Sick roo in NEED by KillJoy "Doctor Waynes to area k-5, Doctor Waynes to area k-5.", the load speakers sounded. "Trouble in the kangaroo pens, wonder what it could be.", Doctor Sam Waynes pondered as he made his way through the zoo, heading towards area k-5. Sam met Thomas,the zoo's grounds keeper along the way, "Hay Thomas, what's up at the roo pen?" "Some ones been messing around in there, some of the grass looks like its been burned and one of the roos is sick too." "One of the roos, which one?", questioned Sam. "That's the funny part, I didn't recognize this one.", Thomas answered. "What do you mean you didn't recognize this one, I'm a veterinarian and I find it hard to tell them apart some times.", Sam asks as they continued to the kangaroo pens. "Well, she was just laying there when I fond her, right next to the burn marks. All the other roos were on the other side of the pen, watching from a distance, like they were afraid or some thing. I looked her over, trying to figure out what was wrong and that's when I noticed it.", Thomas explained. "Noticed what?", Sam demanded. "That...", Thomas pointed into the cage at a kangaroo laying on the ground. Sam opened the cage and entered, Thomas was right, the other roos were huddled in the far corner. Sam carefully approached the prone animal, examining it as he walked. It looked just like all the others except its legs and fore arms were thicker, and its paws almost hand like. She laid almost curled into a ball, shivering. Sam examined her closer, "Thomas, has any one else seen this?" "No, I closed the pen as soon as I saw her this morning and then I told them to page you." Sam put his hand on her, she was cold, even though it had to be at least 85 degrees out. Sam took his jacket off and placed it over the trembling creature, "She's freezing, I have to get her to my office, Your not to tell any one about this till I figure out what's going on, you hear me?" "No prob Sam, I don't think any one would believe me if I did.", Thomas replied. "And clean up this mess too.", Sam pointed to the burned grass. Thomas nodded and went to fetch his tools. Sam slowly lifted the roo to him and rushed off to his office, trying not to let any one see him. Sam put her down gently on his examination table and pulled his jacket away, she was still shivering a little. Sam positioned a heat lamp over her, still not understanding why she was so cold. He began to examine her again, "Thomas was right, your definitely female.", he said to himself as he lifted her leg, exposing her belly and genitals. "Yyyyyeeesss...I.I.I ammm.", the roo stuttered, muscles not responding due to her mysterious chill. Sam almost fell backwards, startled by her sudden ability to speak. "Dddid you just say some thing?", Sam's eyes racing around the room, hoping to find someone there who was playing a trick on him. "Yyyyeessss, pplleasse, I"mmm ssssoo cccoolddddd.", she spoke again. Sam nervously approached the roo again, touching her and snapping back his hand, then laying it on her side again. She was indeed still cold, Sam began massaging her, hoping to warm her, staring at her in disbelief. "Lowwerr....", She stammered. Sam's hands worked down to her thigh, his mind racing, he still couldn't believe what he had heard or seen. "Lowerr...", she said again. Sam worked the muscles at the base of her tail, not knowing why she wanted him here, nor why he was doing it. The roo raised her shaky leg, and used her fore paw to move Sam's hand to touch, her mound, "Here, please." Sam's hand recoiled, "What was she doing?", he questioned himself, "and what am I doing for that matter.", his hand returned to her, rubbing her mound in a circular motion. "Yes....", the roo's paw once again pushed at his hand, urging him on. As he worked, he could feel her mound warming, his fingers began to get moist. The roo curled slightly, her paw still guided Sam's hand, She sighed and looked up at him. "Thank you, I needed some help there.", Sam watched her lips move on her muzzle to form each word, replaying it slowly in his mind. "You can talk.", Sam stated, more of a question then a comment. "Yes, I have been talking since I was 2.", the roo replied, her paw replacing Sam's hand at her mound as he stepped back. Sam watched as her human-like fingers played, parting the lips and entering. The roo continued, "By your surprise, I'm guessing the kangaroos of this dimension can't talk." ", no they can't.", came the reply. "Oh, well that explains it then.", the roo removed her finger and pushed herself upright, sitting on the edge on the table, "Well, not all worlds are as good as mine I guess." She tried to lower herself to the floor, falling as she did, Sam caught her in his arms, her head fell over his shoulder. They both stood there, motionless holding each other. After what seemed an eternity, the roo pulled back. Looking deeply into Sam's eye, she then leaned forward, her lips puckered as her muzzle connected with Sam's lips. Sam remained motionless, stunned be this latest surprise. "Doesn't your culture kiss?", she asked. "Well, yes but...", Sam was cut off as the lips returned to his. This time a tongue followed, pushing into his mouth. As it worked, Sam eased and started to return her advances. As she felt Sam's resistance fading, she pulled his hand to her stomach and then down. Sam's hand slid onto a fold of skin, it was warm and tight. He could feel several small bumps, which he realized were nipples as she had pushed his hand into her pouch. He took her suggestion and began fondling the small nipples which hardened and stood out at his actions, all the while they maintained their kiss. She began to lean backwards, pulling Sam with her to the ground. Once there, she pulled at his pants, fighting with the zipper. Sam opened it for her and her hand found its way to his shaft which she began to massage, working Sam into an excited state. He grew hard as she pulled at him, working his member to full length. "I can't believe this is happening, WAIT, this is happening.", Sam pulled away, "What's going one here?" The roo looked up at the human over her, "Alright, my species has learned to harness the energy used in the course of love making, allowing us to survive without other forms of nourishment. OK?" "Well, ummmm....", Sam still had no idea what was happening. The roo shock her head and pulled Sam back to her. She reached down and grabbed his now stiff member and rubbed its head around her mound, wetting it before working it in. "Do you under this?", she joked as she pulled at his waist, driving him deeper into herself. Sam's answer came without words as he continued the motions she had started, diving into the hot moistness he now found himself surrounded by. The roo arched her back to give Sam more access, curling her tail between his legs and over his back. Sam continued to thrust as she asked, "So, what's your name?" "Sam, Sam Waynes...", he replied, although he was more intrusted in what he was doing then answering questions, although she had now perked his attention. "What..what's your name?", he asked in mid stroke. "Jena Markens.", she replied, her tail pulling down on him, pushing him to go deeper. Sam responded by slamming his hips against her, as he neared orgasm. Jena too was close to her own as the walls of her mound trebled around the shaft which plunged into it. The both reached their limits together, the release of one increasing the release of the other. Jena used her hind legs to pull Sam closer, locking him in her as his shaft twitched, poring his seed deep within her. Once both had relaxed, Jena slowly released her grip on Sam, although Sam didn't try to move. He was totally spent, with barely enough strength to pull off her. Jena rolled onto her side, pulling Sam with her, then pulled herself free of him. Sam slumped over onto his back, Breathing slowly as if on the verge of sleep. Jena took his now limp member in her paw, massaging it again, "Your species must not share mines ability to derive strength from sex. It seems that your more tired now then when we started.", she teased as she began licking the juices from the head of his shaft. "Oh well, we have time for more explanations later, sleep now, I'll have need of this wondrous rod soon." -------------------------------------- This was another requested story. I had a little trouble doing it because I couldn't think of the beginning, I had two ideas but, settled with this one. This one has the possibility of becoming a series, I liked doing it and might do more. That's why I left the ending open like that.