Turn the Man On By Mark Merlino I. Tyler ducked into the narrow alley and slipped into the shadows cast by a fire escape stair. Peering out through the stairs he could see the hooded figures moving silently from building to building. There was no doubt in his mind that his cover was blown. He never cared much for radical cults and so he took the job to waste the leader of the ultra-violent "Mooners". Their intelligence was better then he'd thought, however, and now he was the target. "I'll get off this planet tomorrow,"he thought." All I need is a place to lay-low for the night". The "hoods" didn't see his strategic retreat into the alley, so he surveyed his immediate surroundings. Most of the doors were locked and barred, well all of them were; except one. A single flood light illuminated a steel door marked "Service Entrance". Tyler felt in his pocket for his lock-pick set and reached for the handle. It opened toward him, he squinted at the unaccustomed bright interior lighting. The corridor was clear so he slipped inside and pulled the door closed. The walls and doors to either side of the hall were white, the floor was sealed concrete with a well worn rubber fatigue mat running the length of it. The walnut colored swinging door at the opposite end was decked out with var ****** MISSING STUFF ****** Tyler entered the hall cautiously turned to the left and strode off like he owned the place. A sign on the wall indicated the direction of the lobby and "Registration". "I suppose I'll just check in for the night and take the shuttle to the spaceport first thing in the morning". The lobby was deserted; Tyler stepped up to the desk and tapped the bell. "Coming,"said a bright voice from the open office door. The clerk stepped up to the counter and smiled. A very nice face, cute muzzle, whiskers, and sharp white teeth. He had never seen a recomb this close before. He liked what he saw. In spite of her humanoid stance she was all cat. "Will you be staying with us tonight,sir. "she asked." We have all types of rooms available, this is our slow season." She was wearing a form fitting short dress with a zipper up the front, which was open enough to show some fluffy cleavage." Just fill in this information card and tell me what you'd like in a room," she looked up at him with her large hazel eyes. "How about you," he thought. He could swear that zipper was moving down, just slightly, every time she breathed. He filled in the card ,and since his cover was blown anyway, signed the card. Randolph Peter Tyler. "Just a single please," he said. "My luggage is checked at the spaceport. "He handed her his "Empire Express" card and she turned to the terminal across from the counter. The rear of her dress was cut in a long "V",dipping just below her meter long sable tail. "Your key,sir" she said ,handing him a pass card along with his EmEx. "I don't know where the bellhop is so if you'll follow me I'll show you where it's at." She stepped out from behind the counter and motioned for him to follow. He paced back a few steps to enjoy the view. Her interesting wiggle caused that wonderful tail to exhibit a purrfect vertical sine-wave. Perhaps it was due to her high heels; but whatever the cause, it was beginning to effect the normally cool Tyler. "Here we are," she said ,slipping the pass card out of his hand and into the slot by the door. "Room 269." She entered and switched on the light. The room contained a large, round variable-density flotation bed with a velvet-like spread and satin sheets. The only other free-standing piece of furniture in the room was a large chair, obviously capable of multiple adjustments. Most of the curved wall behind the bed was mirrored, as was the ceiling. The dresser, desk and visu-screen were built into the wall. "This is a single?" Tyler asked, turning to the siamese clerk. He noticed she didn't seem eager to leave."This is the smallest room we have, I'm afraid." She closed the door and turned to indicate the bathroom. "There's a robe and some briefs in the bathroom, if you'd like to slip into something." That was precisely what he had in mind, so he grabbed her tail. She jerked her head around, the light shimmering off her soft brown hair. She smiled. "My name's Kirsten" she purred, "but you can call me kitty"; she hooked her finger into the ring at the neckline and slowly drew the zipper down till it released. Randolph lifted the straps from her shoulders and let the dress fall from her tan furred body. Kitty bent forward, with her hands an her knees and whipped her tail high over her back. "I told you I'd show you where it's at." Tyler lay stretched out