From!!not-for-mail Sat Dec 13 23:48:59 1997 Path:!!not-for-mail From: "me" <> Newsgroups: fur.stories.misc Subject: FUR: My 1st Furry Story Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 23:59:33 -0000 Organization: The Furry Fysh public access newsserver Lines: 657 Message-ID: <66sk55$v7v$> NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.71.1712.3 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.71.1712.3 Xref: fur.stories.misc:185 This story is © 1997, Richard Lee (Sparky_Fox), All rights reserved. This is my first furry story and am expecting a lot of criticism, But that’s OK I like to know when I could be doing something better. If this is any good then I may continue to produce more stories but we will see. Regarding re-posting of this story, I would like to be contacted for approval prior to such actions (I have learnt the hard way, that this is a necessity), I am very lenient and will probably agree. In this story I am trying my hand at violence. Certain words and descriptions may be unsuitable for young people to hear. I’m not to sure about age certification of stories so to be on the safe side if your under 18+ years of age you shouldn’t be reading this. I would realy like some feed-back about this story, Did you like it? didn't you like it? what could have been better? I thank anyone who does actualy want to voice their oppinions. If you want to get in touch call : or This is dedicated to the fox hunt, May they finally realise that blood sports should be banned for good… …THE HUNT… The dead of winter, what was it about that saying that made Vi’chi so apprehensive, and why was it that she was thinking about that saying? She had never much minded winters and as far as was apparent had never held any danger to her. But at night in this place while the snow was falling and the moonlight was illuminating every single snow flake her vision became blurred, Shadows cast from the forest trees now took on an ominous shape that they never had before. And for the first time in her life she realised how alone she really was. It’s not that she lived here, In this god forsaken cabin lost somewhere within an endless forest. But it was a home of sorts, namely from her childhood. This was here fathers old place, where she had been raised from a cub. She remembered the long walks into the woods with him and the way he was always cautious. And just at the point she would become bored he would have pounced into some shrub or over some fallen log, The poor creature he always caught never escaped, his jaws would snap around their necks and tear a deep gash along their windpipe, In actual time the animal passed away quickly but to Vi’chi the ordeal seamed to last for hours, She would watch horrified, at the sight of fast flowing blood, the dis-guarded throat laying on the floor, the animals involuntary spasms of death and the faint sounds that where coming from the animal. But of all those memories the one thing she could remember in full detail was the smell of fresh blood. Why did he never use guns or knives, Its not as if he didn’t have them, Displayed over the log fire. Vi’chi just could never get it into her head that he enjoyed the kill so much that weapons would have dulled his entertainment. But she did realise that to survive you had to eat, and when you where in the forest that normally meant anything you could catch and kill. This was her upbringing and her dads gift to her, the ability to kill. She had never expected to return here after seeing the sights of the big world, She had left him to peruse her future in the modernised cities, And until only recently had never looked back. It’s not that she didn’t love her father, he just stopped communicating with her, knowing that she had chosen a life style other than his, and he would never get her back. She had been working in her office, her head office of her own company. She had made it and was pushing the millionaire bank balance. The day had been the usual blur of hurried business talk and the constant flashing of her phone signalling all the contacts that where waiting for her to turn to them. Only today when she picked line two she was greeted with a different type of voice, She couldn’t at first remember ever meeting this man but the way his accent reminded her of childhood memories out in the wilderness meant he was a fox from Gafnor (The large wilderness she had called home). He introduced himself, and she remembered that he had been a neighbour to her father (give or take 10 miles) and Vi’chi remembered asking him when she was young to keep a look out on her father seeing as he was of an old age for a fox, just before leaving for her future. “Dead”, she was suffering from shock so bad that she felt a pain take all the breath out of her lungs, she curled up in a ball as she always did when she was frightened. “Are you still there?”, asked the phone. The phone received its reply with a muffled whimpering sound and knew when to give some time for her to collect herself. She managed to word the following message, “Thank you MR Fa … Whimper … Far … sob … Farlight, I will leave tonight”. “I am sorr………”, His voice was cut of as she slammed her paw down on the receiver. She needed an hour to calm herself and during that time she just starred at her phone as its lights blinked on and off showing all the impatient customers who where learning the lesson of patience. Finally she reached down to the phone and punched in #121, “Dani Myachek’s Office, Fyill speaking, How may I help you?”