, sir!" "Let the man speak freely, will you?" the second in command said to the leader. "At ease." Herl looked at the second in command, then back at the leader in confusion. The leader nodded his head, and Herl's hand dropped to his side. "He is a boy of fourteen, sir. I can tell by looking at him that he is sincere in his hatred for the Rotties. I don't know why he loves us, but I think it might be because of the way me and Serg treated him." "And how did you treat him?" the leader asked, more interested now that it seemed realistic. "Sir, we..." Herl looked nervously back and forth between the two, "we treated him like any other hostage." That was the most censored way to say 'we fucked him dry.' The leader shook his head in disbelief. Herl continued, "He's waiting outside, if you would like to speak with him, sir." "Outside? Now? Well get him in here!" Herl did as he was told, opening the door and motioning Yalen to come inside. "This is the boy, sir. He--" "--Silence, soldier. I will have him speak for himself." The leader snapped. Herl stepped back and obediently stood silently. "Who are you?" the leader asked. "Yalen, mister--" "--SIR," Herl corrected the boy, "forgive him, sir. He knows no better." "You should be asking me to forgive YOU for disobeying my order to be quiet!" That shut Herl up. Yalen looked nervously at Herl, wondering what trouble he had gotten him into. "Now, your name is Yalen?" the leader continued. "Yes...sir." Yalen answered sheepishly. "Ok, Yalen. Now tell me exactly what you told Herl over there about your loyalty." ", I want to be like them." "Like who?" "Like Herl and Serg." "What do you mean 'you want to be like them'?" "I want to be like they are." Yalen explained. "I want to fight like them. I don't even want to be a Rottweiler, I'd much rather be a Shepherd!" The leader looked up and down the naked body in front of him, contemplating the situation. The boy was sincere, surely enough. "Herl! Get this boy some pants!" he commanded. "Yes sir!" Herl saluted and left the room to carry out his order. Within a minute he was back with a pair of pants similar to his own. "Are these satisfactory, sir?" "Sure, whatever. Just get him dressed." Herl handed the pants to Yalen, who put them on. They were the correct size, strangely enough. Herl had just picked one at random. "Now that you are presentable, we can talk." The leader looked at his second in command. He looked back at the boy, and stood up. His mouth curled into a smile, and then developed into a laugh. He embraced the boy, still laughing. "Welcome, Yalen. I'll have you registered immediately." "Sir?" Herl asked, surprised at this change. "Attention, soldier!" the leader commanded. Herl snapped to attention, his paw in salute. "This boy is a member of the Shepherd army now, and is to be given all the due respect of one in his position. I will have you train him in our procedures." He leaned in closer to Herl and whispered into his ear, "If he is going to be useful, he has to feel like he fits in. But, whatever you do, do NOT let him fight! Train him with weapons, if you want, but I repeat, do NOT let him fight!" He leaned back and spoke normally again. "If this is true, this boy is the most valuable asset to this army." "Sir," Herl began, "I am on guard duty in an hour--" "--not anymore." The leader said. "You are off all shifts so that you can fulfill your duty in training this boy. Now," he said, turning to the boy, "you are to go to Herl's quarters and await his arrival." Yalen looked confused at the two of them. Herl couldn't give him any hints as to what to say, since he was still at attention. "Umm...ok." he said. The leader slapped his paw to his forehead. "Just go." Yalen did as he was told, closing the door behind him. The commander looked at Herl, and smiled. "What do you think?" "Sir! I feel that I am being given undue privileges over the others! I wish to--" "--what you wish to do," the leader interrupted, "is not my concern. I have relieved you of guard duty. You needed a vacation anyway, with what has happened to you." The commander stepped forward towards Herl. "May I give you some advice?" "Sir! You do not have to ask your own soldier about what you may and may not say, sir!" Herl replied, formally. "Just answer the fucking question." "Sir, you may say what you wish, sir." Herl wished he could lower his paw to his side. This position was hard to hold, but the repercussions for not doing so were great. "Then let me tell you this, Herl." The leader said. "This bit of advice is not from your commanding officer, but