on the bed with his hands behind his head. "These Recombs make damn good lovers." he grinned."I hope she crosses my path again before I have to lift tomorrow!" Since he was naked, he decided to take a quick (cool) shower. No sooner had he turned on the water and stepped in, then he heard a knock. "Who's there !" he yelled. He did not intend to get out. "I'm in the shower, come back later." "Bellhop,your luggage, sir." called a musical voice from the bedroom. "But I don't have any luggage," Tyler shouted ;"and how did you get in!" "Just used my pass key," she chirped;"I couldn't find your bag, so I thought I'd check in your room." Tyler peered through the steamed-up shower door and could just barely make out a demure figure in white leotard with a ruffled collar, black tie and tails; two on the tux, and one long tapered one hanging down between. She turned and headed for the bath, a mischievous smile on her muzzle, large brown eyes sparkling. "I'm in the shower," Tyler said, rather annoyed."Would you please go away." "Oh, don't worry about that, I like water." As Tyler looked on, she quickly slipped off her jacket and peeled out of the leotard and black net stockings; boldly opened the door and stepped in. "I'm Lori," she said, looking him in the eyes than dropping her gaze. Her hair was dark brown, done in a short block cut; body covered in short sleek brown fur except for her chin, throat, chest and belly which were light grey. She reached forward, gently caressed him and kneeled. "Oh !",she exclaimed, licking her lips. "Here's your bag!" Tyler stepped from the shower, head swimming. "That was nice" Lori said. "Here, let me help you dry off." She toweled his chest and moved around to his back. A shiver went up his spine as her sharp teeth nibbled the back of his neck. "Now were even," she chirped. Tyler wrapped the towel around his waist and walked into the bedroom, Lori following. He glanced at the bed and stopped short. Lying there on her side, leaning seductively on one elbow was another Recomb. She was slightly thinner then Lori, with a smaller muzzle and long black hair. Her body fur was thicker and dark all over except for a white star-shaped patch on her throat, extending between her ample breasts. The silver guard-hairs in her fur made her look like she was covered with glitter. "I'm Virginia, the maid", she said in a low, sultry voice. "but you can call me Cherry." Out of the corner of his eye Tyler saw a short black maid's uniform with a white apron and dusting cap draped on the chair."Sorry, I forgot to change the linen in here earlier. We're between tourist and convention season now, and things are a little lax." As Tyler stood staring at the mink-maid, he felt Lori slip the towel from his waist. She reached around and gave him a gentle squeeze. Cherry's half-closed eyes widened. "I'll make the bed, after we're through," she said; rolling over on her back. "Well, I've got to go now,"Lori said, sounding slightly disappointed. She gathered up her things from the bath."Don't tire him out too much, Virginia. He's only human." Virginia raised her arms above her head and stretched, arching her back. She spread her legs slightly and giggled. Lori opened the door and went out into the hall. "Hope I see you later," she said as she pulled the door closed. "Come by the pool for a moonlight swim." She closed the door, then re-opened it a crack. "Oh, by the way, Cherry likes her neck nibbled too." Virginia sighed deeply as Tyler knelt on the bed. He slipped his arm under her arched back as the door closed. Tyler remembered falling asleep with his Cherry in his arms. He also remembered that all the wonderful things he had heard about the abilities of mink were true! The chron read '2230'."Boy, it's late. I hope the restaurant is open this late, I'm starving. I need some protein to build up my strength. This is the craziest hotel I've ever stayed in. Very nice," he thought," but crazy!" Tyler was about dressed when there was another knock at his door. "Valet, sir." said a bright voice with a slight earth-english accent. "Come in," Tyler said, opening the door. He figured he might as well let her in before she used her pass key-card. She bounced into the room, and his jaw dropped. He was finding it very hard to maintain his normal cool detached attitude around here. Very HARD. The valet was a real fox. A redhead (fur) from head to toe, but for a white chin, chest and tip of her bottle-brush tail, black forearms and ear tips. Her pixie like ears protruded from her auburn page-boy, which framed her face setting off her large green eyes. She was clad in a tight riding habit