. “Hello is Dani available ?, Tell him it’s Vi”, queried Vi’chi. Dani was a large wolf employed under her company as an executive, He could be relied on to keep things running while she was away. “Dani here!”, He growled as was his way. “I have some good news for you, I will be leaving for a short holiday, I want you to take over while I am gone”, “I am pleased you have chosen me, I agree”, luckily small talk was something that he had never mastered so asking for an explanation of why it was such short notice didn’t even occur to him. And that was that, Her business would function without her. And the fact that she had no one to call to say she was leaving didn’t bother her in the slightest. Suddenly the wind started blowing at gale force outside, The snow was hurled up against the windows and she knew that she was spending the night here whether she wanted to or not. Why was she here? She could have asked for MR Farlight to send her up the items of her fathers, He didn’t have many possessions. But it seamed the right thing to do. Of course the body had been taken to a morgue many miles away, there was little need to visit the cabin, but nether the less, she was trapped here for the night and that was final. It was starting to get very cold and although her dark reddish fur normally kept her warm, She could take the hint when her hair started to stand up. she needed more heat. The log fire had been stacked up high with wood, Her father must have been preparing for a long cold winter. She still couldn’t believe he was dead. After a few minutes trying to get the wood to burn using her lighter, It didn’t have anymore use considering she had just finished of her last pack of cigarettes on her way down, It was today’s stress that made her smoke them all. With the fire starting to heat up the room she moved over to the old wooden chair where her dad had used to sit and tell her stories before she would go to bed. The soft glow of the fire warmed her face and she gradually started to drift of into a long deep sleep. Outside the wind had died and the snow had ceased its relentless attack. Everything was still, silent and at peace. When Vi’chi woke up she was shivering, she could see her breath forming clouds of steam in the air and considered herself lucky to have woke up at all. The fire was completely out, nothing remained except the ash and that looked like it had been cold for hours, Yet she could still feel a draft blowing on her neck. Damn the door was wide open. And snow had been blown in through the door. How could it have opened? She was sure that it had been locked the previous night. She tried to stand up and found that her legs where so cold she couldn’t walk properly for a while. As she finally got her balance back she walked over to the door. She then found out why the door was open, The door had been forced from its hinges, and she could tell by the fresh foot prints in the snow that at least three different people had been in the room last night. She was terrified and didn’t want to wait to find out what they wanted. Out she ran for her car. But upon arriving at where it had been parked she found the hood ajar, and after further inspection could easily see that someone had been busy cutting wires and braking the engine block, The car was no use to her now and the nearest home was ten miles away. And it had been many years since she had even set foot near a park yet alone a forest. The car doors where wide open, they had taken her maps from the glove compartment and had taken her steering lock, possibly because she could have used it as a weapon. Her cellular phone!, she could phone for help, Quickly she looked under the passengers chair where she always hid it… …The bastards had taken her batteries, The had left the phone but taken her batteries! She could not think of anything left in the car for her to use and realised that they may be watching her, being outside was not the safest place so she ran home. As she arrived back at the cabin she began looking for any weapon she could find that may offer her some protection, Yet non could be found, The ornamental knives had been taken, Yet she had been lucky and found the gun until further inspection revealed without any bullets! She returned to her chair and sat down. She was almost on the brink of a nervous break down, How could this be happening to her? Why would anyone do this to her? Who even knew she was here? There where to many questions floating around in her head to think straight and then she saw the note. It had supposed to be on the table next to her chair but it must have blown off before she had woken up. She picked it up and read it aloud. “Being the season of good will, you have three hours head start, from 12:00. RUN”. What?!? “This can’t be happening, This can’t be happening, This can’t be happening”, she repeated to herself over and over again, In her curled up ball shaped crouch. How long had it been that she had been awake, she checked her watch, “must have been a good hour”, she said. Then it fully dawned on her what that meant, She had two hours left to try and escape before they came looking for her! She had no weapons, No real sense of direction and in all this awful snow her tracks would show up where ever she ran. Even if she could make it to the closest cabin which as she recalled from her childhood could be miles away she realised that she had no real chance of escape. She needed a plan and there was hardly any time to make one. She remembered a scene from one of her favourite movies where the hero had been planing an attack against one of his old arch-enemies, he took into account all of