Blackwolf and the Succubus (evil version)

This is a work of fiction (maybe). All the characters and events portrayed are not real (sort of). If you are under the age of 18 your mom probably doesn't want you to read stuff like this so please don't. This story is copyright by the author and ALL rights are reserved. Reposting of this story or placing it in any archive is not authorized. So ask me!! Copies may be kept for personal use. Please respect the author's wishes. Copyright ©1997

By Lusty Werewolf /Narv

Part 1 (Discovery)

In the year 1400 AD in a small town in England. A group of thugs have stolen the life blood of a town. They have terrorized this town by looting, stealing and taking any thing they want. The group of thugs consist of 4 men with the aid of a succubus. A demon who loves to fuck any one to death. Only these 4 men have the stamina to please the demon and she grants them the power to dominate anyone.

After years of control a handsome young man in his 20's about 6'1, In excellent condition and weighing about 210lbs from the village is plowing a field on a summer day. This plot of land was once trees and brushes but hard work and a little sweat turns it into farming land. It had been a long hard day of plowing the dirt to grow his wheat field. When his plow hit something that stops the horse in it's tracks. He moved the horses out of the way to see what they hit. As the dust cleared he stumbled to the spot where he hit the immovable object. He cursed as he thought this plot of land was filled with old tree stumps. As this meant more time fixing the land then growing and tending to his crops.

As he dug the object up and he was dumbfounded to find it was not a stump at all it was something like a chest from what he could tell. Which looked to be very old but in perfect condition. As he dug the box out he hoped no one see him or stumble on him. As word of this got out it would draw the attention of the thugs. Not wanting to spend too much time in the open he put the chest on his wagon. He then transferred the horse from the plow to the wagon and headed home. Getting curious about what is in the chest he make his trip home a little faster then he normally does. He couldn't wait to show his girlfriend and future wife who lived with him.

At home he found that Aleena is not home. With a bit of a disappointment, he brought the box inside his log cabin. All he could think of were riches in the chest. It weighted a lot for its size. He placed the chest in the kitchen of his house as he prepared to open it. Thinking that maybe he would find treasures of precious metals and gems. He fumbled with the lid as he slowly opened the chest as it made a creaking sound.

A strong animal musk and a slightly dried cum smell filled the air as he opened the box. To his dismay, all he saw in the box was a black fur pelt that filled nearly half the chest. It was slightly moist as he picked up the skin and moved it away hoping to find more. He found only a single stone tablet in some language he couldn't figure out. So he just puts it aside. He took the pelt and table out of the chest. Then hid the box, if the thugs new of this they would take what little he found.

The first thing he looked at was the pelt as this may have a market value. He closely examined the soft black fur pelt as he had never known a pelt to last so long with out deteriorating. This made him wonder as the chest that held the pelt apparently a few hundred years . He spreads the pelt out on the floor. The pelt was unbelievably soft the fur was thick and rich about inch long on most of the body except the fur on its back and on the sides of the head which were 3 inches and 2 ½ respectively the long ears still looked soft and the head seemed to almost ask him for his help. The pelt was big, a human size pelt. He is stunned to find it resembled the mythical werewolf. A creature of the night. He has never believed in myth but he knew what he saw. He knew that the pelt was from a black furred werewolf.

The pelt was soft smooth and silky to the touch as he rubbed his face through the fur. Curious to see what a werewolf looked like. He picked up the head and closely examined it. It appeared to be a wolf with its long muzzle but not quite. It had human like characteristics to its face but more bestial then human. Looking at the large gaping mouth of the pelt revealed big sharp fangs and teeth. There were no eyes in the head of the pelt as the ears were erect and very wolf like. Then he examined the pelt's paws he noticed that the claws were very sharp and supported by a skeleton structure the went to the wrist of the pelt. He then looked at the legs of the suit which looked to be more somewhere between human and beast. It looked like huge hind wolf legs but from what he can tell it stood up right. There is some kind of strong support structures in it. Although hard but fleshy and bendable. The feet of the look like wolf feet but much larger in size. And it has very sharp claws attached to it by a skeleton structure. He wondered what the other side of the pelt looked like as he flipped The pelt over.

As he turned the pelt over to see that the back of the pelt has a big slit down it's back. He then placed his hand inside the pelt. It has a skin like texture as it is smooth and soft to the touch. He then noticed that the pelt's head was hollow and put his hand inside the head. He discovered that it is had the same skin like texture. The pelt even had a big black fluffy tail connected to the small of the back. In a human skeleton it would be directly over the tail bone a human. He picked the suit up and determined that it weighed about 15 pounds. He wondered if the pelt is made to be worn. And the most interesting part was the suit was anatomically correct. It had a sheath and a balls that were covered in soft black short fur. Richard went down to the crotch and smell deeply he had found the source of the musky smell coming from it sexual part. As he pulled the sheath back he saw a reddish cock of a wolf. It was long slender and pointy at the tip and had a small knot at the base though it seemed to be slightly dry and wrinkled. The knot, used to tie the male to the female so the sperm can't come out. The cock was 8 inches long and 1 and ½ inches thick. Not many things have ever turned him on but the sight and smell of the pelt gave him a throbbing erection.

