From!!!!!!!!!!Sprint!!swbell!not-for-mail Fri Dec 26 14:29:09 1997 From: (The Assassin) Newsgroups: Subject: [ass] New: Veterinary Medicine, part 1 (beast) Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 02:45:32 GMT Organization: Sublime Society of Incestual Inbreeders Lines: 612 Message-ID: <34aa3dfa.5063041@news> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Trace: 882928055 8442 (None) X-Complaints-To: X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 1.5/16.451 Path:!!!!!!!!!!Sprint!!swbell!not-for-mail Xref: I am not the author of this story. The author is kcfoltz. To send me mail, just remove the "nospam" from my return address. This story contains sex, and may contain the following, sex between adults and minors, incest, or bestiality. If these topics offend you, then please read no further. Likewise do not read it if you are under age for your community, or if your community has deemed such stories to be illegal. Veterinary Medicine By: Kevin C. Foltz Jennifer Robertson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, pulled her van into the parking lot of her new practice. She surveyed the outside of the low, brown and white building from her seat. She saw flaking paint and shutters in need of repair as they slowly swung in the light breeze of the morning air. Not exactly what she had pictured when the previous Doctor had contacted her about the opening created by his retirement. She had been a little too eager to start her career she decided. Having graduated from Veterinary Medicine at the prestigious School of Animal Medicine and Husbandry up state, she had immediately jumped into her practice with both feet. Now, things looked rather bleak as she gazed out of the window of her mini-van at her new home and business. She gathered a garment bag from the passenger seat and stepped out, beginning her new life. "Hello, new home!" She said to the run down structure. It was silent in response. Jennifer dug the key from her coat pocket and stuck it in the door. It opened with a protesting creak and she paused at the threshold. "Oh my God!" She gasped. The front office had the look of a room that had been firebombed. The ceiling tiles hung down in some places, where there were ceiling tiles, while what had been a receptionists desk sat in a heap of firewood instead. She dropped her bag and stood stunned at the sight. "Jesus Christ! How the hell am I going to work in this?" Jennifer moaned. She stepped over some debris on the floor and walked down the short hallway to inspect the examination rooms. Poking her head into the first, she saw more depressing sights. The exam table was a rusting heap of torn vinyl and steel. The equipment cabinet was on the floor in three pieces. Various bottles and containers of drugs and other medicines littered the small room. A quick look at the other two rooms was equally depressing. Somebody had trashed the place alright. The equipment, what remained, was of no use at all. She would have to find replacements as soon as possible. A voice from the office snapped her out of her stunned disbelief. "Anybody here? Hello..." A girls voice shouted. "Yes, I'm here. Who is it?" Jennifer responded, walking back to the reception area. She saw a girl, about fourteen years old, pony tailed and wearing faded jeans and a tee shirt. The girl held a cat in her arms. "Are you the new Vet?" She asked. "Yes, I'm Doctor Robertson. Jennifer Robertson. Who are you?" "Sally Mathews. Can you help my cat, Dr. Robertson? A dog bit her. She's hurt!" The girl said, cradling her pet for the Doctor to see. "Well as you can see, Sally, my office needs some work. But lets go back outside and I'll look at your cat. I have a medical kit in my van. What's her name, honey?" Jennifer said, instantly becoming a Veterinary Doctor. "Squeaky. She hardly makes any noise and when she does it sounds like a squeak, so we called her Squeaky. Is she gonna be alright?" Sally asked. Jennifer carefully took the injured animal from the worried girls arms and began a slow examination. "Sally, would you open the side door on my van? I can look at her better if we get her on the floor of the van." "Sure. Boy the inside of your office is sure a mess. You have a lot of work to do" Sally noted, sliding the door of the vehicle open for Jennifer. "O.K., Squeaky, let's have a look at you." Jennifer put the cat on the floor of her van. "She tried to get away from the dog, but he had her cornered. He got a couple of bites at her and I chased him away with a stick." Jennifer looked up at the girl, "That was brave, Sally, but you could have gotten hurt. Sometimes dogs don't know what they're biting when they get excited." "I wasn't going to let him hurt Squeaky!" The girl replied. Jennifer found the dog bite and Squeaky complained a little as she checked out the wound. "Sally, will you open that black case on the seat there?" She indicated the case with a toss of her head at the seat. "Sure. Is she gonna be alright?" Jennifer shook her head in the affirmative. Sally opened the case for her and moved it next to her on the floor of the van. "She got a bite, but it seems to be only superficial. I'll put some disinfectant on it and then we'll bandage her. Open that blue plastic jar there in the corner, will you?" "Yeah, thanks for looking at her, Doctor. I was worried it might be serious." "You're welcome, Sally, and call me