from your friend. When you get something good, don't give it up. Of all people, you should know that best." He sighed, "Dismissed." Herl lowered his paw and nodded his head in respect to the second in command, who had sat there the whole time. He exited as quickly as he could, wanting to save himself from further admonishment. He walked slowly back to his hut, in which he found a very excited Yalen waiting for him. "Did you hear what he said?" the boy said, almost jumping with excitement. Herl couldn't help but smile. "Yes, Yalen. I heard. Don't think it'll be easy for you now, though. You've got a lot to learn." "But I want to learn! And you're gonna teach me all about it!" "Maybe not ALL about it," Herl said, "since I don't even remember everything." "Can we start now?" Yalen asked. "Now? What do you want to do now?" "I don't know! Teach me something!" Yalen sat down on the ground and waited. Herl sat down beside him, and thought about what he could tell him. "Let's start with how you talk, ok?" "Ok, what about it?" "Hypothetical situation," Herl began, "I am your commanding officer--" "--what's that?" "Commanding officer? That's who you just met. The big guy who calls the shots. Anyway, I'm your commanding officer, and you see me walking towards you. What do you say?" "Hello?" "No. Far from it." Herl was beginning to think this wouldn't be as easy as he thought. This boy was completely uneducated in the ways of the army. "You would salute him, and greet him as 'Sir'. Not only that, but if there were others on the premises, you would call out 'Officer present!' so that they know as well." An hour went by as Herl tried to explain to Yalen what to do in different situations. What he was supposed to say, and when. Serg walked in after his shift was over, and looked at the two. "What's with the pants?" he asked, pointing at Yalen. "I'm one of you guys now!" Yalen said happily. Serg looked at Herl wondering if the boy was serious. "He's been admitted as part of the Shepherd army. I'm supposed to train him in our procedures." Herl explained. "Holy fucking shit!" Serg exclaimed. "How did this happen?" "I'll explain later." Herl said, winking at his friend. "Whatever," Serg said, wondering what had possessed the leader to accept the boy, "the convoy has arrived with our supplies. I was coming here to get Yalen, but I guess he's not going." "So we get to eat now?" Herl asked anxiously. It had been a while since they had had a good meal. "The commander has announced that we'll eat in an hour. He said it'll be good, but otherwise..." Serg shrugged, "...he could feed us worms, for all I know." "So what now?" Yalen asked. "Now, we go help load the hostages." Serg said, starting to walk out the door. Herl followed, leaving Yalen confused. "Well?" Herl asked. "Are you coming or not?" "I'm supposed to help?" Yalen asked. "What? You think you're better than us all of a sudden?" Herl joked. "Of course you help. You're a part of our army, just like me." Yalen got up and followed the two reluctantly. He didn't know what his old friends would think of him. But they weren't his friends now, were they? He contemplated this as they walked down to the center square of the village, where three ATV's and a cargo truck had pulled up. Herl and Serg walked up to a man with a checklist and saluted. The man returned their salute, and Yalen heard them converse quietly. The dog nodded his head towards the back of the cargo truck, and walked off, busily talking to others and checking things off. The three of them walked to the back of the truck, where the man had indicated, and found the hostages being loaded on. Yalen saw the faces turned down towards the ground as the were escorted towards the truck. Two guards stood by the truck, and helped the hostages get inside. Otherwise, there was nobody guarding the small column of people filing in. One of them lifted his head, his eye catching Yalen's figure. The boy, who was about Yalen's age, looked again to make sure he saw what he thought he just saw. He stopped in his tracks, "Yalen?" he said, looking directly at him. Yalen recognized him as one of his closest friends before the attack. He looked down in shame, for the fist time doubting his decision to join the army. "Yalen! You didn't!" the boy said angrily. Yalen didn't say a word. He nodded his head solemnly. The boy growled and started to run towards him. He leapt at Yalen, pinning him to the ground. "You betrayed us all! How could you?" he screamed, beating his fists against Yalen, who was doing his best to fight back. The boy soon felt a