At that moment he heard Aleena outside. The door opened and he smiles, her long blond hair streamed down her back. She looked curiously at the pelt. "What's that?" she asked. Richard smiles "I found it out in the field, look it's in great shape" She moves over her soft hips swaying, Richard couldn't get over how delicate she looked, at only 18 years old she was quite the woman, everyone thought her so polite and proper, but at hingt, she was very much the huntress in bed. She moves to look at the fine pelt "what is it?" "I don't know" Richard replied slipping his hand over her's She smiled as she saw the wolf cock, and Richard blushed that he had forgotten to press it back in.

"It looks like it would fit you" She smiled a smile he knew all too well. Richard blushed shaking his head "you don't mean you want me to..."

Aleena grinned "why not, you always said I was an animal in bed....what would the neighbors thing if I did it with a real wolf..."

He couldn't resist so he decided to try the pelt on as the thought of it giving him an erection.

Overall the pelt looked to be able to fit him loosely. He laid the pelt on his hay bed with the head pointing at him. He quickly stripped his tattered cloths, they were both poor, because the thugs stole 50% of his crop every harvest. As he stood there admiring the pelt on his bed he noticed it had a happy look on its face. As if saying put me on. He slowly put the pelt on. Starting with the right leg Aleena knelt helping him. The feel of the pelt on his naked legs gave him goose bumps. It has a silky feel to it as he slowly hunched his right foot into the foot of the pelt. The feel of the pelt on his legs drove his mind wild as it seemd to snug to his foot, he could almost FEEEl the toes, and flex the claws. He wanted this suit all over his body. His foot was firmly in place, he enjoied every moment as he slowly slid the pelt up his legs with Aleen's help. He did the same to his left leg. looking a little baggy on his leg he leaned back on his bed with his legs in the air. He pulled the pelt up to his hips to take out the slack. The pelt seemed to cling to him

Wanting to enjoy the feel of the pelt on his legs he just sat on the bed Indian style. As he stroked his furry legs. He and Aleena ran fingers through the fur and lived the moment as this is so pleasurable to him. He sat there imagining his furry legs in action as the tail of the pelt begins to move Aleen jumpped pointing. Stunned he wondered what kind of magic is possessing the pelt.

Aleena's voice shook "how did you..."

Richard shook his head "I don't know."

As it was freaking him out a little. Intrigued he got up and to his amazement he found that he could feel the floor with the leathery padded feet of the pelt. Just as if he was barefoot on the floor. His tail waged happily as it hung low near The ground. He gave another look at his legs and feet. The pelt gave him a digi-grade look. And his feet were wide and four clawed toes. They had wolf pads on the bottom of the sole and thinks he would leave wolf prints in the dirt if he walk. The big feet were also covered in short soft black fur the was supported by a strong support system but it wasn't hard but it felt real like a real wolf's hind legs. And he continued to put the pelt on.

Aleen blinked "You think you should?"

Richard nodded "you got me started, can it be any worse then those thugs?"

He quickly hunched his right arm into the skin and slowly pushed his hand in to the pelt's clawed paws. He did the same to his left arm. After that his dick was pressed against something and highly comfortable. He undid the arms to see what was causing the problem and found a rubbery hole in inside of crouch area . "I guess I'm supposed to put my cock in the hole." he said. With his almost fully erect cock he slowly pushed it into the hole. As he did that the sheath on the stomach area expanded. He then put the arms back on and as he looked down. "What he saw was Aleena STARING with a look of pleasant surprise on her face "Oh MY....oh MY MY MY! He looked down further to see a cock poking out of the sheath. It wasn't his cock but that's where he put his cock in. Aleena grabbed the sheath on his stomach and lowered it to reveal a 10 inch long and 2 inches thick. It had grown since he last saw it. After he was able to convince Aleen to release him he continued donning the suit.

Aleena grinned "with THAT you could even overpower the succubus!"

The pelt on his back was folded on itself so he reached back and fixed the problem. He didn't find a means to fasten The pelt up so he just had to do with out. Although the pelt is loose on his body he loveed the feel of the pelt all over his body. As he turned his head to look at his loving tail as is happily waged 3 feet off the floor. The pelt's head lay connected The front part of it's neck was connected to the skin of the neck as it lay on his chest. He grab the pelt's head from his chest and lowers his head. He brought the pelt's heads to his face he noticed that the head was a little loose. As the pelt's head fur met the back of the neck fur the entire pelt sealed it self up and Richard grew in size. Richard panicked and started to yell a volley of curses as the pelt started to shrink to fit him exactly. Aleena backed away but could do nothing.

After a few minutes he clams down and looks at his furry body. He was like 7 feet tall and about 350lbs now.

He wishes he had a mirror but since he is too poor. So he can only feel his body .The skin was surprisingly cool on his body. He noticed that now he could hear the smallest of sounds. His sense of smell was so good that he could smell the apple orchard 2 miles from his house. As he felt up his new furry body his new wolfish dick poked out of its sheath. Aleena now moves forward,nervously she knelt "Richard?" He nodded his long tongue panting, she reached out again and began to rub his sheath. The pelt make him horny and he didn't resist as she rubbed his sheath more and more. More of his new dick would protrude out of its sheath till all 10 inches showed.

Richard didn't knwo why but right now he felt THIRSTY, while Aleena rubbed his new musky length he grabbed the puthcer and drank the whoel thing, the strength seemed to flow in him.

