Blackwolf and the Succubus (good version)

(still working on this one)

This is a work of fiction (maybe). All the characters and events portrayed are not real (sort of). If you are under the age of 18 your mom probably doesn't want you to read stuff like this so please don't. This story is copyright by the author and ALL rights are reserved. Reposting of this story or placing it in any archive is not authorized. So ask me!! Copies may be kept for personal use. Please respect the author's wishes. Copyright ©1997

By Lusty Werewolf

Part 1 (Discovery)

In the year 1400 AD in a small town in England. A group of thugs have stolen the life blood of a town. They have terrorized this town by looting, stealing and taking any thing they want. The group of thugs consist of 4 men with the aid of a succubus. A demon who loves to fuck any one to death. Only these 4 men have the stamina to please the demon and she grants them the power to dominate anyone.

After years of control a handsome young man in his 20's about 6'1, In excellent condition and weights about 210lbs from the village is plowing a field one summer day. This plot of land was once trees and brushes but hard work and a little sweat turns it into farming land. It had been a long hard day of plowing the dirt to grow his wheat field. When his plow hits something that stops the horse in it's tracks. He moves the horses out of the way to see what they hit. As the dust clears he stumbles to the spot where he hit the immovable object. He curses as he thought this plot of land was filled old tree stumps. As this meant more time fixing the land then growing and tending to his crops.

As he digs the object up he was dumbfounded to find it was not a stump at all it was something like a chest from what he could tell. Which looks to be very old but in perfect condition. As he digs the box out he hopes no one sees him or stumbles on him. As word of this got out it would draw the attention of the thugs. Not wanting to spend too much time in the open he puts the chest on his wagon. He then transfers the horse from the plow to the wagon and heads home. Getting curious about what is in the chest he makes his trip home a little faster then he normally does.

At home making sure no one is around as he brings the box inside his log cabin. All he can think of is rich stuff in the chest, but the whole thing weights no more then 35 pounds. He places the chest in the kitchen of his house as he prepares to open it. Thinking that maybe he will find treasures of precious metals and gems. He fumbles with the lid as he slowly opens the chest as it made a creaking sound.

To his dismay, he see in the box a black fur pelt that fills nearly half the chest. He picks up the skin and moves it away hoping to find more stuff. And find only a single clay tablet in some language he cant figure. So he just puts it aside. He takes the pelt and table out of the chest. Then hides the box as if the thugs new of this they would take what little he found.

The first thing he look at is the pelt as this may have a market value. He closely examines the soft black fur pelt as he has never known a pelt to last so long with out deteriorating. This made him wonder as the chest that held the pelt appears to be a few hundred years old. He spreads the pelt out on the floor. And finds it to be a big human size pelt. He is stunned to find it resembles the mythical werewolf. A creature of the night. He has never believed in myth but he knows what he sees. And he knows that the pelt is from a black furred werewolf.

The pelt is soft smooth and silky to the touch as he rubs his face through the fur. Curious to see what a werewolf looks like. He picks up the head and closely examines it. It appears to be a wolf with its long muzzle but not quite. It has a human like characteristic to its face but more bestial then human. Looking at the large gaping mouth of the pelt reveals big sharp fangs and teeth. There were no eyes in the head of the pelt as the ears are erect and very wolf like. Then he examines the pelt's paws he notices that the claws are very sharp and supported by a skeleton structure the goes to the wrist of the pelt. He then looks at the feet of the suit which looks to be more human then animal. And it too had very sharp claws attached by a skeleton structure. He wonders what the other side of the pelt looks like as he flips the pelt over. As he turns the pelt over he sees that the back of the pelt has a big slit down it's back. He then places his hand inside the pelt. It has a skin like texture as it is smooth and soft to the touch. He then notices that the pelts head is hallow and as he puts his hand inside the head. He discovers that it is has the same skin like texture. The pelt even had a big black fluffy tail connected to the small of the back. In a human skeleton it would be directly over the tail bone of a human. He picks the suit up and determines that it weights about 6 pounds. He wonders if the pelt is made to be worn as it has very human like characteristics. He couldn't resist so he decides to try the pelt on as the thought of this gives him an erection.