Jennifer. Since you are my first client you might as well not be so formal. You're right about my office. You said it was a mess and it sure is. Do you know what happened to it?" "Some of the boys from High School come down here and one of them broke into it a while back. That was right after the other Doctor left last year." She handed Jennifer the jar of ointment. Jennifer applied some of the ointment and then placed a gauze pad over the small wound. She bound it with a non-sticky wrapping and handed the cat back to the girl. "There you are, Sally. In a couple of days bring her back and we'll check on her. She'll be O.K." "Thanks, Jennifer! What do I owe you?" Sally said, holding the bandaged Squeaky. "I'll tell you what we'll do, Sally. Would you like to help me get this place ready for business? I can't pay you much, but I really need the help and I don't know anybody here, except you. What do you say?" "You'd pay me? To help you? Wow! Sure, Jennifer! I'll have to ask my mom and dad first. I'll bring them here when I bring Squeaky back, O.K.?" She said, excitement obvious in her voice. "O. K.! It's a deal!" Jennifer held out her hand and the two shook on their new partnership. "See you in a couple of days!' The girl said. She turned and walked out toward the driveway. Jennifer watched her for a minute then put her medical tools and supplies back in their places in her kit bag. She had a lot of work to do before she could open the office. She began to make a mental list of the equipment and supplies she would need. She figured that if she was lucky, the cost of new equipment and the refurbishing of the building itself would cost her about thirty thousand dollars. It sounded like a small enough amount when compared to the cost of her education she reasoned. Thirty thousand dollars she didn't have. On the drive back down the road to town, she tried to argue with herself about her decision to take the practice in the small town. The Doctor in her argued the case to stay and take care of the communities needs. The practical, and cash shy side of her argued to get out now, while she still had a good credit record. As she pulled into the parking lot of her apartment, the Doctor had won the argument. She would give it a go, money be damned. A trip to the local bank was in order. Thirty thousand dollars at an interest rate of nine percent. That was the deal the bank offered the towns newest Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Jennifer signed the papers and the banker assured her that her account would reflect the credit amount within the day. Driving to the office, she stopped at the hardware store to pick up the immediate needs for the remodeling of her new work place. Twelve gallons of paint, brushes, rollers, a new front desk to be shipped from the city, a filing cabinet and a new front door. After unloading the supplies, Jennifer stood in the front doorway of the animal hospital, assessing the work ahead. It seemed an insurmountable task. "Here we go!" She shouted at the empty walls. By lunchtime she had the trash and refuse piled outside ready for a trip to the local dump. The hallway and exam rooms were cleared of debris and she had the paint ready for the walls. By six o'clock the front office and two exam rooms were covered with a fresh coat of paint. Jennifer felt as if she had been in a fight. Every muscle of her body ached from the exertion of hauling trash and overhead painting. She decided to call it a day and headed for home. Early morning found her back at the task of bringing her new job and the building she would work in back into the realm of a presentable business. Handy with a hammer and saw, something her father had taught her, she soon had the new door on its hinges and the shutters repaired and painted. She decided to hire a local painter to cover the outside of the building while she concentrated on the interior. She made arrangements with the phone company to install a business system in her new office. While eating a sandwich for lunch the following day she saw a station wagon pull into the parking lot. Sally hopped out of the back seat followed by her parents. Sally introduced them to the new Doctor and they thanked her for taking care of the family cat, Squeaky. "Thank you, Aaron, Susan. I would invite you in, but it's still a real mess inside. I've got the painting done, but I'm waiting for the equipment to get here. It should be here today or tomorrow." "Jennifer, it's a pleasure. Squeaky thanks you, too." The attractive blonde Susan said, shaking Jennifers hand. "Yes, thanks a lot, Jennifer. Sally was really worried about that cat." Aaron said, as he also shook the young doctors hand. "Sally has asked us if she could help you out. She said you were offering her a job." "That's right, I'm in need of an assistant. I need some help getting the place fixed up and once that's done, I need a front desk receptionist. I can't pay much, but it'll be at least the minimum wage to start. I can't offer much more than that, except an informal education in animal medicine." "We both think that would be an excellent idea, Jennifer. We've told Sally that she can work for you after her school obligations and on the weekends as long as it does not conflict with her grades or school activities." "That's wonderful!" Jennifer said. "Hey, Jennifer! Your desk is here!" Sally shouted, as she ran around the