. Richard thought that the suit must have some magical effect on his dick when he put it in the sheath of the pelt. Transforming it into a wolf's dick. Alena spit on her hands and slowly worked her right hand up and down his cock. His new dick was ultra sensitive now. The sensation brings shivers down his spine as she fondled him. As he worked his loins as the knot grew bigger and bigger when ever she came down to it. After a few minutes the knot was the size of a softball. He could not believe how huge it was. He got hornier as he neared his orgasm as she strokes his dick faster and faster. Then he forced her to quit as he wanted to have his first orgasm inside his Aleena.

The suit make him feel like a new man. He felt stronger, faster, and hornier now then when he was 13. He thought good thinks can occur now with my new found powers.

Aleena smiled up at him from where she knelt. I want to fuck a werewolf. Looking at the sexy digi-grade legs and the huge hind paws on Richards feet. She smiled, she dropped to all fours as she started to kiss and lick the big furry feet

Richard gasp as he could feel every touch of her soft tongue, fascinated at how the musky sent seemed to arouse her more. She rubbed her face on it. Her tongeu danced between the large toes and around the claws, as he curled his toes he could almost feel a presents with him.

Holding and rubbing both furred clawed feet. Feeling at the mercy of her lover she wanted to smell his wolfhood as she pressed her face into his crotch. She could smell the strong animal scent. it was musky and had the hint of cum.

Richard gasped feeling her breath on his loins, his heavy balls now furred.

She looked up and saw Richard's sheath and with her right hand she lowered the sheath to reveal his canine cock. She then started to lick and suck it all around. The cock had a smooth texture and it was warm and fleshy. Pre-cum started to leak the tip as she lapped at the salty juices. Richard with his leathery paws reached down to her head and stroked her hair with his clawed paws running his claws thru her hair. She stood and tugged at her tunic top, revealing 2 well formed, not overly large breasts. Her delicate arms unwrapped her skirt. Richard always stared, her skin was soft and smooth, and her ass firm, the long legs were perfect, and between them nestled with no pubic hair, her soft womanhood pouted wetly.

She pushed him to the bed and he laid back as she straddled his sides. She was now moist from all the sensations that she experienced. Aleena got on top of the hulking cock and slowly guided it in to her cunt. She moaned as her body adjusted to the huge cock. Richard also let out a moan as his new cock is more sensitive to feel. As Aleena took the full length she felt the base of Richard new cock grow. This only added to her pleasure as she slowly rode his cock. She held the back part of the werewolf's neck as she kissed Themuzzle and head. Richard held her hips as he was meeting her rhythm with his his long wolfen tougue exploring her mouth. After 20 minutes Aleena moaned as she orgamsed releasing her juices on Richards cock. As the hot juices flowed out to her cunt and bathed his cock made his cum hard in his bitch. He pulled his head back as this was the strongest orgasm he had experienced He howled long and lough, a deep release, as if he had not ogasamed incenturies. His orgasm last for five minutes because , he immagined,like real wolves he shot first cum out his dick then it dribbled out while his prostate pulsed as humans do, but his seed does all come out at one time. When his orgasmic waves stopped Aleena tried to pull out but she couldn't, trapped by the knot on Richard's wolf cock.

Richard grinned "I like this. Your not going anywhere yet.

So they stayed attached and held each other in their arms and slept.

Part 2 (Confrontation)

The next day the group of thugs decided to rampage the town. They started to loot and destroy anything they feel like doing. As they are backed up by their Succubus Mistress. They were her toys to play with as she has a never ending desire for sex. Word spread around town as Richard was shopping for farming tools when he thought about the pelt.

He dashed home and quickly donned the pelt. He would put an end to the misery that these thugs cause.

Aleena looked at him "what are you doing?"

Richard almost snarled "We gotta put a stop to this"

Aleena went to him "Please Richard no, Bury the pelt, put it back where you found it, we know nothing about it, and the Scubbus..." Richard chuckled "if she shows her face I will screw her into the ground with this!" and so saying he left

Making sure no one saw him as he left through his back window. He headed around the back of the town. He then intercepted the thugs in the town square. As the thugs see the black furred werewolf they laughed "Look what we got here a dog boy!". As they laughed they approached the black werewolf. Then within 5 feet the black werewolf spoke in a deep low voice

"My name is BLACKWOLF, LEAVE NOW OR FACE THE consequences". Richard didn't know why he use the name Blackwolf, he just knew it was his name while in the pelt. The thugs laughed again and said "Looks like we are going to have to teach dog boy a lesson. A lesson on Doggy style." As they rushed him. Being a lot quicker then the average human. Blackwolf easily defeated them with a series of punches and kicks. As they lay on the ground Blackwolf say who is the leader? One of the thugs tried to leave but Blackwolf is too agile and quick and took him to the town center on the platform. This is where the citizens discuss stuff about their town.

The town citizens watched fearfully, most whispering for the wold to leave them before he made them angry, all of them pointing as Richard realized he was quite naked, not even the THUGS did that. As they reach the top Blackwolf says out loud while holding The leader of the thugs by the back of his shirt. This is the man who terrorize our town! He must have a BIG DICK to do it. Blackwolf then looks at the thug and said to him "do you have a BIG DICK?" " No" replied the thug. "I bet you do!" replied Blackwolf panting and pulling the thugs pants down Blackwolf looked down and saw his dick, he said "OOPs!" you don't have a big dick" As the towns citizens roared with laughter." Tell me thug. Tell me who is the new boss in this town? . Not replying to the question Blackwolf slapped the thug in the head hard. I didn't hear your answer he said raising his claws this time to swipe at the thug. "You are!" yelled The thug afraid to be slashed by the mean looking claws. " I thought so" said Blackwolf as he released him. "Tell your mistress that she needs to find a new town while I'm here."

