From: (Elf Sternberg) Newsgroups:,,, Subject: STORY: Night on Thundera Date: 26 Apr 1993 23:17:55 -0700 Organization: The 23:00 News and Mail Service I figured, seeing as the Journal Entries have now all been reposted and is back to its usual flamebait-worthy material, that it was time to repost my two non-JE stories, namely "Night On Thundera" (A Thundercats (remember them??) parody), and "A Cold and Lonely Night In Agrabah" (An Aladdin parody). So, without much further ado, here's the first. NIGHT ON THUNDERA It had been a pretty boring day in the Cat's Lair, Panthro had to admit. In fact, he mused, it had been a boring month. Not a single one of the usual emergencies had come up. No invasions from the Mutants, not a sound from Mummra. It made him very suspicious, and when he got suspicious, he got tense. It was the sort of thing that made him wish for Cheetara. "How's the watch?" Cheetara asked, answering his wish from the door behind. Panthro shifted his massive bulk around in the oversized command chair and said, "Pretty boring. Nothing exciting happening outside. How was your survey?" "Same thing," Cheetara admitted. "I went as far as the Robearburble's camp. Nothing new happening there." She walked over to him and slowly began to rub his shoulders. "You're tense," she said in that deep and husky voice she always used. "Ah, I get this way. I'm worried." "What is there to worry about?" "It's too quiet," Panthro replied. "Can I help you with your tensions?" Cheetara asked. "Maybe you could help me with mine." "What sort of tensions have you got?" Panthro asked. "All sorts of tensions," Cheetara said. "Should I call Tigra?" Panthro asked. "I'd like that," Cheetara replied. "See you in the gymnasium ten past the hour." "I'll be there," Panthro replied, feeling less tense already. But more anxious. "What are we doing here? You know they don't like us to be out after dark," Wilycat complained as Wilykit led their flyboards over a ridge. "I want to try something new," Wilykit said. "Something I saw Cheetara doing." "What?" Wilycat asked. "You'll see." "I see you two have started without me," Tigra said in his strong and confident voice. "Well, we didn't want to stand around and get bored," Panthro said. "I see." And see he did. Tigra noted that Panthro had done an excellent job of tying Cheetara spread-eagled to the upper pair of the set of uneven bars. She was secure, yet her feet were squarely settled on the gynasium mat. And this time, he noted, Panthro had removed the lower bar. The last time they'd tried this, he'd bumped his head on it. "Shall I start with the usual?" "Please," Cheetara said, breathless and deep. Tigra walked up to her and stared her in the eyes. "Maybe I won't." He smiled. Of all the Thundercats, Tigra was the only one who was really capable of a menacing smile. And he was good at it. "Please," Cheetara repeated. "In good time, my dear Cheetara. How does it feel, fastest of us all, swiftest on Thundera, to be restrained? To be held hand and foot, unable to move?" "Please," Cheetara begged. "The whip, Tigra. Please. I need it. Give it to me." Tigra smiled and reached back into his belt for the powerwhip he carried with him everywhere, his special weapon. She wriggled against her restraints, and it pleased him to actually see her fighting. He took a few steps back and cracked the whip in the air, once. "It seems to be ready," he said. He leaned over to Panthro and said, "Make sure to watch her closely. One wrong move..." Panthro nodded. Tigra walked around behind her, where her back was fully exposed to him. He smiled. "Hey," Wilycat said, "It's our old starship. Why are you bringing us here?" "Because," Wilykit said testily, landing her board on the large rock to the left of the main airlock. She jumped off and walked over to the door. "Come on." Wilycat shook his head and said "I don't like this." "You'll like it," Wilykit replied, turning on her electric torch. "Trust me." She led him through the corridors to the crew cabins, shoving aside one of the unpowered doors. "Hey," Wilycat said, "Why are we in Liono's room?" "Because he had the biggest bed, silly." "I still don't know what you're planning." "Come here," Wilykit said. "What?" "And take off your clothes." "WHAT?" Wilycat complained. "Oh come on, Wilycat! We never wore clothes until Jagua made us those armored uniforms. Take them off." "But that was years ago!" Wilycat exclaimed. "That's the point," Wilykit said. "I want to see something." "Okay, but only if you take off yours too." "That's a deal," Wilykit replied, eagerly stripping off her uniform and tossing it too the floor. Wilycat was a little slower in removing his own. Naked, he looked a little skinny, but then he was only fifteen, and he was on the same exercise regimen all the Thundercats were. They never knew when an enemy might strike out at them. Wilykit, on the other hand, was actually growing quite nicely, her small breasts budding out only slightly. She smiled at her brother and said "Come here and sit down." Wilycat walked nervously over to his sister. He sat down on the old and dusty bed, and when he did she grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him down. "Hey!" he shouted again. Wilykit threw her leg over his supine form, straddling him. "Now I gotcha!" she said. "Mummra?" Wilycat's eyes were wild with fear. She had even convinced him to leave his powerpills over there on the floor! "No, not Mummra, silly," Wilykit said. "Just me. I wanna try something." "Wha...What?" he stammered. "I saw Cheetara doing this to Tigra, and I