Overall the pelt looks to be able to fit him loosely. He lays the pelt on his hay bed with the head pointing at him. He quickly strips his tattered cloths as he was poor, because the thugs steals 50% of his crop every harvest. As he stood there admiring the pelt on his bed he noticed it had a happy look on its face. As if saying put me on master. He slowly puts on the pelt on. Starting with the right leg. The feel of the pelt on his naked legs gave him goosebumps. It has a silky feel to it as he slowly hunches his right foot to the foot of the pelt. The feel of the pelt on his legs drove his mind to wanting this suit all over his body. As his foot was firmly in the pelts foot. Enjoying every moment as he slowly slids the pelt up his legs. He did the same to his left leg. looking a little baggy on his leg he leans back on his bed with his legs in the air. He pulls the pelt up to his hips to take out the slack.

Wanting to enjoy the feel of the pelt on his legs he just sits on the bed Indian style. As he strokes his furry legs. He runs his fingers through the fur and lives the moment as this is so pleasurable to him. He sits there imagining his furry legs in action as the tail of the pelt begins to move. Stunned he wonders what kind of magic is possessing the pelt. As it was freaking him out a little. Intrigued he got up and to his amazement he found that he could feel the floor with the leathery padded feet of the pelt. Just as if he is barefoot on the floor. His tail wags happily as it hangs low near the ground. And he continues to put the pelt on.

He quickly hunches his right arm in the skin and slowly pushes his hand in to the pelt's clawed paws. He did the same to his left arm. After that his dick was pressed against something and highly comfortable. He undid the arms to see what was causing the problem and finds a rubbery hole in inside of crouch area. He thought I guess im supposed to put my cock in the hole. With his almost fully erect cock he slowly pushes it in the hole. As he did that the sheath on the stomach area expands. He then put the arms back on and as he looks down. He sees a cock poking out of the sheath. It wasn't his cock but that's where he put his cock in. He grab the sheath on his stomach and lowered it to reveal a 10 inch long and 2 inches thick. Unlike human dicks that have a head this one didn't and it was even pointed at the tip. Further investigation reveals that it had a knot like a wolf. After his curiosity subsides he continues to put the rest of the pelt on.

The pelt on his back was folded on itself so he reaches back and fixes the problem. He didn't find a a means to fasten the pelt up so he just had to do with out. Although the pelt is loose on his body he loves the feel of the pelt all over his body. As he turns his head to look at his loving tail as is happily wags 3 feet off the floor. The pelt's head lay connected the front part of the neck as it lays on his chest. He grab the pelt's head from his chest and lowers his head. He brings the pelt's heads to his. As he lowers it down his face he notices that the head is a little looses. As the pelts head's fur meets the back of the neck fur the entire pelt seals it self up. Richard panics and starts to yell a volley of curses as the pelt starts to shrink to fit him exactly. After a few minutes he clams down and looks at his furry body.

He wishes he had a mirror but since he is too poor. So he can only feel his body .The skin is surprisingly cool on his body. He notices that now he can hear the smallest of sounds. His sense of smell is so good that he can smell the apple orchard 2 miles from his house. As he feels up his new furry body his new wolfish dick pokes out of its sheath. So he gave didn't resist any longer. He starts to rub his sheath up and down. The pelt makes him horny and he didn't resist as he rub his sheath more and more. More of his new dick would protrude out of its sheath till all 10 inches are exposed. Richard thinks that the suit has some magical effect on his dick when he put it the sheath of the pelt. Transforming it into a wolf's dick. He spits on his hands and slowly works his right paw up and down his cock. His new dick is more sensitive now. The sensation brings shivers down his spine as he fondles himself.As he works his loins he sees the knot grow bigger and bigger when ever he comes down on it. After a few minutes the knot is the size of a softball. he could not believe how huge it was. He got hornier as he nears his orgasm as he strokes his dick faster and faster. The orgasm he has is unlike any he has ever experienced. The cum shot one good time and after that it just dribbles out but it feels like it shoots out of his dick but only a small amount comes out as his spasms last for more then 5 minutes. With each pump from his prostate he only dribbles the cum out. Which means while his human orgasm last only 10 seconds at the most with each spasm pump of his prostate. The pelt gives him the same spasm effect but only a small amount of cum comes out. This is the best orgasm he has ever experienced in his entire life. The amount of cum that left his dick is all over his paws and bed seems to be about a cup full. More cum then he has ever produced in his life. What's better is that his orgasms last 5 minutes. He cleans himself off and feels like a new man in the pelt. He feels stronger, faster, and hornier now then when he was 13. He thinks good thinks will occurs now with his new found powers.