The thug quickly puts on his pants and ruan away with the other thugs to give their mistress of their situation. Cheers are heard as the town is filled with life of hope and happiness. People start to wonder who is under the black werewolf costume that would be willing to risk his life for the town. Many women were in awe as the handsome werewolf is a hero icon instead of The blood thirsty killer of the myth. Richard in the pelt strolls around the town getting many thank yous and offers. Smiling he took advantage of a few of the ladies answers before disappearing before anyone can track him down Richard went home and stripped the pelt off and hid it under the floorboard.

The thugs came back empty handed the succubus was in shock as to why they are not filled with the loots of their rampage. The thug told their mistress about a Blackwolf that single handily defeated them. The mistress cursed "So he's back someone must have found the pelt again." She then told the thugs a story that dates back a few centuries ago. That once she ruled a village just like this and a she was defeated by the wearer of the pelt but she could have destroyed it save that someone hid it from her. She then said "I know how to defeat it now as I remember some of the pelt's weakness. We have to make a trap and capture this person and I need have to personally take care of the matter . I know how we can capture this Blackwolf said the head Thug named Tharsh. The one that was humiliated in front of the town. As he tells his mistress she liked it and if it worked she tells him you will be rewards greatly.

Part 3 (unmasking of a hero)

A succubus can take on the form of anyone it pleases. Early that morning she told her thugs to go and kidnap any females. They came back with a girl about 17 years old. The succubus touched the face of the girl and instantly transformed into the girl. Take the girl and tie her up. After that the mistress told them to follow her and make a commotion. We will lure out the person wearing the pelt and I'll handle it from there.

All went as planned as the succubus went to the town center running from the her servants while screaming and yelling. The thug knew the plan and played along as they cornered her. The store owner ran out of his store Trying to fight them, he was no match. .Word went around town and Richard quickly donned the skin and headed towards the town. When he got there the thugs backed away and the girl rans towards the Blackwolf screaming "Protect me! Protect me!" " I promise" Blackwolf said as he pushed her behind him not knowing the danger he was in. Blackwolf then yelled at the thugs " leave now or I will have get my claws bloody. The girl/succubus behind him put her arms around his waist and with a sudden surprise to Blackwolf she starts to pull his sheath down to reveal his cock. Stunned by what she did the thug rush the werewolf and knocks him to the ground as they hold the werewolf down.

The girl straddles the Blackwolf smiling as a the thugs holds Richard's arms and legs. "Why Blackwolf have you forgotten me already?"

The girl then transformed before Blackwolf's eyes, Richard could feel the suit's increased tension.

Standing before him, was a Red haired beauty, covered in soft smooth red scaled, her breasts bigger then Aleena's and from her head 2 horns, behind her 2 smooth red membranous wings."

The Scubbus tells the thugs that only way to remove the suit as its magical nature you have to wear the suit strength down. The succubus then reached out with her taloned fingers and pulled the sheath of the werewolf down to reveal his cock as the town watched. Blackwolf screamed and tried to break free but the 4 thugs are even too strong for him to break free.

Richard could feel the Suits desperation growing but was helpless, his own fear at being revealed, the nude man in town, half wolf, they would even drag Aleena through the mud!

The succubus smiled and began to lick the dick of Blackwolf

Richard grunted, watching the tongue slowly glide along his growing shaft, he wanted to stop...the suit wanted desperately to stop, it tried to urge him...but slowly grew erect until it was rock hard.

The succubus smiled moving down Blackwolf's chest, ter talons drawing blod as her warm hand encircled his cock behind his knot, With his knot held the wold could not grow limp, and that's JUST what she wanted "hold him" she smiles as she began to impale herself on blackwolf's cock "You boy just have to know HOW to skin a wolf, FIST it get's it's PAW caught in a TRAP" she smiled as her cunt gripped at the werewolf's cock

"NO! Stop!" The were wolf snarled, showing his fangs

As his dick entered her pussy Richard through "some magical enchantment from the succubus cunt drives his lust I won't be able to control my thrusting into her cunt." Pleads of "Stop!"

The Scubbus smiled "oh is the big bad were wolf gonna hurt me?" she grinned as the thugs held him, Richard was so surprised when she leaned over and licks his jaws he never even snapped. The succubus smiled again "every time the werewolf orgasm his suit will lose strength in the magical seams of his pelt and he will shrink as the suit gets bigger.

After 10 minutes Blackwolf let out a moan. The Sucubus grinned down "blackwolf I haven't even STARTED yet! Try opening a hole in the pelt. She reched down to caress Blackwolf's ears grinning "you thought you were a GOOD werewolf? All you are going to be is my PET!

The thugs are get hornier as they watch their mistress fuck The werewolf in her true form a winged demon with scales. After the first orgasm the cunt on the demon holds Blackwolf's dick and makes him pump his furry hips as he cant controls his actions. Tharsh looked up " I want revenge for the humiliation that the he did to me"

"The Scubuss spread her wings as Blackwolf thrust upwards more firmly into her licking her lips "Have patients, you WILL!