side of the building toward the parking lot. The delivery truck pulled up to the entry and stopped. While Jennifer signed the bills of lading and talked with the driver, Sally showed the way to the office. Minutes later, a new desk stood in the reception area. "Well, as soon as we get our equipment, I'm ready for business! Let's go get some lunch, what do you say Sally?" Jennifer said to her new employee. "Yeah! I'm starved." Jennifer and her new friends Aaron and Susan Mathews and their daughter, Sally, went into town to celebrate. Jennifer had decided to take out an advertisement in the local paper to announce her arrival. The day her new equipment arrived, she would call the paper to run the notice. The local paper sent a reporter to get the story of the new Veterinary Doctor in town and the president of the Grange dropped by to welcome her into the community. Jennifer felt as if she were walking on air. About nine the next morning, two trucks slowed on the road outside and stopped. One backed into the drive and right up to the front door. Jennifer met the driver and she slapped him on the back. Her equipment had arrived! She was ecstatic. With the help of the men and her new office assistant, Sally, she had the pieces installed and waiting for her first real patient. The Mathews's arrived and told her they had something they would like to donate to the hospital. They ushered her out to their car. In large boxes in the back of their station wagon was a brand new computer and printer. "Oh, no! You shouldn't have! Really, I can't let you..." She started. Aaron held up his hand to stop her protests. "Now don't give us that noise, Jennifer! We are perfectly willing to help you out. I know the chance you're taking here. The bank president is a golfing buddy and he told me about your situation. You deserve some help." "That's right, Jennifer! Now don't just stand there, help us get this stuff into your office. You have a business to run!" Susan said, poking the still stunned young doctor in the ribs. "Good morning, Robertson Veterinary Hospital. How may I help you?" Jennifer smiled as she heard Sally answer the phone. Very professional, she thought. She finished her examination of a dog that had encountered a porcupine and ushered the animal out into the waiting room to his master. "There you go, Mr. Thomas. And keep Scooter on a short leash until those holes heal up. A couple of days at least. Sally will take care of the bill out front. Thanks and good luck!" She slipped out of her gloves and washed up at the newly installed sink. Thing were going very well, she thought. She had met a lot of new faces in the past two weeks and made some new friends. Her natural rapport with animals made her a quick favorite of the local farmers and ranchers. The Grange even had a picture of her in front of her new business hanging on their local bulletin board. And she had also caught the eye of a few of the local men. Jennifer was a very attractive young woman. Her features were fresh and vigorous. A life of outdoor activity had given her a strong, lean body. Long, black hair cascaded around her shoulders in waves. Deeply green eyes enhanced her facial features with their sparkle. Now that things were beginning to settle down, she had given some thought to her private life. She had noticed the men in town when she went in to carry out some errand or other and she knew she was attractive. Finding the right man was another story in itself. There never seemed to be enough time for dating. Four weeks after her opening, Jennifer had a call from one of the ranches outside of town. The foreman had a horse that needed some medical attention. The ranches prize stallion had developed the equine equivalent of a cold. She told the foreman to bring the animal in and she could get an x-ray of the chest and decide what treatment to give the valuable horse. Standing next to the black stallion, Jennifer adjusted the portable x-ray machine to get the best view of the animals chest. She had Sally hold the bridle of the well behaved but obviously distressed beast while she made the final adjustments to take the chest picture. "Hold him still a minute longer, Sally. I've got everything ready to go." Jennifer said as she readied the film in the machine. "I've got him, Jennifer. That's a good boy, Pacer. Whoa, boy!" Sally said, as she held the lead rope tightly. Jennifer nodded to the girl who stepped back from the horse and the x-ray device. Jennifer flipped the switch and the procedure was complete. Now to wait for the automatic developing cycle and she would have a better idea of the extent of the chest cold that afflicted her large, black patient. While Sally saw to the needs of the horse and the other animal patients in the stalls of the small barn behind the main building, Jennifer studied the print in her office. Her trained eyes saw the infection in the horses lungs, but fortunately, she saw no immediate danger to the expensive and beautiful animal. Antibiotics for a few days and he would be fine. She called the ranch foreman to give him the good news. "...yes, yes, Mr. Hamilton, no involved infection. Only mild in the left lung and very little in the right. Yes, I need to keep him here for about four or five days while I treat the infection with antibiotics." She said, as she propped the phone on her shoulder while she made out her brief exam