Part 2 (Confrontation)

The next day the group of thugs decides to rampage the town. They starts to loot and destroy anything they feel like doing. As they are backup by the Succubus Mistress. They are her toys to play with as she has a never ending desire for sex. Word spreads around town as Richard is shopping for farming tools when he thought about the pelt.

He dashes home and quickly dons the pelt. He will put an end to the misery that these thugs have cause. Making sure no one see him as he leaves through his back window. He head around the back of the town. He then intercepts them in the town square. As the thugs see the black furred werewolf they say "Look what we got here a dog boy!". As they laugh they approach the black werewolf. Then within 5 feet the black werewolf speaks in a deep low voice "My name is BLACKWOLF, LEAVE NOW OR FACE THE consequences". Richard didn't know why he use the name Blackwolf he just knew it was his name while in the pelt. The thugs laugh again and says looks like we are going to have to teach dog boy a lesson. A lesson on Doggy style. As they rush him. Being a lot quicker then the average human. Blackwolf easily defeats them with a series of punches and kicks. As they lay on the ground Blackwolf say who is the leader? One of thugs tries to leave but Blackwolf is too agile and quick and takes him to the town center on the platform. This is where the citizens discuss stuff about their town. As they reach the top Blackwolf says out loud while holding the leader of the thugs by the back of his shirt. This is the man who terrorize our town! He must have a BIG DICK to do it. Blackwolf then looks at the thug and says to him do you have a BIG DICK? No replies the thug. "I bet you do!" replies Blackwolf who them pants the thug. After that Blackwolf looks down and sees his dick, he says "OOPs!" you don't have a big dick as the towns citizens roars with laughter. Tell me thug. Tell me who is the new boss in this town? says Blackwolf. Not replying to the question Blackwolf slaps the thug in the head hard. I didn't hear your answer says Blackwolf in a forceful manner as he raises his claws this time to swipe at the thug. You are! yells the thug afraid to be slashed by the mean looking claws. I thought so says Blackwolf as he releases him. Tell your mistress that she needs to find a new town while i'm here.

The thug quickly puts on his pants and runs away with the other thugs to give their mistress of their situation. Cheers are heard as the town is filled with life of hope and happiness. People start to wonder who is under the black werewolf costume that would be willing to risk his life for the town. Many women were in awe as the handsome werewolf is a hero icon instead of the blood thirsty killer of the myth. Richard in the pelt strolls around the town getting many thank yous and offers. As he disappears before anyone can track him down Richard goes home and strips the pelt off and hides it under the floorboard. Meanwhile as the thugs come back empty handed the succubus is shock as to why they are not filled with the loots of their rampage. The thug tells their mistress about a Blackwolf that single handily defeated them. The mistress curses as she said someone have found the pelt again. She then tells the thugs a story that dates back a few centuries ago. That once she ruled a village just like this and a she was defeated by the wearer of the pelt. She then says that she knows how to defeat it now as she remember some of the pelt weakness. We have to make a trap and capture this person and I need have to personally take care of the matter myself.

Part 3 (unmasking of a hero)

A succubus can take on the form of anyone it pleases. Early that morning she tells her thugs to go and kidnap any females. They came back with a girl about 17 years old. The succubus touches the face of the girl and instantly transforms into the girl. Take the girl and tie her up. After that the mistress tells her servants to follow her and make a commotion as I will be in distress. We will lure out the person wearing the pelt and I'll handle it from there.

All goes as plan as the succubus goes to the town center running from the her servants while screaming and yelling. The thug knows the plan and plays along as they corner their mistress. They try to make it seem that they are going to kidnap and rape the female who is happen to look like the store owner's daughter. The store owner runs out of his store and tries to hit them with a stick that he wields. But the thugs are too good to be threaten by a store clerk so they pummel him and continues with the plan. Word goes around town and Richard quickly dons the skin and heads towards town. When he gets there the thugs back away and the girl runs towards the Blackwolf screaming "Protect me! Protect me!" I promise says Blackwolf as he pushes her behind him not knowing the danger he is in. Blackwolf then yells at the thugs to leave now or he will have to get his claws bloody. The girl/succubus behind him puts her arms around his waist and with a sudden surprise to Blackwolf she starts to pull his sheath down to reveal his cock. stun by what she did the thug rush the werewolf and knocks him to the ground as they hold the werewolf down.