and carried a riding crop under one arm. The costume seemed to fit her in more ways than one. "My name's Zorra," she said,"I'm here to help you dress for dinner." He was about to ask her if the place was bugged, but she stopped him with a swat across his rear with the crop. "You don't need to wear these around here. We want our guests to be comfortable. Off with these clothes," she said , giving him another whack with her crop. "If you hit me with that thing again, you're going to feel it through those tight pants," Tyler said firmly. Zorra looked up at him and her expression brightened noticeably. "oh, I wouldn't want that...not through my knickers anyway." She smiled, showing her sharp white teeth and gave Tyler another, harder swat. He grabbed her arm and took the riding crop. She surrendered it easily, and started to remove his clothing. "your turn ,vixen ," Tyler said when she had finished. She turned and tried to walk away, but he grabbed her tail, lifted it and whacked her with the crop. He held her tail tightly; she twisted around and stared at him with her hands clasped to her chest. Her expression was a very appealing blend of fear and delight. Tyler raised her tail high, forcing her to bend forward slightly. She cringed as he raised the crop and brought it down with a whistle and snap. "I caught the fox," he said, "now I want to see all of that pretty red pelt." He brushed the tip of the riding crop up the inside of her thighs. She pulled her tail out of his grip, turned to face him and nervously stripped. When she was down to just the black ribbon around her neck, Tyler grabbed her shoulder , bent her over and pushed her down toward the thick shag carpet. She got down on all fours, knees slightly apart and shoulders low. He took the tip of her tail , raised it up over her back and teased her exposed area with the crop. She looked over her shoulder at him and smiled. "View Halloooo," she howled softly. Zorra helped him get dressed in what she told him was the standard guests apparel, a short silk robe and a very small brief."Don't worry, it's what all the guests wear." She patted his slightly tender rear as he entered the hall."The restaurant is down the hall to the right, just follow the signs. I'll have Cherry straighten up your room." She smiled sweetly, showing off her sharp white canines. "Enjoy your dinner, Randy." II Tyler arrived at the restaurant and stood by the sign which read 'Please wait for service'. The place looked deserted, most of the chairs were on top of the tables and the room was only dimly lit. A dark figure wearing a low-cut gown slit to the waist moved between the tables and approached him."My name is Rachel, and I'm your hostess." She was clutching a leather bound menu to her chest, looking at him with large brown eyes framed by a black mask which contrasted well with her short grey hair. Randolph liked the effect, it looked much better then all the eye makeup that human females used. "I'm very sorry for the condition of our place, but were closing earlier this time of year. Please come this way." He followed her to a small table near the entrance to the kitchen. Her blue velvet gown was split in the front and rear, allowing her thick meter-long black and grey ringed tail to show. He sat down and she excused herself, ducking around the screen at the kitchen entrance. "Would you like a drink, sir?",a bright voice said, in his ear. Tyler showed no outward alarm, but his insides jumped about ten meters. He turned his head and found himself face to face (and very ample cleavage) of a bunny. The sort of bunny you find in that chain of exclusive clubs, except in this case the accessories were real."I'm Cyndi, whats your pleasure ?""Do you have anything that won't dull the senses?" Tyler asked. "I don't want to miss anything; besides I don,t like drinking alone.". She smiled."Don't worry about that sir I'll share a drink of your choice with you; and I'll even sit on your lap." He ordered two 'Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters'. Cyndi reached into his robe and tugged at his briefs, twirled around ,wiggled her powder-puff tail and skipped off across the darkened dining room. By the time she returned with the drinks, Tyler had pulled his chair out from under the table and had taken her hint. As she served the drinks, he noticed her costume included only a black satin corset with pink lace trim, garter-belt and white net stockings. She took a sip of her drink and settled down on his...lap, facing him. Cyndi put her arms around his neck, closed her big blue eyes and kissed him. Tyler was just finishing his drink when