To Dance by Razee 6 June 1998 Dedicated to James Christopher Goodwin (paf) Thank you for all the superb furry art you have posted for all of us! This story is provided freely to all who are interested. Electronic redistributions, including newsgroup postings are expressly allowed. WARNING: The following story contains instances of male anthropomorphic homosexuality, consensual bondage and consensual sexual domination. If any of these concepts offend you, DON'T READ IT! By law (where I am anyway), persons under the age of eighteen should not read this story. Sean padded softly into cool air of the starboard cargo lock. The lock was almost empty, of course, the Paladin's cargo bay had long since been filled and the ship well under way to Rhylander. Almost empty is not empty, however. Thomas reclined in the far corner on a small knee-high platform that he had apparently moved into the lock. Sean shivered slightly as he moved across the broad floor toward his Dom. He stopped a meter in front of the platform and bowed his head. "My Captain called for me." He said in a smooth, quiet voice. "Yes Sean. I am in the mood for a bit of entertainment." Sean shivered again. There was never any telling what Thomas would call "entertainment" on any given day. The fact that they were in the cargo lock was promising though. The oversized starboard lock was where Thomas normally brought Sean to dance for him. Sean loved to dance and, sure enough, glancing to the sides he saw the small but powerful speaker arrays were mounted to the sides of the platform. "Yes Sean, you are going to dance for me this evening... But with a bit of twist." That chill worked its way down Sean's spine again. Thomas had never hurt him but he always went out of his way to surprise his sub. Sean could hardly wait! "Loose the clothes Sean." Sean smiled slightly as he kicked off his sandals and shrugged off his loose vest. His belt, with its many pouches, was very carefully handed to Thomas. Sean's gun was secured in one of the pouches. Thomas very carefully laid the belt at the back of the platform. Gun accidents and airlocks were a truly ugly mix. Sean unsnapped the front and back catches on his shorts. He wriggled slightly and the shorts fell to his ankles. He stepped out of them and pushed them aside with his foot. Sean stood nude before 'his Captain' except, of course, for his own immaculately groomed fur. Thomas sighed happily; making sure it was just loud enough for Sean's sensitive, half-lowered ears to pick up. Sean's deep chest swelled just a bit at his Dom's appreciation. "Turn slowly for me Sean, I'll tell you when to stop." Thomas gazed approvingly at his sub as the extraordinarily handsome male cheetah very slowly twirled for him. Powerful muscles slid smoothly under the short, well spotted fur covering Sean's lean, digigrade frame. "That's enough Sean. Now, come here." "Yes, my Captain" Sean moved to the platform and kneeled on its edge, again bowing his head before his Dom. Thomas couldn't help but take Sean into his arms for a long snuggling hug, ruffling the fur along his arching spine and inhaling deeply. "Mmm... Someone just got out of the shower. Good. Now turn around and sit." Sean sat down on the edge of the platform, with his back to his Captain. Sean heard rustling and tinkling sounds behind him. He felt something touch the back of his neck and instinctively tensed a bit. He forced himself to relax as his Dom wrapped the cheetah's thick but very soft leather collar around his slender neck and buckled it moderately tight. So far, this was all pretty normal. Thomas usually had him wear his collar when they 'played'. Thomas began busily fastening similarly soft leather straps to other parts of Sean's lanky frame. This was new. Thomas had often used various restraints on him but not like these and certainly not when he was supposed to dance! Straps around his thighs, just above the knees. Straps around his upper arms, just below the shoulder. Straps around his chest, stomach and even one around the base of his tail. 'But not my wrists or ankles?' thought Sean. What the hell was Thomas planning this time? "Now, make yourself hard for me Sean." Well this was certainly nothing new. Thomas had always said that Sean danced much better "with the inspiration of unfulfilled sexual arousal." Sean's hands moved to his groin and he began rubbing his sheath and balls. Breaking slightly with proper Dom behavior, Thomas nuzzled Sean's sweet smelling neck and put his arms around him, gently stroking the thicker, softer, white fur of his chest and belly. Sean was soon very erect, his reddish glands well out of his white furred sheath. "That's good enough Sean. Now, hands and knees on the platform, facing away." The soft leather straps creaked a little as Sean quickly moved to comply with his Dom's command. "Knees apart. Tail up Sean." Sean spread his thighs wide and lifted his tail high, waiting. He shivered again but this time it was from the cold air kissing him under his tail. He soon felt Thomas gently but firmly taking hold of the white furred testicles dangling in front of him. "Whose are these Sean?" "Yours, my Captain." The pad of Thomas's thumb gently stroked the