his enemies weaknesses. She then realised that she needed to find out who her enemy was. She went over to the door and looked at the tracks again. There could be no doubt, the tracks belonged to three large humans, Why where they so infatuated with the destruction of our kind? But they had left her with a weapon, They weren’t looking hard enough. She broke a leg from the table and ran as fast as she could back to her car. She was cursing how she had left without packing warm clothes but she was in too much of a rush to get down here, and now she was in even more of a rush to get away. She reached the car and standing wide of the door thrust the broken table leg through the window. Large shards of glass broke away from the window and these she picked up carefully placing them in her pockets. She pulled at the chair and used the glass to cut out long strands of artificial leather from the seats. She managed to fashion a crude glove which allowed her to wield the glass shards without taking injury and with the last remaining bands raped the longest and sharpest glass fragment to the wooden table leg. Now she was ready but not entirely sure at how she could defeat three men at once. Her only chance would be to split them up and that meant leaving the limited safety of the cabin, but if she stayed they would get her out sooner or later. With one hour left she ran from the building and into the forest. The snow was betraying her with exact trails of prints but this was exactly what she needed. She had ran off in one direction, then climbed the trees and managed to claw her way through the closely crowded branches back again to the clearing where she started. Then back into the forest she ran again, this time in the opposite direction, To anyone looking at these tracks it would appear that one fox had suddenly became two and ran away from each over. She continued doing this to create about four sets of tracks and she was completely exhausted. The problem was that the tracks didn’t lead to far away from each over, having an hour to use just wasn’t enough but it would have to do. She then climbed up a large pine tree and attempted to bury herself in its branches. She looked down at her watch and saw the final seconds tick away. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Nothing happened, Shit she was expecting something to come running straight at her, but in a way this silence and waiting was worse. They would be checking out the car and cabin first. “I wonder what they will think about the glass” she thought. As she looked along the track she noticed some movement. The chase had begun. Only she wasn’t playing by their rules. There where a few advantages of being a fox though compared to a human and that was the improved hearing and sense of smell. Why when foxes are so much improved are they still submissive to humans who are clumsy at the best of times. She put it down to shear weight of numbers and brute force. That was the human way, Crush and kill all who stand in your way until they aren’ t in your way anymore. And even though this neanderthal way of thinking shouldn’t work it did, this maybe why humans even hate and kill themselves ? She could almost taste the anticipation in the air, the forest knew that something was going to die soon and out off respect had become as quiet as a whisper to a deaf man. Only her pursuers very quiet voices could be heard carried on the wind, out of the pieces she managed to understand it looked like they would separate. She clenched her makeshift spear tightly and watched as the first man followed her tracks below her tree. He paused and crouched down to check the tracks. After a moments hesitation he stood up and continued his pursuit. “Useless” she thought, Obviously he wasn’t very experienced, This may be easier than she had hoped. He was a few paces away from the tree, and at this point he heard a rustling from above him, He had turned around to find a large shape dropping out of the air at him, He franticly grabbed for his blade but he was caught of guard and as she landed on the ground, her spear using all her falling momentum, pierced through his rib-cage, and forced out through the other side of his jacket. She watched his thin white face try to scream, but no sound came out, The spear had punctured his lung and he fell to the ground, attempting to breath while blood filled his mouth. His hands had grasped a hold on the wooden leg, but his muscles held no strength as the pain of the foreign object impaled through his chest stunned his body. His body became limp and the only moving part of his body was where his failing heat was pumping out the last of his blood to the ground. But the most hunting sight thought Vi’ chi was seeing steam rising from the hole in his cheast. It had happened so fast that she could hardly contemplate the implications of her actions, Yesterday she was just a normal fox, and today she had became a murdering creature, Fighting to for her right to survive. She had expected his death to shock her, but in a strange way was rewarded with a sense of satisfaction, It could have been her! She frisked the body, noting that she had little time left before the others would be returning. She would have to chase there hunters down quickly save them teaming up at which point it would be all over. All that the man had been carrying was a knife and a bow with three arrows. She slung the bow over her arm, slid the arrows between her belt, and discarded her glass fragments for this improved knife. Her spear had been useful but after a few tugs at it had proved