The girl straddles the Blackwolf as a the thugs holds Richard's arms and legs. The girl then transforms in to her Human shape as she tells the thugs that you have the only way to remove the suit as its magical in nature is you have to wear the suit strength down. The succubus then pulls the sheath of the werewolf down to reveal his cock as the town watches. Blackwolf screams and tries to break free but the 4 thugs are even too strong for him to break free. The succubus starts to lick the dick of Blackwolf until it gets rock hard. She then lays on the ground and tells her servants to lay Blackwolf on her body between her legs. As they do that the succubus guides the Blackwolf's dick into her endless pleasure cunt while Blackwolf yells "NO! Stop!" As his dick enters the pussy Richard through some magical enchantment from the succubus cunt drives his lust as he cant control his thrusting into her cunt. Pleads of "Stop!" as the werewolf cant control his body. The succubus then tells her thug that every time the werewolf orgasm his suit will lose strength in the magical seams of his pelt. After 10 minutes Blackwolf lets out a moan. Try opening a hole in the pelt says the succubus. As the thugs are getting hornier as they watch their mistress fuck the werewolf in her true form of a winged demon with scales. After the first orgasm the cunt on the demon holds the Blackwolf's dick and makes him pump his furry hips as he cant controls his actions. As the thugs watches and decides to join in the fun.

The leader of the thugs says I want revenge for the humiliation that the he did to me as he walks to the face of the Blackwolf. He then says making fun of my dick ill show you. As the thug lowers his pants to reveal his fully erect penis. Blackwolf pleads No! Stop! Please! As the thug opens Blackwolf mouth wide open. The head thugs then says "Doggies like bones" as he shoves his dick in. The others decide to join in as the one got behind Blackwolf's thrusting hips and takes off his pants and he too has a fully erect dick which he spits on and grabs the waist of Blackwolf. Wanting to yell as he is being violated 3 ways. He can do nothing but give in for now. As the thug holding Blackwolf's hips spits on his dick and shoves it into the asshole of Blackwolf. As Blackwolf uncontrollably pumps his cock into the succubus. The thug behind Blackwolf met his backward thrust with his forward thrust as he slams his dick hard into Blackwolfs tight asshole. Every time Blackwolf pulls his hips back he is slammed in the ass by the thug's 8 inch thick cock. This goes on for 15 minutes as the thug holding Richard's waist cums deep within his guts. As he rides out his orgasm in Blackwolf's uncontrollable thrusting hips. After the 2 thugs cum the other 2 thugs takes their place and rapes Blackwolf the same way.

After 3 hours and 14 orgasm by Blackwolf, one thug pulls the fur on Blackwolf's back and finds a small hole to the naked flesh of its host. As the Blackwolf is forced to fuck the succubus the suit power to protect the users identity gets weaker and weaker. Another 2 hours pass as the thugs pulls opens more and more of the seam on the back showing more flesh. Once his mask is taken off Richard will be humiliated in front of the whole town as he cant do a thing. As the thugs await the removal of the skin and the discovery of Blackwolf's identity as he is forced to fuck the succubus. As Richard orgasms more and more he exposes more and more of his body. On the 50th orgasm and about 6 hours total time enough of the seams open up as thugs says we can pull him out mistress. She then release the enchantment of fucking but still keeps his dick in her cunt to hold him down. The leader of the thugs say Im going to enjoy pulling your mask off and showing your face. The thug gets in front of the werewolf's head and grabs the back part of the wolfish mask. As the thug prepares to pull the mask off to reveal Blackwolf's identity. The Blackwolf yells with what little strength he has left "Stop! .... Stop! .......... Stop!" as hands grabs Blackwolf's mask. The thug laughs and slowly pulls Balckwolf's mask off. As the light of day hits Richard's face. He pleads "NO! NO! Stop! Don't! Please! No!" as the mask is slowly taken off his face. Richard feels humiliated as the citizens commotions as they see his face. The head thug then says you sure are a pretty thing as he grabs Richard's head by his hair. The thug then he ask for his name. Tell me boy what is your name. When Richard gives no answer he punches him in the head till he says "RICHARD" Well Richard says the thug holding Richard's head I have got a surprise for you.