delicate skin rimming Sean's anus. Thomas pressed inward lightly, making Sean flex his powerful ass muscles for him. "Whose is this Sean?" "Yours, my Captain." As he squirmed slightly under the ticklely-soft caresses. The thumb disappeared as Thomas released Sean's testicles and took hold of his swollen cock. "Whose is this Sean?" He asked, as he began firmly stroking Sean's erection. "Ahh... Yours, my Captain." Sean couldn't keep from rocking his hips a bit as his Dom jacked his drum-tight rod. The hand left his glands. Thomas ran both hands up Sean's belly and chest, around to his shoulders and down his back to his small buttocks. "And what of you Sean? Whose are you?" Thomas asked, cupping and then massaging the firm spotted rump before him. "Yours, my Captain. Now and always." "Well... I suppose that's good enough." A moment or two later, Sean felt something warm and sticky-slick being applied to his anal ring. "Just a bit of jellied petroleum Sean. To keep you from chafing." Thomas was always very careful to lubricate Sean and himself very thoroughly before he fucked him (on those frustratingly rare occasions when he did). But he always used a fine, scented oil; not jellied petroleum. 'What the hell was he going to do back there?' "Give us a kiss Sean" Sean grinned and flexed his anal muscles applying a slight sucking pressure to the fingers rubbing the gooey stuff into his asshole. "That's a good lad." The fingers left him. And soon reappeared as he felt another glob of the thick lubricant being applied; this time to his erection. Thomas stroked him gently, spreading the stuff over the length of Sean's already aching shaft. Thomas noticed a slow drip from the cheetah's straining erection. "I know your ready to start now Sean but you'll just have to hold out a bit longer. There is more yet to do before you can have your dance." Thomas removed his hand and began fiddling with something behind Sean. Sean's ears swiveled back as he heard more metallic tinkling behind him. He didn't look back though. He knew that would deeply offend his Captain, implying that he was not trusted. So he waited patiently, holding his rather vulnerable pose. He felt something brush by his erection. Fingers worked between his thighs as Thomas wrapped something (or was it several somethings?) around his swollen glands. Sean longed to glance between his legs and see what Thomas was fastening around his erection but he kept his eyes forward as a proper sub should. There seemed to be even more to the device, whatever it was. Sean felt his balls being grasped and strapped into the device. "There. How does that feel Sean? It's not pinching you anywhere, is it?" "No. It just feels weird. Tight and loose, hard and soft, all at the same time." "Yep. That's about right then. Stand up Sean: but slowly! Tell me if it is uncomfortable as you move." Sean stood up carefully... and stiffened in pain. Seeing Sean's reaction, Thomas quickly asked "Where Sean?" "Left testicle, my Captain." Thomas worked briefly and Sean soon relaxed as the offending strap was loosened and moved over slightly before being re-tightened. "How is that Sean?" "Fine now, my Captain." "Good. Walk for me Sean." Sean took a cautious first step and then proceeded to stride partway across the lock. He sneaked a glance down at his bobbing erection as he did. He saw that the device was made of leather with many thin straps wrapped around various parts of his privates. But it was the feel of it that was so unbelievable! The leather was smooth and buttery soft. As he moved the device's many straps rubbed, squeezed and fondled his sex. He was going to have to dance wearing this?! "Ok Sean. Now do your stretches and if anything hurts, stop and tell me." Sean flowed bonelessly through his usual warm-up. He quickly found that it was hard to concentrate when the device locked around his erection was stroking and fondling him with his every move. By the time he was ready to dance Sean was so aroused that he was surprised that he hadn't climaxed yet. "Alright Sean come back over here and stand facing me." Sean moved back over by the platform, panting lightly. 'Damn it's even hard to stand still' Sean thought to himself as he shifted his weight slightly from foot to foot. His Dom moved to the edge of the platform holding a wad of... something in one hand. "I'm sure you have figured out more or less how this is going to work by now Sean. So let's make it even more interesting. These are very thin rawhide strips. They have been cut and cured so that they are very 'stretchy'." Thomas proceeded to tie the strips to the leather bands wrapped around the various parts of Sean's body. "Good. Now arms out. Shoulder high." Thomas gathered the loose ends and began tying them to various small d-rings embedded all over the leather device cuddling Sean's very erect cock and swollen balls. Some strips ran down his belly, while others ran down his back and under his tail. Eventually, at least two rawhide strips ran down from each strap to some part of the device. 