Rachel returned. She was carrying a small finger-bowl and towel. "Oh, sir, I'm so very sorry, but the kitchen was closed and I had to find the cook. She said she would whip up something, but it will be a while longer." She knelt down in front of Randolph's chair and opened his robe. He slipped her gown off of her shoulders and cupped her white-furred pear shaped breasts in his hands. She dipped her hands in the finger-bowl and gently washed him. The water was warm and her gentle touch had the desired effect."I hope you don't mind, this is just a habit of mine." She looked up and leaned forward. Tyler shivered as her tongue replaced her fingers. Tyler opened his eyes and sat straight in his chair when he heard the husky female voice. He looked up... and up... at one very tall, very 'stacked' blond bear. "I am called Ursa," she said in a throaty scandinavian accent," the cook. The kitchen is closed, so I make you a sandwich." She placed the plate on the table, Tyler thanked her said he understood. He watched her ample hips swing as she walked back to the kitchen. He devoured the large sandwich, which was very good, and sat back as Rachel cleared the table...completly. She smiled and left. Randolph was about to leave when Ursa returned. She stood before him, untied the cord of her white wrap-around dress and tossed it aside. She grabbed him by the shoulders and stood him up; boy was she strong! She held him close, his face at her chest level; and gave him a real bear-hug. She almost smothered him between those great golden orbs."What a way to go!" Tyler thought. She released him and stepped back. "Ursa sorry for bad service," she said, bowing her head. She sat on the edge of the table. "Sandwich was just appetizer, Ursa is main course!" She lay back across the table with her legs spread. Tyler dropped his robe and dug in. Later he moved up on her, she growled as he nuzzled her neck. Ursa embraced him; pulling him to her. Tyler was so occupied he hardly noticed the warm, wet hands and gentle fingers cleaning him behind. He did notice Rachel's tongue, however. After everything had been cleared away, Tyler stood up...slowly...and steadied himself."I must say honestly that is the best service I think I've ever had in a restaurant," he said. Ursa and Rachel, fully dressed , smiled."It's was our pleasure," Rachel said. "I go clean up kitchen now," Ursa said."You come again, maybe for breakfast?" Tyler said he would probably skip breakfast and sleep in. Ursa grinned and left for the kitchen. Rachel walked him to the entrance. "We're closed now, but if you would like something sweet, for dessert, the Ice-cream Parlor is just next door. They should still be open." Tyler thanked her and headed in the indicated direction. He could use some sugar, for quick energy; and besides he was curious about who might be waiting inside. The parlor had a white floor with red and white striped wallpaper. Across from the door was small a counter with freezers and various stainless-steel dispenser behind it. He sat down in the white ornamental iron chair at one of the glass-topped round tables. A white swinging-door opened and the waitress whisked in. She set a cut-glass tumbler of water on the table and stood straight, back arched slightly, chest out, with her hands clasped in front just below her waist."Would you like to see our menu, sir?" She was about a head shorter then Tyler, with a slightly round but very pleasing figure. Her most striking asset, however, was her fluffy fur; jet black with snow white chest and stripe, starting at her pink nose, to the top of her white hair and all the way down her back to the tip of her very bushy tail. She was wearing a short red and white pin-striped sun dress cut very low and square across her chest (almost too low) ; tied at the shoulders with two bows. Tyler didn't answer her. "We have 69 flavors," she said proudly. When he didn't respond, she smiled and said;" Oh, I know what you want!" She went behind the counter and returned with a rack that contained two silver bowls of toppings, obviously fudge and marshmallow, with dippers. She pulled up a chair directly in front of him and turned, standing with her back toward him, held her tail straight down till the tip touched the floor. "My name's Camellia, but you can call my 'flower' if you want to...I don't mind." She looked over her shoulder, reached up and untied both bows. The dress slipped slowly to the floor, revealing all of that beautiful stripe. She flipped her tail up and stepped out of the dress; turned and took her seat. She leaned forward, pushing her chest out. Flower cupped her fluffy breasts, and