notes. "What? Semen storage? Yes, I have a medical freezer here. But, I..." She was in mid sentence when she realized what her new client was asking. The horses owner had decided that his investment was too valuable to risk not having his sperm frozen in case something serious happened to his four legged friend. "Yes, I can get the sample, but I have to..." Her insistent client did not wish to be burdened with details. The click on the other end of the line signaled an abrupt end to the conversation. Jennifer looked at the phone with a puzzled frown. A semen sample meant that she would have to get the horse to ejaculate into her collection jar. As she hung up the phone she suddenly knew what that meant. Without a mare in heat to arouse the animal, she would have to do it herself! She sat in silence as her mind whirled at the thought. She was going to have to masturbate a horse! The thought was so ridiculous, she stifled a laugh. School never prepared her for anything like this. Masturbate a horse! She briefly thought about calling the owner back and refusing, but the money he had mentioned would pay a great many bills. O.K., she thought, so all I have to do is jack off a sixteen hundred pound horse. Nothing to it, happens every day in the Vet business. You just go out there and arouse a horse and then get him to fill a jar with his sperm. "Oh, brother! This is nuts!" She said aloud. "What's nuts, Jennifer? Sally asked, as she strode into the office from her chores outside. Jennifer started at the unexpected voice. "Nothing! Uh, nothing at all. Just some guy with a nutty problem. You all done, Sally?" She asked. "Yeah, the animals are fed and watered. I checked the bandage on the Blacklays' heifer. It was loose, so I changed it and made a note in the log book. I gotta go home now, homework." She wrinkled her nose at the undesirable thought. "Thanks, honey. Get yourself home and I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" Jennifer tousled the young girls hair as she passed. "O.K.! See you in the afternoon!" Sally picked up her books and left the office. Jennifer sat down. She was mulling the whole mess she had gotten into over in her mind. She saw no other course of action but to go ahead with the collection process. She decided to put it off until the animal was responding to the antibiotics. It would give her time to figure out how she would obtain the semen sample, exactly. It would also give her time to do some research into the matter. It wasn't every day you jacked off a horse she admitted to herself. Three days later, she examined the new x-ray of her equine patient. The infection was almost totally gone. She smiled to herself in satisfaction. She had made the right decision to start the drugs when she did. Lung infections in horses could be serious if not fought aggressively. The patient, all sixteen hundred pounds of him, stood quietly in his stall, munching on some carrots that Jennifer had bribed him with to get him to stand still enough for the pictures to be taken. She looked at him over the machine. It was time to get on with it, she decided. She moved the equipment back into her office and went to the storage cabinets. Inside she retrieved a 1000 milliliter glass beaker. Deciding that prudence was the order of the day, she locked the office up. She did not want to be surprised while in the process of obtaining the semen sample. She felt self conscious about having to do the job anyway, it would be extremely embarrassing to be seen by someone while doing it. How do you explain to a laymen that you are jacking off a horse? If it wasn't so serious, it would be funny. Making her way back to the barn, she tied the horses lead rope to the stall. "Whoa, boy! Easy, easy!" She said in her most soothing voice. She placed the collection jar on the floor of the stall. As she did, she got a view of the big animals cock. In its' sheath, she could not see the actual penis. Her research had told her that as the animal became aroused, the penis would extend from the sheath and might reach a length of sixteen inches! She knelt at the horses side and her hands reached for his belly. Stroking the animals belly, her hands gently moved to his soft, furry feeling sheath. The horse nickered softly and his belly muscles twitched. Her hands glided over his cock to his balls hanging down in their sack. She felt the weight and size of them in her hands. As she did, she noticed his cock began to extend from his belly. Her eyes were glued to the massive organ as it slowly enlarged. She though of the times she had done this to some of her human male friends. The male sexual response was strikingly similar she decided, regardless of species. One hand gently manipulated the hanging orbs while her other stroked the quickly lengthening cock. She was amazed at the feel of the organ. Not slick or slimy, but smooth and warm to the touch, it was beginning to harden quickly. She felt her pulse quicken as her hand played over the animal penis. Kneeling at the horses side Jennifer leaned against his flank while she stroked his cock to hardness. The horse stood still, his hind legs apart as the beautiful, young doctor jacked his cock. Jennifer was fascinated at the size and hardness of the cock as it grew under her gentle urging. She could not get her hand around the girth of the organ so she began to use both hands on his throbbing penis. She