Tharash smiled as The Sccubus rolled with Blackwolf on his back in the mud, With his cock deep within her, he could not control the wolf's lust, with each orgsam Richard felt the suit getting weaker, she WAS draining it, but what when it was empty, the thought caused even more desperation to arise in the suit.

Tharash grinned, loosing his pants Blackwolf stared at the thugs groin, the organ that had looked so small yesterday now looked all to BIG. His nose twitched as he could smell the man's musky ceent, Thrash's cock was covered in sweat

Tharash grinned "so DOG, you thought I had a little dick? How's it look NOW!"

Blackwolf whimpered as another orgasam washed over him

"ANSWER HIM" The Scubus ordered, squeezing painfully on the knot within her thighs.

Blackwolf yelped "BIG"

Thrash grinned "Damned right it is, Doggy want a BONE!?"

Laughing he pressed his cock into Blackwolf's muzzle "I feel ONE FANG and the mistress will CRUSH your cock!

Richard closed his eyes, all he could do was submit, he began to lick, the long tongue lapping at the sweaty rubbery organ, he could feel the big purple head in his jaws, and the man's musky scent was even stronger to his sharp senses.

Smiling Gorak watches the wolfs tail as the mistress rubbed it's base, an erotic zone for canines, she was pulling out all the stops, moving behind the helpless wolf, he began to guide his won thick cock dry to the wolf's anus, leaning over Blackwolf he LUNGED! Blackwof wanted to yell as he was violated 3 ways. He could do nothing but give in for now. As Gorak held Blackwolf's hips and shoved it into the tight asshole . "ARRGGGGG......NOOOOoo...don't... Uhhh......Stop....Uhhh..NOOoo..UHhhh...UHHHh...IT... Uhhhh... Hurts!... UHHHH..UHHHH" yelled as he got reamed in the ass from behind by Gorak.

Blackwolf uncontrollably pumpped his cock into the succubus. Gorak behind Blackwolf met his backward thrust with his forward thrust as he slams his dick hard into Blackwolf's tight asshole. Every time Blackwolf pulled his hips back he is slammed in the ass by the thug's 8 inch thick cock. After 15 minutes, as Gorak held Richard's waist he came deep within his guts laughing. He rode out his orgasm in Blackwolf's uncontrollable thrusting hips. After Tharsh and Gorak had cum into Blackwolf the other 2, also had their turn When Tharash orgasamed Blackwolf moans, the act causing him yet another orgasam into the scubbus, he noticed each orgsam weakened him while strengthening her. Thrasha's orgsam had an odd effect on him, it was almost like blood salty and full, he swallowed it licking the thugs groin clean.

Richard groaned as the crowd grew, watching whatto them was their hero willingly dominated by the thugs..

After 3 hours and 14 orgasm by Blackwolf, one thug pulls the fur on Blackwolf's back

"HEY!" he yells "there's a HOLE now!

The scubus grinned, the tired look on Blackwolf's muzzle as she felt his powers entering her "getting tired love? After all those years of REST!?" she laughed renewing her lovemaking"

Blackwolf tried to speak "P...please I'm..."

The Scubus Rakes his fur with her talons gouding deeply as the wolf grimaced in pain "MUZZLE the dog!"

Tharash grinned, pulling a leather muzzle form a back he fit it over blackwolf's face.

Richard was surprised at the feel, the leather was soft and pulled around his jaws it buckled behind his head and as Thrash pulled it snug his jaws were drawn tight, he was now unable to speak or bite.

As the Blackwolf is forced to fuck the succubus the suit power to protect the users identity got weaker and weaker. Another 2 hours pass as the thugs pulled at the openening, more and more of the seam on the back showing more flesh. Once his mask is taken off Richard would be humiliated in front of the wholetown he couldn't do a thing.

As the thugs awaited the removal of the skin and the discovery of Blackwolf's identity as he was forced to fuck the succubus. Richard orgasms more and more and they exposed more and more of his body. On the 50th orgasm and about 6 hours total time enough of the seams open up as thugs says we can pull him out mistress. She released the enchantment of fucking but still keeps his dick in her cunt to hold him down. The leader of the thugs say Im going to enjoy pulling your mask off and showing your face. The thug got in front of the werewolf's head and grabs the back part of the wolfish mask. Blackwolf could feel the total desperation as he hung limply in the thugs grasp, the suit seemed to NEED him, with the little strength he had, he whimpered around the muzzle "Stop! .... Stop! .......... Stop!" as hands grabbed Blackwolf's mask. The thug laughed and slowly pulled Blackwolf's' mask off. As the light of day hits Richard's face. He pleads "NO! NO! Stop! Don't! Please! No!" as the mask was slowly taken off his face. Richard feels humiliated as the citizens commotions as they see his face.

They immediately begin asking the questions "Did Aleena sleep with a WOLF?" "He's a demon I knew he was no good" "You know what he did with some of the girls after that LAST TIME? He's as bad as they, good ridden" The head thug smiled "you sure are a pretty thing" he grabed Richard's head leaving the wolf mask to dangle" Tell me boy what is your name." When Richard gave no answer he punched him hard in the head till he said "RICHARD" "Well Richard says the thug holding Richard's head I have got a surprise for you."

The Tharsh said I remember you now, you are that farmer with that pretty girlfriend. "NOOOOOOooo don't touch Aleena ill kill you all if you do" yelled Richard as everyone laughed.