Tyler reached for the topping tray. "A nice do-it-yourself black and white sundae...with two large scoops." Tyler couldn't help but grin, she was so incredibly cute.He reached for the fudge dipper, then stopped. Randolph touched her face, slipped his hand behind her head and bent it forward. He leaned forward and bit the back of her neck. "Oh !," she moaned," you know what I like." Flower sat up and leaned forward, Tyler took a dipper of each topping and poured it slowly over her, licking his lips. III "Well, what did you think of your sundae?" Flower asked sweetly. She sat across from him dabbing her chest fur with a moist napkin. Tyler smiled as he wiped his mouth and gazed at her voluptuous body -black and white and cute all over. She picked up her dress and stood up. "You and I should probably get cleaned up." Flower held her dress to her chest and twirled around; her luxurious tail swept around in a wide arc. "Why don't you take a dip in our pool?" She walked toward the kitchen door, and stopped short. "It's just down the hall, to the right." She waved coyly and exited. A dip in the pool sounded like a good idea. He could clean off all the various flavorings from his last encounter and refresh himself as well. He went through the door marked 'pool' and surveyed the area. The pool was a large rectangle, about 8 by 10 meters, with round connecting aqua-turbo tubs at each corner. The entire ceiling was a skylight, which revealed a star filled sky. Tyler than noticed a Recomb, the sleekest one he'd seen, was approaching him from the far side of the room. Her head and muzzle were bullet shaped, with very short hair; neck tapered to smooth shoulders. A well developed chest sloped to a slim waist, wide hips and shapely but well muscled legs. Her hands and feet were tapered also, resembling flippers. Her short wet fur was almost black. The one-piece metallic gold swim suit she wore was laced all the way down the front and backless, dipping below her stub tail. Tyler definitely gave her his 'Seal of Approval'."I'm Samantha," she said, in a velvety voice. "Call me Sammy...would you like to have a bath, swim, or a massage?" Randolph just stared for a second."Yes," he answered. Sammy laughed, removed his robe, and slowly pulled down his briefs. She helped him step down into the nearest tub. The water was just slightly higher then body temperature. Tyler made himself comfortable. Sammy stood on the edge of the tub and slowly unlaced her suit, which she slipped out of. She cupped her pert breasts, her long fingers stroking down across her stomach to the inside of her thighs. She dreamily closed her large brown eyes. She regained her composure and slipped into the tub beside him. With a large sponge she scrubbed his back and chest, slipped her long arms about his waist, and nuzzled his neck. Tyler was about to return the embrace when he felt something caress him below. He looked down, surprised to see a long brown shape under the water in front of him. Sammy looked surprised too, and maybe a bit upset. A familiar head surfaced, rising up until she was nose-to-nose with him. "Don't be upset, Sammy," Lori said softly. "We can share...alright with you ,Randy?" He nodded affirmatively, and she submerged again. Sammy moved around behind and hugged him. He could feel her erect nipples against his back. Lori raised Tyler's legs as Sammy leaned back, stretching him out. Lori moved up on him and nuzzled his neck as she positioned herself. Sammy retaliated by biting the back of his neck; then, she grasped Lori's rear-end and pulled her to him. Sammy gasped and shuddered as Lori slipped the tip of her firm, tapered tail between her legs. After they were finished with the Tyler sandwich, Lori suggested a game of water polo; the objective of which was to get his ball(s) into their respective goals. They both scored several times, and Tyler agreed that everybody won. They toweled him off; Sammy put her suit back on and Lori just wrapped herself with a towel. "Would you lace me up, Randy, please?" she approached him and stuck out her chest. Randolph laced it slowly, pulling it tight often, making it conform to her trim physique."We have to go now, Sammy," Lori said disappointedly. Tyler tied the cord of Sammy's suit and the two fems headed for the door marked 'showers'. As they went through the swinging door, Lori turned to him and chirped,"see you later." Tyler felt quite refreshed after his water-sports; he still was confused by the extreme attention he was getting by the rather exotic staff. Not that he minded -he was actually getting used to it. He tied his robe and started to leave, when