Stink Cadalac by KillJoy "What a sweet deal!", thought Sosha "Trading my old junker for this Cadalac. " Sosha squealed around a corner, enjoying her new wheels. With the top down, wind blew through her long brown, trailing it behind her. The car was perfect, right down to the plush seats and chrome hubcaps. Sosha didn't care for the music on AM radio stations but, she had the old radio blaring any ways, adding to the rush. "God I love this car!", Sosha stroked the seat as she drove. "I'd like to break in the back seat with Bradly, haven't seen him since that night at my place.", Sosha dreamed, "That night was intense." Sosha rubbed herself through her lace panties, having easy access due to the mini-skirt she was wearing. The speed of her car soon matched that of her fingers as she lost trace of the speed limit, she flew down the road. Sosha's fingers rubbed and prodded at her mount, pushing her panties aside. She worked feverishly now, imagining the night she spent with Bradly and pressing hard on the gas, as she reached limits. A screaming siren and flashing lights brought her back and Sosha found a squad car in her rear view. "Oh god!", Sosha looked at her speedometer which read 100 mph, she hit the breaks bringing her to a screeching halt. The squad car pulled in behind her, A large wolf in a police uniform climbed out. He adjusted his belt and pulled his ticket book out of its holder. Sosha had no idea what do to, here she was in a brand new car, her panties sopping with juice and no way to hide it to because of her mini-skirt, "I'm so embarrassed." The wolf stopped to check her license plate and then moved to the door, finding the young skunkess trying to cover her lap with her purse, "Do you know why I stopped you?" "Well, officer, I had a bad day at work and I guess I wasn't watching my speed." Sosha tried to sound sincere. "You were go 100 in a 55 area, some thing big must have been on your mind", he said. Some thing big had been on her mind but, she wasn't about to tell him what it was. Sosha heard a sniffing sound and looked up at the officer for the first time. He couldn't have been more then 27 and with the mirrored sun glasses, he could have been in the movies. She saw as his nose flinched at the end of his muzzle, searching for a scent in the air. "Oh god, he know!", she thought, the skin under her fur reddening with embarrassment. "I'm going to have to ask you st step out of the car miss." "Ummmm... I'd rather not sir.", Sosha squeaked. His eye stared at her through the chrome colored glasses which slid down his muzzle as he leaned into the window. Sosha know she had been discovered as he continued to sniff and his lips pulled back, revealing his white canine teeth. His ears moved back as his face took on a wolfish grin. He inhaled deeper, filling his nose with the fragrance he had found. "Slow down next time, OK?", he said, a slight laugh following. He turned back to his car and walked away. Sosha couldn't believe what had just happened, sitting shocked in the seat. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the officer adjusting his crotch in the mirror, a lump had risen uncomfortable in the tight pants. He looked back at her as he entered his car, and then pulled away. Sosha sat there for a while before starting home, she drove slowly, still in shock. "There's another one for my diary.", she whispered as she pulled into her drive way. ---------------------------------------------------------- For this story, I worked from a picture of "Melissah" done by Steven Blodgett. This was the first story I had writers block on. I find working from picture help out. Type and look, look and type. If you haven't read "Scentesa", then your not familiar with Sosha, who was the star of that and this story. Think of this a the sequel to that one.