'Rather like puppet strings' thought Sean. "Now you're ready." Thomas grinned at his sub. The strips all lead to Sean's cock, of which only the very tip was visible. The reddish head and the surrounding leather were both already damp as Sean's erection leaked precum steadily. "Your objective for the evening is to dance for me until you have climaxed yourself three times. You will not touch your cock or balls in any way. Nor will you rub yourself against anything. You will not pause or miss a step when you climax. Now, if you follow my commands and please me with your dance, you may sleep in my bed tonight, unfettered and snuggled up close as you like. I will also have one of the robots clean up the mess you are about to make. If not, you will sleep in here, alone, and uncomfortably bound... And you will be responsible for cleaning up your own mess. I know you are already very excited but don't think this is going to be too easy. The straps around your balls and the base of you sheath will act much like the cock-rings I use on you sometimes. I strongly suspect you are going to have to dance your little spotted ass off to actually get a climax. One more thing. You damn well had better not get any of your slime on me mister. The rest of the lock is fair game but if you hit me, you're sleeping in here. On the other hand you probably don't want to face away either. If I don't see your cock spurting, I'm not counting it. "Do you understand the rules Sean?" "Yes, my Captain." "Good. Now off to the center of the lock, with you. I will pick the first song, After that, you may call your own tunes until you are done." "Computer: Music interface mode: Play "I want to hold you all night long". 'Damn, one of those old, slow tunes he likes' thought Sean. 'Easy to dance to but too damn slow. That bastard.' "You keep thinking nasty thoughts about your Captain and he will be picking ALL the music for this evening," Thomas's deep voice boomed softly and with some amusement. Sean always marveled at how well Thomas new him. Sean knew Thomas was no more a PSI talent than he was a celibate. But even so, his Captain always seemed to know what he was thinking. Sean also knew it would be a very long, very frustrating evening if Thomas chose all of the music. So he cleared his mind and began to move to the beat. The rawhide strips tugged gently at his erection's leather sheathing as he began to sway with the flow on the song, pulling his cock this way and that. Sean quickly found out that the strips were more of a distraction than help. The device itself felt wonderful but the strips kept pulling the wrong way or at the wrong time, taking away from the deeply erotic massage. All in all, it was still stimulating beyond belief and even with the slow pace of the music Sean's excitement built quickly. 'Damn if it wasn't for the straps on my balls, I'd already be cuming by now' thought Sean as he danced slowly for his Captain. As the song faded, Sean was so close. He growled his first selection to the computer, desperately wanting to touch himself and relieve the aching need between his legs. The second song began. Its pace was considerably faster. It made things worse. The strips jerked his erection violently in every direction. Sean danced on. Partway through the song, it finally occurred to Sean that he was fighting the system here. Simply dancing as he normally did was the real problem. He would have to modify his dancing to suit the circumstances. It took him a little while but half way into the third song he was beginning to figure it out. As the third song was nearing its end, Sean was working his cock like a puppet on its strings. He finally felt the familiar tingle of a long denied orgasm deep in his groin. He breathlessly called for his fourth song and rocked in the leather's tight embrace as his cock finally twitched hard. He was facing his Captain as he happily humped air to the beat of the music. Sean's sperm jetted whitely in long ropy spurts onto the floor... The platform... And... 'Oh shit! I didn't hit Thomas, did I?' He didn't think so, but he wasn't sure. He couldn't think about that now. His whole body shook with the aftermath of the stunning orgasm. He had to concentrate to hold the beat and keep moving. There was a terrific urge to stop and rub himself. The tight straps took care of that for him, though not quite as he would have preferred. The damn device was already working his cock back to a full erection, ready or not. 'Damnit, I need a minute to recover here' thought Sean, knowing he wasn't going to get it. By the end of the forth song Sean was fully aroused again and already approaching his second climax. He called for the fifth tune. His hips wove and thrust lustily as the fifth song reached its peak. Sean was careful to turn slightly away from Thomas, before shooting his second load. His erection flopped and twitched as his testicles pumped dry for the second time. Sean managed to keep his feet moving as the aftermath of the second crushing orgasm shook him. Sean panted hard as the device groped his sex-sore genitals, keeping him hard and immediately pushing him toward his next orgasm. Cheetahs were not built for endurance and Sean was wearing down fast. His thighs and calves burned. His feet were getting sore. His lungs begged for more air, no matter how deeply he panted. And all the while the device worked mercilessly on his swollen cock. Sean groaned his request for the sixth song. His legs felt like over- cooked pasta and his wet, aching glands seemed much too sore to climax a third time. However, Sean was determined to follow his Captain's orders. 