his sensitive ears detected a sound...soft music, coming from across the pool. His innate curiosity drove him to investigate. The music was emanating from a door marked 'gym'; sort of a jazz version of 'Rite of Spring'. He opened the door and entered. The room had mirrored walls, with an athletic mat covering most of the floor. Around an open centered area were various types of gymnastic equipment; suspended rings, various wall-mounted and floor-standing bars and a padded horse. A lone figure (a very nice one) danced about the room, twirling and leaping with the music. She was incredibly tall and slender, with well turned long legs and a compact but very curvy body covered with velvet like grey-brown fur. She had a cute rectangular muzzle with a large pink nose and a tuft of dark hair which extended down the back of her neck like a mane. Her large semi-circular ears were set high toward the back of her head and she had the biggest brown eyes Tyler had ever seen. Her outfit was sort of a harness made up of several straps and buckles that supported her ample breasts, wrapped tightly around her chest and belly, framing her petite derriere. The 'g-string' portion split to surround her small, inverted, heart-shaped white tail, and continued up her arched back with its black-white-grey square barred pattern. As he watched, the doe continued her modern free-form ballet, not paying him any notice. "I suppose your name is Bambi," Tyler asked sarcastically. The combination of her graceful exhibition and total indifference to his existence was getting to him."Of course not, silly," she said as she leaped and landed on her toes. "My name's Faline. Sorry I can't talk now, but I'm working out." She twirled and stooped into a low bow, threw her head back and raised herself slowly, stretching with her arms above her head. Randolph thought he would like to help give her a 'workout', and suggested it to her. "That depends on what kind of workout you mean." Faline bounded across the room and performed a full split, bent forward into a cartwheel and came to rest standing face to face with him. "Can you do a lift?" she asked, slightly out of breath. "I may not be graceful," he said as he touched her under the chin, "but I'm strong." She said that would do, and proceeded to prance back across the mat, turn and run at him. Tyler reached and grasped her waist, lifted, and set her down in as graceful an arc as was possible. She glided across and settled as if weightless. "You're good," Randolph exclaimed."That's what they tell me," she said smugly. They repeated the lift several times, modifying the speed and stance. Tyler was getting bored, among other things; and he wanted to grab more then her waist. He suggested that they sit down and rest for a while, but she showed no interest in stopping. He decided he would do something about it. The next time he lifted her, he just held her up. "Put me down," she insisted, trying to weaken his grip with her hands. When she tried to wiggle free, his fingers dug into her sides and she laughed, gasping for breath. He noticed she was wearing tight leather bracelets and anklets with brass eyelets attached. "Get down yourself, Miss Prima-Donna ballerina," he chuckled. She grabbed for the rings above her head and tried to pull herself up out of his grasp. Suspended with her arms above her head, Tyler ran his fingers up and down her sides to her underarms. Faline shrieked and struggled, trying to avoid his hands until she dropped from the rings, out of breath. He pulled her hands behind her back and held her thin wrists firmly with one hand. With his free hand he continued to tickle her as he marched her toward the parallel bars. He turned her back to one bar and walked behind the other. It was easy to deduce what the spring-lock hooks on the bars were for -one for the right wrist and the other on the far end for the left. Faline's arms were stretched out behind her, attached to the rear bar while she leaned on the front bar. She still could twist around and kick, though, so Randolph went around to the front to secure her legs.Faline's legs proved to be very strong, however, so Tyler tickled her weak again, pulled her legs wide apart, and fastened them to the hooks provided. Faline was now spread-eagled, back arched over the front bar, helpless. "Please let me go," she whimpered, sounding not at all like the arrogant one she had been a moment before."Should I take your harness off?" Tyler asked. She said no, so he carefully began to stroke her with his fingernails, across the bottoms of her feet, up her legs, behind her knees, inside her thighs, across