metal-tipped boot smash against his side. He collapsed beside Yalen, yelping in pain and grasping at the invisible wound. Serg felt something crack as his foot collided with the boy's ribs, but he got the job done. The boy lay crumpled in a whimpering heap, clutching his side in pain. "That'll put you in your place. How dare you attack a Shepherd soldier?" the boy continued crying, his breathing sounding hard. "I asked you a question!" Serg yelled. The boy's will collapsed. "I...I'm sorry sir." he managed, before he started to cough. Small flecks of blood came out of his mouth and hit his paw. The sight of his own blood scared the boy, and he whimpered louder. Herl edged over next to Serg. "I think you kicked him a little too hard." He observed, wondering what to do about it. "Yeah well, he attacked Yalen!" Serg said. "I know that! You could've just grabbed him off of him. It's just a kid, after all." While Herl spoke, Yalen knelt down next to his old friend. He looked down into the teary eyes, a horrible feeling filling him. "I'm sorry." he whispered to his friend, who could only cough in reply. Yalen looked up at Serg. "Can't you guys help him or something?" he asked, knowing the boy would die without assistance. Herl nodded. By now a few others had come to the scene. "MEDIC!" he yelled out. "MEDIC!" he yelled again. Within a few seconds, Graf was there with his white box. "Yeah?" he asked, looking down at the crumpled heap. "I think the boy has a broken rib," Herl explained, "or two or three..." he added, pulling Yalen away from the hostage. "What happened?" Graf asked, as he knelt down next to the boy, putting his box down next to him. "He attacked one of our men." Serg said, pointing to Yalen. Murmurs went through the other five or six men who were there. "What do you mean, 'one of OUR men?'" Graf said, pointing surprised at Yalen. "He's just a hostage!" "Not anymore he's not. He decided to join us." "Well that doesn't make it official, does it?" "The leader's command does." Herl said, pointing to the hostage to remind Graf what he was there for. "Whatever," Graf shrugged helplessly. "You're gonna tell me all about it later." He told Herl, as he turned back towards the whimpering boy. Gently, Graf removed the boy's paws from where they were clutching his wound. There was no visible puncturing of the skin, but it was obvious something was wrong. "Need some help?" Herl offered, knowing Graf couldn't do anything if his paws were tied up holding the boy. "Yeah, you hold him down." Graf said. Herl complied quickly. He took a hold of both the boy's paws, and helped Graf lay him on his back. He involuntarily twitched whenever he was moved, making the job even harder. Graf inspected him more closely, noting the flecks of blood that he had coughed up. "This is not good." Graf mumbled, laying his hand upon the spot where he thought the internal fracture was. The boy yelped and tried to move out of the way, but he was held fast in his place. "It seems like he's broken two ribs, and judging from the blood, at least one's punctured his lung." "So?" Herl knew that it was bad. He had medical training, but wasn't a full-fledged medic like Graf. "Will he make it?" "Hmmm...probably." Graf thought. "I obviously can't perform SURGERY on him here. We have neither the equipment nor the time to waste. All we can do is load him up and tell them to keep him very still for the few days it takes to get back. I can bandage it, but that's about it." Graf got to work bandaging the boy's waist, while Herl held him and the rest looked on. Most looked not with concern for the boy but simple interest in what was happening. Yalen, however, was genuinely worried for his friend's health. He watched as Graf skillfully wound the bandage around, and winced himself when he saw his old friend struggle against Herl's grip. "Why did you have to kick him that hard, Serg?" he asked, watching the painful procedure. "He would have beaten you harder." Serg said simply, shrugging. "Don't you feel bad about it?" "Bad? Why would I? He's just a fucking Rottie, and he made the offensive maneuver!" "Then I'm just a fucking Rottie too?" Yalen asked, offended at how Serg was talking about his friend. "No, Yalen. You're not a Rottie anymore. You're a Shepherd, and nothing more." "But he was my friend!" "Not anymore his isn't. He is the enemy," Serg explained, pointing at the boy squirming in pain, "it's only because he's a hostage that he isn't dead right now, do you understand?" "Y...yeah." Yalen said, glancing over at the boy who had his eyes clenched shut to block out