that all she was getting from his body was more blood and a larger hole in his chest. She had been taking to long and knew it, She climbed back up the tree to attempt to get a better look at her surroundings from above. A few feet up in the tree she saw bark explode just above her head, an arrow was still vibrating in its target. If she had looked back for her enemy then she would have died in the tree, But instead blinding panic forced her to let go of the tree, and as she crashed to the ground, managed to accelerate into a sprint of the mark. As she ran she could hear the great crashing noise of her hunter giving chase. Even in the race for her life she was managing to pelt silently between the trees, another arrow shot by, and imbedded its self in another tree, At this pace the hunter was wasting his shots. She was actually beginning to calm down, her adrenaline was no longer pushing her body she had control again. The hunter was still close behind and it would be a gamble to bet on him becoming tiered before she would. The hunter watched as his prey was gradually starting to tire, a great beaming smile spread across his face as he watched as the fox tripped up, and fell sprawled across the ground. It didn’t get back up and he hoped that she hadn’t broke her neck. Otherwise this chase was pointless. He pulled out his blade and decided to himself that he was going to carve her chest open, the way she had done to john while he was watching. As he approached her he could see that her hands where buried in the ground, possibly holding something, He couldn’t tell it she was alive or not and so decided to get this over with quickly. He raised the knife high in the air to render the first blow, And watched as she opened her eyes to look at him, the glance he received was not the look of a cowering victim but the wild look of a killer. At the same time her hands pulled up out from the snow the bow, primed with arrow, and let it fly at point blank range. She hadn’t been able to aim but was guaranteed that it this close range would hit him, and it did, In his right arm. He felt no pain at first, the shock had number his arm, but it must also have severed his muscle as it flailed limp at his side. His knife was on the floor, he was disarmed but not out of the fight. Vi’chi rolled out of the way of his first few kicks, but while trying to get up he would be able to get contact and knock her back down. She was loosing the initiative and taking a lot of kicks to her side. As his relentless attack inflicted more pain on her she started to loose her senses, all that she could notice was the sent of fresh blood, This frenzied her and she stood up, Taking hits from the hunter but not caring, She saw his blood and wanted more… He was amazed at his opponents stamina but was sure he was winning, until she stood up straight and took all that he gave her. He was becoming alarmed and started fearing for his life but he was committed and couldn’t stop now. As he punched with his left hand for her face she opened her mouth and clamped her jaw shut around the hand. Her mind had given up and all that was driving her body was pure hatred, and primal instincts. As he withdrew his hand he screamed out loud into the forest, only two fingers remained on this badly savaged hand. And he watched as she spat them out onto the ground, Licking the blood from her muzzle. There was no time to retaliate as she pounced upon him, biting at his face and using her claws to rend gashes along his neck and chest. Shortly he to fell to the ground in a whimpering waste a flesh. His face had been torn to shreds and his nose was hanging to his face by only a small piece of skin. Teeth marks serrated his ears, and blood was starting to flow from multiple wounds along his chest. His clothes hadn’t dulled the attack and his white coat was becoming a deep stain of red. But he was not dead, If he had died during the fight then she would be alright but her conscience was starting to kick back in saying that to kill the man while he was like this would be a monstrous thing to do, and live with. She knelt down beside him and looked into his face, he couldn’t return the stare because she had clawed both of his eyes, He was blind. There would be no way he would ever make it out of this forest alive, and so save having to live with the guilt of his cold blooded murder just upped and left him. With any luck he would freeze to death tonight. After a quick glance around determined that she was lost, There where always the foot prints to lead her back to the cabin, And she knew that if she didn’t make it back before it started to snow then she would suffer the fate of the man behind her. There would be no way of getting back without the prints. But the prints will lead her back to the last hunter. Never the less, Staying in the forest in the snow all night would surely be the death of her so the cabin was her only hope, and she was a good mile into the forest as the sun began to set. Without light a normal human would have become lost in minuets after being unable to see the tracks but Vi wasn’t using her sight, she was using her nose. Her strong scent was easily detectable and the sweaty hunter was the easiest trail that she had ever had to follow. Even in daylight she could have closed her eyes and still found her way back. The moon had started to rise and it looked like it was going to light up the forest again, That was bad for her and she didn’t know it the remaining hunter was waiting for her or had given up, and didn’t need the moon light to give her away, while the hunter waited in up some dark tree somewhere. She was now approaching the clearing and just a few hundred feet beyond that was her log cabin. To the left of the cabin the car was still parked. What could she do now? If the hunter was outside she would be an easy target upon leaving the protection of the trees, If he was inside the cabin as she rushed in she would die, and if he was near to the car then she would also get killed on approach to the cabin. No mater what plan she formed it rested on her getting in the cabin, and every answer she was receiving said, “No, You die!”