This gives Thrash an idea about how to totally destroy his will....

The demon yelled " enough! Strip him of the pelt now."

Two thugs reach inside the pelt and grab under Richard armpits and pulls Richard out like peeling a banana. The pelt deformed in shape as the succubus held the arms sliding him out feeling the pelt go limp and helpless She howled in Victory. She got up from the ground and held the pelt high in the air. changing from the human form to her demon form with her wings spread wide apart her body is covered in green scales and her legs spread wide she led her trophy over her head, the muzzled head still swinging as she turned slowly, it's thick dick still pulsing cum onto the muddy ground weakly, her digi-grade paws covered in mud buther toes talons not claws, Blackwolf's dick looked exposed and vulnerable now ejaculating weaker and weaker. Grinning she flicked her tail back and pulled the pelt to her body. Richard watched held fast and naked by the thugs as she began to caress the bur against her body, he could almost hear a whimper, gently she caressed it laughing "You have no idea what you HAD did you Richard" Richard blinked in amazement, he was out of the pelt, what more did she want. He watched as her hand slid along the pelt's leg, and under its' tail, with a bestial grunt she pressed the exposed cock back into her cunt, Her eyes actually glowed as her pussy clamped around the now only hardball sized knot. Using her hand she began to thrust it's cock. Richard watched as the empty mak's muzzle seemed to look more and more exhausted, The Thughs cheered "that's it Mistress FINISH it!"

The scubuss grinned, sensing triumph" Richard saw the suit Spasm again, and again, each time weaker, each time the muzzle looking weaker, drawn, more...empty

Richard struggles, she planned on destroying it!

They held him, Richard watched as the Suit's tail actually curled on it's own once more, and then it lay still. The Scubuss LAUGHED, Screeching as if she were BURSTING with power! "YESS!"

She stood again, this time the Suit's exposed cock was little more then a shriveled raisin, Laughing she threw the pelt up in the air and allowed it to land in the muddy puddle on the ground. Now in her demon form, in all her beauty Richard could see her powerful thighs, wolf cum rand down her legs, from where she had raped the suit to death. Licking her lisp she walked next to the muzzled mask, taking her muddy she ground the face into the soft mud "All those years ago Blackwolf, you chained me, but not before i SKINNED you, now, as I PROMISED YOU will be my trophy! A symbol of DARKNESS!"

Richard watched the demon, she took her time savoring the muzzled pelt under her foot, her muddy footprint left on it's face, slowly the mud caked the black fur, and she had it stretched so she could stand on it as her run , her muddy paws leaving tracks on the hide . Richard was brought to kneel before her. She smiled and lifted his chin with a talon as she trampled the hide under her feet "so savior of the town are you? Actually I should thank you, I didn't know Blackwolf lived, now he never will again, I have devoured the soul, even if it was but a light snack"

Rickard shivered naked kneeling before her in the mud

"Put him in the suit" she said "Prove it to him"

The thugs stared "Mistress are you...."

"DO IT!" she cut them off.

The thugs grinned making Richard pick up the now muddy mud filled pelt, The back was open, and it hung there. Richard placed his foot into the suit, this time all he felt was the cold mud clinging to him. The wet hide didn't conform, as the thugs helped him, the cold pelt clung like a poorly fit costume. When they pressed his dick into the sheath the only thing that came out....was his dick. His hands went in, he could not feel the claws, or his feet and when the muzzled mask went over his head, he could no longer sense the scents, feel the power, the hole did not seal up, all it was...was a pelt.

Grinning the Scubbus looked down "so you like wolf musk!? Lick Blackwolf's sed from my CUNT!"

Richard had nothing left, he leaned forward and ran his tongue along the demons' foot, tasting the webbing between her toes as he licked the mixture of mud and wolf cum. Her scales were warm and smooth, and her eyes glowed as he licked his own salty cum from her thighs, when his lips met her pussy lips he felt himself drawn his lips sealed against them and he suckled The Scubbus only took a moment to release her bladder, Pouring her warm uirne into his mouth, He swallowed. As he heard her laugh.

"Now" she pointed to Tharash "your reward, you wished to teachthis one a LESSON!? Strip him from the suit and follow me!"

Part 4 (Gaining more Power)

They head towards Richard cabin and search it and finds the tablet. It contains a spell and also tells that it the suit uses a lot of water to live. The spell is use to control the suit and which time the succubus told Tharsh to don the suit as a reward for his plan. So the tablet says that they need to recharge the suit with water. Tharsh brings the suit to the Horses trough and submerge it cleaning the all of the urine, cum , mud and his mistress's juices. After reviving the suits power it has a new shine in it as it still need a new essence for it too live again. Returning the Succubus prepares the spell and tell Thrash to get naked and don the pelt so that it may be connected to his body. Tharsh get strips all of his clothes as he gets naked. Then slowly puts his right leg in to the right leg of the costume. The erotic feeling of the pelt surrounding his leg as he puts the other leg in to the leg of the pelt and draws it up his to his waist. He then pushes his left arm in to the pelts left arm then his right. Now slowly he put the wolfish mask over his face as Richard still naked and is about to witness the birth of EVIL.