her belly and up her sides. By the time he reached her underarms, she was begging him to strip her. He undid the buckles one-by-one until the harness lifted off totally exposing her. "I want to give you a real 'workout'," he said, removing his robe and briefs. Faline shook her head 'no', so he began to work on her -alternately caressing and tickling while she wriggled and writhed, shrieking with laughter."Oh!...Please," Faline panted."Give me a workout!...I'm ready...please!" Tyler smiled as he slipped his hands around her waist, cupped her velvety round cheeks to position her and leaned forward. IV Tyler sat up and stroked Faline's back. She sighed contentedly."That was some workout. I wish you could be my full-time coach.""I don't think I could fill that position, at least not on a regular basis." Randolph was still breathing heavy. "I'm not as young as I used to be; and I'm feeling considerably older since I checked in. Do any of your guests ever die mysteriously, with smiles on their faces?""Not that I can recall," she said with a giggle. "It's so dead around here this time of year. We're grateful for your patronage." She rolled over and sat up hugging her knees. "You probably should head back to your room and get some rest." She stroked him under the chin with one of her long fingers. Tyler kissed her and stood up. "Good-night, Randy," she said softly, "hope to see you again.""Good night, Faline, that was a superb performance." Randolph walked to the door and pushed it open. "And you're a fine dancer, too," he added as he left. Faline giggled as he crossed the room to the main door. Outside in the hall Kirsten was obviously waiting for him. The neckline of her dress was zipped even lower than the first time he met her. She smiled at him, eyes sparkling."I thought you might need help...finding your room. New guests sometimes get disoriented." She gently took his hand and he thanked her. "I hope our over-zealous staff have not been too taxing. They only want to please you. I hope you understand.""I'm trying to understand , but sometimes It's hard." "Actually," Tyler thought, "it was hard almost all the time in this crazy place." They reached his room, and Kitty inserted her key card. A loud snap and a shrill squeal emitted from the room as the door opened. The room was bathed in soft reddish light. Virginia was bound in a crouched position, hindquarters raised on the bed. Zorra was standing by the bed, her riding crop raised and ready. Both of them looked a bit embarrassed. Kirsten put her hands on her hips and glared at them. "We're sorry, Randy! We didn't think you would be back so soon," the vixen said sheepishly. Kitty stood in the door-way looking cross. Tyler slipped his hand around her waist and guided her to the chair, closing the door behind him. He sat in the chair, adjusted it to recline, and pulled Kitty onto his lap."Please, continue," Tyler asked the pair. They smiled, looking quite surprised. "I'ts alright, Kitten," he said, stroking Kirsten's head and neck. "I'll just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show." Zorra asked Cherry if she was ready. The mink begged her not to continue. Virginia did not sound too convincing, however. "You weren't expecting an audience, were you?""I feel...well...humiliated," Cherry said with a slight quiver in her voice, "It's a real turn-on!" "Why don't you be a bit more tender with each other," Tyler suggested. The vixen put down her whip and untied the mink, slipping into bed beside her. They embraced and kissed deeply, eventually moving into a perfect sixty-nine, centered on the round bed. As Randolph sat close to Kirsten and watched Zorra and Cherry, the door opened and Rachel, Camillia, and Lori entered. Lori chirped an exclamation, and the three settled on the carpet to watch; Lori hugging Tyler's legs. A short while later, Sammy and Cyndi entered and knelt on either side of the chair. The bunny blew softly in his ear. "Girls," Kirsten said, sitting up."Just what is going on here?" The two stars sat up on the bed and all the staff members looked toward the siamese clerk. "I realize that things are slow this time of year and your'e all bored, but we cannot all enjoy Mr. Tyler's company...all night long." Randolph was about to ask 'why not?' when the door opened and Ursa entered."All building is secured, now Ursa is here, so party can begin!" Kirsten stood up, placed her hands on her hips and glared at the staff. "This won't do," she said sternly."Why not," Zorra said, obviously irritated. "Yes, why not have some fun," Sammy said. "Randy's such a nice man..." "And we're all bored," Cyndi said, folding