'Focus Sean focus!' he repeated to himself. Thomas smiled slightly as he saw the change in his sub's demeanor. Sean was often overly stubborn about not 'safe-wording' out of a scene when he needed to. In fact, he never had. Over their two years together Thomas had called a halt to a session only once but it had offended his sub greatly. Thomas had been worried that this little scenario might be have to be the second instance. But when he saw the renewed determination in Sean's eyes he new there was still enough fight left in him to finish out. Sean lost himself in the music now, moving more surely than he had all evening. The sixth song wound down and Sean barked at the computer for the seventh. Thomas was surprised. The song Sean chose was very fast with a hard back-beat. He watched amazement as his seemingly exhausted sub met the music beat for beat in a powerful, flowing, almost acrobatic form. The strips tugged Sean's cock back and forth as the sweating cheetah whipped first one leg and then the other high over his head. Sean whirled tightly as the beat reached a crescendo. His erection suddenly erupting for the third time. The milky white sperm jetting hard as the cat twirled faster. Whether by design or simple good fortune Thomas would never know, but Sean's turns seemed synched with his spurting glands. They seemed to spray down the whole of the lock with thick white product, except for Thomas and his platform. The song faded as Sean slowed and finally spun down to his hands and knees sweating and panting wildly but still bowing his head low to his Captain. "Come here Sean. Stand before me." Sean struggled to his feet and moved to stand, head down, before his poker faced Dom. "Sean, did you understand the rules I set forth?" Sean's heart sank. 'Shit! I must have sprayed him. Damnit!' "Yes, my Captain" "Did you follow them?" "To the best of my unworthy abilities, my Captain" Sean equivocated. Thomas couldn't stand it any longer. He moved forward and took the sweaty cat into his arms. "That was outstanding Sean. I am very proud of you." Sean all but melted into his Dom's embrace. "Thank you, my Captain." Thomas lifted Sean onto the platform and laid him on his back. Thomas immediately began removing the leather device from Sean's tender sex. Sean gasped as the cool air hit his softening cock. Thomas laid a soothing hand over Sean's groin, cupping him gently. Comforting his sub's over-stimulated glands for the few moments they needed it, now that they were finally free to withdraw into their protective sheath. Thomas quickly removed the other strips and straps from the nearly exhausted cheetah. But as he reached down to remove Sean's collar, Sean spoke unbidden for the first time all evening. "My Captain?" Yes, Sean." "May I please keep my collar on tonight?" "Yes you may" replied his smiling Dom, leaving the collar. Thomas reached over and picked up Sean's belt, carefully slinging it over his shoulder. Then he picked up Sean, carrying him toward the forward exit to the lock, leaving the rest for the robots gather and clean. Sean was stunned. His Dom was so pleased with him he was apparently going to carry him to his cabin! Still nude even! As Thomas swung Sean though the lock door he rather hoped Sean felt a bit better after the shower they were about to share. Sean's performance had been quite 'stimulating' but given Sean's magnificent effort, he wasn't going to push him any more this evening, Dom or not. Sean, for once seeming to read his Captain's mind, spoke softly. "I am not THAT tired, my Captain." grinning slyly up at his surprised Dom, he laid his head up against Thomas's chest sighing happily. Thomas squeezed Sean a bit tighter against his chest and chuckled softly as he swung his lover's long legs through his cabin door. The End (for the moment, anyway) Author's Notes: First, let me say that I do not, on the whole, care much for the B&D "scene". This story was inspired by another piece (by Ben Robertson) that dealt with good and bad Dom/Sub relationships. It had never occurred to me that there could be a type of Dom/Sub relationship that was loving (even healthy maybe) and not at all hurtful or cruel. But now that I have thought about it, I can see some possibilities. This story represents my take on what I think such a relationship might be like. Second, Thomas is not clearly described for a reason. For this "experiment" I was using an existing (but slightly modified) set of characters and background. In this existing fantasy world of mine I am "Thomas" and (depending on my mood) I may play him as any one of several differing anthro species or even as a human. So I wanted to leave my options open. Finally, comments are very welcome! (It is REALLY hard to edit your own work!) However, I am operating under circumstances where I can not give out an e-mail address or such, so the comments would have to be posted (thus eating up valuable bandwidth.) Your call.