started at the base of the great tool and slowly stroked down its great length to the head. A drop of lubricating fluid had appeared on the tip of the cock only to be spread over itself by her smoothly stroking hands. Jennifer felt herself becoming aroused as she masturbated the animal. Her pussy lips were wet with the juices of her excitement. She clenched her legs together and the lips rubbed against each other. She shivered at the feeling. Both hands began to run faster up and down the rock hard horse cock she held so gently. Pacer whinnied and tossed his head as the woman knelt at his side. "Whoa, Pacer! Easy now, boy!" She said, softly. Her voce was husky and thick with lust. Her arousal was surprising to her. She had not thought she would get so worked up at the thought and action of masturbating a horse. She wondered if this was how semen samples were taken without a mare nearby or if they were withdrawn using a catheter. She decided that even if it seemed perverted, the hands on method must be better fro the animal. Pacers' horse cock was hard as a rock and throbbing in Jennifers hands. She could feel the jerky movements of his cock in her hands. She automatically speeded her efforts. The horse began a jerky humping of his hips into her hands. She knew she had him close to orgasm. She dropped one hand to grasp the jar at her feet. Setting it in easy reach, she began to rapidly jerk the horse off. One hand continued to stroke up and down the cock while the other stroked around the sensitive head of the magnificent organ. She spread the leaking drops of horse pre-cum around his prick head. Pacer thrust his cock into her hand forcefully as she concentrated on her manipulations of the head of the tool. Sweat dripped from her forehead and she swiped it off with her hand. She wiped her hand across her lips and she tasted the horses cum. She amazed herself as she licked her fingers for more of the salty sweet horse sperm. Her thighs clenched together. She felt her pussy clenching as she jacked the horse. A wild, perverse thought raced into her mind. Leaning under the horse she engulfed the head of its' pulsating prick into her mouth. Pacer shivered and whinnied. His feet danced nervously on the stall floor. Jennifer sucked the horse cock into her mouth. A few inches of the huge prick were stuffed into her sucking mouth. She began to bob her head up and down the shaft as her tongue swirled around the head. Her senses whirled as she sucked off the stallion. Supporting the huge prick with one hand, she ripped the buttons off her slacks, exposing her soaking wet panties. Her hand pressed into her cunt. Jennifer rubbed her hand into her hot, wet pussy and slipped it under the top of her panties. She peeled them down in a swift motion and plunged her fingers into her cunt. "Yesss! Oh, Pacer! God..." She gasped around his cock. As her hand on the horses cock jacked him into her sucking mouth, she began to masturbate herself frantically. Her head bobbed up and down the animals slickened shaft. Her tongue flicked over the head, tasting the horse cum. Pacer began to thrust hard and fast into the wet, clasping mouth around his cock. Jennifer knew he was about to shoot his load from the way his cock quivered and his hips thrust. Her fingers in her pussy flew over her engorged clit, causing her body to shudder with lust. She was close to cumming, too. She would cum with the animal, she knew. Nothing could stop it, now. Jennifers head bobbed rapidly up and down the horses cock. Any time, she thought. Her hips jerked as her fingers flicked over her clit, mashing it and stroking the hard nub, wet with her juices. Suddenly, pacer jabbed his cock forward, driving a few more inches of it into her mouth. She could feel the cum racing down the length of his raging cock. Her pussy exploded onto her hand. "Yaghhhh! Oh, fuck! Yessssss...mmmmmmfffghghg!" Her voce was muffled as the load of horse cum erupted from the tip of his cock to splash into her mouth. Her hand continued to jack off the spurting cock into her mouth. The cum ran down her cheeks as it spilled from her mouth onto her thighs coating them in milky whiteness. Tremors ran through her body as her own orgasm shook her with its force. Still she sucked and licked and stroked the shaking animals cock. Spurt after spurt of hot horse sperm splashed into her mouth. She held the spurting cock and forced by a need for air, she withdrew her mouth from it. The cum splached over her face and ran down her neck. Shaking, Jennifer gasped air into her burning lungs. Her face was covered in horse cum. Her legs clenched her hand tightly into her pussy as it shook and shivered under the raging orgasm that engulfed her. Finally, the cock in her hand stopped its flod of cum. She opened her eyes to see her hand and arm covered with the white, hot horse sperm. It coated her slacks and her face. She laughed as she knelt by the side of the heavily breathing horse. Her own breathing matched the aroused horses. Looking down at her side, she started laughing again. She had forgotten the reason she had done this in the first place. There would have to be another time for collection of valuable horse semen. She smiled at the thought. How would she do it this time? She began to think... -- Missing some of my posts? Do a DejaNews author profile on me: Need my PGP Public Key? Finger Need to send me mail? Send it to