He tells Richard this is for humiliating me as the thug lowers his pants once more to reveal his fully erect cock. Richard shakes his head away to avoid getting rape in the mouth again but this time with out his identity protected by the skin's mask. The thug then says "Called my dick small?" as he shoves his dick deep in Richard's resisting mouth. The thug pumps and pumps his dick down Richard's throat as he loves the feel of domination over his enemy. After 5 minutes of thrusting his hips in Richard's throat. The thug cums deep in Richard's throat. Forced to swallow or choke to death Richard swallow with added humiliation by the Thug. The thugs Laughs and says "You like my little dick down your throat?" Richard then bites down on the thugs dick after the comment. The thug yells in pain as he starts hitting Richard in the head with his fist till he releases his dick from his teeth. After that the thug rubs his dick and starts to wail on Richard all over. The demon says enough! Strip him of the pelt now.

Two thugs reach inside the pelt and grab under Richard armpits and pulls Richard out like peeling a banana. The pelt deforms in shape and still attach to the cunt of the succubus who howls in Victory as she pulls the dick out. She gets up from the ground and holds the pelt high in the air. For a split second she changes from the human form to her demon form with her wings spread wide apart. The dick on the Pelt still exposed outside the sheath continues to ejaculate cum as it spills to the ground. Then she yells I finally defeated you Blackwolf. Then she slams the pelt to the ground. The head thug then say mistress my I wear the suit to please you in it. The succubus nods as the the thug gets naked and quickly dons the suit. The suit is too weak to seam itself up so it back seam just flap open as he pulls the mask over his head. The succubus say bring the former Blackwolf I want to play with him more. The group picks up Richard and leaves for their hideout in the woods.

Part 4 (Redemption)

When the evil bandit arrives at their hide out, the head thug in the werewolf skin takes personal action again against the naked Richard. The head thug ask his mistress if he can pleasure him self with the male they picked up. She says do as you wish with him. But he cant wear the suit as if he does the suit will be even stronger. So excitedly the head thug moves Richard to his sleeping quarters. As they enter the room the head thug places Richard on the bed face forward with his chest on the bed and his legs are on the floor. The thug then positions him self behind Richard and works his sheath up and down to get an erection as he wanted to know how Richard orgasmed so many times. When his entire wolf dick is exposed he spits on it then pushes it up the well worn asshole of Richard. The thug in the suit fucks away as Richard just rest up as he could not resist the assault. As the thug notices a knot on his wolfish dick he wants to grind it in. As he says to Richard lets see you do your wolf routine now? as he laughs and grinds the knot on his dick in the asshole of Richard. A few really hard shoves and the knot is forced in as Richard now is in pain but still too weak to resist or yell and just lays there. After 10 minutes of fast hard fucking the thug has the best orgasm in his life. He moans in pleasure as he wraps his furry arms around the chest of Richard. Richard regaining some of his strength back and feel a little horny now because of the soft fur body of the thug that wraps all around his body. The wave of the orgasm causes the thug to pump with long hard strokes as he pumps his seed in to the ass of Richard. After 5 minutes the Thug is totally exhausted. The reason is the suit requires a lot of water to produce cum and since it was drain to the point of it dying it drained most of the blood out of the thug to keep itself from dying.

As Richard gains more and more of his strength the suit with what little energy it has attaches it self to the Thugs brain to control his body. And through the thug he calls Richard to take the suit off of the present wearer. Then it tells him to put it on and drink a lot of water to replace its strength. Richard follows the pelt commands and strips the thug. Richard then dons the pelt as he sneaks out of the room disguise himself as head thug he leaves the house to find water. As Richard finds a water well he drinks greedily. The skin on Richard is full of life. The skin then seals up the costume to encase it's host with loving closeness. The skin attaches itself to Richard's brain and blood stream as its gains 100% of its strength back. This is the first time the suit is at full strength because Richard never wore the pelt long enough to let it take in a lot of his water from his body. Now with the skin given its life blood back it tells Richard how to defeat the succubus. The suit said it has the power to break the will of the succubus by pleasing the mistress till her body can not take the pleasure anymore. When that is done the demon will disappears. The skin then tells Richard's that in order to do this, they need to be around a lot of water to replenish its strength.