the pain. "We protect each other, Yalen." Serg continued. "That should be all you think about now, living. That boy didn't consider the consequences of his actions. Don't let that happen to you too. I know you won't make the same mistake." Serg patted him on the back. Graf finished up with the bandaging, and waved two other soldiers near him. "Carry him to the truck. Make sure you keep him as straight as possible, and let him lie down somewhere. Hopefully the ride won't be too rough on his ribs." Herl let go of him and let the other two take him over to the truck, where the rest of the hostages had already been loaded. Yalen followed him there, making sure nothing happened to him. As the boy was loaded onto the truck, his eyes met Yalen's. A chill colder than that of the coldest winter flowed through Yalen, making him shiver and look away as the doors were closed. "He really isn't my friend anymore..." Yalen said to himself as he walked slowly back to Herl and Serg, who were talking to Graf. The rest of the people had dispersed, their interest in the boy dwindling. "Now someone's gonna tell me what's up with this kid!" Graf demanded as Yalen approached. "The commander," Herl explained slowly, "has ordered that he be admitted as part of the Shepherd army, and is to be given all due privileges and respect of any soldier." "That's great!" Graf said, less than enthusiastic. "Now can someone tell me fucking WHY?" "That's simple enough." Herl said. "He hates Rotties just like the rest of us." "But he IS a Rottie! He can't hate them if he is one!" "But he DOES, Graf. He does hate them. He hates them so much he wants to join our army and kill them like we do. Get it?" Graf shrugged helplessly. "Not really, but I don't think I'm gonna anytime soon. Hey, looks like lunch time to me." "And not a moment too soon." Herl said, rubbing his growling stomach. "Wonder what it is?" The troop was making its way to the center of the village, where a small fire had been set up. The commander stood next to the second in command as soldiers came up. When the full count of twenty had arrived, the commander began. "That was the convoy coming through this area. It has dropped off three weeks worth of supplies for us. Within the next week, we shall be reinforced by a new troop so that we can continue on our trek. Until then, as I have said before, we are to stay here. "Now that the truck has left, we're on our own for god knows how many days. Over the long hike, we lost five men total. You twenty are all that's left of this troop, and I don't know if there's any other group of loyal soldiers I'd rather command. "We have a new recruit joining us. His name is Yalen and he's a Rottweiler." At the mention of his race, many began whispering to each other. "Don't treat him like one. He'll kill just as many as the rest of you. Now on to the real reason you're all here." The second in command opened up a cardboard box that was behind him. Out came foil wrapped bags, which were passed around to everyone. "Men, these are steak dinners. I know it's lunch, but it has been a long time since we've had any real MEAT to eat. They've all been cooked over the past hour by yours truly, so I don't expect any complaints about how they taste! Do you get me?" "Sir yes sir!" the group called out, hungrily eyeing the packages in their paws. "Then eat up!" the leader shouted. The group dispersed to go eat their lunches, which were smelling awfully good right now. It really had been weeks since they were given meat, since it spoils so easily. Sure, some meals had a little turkey or something like that, but this was a meal with meat as the main course. Herl, Serg, and Yalen sat down near the fire, ripping open their packages. Yalen had received one of his own now, since he was a member of the army. The aroma of cooked steak wafted up to their noses. "Fuck, this was the last thing I expected." Herl said, amazed. "Yeah," Serg said, examining the food in front of him. A large slab of beef and a cooked potato. "The man knows how to treat us!" The three of them wolfed down their meals, Herl and Serg enjoying the juicy taste as they chewed on the meat. Yalen didn't seem all that surprised at it, since he had been eating good meals for the past few days anyway, other than today at breakfast. Still, he ate hungrily, not being fed much since yesterday afternoon. The meals were finished quickly, and they set about their daily tasks again. Herl taught the boy as much as he could remember about army procedure, while Serg went off to fulfill his guard shifts. The day passed