As the mask of the suit was completely on the succubus then chants the spell and with a blinding light the pelt is fused with new life as the cock is filling with vigor and strength as it grows bigger. THRASH SCREAMS IN PLEASURE AS HE FEELS THE INFLUX OF POWER COURSING THROUGH HIS BODY. The feel of his new feet as they touch the ground was nothing he has ever imagine. Thrash collapes to the ground as the PAIN of the infusion and Pleasure of the pelt over runs every senses in his body.

He gripped the dirt with his claws as his soft furry paws/hands were wide with extemely sharp claws on each finger. While in pain and in agony on the grounf you could tell that he like it as he stroked his fur on his arms,legs and chest.

After the pain subsided he slowly got up and breathing very hard. He was perplezed at his new scences. His over all senses were so acute that he could smell every ones sexual organs and where they originate. He sensed that Richard was very afraid of his new form. His hearing also was acute as he could hear the heart beats of all in the room. It was weird for him to see a muzzle but he didn't care as what he was experiencing was what Richard must have felt. His new form gave him the sexual vitality of a school boy as was extremely horny. YELLING OUT LOUD THARSH Says "NOW *I* AM BLACKWOLF!" exposing a mouth full of fangs as he grins towards Richard being held. Walking over to Richards but stumbles as he was not use to walking with digi-grade legs. With his wide 4 toe wolf feet he got up and growled determined to walk he slowly went up to Richard and looked at him and said " And you called my cock small?" as he gave a evil laugh. And slowy grabbed Richards's nuts and slowly squeeze then till Richard screams in pain.... "I will make you my cum eating slave" said Thrash as he releases Richards nuts. Richard falls to the ground curled up in a ball cupping his nuts.... "Awww did I hurt your nuts HERO? Here let me kiss it and make it better" Thrash said with a evil smirk as he picks Richard off the ground by his neck ..... "Mistress my I have my way with this thing?" asked Thrash. "In good time my pet.... In good time...." said the Succubus Evily.

"Come here pet" ordered Succubus point to Thrash and point to the ground in front of her.. Thrash quickly went to all four with his head lowed in a submitting way. "GOOD!" as she strokes the fur on Thrash's head. I told you Blackwolf that you will be my SLAVE one day as she lifted her right leg and knocked over Thrash and straddle his chest. You like this Blackwolf? said the Succubus as she rubs the fur on his chest and head and said "Your SOUL is mines forever!"

The Succubus gets off Thrash as he gets up and sees Aleen on her stallion trotting to the cabin. Ill take care of this said Thrash. As he greets Aleen with open arms. Aleen jumps off the stallion and said Im glad you are all right as she hugs the werewolf. She lowers her hands down to its sheath and said I feel that you are happy too as she squeezes his cock and then grab his right paw and leads him to the cabin. But before they got there the blackwolf stops her and turns her around and places right paw under her chin as he slowly brings his muzzle to her mouth and inserts his tongue down her wanting mouth. As she was swooned by the wolfish kiss. The blackwolf slowly pulled her clothes off as she resisted a little as she didnt want to get naked in the light of day. Least the neighbors would see her. BUt he continued to strip her as her dress was removed. Stop lets go inside im not to comfortable out here. But before she could do anything the werewolf pushed her to the ground and got on top of her chest. "Richard?" what are you doing. Aleena heard a some movement in the cabin as she sees Richard naked rushing at them with part of a chair in his hands and smashing it on the werewolf. "Im going to kill you THRASH!" as he continued to pound on Thrash which only pissed him off as he fell off Aleena. Thrash grabs Richard ankle and pulls him causing Richard to fall. Then the other 3 thugs came out and all 4 punched and kicked Richard with Thrash doing more damage as he was targeting Richards legs to so he could not stand on them. The succubus held Aleena in her grasp. "DONT HURT RICHARD!" cried Aleena as they pummel Richard who tried to fight back. "ENOUGH!" yelled the Scuccubus. As she sees Richard bloodied and bruised and moaning. "BUT MISTRESS I WANT HIM TO SUFFER!" yelled Thrash. And you will but killing him leaves the thrill out of it. Thrash nods.

The Succubus then said "Now we have what we want!" as she shoves Aleena too Thrash and said "You may have these 2 as your pets but you must not kill them. Not yet anyway. " Thrash holding the naked Aleen in his beastial arms said you will love giving birth to my cubs. Now repulsed by the suit at the thoughts of being raped by a stranger. The thugs prepare the wagon and went to the the Succubus's Lair with Richard and Aleena.

At the Succubus lair which is like a castle build underground. It has many levels as its built on a side of a hill in a very thick part of the woods. Its normally not seem by humans as the Succubus cast an illusion over it. As theyenter the heavy oak doors the inside seems like a Royal Palace. Marble floors and really lush furniture. Every room they Richard went through is lighted by a yellow glowing sphere on the top of the ceiling. No doubt magic from the Succubus. Thrash leads Richard down the dimmly stairways to some unknown part of the castle. When they reached the bottom the smell of death and rott over comes richard as he sees rows and rows of brick cells with iron bars on the front. Each prison cell appears to be about 6 feet by 6 feet and about 8 1/2 feet high. Richard didnt like what he saw. The bones and rotting bodies in some of the cells sickens him as the rats were chewing on the bodies scurried away in their Presents. They stop at this one cell it was a bit cleaner then the others as it had a smooth surface and had a small sphere in the ceiling of the cell like the rooms in the upper portion of the castle. It had a hole in the ground as he can only assume it was for relieving oneself. Richard tries to resist but Thrash just shoves him hard into the cell as he hits the back part of the wall and then falls to the hard smooth floor as a large clanking noise was heard behind him. Richard turned around and there was Thrash staring at him smiling and with a clam tone said "I hope your stay is a pleasent one, Im going to make you my cum eatting slave!" as he laughed Thrash walked away. Leaving Richard by him self. "A cum eating slave! I like the sound of that!" could be barely heard from Thrash as he walks back to the top.