. In the absence of a plan she could almost feel herself giving in to the temptation to run for the sanctuary of the building. And was so tired that she was almost willing to chance death as a reward. Once again she found herself reminded of that film, where the hero always found a better solution. And she found herself giving the plan one last run over. She needed to get to the cabin, but why? Was it safe, no. so what else did the cabin have to offer? Heat. It was this that had been driving her towards the cabin in the first place. The freezing night was forcing her to go to the only source of heat, and as she became colder the more she would be willing to take dangerous chances. She was pleased with this train of thought and backed away from the clearing, she had a plan… After retreating far into the forest, she started to collect together a pile of wood, This she placed in a large collection away from the trees, And started using her lighter to kindle a fire, In the cold night it was hard to get the flame to stay alight, But praised her god (Each fox has a god who looks over them during their life, and judges there actions to decide whether they have earned the right for eternal peace) that there was no sign of snow tonight. As the pile finally started to glow in that beautiful enchanting way that makes children so fascinated as to deliberately play with matches and flames. The area where she had decided would be her abode for the night became enlightened from the fire. She was glad that she had built the fire so far into the forest otherwise she would have been instantly visible. “No sleep for you tonight girl”, she thought, as that would leave her guard down. There would be plenty of time for sleep when she reached the neighbours, or where ever she fell to the ground if she couldn’t make it that far. The night was a long and stressful experience, Behind every shadow lay an endless amount of hidden dangers, Tonight there was a killer loose in the forest, And the worrying realisation of this said that the killer may be her. Yet there was a difference in her and them. They hunted the weak and laid traps for, yet when she gave it more thought she had done the same to them. There was only one real difference between them and her and that was she had remained alive where two of them had not. The fire had died low and she had decided that to move on now was necessary. Because the third hunter would be on his way also. It wasn’t often that she could appreciate the awesome sight of the sunrise chasing away the night and releasing its first warming light upon the trees. After two hours she liked to think that she was making good ground but there was no way to be sure, She knew the rough direction she needed to take to get to Mr Farlight’s hut. From where she had been camping the night before. But piecing together the route from childhood memories was taking more time than she would have liked. She looked at her watch, She had been awake for 24 hours now and the night had been cruel on her bruised side, And all the running yesterday had made her fiercely hungry. But in winter food was scarce and save wasting time hunting an animal she decided that while she was still in danger any pain or hunger she was suffering from was secondary to her task of getting to safety. The remainder of the day saw many returning childhood memories as her journey started to follow her old path of old, Past the tiny stream (now frozen) and around the large hill. She could even remember a few childhood songs, and choked back the sound when she nearly started singing out in the forest. It seamed like forever travelling through the snow but eventually she made it within the last half an hour of the neighbours hut. He progress would have been better but there was a major pressure weighing on her mind and it was that somewhere behind her death was stalking its way towards her. She glanced at the old building, It was formed of logs just like her fathers place but had received more attention so it was obvious to see that the person who lived there repaired the building with a dedication that wasn’t shared in the world of business where a building could be made in a week, and have the atmosphere of a concrete block. Yet it wasn’t so different to the building she remembered from her youth. She knocked hard on the door, and a frail of man greeted her as the door creaked open. “MR Farlight”? questioned Vi’chi. “Yes my dear, You appear to be hurt, Please come in”, he suggested. “Its nice and warm inside”, He gestured for her to enter. She moved over to the centre of the room and promptly collapsed, she couldn’t remain awake even if her life had depended on it. When she awoke she found that she had been placed in a bed, Her left arm had been bandaged, obviously it was more damaged than she had had time to notice. Her clothes where hung up to dry over a chair near a freshly stoked fire. She then saw the door to the room open, In walked the old Mr Farlight. He was carrying a tray