uneventfully, and the sun set behind the trees. Dinner, which was exactly the same as lunch, was given out and eaten just as quickly. The commander had requested that Yalen be sent to his hut for the night, so that he could 'discuss' matters with him. Herl and Serg prepared their room for the night, rolling out sleeping bags and arranging their packs in a convenient place. "So," Serg said as he unbuttoned his pants, getting ready for bed. "How are you holding up?" Herl had already taken his pants and jacket off, and stretched out comfortably on his sleeping bag. "I don't know, Serg." He sighed, closing his eyes. "I mean, I've kept myself busy enough not to think about it too much, but at times like this..." Herl sniffed sadly, "I just don't know, man." "Is there anything I can do?" Serg asked, removing his jacket and packing his clothing into his pack. "Serg, you've done more than I could ever have imagined. I don't know if there's anything more you could possibly do." Herl talked as Serg fished through his pack for his book and flashlight. The room was lit by the dying light of sunset, but it wasn't enough to read by. Serg finally found what he was looking for, and walked over to his sleeping bag, which was placed right next to Herl's. "Just tell me if you start feeling bad again, ok? I don't want to see you running off in the middle of the night to get killed." "Ok." Herl agreed, as Serg sat down on his bag with his back up against a wall. He took the flashlight, which was scratched by many teeth-marks, and flicked it on. As he did almost every night, he stuck one end of the small flashlight in his mouth, clamping down on it with his teeth to hold it steady. Herl watched him open his book and start reading by the small light. "So, what's happening?" Herl asked his friend, who was buried in the book. "Hmm?" Serg looked at Herl, his flashlight accidentally shining in his eyes. "Ack!" Herl put his paw up to shade his eyes from the onslaught of light. "Don't do that!" he said. Serg looked away slightly from Herl. "Thanks." "Now what were you saying?" Serg did his best to mumble around the flashlight sticking out of his mouth. "The book, Serg. What's happening in the book?" Herl said, pointing at the mentioned book. "Oh." Serg took the flashlight out and turned it off, rubbing the saliva off on his arm. "Well right now its talking about how the knights are planning an attack on Castle Drake, but it's really pretty dry stuff." "What makes those fantasy novels so interesting?" Herl asked. "Oh I don't know." Serg thought. "Its just nice to pretend your not who you really are." Herl nodded. "I guess it would be nice not to be myself." "Come on, don't say that. I admit this place is hell on earth, but there's no reason not to live." "Nevermind, Serg. I wasn't planning on suicide, just making a comment." "Sorry, Herl. I guess I'm just being overprotective. I just don't want to see--" "--see me run off into the forest to get shot up by some fucking Rottie. Don't worry, Serg. If anything, I'll just kill a lot more of them now." "I guess that's better than nothing." Serg said. "But try not to kill civilians, will you? It's just not right." Herl thought for a long time. "Ok Serg, if that's what you want, I'll stop for you." "Yes, that's what I want." "Then its settled. No more civie kills." "Ok." "Ok." An uncomfortable silence ensued. Serg flicked on his flashlight and continued reading as he was before Herl had started to speak. Page after page went by, as he went back into his other world of knights and sorcerers and all kinds of fantastic creatures. He was brought back out again by the feeling of a paw brushing against his sheath softly. Looking down, he saw Herl slowly stroking him. "Herl, what are you doing?" "What?" Herl bent his head down and kissed the opening at the tip of the furred sheath. "Isn't there any way to repay a friend so loyal as you?" "Herl!" Serg protested, although he was enjoying the feeling immensely. "I don't want to take advantage of you!" "You're not taking advantage of me." Herl licked the top of his sheath, coaxing his penis to show itself. Serg growled at his friend. "I don't want you to 'repay' me for being your friend, Herl. As your friend, I'll be there whether you like it or not. If you do this for me, you do it because you want to, not because you think it'll repay me, ok?" "Ok, Serg. I want to." Herl replied, looking into his friend's concerned eyes. He could see that Serg didn't believe him. "I really do, Serg. I want to do this, just like we used to before my parents died." "Are you sure, Herl?" Herl