Going back to the sleeping quarters of the head thug who wore the skin, Richard now in the skin ties up the thug who is out cold. Then Richard locates the other three thugs and defeats them and ties them up as well. Now its time for the Succubus. Richard locates a Horse trough and fills it with water from the well. As he locates the succubus, she says what did you do with the lad? The pelt alters the muzzle of the mask to give exactly the same voice of the head thug as if he was inside the pelt. Blackwolfs says I tied him up he wont be going anywhere. The succubus then says I want you now as she leads Richard to her hey bed. She transform in to her true form of the demon with smooth scales, a long sleek body, wings from her back and her face has a beak like a bird. Her eyes are green and shimmers in the light. As they reach the foot of the bed Richard is getting sexually aroused again as her form is erotic to even him. His dick slowly pokes out of its sheath as they kiss. Richard then lowers the succubus to the bed and works his dick up and down till he has a full erection.

He then straddles on top of the succubus chest. Then he strokes his meat until he cums on her face and chest. The suit at 100% strength now can give the wearer the power of LUST. No sooner then the last orgasm as Richard is in sexual ecstasy he again gets another boner and continues to stroke his dick coating his paws with his seed as well as the cum drenched face and chest of the demon. The demon moans in pleasure as she knows of the abilities of the suit. This in itself pleasures the succubus. The demon with its long forked tongue starts to lick the cum around it's face and chest. While Richard pumps and pumps his meat the demon then starts to lick Richard's wolfish dick. This unlimited pleasure from both of them last 3 hours of cumming on the chest and body of the demon. The demon lashes it tongue out to lick all the cum from it's face and chest as well as the cum on the werewolf's paws and dick. Lost in estacy the werewolf lowers his body and insert his dick into the swollen cunt of the demon who moans while her eyes are closed. Pumping and thrusting the werewolf fucks away alternating after every orgasm from cunt to the demons tight ass. Richard's hard long thrust never seems to lose strength with the aid of the pelt as he bucks harder and faster into the demon. After 1 day of pleasure the werewolf needed water badly so he tells the succubus to wait. She is in a delirium and cant wait for him to come back as she has never experienced before. A male is actually giving her more then she can handle, but determine to out last her servant of lust.

After drinking more then 2 gallons of water from the water trough Richard heads back with the pelt strength again back to 100 percent. Richard's again straddles the chest of the demon and begins to wupp off again on the demons face and chest. Loving the taste of his cum the demon didn't mind a different activity as her tongue waits greedily for the cum from the werewolf. Another 4 hours of just wupping off on the demon as its licks all the cum. The werewolf again lowers his body and starts to pump his dick but this time the pelt makes it's dick 3 feet long and the knot as big as a bowling ball. The demon loves this as no living thing has ever gave it this much pleasure. Again after the orgasm Richard then plunges into the demons ass as the demon wanted more and more of this as it was in its own orgasm frenzy as well. Again and again as each day pass Richard would recharge the suit to 100% strength and for the 5 days the 2 have been going at it as the room they occupy smells of cum and cunt juice. After the last orgasm the demon was so weak that it could hardly move as the black werewolf continues to pound and pound as if it was the very first time he was fucking the demon.

Noticing that the demon is about to die he then says to the demon I have a surprise for you the demon with it cum crusted head. Slowly turns to look at her lover as he slowly pulls his mask off to reveal his true identity. At the same time he unmask himself he shoots his cum in to the demon. This causes the demon to orgasms for the final time of its life. The demons says in a dying voice "CURSE YOU! CURSE YOU! "Before it closes its eyes for the last time it tells Richard that if she could have change the past to save herself she wouldn't. As she dies her body dissipates into the air. Forgetting about the 4 men and surprisingly found them to be barely alive he brings them to town. Leaving what even fate in the hands of the towns citizen. Due to the humiliation he suffered Richard leaves the town in search for adventure in his werewolf pelt.

THE END of this adventure of the black werewolf pelt.

Story is copyright ©1997 by Lusty Werewolf and may not be reprinted, redistributed, or sold without the written permission from the author.

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