Richard hears moans of others in the back ground and the sound of rats. "HELLO? HELLO?" Yelled Richard but no-one replied. Feeling alone and cold as he was still naked.

A few hours later Thrash shows up with Aleena as she struggles in his furry arms. Outside of the iron bars Richard watched Thrash lick and grab all over Aleena's Body as Richard tries to reach out side to grab Thrash but he was too far away. Thrash laughed and said you better not use up your strenght you might need it as you wont be going anywhere for a long time. Aleena struggles in his arms which made Thrash loves the resistance of Aleena on his furry body and turns forces her on all 4. Thrash tells Aleena do you want me to kill your MATE Richard? yelled Thrash. "NO dont hurt him Ill do anything. Just dont hurt him." Pleaded Aleena. "You have to do everything I tell you to do and not question anything. Agreed? and I promise I will not kill Richard." commanded Thrash. "DONT LISTEN TO HIM ALEENA HE IS ONLY TRICKING YOU!" Yelled Richard. And faster then a blink of a eye Thrash grabbed Richards with his right paw by the neck through the bars and slowly squeezed .... "Think im playing now?" as Thrash hears Richard gasp for air. "PLEASE DONT HURT HIM, ILL DO ANYTHING YOU TELL ME ILL BE YOUR MATE EVEN, AS LONG AS YOU DONT HURT OR KILL RICHARD!!!" Pleaded Aleena as she got on all four and started to lick Thrash's furry feet. With that act of submission he let go of Richard who falls to the ground nearly blue in the face as he takes deep breathes.

Aleena slowly licks and cleans the mud that was on Thrash furry feet. Even though she wont admit it she likes the soft fur on her tongue as it tickled it. She licked between his toes and lightly nipped it with the front part of her teeth making sure to please Thrash. She even sucked each claw in her mouth. Aleena started to get use to the taste of mud and the hard claw tip in her mouth . "GOOOD! You have just saved your former Mate life" said Thrash with conviction. "Tell me what you want me to do master!" said Aleena. "Richard this is how to control women!" snerked Thrash. And in front of Richard Aleena willingly gets fucked doggy stlye by Thrash. Thrash Fucks Aleen for 2 hours in front of Richard to prove that she was his now and to humilitate Richard.

2 days later with out food or water Richard wonders if they are going to slowly kill him. As he was getting thirsty and Hungy. His mouth was feeling like sandpaper and the stomach pains were increasing.

Thrash walks towards Richard with a Big glass of water and a Turkey leg. "You must be Thristy and Hungry." said Thrash. Richard stares hard at the food and drink... Thrash throws the Food and drink to the rats and said you will love to eat my cum and untill you do you will not get to eat or drink anything. said Thrash.. Richard replies "FUCK YOU! I WILL NOT BE YOUR CUM EATING SLAVE!" Thrash laughs and walks away.

The next day he sees Richard sleeping on the cold hard floor. Thrash bangs a rock on the Bars to get up Richard who got up fast as the noised scared him. "Ready to eat my cum?" Thrash said commandingly as he lowered his Sheath to reveal his cock. Thrash started to masturbate and after 10 minutes shoot his cum inside the cell that holds Richard, a 5 foot line of cum layed infront of Thrash and a good size cum puddle was about 1 foot in front of Thrash. You wont get any food or drink until you learn to like the taste of my cum. Doesnt it look good as you havent eaten in 3 days. You can get water and food from it. With a tooth grin Thrash leaves.. and came back in a hour to find that the cum had been licked up as he could see some of the cum on Richards face. Richard looked ashamed as he is leaning in the corner in a ball with his knees against his chest. Thrash laughs and leaves.

Thrash enters the living courters and goes to his room and see Aleena naked and leashed by her neck with a soft brown leather collar to the far end wall by a light but strong chain. Aleena cried out "you are taking care of Richard?" Thrash ignores her at first as he layed on his soft bed it had a red silky covers on top and on the white satin looking bed sheets. Thrash laid back with his furry paws behind his wolfish head. Then with his right hand Pointing to his freshly muddy feet Aleena quickly went to his bed. Thrash puts his right arm back behind his head as Aleena pick Thrash right foot as she layed at the foot of the bed sitting semi-yoga style and places it on her right breast. She holds it by the back of the ankle and proceeds to lick the soles of his furry feet cleaning it with her tongue. Only till after she started Thrash spoke "He will live as long as he doesnt value his dignity." Thrash layed back and relaxed as he watched with facination of this girl serving him. He could feel her Hot breath on his fur, her wet tongue on the skin of the suit as she went against the fur and he loves the feel of warm tongue between his toes. That night Aleena let Thrash have her completely as he made her suck his long thin reddish wolf cock. Filling her mouth with so much cum that it leaked out on the sides of her mouth.

THE END didnt like this ending? Well read the GOOD VERSION!

Story is copyright ©1997 by Lusty Werewolf and may not be reprinted, redistributed, or sold without the written permission from the author.

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