nodded his head in reply. Serg closed his book and turned off his flashlight, setting them aside. "Then allow me." he pushed Herl's head back so that he was lying down again. Getting up, Serg placed his two knees on either side of Herl's head. He was now facing the rest of Herl's body, stretched out in front of him. Serg let himself fall forward, his hands colliding with the ground and stopping him with his head hovering over Herl's own sheath. Without hesitation, he bent his neck downwards and started licking vigorously at the fur. Herl gasped in pleasure, closing his eyes and taking a long breath in through his nose. Serg's excited scent filled him. Herl knew without opening his eyes that his friend's length was only inches away from his muzzle. Serg had soon brought Herl to an erection, his tongue sliding over the slick pink rod. Balancing himself with one arm, he moved a paw to stroke at the soft fur of Herl's sheath, as his mouth continued to work at the length. Herl craned his neck upwards, until his nose met the moistness of Serg's erection. His tongue slid out to lap at his friend, as he guided himself by smell. Serg could feel the gentle prodding of Herl's cold nose against his crotch, which only led him to work harder at the job in front of him. Serg took the length into his muzzle, swallowing as much of it as he could. His paw stroked the sheath rapidly as he sucked Herl to his climax. With a moan, Herl released himself into his friend's muzzle. Serg milked him, making sure he had gotten every last drop before letting the shrinking member slide out of his mouth. Herl let his head drop down in exhaustion. "Fuck! That was amazing!" Serg moved off Herl, flopping onto his back next to him. He fingered his erection, wondering whether he should actually do Herl, or leave it. "Well?" Herl said, flipping over onto his stomach and grinning, "Are you done already? I really thought you had more in you." "Is that a challenge?" Serg asked, getting back up onto his knees. Herl shrugged, waving his tail suggestively. "I'll take that as a yes, bitch!" Serg smiled as he straddled Herl's back legs, grabbing the waving tail and holding it upward. Serg pointed his cock downward until the tip pressed against Herl's opening. "Are you ready for the fucking of a lifetime?" he snarled. "Oh no, Serg." Herl imitated a fearful and girlish voice. "Please, you're sooo big! Don't do it!" Serg laughed as he pressed himself into Herl, sliding in quickly. He put his paws on either side of Herl's hips for support as he thrust into his companion. Herl braced himself, clenching his eyes shut at the expected, but still hard, onslaught. He grunted softly as Serg pushed into him again, driving deeper than before. He had only been in this position a few times before, always with Serg. Serg slowed down and went more easy on his friend, knowing there was a limit to how much pain Herl could enjoy. Herl sighed thankfully, enjoying the familiar feeling of Serg's cock sliding in and out of him. Serg went on like this for as long as he could stand, watching the pleasure it gave his friend. Finally, Serg couldn't keep it back. He quickly pumped harder, his climax coming on fast. Herl felt him swell up slightly, and soon after the warm feeling of his cum spurting into him. Serg remained buried in Herl for a while, feeling his warmth as he laid down on top of him. He nibbled on Herl's unbandaged ear lovingly. Herl moaned softly. "Ya like that, huh?" Serg whispered, licking the tip of Herl's ear. "Wow..." Herl muttered, feeling Serg's length shrinking inside of him. "Don't remember it being this good..." he sighed as Serg got up slightly and started to massage his shoulders. "Why all the special treatment all of a sudden?" "Special treatment?" Serg asked, pressing his paws against the hard muscles. "Who's getting special treatment?" Herl didn't answer, allowing him to continue his attentions. They sat for what could have been an hour, but more probably was within ten minutes. "Serg," Herl said, yawning, "I'm tired." "Ok," Serg stopped, taking what was left of his erection out of his friend, "we'll call it a night." He rolled over next to his friend, and got into his sleeping bag. Herl groggily got into his own as well. They faced each other as they tried to get to sleep. "Serg?" Herl's voice was low and tired. "Yeah?" Serg answered, opening his eyes to meet Herl's. As their eyes met, the whole message was conveyed without a word. 'Thank you.' The quiet eyes spoke. Serg smiled understandingly, his reply being understood. 'Anytime.' Furry Pleasures -