This is a work of fiction (maybe). All the characters and events portrayed are not real (sort of). If you are under the age of 18 your mom probably doesn't want you to read stuff like this so please don't. This story is copyright by the author and ALL rights are reserved. Reposting of this story or placing it in any archive is not authorized. So ask me!! Copies may be kept for personal use. Please respect the author's wishes. Copyright ©1997


By Lusty Werewolf

Part I

Its Halloween night and Janus is having a good time at a costume party. Janus is a cute petite female about 5'8 105lbs 18 years old and she is a little flirtatious by nature. She is a big tease and tonight is no different as she dress like a she-werewolf. Her costume is deep rich brown color and she has under her costume a XX size bra which she stuffed with toilet paper so to give the appearance that she is a female werewolf. Other then the boob extension she is basically wearing a put together werewolf costume. The werewolf hands she ordered through one place while the feet from another and the realistic werewolf mask from still another. It all match perfectly and she made the tight fitting fursuit of the costume suit at home from fur that she bought. The costume bodies that you can buy from a costume store are either too big or just poorly made.

She loves the attention she gets from any males. As she dances on the dance floor. One of the partiers, Johnny a 26 year old 6'2 about 165lbs man is paying close attention to Janus, as she dances provocative on the dance area. Johnny in a black and white dog costume decides this is the moment to try and meet Janus. Johnny starts dancing before he reaches the dance area as he moves through the crowd in the house. Johnny makes his way towards Janus, she notices him coming and heads towards the playful looking black and white dog costumer. As they met muzzle to muzzle they kept on dancing and true to nature of her behavior she starts to dance in a teasing way, such as turning her back towards Johnny and moving her hips in and out like having sex. After 20 or so minutes Johnny stuck his big dog head real close to Janus's werewolf mask to say "Im burning up can we go outside to chat and cool down?" Janus nods as the 2 heads for the outside paw in paw. As they reach outside Johnny rips his dog head off and Says "Geeze im burning up!" As he looks towards Janus who still had her mask on. Johnny said in a questioning way" Are you not burning up in that fur of yours?" She spunkily replies with a "Nope! Im wearing a cold vest and cold collar around my neck, im fine!" By the way im Johnny Calin. Janus replies im Janus McSayor. Johnny then said can we take a small walk so I can cool down? She said sure but lets make it a short walk, I want to go back to the party. Ok said Johnny as he leads the way to the city park which was just a block down the street.

As the two walk they talk about music, movies and little things till they got to a bench just inside the city park. Ok Johnny said as he sits on the bench while Janus being flirtatious sits on his lap. He then says OOOooo... that feels nice. Janus replies I bet it does as she leans back on Johnny's chest. Just wondering what do you do for a living ask Janus. Johnny replied would you believe I train dogs for a living. Janus laughs as Johnny defensively says "HEY!" Im sorry said Janus giving a smirk. "Well little girl what do you do for a living?" says Johnny in a offensive manner. She replies inquisitively "Im a college student and this is my first year". "So you train dogs hey?" says Janus. "Yep!" with a snappy reply by Johnny. I train dogs how to be obedient and stuff like that. Johnny replies you know.... I teach dogs how to sit, roll over, beg , and to....... "Lie down!".

From that last command words Johnny shoves Janus to the ground. Janus is stun as she hits the ground hard. Johnny says in a deep commanding voice" Bitch!" This dog lesson is free of charge" Im going to teach you the doggy style of fucking. Janus screams but it is short lived as Johnny slaps her in the head repeatedly. Till she stops and then Johnny pulls out a Swiss army knife and cuts a hole in his costume crotch area. Pleads of Janus are ignored as he makes a cut from just under her belly button down to her asshole between her legs of her fursuit. Making a hole for Johnny to have full access to Janus's cunt and ass. He then cuts Janus's panties off and rolls her on her hands and knees. As Janus pleads with him to let her go. Janus too scare to do anything but obeys Johnny's commands. Johnny then positions himself behind Janus to fuck her like a dog as he and her are dress for the part which made him even hornier.

