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Subject:      FUR: toyland.txt (M/M, plush, transform)
From: (Narzil Blade)
Date:         1997/06/27
Message-ID:   <>
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[I did not write this, and I'm surprised the crowd
 never picked up on it. I post it here for their benefit.  Me, it's
 not my thing, but hey.  --Narzil. ]

(C) Anthony J. Albert 1992.  Permission granted to transmit and copy,
    but not modify, by any electronic means, so long as this header is
    maintained intact.  Readers may also make hardcopies for their
    personal use.  Under no circumstances may this work be sold for


                           Toyland in Babes

    Brenda unlocked her dorm room door, pushing it open.  <Friday is
finally here, but this room's a mess>, she thought.  Neither she or
her roommate had had the time to clean or to pick up the clothes that
had missed the laundry baskets.  During the week, it had accumulated a
collection of odds, ends, and dirty clothes.  Bren tossed her books
onto her desk, then bent to pick up some dirty socks.  <Yuuch>.  The
socks flew through the air as she tossed them, and landed a foot short
of the basket.  <Damn...Oh well.>

    <I guess I'd better do a good job of cleaning up>, thought Bren,
as she proceeded to do so.  Clothes of all sorts went flying as her
cleaning reached a peak.  Most of them landed where she wanted them.
Brenda then picked up her stuffed animals.  Bruno the bear and the
White Rabbit were put into their place at the head of Brenda's bed.
After taking the full wastebaskets to the dumping area, Bren went to
get a quick meal at the cafeteria.  <Looks like another salad night>,
she said to herself as she left the dorm, after glancing at the menu
posted on the hall bulletin board.

    When Brenda returned from eating, she found a note on the door.
Her roommate, Rose, had left it.  It seems she had decided to go out
with her boyfriend, rather than go see a movie with Brenda, as they
had planned that morning.  <Rats>, thought Bren.  <Looks like a dull
night tonight.  Maybe I'll ask the next door neighbors where I might
find a party.  They're sorority sisters, they'll have heard about at
least one from their sisters, if they're not already going to one.>

    <No, I'm too tired.  Maybe I'll do a little studying.>  Bren
stripped off her clothes, and changed into a long, buttoned up
sleepshirt.  Bren picked out her psychology book, laid down on her
bed, and started to read.  About the second page, she felt her eyes
closing.  Soon, she dropped off into sleep.


    Some hours after Brenda dozed off, the digits of her clock changed
to 12:00.


    Bruno the Bear stretched and yawned.  His furry face stretched
into a smile as he saw Brenda.  She was sleeping facedown, with her
nose in a book.  <She's fallen asleep while studying, again> he
thought.  He nudged the White Rabbit beside him.  "Come on White, wake

    The White Rabbit rolled over, and opened his eyes wide as he saw
Brenda.  His nose twitching, he got up and hopped to a spot between
Bren's legs.  The sleeping Bren moved her legs apart slightly as White
snuffled closer and closer to her sweet-smelling snatch.

    Bruno lumbered over to Brenda's side.  Lightly, he extended his
short claws and tickled her, causing Bren to roll over.  "Watch it!"
said White, as he jumped out of the way of her legs.  "She's better
for the two of us this way, and you know it," replied Bruno.  White's
only reply was to reposition himself between her legs, and pressuring
the insides of her thighs, to open them wide again.  Sweet aromas
wafted from her crotch to the sensitive noses of the stuffed duo.

    The two of them were now in a position to satisfy their deepest
desires once more.  White moved to Bren's pussy to begin licking the
moist depths there, while Bruno hooked his claws into Brenda's shirt
to pull himself up to her chest.  Opening the top buttons with his
clumsy paws, he finally exposed Bren's breasts to the moonlight.  As
he leaned over to appreciate the taste of her nipples, he saw that
they were already crinkled from the cool air of the dorm room, and
from the attentions of the White Rabbit to her snatch.  Bruno's tongue
touched Bren's left nipple, causing her to arch slightly upward.  As
his paws massaged the rest of her breast, his tongue teasingly danced
circles around the aureola, then flicked the tip of her nipple.  One
of Bruno's seams split slightly, to allow his bright-red felt cock to
emerge from its hiding place.

    Meanwhile, White had been giving constant attention to Bren's
pussy.  His paws parted her outer lips, and he thrust his muzzle
against her hole, pushing his tongue deep inside.  Brenda began to
rock her hips back and forth.  White continued to push his muzzle back
and forth slightly, then reached up with a paw to stroke Bren's clit.
It was enough to send her over the edge.  Bren came, and White eagerly
licked up the juices.  Then he moved to place his straining felt bunny
prick at her entrance.  In a single stroke, he was in.  As he pushed
in and out, his furry belly brushed Brenda's clit, stimulating the
already sensitive tip of it.  Brenda's breathing changed pitch,
turning into low moans, as she came again.  White jerked as little
bits of white fluff came from the tip of his cock.  Exhausted, he
pulled out, and slowly licked himself and Brenda clean.

    Bruno had switched his licking from one breast to the other and
back again while Bren bucked in her first orgasm.  He then licked the
area between her teats, to give some lubrication.  Pushing her breasts
together, Bruno began to fuck Brenda's chest.  Her heaving in response
to the stimulation from the two plush toys' playing with nipples,
clit, and cunt pushed her teats back at Bruno.  Bruno came as Bren and
White reached their climax, spraying bits of lint that stuck to Bren's
cleavage.  Bruno rolled off her chest, breathing a little sigh of
regret that the three of them could never meet.  Brenda would never
wake up during the times that the toys could come alive to "play".

    As dawn neared, Bruno the Bear and the White Rabbit returned to
where Brenda had left them. The alarm clock beeped, and the two froze.


Brenda groggily flailed about, finally shutting it off.  Bren slowly
awoke, and became aware of the fact that she had fallen asleep in her
book.  Sitting up suddenly, she groaned.  <Why am I still tired?>
Bren saw that her roommates bed hadn't been slept in.  <She must have
gone to her boyfriend's after the movie.>  Then she noticed that her
sleepshirt was open at the top, and that it had been pushed up around
her thighs, exposing her to the air.  <Must have been a good wet
dream,> she thought as she smiled and pulled the covers up to go back
to sleep.  <It _is_ Saturday, after all.>  As Brenda rolled over, she
missed the gleam in the hard plastic eyes of her two stuffed friends.

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