her arms. "And Lonely," Lori added, nuzzling his knees."Well, I'm not going to stand for it," Kirsten said firmly. "Maybe I should have put out the 'Do not Disturb' sign," Tyler thought, as a heated argument developed. "We all have our jobs, and we should be doing them," Kitty said."Well, we are...serving our customer," Rachel said. "We usually don't have any customers this time of year, and Randy's been so nice." Kirsten was obviously outnumbered. "Why don't we ask Randy; the customer is always right...""It's fine with me, just as long as I get some rest tonight...or this morning. I sure won't have any trouble getting to sleep," Tyler added. "I think you should be ashamed for starting this argument, Kirsten," Zorra said. "Everyone's upset and you've spoiled the mood." Kitty looked down sadly. "I suppose your'e right," she said softly. "One night won't make that much difference. I'm sorry, I've been acting like a spoiled child." The cat girl turned to face Tyler; Ursa stood directly behind her and the others stood on either side, surrounding her. Zorra stepped forward and pulled the zipper on Kitty's dress down all the way. "Would you please slide forward, Randolph," Kitty asked. Her voice had a cute quiver, like that of a frightened child. He sat on the edge of the chair as she requested. As Kitty stepped forward, Zorra slipped her dress off. Kirsten lay across Tyler's lap, and Zorra held the cat's tail out of the way. Everyone crowded around as he administered an old-fashioned, bare-hand spanking to 'bad' Kirsten. The rest of the staff seemed to enjoy it as much as she did. Her tan-furred rear was slightly pink when she rolled off his lap onto the floor. "I deserved that, and I hope my selfishness hasn't spoiled everything," Kirsten said, wiping her eyes and rubbing her posterior. Lori sat in Tyler's lap and hugged him. Just then, the door opened and Faline bounded in. "Sorry I'm late, but I had to finish my rehearsing." Lori kissed Tyler, and their tongues mingled. He lifted her, placed her on the bed and lay beside her. Virginia and Camillia joined them, on either side. Lori moaned as 'Flower' bit her neck. Tyler shivered when he felt the mink's sharp teeth on his. Through the corner of his eye he saw Zorra unlacing Faline's harness. Ursa had discarded her dress and was peeling Sammy out of her suit while Zorra helped Rachel out of her gown. Kirsten yanked Zorra's tight pants down and swatted her. Zorra turned and pushed Kitty to the floor. They wrestled on the carpet, squealing with glee as the cat stripped the vixen. Rachel went into the bathroom and re-entered the room with a wet washcloth. She knelt behind Kirsten, who had pinned the fox and was giving her chest and neck a bath, cat style. Lori locked her legs around his waist and arched her back to meet him. Virginia's tongue and teeth seemed everywhere at once...or maybe there was more than one mouth tasting him. He felt Lori's tail-tip slipping between his legs. He arched toward her as her tail found its goal; Tyler's body quaked uncontrollably as his mind exploded. Tyler sighed and cuddled closer to the sleeping otter. He felt her warm breath as she nuzzled his chin. He tried to recall the details of the previous night, but it was a complete blur. He was surprised he was still alive. He was even more surprised, after he eased away from his companion, that he could even stand up. After his shower, he shaved and dressed. Entering the room, he met Lori, once again in her tux-uniform. She held his hand and smiled. "Your Spaceport shuttle will be here soon, so you better go check out," she said."I really would like to say goodbye to all the girls," Tyler said, sadly. "You made this the best vacation I ever had." It was difficult to remember his original assignment...Oh, yes; the assassination of the maniacal leader of the 'Mooners'. Maybe he could make arrangements for him to stay here! Why, at his age, it would kill him!"Oh, you said goodbye to everyone last night," Lori chirped. "Several times!"She opened the door and escorted him to the front desk. Kirsten appeared at the desk as Lori disappeared, and handed him the ledger-plate. He pressed his palm to it and returned it to her."Your shuttle is here, Mr. Tyler." She looked him in the eyes and smiled. "Thank you for staying with us..." Tyler smiled back. "And come again!" she added cheerfully. Tyler left (through the front door, this time) and boarded the waiting shuttle. The door slid closed. As the shuttle moved away he thought, "I think I'll arrange to visit here again, about the same time of year sometime in the future. After a few years rest, that is!"