She is his BITCH for now as he feels up Janus body. From that Johnny spits on his erect dick and just like a dog holds Janus by the waist with his arms and hands. With some strong thrust he shoves his 8 inch dick into Janus's cunt. Janus yells in pain as Johnny pumps his hips a few times and pushes his entire dick into the cunt of his bitch. Johnny puts his dog head on to complete the fantasy while he rapes Janus who is still wearing every bit of her costume. Janus on her hands and knees just cries as she is being rape by a guy in a dog costume and just hopes it ends.

After a few minutes of hard long thrust and pumps Johnny gets another idea. Johnny decides to finish his lesson inside Janus's ass. He pulls out of her cunt and spits on his dick again and coats it liberally as he presses it against Janus's tight ass. With a few hard pumps from his furry dog hips he manage to get his dick in her tight sweet ass. Janus screams again as she tries to break free and run away as the pain in her sphincter burns. But Johnny is too strong and locks his arms around the waist of Janus while bumping and grinding into Janus's aching ass with long hard strokes. Johnny pulls out of Janus's ass as he puts more spit on his dick. With wanting to relieve the tension that built up in his loins during the night watching Janus flirting with everyone. He shoves his dick back into Janus's ass hard but it didn't hurt Janus this time as Johnny already stretch her sphincter. As Johnny pulls his dick nearly all the way out of her ass and shoves it back in while he put both hands on each side of Janus's shoulders as this gave him more thrusting power as he pulls her body back to meet his forward thrust.

After another 5 minutes of thrusting Johnny pulls out again to lubricate his dick with spit. He then shoves his dick back in Janus well worn ass as he pounds and pounds into her. After another 2 minutes Janus with a burst of energy, breaks Johnny's hold and starts to escape. But Johnny grabs her right leg before she could go very far. She falls forward and lands on her hands and knees as Johnny grabs her waist when she tries to get up from her position. But Johnny crept up her back and holds her by the waist with his arms as he wedges his legs between her's. He slaps her a few more times in the head Yelling "BITCH!" Next time you do that im going to kill you. Understand? yells Johnny as Janus props on one hand while the other is up around her head to protect herself from more raining blows. Johnny then resumes his raping as he spits on his dick then shoves it into Janus's asshole. After 5 minutes of no interuption from Janus, Johnny tenses up and grabs Janus shoulder again so he can get maximum penetration into her ass as he pulls her body back while he thrusts hard forward and releases his payload into her ass as he lets out a loud moan. Johnny holds Janus still till his orgasm fades away.

After that he pulls out and turns Janus on her back and takes his dog mask off to take a breather while he kneels between Janus chest. After regaining his breath he tells Janus that if she wants advance lessons that she should come to the next party as he gets up and leaves. Leaving Janus on the ground curling up in a ball and crying.

Part II

<> Its been 2 1/2 weeks since the Halloween party and its a Friday night, party night. This is just a regular social and drinking party. Johnny is there scoping the crowds for any easy prey. He is a sexual predator and drinks his beer while stalking for easy game. And to his astonishment he see a deep rich brown werewolf walks in to the room. He could tell the werewolf is a female as it wears a bikini and g-strap over its private areas.

He knows its Janus coming back for more so he heads towards the werewolf. This time Janus costume is ultra realistic in that it seems like a real werewolf. As he approaches the werewolf he asks" Janus is that you?" The werewolf replies "yep and I want those advance lessons!" Johnny says step into my office as he points towards the door. They head out paw and hand as Johnny leads the way through the loud music and crowds of the party. Janus says to Johnny "I want you to show me some more commands such as FUCK! SUCK! SWALLOW!" I want to go back to the park too says Janus. As they walk towards the park Johnny says" I cant believe you came back, Im pretty shock." Well you are not going to believe this but I really enjoyed it but I was kind a shaken a little but now I am all yours for any command you want." From that Johnny starts to softly kiss Janus all over her werewolf costume from her paws to her head.