wondered why." She slid down his body slowly, reaching his crotch. His cock was shrivled and retracted into it's prepuce with fear. She nibbled at it gently with her lips, sliding along the length she felt within his Thunderan sheath. "Wilykit..." Wilycat breathed deeply. "What are you doing?" "Does it hurt?" She asked, looking up along the length of his body. "Well, no," he admitted. "Then let's keep trying." Tigra flexed his arm a couple of times. This wasn't combat, and there was no reason for him to throw out his shoulder while he was having a good time. He took careful aim, and with one easy motion brought the whip down on Cheetara's naked back. She moaned. The whip, made of an elastic memory-polymer, retracted to its hand-held size. He watched as Cheetara writhed against her bonds, burning with her desire. This was how she liked her whippings, one at a time. He struck her again. She groaned in pain, fighting the ropes with her speed. The metal bars of the gym set quivered with her force. She liked every single slash to burn against her, then fade away, before he put a new one to her. He lashed out again. Her groan was louder, more intense, sharper. Over her shoulder he could see Panthro watching them intently, a small smile on his face, his huge penis, erect and obvious out of it's sheath, the purple head almost as fascinating to him as Cheetara's writhing. He struck again. She screamed, a soft and silent scream. When the whip retracted he sniffed at it, checking for blood. The last thing he wanted to do was draw blood, at least for now. There was none, and he smiled, watching her writhe before making his decision. He looked down at her firm and well-rounded ass. The whip fell again. The Lord of the Thundercats turned restlessly in his bed. Although Liono knew that Tigra had soundproofed the gymnasium as much as possible, his Thunderan ears could easily hear the sounds of the activity downstairs, even through the stone of the Cat's Lair. "I'm just not going to get any sleep tonight," he said to himself, and with that he rose and wandered down to the kitchen to pour himself a tall glass of burblefruit juice. He sat at the kitchen table and put the glass down in front of him, untouched. He put his head in his hands and stared at it, feeling depressed. He heard the door open behind him, and with a little surprise turned around to see Snarf standing there. "You're up late," Snarf said in that chiding voice he always used when Liono was doing something wrong. "I know, Snarf. I don't care." He turned back to staring at the glass of juice. "Liono? What's wrong?" "Nothing, Snarf." "Come on, Liono, you can tell ol' Snarf. It's the others, isn't it?" "I don't understand, Snarf. They go and play like that, and I... I'm just not interested." "Awww," Snarf said, jumping up with an assist from his tail. He landed square on his chair and joined Liono in resting his head in his hands, only he was staring at his young charge, not the juice. "Come on, Liono, you're supposed to be a grown-up now." "I know, Snarf, but it doesn't help that I grew up while I was asleep." Liono's face grew long and tired. "I never got to learn all those games. I guess even Wilycat and Wilykit will be playing them soon." "Sooner than you think," Snarf agreed. "Besides," Liono said, "There's really nobody I would want to play games with, not games like that." "What about, oh, Mara?" Snarf said, recalling one of the pretty young females from the Tree People. "No, nobody there. Nobody I really trust, Snarf." "Not even ol' Snarf?" "Well of course I trust you, Snarf." "Then why don't you play some of them with me?" Snarf asked, tilting his head to the side. "You mean, you... and me...?" "Sure, Liono. Why not?" "Well, I mean... I never expected... you keep telling me you're getting too old, Snarf. And I couldn't ask you to..." Snarf bounded out of his chair and into Liono's lap. Even at 41 kilos, Snarf's weight was nothing to Liono, the strongest of the Thundercats. Snarf put his paws to Liono's chest and said, "Your old buddy Snarf used to have quite a reputation, Liono. Even Thunderans knew they were no match for ol' Snarf, not even in bed, snarf, snarf, snarf!" Liono laughed and said, "Okay, Snarf, let's go and see what you can teach me." Wilycat lay back against the bed and put his hands on his sister's head, feeling it bob up and down over his cock. He shuddered gently, the new and incredible sensations washing over him making it impossible to speak. Wilykit's mouth felt hot as she licked over him, sometimes down the furred foreskin to suck on his balls before she worked her way back up and swallowed his smooth spear in one huge gulp. Wilycat wondered why she wasn't choking. Wilykit wondered the same thing. Her brother's cock was pretty big, but everytime it slid down her throat she actually felt comfortable with it there. She closed her eyes and concentrated, wondering if he would scream like Tigra did. Wilycat felt a tightness in his chest working its way down to his groin, a strange tightness he couldn't remember ever feeling before. He worried about it, but it was growing and his sister's mouth felt so good he couldn't tell her about it. It wound up, like a spring, in his belly and his balls, and he could feel it building and building and he knew it was going to explode. And when it did he screamed, his whole body shaking, trying to force himself deeper into her mouth. And then it was over. It had felt... He couldn't remember how it had felt. All he knew was that he wanted to feel it again, soon. Not right awayns up.s thy m i