with a bowl of soup, looked like chicken and some bread. He pulled up a stool and placed the tray down on it. “I don’t know why your so hurt but the doctor will be her shortly”, he stated. “You look awfully like little Vi, I talked to you yesterday”, He waited for some confirmation. She nodded and tried to speak. He put his hand over her mouth, “There will be time for talk later, just eat this for now, I’ll come bake shortly”, and he stood up and started to leave. “Wait”! she called out, “I’m being hunted by a killer human, You must get help”! “If you hadn’t been so exhausted and injured then perhaps I may not have believed you, But I did inform the doctor that you had been attacked. He will drive you to the hospital in shallow creek”, And then he closed the door behind him. So that was it! She would be safe when the doctor arrived, but she couldn’t stop thinking about where the human was now, Maybe he was outside?, maybe he had given up the night before? She didn’t know all she wanted now was to leave and never return. There was a sound of glass breaking on the floor outside he door. “Mr Farlight, Is everything OK”? there was no answer but that was to be expected as he was hard of hearing from when she knew him as a little girl. Never the less no reply was not acceptable, she was feeling a lot better and decided that she could help him clean up the broken cup or whatever it was. She pulled on her clothes that where now nicely warm. She pushed open the door and looked around the room. She saw the glass on the floor it was lying next to where a window should have been. Ask she looked around the room she saw Mr Farlight in a crumpled heap on the floor. An arrow had passed through his leg and had caused him to fall down, banging his head against the floor. He was injured but still alive and all her questions about the location of the killer had been answered. She dragged the unconscious Mr Farlight back into her room, it had no windows so no stray shots could hit him. The window was placed to let the most sunlight enter the room which was bad for Vi’chi as this reduced the number of places where she couldn’t be shot. She edged forward with her back resting firm against the wall. An arrow shuddered into the wall by her head, She dived forward purely out of reaction and careened into a cabinet on the other side of the room. She was out of view now but not safe, she didn’t know what Mr Farlight had done with her bow or knife but they didn’t appear to be in this room. There was one thing she really liked about these cabins and huts of the outdoor type of people and that was that weapons could be found in every home. If was common sense to protect yourself from the wild. And closer inspection of the cabinet showed not only her knife and bow but a collection of knifes and arrows. He must have taken his hunting very seriously. She picked up all of her weapons and a few of his more impressive looking arrows, the tips on these where designed, not only to enter and animal but cause extreme damage in an attempt to cripple its escape, She primed one and approached the window. She didn’t know where he would be so she would have to make it fast. This was why her first shot was released instantly, so as to try and get the hunter to uncover himself. She pulled back and another arrow flew through the window and imbedded it’s self in the opposite wall. She loaded another shot and followed the same plan as before, watching for any movement. She saw it as the arrow unnerved her assailant. She knew the he would be waiting for her to show herself at the window for another shot and while his attention was focused there proceeded to leave via the front door, From where the hunter was situated he would be unable to see the door open. She neared the corner of the hut and pulled back on the bow string, She was using one of those specialised arrows for this shot. She ran out from around the corner and released her shot before running full speed into the forest. She listened for any indication that her shot had hit its target, but there was no scream, in fact there was no sound at all. Once again the forest had become sound free and she could hear the beating of her heart thump in her ears. Both she and the hunter knew they where somewhere in the forest but neither of them knew where. Vi’chi was happy to wait where she was by her tree, and just listen for any movement, The doctor would be arriving at any time and that would hopefully signal the retreat of her attacker. Only everything she knew told her otherwise. If this killer would attack a defenceless old fox then the doctor would be just another causality, It was up to her to stop him now. Using her skills of smell she got a rough idea about where he would be, and it also gave her an guess of the distance, She could smell a strong amount of blood and it was driving her wild. It was fresh and coming from the same direction as her hunter, But that didn’t mean it was his blood, Because everyone smells different but no mater who’s blood you smelt it was always the same scent. Different people but same blood. As the scent grew stronger she could see her arrow lying on the floor, and a faint red trail of blood reading away with a set of tracks. She moved closer to the arrow and then heard the twang of a bow releasing… …She didn’t have anytime to react but still managed to hold up her arms in the defensive way that people do, offering an expendable limb to save the body. Her sacrifice was accepted and the steel tip of the shot pierced her wrist of her left hand. The shot passed straight through