When they got to the same spot Johnny says "Kneel!" to Janus and she obeys by squatting in her werewolf suit. He then gives the command "Lie down!" she obeys without a word by lying on the ground on her back looking up at Johnny. He then says "Spread!" Janus obeys and moves her legs wide apart. And then the command of "STAY!" He then strips naked in a hurry as Johnny got down between Janus's wide spread legs. He then pulls out his Swiss army knife to cut her werewolf suit so he can have access to her cunt. She stops him and says "I've made this costume anatomically correct". and also says "I love getting fucked while in costume. Just take off my g-strap and bikini and go to work." she said with authority.

Johnny is perplexed for a moment as he thought of her going through all the trouble of making a anatomically correct werewolf suit. Johnny places his hands on the breasts of Janus's werewolf suit and found it very realistic, solid in feel and warm. It even has nipples. The suit was incredible the fur on the arms and legs are short while the chest fur is a little longer while the back fur is even longer then the chest fur. Her fur is even softer this time then last time. Johnny loves the feel of her fur on his stomach and chest.

He lowers his head to lick Janus's cunt and found it to be unbelievably to be Janus's cunt protruding and blending into the costume as if it belongs there. He slowly licks and shoves his tongue into her wanting cunt as she moans as he fills it with his saliva. As he sticks his tongue in he would flick it in and out. Making sure to lick as far as he could and as much as possible could. After 5 minutes he moves up her body so that his dick could have access to her cunt.

As he plunges his hard erect dick into her wanting cunt. After a minute she says did you notice how realistic my paws are as she shows it to Johnny who pays little attention to what she is saying or doing as he thrust into her cunt. Just replies "That's nice." After another 2 minutes she says have you seen how realistic my werewolf mask is? Just look at the eyes they look so real especially up close. With the same results Johnny ignores her as he concentrates on releasing his load in her cunt and again says "That's nice".

Another 2 minutes pass and she says did you noticed how realistic my muzzle is as she opens her wolfish mouth. Johnny ignoring her as he makes grunting sounds. Then Janus says "get a load of how sharp my teeth and fangs are", as the tongue in the mask lollies all around. With the same result he ignores her again and continues to pump into her cunt. After another 3 minutes Johnny cums into Janus's cunt as he moans in pleasure. After the orgasm waves stops he places both hands on the sides of Janus and props himself up as he breathes heavily while his head is facing Janus's chest.

After a few more deep breaths Johnny gains his breath back and says "Now what are you jabbering about how everything is so realistic about your werewolf costume". Janus replies with a low animalistic DEEP GROWL. Confuse, Johnny looks up and see that the the werewolf mask that Janus's is wearing snarls with life. In his sexual lust he failed to realize all the details of what Janus had to say.The face of Janus's mask has the kind of look when a predator is about to kill their prey. Janus grabs Johnny's arms as he is stun by her strength as he lays helpless on top of her body. Noticing a FULL MOON high in the skies, it dawns on Johnny that she is a REAL WEREWOLF. The last thing Johnny said was "UH-OH!".

Part III

Epilogue: At home Janus lays comfortably on the couch and she turns on the TV with the remote. She see a Special News report from the local news. The news crew XATV-ABC on the scene says a body was found early this morning by a jogger. The body was so badly mutilated that the police could not identify if the body was male or female. The body was ripped to shreds as it's guts,flesh and internal were scattered everywhere in a 10' radius. The Police say that there is a wild animal on the loose and advise people to stay inside till they find this blood thirsty animal. Janus gives a smirk and with the remote turns the TV off.

Story is copyright ©1997 by Lusty Werewolf and may not be reprinted, redistributed, or sold without the written permission from the author.

Send all comments (positive, negative or indifferent) to lustywerewolf@hotmail.com

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