and left a bloody hole where not even her thick fur could hide the wound. The pain jolted through her arm and out of reaction screamed out aloud, Once again the mixture of pain and blood filled her mind and shut out her conscious mind. She was unable to use the bow anymore due to the nature of her injury but she was able pull out her knife. Her attacker was the most skilled of the three who had been pursuing her and felt a real sense of achievement from just wounding such an experienced foe. He was not a trainee like john had been, and mike should have known better than to walk into such an obvious trap. As far as he was concerned they both got what they deserved, But he wasn’t about to follow their example. His plan was to keep launching arrow after arrow into her until he ran out, after taking that cut across his cheek, he learnt how deadly and accurate her shots where. And he could see that her chance of a long distance attack was now lost due to her damaged wrist. Which was why he was surprised when a 7” hunting knife spun through the air and impaled itself in his knee. Vi’chi was still clutching her wrist tight, She had ripped of some of her jacket as a makeshift bandage. She was relieved to hear the fucking human scream. It had been quite an amazing throw she thought. And watched as it entered his knee, there could be no doubt that it had cracked open the cartilage and possibly even broke some of his bone. Seeing him topple over though was the icing on the cake and signalled to her that if anything was going to happen, it must happen now while he remained vulnerable. The hunter tried to bring up his bow to aim, yet his eyes where filled with tears of pain. And his mind was filled with the pain of his leg. Quickly wiping his eyes clean revealed that his target was nowhere to be seen, he looked all around and still could not locate her. Then he looked up. She had climbed through the closely branched trees and had arrived above him. She dropped down at him, her right paw held out with her sharp claws extended. This hunter was very fast to react and pulled free the knife from his leg. He screamed out loud but managed to bring the blade up to the falling fox. As she landed a burning feeling flowed through her entire body, the blade had punctured her side, Crippling waves of pain shuddered her ut she was still frenzied and ripped at his head with her claws. He was from side to side, but still he managed to retaliate. He pulled out from his jacket a canister of mace and sprayed it into her face. She couldn’t properly see him and the more she tried to blink it away the more pain it gave, Her eyes watering involuntarily, she was effectively blind. He took this opportunity to take hold of the knife hanging from her side and twist it inside her. Of all the pain she had ever experienced in her life this was the worst, Not even her body when engulfed in anger and adrenaline could disguise the intense feeling of a blade slicing open your innards. This may be her last c hance to win this fight so she dropped down her head and made an attack at his neck. Her jaw clamped around the neck and could feel the windpipe, and his Adams apple. She pulled back with her came the neck, as she pulled so to did it come away from his body and her mouth was filled with his blood pumping into her through the severed veins. His body started to violently twitch as was familiar with this type of injury and his arms grasped for his neck. She moved back a few paces and fell down from the agony of the blade within her. She watched the last violent destructive seconds as he lashed out with his arms and legs trying franticly to breath, while his neck and lungs filled with blood. eventually he stopped moving as his heart finally gave up the struggle and stopped pumping, His face locked in an expression of pure pain. This was the last thing she saw as her own blood loss caused her to fall into shock and collapse. As her eyes opened she was greeted to a bright light, She couldn’t focus properly and wondered where she had ended up? An image of a large shape moved over by her and spoke to her, “You are lucky to be alive, you lost a lot of blood”. As her eyes became more focused she could make out the detail of the woman’s medical clothes. Vi’chi tried to speak but found that her muzzle had been bandaged up. “You dislocated your jaw killing that man”, Said the doctor. Its alright there was a Mr Farlight who explained what happened, he is healing well in ward 3”, the doctor marked some details on Vi’s health chart, and spoke again. “My names Annabel, There where police around earlier but I told them you would be unable to comment for weeks”. Annabel made a slight adjustion to Vi’s drip, administered an injection and started to leave the room, “Good night Miss Vi’chi, Have pleasant dreams”. The doctor closed the door behind her but left the light on. Suddenly she did feel really tired and was not able to keep her eyes open for long. The following dreams that ensued where violent images of the previous days adventure, and for all the time she remained in hospital had the same recurring dream, And even though for the rest of her life her left hand would be lame she still felt a great sense of pride in her actions. Her dad would have been proud… …THE END… I hope you liked it, I would really like to here from you telling me what you think, I understand that this story may not suit everyone’s tastes. No human or furry was harmed during the production of this story. This story is fictitious and any resemblance to furries living or dead is purely coincidental.